question 6 media

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Upload: joelhick7

Post on 04-Aug-2015




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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing this product?

Key Decisions

Our first key decision was to either use a a large high quality camera or a smaller camera. We choose as a group to use a smaller camera and a tripod as we would be filming on location so it would be easier to transport a smaller camera around on different occasions.

PreproductionIn preproduction, I did a lot of research into similar films to ensure we were following the typical plot of a thriller film and we didn’t fall too far away from the stereotypes. We also used celltex to create our script for our final film and as a group we produced a shot list on excel, storyboards, prop lists, risk assessments, character profiles. This enabled all our group to see these and so when actually filming our film it was a lot easier as we had the information needed and a set list of the shots we needed to get. This helped as we had a schedule to follow.

ProductionWe filmed using a tripod and a small HD camera

instead of a large SonyHD1000 camera, as we didn’t feel experienced enough to use the big high quality camera and we were filming on location so a small camera would be easier to transport. After we finished our filming we used a software called ‘final cut express’ to edit our film together to make all the shots fit together.

Post-ProductionAfter the completion of editing we exported the

video, then uploaded the video to my Youtube channel so people can easily access the video. We the embedded the video onto our blog on blogger to ensure even more people would be able to access our film. We then posted the link to our film onto social networking sites such as twitter and facebook, so more people could access our film and give us feedback.

Successful uses of technology

We were most successful in using final cut express, as the editing process did not take long for us to complete, we had over ten minutes of footage and we cut that down to two minutes. This process included the adding of the non-diagetic sounds such as music and effects such as fade in and fade out and black and white effects, as shown below.

Unsuccessful Uses Of Technology

We struggled when out on location filming, as firstly we struggled with using the camera and then extraneous variables such as the weather hindered us as things like rain affecting the look of the characters and raindrops getting on the lens, was slowing the process down and making the shots look a poor quality. Also with the strong winds it was sometimes difficult to hear what the actors were saying.

What I have learntI learnt how to use blogger effectively. When I

first started I didn’t know how to label people in posts, or embed videos/images/presentations etc into my posts, but now I have learnt how to do these.