raymond nelson 300721893 103 slideshare showcase

(Situation) I was part of a rep league ALLSTAR Soccer team in 1996 where I was an encouraging team leader. (Task) two players from our team were out of play due to an injury that they had sustained. Also we were playing in extreme heat as it was a really hot summer that year which led to some of our players feeling heat exhaustion. I wanted the team to avoid panic and stay focused with faith. (Action) I took it upon myself to ask my coach if I could step up in my teammates absence and play flexible positions every shift. I spoke to my teammates and let them know that we will win the championship if we believe we can. I pointed out where i can see their strengths and where i can see our opponent’s weaknesses. My teammates loved the encouragement and unity I was assisting. (Result) We were able to keep our confidence and strive for victory. We prevailed at the top of the opening rounds and ended up winning the Championship. This championship marked the first North, East, South, championship for the CSL (Catholic Soccer league) Rep squad. The Coaches, staff, and family members of the team were pleased with my performance as a set up leader as a result I was awarded the NEST

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Post on 14-Jan-2015



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Page 1: Raymond nelson 300721893 103 slideshare showcase

(Situation) I was part of a rep league ALLSTAR Soccer team in 1996 where I was an encouraging team leader.

(Task) two players from our team were out of play due to an injury that they had sustained. Also we were playing in extreme heat as it was a really hot summer that year which led to some of our players feeling heat exhaustion. I wanted the team to avoid panic and stay focused with faith.

(Action) I took it upon myself to ask my coach if I could step up in my teammates absence and play flexible positions every shift. I spoke to my teammates and let them know that we will win the championship if we believe we can. I pointed out where i can see their strengths and where i can see our opponent’s weaknesses. My teammates loved the encouragement and unity I was assisting.

(Result) We were able to keep our confidence and strive for victory. We prevailed at the top of the opening rounds and ended up winning the Championship. This championship marked the first North, East, South, championship for the CSL (Catholic Soccer league) Rep squad. The Coaches, staff, and family members of the team were pleased with my performance as a set up leader as a result I was awarded the NEST North,East,South Tournament Most valuable player award and I have to mention that I had 14 goals and 9 assist in 8 games.

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(Situation) was a freshman on the junior boys High School basketball team.

(Task) To prove my ability to play at the starter position or be the sixth man of the bench.

(Action) I stayed positive played my position and continued to give the game my all each time I was given a chance to prove myself. I was nervous at home games because of the audience at my school. I knew too many of the audience members as I was a popular face in the school. I made a whole lot of mistakes on the basketball court sometimes embarrassing. I tried to convince the coach to give me some time to get used to the pace of the game but he insisted I sit off as the competition grew more intense.

(Result) I became more of a team support for my positivity rather than being directly involved I provided encouragement at the rough times in the games when my teammates needed it most. There were one or two games where I did get my chance to shine. When we were up by a large amount of points my coach would put all the substitutes in and I was one of them and let me tell say I made the most of it. I had a blast and played those games like they would be my last. I made assist, I scored, I used my communication skills.

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(Situation) In the winter of 2009 I became a Selector at the Metro distribution Centre where i was responsible for processing store orders.

(Task) I was assigned to complete a specific amount of orders shift in a timely manner. It was a challenging task because i had to operate a motorized pallet jack and at the same time select products from the appropriate slots and place them on the pallets until the order is complete. Also i was required to notify the system of any unavailable product through electronic communication device and upon completion of task.

(Action) i took on the challenge and in short time I was successful in completing all task. I became really good at the job with my practice. For the first two weeks I took it upon myself to show up some days about a half an hour before shift time to practice my driving skills in operating the motorized pallet jack that we were required to use in order to get around the facility and select products in timely fashion.

(Result) As a result i was successful in completing my job and was looked upon as a good employee by my supervisor. I felt like one of the veterans who had been there 3 years or more and making top wages. They always had a look of comfort when performing their task they made it look easy and i was glad to be at that level after about 2months of hard work and dedication.

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(Situation) during the summer of 2009 I was unemployed for a time period.

(Task) i wanted to gain employment As soon as possible. But first I wanted to learn more about the respect level of employment.

(Action) I joined a youth community employment program where I learned about the components that make up employment and the discipline behind it. We were a group of youth all there to learn as well as have fun. We learned a whole lot thru guest speakers and activities. We also got some practical experience of how it is to be employed we would do work for the community such as clean and paint newly develop government sponsored housing. We would be required to take the job serious and show up everyday and on time in order to be successful make full earnings and complete the program.

(Result) this was a tough time period in my life were I was the one who needed much guidance and positive encouragement. This program helped me to find direction and believe that I can do well in life so long as I believe it. I ended up graduating from the program and becoming a member of an extended family.

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(Situation) during my comeback in 2011 I vowed to redeem my position in the employment world. I applied to do work that I haven’t done before to get some professional experience. I gained employment as a Poll Clerk and Deputy Returning Officer working with Elections Ontario where? I was responsible for processing the voters, ensuring that my station had accurate information and personally returning all information to the location headquarters.

(Task) about four hours into a scheduled 12 shift the voting site became busy as voters staring showing to place their votes. I was assigned to process the voters who had their last names starting with the letters (A-I). We were working in groups of two so I had a partner to work and communicate with. There were many voters with the same last name and similar first names those voters would need to show identification. We and my partner started out slow at first as it was both our first experience.

(Action) Me and my partner We were able to divide the work load evenly amongst and we communicated very well. We helped each other in our task and hand which made our duties much easier. We made and agreement that i would be the one to try and maintain customer control by asking customers if they can please form a line in front of our both in response to avoid any complications.

(Result) although this was a long busy shift we made the very best of it with our team work and extra efforts resulting in the comfort of getting to know each other. Our positive brought forth voter’s satisfaction. The location manager was also impressed by how well we were able to perform under such pressure being as it was our first experience in the job. At the end of the assignment the manager, came to us personally and introduced herself and let us know that our booth had the most voters and was the busiest out of the three and that we handled our situation well and thanked us for such a great job. We were delighted and offered our services for any upcoming elections.

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