reunion by lauraine snelling - excerpt

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  • 7/29/2019 Reunion by Lauraine Snelling - Excerpt


  • 7/29/2019 Reunion by Lauraine Snelling - Excerpt



    > M Eovlf6

    Fmurmiel [elffieh


  • 7/29/2019 Reunion by Lauraine Snelling - Excerpt


    Rdis `ooj is m worj oa ktioe% Emnls& kdmrmktlrs& pfmkls& meb ieki.

    blets mrl tdl probukt oa tdl mutdors inmhiemtioe or mrl uslb kti.

    tiousfy% Mey rlsln`fmekl to mktumf lvlets& fokmfls& or plrsoes& fivieh

    or blmb& is koiekibletmf%

    Kopyrihdt 07=0 `y Fmurmiel [elffieh

    Mff rihdts rlslrvlb% Ie mkkorbmekl witd tdl \%[% Kopyrihdt Mkt oa

    =981& tdl skmeeieh& upfombieh& meb lflktroeik sdmrieh oa mey pmrt oa

    tdis `ooj witdout tdl plrnissioe oa tdl pu fisdlr is uefmwauf pirmky

    meb tdlat oa tdl mutdors ietlfflktumf proplrty% Ia you woufb fijl to

    usl nmtlrimf aron tdl `ooj $otdlr tdme aor rlvilw purposls)& prior

    writtle plrnissioe nust `l o`tmielb `y koetmktieh tdl pu`fisdlrmt plrnissioesGd`husm%kon% Rdmej you aor your support oa tdl

    mutdors rihdts%


    mkdlttl @ooj Hroup

    0;8 Wmrj Mvleul

    Elw Yorj& EY =77=8


    Wrietlb ie tdl \eitlb [tmtls oa Mnlrikm

    Airst bitioe3 Cufy 07=0

    =7 9 4 8 1 < 2 ; 0 =


    AmitdXorbs is m bivisioe oa mkdlttl @ooj Hroup& Iek%Rdl AmitdXorbs emnl meb foho mrl trmblnmrjs oa mkdlttl @ooj

    Hroup& Iek%

    Fi`rmry oa Koehrlss`fikmtioe Bmtm

    [elffieh& Fmurmiel%

    Plueioe / Fmurmiel [elffieh% =st lb%

    p% kn%

    I[@E 984.7.49091.979.4

    I% Ritfl%


  • 7/29/2019 Reunion by Lauraine Snelling - Excerpt


    Kdmptlr Oel

    Xdmts tdis?Rdl tissul.wrmpplb `ox oe tdl bieieh roon tm`fl amiflb

    to meswlr% [trmehl& eo emnl oe it% Eo kmrb% Cust m squmrl&

    wditl `ox witd m kurfy `ful ri``oe spiffieh ovlr its sibls%

    Kuriosity wms oel oa Jlirm Codestoes amifiehs% Mftdouhd

    sdlb elvlr oplelb m prlslet `laorl its tinl& sdlb tdouhdtm`out it m fot% [dmjieh tdl ox& mf`lit hletfy& flat dlr witd eo

    norl ieaornmtioe% [iekl sdl meb dlr dus`meb& @core& wlrl

    tdl oefy two plopfl wdo eow fivlb ie tdis `ih ofb dousl&

    it dmb to `l aor oel oa tdln% [dl poeblrlb tdl `ox& tdle

    pikjlb it up meb seiaalb it% [tiff eo kfuls%

    Cust ms sdl buh dlr klff pdoel out oa dlr pursl& sdl dlmrb

    tdl `mkj boor ople% [dl kmfflb& In ie dlrl%

    Xdlrls dlrl?

    Rdl bieieh roon% Bo you jeow meytdieh m`out tdis

    `ox oe tdl tm`fl? [dl turelb mt dlr dus`mebs letrmekl

    meb hmvl din m wlfkonl.donl duh%

    nn% Xdo koufb dmvl flat tdmt? is `ful lyls twie.

    jflb% Xdos it aor?Eo kmrb& eo emnl& cust m wditl `ox witd m prltty ri`.

    `oe% [dl wmtkdlb dis amkl to sll ia dl wms tlmsieh dlr% l

    sllnlb ms koeauslb ms sdl wms%

  • 7/29/2019 Reunion by Lauraine Snelling - Excerpt


    0 Fmurmiel[elffieh

    [o ople it%

    Xdmt ia its aor you?

    Xdy woufb sonloel hivl nl m prlslet? Its eot ny`irtdbmy%

    Eor niel% ur meeivlrsmry is stiff tdrll noetds mwmy%

    Xdo woufb put m prlslet dlrl oe tdl tm`fl? [dl foojlb

    poietlbfy aron din to tdl `ox& swipieh m strmeb oa dmir

    `ldieb dlr lmr% lr dmir usumffy swueh ie tdl `fuet.kut

    styfl sdlb wore aor ylmrs& `ut eow it wms ie ellb oa m kutmeb pro`m`fy m dihdfihdt slssioe mhmie% Bmrj foeb& it foojlb

    emturmffy sue strlmjlb bul to tdl hrmy turelb sifvlr mroueb

    dlr amkl% You ople it%

    Xdmt& yourl marmib oa m `on` or sonltdieh?

    Eo% In cust tryieh to `l hlelrous meb ny kuriosity is

    jiffieh nl%l dlatlb tdl `ox% Kmet `l m `on`& too fihdt%

    @core Codestoe& cust ople it% [dl rofflb dlr lyls wdle

    dl sdooj dis dlmb% Mff rihdt% Iff hlt tdl skissors meb wlff

    ople it tohltdlr% [urlfy tdlrl wiff `l m kmrb or sonltdieh

    iesibl% [dl buh m pmir oa skissors out oa tdl stuaa brmwlr ie

    tdl jitkdle meb rlturelb to stmeb `y din%

    Nmy`l wlb `lttlr sit bowe% @core pufflb out me

    omj kdmir aron tdl tm`fl% d& bib you tlff Wmuf m`out tdl

    bmtl aor tdl amnify rlueioe? l kmfflb meb I koufbet rlnln.

    `lr tdl lxmkt bmy% Wmuf wms tdlir lfblr soe& wdo wms twlety.

    aour meb nmrrilb to Fmuril% Rdly fivlb ie oustoe& Rlxms%

    [dl rofflb dlr lyls mhmie% ow koufb you eot jeow? It

    is oe lvlry kmflebmr ie tdl dousl meb tdl oakl% Rdl tdirbwlljleb ie Cuel% Iff l.nmif din% Xlrl bul mt Flmds aor

    supplr toeihdt%

  • 7/29/2019 Reunion by Lauraine Snelling - Excerpt


    Plueioe ;

    d& I aorhot tdmt too% [onltdieh nust `l wroeh witd

    tdl kmflebmr oe ny klff pdoel% I slt tdl rlnieblr almturl

    `ut it bibet% Plnieb nl& tdmt is% l pikjlb up tdl `ox&proppieh dis lf`ows oe tdl tm`fl% jmy& kut tdl ri``oe%

    Rohltdlr tdly uewrmpplb tdl tissul pmplr to eb m wditl

    `ox& m`out lihdt iekdls squmrl% Rdly slt it oe tdl metiqul

    bmrj.omj tm`fl% @core sdruhhlb& oplelb tdl oel mp fib& meb

    dmeblb tdl `ox to dlr%

    \sieh ehlr meb tdun`& Jlirm fiatlb tdl fmylr oa tis.sul pmplr iesibl to sll sonl pmplrs ameelb out ie m kirkfl

    so tdlyb t ie tdl `ox% [dl pufflb tdln out meb flt out m


    Eorwmy& tikjlts to Eorwmy-

    I wms fistleieh& you jeow%

    Jlirm Codestoe bmeklb mkross tdl roon& wmvieh tdlpmkjlt witd mirfiel tikjlts meb tdrlw dlr mrns mroueb dlr

    dus`meb& elmrfy toppfieh din aron tdl kdmir%

    msy% l duhhlb dlr `mkj& dmfawmy rihdtieh dinslfa% I

    wmset surl you rlmffy wmetlb to ho%

    You- [dl hmvl din m pfmyauf swmt oe tdl sdoufblr%

    ow koufb you tlmsl nl fijl tdis? ow koufb you jllp

    sukd m strmihdt amkl& fyieh tdrouhd your tlltd? You dmb nl

    rlmffy `lfilvieh you%

    I jeow% I tdiej I blslrvl me skmr aor tdis plraornmekl%

    Noblsty surl `lkonls you% Jlirm kdlkjlb tdl `ox%

    Rdmts mff& ld? Eo woeblr tdlrl wms eo rmttfl meb eo

    wlihdt% Rikjlts to Eorwmy% Jlirms lyls wiblelb meb sdl

    duhhlb din mhmie% You smib wl koufbet ho tdis ylmr% Rdmtwlb klfl`rmtl our twlety.atd meeivlrsmry elxt ylmr%

    Plmffy? Bib I smy tdmt?

  • 7/29/2019 Reunion by Lauraine Snelling - Excerpt


    2 Fmurmiel[elffieh

    [dl pufflb `mkj leouhd to stmeb elxt to din& oel

    dmeb oe dis sdoufblr% [top witd tdl tlmsieh% You jeow you

    bib%Xlff& dow koufb I surprisl you ia I hmvl ie so lmsify?

    Rrul% [dl flmelb dlr dlmb oe dis% Xiff Flmd meb Nmr.

    kus l m`fl to ho? lr rotdlr& Nmrkus& wms pmstor oa m fokmf

    kdurkd meb dis wial& Flmd& wms Jlirms `lst arileb%

    Rdly boet jeow ylt% l foojlb up to slmrkd dlr amkl%

    Xl koufb ho mfoel& koufbet wl?[url& `ut % % % its cust tdmt wlvl mfwmys tmfjlb m`out mff

    oa us hoieh tohltdlr% a koursl wl mfwmys uslb to pfme oe

    tmjieh Notdlr witd us% Matlr m nonlets siflekl& Jlirm

    tukjlb tdl rl`lffious strmeb oa dmir `ldieb dlr lmr mhmie%

    I tdiej I kmet `lfilvl tdis ylt% [dl stmrlb mt tdl pikturl

    oe tdl aroet oa tdl `rokdurl oa bllp.`ful acorbs slt mhmiestseow.krowelb nouetmies% Xmit& wdmt mrl tdl bmtls?

    Muhust% I jeow tdl amnify rlueioe is lmtieh up mff our

    tinl `ltwlle eow meb tdl leb oa Cuel% @y Muhust wlff `l

    norl tdme rlmby aor sonl mwmy tinl%

    Jlirm flmelb kfoslr meb jisslb din mhmie% You mrl sukd

    m hoob nme& @core Codestoe% [dl snootdlb m fokj oa wditl

    dmir mkross dis wibleieh krowe% Eot surl wdy you fovl nl&

    `ut I mn hrmtlauf tdmt you bo%

    Md& Jlirm& you pronislb to stop tdiejieh tdmt%


    I jeow% I boet tdiej m`out it& or mt flmst eot fijl I uslb

    to& `ut % % %

    Xrmppieh me mrn mroueb dlr wmist& dl pufflb dlr ietodis fmp% \aabm& hoob tdieh tdis is m sturby kdmir%

    [dl elstflb mhmiest din% mvl you tofb tdl `oys ylt?

  • 7/29/2019 Reunion by Lauraine Snelling - Excerpt

