revolution in england circa 1600s. part 1: divine right monarchs in england and civil war...

Revolution in England Circa 1600s

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Page 1: Revolution in England Circa 1600s. Part 1: Divine Right Monarchs in England and Civil War “Houston…We’ve got a problem.”

Revolution in England

Circa 1600s

Page 2: Revolution in England Circa 1600s. Part 1: Divine Right Monarchs in England and Civil War “Houston…We’ve got a problem.”

Part 1: Divine Right Monarchs in England and Civil War

“Houston…We’ve got a problem.”

Page 3: Revolution in England Circa 1600s. Part 1: Divine Right Monarchs in England and Civil War “Houston…We’ve got a problem.”

The back story… Queen Elizabeth dies in 1603-….As a result:

No heir… She becomes last of the Tudor monarchs But LOTS of debt…

Throne is passed down to her cousin King James VI of Scotland…who is now King James I (Stuart) of England James is the son of Mary, Queen of Scots…who

Elizabeth had beheaded He is the first of the Stuart dynasty

James I and his son, Charles I, adopt the belief in the “divine right” theory And…they’re Catholic…why is this a problem?

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Divine Right of Kings

Page 5: Revolution in England Circa 1600s. Part 1: Divine Right Monarchs in England and Civil War “Houston…We’ve got a problem.”

Divine Right…recap Evolved during the Middle Ages Kings are God’s representatives on earth…. Kings answered only to God and it was sinful

for subjects to resist them… Justified absolute rule… BUT…

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Parliament? Established around

the 13th century MAGNA CARTA –

signed by King John Placed the king under

the law Limited his powers Gave more powers to


Anyone sensing… trouble???

Page 7: Revolution in England Circa 1600s. Part 1: Divine Right Monarchs in England and Civil War “Houston…We’ve got a problem.”

Let’s make a llllooooonnnngggg story short…

Charles I needs money for wars with Spain and France (Louis XIII) He dissolves Parliament several times because they won’t give him

money Parliament finally agrees to give him money IF he signs the Petition

of Right (places further limits on his power) Reneges on this document- why? Because he’s an absolute monarch

and the limitations contradict absolutism!!! He dissolves Parliament and decides never to call them into session.

AGAIN! So…to raise money, he imposes fees and fines on the English

people…and his popularity continues to wane… He then tries to force everyone to follow one religion-Anglican

(Scots and English)…but enough is enough… The Scots threaten to invade, and he reinstates Parliament to ask

for money…again…so he can fight the Scots. Parliament uses this as an opportunity to oppose him…and WAR


Page 8: Revolution in England Circa 1600s. Part 1: Divine Right Monarchs in England and Civil War “Houston…We’ve got a problem.”

The English Civil War Cavaliers (Royalists)-

those who support the King

Made up of Church of England and Catholic nobility

Wore their hair long

Roundheads-those who support Parliament

Made up mainly of Puritans from Parliament, merchants and bourgeoisie

Roundheads led by Oliver Cromwell

Wore their hair short

Page 9: Revolution in England Circa 1600s. Part 1: Divine Right Monarchs in England and Civil War “Houston…We’ve got a problem.”

The Outcome… 1649: Cromwell and Puritans defeat the

Cavaliers and bring Charles I to trial for treason against Parliament “waging war on Parliament” responsible for “all the murders, burnings,

damages and mischiefs to the nation” Charles refuses to defend himself since he is

God’s representative on earth and no one has the right to pass judgment on him.

January 30th, 1649, Charles I is beheaded. With an axe.

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Part II: The Commonwealth and Restoration


Page 11: Revolution in England Circa 1600s. Part 1: Divine Right Monarchs in England and Civil War “Houston…We’ve got a problem.”

Cromwell’s Rule Cromwell assumes

power and abolishes the monarchy and Parliament.

He establishes a commonwealth, which is a republican form of government.

A constitution is written…and then torn up…and Cromwell becomes a military dictator.

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Life under Cromwell and the Puritans Reforms society—wants to make it moral Abolishes sinful activities

Theater Sporting events Dancing

Tolerates all Christians but not Catholics; allows Jews to return

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The Restoration Cromwell dies in 1658…and the English people

restore Parliament… They are SICK of a military dictatorship. So Parliament brings back the monarchy and

reinstates Charles II, the son of Charles I. Hence, THE RESTORATION. Charles II signs the Habeas Corpus Act, which

prevents the monarch from putting someone in jail for opposing him. Does this sound familiar at all? Basically, it’s an

arraignment hearing Ever heard of…Innocent until proven guilty?

So…things are good…except…Charles II has no heir.

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Part III: The Glorious Revolution

“nipping it in the bud”

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The Glorious Revolution James II (brother) comes to power after Charles II dies. James begins flaunting his Catholicism and dissolves a

protesting Parliament… With the birth of a son, fear cripples the nation…ANOTHER

LINE OF CATHOLIC KINGS?! What to do?!?!?! All hope is NOT lost…there is another child! James II’s daughter, Mary, is Protestant and married to a

Protestant prince, William of Orange (Netherlands) Parliament asks Mary and her husband to overthrow her

father for the sake of Protestantism. William leads an army to London and James flees to France… ALAS! Protestantism is saved. No one had to die. Thus, the

GLORIOUS Revolution (sometimes also known as the Bloodless Revolution).

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Establishing a Constitutional Monarchy Laws limit William and Mary’s powers. Parliament is their partner in governing. Parliament drafts the Bill of Rights in 1689,

and W&M sign it. No monarch can rule without the consent of

Parliament. Parliament cannot rule without the consent of the monarch…Thus…

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The Cabinet System The cabinet system

is developed to serve as a link between Parliament and the monarch.

Cabinet members act in the ruler’s name but represent the major party of Parliament.

The leader of the major party is called the Prime Minister.