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NARRATIVE THEORIES: 28 Days Later. Saskia Pinder-Young

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Post on 19-May-2015



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Saskia Pinder-Young

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What makes it an effective opening?

• The opening of the film is very effective as it starts in a dark room. However as an audience we are unable to tell were the room is set, and the reason why they are there. The darkness of the room, with the only light coming from a few candles on the table makes the setting feel haunting and dangerous.

• The beginning 2 minuets of the film is very effective as it doesn't give any hints as to why this group of people are in a dark and dirty room. This leaves the audience in question and suspense as to what is going to happen next. However it is clear they are trying to keep something out and are scared of whatever may be out there as shown by the barricaded door, and the caution of opening the door to the little boy. Once the little boy enters and starts telling his story as to how he got there, we gather the sense of an unnatural and horrific beings outside, yet he doesn't give anything away to the audience as what it may be.

• The mise en scene of the environment that the characters are currently living in enables the audience to be able to imagine if they were living within the conditions. This makes the audience feel sympathetic, and once again question why they are there.

• Within the room there are people of all different ages, genders and ethnic backgrounds, this is effective because it is able to relate to a wide target audience. People are then able to relate to the characters that resemble them, and fill a connection and a sense of sympathy towards them.

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How does the audience know who is the villan and who is a hero figure?

• In the opening sequence we are able to gather an awareness that all the characters within the room are in some sense the heroes of the film. As an audience we are able to gather a close family orientation, and realize that they all look out and protect each other. The sense that they help the little boy shows that they are willing to help any survivors. However considering the film is a horror we gather the sense that these people will soon fall victim to something horrific.

• At 3 minuets into the opening sequence we get out first insight into what they are trying to keep out. It seems like a zombie figure that breaks through the door. We get a clear sense that the zombies are the evil force, shown by there blood shot eyes and unnatural strength as to break through the door.

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What genre does the film follow? How do you know?

• From the beginning the audience are able to tell that this film will follow the horror genre. It follows all the typical conventions of a horror. Starting with a group of survivors, being in a dark dirty scary place, and the only light source being candles, this creates an atmosphere within the room were it is hard to see.

• The meeting with the zombie early on in the film shows that more horror and danger is to come. This also gives the audience an insight into the horror genre, with the meeting of the murderous character at the very beginning.

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Where is the story set? How do you know?

• The opening of the film is set within a dark, poor lit, dirty looking room, which seems cramped with the people who live there. However at 1:53 when the man opens the door to let the little boy in, we are able to see that’s it’s a bright sunny day outside, which contradicts the dark damp conditions of the room. We are able to quickly see what looks like garden chairs, which suggest they are in a garden on some sort.

• Yet at 2:43 when the woman peers at of a hole in the door we are able to see a lot of fields, gardens and trees which furthermore suggests that they may be situated within the country side, as we are unable to see any roads or other houses.

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Does the story go in chronological order?

• 28 Weeks Later goes in chronological order, as it is a sequel from “28 Days Later” it follows there day to day struggle as how the battle against the zombies, and there fight for survival.

• It follows an Omniscient narration, were we are able to see the unfolding events from multiple viewpoints. This can add suspense, and dramatic irony as the audience may know things that other characters don’t.

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What questions are you left with as an audience?

• As an audience we are mostly left with the big question as why are they hiding? And what are they hiding from? They may also may be questioning what the effect of the opening will have on the rest of the film, and how it will interlink. Generally the opening leaves the audience in suspense, and they will be intrigued and questioning what is going to happen next, and especially after the zombie breaks in, the audience will be questioning if the survivors survived the break in of the zombie.

• The audience may also be wondering what caused the zombies to become man eating zombies? and why these people are now in the current situation that they are in.