psycho-babble cheat sheet

Psycho-Babble Cheat Sheet: The Revised Beta Examination "yields an overall estimate of ability which can be expressed either as an IQ or as a percentile. The Revised Beta Examination consists of six separate tests that measure different aspects of nonverbal ability. The problem types addressed in the six tests are, respectively, (1) mazes, (2) coding, (3) paper form boards, (4) picture completion, (5) clerical checking, and (6) picture absurdities. Raw scores on each of the six tests are converted into scaled scores through the use of a table provided in the Revised Beta Examination Manual. The are then summed and converted to an IQ or a percentile through the use of tables provided in the Revised Beta Examination Manual. The sum of scaled scores is converted to an IQ equivalent by age group, of which seven are included in the applicable table in the Revised Beta Examination Manual. The conversion procedure for percentile equivalents is identical, and a separate table for this purpose is provided in the Revised Beta Examination Manual. The Bender Gestalt Test is an individually administered pencil and paper test: nine geometric figures are drawn in black. These figures are presented to the examinee one at a time; then, the examinee is asked to copy the figure on a blank sheet of paper. Examinees are allowed to erase, but cannot use any mechanical aids (such as rulers). The test is completed in five to ten minutes. An Individual is asked simply to draw a person, then, on a separate sheet, to draw a person of opposite sex to the first, then finally to indicate the age, educational level, occupation, fears, and ambitions of each person drawn. The drawings are interpreted in terms of feature placement (size, body details, positioning, clothing, and so on), the assumptions being that people tend to project acceptable impulses on to the same-sex figure and unacceptable impulses on to the opposite-sex figure, and that various features have special significance: large eyelashes indicate hysteria; prominent eyes or ears indicate suspiciousness; large figures suggest acting out; small figures, lack of facial features, or dejected facial expressions indicate depression; lack of body periphery details indicate suicidal tendencies; dark shading indicates aggressive impulses; lack of

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Typical tests conducted during psych evaluation in re nullity of marriage by reason of psych incapacity. May be useful for practice court purposes.


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Psycho-Babble Cheat Sheet:

The Revised Beta Examination "yields an overall estimate of ability which can be expressed either as an IQ or as a percentile. The Revised Beta Examination consists of six separate tests that measure different aspects of nonverbal ability. The problem types addressed in the six tests are, respectively, (1) mazes, (2) coding, (3) paper form boards, (4) picture completion, (5) clerical checking, and (6) picture absurdities.

Raw scores on each of the six tests are converted into scaled scores through the use of a table provided in the Revised Beta Examination Manual. The are then summed and converted to an IQ or a percentile through the use of tables provided in the Revised Beta Examination Manual. The sum of scaled scores is converted to an IQ equivalent by age group, of which seven are included in the applicable table in the Revised Beta Examination Manual. The conversion procedure for percentile equivalents is identical, and a separate table for this purpose is provided in the Revised Beta Examination Manual.

The Bender Gestalt Test is an individually administered pencil and paper test: nine geometric figures are drawn in black. These figures are presented to the examinee one at a time; then, the examinee is asked to copy the figure on a blank sheet of paper. Examinees are allowed to erase, but cannot use any mechanical aids (such as rulers). The test is completed in five to ten minutes.

An Individual is asked simply to draw a person, then, on a separate sheet, to draw a person of opposite sex to the first, then finally to indicate the age, educational level, occupation, fears, and ambitions of each person drawn. The drawings are interpreted in terms of feature placement (size, body details, positioning, clothing, and so on), the assumptions being that people tend to project acceptable impulses on to the same-sex figure and unacceptable impulses on to the opposite-sex figure, and that various features have special significance: large eyelashes indicate hysteria; prominent eyes or ears indicate suspiciousness; large figures suggest acting out; small figures, lack of facial features, or dejected facial expressions indicate depression; lack of body periphery details indicate suicidal tendencies; dark shading indicates aggressive impulses; lack of physical details suggests psychosis or brain damage; and so on.

The Rorschach Inkblot Test is a projective psychological test consisting of 10 inkblots printed on cards (five in black and white, five in color), shown one by one to an individual, and the latter is asked his/her impressions on what it looks like. After the test subject has seen and responded to all of the inkblots (free association phase), the tester then presents them again one at a time in a set sequence for the subject to study: the subject is asked to note where he sees what he originally saw and what makes it look like that (inquiry phase). The subject is asked to hold the cards and may rotate them. Whether the cards are rotated, and other related factors such as whether permission to rotate them is asked, may expose personality traits and normally contributes to the assessment.

The Sacks Sentence Completion Test (SSCT) is a 60-item test that asks respondents to complete 60

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questions with the first thing that comes to mind across four areas: Family, Sex, Interpersonal, Relationships and Self concept.

The hand test it's a personality projective test. It uses ten plates, nine of which represent a hand in different positions: the plates are shown one by one, successively, and the subject is asked to express his interpretation on the activity of the hand shown there. Confronted with the tenth plate, which is white, the subject, instead, must imagine a hand and tell what it is doing; The answers are recorded together with the time of reaction and any other meaningful behaviour, then the score is computed and the interpretation is made, according to the prescribed procedures.

This test is composed of 567 true or false questions. The answers are assessed on the basis of ten clinical scales and four validity scales, for the purpose of determining a person's personality structure and psychopathology. The validity scales are used to measure a person's propensity to exaggerate or deny, and the general truthfulness of the subject's responses.