responsive web design goomi technology

Responsive Web Design

Upload: sandeep-gupta

Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Responsive Web Design

What is Responsive Design?

A unique website that can adopt to any screen size including all modern devices.

Mobile Users are increasing Day-By-Day.

Responsive Web Design Uses

91 percent of adults keep their smart phones within arm’s reach. (By: Morgan Stanley)

Even more important to entrepreneurs: 9 out of 10 mobile searches lead to action. More than half lead to sales. (By: SearchEngineLand)

There are 6.8 billion people on the planet at present. 4 billion own mobile phones. (But only 3.5 million use a toothbrush. Oy!) Source:

As noted 91 percent of adults have their smart phones within arm’s reach. And that was as of 2007. I would wager the sum is closer to 100 percent now. (Source: Morgan Stanley)

Facts of Responsive Design - 1

• There are 271 million mobile subscribers in the U.S. alone.

• 51 percent of U.K. mobile subscribers have a smart phone. 49 percent of U.S. mobile subscribers own a smart phone.

• (Source:

• Brands using SMS successfully reach 95 percent of smart phone and non-smart phone users.

• (Source:

Facts of Responsive Design - 2

90 percent of text messages get read within 3 minutes of delivery. (Source:, 2011)

As earlier noted, 9 out of 10 mobile searches lead to action. More than 50 percent lead to sales. (Source: SearchEngineLand)

Here’s a golden gem: Mobile perform 4-5x better than online ads for key metrics such as brand favorability, awareness and purchase intent. (Source: Neilson Study, 2012)

Facts of Responsive Design - 3

Facts of Responsive Design - 4

Why People use

Responsive Design-1 ?

Why People use

Responsive Design-2 ?

More and more people are going mobile (28% of internet usage is now done on


Responsive design is being championed as the next big thing and has been

adopted by many big name companies.

Responsive design makes your company appear on the cutting edge of

technological development.

Data suggests that most users prefer to read on the mobile web than on apps.

Your Business depends on Your Website

Responsive design makes your content easier to scroll on all platforms.

Its fluid grid allows for seamless resizing.

Less cluttered content makes reader engagement easier.

Consistency and familiarity across platforms enforces your brand identity.


Google wants you to go responsive!

Having a uniform URL makes it easier for Google to crawl your site.

With responsive web design, you can reap the full benefits of mobile back links

and shares. Uniform URLs means you can better consolidate and revaluate

your overall SEO strategies.

Responsive layout makes image optimization easier.

With fewer http requests, you’ll have fewer broken links. Better user experience can result in decreased bounce rates.

Very useful in SEO

Google recommends that “webmasters follow the industry best practice of using web design, namely serving the same HTML for all devices, using media queries to decide rendering on each device.”

To put this into more basic language, Google recommends the use of media queries, which form part of the backbone of RWD. Media queries allow websites to adapt to any screen size. So, a basic translation of this quotation is that Google believes it to be a best practice to use RWD.

Google Recommended Responsive Design

Responsive Design saves money

Customer only has to pay for the development of one website.

No mobile apps or mobile websites are necessary.

There’s only one website that needs support too, so this cuts down on monthly web support costs. Publishing new content is easy when there’s only one place for it to go.

So no matter who is doing the updating, it’ll save a lot of time and money.

Responsive Design saves time

With the right planning, RWD can allow

for some efficiency because you will not have to create all new content for every channel you want to reach.

Instead, you simply need to adjust the amount and layout of the visual content that you have initially created. From a responsive “code” design perspective, programming and deploying stand-alone code for multiple channels is not required.

Efficiency is gained because one “set” of code can account for the additional channels, allowing for a single code change to migrate across every channel.

Lets countuses on finger points

It improves your Business.

It improves your SEO.

It Saves money. 

It saves time. 

It lets your website perform better.

It lets your customers find information easier - anytime and anywhere.

Google Recommended It.

Provides User Friendly Environment.

Is your Website Responsive?

Test your Website Responsiveness through this link

Does your website work on mobile ? 

Over 50% of internet traffic is from mobile devices and this is growing everyday. How does your website look on mobile? Open it now and have a look. Is it up to your standards?

If not, you can find the perfect designer and developer for your mobile experience on Goomi.

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