repeated lives


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Chapter one

Talia Silverwoods stared out her bedroom window and sighed. It was still

raining heavily and the sky flashed with lightening every now and then. Talia

shuddered. She hated storms. It always made her feel that something bad was

going to happen and that the sky flashed with lightening just to confirm the

sinister emotions she felt inside. She cuddled further into her bed. She just loved

her bedroom. It was soft and feminine, just the way she liked it. She had

turquoise curtains and matching turquoise bed sheets and at every corner she

had stuffed toys smiling at her. She felt safe in her room. It was her haven.

She had everything a girl could possibly want: A telephone, a secret

diary, posters of her favorite movie stars and pop groups, a secret closet and her 

guitar which she sometimes played. She stared at her telephone and sighed.

Why hadn’t anyone called yet? It was Saturday, and although it was raining

heavily, at least she could walk over to a friend’s place or have them come over-

storm or no storm.

Just then the telephone rang.

“Hello?” she said, picking up the phone, and wondered if it was one of 

her best friends Shania or Carla.

“Talia? It’s me.” A boy said. Michael! Talia groaned. Talia had been

going out with Michael for two months and she was already tired of him. He

was cute and sensitive but he was just too much to put up with.

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“Oh hi!” she said, and hoped she sounded enthusiastic.

“I was just wondering if you’d like to go…someplace.” Michael said.

Talia sighed. She was bored and since none of her friends had called,

she’d better make most of her Saturday with Michael.

“Umm… okay! What time?”

Michael hesitated. “Uh… can you make it seven?”

“Okay. But where should we go?” Again Michael hesitated, and Talia

started to get irritated. What’s his problem? Why does he take so long to answer 

all the time?

“It’s a surprise. Just trust me okay?” he said. Talia made a face. Why

should she bother to trust him when she was going to dump him any day soon?

“Okay, bye!” she said and slammed the phone. She walked over to her 

closet and pulled out a pair of faded jeans and a light brown shirt. Why bother 

to dress up for him, she thought. She removed a denim jacket to wear on top of 

her shirt. It was still raining and was getting colder by the minute. I wonder 

where he’s taking me?

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Chapter Two

Talia looked at Michael and sighed. How long was she going to put up

with this? She smoothed her shirt hoping it matched her hazel eyes and crossed

her jean-clad legs. She was getting impatient. She stared at the gypsy woman

sitting across her and rolled her eyes. The gypsy woman had bright red hair that

she had partly covered with a polka dot bandana and piercing green eyes that

stared at the crystal ball in front of her. Talia glanced sideways at Michael who

stared intently at the gypsy woman. Michael really takes all this seriously, Talia

thought and wondered for the millionth time why she allowed Michael to take

her to this psychic reading shop or whatever it was.

“Ah!” the gypsy woman said suddenly. Michael leaned forward

expectedly. Talia crossed her arms and prepared herself to disbelieve everything

the gypsy said.

“You both are meant to be!” the gypsy said. “ You both have been

reincarnated.” Michael’s eyes grew wide and nodded his head, his dark shoulder 

length hair bobbing.

“Oh?” Talia said. “Really? What happened in our previous life that we

had to come back to this planet again?” she asked sarcastically. Michael

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frowned at Talia but the gypsy seemed unperturbed. She stared at the crystal

 ball intently.

“You two were separated by tragic death.” She said morosely. “You two

have been reincarnated to be together again. You both are meant to be!”

If she says that again, I’ll puke, Talia thought. But she suddenly started to

get nervous because Michael actually believed what the gypsy was saying,

which could be a problem, because after tonight Talia never wanted to see

Michael again. She was going to break up with him tonight, but she didn’t want

it to be messy. She would tell him that enough was enough, she couldn’t take

this prophecy nonsense anymore, and that they should see other people. And

then they would go their separate ways. Perhaps that’s why she had agreed to go

with Michael, so that he wouldn’t feel that bad. But she had never expected this.

Her whole plan was ruined.

Michael put his arm around her and smiled. Talia smiled back and hoped

Michael wouldn’t make a big deal about this. But deep inside she knew that

Michael was over-sensitive, he was over superstitious, and to top it all, reacted

 badly in every situation. The last was one of the biggest reasons why she was

 breaking up with him in the first place. She could remember a party she had

 been to. It had been her best friend Shania’s birthday and just for fun she was

 paired with another guy for the treasure hunt. Michael had been a spoilsport and

had waited in the corner until the game finished, not talking to anyone, only

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staring at her. She had been so uncomfortable and had a huge fight with him

after the party. To her surprise, Michael had cried and said that he couldn’t see

her with anyone else.

From that day onwards Talia had decided to dump him. She was only

sixteen for goodness sakes. It wasn’t like she was married to him or something.

And then she realized that perhaps Michael was thinking along those lines. He

was just that weird. Oh great!

Michael hastily paid off the gypsy and took Talia’s arm. As they were

leaving, Talia turned around to see the gypsy smirking at her.

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Chapter Three

“We have to talk.” Talia said. They had parked their car near the ravine

and Talia had gotten out for some fresh air. It was now or never. Talia had

expected these words would trouble Michael and that he would get the gist of 

what she was going to talk about. But Michael only smiled widely at her and put

his hands in his pockets.

Talia took a deep breath. “Michael, I don’t think…”

“Wait, let me.” Michael said, and took out a little box from his pocket. He

went down on his knees. “Talia, will you marry me?” he asked opening the box.

Talia stared at the ring. It had a small diamond on it and Talia wondered if it

was indeed a diamond. Michael worked part time in a small hardware store, and

considering his salary it was probably a zircon- maybe something even cheaper!

Talia stared at Michael.

“Are you nuts? I’m barely seventeen! I want to go to college, have a


“You can still do all that.” Michael said. He was still smiling, and Talia

realized she would have to go to extremities to make Michael understand. Was

he really that dense?

Talia took a deep breath. “Michael, I think we should see other people.”

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“What do you mean?” Michael asked innocently. He was still kneeling

and the whole situation was getting ridiculous. Talia started to get angry.

“I mean lets break up! I can’t take this anymore. If it’s not one thing, it’s

another. You embarrass me, you believe in all that gypsy nonsense, you think 

I’m a piece of your property and what you don’t get is that… I… CAN’T…

TAKE IT…. ANYMORE!” Michael stared at Talia as if she had just struck him

and Talia started to feel sorry. She had wanted to end the speech with ‘I hope

we can still be friends’ but apparently that wasn’t going to happen now. Michael

slowly got up and mumbled something. At first Talia didn’t get it. “What?” she


“We were meant to be!” he whined.

Talia stared incredibly at him. Was he serious?

“I don’t care what the gypsy said, I don’t want to have anything to do

with you anymore, okay? You’re really getting on my nerves.”

“You can’t do this to me!” he yelled. But Talia noticed that his voice had

wavered. What if he starts crying? How was she going to handle that?

“Michael its over, okay? I hope we can be friends though.”

“Friends?” Michael asked. “You’re kidding right? I can never think of 

you as a friend.” Suddenly he grabbed her arm. “Talia…please, I really love

you. If you want I’ll change. I CAN change.”

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“Michael I’m sorry, but it’s really over. Now let go of my arm, okay.”

Michael let go of her arm and stared at the ground.

“Want me to drop you off?” he asked quietly. Talia considered and shook 

her head. “No I’ll catch a cab or something. You okay?” Michael nodded his

head but he kept his eyes down.

Talia started to walk and glanced back several times to see Michael still

standing that way. Is he in shock or denial? As soon as the cab arrived she

turned around to look at Michael and suddenly shivered.

Michael was still standing the very same way she had left him, except

that he was now clenching his fists tight.

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