puget sound weeklyargus. · ute ftillation i eth toil as ~)~no '''ui t:toii. ite...

Weekly Argus. Puget Sound __ VOL. 8: PORT TOW SEl\'D W. T .• THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1878. NO, 28. i:;'- PUG ET SOUND ARGUS &trill, tlf 1111111 11M: \JlsMllUhy ,1l11ll be re. dill'! offiQ':n as IDay be de.1lgnatfd Ihureln. [Oolltlnuedq , ami f(jlUlllze the nlnJ,llon otfttll =====;=='-======= t1)01'at. for knlces kl be preformed by them 1"t!'- (Part 01 ANT. 1 1 _oJ periOn" property smOlIk the _"'111' I'; rcal.LIIIIUI ."UT 1'II .... "DA1' AT. .:c. 1. r.vt'ry bill pUled b)' the wgl... lIt!'C lh 't!1$1 and wlwofllll"rie Ire pro,ld. yrNANCl:.t\1 ooUlult!'!l. AI!IO. III t'Ach (Qulltr • boNd Sfllrt! IIhal1, !Jt(\11"O It 1le\'OIIiU .. law. ,Le ed, the ,h.UIle I_,,,ble onl, out or SEo. 9. Nellhcr Lbe nOl any of eqllallutlon, 01 lho ror1 TO"lllud. "'phl_gtolt Territor,. , .... l'l II lIected I ht" " ,.' 11ft. •. 1elll.t.1.1 fO the lib .Pllroval flO::: eef allCua r t.'O II caM> w re (lOunty, cit" (Q1I¥1I110r ......... hail (QUnly ronllnlwlouen. _bole dul'lt ....... 11 ALL:J. N 'V Yo. 1"11:. II hI' apl,ron". he 811111 IKIIII; but. Ir nOf. rtlCl are Jll'ftCrillld. All rLti ptTqUliltl.'S lelld or pledp the crtdJr or lalth, lhereor. be to a(ijllH .nd equaU. Ute ftillation I ETH TOil AS '''UI t:TO II. Ite rellll'li tht! ,"me. whh hll ubJec- allli emolururllts. abo"1 Ihe .1II01l1lt Orj,llrecllyor Indirectly. In aId or allY pcr'lrtal .1K! pef'lC'lfl.1 proj>frty ..lthln T..._ .""'............ -N.DO _._. linll!., to Iht! III "'hkh It orllfh,altd Iloch 1l1arlef" .ball be paid (1110 the Ulllnl! 1011. COltIlll'ny or oorpor.\lIon. ror an)" 8pectlve COllntles. Eaeb board tbsU In ath'.II('O; ,Ill mnllllJ UO. "..!lleh hlllll'lIler the objt. ... 'tkm at l.rgo . .rllount ur ror linT PtlrlMlle whar.e'-er. or perlo"n Auel, other 1I1iU. Alma, be pl1'- -- IIIPOII Iv jOllflll i aull proceed to m:Gllik!· Bre. 8. No partOn .han be e'lKlble to broome rapotll>ible ror allY debt. conll'a\-t lCribcd bY'."·j proyld«l., tbat the 1.1'111_ . KATKK 0" AUVERTIIUNG: If'r It. I'llCh twO- allYI'OWlly he nIl be a qual· ed In priyate IDtcrettl, either III or 011' of (lire 1II1'IllftCrlbe rUM by wh5cb tUI:" Onf"llIch, ftffl lneertlnll, ...•.. , 01 lhl;! tllt.'Cled to tllAl Uled elt'ctor, alill b:a"e mklalln Uw mull· tbe flJ,llallutiou Ib.lll he t.'OIllroll«l.•nd ma }:"ch ..... •• , .• ..iO 'hollld IIJtlYtl to pM.lho bill, It Iball troll.".r nut pltUdln« hl.t' .....Jou. ea· St:e. 10, 'MIIlILne IIl1aU neftr t"l"Illlraft or amend UIO Nme "hen tbtJ. ntlvertlaemcll15 10 III 00 Will, Itlloll,tht'r "'fth to uepl u other_. ptnItlt'lJ In Ibil GOUtI· Illly hI tbe ell. aDd deelllit IIlM:rlltlll JllIliU be IMXlInpalllC(1 by lhe other hlluae. 1J, whIch It 1I111t11 illIG be luUon,· Wlln"., hert'lnlnerdl.!tCrlbN, 5,.0. ID, The4t1&le IIh:dl nnt _me tho WAn IIl,I¥ .J!J llnll, ,Ir "1'Pro"L'\l ")' tWl\- 5 .. .0. O. [11 CMe or A "tAlley ocrorrlng l:'!t;c. 11. lor the pllrpolf' of dclrayllllt (Jeb£. or .ny pUt. or any ., " 1111nl· VI the IUelUburti t:ll'ClelI to lilt! houie. In the OUlllll ot thu WfrtlUiryor IItlte, n:rr,lordhlar)' expl nlllhirel, the State inti)' munlclpl'1 oorpo"lIou, or J)ertOlI. UU!ef.8 0.. Til!, ST1T£ 01' II ,hIlJlIJc"VIllt:" hlw. IUIIII .ut:h I'lUel9, Me or sl.lVt'rlUkl/lllollt or Pllb- will nut debtJi whlen. In the alEltrew: a1e , .uch lIebt 11__ 11 h... been D,)ntl'll.C1ef1 to n'. volA' of em.:h 1.0I.1Id 'hall bu lie In_nklilofl. UMt Oo"el'1l1)r .hlll .111 tho .hall nor, tllr ftneell Yf!:ll"f, llet Invu.kln. '"PprtH IlIIlIrrectloli or 10 [f)Ultlllllt'tl.l by A.I't'iJ llUllliorf. 10 IJc enteral 011 their 'lime by allpolntmen_i Ilild the 1Jf!l'IOn .p" an)' IhOUefUlI1 doll:l":; "nd 'Mil lI11ver n- tho .ttltfl In the: dl-eba"P ot ID}' A lITICI.r. VII, JOllrlll\1. Ir lilly bill uot 1M>lutee!..llIIlI hold '1lCh oml,'U ror tbo n!- ueft.I 'Olle 11Ilndr'l'd Illoilililud 1I01l"N. };V't!ry (Xlrtloll 01 Intlt·blt'tlhe.s. l:X tX'UTIV}>;. be n:tlltllld Ill' Ill", Gowrutlr wllhln fh'e 1Il1i1llder vr Ihe term; Mild In C:l8e IIr. "A, 1I11ch debt .h.11 bu .ltlhorlK'd by Ia.., ror 20, The lel(lll.lltunl mlly borrow ,, , . \l:l.Js (Suud;I}' lIihnll have c\noy III eltlJcr 01 the oounl1, pn:dnct, liltlme IllIrl'O'C or 11Ilrl)(MOl to be IUVlle)'. or dcbtl, 1o "pel 111....1011 foiYl,"I10N I, llle 8UprtHlO Exl'Ctul\c bwll to !lILli, thu IIIIl1le ,h.ll 00· muuh:llllll or ",'f1ool olllcet Iht! l'ame therelll' .nd n'tlrJ law Ilhall pro\'lde ,uppreiIJ or ddllild the!' .n tl I'o\\,cr or !I10 SIIIle 1'111l11 he "C!'tfll III 11 l'l,ll1le I IIl\\·.. Ihe Il'KIJhI:lll1'. by ItA be tlUetlln 1l1M:h .. mal be pft'- r..r 10\';1111 111 1\111111:11 lax iluffidellt to I"y III tllllO nr wIlr; b1:t thl' money thUI rot"td GO\'Crll()f. who .11:111 Ill'lld Illl1oflk't' rur "ulr 1l1UOllrillIWIlr, II""n'llt III relurn. III which i1Crlbcd by I.w, tlltllt1l1lllal Interest 01 !ludl dcht. II.nd the 'hall be IIppllell ezclu\l1'e l , to the object Jenr' •• ull '11'11 1101 be ,'Ilglbleto tlM: 0111":'1 l'l8C! It ,llIIll be IIIl'd, ",1111 ol'j\'CllollL III .IIlTICU: x. prlnl'lllAl within teu yun rrom Ihe paYajlf! ror whlth 10M "as IUlllorlZllll, or to 1110 nest lerm. til\.' OrnL'C or 111tl!;t'cn:lllry or 51111(.', wl(111t1 on' leERS, OlllldllAW; and Il'ectnll)' approprlnw the ft'lllIym,entorthe (kbt therelly Sr.c,:I. Xl'l Ilel10tl ,han he ellR:It;le 10 1(.'11 \laYllIncr Kuch UdJOllfllUUlut, or elk J the pfOlJf"elh or ,"ch tnsa 10 pA}'lUent Sro,21. l'he 1lJ\t.t 'hall ne' .... r COlllrl\-'C hIll olllLll orOo\'t'rllor unl"" he bwollle. al.:&w. S... .etrloS'L }.'It'rr pcrllOn Iio din,; tiny ol'lIcll Ilrluclll3l.nd Intl're8f' alld.neh ...... any tlebt Jor work Or lulenlal .. I ' " , "I . otnoo Ulldcr t11ll Stllre. or allllOlIlIldpulilY '''--- meu' or l.lt! a po I I , 11IIlMl Ull It'll .,f•• t, .... llt It 1.'1 /I1\e:1I Olwpnlnr ml\Y 11.- Ill0ptl"Uon ,h"llllot be repealt'd lIor Che" ry 0 carry III on 1I e , '" I , . thertllu, .!MIII. llllld.l relllo"ed 1It.'Cllnllllg "'file Bm ""he It'! .. of I U:llllt't "Je 01 II rty }eRr#.. IUK UtS rOtlllllllou III "rillllg lrOW tile omcers of I d r 1 oitk tU,l't po8tlKlnetl or dhulnbhed ulltll tho' , ver Irtll aodIur lwell (or Illn.'e )'1"1"''1 Ilell Ill'ft.'t'dlug 1118 tho Idmllil-Inllh'e m llltltr 1 deJ)llrt- to 1:1\\'. exerc Ie IIIId 0 'e Ilrlllcll'lil Illtlliltt'rett or lucll'detK thlJI Olber property.ball blY. been II'*Ifo Ittlhe I 1 - ,., "SI until hl! IUt."l);!Hl(Ir b Jllly qUlIUlI .. -u, but .tate lor po"lcullu wort 01 I to I till III IIIIIIt., tallt u t III lue. n»elll' nrrhe St"Ii' 111.1011 Any .,.hJa:;f N- h/l"", lAen ..holly pdd ' II ma 1m. . .. .' I ,hallllot llilply 10 oj thft!tog- ' provemt'nt, Che.blle may til ..... on I't th.c. J. II\(' OO\,('Mloulull! beelt',:ll'\! btU l lJt 10 the 111l1le- u( chf'lr rtllltdlve on - 1I0r tn membC!rI or auy Loud or SEC. a. No oolllll,y. cltr, toWII orlChool lnIru. and 'ball I - 11)1: tllllllltlecll.'It!l.10rl oIl/ill ,SlaR, fit 1I.eo "'hlell hllnrm:uloll ohl\\I lltt reqnln-tl. t"o or I ION 01 wbom.N elt.'\:t 11I_alt.'t 'hall ('(llllrlLL:t .Ul' ddK UIlJoili be Pf\- I I , I' , ' I '" "" I a. .... or.ut, ..hlralll ... OOIMI ........'wIo' 1't"1li'r:\ c e,1 011 Ilf'xt prt'(W't "I I Ie f'X· Ill' Illll) " re lllllfllllH on II w t- ro at the ,,"tine thl" TIlt' I..-illalure Ilal IhorlZl't1 and IIl11ltl'tl b)' law' Illd no lenp, , ••. I I f I '1'1.. ' I If> I r: II ..... I 'I 141 rt\'fnoo tlerlred IfOnI MiI ..h ...,rb III II nil 011 0 all t.nt.'lIt'" term. ,It! rt It 'til} 11111'. lint r OllIl. roll! b)' law providtllorlillipendlllc.uT otlk:n C1erflftoole. orotberevldeoceoroobt .. hili_ aid or their completion Illd Ir. luru-I)(e"t"r}' t'll'dlo.. lOr (hwerllnr _!1M !I o6k"r." llIil 1I11t1l1ltt:1'1 or III hLt runction!. llemllng Ill)' pnxfttllnt. eYtlr .haU be br them. Ul'el't III Sw. :l'J. KA nJCHlej'1lha1l be-':WR rmm .tld tnlll IUIIW 10 11K' 8l1'",," Tla- Hon-ruor .111111. at the oomtlltmOl'. the errL'\:t 01 "'·hk:h. II t.'UII"k'kd, would be wllh the ohndl Jaw. tteA.-ury rllr the belledt of allY chnrdl 10 lbe .pelttl'r f.r Ihe IIM'nt 01 elldl .utl lrom t1mf' 10 rtrnll\.'lllrom oCftat 8"10. 13 No elll or town Ihall oo'll...ct 0 1 ' IOCltt11 or rell,lout or lbeo- J. ,' , , ". - OX UtI" Itlllinary. or IwperK'lllat 'So " Ifl 1.'111. 1m· I\UlC, b;r 1IIf"""',!r"'. !th-e 10 tht' k',KI.llllum Stx::. 2. No Ilt'niOIIAhll.U haiti .ny oftlL'tI by 10.111111 auy lorIO, Ut1lpt br IIpoll thif O'K"UIEllioll or lhe IlIr(l"II"lloll fir l'fllldilioll fir lhe 81"1lt'. or eUtp'OYlIleul of UIIA or prufltuutler Ihu 111"11' 0' all ordln.uoe-·whk'f1 ball be Ir- - anti bcrunl 10 o,lM:r IIltl ta'OlIIntt'lltl ..nch I\ll'a um II he l:tlft or Ih6l(ale. or all)' onUnll1Cll or IllY "'l..... l:ab&e 1111111 Ihe hMkabtetlnHl Ihtrelu CUIlID. optll Illd Illlbllih lhe ,""me. III t.ICt'lIl uI'l'flkul. lie .twlil ,110 ""IHI 1U1U11l'i,,,,U1" lheft'ln wlUlQlI1 tluoUn .. hi. Ilm"hled ror h.n hare been rulll 'MIld or " 'botl' L_ ,_, of I An nil! 1.IINd fftlnI *Itt .... JIrK- the I'reftllUC ot a ma.l'lr 11 0 I 10 tiM le.IaLllun-. lit Inc .... ,.. ulllg file I IlI'to«lll.1 aUeution tv the llutlet or Ult dltcharxed _ Ihe JlllrpoH:S to IK'f!, hal"lIlj( Ilad rolAa!d In 1111 ""Dda by •• ortbl' 1t'gIJIAIUro. .'1Ift Ih.ll. rOr IhatlJllr- IIi"I!Ilou. a or Ill! 1II01lf'Y.I or Ihel'IUlIt:. which thelum" tfl be thall be ap- JIOM'. I f1lb1lt III Itl4l hou't' or 11"1 1 1'eW11. SIl\le, eXIJC.IIII-d II)' him or ulM"'r hilt til· XO ..-wI hert_ner (:011.,1««1 piled. II III Ilro,ldlnlP toJr the levy or a tllS IWIlHlot cure ol Uftolunilltion. 'CIObIIIa, ...... , "" h' I '" , ' I " , "-'-' l&rTb. Allhln.. anll aU Throat amI La,.. ai' lat "'.... le pel'ilOlI I III Ig lISt floCl Oll; IUH. At I It! "IUlle t lilt, uf emlJl>zzltlllll'lIt Or Iltlbllc mOlleY. wit -um twel,e Illlll, OIlMch 0014 1Mt1on.. alan a politi,. ud nI!lSoU etn'I'I loT Iltlllllltr (lrvote: ror pld oIIb ti .. 1! be tit.. atlllclI", or 111111111111. or the II.mOllnl' be elltlllie t;o lay "Or UUIt or prollt Itr or usable- 1'fO'''lr'ty "'thin cII""I'-'lly"ln1«1. Bllt Ir two or nw", or 1II001")'S n'tlu11\-11 fo hi! '11M.! by In. In tllli.tllt', UlIl('M to Ihe rl.1I1I IIr elt!- filCh dty or town-.l1mclent to pa., the lin. eunllYil PO"" tn tfllm.rllft or II, , I II h' I I I ,. II '" - \JUly tfl .-.at. I' II1l0WI\ to 1'11.1 ""Item. j,'t\'i!.1I1'q1t1l. attl III" g.elt ""Uller 0 lIu.lU lor It otaltt Ullt'liu 111"-'1, :r:t'ruhlll b, II I""MIII rrom Ollverllor, 1l1lt\llntel'Cl8&, .nd est!lIgul,h tbe rellowL Thfll'eCltlpuwlll he .... lIt rn"tlolebalw_ rl,r t11 Nn\& Oml..'t'. olle or 1I11l1lllhll1l AltTlCLv. I:t:, St.c, 4. f:rety cl"ll omcur Nu,U, bcCore 01 IIllCh tlt!!.tt within Ilrtoeu ye.,.., bu\ not Immt'tU.":ljt be chO!!en Ill\'rtttl Ihe Aoill IS l'UATIV Po. IIll elltt.'1'1 UPOll the duUIl8 or his ofUce. t.ke Itllthan lell reart, hom the t,'felttloo IIIef't- lrilh It&tnpnaralnr rbl'plper, 11fIf* on jolut bnlloL and thlill be tlecl"retl... .1 'I" "I " I" all tllllll or lIttlrl\il\tlOll 1(1 ,uplJOrl the tlO(I4 01; Iud luch tu, ,,·hen ,1..11 be Dr. M. F';. &11.. tI I Ie:\tll OovenlO Co lte..1 I el ftF.cTIOS,. 'f're, 'I ,,,. C1OfIC1I. u). ... ............. 111 e !C, r. I t't 000 Illl.qllllllnt'd l!ll'CtOf'lll. of till' SIll If'. a &.-c. "ltulloll of the vult«! allli of the appllet.l onll to dlO purlXMlllln "uch ordl- MLn.. .. 111'1UI ror GO\l!nIOf .h..n be ',' :, ,. , llito or .. tnd W rallhrulll per- IIllllt.'t' apl"elftt'IJ. utlt!1 ttlt! In,kbtatn_ be ...... Il)' Iht>o IWo Illlwtl of lh' w,lIlallln! 011 relnryol SIUI. 4 ::;ttI1t: J lIn:r. alltl U r: ... t I .L_" ,., -' , $111lt'rlull.'lItleut CIt rubllc In IMI\'1I1111 whu orlll t,,'lI l III M 01 UN olnre upon which fIHlt or tellltr........ BlIt no iuch debt .han New Go 0 ds join' h:'lllot. III IIK'h M.nner u .h.1I be , II I kJ , I '.')1 'I ' hI' .h,,11 be to eliler bll c,.,.altd ullleulhe qllC8tloll of III",rrllll -'ritled by Ill'" llI. lO Ie r VI l'Cllur t Ie hlffn 01 rOllr J't'llnl. 'fher Ill/Ill t1nrl If tlltilr It'llIl& or SKC,5. State oithrrA, JIKlj(U of tbe Ill· tho 141116 .halt, .t a waullr III.:Uou rtlr .•. 'l·htGnyernor,h.Ubeoorllmoll- onlCt:. I"lliIhltt lit Ille or (Ot't"rUOIl'l1t. lJrelllualld I,IIrt:ult t,'OUrti, .nd cln1,lc lit.- COUUClllnfll, .kSenlitn or oftIcI,.. 01 Ik'r.lll.ehl"roror iliff lUiIllAry Illd 1111\'111 wlMlre .111111 bo blJt tile 11lIbllll n.'t'Ont •• tv ne)·8. ,lullI die their o:ubt or nnlrma_ chr ur town btl 10 I "Ol4lot Inch tOIU'll or Blale. lie 111111 lIa.e flO"'er II) mOiler&. IJootu aid pIIllC!r& or tlom 01 oftItltllll the otIIart 01 Ihe tet.'1'f!t.ry qllKllfted eltt.1O,:, AS .hall. III the yellr nest COII"f1l1! lhe legll1Jllllrtl VII their oltltlt!!. tll Hn'l')' OIlier ofttL'Cr. Uctpt tile pretedlng. h.ve pnll1l1 propert)' lJls 1I1ere- REO EIVED by I,mellmadon, .tlliing S 2 TI S. I.: I Q I II ont'ool'i 01 allli illhool dlJo. Ill; MilK majorllyor those "OUIIJ' on the pilrpol1e1lor ,,111... h It Iii i1.!'('mblf'fl. Bill Ilel ;/1 1 't'e,' trlct oUkeN. shall tile hls Oll.tb tlr que,lIon, by blIT1ottl1'poIlultlln Atel'lrale AJ 4 AROE STOCK OF .t Ituch Il!l!IIOII, no IllIilll Ithall be a Uo ',"""" ",", ,',}(' - CU,", I 11011 or otIl00 III the ol1leu or eouuty IJos. ,hllll \,ote III favor 01 creal111$r I I I L. '" " Illll'ltlClt)(CIIIlL1ll0I"lOI".Xl,'UYtlll'l1_ Irkrll I I,. I"h GROCER 'e1f'( 01 ll'r t lall I""t llIllleC 1\ Y IliinlOl II rtlllenlllli Ihe SlnlO' lind .111\11 whell l: e 0 MlllOtlll 1WIt;.'re It Ie 'Ill IIVl' llcbt'i but the Ig't'l"IC llte amount ot dt:bt 10 IES 1I'ttrrol.lall1l1t1oll;lntllu.l.'IUeollllya.8lon pn , 'Ia I " II' al)polutal. rflIu rt!f, }" t Ie Hill.... Ut II 1lI11tlel'tl , Itr Intllfff'Ctloll. or dllnltCr rrum tile pre· l'\!IKtt"J btororo 1::1'hfr bnlllt:h III ellfl 800, D. F.very pel'1On allpolntetl to till the tilDe 01 "Mlh .hllU not•• t.ll)" -.ll'lU- "alell08 Or1'OIlUllfloll' dtecue lit the .I('"t teglslll(UR', IIc ,hlllllJt, by ,Inlhl or hi" a VltL1lIlCy. III Ill)' eltJeUvt! olna!, .hlll IImc. ul)'(,d thnlfl Ilt'r uell&, or the lilt It ([(I",MllMllt. he m.y ron''fMI, at .111 oftl\ll!, ,1M.!lIor orptlllllo 1et.:aIlUtl. "'ltllIllIllI Itolll ror the rennlll<lllr or the unexpired nhlAlion or propercy upon which Mit! PROVI,SIONS' 1"le pilat In the Rlllre. Iff! Ihllll lrulli. Ifrronll other dllll" ... 'hAil be N4 teml, tluleu. geueral election Ihallinter.. tas wu paid. _et: all ntt.ft'l"ry uulluf"II-{-!vll and 11111- by lItw, V .,eul'i In which C&.'Ie bb .uC(l.'Q()r Ihull be SEC. 14, Nollllug cnnlalnetlln Ihl.! artl· harr, ITl't1111l upedlte IU ,,"dl meflv- ell!ded IIntl .hall holll rur Ihe rt:DlllhKkr ck! Ihall Imilltir or &I.k.I to tbe flblla.- anlan _!eM Ilret4••tuIU be re50lm upr'ln by Ihe Il'g. St:C. 3. The VOI\'f'.TW 1111(1 t111tlel of 01 lhe term. tlou vi .IIJ Ikbt hllft'lolore ('Olllractttl b)' ltllullre. _IHI ,hall .. thul the tawl Ire Treuurn 111111 SUVl'rlulellaJclltvl public Ill· Nil p'I"IOR who .ball hertAncr "gilt tho 'ferritory of WIl.-hlitgtOIl, or by Imy The Lowe.t ••teato, C..h. "hhl'lIl1y uttllled, tnlL1tnu ,111111 lit- b)·llIw. nlll .1Iu"I, or a"t III llliCl NnW) a'il feeO"t). COUllt,. clcy. I(IWII or H:hoollilltrklt with- 800 t. 'the OO\'eruer .h"n hoyt pol\'4 'lIpcrllll,elllkllt,.,','o .. , "lkllu o lnll ..t1,."I." ,I""U .:Ir lelld, "OJepf, or Imowlugl,. cam ad'al. Iu Ihe State. In .''COldllllt, .... \th law, ElSENHU. be. b,· \' rille 0 II l..... 'C:lte u"rhtn, ,. , ' 'S ' 10 Knllt reprfeftt, comnlutallon, /In<1 par S'.& S I II hoM he \ilk r 1II:1Ig'f' t lUe.or. or 1lIrtt!! til «0 Ollt 01 the rc. I", Tlltl freuurrr ,haU keep IIL,II, Intr UHI1'k,:t.lon. lor all Oltltlillirl ex. Il:C. I) III ,I f 0) alalO to 4J[ht. Ihlt:l, ihal huhJ :l.u1 omt!: a "'fl ...... ICl'\.'OtUII or each rund III bill .sall: In:MJtlrer .tlr tlt'j) 1Ut'UlM ft' telnu,. , h' PRO.......... ""pi treaton, UpOIl &lIt:h OOtllhklll!'••1ll1 S.:c. tt. In "M,il L'Olllll)' theN "Mil btl II bUe oftkc IIIIMJ,;" and "hnlt. a&. 11M" .ntl of qUA,... .kat ....... """rk&Jou. lind 1I0111.. lIl'Iu..... ted r. I lW. u .... nctll)1 U. 00"· lIJr 01 lhe OIC:l.I }'t'lIr. rClllOl't 10 tbe I.ore... , .... , he pro1'I\I81 by I.w, Urlon COII"lc. eleo: ur t Of tt O Ullt'O enlor alld jOOJC6 of the .llp""n:&e 100 cl", unr In wrltlll«, IIntk"r 0:&111, tilt" amolllllor Pioneer Bakery, Nell or.n1 penon lor IrftMln. he ,11.'111 L'OUllt1 mlt'",f'I. It' 10 )lerrorm l.'llt OOUI'W, hl\U n(l( be ImpKdartJ; bllt aU mOlte)·.lnlll. hall:1I 10 Ihe t'Tt'dlt or , Ul.'IllIutM;ll aJ n"" pl"tkr un! II}' I .... I I.... ••• PORT TO II.,. PO"" to thlt UMltkln 01 , 'w" '" ' t,'Orrupi on. IDI ceU\lr, n"!!:a.... I ... Of' Andl fund. autllhe place .. here the _'_'_'__ .1lY t",o 01 '" 10111 WI a tlnOMlm rur ., ,oftl L_II be •.. , l tho tell""nce tllllll lhe 'h"l1be rtl.ll"lrl- "'" , '" IlOiI-lt'U&lIOCl n w..... Pro-t'ClHrt.I Millie """ hllllO<I(t:{ IUld Ille ll11nlbtr and " .. " .... oct .. , 0 .... "0 woo ... 11 """'" I he ' DI330LOTIO" or COP"ET"EDOD ttllo tile legl.latlll"ll Mt Ita nl'"t n\l't"lh'K' be declted at the II lro,1tIed a.. . nt 111M mallner .. an!OUlll ur f'n!ry .... rranl .. d. and 1'1 Jl 11 JU) IP ",llt'u thtlltX'.l.luJ1I ,h"l1 INlnlntl, I I I I r III I Oft!!II., .11\1 tlllOn ,*,,,.ctIOIl, nunlllf'r lind _mOtlQl 0( ''1 .... rnlllt )lo'kl _ or t,'ommuf. tbe HnleUL-', 1I1rf'l't It, .. f!.X«'IJ- lor tbe T ·,"" "', "" '''','"l >e, " l!1 'Ia •. lIutll bCllivtll nr t1MlUlut rro.n oItk'f, hi lhf':rt:lrom. dnrlllX thti (1IIIIttl'r. 'I'ho.Oo". SU' ".ulIIN-n, lure. lere' 1."\ It.'IO ., C_1f.'u Mt I III '." ,_. ., ., nOli" or ',rant a rurther TIM! , I I '"- INII to .Ioul ..." 'f'r puniJhllMillt lW efllOr Ihull C'\IIMI e\'er,' tilt'll remr: to be flCE II hl"l"f'by r,lt"t'Il "1011 lhal C ..... flme I II I t.'OllIlly, one t:ounly , lie L_ b ' ·h' ," I , , GO,.trtlor lballl'Ommullleate 10 t1otlil"l(ltJ,,- IIl-1y 1' ....... T1ut.'1 ylll... IDIOIPlII:ll('I)' IMJhll,hel hili olle lie"'. II 0 ., , a.l\. .. , to. ali'I c"'rk, Whll h.1I lJc t'INk fOr 11141 buttnl ur 1Ilf" I'ttrl )11ttJ\'trr lJIII Co.. W 'I' IIJ'l.' Illl'f, IU Cftch foHJlou, e..",ry CRIIe I St:e. 10. pef'lOtl. belllgi member ul p:llll'r Ilrlllll'\1 It fhe '1 "r 'h" ,oy ,1'-""., C .. P II' " ",. .... l'OUllty L'OIUIIlII'IIUllt"HI•• Ilu .... t'x tlutC 0 Co kJ 'I' I I' I '" .-.. .. - . r.. III'It. w: rfptle .... U)mnlul.lloll fOr 1III1'I10n _",lIced n!C1)1\k., or th'tl': .MIl' nne l'flNfler' Illlftjl, or 110 IlIg It cunllulailoll to.ll)· le ./\fUfl' 1:111. lit It, IIlllt 1I"''''I1W: 'r'OfO tilt! tlml'; Iud Ihat tl,,· 1"_ fl_Ung tile 11"1IM1 pf the tlOR, llle t.'TIme 01 one ire".llrer; Ime ,np,rl'llIClllleut 0; cl,,11 ur military oltit:e ullder the IIudlllMy III 1111)' 011", Ilm,'IIM' lnolnlu[C IlfUIIH'''' "III l4Iulft 1111 dalu." -bleh lit! -11 oon,k.tl..<J tho IotnlellfO lmd ,.1 Statea. exoept poIlDtRMtr 01 thl lutlnh ll}' III'" fe_ntallou_ rOI 11141 01 Illllllillt Illll1ulla1.n lJdIu IIIit' til. Inltl "r 0110 !'Intl)'lIr, IIhu olle firm, IUllale, and thetbto 01 Ihe I,nlllnllltioll, who I",n 11I,IJ their oIIlcL .. ror ca.u.. ,h.n beelilible to I\IlY oftk-e under tho IIl1tl rt>r f(J lJt, "Iv· Dtltw July 18. 18ilt, pal'llou or ..... prleve. "'Itll hI.- leuotli wr tbu h"m 01 two CA'li Ihlt .tate; and Ir any pf'rJOlI .... U. en hy tllf' C ft'M wllh IIUrtIIC:l, R. rio 3,L\ilTICI\. the lAme. Y , his ela=thMI to Mil)' oftWe, be Ippohttftl 10 :011;0. 16. 'rIMlllllllhllC or vrutH. 11Irt't.11,)' I,. B. AS I'IC'1i. 8'-<l.6, III ,.... of lho f.lllntllo fI""III,-. Sm II, 'f!"IO Itgl.l1afure Il"lYkle lor 1111 ol'Yklr. cl,1I or mlllllr)" ullller thtt 10"4 ur Inllln""cl)', Ollt IIr &talt', 1'OUllly, l'it.l. C. E. I'. WOolI, J'flllo",1 Irom oflll'tl, dl'lth. t't'IlKuntiOIl, the ell t,11011 or IIj l llOlntlllt'lIt \,r IIcll ollwr lIrumen, or 'lie Uui&ell Htatel, or oj IOWIi or 'Clloul IU.lrkt Ul()fley. or U.hlR: alMllt'flrrom "ltlState, (Jrolhtlr tll .. tJlllty IIl"'b hl lo'f, 1U1I111clp'tl .1111 ,utoQl ,u7 .Iate or terrUvry, hi .. IhclllnWrM:IUY Ullt :UlIhorlztod Notice to Shipmasters. M't!le OOft""'!lJ'a tile ))Owe .... 1I1lllfH anti 0II1I}'1':'I111I 1 111 lIu rnl)' I;"l"llulrt; then:or 1l111,11 \'It'l\le oftkle. b}' JIA.. by :til)' I'ubllu ('lltker. Or "UJ IIIIOILImentt or UIl) nflloc, for llie "' Idlle 1I11t1 lilt) lerlllil or Ilk-ir IIl1k,: illillU be pre.. ... .c. 11. Sa1:lrlb8l'!)all lit! palt.llIl,.r1erly, plfl'Oll, 11',11 i.le tJea'IlI111 II IclolJ)'. 111111 I 11'1 til''' Mtlre 101111 .h1,... lItll"'l'H o(lhe term, or Imlillhe dl'Jthllltl be rt4 II(rll"''1 1 b)' I"w. "116 Uo,.ernor, Ietlrthry vr Itale. IIlIW'rlu. lie p"ul.IM'tJ nt Ilrm'lllct! Illw. ,bIll .. " I'lIllt't l'i,,"wl to IolIlI lur ''',..lllu ,)om. "lfh IlIIlIbforot C(JII"" tlllll 011 nUllli(. ",,-,"til ,1.. 11 lle.ol,.e l1pon till' Ilffillt.lcllt uf 8t'.c. 7, Thl! 1I'ld-InIUN' lilllllL b)' til""', Illllllt:llt, or 1111bllil IlIlIrll1..'Iloli anti IIfnltl l;t:C. 11, l'rl"1I16 Illmll Ilot 00 h'r IllU "f tM" 1.!l111 II" fllI'- the Hnnl", orlrlhr lilly ortho AhrlVlJ lIt1mt,'t1 das.l/)' tilt' llCwflll 1I .... 'Ot'llllll( to treullrur Ih311 tIIuh rft.oel¥lJ r1n...-e1l 1111ll_ I"tun IIr '0111 rur Ihe 11ilYilleut or thl' mr" 11'ln'tl III JurI! lit lilt' n'r.l· Ilill '''1 t'aIlJe!l. he IIUIII become hlL"'llIIbkl or [lOlJtll'llrtll, 11111'1 "hilI! thu l'UIIlJ)fIl,w. \lMI.dnltal"ll per IIIIIUm, 'I'tlll julI,. or IKlr.lle lillbl 0( 1IlllIJlclIIIII l1lrllOl',lllvUI, nile, IIn,i1I,K IIIII 1111 eXIII'rli'IlI" I.r l'llrmllllP the dllile. 01 Ooycmnr Iho vllke Iiou 0' the oltkel'\l wU1II1l Ihe rell)ll'\.:lIvCl the tlI'Illrtl .1.. 11 t:III.'/1 SIt·. lK, 'I'lwl'\' bu II ;IlalU lIt);I ... 1nI 1II,",.,.IJIl',I,I1I,",',' ',,'111 IL,,',I'lnllll'" I .... ·• '" ' , 1I1llUlClllil lUI V It; III 11\\1"''''' 011 Ihlll) oovol,e "1)Of1 the or tile elu•..., ltt.'\'fll'lllll}t 10 JlOfllllll1Itlll, Stloh I.w n.'l.'eh'f: t\\'o thOUfllltl t)olll11'8 ller 1I111l1lru, t.«IU"tl1JltlOIl, Cl1u;L-fh,g vr Illc I'L1'n'IMr}' 01 Il u .:: ll t Soullll. I IlullnllJh'fl 'lt11.fiIL1Iull. J'fIINttIlI'Uv "llh Ilk" thlllfbl llulll ('ijlnbll8h IIml('ol o(lea', 10 Ill' chnrgrtl Tile ,"mr)' Orcln.'llt.uOrlle.\, .11:,1) 1I0t 'llllf'• .!lIllie un:'rlll.11 or w. II. Gl I.Ut:nT. lId eDIOllllllelltt, Cor lho "",l\lutl or 11ll' I\lItt \'OlIt,'l,1L'f.1 II)' orll.c ... 'Ounl)' Inti pre- l'fletl ()lll! UiO"""nd ooU.... per IllUtllU. IllIblk III.trlll1IulI. It W tjl,tl ...tS ",edole 011

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Page 1: Puget Sound WeeklyArgus. · Ute ftillation I ETH TOil AS ~)~no '''UI t:TOII. Ite ~Inll rellll'li tht! ,"me. whh hll ubJec- allli emolururllts. abo"1 Ihe .1II01l1lt Orj,llrecllyor

WeeklyArgus.Puget Sound__VOL. 8: PORT TOW SEl\'D W. T.• THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1878. NO, 28.

i:;'-PUGET SOUND ARGUS &trill, tlf 1111111 11M: \JlsMllUhy ,1l11ll be re. dill'! offiQ':n as IDay be de.1lgnatfd Ihureln. [Oolltlnuedq , to.dJIl~t ami f(jlUlllze the nlnJ,llon otfttll

=====;=='-======= t1)01'at. for knlces kl be preformed by them 1"t!'- (Part 01 ANT. 1 1 _oJ periOn" property smOlIk the _"'111'I'; rcal.LIIIIUI ."UT 1'II ...."DA1' AT. .:c. 1. r.vt'ry bill pUled b)' the wgl...lIt!'Clh't!1$1 and wlwofllll"rie Ire pro,ld. yrNANCl:.t\1 ooUlult!'!l. AI!IO. III t'Ach (Qulltr • boNd •

Sfllrt! IIhal1, !Jt(\11"O It 1le\'OIIiU .. law. ,Le ed, the ~Il'" ,h.UIle I_,,,ble onl, out or SEo. 9. Nellhcr Lbe If~l.e. nOl any of eqllallutlon, OOll.,I~1I1l1 01 lho ~111rror1 TO"lllud. "'phl_gtolt Territor,. ,.... l'l II lIected I ht" ..I.~" ,.' 11ft.•.1elll.t.1.1 fO the Oon~rllorlor lib .Pllroval flO::: eef allCua r t.'O • II caM> w re (lOunty, cit" (Q1I¥1I110r tclao..,l.4Ji~ ......... hail (QUnly ronllnlwlouen. _bole dul'lt ....... 11

ALL:J. N 'V Yo. 1"11:. II hI' apl,ron". he 811111 IKIIII; but. Ir nOf. rtlCl are Jll'ftCrillld. All rLti ptTqUliltl.'S lelld or pledp the crtdJr or lalth, lhereor. be to a(ijllH .nd equaU. Ute ftillation IETH TOil A S ~)~no '''UI t:TO II. Ite ~Inll rellll'li tht! ,"me. whh hll ubJec- allli emolururllts. abo"1 Ihe .1II01l1lt Orj,llrecllyor Indirectly. In aId or allY pcr'lrtal .1K! pef'lC'lfl.1 proj>frty ..lthln U~lr:'"

T..._ .""'............-N.DO _._. linll!., to Iht! hou~ III "'hkh It orllfh,altd Iloch 1l1arlef" .ball be paid (1110 the Ulllnl! 1011. COltIlll'ny or oorpor.\lIon. ror an)" 8pectlve COllntles. Eaeb board tbsU .I~IIn ath'.II('O; ,Ill mnllllJ UO. "..!lleh hlllll'lIler the objt....'tkm at l.rgo lrealu~y, . .rllount ur ror linT PtlrlMlle whar.e'-er. or perlo"n Auel, other 1I1iU. Alma, be pl1'-

-- IIIPOII Iv jOllflll i • aull proceed to m:Gllik!· Bre. 8. No partOn .han be e'lKlble to broome rapotll>ible ror allY debt. conll'a\-t lCribcd bY'."·j proyld«l., tbat the 1.1'111_. KATKK 0" AUVERTIIUNG: If'r It. Iran~r I'llCh n:o.lll-lIl~mtlm~ twO- allYI'OWlly oftI~ ual~ he nIl be a qual· ed In priyate IDtcrettl, either III or 011' of (lire 1II1'IllftCrlbe t~Mt rUM by wh5cb tUI:"Onf"llIch, ftffl lneertlnll, ...•.. , ""'I'~lthhu,, 01 lhl;! lIlen'~n1 tllt.'Cled to tllAl Uled elt'ctor, alill b:a"e mklalln Uw mull· tbe '""~. flJ,llallutiou Ib.lll he t.'OIllroll«l.•nd ma}:"ch ~\II)IIjQUI'Ilt.IIl@ertlon .....•• , .• ..iO hon~ 'hollld IIJtlYtl to pM.lho bill, It Iball troll.".r nut pltUdln« hl.t'.....Jou. ea· St:e. 10, 'MIIlILne IIl1aU neftr t"l"Illlraft rtl,l~ or amend UIO Nme "hen tbtJ. 1IlI1~'I'nlll~lellt. ntlvertlaemcll15 10 11I5111~ III 00 Will, Itlloll,tht'r "'fth t1~ ~bJa:Uom, to uepl u other_. ptnItlt'lJ In Ibil GOUtI· Illly publkul~ba.,nOlp& hI tbe ell. aDd deelllit~".,IIlM:rlltlll JllIliU be IMXlInpalllC(1 by el~h, lhe other hlluae. 1J, whIch It 1I111t11 illIG be luUon,· Wlln"., hert'lnlnerdl.!tCrlbN, 5,.0. ID, The4t1&le IIh:dl nnt _me thoWAn~."AeIU IIl,I¥ •.J!J rt\lOlIJ!ltlt:I\~lj llnll, ,Ir "1'Pro"L'\l ")' tWl\- 5 ...0. O. [11 CMe or A "tAlley ocrorrlng l:'!t;c. 11. lor the pllrpolf' of dclrayllllt (Jeb£. or .ny pUt. lhe~t. or any OOUIlI~"

., " • 1111nl· VI the IUelUburti t:ll'ClelI to lilt! houie. In the OUlllll ot llllh~r thu WfrtlUiryor IItlte, n:rr,lordhlar)' expl nlllhirel, the State inti)' munlclpl'1 oorpo"lIou, or J)ertOlI. UU!ef.8t.:OS~rITUTI~N 0.. Til!, ST1T£ 01' II ,hIlJlIJc"VIllt:" hlw. IUIIII .ut:h I'lUel9, Me (rf'R~llrtr, or sl.lVt'rlUkl/lllollt or Pllb- will nut debtJi whlen. In the alEltrew:a1e, .uch lIebt 11__ 11 h... been D,)ntl'll.C1ef1 to n'.

WA~HINOTO~. t1~ volA' of em.:h 1.0I.1Id 'hall bu I~te"llh,rU lie In_nklilofl. UMt Oo"el'1l1)r .hlll .111 tho .hall nor, tllr tl~ tl~t ftneell Yf!:ll"f, es~1 llet Invu.kln. '"PprtH IlIIlIrrectloli or 10[f)Ultlllllt'tl.l by A.I't'iJ llUllliorf. 10 IJc enteral 011 their 'lime by allpolntmen_i Ilild the 1Jf!l'IOn .p" an)' IhOUefUlI1 doll:l":; "nd 'Mil lI11ver n- ,,~I~t tho .ttltfl In the: dl-eba"P ot ID}'AlITICI.r. VII, l'I"('It!l'llv~' JOllrlll\1. Ir lilly bill ~llIttt uot 1M>lutee!..llIIlI hold '1lCh oml,'U ror tbo n!- ueft.I 'Olle 11Ilndr'l'd Illoilililud 1I01l"N. };V't!ry (Xlrtloll 01 Intlt·blt'tlhe.s.

l:X tX'UTIV}>;. be n:tlltllld Ill' Ill", Gowrutlr wllhln fh'e 1Il1i1llder vr Ihe term; Mild In C:l8e IIr. "A, 1I11ch debt .h.11 bu .ltlhorlK'd by Ia.., ror ~IC. 20, The lel(lll.lltunl mlly borrow, , , • . \l:l.Js (Suud;I}' c:<l~IJll'l!).llrh!r lIihnll have c\noy III eltlJcr 01 the oounl1, pn:dnct, liltlme IllIrl'O'C or 11Ilrl)(MOl to be .~lftetl IUVlle)'. or conl~1dcbtl, 1o "pel 111....1011

foiYl,"I10N I, llle 8UprtHlO Exl'Ctul\c bwll IlJ~~'llll" to !lILli, thu IIIIl1le ,h.ll 00· muuh:llllll or ",'f1ool olllcet Iht! l'ame ~hall therelll' .nd n'tlrJ ~Ileh law Ilhall pro\'lde ,uppreiIJ 11l~ltrreetlon. or ddllild the!' .n tl

I'o\\,cr or !I10 SIIIle 1'111l11 he "C!'tfll III 11 l'l,ll1le I IIl\\·.. 1II11~ Ihe Il'KIJhI:lll1'. by ItA be tlUetlln 1l1M:h lIlallll~r .. mal be pft'- r..r 10\';1111 111 1\111111:11 lax iluffidellt to I"y III tllllO nr wIlr; b1:t thl' money thUI rot"tdGO\'Crll()f. who .11:111 Ill'lld Illl1oflk't' rur "ulr 1l1UOllrillIWIlr, II""n'llt III relurn. III which i1Crlbcd by I.w, tlltllt1l1lllal Interest 01 !ludl dcht. II.nd the 'hall be IIppllell ezclu\l1'el, to the objectJenr'••ull '11'11 1101 be ,'Ilglbleto tlM: 0111":'1 l'l8C! It ,llIIll be IIIl'd, ",1111 It~ ol'j\'CllollL III .IIlTICU: x. prlnl'lllAl within teu yun rrom Ihe paYajlf! ror whlth th~ 10M "as IUlllorlZllll, or to~r 1110 nest 11Il'l~lIl1g lerm. til\.' OrnL'C or 111tl!;t'cn:lllry or 51111(.', wl(111t1 on' leERS, OlllldllAW; and ~I~II Il'ectnll)' approprlnw the ft'lllIym,entorthe (kbt therelly C"I~'.

Sr.c,:I. Xl'l Ilel10tl ,han he ellR:It;le 10 1(.'11 \laYllIncr Kuch UdJOllfllUUlut, or elk • J the pfOlJf"elh or ,"ch tnsa 10 Ih~ pA}'lUent Sro,21. l'he 1lJ\t.t 'hall ne'.... r COlllrl\-'ChIll olllLll orOo\'t'rllor unl"" he lillChl~1I bwollle. al.:&w. S....etrloS'L }.'It'rr pcrllOn Iio din,; tiny ol'lIcll Ilrluclll3l.nd Intl're8f' alld.neh ...... any tlebt Jor work Or lulenlal ImproH~..

I ' " , "I . otnoo Ulldcr t11ll Stllre. or allllOlIlIldpulilY '''--- meu' or l.lt! a po I I ,11IIlMl Ull It'll .,f•• t,....llt It 1.'1 /I1\e:1I Rt'..I·~. Th~' Olwpnlnr ml\Y ~lIlre 11.- Ill0ptl"Uon ,h"llllot be repealt'd lIor Che" r y 0 carry III on 1I e,


I , . thertllu, .!MIII. llllld.l relllo"ed 1It.'Cllnllllg • "'file Bm ""he It'! .. of IU:llllt't "Je 01 II rty }eRr#.. IUK UtS rOtlllllllou III "rillllg lrOW tile omcers of I d r 1 oitk tU,l't po8tlKlnetl or dhulnbhed ulltll tho' , ver Irtll aodIurlwell (or Illn.'e )'1"1"''1 Ilell Ill'ft.'t'dlug 1118 tho Idmllil-Inllh'e ~ud mllltltr1 deJ)llrt- to 1:1\\'. exerc Ie t1~ IIIId 0 IIIC~ 'e Ilrlllcll'lil Illtlliltt'rett or lucll'detK thlJI Olber property.ball blY. been II'*Ifo Ittlhe

I 1- ,., "SI • until hl! IUt."l);!Hl(Ir b Jllly qUlIUlI..-u, but .tate lor po"lcullu wort 01 I to I~I,..., till III IIIIIIt., tallt u t III lue. n»elll' nrrhe St"Ii' 111.1011 Any .,.hJa:;f N- h/l"", lAen ..holly pdd ' • II ma 1m.

. .. . ' I tbl~ ,hallllot llilply 10 llleUl~ri oj thft!tog- ' provemt'nt, Che.blle may til ..... on I'tth.c. J. II\(' OO\,('Mloulull! beelt',:ll'\! b~ btUllJt 10 the 111l1le- u( chf'lr rtllltdlve on - 1.I.ttl~, 1I0r tn membC!rI or auy Loud or SEC. a. No oolllll,y. cltr, toWII orlChool lnIru. and 'ball ~fOCe lbe';~ I -

11)1: tllllllltlecll.'It!l.10rl oIl/ill ,SlaR, fit 1I.eo ~'ili "'hlell hllnrm:uloll ohl\\I lltt reqnln-tl. ~lUbly t"o or I ION 01 wbom.N elt.'\:t 11I_alt.'t 'hall ('(llllrlLL:t .Ul' ddK UIlJoili 'II~ be Pf\-I I ,

I', ' I '" "" • I ~ a..... or.ut,..hlralll...OOIMI ........'wIo'1't"1li'r:\ c e,1 011 Ilf'xt prt'(W't "I I Ie f'X· Ill' Illll) " ~ n~11\ re lllllfllllH on II w t- ro at the ,,"tine thl" TIlt' I..-illalure Ilal IhorlZl't1 and IIl11ltl'tl b)' law' Illd no lenp, , ••.~ •

I I f I '1'1.. ' I If> I r: II ..... I 'I141 rt\'fnoo tlerlred IfOnI MiI..h ...,rb IIIII nil 011 0 all t.nt.'lIt'" term. ,It! rt hl~ It 'til} 11111'. lint r OllIl. roll! • b)' law providtllorlillipendlllc.uT otlk:n C1erflftoole. orotberevldeoceoroobt ..hili_ aid or their completion Illd Ir.luru-I)(e"t"r}' t'll'dlo.. lOr (hwerllnr _!1M !I o6k"r." llIil 1I11t1l1ltt:1'1 or 8I.1eln~1I111101l~, III hLt runction!. llemllng Ill)' pnxfttllnt. eYtlr .haU be 1~,1tl() br them. Ul'el't III I~' Sw. :l'J. KA nJCHlej'1lha1l be-':WR rmmhe~lI\l'(11l1' .tld tnlll IUIIW 10 11K' 8l1'",," Tla- Hon-ruor .111111. at the oomtlltmOl'. the errL'\:t 01 "'·hk:h. II t.'UII"k'kd, would be ronJ:\lI~ wllh the pmvt~lotl"ohndl Jaw. I~ tteA.-ury rllr the belledt of allY chnrdlflf~"If',,.\IIrt"dl'd 10 lbe .pelttl'r f.r Ihe IIM'nt 01 elldl ~'Oll, .utl lrom t1mf' 10 rtrnll\.'lllrom oCftat 8"10. 13 No elll or town Ihall oo'll ...ct 0

1' ",I1IfI!ln~ IOCltt11 or rell,lout or lbeo-

J. , ' , , ". - OX UtI" Itlllinary.nl'll~ or IwperK'lllat 'So " Ifl • 1.'111. 1m· I\UlC, b;r 1IIf"""',!r"'. !th-e 10 tht' k',KI.llllum Stx::. 2. No Ilt'niOIIAhll.U haiti .ny oftlL'tI 11I)'~, by 10.111111 auy lorIO, Ut1lpt br -=~~~""~..,,-=~~~~~~~lUf'tlh'tl~Y IIpoll thif O'K"UIEllioll or lhe IlIr(l"II"lloll fir t1~ l'fllldilioll fir lhe 81"1lt'. or eUtp'OYlIleul of UIIA or prufltuutler Ihu 111"11' 0' all ordln.uoe-·whk'f1 ball be Ir- -~; anti bcrunl J1~I"g 10 o,lM:r IIltl ~:11l ta'OlIIntt'lltl ..nch I\ll'a um II he l:tlft or Ih6l(ale. or all)' onUnll1Cll or IllY "'l..... l:ab&e 1111111 Ihe hMkabtetlnHl Ihtrelu ~ON'UM~TIO"CUIlID.lJu~lllt'M. optll Illd Illlbllih lhe ,""me. III ~llItll t.ICt'lIl uI'l'flkul. lie .twlil ,110 ""IHI 1U1U11l'i,,,,U1" lheft'ln wlUlQlI1 tluoUn.. hi. Ilm"hled ror h.n hare been rulll 'MIld or

" 'botl' L_ ,_, of I ~'II An nil! J)b)'W~ 1.IINd fftlnI *Itt.... JIrK-the I'reftllUC ot a ma.l'lr 11 0 I lon~ 10 tiM le.IaLllun-. lit Inc .... ,.. ulllg file I IlI'to«lll.1 aUeution tv the llutlet or Ult dltcharxed _ ,,~rrlill Ihe JlllrpoH:S to IK'f!, hal"lIlj( Ilad rolAa!d In 1111 ""Dda by ••ortbl' 1t'gIJIAIUro. .'1Ift Ih.ll. rOr IhatlJllr- IIi"I!Ilou. a ~lltll'nlf'lIt or Ill! 1II01lf'Y.I or Ihel'IUlIt:. which thelum" tfl be r.l~ thall be ap- =-~I~~n=~~~tl°NlUlayDfa~~';:JIOM'. I f1lb1lt III Itl4l hou't' or 11"111'eW11. SIl\le, eXIJC.IIII-d II)' him or ulM"'r hilt til· ~liC!1 XO ..-wI hert_ner (:011.,1««1 piled. II III Ilro,ldlnlP toJr the levy or a tllS IWIlHlot cure ol Uftolunilltion.'CIObIIIa, ......

, "" h' I '" , ' I " • , "-'-' • l&rTb. Allhln.. anll aU Throat amI La,.. ai'lat "'.... le pel'ilOlI I¥ II~ I III I g lISt floCl Oll; IUH. At I It! "IUlle t lilt, p~lll uf emlJl>zzltlllll'lIt Or Iltlbllc mOlleY. wit -um ~.OIel'(t111g twel,e Illlll, OIlMch 0014 1Mt1on.. alan a politi,. ud nI!lSoU etn'I'I loT

Iltlllllltr (lrvote: ror pld oIIb ti .. 1! be tit.. atlllclI", or II~ 111111111111. or the II.mOllnl' be elltlllie t;o lay oIII~ "Or UUIt or prollt Itr or "ahl&bl~ usable- 1'fO'''lr'ty "'thin ~n:::~~~d~~ :~I-::~"";icII""I'-'lly"ln1«1. Bllt Ir two or nw", or 1II001")'S n'tlu11\-11 fo hi! '11M.! by In. In tllli.tllt', UlIl('M to Ihe rl.1I1I IIr elt!- filCh dty or town-.l1mclent to pa., the lin. eunllYil PO"" tn tfllm.rllft or f'e~~ II,, I I I h' I I I ,. II • '" - ~I. \JUly tfl .-.at. I' II1l0WI\ to 1'11.1 ""Item.j,'t\'i!.1I1'q1t1l. attl III" g.elt ""Uller 0 lIu.lU lor It otaltt Ullt'liu 111"-'1, :r:t'ruhlll b, II I""MIII rrom tl~ Ollverllor, 1l1lt\llntel'Cl8&, .nd est!lIgul,h tbe prl~dpd rellowL Thfll'eCltlpuwlll he .... lIt rn"tlolebalw_'·"I~ rl,r t11 Nn\& Oml..'t'. olle or 1I11l1lllhll1l AltTlCLv. I:t:, St.c, 4. f:rety cl"ll omcur Nu,U, bcCore 01 IIllCh tlt!!.tt within Ilrtoeu ye.,.., bu\ not ::e~~Ir:~t,ra~~:~Immt'tU.":ljt be chO!!en Ill\'rtttl b~' Ihe Aoill ~ IS l'UATIV Po. IIll elltt.'1'1 UPOll the duUIl8 or his ofUce. t.ke Itllthan lell reart, hom the t,'felttloo IIIef't- lrilh It&tnpnaralnr rbl'plper,11fIf* on jolut bnlloL and thlill be tlecl"retl... . 1 'I" "I ~ " I" all tllllll or lIttlrl\il\tlOll 1(1 ,uplJOrl the tlO(I4 01; Iud luch tu, ,,·hen tQl~tt1, ,1..11 be Dr. M. F';. &11..tI I Ie:\tll OovenlO Co lte..1 I el ftF.cTIOS,. 'f're, 'I ,,,. C1OfIC1I.u). ... .............

111 e !C, r. I t't 000 Illl.qllllllnt'd l!ll'CtOf'lll. of till' SIll If'. a &.-c. "ltulloll of the vult«! State~. allli of the appllet.l onll to dlO purlXMlllln "uch ordl- MLn.. ..111'1UI ror GO\l!nIOf .h.. n be llcl(~rlllhlt'd. ',' :, ,. ~ , llito or Wwhlll~t()n,..tnd W rallhrulll per- IIllllt.'t' apl"elftt'IJ. utlt!1 ttlt! In,kbtatn_ be ......Il)' Iht>o IWo Illlwtl of lh' w,lIlallln! 011 relnryol SIUI. 4 ::;ttI1t: J ~,I lIn:r. alltl U r: ... t I .L_" ,., -'

, $111lt'rlull.'lItleut CIt rubllc In IMI\'1I1111 whu orlll t,,'lI l III M 01 UN olnre upon which fIHlt or tellltr........ BlIt no iuch debt .han New Go0dsjoin' h:'lllot. III IIK'h M.nner u .h.1I be , II I kJ , I '.')1 'I ' hI' .h,,11 be "boll~ to eliler bll c,.,.altd ullleulhe qllC8tloll of III",rrllll-'ritled by Ill'" ~ llI. lO ~ Ie r VI l'Cllur t Ie hlffn 01 rOllr •I"~~' J't'llnl. 'fher Ill/Ill t1nrl If tlltilr It'llIl& or SKC,5. State oithrrA, JIKlj(U of tbe Ill· tho 141116 .halt, .t a waullr III.:Uou rtlr~tt.•. 'l·htGnyernor,h.Ubeoorllmoll- onlCt:. I"lliIhltt lit Ille ~,,' or (Ot't"rUOIl'l1t. lJrelllualld I,IIrt:ult t,'OUrti, .nd cln1,lc lit.- COUUClllnfll, .kSenlitn or oftIcI,.. 01 ~ltL-h

Ik'r.lll.ehl"roror iliff lUiIllAry Illd 1111\'111 wlMlre .111111 bo blJt tile 11lIbllll n.'t'Ont•• tv ne)·8. ,lullI die their o:ubt or nnlrma_ chr ur town btl ~lIblllltlt'd 10 I "Ol4lot InchtOIU'll or Blale. lie 111111 lIa.e flO"'er II) mOiler&. 'l~I1'lth'~. IJootu aid pIIllC!r& or tlom 01 oftItltllll the otIIart 01 Ihe tet.'1'f!t.ry qllKllfted eltt.1O,:, AS .hall. III the yellr nestCOII"f1l1! lhe legll1Jllllrtl VII e:a:tr~Ofdltlltry their ro~I)~1Iv~oltltlt!!. tll ~hlf". Hn'l')' OIlier ofttL'Cr. Uctpt tile pretedlng. h.ve pnll1l1 propert)' lJls 1I1ere- REOEIVEDJllt.~lon" by I,mellmadon, .tlliing Ih~ S 2 TI S. I.: I Q I II ~ ont'ool'i 01 mUllldll~lItJeJ allli illhool dlJo. Ill; MilK majorllyor those "OUIIJ' on thepilrpol1e1lor ,,111...h It Iii i1.!'('mblf'fl. Bill ~ ~c. Ilel ~'n'\rtrYOr ~t'I~' ;/1

1't'e,' trlct oUkeN. shall tile hls Oll.tb tlr ImrRJa~ que,lIon, by blIT1ottl1'poIlultlln Atel'lrale A J


.t Ituch Il!l!IIOII, no IllIilll Ithall be trlltl~ a Uo ',""""",", ,',}(' - CU,", I I~ e~p ,lItll~. 11011 or otIl00 III the ol1leu or ~8 eouuty IJos. ,hllll \,ote III favor 01 creal111$r ~IlchI I I L. '" " Illll'ltlClt)(CIIIlL1ll0I"lOI".Xl,'UYtlll'l1_ Irkrll I I,. I"h GROCER'e1f'( 01 ll'r t lall I""t llIllleC 1\ Y IliinlOl II rtlllenlllli Ihe SlnlO' lind .111\11 whell l: e 0 MlllOtlll 1 WIt;.'re It Ie 'Ill IIVl' llcbt'i but the Ig't'l"ICllte amount ot dt:bt 10 IES

1I'ttrrol.lall1l1t1oll;lntllu.l.'IUeollllya.8lon pn , 'Ia I " II' bi.'ellel~tetlor al)polutal. l'rfllttltl,loret.herwllhtlM!tlebte:r~tlngatrflIu rt!f, }" t Ie Hill....Ut II 1lI11tlel'tl , •Itr Intllfff'Ctloll. or dllnltCr rrum tile pre· l'\!IKtt"J Ih~n!I(I, btororo 1::1'hfr bnlllt:h III ellfl 800, D. F.very pel'1On allpolntetl to till the tilDe 01 "Mlh ~1t'Cltloll, .hllU not••t.ll)" -.ll'lU-"alell08 Or1'OIlUllfloll' dtecue lit the.I('"t teglslll(UR', IIc ,hlllllJt, by ,Inlhl or hi" a VltL1lIlCy. III Ill)' eltJeUvt! olna!, .hlll IImc. ul)'(,d thnlfl Ilt'r uell&, or the liltIt ([(I",MllMllt. he m.y ron''fMI, at .111 oftl\ll!, ,1M.!lIor orptlllllo 1et.:aIlUtl. "'ltllIllIllI Itolll ror the rennlll<lllr or the unexpired nhlAlion or propercy upon which Mit! PROVI,SIONS'1"le pilat In the Rlllre. Iff! Ihllll lrulli. Ifrronll ~tlL':h other dllll" ... 'hAil be N4 teml, tluleu. geueral election Ihallinter.. tas wu paid._et: all ntt.ft'l"ry uulluf"II-{-!vll and 11111- ~btd by lItw, V .,eul'i In which C&.'Ie bb .uC(l.'Q()r Ihull be SEC. 14, Nollllug cnnlalnetlln Ihl.! artl·harr, ITl't1111l upedlte IU ,,"dl meflv- ell!ded IIntl .hall holll rur Ihe rt:DlllhKkr ck! Ihall tl1t1~r Imilltir or &I.k.I to tbe flblla.- lVb~ anlan _!eMIlret4••tuIU be re50lm upr'ln by Ihe Il'g. St:C. 3. The VOI\'f'.TW 1111(1 t111tlel of tl~ 01 lhe term. tlou vi .IIJ Ikbt hllft'lolore ('Olllractttl b)'ltllullre. _IHI ,hall .. thul the tawl Ire Treuurn 111111 SUVl'rlulellaJclltvl public Ill· ~!C.1. Nil p'I"IOR who .ball hertAncr "gilt tho 'ferritory of WIl.-hlitgtOIl, or by Imy The Lowe.t ••teato, C..h."hhl'lIl1y uttllled, tnlL1tnu ,111111 lit- IJ~rlbt1.l b)·llIw. nlll .1Iu"I, or a"t III llliCl NnW) a'il feeO"t). COUllt,. clcy. I(IWII or H:hoollilltrklt with-

800 t. 'the OO\'eruer .h"n hoyt pol\'4 'lIpcrllll,elllkllt,.,','o.., "lklluolnll..t1,."I." ,I""U .:Ir lelld, "OJepf, or Imowlugl,. cam ad'al. Iu Ihe State. In .''COldllllt,....\th law, CIIJ~RLC8 ElSENHU.

• be. b,· \' rille 0 I I l..... 'C:lte u"rhtn, ,. , ' 'S '10 Knllt reprfeftt, comnlutallon, /In<1 par S'.& S I II hoM he \ilk r 1II:1Ig'f' t lUe.or. or 1lIrtt!! til «0 Ollt 01 the rc. I", Tlltl &:ll~ freuurrr ,haU keepIIL,II, Intr UHI1'k,:t.lon. lor all Oltltlillirl ex. Il:C. • I) rw.,~I. III ,I f ~ 0) alalO to 4J[ht. Ihlt:l, ihal huhJ :l.u1 omt!: a "'fl...... ICl'\.'OtUII or each rund III bill

.sall: In:MJtlrer .tlr tlt'j) 1Ut'UlM ft' telnu,. , h' PRO..........""pi treaton, UpOIl &lIt:h OOtllhklll!'••1ll1 S.:c. tt. In "M,il L'Olllll)' theN "Mil btl II~ • :'I~. bUe oftkc IIIIMJ,;" and "hnlt. a&. 11M" .ntl of e~ry, qUA,....kat ....... """rk&Jou. lind 1I0111..lIl'Iu..... ted r. I lW. • u .... nctll)1 U. 00"· lIJr 01 lhe OIC:l.I }'t'lIr. rClllOl't 10 tbe I.ore... ,...., he pro1'I\I81 by I.w, Urlon COII"lc. eleo: ur t ~ I~rlll Of tt

O/~,., Ullt'O enlor alld jOOJC6 of the .llp""n:&e 100 cl", unr In wrltlll«, IIntk"r 0:&111, tilt" amolllllor Pioneer Bakery,Nell or.n1 penon lor IrftMln. he ,11.'111 L'OUllt1 l,?~"U.¥ mlt'",f'I. It' 10 'I~:~' )lerrorm l.'llt OOUI'W, hl\U n(l( be ImpKdartJ; bllt aU mOlte)·.lnlll. hall:1I 10 Ihe t'Tt'dlt or, Ul.'IllIutM;ll aJ n"" pl"tkr un! II}' I....• I I.... ••• PORT TOII.,. PO"" to 'U~pelltl thlt UMltkln 01 , 'w" '" ' t,'Orrupi on. IDI ceU\lr, n"!!:a....I... Of' n~ry Andl fund. autllhe place ..here the \_'_'~_·S_E_N_D_._T'--,_'_'_'__

.1lY t",o 01 '" 10111 WI a tlnOMlm rur ., ,oftl L_II be •.. , ltho tell""nce tllllll lhe~ 'h"l1be rtl.ll"lrl- "'" , '" IlOiI-lt'U&lIOCl n w..... Pro-t'ClHrt.I Millie """ hllllO<I(t:{ IUld Ille ll11nlbtr and

" .. " ....oct .., 0 ~"".... "0 woo ...11 """'" I he ' DI330LOTIO" or COP"ET"EDODttllo tile legl.latlll"ll Mt Ita nl'"t n\l't"lh'K' be declted at the $IIlllIl.dlllell~ II lro,1tIed a.. . n t 111M mallner .. tr~lnln'l an!OUlll ur f'n!ry .... rranl rt'(~I"t..d. and Il~ 1'1 Jl 11 JU) IP",llt'u thtlltX'.l.luJ1I ,h"l1 elll~r INlnlntl, I I I I r I I I I Oft!!II., .11\1 jOOjfm~ur, tlllOn ,*,,,.ctIOIl, nunlllf'r lind _mOtlQl 0( ''1 .... rnlllt )lo'kl _or t,'ommuf. tbe HnleUL-', 1I1rf'l't It,.. f!.X«'IJ- lor tbe

T·,"" "', "" '''','"l >e, " ~._I ~ l!1 'Ia•. lIutll bCllivtll nr t1MlUlut rro.n oItk'f, hi lhf':rt:lrom. dnrlllX thti (1IIIIttl'r. 'I'ho.Oo". SU' ".ulIIN-n,

lure. lere' 1."\ It.'IO ., C_1f.'u Mt I III '." ,_. ,.~ ., • ., •nOli" or ',rant a rurther ftptltl~. TIM! , I I '"- INII to .Ioul ..." 'f'r puniJhllMillt lW efllOr Ihull C'\IIMI e\'er,' tilt'll remr: to be ~O flCE II hl"l"f'by r,lt"t'Il "1011 lhal C.....

flme I n~. II ~IIC I t.'OllIlly, one t:ounly , lie ~~"I L_ b ' ·h' ," I , ,~ ,GO,.trtlor lballl'Ommullleate 10 t1otlil"l(ltJ,,- IIl-1y 1'.......T1ut.'1 11lI1I:~lor ylll... IDIOIPlII:ll('I)' IMJhll,hel hili !ea~f olle lie"'. plrtlltlr~ II 0 ~. ., , a.l\... , to. ali'Ic"'rk, Whll h.1I lJc t'INk fOr 11141 buttnl ur ~ 1Ilf" I'ttrl )11ttJ\'trr lJIII Co.. W 'I' IIJ'l.'

Illl'f, IU Cftch ~lIlar foHJlou, e..",ry CRIIeM,.,~, .,~ I St:e. 10. ~o pef'lOtl. belllgi member ul p:llll'r Ilrlllll'\1 It fhe '1 "r ~\'l'rliluelll. 'h" ,oy ,1'-""., C .. P II' " ",..... l'OUllty L'OIUIIlII'IIUllt"HI•• Ilu .... t'x tlutC 0 Co kJ 'I' I I' I '" ~ .-.. .. - . r.. • III'It. w: I·

rfptle.... U)mnlul.lloll fOr 1III1'I10n _",lIced n!C1)1\k., or th'tl': .MIl' ~lef'lIf: nne l'flNfler' Illlftjl, or 110 IlIg It cunllulailoll to.ll)· le e~ ./\fUfl' 1:111. lit It, IIlllt ~;Intl. 1I"''''I1W: 'r'OfO tilt! tlml'; Iud Ihat tl,,· 1"_fl_Ung tile 11"1IM1 pf the tlOR, llle t.'TIme 01 one ire".llrer; Ime ,np,rl'llIClllleut 0; cl,,11 ur military oltit:e ullder the Ulllt~1 IIudlllMy III 1111)' 1I1l~llrn,t 011", Ilm,'IIM' lnolnlu[C IlfUIIH'''' "III l4Iulft 1111 dalu."-bleh lit! -11 oon,k.tl..<J tho IotnlellfO lmd ,.1 Statea. exoept poIlDtRMtr 01 thl lutlnh ll}' III'" fe_ntallou_ rOI 11141 "1(~-ki"".III' 01 Illllllillt Illll1ulla1.n lJdIu IIIit' til. Inltl

"r • ~ ltilOOl~: 0110 !'Intl)'lIr, IIhu olle a;~rj firm,IUllale, and thetbto 01 Ihe I,nlllnllltioll, who I",n ~1'1)l1Itr1 11I,IJ their oIIlcL.. ror ca.u.. ,h.n beelilible to I\IlY oftk-e under tho IJUbll'l,f~'"'I'. IIl1tl rt>r bllllll~. f(J lJt, "Iv· Dtltw July 18. 18ilt,pal'llou or .....prleve. "'Itll hI.- leuotli wr tbu h"m 01 two CA'li Ihlt .tate; and Ir any pf'rJOlI ....U. alt~r en hy tllf' Cft'M lII'~r. wllh IIUrtIIC:l, R. rio 3,L\ilTICI\.'I'lllllll~ the lAme. Y , his ela=thMI to Mil)' oftWe, be Ippohttftl 10 :011;0. 16. 'rIMlllllllhllC or vrutH. 11Irt't.11,)' I,. B. ~I AS I'IC'1i.

8'-<l.6, III ,.... of lho f.lllntllo fI""III,-. Sm II, 'f!"IO Itgl.l1afure mll~' Il"lYkle lor 1111 ol'Yklr. cl,1I or mlllllr)" ullller thtt 10"4 ur Inllln""cl)', Ollt IIr &talt', 1'OUllly, l'it.l. C. E. I'. WOolI,J'flllo",1 Irom oflll'tl, dl'lth. t't'IlKuntiOIl, the ell t,11011 or IIjlllOlntlllt'lIt \,r IIcll ollwr lIrumen, or 'lie Uui&ell Htatel, or oj IOWIi or 'Clloul IU.lrkt Ul()fley. or U.hlR:alMllt'flrrom "ltlState, (Jrolhtlr tll..tJlllty COllll~}" IIl"'bhl lo'f, 1U1I111clp'tl .1111 ,utoQl ,u7 .Iate or terrUvry, hi.. M.'\1lPUlIl~ IhclllnWrM:IUY "lIrllO~ Ullt :UlIhorlztod Notice to Shipmasters.M't!le OOft""'!lJ'a tile ))Owe.... 1I1lllfH anti 0II1I}'1':'I111I 1111 lIu I'WI"'~1I11'l1\" rnl)' I;"l"llulrt; then:or 1l111,11 \'It'l\le hl~ oftkle. b}' JIA.. by :til)' I'ubllu ('lltker. Or "UJ oU~rIIIIOILImentt or UIl) nflloc, for llie "' Idlle 1I11t1 lilt) lerlllil or Ilk-ir IIl1k,: illillU be pre.. ~ ....c. 11. Sa1:lrlb8l'!)all lit! palt.llIl,.r1erly, plfl'Oll, 11',11 i.le tJea'IlI111 II IclolJ)'. 111111 I he~ 11'1 til''' Mtlre 101111 .h1,... lItll"'l'Ho(lhe term, or Imlillhe dl'Jthllltl be rt4 II(rll"''11 b)' I"w. "116 Uo,.ernor, Ietlrthry vr Itale. IIlIW'rlu. ~11II11 lie p"ul.IM'tJ nt Ilrm'lllct! h~' Illw. ,bIll .." I'lIllt't l'i,,"wl to IolIlI lur ''',..lllu

,)om. "lfh IlIIlIbforot C(JII"" tlllll 011 nUllli(.",,-,"til ,1..11 lle.ol,.e l1pon till' Ilffillt.lcllt uf 8t'.c. 7, Thl! 1I'ld-InIUN' lilllllL b)' til""', Illllllt:llt, or 1111bllil IlIlIrll1..'Iloli anti IIfnltl l;t:C. 11, l'rl"1I16 11I~1fll:111 Illmll Ilot 00 h'r IllU 1~1'lll{ "f tM" Js1~, 1.!l111 II" fllI'­the Hnnl", orlrlhr lilly ortho AhrlVlJ lIt1mt,'t1 das.l/)' tilt' llCwflll t,~IUlltl~. 1I....'Ot'llllll( to treullrur Ih311 tIIuh rft.oel¥lJ r1n...-e1l 1111ll_ I"tun IIr '0111 rur Ihe 11ilYilleut or thl' mr" 11'ln'tl III JurI! \'t,~,\tI lit lilt' n'r.l· Ilill '''1t'aIlJe!l. he IIUIII become hlL"'llIIbkl or pre~ [lOlJtll'llrtll, 11111'1 "hilI! t"'tl~ thu l'UIIlJ)fIl,w. \lMI.dnltal"ll per IIIIIUm, 'I'tlll julI,. or IKlr.lle lillbl 0( 1IlllIJlclIIIII l1lrllOl',lllvUI, nile, IIn,i1I,K IIIII 1111 eXIII'rli'IlI" I.r ~u

l'llrmllllP the dllile. 01 Ooycmnr Iho vllke Iiou 0' the oltkel'\l wU1II1l Ihe rell)ll'\.:lIvCl the ~l1lll't:me ,"t1l~n.'tllt tlI'Illrtl .1.. 11 t:III.'/1 SIt·. lK, 'I'lwl'\' ~h:IJI bu II ;IlalU lIt);I ...1nI ~'I'll'" 1II,",.,.IJIl',I,I1I,",',' ',,'111 IL,,',I'lnllll'" I.... ·•'" ' , 1I1llUlClllil lUI V It; III 11\\1"''''' 011

Ihlll) oovol,e "1)Of1 the 1~lItcr or tile elu•..., ltt.'\'fll'lllll}t 10 JlOfllllll1Itlll, Stloh I.w n.'l.'eh'f: t\\'o thOUfllltl t)olll11'8 ller 1I111l1lru, t.«IU"tl1JltlOIl, Cl1u;L-fh,g vr Illc I'L1'n'IMr}' 01 Ilu.::ll t Soullll. I IlullnllJh'fl 'lt11.fiIL1Iull.J'fIINttIlI'Uv • "llh Ilk" 1II"II¥I'r~. thlllfbl llulll ('ijlnbll8h IIml('ol o(lea', 10 Ill' chnrgrtl Tile ,"mr)' Orcln.'llt.uOrlle.\, .11:,1) 1I0t u· 'llllf'• .!lIllie tre~ un:'rlll.11 'IlJ~'I'IIIIIII,,'OJlI or w. II. Gl I.Ut:nT.• lId eDIOllllllelltt, Cor lho "",l\lutl or 11ll' I\lItt \'OlIt,'l,1L'f.1 II)' ~Ilch orll.c ...'Ounl)' Inti pre- l'fletl ()lll! UiO"""nd ooU.... per IllUtllU. IllIblk III.trlll1IulI. \'II~ ~llIIr It ~h:lll W tjl,tl...t S ",edole 011 I'II~I ~Ulltl.

Page 2: Puget Sound WeeklyArgus. · Ute ftillation I ETH TOil AS ~)~no '''UI t:TOII. Ite ~Inll rellll'li tht! ,"me. whh hll ubJec- allli emolururllts. abo"1 Ihe .1II01l1lt Orj,llrecllyor


WEEKL~:"-~ HGUPori Tow'mnd. Jelfer50n Counly. W. T.

ALLER WIll ldlt.r aliI!. propri.ur

.11.11)1.\ AU" a.o·$I.

tto uu hl,b fallen from the fir·The moon \111101 OD "ltb !!qOa.l Dime:And ft' llie olabW are not lbe "me

!Wftt lllibb ... kol'" In )la,.. gou. hr·ONtn hUlvck, 1'1010'11. Icli lIIl .11,1

'!be JOUoi d••a bllMlOmJ jut II f.irAloolJ llot hilll; aDd ,e\ 1 know!Iv"" grace ,be wore, year ago

n.tIl dlrkrntd lato Imply alt IGreen Wilodl, ('f.D 10ulell me "ber'?

Prom I;N'" aDd trOOdland, fU' and llHof,AU!oolUd 10ft, harmolllolU IlotelPonr frulU alhoutaDd )010111 throe.~

.u4,.~.b .11 I.a11\oheuTbI .....t Ilqtr of lb. flU' I

Of .u the daWtI OD \hI I.IlIllu no lUll. ablolll' rlUltiWbere Inri. \bl chulll, WI ....abbed grace,

Tha' Ill&ll. thl Geldt 10 f.lr '" 1HlU?Oreeu blllOfll, ctll JOP IDI".r 0101

0,.0 1lI1Joc:k, wbillcllug dl' h, da"1.0. bUluek wbartl WI d'l,lel nlll

Det_etO her fiJt 'lot ud the lUll,1 bow wbll.lofr of tho lIl,YUIl nl7 I~t dullolwlIot utrl7 1

iThe Girl Wbo SAVed tbe Gener&l.

Far dowo tbe Carolina cout lIet the10..1, Illaud or St. JObD, wbere Itood,ODe buodred Juri ago, a Doble brick·built mao,loo, with 10nJ portleo alldttroad pin....

1t "" Ibe bome ot llr. Rolxlrt Gibbe.aDd bll beautirul Joool wire, and Ibe",at bou.. w.. fulllltalll<ellJoo" EI,lthtcbildl'to had atread, come to tbis loodcoupl',lIId ..,en little at.!opted couiuwere their pla,matea -Ibe orpbau chil·dreo or Mrs. Fro.lcll, Illter to Mr.Gibbet. Ue hlmtelf WAI a r.rlpplClt udoooid Dot .alk. 10 the cbair wbieb ranoa wbeell be •• drawo daU, oyer tbepleuut patIJl,lOlDetimlll bl the falthrulblack ltrno~ JOmotimei bl tbe ltill.ore dm>ted chlldreo, wbo tugged atthe rope Ilk' 10 mUl frbky colli. The10"lIow of tb. lpot IUlted well itlHII. of "Peacefol nurCltt bl wbicb ItWUIr.ll:OWD lbrough all the coutrJ.

Bot ill lbole troublou. tima it couldDOt al.aJ' remaiD "peaceful." ID theIpriDlof 1710, tbe Britilh took poua.Iioo of all the .·board. Geaeral Pre·TOIl snarcbed up from 8nanDal: aod1&14 .lfIlI to CbarlslOo, But beulAlthat GtQeral L1oeolo ... buteaing 00wi" hit UIIlJ, be .truck bit leoti io thealp" aad reveated rapldl1 to..ard 8a·tuDab. II, cl'OMed tb, 8tooo FerrI,lad 'urtilled hhllMlf 00 Jobn'a IIllDd,• tIM i.laod or 8t. Jobo', wu onen1IlIod.

lot neb 10. lb. 1101.. of mOlketrJ.. beaYf pDt dMtro1ed tbe qaiet JOI1& "Placeful Retreat." Tbe cbildreo, io.... mid•• of plaJI ..ould bear th' dread·tal booat••, YO .uddlnl, ,ro" .tlll... pll,. 'fb' ,ldelt dau,bter, HarfAaa., .... a Iprl.tbl" ':Oureaeou. Rirl ofUllrteto. She bad tbe caro ot all thoUult ootl, tor her mother'. baodl werefall,lo ....o'llog tbe great ellate aDdearlD' fIX ber b...l.....d.

After a time, tho uemf determined totaU potIt.uOG ot thl. beautiful place.A bodl of Brltitb ud B_lanl quietly..ptured tbt ludlol 000 mltJnlgbt. aDd,...pi., .tealtbll1 oDward, aUed tbepwt ud .urrouoded tb, bOUle. AtaaJ.brtak, the lomatea foulld tbemtelTeapriIOael"l_

1'btD Ctme Ufio, dafl for the famllJ.Tb. ot!loen took up tbeir qoarteZ'l in tbe"'U.IOD. 1110.101 the famll1 to occuP1\be upper .to'J.

John', hlilld """ teu tblu tbirtJ_. from Obarl..toa. ud .ben IbeAmtrlcu otBotrt in tbe citl beart. tbat"'Peacefol Beutat" bad ~o c&ptured bytbe Drltltb, thel determloed to rueac Itfrom tbeelllml. T ..o large galleJI ..ere.Jmmtdlatellmaooed aod equipped aodltDt to the plantatioo, with Itrict orderlDot to ll.re upon the mao.ioll.

6aJllog aol.leul, up the 8~no Rlyer,at dP4 of olgbt, the nllel. aotboredabrftli' the pllOlatiou. SUIMenl)', out ofthe tbkk d.,kllell burtt a nlme aDdrou, aDd tbe.bot clmecrubiog throu~b

tbe Brlllih wumpment. Tbe wholeplaco wu int.otly in uproar. Th' om·cu.lo Ihe 1I0uie Iprang fram bed, anllbUIll, drelkd and armed. The family,rudell "Iicoed, ruslu:d to lhe ..·indo.....A cold rlio wu falling, and tho loldien,bait· clad, were tUonlnll ..-1Idl,. hitberaDd tblther, ... hlle the om~n "'em fun·tic.lly call1og Ibem to atm••.Marl wokeat tbe lint Iwillie roar and fled til bermother'. room. The excitable negroKnaob utlued IlIUlt l'icrcilJK abrirk5.The I)l)()r little children ~llcre too fright.elJttI tu .cre.m, Lut clung. tlewLlIng, to11..". •

Ilrt. G1hl.Jel wa5 in j.lrcal diitrcu. Shetllew nvt, at IIrll, ""Iather It wa. lUI Ilt·tack 1J,lrltudl 011 IlicclUnp,oran IUII,ulton Ih~ httUi41 LJ tlllJ ,mclIly. Sileon.ltrttlthe kl\'"ntl 10 Cel~1l their wailIng alllldreu IhcllIiClhet. Then her hUiltlUllJ lindl.lIe children "'cre 11Icparcu; and, whiletIIecanuon I.Jellu .... t;,J ill quick lucctuionAnd the lJOil(! ar ·ul,,1 the 110Uie j,(re ....·louder, the (lither 111,1 mother conuJltedwhit wu!Je1i tn I It WI1J now c,i·dent tbat the atl \lotL~ Ly their o"'nfrleodl, aud ItJl' t wu. 10 dlilodgetbe ellelllJ. UUI OjlJlJu .lid Lottoow that lho hOI.. ulll 11"1 be fired00, and lJe a..hh ,1 ut IHgl'l. lie

WI\I cArril'l1 III hil Clhalr, aud lho .·holobou t'llOld ..HIed fortb from a backdoor.

Thc fecnc ....·u teuille. The night WIU

pilch.)' tlark, nnd ...·heo. lust .! tile,liUlllllt.·d oUI. a .heet of I "me belchell(orth flOm the \·thiela_ Ie leemell to henllUOott Mt; iht their facel. Thl.! roalJhnok the grouad. Tho troops were toobUI, !!a\'I111: themselves 10 notice the fu·~ili'l'l!', !tnt! they puslu....llJD as rapidly .spopllJle.

XI) nne wa!lufficicDtly vr"tected fromtho rain. Little ~I"y had the hardestpllt!, for De"'ly III tbe childrell "'ere inher care. nle mud was deep. Some ofthe little ODes could. walk but Dlbort11l5lance a 1 time, .tld had to be carried-MarJ hMing al"'111 one, .ometimntwo, ill her arw.. Se...eral of the .en·aotll were o~ar her, but noDe or tbem!telll11d to notice ber or ber burdeol.The lUi honse had been carried nlf 'bat,er, da1 j tbere "'AI tlO e,clpe but onfoot.

Suddcnll' " ball Clme cra.bing bythem througb the treul Then. a chargeof grape·.hot cut the bough, o'ferbead.They ""ere exaetly 10 the riDge of tbegun. I It '1'1'a' c'fldeat they bad taken thewor.t dlrectloo, ,",ut there WI.! no helpfor it now-it Wat too lato to turn back.In her "gony, the mother erled aloud onOot! to proteot ber family. ![arl1Juggedcloler the child In her arm., aDd trembled110 IIJI~ cuulJ hard I, keep up. Allothercrub I The Ihot Ibrleked palt them,Itrlklng tho treel in every dlrcctlo.ll. Thoa~lault WILl Beree, the IOIlt wu ilIoelllU\t.The frlghttlDed flmll, r'l.hed oOAllwlft·Iy III poulble toward a frleod'i plaota·tlon, fllr back (rom the abore; bllt It WAI1000 ,eeo that theJ would not bavaIt,eogth to rt!&cb It, eveo if theJ wereaot .truck down bl tho flJlog .bot. TheAmerJeao. were pouriO,l( Ihelr Jirc Intotheae wood.. tbinltlrlR tbe eucml wouldleek refuge there. TIl'l wretched fugi.the. ezpected nerl motoeot to be thelut. 00 the, pUbed tbrougb mud andrain aDd ICreamJoi ,bot.

800n tb01 fouad Ibel were gettingmore out of the rAoge of tbe gUll.. Theybeg.n to hopej Jet DOW and theo a balltoro up thtl ueo arouod them, or rolledfelr(ully aero.. tbelr p.tb. Tbel relchedooe of the bOUle' wbere tbeir fleld·budllind, with DO ODe burl; they ..ere O'fcr amlle from tbe mulloo, ind out of rIDge.Tbe 0fRroe. uid DO .bot bad come ttiatw.J- Uoable to Bee furthu, tbe famllldetermiDed to 'lOP bere. A. 'OOD UtbeJ MItered, Mrs. Gibbet felt ber .trengbleadog bert ud l&DiE upoa a 10. bed.Cblllad to tbe bone, dreDcbed, trembllDgwith terror ud ubauIUoo, tbe (amllJgatbered arouod her. 8be opened hereI.and looked about. tlbe Iprang npwildly.

"0b, Illr,l" .be erltd, "wbore 11Joh01"

Tbe1ittle ,Irl turoed pale,.od tDoaned:"Oil, motberl mOlberl 114',1"" tI Bbebrollo Into crying. The nOltOfM, qulckl,IJmpathetlc, IJegaD to "rilll tbeir baodlaD' "all.

"SlIeac' I" IIld )Ir, Gibbet, with .ternbut yembllng .olee. Tbe teart were tobtd' OWA e1.. Tbe IIttl, cblld now mi...log WII Tery dear to tbem aU, and, more·onr, ww deemed a l&cred ebarge, al heWAi 001 or tbe orpbu childreu or Mr.Gibbet'. 11Iler,Intrulted to blm ou hordeatb·bed.

Tbe ..alllllg ceased j tbere WII ,Hence,brokeo onlJ bJ lobi, .od tbo muteruked:

"Wbo I. ,,111101 to 10 back for tbechild'"

No Olle lpoll:e. lIr. Gibbel turoed tob1l "tfe (or conolel. At tbe two talked10 low IOOtl, Mu. Glbbe. oalled ber hu.·band'i .tteotloa to )(ar" who WAi koool­Inl with cl..pod haDdl,ln pra,or,.t tbefoot of the bod. ID a moment, the littlemaid roM, and came to them, layloi'c.lmlJ:

"Mother,l mu.t frO back aftor blbl_11

"Ob, DIy ehild,1I cried tbo mOlber,loagooT, "I MIiMe let 101,11"

"nut, mother, I mUI"" pleaded Mar1.Ood wtll care for me."

It "'AI a fe.. ful rtlpoollbilit,. Tbegun.1 Jet roared cooltaolly through tbodlU'koeu; tbe hOllle migbt now be InfI.!lme.; It mhtht be filled wltb caroageand 1I100d. Mrt. Gilibet turned to btrbUllIand. BI. face WAI burled 10 hi.hud.. rlaloll, .he mllit decldo it her·scM. Witb .tre.ming efel, .be lookedat Mary.

"Clime beret my chUd," .be calledtbrough ber soln. Marl foil upo~ hermother', oeck. Ooe lOOK, r.wlonllecUllJrllCc, ill which III • mol lu'a loyeaDd devotioo .'ere poured oUI, and Iheclinging arml were I)pent!d without a,,·nol. lllU'} tI(lrac3 UI), kl.Nd her rA·Iher'. 'or~head, aDd Ipttd forth 00 herdlln~orou. minioo or loye. . .

Tile rain bad oow eeased, but tho IIIgntWltl .till dark lind full of terror., (or1IIIOUgh the IrCCll Ihe I w the frequeDtf!luhe ot the great guol. The ,,-ooda"'ere tilled with the buomlog rclloe., 10Iblt canllon lumed to be 00 eYe'1 hooll.She Dew 00 with all 'lJC!C~. Soon Ihe!leud the cruhlug trt.oet ahead, lind liuewthllt in " momcat .ho would ht! oncemore fllce 10 r"ce with death. She llilllIut f.ltu· Now .h~ "ftl agftlo In thefierce ...·lIlrlwlnJI All Aroulul her the.hut howled IIml Ihriekl'tl. On e... llrl.ilJt!lJrllncho, full cra.hlng to tho e,,~h. ACllnn.m·ltall plun14cd Into tho groulldclHlic hellelo her, CI"t o'ler llcr 11 I,u.p orUlUlI, Imlllllcw her down. Sho .prllngIlJI AIlII Ilrolled on ",·!th redoulJled 'flgor.NtJl even tNit IJRII COUll1 U1l1ko ber turalJack.

She reached lhe houle. She ran w theruom "h~re tho IIttio chilli u'l.IIl1y .lelt(.'rho IJtd "'IlS Clllptyl Uim&Ctctl, Ibeflew [Wilt chlll'liber to chlmber. ::iud·Ilenly l!he rcmembered IhAt thll nlKht he!l'ul Ii~n givell til anotller DUrie. Up10111 Iht Iblrd Itur} Ibe burrled, aod,.1

Ihe IlU.h4ll.1 0IUIO Iha Joor. Ihe Iitll. fel·lowl ~iuin" up in bed, cooed to her aodput nut his hlllnJ~.

With the teul rllluillg' down bercheek , ~tllrJ WrApped the lillie warlUl}and 'tlrled dll_'n Ihe 8lair. Out lOti'the darkoeJl once mure; nllw rJ ..,dtllher IJrccioul bur\lcu. IhrollJ;h callnllll'roar, through 8hot and Ihell! Threetimes Ihe Jill! ed Ihrollllh tid, turm.'rhe baill stili Iwellt Ihe for-~ 1; ll1e ter·ridc booming 81led Ihe air.

Wilh the child prc ,cli lill'htl, to herhrave young be"rt, Ihe it nu. Sheneitber ItumlJled nor felt. Tho .lIotthrew Ihe lUll lu her facc, ILnd hn ..-erodtba twigs dowo Upoll her he"d. nut .hawa. not nruck. In ..fety .he reaehedthe hut, and fell ubaulIN acrOEI tbeIbrCibold.

Aod the little bo, Ihut I"'cd by aIlirl'. brave defotlon, after.ard IlfCllmoGeneral Ftlnwlck. faDlVUi lu thc "'ar ofJ812.-5t. Nich6w•.

Palestine Exploration,rbotograpb. f)f recentdlscoverlu mlde

hJ the upeditioD lent IIUt l.Iy the P.les­tioe Expluratlon Soclely butt urrlvod 10lbic citJ, 1101.1 form an lntert'ltloJ( rl'Curdof tbe Ilrogrcn made. The, are Ilkonat dilTereot pc>int' iD Iho hind of Uo~b,Gilead aDd n~t.lhan, which the .ocletJhad mapped out for Itl work. In a pic­ture of Amman, the It!lblll&lh Ammon oftho Old Te.talDent and tho plar,e whlehJnab besieged whull ho "placet.! Uriah thoHittite in tho fronl of the battl"." ara.een- the ruin, of a Ihelltre. ·}~ortJ.•lxtier. of seat. Ire IlIRUdioK, and they ItOu true to.daJ sa when thtl built.!eu .etthem up. Throughout thoy llo not de·flect onc·elghth of an Inch fri)lll thaplumb anll IlIfe!. Tho Temple of the SUDat Jerllh ,hOWl 4lleven column. IlillItaodiol, Iplendid 11>eclwelll of Corio­thian archlteclure. ThnuSh thel aro(ortl-8'1e (eet hi~h .nd five feet lu diaw·oter, tbe Immcn5u c"pitall Ilrtl flnllbed ".delic\tcll &I Illce·",·ork. Tho l<ltl.\·et INtraced .imo.t with the Ilghtneill aud pclr.feetiuo or nllture. '1'h\irll I. " fine IIICCI·meo of limll.r work in the "Serai," orhCon'leot of Job"at Kunllw"t. lIero Ihoaolld block!, "'blch bad Dot Jet beeoc.rved ioto capit.I., .tll1 rett uu8ul,het!00 tbe topa of maoJ columo••

10 Jer..b, wblch it rich 10 rulol, arca triumphal arch aDd forum. The arch,tboogb Dot oldor than TroJan'. time, I.a be.utiful relic,lbo.log IOmo uaulua\'eaturtl,ootabl,lho .ingular 'f1M·.h.pedlectioll!l of tbe columol,oro.meoted withacaolbus luns, or tbe forulD,aftJ col·umol are 'till .tllodIDg, and Iittlo or tbeeotablature i. brokeo.

Tbe Temple ot Tbeitbatoa, of wblch a

r. rtioo of the Nortb wall .Iuoe remalo••• a Doble 'peelmen of 10llb areblueture.

There .re nloe COUlles of .Lona bel"elIOthe ItJlobate aDd ~nllblalure, all trulyequared, Dooe le'eled. The toOlpie atMUlmeib, wblch • ureek iD..ICriptioo tell.waa bulh l.1ur1ng tbe reigDtl of M.reulAotooiu. and Luelul Veru., A. D. 101­101, .1.10.' .ome interettln.g wotk. Oul·tide, the Doric columnJ .tantlln mllilly.perfectioo, while witblo tbe Oorlathlao.bo" their delicate clpitall, and Ju.t 00·low thtm,oo eacb columu, a w,eath itbe.utlfullJ caned. Ooe or two .Iowl ofI cedar gro,e, 10 whleb tbe gnarled andkootted truok. and bro'lt'lpreadlngbranchel .t.nd out 10 Ibarp relief agalosttbe clelll' IkJ of P"lettlne, gin In Ideaor tbo wealth of .egetatlon wllb whicbthy upper plalol oC tlltl Jordan are co...•etfld. There are 10 aU nlotlly.olne oega·thelt wblcb blVe lJeeo IcOt (roln P,I'l'·tloe, and placed 10 tbe haod. of 3lr. G.G. RockWood, w1l., "Ill t.ke cOI,lel fromtbem for .UbterllJert to tbe u"loratioofuod.-NtUt yqr,k T"ibllnll.

AN old lJeotlelDeo W~Dt to the railroad.tallon the other d.y. Be had an old·fashioned atrap wallet. aod tall 10K it uutof bit pocket at tbe ticket wlodow ho 10'qulred the price of • ticket, took themooeJ 01,11 acd let the wallet bacg bJ thcatra:r. from ~tweeu bll teeth ..hlle lIema e the right change. Buddeoly 110began pranciog ftround tbe room, coo·IleroltioD 10 bit fICO aDd tbe ....lIel be·tweeo hi. jaw., looklo¥ e'fer,where,uDder aDd beblod leatl, aud flo.lI, walk·ing up to the ticket window agaio, beI&ld, "Uave"-and 1I0wn dropPed tbeloog lost Willet. HII Wat ,!tOlo" to "y,"Uue you lecn my w.llet1" "Uow.ln·gular that old people tboultl be 10 (or·getfuJ/' he relIlarkod,u be quletl1ICatecihlmJeM 10 the c.ra.

!IR. Jon~ G. WUt'tTIKK hat a Iteroerrcllgioul belle'tblo mOJ\. reade~ of hllIlOCms woulll ha'fO imlbtined. 110 wrlle.to a correapoodeul: "I think I uDder­llaud thl inqulr1. I Am oot lln Uolnr·,,1i.1. for I belleye In thu poulblllt, ofthe perpetu t ION or the iOul that pcr­Ii tenl11 tUlal frola 000 in tllo nut lifou 10 tbi.. But I lIu hlllie'fe, aho, thattbe Divino If,va aocl CUlIIl1 Ilia f\lllo" u.In all world~, And Illal Ibe Uel'feoll~'lIther .,,-ill do Ibe belt that Is IIOfliltlufor everJ creature thai Ue 118.1 rnatla.What that "'111 be mu.t be left tl) hll 10·dutte "'lldom aod gDu4.1neill. I ..ould roofer tue, to a poem of mloe, 'The anlwer.'-'Spare me, dr'lad angel of reproof,' etc.,-IU containlnK, 10 II few wurdf, my be·lief 10 thll In litter."--'----

A.pI'La .~ul'rr&1t5.-Peol thrce 1&180 ar,­pie" core them aod cut Ihom "cron nIHCCl rather lell than hair In inch thick;IIUt 'hem In a dllt fillh wltlt half l\ tum­uler of braoll1 aDd .trew (llauty of Jlo",­dered loar .ugar oror them; let thOlD re·mdn covered for a couplo of houtl, tbent.ke each piece teparltel" dip it in but­ter 10 thai It II well co,ered with It aDdfrJ a golden color In plentl o( hot lard.lA, the frltteu 10 (root of tho fi,e, andwheo .11 .ro dune pilo thtlD Ull on a nap­klo, Ih.ke pleaty of powdered loar ,uK"over lbem IIl1d .en",.

}tome a \'llJlt Cemt>tery.

'nle ~rnuo,1 on which the Elenll! Cit}!tanlla It luch I! a S~logilt wltuld lint!it harll to deltCrilJc; 11 illl mlt!!1 of a.he.,flf '~,l(ellt.lrle end animal dt!lrllUS, cor·ruptell by conlact with tile filthof ,ewers,C'IO tructt't.1 at dilTcrcot Jlcrlndl, whhllUtR01 rCl.lular )lllln or aOI rellllrtl Itl thepublic Ilealth. Immedlz,wly IIftcr the f"l1uf Ihe Eml'irClt the law fQrllltltllllg liurl.l~

"hllio tho 1'1'1.111 WJl' oeglect~, 1I0d thecitl became a Vll~t cemelery, wher" Iheliving fha-elt io perpetUAl contlltt with thedead. Firat. the burials Innded Iht"ncieot rulnl, and io a lung u:perleoee ofIlrchiAtolllglcal rl:Sellrch, I bue oner Jetruuod a II ogle ancient bulldln,l{ whichdid oot conceal corpte.-ofien oolJ afew dOlco, but 'umetlmel mill{oDI. Thefact IIl.t each 1)&rlll1 cburch had it. cem·elery II.t its .llIe ea:plainl the greater partof these dilmll dilCoverie., but some·timet one II obliged to belak. oDe', telfto other blpotheae! more or I~.. prob•h:m.ticlLl. Tbe aubsoH or tbe PiazzaColoaa, the f: "e.~ and mMt lI'fcly IpuliQ tlttl cltl, II Itrewt.od with corp.ea. It"'u tho cemetcrl of the Chureb (nowdeltrn,ed) uf St. Atldrel, Brat discoveredIn 1811$,10 dlgglo'io the piazza for awaler·cnnduit. Tbe I8me remark applictto Ihe PiuZ!l del Pantheon, the fvrlDerburlal·ground of the Church Itf S. ~brlaall Marlyro5. In 1811, whun I was IU­perlntending the excaYlltiool In thel"orUlll lind tho B.uilicA Julltl., I .." c"r·rlell lI .... al It lellllt n,ooo cllbic feet ofhUllllln bOllel, whicb hlld heen burled littho lide of lhll Chllplll of S. l'tIllrla Delh,Grnle. A pauIKtl In }l'IAmlllio VIlCCIl011 tho tame .uhjcct is Ycry cluuacterlstlc;"In Ihe Ihorm. or Oonllllnline," "'yl het"OI)poIlle the Church of ~. Sliye.tro, lua illirden belllOgiog Itt Uern.ardo Aeeea·"IIO!i, wera found two enormou. luhler·rlloetD Ylulltt, 100 palms loog .nd Ihirtywide, dlled with l8"eral thousand corp.e•.Thu rotnDce to tbese drudful nult.hat! bL~n c.refully atopped U2, aDd theI>otJle! were packed 10 clole,oue 00 thetl'p uf the other, tbat there remainedhttrdly a cubIc root tlf 'pace free." 1 doDOt doubt th"t a lIurial·lllllce.o ingulanowcd hil nia.ltnct! to nile fJf those !crri·hill t!pidclllic. tlt.t raYltJt:etl 'he citJ lie·tWllen the t ...elrlh .n<llhirl~nth centu·riel. It i., Ihert:f,'rc, 110 wttoder thatdurin,q: the great he.U "f aunucer tbe tlJI­

canllon. ha'fo to be ItI.ponded from re·g,,,,1 tr> tbe public he.lth; aD,1 that when,uodcr exceptionl clrcumllaocel, 1001e·tblog h"l to 1J.e dnol!t it i. of~o ell'oetL'llat the COlt of tbo life or healtb ot Iheworkmen. The cObJlruction baa beeocommeuced or a collectln,q: tlrain., to coo·oect tbe built of the CoII.um with thcTiber, pUilog through the Via Trlum­pbalit .od tho nlley o( the Clrcu, llnl·mUI, b di'!flog f"r Ibil purpoie, At thegreat deptb of tblrtJ·three feet, the work·wea came upon .. re!t!ryulr of ....ter oftbe elgbtb eeotu!1 D. C. A 10uog .rcbl­~ct wu sent to .ketch the monumeDt.Som. bourl .Cter he had .0 attack off"er wbich nearly cost bim hillife; an,1tho limo happeof!d tooue who had helpedhim• .&t tbe beKiQulo. or IAit Jull,when the leoders for the CQuluucllon oftbe railway from nome to }~lumlcIDo

were adJutllc.ted, tbl. rewarkllJle po.t.tcrlpt wu adlttlfl: IIAII tbo work-well..ho .ball UlII~ In tlltl worl" hue .. rightto aD uollmlted dlltributioD or qulnln.e•ThOlC who work 10 tbo oell(blturhlttlll ufFLumlcloo will...b",e a rlJht to tbe gratu·ltoul atlend.o~ of the muolclPJI t.IoCWrof tha piau," wen as (if oocouarr) toaD bonorabltlillo.ce in tbo celll.utory."-Lornkln Ath.ll_m. •

GOI"I'.-C.n. tho eyll wrought l.J1 "01'.lp be IIIt1m.ted' We trow not. A wl'lI"omRo can .carcel, .al too Iiulo Incompaay Ir tho cuoverlltlon trencbe. iotbo leut upon Icandal. ManJ ...ocillol,noble·mlnl1ed womaD bu heeD ollllKedto witbdraw heraelf from a oelghlJorboo,1iotlmac1, wbicb would bue been .,Iea.·ant olher,,-be, beelluie her remluka WtrtlrdurneJ bl lOme Idtc ule.bcarer, to per­"rtt....1 u to make her doubt the ul.lUoctlo( geoulno frlendlhip, ud Iccept lonc­llofQ for the l.rul, it brought. You "y,,"II 11I0,t talk "allout IOwethlnJl." y~,

aDd througb thllt Yery fact ",e .0tI a relll·edl for the nil-to .0 thorlJu£:bl,1nttr­elt ourl(llves In othcr and beller thiog~

thllt we Bod 00 Ipace to Ipare for ourrwl,qbool"l' ,,IT.irs. Let UI tCllch our 0YClito (lOll !Jeauty eferywbere, wblle we hllutlthem by COOllAOt wlllchfulueu til blelll.i.h. Ne,er, UDder 401 circum.l.oCt."Cait tbe ftut llOne. Thea, If ao errlngoelghlotlr ~ou dowe, JI)U caooot IJI"UIIlyoursel' fur aullting ie Ibo dowofill.

Youso man, Iilten to tho .,hice of thtSt. Luui. JourMl, .od chOO!e a wif" 1I1the mUlle .ha pla}s, IUId Ule ""1 ah"1I1.11 it. Iflhe ll'aoifcJtJ a prct.lilcctionror ScruuJI, .he u friYolou'i fur JJ,,"'O'11101'1111, Ihe I, ilDprachcal; for Lillt, IbcIt too amlJltiouli for Verdi, .he lalOntl·mentalj for Otfelibaeh,lbe il Rhhl1; forOOGoOll, .ho I. lacka.clai.lc!tl; fur Gott.·ehalk, lite It auperflclal i lor lIourt, ,htI. prudbhj for Flotow, .be i. COlllmon·pillcei for Wagner, ab, i. Idlntio. Tilt!sclrl who hammel'll Iwal .t I<lhilleu',PraJer," "Allyn Choru." .nd 'ISIIYetlWII'I'tl" mlll be depeodell upon ". agood cook, aud bultbful: and If Iho lu­elude. tho "lllttle of PraKuo" and the"Whlto CJckat.l.," 10 her rellOtor" JOuougM 10 koow thM ,he h ~ beeG re­IIgloll.ly and .trlellJ ourturell. Dul,lI"t or Ill, pin Ihou ttl, failh 1l1)()11 thecalico tlren flf the girl wbo cao "lay"Home, Sweet Home."

Tlla great Soutb American earthquakeu( M"y, 18'l'T, wal f"lht lila Pultuw.~·

trooomical Ol>tenalorl io Pu••I", pro·duelog a tremor io an. iottrumtlot withwbleb aD oblener wu "alchlo,l( a .tar.This appe.r. from. report recentlJ com·muolcated to thll 51. Pcwnburg Ac.llnmloC Seleoc'l.


Attempts b.,o beeo made bJ IIItbro_polojlbl. 10 tnce lOme cooo@ctiou be­tweell thes lluahmco uf South Africa andthe "rehiitorlc nce wbich has left 10mucll nldeoce of Itl ronuer cai'leOCt iaIh. andent cue. of Soulhero aDd Well­ern AurulJe· The ruek pliolinKI o( tben~lIhmefl hue lJetoo parlicullltlJ,tudiedwilb referonce to thl ,ul'poIed relltiooThll, dltclose coo.IIlerallle taleot aDdwould undoulrtedlJ rellay furtber Itudltlru bu 1et b.eeo be.towed on them!,joftlrtulillttll, hO~'cfer, thel Ire rallidl;t;clng de IlIlTed. The Soulh Africanherdsmen dU'fe their .beep aod clttleIn.lo the tavulo wlricb aro tbe ... icturttanll th,ae aulmlll,.buddled togetber aDd.cramlJllnK aboul, rub them out. In or_der 10 p~tr ...e 'lime record tlf Ihem llrStow of the South Africao Oeol~caiSuney, h.. e1r"wn O'fer t!Jirt, Cartooo.of Ihe h~t of tbc~e p.iatil1g. he ba~ rod..hh, emploJllIg ao acll'e yuung BUlb'mall to buot for them "'hile lIe pr"stctne'hll geologlclil ,,"urk. Ue bUI1Cj III a4 dl"rgllll to hit CoJ?ICI, IIUti thu~ al'Cure 'fIlII.able mllcrltd for Ihtl cumlolliun of etb­nologlltl tit bl'ule.

)(1'. }o~IIASCIlGALTON ad..ncel a Dum.ber of lutcrelling ,rgulluml, in fnor ofhill plan for I.klll!( eompolite porlriliu1J.r comlJinlog " luunller of dill'er41ut rhO:'og'llphalo tll8l1ime ,llclllre. ODe 0 themUlt cll'ecli'fe ill It" u.efulnl!U in enabliagUll to olJlIlllI hy photnKr"phl • re\111J(ood IIkellc,J Ill' ,,1l ... lnl{ perIOD. I'TheInferiority IIf Ilhfltogrltllll to the btll 'forbor .rU'h, 1111 I'lir a~ resemhlaDce I. coo.cerlled, Uel In thcir cafching nil moretblln a .Ioglo et:prClJlon. If mauy phOotographl uf II per,oll .....ere t"ken at llir.ferent IlmCIl,\ltllhlllll eveD yun apu~Iheir compOl lu would IlOIICil5 th"t 10whleh • alngle phot"Hr.~h II ddlcleot."The cxperit!llce uf Mr. Appuld, an Ees:·1I.1t mechalllchan, II eited 011 tlli, poiut.lie ,,1\8 in the h"hit or c',mbinioK two...hotogr"phlor hllU!elf umler Ihe Itere·OICOpt!. In olle he hid "'5umOt.l 110 u·prea~lon llfllcrnneu; In thl! other bll:.u.mIUnj,t; the, lJlended loto aD etfd:t1Y1!alld IIUlle.clorl IIkene.r.

Pmf.....;ftr B. A. Gould writM to Ihe,dllun uf tlte "lIItriean JourlUd (1 Sdtn«fWIIl t110 a.tmnonllcat obtcnl&tory uDderhi. clll~rge .t Curdll'fl, In the A~eotiDo

ltepubllc, Ih"t Ibe \\ulhtlr in Ihd partof Soulh Amcrica bill Dot beOIt al fIYor.alJlo lald,." it WB.'J duriog tllO earlier,ellrt of hi' retldeuco there. Lut lear,for eumple, there ...·ere nnly leo clearolRlltt at the oble"atory ill lll&rch &AdAr.ril, aod ool11C1'OD in Juoe .nd Jul'iwille 10 the lire ot ,elr, up It) lbrcb20th, theru bad been lJut 000 olght with·out cloud. to Interrupt or "rewellt obter'l'.atloo. Profe lOr Gould tblob thl' COD'trut with lheclear weather which be u­perleoull al Brll, I, duo t'CNOlDft reriod­ical y.riatlon or climate nnt ytlt Iccur·alel, ucertalned. III the .. lne leiter be"'1' that the lIoralal clOck of Ibe obse"·atur1 hAl beeu IIOpped Iwice during tbelilt Jear by earlhllu.ke ""It!, althougbtile tremorl do unt ,eem III II"Ye ben (eltIt Curdl)'" by In, perKIn. thllra.

A Jallane!e re.ldeot of OJrel,oo IbeA.latic malnh'nll, wrlliug hOlD tbathlthllrtll uclull.c and 10hu'IJltllbi1l Btlleto a Journal lu hili o.. n countr1, lDentloo.ao anlm,,1 caUod T,m,,1 by the Coreaol,"hlch hi d'lICrIlJeI.a reumbllng II <:.t.Thl. crllttluro, he JIll" lLlacks ligrrt,aadI. generally feared y them. We blltl1J1thInk thf\t &lIolo,l(I\'a bl'fe koowledco, u,et, of lIul.uch "nIIDal. It mu!t lreuH­fulln Ctlrtlll, howner, for accordiaA' tothll 'Imo luthorit" the popuioull city orTorla thcruln I. '0 lofutled b1 cljiter, thltthe I'eopltl c1o.o their door. rorl,lo tbeo'euln!: aDd tlo Dot vlloture out late.

The Ilogular announcoment COllUIfwm TarUel, III Frllllcll, that houltl m'lI>e protectft(.1 from IIJlhlnlng by AUaebloi'huodlllillf Ilraw to .tlckl or broom han·diU. Itnd f"tleolng Ihem upright Oil tberoof. It IIllatod that there ha,e been DOaccltlentl In eighteen communu of IbeTarbel dlatrict Iince "lIlbe houlel werelurol.hlld with Ihll UppoKtl protectiOJl;but la It cerlaln that there woJulci bu.been anlluch acc!lJentl withuut tbe buo·dies of Itta" ,

Wu find. Dtltlce 10 Natllr, of the u·ceedin,,11 IlIlllr~lorl lJird k~o"'n III theNl;I'I'I' Z'Jalautl w:otJwh. Durto.lt' Ihe lum­lUer of Ibe o'Jrthem Ilemllll'hurc Ihi, bird,laitJ Siltcria, and I. Ulet wilh Iloog thoI"ulhern ,!l',re or ttJtl Sea o( Okbottk.FroID SO'fcmlJer to April it IIly,lo NI~Za"IRo I. 111 annuli ".nderiugs lake ,t10 Chluu, Jdl'''o, JaM, Co~.IHI.!!, Timor,N'vrfolk blanu, tho Ne" lIebri<le" aadAu.tr.lin. The godwit. beloug 10 the~nipo fawll1.

Tho a/,polotment or P,ofdJOr Spencerfo'. llalrc 10 succeed the I"to !'rureilOr

IIcory .,Secret"r, (wbich ill Ihil Calfmeaul the chief execatlye omcer) of tbe:Jmithsouilln 10ltitutloD, Wl!llIS \\'ith geu·erlll ~PI)r"val I04clentidc circle-I, ulld iJCOlROloutled u a deee"ell IIruOlutiOO.I'ro(ouor U.J.ird II," loog been the a!!bt­ant ~retar,., and 1.1 n'fen m,'re wldelJkoo"o u U'oited Stale. fo'jih (;oouo!t·silloer.

The Yllle CflllegemUicum h'" receoUJactllilred Ihe Jaw of a Im.1I .l1lm,,1 abouial I.rgo .. a wc,,!el, from tho HoekJ)louut"in reglou. ProrellOr O. C•.MII1Il.",.It belflllgeci to a mar.upl,,1 "llIed totho 0lloiluml oCtllo prulllitit d.,. It " ..found In Ihe I(t!I'llaJollcal fllrmlltlun kn0:.d.. tllo U\IIJCr Jurullc, aoll ill)rnhoUo.r ,\ICCitl. Inlerelt .. l>elng tho tiu'lt {~:ra.. c m.mm,1 e'er dllooyeret.1 10 t ...

countr1·PRor.lloR SUolOK NIt .....ooyU, ~

AmericlD ..trlJoomer, hILI ~o a~rlr~.it. medlllb1 tllo n..rltm SOCletl 0eneel In the N'etberl.Ddl, for IInlog d~Iloguilhtd blnueH, witblo tho lut t....J,e.rl io an ncepllonal mllloer blruea:chet and di.conrltl 10 ..trooo.'·

Page 3: Puget Sound WeeklyArgus. · Ute ftillation I ETH TOil AS ~)~no '''UI t:TOII. Ite ~Inll rellll'li tht! ,"me. whh hll ubJec- allli emolururllts. abo"1 Ihe .1II01l1lt Orj,llrecllyor

Un. ~r. c. On'rloAN, tbe It()ml.O ClIth·nile ArcblJiHbor. of Armlll(h, ill hi. lutI.~oteo p" tora ,.poke iu II,rlD' of stronglellruhAlinn of ,I .. "k(ll." Some petlQo"he ..ill, go 10 wakes anJ fuoeral, for nonlhllr purpo.. tlllln 10 drink whilky.Such IHlople would drink the water inwhich Pillite wtl.heol Iill h.nll.lf it tilletl01 whi.ky.

A CI:'CCIN·,'"C.CTO,:-:"~,·,,·,C,C,,",C,,"'rti!el: "Vii'1I0r, welcoUied anJ .hllll·n through Illewarerooml withoul btiug ImpolLuued tubu,."

DEluna OJ' COLD.-A cold II oneo Iheprccur.or o( terlou. iUne» ,nd dealb.Whllh:t'er weak place we hue, whattlt'erconltltulloul dluue we be subject to,cold will .urel, disco'er. We like coldLccau.u our ..It.llt) I. 100 10" co Wilduff Ihe eO'et:tI of the redaced lemptra­luro llround U'. AJ I. matter of tbe tintIInpnrt.nce, thtDt to re-Id cold Inti tbeuri"I" derHo'(elucnll of the Iy.tem COD,..t-'I,I lI'. it b Ui:CC ry by pr0fl!r nutr!­i..u l' III luLtiu our ullturalanlUlal heat;

~t,; 'lId, t,J I'\llalo tbll beat by a 'UmcicDtqUllltityof clulhlug; third, to regulltc""llh care the tetul~Jltuttof Ihe .ir webrealhe. CootrarJ tOJbeoploJOn currentamong IOfeu of col weatber. a tI,e 10Ihe bt.'<1roolU 10 winter it cheaper .nflbetter Ihao , duccor', bill; for,o"log toour inaeti'e condition duriog .Jeep, tbec1rcullltlon oftbe .,it&li&ing blood II ,",tit110'" .ncllmperft:Ct, and brace the 1110'gllr ot' t.king cold hy breathing cold airi. greatlJ lucrellied. Nner oeglCCI Ac"rd; Itl•• d411gerou. liberty to lakewith tbe healthitlt oonltltlltlon.

Wa.terlur Horses dhn' Fcedlu",.

---"lllnle Healn. CnrlOll1l ~ew \'urk CllIU·lll:tel'S. I Wit 1I.1It Jlumor.

A corre&llOoueot It Wltbioglon write! Whouer h.. beeu here IlIelJ hl'!i ,cen G£UIt(,1A h.. put her fJldeat OliO un.aI follow. of Vinoie Ite.m, the tcul p. ~ fJ. ueedy llrra.0I1 \H!rll4Jn, til helher Ulan I,l...r Ihe ltlrf. lit: had nll huine.. to Ii,etrell, wbole mllrriage 10 Lieut. 1I0de WII or Wl!lUlln it wuul. lw hlllli tIl It;II-1i O\·t:r 10ll1t!\r•.rtcmtled the othcr tI.y: periOD wllh A lellli·Turki h .J.:llrIHtfll! lUI Wll~S Ollt: m.n wllku mooe atlhort.

Tho hrldi! is a prollcient In music, old lit",... bllt, l>c:ramLulIl1111" ll,tl ~1,le· hllnll writing ten m' c.n ru.'e DJune,liu'f!, pilly. tbe piIlO", Rull.r, and tnarp, wlilk. neu Iho Il'Jlt"rnee 'IUI A.t"r by CUlling tbort t'~~t Ikaed knnu more or leiS .lJout potlr, llall IIllule, Idling 1l'l'Cn to Ulljl!&I), tIlIH' PM'". . .light literature. "1 oeVtr could hellr III· ~il1 huy Tllii farnous IKr':soin h TUlII. J .\ )1 tN' n med Chrf.tal edit. I Ne"gelJrll Ilntl geomelrJ." .ho Illid 00 a lnle Iti.Jou, Il' ferJ h.rmleJi IOrt IIf creloture j!"CJ ll~pc:r. He It mUsI II good .. ano("lblon, "ill fllCt 1 can hArdly couot of tile .llory 'V.lker 'I\edt'li, though ~he e Ilur \t'\th II Ul", eye.-It'r{' PrMt.two lIod L\II'o. Si!ller ..y. 1 am ttfraid to bal a hU!lblLnrl and UlAkc3 II. ne"'~p:tl)(!r. WUAT .... the mnlt IIOntit bet Ibat~II Ollt Ihoppibg .Inoe fur fellr Jlfoplc ·the .llhi t IlAper la the worIJ." Sue "'·u liter In.tlel Tbe Ilplnl.bet. hi",oo't gl" me tile right cb.nll'c." IIWlh, ,Iowl, .otl plea lIutl.,·, ",!til II mukcr .·a nhlenllya mao of ItUu.

Vlonle ItC'ID was born In UadilOn. smile ahnult al.'ara on a faCt: thAt I.. fAr 100. 'WiI.; II tile daughter of Jhbtrt L. Ikam, from repul l,e, .nd IOn'e1imCll t}ll)" tlotl Tllf: ~orriil."'oUtrar" b., AI«:u.loed91 bu "'.. reRiat,..r of deed•• t Iln.t tilDG. milo cullect .wllnd ber, Mrl!A~IJ t;, lh." Ih~t ""IUIl Kia", ma~hed up ftue .od .d­lie it of QllrllllO lIeliCent, .od her motber .nullr.uce of tbe reclor or ~r. 111111. 1I110latcred IUll:lually will cUre a do o((II Scolcb pllrenl.ge. lIer p"teuti re- thurch, .·ho IfOt ber arrelte..l the otllt:r Ibeep-killing.'" gm01'l!d to W..biDKtoD when Vlonie w.. dlJ" a 1l1.lurbcr or the pelce. There OSR ( 11little morc tban an iafKol, and llfierft'IUd Will nn prollf that .he bad dillurbcd any. t' 0 ,t e cood.u~l?J1 OD • BoItoato KAIl...I, wbere her fllther wu employcd hody'. peace but Iblt of Ihe Incrnst.'tl re: t r.lI\\ar II' dlt'lDlt, .ludeRt, whoIII Ihe luryeynr-geoer.!'11 office, belllg 00' rcotur lind tba Judge let her of[ Toro or 1011 the 110.11100 for a few tDflntbl ul nof hil mO!lt lecomplilhetl llrl.ugbtlowen. Ihrrc :"eekl ago IIhe WILl arrelled on lOme ortler 10 ItullJ bUWILtl nature."Vinaie wal edue.ted It Chrlltiln College, (rholou. charge .nd eummilled Cur WOlit TUft prueot lIyle of wtltber caU. toCo.llnmbla countJ, lind after"'an} lpenl of "1111, which Dr. Log'D, • t'il.lhrr ia the mlod tha remark of a IILbie brother tb.t.ome time lu Arklloiu, It Little Hoclt cit" promptly pdd for her. lI~r p'!K'r "he h~ 'mot' allen tlotloed If be 'U,tdInd Fort 15mlth. ViII III, ludi.e Terri· h full of crudhiOl, with gllmoleriug. of Iro de month of Hllrcb he lived tro detorJ, fa ..Id to be n.med from her. seDN in p.ngtlllh, of ooutenlC And rub- ,ear."

Dl1r1ug tlte war ber parent. Il~lin re- blsb. Dut It I. ooe of the curlou'lco· T,,·o o,lten 10 a g.lIun of luke warmmot'ed to "'''hlngtoD, and tho f.tber be- dCDciu of moderll city life to dcvelop ftuld.t a cburch f.lr are nn Inng,r caUedcl.mlng belple.. from rheDm.tiltD aoll thla 101' o( ltClentrlcity. A t'trJ luLer· itew" bllt "IUatlum'llnd 10m, ,"pl•the fllmlly wltbout me.n., .bo lought e.tlog chapter might he wrltlen 00 the thlok tbere are too maoy 4.h kl lb.eWllloymtlot In the deld letter olliee Ind eccenlrlo chllracter. lJf New York, chief wlter.hfilpell tu .upj.rt the fAmll" the fllther of whom ilGeorge Franei.Traln, .'ho lutl A llCItOOI.KUT&R uktd a el....hatlJelng cunnne tlf crutchet for four Jearl, .bataloed from melit for ,e.", and heu Shylock meaot wben be Ilid "M, deed'and the mother taking Jodgmt amoag taken Turldlh batba enough 10 h"vII re· upon m, he.d." "Well," ..'Id 011I of tb:whom VinnIe formed lome dlltingul.hed duced ao ordlnlf' mall to IlOn plratlun, If boy., "I don't leonw unlll18 he carri.d bitIICqUllotlllUI. Golnl{ oDe day wilh A not tu hne dllllolvcll blm Into.n IlUpttl· paJHlrl In hll h.l"COllgrellmllo Crolll !Ialae to all. .rtilt'l paule milt. 1 "" him Jlle11 looking a. D lb'lIudllJ Ihe fur the 8r.t tiwe ,,,w the pro· IlM.ab.orbed anJ lul8uloe all eYllr, hll IUttl till t or hum nor buZl. It b..CII" or wotllllliog III 01.,. It w'I, Are...• hClld rull or .pleudld ct)lIctllt'.lIo"1 crut. b. been dl.coyered tbllt the nolle mlde b,olllltioa to her. "r ClIO. dll tbnl," ~he ell, hll talk n continuoul flow of brllllaDt, them h ~ IIlDlent. Tbe, feel I'lffy th.tIllld, "You mean 'OU Cln tr, ti) do It," .tartllngl IhueldDK, alnurd, revlliutloa· ~:l ~.n t .tillre" dORoo be,.••t ooce.­repllcd the .rthl. "No," Ilild .he, "1 Iry, qullint, re,erCDt a.yiog., He Reem. . tOle JIlrtil PUll.meta 1 caD do It." lIe gan her aome to lie a hum au locoDtotlt'D ""Ithuut lIr.ke Ibn lUll ntfac' rrom • IIttl. 1.00"1cllyaud "m.dallion to cOPJ, wbieh Ihe or .tnp·cock. Ib l\.'chcfllhe Iplr.", fl.rlt compoaitlun: "W',o call I. ar"Lurned the out morning.o wOlleltd at ou tblt grllen lIoel tha 1,1j,(1I'IOli thllt droled Iwe,rln' alllil bl ..temla' .nd I 1r110' tbeto lIItouilb him. She soon Ifler received o,er Iba IJlltk; he f(jIl'II.\~tI thu chlltlrllu glig.. of Ihelr .tell.m bile,. 10 the backmaoy ordarl, and f1nl1ly, 10 th" ..toollb· .... ith hI! e,.~t!r e1 ..... allil 1tCC:U1cd til ,.Iue l lrd .•t ~Itll It. ~alln a fell.r ot111! fred..meut of people .'ho Itne. or cued almut dler thcm, hlm.el(" big, o"llrl{ru,-n 001. If he IIU t Ileeilln whb hi. big brulhcr."leuliliure, .he obtained the grell L\.OCIIIIl Au illuvrelilLle ..linIn caw" IlItll hI. BARDIR (.prllpol of ell.tomer',C;'lllUululon. Not until Ihe b.d obtailU!J (ace t>OoH:Llme. aotl tb~o It 'A'At teDder beard)-"Yel, Kreat Improt'emellt, 111•Ih!!, bowefer, did .be givo up her 110 ,1. Aud ~'t'ect II • "OlDIiO t. Oue CD.nnot tlced, .Ir, .Inee JOu took nur 'Balm oftlOn 10 the po.toffice, but did all of her help fClJllolJ a deep .ympath, for. the IIIJrl•. ' Of courle yOIl wilt take Ill.artistIC "ork after nffice hOUri, many 01 mID, who wllh more poljetud .lulhueu other bottle I" Cuitomcr (dtJIJ)-"Noher efenioga being allO d",oted to mud· of n.ture, wllb • ull:otal equillibrinm tblnb hlno't tried tbe lint JI1" •c.1 reburI.I., .. Ihe "0li" 10 tbe g'ltreel which he bal eltber loat or been denied, A M~IT 0 th •Ib,ptilt church ohoir ,t a talary of '1~ perbapl with lletter rew_lated oerve public .oe~.r y~lDl U~t:I~to~:a ,.tM; 10 that ber life wu • ver, laoo· g.ugea, mIght lie ooe of tbe Iblut and upon t add IlIg, 8 o~.o :07. •,i"ulolle. UlOlt brilliliot meo of tbe age. It lIa hll ft:e (I IDd rllU • un 1"1e OU, rOM to

M IOOD" ber model of Lincoln 11'11 lerrible rellectlol1 on our medical Icleote I1ttetllo~e t after nloly.tMla HtI, (orcompleted,-.nd Ibe receind h.r f1r1t 10' Iblll it hu found 00.'.{ of lutorlog .ucb tlD_., cbll~r.~a~to ~toarHlY iuu.r~llallmeot of .3,000 00 ICCOUOt of It,- a mill to the world an to blulIelr.-Cor. po';der II ,n 'Yer p aJ WI

.he ..lied witb it to Europe to Itcure SprI'ngJltlcl &pdliM". •

.ldJled workmen for tbe chiseUlI8. Sbe A UTTt..& girl uk" aD .Id ,..111_'pent two Jean and a bllf tbere, a (arg" T&~ Toou.un AV&RIOAl{ PLOW" FOR w.bl blled contllldrllml: Wb.t II tbaportion of Ibe time at Romr. RuuIA.-Tbe.4mfritan ",rievllur;,' for dllJerence bet,,"n a potato .od • " '"

At Rome .be modeled a bUlt otCardi. Marcb lIyl: "1 doo't leao........Ied the old .1l.IAotooelli wbo pt'e ber a ,..Iu.bl. Ooe of tb. mOlt 1I0tieeabie of recfot "Don't leDO" I" nelabud tbe eblldjmed.U1nn of ~ Chrlll'l bead u alOut'toir. occurrencell. tbe purch..e ot ten thou· "Ihrn 1 doalt "ant "'Ii to bly IaIII.m­At Vienoa Ibe mlLl:le a bUlt ot Jooo J.y, .ud Amflrican l!low. bJ the Uuulao Oil' ftlrllU."tbea Amerlelln mioi.ter there; .t Berllo, sntroment. tor dlllributioa. amoag tbe CI'fILrrT" to. mao wblt be..tJ'lIo( K'Dlbach; at Pari., of Dote; in Loa· lumerl Cit RUllla. Tbere il more In thl. to a ...oman. It crtatel 'D IDllut&a.dop, of SPurieoO. In wi. couolr, .be tbaD. would leew to be.t Brit .ight. It Ollt Impreuloa 10 hit beb.lf, ..hile thebll modeled. mOlt of 1h. dllUoguillutd il cert.lnlJ a great complimeot u well oppotlte quality eseltu "lIu1cle. prt'j••men of tbe oatioo, .nd blS abo attempted u. Taloable lLCkoowledgmeot of merit dIce ~liliit bim. Jt i•• r.1 oroameo&.ideal creitloo&, amooi thew ber IISap· 10 American agricultural lmplemeot we mo.t beautiful draa that a III.. 01pho," "Spirito del CarnlYlle," "ltlrilrtl," m.ken, but it Implle. that the COlllpeU. womaD ClID wtar, and worth 1II0r... a"Youllg West." Her bu.baod I,mp" tlOII or Awerican fUDIcrs io tbe Europellll meao. ot wlnniog Cnor tblo lb. an.1tblzlll In her work, boiDg hlllIlelf .n ar· gralo trlde bu touched wbat bu beeo c1otlteuod lewetu.er worD.lIent .eieatlit .tlldent, end the under· COll,ldered '0. In1'uloer.ble .pot. The "5 ...tani.ling II Ibat oellber .b.lI interlere whelt grower. of Soutlierll Ruula,upply UPPQI&, .ald u Iowa Ja",er to &with tbe otber'. punulli. ...h.t JI kno"n II the Black Sra trade, .·ltoUI be wu tr~lng &0 badaer rlCMtly

She live. in ber I1wn bOUle whfc:b II .nd being much nearer to too market ".uPpoio 1 Iboul tell IOU Jbat 1 couldtilled wltb works of art lind ber pareDt. Ihau wo ero, tbelr wheat bu blld a great bring. dozlln men o'iour town to tbtIIlld wido,,'ed lister Ihe 'willi her. ..JYlI.ntago o.er OUl'I. Dut American court.r~m who woul III theJ would

Hcr ,lllue of Farngut. for whlcb .be wbeat bll' dillpl.ccct the RUllilln ..helltl Dot ~he,e rou OD oath, •••t "ould yoail to rocelt't> '°0000 from cOn&r6l. II to a conllderllblo extent,ln tile EugUlb ..,.t Alld c.lmlll Ihe "Jla... repUed:rendy'for tbe c~ling, Bhe II entir~ly warltet, and the HUllilln fllrmers bue ll~WOUld''''loU led." Agentl.lmll.telf.tftught haYing nevor tolcco a le..on oow 10 exert IbomHelt'e. to bold e';en a dlffu.ed iltlll all 0'1' Ibe ,·ourt·room,C.lcelll tim 'few C1rudll Illn1l rccel,ed rrorri I.ortlon of Ibat Irllde. Helice It I. deter.•n(1 tbe llnrufl10d wHnUI .Iepped dowo.tllo I rllt IItilt whom tho ,lllited. .. lulnoll to IrJ Lhe ploW'lhU we are uliug. Anlu·DINHEIt oratllr: Ult'l hl tb.

with a vluw 10 IlruduC8 wbeat more \ll'onderfullnllght Inter 'umlll nature IbateheaplJ t1l1n hilherto. Uut tberu II lome- D1ektlol getl tbe pull Qt'er ThlckeraYithing else needed, The mill tbal boldl butl on tlother h.ndl It'iI III the brllllaatthIS plow I. or moro llCCouut Ihao the ,harll 0' I~tlre, t'gether with a keen ItIlH1)lnw, .nd tbere are 00 f"rwert in the 0' bumor,lh.t Orakar! got. the pull o,.r\t'urhJ who arc DIMe Intellfgent or more ThAekell'. It'll jUlt Ihll: Tbfekul I.Iklllful th.n American farmer•.• nut we tbe huwurilt, .nd Dackenl 11 Ibe ..Uritt.CIUDOt .trorcl to re.L UI)OIl 'Il'bll.t .·C bave Out, afler .11. It·, 'elurb w tnlloot IUlJgllined. 'fhe importAll1 f"cl here oOllced COmpllrilH)D between 04ckerJ .od Tbile·Ihow. thltt our cumpelilOn are bJ 110 en•.'tlUeltl" hJlt:,l.lItl lulolllil/) bUlltOt'e Ibelr L1oW' doc. tbl, read' Tbe I.ClubmcthodllOf wllrlc &:i fllr U P"l'tble. We HOUle," a ootorioul gambling bell,lomu,t mt!et tht:ir IU1provlOllllenulJy ot!lerl WUhinglofl, WII e1eattd Ollt b, the po.or our !lwn. lIee ou S;ttUrdIJ Diabt. AID()a~ the

gamble" caplured _e,..n ex·AillllaDt~retary of tbe TreuDry, a promlneotSoutb CII.lolloa Judge, an n·ll. S.Ren­tor, .lId ..,cra1 u_·Coo"eMlUeo. All'pIInt the olght io tbe Itation·holl,e, .udwere relea~d Sabbatb morolll&,oo rhlorMcurHy.

A TOo-O m.ll 10 • buber .hop WIIplJlicullr .bout baYlnR' hli moo.taebeoleel, pcrf.mtd. '"Oolng 10 ull OD ayoung lad" I IUPPOlCf" lbe berber.ked.Th'J.0uog mao, with mllcb lligulty, r.pile , "Stie I,err, mJ Crlend, do lOU .op­pole JI>lU perfumcry on my monll.ebebeelUM I'm golnK to leo amID, or a boy,or.n old ",,001'0, or a babe n arml'"Do mea galher Jl:rapn of tborol, or f1gtof tblltlelt"

Is .oclrot Sparta, tbe g01'ernmeot plidU lUuch .tteelloa to Ihe rhrlalt 'If m&D&1 men onw p., tu c.ttle brOledlog. TIll.law fl!~ul.ted Ihe degree of fILlne.. towhich it ..... lawful Cor Il cUillln 10 n·tend hll OOtly, IInti ..hen. mao got toofat for mllllar, .enl«, h. WII Huodly'A'lli~lled. Merciful Ileannl, if O"ldDUll hall bt:en 1.0 Ancient Sparl'o I WIml~ht h"t'" hearll hhll J.II cl.ar lI1'erbere.-HIIItk,,)',.

"LooK at TexIII" proudly,hoat. lbe::illre1'esl)()rl S,ntlfld. Ah Jel, we ..., "eee; he hal Ihll drop 00 him, b..n'. b,1

Yt!1 ludeedj tlllte be goe•. Now tb,ern..... (1 bll cnught him; DOW tlleJ .rehanging him. Now tbe cro"d relurol;now IheJ .re-bul .omebod, hu IbutIhtl aill/flll door lind we (lODot ICe wb.,the crowd in,ille h dnlnll'. "Look.t"fdU/" 011, cl'rllliol,. )fiee pll" rorIi PIIDlJllnJ •.-lIIIItM"j',

The NatiOMI Liu Stock Jourfl{ll Inglt'lnll direction for tho ellro o( bOrletlIllY': 6

ADotller common Cault In tbe allmen·tatlnn of l\IIr"'l iI.tho ltwlog to w"terjll t lifter. ruu feed or gr.iu, Tho tIrlltelf..'Ct of thil I. lu hI,riCcly d!tleoll thestUlIlIlCh; .Otl the rll!ult 111111 be It aeriuuIlit if thu Ull/lerilll were mAille.tell arlliulind I \If1l. Uut .liould this dllnger beavoidod, D1.HCfilllre oot nece...r1IJ lenio • lIctter ,tate. The .udJeo .ud excCl·.lnlluOu.l of waler Ii Jikely to WlUbon nlnch of tbe contenta or 'be .Iomachint•• the Intestinel before the nitr~eoou,

prloclples ha\'c bci!o digelted, a lermen.lilion, extrication of gtu8!. onr-lIliten..Iou" coliet, .nd loll.tDoutioo. r 11.11.EVin thai Is oot 111. The IJlplic'llion ofen neCd of cold water on Ihe mucoulIloIIIWUrtw. uI Ihe 'IUIlIII~ aad lattltine.CIlDHa nlelliar cOIl~c'tirlll lI»d ,illl'"1mUfCulllr coutrtlCli'llIt, .' Ihllt ".1 It IIIto dlge.tit'b dllOrJl.'r 1'( "tiJ'lIl;er"u~ I•.,.ture. CulliuulI urauglll of Ictld "lIfdare hurlful alike In IOttn and 1Je1llt. Ifit mlht be taleeD it ."bou.ld be taken inImall qu nUtlet ollly aod freqnently.Dut A tlrink of w.ter of moderate ICUI'peralure, ju.t .fter a reed of gr.lo, II(ull of JlI!ril to the snliped. Tblnt shouldbe allayed before tbe feed i. gl1'ea; andIf aoy w.ter II allowed ,fIerI It IIl10uidbe merel, a monthful aotil tbe loplo IIf00.0 or two hour.' tiule h•• been h.d torI{utrlc dlge.tloD. After I fcell of haythere 11 COUlpIlJlUVo::l, IittJe danger.From lho uceulve IIUnrJ allditloll tnthe h." au(1 the compar.tivel, .m.1Iamount of itl ·albumioold., tlluo .rerllpldlJ dissolved out alld llille.tal, IUU]

the further Addltloll nf water .rlor rllthttI'IIYorable th.n other... I'eln hllltenlng IIIjlrogre.. into tho boweh, where tile cli·gOllloll of 1t.,1tarch, lugar, flit alld otllt(uUl'ltilory ellSml!nta IIllly be cOllllJlettltL

TUf: ptrsiatp.DcJ with which Iho .chool.1I0J will gn f1~hlll~ IIlld catch nnlhlng, IIeqnllled only bJ Ihe IID.ueceliful ctrurtl01 a corn doctor to tecuro a cUltomer Ina prlnliog oillce.-lloml tftfllifl,l.

lUots (ur Tra.veJlcr••

WnAT nlltlnn producc:. tbe mOlt roar·rl'gell-FlllcloIUon.

GnuN' .row tile Uunl.ol. oh 1-

.U' Ofi'nItOliU ISCIDllST WIIlCIi snows TIIATUl'lnAND~ Ol'OUT TO Kf.~I· UU'I' 01"


Of the oumcruull emlncnt chizeos ofO!hkolh Iherll IJ Moe .'hu I! more lie·lenioH of rt:'IJeCI t/lon Mr. JullnlllOIl.Not 0011 it hill .n .lIli hie alld uprl~htmall, but he Is Kifled with relDluklllJleinvtutlve geniu3. At Iellul llIl:h I. hi•opinion, .ntl Ih,..e !III Ife nllt lH!rlOo·ally Icqu ,inlell wilh him rardy d~IIY

that hiil0l'illlull ill ri",hl. Un. J"hnltlln,ho..ner. due. Dllt rUl.!llnl hur bUllbAnd Inan .blo III,rOltlr. She admila Ihlt beOlein wrll, bUI 11111 II ICrll wilh muchempba31, thlll when tine of hillnt'enrioncoDICI io at the fruot door it III 11100 forher to 81. tlut of t!lu or.rcll uall.b1lSwindlow, If her liflS ii rCAlIy worth .",Ing.

Mr. Joho~ton lUIS .111'1'1 maintainedIhat hlil ... Ifo·. lack of (alth In him wasduo to Aa 1I11f'lrtuoate acchlrat thlll 00·cllrred in cOnnl!Ctllln wltb an alttOlptm.de b, him III maullfacture ricefJrlddle.cakes. AI he JUIllJ "I', cooklllg h..oOlhlng to dl' with Int'ention, and tb.t itit Ulljlld 10 discredit hi. i",cotl'e ~nlu.Ilml/l, beC11l1t be olleo made. lnl.lakeia cookiag. The eircuDlitllncrl of thealJll.lr .'ure tbl!lfl: lIr. Joho,ton l whoIllld rlll)t:llh:tlIJ (uup,l tull with hill.bleakf.lt, rem.rked fln olle uccl\siun Ibatbit wife was 1lb.illu\uIJIDeapllble of learn·Ing tn ollLke rice griddlecakcl. Where·U})IIO that iodignll.ut WOlllln anonuncotllhlt alle aliould refuf8 to hne Inylilingto do ~ith the next diy" brelkfut, andIholllt.llaylhe wholo burden 0(111 prcpftr·Illiun ul)On hur hUih.lId'. Ihoult1lltl. "Ofcourltl," .hl) adrlell, ",nu know bow tomake rico cllkes better than the AngolOllbrltl, and you raD JU!t .how, rllr oncc,whllt JOU cao d"."

With griljl.t CllurliRe !(r. luhnltCln UD·derl00k the un\t'oleome tuk'thul tbrultupou him, ami made hi. Iltlllllrlltlonlwith iuttlli,ll:ont care. Theru werc I'Kht1)Ill101l1l in hill t.mily, .ud,1l& be l!811lDatedtll.t eKch onll WIIUltt e:lt a Illnt of rice, hodecitlell 10 UUI four quort~ of rico In mill:,iug hit gritldltlCakel. Tu Ihe rice hlllLtitletilour liUIfI. or bUUllrmllk .nd IqUirt of hot "'ater, beJilJllIa fuw hlndfullnf Bour and Jodian IIIt81, 10 ordcr ;hatthe cakUlboulJ look brdwlI. Ue Iheordlcctl'tl that It \ll'uuld IJct ol!Cwllry 10Add to the mixture IOluc::hlog tbat wouldmake It IiMht, .nd, accortllllgly tbr••· ina teacup uf cream of t.rllrt au ellua'quantity of ..lerlLtu•• aod hllf. paper ofbaking powder. lining tbu. mind biteak:et tn bl•••ti.f.ct!oo, be r,laced tbuplD collt.iqlog tbe mlxlure n a warmcorDer of Ibe kitcbeD and Jln H' w..,lie."durio, tb. oight.

Tbere iI DO doubt tbat It did urisc."}foreo,u, Ibe rlce.w"lIed. On Koiog lototbe kltcheo the out Ulornlog, )1r. Jobo·.ton found th.t bll riee cak.. ot'ullowed.~ co'ered Ibe Ooor to a deptb ot .tlealt" foot. ",bile III tlieimmtdia"Delscb·borllood of lb. pta a pyl'lmlcl o( batterreached nurl, to Ibe celllog. 'Thatmorning he brea1crltted on dry br8ld.od ...ter, IIld .ul4equenIlJ emr.lo,edthree Irl.b womell to efear the Illcbeo,aodan Irilhmao,tocarry aWIY the mlucQ'lou. batter. Niltunlli. hil wife taunledhim with hi. culir.d,rJ aUure, but the un·prejudiced mind will admit tbat It oUHht001. to ha"e cut .n, dllCredll 00 hll In·'fOutl'e IlOwcr•.-l{. Y. Timu.

He Knew Too Murb.

A sreat deal mlghL be wrlueo and ..Id'I{alll.t tho5<) Impolite people oou II lureto nleet .t rall,,"a, 1I0poll, ItCllmooatpieri, Ilnd olher I)oint" who IIro Illwliy.pllshlng, uJueezllllt, IIl1t1 roughly jOltlluKthblr felluw·travellcr", with the a1m "nJpur~o of Iccurllll( tho bollt placea.At II rule thoy arIJ rullu .nd .c:llhh j CArDIIl1lhlog lor Ihe comrtlrtl, nor regarJJngin the leut the rlXhll o( tbelr neighbors.Tbl. hurr, .nll bu tic at once proclaimthe ill· bred tourlill .•Ao }J1l,qlhh 10'.1("zioe, The O#rAhill, tajl:-Wat.eh IlIlTer·CDt ordeu oj' petiOli' ",roceedlll~ to likelhe train (IQUI one III ace to .nolher. Per·lonlilif 1111 loferi"r e.'ndltlon of Ufe IP'l.car lu 1Jc.h.'\:l'ly lurwcuted ,,'Ith the l.JeIItil t tbl!' will f&ll tu (l1tch it. They ar·rin' ool nf llrcatll, thouKh tile, arll teuIIIlnutullefure the 1I1IIIJ !lIed for Illllt·ing, The, bUllle o,er 'he taking of tllei.ticieu, Ihe, licramble fur. IIIace in lOwecarrla~"8 or olber, the wbulu liulilneu IIwith thenl ODe of hateaod dltqoletulk-'People of a higher grad", but .tili of wllatIt flrdiOlLril, termed a mlddlo coodlltooof life, do not lD Alfeat 10 much Incober·ent follcitudo II .lIlhit. Bat Ibey Mefhlgcly aOl) uocertaiD. rrtloy troublethemtel\"tlI Anll their nel~obbon, luteadof takiug Ule waller l),uictll .. a a:::Ilcror cuur~. P"'''plu uf 1I0e UUlllDora do notcxbilJlt tbeao 'JUlpt"ul or gutu!toul dl,·treu. They take .11 re..ouable calO 10be.t thc.lltloll in dOle, butll the, cher·i.1I aD ImmonlJle IJellef that ave min·tllf>ialC .I.a,••nd lanrllbl, or tbe lameIcuUlb, and Iblt the hnur·hand mont 00fll ... ler et'en If tbeir owo does, they .recootUI h.. Iblde bJ the 1.1'1' o( caUIII andconlcqulinDe, and .nlerillin nu douLtth.t baYlllg ghea thcmlelt'ca ao AbuodantInternt (or 1fll1'eralng' a wel!·ntCutaineddidaacll. It will be accomplished ill tbepcrlud dUly Iliotted w it. There I. per·foct rellQl4l in Ihe talliog of ttleir ticleetl,in Ihe di,pllch of 'thelr b'ggage, 10 IheIdllctiuu of Ihelr place.. Where lu tbtl.·orhl II tbere .IlY oeceMlt:r for bet~ or(tlr Ihal fevcriau trepldallun whloh "C·compllnioa the am.ller mOt'cmellU of Jleo·

llie who hllve !lut lellrned, to u.o a notnllpt phlllie III lie Ulel with In" mooern

pOi!UI, 11I..t Ihero II llothlng 10 10Jioui AIbllstel

Tbe New York Pullte ou Uuty.-'---£\'er, .treet .ull brnM .lIey iD thecity I. dlvllJ~ lolU l\ edt:' Ilf "I)OIIl'" or.'~Il";' pl\trolltl,1 lI, G .111w:1~ "fiict!t,_hich .. rJ in 1~1l~lh accordlllg Itl lIu:'ocality"IWC io Ihe northern lurt uf l/Il~i.l:lOd !wing mlln, blockll II leng\h,wblltlolberi fu thelo.'tr wlrJI'''o u:llreclyt_U blocki loug. '"HI IIrc Interteefe,lby Oilier pOil.. Ik...111~1 Ihis, oftleers ~te•tldoned It much.frrilucllt~1COrtle'llintJ.trCtH~r.II,iu".,"t rail wlY .llItlonl,llealll·bolt IIDdloWl, whlrt'et, ft!r1i", pl.tes IIIImujClUt:ut,lo the mUDldp..1ufli~, .1Il!r1lewhertl on lpechl dUly. It iI CODlm"llCIUIl thlll • 1.ollcclll.o I "1 ....y.ll'clltnt­uce... t .,dlCll w'Dted. lu thu 11I...er Ihrtof New Yurk thli I~ m..to 1!llIlg Ih.uHOle. lIow r.r "III you .alk 10 the reogion of eMul Ureel, fur ullm,/Ie, "efuremettiDg al'ulicelUlln-lh.tli, if yuu 101lkfor one. for it 1.11I. 1)Qlic, 10 remlliD in·coolpicUllU I I.,..wer OWII.I",·.y, (lim UI,I,loumJ at mldnighl. h, (ull IIf 1)lIlIcl:,turlouflJ .hakioK Iho handlel uf lhtdoors 10 lie .ute Ihat all aro lecurel,locked, purlog thruugh Ihe little peel).hoi... 10 Ihe Irun .!Jutten to leo Ihlll liDhurJClau.re al work in Ihe .lorel wherelights Ile left burning 1111 thu Dlghl, ortllltt an Incipient fire il not workin/{ in·•idiuu, deRtructiou; lurkillK IIUt of ,IRhtin thld, door·waJI whilu tlleJ ....tcll,u11)leloUI louDgers; or 'taodin" ingrollill ot' two or tillee on the e"rnu.whtlro two polt. Inh:ucct "nd a rIlUlul"m'll hili h,pvene.1 to join thtllll, Le",lugBroatll"y alld gl.nclng down dirk Mull(earrul bIGk atreell, like llllJ"ld or };II:t·.beth, Welt HOUlton or l;ulIl,,,ol YllllllUlure to lee tllo fllckt'rlog IIKht uf theItrttlt lampi aud the rucldy glure of 1c<1liJ{n.l.nlernl rc8ected from thu lIi1verIlIluhl.nd bflm buttons, 00 whero /'HUmay, you meet theeD erect lind w Jc·awako walch men..Thu, IIfU Itmlliugthruugb the d'itirtell avenue' of W'.!Ih10gtllll Mllrke~; thuJ IrO ....tehlng in·tentl, the elcltlld thrunK In Ihe Uuwery;tbey Ilru kUllplnuull eye 011 tcIKlltli In Ulld·hoo lIjullre; Ihu, Ilttl pulllnK Illeutly illaud oUt of tbo lohadlltlJl of the 'gre"l• b1psIJint' ulctlp at tlla whane.; Ibe)'are rlrnw~lug lL'I "resene," 10 the I!lilty.(our Ilatlllll·!lou·e.!l, relldJ on Itlegrl&phlc.umlIIlJlIS t,,1lO to tho care of a tinl orthe luhtilling lJf Il rlol. The worshiller,cnwinJl frUln IIII uekly Ina.rer.meeting,Bad Ihe 1}flllcelD.n It Ihe dl.~r, ellrurchghiil owettd Iluiet, The f.mllJ tllat ~'\Ielfur 11 dl&y'jI recreatiDo .t Rack.....y hlure Ih.t ill plelnure will Dot be Ipolledby I'd",driilw, fur a group of nllice....lInd 00 ~h' ~tCk.leerolnlCll'*rbed iotbe mtgoll1ceoce of a .ulnmcr Morllingon tbe bay, ,d readJ-rudyl 1beopeJl·",laue••w.plng 1ho audlcoca at"F.u.t"lIr "The SblU6(hran," tllcb liXblof I blue-co It or 1"11 belliod tile r.nk. nf"bit. ribbon. aod prelly vlumll.-Sfrit·""., M'fllAcl!C'o'- _

Tn. TROll WIU -What dn J8U thioklbe .,.eet .·nrd "wife" comte from I Iti. tbe great IJllable 10 .blcb Lhe EnRIi.h•od LAlln languages conquered IheFrench IDd Oreek. I hope tile Frenchwly lOme d'J lind an erprcuioll for theMulo 11-.. orthllt dreadCulword/,m..,.Bill what do rou tblok It cowes from?Tile great 'Ialue o( 81100 word. h tbatthey melo .ometh~ok' Wife melDI"wc"er." You mUlt eltber be bou!tl·wive. or huulemoth.: remember Ib.t. lu,llefller lente. yOI WUlt eltber 'A'cuemen', fortuoel And eml.lf'older them, orfeed upon l\nd bring Ihem to dccny.Wilercver a true "lfo comel, 110m, I. Ill·WilY' Ilrlluad b,r, .. The sllU'l mil' IJI' O\'{'rher ho.ll; the glow· worm In tho clow,grlU. may be the ftre r.t her feet; butwllere) .ho la ,111I'011. th ... aptrlt of IHIlI'C;aoJ fllr Il Dollie WOIll'1I It Ilrotehell fllrarouut) her; bollor thall houso. culh:uwith eednr or I. Illtcd with vermilion,Ibeddlo~ quiet Ihtht (or thote who cl.care houwlul. Thl. ,i. wOlllan'. trucifrlsee alld hlghelt l)Owor.

AI( U"mouT LIU,-NlJthiIlR i. I~Ofecertaio than that hum.n clluduct I,m·

.du.cCl .Iu .trlilC~ upon bumall charaeterand dclcrllliuu it. Cuturu ~'eat or wue.Vlrtuo anrl uprluhtnci. give the IJurebelli and clear con.ci~nce,whOlIe work·Ing I. un nntplo reward for their DllIrklUl.oo the soul and h:nll to miacrJ. 1M·rlbulioo folio.', Itl the IIlght Ihe {IllYupon human Ictlou. CIII It heMen AUIIhell, or what you \\111, cooflne it to thi.life or pr()jllct Ihrouf'h all eternit,. Ule00. ~n:l\t princl,.ll. the 'tllle, and hisIh.1 wMcb coucorn. u. u hunl.lo bclnq•.OOOlI'.Ut hAth h. rc"'Ard; .In hnlh Itspunillunent.

'---,U.aPUL T.u.KNTI.-To bo a Sood bUll·

nen m II you mUll: b '8 IIIUle tAleut.nuslllc" 11 I .. incutl, Ilt fur " mBo of~~lIlu., 10,1 10 uro A li1'elllJou I b thelJi.'1 _II, 10 IhArren ooe', ",·h,. rleiill~,bu.IDe,.. "lTtlu otft:r better olillallll,driuallJlc,ent Ihln the lO·c.llell proln,',·n •.Therefnro oW' youth IbOliid !HI tOOt\lUlh'jlaid prlCtlcaJlr lt~fl.d n,r ba ItIW, IIIorder thllt tbe, nil' .ucceetl and becolDea t:retlit to wb.1e,cr c,dllng they lIl!ly&dOpl. At the latne tlwe tllcy Ihould beedllCAIW not to de. plIO lalwr; for, IOerall, it I. onI, by b"d work th.t 1\'e.chlue aoy luecm worthy of Ihe Dune.

A CMumn.'AIIf, bnlog Ueelliotrodlicedioto" litllll( ill Kllot, look oceliloo duroiUj hl.lll"lll(,1'mOP 10 Intruduce tbe word'I.,p'h...." J.t the conclullou of the ~er·'f!ee A fMIlIer wbo w•• pruent tbabkedhun jllr hl.'tlfllCol".rl8, but 11Itim.tetl thllthe h.d mlde IL mlll.ko lu OliO word, IlIfI·enlore down the let'erltJ of hi. crltlciilolb, ..,Inll, "We.1I know very well, lir,"h'\t 1flU meAnt." Ou tblt clorg'lnllomaking fUtllillr loqulrlu allout tho word,the flltlliCr replied: "Wbllt you call hop'.t1ckJ, In thl. jllrt or the couDtr, .'e callhoppolu··l

8J1OST no·-.-,,"'I'-h-l-!r-,-no-r-r:-..-r dutb.

D tit

Page 4: Puget Sound WeeklyArgus. · Ute ftillation I ETH TOil AS ~)~no '''UI t:TOII. Ite ~Inll rellll'li tht! ,"me. whh hll ubJec- allli emolururllts. abo"1 Ihe .1II01l1lt Orj,llrecllyor











Dry GOOds,

WIIoI".'1 u~ RI\llI haler J.





A New stock of



And. L. r •• Aaaortmant 0'






Cigars, Tobacco,

Doors [ Windows,

t.r Now on hantl. with. I.". 1iI-"'f:I~dlllon to.rtf..... 'uIlStock-.;J

• tror 1l''''1 Ololhln.,,;J

Wall Papel' I

Chas.C. Bartlett'S.

R},;PUBLI ANoO"U.D.t;y OOD.'VOD.'t10D.•


~IGROCERIESQuillcine II •• • • • • • • • 1 '

By order oC tbe Republican countycommittee.

C. M. DRADSBA W,Chairman.


The Republican voters of JefTcrtoncoullty willlDeet iu tileir rcspectlvtJprecincu on......u ...l'••he 31_1 etAr or " ......, 1!l71ii.

.1 7 .·C'I~k ". MI.

For the purpose oC electing delegate.to attend a county CQlI\'ention to beheld a~ Port TO"lllcntl on \Vednes·lIa,.. Septumbf'r 4th, (or the- purposeor electlng thre. delegate to attendthe HepublicAIl Territorial Com'en.tioll. to lie held at Vlocout'er 011 the9th day o( October, 1878.

The representstion oC the 18\'eralprecincts will be as follows:Pert To"nnsend elect .......•.Port Discovery " .Port Ludlo" .Chimacum n .•.••••• ,




BATTISTE'S HAIR INVIGORAtoR.M. 8Allille DelllILln,. TonlOrlal ar·

t'"le of l'ort TowlIlelld. Washllliton 1·~,..

rhor)" beS[I to Inform his J1l1n~rott' pa­troll••nd the publh' &l:neMlUy. ,hat he hu11l'eI)l,rW from the oil,,11I1iI1 ret..'elpt or Pro­l'K!IOr MOllllilltombert, t1lfl oolebnnetl chern­lit of 1'.rl•• and !'rom dtemlcal ext,.ctl or gooc.lIIllOl enaOMratOO, "blch '"' win lieUrare met!k:IIIII phmtl (oUlld oolf 011 the

~~l~I~Mf:I~~~:ttr~~~~:II~:i'e~tem:,~:::;The LOWEST PRIOESTil the Ihape or 1111 InylKOnllOr IUld rcJIlYI­IIltor of the hAir, 'nlr. f!clll[hUul Ill'eP."I'oIlion .:lellnl8l the IM!r frolD .lllml~Ihk!l:preftlltl dilldrulf. heala 1111111111 d lM'1l. {lju. head. Im",rtaa J[IOtIIIlIll"llOfLllM and!JeAlIllftll mlor to the hair; rcltOrN IIIgrowth by III health, and tonic action,.ntl preyelltl ttl l'aillng oft'". III ahart,

Dattl.llLe'. 1.1011' fnvl80rat"ol'

II tho ''Slue quI' nou"oCllI the Invention.ror the hllllrQvClIIM:m. bctlIudf)'lllC audcrowth 01 tho hAir.•'fhe IOlterl.1 01'1'111(:11 It It: tlOlOpoted are haml..... loud WIbe u-et.l freel1 looonJillJ[ to dll'K'tlolll fie­COUl~lIllllJ[ eMch b'Ule. E",rr lady lJe·,Irotll 0 h...llll( bt7ulllul Mlr .hcot.,1d WII-Ik~r her loUeHe table table luoompJtt.ewlthoou bottle of thl\ dellc;lle a/lll ele· JUSTput l.'OImetk'. PrelJll.rt.'d And (or IlIe b)'

BA1TISTfo: DELAI'l·ASG.At hi. TUlllOrhll ..1noI1.

WsterlttetL Pol1 '.·owll-enl1. W.T.

The Democratic voters of J effer·Ion county, 'V. T., Ire requested tomeet in cont'cntioll. by Delegatol, inPort Towlisend on theftlll ""'.f......."A., n. unll, •• I •••

For tho purpose oC electing delogAlesto represent ..id COURt1 ill tht'l Hem.ocratic Territorial Convelltion, to beheld at Vancouver 8epttllllbor 6th,18781 anrl to choose delegates to theCouncil Di.triet Con.,entioll l and tonominate a county ticket.

The representation o( the lIeyerslpreoinctl will be as followl :

Chimacum precinct .... delegates 2Port Disco.,"r1 precind.. u 2Port Ludlow ",. II 2Port Townaend " . . u 4Colloed II • ." IDucaboot ... . U I

It i. requested that. the meetings inthe leveral precinctl (or elecliull ofdrlegatea be held Augult 24th,1878.

B, order of the oounty commiuM.JOHN E. PUGH.OLOF PETERSON,J. F. SHEEHAN,WM. KORTER,

Porl Town58nd, Aug. la, 18?&.,_ IOTlCU.


!e",lcelI .Ul be held In St. l'aul" t.bnrt.h 011IJllnllay nest at II A.•••nlt 1 P. •. Rmula.,8t.boot.tt ..... r. ..enlhlfpra)'IltOllWe(lac...~YI'O~' 1 o'doell:. Lltan)' 011 Frida, .momln~

~\Ilar.",11:8 Inlbe l'reeb,.tertan 4,.'ban:b~~~g~~:::'u'Z~~. Ju. ,,«naw, pMWr.

And Porta on




600 to". ~!tWr. <Aptaltl THO H A H8'l' OT II Alt D. ha.,.lnl belli built til NeW'Yurk expmalylOr PII~' 1:lotlllt!. it noW'ph""" ,~"..,~n"y.n ,Ila ""'Ie 'EUIKG UO EXPRESS fORK..........T......._."IlI. JMtn~.•, ..... DDrAn:a.

For Port [,0010", Port OlnllHe. Port __lhdiNIn, 8cIuko Ind 'I'aconlA. on \"rrialn'eat llllltaOlloCllln.8)' ,-..eIlJreN

-':""-;;::;:"~"A. •• To Port OiscoTerJ, Chimacum, or PortWill uve l~RT TOWSgXRD (0 Vic. LU%)~'VlI7'.

torla, B. c.. 00 DI.p.tchee carried da, or......,. aM "'''..."., •• A... Nllht. Hor.e. on LI~el')'.t7' ~~ur trt!lgltt ur pu.lage. h."ln&, .tl· 'I' II I I

.."..fur ACCOllImO<:lJltIUIlA. aPll'Y 011 lwwirtlllJ MI\'t' Ill{ a~f'III~ w I j:u'e b)' l(olnJiC withr" II!. &II \'tl 1t111'1lI1 r" 1I-tJ all 111('11 /IIl11tt.

0":0. 8. WRIOII'1', Pltll"Uf" 1'1..,,11.:14 Ilrhl'lI filii lUI)' IIllle.N. 0.-81111Ipe,.. 0' (relaltt ,book) \''011- II ..., 1111111 rt>.....t 1111 hlllltlllUd LOON w('Iotlltir

IlglI (Ito ~me to "StlllWltlr Olpu(ll., or,,· tall' III .111 IJlllllllh,r. IJJ'iXIIO.... I, '1'. )L 1J.\MlIONIJ iii 1iI0SS.17 "~Ightl and PA!••ge It 010 In'''l!!'t •••• _ ........--..N11 rt_ ....

raUl. :lJ. I ••••'-«, C'_rd.lI)' &eo f .

..,...----,'.-'--Tn. AltGUI "ill eoter Llpon a new

era neat weeki a change beingalltia­ipated,-----

w. nOlice b, voster~ recentl, up,:.hat a Democralio primary melting"ill be held in tOWD ,hi, morning, at10 o'clock.

RRV. G, F. Whitworth and "irebave returned to Se.ttle .Cter a pro·tracted absence.

By reference to thl call of thecount, committoe, published in an·otber column, it will be Hen tbatthe Republican rrimar, meeting fortbi, p,,"inct wi) be held on Sltur·day eTODinlt nue, oIt 7 o'cloc~.

\\'F. are rt'flllO'lted to Announcethat ~ti~s ~Iaria Solter, M) fll\'orllbl,rmnmentell upon by the press 8v8r,·"ho'r~. \,ill appellr &OOn before theIICt\ple of Port TowlI Clul to c1eli\'cra Il'Clllre till "DelllJlark and theDUlles" ~h Holter II.s 81lul.:en Itl,tnt=r poil1u ml Ihe SIIIIIIII, 111(1 com­menlS hal'e hf"'l1 ulliformly in praiseof ht'r uried (uml tiC "nu"lcdf{e andhappy sh·le of ueli\·er!. he "asoorn ill CopenhlStt"n i SIlent lueralYClrs in FrallcP, BlIghwd, Sootlilidalld Cuba. She hill trueled Uleo­s.ively ill tbe United Stat".-particu,Ilrly in Colorldo and Utab-at thelitter place studying MormohislO,"bere she did much by carre_pond­ing with home papel'!l to stop Immi­gration to thlt Territory. She cornel"ith tbe highest recommlndltionlJ,and will dO\lbtlu, be listenetl to byour people with much inter.lt.

By tbe pil~ of gooJa tbat ron'in·u. to come to our lIIerchanhl, itwould leem thlt tbe, are doing alinly buaiDe.. Itill.


NOTBllfG o( mat.rial Iitere.t rna,be gleaned (rom our late dilpatch••.

AN adjollrlled leuion of tbe Probate court, (or thil oounty, wu held,esterda, to conlider matter, p.r­taining to tbe Phinne, .,tate.


ShIpping Intelllll"Dce.

.. III-TIll"" I 'OrUT. 'I .. ,11 "'("1 1I, HI'.1•. ,••. 11,,\ I: 11\\I-••III".I~ I'nt,­-II"",

...., ••• I'f'rftl. ""'"IIf'.. "llIlf .....ciA•• Htoll"

~.lt. ''''1''.


'fllrilSDAY, AUGl'S'l't.I. lSiK

DlllDINlS Ill'RDYllllNT.



Page 5: Puget Sound WeeklyArgus. · Ute ftillation I ETH TOil AS ~)~no '''UI t:TOII. Ite ~Inll rellll'li tht! ,"me. whh hll ubJec- allli emolururllts. abo"1 Ihe .1II01l1lt Orj,llrecllyor



Importers. \Yholelale and nellil Deale,. in


Exchange Bought and

PO,,.t Towllsend, Jrashillgto/t Te·""Uol'1!,

Hardware,Crockery, Stationery, Etc.

Dry Goods, Olothing,Boots and Shoes,

Ship Chandlery,Tobacco and Cigars,

The Highest Price Paid for Wool, Hides, Fursand Produce.

Cooda Bought and Sold on Commission·.


Shipping and Commission


Manuractured expressly rur our tradelby

OAI,U-ORSIA WIX":'), IllPORl'EO BY DR DIREC'rLY }~R')!f 'rUE,Iney.nl,. In pipes, barrels, or Quanthlea 'e AUIt. For.ale at SlID

r'l"lIlIc!k'O rales by ROTUSCIiILD.t CO.

BEFIT AS.'iOHT~fr.:ST OF CAl, (FORNIA lfANUFACTURt.·D 001 V~va. E.r RIIIlr" rlul[er Rings, Breau and Clift" Pitt"'. ~leeYe ~nd CoII~,

nUf(nns, Stutl" I.ocket&. -te.. that hue ever been oarn...1tnr ,-e:) on PuJe!WlInd. m:el"ed bylll5t .te.me~, and lOT ..feb)' ROTliSOllIL04CO.

Jt'lSlf ({: CO., llA CINE, WISCONSIN.I .:'

Have arriv.ed on schooner Beebe, andare now for sale at San Fran.

cisco, prices, by

TUB 0411 LfJA!f) '{IF


CnAttu";S CA!I!.

P. o. nox :.17.

American hril: Hes»erian.

pORT TqWNSEND Liquors,



Port Townsend ~ Portland. Ogn.o ......, 1.lIe wel ...r .-:11 _ ..,Il.

ror rn:lght or l·~~, AI>llly on Uoun1,to, \h'IO K...TUSCfllLD a (.'0. AIUII.

The First-class steamshipc-A

CAL I F 0 RN IA Liberal Advances Made on Consignments.CAPT. THOUN.

WIt,L l,t:An:

Port Townaand for IItka.Ala!kll Terr')'. AlIll \\"AY I'oru.

o. or .~ellll ,II. 3••• e."" .......

American ship Danntless.Nt:ITIIEK THE C,\!'T,\IS XUK TIIF. ux·1 d~",ll1,....1~t'nl. or Ibl! .lJo\'e n"llleIl """....1 win"" rnopGn.lltle mr okb"l"Onl.nM:lOo1l1)·

lbe crew. n. W.l·IIt:.~r.R. Wilier.ROTIl~IIlLfIa t;O.. ~eau.

Port TO.'Ii"crul. AUI(. 1~. 11I7"

ShiD Belle lorse,

- LOCAL :'o:E\\·:5.



A H.W UlClll~"0' the I't'1I0wllt'\1 Cltp~.•I ...·J,; ('olllbluhllotl OOtnpIUl.\·. ,,~m~I"UlIg

llr )II~ l.nl/Ie WAd~. :¥tt..... J.)I. Wlllh',G. f.:. ""ultom. '1'. 3r. ~tunrt Dull '.IIIf"I...."lllleU"'... II.. tlJU UootJ 'i'ClIIlIlslN' 11,,11 0111116 u,culllg lIr iltmdlly In.t III lhe 1'1'11­.It'rlll~ or nllt' of Ihdr Ilopnlar 4.'IIII'rlalli1111'111·. 'l'11I'lr ulllllt!lI""O ..·.S 1I1It hlrllt',n\\·II1.r 10 Lot. brl"r lIotloe. bu~ t1.e 'gt'Il('nt l

nonlk1 \IM.. oolllplhnclUBry.o cho .lew....

SOUND ARGUS ijECISIDN OF CD, SUPERINTENDENT., LOCAL !~TICU.-- &:7 Ste1't'(W'0111~ "ltll" or .111 Important

r•• lUI n"":I' "'" N:lI(}m nllU:CT(Hl~ 1I()lllt4urp'lltt'tSouml:~lltl t;anflJmtM., (or\'l" 11"1/1" <It' :-111''''1. IIt"lIlll,.f X .... .;:lIt'! At.hlt,.Ioll"',1 "'HII:"" , ..... ,,-,: I Horo W:ut'fIl13n ~t Kau fur the ten

-0\ II -:.., "0"1 ...-011 Sollln.. l.l) I'rof.•\ l'llofl"'[o. at re:'~lllble pri\'\!II.I I I lJ I n"''''h,,j ,Ill :lo\'\J"al (Z'lm the ""'tlor. of I hll" (It lI.rOll\lIlI. lInt 1M Iller pr 1\\ I~l III I'U II ' rr 11l"t1k .k'l'\', lUorl~;"""'" ... I)

Ii~ ~l:j"IOI... :anhf\1 (rulll II~ E:H III C.;)III- ~ 1;u.J,1\1 of Jll,.\[of"'l. h)' one orlLi IIWIn· I ""'t'. toU', Inr OClk>:6 .1;lS. JUIlt"lt' CQnlef~'1I)' "llh hh ~Hcr. m·'!' f:lIllllll Hun', b..:r-o. :111"'0 It 1~lltioll Igued h~' rorl1 dtl- I ,'u"IOlll hO\l<Of! bul/lJing.

I \\110 hA4 btoell t'1IJ,.'lt)t'.,,1 to feJ1d. tiM' ~IIC of 8-1kl ,1I~lrl,;t pra1111l( for a I~ojf-I nr 'I'l"o r1lekl~ IeWlll~ umcillue!.nl:tn. 10m rrUlIlllk' 011 th~ Ok11on of ,-,1.1 UMn' II Wll~n an<!:l l"llIger. SEW. ror iolle.I~rhll.lrr tll'llarflllCllt 01 1111' Ilublk ~hoo: who elllen.,\lltuo a '''Olllrl''t \"i1II" te:ll'll- Apply at Ihe AIIGt:$ ottlloc..1 Ihl~ I'hw. ),h. IlUlTlllllon will reilllUt·

hi. p..,ller Ihld,,-. 'Il~ f.:m t:J"'I>m:m. cr. r:ulr,·lullll ..... '"'llU~ :tt a ",~.tllar meel­

,. III!,! of Ihe n,l:lrol. amI "t II ~llllfetluellt"III"} 1,lltlluCfrtl the hlght'r hl'll:lrfmeul "I • I let'llnl: IInllllrln~ :tkl ...'OUlrt"t .. lIhoutor Ih.· ~1l,l()llll t )"'lIr wit 1.0 lUll\'11 I'm· ..

k I ...III't'. IlIld hlrln~ :Inotller t-=achc:r hllttllil.II hi 1"·",,,1(. I~ I'XIM:\'h,llrI t:l l' C I:lre~ 0't1~ Illlt'fln\dl~lle ~'11l1l1lUent 1IIIs )'t'llf. AIII~II:allt ...ml III-tillone,... (lr:t., Ih:tt II~

)11 •• (1IIIIIIU:1U r1'~1 Illlt!,!llt III Ihe Illkr· IQll)U:Mll'l!>11l 01 Ih, JloJ,rol 00 UilAlucti.1111111,11\' IIo·parUll"lIl. lllld 11."11 1I~~unl\'l.II·Ulll d:ahulll:\t Ihe I.ATrF.1l l~ 1I0t In lIIC·l'tHII"'! IIr 11M! higher ~r:ule 11letf'~\. lor 11If'1\."Onl;lll\'t! willi jll;;llu:l allil 111'rug".lLOry 10 It W.llf:l.l0l".

IlulO' bdll:: I' tll\t .unf'o,t -olk"il:uloll of lilt' 11I1~re<~ uf ",lnClilioll, De LION " CASE,IIItt HII1'1..10rs. It \\1lJ I~r n'llu._:-~I 10 I~ I hf'K \i':m' to 'late illl'Cply IhAt I 11A\?",1II"'I~11I' her (orlll",r po'llllOll, We h..'. 1l""'11 1IK!~\'h"'IJ" lll'iII~r dul.! ('xllmlll:uIOIi. adIk."·e II~ "",11001 bill 1:0011 1I11t1 1"01II1M:lI'II' In ...OIII1t{UOII with Ihe 1111\', ~mllull 01 the Stev ores,11."1,,1". nlKI (hilt with IIId 1'O-OI~r"'llou (II "l'llIlon Ihat thc l~l.-e b 1I0t wllhln m~'

.-n:I'le IlIll1 Ih05e Iulere.lt!il It will llI.. JlIrl.. UMIIlIl. ht'IlL~ lln1 dt'\,;~lon I 1II1,,!:(1II;... t IlfOo'l:o.·roll~. ~llIlcr \mnklll:l\"e 110 Icgtll ron.<e or e~''t:l:

Ill'\'('l1ht'lell~ Ir Ie m), IIl'lnloll Ih'll 1116 Itt.-'I'UI.lIlh'lltloll ur our re:t(),-.I" I;; n.... ,>4 .•.,- rol.;:lIlo11 flt lh,· .....nlr:tt·'. It IllCre IJ a COII­

lull\' o.::llll'fl to Ihe eh:III~l'\1 IIml eultl'1::t',1 Im..1. \,llIumt C:IU.c. 1.lIot In ll.....,onI~Il"'I:l.,h·~·rll~lUel1' or Ihe 1'lIgct MIIIIlI UII'I· wllh '''11I1I~·.lIt"li ('"I1,·;:c. :tJll't'lltllllt' III Ihlll1l'i!t1c. n.1 I!0lllllg ~."" will. In ulll<Ol1. M!1I11' thl'IIII! wa)' II.llt I'nlr. GUllIl 15 "m:lklll~ marr.·, :\lIlll'lhl)'. III tilt: IlltllUll1 ~tl.rill'IIOll

Ihllllo:~ 1l1llU" III \'OIlIll'\:(lull with thl,; III.•1' :111111 )'IlIIrdl.trlt'l wlK'1'f' Ilhluk It 1('.JlllUtIOIl.,lt I. 'lultu "\'lll('lIt IImt lie lI11r· tltlulIlli!I)' l!o·tl'UlE-' nUll Ihen~b)" IIrOIllOIl'I"~lool "':lrr.~·llIll It til 11m hljlll'''t d\'grf'C III I", IHIl'n·elli III 1'.IIII.':Itlon In rOllr mUst,Jo.ltI.'\~ IlltltllUthlll "Irollllh rh~ exen:I"tl 01 1\ the ..1111.,\'1'1' wi ... IIrpCI'1I"lcut elU'r~)' "'OlIjlJeII wllh ahllirr. YUUI' olJ.......lll'nt f\!f\·:llIt.'1'0 )'OlUlg IIt'Opltl Juot cUll'rlllg IIle. ("p'" n. 1-:. Bus.dully )'01111" Illeli. lhe vnl1l6 ur It thOl"lI;.;11 Co 5upl. or ~hool•.

. "r;I\'II\~,1 kIlOll"lttl)l~ (II' hu.hle-;;. Ilt·lIlhl\l1· POrI TO\\'Il'ClI\l. W. '1'•••\Ilg, 20. IS73,~lillt. c" mil)' lIt.' wr,. lirupel")' (1;1111110 ll\ __

~ll\.h ... :u I'I'fltllrc 110 llrJlumellt to tJl'U10Il' The abon' r~port 'A'al read at a~m.h! II. IlIlih't \\tlIll1l11l() II lOU!11 rllr. pedllllllc.'lill,lt' or the U IIrt.l or Di·tho·r. 1111I1 n:1lI~rk tltllt the fflm,:\t1()mtt fll. rf't'tor I ('ailed rer Ihe purpolll ordUtle.. or !llll 'I'enhor,)' nlc hIL"OIUi""Io "':Itlinll th,- point III ililiUU. It had~llll"UI clIllmlcJU)l JIIOf!ucll a \'OIII';,:u:l- tile "Iret·t or brill;.!'illg the mltt ... rlhe om' In '11It"il1101l; h~I"''t II I" t1~ ,llIlf II: ha\.k (0 Ill-.. !Jrulnl ror Iheir Action.II... IIl·uplt·. Ir _uell .." ouc lie (~n lu&,. III :\ llIajllrit," or tht:rn, not conliidt'r·.-rt 1I1.,t It 10 IIl1l:1'nll,· ""(1»O'tt.'(). II@" tnt' alleKeJ COl1tr.l·t \..ith Miu

Uufflll.n rC.Jl.fllilljZ the lnlermediale(.;,U'1'. Fr.... k "l'llI"kl'r. IM.':\II keell\'r 01 ()eplrlllleut I.f tho achllol, "'!iil l CONIIGJI£D TO ROTHSCHILD a. CD,

llw lJtlll~IlI'~ lI.1tht 1~11~, Clint! UIJ '"lUl (her enl!a~f'IU... nt u ils I"acher hcillJrflwn: Ihlll week. lie ff!j)orU 1IIIIt ('nV!. III cOlltro\'lml~') the ... hole thiujr "'K~

)Irrrhllllll_ "'lIlllhe Lto.,nl or IIghl hOll"l ItAlical,l! seltlrd IIIt'ollce II)' Mi~s

IU'I... ,\:IUN lurtlle I:lU, 1., n. HI·t.. n'\.,\,1I1. Hull'UHlII·' apl_lie.lilln Illr tile 1)1 i.Iy \·I·ItL,1 tluu poillt ':.a'Ml Ihoroughly 111- lion or teu·llt'r or the Primary Ot".~11.r:lItd t'", whole p~mlqos. We till· "arlment lJeillil olliciaU>,' accepled.Ik"'llIlI,1 'rUlII 1I1100'",r flOlll\'C tlmt 1111 Ipuillg the rOllllel actllm of theht·llfCtorc 11MII0tlnmi OUIl~U(, Iighl lJoard ... Iid lind ullchanged in ('II'h'ltt.t' 11"\ bu Itl "~t ...11 ..'Olltlltl/)fI; Ilq. llfling MiiiS C'lulpm..u to tt'aeh the .. El AlthAt nllnon.'ll tl..'llll.... iu 100.·"'I>efli ... 11I Intt'flnetJiate llep rttnent Ililtl pror. Hie, SnIP lira ,erez,IJIm111t~kt-' IJbtt..... In Ihe 1I)1:1il. hOU'b:l1 lIutTman to at UIlI(t Ihe dutie' or NTEtTlIt:tt Tnt; CAPTAI~ SUH Tilt: n\·.

P · . I \V I I· lh I I •. do.... ll(lIuJ AgeDI" fir Ihe ,,1101'" n.mll'1"',Imlndl" 1I\"'tllllul! "'1'00'" blln(l. rllleipa . Q Ie II"YO e t~al' It!rll I "_'I will 11I1 """IWlll!lhl" 1M dill". \!OlIln It.'\!

.oue all HtilOliedl Mud if uthe,. alO 1101 b)'lheOftkc!nl'~~J'I~:'JII""~' ., ...PilOt.. ItoI.A!Ili dtl,l~ ,.. 10 I&nn(lunl~ v' "- .. .....,.he, certainlv Oll/tRt fo hI'. 1I,\Si" PllUI~;;Zt:~.lf..~te"

thlt III.! 1111I "'~. WlCbll II.Iwe In ~'ol&'ler', . _ ron To..ntt'nd. All' U. Illl&.1111I11. 11lI.~ e\"elllll~. Tht! l\\IlJll lUll r,...w!II-bt'.(IlJPt!ullar per clOllple. D:tudlillwill MIIIlllellW ProIOIJl!)' at 8:30 4/dnd.

.t"U!1111ll 1II~11c will t"l ~ndtlf'l'(l on QIl\l 01IIIe t~i.·bnI' ..11 l"httrmMlllt 1I)·l.k!·[l Gruml1'I,rlrthl Illnllo" 'J'h~ lllllt1I1lMltttl1 lromIh"lIure or·n, H. )lIIltor, _lid I.u Ilt"t'lbt!t'u 1",,"1 III plIlJlw bt:rol'f!.

'I1Je 0"1 pnbU,' ~dlt1ul IJtlt~ luu bt:ell"lwlIlIlecl "llh II \n.lI or whltt!\Io'lbh." ,

Thu L'lIht:hll~ I,r \\ (\."IIlKtOIi Territo­r)'. \\'~h H. t'O''''II'' or .!'Ir Iil~,"M:lo". "" nil·I)' 1)1\'111111..'1.110 Itln: the ft)llowlllg 11I~(rtk..don 1111' m;h tl", f.·n...IUIIIlII )e1lr ur" rill

c1s..letoll.'OllNt': •..\ "l'ml.-tt Yu.m~·'" II ~'f1Ht; 4.:01 .~r_

A '1'\\(' \',;,\11.-' ~'JIUIAt,4·OCN!'•...\' "''''1 UI ,011(-1:" IV'uK-ll:I;t:I'I'i:fI.

('UIIII" 11,,1 11111) 1'1'1.'1'1".11 IJl ..UII'r all)'.tIt1 ....... '1m f\"I.,'h,~ a lllOrUlI,;1I ,IrllllllllillJM;!COIIIIII'llt !Jr'III"""··,

\'1ll.,II,II,,1 hl.trUUI"llllIIllU,k,!Wlltlllllj!Im..... III!:. mlllllll'" 1110'11.· 111111 til t'grtl/II ••II)!: trlU~ht III l,oUlI....1h.1I wllh 1I1tt Iu·t lu­

11011.III Ihll , uhcr.oll.\· LoonrollllJ.i hOUi)8i 1'11I1'II ",IVIlI" f.• mlllt.... rIll''''' l~ l'UIIUlI,lolt IIff"

vl'loti hlr'W'lnlltlJ[ 1'111 111".TIM.' rltlJ lerlll 1)":;1,,- ~'pl"IULer 2. 1"11;1.I ~ FlIr 'Cllllh'~I111 or :t,II1II~/I'i,JIl, fll'llly

10 tll(' 1'.-ltlootll.,\. J. A'iIIEII1'l"' ...... M..

:-callie, \V. '1'.


TEAS!IlnpOl·tecl direct



-.1[,1;0 n--

.Port. TOli'lllJentl, n: 1:

Lot of wheat and oats, bran and

chopped feed.


For Sale by D. C. H. R: & CO., 500-gallon Magnificent Iron Wa­

ter 'lanks.5000 gallons Dog-fish oil, in QUlI1J­

tities to suit.

Finest of JAPA---------'---_.::... -.,-=.~. -

BriJ: Sea Waif,

ChiliaD snip Anniba Pinto.

BarQne FertOl3,Nt:ITfU:1l Tilt; ('."'TAlX slIn TlI): t's·[ '11I!.... I;rnl"!l 1111"01" n( _,-"'Il _m..1 n'_1willI..· ""'1.'""1111" I'll"lllI!lJh'~I"OlI'",,"lrd II) tiM!"ltk.~""urc",w.

I~ 4'IIIA)I". ~ ...tllrII j'lf HUTIl~·lIlL1'.t (:0••\I(cnl."oM T..WII,,",Ulol, JlIl~ 'U, I.r,~


--- ...._--C.,,~r. )lcAI.1Il0SII. I'll 1Jl1ll)lellt..... \'11••

III ruwu tJll~ weo:k, aUlI NINlrl. III" lIe\'1ClIOtlU6r .lowJr II,prOIU,JllhJIC "~llplet"1I1

l'OTATOI:8 ~rll "o~hoo:;;.;:-I'I'r hll"hel.

MI~("t: rllf' Tl'rritorlNl prl,oOlI!''''' 11ft".b'''Co r'ClIlo\·etl'rum Ihl~ ph'''...•• III\' Ilorko~ rllllllK III WIUn alrut:1 ha~ I.rccll ..oUI~

_h:lt retDn.k:tI..-:---~

Os l'lIIIlunlll)' hH lilt} ool<hllOlICr )11-01~'tme 1I111rolll Iltltl~'Itf'~ wllh :t lorl.1 .,.11111111,.. ... lor 3ft·_~I'. Hotlls.:lllhl.t ell.. ntill.'! J:I"ce.

Os )fOUthlyIQ#t M mllu ua,htll f.:tlwnnlW""'tl"nl .rrh"eC1 Ilt thl pine.: 011 11MAUIlIt :il4!\Vlllrt IIl1d """3 lakeu to thp lIl:lrhie 110..111141 ror 1n!A1U1t:,1l1. hnlllg 111111ollforltl~ 1f'jCS browl ~Iow Ihe kilt'!' .u,'1~'I\rIIlU)' JIIUIIIWfI ...hlle IMtIlIl:; Illtl bclt~

• "'-t!. I'. I.Ilt'hrle:d. :It TIL'UIIlIl. We,UI1~N1IIIl\l he Is hllpro\'lllg. Qllllllll~h Ill·1JI"Il.JIIII' IU\I ~rIOtI(.

)rl,·-~r1~~~.t-F-"-'I-,-"-,,rll... SlIm

bll. "'hIU"'lIm .,:011111)'. n!\....h·l'1.i lIy 1111"IUI:lml a ""e !!fl'tllll tlu"'5ht'r. Ihe ""'1 IIbe lIWt.1111 that plAt.oe. Oul)' l:1~1 p.-:" 011,or III.N' IOO1Jl'tlr 'lI.l'hllle.. woulll Ilu:t1l 1111~h",l!III' 'lilt Ihll )"t'J'lr )ll'H~ lIolt,,,,hIF,(; ~''''''t'r laa't! L'lHII nI"1t.'() lor :1.;,100 lJu~l~ell or IMIIIl lor n~l:.::hlJorllll'Ilmut"f'j,

Page 6: Puget Sound WeeklyArgus. · Ute ftillation I ETH TOil AS ~)~no '''UI t:TOII. Ite ~Inll rellll'li tht! ,"me. whh hll ubJec- allli emolururllts. abo"1 Ihe .1II01l1lt Orj,llrecllyor


II.M........ln. o. 1'11018. tll'tll'" O. lliflf q,.UlSe.Old p,.J ..l~ 1,.I\UlU~..d rtl<lloll UltC.lI, So J.t'UASIUl. )1. U.• 5.ln t',.ncl.co. '·rlcc. U«UII 'er....1 tI.1 IIoot Il..Ifeuad b, Ibe w,qrllllll'.•1U1 ro.tiltUftl. litO! II)' 10"011 i<., I., ••lI1oul .1IlI1I r pi Iflbl .'~ llIllOb. CIl'r,LtIC)' or~ IIIOIp,.


WASHINGTON COLLEGt:"Washln~ton, Alameda Co" Cal.


II ~ I:~:::~~~. ~~~f:.iml~r~.I;:;~: ~~:',':~ '~l ;:~~5':' Ih,tPI ~tr1'~l, flail francblco.lo ..huln .UleUIIIIca. bl add....-I.

DO,H Boota, etc., J, O'Kn, Ttl" )l.,.. ttSL ....t'n"C"""- M:u. fu' circular.Ladd & Bm!th. lIftJ.,., II Glial. P111O~" III..... llIlUlianl, !kllllnlWlll .nd ....·I.dloeIle' KIa..,Wtap. 111 .'11"1" 5\•• Ii. r. Ileal! tl,N' cit ,..,

Aio~r:.~tU '~~."l~~J'8~~'b. r,~

H~~:'!(1..I~~~l~~~':" ,::C:O':ilt~~t'~~

REVOLVERS, GUNS, diC,.(lllt("T VAlli ET\'. Iil:lld (!If Utll~l.... tr"I'''lalornl

.nd ltlle~.. Ufo1/, 1\· ~1l1:V.\'l.I" ,\llIn!«OlIle"f1I.. lhn t,.,\.\IdJ.

J. W.lfIiAEHER..t: CO:g GH.;ES SEALtJIGAR8 are wadu from "ueiL 1I11\"&u To.b1aeco. :tJ:J Sa.erllmllilto Itrlltt. 5.11 fr'Dd.tO

~'1.'.. 1I10l'CUII•• VI81TISO C'RIl:t_no f1l'O.lIlle.,wllh nUltl Itle. NII.'lIu ClItl.1 Cu.. Nil•.1111, S. Y,

ReU'o.lIae for all Sooleties.

MIIllar1l:001h, .'11"._. Hannerl Bill &e,of t\'cry dc.crlplloll fllrnltbed' It I" • I tolull. ~lJIlrll ~. ~Oll EK It: HE!)I \SS,

":.7 "'lulItw:omer)' ~i!.• Slill Fr.llcl-e:o.

)luuowll :l1 .. OlC LI~I:lIEST I•• 11Ir1) cure ..ror Sllur.l\tla. Jludaf;he. Itlh:ulnall.ra ttcor mUIlt'! rllrunded. IL I. aolll lty .11 dru ..1t11't:!,.L!IOt'1 .• l.ool!le. Altnilul .\: C.rro~·A"ellll, d.in ftallclJl-'O. '


Tho hllure of IIWeTl1 of fhe In.complllita utaullihetl durlnll lhe ~rl~~'OCtI{lorlmu Illlrlod or InnMUlIn .1.,rne'IIIUI~lldnmuller or flIlopllt. Tbe prhlt'lplr Ii •1& lound. Thll flilllure lit Ibo.ll· \I"~'er.1\.... dlle IOlel, wllh their lttlnrc If~~::S·:I«heu 1 CSrIC",e In III('h nUUllctl ..~ Illr dtb'IUOU.bl" 1111 Ine-. hDI) 11,10:. The O:j) trw Illttn lheor~ or tbtl lur'I",1 or ttl\" fli u·"'Iltd Ulcln OIlL of ulltu..". R'I! I leurlil urn Ilt'cr Injurt:d Ibe t: IIbllabt.'d III batlUu InllulIlll'e I'tunplnld Ill' lnone Ib ,.I'baJf:Alln", or .. IOllell Inln!:1 ·b.tlk Ilr..:~n~ :IlII!n froUi IWlthl" Ihelr ('1Ub. lu lI.le S e

dUlIllk. - 0:'1 I

III fie" or the filet 1I1"t lilt tXlt.·d lit iIDranet comp'lI!u or lue [""t.'t (,1I~11I­bnk Lo onCIl Inure 'eJlumtl IMI Ine In "rmldil.lhe furel:'uln" .keleb or Iht' hort:nt :~d.ltI ..-lor them all will ~ 'ed wi!" 110 IItllInlt'r~t.-"'fIJtF'''1t(i,t:/) J'~t. e

l"noTOfl of Itlpenor ftAI.h.1 ,\lone', ,.IIlC,or A.I ., )Il1AIIt'IAle" lI.eU.liIIA ',.nclBeo. •

r1UTTUICII; "Co.'.I·.ltlu..... "'me:r 1I}leI. h.d"'.m, to, ClII..IOlue.~'t~0I..:! .• Sill t""llclllCO.'

T'ult Su.o.-Yltllnll TeIll~ ...1'«-1111)'. SllClafTtIllh mill 1111 upWI,d. Tllelh Ulr.tld ,WIIllOltI!lIlA. OIl. )lOlt't"~IC'"lrll~I,8.',

ALI. '·hllto,rlllh. mild" "' Lhll X•• \'o.k U.lI,rrNo. 'to'lTIII,J.r .. lf. Po. I" MIl .....I'ed 10 lItlnrtl1:l....I'rlce- 11111111111, t1m~ II. ~T'IJI,I'rO\lrtrlClr,

"01 III. belt l'hol(/ftnlll"l .rId il,"lortll ,rluln!II Ih, !tId Inol rllllbit ut.bll,hmcailit WM.llIIK",~ll. IU "",r"1 111"1. 5.lI V'.IICII(O. hllblit'hcolllItiOl.•lIIIlo,merl)'lllCaled 011 )1"1I11"llIt', .1t1!C:t.

11.11.11£11" hUIl,;-nnttlt.i;;"t "rhHI "h")'lin,1111 lite tQI,.l. 1I,rrnl.nn II...11 II., I~'etl .11k-1IIt,umlnA ,,111.1 Ih, lowtll! P'OIiItltlf I'r . Il,nm.n'II,ur nllurprfM.u. II ,.OIl .... '.I.Il'''"tuJlol him. a,...,. "earo,., 01 .t 1111 1o'&Ila.1I1O)ll,hl ~U~tl.hit r,ncle,ro.

bO~~:r'Or~~:i:"~~~:~ie-;'=:~~'~,,~UiUtSTIIDII \I1T'lI .." lerlftlof "Mke )o(loic. T~.•.•:::1£'::~~~Il :I~~:h,,,~~'..r,,r~~. r;;,.=GIlUtiUJIC H. U~KtcH. 1." ....1'...." .. ,

~••-:.III~~~,:- ~Cor'P:~\Oc:=~~~r:.* ..m.m V_ R. IIAI,I,. JlAllII·YAt.--rCR••

i'1.ItI(llrl/ll, YOCIO'l lid '"'-. ,." '1' lSI","!' au r ....nttocu. M.d tl1r I'Tk"oI UII.

NEWr.ofT !(uVaLTltB A~D SUTIOSfl. rlu'''f-uu'Li,,-rttt.. rr.:u~ r;~ ~I"~=:e..~(;RO!l!lETT _ O.;N'I'I!lT

!Wa. ,e Ttl.,.,. .,..-..... rr_II':J_

'IO~'25.d'".•r~ mad'IlY AItIl,".,lIlqew~ 1·..n''''UBo(·f.,U11•• I''chl....n'll·hrvfll•

PI_I 1d.1... 1I1~.;:';~...I~~:",~'~':' (~t~::.r~·;:,,~J. ~ UUfrulll!'1i IIIISIi. lllr;TOl'C. I ",.uh·d lD\

gUARTI BREASTPIN ~.1l:'lf~t.H~::~:~J ~:'~~I~\~Wa~~~"Z;~ :~~~it~ =t~:~: ~!;:~~~::'.

DRI ORRS' ANTI·FATI,.~r· :rl'{ r~:\~~""'lIuI~nr" wllhll.lt t\lP Ip~.1 l'WlrJ III Ihe 111111ll.:;~:~.~l,OJ''''''l\tC 0.11. K,lwln . 0',N~

P. S. I'. Co. (Sew Surlca', No. 20

MlY h6 d.lcd rrom Fllbruary,181'J. Tllo En".lI.6b life Inllurluc6 comp .. Ie. "'Ull tbent'''lllllcllllj,t II IM"u and \lforitablellU!lncu In~tlW Yurk. The r,rllol unu !.hey eh.,,,ed..ere ItllCber Ihall tl'IItC thMt.:;ell h.) th6 PIIIIIUCOlI/panic. In Enlllllnd. In a word. 1I1~ ELI"..n,h cOlnllllLlI~ Ihoul(bt tb.1 tbe rl'k ... ad ..dillonill whell tlikellin tbL\UlllWd ~tlle ••ntlther<tICl werCl'O ezorl.'ulnl tbllt nu~ onllwere tbelr uwn poJlcyhuldtr, eomplalnln,.but III Ir l.!uIllldl Will DeceBlarlly rut,lcted .A f"w ):.:ullelllcll Inet toKelber I(tlllllwhu" In.'etJru."of tlillt YU'I and dete'lIIlned 10 or...Inllll Amcrlun IIrll 118Uflincc 011 11111 bnlor I III/rdl U1u&u,al coalplirlY. tho purpo \l

belnsr tlilt tbe L'OmpaDI .bould btl eoudu let!1!,IldJlll Ihtl 11Itcn.:ata uf Il'i 1JU1le,-llUldento "'bow In tbelr colleetifc c:lliacill,houlelIM!ltlUg all thdr allela, .11 tile 1)!'Odtl. to bedh-hl"d amoll)t IlltlU. and no i1tOf:lrliolder. htlallowtd 10 control Ihe ctnop.nT or 10 uke• ny portion ut ItI. lurplu•. Thf!)' Illd noIDUl/fI••nd Ill·.n no.. be Illld willi prldo ,11111l;om ll llll/,orgaullell ..lllIouf capll.l, b.. 110....• uplta o'er 110.000,(.0) Krutcr tboll th.t orIlItI Uluk of £nj(l.nd...lid I••n hl.fltullullwllh tbe laraCit nob .!ltlt or an, hi lliewo,ld. Tile U.lIlk or EQjll.nd has. upllalut 'jJ,i~"'UOO, . UmlUolC 011.: pound derlhu:II t5 ur nur monel. whllu tilt C"I,II.I IIf tbllllulU.1 Lire, ..It II Its humlile be"lnnlnjt. I.uo.. 'S~,iMJ,l.OU. In comi'ulnt tillt AIPerl.cia eompanl with Ibu U'ltllll nru in urlllUcompllnln, .,1I0d tbtt tlill oM f.nd larJlelltof the I.Ullr. wll1l:h hal becn In ullt.eDu lorIia yelf_, hn only. Clpillt 01 '~.OOO,(U).a/ifllnA thtl .e.i,fXX.IJJOO uf thu )Iulual LIfo In­.11t.llce Complllly of ~e" Yurko

The ICreat.uccllu 01 tht companl11 o.lnrto ~h. rac~ III.t UI !'ruldcDI, Frederlrk II\Vlnllon, .od II. Vlce.I'ruldenl, Rlcb.rd A."eCuNJ, b"'ll been UQcu.hl)( 10 Ibelr duo.tlOIl to I" Illterda.. Tile rorml!r .reD tillman'.lIIolOU b.. been IndlnolufJl, connected withthll P,oR'ClI or IIIlItu.1 mil IDlU'IOC" InAmerlCio tor over a (Iuarter of • Cenlllr,••ndto hi. peuon.1 IItlen!loo to e'llry detail U",wonderrul .UCUII or tbe comll.ol11 due. orlrlle yurt he hal round lin .ble cODrrero InItlc"llril A. )(cCllrdJ, who b.. allO been con·necled "l~b tbe company ror Inlr"J llSlloTl."be prlnclrlll r;:"turea or tIll: InaUIj(emltllt orlIul .'JIUtUl 1.lfe .re. tbat II hll. no prllllliulnlIolu, 00 lUll II' upon collr't.er.I" nQ ullreldIlock 0' !londl, llor SpCCUhlhll Ilr0l,ert, IIIIInl ferm. 'fhtl ,arrntcil care II nerdled Intb" atlectlnn or Uvea, ,ud lIone uu~ louudhealtlly per.unlari! kllowlullly acclliited; .ndIInlllr, tbB eGit or hllur.nee I, tlleapened fOIUell .delCred tblt IlltlC' Illtlllu.lt r,\ Iraedto the pollelbolder.

A Stroua Company.

Jlllw VUI: )1l'Tt·.1. Lll't: ISSUlUSCF. (,;<1 ... 1....

sr or :--1:1\' )")111\ AC'Ql'IllEIJ.\ (""~11 CHI.

T\I.OI· fll'.ooo.ooo )1011F. TII"'S Tlla IbslilJ.. [SliL.\:'".

I'crhllila the,e Is nOlln Ihe world, .-Ily"'hcfI' mOlrll IJfWI)lll IIIVe_f In Ullhl'~. rC1i1 C .Ilih lind IIf.: iu~urlntoe ror 111 .. l111 Ihlll SJnFun('\·cll t\ eyrlilin old ~uwloh:r. In ,,·1I0.,erUlIlbc cry "Kille: \ll'11J,~: Illlt!tn IJILS. Luttllttl, Itllntlelllell." w51i It ILl rlnltln):", bcllll:'"nc~ .~I.cd IU lIlfUre hi. IIfc. repllcd, "J'IIt;edUi(l(onl'd If I c\"tr 11111y In. J,!,ullll wllenl IIllITe t·. dill 10 win." Iln,}' ..y 1IIIIt ClIhfor.hillUJ a'il all. mote or Icu.)t nlhicri. )'ttlt1&. fe hi a"crl fblOt rorl,)'."lllc uut 01 everyttfl)'ur our ocllllr dau of cltlzenillre I"tllrf-dIn IUlUe une or oilltr of our nultlerousllr.:In un,lItoe tOIllI"nl"..

•\ a I))H: or Ille "dler cl.lU of lJIulllal lifeInllurlln"ll tunll)ault'8 doln;: bu!;llItU In ourl'hr, Il,e w,ll.:r hit lak'n lur hll lIH1de!.llOttbll foot nf Ilo::rtlllc!, but Ille hud of Ilereule~-Ih" MIlItIlII lAc 11I1UnnCi! CUlollllny or,:\"llW fl)rk, thu oldelll and IDOat nSIJot:~t.hleevnll\.lU! ..r tbem In. Tile Mutulli LUe In.lur'IIC~ Com paul' of Xil" Yurk ftl'll~ COlli.lnlnc~d bllOlllt:e n our Stale III 1"£-041 Up toh:'- Ullf)lblnlf wellt ph:.'lutis. Tbe CillO.(1l1llf IItfer dl~"utcd II dahll Ih.t as IboWDII) lie juH and rhlllt. Tilt: rule "'. ,"nd I~,to t:1'e the htnellt of .nf douh~ whlcb ml,l;lIlIO!ltIlit to tbe c1:1lmanl. t:ft:n In CIU~II wbkuInlll:btUe lucre511fully retllft:d, Ind the ,dullof thl!lliberal .. nd tquHlible method of dolnl,(IJUt1l1ell1 ..u 10 IlIl1ko I~ tbe 1U00t pOllulllrot all the IItc IU$~nDCO COUlplllilu un thl,(0.'1.

In ISH, with Ibe ml.tlktn Idea thalsonle1erllllilion wlIlII~edell hi the IIl~ere.t of IlrO'.1)4)l'lh'll IJllllC)·uolder. Ind l~lIorlnll thu Ill.tef~II' of 10016 ~',UOO cxl'tIU,llllulicle. III theStlltl!, the LelCl~lafurtl of the 8tattl of C"lifor.Ill .. pUled Ibe let whl"h It Wilt utte,ly 1m.pOJilble for the Mutual Llf... 10 comlll, wllhwltbout II vlullillon or ~hl orl~ln.1 ~·hartef.wblob would hue "'orklld lothe Inju,y of ItI.hOlt, of Iw\lC\'h01dcr5 here lind In otherf:Ill1tlll or Ihe Onion. Tbe ptllll"lilal c1.uuohjUtofed fu WII5 oue Dlllklul( thll Glllle,..1A.JCtlut dlrer1ll rcillon51ble for III fhe IICI. 01hll. luoonllnatn, wllhout .110..... lul; hIm torllcldlll)re,crlbe tbel, dulieA. Tho relult of1110 IlllllIl;U of IlIlsllct wu Ib.t IIl1th" hirl(lIto:uhml cOIllpllnllll len ot;r !StllIO, Tho Mil.IUIlI Lire, IlOw;:1'er. In order to "u.rd the In.terllill of If. pollc}'holdcn III l,;.Wornllt ,e·tlhlld Ibe omce III Ihl. clt" aud 1I1t1l0lll:hunlble to ~mply willi tblS)'w without In.jU6t!ce to Pll'lllt. Illd conlilqueullr \llIutlle tuolttaln nllw lIu,lneta throua:h Ihe csertloll'of ... n. Forb... n~oenl lh,lIaKer of thll I'll ..cUle ('oul••utt hil III I.tall". 110 lou Wllllt.­e"er oerurred to tbe IlOlkylJohler. frOIll Ih~lIction or th~ COmpID)·. I,lllll 11I'I1Y olllt:tII'" pUHd bl tll., t:.nrornll\ Le,ICI.I.ture•lids IOlunuce la" or lbil lUll found IIJ lIuInOUlllljUr! tliin LtOOd, Illld tbd l:llt Ltgl.I•.tllre modi ;:d It to .u(.h In eXfent Iblt Ibe)Iut\lll LIfe Inlu,.aeeCOInr'!uyof SIlW Jurkc.Il, under III ~blotte', CDlIIlll, ..Itlt It,aDd IIhilS oued more 't,umed bUlllieu. If I" theI\"t ('OIDI)lny to retnrn under tlill D'.ICI,and no doutallie otbe' EII,terli eOUlpanldwill fullo", UUrIDl( Ihe four yurl tllat )1r.Porbe. h.. conducled tbe bUilneu rur Ill'llbetldt III tbe poUcr"oldeti ..II e1lhal fordutb and for mltuted eadowmentl. bI.,ebeen paId; orderJ for cub nluu Ind paidup p.lle1u aUtndtd to and .11 tb. bu,ID'"~rt.loloK\.Olucb mllUlr. was '1lCullrlJ ur_f'\ed on rree 01 coot lo tbe eI.huanu. Du,lnJrlb. r~ur Jtart nt ~be lel.1 prohlbltloll tbecumpanJ by ~lld ~lIroultb II. ajtcny rurdeath cl.im, 00 llie Pacific Callt Ote,


beald" pallDI fo, m.lured and dlu~ounted

eodo.meua. anr tgoo,OtA.l. rullclu wer~

Rot allo'll'ed to Ilple tlltou.h IDI ".nt ofAIlC!IICl f.clllUeI, .lId ,el tbe cOIDI,anJ wudi!barred rrom r,eelr[nf( oue CIlO' la III"bUllne... 80m. of tbe Imiller ('OraVIDlncomplied wltb tbe la", but In.erted III tbelrpollclel' claOle which Ilteralll .mounlAld 10be.lIDK' e certliln 0111 ieUlltiuln Iround 11111bu.b. elnce Ille ,ear 18019 tbe complnl II..p.ld nn tbu I"'dllc 1.'0..1, and cbldl1n tbe~fall! 0 California, 870 clalml••mouutllliC 10':J.MIO,OOO In .n, • clear Ill"oor tbat the mudlft.cltlollOr Ille lawl, "'llcb .1I0....ed It to dobUJIDf" IImonlC Il' oneu lIlore, "" a .I,e• Ill! JUIl ene. 'file 11,~ 01 U1l!lIIoor. of tileCOllll'IlIl)'lhllll' IIl1lhlll'lIdlll cnutwho hUlldietl, lOud tile chllm. Upoll who'e pollcluhUll bcen 1,.ld, .lIuwI Ih.t tbey allurcd flaytilthll cO\l,pllny ror tbll PilAt rour )·CMr.' lire..rulllrni. lIUlOUnlllll{ tu f.OO~'j'-I.lIO, /liid Ihattlilll'om\lIlIlY 1IIIId bllck to tht hulu 17ll,lIOU.liUIII divldeud. IIloul!, 1I11lllln,ll' tllUlll'lulll co.lllrlnAUrlilleO 11,10-I,b'"J'i,7U,only''lSG,:WI.67. Till!policies "'\Ih IlrCllllulll5 plld nUKc, on thuP;lcllill Wlllt, froUi "I,UIN up tu ':so,OW. whichI. tile Ihllil of the CQUlIIIIl)'.Tilt IUSK 0' MUTUAL IN8UltAN!Jf.: 1M A)lBllle,

A Neoeulty.In the .hort 'I).ee ef fenr yelr tIle Yerba

Duenl BIUtu unl beCome a tllml1,neceultJtllrOUJlbout tbe I'aclde cout. A. II IItbllrtlc.Dd reKulalor Ib., are unequlled, beln,IC ..rc,Ille".lIt to uk••nd aU'tlctullI, III tllele, the.Iekly lumme, montlll. no f..mlly .hould b'without tbem.---.,---

rllrlICI.:U ot illll'h al"ndlnjf UllhlllltlLlnJf,11 Itl" tbllir IndouCrDllnl 10 lhu ule or theUrlleten~rJr.Marlll.Il·'Clltbollcon for III fe'male COrDllllllntl.. The "'uk .nd deullltatedlind wonderful relief from I L"(lnll.uIOlIl otfhl. ull1..ble ,tj'Qt!dJ. SaId bl all drlllCl(l.t,.,I~ per boUle.

Restful NlilhtB, Days troo rromTorture

A••1t tile theUDI'Uc lulrllrer who rtlorl, toIIl11feUc,'1 810waell Ultlt!,.. Tlllit tbllOO.nh:nallt cordl.1 and dcpurent la • far mOlt!rell.ble remfdy tilin colcblcum IIIod oU'erpolaon. &lIed to UI.e1 th rbeuIII.tle TirulfrOID tile blood II a f'Lt tliltexpe,lellce h..IItIJf.cto,1I1 delnoulr.ttd. It .lio enjoy.till ad.nntaKe of belnll-Ulllliltl lbem-I)tr'fel:tll .dc. \\'Itb llI.tlJ pu.onl • c;:rwlnpnd IpoJltlon to rlleuUI.llnl ezl.t., whlcbrender. tbew Usble to III IUlICIu IItbJr ex.poI.urlllD wet we..ther, lu ellrrlllll ot IIlr.clllll,(l"e. of lemperalure, or to cold when tilebod, I, bOl. Suell IlllrllUn. Ibould t.ko •wIDe ~IU' or IwO of the lIlltcn .. .uoll IIpoulble IIfte' IDeunhllC rl.ik f!'Om the abo"cauul," tbl. IUpe,IJ prol.ecll'u etr"du.llrnunnellbe hurlful Inllullllce. For till rUIlC.Uoull derangemeaa. ,wblcb ~OUlpaIIJrbeum.li.l. Auell •• colic, Ipalmi In Ibo'toullIcb,IlJfllltlllon or tile IIt11rl,lmpcrfeddliCUlloD, «0:., 1111 Bluen I. alto 10 aultt ule ..ful remedy. It it oalluece..ary In "ltiUnateCaleli to ulllltwllb peulJkUtl·

W.ul'T&D.-A aood Ax-ent In ntrJ e1fl.town .nd TlIlagll In ~be United Statu, toI.ke IUblctlptloQl fo' tbe (;mUl'llIcl .... ,\11­VOCATE, tbe oulJ anU·Cathollc Ind CORten..11"l&bor p.pe' pllblllb,d In Aruerlu. dub·IcrlptloD f,J.OO I )'eIl', 10 Id'.Dce. tiood In.dutcmtntl. "III be atl'utd to ••enll. Wtlt.lor tllrlllS ,lId full parflcul.rs.. Aldru' Co'",.aKcl ..", Au'oo.,,_, trJd ~lo.tJtullltrl Strtl"t,Sin FrluclKo. CII.I.---

"WUIII\ET il Jour grtlatut ell em}.".alll a mlllillWr tu Dl'AClJn JllllOS. uoUI,",aid Jouc', "don't thtl IIILJlo IllY, Mr.PU'llellur, that we are til In\,o our ene·miesl ll 01011, yl!!l, 1)lltlCllII JUllOll; ullt itllou'llaJ wo arc to '''''allolY them."----

A:f Indillna man IIIIPlM.'<1 his (Iaper be·caulO it had nOI coutlillJ.cd II Clrcu, .d­tortiUllIOUI (or three yeart.

Egi:8-1I0W Increased.If an increase ot' egg. be desired In lhe

pouhry-)'ard, before large tUIU! uf mrlllcylte upendl:d in Ihe "urchase of e'erlalf­iog laJerl, we would recommend the S'I­tem of keeping DO heas Ifldr their firltor, It tbe mOlt. ttaeir aecoDd rear. E'ulypullett give tbe lncrellse, and the uol1,,"ouder is tblt people penilt .. tbe, doin keeping up a "oclt of old ben!, wblebla, ooe day and atop tbree, inllead orlaJinl.lhreedaYI,and ltop~IDg ODe. tu19m_ partl or Eogl.ad It illhe inYllJ'ia·bl_ rule to keep tbe pulleta ani, one1ear. Feedin" will do _ great de.1 (alorprlling work lodeed) 10 the produc.tion of eggli but not wbell. tbe old hent.are eoccerned. They ma, put on (at,hut they canoot put down eggl. T1Ieirtale is told, tbelrwork It o.,u. Nothiogremaiol to be dooe with them buttogl"thdm a Imell of t!le klteben·lire, and tbeallODer tbe, get that tbe hetter. OrCO\lrJe,there are 11011',) old fl'orltlee whOle Ii,.ought to be spared u long au the, canleod forih tbelr repre tllulti,el. ludi·cloys matiog-b, which we mean theadvantage uf a comparlttl,ely 10utllfulcockerel-ma, IJe Ihe mellnl or e'ell u·hibition pllultr! milking Ihelrllrpe.rancefrom the eggs or tbe g(Md olrl hen; IIl1dher" ""e have the nceptlon In tho ruleUI)QD which "'8 illillt.-Lon""" A,ritllJ·'ural a(lutt~.

Importllnee or Ihe Wheat Crop,

Tht! whe.1 crop of Ihll }ur, it IItltouHM IlJ Ihe Oup"rhneul of A'!:riclil.ture lit W..lbllll,ftoU, will rtlach 4.00,000.­000 bUMbell. Tilil II tho hugelll cropever grown in 11Iecolllltr1. Tho ylehlof1870 was 287,743,020, IIccordlDg to Ihecenlua r"porta. 11 will 1xI of Interest toDule the Inerellle over Ihe "rol) of 1800,which w". 1'78,104, 1)2' blliheli.

Ttlls wHucierful increUtl I. duo III Illlrtto Ihe aetUement ul' the WCllcrD countryaod the opening III' of lIew wheat laod.,lJut llIuch of illi the rc ult of Improvedm.chiuer, for pUUIDg In lind hllivelt·iDg the crop. Tht! reUllen D.IW com mooon mo.t e'fcry (arm FIl"to perhaps liveIItr coni mor~ grliu tbau could bo gllth.erea uy Ihc old prucellS of ctlvllinJ,l; II,CIItbe threahlng mochlnc! 1I0W In n-Ilthrougbouf Ihe clJuutry '''''0 mucll moregraiD th1&o Wlti .IVed by the old pmceuof tramlliug tlul by hories. Upoa thowbole the illcrelUC lu fbe crop il nol illrcality AI great a. it .PIl8ll1ril, fllr n,uchIs uo doubt 01'11, a .Ivillg: of wblt ilgro>wD 00 the land. It the preseDt enor·UIOUI yield can 1,,0 repeated )'etlr b, rearit become. CTidenl llid Awuic I. 10 betbe flltura "raGItJ of tbe woriJ. Willthis be dO:le' BII.erlence adlOoui helus that arter a few fear. our belt ne",'lands will btogiD 10 fall 10 \productivccapacil}"but to meetthl, ~le(lce leDd.II helpill" h"nd, .nd b, UICI of proptrwerUi. of fcrtlli,."liDn lhe producfion CliObe kept \II'. iuce thcre suml 10 limit­ed • t1euHt.Dd fur the hOK product. farm ..erl "ill do well to turllaUeollou 10 Inchproductionl u ro more lOugbt I\fler.Whelltleellll to be one for whIch the.re IIalwly' a fureign demand. l.et our (linD­eu tlien Pi} _utnlion 10 the !Jelt way ofgrowlog wheat. Let them stuJ, tbo Da·lure or tbe IIlaDland itil enemic ,aod tbe!Jelt meaol of proteclion a~lllnil the ra.,­'get ur oodou. In&eell. Thcn rarOler.Illouid know whll food tbe gru\tiogpl.l:;I rcqoires, aod Ice that It II I'ro.,ldedin the loil. Tbe slud} or theso lubjectlbJ f.rmerl ahould be a pleasure, III it i!10 full of iOleren aud 10 frauyhl ",ithimporlancc.

---,--"EUltrIU: ,our p"tleoee ror a ""hlle

..nrl fOU will Kct practice," raId the oldIlb,llclau to tho youog doctur, who hadreceDtl1 .Iput out his Ihlnglc." "'yel;but I dl)ll"t have an} pt.tlcnUJ to eurcIN,'was the rCI,c.l~Jc' _

Jot II anuounced that h~diel will be ad­mitted to the InternAtIonal GeologicalCougrell, to be held In Paris 00 the 20lbor August.

~IIIH1I\J ill ElIul,lud. Tht! llUII.~f' ill W~llrl! ,~l~!jolellll lJil'tl lIow to Lr\Ululry Hlue J.iueu SullSI-- rUllllll:ol blUH, "Dolul[ 1.:11" SII'llW lIuts.

OncI,f 1hClj~llIh·~t ~lI.:hr~ ,., lie ~el'll.oll . " -~-.-. ..•..SUU,hl)', i 1\ "·II.~..n \\1111 IJlll f~l~lIlJ. A '1:.11. r til,S!. lI.dtHlllln .IS,.. "Hl~CI M, Itmnrlreu. II\~t eunllllCf, med ~Ulll'hiiU."t ("1 ",la, ill tlll! ('"nnll!. I hl'ftl M& ("lIu\lo'. t" ."~~tU, J~I1~'"IIl~ In fcler- IUl\lJic llntirely Inlilllrching clll.,tc\llinCIlII tl.e hllIIIlUl,l, the "'ih', the \Il\!lY-IIrlll ell(,~ In tile pnllcllll.l II 'IllI' uf mlefe ~ lin l!uil~. milk inK I.tluo Iinl'n. ,,-hlch, "llcuf)uilt' tlrU~1l IWI' 1'llhi""-"11<1 fr"m llll"l~cItli" ul11ll1l: lIowc,n:r Ih"fllUl:.h Il Drill/II ~larch~\1 in the IBu",1 nlllllll~r lrlOks "hOt­10 ••I"len chil.lrell "f "II !\.:..'\:ll. !'i1.c, lIu,1 111u may lit!, Iltll.uk the fl1:JIU~ 00 Ice· riJ," h8ve the alJlwlflUlCe nf IJCilll; quitt!

,. I in like hCHli'll tlO,1 "II In!: the de.HI"hJ 1I111u "lIr·!thJllell lUlU e frc~h /tnll nel''' \nd thi ii the "'" ... I~eIfXt'. J1'\c",~ '.. ., t I "WI t I' '11 I' f ~ .• J~ln"""lthtldtl!m('ntl\llll/tllllcll.mlll~lI. mu .11', 1M. a ,rnlll,P"ce Mit did it: I'UI u t!, lt i""lIlC\"Cllfu!lol\·Oll..rlhe liC'.t il. h:uket.I.I('thllrlC WIIIlII~lln "'110 h"d Ilve,l Ihe :~IIVC: rcstlt'S~ gllrn.araLie iD Iluecr Ilr j",wl; IMlur "IIUlllhdl'l,Ci. co"l thick ell. 1,..lIlel "j 1K.~1 IIvc o( the fallen cnq.er..r. Illgh 1111.ml Wlltln waler, IId,ling lillie "Ilter IIj theand a 11 Ilk of t'I.}ice ,,1.1 urlllllls: Il L"rrclI ehll. I/lcII~ nlld UII l!dtclc,l, \\Ilh I::UIIl Iliu,llvtl. Witli her linger vr "idl

A"'a, Iher "n. rlftllll~ ehtrrll, nv~rIwlI.lcli.hoo elt 1I1l,lllg~lIIllHlIllfln.lt 110 c'cry l:t cluth, iohe dllllll.ellCII fhe f"Lrie iuIhe l,lllllllllllav('lIlcnu: A ptlllhi mltn h IlI'lIlt of v"ntlll.!c. \\Hh II. re/lll.nellt en· pl8cci not o'er IUllf Ill'lItol ''lUl'Ile IH.p.rl"fiurulii" u he lln'''''s Ihe rein ori'r CIlDlIMld upon .Ihe IlIIJ Icellt pllun Ilnll AItime. M _he proceetle-I wilh the itomiul;.hi pu\\'crrul n.gaml ,1~xlcrnu8Iy Inuche" C:'~",.n Ilheultlci tuum I thu h':u,t', he mil} Il~ the ~um .hlreh quickly ~Irit ; Iron UIIhim U 1 occlUi"II_"y wllh Il Rick fmm Il ",~11 havt fell thllt he WIt_S nn<iJleltltly reo, ~llhcr iHIt! uf the j;')l)tJ,t "" I~ tU;.Jnd to he1I'hl l." \on/lllnll ilUl105i"S eoulIJ.;h fllr .tt I' ~flln~led th,ll he ~'d II prLOller,. ttnll II 1'1:Im'I" cOIl\"enlenl. A. Ihlle IHt4Clice \\'ill.iJ.III.llliDlllllruoul. A prou\1 lnotlher Ii IUlilltut~d Imll~~ul'lrr ClllllplItlSUni 00· Ie. clI one mOIre "II"",' III JlI iI" lIIliD aJ1Il1l'r/IIIIU{iIJl .. he admirel the hllrsc· twC('n hll ctJIulltl,tn tllcrt! IInll Ihe W1I)' he yard of directi..nl. Of COUhC. Ihe qUID­

OI.o.hl" of her hUibanil, aDII allju.h the woulll ~R'O hcen trcllt~'(1 1,,,£1 he surrell' Illy of gum. mbic rt'iJulrcll dcpendsOIultif.riou. 1I·hile wrlll'"illjl' of the llered himself 10 t!l~ Etnller,:r AI~xtullll:rI upJn the Ilmoun~ "f lurll*ce til Ucehubby. blue·eyell nal~lI·halrl!d bab,. u( Ilu~la, Clr .lhe •• rnJlcrol' .• rMliCII II: of ~t"rcbed. A. t1,bletIKJOuful ",lllstltreo aProud .re the older chiltlren AI the} ex· AUitn.. It u ea~,. ~n r~"hl~ the feeling .,cry ,l(reRt de,,1.elche a Cl)lDmIlDdiu~ ..\,tt·Iight ur ~hCl thl.tlllult hne lJecD 10 1111 ll11ud w.henl on I .I~ use gum'Krabic ftlr stirrenill~JOllnger ont!!, wh"se halJ are ever /-letUIl,ll" 14!t!Ill~ Longwllnd f~r the tiul tlm4!, h~ IlrliW hal., which 1101, need to iJeloose or Iwr" who Ilre c.,~r 'IU Ihe eve 01 exchumeO: N(Jt.' n "'/'011' fI' tro,. 7u' It u1lrtMed o"er" 1\1111 not r~·shlllpeJ. It iiibein~ joltell Iutll the Itr~t, who are ttlnp'. . economic.1 10 til do, "ml ohenlimclll d~­t"lltlug lOll ch.nglng' to ICC thi .. , IIr hellr Old t,dng"!Hxlllml ~ ~1i1K)I.eoll I ~J;rlVe cided con'enlenco. As 0(11'0 as other·that, lod who artl t'er a c.usu of pru· were IlOu~ht by the French In IS,,::I,. the, wise 1 usc my mueilage ooule (ur thl.round aUllet, to tbe lnltture mh. of hllu-e hll~lDg then been .lIo~·cd 10 f..llluw purpose, IMlurillg iu 11m ....ater tu Ihln theIwel"t or Ihe lordly boy I,f sixteell. Il nUJ IhlL.phlllted stlltU. Tho onlldlllgs Ulucillge 10 the reqoired couHiitency (II

A".} oot into the couOlrr the, )Co at a weru replured, and ellch room "al re.. few grainl o( gum lidded afturwardll willsllppiug pace. TlleJ felect the 'lulettAl pal'cre,! with pal>er of the paltern used ml\ke it aU right agalo (ur other pur·roadl anll travel ... long It a famllull r:\le, whcu NIlI'0lcoD ",as In re .. ldenee Ihere. poses)' aDd with tbe IJr\llb 1 gi'e thebetween trim Jj:feeo hedl(t!1 and skirlio,l{ ·,rh.e Io"rllnch Oo,ern~cDt, with ch"raCler· hat K c'oat of muclltlll:e .10 the out,lde, 1htds of ouley, comlag l\liMeD1y tn IIIlC.good Illite, forllld the _.It.eDdllnts tv then 1"1 a putelJolltd along the edKe of IIbrowl of bill' ""here a U!t IIIiUut"lDli rccel"u IIny gratuity from vUItO~I. to the lable. ud iron the brim or Iho Illl,t 00

uDfoldl Itaelr of fieltb Jcllow with ~Iouiie or Iho grave, tho one condltloD o~. Ihn wroog lille, tho right 'ide Uelng 011ripened grail} srecn gro'elglinting ""llh Illg Ihllt you llhlllllulCrllJe your Damo In the pasteboard. Of course the bat muslsUDlighl al.lO~o a mutt of Iluml>criog the vlsitorlil' book. Perhllps at 10100 hr be turned lI.tound IIllhe iro~lns proeeed •.,bad OWl, III", vlne·clad fllrmbouiel ...ifll di.tlln~ dllte, a Io'reDchman will be able To presll the crown t de.,190 .,,,riou! ez·tbeir rod.liled roof" aud Ihelr yards to vim .the towh. or Welliogton alld !}cc!lenlai butM 1 u8uall1 do thlng.tln Iablue with gorgeoul Roweu, while herll N,elilln III our metropolitan. cathedr.t,1 U jiffy," III tl'e OOY'"y, llDd wlthuutalld there a Itallll, rOlldl,lnco, with cui· wIthout lJeing l}elllOred fur IlzpeUet at much elreumlocution, ( lifteD IIIllkll at1IIll1W plln,IU and poluted Rablel, ill ever! turD, I"rgo towel or 'pIece of cloth loto II bunoh,Itretchu of lawu and ill winding walk. .The IIl'1t room you eoter (the, ar~ all Aud l.lOldlD~ It In tho crO'Nn with 10Jbordered with geraniuws and r.telt of mllcnblJ Im.1I1! Ilud low) 11 tho IIr~"'ID~- hllnd, prosl It over th.t. Tho h"I, "'hUllplanu, room. 1.1I wlHcb Ilre pl.c~d the 10 re.Dch done. lookl rully u wcll u if It hall hec.n

D, aDd b, a grove II retched, a halt IDd 8ml.h R"stl, From It yo.u I'll lllOto lent to tho mllliner'l; wbile the coit II1.1 mlde the jolly 10lll illumlJled out, the room III which N"IMlleon (lied. Whcre about Iwo ccntl worth of gum-arabio lIodud aU'tbe lunDy da, tbe hn,blod the htlad of the bed ,t'.lOd i. now a line flfleclI Rlloute! of timo. Thil, fllr black10u089 lie. smoketlM!oe.tlJ Ille treCl; marblc bUll or thtl Emperor, l\lrrOllDded Itraw' ( De,er tried "my !laud" ou Il whitethe ohildre~ rut aDd romp, the "ife b, a wooden raillug; .... ith thOle ucep· one....:.Rwral N~ Yorktr.DUraeI .O() eartl for tbe babJ and keepi tiou., the rooms arll destllute of an1 fur ..• "iw:i1aot o'tCuight upoo hllr ouwerous Diture, Yon pllll from the diaing.room t

brood. Whell the Ihadl)ws leDgtbeD in"wblcb N 1~leoo died, to h!1 .beJ.rooDI,thert hi a reluro. The tired ,ouog onel bath-.room, hbrllr" aul.1 Ollhanl·room.lleeep with head pillo"ed 00 eaeb other. !.ea.,lng tho house, Jnu pus tbroUKII tbeInd fltes 'eiled with wandering curl'i garden. In whict. Nlpoleon u ed 10 "orkthe elder. dilCuiI the nentl or tbe da}; 10 vlgorou.ly,aDd turo ,ourltepl to Newand &II hour or 10 aner the darknrst has Longwood.• broaded tbe great cit, the1are at home Thll hoUle wu built for Napoleon'.and dt:moollrati'e in their belief that it Ule aft'lr bil arriYal, but he oe'er Jj'edbu betn tbe jollieit da, the, enr 1.1." in In it. A.n iron railing ltill ..partel tbeaU 'heir U,et. ~l1den (rom tbe field adjoiolng, and

Napoleon considered it wu put Ibere toremind blm Ibat he was a e.pti't<e. orcourae DOlhlng or the )dod wu Intended,and Sir UudlOn Lowegue nrderl to hueIbe railing remo,ed i but before tbis 11'.1.1

done, Napoleon'l in".reased IlIoul ren·dered il unDeceuar,.

The grue Is down in the .,.lIe" b} a.tre.m or delle10uslJ cool .od purewlt4!lr. Napoleon wu In the babrt or"alking dow a to the Itream and liningh, it in the .hade of Ihe Ireell and he de·Ilred that wben be diod he Ihould beburied b, It as tbe ool, thlog tbat bidgl"en him aD1111euure 00 tb, bland.

Propoeals or Marrl1.l'8,

10 Europe, marrlaau are arnllged II'1buatltractloo ef tbe pareol.. The pat­ti. tbemael'eI an IUppOled to be plcuedyhb wba' pleuu tbelr fatben and_others.

Ooct, a certah" cbenlier,' member ofthe 8..orl oobllit,. w.. udou. Ibat bl,d.ugbter, DO lcoger ,nung, ebeuld be.arriccl. HII 11.ltr, tbe wire o( a Doble­mao, " .. e:Ju,U} InxlOUI thlt ber oDI,IOn HellorJ sbolllll marry. Au Idea oc·curred \0 the ohenlier, which be thu.lallull1 upreued:

lO)ly dear Illter, ir you wanted mJd'lugbter Oi:nnle'e 10 be Jour daughter,I was JlIlt going to uk ,uu for ,O\lr 'ouBearJ to be m, 1100."

Tho cou.lnl were married, and I ftlwweeki after, tbe bride, io writln~ to herUellr" who II ab.ent lD the .rmy. ad·drellt!s him 1'1 the IImost lemlerly belo'edof ,II busbaud' .lnCfi tbtl tJme of Adaw,who, n"twlth,t"ndlng his complaisance,did not dr"l,lrte to be 10'ed 10 tcollerly iiiIOU,"

or COline, "Youog America" cnrl. hislip III c'eo tile lugLreltloll of parental ill'terfereaetl. The BaropCAII CU.itom maybe .blur<!. So lilly the Americ.o CUI­tOlU, which "n'/IIl's ooJ' and girls to fum'011 the bMi~ IIr l'ujiun or fllncy, a con­tract thllt I. to be for lifo-liule-a bwkclilI, Ihu dl"tloc court.

We r~ollJ beard of II. (atherl himselfnOI a professed Chrilli'Il, who, wbeo aJoung OIau, an .,owed .thei.l. Rllted per­ml..ioD to mlltfy hi. dlughler, aD-• wered.-

"No, .Ir, rou eanDl')t marr, 01' daugh­ler witb m} eOllleot. 1 dop't cllre 10commit the bappiness of m, cllild to •man wbo deDI. God aod dCYil, helUe.nand hell."

A Jtat or two .fler, an'ltber }ouogmin, a cburch·member, was aluHor forthat daughler·. hand. The f..her, belDga Iborou):.th blliineu maD delaJed aD an·I.er InuH he bad latiffted him'Jelf .. to\be you&, mUI ebarittu.

111 lirtt inq\llr ..10 the JOuoK mao'lrepUtltilJD Iwong hillOCiat aod bu iDeUIOCialt4. It was Itilfactor}. Then heWfQt 10 till! oftlet.rs of tbe church withwblch tbe Joulh ..... conoected. a,!d..ked 110.... he disch&rliled hi" dUliea u •cburch mtmbtr. Their r~porl.u sati.­faclor}, and tbe Joung Willi ..... accepted

aIOIl·la·l.w.n"lt f.th r w~judicious. He thollghl

a propotal ror his dau\.Chter·1 haDd 11'11

WOrth, of at much utiou. cOD.iderationas be would give to a propo!al \0 pur·chue,oll lix m .,nt!lj' credit, a bundredbozel of dry /loads.

Wu be (lot ,ight!

A,.." e'eDingl .inCI II fluher aDd dlugh.ter It Wellealy, Mil ., ""'ere mutoall, re·calliog Incldentl or the Iltter'l child·bood. "1 shll\ uever fllruel," laid Ihe,oung lady, "ho" 'you Inok toe out ofchurch ouo 5"bullth, '" hell I WWl thr~yearl Old, lod punllhtJ'l me fur pla1iDg10 mf'lling. 1 c.u rlllUtmhcr the tlllXllll/loflhat l)tacb tree I"hr!l til thll daJ."liVer, IlrlDge, 'err ~'r mge," Il\ld Iheflther, III doo't tt" 'I t Illc circum-II nees lit all. "Ah. l\>lp8, you ""ereat tbe other enu of I' " II:'

Page 7: Puget Sound WeeklyArgus. · Ute ftillation I ETH TOil AS ~)~no '''UI t:TOII. Ite ~Inll rellll'li tht! ,"me. whh hll ubJec- allli emolururllts. abo"1 Ihe .1II01l1lt Orj,llrecllyor

~11I11>1.,. DII ..u.ble...O.r'uuuon.lni.

Thl.)\111 10 ";;;:..OIlL.,.l •••c~.rel\ort r."MOI l1li IUllH"I!d b,.aurlnl. TIle, Irt m..... or Ih.., mlll~r1I11•• lid l'.. rr&.Ilted 10II" "UlrolCll"rt.

.alldwto"., Oak-Iud, CaL,1-00." a,... II.,.. R.aAUWJ,Y

"110 ....UI\IYONy an.

SOLE AGENTSus blllom. Itlttt, 1&11 Ytluc!lco,



203 Montgomery St. and 103 Third, S. F,

"".Ut:ItT !lAC ••·CJ.~

E::D1pOrOr ea:von.".IC """ Orlll'''' r, II .f.l IIIC' IlU I1lbfr. IU It II11I"b,'!/".'.p fur l.mlll . I .... ~II I",r ."lllll)~mil ""Y!>,l. "., ......10., too, to .r.",n.. fur 11,1 ~'1C11IC'0"" 1.,rCI'lllll.l.L 1011•• r il'}, I'li. Th_ T1111«!ill_PO ".~ 11l'1I!" '''.11111) hll""'1 . I~Ulullbtr III.A.. IU•. ~.>II'IWtJlt ~,r.V\J~.

Hlll"l·.t ff.m Dr, lIup \011••I,nnll'.! w pIc....UIII ..~·.lJuubl, ll'trll:l~.11I1 purrll Iolld .Cflla..-c..~ III",'. l.rulOa iIlYJlOf 1Il,,1t... ILIt bc-Iltnllll"""HIlI.l·. n_ltlllll·uw,llr.JII.lf' UrtlCOJl)UalI.UIU"I'~ ltWII. r", ••1_ l1y ,\t.llkllT \lAU ,. CU.1'01>,,"'''' UNC'''. "'OIIlJ .. 1'- ,-,Urtrll. 'tr'"II~' • r"Q~I_


.·"r on"UIDIl".


S.\'l'IS"'A(;'l'IUX TO (;l S'I'O.lIEnS til' An:L,"'l'I~EU!

011 For Family Use.

CRAIn!!" BRIOKA., A8'utl. a. F.


'10 mlOl .. lull' ..., p ..U'~b .......In _ .. lIllIIe In FSJlOltM! to IOIU'

IOI1h·... U ... 'u'!.... I" IhlJII p.pe". J'.a _'111IlleAil>e ",eatlou Ib'! ".,ne It' the IlAper.

Bue"" Uitter~1'11r1r1~1 tblS III JOlt.

YCl'bll nne.", Bittel'~n~.rl1l1e. "hi Llw•.

Verba Bileull Bitter!!I;e"lat..1 I Ih. Ib.I·..

Yerb" Bllena "Bitters

YCI'bl~ Bile"" Uitters1""" U'er Com!'h.I .. C.

Verba Uueua Uitter!!CIIn'tl Ilf'l'ClNlL

Dlleua Bitter!!C'nT'l't J.lIl1dlee.

UneOR Bitter!!Yor IIld!aftcloa.

..TA:IoI)."UU UIL t·o..!tIM» h .nlO Ul<;UI:tU:!I. lu..ua!.

~~I,,-'~~.!,~... S..'t'IO"lrl_


I",.. ('.11111"""" "I .. ror. " .........

I.' !t II Til V. .1 , 't:"H I':~UI~4\WITIIl: ....1... Jllu,·.I,.~ IJ,w-"lrtl,1 lIa.. k." lI,c..."

~~'::"I~"~:""~. f...~I~11 "I'. ::;d ';::::',l:i~.~:\':';i... lit. I r .1'" .IQ on U... I",II" ll~poolt.. I,.... ,." ....1.

n"l"". ",") ..\.0... 00." 'u~tIKI"WiI ..'{r~:"t.1~~I~::


, rU":'II,,~,I.':;~~~~I~ hUI':1:::::',~ 1='~~~:

~l:~~~' .~~:~:;.~~ ;"~~'I~~·~~~"~=. :~~~.:.~IDllkl .......lI Ihat

cOlll.n.,," u" LI.~"•. 4'11'_1\11"",.An,1 ;h" un.....1w..II'.'.. ..., t:UrJ,lJ..IIII>t!&rrG..I~\0 "II, 110.. 01111" will Dot fu.II ..'"" _llh III .. bt!'.1 1MD1IIllCllIIIl!'''Il .. UII'iI I."y "n·1 ntall..I~.. clerlU.. thl n,"rlll .IIlt..,. h' .11 'Cit ·1111011""'1" 111111:';.;IIJ~' 1::~~I';;"..I::r:f..:':!~'jn:II::"d \fiat!~l~~~:


Ttl.ll: RicbmHO\I Di'IUteA ~"ur" it outIhlt Ihe rctUrDl frum the Moffct r"''glillel(or the Jear, in Virginia, 1t III ruchtlliC,4.01 Cit.




BOlfdl1l1 Icll.tol for YOUI .fa lAd ~J"""or Clllaklcaf. IpJlI, WI

",UII:' (,lA nUL£, II. £ .. J'rh,dl'.


fA l'I'f;lIral<l" Sc~ool '" Ihe l'1t1"~l'Illf·1

A,m,T.(L,'''.s nOAI:m,"u 1>(111.0(11.. t.iTAli. NONPAREILo~,.. '60dttll.be'l I. II,. Iltlo;r..... ,.r all•• r ""Utlllu•. lni fiN rHI.

In ~ Iilllll\ ".'hJ rnmmlPl: .r.'tll· ..r Iue.n"lll"~· ASTRAL HII.. 130 de;r. ,.,,.. T~'.:;~::;~~,r~:~r-::eot"j'~II'i:~,~.1e~:~~'I:i:r..~':~ i III 1.1.111l1lIIIl00 ClIO•.rlnll,I.lt'Ilr,"' I... ll•• Jull .!Jo'tlnl::lot Ilr"' DEVOE'S UUILI.I.\:c"r OiL,IN. lallrU I IIl.\"e twu 1''''''UI'''' 1It1r1nl II:.. t'llIroeIIlD,1 PIlla.IUullltr 111 ..",1... f", ,1",1. h "rtl"rI., r·,. I ..AIIP.I tll.llnlll,,, II Ihe lnl"'·I"'II. t"rr"I. PRATT'S It,1UI,\ST 011..l"i1"" ", I"'· ...ul.,.. """rna JUIl' .'. UI"I:I.I".U..rhlrl. liar rnlll

'ClTI.-W.'t'ol,," 1'1 r.1l '!'ftlll Illfnl!tJD \....hr• 1;pI1I1 ....r.l... ,.r u LrllDm., lJr.'l '.nl....•HUr"'I. Cal' H...I...nl... !. &11..1 .1 rI' Ib,' ,..... Il' (,,,"lrIlU u.d "111"111"01' r .10111 MY..


)l.O"rolCCQ~' ..r

•_ ARTIFICIAL LIMBSI 0111... lI.d IIIM_... (lurl

S".".'.810 "lurl6l"<'.1J..... r1plllie ~ll"I'llu•. hl.oln

ror IlIrluU'<:lllenl.....11\1 III.lnr·11un'. 11111 IlrlU ••'" II" "I


j'ultlllg UI) j,'rult,

I thInk I C"D anlwer tho editor'. ru·quell for Ill(drmlUlilu regardlug the IlrOI)·lanation of (rull. I h"'lll1. I"rgu qUlIIllli1I. \lUt lip eTCrJ year IUd hnc IIIWIl;t.hltt gow luck 10 far. I think call1llllKthe !Jelt way to keel) (rult. I ulle glll.8iCIl~ (Maiou'll are !Je.t) "ud flrocet.'I.I1UfoliO"'; Cleanlt the c,,"u. Ihoroul{hlrnotl leU to K1l if 1t0J lellk or l\te cracltecJ.fo'ruit .houlc1lie lelecloo carefullJ aud allthat i. Impelfect rtjectcii. Large fruit,luch II ,.elchtl, l.el", elc" Rrc in Ih~bell ootltllliull to CIO ",hCII not quito ful­ly ripe and Ibould be pUI up U loon Il111lii~ihlellrler !)Iekiug. ·mll.ll frull, uclaIS btrri~, Ih1lulll nner IIt"U Illver t1lghtil"it iJ !)(lliible III 1."011111. [;,00111,1110Itt5t .ugAr in the proportion llf h I( aIHlunti 10 a IMluntl of fruit, ..rylot( 11mrule. of CllUfll', v.lth Ibe ..... e tubS oft!,urruil. Wheu rea,IJ to c.n, tlrst 1)llce IllilCI(lilin • I.db'e p'ln O( WIlJDI ,,"'aler Ollila!u (Ok of the :U\i\~; Ilutothe lug lrin I o!(,t!cle1lll IMlrcel"ln kellle, IIIJ JU t "lIolttelluuJ.:h to kl'CP it from buroio.l.f, lei 11!..toil to nice clt.!ll.r '}'ftll), .dll the fruit1111\1 1ft it COOl" uulil bolliog hilt 1111through. Jet j)CllChca, ur pCill'. eook un·Iii leotler; Ir, "'lIh a .IIYer fl)fk 10 11.1 DOtto Llackcll IhlJ fruit. Il Icmon .Ilced ...·ilhJ'C~r. iJ "" ilnpJQYUD1eul. Il, the timethe fruit b Iluno t1l1.1 walcr in the ~au

.... 111 II. hut (luJ Iha C 01 feadl lur Ule. 'L'1:ll~'4,.I,I,~(;I;~;.~lIr, ,1j.J,~',~r"I~\ ~~~~t ~.\r.'f.ke" large towl!1 and lift a c.n frOlD rl..... 11,1 d.lt'..n" _,,..., r"I.... 4'5. H,.I,"thl.l lI'Iler; "rlip tho lowel wtlluollnd It; ~~';;~. b:\'::'...':~"\;'~i:J1~'c,M '~~I~~~:~III~I;I,,~:':'.It in the wlItt.:r out ."d at oneil pour 10 ~::~d I~~ \~/;~::'" ~:':;;=-'JII.,.lI~i(~\I'~~~tl~e lIoJlHng hlJt t'rull, !JUt DIll too (nit. )l..lrICIII,,,, .1 l·,uprlrlor. turUtr )111111 11",1 t',,1

When thu cau I:- JHleJ to oTerll,>wIPI: I'UII;W~"&"~I~_~":' ~'~~'~"~~':'~'~~' ~'~"'~'i~~~~\on the top at ODce Ind ICrl,lW 110.... 0 tigllt.1" aoJ 1.1 the fruit "ntl CUlll cool, c"u'u1w:contrnctloll of tbe "lUll. turD dOWQ Ilg1lq.<,:,UIIlClI fruit shoultl lie kel)t 10 a cuol ltlark place. T.lght Injure!l fcult 'llrylIlUch-ell)Cdally tomah.e!. <':r.u.lIhoul"be euminCld tWII or threo tlI&Y' .fter OI­ling lIod H tim '1ruP lellkl from tll0 riottill! calli Ihould Ue unao"ll1d .ml the flultIc"lded over, ullng new tOil. that "Ill :sl·[ow no le.klge. 'rbe rub JOt rlngllllu.t.how 10 Utlll edie all ruund, furir It ,Uplback ouL o( .If(ht "I 10' poiot Ilr "Illbe admitted. If, ancr uilug the caDI'(il" JeuI, the ruuller riog. budfO withthe beat, the, C.lI be fuilJ replaced.ttbo duIClf·'.

e 'II ,\llleritll.ll III FlureUCe-,----,- \\'11 r I)" I lUi 1, rt'~¥ •

.\ 1I111/:,.,'urlh.r iuchlent 10 f'lorCDce, 5uftle Il11HI ill~ fIlC"~ til' J:ivrn hi lUIIIIlI\.1 "cr)" "leullllt ,lUI. i6 t411 "I'I)\$lr. lIrticiu ill JA :JJHI'c. "0 It u ChIIlU' l\1.ichlIIIC; "n Ihe (,,-hi'lO.hle drives of tbe ILllIe taken pIlle III )-'c..nth ~)~,ulJle'

leltU1 "I II former relii,lclIlOf XCIV \'ulk. ,iDee tbe rlaJI Hr IIcury III. ~l "Kuent...... 1111 til" hiKh (}elK uf 311111:6 flllCD CIII· .Ie Valnl", 11j()Il~h he h".IIUI "lJuurIIlIC~ri"lol' .n ,,101 ;':ClIllelllcli III tine "PI)C'U' of Le lifIJI black Itair, 111l11" lJre"t fUlld·am:.', .h}o:llIly WIl.Y. LCui,le. with glut 1I('il fur K'llLien !.ili..'k- Ind "lin.' ~il:ll of• Illlllt •.u~h lie 11111111\.\ l'uJ cftJ"",lf,1 ht:r r'\"'rLlt cOllIn-She .cl,tl"" IIi IJ-gc••Ill:t'l. hI" l"fill' "I' It'll, tllle!Vl', IlDd .fOlIIl,l· mlly Ih'lSt hilI, Illb" h.li /I"ir "I thl,dow- f .um!CIl h,lr,\.:. Tlleotl have rich. cfllur, aliI! dill out K:rtlille IU hl"e it cutgilhl'lIlll,llIh..1 IIKrnc, ,I\.re 1111 Llight lily u!!' wilen be wllnleol a DeW PNluclue.III w;· r, lind at.r~ 1II"lcll",,1 ""jtll IlIegrc./lt. L:uller Utllli 1\'. U',\uLlglle Bj)C1k:i IIIbt Coin'. II Il~k "f l!1ll gtutlelluu \1\'110 DO fewer than iU:IJ·f"ur DCIII' Ihlllie. ufdri"e ~il ... i111 f.lleJ .rllli h,'O footDU:ll c"I'lr. 1111:100;: them hdllK the "lJyln~

10 blnll·owe IlterJ. l\p":' 111I! .. ,ron C,1pilltl Sins." IIICThe "Wiler 1Ull11rher is lIenrJ Brock· "tu.1I )!tm CIIlDe lu Llf~ Ib"l\ln," anll the

bobt J.,i,iIlKlitou. Uii (lUher. Ur,l(k· . Sick ~pllliltrJ." The ICllgth u( thebol,t l~lfIllK~tuo, "'iU • jlllff "mcer ill ileevc .... Ili fill grellt th.t it Wit Ilecme.1the ItJ\·"IUli.•DllrJ Arm" .ft.d.....llnl Ju.lg!! nec:cs! "J to in'tnt IPfIUOS with Yer, IUDI'of III\' S'll'rtlllle C·llIlt uf thi~ Stille .,111 hllOdlu, In onler Ihllt la'IiCI 1.01gb I litlalerJu.llc.:of thtl SUIIt... llle Cturt uf tlll~ Ilbl~ 10 ellt their HlUI) lll'lIbout lullipgt:nil~J :;:,t"tt.. Uruckhlll,t '~iyiu¢ltIJO" thCH 11":51. Uoder LOlli, XIII, the ladiefdher. WlllltuU Llying,uuu. iu l1iG ...·ai of Ihe oM ichoob I1Ill reI "inC\! Ill"sb,lIl"de G"Yelllllrof New JetllCl, 1.011 con· lJutlhll Jouny"r l,ne merely wore vdlstinurtllll Ihllt pOIiUOD uutll hi .. dllath In of bl"ck nape.......hldl lCued 1.111 relidlOuO. UlIvcroor Lhil1j;liton W'I a gtllDl', 10 the .... hiteul' S ',f their Ikill." YoulIgIOU uf !l10 f·lunder o( the American fll.lo- lind old alike nll.tI~ 1111I:ntlful U-t! of Iler·II)', U"lletl 1.lviugflllll, who receiveJ. by (UUICI, 1)(},nler, rotlf."", II.nd Imlehel CUI tofUJ1l1 cll rtcr (/Ow George I., a grlllIt H( 'witllte "Ma, Itowcu, "lid "lIIUll~l. ThcI.nll '."lIllq,riliuu most uf tho present IMtrfumcd MIllYl!I, rell, llrcell, IIUtl Ik,­CUUlllld .. I" ColUlUlJia ,ull Duchctll, "Iue Ilocklngi .nd moroce,) illoel of dlf­.nd klll,l\l1 aJ thl! Llvingstou nanur. ft:rcnt cnlor~, ,,11I1l continued 10 bu IheHenry IIrockhnlllt J.ivin,l('1011 ill nuw (LUMlIu. In Loui~ XIV'j tlnte, the 1I11\nl"101lICIllhlit "vcr .lltl yClltli IIf aac,llIltl 1',lr fll1,~ hlir ....·1l1.0 grellt th"t alcarnwfor thlrlJ-liyu )'tlarl hila liycd ..n the theol'>g"lau, JCllll llll.j1ti.teThieu, wrote II.

CUlllillCll1 IIf Europe. 1-\lr licari, '",cnty luog ell!!'y tu show tbltt "I\rll"clal hltirJelu8 ht: Illl.~ IIlll.dll hil hOlllu in i"l"rclicc. YtlU an tlutrllg:e to 0011. lH!CII.UIIl it dl.·lie lIlurliuti lUI ltalhr.n hr.cJy u( rlluk, bUl t 'lied the Ilcrson wlwm he had ultr.lIe iohu ht:cll "",lllo\\'cr fur ~eYI!l',,1 Yl!lI.r~. llilt own inu"c,"Mr. J.\Yill"'lIlllll reclllve~1 a IilJCrtl.1 t;lIUClt- In the lliKlttcclllh eCllttlty Prance l~~nn

liOlllllllJ I~ alllllccllclll c!lol.icill 8cllolllr. tn CnllY frum otller 1Ilttlllllf. und III 1710.Uelullcrllcd lUI II.lIIplo I"Llltllnu.lllld 11Ih "!';I\gllfib l..diuiI ItflpeareJ III I'llrlll WltllneYcr.lcvlI!Cd Ililll~elf to allY pl'ofc~lIillulil pallni!!r IlrclSCi, tbe hoopi having. cir·or hu,illCl8 l'UUllh. III hill yuuth hll cllmferllDce of twelY" fcct." UlllluH the,,'UI (,llId "l'llllllellc lportl. IIntl tho 11&11· minorlly"f Loula XV, tho ltnClellt mud".Ioll lOr III. IIUtlHl,l IIfu IICClIIlI to I,U thll of drelS remltlnctl ill "uKue, but :\loot...'1·

dri'iu,lt "I l1u" horlle!. qulou illlmducetl E~llllih fUilliunl, lullA IcI.!hu 'Nho III inillilllllcnrrn!,ond- Ihe rtdiligot, (liJilll;-e t) 'ttl.ll0 iu .p­

encu with hiul I\IIJ "'hu kUllWll hiw iuli· ()I:!ahtnCe Itl li30. AdYllrlllri" uf ~'IUil

llUld~·. II.lcJ, n:ctlltly: ""1"1111 I~t time I ..... It!t telme.. \ A0f:!lllluilil. mel the redjp!·5Il'N lir,l('kh,,1 t Li,illJ:.ton ~I!t hi I'uill glAil wilh Ille labi' ala jNJ/lC<Ji.t,llolltuin-Ilt 111\1 thillk-IS·Ia. IlUcJ,IlIlll quile ,how tlllr.t thc, \IIcre ou I~uritau, Ihey•ure he 11I"~ not heen iu Ihlllc.luntry .ince c(w~red it .....ith h'Old .I..d ilver lice. Atthat fl·IU. lie h. IlVl.'I.llu '·.rh/lli Illllcc..'t Ihi!llltriocJ Ihe Indw.dreucd In iwitatluu00 .. Ile (;ulltlnelll, IJut flJr IIIllI.' ycarll haj tlf it"le 8heIJhcrde ., but, as • conC"I·re.•.ll'll iii jo'h,rUhC8. Whcu 1 l&W 11I1ll 'ioti Itl nature, Wllfe itf"ll,W hlllt a la DIll'la,lllu"<ll1l II. y"uuK Illll.1Ii 11111. Oocly· titmu /wilh lIrOJ,II lrrim~). There ....·olefOIWt:<I, .... ilh .Iolr.iulu Urccl.u I"cllturet at UII.OJ u furl,.fi,e urlctie of wlg-,lod Ycr)' haud,ulUc. !Ill ~&lI.' lI11.1f· and I)UgUl', the chief uf the hllir dre e11,brolh~r Iu 11111 IIl!c Carrull auu AulOo "<II'l!lIt hll rouud. III a Clrri"b'C ani I JI.ir.I.iv· ItID, 'Dd II all uDcle to Joun.: LeirM publllhCi! tlClllile UI)/ID hil U'.C.. J~lyiug'IUD ...·110 I, now ill Eur"I~' founded an IClI.deDiI o( hair-ttrh lug,1II11The tu Alltull Liylogttoo flirwerl, elhlblteJ upon the CoUtl I" Ikiul:l Iudmlo'b~ hil! AlIIcriCll.n pmpell1, I,u' hl' Ihe lloulenrdl loung .omeo who IIldhu Hr.Ju"lIy withdr.,,·n bit wOlleJ from "lent Iheir beldll,"u tbe lay.iDg wal, furthi. Ih'u 1011 ul"ced It io Europe"o io· him to uptrimtut upon. Powder Will, t"UI!OI.. Ue waku 00 lIew iDYI!.t- uied in .uch qu,olhlu thlt the I>"rli.·mtul8 beret prderriug 10 hue hi. I)rop- Ulcnt of rari. decl.red tho pnctlce ofell,lItartr hit llOu1e. lie b we"llhy, elDplo,.log !lour for iu prepllr.tiuolll befODti \,If ill/rie", od prhJOI hiw.elf un Illi ODe of the cau " whiCh broulI:ht IllOulIklll III Ii ,,·hill. lu hit 1cUen be (re· tho lCIltt1tl of food, "hlle p tchts .odquentlJ refe,. to hi. ,t.lIl.., Ind to hi. rouKe was •• f".hioOliblo cnr. FromdriYiu~ II le.r.Ul of " do"&tll horo. PUlId· Ihi. eplCh, tuo, d"te·the in rocluctiou O(DO" fur horle' .ud athletic ">l'Ifti i. & tile omllrell", tho origiual form of w!llthtrail in Ihe Lhlug.toD famill' llit I. :r. ,u. tho Orleotal lJ'U'&I01 held bl pRgncarerul, pro,idcot ID D. lod cutlllolJ not dyer tbo headlof Ihe Welt 1.l'I:iel wbeaellr"uKlnt. uulou tile kcoiling (Of pIe..· thoJ wfllt out Oil foor. I'be "lr&.I01 couldure of " dillen or more borlt. waf be oot he doted, bUlln liUS It "'u modJlItdconliillerlld IlU upen 1'0 haLIt. Hut It is inlo 11.1 preteot form.bll paluli',n, and 10 }>~'oreoce prub.bl, The IllIt Jearll of Loul' XIV't relgooot '" Y\!I'J coul, one. WbeUllfcr II iii wltncued" .!.Crelt cbluKIt ill the mode ofrol.tivl:I yi.lt FlllrenCCl bo enlerl.lll. drOll. which became much more .Imlllt'rthem .t hi. 1]IIlI1e. Be I. dIst"utlJ con· lli"t llf meo 10 particull'. Ladles wMenectel! "hll tho Jal fIlUlII)', hili gmot!. ean of corD 10 thllir hlliu.uyrnbollc offalher'~ ~llIter hayIng mRrrieti Chief· the pleotl which .". "lIout 10 IlreYilII.JUlLticl.l JI IIll Jlll.-N. Y.7·Mtmn.. 1'hll circumfereoce of the hooJl' iflCrd8ed

G "II I I F I t08CYeowen feet,"lId lu olle Jl!IUI.I marll·R.m" til:' llLAgrlcllluflI 110 rs. AI 2~O 1.lltrcrcnt kind. of trlDlming for

Eli I:)li[,un, Superlntt=mlent ol the Wi I· drClifll were invtnted.con.lu ~\"rlculturAI Stile Plllr Groulllb,I.tely wrutll thl.l l'rair.. jo't1rm,r tellttJu.l(W "Gambllug a~ Agricultural 8bo...... ,..callinlo: .lfillll\(lIl to flletl coucernlnlt theIllrlCe IUOlIl divldcd by lporllng lllOO .ndtlleir aceompllcel ID crlma, mcaDiog tileI' It:ly 1IlIl.nlgl'r.....·110 totllraltlllill grcat'" Ifl~ hy .11IIring Iho 'IXlil, uur.ler thepi tll.t il i for the lOCitllfll trellur,.ltclld whit Mr. Slil.on '1'1:

UUrlol( 111\1 JlUt (our 1l!1I", hI l\ unaoi·mOlll ll/otnemPnt o( Ihe ucculi,e com·IDiucu /lIllie Stllte AKriculluml Sociely,] hl"ll urlulltlflltll gllmbling "nil I;llmeso( cballcu (roOl 1111.1 titalo .'.Ir Kruuod•.Yet l'arlt yellr thtlllumller lind I'riC1:lof.(ered fut tile u e uf tile f"ir griluodl.howtbat t111:>e "llIlllirCi mUlt be lIle till,ltwilh .U<'('I..'~~ WD1e"hcrc. I hllYe tbullearly heltlle me, tUl'uinll!llClent of til..,8:"lll fllir /otlO.lOti ,lever Ileneu ancl cir­CUln.rll, .,Iung to nllt for tbeir hellish

l)Urlo,c-, Ono IIITel' $JOO, ancJ gh'l:i II.id IIf f.llr whero lUI claillil he Iitactic::ed

hit a!lubllu.lli-lnl lalit ,.car. lid amlin=;tbf>nl IIr" tllIJ l)1"lc }>'llir "t l)aytHo. Ollil',.o~1 ~1.ltl f"ir al Ced'" Ihplll", 10"a,lI11 Ifiye ,lilillCt (I/.Ir. In lIIiuol•. , U..Il thl.lcinul"r c'o 1I0t UJ (100 woftl Ib urho" Iht'j!, ... ,,1 .en..e Ind moral iOlIi~nl­

litJO III thu 111.:01'10 llt 0110 or tllUM! IlIiuoi:jdi"hiet fllra ... ere 10 llilUIClllh t all th~

om fllIr llitl ftir welC Indicted .Ullheavil, 6111 II, ju t. IheJ Ihnuld al ...·l~y.be, lUllllkel, .... ill be iu Ihe future. Au­Olher chculll.r ADII leucr ""otll lu tllkctbe !illllc A"rlcu!turll S'Kic11 ill I' I)",t·Dcr In It~ cut.thmlt dcprllYit'.lIml dllllllltbAt It "-u 111 eleAtI (Will 'tL~ to 45000,lOll one 11,,11" uf thll. the blow-monel u(the RlI.Iuhler,1t "III II'" to tho Agricul.tUtil &J(i~tl. III !Jellilf of humaOiI', illbehalf uf WutCIII ("roultl. Ict me "pl'tulto lucll fllir man rage" 10 uClUth.. 8ucllfi'lmlJlillio! fmm their fllr groumb, Iud 001.i1urolO ,io.o, ottll thClrc be farmere orother II~rllOo, eDoul(h who h,,"e tllo mor·al CUUItl.j(1l III follow the Doble eUlllvlelet b, tHllIUlll, IUel "relent IhullI to 1116counl fllr IillCcllllng Ilr alloll in" gllm·bling. Allother p",t, ..Jftlli $800 for u·elu.rYc rlghtl. It III ".tlin. II. (rau,l, Ii

Iillel on ltH:rlculturo, alld let It bo Wiptldout.

Let agrlcuUurallOCiel,lDlDllgeu read,mark 111..1 Illwartll, digest Ih, f('regolag.U8Kelt!llllf, 10 N,w EU/ltlloll 1119.11 ..lu the W~'l.


Page 8: Puget Sound WeeklyArgus. · Ute ftillation I ETH TOil AS ~)~no '''UI t:TOII. Ite ~Inll rellll'li tht! ,"me. whh hll ubJec- allli emolururllts. abo"1 Ihe .1II01l1lt Orj,llrecllyor








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r.r Preacrll,t1011S ("arerull, compoullded. 41,

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!';'\f)R\VAIW11W ASII CO)UI1!IHOS nU81·lie IlnlJUlilly ullendtl\l to.

Gonn nllY Asn(iiil:t:~WOOlJALWA 1'8nil IlUull. Alto.,lfood l\lIorll.



Drygoods and Groceries,PORT LUDLOW. W. T.

A u. IIU8INt:S8 t;STltUfl'J'lm TO OURl"f\l'IJ "ItI nK.'Clvtl lituml)' .1111 ClIIreCUI


CA X Supply )'()U 'with AII)'lhlllK In hi"

I.IIlP, At

I,OWE~T 'UTES For caah~ I.~ 1>01l't rlill 10 ,R:h-e him a CAII",~

Pnl8f:"IIgt"Nl rrom IIp-SQundpotU will tAke ruret Sountllllllil RteamerIInti mnke COllnectioll willi the CilyetPl\lIl\lIllt Al Vil-torl~. Stennlllr ~kOIR

JlOf"llllrOIlJ;h 10 Olympln.'l'he;oe ill(!IUlIt!n lenyo VIctoria 8t nOllll

nil th(' flay nl.l'tllrll~'fl. 'l'lckeu a", good0111)' 011 thl! ale:llllCI ror whIch lilt·), areIlIlr\'llRiCtI. llllli nre nOl trtlmrcrnblc. Forfrclgllt or PIU!&lIgTJ alll>ly 011 IIC\ll"', or to

II. r.. TIUU.I\JoSc,Gene",1 Agent ror l'ulCer ~1I1lf1.

Port 'l'o,,'useud.

w~,f:'t~~r'~~~~~~'f10!1l~':.~rT:.::l:eln~~aJtYIIIlClllI"tl .",111 tllr ,'our (n!lilhl hili,. Inr.hll'lI .." C't't1.lnly 1!JIfll!C'1 ,0lOr palrnllUc,Illl;Wtl hUYtl ItSnllftll III ret't,'IYUIIf. "b11lphlR,Ilnet delh"enn It:Ollr 1t00ll. lOr lI)aD, )lI8ft....,.

Wl!nre ,11lIItrer...red 10 do all )"our ,,'orll: a"(.. Irund reuonlllJltJ tlrlCll!o1'.

H. L. TIBBALS <t CO.•Port Townl"len<l. '"'1/. T

AO ...,. ,·u.Slellac:oom ]leer,

HeaWe Uttr.llndLe', Bro'll Soth' Willer and Root Deer.

IfA" rll,t1ofCIIIOO PT_ TuWl"Il.1of1l. VICTIIHIA.



Commission Merchants

Steam.hlp City of Panam.I BOO toni, w.n.. 8EATlURY.COJlJl""II••

wt~~~e.~EA"E O~ Til'; t'ULL OWlSA

1·.\TESTfoi lllltl holY In ohlllin Ihem.1'lIll1l1hlt't 01 l;n P:l;'::~ rn'l'. 1111011 tc\.'Cllltot .it!uUIl!\ (IIr jlO.llll!'" I\dlltl,~~

r: II.. IUltlo:, 5:\11'1'11• ..t CO.,Solldtot'il of l'lIlclll~. Box H.

..1 Wd~bll1J1tou, 0 C.

The splendllllllllclYlK>e1

atoAJIZI._h1p Da.k.o't...2( 00 Ton" II. G. XOlt~t:. l'OKKA:'i'U&R,

WI;I~crL.;~~~t;Jn~:Tm; D.\TES m;nr.

Fa,.. ~rom Port TOWlUend 10 San Francisco.




...." ........ YT. "'.·.us. \ ..""'.....11111 10 Juty IS Jllly!O

~~. = A' J A~f ~5t;r. ~ sept U &pt'"

FREE A~~~!~~~!R!~!!~I~ION.WILSON SEWING MACHINEIn workm.n.hlp I. equal to • Chronometer Watch, anda. elellantl, flnl.hed ••• flm-cl... Plano. It receivedthe hillhe.t .ward••t tha Vlenn••nd Centennial ••po·.'tlon.. IT IIWI ON.·'OURTH 'ASTIIt than other

ImachIn... 1t8 oapaolty I. unlimited. There are mareWILSON MACHINII sold In the United ltate. than

Ithe combined ..I•• of .11 the others. The WILSONMINDINC ATTACH MINT for dolng.1I kind. of repairing.WITHOUT PATCHINC, given 'RII wIth each machine.

':~:~~:.fWILSON SEWING MACHINE CO•827&82lI8roadw." New Yorkl 11_ Orlean., L8.,

Cor. State & ...dilon StJ., Chloa,o, 'II.,~ and 'an ",.nol8OO. C.I.

- -"ll~ c

§~• •0 t en ~'

'" ~

~.., •

i ] ~< 00 ,

11...~• :;:::>0


:.> .. :i .~


~ -.•

John Fitzpatrick.


VelJe1:al:>1es.1\1110, Comet! Beel IlJIII J'ork, Smoked

Mc.'I.~. Pork anti Ilologlll\ S:llI'lRj:."I.'SolIead Chet'lIe, 'J'rlpe• .te., lie.

And Repalnng eXl'Cllted Il!lll"illlll, and SAt.Lrnctloll glllltftnll'Cll.

t7 A ralr .111'"\ or the 1)''1troHllge cl theIlubllelslOllelled.

e;tr ltun'o:\ Gnlnt UEVEHES'CE forCASH CllstOIllCI'$.

HaT TU...'. L~D, ...·.T.

AST SIt;K 5.\IWR 'WUfl liAS PAlOJlotllll'll t1u~ (or ...0 monl bl ptclO ed·

InK Ill. apllUl.... lon (lOr lldulliIl'lun,ll6 entiliell101lC»llltal relklf.

l."ort: ']'o",,\f!K.lnd llolJpl"RI~

'thelll1o\'e hlltluulIon hft"tn] hfIen 81uced011 a Jl!lIUlJIIlOllt (00111111, IlJl lila llJlf!'lI

r,II~~:~80I,::I:llfl~tllf~llr~~~~'~llr~I·;:~~I~~~ltr::::::a:~atll'I:~~nl~;~J:~'~o Of'11~X~~~1011 anll eOllvenlenCt!lIf rrIYulepflth'1l1ll;.

TII'- t. tbe lal'lCblt 1;1·U1:ru.1 11.....I'lull 1,<1"hnf lIun t'ranclKo, anll I.y (Kr' btl nlOht ('0111'

l':itI~~:;~~lrr:lrlln~I~~e:l~I~·~~II~'::a.Il'U~~~~havtl ao<.'ODlIltOllallonll for .1 1 one hUlltired. JlII,~oll IInti lire peelI1 rl,. IIltarledlor t'deI re(lnh1nlt fhe IllUII' ml"lrul I~t·Rlenl and Cfonelllnt InpcrYlllon nt limited\'SptlIlH. 1111'lllU who lk...tre Ihelll .. Ill hoe(t1ru'"hed Wllh Ilrh'lltfl rl)(l,"I. enllrf'I)'lItIpuate alllt dllltneC, I" II Ilhrhl IddlllOlll411:..1Il.

I;I4Y'The nllflllllllll 01 Mill ownerl!, IUIlIthOIolI Inu'JrUUld In .llIrlllnll', III tnlled 10thll (\W .. Ih".. IIellllltlll lI11ttorllll( ItOln L'(';nl".

! IOUIi dl<lellJl("ll .11I be Imlelf OII1~llltl IblltOl6pllal "Ithnul ~ll)f!n~ lOlhe ve-I,

'mOllA. T. 1IINOIl. JI. D...tf W.n .... ln.8ut\Ceon.

"Nn M.>\Nl.:FACTI·'IlUl 0'"

JOHN P. PETERSONMerchant Tailor,

CHINESE FAMINE. I. '1',,,. 1>,.,,,,,'''';'' "n',".~ "I ",,,,,,. PORT TOWNSEND_ . 1I1l: tIl(' IHIllY nt t!l,.. Ullllt II ~tlllCS

Til,. famill~ ill Chillil will fllllk Illjfrurn 'J;dl(IU III ;,,'O.QOO which wllI'!7:=-- ----:

llistllfy a.. lilli' IIi tht/llw"t feadul ell"1 ~lrcllll/lll.. h· iu!'il'tl·t1 .1lflllll hy ,In' jII t ~~T SlIOelll\lIIill~~ III 1Il01.h·Tn UlIll:'", It ,.~, 11111I"'\' Ilf rl·prl'!!l'1l111tl\'·.., It( th.· Ill" 00cnlll!! oycr. t'ounln' ".rlllll ..l~ '"~tl·1 sl•.!! ..ion IIi ('Il11j,!'rf'I'-. HlIlI w,'ulJ ha\'t'

'llalNI Itt (wm ;:':I.ll)(' lu Il'O.IIOO iitll'Cl,,-,Ji'11 hilt (nr lhe t1t>ICflll;ncd_llUU!" lIlilt'~, A'!llthe l'.hil.lhe papcnll r'l'p,,"itlulI of thp SPlHl.tf', 1 rcceiv S TOR E)'lIt tht' llllmlJt'r ~I( "U'111113 at tho illl.!':1 "Irikin:: Illn"Ir.~~lllll.(rum Ille •frij:lllfulllltnlof .I.ll((l,fllltl. ,"n. of Il1Ilmll outloreuk;o. I lit' 1l1~1l (If Il __tiCllal pllper, \1~ilcrillil1~ th.., fallllll~, ""li'lIl uf fony·fiY" llIillilllHl, with MEN'S, nOYS'roll)' : "The 11l"'t'rJdll~leI8 ,,,ere Ih" lllllllcrflll! milillll,}' Pflst~ ICI J!arri~IHlI LADlES\ ~IISSES,first tu ltu III1'e,·te I :llIl tIC)' SOOIl IIud II (rClutier of II"Hllilllltl~ nf IlII I'll• f ,. ANDCIIII.DIlEN'Sdi"III'IU!l&tcd ill tlcarcil 0 l!lIu!lI!!ltCIH't} comllllllll\' I Ipll~eJ 10 illCur,jlllls rwd,.ls,. ..·herc. :\ow the (Mlllino hu llt· Iltlll"ki h~ Ilidillll", :11111 will, lillbilit" Boo'ts w ShoestllcJ,;(,tllhu well·to·do ami Ihu w("l1l· uf iUlern'll1 di:.ltlrh:ull·l!il nf the pub. or the very !)e,lt 1IIIIIIItll-'" allli or thethy, "ho liml themsJl I\'t'!1 reducetllo li(· 1)I'IIt.'e. 1I110nili CIlIIIPllt itself with Lalc!t 1':lUerll~.

;.:r~'ler 1II~!!r!h -:' each tillY fll~! h:tlf' ~O,(,I(JV truull ICOl~kl eO·lid .." o~lll)' ill" Oent'f~.:u1I~'and Ibe,., III t Clr turn, attt l )'1I.1~ 0 JelllallO~IIf!: 11 Hltlli. cn • ., len."anor follo"ill~ those ""ho h....e IlIIj;rllt· toM th~ lIuulie of llt'prl!!5cntatl\'cI AroUo C>~-"hO~~~d ehel'here. In tIle 1'&r1ier period thAt ttle lIrmy needed 10 he cnlllrged Gent's, J",d~" Mi~4ll\IChlltirell'iJIlf Ili~tresl, (he li"ing fed upon the rlltlll'r Ihan nflluCI"«!. MIIlI thAt our rc hbodi~!1 of the dead; IICxt, lhc trong l"ticlIIll with tile Indi.llt wern lIuch R.ubbor~or·. 00.

IJcyourcd the, ,,~.k; and "?w the diRt ~'I'e lIIiKht up,'ct Indilln wars, . 1'l1Is Is the Largestl~n~ Be~t

gencral dC8tltlitlOn hll5 IIrr1ved III ~rellter or Ie :I, allllnst every lumrncr'I8ele~let.IStOl:.k or HI,.llll Ilill'. 110l:1t 011 1 u­IllIoh a c1imlX that men t1e\'our tho.ae The r('cent Indilill outtllgcs-pro. Kl't liOunl1. Corl1lnl.;llIgof their Ollt'll nelb Ind blood. HII' ,·oket! .....e Irf!: OrtV 10 allY, hy tile OItONZ" AND SATIN Dnt.:SSINO I

tory containl TlO record of 10 ~erri· injustice of the "liitc15-..id the die. M.lSON'S CIIAI. ...:SOR DUCK-ISO.hie Ind diatre ling a atlllll of t.hlllgs, fieult)' in slImltlMrily tillPI'fessillJtI FltASK MILUI:'S 'V.&TERanJ if prompt meullrea of rehtf ~re them, in COlliquCIlCC of .. lack of Pnool' I3LAcKlso.

nol inllituled the whole regIOn trOOIl8,sho" tliMt Gcneral Shermln ~fACItlNF. Slt.K ASI> N.~EDLES.IOUlt become depopulated. ~al wu ri!llit and the Dellluctliu "ron~ Shoe Flndlnge,SOUrcel of Iiupply Ire. enurely 011 the Imbjr.ot. If ""e IIlUlil fight tht! ur Every Ucwcrll,tlon.uhaustedj Ihe granarl.c. are IlillillllS. we ou,ltht to 111"'0 111f'1I

emp.ty,and the trellury dralll~d dry; eBou~h to do tho wu·k efficiently ,ll.lll.1 Rigging. Harness Leather,wbde the fe" "ealtlly people III the .... ith that number "'6 should have 40., &eprovinces hi'll helped "ith contri- lells liKhtill1l to 110. It is lllih cruel A oomplcte-"",,-·-rtmcllt orbuti0l11 Ind loa'll till they thernsel· and "'asterul to ctllldtlct 111I Indian'us are illlpo,erished." How for· war ""ith an il1adettullo foree. It Miscellaneous Stock 1tunalf' il the condition of tbe veryIprolong Ihe militlr)' strugjtle 1l.1Id ill-poorest aud most milerable or our creue:i both the slcrifice nf life alld Custom Workpopulation in compariaun "ith thlt the expenditure of mone1'-S, F.of these peri,bini millions in cbe IhCOI1l. Advocate."hurt of Cb:na.


reCule to reco,tnize nnd be jit'o'ternetl __•11)· the la"a of nature, which ~ind R)'oml'rol the Ucpllhlknn TC'rrhorllllmen tnaether as 0pPOIilos tho COlli-I Ct'ulr:tl Collllllillet>. dull' It,"Clllhk'l1 pnr-

I -. h h 'h 1IIUIlIt 10 Ilntke. Ihlt IStllll:l)' (Ir .Inly. A.U.p emenl, uf eac 01 er, t ey must 187:t It Neft' TI'mm:l. WII~I,ltll!lAlII 'I't'r-luITer the consequences. He rllnt... ItOll~ Ii hl~n:()v J;lwlI. Ihltt l\ Hl'- P E OPL E'S15 Ihe "urkiugman ', 'rue friend who pllblrmn Tcrrllorl:ll t:olm.·/Illol1 I~ c:lllt·tJ"1' to each one, nPlddle your own I ((\. II I1Ible II· VII~ll~II''''~ t,;hlrkf' l,.'OUllly.caIlOC." All thil tWiddle about n.T" au WEn~f.SIU\, Th(lllth HIl1 MARKET

. . or UfTOHt:l(, ISit'. lit 1116 !I11IlfOfll'u -1 •ta'"n~ clire of th~m, II I! the~ were n·duek. A.)t .. lit ;;'Ilhlll:ay. r.lr rill' PIll'I}O"I' ,a Rock of tame pigeons, II An I118ult. or 1l01llhllltlllJ{ II l:.lllllllhl!tl fl,r IJclt'j:lllc IIIh ilbAd ennugh to be a woman, and Ctlllg~!. /lui] fllr rile Intll'ItCllOIl III ~lIchlOPP08ite Walhineton Hotelhue lIlfn mllke .pheres like tor, hill· mhl.'r Im~llll'ilII\S will (IroIICrl)' l"OllIlJ bcfuruI d · ' h. --nolll, all vut one III to ItaYt )ut It The Comm!llce Iwlt tbed the :Il lpor-

mUlt be _one to be 1 Olao and have !IOIlIllf'lItor l>t,lt,~.a/lojl tn 1'01111 lAlI\'l'llllolI eonatantly on Hand theto be taken care oC.like a little pial- IU rllllo,\'I: Olle:lJelt ~I~.t Llrgt'. (url'\oery CHOI CEST MEA. TSter·of.paris Samuel Dying bil pray· ,"'OlIuI1 In lhe 'l'errhflr~·. allli olle IId.lltlol1·era. A human billt.l with a beard altlclplr.lte lor ",Yl'ry olle IlIlmln.'tl vnteS

• • • :lilt! fOI enr)' III11Jurlr)' fr:aL110n or 0116mUll fet'l nice to h....e political eeon- hUlltlnotJ ToIN III e Idl I-'Ollllty a~ Ihe ~ll­nmiltl dllCu I him II though he prlllt·lectioll url810. fur Ihe Rl'~"bllc:U1­wcre olle of a thouSlOd bigs of IIJtlIf'gAIC to CoII"~. UP?!'i I llil bllilewheat which "Pre tn b. dilil)Oscd of the "!\rlml" OOUlltlCK or 1I)tI "'rrllury""l1l

h d 'p lbe 1'1I11l1a]10 "'Vn:~llllltiOU IlIaald COIl-!Il t ft belt..s \·anl.~e. elrl to mo "elltlnll ~ rollow.:If I "ere a man. "nh.1I the "ute l'OUSTIIo:- so Ot' IlEU:O.ATf.!,cabinlAntl ilUe fiell.1s in Lhi, countr), CI i. II ....· . 2hefore me, Illhoold D"e Ap:itatiun CI~I:~/I:"::::::::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: 2CORlmill and ..·S.cr.'ad.. th. C"rk " U. S. Vorl'ne Hospital.trouble or ~..Ikinl: .bout me' for if CuI,lIl1bla 4 lIlw) did not ,..is. m! 0"" p;rk ~nd CoWlll;& :1beanl i( "ould be curiou.. )~Illlld 2

, .letr~I"8OII 3

The :'iorwtgiln lemming i, an In- ~::r~i.::·:·:·:':':'~' ~.~~~. ~~~~ ~'~:':' :':':':' :':':':': ~imal .bout Ihe size of a mouse. It l.kwlil 3)i\'ea under Itonel ill the summer, Whntoom nInd under sno" ill the "inter. It 1tlI-'OlI 1hille. Ind bite•• About. once in I;JIClnc ~ten ,ears ther immi rate in lar eI1,~n.'Q , 1

: Th hg · . ~ 1,:, ·Iuall ~ ~armlel. ey marc III 1 atr.l~ht :SU1ll~flla 1line.• rh'Jy CrOQ lakes and rivera.l~ohomlsh 3Tbey go througb ba,I'ack, rather ~'tells _ tIhan go around. Nothing Itup'" 1~Ill~tOt~ ~

h . fi _.1 \\:IhkhllwlII It eln, not re, CIlC-.uel, nOr '''Imps. WKIIll Wall:t 61f • man llaudl in their "'y Ihe)' WhllmMn 4"ill jump at him as hiJlh 18 his knte. ¥ukllllll 3

lr I~ruck they will turn arOllll1.1 'I'IIC Cotllllllltl'tlllllQ n't.'OlIlmeIllJ~ jllll~f'('1Illd bark and bite like a dog. FOI In lillY l'Ilftl1l;ll lol)(lUHlUr by thti ~'I'ltCl1VI'

1 1 h k d I CUlllnty C"lIIl1llltrt:jII. Ih:lt ,,~ "/lnOUfIe•.' )'lIlet, 0" I, a" I an wease s l:otility CoIIYI'IIIIUUJI bu Ilcllll\t Ihe CoUlllyWIll folio.. them and deatroy larp:e :o;e,t 011 :s..1U"I~y.lhe ~th 11(1)' Or~plP.lll.numbers of tb.m, bllt. it does not ber. 1S7g, At II.. !lollr 01 olle o·dock. I'.M ..cheek them. The1 eoolinue their IUKI lhat Ihe I,ril~lllr)' lIletll1l1jt:... lu eta:t('ourse unlil (hey reacb tne Ilea . I ,wl('~te5 to II~ (OUlltf ~oll't@ntlull. be

h. . ,Ill a helol-'t the hOllr nr Olll.' n clock P. lI.• nrw Ic.h th., plunge, II perslltent Ind S,uul1lav II~ 21 I lillY Or~VllHnlwr. 180'8.ptOfrreui,e II ever, IIl1ti! the wavel It Ihe 'totlll~ IIIM\ lit e"eh 1)"",,'111(1. ·Ihl.. ...dro"" aud flIterminaw them. ra:ollllltelilhillOlI I" Illtendt'dolll)' r'lrth<H!

()'\1I1111.... whll'11 hnt' 110 CnUtllY Celllnil" COllllnlth..... Or WIM'1I IIII.'Y htll to net.

the S. 1'. lICom. Benld," oj the Uy tlnll!r nllhe 'l'l!rrllorllll H"I)llkll~nRth imit., uyl: "For IiI months Pill Ct.-utrlll CUllllllllltt'... •. "we hue publilhed reilularly Current IJA~n.l. 81\(, •••,\.

Prices of' the Pine M I" rll1tlrlll~1I !'f the Comruhlce.• . : anu Ie urers BYRON n,U:I,oW. ~'\: r .

... IOtlaUOn, but findIng that thelie :Sew '1'.11'111I:1. \\'. '1'•••Iul)' 18. 1878.tiLes are DO lnt'lll'er heedecJ, and thlthold.,", are "cuuing under," 'feryconliderllbl~ to the utent of Ilc"l',ald"llarl per -thou and fcet, 11I111 tlilloffrr. for prompt calh r.re InldoUlih·",ought afler, we Ihought proper til,Iroplhe 1>rice liAIS for tho prelicnt.TI,a fac';. c..ry'hi"K i" ,he h""hcr Gents' an~ Boys' Fasbionable Snits,lint'i. alily ,Itmoralized hv reUll1lof "hattl lime ,It rew buillilll"'s he. IS 1'ltt;P\IIt':1I Tlj )1.\1\1: ['I' Gt:sn.!.. l'l"lhllllC 1I.·... 'nllnll 10 Ibfl 1l1leoolin~ er.cted and the railuru I,f 6ev· ::'-,~l~;"An't;1'';':;:~~lC~I!t~~I.~:1nl:1:~1~. ,...era1 lumber producing eompalliel. Ihu «In_IIIIIII)' "II hllml. 101 ot nne

• t'Nnch Cklill. Illtl t·lL__hllc",". (~."n ».nltl

A.wIHI~n l'IIMltIIC"""" .'n'lu WblCIi I_rllo.'

young man "ho "lIllram ul'. eIIn "" WCllnr all"ltlOOl h ...... 1 . 1 I . I' Cl:ir U"I..r", (n III 110 lIalllone. rtOnlpUy.,

Klr to o'e Illn anI thell JUIIIPS thel'fll1ltcd IU.cUlintry beclu e he f'lIl with Ii I'ltrlll.., I\I-hhllot' 10 buy the bel;t Sewllljt'kniCe, ought to he pur"'lII'u wid1' :\.lIclll,I~I' ·lIollltll,.'1Il1 ou.Jnllfl I'. l'ctcl'!';Ofl.

vitchfork where\". h" glll'li. ! ~~~I~~te~ O\~;~~'IIII~,:t::~UC~~II'I~J:II:I!t.~lcII~

ThI!hOIV 1111 1t1)l}IJt the IllJlchllle lUI Illve 1'1111

. ere are .trees so ull Hal PUllet In.tnll-'l-Ioll.o fret. 1':'·... r1 1I11lchlue WAr_Sound th..~ It takes t~" lHell alld a raut' ...! 10 Illt'a..e.bf,y to look to the top f them. One JUIIS 1'. P.~... r..USl')S.lookA till he t • I I I AKelll. l'ott ·l.lwnklltl.

Ke tlh·'. II' Mnot ler $Ul·l. 1l1l.1~ 11'1 ~lnlll.itOmer)' ~I .•commencCl where be .lJ. I :)all "·rand54.:o, Uell '\I't I':ldllc l'Oll'~