presentation mea bfi conference 14

Making the Learning (more) Visible Can iPads help in the Media classroom? “Know thy impact…” John Hattie “Practice in the classroom is formative to the extent that the evidence about student achievement is elicited, interpreted, and used by teachers, learners or their peers, to make decisions about the next steps in instruction that are likely to be better, or better founded, than the decisions they would have taken in the absence of the evidence that was elicited.” P. Black and D. Wiliam

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Supporting Slides - Helene Galdin-O'Shea iPads in the Media Classroom - An AFL tool


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Making the Learning (more) VisibleCan iPads help in the Media classroom?

“Know thy impact…”John Hattie

“Practice in the classroom is formative to the extent that the evidence about student achievement is elicited, interpreted,

and used by teachers, learners or their peers, to make decisions about the next steps in instruction that are likely to be better, or better founded, than the decisions they would

have taken in the absence of the evidence that was elicited.”P. Black and D. Wiliam

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• Research• Collaborative work•AFL • Critique • Redrafting

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Time saving!

–No waiting around for computers to start– Internet access from any room– iPad camera cuts down on getting out other

equipment–AND videos can be uploaded to a Youtube

channel instantly–Combined with iMovie, videos can be

quickly edited and uploaded

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• In the classroom, on the spot…– Internet searches: reference sites, articles, videos,

blog posts, twitter searches…

– Prepared resources: links from the main teaching blog, QR codes, Dropbox, Evernote…

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Students watch recommended videos, follow links to articles, then screengrab and annotate or add a videoed commentary or group discussion.

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QR code readers are a quick way of allowing students to go directly to a site / article.

Prepare a series of QR codes to allow them to research a topic.

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The difference between men and women:Stereotypical gender roles

Thoughts and Questions:

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Kim Kardashian: my life as a brandThoughts and Questions:

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Outcomes• Word collage or pic collage• Pictures and quotations for display and

discussion (Use iPad as visualiser)• Written summary• Filmed discussion / summary (camera or app)• A list of further interesting links (and justify)Etc.AFL……as students work…as students present…as students critique…as students redraft and improve

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Example of A2 lesson

• Gender representation: Women


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More collaborative tasksLearn and create…

…Using the camera…Using ShowMe app or better, Explain Everything…Using iMovie to create a trailer

Aim: Record learning as it happens.Advantages: save to camera roll, export to YouTube

and embed into blog… comments on the blog for self- and peer-assessment

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Examples from AS• Quick plenaries: Students record themselves explaining what they

have explored in the lessonINFORMS PLANNING FOR NEXT LESSON: Can be used at the start of the next lesson to clear misunderstandings and address gaps

• Early investigations/documentaries into genre and the film industry– Using Camera, ExplainEverything then iMovie to combine the two

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Example from A2

• Exam preparation – rehearsing a WeMedia essay

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Oracy to improve Literacy

• If you can articulate it well, you have a better chance of writing it well!

• ExplainEverything is a great tool for that.

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Your turn to have a go!

• Use ExplainEverything to prepare a presentation for us

• You can redraft and improve as you go, one slide at a time.

• Combine pictures, annotations and audio commentary.

• Selection of tasks.

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Analysing the editing in an thriller extract

Glossary of Editing terms

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Film Poster Analysis

Listen to the example first if it helps then deconstruct the film poster, analysing the micro-elements to discuss genre, audience and narrative expectations.

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Early investigation into Film Genre

1. Explore and categorise the different film posters

2. Aim to match to the film genre labels

3. Explain your choices, exploring some of the generic conventions you have identified.

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Representation of women in music videos

1. Read though some of the materials.2. What are the debates arising around the representations of women in music videos? You could come up with 3 key questions.3. Address your questions with evidence found including screengrabs from videos.

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Peer Critiqueand


• Be Kind• Be Helpful• Be specific

From the front: iPad as visualiser

Or swapping iPad with another group – Use post-its for critiqueThen before handing back, share your findings!

Finally, have a go at making improvements or record what improvements you would make.

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Redrafting with ExplainEverything

• Students can re-record their audio commentary for each separate slide until it’s as good as possible.

• Example from GCSE Media: Student with SEN with TA assistance– Preparing a revision presentation on the

conventions of Action Adventure Genre(Prepared slides with headings and terminology)

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Time to share ideas

• Suggestions?

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• @hgaldinoshea

• @parkhighmedia
