prices touch the limit in this semiannual rummage aug with bunting ri d echoing tc the...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY AUGUST 1908 j 4 I Ij1 = District Health Officer Sug gests Regular Hours for Killing Plans for more thorough supervision and better control of the local are under consideration by the official f the Health Department and Bureau of Animal Industry Health Officer Woodward said today that the slaughter houses of the District- are small and widely separated that the hours of slaughtering are and that under the present system It I difficult to maintain systematic super- vision over such establishments Legislation looking toward better control over slaughter houses was in troducad at the last Congress and wilt be urged by the health authorities at the coming sessIonS said Dr today it is desirable that regu lar for slaughtering be establish ed In order be present to see that the regulations are complied with If it is desired to department should be fledThe Ideal condition would be to es tablish a municipal slaughter house rest the city The cost of such an establishment would be between 130000 and 40000 and as there are other reforms which I consider of more im portance I have never recommended it to the Commissioners Citizens Cooperate- In Health Crusade- As the result of the Inspection of lunch rooms in Pennsylvania Avenue Sixth street Louisiana avenue E and F streets northwest warning was given In ten cases and three were reporteu as in excellent condition Two have closed their doors temporarily to permit of repairs The inspectors say that the cltiz m- are cooperating with the authorities in the house to house inspection and not in one instance has it been neces sary to recommend the issuance of a warrant for the removal or refuse from the back yards or cellars Frank H Deland a lunch room at 908 3 aire t northwest was lined 1 in the Police Court this morning nn a charge ot violation of the Health Department regulations Inspectors and testified that place was improperly screened Joseph Bowman who an eating place at 3te M street northwest WAS iso fined 1 on a similar charge brought bv Inspector Stoy Hnrv S Garnett a groceryman with tireet northwest forfeited 5 when he lulled to answer to his name on a marge of not keeping his shelves and counters clean and having taiily dirty floors and scales TEXAS BEGINS FIGHT ON RATE INCREASE Senator Culberson Will Appear Be fore Interstate Commerce Com- mission Thursday Trouble over the proposed advances in railroad rates has broken out in section This time It is Texas that has the grievance Senator Culberson has been designated by the Texas railroad com- mission which is one of the most mil- itant bodies of Us kind In the country- to present its protest to the Interstate Commerce Commission The railroads which make rates into Texas have announced a series of in- creases to take effect August 10 These affect pretty generally the whole body of traffic to Texas The advances are understood to average about 10 i er cent and proposes to rght Senator Culberson asked to be heard Thursday au i Chairman Knapp and Commissioner Clements will be here for the nearing It Is not known how the Texas people to press their fight it suspected will If necessary Federal court SEETHING VOLCANO- AT MEXICO CITY Terrific Blowout During Oil Fire Produces Remarkable Phenomenon MEXICO CITY Aug 4Government engineers who are at the scene of the great oil fire in the San GeronimoHeld- seventyflve miles from Tamplco have wired an official report of a remarkable phenomenon which has Just occurred at the scene ot the conflagration- Soon after the work of digging a tun nel for the diversion of the flow of burning oil was started a terrific blow out occurred The underground disturb- ance shook the earth for some distance around and columns of rock and earth poured Into the air falling back and forming a miniature mountain 100 feel high in the center of which Is the burning cauldron or oil crater ie said to be 160 feet across The added fuel has given a great Impetus to the flames have appeared near this remarkable volcano out or which burning gas and oil are escaping ENGAGEMENT BANGLES FOR MEN IS LATEST- Gold Band Clasped Above Elbow by Best Sets Precedent LONDO Aug newest vogue for me ta the wearing of gold bangles above the elbow by engaged men The bangle te given by the girl and is lock ed on The summer sports of golf nis and rowing have revealed just how many athletic youths wear a gold brace- let Their precedent is the King who since his marriage has always worn a heavy gold bangle on his wrist THE SWAMP ANGEL The Swamp Angel was the name given by the Federal soldiers to an Parrot gun which was mount ed on a battery built on piles driven Into a swamp outside of Charleston S C and used during the siege of that city It burst August a After the war it was bought with some demned metal and sent to Trenton to be but having been identified was set on a base on the corner of Perry anti Clinton streets in that city PLANS TO CONTROL o vrl a slaughter outside of regular hours noti In which case the responsibility WOUKl Norris us place of at Twelfth unneces 4 Te s I un- dertake to enjoin the new rates in a GirlKing 4The tAC UII 4 rn fled u SLAUGHTERHOUSES L slaughter- houses b a Wood- ward J these S pro- prietor 4 business 321 a- new I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¼ Formal Welcome Extended- by Governor and Mayor Growth of Order BOSTON Aug with bunting ri d echoing tc the musle of many brass lands Boston today is given over to the thousands of and of the Knights of Pythias gathered here In the fifteenth biennial encamp ment of the Supreme Lodge Welcom- ing eerenunie began at 10 oclock this morning Business was transacted this morning at the convention hall at the Hotel Som- erset where the ctelegatas were wel c0He l by Governor Guild and Mayor Hibbard for the State aid city and on behalf of the Grand Lodge of Massa- chusetts by George W Penniman grand chancellor The response of the su- preme lodge was given by the chancel- lor Charles A Barnes of Jacksonville Ill v The supreme chancellor reported that the membership of the order had in creased from 66u2tt December 31 1905 to 671163 in 1906 and TO8M8 at the end of 1907 The gain for the first six months- of he estimated at 14000 The chancellor said that overy month the receipts of the insurance de- partment averaged made up of more than 80000 small individual pay- ments Since the amalgamation of the Rath bone Sisters and the Pythian Sisterhood into the organization known as the Pythian Sisters this organization the reports show had amazingly Since the ast biennial convention it had organized five states into grand temples 38 with a total mem- bership of more than 10000 The army of the Uniformed Rank encamped on Franklin Field 800 strong- is rout by such an in- vasion of thieves and pickpockets as Boston has seldom known The city of 2009 tents is practically defenseless against sly marauders for the Boston police force has only two policemen and three plain elothos men on duty there So many of the knights reported loss of property yesterday and today that Soddart commanding threatened to disband the camp unless the city afforded better protection Knights are leaving their tents and taking to the shelter of hotels and boarding houses FIREBOAT IS SUNK BY FALLING WALL Crew Forced to Jump in River 1500000 Loss in Chicago CHICAGO Aug 4 The fireboat Illi- nois was sunk In the Chicago river and three men were perhaps fatally in jured by the collapse of the south wall of Armour Elevator F early today The wall fell upon the boat while the fire men were playing the hose upon the ruins of the 1M 000 gralnhouse fire All the men on the fireboat were com- pelled to leap into the river and swim for their lives Since the beginning of the fire the boat had taken part in fighting the flames During the night it kept under the south wall of the giant elevator pouring water on the hot debris Just as the naming wall tottered Captain Lyons saw the danger and shouted to his men Jump for your lives The men leaped into the river Some of them were unable to swim Several were struck by sections of tailing walls The men were compelled struggle desperately to prevent their being car- ried to the bottom by the suction of the sinking boat The fire tug Dennis B Sweats narrowly escaped destruction It was within a few yards of the Illi- nois and was struck by flying beams Hundreds of people lined the banks of the river when the accident oc- curred Fifty feet of the elevater wall fell into the river The Illinois with the Swenie had been fighting from the river side the fire which destroyed flve grain the Burlington deck freight house 100 loaded freight cars and the cooling house of the American Refrigerator and Transit Company Today the heart of the fire still burned fiercely and a hundred firemen and two flreboats still remained oq duty The fire swept almost clean the dis- trict between Twelfth and Sixteenth streets and between State and Canal streets It Is believed to have been caused by an employe of the Burlington freight house throwing a lighted cigar- ette into chemicals in the building- A high wind spread the fire with ter- rific rapidity and twice it leaped across the river and started for the city Fire Marshal Horan once feared the city was at the mercy of the flames WHIRL OF DEATH KILLS BIKE RIDER COSHOCTON Ohio Aug 4 Because his bicycle to which he was strapped broke while he was dashing down the Whirl to Death at a local theater William Wilson a legless acrobat well known around the summer parks is dead here today We Close Saturdays at 1 p m Other Days at 5 p m Many Special Values in Good Qualities of Assortment of Pat terns Exclu- sive Designs CBEDIT rP YOU WISH IT When in Doubt Bay of House 7th and I Eye Sts N W Complete Homefurnishers PYTHIAN KNIGHTS I MAKEBOSTON GAY 4Gay C t lit mem- ber cash 8171 threatened with Ma I t eleva- tors I I Chinese Mattings- Wide I Herrmann itO Japanese and ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ WILL ELECT BISHOP EARLY IN OCTOBER Episcopalians Will Hold Conven tion at Call of Dr McKim Many in Field Bishop Charles H Brent of the Philippine leiande having for the sec- ond time declined the proffered post or Bishop of Washington a successor to the late Bishop Henry Y Satterlae will b chosen at a convention which will be called in the early part of October by the Rev Randolph McKim president of the convention With Bishop Brent out of the field the election will be a contest between a number of Washington rectors and prominent rectors from other cities were conspicuous figures In the two for mer elections Among the Washington ministers whose names have been prom meet in connection with the important church office are the Rev Dr McKim rector of the Church of the Epiphany the Rev George Calvert Carter the Rev Alfred the Rev Roland Cotton Smith and the eRv C Earnest Smith who ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Shirt Wnist and Skirt kinds back or white 5c and lOc Crystal Head Hat Pins various shapes cut AC crystal heads Shirt Waist Shields Nainsook covered regularly lOc arc pair The Princess Ribbon Lead ers regularly lOc set 5c Hairpin Cabinets odds and ends contain a good assort mont of wire pins i The Daemo Shield Clamps for attaching Dress Shields to Qc waist regular price SSc set Small Wares Sup- porter Belts best known 10e 3 c c c < > 14 pieces of Bordered Poplin in a good assortment of popular styles colorings Sold at The c a yard Rummage Sale vJCr price I of Printed Foulardines styles for summer f- reeees Regular a yard Rummage Sale 11 pieces of Imported English Pop Un in navy and black grounds white polka dots Sold regu o- larly at 3Sc a yard Rum U j mage Sale price 10 pieces of line quality Imported White Percale made of Egyp tian combed yarn Sold r gu- lerly at 2 c a yard S3 inches wide Rummage Sale price pieces of White Embroidered St Gall Swiss in neat de j ffc 1 signs Regular price 26c TjL yard Rummage Sale price 1C pieces of White Dotted Swiss extra quality sold at f3 The a yard Rummage Sale rood 4 C < C 4 price i juice I ¬ ¬ > I or Girls low heel Blucher style dark and light shades Boys Youths and Little Fellows Tan Oxfords lace Blucher bucklo and strap kinds Regu fl 4 f f 300 values For Ira of Misses and Children s White Kid Strap Slippers with heels Sizes S to 11 Regular price 1 and 136 A SfcC Reduced to T 7 pairs of Womens Tan Canvas Oxfords sizes 2 3V4 I 5 fart 6 Vi and 7 Regular price 150 for J Oxford 1 69 to lar SUiO and 2T C Sold regularly for 30 Reduced S > LEARNED POLICEMAN MAKES WOMAN FAINT TellsHe Husband Has Epistaxis Swoons to Find It Means Nose Bleed PHILADELPHIA Aug 4 Tour husband Is very sick madam Kid a policeman to Mrs Mary Holler who New street Hellar is a motorman for the Philadelphia Rapid Transit a car on Sonth Eighteenth street at the news Mrs Heliar inquired Impatiently what was her hus He has been affected with epistaxie said the policeman At this announce ment Mrs swooned feeling cer- tain that her husband had lost a The policeman ran to the nearest drug- store a doctor who came immediately When he arrived M Hellar had consciousness ami asked him what epistaxis meant The replied that It was the medl- I oaf term for nose bleed car ran wild for several blocks on Seventeenth street near Lombard atre t while he was trying to stop the flow of blood from his nostrils A pas on the front turned controller and prevented a serious col- lision with an automobile ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Choice of the following well known brands Cincinnati Olelne Brookes Crystal Babbitts C0 1 K a t es Octagon Gold Dust Seal Lye F l Naptha BastmenL Soaps 3c Rummage Sale of Waists A windup of about 25 dozen pretty white Waists of sheer qual- ity India Linona and Lawns made with handsome frontings of all- over blind work embroidery and dainty India Linon Waists with Van Dyke front of filet lace and strlppings of embroidery others beau tifully inserted with Val lace and inlaid squares of filet lace Sleeves are made very full with cuffs tucked and edged with lace All sizes up to 44 Choice of values worth 100 and 150 for 50c Another lot of Summer Waists of plain and fancy stripe Gingham made with nice full fronts and trimmed with tucks open down the front styles and made with long sleeves In olfrin cadet blue and gray f C and blueandwhite stripes and grayandwhlte stripes In small S sizes only Rummage Sale prlcg w For Former Values To clear the racks of all cloth suits we have made the most sweeping reductions Tomorrow you are offered choice of Womens Cloth Tailored Suits consisting of plain Panamas Shadow Stripe Panamas Fancy Stripe Materials Invisible Checks and Fancy Hair line Checks and other stylish stripe fabrics which sold as high as twenty dollars at the extremely low price of 498 a figure which doesnt pay for the materials and making Plain tailormade Prince Chap models some with silk collar and reveres others In pretty tailormade styles and some trimmed In fancy effects In light colorings and plain shades of brown navy blue and black Excellent suits for present wear and to put away next taU 50c for former 1 and 150 kinds Rummage Sale of Cloth Suits Up to Rummage S ii Q 1tbJO 2000 Lots Footwear ¬ ¬ ¬ lots an Strap Slippers Theo Tie ankle ties and pumps spring and low heela in red white r- and tan Sold regularly for 125 M50 and Reduced tc 15 pairs of Mens Patent Leather Satin ana Kid Shoes Sizes 7 and 7 Reg UXW- ular price 3 and 250 Womens White Canvas Oxfords sold regularly for 150 and ff T 200 All sizes ted kinds For Infants Soft Sole Slippers and Roman Sandals Sties 0 to n f 3 Sold regularly for 50c C and SSc For 5 c t6 6 6 J Sold at 150 to 4 a Pair Heres one the biggest and best bargains of the Sale 19c each for sample ends of line quality Nottingham Lace and Cable Net Curtains measuring 1 and 1 yards long and 50 to 60 inches wide Very useful for sash curtains scarfs splasher and draperies of various kinds Tomorrow at 19c for each end representing Curtains sold at 150 to 400 a pair Lace Curtain Ends 19c Each of LIZARD SPECIMEN- IS 60 FEET LONG- No Nature Fake in Prof Riggs Latest Pet in Chicaso Museum CHICAGO Aug 4 Imagine the sen- sation of feeling a lizard about sixty feet long and thirtythree feet high weighing about fifteen tons erawllng your frame and grinning at you through teeth four feet who thinks that the de- scription of this dinosaur of bygone days is a new nature fake can have doubts removed by going to the his newest on exhibition Th speci- men weighs nearly 19000 pounds it specimen Is said to be the most complete in any museum in world It was discovered near Frutta Col in 1991 by Prof Riggs It once crawled and down the mountains of Colorado 1 O VARIETIES What kind of a campaign are you going to eonduat kind f Yes Front porch or rear platform Exchange Field Museum where RIga as the at 7- I has ¬ ¬ ¬ IS AllLinen Damask Huck Towels finished with hemstitched borders Sold at SOc each i S t Rummage Sale price 8 dozen AllLinen Huck Towels with colored border Finished with hem- stitched ends Regular price f rI- 714c each Rummage i price J- 1C dozen Mercerized Satin Damask Napkins sold regularly at Lfl6 a dozen Rummage fUv price 4 dozen AH Linen Hemstitched Stand Covert sold at We rff each Rummage Sale price s 14 dozen Hemmed Turkish Bath Towels extra large and ex- tra heavy Sold at Me each Rummage Sale price E of 64inch Mercerized Table Damask with handsome s satin luster at 60c a Sffcv yard Rummage Sale Womens and Childrens Underwear Womens Shirts high neck and short sleeves also sleeve t Womens Gauze Vests low neck and sleeveless taped neck and arms Special at Womens Gauze Vests low neck and sleeveless taped neck and arms Special at L Women extra size Gauze Vet low noel and sleeveless taped and arms perfect fitting and very elastic I Special at V7 Childrens Gauze Vests low N neck and sleeveless taped xL neck and arms Special at V Boys Balbriggn Underwear shirts and drawers in odd sizes shirts have high neck and long sleeves high neck and short sleeves drawers ankle length I U Juvenile Wearables Lot of 23 girls white Persian Lawn and India Linon Dresses In small and large sizes Values j f worth as high Sale price TTX Small lot of Childrens Sun Bon- nets and Hats of Percale and Ging- ham Odds and ends of lines sold at I9c each Rummage Sale x price- IS and Chambray Dress- es handsomely trimmed sizes 6 to 14 years Sold at 150 and tOO Rummage Sale UXt price 14 Girls Wash Dresses of fine quality French Chambray and Ging ham made with Kimono and But- terfly sleeves Sold at S50 ftC and 300 Rummage Sale Sale price u Hair Brushes 15c each Worth 25c 39c and 50c Odds and ends of allbristle Brush- es with solid backs and hardwood finish Variety of shapes Regular SBc 39c and Soc values Rummage Sale price 15c each 50c Mendels Make Kimonos and Dress ing Sacques Lot of about 10 dozen Womens fa mous Mendels Make Kimonos and Dressing Sacques from our best selling lines o these dainty summer house garments Made of prttty Batiste and Lawn materials In a variety of neat fig ures dots etc Some sizes f f- are missing Hwnmage Sale U- prlsjj Odd lot of Womens Combing Jackets of neat figured near sizes Regular Sale price Towels and Table Linens j 35 C Sol price 1 C less in Reg- ular Sc value For 2 9 C neck C e Spe- cIal at C as C t at 39c ly al 15 C- t Teets lisle I a Rum- mage price c Rummage Sale + + ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ BIG SNAKE LOOSE CREATES A PANIC ThirtyfiveFoot Python Gives Zoo Guards a Tussle Before Being Caged fEW Aug huge East Indian python which arrived In Now York lest week escaped while being transferred from a box to a pit at Hill side Park BeUvilla N J The reptile a4 to be the largest ever brought to this country is thirty five feet long and weighs 400 pounds When It ot tree shrieking women and men too fled in eli directions and scared children fell one another and the park benches ae they nui long Twentyfive men captured it after a hard ftght It warned to making for the marsh and scrub at the of little take near From the steamship that brought it taken of William Bartete an animal dealer 1 0 Greenwich street this dty Bartells took it to his farm on Newark meadows and later delivered at the park 4The over The td enjoy Its liberty be trees Ii the hero YORk snake not edge the was t t ¬ Close Today at 5 P M Saturday 6 P M THE DEPENDABLE STORE SEVENTH AND K STREETS e u 21 pieces of White Belfast Linen finish Cannon Cloth the genuine steam shrunk grade sold f O 1 regularly at 29c a yard Rummage Sale price 6 pleeec of White Swiss Organdy 40 inches wide fine and O 3r sheer Sold at lie a yard Rummage Sale price IS pieces of White Mercerized Mad- ras in a good assortment of styles including dot neat fig urea scrolls etc sold at Sc a yard Rummage Sale price S pieces of sheer quality White Linen warranted strictly pure linen flax Reduced Be a yard to 4 of 32ln White Woven Silk Mercerized Madras sold 73f regularly at 13fcc yard Rummage Sale price White Satin Stripe Mulls extra fine sheer grade sold at f f l r- 2c a Rummage T Sale price 1 C 4 2 al 19C a 4 2 < ¬ Lot of Ameri- can Cos C a r v 1 Sets slightly marred handling Regular Tic Rummage Sale price 2c Carving Sets 29c m Cutlery r o ¬ FISHERMEN BATTLE WITH HUGE PORPOISE Longshoremen Struggle for Two Hours With 750 Pounder Final- ly Landing Him SEA ISLE CITY Aug 4 Five sturdy deepsea fishermen were given the struggle of their lives here today It lasted two uncompromising at the end or it lacy tana ed a monster porpoise weighing 7EO pounds Capt J B Delcher of the fishing smack Cascua Mondagna and his crew of four men were swinging In from the sea with their big net weighty with fish bound for the ocean pier where thousands of Sunday visitors had gath- ered to see the always interesting busi nes of landing the but ft few hundred yards from the end of the pier something hit the net with an im- pact that seemingly almost yanked the vessel out of the water For two hours the thousands watched the struggle wondering what in the world had landod In the net and at the end of that time Captain Delcher and his men almost brought him to the surface and landed him still struggling on the pier where the crowds saw him quickly dispatched hourshard fightingand ¬ ¬ ¬ Glove Oddments Kaysers 16button length Lisle Gloves Ii black price 75c a pair Rummage Sale price J7 Kaysers and Fownes finest quality Black Lisle Gloves sold at 51i a pair Rummage n Cc Sale price Fownes 2clasp Lisle Gloves In black and Sold at SOc a pair Rummage Sale 0 CC price Fownes 12button length Silk Gloves in black and white With doubletipped fingers Ali sizes Regular JLOO a pair CJC Rummage Sale price C I Many seasons of successful precedent give it added prestige Our method of storekeeping doesnt permit of holdovers Full new and complete stocks are shown each season The Rummage Sale holds an is unequaled under any other the bargains it creates overshadow offered the public of Washington The Rummage Sale takes another sensational turn for orders are for a quick short and decisive clearance of all Rummage lots Prices Touch the Limit of in I This SemiAnnual Rummage Sale conditionsfor values Wednesdayour Rummage Lots of Wanted White It nd Colored Wash Goods 1 27 pairs or slightly imperfect Not tingham Lace Curtains in white and ecru 3 and yards long One pair of a pattern Sold at 150 and 200 a pair Rum flUC mage Sale price 3 I ¬ 47 pairs of fine quality barn and Cable in white and ecru One two and three kind SO to M inches wide 3 yards long Sold at gOO to a pair Jp I nil Rummage Sale price ofa r S 1 Sold Regularly at 125 a yard- A rummage lot of about 18 pieces of Reads famous Silkwarp Lana n a good assortment of loading shades at TSe a yard This beau- tiful material always for L25 a yard a price which Is maintained by every store in the United States The lot offed tomorrow is In dros lengths A nottobsropeated bar SilkWarp Lansdowne yd dow gain at 7te JL yarl 79ca soils ¬ X pieces of Min Allwool Gray Suiting sold regu laxly at JLOO a yard AX1 Sale price 2 of Tan Covert Cloth 54 inches wide excellent weight for skirts and Jaekets Sold at r Rum- mage C 150 a yard Rummage Sale ce Sold up to 125 each Soiled and mussed garments left from recent sales A trip to the laundry will render them spicspan and new The lot consists of Gowns Skirts Drawers Chemise and Corset Covers of Cambric Nainsook and Muslin trimmed in a number of styles with laces em broideries and ribbons Choice of values sold as high as 125 for 59c Remnant lot of Womens Good Quality Nainsook Corset Covers trim med with deep Torchon lace insertion with ribbon run between r Undermuslins at 59c I C others lace trimmings Regular price 29c Rummage Sale price 0 Mattings Russ and Floor Coverings I ¬ ¬ Lot of and 38ln Crex Grass matting desirable for stair and halL Colors of red blue and ffr green Sold at 40c and 46c a yard Rummage Sale price 960 ynrds of Japanese Mattings- in handsome carpet also 15 rolls of cotton Japanese Mattings in check designs and ex- tra heavy long straw closewoven China Mat fb 1 r tings Sold at SSc a yard I r Rummage Sale price Lot of nine Sxl2 foot largeroom size Wool Ingrain Rugs in colorings- of red blue tan and brown Floral and medallion designs Sold at 850 i A r- each Rummage Sale price Womens Neckwear Womens Colored and White Laun dered Collars all sizes In the lot but not of each kind Sold f- at The each Rummage Sale price J Lot of Plain and Embroid ered Chiffon Veils sold at p j 125 each Rummage Sale U price Odds and ends of Womens Neck wear consisting of Dutch Collars Lace Jabots and Mull Ties t Lot of Womens Fine Quality Handembroidered Turnover Collars sold at each 1 i Iw Rummage Sale price Big Values in Hosiery 17 dozen pairs Infants Stockings in plain black aid lace rt 1 f Rummage Sale price 19 dozen pairs of Misses Fine Rib and Lace Stockings in black white and odd sizes rk Rummage Sale price S HandkerchiefsW- omens Colored Embroidered Crossbar Handkerchiefs sold at 13Hc each various colors Rummage Sale price Womens Allsilk Handkerchiefs with hemstitched border Choice of brQwn blue green and pink Regular price yd Rummage Sale price Mens Plain White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs full sized Sold at Me each Rummage Sale price J Mens Plain White Hem stitched Handkerchiefs Sold at Se each Rummage Sale price r Mens Linen Initial Handkerchiefs sonic few letters are miss r r- Ing Sold at The each Rummage Sale price VJ 27In q C J 1 fie for lOc and l1I2c pair regular lie The and 5c 5 C l ht 5 C 3 c C I sold at c each Rummage C Sale price j a C hC ¬ < ¬ ¬ + ¬ ¬ < > S pieces of 54in Stripe Suitings tallermade suits Sold at 75c a yard Rum i S mage Sale price 4 pieces of 3Sln Allwool Alba tress In navy and marine blue Sold regularly at Me C 2 5c a price regu- larly ybrd Lot of seven 9x12 largeroomsize 10wire Brussels Rugs seamless kind made all in one piece Colors of red blue green and tan In floral conventional and medallion designs One of each pattern Sold at 122SO Rummage vpA US Sale Let of extra heavyweight Seam stripe designs Good desirable lengths suitable for various rv sized rooms Sold at 36c a I UC yard Rummage Sale price a Lot of eleven 6x9 feet heavyweight China Matting Rugs In colorings of red and green Sold at 300 Qf f each Rummage Sale t S i price Rummage Lots of Boys Fancy Cheviot and Casal mere Knickerbocker Suits In light patterns Sizes 7 to 12 years Regular S500 and a f t f Boys Negligee Shirts made In sold at 60c each Rummage Sale price Boys and Childrens Washable Tam oShanter Hats in f fr white and colors Sold at SOc each Rummage Sale price fl Boys Wash Suits made In Russian belted and sailor blouse style All with bloomer pants Regular price 100 flUC price Boys Country Straw Hats i good serviceable kind for out tv Ing wear Rummage Sale price Boys Washable Straight Rummage Sale price Boys navy blue Serge Double breasted Suits straight knee or Knickerbocker pants up to 12 years Regular 600 and 700 values 0 UK Rummage Sale price s of about 500 yards of 32 in Golf Suitings cream grounds with black stripes and plaids th seasons most r P l8r material lor suits and skirts also 32ln Scotch Cheviots In a number ot pretty stripes checks and broken piUds for summer waists and dree o Sold at lie a yard Rummage Sale price a ca yard CDcnestlc ffept Flrst floor less China Mattlngs In checks and BOYS CLOTHING values Rummage q Sale price 5 e Rum- mage ge Knee Pants good washable colors 15c Suitings- at ydL- ot I t S F S 3500 S 3600 9c > + > >

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Page 1: Prices Touch the Limit in This SemiAnnual Rummage Sale...BOSTON Aug with bunting ri d echoing tc the musle of many brass lands Boston today is given over to the thousands of and of




I Ij1=

District Health Officer Suggests Regular Hours

for Killing

Plans for more thorough supervisionand better control of the local

are under consideration by theofficial f the Health Department andBureau of Animal Industry

Health Officer Woodward said todaythat the slaughter houses of the District-are small and widely separated thatthe hours of slaughtering areand that under the present system It I

difficult to maintain systematic super-vision over such establishments

Legislation looking toward bettercontrol over slaughter houses was introducad at the last Congress and wiltbe urged by the health authorities atthe coming sessIonS said Dr

today it is desirable that regular for slaughtering be established In order bepresent to see that the regulations arecomplied with If it is desired to

department should befledThe Ideal condition would be to establish a municipal slaughter house

rest the city The cost of suchan establishment would be between130000 and 40000 and as there are otherreforms which I consider of more importance I have never recommended itto the Commissioners

Citizens Cooperate-In Health Crusade-

As the result of the Inspection oflunch rooms in Pennsylvania AvenueSixth street Louisiana avenue E andF streets northwest warning was givenIn ten cases and three were reporteuas in excellent condition Two haveclosed their doors temporarily to permitof repairs

The inspectors say that the cltiz m-

are cooperating with the authoritiesin the house to house inspection andnot in one instance has it been necessary to recommend the issuance of awarrant for the removal or refuse fromthe back yards or cellarsFrank H Deland a lunch room

at 908 3 aire t northwest waslined 1 in the Police Court this morningnn a charge ot violation of the HealthDepartment regulations Inspectors

and testified that placewas improperly screened

Joseph Bowman who an eatingplace at 3te M street northwest WAS

iso fined 1 on a similar charge broughtbv Inspector Stoy

Hnrv S Garnett a groceryman with

tireet northwest forfeited 5 when helulled to answer to his name on amarge of not keeping his shelves andcounters clean and havingtaiily dirty floors and scales



Senator Culberson Will Appear Be

fore Interstate Commerce Com-

mission ThursdayTrouble over the proposed advances

in railroad rates has broken out insection

This time It is Texas that has thegrievance Senator Culberson has beendesignated by the Texas railroad com-mission which is one of the most mil-itant bodies of Us kind In the country-to present its protest to the InterstateCommerce Commission

The railroads which make rates intoTexas have announced a series of in-

creases to take effect August 10 Theseaffect pretty generally the whole bodyof traffic to Texas The advances areunderstood to average about 10 i er centand proposes to rght

Senator Culberson asked to be heardThursday au i Chairman Knapp andCommissioner Clements will be here forthe nearing

It Is not known how the Texas peopleto press their fight it

suspected will If necessary

Federal court



Terrific Blowout During Oil FireProduces Remarkable

PhenomenonMEXICO CITY Aug 4Government

engineers who are at the scene of thegreat oil fire in the San GeronimoHeld-seventyflve miles from Tamplco havewired an official report of a remarkablephenomenon which has Just occurred atthe scene ot the conflagration-

Soon after the work of digging a tunnel for the diversion of the flow ofburning oil was started a terrific blowout occurred The underground disturb-ance shook the earth for some distancearound and columns of rock and earthpoured Into the air falling back andforming a miniature mountain 100 feelhigh in the center of which Is theburning cauldron or oil

crater ie said to be 160 feetacross The added fuel has given agreat Impetus to the flameshave appeared near this remarkablevolcano out or which burning gas andoil are escaping


Gold Band Clasped Above Elbow

by Best SetsPrecedent

LONDO Aug newest voguefor me ta the wearing of gold banglesabove the elbow by engaged men Thebangle te given by the girl and is locked on The summer sports of golfnis and rowing have revealed just howmany athletic youths wear a gold brace-let Their precedent is the King whosince his marriage has always worn aheavy gold bangle on his wrist

THE SWAMP ANGELThe Swamp Angel was the name

given by the Federal soldiers to anParrot gun which was mount

ed on a battery built on piles drivenInto a swamp outside of CharlestonS C and used during the siege of thatcity It burst August a Afterthe war it was bought with somedemned metal and sent to Trenton tobe but having been identifiedwas set on a base on thecorner of Perry anti Clinton streets inthat city





slaughter outside of regular hoursnoti

In which case the responsibility WOUKl


us place of at Twelfth



Te s


un-dertake to enjoin the new rates in a





rn fledu







J theseS



business 321
























Formal Welcome Extended-by Governor and Mayor

Growth of Order

BOSTON Aug with buntingri d echoing tc the musle of many brasslands Boston today is given over tothe thousands of and

of the Knights of Pythias gatheredhere In the fifteenth biennial encampment of the Supreme Lodge Welcom-ing eerenunie began at 10 oclock thismorning

Business was transacted this morningat the convention hall at the Hotel Som-

erset where the ctelegatas were welc0He l by Governor Guild and MayorHibbard for the State aid city and onbehalf of the Grand Lodge of Massa-chusetts by George W Penniman grandchancellor The response of the su-preme lodge was given by the chancel-lor Charles A Barnes of JacksonvilleIll v

The supreme chancellor reported thatthe membership of the order had increased from 66u2tt December 31 1905 to671163 in 1906 and TO8M8 at the end of1907 The gain for the first six months-of he estimated at 14000

The chancellor said that overy monththe receipts of the insurance de-partment averaged made up ofmore than 80000 small individual pay-ments

Since the amalgamation of the Rathbone Sisters and the Pythian Sisterhoodinto the organization known as thePythian Sisters this organization thereports show had amazingly

Since the ast biennial convention ithad organized five states into grandtemples 38 with a total mem-bership of more than 10000

The army of the Uniformed Rankencamped on Franklin Field 800 strong-is rout by such an in-

vasion of thieves and pickpockets asBoston has seldom known The cityof 2009 tents is practically defenselessagainst sly marauders for the Bostonpolice force has only two policemen andthree plain elothos men on duty thereSo many of the knights reported lossof property yesterday and today that

Soddart commandingthreatened to disband the camp unlessthe city afforded better protection

Knights are leaving their tents andtaking to the shelter of hotels andboarding houses


Crew Forced to Jump in River

1500000 Loss in


CHICAGO Aug 4 The fireboat Illi-

nois was sunk In the Chicago riverand three men were perhaps fatally injured by the collapse of the south wallof Armour Elevator F early today Thewall fell upon the boat while the firemen were playing the hose upon theruins of the 1M 000 gralnhouse fire

All the men on the fireboat were com-pelled to leap into the river and swimfor their lives

Since the beginning of the fire theboat had taken part in fighting theflames During the night it kept underthe south wall of the giant elevatorpouring water on the hot debris Justas the naming wall tottered CaptainLyons saw the danger and shouted tohis men Jump for your lives

The men leaped into the river Someof them were unable to swim Severalwere struck by sections of tailing wallsThe men were compelled struggledesperately to prevent their being car-ried to the bottom by the suction of thesinking boat The fire tug Dennis BSweats narrowly escaped destructionIt was within a few yards of the Illi-

nois and was struck by flying beamsHundreds of people lined the banks

of the river when the accident oc-

curred Fifty feet of the elevater wallfell into the river

The Illinois with the Swenie hadbeen fighting from the river side thefire which destroyed flve grain

the Burlington deck freight house100 loaded freight cars and the coolinghouse of the American Refrigerator andTransit Company

Today the heart of the fire stillburned fiercely and a hundred firemenand two flreboats still remained oqduty

The fire swept almost clean the dis-

trict between Twelfth and Sixteenthstreets and between State and Canalstreets It Is believed to have beencaused by an employe of the Burlingtonfreight house throwing a lighted cigar-ette into chemicals in the building-

A high wind spread the fire with ter-rific rapidity and twice it leaped acrossthe river and started for the city FireMarshal Horan once feared the citywas at the mercy of the flames


COSHOCTON Ohio Aug 4 Becausehis bicycle to which he was strappedbroke while he was dashing down the

Whirl to Death at a local theaterWilliam Wilson a legless acrobat wellknown around the summer parks isdead here today

We Close Saturdays at 1 p mOther Days at 5 p m

Many Special Valuesin Good Qualities of

Assortment of Patterns Exclu-


When in Doubt Bay of


7th and I Eye Sts N W

Complete Homefurnishers




C t lit mem-ber


threatened with







Chinese Mattings-Wide



Japanese and
























Episcopalians Will Hold Conven

tion at Call of Dr McKim

Many in FieldBishop Charles H Brent of the

Philippine leiande having for the sec-

ond time declined the proffered post orBishop of Washington a successor tothe late Bishop Henry Y Satterlae willb chosen at a convention which will becalled in the early part of October bythe Rev Randolph McKim presidentof the convention

With Bishop Brent out of the fieldthe election will be a contest between anumber of Washington rectors andprominent rectors from other citieswere conspicuous figures In the two former elections Among the Washingtonministers whose names have been prommeet in connection with the importantchurch office are the Rev Dr McKimrector of the Church of the Epiphanythe Rev George Calvert Carter theRev Alfred the Rev RolandCotton Smith and the eRv C EarnestSmith






Shirt Wnist and Skirt

kinds back or white5c and lOc Crystal Head Hat

Pins various shapes cut ACcrystal heads

Shirt Waist Shields Nainsookcovered regularly lOc arcpair

The Princess Ribbon Leaders regularly lOc set

5c Hairpin Cabinets odds andends contain a good assortmont of wire pins i

The Daemo Shield Clamps forattaching Dress Shields to Qcwaist regular price SSc set

Small WaresSup-

porter Belts best known 10e3 c



< >

14 pieces of Bordered Poplin in agood assortment of popular styles

colorings Sold at The ca yard Rummage Sale vJCrprice

I of Printed Foulardinesstyles for summer f-

reeees Regular ayard Rummage Sale

11 pieces of Imported English PopUn in navy and black groundswhite polka dots Sold regu o-larly at 3Sc a yard Rum U j

mage Sale price10 pieces of line quality Imported

White Percale made of Egyptian combed yarn Sold r gu-lerly at 2 c a yard S3 incheswide Rummage Sale price

pieces of White Embroidered StGall Swiss in neat de j ffc 1signs Regular price 26c TjLyard Rummage Sale price

1C pieces of White Dotted Swissextra quality sold at f3The a yard Rummage Sale





4price i






I or Girlslow heel Blucher styledark and light shades

Boys Youths and Little FellowsTan Oxfords lace Blucher buckloand strap kinds Regu fl 4 f f

300values For

Ira of Misses and Children sWhite Kid Strap Slippers with

heels Sizes S to 11Regular price 1 and 136 A SfcCReduced to T

7 pairs of Womens Tan CanvasOxfords sizes 2 3V4 I 5 fart6 Vi and 7 Regular price150 for J


1 69to

lar SUiO and



Sold regularly for 30Reduced




TellsHe Husband Has EpistaxisSwoons to Find It Means

Nose BleedPHILADELPHIA Aug 4 Tour

husband Is very sick madam Kid apoliceman to Mrs Mary Holler who

New street Hellar is amotorman for the Philadelphia RapidTransit a car onSonth Eighteenth street

at the news Mrs Heliarinquired Impatiently what was her hus

He has been affected with epistaxiesaid the policeman At this announcement Mrs swooned feeling cer-tain that her husband had lost a

The policeman ran to the nearest drug-store a doctor who cameimmediately When he arrived MHellar had consciousness amiasked him what epistaxis meant The

replied that It was the medl-


oaf term for nose bleedcar ran wild for several blocks

on Seventeenth street near Lombardatre t while he was trying to stop theflow of blood from his nostrils A pas

on the front turnedcontroller and prevented a serious col-lision with an automobile





Choice of thefollowing wellknown brandsCincinnati OlelneBrookes CrystalBabbitts C 0 1

K a t es OctagonGold DustSeal Lye F lNaptha




Rummage Sale of Waists

A windup of about 25 dozen pretty white Waists of sheer qual-ity India Linona and Lawns made with handsome frontings of all-over blind work embroidery and dainty India Linon Waists with VanDyke front of filet lace and strlppings of embroidery others beautifully inserted with Val lace and inlaid squares of filet lace

Sleeves are made very full with cuffs tucked and edged withlace All sizes up to 44

Choice of values worth 100 and 150 for 50c

Another lot of Summer Waists of plain and fancy stripe Ginghammade with nice full fronts and trimmed with tucks open down the frontstyles and made with long sleeves In olfrin cadet blue and gray f Cand blueandwhite stripes and grayandwhlte stripes In small Ssizes only Rummage Sale prlcg w

For Former Values

To clear the racks of all cloth suits we have made the mostsweeping reductions Tomorrow you are offered choice of WomensCloth Tailored Suits consisting of plain Panamas Shadow StripePanamas Fancy Stripe Materials Invisible Checks and Fancy Hairline Checks and other stylish stripe fabrics which sold as high astwenty dollars at the extremely low price of 498 a figure whichdoesnt pay for the materials and making

Plain tailormade Prince Chap models some with silk collar and reveresothers In pretty tailormade styles and some trimmed In fancy effects

In light colorings and plain shades of brown navy blue and blackExcellent suits for present wear and to put away next taU

50c for former 1 and 150 kinds

Rummage Sale of Cloth Suits

Up to


S ii Q1tbJO 2000

Lots Footwear




lots anStrap Slippers Theo Tieankle ties and pumps springand low heela in red white r-and tan Sold regularly for125 M50 and Reduced tc

15 pairs of Mens Patent LeatherSatin ana Kid ShoesSizes 7 and 7 Reg UXW-ular price 3 and 250

Womens White Canvas Oxfordssold regularly for 150 and ff T200 All sizes ted kinds

ForInfants Soft Sole Slippers and

Roman Sandals Sties 0 to n f3 Sold regularly for 50c Cand SSc For

5 ct6

6 6


Sold at 150 to 4 a PairHeres one the biggest and best bargains of the

Sale 19c each for sample ends of line quality Nottingham Laceand Cable Net Curtains measuring 1 and 1 yards long and 50to 60 inches wide Very useful for sash curtains scarfs splasherand draperies of various kinds

Tomorrow at 19c for each end representing Curtains sold at150 to 400 a pair

Lace Curtain Ends 19c Each




No Nature Fake in Prof Riggs

Latest Pet in ChicasoMuseum

CHICAGO Aug 4 Imagine the sen-sation of feeling a lizard about sixtyfeet long and thirtythree feet highweighing about fifteen tons erawllng

your frame and grinning at youthrough teeth four feet

who thinks that the de-scription of this dinosaur of bygonedays is a new nature fake can have

doubts removed by going to the

his newest on exhibition Th speci-men weighs nearly 19000 pounds it

specimen Is said to be themost complete in any museum inworld It was discovered near FruttaCol in 1991 by Prof Riggs

It once crawled and down themountains of Colorado

1 O VARIETIESWhat kind of a campaign are you

going to eonduatkind f

Yes Front porch or rear platformExchange

Field Museum where RIgaas


at 7-






IS AllLinen Damask Huck Towelsfinished with hemstitchedborders Sold at SOc each i S tRummage Sale price

8 dozen AllLinen Huck Towels withcolored border Finished with hem-stitched ends Regular price f rI-

714c each Rummage iprice J-

1C dozen Mercerized Satin DamaskNapkins sold regularly atLfl6 a dozen Rummage fUvprice

4 dozen AH Linen HemstitchedStand Covert sold at We rffeach Rummage Saleprice s

14 dozen Hemmed Turkish BathTowels extra large and ex-tra heavy Sold at Me eachRummage Sale price

E of 64inch Mercerized TableDamask with handsome ssatin luster at 60c a Sffcvyard Rummage Sale

Womens andChildrens Underwear

Womens Shirts high neck andshort sleeves also sleeve t

Womens Gauze Vests lowneck and sleeveless taped neckand arms Special at

Womens Gauze Vests lowneck and sleeveless tapedneck and arms Special at L

Women extra size Gauze Vetlow noel and sleeveless taped

and arms perfectfitting and very elastic ISpecial at V7

Childrens Gauze Vests low Nneck and sleeveless taped xLneck and arms Special at V

Boys Balbriggn Underwear shirtsand drawers in odd sizes shirtshave high neck and long sleeveshigh neck and short sleevesdrawers ankle length I U

Juvenile WearablesLot of 23 girls white Persian Lawn

and India Linon Dresses In smalland large sizes Values j fworth as high

Sale price TTXSmall lot of Childrens Sun Bon-

nets and Hats of Percale and Ging-ham Odds and ends of linessold at I9c each Rummage Sale xprice-

IS and Chambray Dress-es handsomely trimmed sizes 6to 14 years Sold at 150and tOO Rummage Sale UXtprice

14 Girls Wash Dresses of finequality French Chambray and Gingham made with Kimono and But-terfly sleeves Sold at S50 ftCand 300 Rummage SaleSale price u

Hair Brushes 15c eachWorth 25c 39c and 50c

Odds and ends of allbristle Brush-es with solid backs and hardwoodfinish Variety of shapes

Regular SBc 39c and Soc valuesRummage Sale price 15c each

50c Mendels Make

Kimonos and Dress

ing Sacques

Lot of about 10 dozen Womens famous Mendels Make Kimonos andDressing Sacques from our bestselling lines o these dainty summerhouse garments

Made of prttty Batiste and Lawnmaterials In a variety of neat figures dots etc Some sizes f f-are missing Hwnmage Sale U-prlsjj

Odd lot of Womens CombingJackets of neat figured near

sizes Regular

Sale price

Towels andTable Linens


3 5 C


1Cless in Reg-

ular Sc value For 2

9 C


eSpe-cIal at




at 39c

ly al15 C-


Teets lisle I



price c Rummage Sale

+ +














ThirtyfiveFoot Python Gives Zoo

Guards a Tussle BeforeBeing Caged

fEW Aug huge EastIndian python which arrived In NowYork lest week escaped while beingtransferred from a box to a pit at Hillside Park BeUvilla N J

The reptile a4 to be the largestever brought to this country is thirtyfive feet long and weighs 400 poundsWhen It ot tree shrieking women andmen too fled in eli directions andscared children fell one anotherand the park benches ae they nuilong Twentyfive men captured it aftera hard ftght It warned to makingfor the marsh and scrub at theof little take near

From the steamship that brought ittakenof William Bartete an animal dealer1 0 Greenwich street this dty Bartellstook it to his farm on Newarkmeadows and later delivered at thepark



The td enjoy Its liberty


Ii thehero


snake not


the was t t


Close Today at 5 P M Saturday 6 P M




21 pieces of White Belfast Linenfinish Cannon Cloth the genuinesteam shrunk grade sold f O 1

regularly at 29c a yardRummage Sale price

6 pleeec of White Swiss Organdy40 inches wide fine and O 3rsheer Sold at lie a yardRummage Sale price

IS pieces of White Mercerized Mad-ras in a good assortment of stylesincluding dot neat figurea scrolls etc sold atSc a yard RummageSale price

S pieces of sheer quality WhiteLinen warranted strictlypure linen flax Reduced

Be a yard to4 of 32ln White Woven Silk

Mercerized Madras sold 73fregularly at 13fcc yardRummage Sale price

White Satin Stripe Mulls extrafine sheer grade sold at f f l r-2c a Rummage TSale price 1



2al 19C

a 4




Lot of Ameri-can CosC a r v 1 Setsslightly marred

handlingRegular TicRummage Saleprice 2c




r o




Longshoremen Struggle for Two

Hours With 750 Pounder Final-

ly Landing HimSEA ISLE CITY Aug 4 Five sturdy

deepsea fishermen were given thestruggle of their lives here today Itlasted two uncompromising

at the end or it lacy tanaed a monster porpoise weighing 7EOpounds

Capt J B Delcher of the fishingsmack Cascua Mondagna and his crewof four men were swinging In from thesea with their big net weighty withfish bound for the ocean pier wherethousands of Sunday visitors had gath-ered to see the always interesting busines of landing the but ftfew hundred yards from the end of thepier something hit the net with an im-pact that seemingly almost yanked thevessel out of the water

For two hours the thousands watchedthe struggle wondering what in theworld had landod In the net and at theend of that time Captain Delcher andhis men almost brought himto the surface and landed him stillstruggling on the pier where the crowdssaw him quickly dispatched





Glove OddmentsKaysers 16button length Lisle

Gloves Ii black price75c a pair RummageSale price J7Kaysers and Fownes finest

quality Black Lisle Gloves soldat 51i a pair Rummage n CcSale price

Fownes 2clasp Lisle Gloves Inblack and Sold atSOc a pair Rummage Sale 0 CCprice

Fownes 12button length SilkGloves in black and white Withdoubletipped fingers Ali sizesRegular JLOO a pair CJCRummage Sale price



Many seasons of successful precedent give it added prestige Our method of storekeeping doesnt permit of holdovers Full new and complete stocks are shown eachseason The Rummage Sale holds an is unequaled under any other the bargains it creates overshadow offered the public ofWashington The Rummage Sale takes another sensational turn for orders are for a quick short and decisive clearance of all Rummage lots

Prices Touch the Limit of in I

This SemiAnnual Rummage Saleconditionsfor values


Rummage Lots of Wanted White

It nd Colored Wash Goods1

27 pairs or slightly imperfect Nottingham Lace Curtains in white andecru 3 and yards long Onepair of a pattern Sold at150 and 200 a pair Rum flUCmage Sale price



¬ 47 pairs of fine qualitybarn and Cable inwhite and ecru One two and three

kind SO to M inches wide3 yards long Sold at

gOO to a pair Jp I nilRummage Sale price





Sold Regularly at 125 a yard-A rummage lot of about 18 pieces of Reads famous Silkwarp Lana

n a good assortment of loading shades at TSe a yard This beau-tiful material always for L25 a yard a price which Is maintained byevery store in the United States

The lot offed tomorrow is In dros lengths A nottobsropeated bar

SilkWarp Lansdowne yd


gain at 7te JL yarl



X pieces of Min Allwool GraySuiting sold regu

laxly at JLOO a yard AX1Sale price

2 of Tan Covert Cloth 54inches wide excellent weight forskirts and Jaekets Sold at r


C150 a yard Rummage Salece

Sold up to 125 eachSoiled and mussed garments left from recent sales A trip to

the laundry will render them spicspan and new The lot consists ofGowns Skirts Drawers Chemise and Corset Covers of CambricNainsook and Muslin trimmed in a number of styles with laces embroideries and ribbons

Choice of values sold as high as 125 for 59cRemnant lot of Womens Good Quality Nainsook Corset Covers trimmed with deep Torchon lace insertion with ribbon run between r

Undermuslins at 59cI

Cothers lace trimmings Regular price 29c RummageSale price 0

Mattings Russ and Floor Coverings I



Lot of and 38ln Crex Grassmatting desirable for stair and halLColors of red blue and ffrgreen Sold at 40c and 46c ayard Rummage Sale price

960 ynrds of Japanese Mattings-in handsome carpet also15 rolls of cotton JapaneseMattings in check designs and ex-tra heavy long strawclosewoven China Mat fb 1 rtings Sold at SSc a yard I rRummage Sale price

Lot of nine Sxl2 foot largeroomsize Wool Ingrain Rugs in colorings-of red blue tan and brownFloral and medalliondesigns Sold at 850 i A r-each Rummage Saleprice

Womens NeckwearWomens Colored and White Laun

dered Collars all sizes In thelot but not of each kind Sold f-at The each Rummage Saleprice J

Lot of Plain and Embroidered Chiffon Veils sold at p j

125 each Rummage Sale Uprice

Odds and ends of Womens Neckwear consisting of Dutch CollarsLace Jabots and Mull Ties t

Lot of Womens Fine QualityHandembroidered TurnoverCollars sold at each 1 i IwRummage Sale price

Big Values in Hosiery17 dozen pairs Infants Stockings

in plain black aid lace rt 1 fRummage Sale price

19 dozen pairs of Misses Fine Riband Lace Stockings in blackwhite and odd sizes rkRummage Sale price S

HandkerchiefsW-omens Colored Embroidered

Crossbar Handkerchiefs soldat 13Hc each various colorsRummage Sale price

Womens Allsilk Handkerchiefswith hemstitched border Choice ofbrQwn blue green andpink Regular priceyd Rummage Sale price

Mens Plain White HemstitchedHandkerchiefs full sizedSold at Me each RummageSale price J

Mens Plain White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs Soldat Se each Rummage Saleprice r

Mens Linen Initial Handkerchiefssonic few letters are miss r r-Ing Sold at The eachRummage Sale price VJ






for lOc and l1I2cpair

regular lie The and 5c

5 C

l ht 5 C3 c



sold at c each Rummage CSale price









< >

S pieces of 54in Stripe Suitingstallermade suits Sold

at 75c a yard Rum i Smage Sale price4 pieces of 3Sln Allwool Alba

tress In navy and marineblue Sold regularly at Me


2 5ca price



Lot of seven 9x12 largeroomsize10wire Brussels Rugs seamlesskind made all in one piece Colorsof red blue green and tan Infloral conventional and medalliondesigns One of eachpattern Sold at122SO Rummage vpA USSale

Let of extra heavyweight Seam

stripe designs Good desirablelengths suitable for various rvsized rooms Sold at 36c a I UCyard Rummage Sale price a

Lot of eleven 6x9 feet heavyweightChina Matting Rugs In colorings ofred andgreen Sold at 300 Qf feach Rummage Sale t S iprice

Rummage Lots of

Boys Fancy Cheviot and Casalmere Knickerbocker Suits In lightpatterns Sizes 7 to 12years Regular S500 and a f t f

Boys Negligee Shirts made Insold at 60c

each Rummage Saleprice

Boys and Childrens WashableTam oShanter Hats in f frwhite and colors Sold at SOceach Rummage Sale price fl

Boys Wash Suits made In Russianbelted and sailor blousestyle All with bloomer pantsRegular price 100 flUCprice

Boys Country Straw Hats igood serviceable kind for out tvIng wear Rummage Sale priceBoys Washable Straight

Rummage Sale priceBoys navy blue Serge Doublebreasted Suits straight knee or

Knickerbocker pants up to 12years Regular 600and 700 values 0 UKRummage Sale price s

of about 500 yards of 32in Golf Suitings cream groundswith black stripes and plaids thseasons most r P l8r material lorsuits and skirts also 32ln ScotchCheviots In a number ot prettystripes checks and broken piUdsfor summer waists and dree o

Sold at lie a yard RummageSale price a c a yard

CDcnestlc ffept Flrst floor

less China Mattlngs In checks and


values Rummage qSale price

5 e


geKnee Pants good washablecolors

15c Suitings-at ydL-










