revised bio 07 assignment 3

UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA AGRO-BASED CHICKEN FEED Report Assignment 3 GROUP 07 GROUP PERSONNEL: Amirah Amatullah (1206262071) Klanita Sabira (1206212350) Primantono Rachman (1206262121) Septi Niawati (1206212294) Sri Dwi Aryani (1206212395) DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING FACULTY OF ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF INDONESIA DEPOK 2015

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Page 1: Revised Bio 07 Assignment 3



Report Assignment 3



Amirah Amatullah (1206262071)

Klanita Sabira (1206212350)

Primantono Rachman (1206262121)

Septi Niawati (1206212294)

Sri Dwi Aryani (1206212395)




DEPOK 2015

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ii Universitas Indonesia


The first step in producing our chicken feed product is calculating

production capacity. Capacity is important because it relates with the demand from

the consumer and directly impact to the cost and efficiency. Determining

production capacity of egg layer chicken feed is by considering the number of egg

layer chicken population in Indonesia and based on market shared chicken feed

producer data. We determine our product have market share 0,5 % of the total share.

Based on market share we have determined, our production capacity is 83.333


The followings are the overal process of our chicken feed production. The

process starts with stocking the raw material then keep them in the warehouse until

the process time. The cassava waste and rice bran are fermented for 3 days in the

other hand the fish bone is grinded to make it into small size. The the turmeric

powder is prepared. Then all of the raw material is mixed so the mixture is

homogen. After that the mix material is molded and crumbled so the size is small.

Then the feed enter the drying process to reduce water amount. The final step is

package the feed and place it in the warehouse before distributing.

After calculating the mass balance, next we calculate of energy balance of

the chicken feed manufacturing. Since the energy source of equipment used in the

factory is electricity, the energy balance represents the electricity consumed by

every equipment during production process. In this sub-chapter we observed

electric power, equipment capacity, production target of equipment and total

operation time of each equipment. The calculation below include the energy losses

in each equipment. Based on literature found, the energy losses in each equipment

is 15%. In order to reduce the production cost and energy consumed, the washing

and grinding process are not done separately. Seeing the fermentation process needs

3 days to complete, the fermentation process is prepared 3 days before the

manufacturing. The process occurs after fermentation can be started without

waiting 3 days.

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Our product concept is humbleness in terms of pricing without sacrificing

quality and it is represented in the brand’s logo, the product motto, and the

packaging of the product. The brand’s logo is minimalist in terms of color as it only

uses two colors (black and yellow). Our product motto is “Murah Berkualitas”

because we feel it represent our aim the best. The packaging of the product is printed

PP (polyproplene) woven sack. We use PP woven sack because it is very cheap yet

it has the ability to keep the quality of our product good.

Layout of a plant will help to visualize the production line of the product to

assure the effectiveness of the process flow. In the plant layout that we have

designed, there are 3 different functional areas of the plant. First are the areas for

material delivering, handling, and shipping. Second is the production area which is

the area that handles all the processing of the materials. Third are office and

employees amenities which include parking areas, changing room, cafeteria,

praying room, and toilets. For efficiency purpose, we design the material storage,

production area, and final product storage to be close to each other and in order of

the product manufacturing flow. Which will make sure the product travel distance

to be as short as possible to decrease the production time and cost. For safety

purpose, we design the plant to have three emergency exits which is located with

consideration of employees and labor distance.

Plant location plays major role in the economical factor in any industry. The

location will mainly affect distribution of raw materials and the distribution of

finished product to the distributors or customers which will affect the cost of

production and final product. In order to increase the efficiency of manufacturing

process and reducing cost of production, we need to find the right place for the

plant. After considering the distance of the plant to raw materials, distance of

product distribution, land price and availability, human resources available, the

social and politic acceptance of the placement of the plant, local regulation, and

waste management possibilities, we decided for the plant facility to be placed in

Kawasan Industri Gresik (KIG), East Java.

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...............................................................................ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................iv

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1

1.1. Market Analysis and Production Capacity ............................................. 1

1.2. Production Process (Block Flow Diagram) .......................................... 5

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................... 4

2.1. Fabrication ............................................................................................ 7

2.1.1. Technology Selection ................................................................ 8

2.1.2. Equipment Selection .................................................................. 11

2.1.3. Material and Energy Balance ..................................................... 14

2.1.4. Gantt Chart ................................................................................ 20

2.2. Design of Product and Packaging ........................................................ 22

2.3. Plant Layout and HSE Consideration .................................................. 27

2.4. Plant Location ...................................................................................... 34

CHAPTER 3 CONCLUSION .......................................................................... 39

REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 40

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Figure 1.1 Main Block-Flow Diagram .............................................................. 6

Figure 1.2 Fermentation of the rice barn and cassava waste ............................. 7

Figure 1.3 Preparation of fish bone flour .......................................................... 7

Figure 1.4 Preparation of turmeric powder ....................................................... 7

Figure 2.1 Main process of manufacturing chicken feed .................................. 8

Figure 2.2 Flow diagram of preparation of fermented raw material ................. 8

Figure 2.3 Gantt chart of manufacturing process ............................................... 23

Figure 2.4 Logo of our chicken feed brand ....................................................... 24

Figure 2.5 Agro-Chick appearance ................................................................... 25

Figure 2.6 PP woven sack ................................................................................. 26

Figure 2.7 Product’s Package Front Side Label ................................................ 27

Figure 2.8 Product’s Package Back Side View ................................................. 28

Figure 2.9 Product’s Final Package ................................................................... 29

Figure 2.10 Agro-chick feed plant layout ......................................................... 30

Figure 2.11 Direction, distance, and approximate time to reach

Surabaya from KIG .......................................................................... 38

Figure 2.12 Direction, distance, and approximate time to reach

Gresik port from KIG ....................................................................... 38

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Table 1.1 Population of chicken in Indonesia ................................................ 1

Table 1.2 Statistic of population, feed consumption

and raw material availability .......................................................... 3

Table 1.3 Forecast of supply and demand ...................................................... 4

Table 1.4 Production capacity of national poultry feed industries ................. 5

Table 2.1 List of equipment in chicken feed manufacture ............................. 12

Table 2.2 Materials balance ............................................................................ 15

Table 2.3 Details of material balance ............................................................. 17

Table 2.4 Energy balance ............................................................................... 21

Table 2.5 Final Specification of AgroChick ................................................... 25

Table 2.6 Package detail ................................................................................. 26

Table 2.7 Detailed size of each area ............................................................... 32

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1.1. Market Analysis and Production Capacity

First step to produce our chicken feed product is calculating production

capacity. Production capacity is the maximum output capability of the unit to

produce the product. Capacity is important because it relates with the demand from

the consumer and directly impact to the cost and efficiency.

Production capacity of our chicken feed product for egg-layers determined

by considering supply and demand of this product. First approach is from the supply

of egg-layers chicken feed. Because of lack of egg-layer chicken feed production

data, the calculation about the number of egg-layer chicken feed production done

by taking the ratio between the broiler chicken, egg-layer, and buras (8:1:1.5) based

on data below.

Table 1.1 Population of chicken in Indonesia

Year Broiler Chicken Egg-Layers Chicken Other

2014 1,481,872,000 154,657,000 286,538,000

2013 1,344,191,000 146,622,000 276,777,000

2012 1,244,402,000 138,718,000 274,564,000

2011 1,177,991,000 124,636,000 264,340,000

2010 986,872,000 105,210,000 257,544,000


Then we multiply ratio with the total number of chicken feed production in

Indonesia. In addition, we also consider the market share of chicken feed producer

data in Indonesia, production capacity of each plant belonging to the well-known

producer, and the availability of raw material we used. While the second approach

is from the demand of egg-layers chicken feed. We calculate the demand by

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multiplying the egg-layers chicken in a year with taking assumption that each

chicken consume 20 gram feed in a day.

Based on data, the average egg layer chicken population growth is 6,429%

per year. The information about statistic of chicken population, amount of chicken

feed consume per year, and availability of raw material are shown below.

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Table 1.2 Statistic of population, feed consumption and raw material availability


Total Egg Layer

Chicken Population

in Indonesia1

Chicken Feed

Consumption by

Egg Layer Chicken

per year (ton)2

Production of Egg

Layer Chicken

Feed (ton)3

Availability of

Cassava Waste per

year (ton)4

Availability of

Rice Barn per

year (ton)5

Availability of Fish

Bone per year (ton)6

2013 146.622.000 1.070.340 1.239.356 15.882.672 7.128.000 1.473.864

2012 138.718.000 1.012.641 1.167.530 16.118.217 6.904.514 1.436.912

2011 124.636.000 909.842 1.036.284 16.029.233 6.538.518 1.274.968

2010 105.210.000 768.033 948.413 15.945.412 6.646.939 1.130.756

2009 111.418.000 813.351 912.123 14.692.343 6.439.889 961.496

2008 107.955.000 788.071 913.721 14.504.661 6.032.592 876.928

1 Based on data BPS 2 Based on data BPS about chicken population and calculation of chicken feed consumption (36 gr/ day x 365 days x chicken population) 3 Based on Office of Chief Economist Bank Mandiri Volume 19 Oktober 2014 4 Based on data BPS about cassava production and journal about tapioca production (waste =2/3 raw material)

5 Based on data BPS about rice production (rice barn= 10% rice) 6 Based on data Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries Affairs about fish consume production (fish bone= 12,4% fish body)

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From the table, supply & demand growth percent / year can be calculated, so we can

forecast the supply and demand for chicken feed up to 2030 with the growth forecast


Table 1.3 Forecast of supply and demand


Total of Egg Layer



Chicken Feed

Consumption by

Egg Layer

Chicken (ton)7

Production of

Chicken Feed


2014 154.657.000 1.128.996 1.286.752

2015 164.600.543 1.201.583 1.369.483

2016 175.183.399 1.278.838 1.457.533

2017 186.446.670 1.361.060 1.551.244

2018 198.434.104 1.448.568 1.650.980

2019 211.192.260 1.541.703 1.757.128

2020 224.770.691 1.640.826 1.870.101

2021 239.222.136 1.746.321 1.990.338

2022 254.602.725 1.858.599 2.118.305

2023 270.972.196 1.978.097 2.254.500

2024 288.394.128 2.105.277 2.399.451

2025 306.936.189 2.240.634 2.553.722

2026 326.670.397 2.384.693 2.717.911

2027 347.673.399 2.538.015 2.892.657

2028 370.026.771 2.701.195 3.078.638

2029 393.817.335 2.874.866 3.276.577

2030 419.137.494 3.059.703 3.487.241

7The growth percent of all subject is based on chicken population growth: 6,619%

Based on the table, annually chicken feed demand is increase because the

population of chicken is increase. The supply of chicken feed is enough although the

chicken feed production data is not only egg layer chicken feed but also include breed

chicken feed.

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Table 1.4 Production capacity of national poultry feed industries

No Producer




Market Share

1 PT Charoen Popkhand 5.160.000 31,3%

2 PT Japfa Comfeed 3.610.000 21,9%

3 PT Chiel Jedang 910.000 5,5%

4 PT Malindo 0,71 million 4,3 %

5 Lainnya 5,61 million 34,1%

(Source: Office of Chief Economist Bank Mandiri Volume 19 Oktober 2014)

The table shows PT Charoen Popkhand and PT Japfa Comfeed take a main role

in chicken feed industry as they have a huge market share in Indonesia. The others are

the minor player in the market because they have market share below 6%. We

determine our product have market share 0.5 % of the total share. Based on market

share we have determined, our production capacity is 83.333 ton/year.

The target of market product is Java Island especially East Java Province. Based

on BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik) data, the population of chicken in Java Island on 2013

is 146.621.500 equal to 58,5% of population chicken in Indonesia and the population

of chicken in East Java is equal to 29,3% of national chicken population.

1.2. Block Flow Diagram

The overall process need to check by make a plan before we begin the process of

production. The plan has the advantage to increase our understanding about the whole


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Figure 1.1 Main block-flow diagram

The process starts with stocking the raw material then keep them in the

warehouse until the process time. The cassava waste and rice bran are fermented for 3

days in the other hand the fish bone is grinded to make it into small size. The the

turmeric powder is prepared. Then all of the raw material is mixed so the mixture is

homogenous. After that the mix material is molded and crumbled so the size is small.

Then the feed enter the drying process to reduce water amount. The final step is

package the feed and place it in the warehouse before distributing.

The preparation of material is divided into three process, they are a) cassava and

cassava waste fermentation, b) fish bone flour production from fish bone waste and c)

turmeric powder production. The block flow diagram for the fermentation process is

shown below.

Warehouse (Raw material


Fermentation of Raw Material

Drying and Grinding Fish Bone Waste

Drying and Grinding Turmeric

MixingMolding & Crumbling

Drying Packaging


(before Shipping)

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Figure 1.2 Fermentation of the cassava and cassava waste

The first step on the fermentation process is the raw material is washed so the

raw material clean. After that the raw material is grinded to make the size small. Then

the raw material is fermented for three days.

Figure 1.3 Preparation of fish bone flour

Fish bone waste is washed to make it clean then the fish bone is grinded to make

the fish bone size is small. Because the fish bone still contain the water so the fish bone

is dried to reduce the water amount and make it into powder.

Figure 1.4 Preparation of turmeric powder

The first step on the turmeric powder production is wash the turmeric to make it

clean. Then the turmeric is grinded to make it into the small size.

Cassava and Cassava Waste

(onggok)Washing Grinding Fermentation

Fish Bone Waste

Washing Grinding Drying

Turmeric Washing Grinding

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2.1. Fabrication

From the previous chapter, we can conclude that there are several main

processes in the manufacturing of the chicken feed. The main processes involved are

fermentation of raw material, preparation of fish bone flour, preparation of turmeric

powder and the last is to mix them together.

Figure 2.1 Main process of manufacturing chicken feed

All of the processes in the diagram above will be explained below, in the fabrication

sub-chapter. The system that we are going to use is batch system. It is because in the

manufacturing section, we use microorganism that need certain and stable operation



1. Fermentation of Raw Material

3. Preparation of Turmeric


2. Preparation of Fish Bone


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2.1.1. Technology Selection Fermentation

From the diagram above, the first main process is fermentation. This

fermentation process is chosen because it brings many benefits, such as increasing

protein content, decreasing crude fiber content, and eliminating the toxic component in

the raw material we used. The crude protein content of the cassava become 12.88%

from the initial value less than 3%, for the cassava waste from 1.28% become 8.06%,

while for the rice barn the protein containing increase from 12.01% to 13.4%, but in

manufacturing of our chicken feed product, the rice barn is not fermented because of

the production cost and the small delta of the protein content. Crude fiber content in

rice barn after fermentation decreased 21.20% from 10.62% to 8.37%, while after

fermenting the cassava, the result of crude fiber content is 6.21%. Another benefits of

fermenting raw material is that we can eliminate the toxic components from the cassava


In the fermentation section, there are several pre-treatment for the raw material.

Those pre-treatment are washing, grinding, and the last one is fermentation (fig. 2.2).

Raw material such as cassava and cassava waste should be washed first. The purpose

of washing step is to remove the soil in the surface of the cassava that will harm the

fermentation process. Besides, washing raw material will improve the next steps. This

washing step uses simple washing machine. Mechanism of this process is firstly to put

the cassava into the machine then the water will flow continuously and clean the surface

of the cassava.

After washing the raw material, then we go to the grinding machine to mash the

cassava. This step ease us to hold the fermentation, with the raw material in mash form,

the fermentation process will be optimal and all of the raw material fermented perfectly.

Then, in fermentation, we use fermenter tank or rotary drum fermenter. We are going

to use solid-state fermentation system, because it used little amount of water and later

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in the drying step it does not spend long time. The fermenter tank used is 8000 L

capacity and has cylindrical shape, supported on rollers and rotated with vary speed

(depend on the fermentation stage). Straight or curve baffle inside the drum aid in the

tumbling of the substrate, hence improving aeration and temperature control.

Sometimes drum can be inclined, causing the substrate to move from higher inlet end

to the lower outlet during rotation. Aeration occurs through coaxial inlet and exhaust

nozzles. All of raw material is fermented using Saccharomyces cerevisiae because it

effectively reduced crude fiber (CF) from tapioca by-product (Wizna et al., 2009) and

rice bran (Wizna et al., 2012) and also improve the protein content (Supriyati, 2015).

This fermentation process is held for 72 hours or 3 days with temperature 30oC.

Figure 2.2 Flow diagram of preparation of fermented raw material Preparation of Fish Bone Flour

Second process is to prepare the fish bone flour as another protein source for the

chicken feed. Fish bone contain 34.2% protein. To prepare the fish bone flour, the steps

are washing, grinding, and drying (fig 1.3). The fish bone waste washed with the same

machine as the cassava and cassava waste. The machine used is bulk washing machine

type. This machine only wash or clean the material on the surface. It connects to the

water source, so that the water flows to this machine continuously. The purpose of

washing the fish bone waste is to clean the organic materials from dirt and other

impurities that are soluble in water. After washing, then the fish bone waste goes to

grinder, in order to get the mash form. The grinder capacity is 20 T/h. Then, the fish

bone waste also has to be dried to reduce the water content. This have to be grinded

first and then dried because later in the mixing section, the composition of the chicken

Cassava and Cassava Waste

Washing GrindingFermentation (72 h, 30oC)

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feed can be equal in every part. The drying machine used is common type of drying

machine that can reduce water content with the help of hot temperature and flowing

air. Preparation of Turmeric Powder

The third is to prepare the turmeric powder. This turmeric powder brings several

benefits for the chicken. One of the benefit is that the turmeric reduces the bad smell

of the chicken feed (because of the raw material used). The antimicrobial active

compound content in turmeric enhances the shelf-life of the chicken feed. Besides, the

active compound containing in the turmeric plays as antibiotic for the chicken, so that

the chicken have healthy digestive system. The same pre-treatment as fish bone waste

is applied to the turmeric (fig 1.4), in order to get the powder form, but the turmeric

has to be peeled first before getting into the washing machine. Mixing

Next step is mixing all of the material that have been prepared before

(fermented cassava, fermented cassava waste, and rice barn, fish bone flour, and

turmeric powder) using mixing tank with 12 T/h capacity. Its type is poultry feed mixer

tank, it has unique out-loading system that reduces separation, producing feed with

consistent grist and structure. It works fast so that it also has high efficiency.

Since the form of the chicken feed has been determined in the beginning of

making the concept, before going to the packaging machine, the mixture of cassava,

cassava waste, rice barn, fish bone powder, and the turmeric powder, have to be

crumbled first. This crumbling process uses Feed Granulating Machine. The crumble

form obtained is 1-2 mm diameter. The last step is to pack the chicken feed product

using PP Woven Sack package and also using Automatic Feed Packing Machine.

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2.1.2. Equipment Selection

Table 2.1 List of equipment in chicken feed manufacture

Name Description Price Specification Power Picture

Bulk Washing


Clean the organic

materials from dirt

and other impurities

that are soluble in



Brush diamater = 123 mm

Dimensions (LxWxH) =

2335x1100x1000 mm

Capacity = 4 (t/h)

2.2 kW

Feed Grinding


Grinding granular raw

materials such as

cassava, rice bran, etc


Diameter of rotor = 660


Width of grinding chamber

= 750 mm

Capacity = 20 (t/h)

110 kW

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High Efficiency

Freeze Dryer

To decrease the

amount of water in

the product


Number of trays = 192

LxWxH =

4280x2200x2270 mm

Capacity = 0.48 (t/h)

60 kW



To ferment the raw

material cassava



ID = 2000 mm

Speed rotation = 100 rpm

Capacity = 8000 L


Poultry Feed


To mix the

ingredients of feed



Capacity = 12 t/h

LxWxH = 3x2x4 m

Weight = 7000kg

74 kW

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Bovini Feed



To make feed into

perfect crumble shape


Capacity = 10 t/h

LxWxH =

3300x1200x2500 mm

Weight = 3500kg

90 kW

Automatic Feed



To package the

chicken feed crumble


Weighing scope = 5-50kg

Output speed 500-800


Weight = 350kg

0.1 kW

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2.1.3 Material and Energy Balance

a. Material Balance

In this part, we used Superpro Design v9.0 to know condition of all materials

that be used in process production. The quantity of materials can be increase or

decrease when through a unit process. Quantity of materials depend principle of

unit process.

In this process, the amount of material used as much as 15 MT/h. All of these

materials will go through some process that would decrease the amount of material.

In washing and grinding, the amount of material has not changed. For the process

of drying the rice bran, turmeric and fish bone waste, water content decreased by

30%. In the fermentation process, content of protein, fiber and carbohydrate has

changed. The fermented cassava, content of protein increased by 400%. And other

hand, content of protein in fermented cassava waste increased by 600 % and content

of fiber decreased by 250%. In the second drying process, content of water

decreased until 86%, so content of water in all materials only 14%. The amount of

material produced in this process is 14.78 MT/h.

Table 2.2 Materials balance

Unit Material In (MT/h) Out (MT/h)


Cassava 4.35 4.35

Cassava waste 4.35 4.35

Rice burn 2.1 2.1

Fish bone 0.75 0.75

Turmeric 3.45 3.45


Cassava 4.35 4.35

Cassava waste 4.35 4.35

Rice burn 2.1 2.1

Fish bone 0.75 0.75

Turmeric 3.45 3.45


Rice Bran 2.1 2.1

Turmeric 0.75 0.71

Fish bone waste 3.45 3.41

Fermentation Cassava 4.35 4.35

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Cassava waste 4.35 4.35


Fermented Cassava 4.35 4.35

Fermented Cassava

waste 4.35 4.35

Rice burn 2.1 2.1

Fish bone 0.71 0.71

Turmeric 3.41 3.41


Fermented Cassava 4.35 4.35

Fermented Cassava

waste 4.35 4.35

Rice bran 2.1 2.1

Fish bone 0.71 0.64

Turmeric 3.41 3.33

Packing All materials

14.78 ton

Variation of pack:

80 packs/ 5 kg

11 packs/25 kg

16 packs/50 kg

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Table 2.3 Details of materials balance


A&B (MT/h) C (MT/h)

Cassava Cassava



Bran Turmeric

Fish Bone

Waste Cassava Cassava Waste

Carbohydrate 3.54 3.47 1.47 0.52 0 3.54 3.47

Protein 0.065 0.082 0.29 0.047 1.18 0.065 0.082

Fiber 0 0.68 0.17 0 0 0 0.68

Fats 0.03 0.01 0.17 0.038 0.19 0.03 0.01

Water 0 0 0 0.12 0.12 0 0

Ash 0.71 0.093 0 0 1.14 0.71 0.093

Mineral 0.00069 0.015 0 0.026 0.81 0.00069 0.015

Total 4.35 4.35 2.1 0.75 3.45 4.35 4.35



Washing Grinding Fermentation


Mixing Drying-Molding Filling



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D (MT/h) E (MT/h) F (MT/h)


Bran Turmeric

Fish Bone

Waste Cassava


Waste Rice Bran Turmeric

Fish Bone


Carbohydrate 1.47 0.52 0 3.34 3.46 1.47 0.52 0

Protein 0.29 0.047 1.18 0.26 0.49 0.29 0.047 1.18

Fiber 0.17 0 0 0 0.27 0.17 0 0

Fats 0.17 0.038 0.19 0.03 0.01 0.17 0.038 0.19

Water 0 0.12 0.12 0 0 0 0.082 0.087

Ash 0 0 114 0.71 0.093 0 0 1.14

Mineral 0 0.026 0.81 0.00069 0.015 0 0.026 0.81

Total 2.1 0.75 3.45 4.35 4.35 2.1 0.714 3.41

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G (MT/h) H&I (MT/h)

Cassava Cassava



Bran Turmeric




Cassava Cassava



Bran Turmeric




Carbohydrate 3.34 3.46 1.47 0.52 0 3.34 3.46 1.47 0.52 0

Protein 0.26 0.49 0.29 0.047 1.18 0.26 0.49 0.29 0.047 1.18

Fiber 0 0.27 0.17 0 0 0 0.27 0.17 0 0

Fats 0.03 0.01 0.17 0.038 0.19 0.03 0.01 0.17 0.038 0.19

Water 0 0 0 0.082 0.087 0 0 0 0.0115 0.012

Ash 0.71 0.093 0 0 1.14 0.71 0.093 0 0 1.14

Mineral 0.00069 0.015 0 0.026 0.81 0.00069 0.015 0 0.026 0.81

Total 4.35 4.35 2.1 0.714 3.41 4.35 4.35 2.1 0.64 3.33

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b. Energy Balance

Next is about the calculation of energy balance of the chicken feed manufacturing.

Since the energy source of equipment used in the factory is electricity, the energy

balance represents the electricity consumed by every equipment during production

process. In this sub-chapter we observed electric power, equipment capacity, and

production target of equipment and total operation time of each equipment. The

calculation below include the energy losses in each equipment. Based on literature

found, the energy losses in each equipment is 15%.

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Table 2.4 Energy balance

No Equipment




Number of


Equipment capacity


target of








for Process







by PLN

(kW) Value Unit Value Unit

1 Washing

Machine 2.2 4 4 MT/hour 4 MT 80 11.73 1.76 2.024

2 Grinding

Machine 110 1 20 MT/hour 15 MT 120 220 33 37.95

3 Fermenter 15 3 8000 L 8000 L 4320 3240 486 558.9

4 Dryer 20 5 1.5 MT/hour 1.5 MT 80 133.33 20 23

5 Mixer tank 74 2 12 MT/hour 12 MT 40 98.66 14.8 17.02

7 Molding

Machine 90 2 10 MT/hour 10 MT 240 720 108 124.2

9 Packaging

Machine 0.1 1 800 pack/h 107 pack 160 0.26 0.04 0.046

TOTAL 4424 663.6 763.14

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2.1.4 Gantt Chart

Gantt chart below represents the production process occurs in manufacturing of

chicken feed. Gantt chart shows the operating schedule of each unit for 1 day. The plant

will operate for 8 hours per day for 5 days a week. The working duration of each

equipment also can be seen through Gantt chart below which is obtained using

SuperPro Designer.

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Figure 2.3 Gantt chart of manufacturing process

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In order to reduce the production cost and energy consumed, the washing and

grinding process are not done separately. Seeing the fermentation process needs 3

days to complete, the fermentation process is prepared 3 days before the

manufacturing. The process occurs after fermentation can be started without

waiting 3 days.

2.2. Design and Prototype

2.2.1. Logo of The Product

Figure 2.4 Logo of our chicken feed brand

We choose only two colors; yellow and black. The minimalist choices of

colors represent our product’s marketing concept, which is humbleness in terms of

pricing without sacrificing quality. We choose the color mustard yellow because it

reminds us of chickens and according to marketing researches people generally

associate the color yellow with pleasant things. Moreover, there aren’t many local

chicken feed products that use this color so our product will stand out. The bite

mark in the letter ‘O’ indicates that our product is a food product and it is edible for


2.2.2. Motto of The Product

The motto of our chicken feed product is:

“Murah Berkualitas”

Our motto represents our aim of making this chicken feed product, that is to

provide chicken farmers an affordable chicken feed that is also superior in quality.

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Not only is our product has complete nutritional value but it also has longer shelf-

life from the use of natural preservative and is odorless.

2.2.3. Form and Size of The Product

The design of our chicken product that will be made has specification below.

Table 2.5 Final Specification of AgroChick

Categories/Specification Information/Dimension

Shape Round granule

Mass 1,896 g

Size Diameter : 2 mm

Color Yellow Brown

Form Round granule

Density ± 3,26 g/mL

2.2.4. Product Design Product Physical Description

AgrOchick’s crumble is round shaped. The color of the product is a brownish

yellow because in the production process, we use curcumin. The crumble diameter

is ± 2 mm. The crumble appearance is illustrated below.

Figure 2.5 AgroChick appearance

(Source: Packaging Design

One of the advantages our product has over the existing products is that we

have three different packaging sizes (5 kg, 25 kg, and 50 kg), providing our

customers options of the amount of chicken feed they want to buy. We are planning

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to use PP (Polypropylene) woven sack as it is quite strong and can retain moisture

as we don’t want our feed product to be spoiled. Moreover, they are very cheap.

Figure 2.6 PP woven sack


Table 2.6 Package detail

Categories/Specification Information/Dimension

Name Pp Woven Bag/sack

Raw Material Polyethylene new material or as required

Color All kinds of color or as required

Printing On side or both sides in multi-colors, offset print

or color print

Width From 260-750mm or as required

Length As the customer’s requirement

Weave 10x10,12x12,can be customized or as required

Denier 700D to 1000D

Weights/m2 40gsm to 200 gsm or as required

Treat as the customers' requirement

Surface Dealing Anti-slip or plain

Top Heat cut or hemmed

Sealing Single/double fold saw bottom

Liner coated or with liner bag for moisture proof

Usage rice, animal feed, flour, sugar, fertilizer, sand,

cement, etc


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Figure 2.7 Product’s package front side label

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Figure 2.8 product’s package back side view

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Figure 2.9 Product’s Final Package

2.4 Plant Layout

Layout of a plant will help to visualize the production line of the product to

assure the effectiveness of the process flow. In order to effectively plan and

construct feed milling facilities, there are some components that needs to be in the

layout. Those components are categorized into primary systems and secondary


2.4.1 Primary Systems and Components

Each feed mill typically consists of nine major operations such are,

raw ingredients receiving

distribution and storage

grinding of whole grain

ingredients batching and mixing


final product storage


Our plant will add fermentation and crumbling components to the plant layout.

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2.4.2 Secondary Systems and Components

The six most common secondary systems used in feed mills are the controls to

air, dust, liquids, steam, pollution, and instrumentation.

To come up with the plant final design, we will need to follow some major

steps which need the understanding of the needs, goals, constraints, and preference

of the owner of the plant or the client. Based on theoretical feed mill plant layout,

we created our own plant layout by using Microsoft Visio. The plant layout was

designed based on process layout. Process layouts are used to achieve a smooth and

rapid flow of large volumes of goods through a system. By using this type of layout,

we are able to create an operation flow to make sure smooth and efficient fabrication


Figure 2.10 Agro-chick feed plant layout

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2.4.3 Plant Layout Description

In the plant layout that we have designed, there are 3 different functional

areas of the plant. First are the areas for material delivering, handling, and shipping.

Second is the production area which is the area that handles all the processing of

the materials. Third are office and employees amenities which include parking

areas, changing room, cafeteria, praying room, and toilets.

In the production area, raw materials first enter air-lock room to weighing

room to be separated according to their type and weight. Then, the materials are

splitting into fermentation room and preparation room. The preparation room is for

the fish bone flour making and turmeric powdering. These process and fermentation

process are separated into two rooms because of hygienic and sterilization purpose,

since fermentation process needs higher sterilization area. After that, both flow will

meet in the mixing area and then the batch will go into molding & crumbling area,

drying area, packaging area, and finally the final storage area.

For efficiency purpose, we design the material storage, production area, and

final product storage to be close to each other and in order of the product

manufacturing flow. Which will make sure the product travel distance to be as short

as possible to decrease the production time and cost.

For safety purpose, we design the plant to have three emergency exits which

is located with consideration of employees and labor distance. The first emergency

exit is for employees in the production office, supply chain office, meeting room,

cafeteria, and prayer room. The second emergency exit is for labors in raw material

storage room, weighing room, fish flour making & turmeric powdering room,

fermentation room, and mixing room. The third emergency exit is for employees in

warehouse office, quality control room, maintenance room and labors in final

storage room, packaging room, packaging storage, molding & crumbling room.

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Table 2.7 Detailed size of each area

Name Dimension Size

Land Area 60m x 42m 2420 m2

Land Price Rp 500.000,00/m2 12 M

Building Area 40m x 30 m 1200 m2

Material Storage 15m x 7m 105 m2

Weighing Room 6.6m x 4m 26.4 m2

Preparation Room 7m x 6.6m 46.2 m2

Fermentation Room 8.5 x 7.5 63.75 m2

Mixing Room 8.5m x 6.5m 55.25 m2

Molding & Crumbling


9m x 5.75m 51.75 m2

Drying Room 9m x 5m 45 m2

Packaging Area 9m x 5m 45 m2

Final Storage 16m x 5m 80 m2

Packaging Storage 7.5m x 3m 22.5 m2

Quality Control Room 8m x 3m 24 m2

Maintenance Room 8m x 3m 24 m2

Warehouse office 8.8m x 5m 44 m2

Supply Chain Office 8.75m x 6m 52.5 m2

Production Office 8.75m x 6m 52.5 m2

Meeting Room 8.35m x 4.4m 36.74 m2

Prayer Room 4.4m x 3.2m 14 m2

Cafetaria 9.5m x 4.4m 41.8 m2

Lobby 8.4m x 4.15m 34.86 m2

Security Office 4.4m x 4.15m 18.26 m2

Labor Entrance 4.5m x 4m 18 m2

Changing Room 4.5m x 5.65m 25.43 m2

Toilet 2m x 1.5m 3 m2

Employees Parking Area 39m x 3m 117 m2

Labor Parking Area 14m x 5.5m 77 m2

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Guest Parking Area 20m x 3m 60 m2

Green Area 25m x 3m 75 m2

2.4.4 Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) Consideration

In supporting the safety and protection of workers against occupational

hazards, there are several factors to consider such as possible causes of injury and

occupational ill health risks. Such factors are:

Main Causes of Injury

1. Manual handling and lifting - especially sacks

2. Falls from height - off ladders, stairs and vehicles

3. Slips and trips - more prominent than usual due to obstructions and uneven


4. Exposure to harmful substances, e.g. chlorine, hydrochloric acid, sulphur


5. Machinery - screw conveyors, rotary valves, roller mills, mixers (mostly

during maintenance, cleaning, refilling etc.)

6. Entry into silos - risk from engulfment, irrespirable atmosphere, mechanical

hazards (eg sweep augers)

7. Transport - including lift trucks and trailers when tipping

Main Occupational Ill Health Risks

1. Musculoskeletal injury from manual handling, e.g. of sacks, bags and


2. Work-related upper limb disorders (WRULDs), e.g. from repetitive packing


3. Occupational asthma from exposure to grain and flour dust

4. Noise induced hearing loss from noisy areas, e.g. mill areas, grinders, seed

graders, hammer mills, bagging lines.

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To prevent such risks from affecting factory employees, the factory will

provides complete personal protective equipment, including:

1. Head protective equipment

Standard safety helmet for industrial plant which is made of polyethylene.

For the plant, we will be using hard hats from MSA. This equipment must be

used by every person who entered the factory area.

2. Eye protective equipment

Safety glass used by workers in the manufacturing area. This glasses to

protect the eyes from sand or dust can cause eye damage. Types of eye

protection provided are as follows:

a. Norton white glasses

The glasses used in dusty areas. Normally used by the operator in mill

finish area and packer.

b. White sunglasses crews

These glasses are used by the driver to work in the cleanup section

3. Hand protective equipment

Protective equipment serves hand-shaped glove to protect hands from

blisters danger due to contact with rough objects and hazards of chemicals that

can damage the hands.

4. Feet protective equipment

Shoe-shaped toe protective equipment that has been specially designed in

such a way by using certain materials in accordance with the function or

usefulness in protecting feet from hazards that could pose a risk of injury from


5. Ear protective equipment

Ear protective devices serve to protect the ears from noise hazards.

Therefore, these ear protectors must be used by all workers entering the work

area or a noisy factory.

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6. Clothes safety

Safety clothing is made to protect the body from the various hazards posed

by the work. This outfit can be a jacket, vest, belt, shirt, and etc.

7. Respiratory protective equipment

Respiratory protective equipment is functioning separately to prevent the

entry of dust into the respiratory tract. Any labor that goes in a dusty factory

area is required to wear respiratory protective equipment.

2.5 Plant Location

Plant location plays major role in the economical factor in any industry. The

location will mainly affect distribution of raw materials and the distribution of

finished product to the distributors or customers which will affect the cost of

production and final product. In order to increase the efficiency of manufacturing

process and reducing cost of production, we need to find the right place for the


Plant placement must consider the distance of the plant to raw materials,

distance of product distribution, land price and availability, and human resource

available. In addition, the placement of the plant must consider social and politic

acceptance, local regulation, and waste management possibilities.

After those considerations, we decided for the plant facility to be placed in

Kawasan Industri Gresik (KIG), East Java.

Selection of this location is mainly because of the plant is based on

considerations below,

1. Distance from suppliers of raw materials and from customers

Choosing the right location for the plant is very crucial. We need to consider

the distance from our supplier to our plant and the distance of product distribution

in order to maximize the cost efficiency. Considering these aspects, we pick Gresik

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because it is located in East Java and approximately 22.3 km from Surabaya, which

is one of the largest industrial areas in Indonesia. The land price in Gresik is also

significantly cheaper than Surabaya. According to various land-selling

advertisements, land in Gresik cost Rp500.000,00-Rp1.200.000,00 per square

meter while lands in Surabaya’s industrial area like Surabaya Industrial Estate

Rungkut PT. Persero, the land cost Rp2.000.000,00-Rp4.500.000,00 per square


Gresik is also accessible by land and water transportation, while Surabaya

is accessible by land, water, and air transportation. Considering that our target

market is in Java, we decided to choose Gresik because of the land price and


Our raw materials that we need are waste of tapioca and cassava, rice bran,

and fish bones. Source of tapioca and cassava waste will be from flour making

industry and cassava chips factory. We targeted PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur, Tbk.

to be our supplier of cassava and tapioca waste since they are the producer of

various flours and Qtela the cassava chips. According to, PT.

Indofood Sukses Makmur, Tbk. produce 1.1 million MT wheat flour, 57 thousand

MT pollard flour, and 3 million MT wheat waste per year.

Gresik and Surabaya are also located near bay area which means there are

numerous seafood industry which we can buy the fish bones waste from. A few of

seafood processed food producers are PT. Kelola Mina Laut, PT. Indumanis, CV.

Kudatama Mas which are located in Kawasan Industri Gresik.

Considering the product distribution distance, we conclude that gresik is still

the right choise for our plant location since according to BPS, top 3 egg-laying

chicken farmers are in East Java, followed by Central Java and West Java.

2. The availability of land and geographic consideration

To meet the needs of factory land, we need 2500 square meter land area.

According to the official website of Kawasan Industri Gresik (,

remaining area for sale is 26.5 hectare and 9.5 hectare remaining area for rent.

Our plant layout fits the specification needed to build a plant in KIG which is

the minimum area for sale is 2000 sqm which is perfect for our plant size which

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is approximately 2500 sqm and building ratio of maximum 60% : 40 %, our

building to land ratio is approximately 50% : 50%.

3. The utilities and facilities

Gresik Indutrial Estate (KIG) is being well-supported by these


Road access

Waste Water Treatment Plant

Rain water Drainage sewer system


Telecommunication lines from PT Telkom

Electricity supply from PLN

Gas supply from PGN

Water supply from Bengawan Solo River

Garbage Management

24h General Security

Public religious facility

Online Banking Service


Golf courts

Post office, restaurants, etc

4. Transportation and access considerations

Kawasan Industri Gresik is highly accessible by land, which is 33 minutes

away and 22.4 km from Surabaya. KIG is also very near from the sea port which

is only 9 minutes away and 4 km in distance.

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Figure 2.11 Direction, distance, and approximate time to reach Surabaya from KIG

(source: google.maps)

Figure 2.12 Direction, distance, and approximate time to reach Gresik port from KIG

(source: google.maps)

5. The availability of labor

Availability of people in productive age that lives in Gresik is around

600.000 people according to BPS 2013. The minimum wage for Gresik region

is also lower than Jakarta or most West Java region which is 2.5 million rupiah

per month.

6. Social and politics considerations

Socio-political conditions in Kawasan Industri Gresik is also stable and

condusive. PT. Kawasan Industri Gresik as the developer has make sure to keep the

social and politics environment in Gresik is feasible for an industrial area.

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Production capacity is determined from the number of egg layer chicken

population in Indonesia and based on market shared chicken feed producer

data. As the result, chicken feed product production capacity is 0,5%.

There are several preparation process held before going to the core of chicken

feed manufacture, they are fermentation cassava and cassava waste,

preparation of fish bone flour and turmeric powder. After preparing those

material, then they are mixed together, going to the granulation machine, and

packaging machine.

Mass and energy balance are calculated and it represents the amount of product

and the energy consumed.

To simplify the processes occur, the working duration of each machine is

drawn to the gantt chart.

product motto is “Murah Berkualitas” because we feel it represent our aim the

best. The packaging of the product is printed PP (polyproplene) woven sack.

In the plant layout that we have designed, there are 3 different functional areas

of the plant. First are the areas for material delivering, handling, and shipping.

Second is the production area and third are office and employees amenities.

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