prospectus - ice australia · prospectus 07-10 october sydney world green infrastructure congress....


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Page 1: PROSPECTUS - ICE Australia · PROSPECTUS  07-10 OCTOBER SYDNEY WORLD GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE CONGRESS. 2 30% Growth in global ... Bulbs and seeds Soils, composts, fertilisers





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30% Growth in global consumption of horticulture products by 2015

$5.17 billion Gross national revenue for the landscape industry of Australia


Associate your organisation, institution, company or government with this rapidly expanding industry.

Present your solutions, research and products directly to private and public sectors.

Gain insight on industry best practices, data, recent technology and environmental issues from top analysts, experts, implementers and government representatives.

Network with like-minded professionals, educators and practitioners to foster stronger relationships.

Architectural greenery, landscape and urban design for Australia.

With 85% of Australia’s population living in coastal urban areas the need for livable and sustainable is intensifying.

The congestion that will increase due to high rise housing and commercial sector demands will require prior planning of spaces conducive for life, work and play as the Australian population rapidly expands towards 2020 there needs to be a vision for cities with urban greenery on buildings, canopy trees and parks which connect city living with nature.

There has been a gradual shift towards thinking green with the spotlight trained on city planning, green roofs, green walls, canopy street trees, urban wetland and landscape renewal, urban farming and vital urban ecosystems.The green industry is set for unprecedented growth.

Against this backdrop the WORLD GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE CONGRESS will be a dynamic marketplace for delegates and trade visitors from the region to discover the very best and most advanced landscape and urban greenery solutions from around the world.

This Congress will be an opportunity to learn best practices, discuss the latest industry trends and network with academics, professionals and policymakers.

$18.2 Billion National Horticulture Market Value

$15.0 Billion National Horticulture Export Value

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GREEN GLOBAL CONNECTEDAbout the host city Sydney

Sydney is classified as an Alpha+ World City by the Globalization and World Cities study group, indicating its influence in the region and throughout the world, ranking among the top global cities in the world.

In 2010, Sydney was ranked seventh in Asia and 28th globally for economic innovation in the Innovation Cities Top 100 Index. In 2013 The Wealth Report ranked Sydney as the seventh most economically important city in the world.

Sydney also ranks among the top ten most livable cities in the world and is also considered among the top fashion capitals.

Sustainable Sydney 2030 is a set of goals the city has set to help make it as green, global and connected as possible by 2030.

The 2030 vision focuses on ten strategic directions:

1. A globally competitive and innovative city

2. A leading environmental performer

3. Integrated transport for a connected city

4. A city for pedestrians and cyclists

5. A lively, engaging city centre

6. Vibrant local communities and economies

7. A cultural and creative city

8. Housing for a diverse population

9. Sustainable development, renewal and design

10. Implementation through effective policy


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Exhibitor Profile

Nursery and plants Bulbs and seeds Soils, composts, fertilisers Horticultural and plant care products Pest control Tools and accessories flowers, trees and shrubs Landscape maintenance

Construction and maintenance machinery and equipment Grassed and wooded areas analysis, measurement and testing equipment Permeable paths, pavements earth and plant logistics and transport Railings, terraces and roofing Stonework and ironwork Waterproofing Tanks and drainage Irrigation systems Drainage systems

Green and urban solutions Climate control Erosion control Greenhouse Hydro culture Hydroponics Recultivation of wastelands Soil regeneration and amelioration Waste management Water sensitive urban design

Landscape architecture and Master planning Eco-city Industrial Districts New towns Underground city

Materials and components Acoustic and visual screens Aeration, irrigation and drainage Cast and natural stone Decking, fencing and walling Garden furniture, gazebos Membrane structures Plant and tree protection Artwork, sculptures

Landscape and urban design Architectural, outdoor and waterproof lighting courtyards, gardens and parks Environmental graphic design Residential, commercial and industrial green roofs Playgrounds and recreational areas Resorts and spas Skyrise and vertical greenery Coastal regeneration

Visitor Profile

Government and public agencies

Facility managers, property developers

Landscape architects, architects, urban planners, environmentalists

Agronomists, arborists, botanists, floriculturists, horticulturists

Landscape contractors/implementers/suppliers

Consultants, engineers

Distributors, manufacturers, retailers and wholesalers of landscape and urban greenery products and solutions

Academics and students

Plant lovers

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Green infrastructureIncludes green roofs and green walls

Landscape renewal; urban vegetative regeneration; urban farming; canopy planting; urban forests and wetlands.

It is a challenging world, and green building technology is one solution to tackling the impacts of climate change that effect us all.

A cooperative effort is needed to work for a better, greener and more sustainable world.

Green infrastructure includes all plant related technologies in connection to buildings and urban development.

Vegetation is an essential key for sustainable urban environment.












The Congress will present the latest technological developments, green industry awards, iconic best practice projects, research data, professional training workshops, Living Art competition and new areas of applications in the field of green infrastructure. It will serve as a surface + space where international urban greenery thought leaders from various disciplines may come together with architects, landscape architects, landscaper contractors, environmentalists, horticulturists, nursery growers and policymakers and stakeholders to examine the present and future trends of this growing sector.

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About the Organisers

World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN)Current member countries include Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Columbia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Italy, Israel, Japan, Korea, Mexico.Since 2006 WGIN has held a World Congress in Mexico, Canada, China and France.

Given the rapid growth in the green roofs, walls and infrastructure industry, WGIN targets strong organizational growth over the next several years. It is a challenging world, and green building technology is one solution to tackling the impacts of climate change that effect us all. WGIN believes cooperative effort is needed to work for a better, greener and more sustainable world.

WGIN Objectives:

1. To be a globally-important motivator of the use of green infrastructure in cities.

2. To expand opportunities for member organizations to learn about green roof infrastructure science,technology, practice, economics and environmental and social benefits.

3. To promote education in green infrastructure benefits particularly at university levels and trade school levels,to provide skills for the green roof industry that can be expected to develop more widely.

4. To promote green infrastructure research and extension in soundly-based green infrastructure development.

5. To provide sound networking and conference study opportunities for member organizations.

6. To publicise the global environmental and cost-saving advantages of green infrastructure, especially those

related to reducing climate change problems.

Green Roofs Australasia (GRA)Initially established as Green Roofs Australia in 2007, the name was changed in 2011 to incorporate New Zealand, the Philippines and consequently open the door for other countries in the region.

GRA is a registered not-for-profit Australian company that has actively advocated the use of green infrastructure for urban development to mitigate the impacts of climate change and to provide urban populations with an essential connection to nature through plants. GRA believes that plants are the real green. Green roof andgreen wall systems have always been the primary focus but GRA does acknowledge the primary benefits from urban vegetation does extend from the establishment of green corridors through cities which requires collaborationbetween all disciplines engaged in urban infrastructure planning, landscapes and buildings. For this reason GRA is committed to promoting any plant technologies.

The GRA vision is to promote the incorporation of green infrastructure into the urban fabric.

The GRA mission is to increase the awareness of urban green infrastructure with a primary focus on the economic, social and environmental benefits of green roofs, green walls and other vegetative systems that regenerate urban green spaces through education, advocacy, professional development and celebrations of excellence.

The importance of green roofs and walls is increasing worldwide, because it is an efficient and effective way to moderate the negative impacts of densely populated urban areas. Green roofs provide oxygen, reduce the urban air temperature and mitigate storm water run-offs. Green roof and wall systems are one solution to the impacts of climate change.

Supported by :

Further information contact : [email protected] and keep up to date @

, USA, Spain, Taiwan, Vietnam

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WGIC 2014 SPONSORSHIP OPTIONSSponsors can either select to be a level sponsor and receive acknowledgements, benefits and entitlements according to their level of sponsorship contribution, or can select from the individual sponsorship and exhibition opportunities on the following pages.

Prices are inclusive of 10% Australian goods and services tax.

PARTNER PRIMARY SPONSOR(1 opportunity) $25,000

Recognition as Congress Partner and primary sponsor of the Congress

• Opportunity to supply branded cap or t-shirt to all delegates (provided by sponsor)

• Large sponsor banner displayed in Congress entrance (provided by sponsor)

• Logo on front cover of Congress Program (subject to production deadlines)

• Logo on Congress website home page

• Annual membership for Green Roofs Australasia

• Logo on the Green Roofs Australasia website homepage for one year

• Logo on Congress website sponsors page

• Logo on Sponsor signage at venue

• Logo on Sponsor acknowledgement slide between Plenary Session speakers

• Full page colour advertisement in the Congress Program Booklet (subject to production deadlines)

• Opportunity to place one company provided free standing pull up banner in registration area (2m high and 1m wide). Banner to be provided by the Sponsor & produced in a set size and style as advised by Organiser.

• Opportunity to place one company provided free standing pull up banner at entrance to main session room (2m high and 1m wide). Banner to be provided by the Sponsor & produced in a set size and style

• Complimentary 6m x 3m exhibition booth at the Congress

• One insert to be placed into the delegate satchels (size and content to be approved by the Congress Organising Committee)

• Six(6) complimentary sponsor registrations (full delegate) to the Congress including morning and afternoon teas, lunches, access to the exhibition, access to delegate sessions, tickets to the Welcome Reception and tickets to the Congress Dinner

• Six(6) complimentary exhibition registrations to the Congress including morning and afternoon teas, lunches, access to the exhibition, and tickets to the Welcome Reception

• Primary sponsor Congress Dinner table including International Official guests and keynote speakers.

• Complimentary Dinners with Champagne.

Part A: Sponsorship of your chosen Plenary SessionPlenary Sessions will feature key invited speakers which will attract a high delegate attendance. Sponsorship of your chosen Plenary Session (Selection of Plenary Sessions will be given in order of sponsorship application)

• Logo in Congress Program next to sponsored Plenary Session (subject to production deadlines)

• Logo on session slide of sponsored Plenary Session

Part B: Sponsorship of your chosen Keynote SpeakerSelect a Keynote Speaker to sponsor and have the opportunity to introduce the speaker on stage during the plenary session.

• Logo in Congress Program next to Keynote Speaker’s biography (subject to production deadlines)

• Logo on session slide of sponsored Keynote Speaker

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GLOBAL GREEN SPONSORSHIP(3 opportunities) $ 15,000

• Logo on front cover of Congress Program (subject to production deadlines)

• Logo on Congress website home page

• Annual membership for Green Roofs Australasia

• Logo on the Green Roofs Australasia website homepage for one year

• Logo on Congress website sponsors page

• Logo on Sponsor signage at venue

• Logo on Sponsor acknowledgement slide between Plenary Session speakers

• Full page colour advertisement in the Congress Program Booklet (subject to production deadlines)

• Opportunity to place one company provided free standing pull up banner in registration area (2m high and 1m wide). Banner to be provided by the Sponsor & produced in a set size and style as advised by Organiser.

• Opportunity to place one company provided free standing pull up banner at entrance to main session room (2m high and 1m wide). Banner to be provided by the Sponsor & produced in a set size and style as advised by Organiser.

• Complimentary 6m x 3m exhibition booth at the Congress

• One insert to be placed into the delegate satchels (size and content to be approved by the Congress Organising Committee)

• Four (4) complimentary sponsor registrations (full delegate) to the Congress including morning and afternoon teas, lunches, access to delegate sessions, tickets to the Welcome Reception and tickets to the Congress Dinner

• Four (4) complimentary exhibition registrations to the Congress including morning and afternoon teas, lunches and tickets to the Welcome Reception

• Company table at Congress Dinner with keynote international guests

Part A: Sponsorship of your chosen Plenary SessionPlenary Sessions will feature key invited speakers which will attract a high delegate attendance. Sponsorship of your chosen Plenary Session (Selection of Plenary Sessions will be given in order of sponsorship application)

• Logo in Congress Program next to sponsored Plenary Session (subject to production deadlines)

• Logo on session slide of sponsored Plenary Session

Part B: Plus your choice of one of the three options below

Global Green Option 1 – Lanyard (Exclusive Opportunity)

Every registered delegate will receive an official Congress name badge and lanyard upon registration. Delegates will need to wear their name badge and lanyard to gain access into the exhibition and sessions.

• Logo on Lanyard (size and placement of logo will be at the discretion of the Congress Organising Committee)

Global Green Option 2 – Congress Program (Exclusive Opportunity)

The Congress Program book will be distributed on-site to all participants and will be a regularly used reference source during and long after the event. It will contain the final program and Congress and exhibition related information:

• Logo on front cover of the Congress Programme book (subject to production deadlines)

• Full page advertisement in Congress Programme (subject to production deadlines)

Please note: other sponsor advertisements will appear in this document.

Global Green Option 3 – Congress Satchel (Exclusive Opportunity)

Every registered delegate will receive an official Conference satchel upon registration. The satchel is of a high quality to encourage use by delegates well after the Congress has finished.

• Logo on Congress Satchel along with Conference Logo (size and placement of logo will be at the discretion of the Congress Organising Committee)

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URBAN GREEN SPONSORSHIP(4 opportunities) $ 12,000

Logo on Congress Program and (subject to production deadlines)

• Logo on Congress website home page

• Logo on Congress website sponsors page

• Annual membership for Green Roofs Australasia

• Logo on the Green Roofs Australasia website for one year

• Logo on Sponsor signage at venue

• Logo on Sponsor acknowledgement slide between plenary sessions

• Full page advertisement in the Congress Programme (subject to production deadlines)

• Opportunity to place one company provided free standing pull up banner in registration area (2m high and 1m wide). Banner to be provided by the Sponsor & produced in a set size and style as advised by Organiser.

• Complimentary 3m x 3m exhibition booth at the Congress

• One insert to be placed into the delegate satchels (size and content to be approved by the Congress Organising Committee)

• Three (3) complimentary sponsor registrations (full delegate) to the Congress including morning and afternoon teas, lunches, access to delegate sessions, tickets to the Welcome Reception and tickets to the Congress Dinner

• Two (2) complimentary exhibitor registrations to the Congress including morning and afternoon teas, lunches, and tickets to the Welcome Reception

• Company Congress Dinner table with Keynote Speakers.

Part A: Sponsorship of your chosen Concurrent SessionSponsorship of your chosen Concurrent Symposium (Selection of Symposia will be given in order of sponsorship application)

• Logo in Congress Programme next to sponsored Concurrent Symposium (subject to production deadlines)

• Logo on session slide of sponsored Concurrent Symposium

• Logo at entrance to sponsored Concurrent Symposium

Part B: Plus your choice of one of three options belowUrban Green Option 1 – Pocket Programme (Exclusive Opportunity)

Every registered delegate will be provided with an official Congress Pocket Program upon registration. The Congress Pocket Program will be a much used reference for session information.

• Logo on front cover of Congress Pocket Program (subject to production deadlines)

Urban Green Option 2 – Notepad and Pen (Exclusive Opportunity)

Every registered delegate will receive a note pad and pen in their delegate satchel, to be used during and after the Congress has concluded.

• Logo on Note Pad (size and placement of logo will be at the discretion of the Congress Organising Committee)

• Logo on Pen (size and placement of logo will be at the discretion of the Congress Organising Committee)

Urban Green Option 3 – Green Lounge

A green lounge will be built in the Exhibition area of the Australian Technology Park. The lounge will provide a place for delegates to relax between sessions.

• Exclusive naming rights to the green lounge

• Opportunity to provide one company provided free standing pull up banner (1m wide x 2m high)

• Company logo on the conference website

Urban Green Option 4 – Water Bottle (Exclusive opportunity)

Each registered delegate will receive one water bottle in the Congress Satchel. Your logo will be included in one colour on the water bottle.

• Logo on Water Bottle

• Logo in Congress Programme (subject to production deadlines)

• Logo on Congress website sponsors page

• One insert to be placed into the delegate satchels (size and content to be approved by the Congress Organising Committee)

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• Logo on Congress Program and Abstracts Booklet (subject to production deadlines)

• Logo on Congress website home page

• Annual membership for Green Roofs Australasia

• Logo on the Green Roofs Australasia website for one year

• Logo on Congress website sponsors page

• Logo on Sponsor signage at venue

• Logo on Sponsor acknowledgement slide between sessions

• Half page advertisement in the Congress Programme (subject to production deadlines)

• Opportunity to place one company provided free standing pull up banner in registration area (2m high and 1m wide). Banner to be provided by the Sponsor & produced in a set size and style as advised by Organiser.

• Complimentary 3m x 2m exhibition booth at the Congress

• One insert to be placed into the delegate satchels (size and content to be approved by the Congress Organising Committee)

• Two (2) complimentary sponsor registrations (full delegate) to the Congress including morning and afternoon teas, lunches, access to delegate sessions, tickets to the Welcome Reception and tickets to the Congress Dinner

• Two (2) exhibitor registrations to the Congress including morning and afternoon teas, lunches, and tickets to the Welcome Reception


• Logo on Congress Program and Abstracts Booklet (subject to production deadlines)

• Annual membership for Green Roofs Australasia

• Logo on Congress website home page

• Logo on Congress website sponsors page

• Logo on Sponsor signage at venue

• Quarter page advertisement in the Congress Programme (subject to production deadlines)

• Opportunity to place one company provided free standing pull up banner in registration area (2m high and 1m wide). Banner to be provided by the Sponsor & produced in a set size and style as advised by Organiser.

• Complimentary 3m x 2m exhibition booth at the Congress

• One insert to be placed into the delegate satchels (size and content to be approved by the Congress Organising Committee)

• One (1) complimentary sponsor registrations (full delegate) to the Congress including morning and afternoon teas, lunches, access to delegate sessions, tickets to the Welcome Reception and tickets to the Congress Dinner

• Two (2) complimentary exhibition registrations to the Congress including morning and afternoon teas, lunches, and tickets to the Welcome Reception


The Congress Dinner will be a relaxed and casual evening where delegates are taken to a restaurant in China Town.

• Exclusive Host of the Congress Dinner.

• Acknowledgement as Sponsor of the Congress Dinner.

• Logo in all event literature. Your organisation name and logo on the Congress Website, Promotions, Congress Program and Abstracts Booklet and Congress Banners.

• Opportunity to provide delegates with a promotional gift on the coach transfer.

• Opportunity to display corporate signage (supplied by Sponsor) on the coach for transfers.

• Full Congress Registration for two (2) representatives to attend the Congress, inclusive of all benefits.

• Official Congress Dinner table for four with international keynote speakers and complimentary champagne

• Opportunity to include one (1) insert in delegate satchels – Corporate literature, DL, A5 or A4 size (or similar) or promotional merchandise (not including note pads and pens).

• Opportunity for your staff to personally meet and greet guests as they enter the Congress Dinner


• Acknowledgement as Sponsor of the Welcome Reception.

• Opportunity to make a 5 minute welcome address at the Welcome Reception.

• Logo and listing in all event literature. Your organisation name and logo on the Congress Website, Promotions, Congress Program and Abstracts Booklet and Congress Banners.

• Opportunity to display corporate signage (supplied by Sponsor) during the evening. Signage to be provided by the Sponsor & produced in a set size and style as advised by Organiser.

• Full Congress Registration for one (1) representative to attend the Congress, inclusive of all benefits.

• Six (6) Additional Tickets to the Welcome Reception.

• Opportunity to include one (1) insert in delegate satchels – Corporate literature, DL, A5 or A4 size (or similar) or promotional merchandise (not including note pads and pens).

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CLOSING DRINKS$3,500 (incl. GST)

• Acknowledgement as Sponsor of the Closing Drinks.

• Logo and listing in all event literature. Your organisation name and logo on the Congress Website, Promotions, Congress Program and Abstracts Booklet and Congress Banners.

• Opportunity to display corporate signage (supplied by Sponsor) during the evening. Signage to be provided by the Sponsor & produced in a set size and style as advised by Organiser.

• Full Congress Registration for one (1) representative to attend the Congress, inclusive of all benefits.

• Four (4) Additional Tickets to the Welcome Reception.

• Opportunity to include one (1) insert in delegate satchels – Corporate literature, DL, A5 or A4 size (or similar) or promotional merchandise (not including note pads and pens).

LUNCH (2)$2,750 (incl. GST)

• Acknowledgement as Sponsor of the Lunch on selected day.

• Logo and listing in all event literature. Your organisation name and logo on the Congress Website, Promotions, Congress Program and Abstracts Booklet and Congress Banners.

• Opportunity to display corporate signage (supplied by Sponsor) during the Lunch. Signage to be provided by the Sponsor & produced in a set size and style as advised by Organiser.

• Opportunity to provide branded napkins (supplied by Sponsor)

• Formal acknowledgement by session chairs before sponsored lunch in session rooms.

• Opportunity to include one (1) insert in delegate satchels – Corporate literature, DL, A5 or A4 size (or similar) or promotional merchandise (not including note pads and pens).


• Acknowledgement as Sponsor of the morning and afternoon tea on selected day.

• Logo and listing in all event literature. Your organisation name and logo on the Congress Website, Promotions, Congress Program and Abstracts Booklet and Congress Banners.

• Opportunity to display corporate signage (supplied by Sponsor) during the morning and afternoon tea. Signage to be provided by the Sponsor & produced in a set size and style as advised by Organiser.

• Opportunity to include one (1) insert in delegate satchels – Corporate literature, DL, A5 or A4 size (or similar) or promotional merchandise (not including note pads and pens).


During the refreshment breaks, a coffee car service will be provided.

• Logo and listing in all event literature. Your organisation name and logo on the Congress Website, Promotions, Congress Program and Abstracts Booklet and Congress Banners.

• Acknowledgement as the Coffee Cart sponsor

• Provision of a coffee cart, barista and espresso coffee service during catering breaks within the exhibition area

• The opportunity to brand the bar area

• The opportunity to supply sponsor branded take away cups and napkins

• The opportunity to supply sponsor branded t-shirts for the barista to wear (at the barista’s discretion)

• The opportunity to display/distribute company material/promotional items within the refreshment area during the breaks (provided by the sponsor and approved by the organisers).


This is an opportunity to be the exclusive sponsor of a specially designed kiosk with walk-up and plug-in power stations for delegates to charge their mobile devices. The kiosk will be located within the exhibition area.

• Acknowledgement as the Recharger sponsor

• Logo and listing in all event literature. Your organisation name and logo on the Congress Website, Promotions, Congress Program and Abstracts Booklet and Congress Banners.

• Sponsor branding printed on the kiosk panels

• Opportunity to include one (1) insert in delegate satchels – Corporate literature, DL, A5 or A4 size (or similar) or promotional merchandise (not including note pads and pens).


This room will be used by all speakers at the WGIC 2014 and provides a targeted branding opportunity to reach the most elite delegates.

• Acknowledgement as the Speakers Prep sponsor

• Logo and listing in all event literature. Your organisation name and logo on the Congress Website, Promotions, Congress Program and Abstracts Booklet and Congress Banners.

• Signage in the speaker’s preparation room. Signage to be provided by the Sponsor & produced in a set size and style as advised by Organiser.

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• Acknowledgement as Sponsor of the Site Tour

• Logo and listing in all event literature. Your organisation name and logo on the Congress Website, Promotions, Congress Program and Abstracts Booklet and Congress Banners.

• Logo on Tour Booklet

• Full Congress Registration for one (1) representative to attend the Congress, inclusive of all benefits.

• Four (4) Additional Tickets to the pre-conference site tour

• Opportunity to include one (1) insert in delegate satchels – Corporate literature, DL, A5 or A4 size (or similar) or promotional merchandise (not including note pads and pens).

SATCHEL INSERT $1,100 (incl. GST)

Distributed to every delegate upon registration within the Congress satchel. The opportunity to include one (1) insert in delegate satchels – Corporate literature, DL, A5 or A4 size (or similar) or promotional merchandise (not including note pads and pens).

OTHER IDEAS?Customised sponsorship or provision of smaller Congress items will provide your organisation with the opportunity to add a ‘personal touch’. If you have any additional promotional or sponsorship ideas, please contact the congress organisers office to discuss your application for sponsorship – 03 9681 6288 or [email protected]

WGIC 2014 EXHIBITIONExhibition opening timesWednesday 8 October 2014 | Exhibitor set up

Wednesday 8 October 2014 | 6.00pm – 9.00pm

Wednesday Evening Opening CeremonyThursday 9 October 2014 | 8.00am – 5.30pm

Friday 10 October 2014 | 8.00am – 5.30pm

*Please note that opening and closing times are subject to change based on the final academic program*

The exhibition area has been designed to ensure good visibility and easy access to all booths. All refreshment and lunch breaks will be held exclusively in the exhibition, which will maximise your exposure time with delegates.

Stand InclusionsSignage | 1 company name in standard colour per stand

Lighting | 2 x 150 watt spotlights

Power | 1 x 4 amp power outlet (additional requirements may be ordered)

PLEASE NOTE: Additional equipment such as furniture, audio visual, modem lines and telephone lines are available for hire. Details of suppliers will be forwarded to exhibitors at a later date.

• Two (2) exhibitor representative passes

• One Conference satchel (one per stand)

• Company name listed on the Congress website with link to company website

• Company name / profile included in the Congress Program Booklet as an exhibitor

• Daily conference catering for two (2) representatives (includes Morning and Afternoon Teas and Lunch)

• Two (2) tickets to the Welcome Reception

• Pre and Post conference delegate list - provided two weeks prior and two weeks post Conference PDF format: including name, organisation and state (subject to privacy legislation)

CostStandard Shell Scheme Stand | (3m x 2m) $2,800 (inc. GST)

Premium Shell Scheme Stand | (3m x 3m) $3,400 (inc. GST)

Additional Exhibitor PassesIf you have more than two company representatives who wish to attend the Trade Exhibition only, additional passes can be purchased from the Organisers for $350 for two days (inc. GST) per person. Inclusive of:

• One (1) exhibitor representative pass

• Morning and Afternoon Teas for one (1) representative

• Catered Lunch for one (1) representative

Satchel Insert Offer$500 (incl. GST)

In addition to your stand booking you are welcome to include one (1) satchel insert in the delegate satchels for the discounted price of $500. This can be corporate literature, DL, A5 or A4 size (or similar) or promotional merchandise (not including note pads and pens) and will be distributed to every delegate upon registration within the Congress satchel.

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WGIC 2014 SPONSORSHIPReturn via fax: +61 3 9681 6653 | Or email: [email protected]

Company Name:

Address: Suburb/City:

State/Territory/Region: Postcode: Country:

Contact Name: Position Held:

Tel: Fax:



We seek to confirm our interest in: (please tick to indicate choice)

For packages that include Morning & Afternoon Tea Breaks and Lunch, please select your preferred day:

o  Thursday o  Friday

WGIC 2014 EXHIBITIONI/We would like to select the following EXHIBITION Display/s:

o  Premium 3m x 3m $3,400 o  Standard Stand 3m x 2m $2,800 o  Exhibitor Satchel Insert $500

*please note the above costs include GST of 10%

Please advise your site preference number

1st preference: 2nd preference: 3rd preference:

Total Stand Size m x m = sqm

Investment Total: AUD$ (excl. GST)

Sponsor’s Signature Date

A 50% deposit is required to secure your investment package Please make cheques payable to ‘Green Roofs Australasia Ltd’. If you wish to pay via EFT please contact the Congress Organisers for details.

To confirm your participation please fax the completed form to +61 3 9681 6653 or email [email protected] at your earliest convenience and then forward with your deposit to the Congress Organisers:

World Green Infrastructure Congress (WGIC) 2014C/- International Conferences and Events (ICE) Aust. P/L1/12 Gladstone Place, South Melbourne VIC 3205, AustraliaTel: +613 9681 6288 | Fax: +61 3 9681 6653 Email: [email protected]

o  Partner Primary Sponsor $25,000

o  Global Green Sponsor $15,000

o  Urban Green Sponsor $12,000

o  Environment Sponsor $10,000

o  Green Sponsor $6,000

o  Congress Dinner Sponsor $5,500

o  Welcome Reception Sponsor $4,500

o  Closing Drinks Sponsor $3,500

o  Lunch Sponsor $2,750

o  Morning & Afternoon Tea Sponsor $2,750

o  Coffee Cart Sponsor $3,500

o  Recharger Sponsor $5,500

o  Speakers Preparation Room Sponsor $3,000

o  Pre-Conference Green Sites CBD Tour Sponsor $3,000

o  Satchel Insert $1,100

*please note that the above costs include GST of 10%

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TERMS & CONDITIONS1. By returning this signed Sponsorship Agreement (“Agreement”), you agree to be a non-exclusive Sponsor or

Exhibitor of the World Green Infrastructure Congress (WGIC) 2014 organised by GRA and WGIN and held at the Australasian Technology Park from 7 – 10 October 2014 on the following terms and conditions set out below and as attached to this Agreement.

2. Upon receipt of your signed agreement together with a cheque for the deposit, acknowledgment of receipt will be sent in writing with a Tax Invoice.

3. You agree to pay the World Green Infrastructure Congress (WGIC) 2014 the full amount payable; and

4. Sponsorship entitlements will not commence until the 50% deposit has been paid in full. Full payment is required 30 days from date of invoice unless dated after Friday 5 September 2014 where by payment will be required immediately.

5. Monies paid are non-refundable.

6. Please note that your requested category of sponsorship may have a limit to the number of sponsors as specified in the attached documentation and preference will be determined in order of receipt of the signed Agreement and deposit cheque. The Congress Organisers will notify you if you are unable to participate in your requested category.

7. Sponsors and exhibitors contracted 4 weeks prior to the Conference start date will be charged a 15% surcharge.

8. Sponsors are not permitted to enter the Congress sessions or social events, unless the relevant tickets are offered as part of the particular sponsorship package. However, should Sponsors wish to attend the Congress as a delegate, the appropriate registration form must be completed and forwarded to the Congress Organisers together with the applicable registration fee.

9. The Congress Organisers may at their discretion use your logo, symbol, trade mark or registered mark in acknowledging your sponsorship in the Congress literature where this is offered as part of your particular sponsorship package and no payment shall be made to you for such use. You will be responsible for forwarding your logo, symbol, trade mark or registered mark by the deadline. We request that all logos be supplied in an eps. format, high resolution 300 dpi. Should an alternative format be received, the Congress organisers cannot be held responsible for the quality of the logo displayed in any of the promotional material.

10. In return for a hyper link from your company logo on the WGIC 2014 website, you are required to provide a reciprocal link from your website to the WGIC 2014 website.

11. The WGIC 2014 Organising Committee must approve the size and content of all satchel inserts.

12. Nothing contained in this agreement will be deemed to constitute a partnership, joint venture or agency relationship between you, GRA, WGIN and/or the Congress Organisers and you must not do anything where you will, in any way, be represented that you are a partner of the GRA, WGIN and/or the Congress Organisers.

13. The details in this document are correct at the time of printing. ICE Australia P/L and the WGIC 2014 Organising Committee Ltd do not accept responsibility for any changes that may occur.

Thank you for supporting the World Green Infrastructure Congress (WGIC) 2014.