question 3

Question 3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

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Post on 26-Sep-2015




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Question 3

Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Media Institution

A media institution is a company that produces and distributes media products.

InterMedia Partners

A media institution that could publish my magazine is InterMedia Partners. This magazine company publishes a magazine called Vibe. This magazine targets males because they often use male artists on the front cover. This magazine mainly focuses on Rap music. Most of their magazine use dull colours, however my magazine consists of bright colours. This institution is based in America. With this institution being based in America they could publish my magazine to give it a mass audience.

Prometheus Global Media

Prometheus Global Media is another media institution. This institution publishes a magazine called Billboard. Every issue that is publish is always successful and it is well known. Billboard has a mass audience, and it communicates with teenagers and young adults. They show this by using female artists are there front cover such Beyonc and Rihanna. This institution is also based in America. I think this institution should publish my music because they have a lot of similarities. With the institution being based in America, if they published it my magazine would have more of an mass audience. I also feel that this institution can help distribute my product worldwide and it would gain even more of an mass audience.