press release efan24

Press Materials IQ Sport Advisory Group Lodz, December 2014

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Press Materials

IQ Sport Advisory Group

Lodz, December 2014





Information about eFAN24....................................................................................................................4

Interview with Rafal Dylewski – the author of eFAN24..........................................................................7

New type of participants of mass events................................................................................................9

What are Beacons?...............................................................................................................................11

Testing the engagement of participants of mass events......................................................................12

Test on PGE Arena................................................................................................................................15

About IQ Sport AG................................................................................................................................16




Dear Sirs,

We would like to create your interest in the new platform eFAN designed by IQ Sport Advisory Group company in cooperation with the companies and Senfino. The platform was created for the benefits of participants, organizers and sponsors of mass events. Its aim is to improve the quality and effectiveness of communication between the main beneficiaries (participants, organizers, sponsors, business partners) of sports and entertainment events.

eFAN is based on the growing technology of iBeacons which offers multiple possibilities of use in communication with consumers. The main idea behind the creation of the platform was to build one, complete space where the communication around the event takes a new form connecting the on-line world and social media with the off-line reality staying inseparable with a place of an event (arena, stadium, hall, etc.) and experiencing an event in real time. It is in fact the platform that concentrates emotions around the event in one place in real time and enables people to build communication which would give better experience to participants and new techniques of monetization and realization of business aims to organizers and partners of an event.

Detailed information about the platform and its authors is gathered on the following pages of the press material. I recommend a lecture of these articles. Should there be any additional questions, please feel free to contact the press office of IQ Sport Advisory Group.

Best regards

Team of IQ Sport Advisory Group

_ _ _Press office of the project

Rafal Dylewski

[email protected]



Information about eFAN24

eFAN24, the new platform for participants and organizers of mass events

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Unique messages about special promotions and services at the place of an event,

segregated information in media about an event and its progress, strengthening the

impression from an event by connecting the offline with the online world, informational

services supporting a participant in the place of an event, these are just some of the aims of

the new platform eFAN24.

Based on Beacon technology the eFAN24 platform supports participants in mass events to

even better receive an event both in terms of absorption of social contents as well as

generation of better experience in the place of an event. The platform, straight onto the

interface of mobile devices, directs to unique services, products, key places and information

connected with a given event. On the other hand, it gives organizers of events a tool for a

better communication with participants and more efficient monetization of emotions which

they create.

The author and creator of the idea is Polish company, IQ Sport Advisory Group.

Nowadays the generation of the most active consumers and at the same time participants of

mass events and sports events is placed within the age of 15-34 which is a so called

generation Y. The millennium generation has completely different expectations from an offer

and experience they expect after participating in sports and entertaining events. The new

generation of fans requires generating experience based on new mobile technologies fully

open to intense communication in social media in real time, during an event. In times of

social media and among others such servers as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat as

well as smartphones and other mobile devices the real world connects to the one in the web.

Participants of events want to be constantly ”connected”, updated and continually

searching for contents which create positive impression. That is why they expect not only

experiencing mass events live but also online via their smartphones when they participate in

mass events. Additionally, they want to consume an event and its content as dynamically as

the event itself. Now fans are multitasking, of multiplatform and are able to use many screens

simultaneously consuming contents (a common phenomenon of second screen).



They want to be closer, know more and get more so as not to lose anything important and

special during a course of an event.

- In our research on the consumption of sports events by fans we noted some problems that

participants of mass events have. The first of them is too time-consuming and distracting from

an event access to social contents and resources of an event (services on location,

products, etc.). What is more, a great number of different contents connected with an event

makes users confused about the real important information concerning the event in which

they participate. Because participants of mass events want the experience full of social

interactions and consumption of resources at events. That is why we created eFAN24

application which is to be the best place for fans to consume contents of an event in real

time – says Rafal Dylewski, the manager of the project eFAN24, IQ Sport Advisory Group.

eFAN24 – connects offline with online

- Development of mobile technology, in which telephones stopped being used solely for

classic conversation and they enable to undertake a lot of actions and interactions, opened

a new field for marketing activities and development of further technological solutions such

as Beacons on which we based our application eFAN24 – explains Rafal Dylewski from IQ

Sport Advisory Group.

eFAN24 is a tool thanks to which organizers of events can easily, even intuitively, manage the

communication directed towards participants of events while they go on. It is not only about

generating unique social contents connected with an event in progress and provided for in a

comfortable and understandable manner. The mobile application eFAN24 facilitates in

providing contents generating better experience of an event (useful, luxurious, personalized,

adding value) depending on a fan's current location at an event and based on his interests

and historical behaviour. Thus its task is not only to communicate commercially but also to

provide information that makes it easier to stay at an event. To complete these tasks it uses

iBeacons technology provided by a strategic partner, a company Considering a

phenomenon of 'second screen' and greatly overloaded social space in generic web such

as FB or Twitter, eFAN24 thanks to mechanisms of filtration, classification and grouping of

contents gives fans the most selected suitable entries done by other participants of an event

in real time both from the place of an event and outside of it.



eFAN24 is also a good tool in the hands of partners and sponsors of an event. Sponsors look

for new more efficient methods to activate sponsorship, especially on electronic channels.

- eFAN24 enables to create new values added for sponsors and business partners of an event

by offering carriers and functionality making it easier to get access to fans and successfully

activate sponsorship. What is most important is that the content generated by sponsors

should be useful and relevant from the point of view of an audience at an event. Reacting

directly and fast to a given accident and emotions among the attendees of an event gives

a chance to achieve very big conversion ratio – adds Dylewski.

Forces united

The eFAN24 platform was created and designed by Lodz company IQ Sport Advisory Group

based on iBeacons technology supplied by a beacon producer from Cracow –

- The platform eFAN24 by making use of the real world context transfers the experience of

participants to a completely new level. On the one hand, it enables participants to fully

engage themselves and interact during an event and, on the other hand, it gives a possibility

of perfect planning and management to organizers and sponsors – comments Karolina Pura


Programing support was provided by Warsaw software house SENFINO.

- The mobile application eFAN24 is a new way of accumulating and strengthening positive

emotions connected with sports and entertaining events. We believe that it will be the best

place to build a community of all the fans. We are proud that as Senfino we can be a

technological partner of eFAN24 and we keep our fingers crossed for its further success –

Marcin Zareba, the member of the management board of Senfino Software House.

Link to a film presenting the eFAN24 platform:



Interview with Rafal Dylewski – the author of eFAN24

eFAN24 – benefits for fans and organizers

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1. eFAN24 is a new tool on the market which is dedicated to participants and organizers of

mass events. Where does this idea come from?

Rafal Dylewski, IQ Sport Advisory Group: - The team of IQ Sport Advisory Group, the author

and chief organizer of the project, comes from sports business. We are thus familiar with the

character of big mass events which are very dynamic and full of both positive and negative

emotions. Throughout the years we supported different kinds of entities with organization and

marketing of mass events. We noticed that both participants and organizers and sponsors

themselves expect from such an event something more than just an emotional show. In times

of social media participants experience events on the stadium and in the Internet

simultaneously. That is why we decided to make it easier for them exactly by creating a

better place to consume contents of social media in real time, during events in which they

participate or watch them live. On the other hand, from the perspective of organizers or

partners of an event it is crucial to effectively communicate with participants based on their

current emotions. Taking into consideration a context of place, participants' emotions,

behaviour and preferences enables to create a content which from the perspective of a fan

adds value and at the same time converts well.

2. Are fans confused about the messages of social media concerning a given event?

Rafal Dylewski, IQ Sport Advisory Group: - The research we carried out proves that fans have

problems with consumption of a content in real time in social media. First of all because there

are many contents on social media channels and their relativity is low. Most of the posts

concerning a given event and its course do not add much to a fan's experience of an event.

And, as it turns out, it is really important cause more than 60% of participants of mass events

use different social media channels while they are at an event and 80% watch it from outside.

When asked about the experience connected with contents of social media fans noted that

finding interesting information connected with an event is too time-consuming and,

additionally, these key contents are very often overlooked by them and lost somewhere in

overloaded generic feeds. Another issue is the restricted services around events which



considerably influence a general reception of an event. This second element is very

important from the perspective of organizers of events. Experience and reception of an

event are immediately calculated in the number of participants. The more happens around a

given event, the more ready fans are to go out and enter an event. Even now we observe a

situation where fans prefer to experience an event sitting on a coach an watching TV at

home. We must than create better experience on location. Technology and the eFAN24

platform can help with it.

3. How can eFAN24 help with it?

Rafal Dylewski, IQ Sport Advisory Group: - So as not to make people discouraged from

participation 'live' on the stadium at events they need platforms and mobile technologies

which support and enhance Fan Experience and make participation in an event more

engaging. If a fan gets more experience during an event itself, except for the main event, he

will participate in it with pleasure since he will not have it sitting at home in front of a TV set.

This way Fan Experience is one of the ways to fulfil the stands and thus to increase the income

from an event. The functions of eFAN within the area of consumption of social contents in

connection with advanced, contextual communication based on iBeacons technology and

functionalities facilitating the stay and movement on location of an event create a certain

unity which help to maximize Fan Experience.

4. How can eFAN24 platform help to increase income from events?

Rafal Dylewski, IQ Sport Advisory Group: - Monetization of emotions is the key task for

organizers of events. Organizers must better' monetize' fans based on what they actually

create that is emotions. eFAN concentrates exactly on emotions, transforming a conversation

generated by participants to a level of specific situations at an event which they observe

and which create in them intense emotions. What is more, iBeacons technology used in eFAN

gives new possibilities of contextual and well fitted communication at the place of an event.

5. Why did you choose iBeacons technology as the base of the application?

Rafal Dylewski, IQ Sport Advisory Group: - iBeacons technology is a novelty which is fast

winning the market. More and more companies and entities are noticing its pluses and

application possibilities. I think it wins thanks to its simplicity. One can say that this technology

is a sort of digital cookies for the physical world which enable to communicate straight with a

chosen group of recipients. What is more, Beacons are a perfect match for special objects

and sports and entertaining events. The concept itself based on beacons is simple and at the

same time it gives a lot of possibilities. Beacons run independently on their own batteries and



emit radio signal in a band that corresponds with BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy). The signal can

be received by devices having this standard such as smartphones, tablets and other mobile

devices with an appropriate version of operating system (android, iOS and others). Beacons

create de facto a system of micro-positioning working both inside as well as outside of

buildings. If a fan turns up next to such a beacon with bluetooth on and with the installed

application of eFAN24 than he will have generated in his telephone information about a

nearby special service or a spot. So it will additionally attract a fan to a given product.

6. Where is the platform already accessible?

Rafal Dylewski, IQ Sport Advisory Group: - Presently we introduced it to PGE Arena on one of

the matches by Lechia Gdansk. We also found a German partner – a company Steilpass

which became interested in our solution during the international conference Fan Experience

Forum. In September this year we signed a contract of cooperation and we are working on

introducing the platform on German arenas, eg. during the matches of 1 and 2 Bundesliga. In

2015 we are planning further expansion on foreign markets.

New type of participants of mass events

A fan must have fun

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Lack of fans at sports events affects a quality of an event. A reduction in participants is

connected with a reduction of money from sponsors and advertisers. How can than one

attract fans to stadiums? How to make them willing to participate in sports events? It is good

to increase their dedication and 'fun' from an event. Her comes iBeacons technology with


In the course of last months iBeacons technology is growing in popularity. It can have a lot of

applications, especially in retail. It also turns out that it may give very interesting results in the

business of sports events.

Fans prefer to stay at home

In the past years throughout the world, especially on the rich markets, eg. USA, there has

been a dangerous trend of gradual, maybe not sharp yet systematic, decrease in the



participation in sports events 'live'. Fans, thanks to advanced technology and improving

quality of television broadcast, choose to passively participate in sports events, which is

mostly in their houses.

Low attendance is immediately reflected in the clubs' income from the most profitable

source, that is media rights. Clubs are not desperate yet, saying that despite the decrease in

attendance the income from a match stays at the same level. But is it really out of question?

Television pays for the crowds on the stadium

Each commercial product starts from an event 'sold out'. Television won't pay for empty

stadiums, neither will sponsors. It turns out that media can cannibalize attendance especially

in times of new technologies and quite comfortable, consumption new generation of fans.

They are ready not to attend a match live only because they do not have access to wi-fi. This

way they are not able to use technology, mobile applications, social websites, etc. Shortage

of fans on-site in the mid and long term may lower the attractiveness of an event and, which

goes with it, the price of such key products as media rights and sponsorship.

What can be done? Clubs are slowly becoming more aware of the problem and start

focusing their tactics of the day of the match on such elements as fan experience and fan

engagement to make fans leave their coaches. The aim is to enhance quality of match

experience and thus making an event more engaging. When properly selected and used,

technology can help it and can become a key tactic of an organizer to realize this aim. How

can beacons help?

Beacons and sports events – perfect connection

The concept based on beacons is simple and full of possibilities. Beacons are small devices

working independently on their own batteries, emitting a radio signal in the band

corresponding with BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy). The signal can be received by devices using

this standard such as smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices with a proper version of

an operating system (android, IOS and others). Beacons create de facto a system of micro-

positioning working both inside and outside of buildings.

This gives great benefits. Knowledge of a fan's location and his movement throughout the

stadium during the event creates a possibility of building an effective platform of

communication. The platform that would generate contents fitted to the actual situation and

profile of a recipient, reaching a fan in the right place and at the right time and adding

additional values to participation in an event.



Thanks to it event experience of a participant may take a completely different dimension.

Here are a few examples:

1. A fan gets a well-fitted, luxurious content at the right moment. Even a simple

'welcome message' when entering a gate makes a difference in the perception of

an event. Good content generated at the right moment and in the right place

influences the quality of communication, its positive reception by a user and a

resulting conversion. In is shown in the Good Push Index (GPI) research. A well-fitted

mobile content gives a conversion of 54% in contrast to non standarized, regular

broadcast of 14%.

2. A fan get support in navigation at a mass event. It can be both precise navigation

and an insight into most crowded places, entrances, selling spots or toilets. The

application may suggest than optimal ways of consumption of event resources so as

not to distract from the sports event.

3. A Fan get dedicated offers and promotions depending on a behavioural profile and

actual location at the stadium. It help in better monetization of a fan during an event.

4. A fan appears faster and easier in given places and thus more actively participates in

loyalty and discount programs.

Beacons are also a new, very interesting area for activating sponsorship on electronic


As one can observe the potential of using this technology for the purposes of maximizing

match experience is huge. iBeacon technology is likely to become widespread soon cause it

is estimated that within a year 80% of mobile devices on the market will be use BLE.

What are Beacons?

Beacons ”small – big” revolution in sports marketing

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Bacons are likely to become the main tool in marketing, communication and sales during the

following year.

Beacons are small devices which work very simple and at the same time give a lot of

possibilities of application. These devices work on their own batteries and emit a radio signal

in the band corresponding with BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy). The signal can be received by

devices using this standard such as smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices with a

proper version of operating system (android, iOS and others). Beacons create de facto a

system of micro-positioning working both inside and outside of a building. However, Beacons,

in order to fulfil their functions, need two important things: a bluetooth signal and an

application on telephones which receives information sent by the device.

Testing the engagement of participants of mass events

IQ Sport and Fan Experience Forum

tested the engagement of fans

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IQ Sport Advisory Group, the company specializing in the field of sports marketing and new

technologies, together with a British agency Xperiology carried out a research on the

engagement of participants of mass events. Here we present the results.

The subject of building and increasing the engagement of fans at sports events and mass

events is one of the areas of activity of IQ Sport that is why the company willingly cooperates

with Xperiology and carries out a common research in the international sports environment.

IQ Sport Advisory Group and Fan Experience Forum (Xperiology) asked experts working on

clubs, teams and business about building the engagement of participants of sports events.

The ”Fan Experience Survey” was carried out in a group of more than 2000 managers from

sports business from the USA, Great Britain, Germany and Spain. - The aim of the research is to

test ”Fan Experience” both in terms of exchanging experience of the match of the day and

consumption of electronic media in the world of development of new technologies – explains

Rafal Dylewski.



Almost half of the respondents (42%) admitted that there is no social media platform on the

market dedicated just to sports events and new technologies are important for fans. For this

reason over 94% of tested sports clubs use Twitter to communicate with fans. Up to 23% of

them creates a unique content connected with a club and sports events, additionally also

23% broadcasts events live on social media channels. 19% of them increases the power of the

transmission in social media by unique interviews with players. One third of the tested think

that the information noise and the quality of a content in social media connected with a

given event create a serious problem. What is more, poor access to the Internet via wi-fi

where events take place and which goes with it no access to social media influences the

experience and emotions from an event.

Experts in building the engagement during mass events pointed to four tools which are the

most important and effect on the experience from an event. The first of them is CRM and Big

Data, User-Generated Content, Social Ticketing, Next-Gen Mobile Apps.

Complete results of the research will be presented to a wider public during Fan Experience

Forum which will take place on 9 June 2015 in Barcelona, Spain.





Test on PGE Arena

eFAN and iBeacons technology tested on PGE Arena

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In December during the match with Lechia Gdansk at the stadium PGE Arena in Gdansk the

iBeacons technology was started for testing using the eFAN

platform. Here a statistical conclusion.

Detailed configuration of starting

16 beacons were put around and on the arena: entrances, stands, VIP zones.

9 different messages were created to fans in the presence of particular beacons.

29 interactions were defined based on iBeacons technology in which fans


The contents generated in interactions covered among others welcome messages,

goodbye messages, contents encouraging to buy club souvenirs.

9 different messages

Messages were generated with capping = 1, depending on a given moment at the

time of an event and reacted to different distances between a fan and a beacon.

These are the examples of messages fans got during the match:



Chosen statistics – communication based on beacons

A sample for the day of the match, 8 December 2014

Index CTR for the push notification generated in the presence of beacons: 83%

83% of fans with Bluetooth on who received push notification put on it and saw the


Index Engagement for the message: 82%

8 out of 10 fans engaged themselves in the reaction to the message assessing it or

making access to it for their friends.

Chosen statistics – social communication at the time of an event

On average every second user created a post on the day of the event.

Engagement – 103 posts generated during the match were watched 1163 times (on

average every post was watched 10 times).

Type of posts = 35% text, 57% containing pictures, 8% containing audio.

Average engagement of a post = ~45% (on average almost half of posts engaged

users (assessment or access). Audio contents most engaging ~70%

About IQ Sport AG

About IQ Sport Advisory Group

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IQ Sport Advisory Group is an advisory company specializing in the field of sports marketing

and new technologies. It was created in 2012 from the initiative of three people: Jaroslaw

Bieniuk, the former football player, Rafal Dylewski, Project Manager engaged in projects



connected with sports business and Marcin Ciacio, the expert in sales management and

business planning.

IQ aims at implementing innovative marketing solutions to the world of sports business using

new technologies. More:

IQ Sport Advisory Group founders:

Jaroslaw Bieniuk – a founder of IQ Sport Advisory Group. The

former professional football player. He started his career in 1994

and finished in Lecha Gdansk in 2013. The player of Polish

representation. The former representative of the country. In

Polish Extraclass he appeared over 220 times. He also played for

Turkish Extraclass for three seasons. He was often a captain of

his teams. Having played in many clubs, including foreign ones,

he knows very well the specifics of working of the sports field both in terms of training and

transfer. He is characterized by excellent communicative and managerial skills and great

understanding of the dynamics and rules of good organization of human resources. Now as

one of the authors of IQ Sport Advisory Group he is concerned with sports business. He also

holds a position of an agent of the Sports Management of Lechia Gdansk.

Marcin Ciacio – a founder of IQ Sport Advisory Group.

Formerly connected with the business of FMCG where he got

corporation experience among others in managing of sales

network, business planning and building marketing strategies.

Next he was involved in the branch of BHV SA. where he was

engaged in the project of preparing and implementing an

operating system into the sales and financial services. He was

in charge of personnel management in all 55 divisions of the company in Poland. In 2010 he

became involved in the sports business where he took over a sales department of Extraclass

club. He was responsible for creating and preparing offers of sponsorship, ticketing strategies



and cooperation with business partners. He was fully responsible for the service of key

customers, sponsors and organization of hospitality zones.

Rafal Dylewski – a founder of IQ Sport Advisory Group. The

experienced Project Manager and Consultant with titles of

PMP, MBA in Sports Management. The certified expert in

managing projects, programs and project offices (PMP,

Prince2, MSP, P3O). For many years involved in the project

connected with sports business, marketing, ticketing and

organization of events. He was a member of a team

concerned with organizing UEFA Euro 2012 in the field of strategy and ticketing operations

and venue management. He coordinated over 50 sports events at the level of Polish football

Extraclass. He participated in creating and implementing marketing strategies, CRM and
