rapevine the...x piano and keyboard x for exams or just for fun maths and english tuition x sats /...

The rapevine G JULY 2017 THE PARISH MAGAZINE OF ST LAURENCE CHURCH ALVECHURCH Online at www.alvechurch-stlaurence.org/monthly-magazine All All All Aboard Aboard Aboard St Laurence Church Model Railway Exhibion Saturday 15th July 2017

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rapevine G

JULY 2017


Online at www.alvechurch-stlaurence.org/monthly-magazine

All All All AboardAboardAboard

St Laurence Church Model Railway Exhibition

Saturday 15th July 2017

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St Laurence Church Alvechurch


8.00am Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer Communion Service, will take place on the 2nd and 4th Sun-days of the month. On the other Sundays there will be an 8.00am Book of Common

Prayer Communion Service at St Leonard’s in Beoley 9.30am Family Service

with Holy Communion on the 1st Sunday and Baptisms on the 4th Sunday

11.15am Parish Eucharist 6.00pm Evensong

On the 4th Sunday of the month at 6pm there will be Sacred Space, a quieter more reflective space for worship

On the 2nd Sunday of the month (4th in January), there will be a United Service (Churches Together in Alvechurch and Rowney Green), rotating between Alvechurch Baptist Church, St Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Rowney Green Shared Church and


At Rowney Green Shared Church 9.30am Methodist/Anglican Service

except 4th Sunday “All Age Worship” at 3.30 pm DAILY SERVICE

9.00am Monday to Friday in St Laurence Church


Sunday Club Sundays during term time 9.30am Church & Ark (445 1854)

Choir Thursdays at 7.45pm in Church (445 3569)

Bellringers Sundays at 10.30am and 5.30pm Tuesday Practice at 7.30pm (01527 64077)

Women’s Fellowship 4th Wednesday of the month at 2.00pm in Tanyard Lane Community Centre (445 2125)

Mum’s the Word Thursdays at 9.30am in The Ark (07792535661) Tiny Tots Service 10.15am 1st Thursday of the month

Ark Café Thursdays during term time at 12.15pm (447 7017)

Home Group Thursdays, 7.30pm at the Coach House (445 2547)

THE ARK Enquiries to Ian Price 0121 447 7955

Registered as a Charity in England and Wales: Charity Number 1131783

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Richard Bubbers writes.. For the common good – or shall we just blame someone else?

At the time of writing, the country is just getting its head around the results of the general election. Some are telling us that we need to pull together for the sake of "the common good": others are seeking to blame others.

Wanting to blame others can be called "scapegoating.” In the Old Testament Leviticus 16 describes the ingenious ritual from which our word "scapegoating" originates. On the Day of Atonement , a priest laid hands on an "escaping" goat, placing all the sins of the Jewish people from the previous year onto the animal. Then the goat was beaten with reeds and thorns and driven out into the desert. The people went home rejoicing. The human ego is pleased and feels relieved and safe when the "sinner" is excluded. The problem is that it only works for a while. Usually the illusion of projecting our own stuff onto another person or group, has to be repeated and becomes more extreme, and the real problem is that the scapegoating does not actually eliminate the evil in the first place.

As we know from our experience of politics, it seems that for any particular tribe or group, hatred and exclusion hold the group together much more quickly and easily than love and inclusion. The need is felt for something to be sacrificed: someone has to be blamed or attacked, if the group is to feel better about itself and its members.

The philosopher Rene Girard (1923 – 2015) saw the tendency to scapegoat others as a basic story line of human history in every culture. Humans have struggled to deal with fear and evil by ways other than forgiveness, most often through some system which sacrifices someone or something outside the group supposedly for the sake of the group. For whatever reason, it makes the human ego feel better about itself.

The scapegoat mechanism largely operates in the unconscious; people do not know what

they are doing. Scapegoaters do not know they are scapegoating, and can even think they are "offering a service to God" (John 16.2). If we are not aware, our problems can be projected onto another person or group. As long as the problem is "over there" - and not acknowledged as being in us in any way - we can keep our focus on changing or expelling someone else, as a way of dealing with the problem: we can feel temporarily at peace, but it will not last if the problem remains within us.

The New Testament says that Jesus became the scapegoat to reveal the universal lie of scapegoating. John the Baptist in John 1.29 describes Jesus like this: "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" Jesus became the “sinned-against one" and reveals the hidden nature of scapegoating. The high priest of Jerusalem and the Roman governor of Jerusalem were both utterly wrong when they chose Jesus as their victim to scapegoat. Power itself is not a good guide, but for many, authority can relieve their conscience and allow them to scapegoat. If you think for a moment, millions of soldiers gave their lives by believing the lies of Stalin, Pol Pot and Hitler. Violence is the logical outworking of scapegoating, those who do such acts tend not to call it evil – they will choose an apparent good and find such a reason to justify it.

Jesus showed us on the cross how to hold the pain and let it transform us, rather than pass it on to others around us and let it harm them. As long as we deal with evil and sin by some means other than forgiveness, we will struggle not to pass it on to others. To hold it so that we can ask for forgiveness and begin to let go of it, allows us to experience the transformation and new life he wants us to have. Jesus’ death and resurrection is the pattern for growth, change and transformation.

As we come to terms with the results of the general election, may we see the dangers of scapegoating and the benefits of seeking the common good.

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Showroom and Workshop 338 Alcester Road, Burcot,

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Extracts from “Ten Second Sermons” by Milton Jones

Sin is like a smashed glass that you thought you’d cleared up ages ago, but from time to time in dark corners you find the odd jaggedy bit. And if you don’t deal with it, someone could get hurt.

The Ten Commandments are not so much the safety Instructions before take-off, but more like the scientific conditions required for flight itself. (And if you keep breaking those rules you will begin to lose height and eventually crash down to earth.)

Grace is fantastic when you receive it but can be strangely annoying when you see others benefitting from it, especially if they seem to have had more fun than you in the meantime. I may have got through the traffic lights in the nick of time, but what about the others who got through after me? Surely the policeman will throw the book at them? They were definitely in the wrong. But what’s this. He lets them off with a warning and a hug? Hang on a minute…..

Faith is like standing still in the noise knowing that the bus is coming. And occasionally, through the fog and the traffic, catching a glimpse of something big and red. Patience is just looking at the situation from Google Earth occasionally.

Perhaps hope is like ordering something from Amazon. Every so often you get little messages saying ”its on its way”. Then one day the doorbell will ring! But if you don’t answer, your hope might disappear to the depot for ever and ever.

The Spirit of God is a real person you can invite in. But watch out - in time he will go over to the fridge, pull it from the wall and say “What’s all this mess under here?” But at least he helps clear up.

Thank You ‘Crafty Ladies’

A big thank you to the ‘Crafty Ladies’ who meet at Alvechurch Library. They have very kindly donated £50 towards a new lawnmower for St Laurence church.

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Alvechurch Historical Society

Hilary Taylor writes…

Just a few reminders… The current season of monthly talks has now finished, and the new season will begin on the first Monday in September. Meanwhile members have two day trips booked. On Tuesday 25th July to Leicester and the Richard III museum, and on Wednesday 16th August to Attingham Park, a National trust property in Shropshire. Tuesday 1st August, at 10am, is our annual hut-cleaning day, in preparation for two open days in September. Volunteers welcome! Chairman, Anne Humphries, can be contacted on 0121 445 5955.

Rowney Green Horticultural Society Lindsay Smith writes…

We will not be holding our usual monthly meeting at The Peace Hall on the second Thursday of the month but we are pleased to advise everyone re. several events that are taking place in July. The Old Piggery will be holding Charity Garden Open Days from 30th June to 2nd July, 2.00pm until 6.00pm, entrance is £10.00 which includes sandwiches and full cream tea - everyone is welcome. The address is The Old Piggery, Weights Lane, Redditch B97 6RQ and is located on the top of Butlers Hill. On July 13th there is a visit to David and Sarah's garden, Badger's Way, Ash Lane, Martin Hussingtree WR3 8TB. The cost of the visit is £7.50 plus refreshments. People will need to make their own way to the gardens. With regard to the Main Show which takes place on Saturday, 2nd September 2017 you will find the schedule available on our website www.rowneygreenhorticultural.co.uk, so please take a look and decide how many entries you would like to make. Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact Lindsay

Garden Centre Opening hours

Mon-Fri 9 to 5, Sat 10 to 4


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Kathryn Collinson BA Hons, BEd Hons, ALCM


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Piano and Keyboard

For exams or just for fun

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Regular Classes at The Ark

PILOXING! - Piloxing is a non-stop interval fusion of high-intensity cardio (boxing) and low-intensity exercise, with fun breaks of some dance in between to burn calories more efficiently and build lean muscles! Classes: Tuesday mornings, 9.30am. Contact: ALISON BENFORD on 0121 448 3303 / 07790916947 or e-mail: [email protected]

BABY MASSAGE - The baby massage course offer a wonderful opportunity for you to learn how to communicate with your baby through nurturing touch and massage. A 5 week course Tuesdays at 11.30am. Contact Lisa on 07539062031 or email [email protected]

KARATE CLASS - For all the family and suitable for all ages. Freestyle Contact Karate Academy Affiliated to the International Combat Organisation. Self-defence and fitness for the whole family. No direct debits or contracts. Tuesdays at 6.30pm. Call Chris for more information on 07507696926.

YOGA - The Yoga classes are progressive, encouraging a more mindful approach to posture work which is freeing & relaxing, but no less challenging & powerful. Wednesdays 12.45pm, & 7pm, also Mindfulness Meditation 2.10pm. Call Sally 07903663085 or email [email protected]

FLORISTRY CLASS - Learn floristry skills and techniques to arrange flowers beautifully. Wiring, taping and leaf manipulation skills. Gift wrapping techniques, seasonal arrangements, traditional and modern designs. To register your interest please call Claire on 07564 339157. Thursday 7pm to 9pm.

PILATES - Pilates helps to reshape your body, which will become longer, leaner and more toned. It will also improve your posture, achieving the perfect balance between strength and flexibility, and it is a great way to relieve unwanted stress and tension. YOUR FIRST SESSION IS FREE!!! Classes are run on a Friday at 9.30am. For more details contact Jenny Bird on 07968 363529 or e-mail [email protected]

RHYTHM TIME - Education and fun music classes involving singing, building confidence, encouraging creativity and co-ordination for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers. Our classes grow with your child, so come along and enjoy the many activities that encourage children to develop their senses, language and listening skills as well as confidence and creativity. Fridays from 1.00pm. Contact Vicky Taramasco 01214477632 or e-mail [email protected]

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The Ark Café The menu from July onwards is as follows: July 6th - Hot Salmon with Potatoes and Vegetables

July 13th - Cold Salmon and Salad

July 20th - Closed

July 27th to August 31st - Inclusive Summer Cafe with Salads and Cold Desserts

Sept 7th - Closed

Sept 14th - Start of the Autumn Session with our usual menu of Hot Meals

We look forward to your support over the summer months.

Parish Prayers

Prayers will be said at St Laurence Church for the residents of the following roads: 2 July – Heron Close 9 July – Hinton Avenue 16 July – Hollington Road 23 July – Icknield Street 30 July – Jays Crescent

No Messy Church

Messy Church cancelled - due to work and holiday commitments we have had to cancel the Messy Church planned for Saturday 1st July. Hopefully in the autumn we can relaunch. If you would like to help please contact Martin on [email protected] or 07788872738.

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Interfaith Picnic at Holland House

On Sunday 2 July, retreat house Holland House, will host its 2nd interfaith picnic. Last year around 100 people from nine different faiths came together to enjoy the picnic. People of all ages enjoyed a vegan buffet and English cream tea along with traditional music from the faiths present.

The picnic is a joint project between Holland House and the Worcestershire Interfaith Forum. Warden of Holland House, Ian Spencer said: “Our hope is to create an opportunity for people of faith to sit with each other and meet together in a very social way. It is also important for us to show that people of faith respect each other’s tradition and that we get on!”

Haris Saleem, president of the Worcester Muslim Welfare Association, said: “It’s really important for the different communities in Worcester to get together and understand one another better. If we have better understanding, I believe we become better citizens.” Faiths represented at last year’s picnic were Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Quaker, Unitarian and Muslim. Alongside the food and music there was also a bouncy castle and games for the children to enjoy.

Rowney Green Flower Club Celia Hitch writes… Rowney Green Flower Club are holding their AGM on 27th July at Rowney Green Peace Hall commencing 7.30pm. This will consist of a short AGM discussion, followed by a short "in house" flower demonstration and our popular Strawberries, scones and cream to end the evening, served with coffee and tea. Come and join us and bring along a friend. Your local flower club needs your support. Contact: Celia Hitch 0121 445 4824 .

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James Giles



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Alvechurch WI Pam Horsfield writes…

June's meeting began by us welcoming Julie Hurlston as our new president and Maria Clarke as our secretary and then wishing several members a Happy Birthday.

Eight members had been on the county visit to Chatsworth Flower Show and told us of the fun they'd had. There are other county days to look forward to including a lunch with Gyles Brandreth at the Chateau Impney and the Annual Council Meeting in Malvern in September.

Tickets will also soon be on sale to hear Dave Heeley (who is blind) talking about the world marathons he enters, raising thousands of pounds for charity. This meeting will be held at The Ark on 25th October.

Our speaker was Joan Butterworth talking about 'The nurse who changed Guinea Bissau in West Africa'. As a child in the 1920s she decided to become a missionary and, after training, she went to Africa in 1957. It was fascinating how she worked to help the locals and has now left them with a hospital, the largest church membership in that area of Africa and also translated their language into the written word so that she could write out the New Testament. Leona Downing gave the vote of thanks.

Do come and visit us on Monday July 10th at 7.30pm in the Village Hall to hear Graham Sutherland talk on 'Wicked Women'. We'll be pleased to see you with friends and family members.

St Laurence Women’s Fellowship Jill Woolley writes…

At our meeting in May Ron Gallivan gave an interesting talk about war- time harvests when our farmers worked so hard to grow food for our Nation.

On June 28th we welcome back George Hook who will talk about Pearls and Shells and will also have hand- made jewellery for sale.

On July 26th we again welcome The Cherrywood Duo with entertainment for a summer afternoon.

An IMPORTANT date is Tuesday August 22nd when we will hold a Charity Tea in The Ark in aid of the Motor Neurone Society to support our member Hilary Hughes Please come and support us and enjoy Tea and Cakes.

We hold our meetings in The Tanyard Community Centre starting at 2 o'clock.

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Kids Corner

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Welcome to our Model Railway Exhibition

It has been popular with many people for eleven years.

Do please come and support our 12th show.

You will see some familiar faces as well as a few new layouts and traders.

We should have at least 8 layouts of different sizes, as well as 9

traders and 4 demonstrators.

It won't be all trains. We are expecting other interests and stands.

If you have small children, Thomas's railway is a must. It is totally captivating.

East Dean will be there again, showing what can be done in the way

of realism in sight and sound.

Other displays will show what can be done in smaller spaces.

You will be able to see models being made and painted.

Don't forget superb food and drinks will be available all day.

If you don't like crowds, the afternoon is usually a little quieter.

All profits will go towards the windows fund.


15TH JULY 10.30AM - 4.00PM

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Letter From The Bishop Of Dudley

For the past year I have been serving on the board of the Human Tissue Authority, the body that regulates organisations that remove, store and use human tissue for research, medical treatment, post-mortem examination, education and training, and display in public. They also give approval for organ and bone marrow donation from living people. I have become increasingly fascinated by its work and the many ethical questions that arise as medical science advances what is possible.

Part of my role, along with other board members, is to give the final approval for living organ donations, having ascertained that the donation is being given without reward, coercion or duress - all of which are illegal in the UK. The donor also needs to be capable of giving informed consent, having understood what the procedure involves and its consequences.

There are often incredibly inspiring stories such as a husband giving a kidney to his wife, or a work colleague donating to someone across the office. There are also people who choose to donate a kidney or liver lobe altruistically to someone who they do not know, and will likely never meet or know anything about.

Recently I read a report submitted to the HTA for such a donation. It was an older person who decided that she would mark a significant birthday, not by receiving presents but by giving to someone else. Her Christian faith had inspired her, in thankfulness to God for good health and so many opportunities, to offer to donate one of her kidneys to a complete stranger.

This would not be the choice of everyone,

and many people might not be physically or psychologically fit to proceed, but it made me reflect upon how important it is to be people of gift.

If we believe that everything we have, Including our bodies, comes from God, then offering to donate in life and in death is part of our good stewardship. Donation then becomes an incredible gift of love as ‘freely you have received, freely give’ (Matthew 10.8) and it furthers our Christian calling to bring healing, motivated by compassion, mercy and prioritising the needs of others.

Some people choose to be blood donors, thus contributing to the 7000 units of blood that are needed each day by the NHS; red blood cells, platelets and plasma are all needed to save lives. Others choose to donate bone marrow. Others register to be an organ donor when they die so that the 6,900 or so people who at any one time are waiting for a transplant might be given an incredible gift. The sad reality is that there aren’t enough donors; in 2015, 429 patients died while on the active waiting list for a transplant and a further 807 were removed because they became too ill.

It can take some bravery to have that difficult conversation with family members to explain that when you die you would like to be an organ donor. That conversation is, however, really crucial. If this is your preference, do register - by signing up to the Organ Donation Register - and carry an organ donation card, but also have that conversation today so that your family understand your wishes to bring life and health to others if something were to happen to you.

Life is an incredible gift. Donation in life, and in death, gifts to others lots more life in all its fullness.

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Ark Angels WI Clare Rudge writes... Following on from our quiz and fizz packed AGM, this month we had our very own 'Blackwell Adventure', taking on trying out some archery, negotiating an obstacle course and taking on the 3G swing, an adrenaline fuelled swing at height. We are keen for guests and new members to come and join us at our next meeting, taking place on July 10th. We will be taking on the local scenery into the Alvechurch hills, followed by a well deserved stop at the pub. Our meetings take place on the second Monday of every month, 7.30-9.30pm, usually at the Ark, Alvechurch. For more information, drop us an email at - [email protected]

Spree West Midlands Sam Setchell - Communications Officer writes...

Spree West Midlands is a camping and activity weekend for young people. Spree West Mid-lands 2017 is taking place on Saturday 15 & Sunday 16 July and is a camping and activity weekend open to all young people aged 8-15 at Lenchwood Christian Centre.

The programme includes sessions looking at the Christian faith in a fun and interactive way. This is the second year for Spree WM, and here are some of the comments on last year’s camp: “It was the calmest camp I’ve ever been on and the sunniest I think!! We all had fun, adults and kids - please pass on my thanks - the spiritual slot leaders completely nailed it - God was at work in our gang’s lives.” “We were so encouraged with the growth and participation of our young people and are hoping to start a Youth Alpha over the summer as a result of Spree. Thank you so much!” “It was great to see the group come together and encourage one another in all the activities both spiritual and physical. It gave us time as leaders to engage with the kids and have fun together.” “Young people loved the rapping and mentioned they didn’t realise this Christian event would be like that. They were surprised - in a good way!” Please pray for a safe, sunny and happy weekend with lots of young people joining in with all the group sessions and activities. We pray that through this weekend young people may draw closer to God and be inspired to follow Jesus in their daily lives.

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Flowers for JULY

Thank you to those of you who have helped me so far with contributing to the flowers in our church. With the holidays coming up I am still in need of more offers and would appreciate any help that can be given. I do have vases for flowers so you don't have to be an 'expert'. Many thanks. Ann Thurrell 0121 447 7668 email : [email protected]

From The Registers

Baptisms We welcome you into the Lord’s family

May 29 Ella Nicole Davis May 29 Zachary Edison Davis

2 July 16 July 23 July 30 July 9 July


Lynda Wolstencroft

Rosina Spreckley

Hilary Hughes

Lady Chapel

Lynda Wolstencroft

Rosina Spreckley

Hilary Hughes

In memory of her mother Barbara Parsons

In memory of her husband Pat

In memory of her husband Don

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Rector Revd Richard Bubbers, Priest-in-charge, School Lane, 445 1087

[email protected] Licensed Lay Ministers Mr Dick Russell, 2 Gothic Cottages, Radford Rd, 445 3083

Ms Sue Phillips, Withybed Green, 445 3620 Authorised Lay Ministers Mrs Helena Allen, 117 Birmingham Road, 445 5605

Mr Martin Allen, 117 Birmingham Road, 445 5605

Mrs Philippa Brakes, 56 Callow Hill Road, 445 3983

Mr Graham Clark, The Coach House, School Lane, 445 2547

Mr Michael Fletcher, 13 Red Lion Street, 447 8451

Mrs Annette Thomas, 8 Snake Lane, 445 5180

Churchwardens Mr Graham Clark, The Coach House, School Lane, 445 2547

Mr Mick Fletcher, 13 Red Lion Street, 447 8451

Deputy Wardens Mr Colin Bennett, 122 Redditch Road, 01527 64077

Mr David Richmond, The Ferns, Chapel Lane, 445 3569 Mrs Alison Smith, 12 Hollington Road, 447 7293 Mr Andy Notley, 38 The Buckleys, B48 7NF Mr Roger Wardle, 21 Brookside Close, B48 7LW, 445 0505

PCC Secretary Mrs Lysandra Notley, 38 The Buckleys, B48 7NF

PCC Treasurer Mrs Janet Wright, 28 Callow Hill Road, Alvechurch, B48 7LP Organist & Choirmaster Mr David Richmond, The Ferns, Chapel Lane, 445 3569

Electoral Roll Officer Mrs Janet Wright, 28 Callow Hill Road, 445 4335 Tower Captain Mr Colin Bennett, 122 Redditch Road , 01527 64077 Singing Group Mrs Lynda Wolstencroft, 49 Hinton Avenue, 445 3212

Mum’s the Word Mrs Natalie Wise, 07792535661 Flower Co-ordinator Mrs Ann Thurrell, Top Barn, Scarfield Hill, 447 7668

Women’s Fellowship Mrs Jill Woolley, 111 Birmingham Road, 445 2125 Ark Booking Secretary ) Mr Ian Price, The Ark, School Lane, 447 7955

& Grapevine advertising ) [email protected]

Grapevine Editor)

Finance and Standing Committee Peru and Missionary Committee

Graham Clark Mick Fletcher Sue Phillips Dick Russell Alison Smith Bob Dale Gordon Parsons Margaret Haste

Janet Wright Sally Bubbers Children and Youth Committee

Martin Allen Mick Fletcher Thomas Birchall Lynne Clark Buildings, Fabric and Churchyard Committee

Mick Fletcher Colin Bennett David Richmond Jill Woolley Janet Wright Lynne Clark Andy Humphries Alison Smith

PCC Special Responsibilities

Who’s who

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Calendar for July

Thursday 6 9.30am Mums The Word: The Ark 10.15am Tiny Tots Service 12.15pm Ark Café: Hot Salmon with Potatoes and Vegetables Monday 10 1.45pm Forget-Me-Nots: The Ark 7.30pm Alvechurch WI: Talk by Graham Sutherland on 'Wicked Women': Alvechurch Village Hall Thursday 13 9.30am Mums The Word: The Ark 12.15pm Ark Café: Cold Salmon and Salad Friday 14 AUGUST GRAPEVINE GOES TO PRESS - articles to [email protected] Saturday 15 10.30am Railway Exhibition: St Laurence Church & The Ark Thursday 20 9.30am Mums The Word: The Ark No Ark café today Monday 24 11.00am Forget-Me-Nots: Canal Boat Trip: Bring Picnic Lunch: Meet at The Ark car park Wednesday 26 2.00pm St Laurence Women’s Fellowship: Entertainment from The Cherrywood Duo: The Lanyard Community Centre Thursday 27 9.30am Mums The Word: The Ark 12.15pm Ark Café: Summer Cafe with Salads and Cold Desserts 7.30pm Rowney Green Flower Club AGM: Peace Hall, Rowney Green

POSITIVE PRINT, 26 Castle Road, Kings Norton Business Centre, Birmingham, B30 3HZ