resident eligibility - royal commission

purposes. Is that ok? will be discussing Suncorp life insuran ce product today on behalf of Suncorp Financial Services Pty Ltd. Suncorp life insurance products are issued by Suncor;> Life & Su pe rannuati on Limited who can be cont act ed on 1 800 606 469. During this call you may oe pr ovi ded with advi ce w hich is only general in nature and does not take i nt o account your pe rsonal circumstan ces. In addition to sa.ary, consult ants may earn bonuses and incentives for meeting sal es and q ua li ty target s. There are no additional fees for this cor details on how we handle you r personal information, visit t he Su ncorp life insurance website at www.sunco rp. com. au, or ask us for a copy of our privacy policy. SUN .1600.0012.0987 Mandatory Introduction Scripting 1. CVS Selects product in eApp which launches embedded scripting 2. CVS reads and asks all text in pop up boxes verbatim a) Recording script b) GAW and Verbal PDS c) Residency question 3. CVS clicks on Get Quote to launch application Res ident Eligibil ity Are you a citizen or pe rmanent resident of Australia or New Zealand who currently resides in Australia? Yes No < Back GetQuote )

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Post on 21-Nov-2021




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Is that ok?

wil l be discussing Suncorp life insurance product today on

behalf of Suncorp Financial Services Pty Ltd.

Suncorp life insurance products are issued by Suncor;> Life &

Superannuation Limited who can be contacted on 1800 606


During this call you may oe provided w ith advice w hich is

only general in nature and does not take into account your personal circumstances. In addit ion to sa.ary, consultants may earn bonuses and incentives for meeting sales and

quality targets. There are no addit ional fees for this

cor details on how we handle your personal information, visit the Suncorp life insurance website at,

or ask us for a copy of our privacy policy.

SUN .1600.0012.0987

Mandatory Introduction Scripting 1. CVS Selects product in eApp which

launches embedded scripting

2. CVS reads and asks all text in pop up boxes verbatim

a) Recording script b) GAW and Verbal PDS

c) Residency question

3. CVS clicks on Get Quote to launch application

Res ident Eligibility

Are you a cit izen or permanent resident of Aust ralia or New Zealand who currently resides in Aust ralia?

Yes No

< Back GetQuote )


Your ,Quote ../ Get a quot e in und,er 30 seconds

1 Easily apply on line lb~r answering some healt h and lifestyle questions. No medical


"' Help protect yourloved ones and t he lifesty le t hey enjoy

n Your Details Date of b irth

I 1 EJ Jan El 1981 El


Male Female

Have you smoked tobacco or any substance in the last 12 months? 1


Life Protect User Id U356177

Call 1800 178 438

J Mon - Fri 8am to 8pm AEST

Life Cover

SUN .1600.0012.0988

First Quote Page: 1. CVS confirms all customer

details a) Date of Birth b) Gender c) d) e)

Smoking status Level of cover Family discount

It's important to choose the right amount of life cover to pmteci your family. do

you know how much oover yo.u need?


How much l ife cover do you require? -

S 200,000

Family Discount 1

Does an imm ed iate famil~· member already hold a SunoorfP Life Protect policy?

If so. you may both be eligible for a 10 % family discount.


GetQuote ·


Your Quote

Choose from the following 3 quotes: llmll

$100,000 $200,000 $ 300,000 _ .J-ip t;l,. r-i : -,oi.r"t -..i-i ; _; i..r- ; -i~ .J rr': LL- : ~ :.i- - -=.J"t:

lh'; ; ; '1 1:.J .. ,\ ; :; ; '/ ; :.J \'i~ ;i• )" J !;}•

$14.13 $25.44 $33.92 M::ti~i ')' pr~n 1..1'""1 M:it., ')' ~r..:1T iurr fl ionl"lly :: r; -r r.1"'M

Continue ) Continue ) Continue

Want a different cover amount? Select our own amount her

Life Insurance through Superannuation - Is it Enough? What is Life l r surance through superannuation? And i'ow do you kno· ... • if Irle insurarce

through superannuat ion 1s enough? Samantha Rush expla:ns the basics of hfe insurance n : hese t.vo videos.

Life Protect User Id: U356177

Need Help?

Call 1800 178 438

c!J Mon - Fri Barr to 8pm AEST

£-\\ Frequently Asked

W Questions

Does this cover t rauma I total permanent disabi lit¥J @

How long does it take to c laim @ and whl!re does t:he money go'?

Oges mycoyerfp re m jum

increase iS I get older?

Are you elig ible for a d iscount'?

Save this quote

SUN .1600.0012.0989

Second Quote Page 1. CVS and customer discuss and navigate

through : a) Features and benefits b) 3 Sum Insured amounts or 'selects

customer own amount' c) Premium Frequency

2. CVS Selects continue to H&L which launches DOD pop up

Your Quote

Select your own amount -

$200,000 Select your own amount here

s 200,000



Back tp your threr q uotes

Duty of Disclosure – pop up1. CVS must read script

to customer verbatim 2. Customer must give

true answer for CVS to continue with H&L

3. CVS begins askingCustomer H&L Questions

4. There are 5 sections containing 24 H&L questions, unless a customer answers ‘yes’

5. The answers to these questions will determineif a customer is fullyaccepted or if the down sell to Life Protect Express is required



2Health and Lifestyle Questions /Revised Offer1. Shows an answer to a H&L which is going to down sell the Life Protect to the Life Protect Express policy

2. Shows that there has been an alternative offer based on ‘circumstances being tricky’

3. Shows a hyperlinked PEMC’s which is text taken straight from theExclusions of LPE. CVS explains what this product is / how it works / what a PEMC are and discusses the exclusions with the customer

4. Shows a check box which the CVS asks the customer if they acknowledge the changes in the policy and accept the LPE offer before continuing with the set up of policy. 4



Contact Details

a A Gift to You Promotion

Select Promotion 6


o Your Details

Are you a citizen or permanent resident of Australia or New Zealand who

currently resides in Austral ia?

Yes No


M r Dr

First Name


Preferred Contact Number

Alternate Contact Number (Optional)

Email Address (Optional)

Q Res idential Address Addreu Line 1

Hwy • • IT nu. lber & streel PO box Company name etc

Addreu Line 2 (OptionaO

Suburb or Postcode

My ma1hrg address 1s different to residenbal address

Leave this box un·t1cked 1f you would like us to mad you policy information to

your resident ial address

~ Dec larations


I acknowledi;ie and agree to the followi ng declarations below.

· I have read and understood the PDS (irclud ing the When We Won't Pay

section) and my decis on to purchase Suncorp Life Protect Express is

based on t tie .E.OS ard the E.fili. I understand that the Suncorp Life Protect Express is governed by the terms ard condit ions of the ?ohcy and

that. in the event of with tl-e PDS. tre terrrs of the Po 11cy


• Tt-e n'ormation provided n th is apohcatJon 1s rrue and correct.

• confirm that have read and understood your Prvacy Statel'T'ent ava1 able~· I consert to rry personal ir.formation 1rclud1rg sens trve

nformat1on) be ng collected. used ard disc osed. ·n accordarce with tlie

pr vacy statement including for the purposes referred to 1n the


• I autt>onse Suncorp Life & Superannuation Limited (user ID No. 391904) to arrange for ary arrounts which become payable. to be debited from my

account as detailed above. I have read the Slirect Sleb1t Request Services

Agreement and I have the authority to make these payments;

· I understand that cover commerces when m}' application is accepted by

Suncorp and correct payment details have been received;

· I understand Suncorp Life Protect Express w ill not pay a benef it 1f the

cla im Is as a result of a pre-existing condit ion. as defined In the PDS:

· I understand that if I am eligible to make a nomination. a Nomination of

Benef1c1ary form w ill be provtded in the welcome pack I w ill receive.

I acknowledge and agree to tt-e above

SUN .1600.0012.0992

Contact Details •

CVS confirms all the contact details with the customer When CVS is up to the Declaration section ' instead' of

reading the declaration dot points CVS clicks on the tick box next to 1 This launches the Verbal PDS and marketing scripting (shown on next slide CVS reads Verbatim Script before colleting payment details

~ Product and Service Updates


Every now and tren. we and any related com pan es that use the Surcorp Brand migM let you know about ne.vs. special offers. products and services that you might be interested 1n. We will engage in marketing unless you tell us otherwise. You can contact us to update your marketir g preferences at any bme. Alternatively, you can let us know now ri you do not want us or any of our companies that use the Suncorp Brand to engage in l'T'arketing by ticking this box.

Buy Policy

Than k yoLJ for choosing Sur.corp Life Protect Express. YolJ

w ill be covered for $200,000.00 . Your prem ium will be

$34.14 month ly .

You have a 30 day cooling off period start ing ~rom toda)•. If

yoLJ ""'i sh to cancel w ith in this t ime. and haver't made a claim.

you will receive a full refund.

Your W elcome pack w ill be sent to you short ly. which w ill

include your Policy Schedule. a full Pcod .ict Ojsc!osure

S~a~ement and a financial Services Guide It is im portant

that yoLJ read and consider the contents of these carefully as

they contain full detai ls on the sp ec"fic terms. cond itions and

exclusions of your p.olicy. Would you like me to read the

exclusions or anything e!se i rom the PPS to you now?

We and any other parts of the Suncorp Compan}1 may

occasionally engage in marketing to customers about new s.

special offern. products and services that you m ight be

inter,ested in. W ould )'OU be happy for t hat to happen? You

can LJpdate this at any t irre by contact ing us on

1800 639 065.


Finalise Policy /Payment Details CVS Reads Verbal PDS-Verbatim CVS confirms customer credit card or bank details CVS asks Payment authorisation question to customer­Verbatim CVS provides customer Policy number on the Final confirmation Page (not shown)

Secure Payment t'-!eed help? Call us on 1800 637 594

Make a Payment

Select Your Account Type

Credit Card Bank Account


Includes debit ca1ds

Your monthly premium is:


SUN .1600.0012.0993

Back SUNCORP Life Protect Express

User Id: U356177

Payment Authorisation Do yoLJ autnorise Suncorp Life and Superanuat ion Limited to debit your account?

( No Yes '