reliability centered maintenance made simple

RCMBlitz TM RCM Made Simple Introduction to RCM Blitz™ Presented by: Doug Plucknette What would you do with more free time? Doug Plucknette World-Wide RCM Discipline Leader GPAllied Copyright 2008 Allied Reliability, Inc.

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Page 1: Reliability Centered Maintenance Made Simple


RCM Made Simple

Introduction to RCM Blitz™

Presented by:Doug Plucknette

What would you do with more free time?

Doug PlucknetteWorld-Wide RCM Discipline LeaderGPAllied

Copyright 2008 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Page 2: Reliability Centered Maintenance Made Simple


Welcome to our RCM Blitz™!

“When it comes to building a complete maintenance strategy that will achieve and maintain the inherentstrategy that will achieve and maintain the inherent designed reliability of an asset, there is no other tool available that has the success record of traditional RCM.”

Doug PlucknetteReliability Centered MaintenanceReliability Centered Maintenance Using… RCM Blitz

Copyright 2008 Allied Reliability, Inc.

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Specific Benefits of Applying the RCM to Y PYour Process Your Company will be able to develop a

complete maintenance strategy for your equipment that includes clearly written and precise preventive and predictiveprecise preventive and predictive maintenance tasks

Your Company will be able to put into place failure-finding tasks that will reduce the gprobability of catastrophic HSE (Health, Safety, Environmental) failures

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Specific Benefits of Applying the RCM M th d t Y P t’dMethod to Your Process, cont’d Your Company will learn how to reduce MTTR

(Mean Time To Restore) through the use of Consequence Reduction Tasks

Your Company will be able to determine theYour Company will be able to determine the spare parts that need to be stored on site and the parts that can stored by a vendorand the parts that can stored by a vendor

Your Company will learn how to identify where to apply the RCM Blitz™ process based on pp y pReliability Measures

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Specific Benefits of Applying the RCM M th d t Y P t’d• Reduce Emergency/Demand maintenance work

Method to Your Process, cont’d

• Reduce maintenance costs by reducing secondary equipment damageReduce unit cost of product by lowering• Reduce unit cost of product by lowering maintenance costs and improving Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)q p ( )

• Increase the understanding of how your equipment is supposed to work for both

ti d i t loperations and maintenance people

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Specific Benefits of Applying the RCM M th d t Y P t’dMethod to Your Process, cont’d Develop a detailed and effective

troubleshooting guide based on actual failure alarms, effects and symptoms

Develop detailed operations checklists toDevelop detailed operations checklists to ensure proper set-up and operation of equipment - (What would the reliability of theequipment (What would the reliability of the airline industry be without checklists?)

Learn how to apply the RCM process to new pp y pequipment designs

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Why Does the RCM Method Work?• RCM adds the right amount of structure and discipline

to the expert knowledge of your people• The finished product is a complete maintenance

strategy based on predicting, preventing and eliminating specific Failure Modeseliminating specific Failure Modes

• The airline industry has a proven record of reliability and safety yet their maintenance cost per replacement

l i l th t f t i i tvalue is lower than most manufacturing maintenance• The big difference is leadership, structure and


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Section 1 RCM History


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The History of RCM

• US DOD and United Airlines

• Utilities Industry

• Manufacturing

• Commercial Standards for RCM– SAE J1011– SAE J1011– PASS55

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Various Approaches to RCM

• Traditional – SAE J1011– 7 Stepsp

• Streamlined


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Section 4 RCM Maintenance Strategies


St ateg es

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Maintenance Tasks

• The key to ensuring the designed reliability of your process is selecting the correct y gmaintenance task to address a specific failure mode or cause of failure

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Maintenance Tasks, cont’d

In RCM we have 5 types of maintenance tasks

1. On-condition Maintenance2 Preventive Maintenance2. Preventive Maintenance3. Failure Finding4 Redesign4. Redesign5. Run to Failure

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On-Condition Maintenance

A maintenance task that is put into place to detect failure resistance to a specific failure mode

The detection of failure is based on a known potential failure condition

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Traditional Types of On-Condition M i tMaintenance• Vibration Analysis• Thermography • Ultrasonic Testingg• Tribology • Non-Destructive Testingg• Motor Current Analysis• Process VerificationProcess Verification

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Non-Traditional Types of On-Condition M i tMaintenance• Human Senses

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How PdM Works – Early Identification of D f tDefects



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Completing the P-F Curve• RCM Reliability Centered Maintenance• FMEA• Design RCM Blitz• Five Rights of Reliability

S l t S li A t

• Precision Alignment• Precision Balancing• Installation Standards• Torque Specifications• Precision Tools• Select Supplier Agreements

• Requirements Documents• Design Standards

Proactive Maintenance/Reliability Tasks PdM TasksReactive


I Installation

Proactive Maintenance/Reliability Tasks PdM Tasks

to F



P Potential Failure

F Functionalsist



F Functional Failure

P-F IntervalI-P Interval

T - Time


Copyright 2008 Allied Reliability, Inc.

T TimeThe Modified P-F Curve and I-P Interval are intellectual property of Reliability Solutions, Inc. (Patent Pending)

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Preventive Maintenance (PM) Tasks• Preventive maintenance is time based, it is

performed on equipment that has a known f l lifage or useful life

• These tasks should be set up to prevent failures on components that fit age basedfailures on components that fit age based failure patterns (A-C)

• Scheduled Inspection, Scheduled Rework p ,and Scheduled Discard are preventive maintenance tasks

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Failure Finding Tasks

Scheduled inspections of a hidden function item, intended to find functional failures that have already occurred but are not evident to the operating crew

The objective of a failure finding task is to ensure adequate availability of a hidden function

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RedesignAny change in equipment, process, or procedures

In order for a redesign to be considered applicable and effective it must:applicable and effective it must:

– Eliminate the failure– Be cost effective– Reduce the conditional probability of failure to an

acceptable levelacceptable level– Change the function of an item from hidden to


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No Scheduled Maintenance

This becomes the maintenance strategy when there is no applicable or effective task, or no applicable or effective redesign

*When “No Scheduled Maintenance” is your maintenance strategy, you must put in place a consequence reduction strategyconsequence reduction strategy

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Consequence Reduction Strategy

When no schedule maintenance is the only remaining strategy, it becomes important to g gymake sure you have the proper spare parts, resources and procedures in place to reduce th f th f ilthe consequence of the failure

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Pulling It All Together

So how is all of this accomplished?

Apply the RCMBlitz™ process to your equipment!

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Section 5 The RCMProcess


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The 7 Steps of Reliability Centered Maintenance

Traditional RCM Methodologies fit this 7-step process defined by SAE standard JA1011:

1. What are the functions of the asset?

2. In what way can the asset fail to fulfill its functions?

3. What causes each functional failure?

4. What happens when each failure occurs?

5. What are the consequences of each failure?

6. What should be done to prevent or predict the failure?

7. What should be done if a suitable proactive task cannot be found?

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The RCM Process

1. List the Process Functions2. List the Functional Failures2. List the Functional Failures3. List the Failure Modes and Probability of

Failure4. Describe the Failure Effects 5. Determine Consequence Category5. Determine Consequence Category6. Run the Failure Mode through the RCM

Decision Process7. Select a Maintenance Task and assess

spare parts

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p p

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Listing Functions

• Function – The normal or characteristic actions of an item,

defined in terms of performance capabilities– Point at which you actually begin your RCM

analysisanalysis– Listing the system and component functions is a

key step in the RCM processy p p– The first function we list will be the System

Function or Main Function– The System Function will clearly state what the

intent of the process is, and the performance standards it is expected to maintain

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Main Function

The Main Function or System Function The reason the asset or process exists including p g

the expectation of the process and performance standards we need to maintain

Example Main FunctionIf you were about to analyze a process that made #2If you were about to analyze a process that made #2

pencils, your main function would be:

1 T b bl t k #2 il t t f 1200 it1.To be able to make #2 pencils at a rate of 1200 units per hour, while meeting all quality, safety, health, and environmental standards

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Main Function, cont’d

• Once you have listed the Main Function and determined the performance standards, you ywill move on to list all of the support functions

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Support FunctionsDescribe the functionality of each component within

the system– The support function for fuel piping would be:

• To be able to contain and transport fuel– The support function for a gear box would be:

• To be able to reduce RPM by a 4 to 1 ratio– The support function for a E-Stop button would be:

• To be capable of shutting down the system in the event• To be capable of shutting down the system in the event of an emergency

– A support function for equipment structure would be:To be able to support the vessel• To be able to support the vessel

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Hidden Functions

• Functions that will not be evident to the operating crew under performance of their gnormal dutiesIn a high level probe a hidden function would be:

To be capable of shuting down tank supply when it reaches a set level

The function of this device during normal operations of the system is not evident to the operator

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Functional Failure

• Failure of an item to perform its normal actions within specified performance standards

• The functional failure is phrased as the inverse of the function

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Functional Failure, cont’d

There may be one or more functional failures for every functionyMain Function

1. To be able to make # 2 pencils at a rate of 1200 units per hour while meeting quality healthunits per hour while meeting quality, health, safety and Environmental standards

Functional Failure 1. 1. Unable to make #2 pencils at all1. 2. Unable to make pencils at a rate of 1200 per hr1 3 U bl t t lit t d d1. 3. Unable to meet quality standards1. 4. Unable to maintain health, safety and

environmental standards

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Failure Modes

The specific manner of failure; the circumstances or sequence of events which leads to functional failure

Should be written in a way that describes the Part, Problem, and the Specific Cause of failure

• Fuel Pump Bearing (Part)• Fuel Pump Bearing (Part) • Seized (Problem) • Fails due to lack of lubrication (specific cause)( p )

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Failure Modes, cont’d

When listing Failure Modes you should remember to include:– All failure modes that have occurred– All dominant failure modes– Failure modes that are likely to occur– Failure modes that have occurred on similar


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Failure Modes, cont’d

Do Not List:

Failure modes that are highly unlikely to occur!

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Failure Modes, cont’d

• When listing failure modes, be sure to write them at root cause level

• Failure modes should be written at the level of which you maintain the equipment

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Failure Effects

The immediate physical effects of a functional failure on surrounding items and gon the functional capability of the equipment

Failure Effects are the principal determinant of failure consequences

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Failure Effects, cont’d

Failure Effect statements should include:– Events that lead up to the failurep

– The first sign of evidence by which the operating ill i h f il h dcrew will recognize the failure has occurred

All of the secondary effects that resulted from the– All of the secondary effects that resulted from the failure

– Events required to bring the process back to normal operating condition

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Example Failure Effect StatementFailure Mode – Fuel pump bearing seized due

to lack of lubrication

Failure Effect Statement –

Without proper lubrication, the pump bearing will heat up, vibrate and if left to its own devices eventually seize (events leading up y ( g pto the failure) When the bearing fails the pump shuts down, the flow switch will alarm the operators when the flow falls below 75 gpm for more than one minute (operators first sign of evidence)The operator will attempt to restart the pump and itevidence)The operator will attempt to restart the pump and it will again shut down Operator will call maintenance to trouble shoot, repair and replace (events required to bring process to normal operating condition)

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The RCM Decision Process

Uses a series of questions to determine:– The consequence category of the failureq g y– A maintenance task to predict the failure– A maintenance task to prevent the failure– A redesign task to eliminate the failure– A failure finding task to reduce the probability of

hidden failureshidden failures– An inspection that reduces the probability of

failure to an acceptable level– A consequence reduction task to reduce MTTR for

run to failure decisions

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Failure ConsequencesThe first step in the RCM decision process is to locate the correct category for the f ilfailure consequence

Each Fail re Mode ill fall into one of theseEach Failure Mode will fall into one of these four categories:– Hidden Failure ConsequencesHidden Failure Consequences– Health, Safety, or Environmental Consequences– Operational Consequences– Non-Operational Consequences

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Hidden Failure Consequences

• Consequences that result from the failure of a Hidden Function

• The failure of this device will not be evident to the operating crew during the performance of their normal duties

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Hidden Failures

Examples of components with Hidden Functions:– Emergency Stop Switches– High Level Switches– Relief Valves– Rupture Discs

P S it h– Pressure Switches– Redundant Devices

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Health, Safety, and Environmental CConsequences

Consequences resulting from a functional failure that could have a direct adverse effect on health, safety, or environment

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Operational Consequences

The economic consequences of a failure that interferes with the planned use of operating gequipment

Examples of Operational Consequences:• Cost of lost production

C t f i t• Cost of maintenance• Cost of replacement parts• Cost of waste

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Non-Operational Consequences

• The economic consequences of a failure that does not affect safety or the operational ycapability of the equipment

• Typically these are non-significant items that have no hidden functions

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The RCM Decision Process

• Once the correct consequence category has been selected, RCM then asks a series of questions to identify the correct maintenance task

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Spare Parts

• No maintenance strategy is complete without assessing spare partsg– Having the correct spares in place is critical in

reducing failure consequences• We use a risk based flow diagram to make

spare parts decisions

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Section 6 RCM Implementation


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RCM Implementation

• Your RCM analysis is not complete until all tasks have been implemented

• Each Task should be assigned to a specific g pperson and assigned a due date

• Implementation can be tracked in the database

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RCM Management Review Meetings

• Communication is critical to successful implementationimplementation

• Report implementation progress• Report implementation progress

Develop future path for critical assets• Develop future path for critical assets

C i t• Communicate success

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Barriers to Successful Implementation

• Failure to prioritize tasks

• Unrealistic due dates

• Analysis/Task ownership

• Resource allocation

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