r'j maui - evols at university of hawaii at manoa: home · 2015. 6. 2. · asiatics the...

' jtfhat is Besffor Maui : Is Best for the News ry XI & PROFESSIONAL CARDS A f'f, - ATTORNEYS yft . DANIEL H. CASE Attobney at Law W' WAILUKU : : : MAUI fte- -- ' Tclophono 392. WJII n v.. ft? ViVAS ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICES: KEPOIKAI DLOCIC Market Street AUI WAILUKU. i : v. H. DICKEY Attorney and Councelloii at Law 37 S. King St. HONOLULU. Business from Maul people es- pecially solicited. PHYSICIANS Du. JOHN WEDDIOK, WAILUKU. Office Hours: 0 to 10 A. M.. 2 to 4 P. Mi, 7 to 8 p. m. Hospital 10 a. DENTISTS GEO. S AIKEN, D. D. S. Dentist Office, Kawaipai, Puunene and Tf.mt.in. Telephone 82 ' vH'ours. 9 A. M. to 4. P. M. NOTARY PUBLICS. EDMUND H. HART t nt.-- J "DtTTiTir CnNVEYENCER AND .1. - ' ' " Typewriter Agent to Grant Marriage License Office,' Circuit Corut, 2nd Circuit HENRY DICKENSON. Notary Public. LAHATNA, MAUI. MOSES K. NAKUINA "Notary' Public For the Island of Molokai PiTKfiO MOLOKAT H. R. HITOHCOOK NOTARY PUBLIC PUKOO, MOLOKAI Putt, frosty, crystal- - rW Snda Water at our Silver Fountain A hundred varieties of the most celebrated Patent and Proprie- tary Medicines and Domestic ..Remedies Half a hundred differ ent kinds of the most exqui A Toilet Soaps, 'Powders and Creams MAUI DRUG STORE A. VETLESEN, Prop. iHollisterDrugCo. HONOLULU, II. This name on a Package of Drugs or Medicine is a guarantee of the SUPERIOR " QUALITY of the Article. All first class stores handle MAUI of of . No Can Be MAUI, MONROE DOCTRINE PROPOSED BY JAPAN Bar European and American Powers From Further Acquisition Territory Asia. Battle The Straits-Go- rky ROBERTSON ON Republican Greater WAILUKU, Doomed. Than His Party. Cannot Remain In Party If He Deviates Open Letter to Voters. The Scandinavian Trouble. Maui News," Wailuku, Maui. $ In reply to your favor of the 10th inst. Section 5 of the Rules and Regulations governing Elec- - tioiis reads as follows: uAt any intermediate special election the register of voters used at the last preceding general election shall be used with- - j out change." Paragraph 3, Section 2, provides however, " Provided, however, that at any special election, any person who has previously registered, and 'since registering has moved his residence to another 'precinct without having had an oppor- tunity 'to'register therein, vote in the pre- cinct in which he was last registered." Yours truly, C. R. BUCKLAND, Chief Clerk. (In explanation of the above, a letter was written asking the Administration to define the status of voters registered on Oahu and Hawaii.) MONROE DOCTRINF IN ASIA. TOKIO, May 31. Japan is to have a Monroe doctrine for Asia and she will he able to enforce it. There has been more or less talk to this effect in European capitals for somo time, but there is now high authority for saying that an imperial commission, consisting of tho elder statemen, the chiefs of the naval and military staff and others are atwork formulating the plan and scope of tho doctrine and methods of its promulgation and enforcement. The work has practically been completed, but no action will be taken until peace has been com pleted with Russia or until the Russians have been driven from Manchuria. In a general waj the Japanese propose to hold the same relation to Eastern and Southeast- ern Asia that tho United States holds to North and South America. Existing rights of tho powers will be recognized, but there can bo no acquisition of further territory in Asia by any European or American power. The fact of tho existence of this commission has been kept until in tho jubilation of tho over- whelming success of Togo the nature of tho work was whispered" It is also said that France will feel the first effects of tho new doctrine. Tho specific case in which Franco will bo called to answer is tho recent "rectification" of "tho bound- ary between her Indo-Chines- e possessions and tho Chineso Em- pire. Franco so it is alleged, secur- ed the consent of China in quite tho usual way to a chango in tho lines which gave her a rich slico of Chinese territory. Tho "rectifica- tion," it is said, will not ho recog- nized undor tho Japanese Monroo doctrine. Tho feeling in Japan is bitter against France, which to tho Japa- nese mind has acted throughout tho war as an active ally of tho Russians. For the sake of policy tho Japaneso government has up to this time contented itsolf with protests, but in common with other Asiatics the Japaneso have a long memory for injuries and no doubt that Russia's ally will have to pay well for tho assistance which en- abled Rodjestvensky to reach his fate at Tsushima. While tho Japanese authorities H. T., in may secret PARTY TREASON. ao absolutely silent upon tho con dition of the vessels sunk at Port Arthur, it is on tho very best authority that no less than five of tho battleahips have already been raised and are undergoing repairs, In fact, it is said in tome quarters that one or two of these craft took part in tho recent battlo. With these five battleships ad ded to tho five which Japan al ready had, and tho two captured at the Liancourt rocks, and which can easily bo repaired, she will have availabo within a few months at the furthermost a battle lino of twelve modern battleships and eight big armored cruisers. THE BATTLE OF TUB KOREAN STRAITS LONDON. May 31. Tho Daily Mail's Tokio correspondent says that tho captain of the Russian cruiser Admiral Nakhimoff, who is now a prisoner, relates the follow ing story of the battlo between tho Japaneso and Kussian Meets. "Wo first saw tho Japanese at G o'clock on the morning of May 27 when suddenly and unexpectedly wo encountered the enemy's fleet as wo were moving to tho east of Tsu island. They steamed toward us and opened hro. Only ninot)' minutes after tho tiring began a sudden shock was felt undor tho Admiral Nakhimoff and sho began to sink with great rapidity, My belief is that sho either struck mine or a torpedo, iny crow numbered (500 mon, a majority of whom went down in tho ship, as there was no time to got tho men on deck. "Myself and a number ol sur vivors. aided by life belts, swam to a small lunch, and about 10 o'clock in the morning wo wont aboard a fisher-boa- t. All of tho ollicers were sent to Shimonosoki, "In tho encasement fought off Liancourt rock, tho Russian battle shins were surrounded by Japan eso shins, which circled about them, nourine i terrible fire and they almost immediately fel into boneless confusion. Seeing their plight, Vice Admiral Togo signaled from tho battleship Mi kasa a demand to know whether tho Russians were ready to sur- render. Our ships complied with tho domand." SATURDAY, JUNE A7, J 905. Other accounts of tho battlo de- scribe tho roar of tho cannon as so terrible that houses were shaken at Yamaguchi, twenty-eig- ht miles distant, and the people supposed it was an earthquake. Tho Japaneso fleet suffered little. Tho battleship Asahi was often hit and suffered tho heaviest losses, but did not quit tho firine line. dmiral Kamimura was sent southward. Togo's Report. TOKIO, May 30. Admiral To go's supplementary report, which reached tho Navy Department this afternoon, makes the Russian de- feat. a staggering disaster unequal-e- d in naval history. Practically every fighting ship of a once splen- did fleet was either sunk or cap tured, representing a loss of ton- nage exceeding 150,000 tons. The remaining units of the fleet, con- sisting largely of auxiliaries and transports, have been dispersed, some going to Vladivostok and others to the China coast. Ad- miral Rojestvensky, gravely wounded, occupies a cot in a Japa nese hospital, a prisoner of war. Later renorts indicate that tho fightiwg was of the most desperate nature. On Saturday and Sunday there were persistent torpedo at- tacks following heavy gun fight- ing. Admiral Rojestvensky ap- pears to have been hopelessly out- classed in gunnery. It is reported that it was necessary for Admiral Rojestvensky to change his flag- ship five times during tho battle. lie linally took refuge on a torpe do-bo- at destroyer, where ho was captured. Togo's Carefully Laid Ambush TheSe dispatches have already told that while tho world supposed Togo to be at the much-advertiee- d rescador islands, ho was really waiting quietly in tho sheltered harbour of Masampho on the Korean side of tho Korean Strait There, with wireless communi cation in every direction, with the homo fortined ports of Nagasaki, Shiinonoseki and Matsuye to run to m case ol need, with his war- ships in splendid trim and his flotilla of torpedo boat destroyed lyinc ready in tho roadstead- - os busa-n- , with steam up on every craft and with every man and gun ready for action, logo was guard ing tho straits. At the wireless message from basu- - na, "Kussian squadron in sight, l ogo, tho Japanese Admiral, sig naled the formation of attack that had been agreed on and the com bined fleet started to meet the enemy. By this time the clay had advanced, the log had cleared and the seas were again running heav ily. Utt Uuelpart island tho Kussian colmuns were pointed apparently for the Broughton Strait, tho chan- nel that lies between tho Tsu is lands and tho Korean coast, and for a time it looked as though Roiestvensky planned to split his coiumns and send one on each sido of tho islands that divido tho Korean Strait. Admiral Togo thereupon signal cd to increase speed and force r battlo off tho little island of Okino. which lies to tho southeast of Tsushima. TUB SCANDINAVIAN TROUBLE HONOLULU Juno 8. Tho C. Advertiser of today says: Norway has never been satisfied with her compact ol ioi-- i with Sweden and her dosiro for com nlote autonomy has been encourag ed by Russia, a power which, for her own purposes, wants tho Scan dinavian kingdoms to bo divided The Norwegians folt that they were getting tho worst of tho agreement because tho ovor-snauowi- of Sweden gavo her tho inside route commercially and politically; Especially grievous was the preponderance of Swedish consuls who sent trade to their own part of tho kingdom rather than to Norway. Aftor demanding separate consuls m vain, Norway leeislativo body, tho Storthing finally passed a consular bill which King uscar veioeu. in aimcipa tiqn of this veto Norway accumu lateu war material, mined Bomo strategic bridges and heavily gar risoned her forts and is now m position of defense. Tho political condition of the If you wish Prosperity Advertise in the News TWO REGIMENTS OF ARTILLERY FORMED Admiral Avellan Head Grand Duke Alexis Resigns Peice Conference In Washington. CARTER SAYS A. M. 'ublishes in the P. C. Advertiser The Reasons Robbed of One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars on r- - .i i t jxanroaa i rain. (Special by to tho Sugar 96 deg. test, 4:28125. Bgcts lis 10id. June 10. Avellan has become the head (f the Admirality. Grand Duke Alexis WASHINGTON, June 1G. If it is the peace plenipotentiaries will adjourn Juno 1C The formation of two provisional regiments NUMBER Russian Admiralty. BROWN UNFIT PETERSBURG, WASHINGTON, WINDSOR, June. Princes ATartruarito of Connaught and Prince Adoiphus of Sweden were married yesterday. SINGAPORE, Juno 1C Tho Russian cruiser Rion has sailed WASHINGTON June 15. Roosevelt has decided discretion exercised in enforcement of the Chineso exclusion NEW YORK, June 15,-T- he Navy department ha's to place ..ii range finders in tho fighting tops of WASHINGTON, June 15. Tho ington. The Hague or.Geneva roav be BUENOS Juno Floods tho Argcntiuo Republic j 40,000 cattle have beoa drowned. FEZ (Morocco) June England conference over Morocco. Juno 's Advertiser Governor specifies Arthur Brown's unfitness ATHENS, June --The Premier sassinated yesterday a gambler vnf fot bo 15. are 15. 15. In P. for 14. by the tho just he was emerging from his carriage, Tho doed was ono of revenge, Delyannis closed the gambling ESSEN, Juno 14. Three thousand discharged for belonging to labor unions. BERLIN, Juno 14. It has chau, Germany's port in North China. , JUNIN, Chile, Juno 13. Bubonic people of tho placo are fleeing. FORT DE FRANCE, Martinique, ing signs of activity.. BOSTON, June, Henry Comstock was robbed of $120,000 in steamer hf today. a,i;r,n,.;nn lrinmlnm nr kinir- - doms is not quite analogous to that of the United States before tho Civil War, because Norway Sweden aro both, in large de- gree, independent. Tho King rules according to tho constitutional provisions of each kingdom; the constitution, laws and government of each aro distinct tho other. Tho common affairs aro regulated in combined meetings of members of tho Swedish Norwegian councils of State. A decision on tho part of Norway to annul the partnership could hardly bo treat- ed as a rebellion, although tho Swedish government may choso to regard it is such. It will ho in- teresting to note whether the powers comprising tho long dis-dand- Holly Alliance, which established Scandinavian union in 1814 will consider themselves bound, in this latter day, to pro tect it. Certainly Russia would not. MAXIM GORKY DOOMED, ODESSA, May 20. Reports re- ceived from Yalta, in tho Crimea, regarding Gorky's health aro anything but encouraging. Tho physical and mental suffer- ings of tho hist three months havo entirely tho famous author's always delicate constitution, though it is still hoped that tho balmy air of tho South may prolong his lifo for somo time. That ho is doomed to an early death no ono doubts any longer. .r'j 18 of IS T"1 ' nague in umi. has resigned as High Admiral. uncomfortably hot in Washington to a northern summer resort. War Department has ordered the of field artillery. Wireless News.) ST. Admiral Odessa. that the law. decided been and from and U. S. warswhlps of guns. - - AYRES, devastating HONOLULU C. as having places. 12. on a ro Maxim mined instead pcaco program is focusing. Wash-- . selected as the place of conference, has refused to join an international ' , the ofneo he seeks. of Greece, Mr. Delyanuis, wps as named Gherakaris. He was stabbed workmen in Westphalia have been decided to extensively fortify Kiao- - plague has appeared here, and tho June 13. Mount Peleo is manifest Robertson on Party rrenson HONOLULU, June 12. According to the judgment of National Committee- man A. G. M. Robertson, a Republican who delibertely goes out of his way to oppose the nominee of the party conven- tion cattnot remain a Republican except in his own imagination. "No Republican can be greater than his party," said Robertson, when he was asked the question this morning. "He cannot be above his party in'' any way. This is the position that both the'organi- - zation' and the 'administration have al- ways taken heretofore with respect to the aspirations of individual Republicans. It is regarded as a duty that ever' Re- publican ows to his party to abide by the platform and to support the candi- dates which the party in convention as- sembled decides to place before the voters. "Only iu a most extreme aud flagrant case can a person claiming to 1k a Re- publican refuse to vote for a regular party nominee, and the limit of his dis- sent should be confined, to the mere failure to cast his vote far the objection- able nominee. "Under no circumitanccs is a member of the party justified in offering himself as a candididate or accepting nomina- tion in opposition to the rygular party nominee. When ho does so ho showsf' that he thinks that he is bigger tlmn tlio wholelparty, and he cutis to to be 11 uiernr of the party, except in" his own perverted imagination. v 14 V 11 jM I '0B .

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Page 1: r'j MAUI - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 6. 2. · Asiatics the Japaneso have a long memory for injuries and no doubt ... ready for action, logo was guard

' jtfhat is Besffor Maui


Is Best for the NewsryXI


f'f, - ATTORNEYSyft .

DANIEL H. CASEAttobney at Law


fte- --' Tclophono 392. WJII






Market StreetAUIWAILUKU. i :

v. H. DICKEYAttorney and Councelloii at Law

37 S. King St. HONOLULU.

Business from Maul people es-

pecially solicited.



Office Hours:0 to 10 A. M.. 2 to 4 P. Mi,

7 to 8 p. m. Hospital 10 a.



DentistOffice, Kawaipai, Puunene and

Tf.mt.in. Telephone 82

' vH'ours. 9 A. M. to 4. P. M.



nt.-- J "DtTTiTir CnNVEYENCER AND.1. -

' ' " TypewriterAgent to Grant Marriage License

Office,' Circuit Corut, 2nd Circuit



MOSES K. NAKUINA"Notary' Public

For the Island of Molokai




Putt, frosty, crystal--

rW Snda Water at

our Silver Fountain

A hundred varieties of the mostcelebrated Patent and Proprie-

tary Medicines and Domestic


Half a hundred differ

ent kinds of the mostexquiA Toilet Soaps,

'Powders and Creams



iHollisterDrugCo.HONOLULU, II.

This name on a Package

of Drugs or Medicine is a

guarantee of the SUPERIOR

"QUALITY of the Article.

All first class stores handle



of .

No Can Be




Bar European and American Powers From

Further Acquisition Territory Asia.

Battle The Straits-Go- rky


Republican Greater



Than His Party. CannotRemain In Party If He Deviates Open Letter

to Voters. The Scandinavian Trouble.

Maui News," Wailuku, Maui. $

In reply to your favor of the 10th inst. Section5 of the Rules and Regulations governing Elec- -tioiis reads as follows: uAt any intermediatespecial election the register of voters used at thelast preceding general election shall be used with-- jout change."

Paragraph 3, Section 2, provides however," Provided, however, that at any special election,any person who has previously registered, and'since registering has moved his residence toanother 'precinct without having had an oppor-tunity 'to'register therein, vote in the pre-cinct in which he was last registered."

Yours truly,C. R. BUCKLAND,

Chief Clerk.(In explanation of the above, a letter was written asking

the Administration to define the status of voters registeredon Oahu and Hawaii.)


TOKIO, May 31. Japan is tohave a Monroe doctrine for Asiaand she will he able to enforce it.There has been more or less talkto this effect in European capitalsfor somo time, but there is nowhigh authority for saying that animperial commission, consisting oftho elder statemen, the chiefs ofthe naval and military staff andothers are atwork formulating theplan and scope of tho doctrine andmethods of its promulgation andenforcement.

The work has practically beencompleted, but no action will betaken until peace has been completed with Russia or until theRussians have been driven fromManchuria. In a general waj theJapanese propose to hold the samerelation to Eastern and Southeast-ern Asia that tho United Statesholds to North and South America.Existing rights of tho powers willbe recognized, but there can bo noacquisition of further territory inAsia by any European or Americanpower.

The fact of tho existence of thiscommission has been keptuntil in tho jubilation of tho over-whelming success of Togo thenature of tho work was whispered"It is also said that France will feelthe first effects of tho new doctrine.

Tho specific case in which Francowill bo called to answer is thorecent "rectification" of "tho bound-ary between her Indo-Chines- e

possessions and tho Chineso Em-pire. Franco so it is alleged, secur-ed the consent of China in quitetho usual way to a chango in tholines which gave her a rich slico ofChinese territory. Tho "rectifica-tion," it is said, will not ho recog-nized undor tho Japanese Monroodoctrine.

Tho feeling in Japan is bitteragainst France, which to tho Japa-nese mind has acted throughouttho war as an active ally of thoRussians. For the sake of policytho Japaneso government has upto this time contented itsolf withprotests, but in common with otherAsiatics the Japaneso have a longmemory for injuries and no doubtthat Russia's ally will have to paywell for tho assistance which en-

abled Rodjestvensky to reach hisfate at Tsushima.

While tho Japanese authorities

H. T.,





ao absolutely silent upon tho condition of the vessels sunk at PortArthur, it is on tho very bestauthority that no less than five oftho battleahips have already beenraised and are undergoing repairs,In fact, it is said in tome quartersthat one or two of these craft tookpart in tho recent battlo.

With these five battleships added to tho five which Japan already had, and tho two capturedat the Liancourt rocks, and whichcan easily bo repaired, she willhave availabo within a few monthsat the furthermost a battle lino oftwelve modern battleships andeight big armored cruisers.


LONDON. May 31. Tho DailyMail's Tokio correspondent saysthat tho captain of the Russiancruiser Admiral Nakhimoff, who isnow a prisoner, relates the following story of the battlo between thoJapaneso and Kussian Meets."Wo first saw tho Japanese at G

o'clock on the morning of May 27when suddenly and unexpectedlywo encountered the enemy's fleetas wo were moving to tho east ofTsu island. They steamed towardus and opened hro. Only ninot)'minutes after tho tiring begana sudden shock was felt undor thoAdmiral Nakhimoff and sho beganto sink with great rapidity, Mybelief is that sho either struckmine or a torpedo, iny crownumbered (500 mon, a majority ofwhom went down in tho ship, asthere was no time to got tho menon deck.

"Myself and a number ol survivors. aided by life belts, swamto a small lunch, and about 10o'clock in the morning wo wontaboard a fisher-boa- t. All of thoollicers were sent to Shimonosoki,

"In tho encasement fought off

Liancourt rock, tho Russian battleshins were surrounded by Japaneso shins, which circled aboutthem, nourine i terrible fireand they almost immediately felinto boneless confusion. Seeingtheir plight, Vice Admiral Togosignaled from tho battleship Mikasa a demand to know whethertho Russians were ready to sur-render. Our ships complied withtho domand."


Other accounts of tho battlo de-

scribe tho roar of tho cannon as soterrible that houses were shaken atYamaguchi, twenty-eig- ht milesdistant, and the people supposedit was an earthquake.

Tho Japaneso fleet suffered little.Tho battleship Asahi was often hitand suffered tho heaviest losses,but did not quit tho firine line.

dmiral Kamimura was sentsouthward.

Togo's Report.TOKIO, May 30. Admiral To

go's supplementary report, whichreached tho Navy Department thisafternoon, makes the Russian de-

feat. a staggering disaster unequal-e- d

in naval history. Practicallyevery fighting ship of a once splen-did fleet was either sunk or captured, representing a loss of ton-nage exceeding 150,000 tons. Theremaining units of the fleet, con-sisting largely of auxiliaries andtransports, have been dispersed,some going to Vladivostok andothers to the China coast. Ad-

miral Rojestvensky, gravelywounded, occupies a cot in a Japanese hospital, a prisoner of war.

Later renorts indicate that thofightiwg was of the most desperatenature. On Saturday and Sundaythere were persistent torpedo at-

tacks following heavy gun fight-ing. Admiral Rojestvensky ap-pears to have been hopelessly out-classed in gunnery. It is reportedthat it was necessary for AdmiralRojestvensky to change his flag-ship five times during tho battle.lie linally took refuge on a torpedo-bo- at destroyer, where ho wascaptured.

Togo's Carefully Laid AmbushTheSe dispatches have already

told that while tho world supposedTogo to be at the much-advertiee- d

rescador islands, ho was reallywaiting quietly in tho shelteredharbour of Masampho on theKorean side of tho Korean StraitThere, with wireless communication in every direction, with thehomo fortined ports of Nagasaki,Shiinonoseki and Matsuye to runto m case ol need, with his war-ships in splendid trim and hisflotilla of torpedo boat destroyedlyinc ready in tho roadstead- - osbusa-n- , with steam up on everycraft and with every man and gunready for action, logo was guarding tho straits.At the wireless message from basu- -

na, "Kussian squadron in sight,l ogo, tho Japanese Admiral, signaled the formation of attack thathad been agreed on and the combined fleet started to meet theenemy. By this time the clay hadadvanced, the log had cleared andthe seas were again running heavily.

Utt Uuelpart island tho Kussiancolmuns were pointed apparentlyfor the Broughton Strait, tho chan-nel that lies between tho Tsu islands and tho Korean coast, andfor a time it looked as thoughRoiestvensky planned to split hiscoiumns and send one on eachsido of tho islands that divido thoKorean Strait.

Admiral Togo thereupon signalcd to increase speed and force r

battlo off tho little island of Okino.which lies to tho southeast ofTsushima.


HONOLULU Juno 8. ThoC. Advertiser of today says:

Norway has never been satisfiedwith her compact ol ioi-- i withSweden and her dosiro for comnlote autonomy has been encouraged by Russia, a power which, forher own purposes, wants tho Scandinavian kingdoms to bo dividedThe Norwegians folt that they weregetting tho worst of tho agreementbecause tho ovor-snauowi-

of Sweden gavo hertho inside route commercially andpolitically; Especially grievouswas the preponderance of Swedishconsuls who sent trade to their ownpart of tho kingdom rather thanto Norway. Aftor demandingseparate consuls m vain, Norwayleeislativo body, tho Storthingfinally passed a consular bill whichKing uscar veioeu. in aimcipatiqn of this veto Norway accumulateu war material, mined Bomostrategic bridges and heavily garrisoned her forts and is now mposition of defense.

Tho political condition of the

If you wish Prosperity

Advertise in the News



Admiral Avellan Head

Grand Duke Alexis Resigns PeiceConference In Washington.


'ublishes in the P. C. Advertiser The Reasons Robbedof One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars on

r-- .i i tjxanroaa i rain.

(Special by to tho

Sugar 96 deg. test, 4:28125. Bgcts lis 10id.

June 10. Avellan has become the head(f the Admirality. Grand Duke Alexis

WASHINGTON, June 1G. If it isthe peace plenipotentiaries will adjourn

Juno 1C Theformation of two provisional regiments


Russian Admiralty.




WINDSOR, June. Princes ATartruarito of Connaught and PrinceAdoiphus of Sweden were married yesterday.

SINGAPORE, Juno 1C Tho Russian cruiser Rion has sailed

WASHINGTON June 15. Roosevelt has decided discretionexercised in enforcement of the Chineso exclusion

NEW YORK, June 15,-T- he Navy department ha's to place ..iirange finders in tho fighting tops of

WASHINGTON, June 15. Thoington. The Hague or.Geneva roav be

BUENOS Juno Floods tho ArgcntiuoRepublic j 40,000 cattle have beoa drowned.

FEZ (Morocco) June Englandconference over Morocco.

Juno 's Advertiser Governorspecifies Arthur Brown's unfitness

ATHENS, June --The Premiersassinated yesterday a gambler




15. are


15. In P.for




just he was emerging from his carriage, Tho doed was ono of revenge,Delyannis closed the gambling

ESSEN, Juno 14. Three thousanddischarged for belonging to labor unions.

BERLIN, Juno 14. It haschau, Germany's port in North China.


JUNIN, Chile, Juno 13. Bubonicpeople of tho placo are fleeing.

FORT DE FRANCE, Martinique,ing signs of activity..

BOSTON, June, Henry Comstock was robbed of $120,000 in

steamer hf today.

a,i;r,n,.;nn lrinmlnm nr kinir- -

doms is not quite analogous tothat of the United States beforetho Civil War, because Norway

Sweden aro both, in large de-

gree, independent. Tho King rulesaccording to tho constitutionalprovisions of each kingdom; theconstitution, laws and governmentof each aro distinct tho other.Tho common affairs aro regulatedin combined meetings of membersof tho Swedish Norwegiancouncils of State. A decision ontho part of Norway to annul thepartnership could hardly bo treat-ed as a rebellion, although thoSwedish government may choso toregard it is such. It will ho in-

teresting to note whether thepowers comprising tho long dis-dand-

Holly Alliance, whichestablished Scandinavian union in1814 will consider themselvesbound, in this latter day, to protect it. Certainly Russia wouldnot.


ODESSA, May 20. Reports re-

ceived from Yalta, in tho Crimea,regarding Gorky's healtharo anything but encouraging.

Tho physical and mental suffer-

ings of tho hist three months havoentirely tho famous author'salways delicate constitution, thoughit is still hoped that tho balmy airof tho South may prolong his lifofor somo time. That ho is doomedto an early death no ono doubtsany longer.





T"1 'nague in umi.

has resigned as High Admiral.

uncomfortably hot in Washingtonto a northern summer resort.

War Department has ordered theof field artillery.

Wireless News.)

ST. Admiral


thatthe law.






U. S. warswhlps of guns. - -

AYRES, devastating


ashaving places.


on a ro




pcaco program is focusing. Wash-- .

selected as the place of conference,

has refused to join an international',

the ofneo he seeks.

of Greece, Mr. Delyanuis, wps asnamed Gherakaris. He was stabbed

workmen in Westphalia have been

decided to extensively fortify Kiao- -

plague has appeared here, and tho

June 13. Mount Peleo is manifest

Robertson on Party rrenson

HONOLULU, June 12. According tothe judgment of National Committee-

man A. G. M. Robertson, a Republicanwho delibertely goes out of his way tooppose the nominee of the party conven-

tion cattnot remain a Republican exceptin his own imagination.

"No Republican can be greater thanhis party," said Robertson, when he was

asked the question this morning. "Hecannot be above his party in'' any way.

This is the position that both the'organi- -

zation' and the 'administration have al-

ways taken heretofore with respect to theaspirations of individual Republicans.

It is regarded as a duty that ever' Re-

publican ows to his party to abide bythe platform and to support the candi-

dates which the party in convention as-

sembled decides to place before thevoters.

"Only iu a most extreme aud flagrantcase can a person claiming to 1k a Re-

publican refuse to vote for a regularparty nominee, and the limit of his dis-

sent should be confined, to the merefailure to cast his vote far the objection-

able nominee."Under no circumitanccs is a member

of the party justified in offering himselfas a candididate or accepting nomina-

tion in opposition to the rygular partynominee. When ho does so ho showsf'

that he thinks that he is bigger tlmn tlio

wholelparty, and he cutis to to be 11

uiernr of the party, except in" his own

perverted imagination.


V11 jMI


Page 2: r'j MAUI - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 6. 2. · Asiatics the Japaneso have a long memory for injuries and no doubt ... ready for action, logo was guard


THE MAUI NEWSEntered at the Tost Office at Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii, as second-clas- s matter.

A Republican Paper Published in the Interest of the People.

Issued Every Saturday.

Maul Publishing Company, Limited.Proprietors nnd Publishers,

The columns of the N'kws admit communications on pertinent topics. Write onlyon one side of paper. Sign your name which will be held confidential if desired.

SuBscuirnoN Rates, in Apvaxce .$2.50 per Year, $1.50 Six Months

C L. CLEMENT, ... Editor nd Manager... JUNE 1005SATURDAY, - - 17,

REGULAR REPUBLICAN NOMINEESFor Treasurer L. M. Bnldw In" Auditor Chnrles L. Wilcox

Attorney Daniel H. Case" Sheriff W. Ii. Saliery" County Clerk W. F. Kane

Asia tor And now comes Japan with a Monroe doctrinethe Asiatics prohibiting the acquisition of further territory

in Asia by any European or Aniericnn power. Japan proposes tohold the same relation as a power in the Orient that the unitedStates does in America. That she is fully capable of doing this isproven by the manner in which she has conducted the presentwar. France is expected to be the first to feel the effects of thenew doctrine.

Your Next Tuesday is the day on which shall he decided byVote the vote of the people who will conduct the affairs of

Maui County. It is the auty of every voter to usurp his right offranchise and vote, but it is not his duty to vote blindly; lose sightof friends, relatives, and brothers even if necessary. Weigh thecandidates, and those that are found wanting in the necessaryqualifications to fit them to hold the office cast them one side. Votefor men whom you know are responsible; men in whom you wouldplace implicit confidence and who you willingly trust wUh vourbusiness affairs. MEX HO ARE A SUCCESS IN THE EVERY-DAY BUSINESS WORLD, ARE THE MEN WHO SHOULD CON-DUCT THE AFFAIRS OF THE COUNTY. VOTE ACCORDINGLY.

Roads For It has been rumored that the appropriation forTourists the building of the road up Iao will again be held

up. First for political reasons, and second because it means theexpenditure of funds which would not benefit the public that itwas a road not in general use-i- n other words, it was not a countyroad. That is true and it was never claimed that it would benefitthe business traveling public, but it will be of benefit to the plea-sure traveling public. Iao valley and canyons is one of the manybeauty spots of Maui, which the Government has never made anyeffort to make attractive. People anxious to see the canyons andtable lands have to contend with hardships. California has madeherself famous as an agricultural and mineral state and her sea-side and mountain retreats a house-hol- d cord by inviting a visitwithin her boundaries whicn became pleasurable memories innu-merably recalled for years afterwards.

The Motor Now that the motor car has come to Maui toCar stay, the News believes it will not be prema

ture to take up. this question which has agitated communitieswherever the auto has made its appearance as a conveyance ofpleasure. As a conveyance for transporting cumbersome and ab-

normally large loads the auto-dra- y is not a vehicle tint one needworry about. It is only the pleasure auto in the hands of recklessdrivers who have no consideration for the welfare or rights ofothers which has done so much to retard the progress of thismodern mode of rapid transportation. Not only are the accidentscaused by automobiles on the increase, but far many more can belaid to the "wild desire" of the chauffur to " beat time" on high-ways utilized by horse and foot passengers, than to the railroadcompanies who vie with each other by forcing the trains to cutdown distances by increase of speed. The auto clubs and otherorganizations can do much every owner of a motor con do hispart--towar- ds setting up and maintaining a code of rules embrac-ing good manners and decent behavior ou tbe road. It will takeconsiderable time for horses to become accustomed to the "antics"of their successors, but in the meantime motorists can lend theirinfluence for the ultimate good by adopting a code of road andstieat rules which will insure the driver of a spirited horse areasonable degree of safety and at the same time lessen the preju-dice existing against the automobile. The auto has come to stayand eventually, when the novelty hus worn off, and the protectivepatents which places the auto above the reach of the masses hasexpired, this mode of conveyance will succeed that of animalpower and become as common as the horse drawn carriage of today

Repubalika Ka Heke Aole kanaka i hanauia mai e ka wahine e hiO Ka Naauao jjj fee olelo ae aole pololei o na olelo i boikeiae pill ana do ka hooponopono ana i ke Aupuni Kalana. lua aole ko-h- o

na poe kupoco i ke koho balota i na poe hoopono, Da poe makaukau, cupoe hiliuaia e na baueko ams na poe koikoi o ka aina, he mea oiaio e huikauana na hooponopono aupuni o ke Kaiana, a e ili mai an? ia hana hilahila ma-lun- a

o na poe e hilinai kuhihevra nei ka niauao ma ke ano hoaloha. Heokoaka hoaloha, a he okoa na hana hooponopono aupuni. Aole i oolea na wawaeo ke aupuni kalana oiai akahi no i hoomakaia. Ke ake mai nei ka Lapanuima kela aoao no na kulana i loaa ka maua me ka ike iho no aole i makau-kau, aole i loaa ka hilinai ia e na poe kuonoono; aka ke haaele nei lakou i kahilahila, a ke ubi mai nei i ko lakou mau maka me ka uhi eljele i nalo ko la-

kou hawawu. He poe naauao na kanaka Hawaii. E like me ko oukou hoi-k- e

piha ana i ko oukou n&auao lua ole ma o ko oukou koho ana i ka paa ba-lota o na Kcpubalika ma ke Kau Koho o kela tnakahiki iho nei, pela oukoue hoike mai ai i ke ao bolookoa i ko oukou kakoo naueole i ka aoao i hookopono i ka lakou mea i boohiki ai iraua o ka lebulehu, e hele lakou i ka Aha-olel- o

a haawi mai ia oukou i Kanawai Kalana, ka milimili a ka Lahui. Uahota mai ka Hiapo ka hiiato a oukou, a ua apoonia mai nei e ka Aba Kie-ki-

No'.aila he hoike maopopo lea loa ia o ka naauao pal en a oleona mohooka aoao Repubalika a oukou i hoohanohano aku nei i ka Aha Olelo. Ua ho-a- o

ka aoao Home Rula i Kanawai Kalana mamua a pahua ko lakou ike. Ona alakai ana a ka manawa.ua waihoia a na ka aoao tiepubalika e waihoaku l Kanawai Ivalam linua o ka lehulehu. He oia:o aole no 1 laulaaa loaka maua; aka aole kanawai i hanaia ma ke ao nei i loaa ka mana piba i ki- -

t'ohi. O ke Kumu Kanawai o Amerika Hui Puia i bakuia ma Piladelepia i

ka makahiki 1787 e na poe lae oo o ia aiua kaeaea ma ka uaauao, e GeorgeYVasbiugton, Alexander Hamilton, a pela aku, aoie no i loaa ka mana pihal kiLolu. Inu oukou e heluhem ia Kumu Kanawai e ike no oukou he umikumamalima (13) mau pakui hou. Aka oia Kumu Kaoawai ke kumu alakainana e hooponopouo nei kekahi aupuni holo mua loa a ke ao uei i iae ai, aEurupa bolookoa e weli mai uei, a ka Liona hoi e hoomilimali mai nei. luae oni na 80 miliona Amerika, naka hsalulu na kuli o ke ao holookoa. Oiakumu kanawai kiai mau mai nei i ka pono ou e ke kanaka Hawaii. Aia beantaue 20 o na moku kaua o ka papa ekahi o Amerika e hoea koke mankawa pokolo no ka boopakele aua l ke kanaka lla.van e boaoia aua e hoopilvkia e kekahi nana e ae. O ke Kanawai Kalana kekahi hapa o ke KumuKauawui Kumu o Amerika, a nolaila he mea keia na ke Kanaka Hawaii, -Wane, wahiue a keiki, e haaiieo iho ai, a i mea e mau ai ia haaheo mai kohol ua poe bawawa, na maukauka boebewa; aka e kobo i poe lae oo, na pinkuaolohe o ka Aoao Repubalika, na poe a oukou e hoohewahewa ole ai i kaneauao, na poe hiki ke biUnaua e ua poe koikoi iloko o ka i ina. Eaukaiiaka kakou, e kjho i ka Paa Balota Ho'oukoa o ka Aoao Repubalika.



JVNE TERM, 1905.


. Gentlemen of the Grand Jury:You have been gammoned to apnpnr before this Court to attendas' Grand Jurors at its Juno 1905Tprm. oneiiinir this day, and Ideem it the Court's duty to haveyour attention directed to tne mostimportant duties which devolveupon Grand Jurors:

Grand Jurors are probably themost important bodies connectedwith the disposal, especially, ofmatters criminal, In carrying outyour duties as Grand Jurors, youmust always hear in mind thatyou are to pass upon matters eitherdirectly brought to your attentionhv this! Court, or by the AttorneyGeneral's Department, and in sodnimr. villi have iurisdiction of allmatters that niav he brought toyour knowledge in violation oi uieiawsof the Territory of Hawaii.Although you are an inquisitorialhodv, the law demands that for a

Grand Jurv to indict any peisonbrought htfore it charged with thecommission of any offence, suchcharge must he substantiated toyour satisfaction by such evidencethat will be clear to your mindsthat such person charged as afore-- 1

found cuiltv before a

Trial Jury, and in all such mattersand charges, it is your amy to

without fear of or favorto, anvone. In no case can joucompel the attendance of anyperson charged with the omniis-sio- h

of any offence, but such .per-c,- .

oftpr hnvinar signified hisdesire, do so, when you feel in suchcases you may avoid delay to part-ies interested, and unnecessary ex

pense to the government.t c. .1: ;,i,i;,.ti.nint vonr111 IIIIUIII Ull limiMi"---- ! J -

earnest and mature considerationis required, us the personal libertyr.f in.iividiiiils. at least for a while,depends on the result of your investigation. lour attention isalso called to the very importantfact, that besides theduties alreadyenumerated bv this Court, it is

also expected of you that allegedof Dllblic officers.

and" other matters of a publicnature, shall receive your careiuinltfnfion. and to that end, willcall vour attention to the following departments: Sherift 8 ollice,police, road-hoar- d, education, pub-

lic lands and other governmentolliees.

Tim Court deems it its duty toinstruct vou. that in order to ob

tain good results from investigations of Grand Juries, mat youacquaint yourselves with the find

ings of any, oranu jury jipredecessors.All flip vee ords of this Court are

open to your investigation and inspection.

The matter of the recent strikeson our plantations is to be regret-

ted, and I charge you to carefullyinvestigate into the same, thecauses which led to it and everything pertaining thereto.

You have the process of thisllinc the attendance

of witnesses living within this Territory in all matters brought before..mi ov.rl fViia (lonrt. will. UDOll

your request, always be glad toassist you in issuing sucn v rus us

niav be required in the premises.Thorn must, he at least thirteeen

of your number present when dis- -

posing oi any maiier uiuugu.for your deliberation, so muici-me- nt

shall be found nor any pre-

sentment made without the con-currence, of at twelve of you...... i i.

You are especially instrucieci Dy

thia ( onrt. that in no case is aGrand Juror to take part in thpHplibpmtion of anv matter inwhich he is in any way interestedin the outcome. oi suca cienueration.

The Court recommends that youniav. consistently with the importance of matters brought beforeyou, carry out your worn expeditiously und as economically aspossible.

Absolute secrecy is required oiyou in every matter that maytranspire before your body, as thepublicity of the same may leadinterested parties in attempting toinfluence Grand Jurors, and incase of any such attempt, suchsuch fact should immediately bereported to this court, ihetherefore warns and cautions younot to in any way divulge mattersbrought to your attention beforethe same has been disposed of inopen court, a violation of this willbe visited by severe punishment atthe hands of this Court, which theCourt hopes there will he no oc-

casion to do, at this present term.Every witness and all interpretersemployed bv you should be swornand admonished to keep inviolatewhat transpires within their hear-ing.

The prosecuting officer at thepresent Term of this Court, the re--



At Chambers In Probate.

In the matter of the Estate ofManoel Pereira Pico, late of Kaupa-kulua- ,

Maui, deceased.Order for Notice of Hearing Petition

for Probate of Will.A document purporting to be the

Last Will and Testament of ManoelPereira Pico, deceased, having onthe 13th day of June, A. D. 1905,been presented to said ProbateCourt, and a Petition for the Pro-bate thereof, and for the Issuance ofLetters Testamentary to Joana P.Pico, having been filed by Joana P.Pico :

It-i- s hereby ordered that Monday,the 241.h dav of July, A. D. 1905, at10 o'clock A M. of said day, at theCourt room of said Court, at Wailuku,Island of Maui, Territory of Hawaii,be aiid the same hereby is appointedthe time and place for proving saidWill and hearing said application.

It is further ordered, that noticethereof be given, by publication, oncea week for three successive weeks, inthe" Maui News," a newspaper pub-lished in Wailuku, Island of Maui,Territory of Hawaii, the last publica-tion to be not less than ten days pre-vious to the time therein appointedfor hearing.

Dated at Wailuku, this 13th dayof June, 1905.

Hy the Court :

(Seal) EDMUND H. HART,Clerk.

June 17, 24, July 1, 8.


presentative of the Attorney Gen-eral's Department, will wait uponyou for the purpose of advisingyou on the law in all iratters thatmay come before you for delibera-tion.

You may appoint one of yournumber to act as clerk to recordand preserve the minutes of yourproceedings,

I now appoint George O. Cooperyour foreman.

You will now please proceed todo your duty.

A. N. KEPOIKAI,Judge of the Circuit Court of the

Second Circuit; T. II.Dated at Wailuku, Maui,June 14th. 1905.

ti"!nmSi!7m7inmtmm i urn


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Page 3: r'j MAUI - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 6. 2. · Asiatics the Japaneso have a long memory for injuries and no doubt ... ready for action, logo was guard




WUEREAS, ACT 39 of the Regu-- 'lar Session of 1905 of the Legislatureto the Territory of Hawaii providesthat an Election shall be held on thTwentieth day of June, A. D. Nineteen Hundred and Five, for the firsElection of County Officers, and thaa proclamation Hhall be made by theGovernor immediately upon the passage and approval of said Act:

THKKlfirUUK, In accor' dannn t.liptpcvlf.li T. nF.nPRK' CARTER, Governor of the Territory

of Hawaii, hereby gives notice thata special election for county officersof the several Counties of the Terrltory of Hawaii, will be held on Tuesday, the,20th day of Juno, A. D. 1905between the hours of 8 o'clock A. M

and 5 o'clock P. M., in each Countythroughout the Territory, except theCounty of Kalawao including KaUupapa, Kalawao and Waikolu on theIsland of Molokai.

The Counties are as follows:,1 fPTI t' TOT A .T rv TH AUTTTTI. i 1 1 i'i iriittMiM tin iftrill

and all other Islands in the Territorynot included in any other County, andthe waters adjacent thereto, shall bethe County of Oahu, with its CountyScat at Honolulu.

2. THE ISLAND OF HAWAIIand all other Islands lying withinthree nautical miles of the shorethereof, and the waters adjacenthereto, shall be the County of Hawoii, with its County Seat at Hilo,

3. THE ISLANDS OF MAUIMOLOKAI, LANAI ANDKAHOOLAWE and all ether Islands lyingwithin three nautical miles of theshores thereof, and the waters adjacent thereto, except that portionor the island or Molokai known asKalaupapa, Kalawao and Waikoluand commonly known and designatedas the Leper Settlement, shall be theCounty of Maui, with its County Seatat Wailuku.

4. THE ISLANDS OF KAUAIand NIIHAU and all other Islandslying within three nautical miles ofthe shores thereof, and the watersadjacent thereto, ehall be the Countyof Kauai, with its County Seat, atLihue.

COUNTY OFFICERS.County officers to be elected for

the County of Maui.FIVE SUPERVISORS, one being

from each of the Five Districts of La- -

haina, Wailuku, liana, Makawao andMolokai, excepting the Leper Settlement.

SHERIFF, who shall beCoroner: COUNTY CLERK, whoshall be io Clerk of the Boardof Supervisors; AUDITOR; ASSESSOR and TAX COLLECTOR;COUNTY ATTORNEY, TREASURER; all to be elected by the dulyqualified Electors of the County.

DEPUTY SHERIFF, and a DEPUTY ASSESSOR and TAX COLLECTOR, to be elected by the qualified Electors of each and every District.

REGISTRATION PRECINCTS.The Registration Precincts are as



Islands of Maui, Molokai, LanaiAND KaHOOLAWE.

SECOND PRECINCT. That por-tio- n

of Mckokai bounded on the castby Honouliwai and Halawa, and onthe west by Kawela and the FirstPrecinct. Poll'ng, Place PukooCourt use.

THIRD PRECINCT. That portionof West Maul lying between thelands of Waikapu in the District ofWailuku and the lands of Honokawaiin the District of Kaanapali. PollingPlace Circuit Court House of La-hain-

FOURTH PRECINCT. That portiou of West Maui lying between thelands of Hanakaoo and Waihee,known as Kaanapali. Polling PlaceHonokahau School House.

FIFTH PRECINCT. The Is land ofLanai. Polling Place KahalepalaoaStore House.

SIXTH PRECINCT. That portionof the District of Wailuku lying southof Wailuku Stream and west of a 'hierunning from the mouth of WailukuStream southerly along the sand billsto Maalaea Bay and including theIsland of Kahoolawe. Polling PlaceCircuit Court House at Wailuku.

SEVENTH PRECINCT. That por-tio- n

of the District of Wailuku bound-ed by the Sixth Precinct, the sea,the lands of Pulehunui, KalialinuijIf alius, llokuula and Ilamakuapoko



and the sea. Polling Place SugarRoom of Puuncne Mill.

EI3HTII PRECINCT All thaportion of Kula on East Maui lywest of a line from Honuaula to thenorth boundary of Pulehunui on theline of the two hills, Puu o Kali anPuu o Koha. Polling Place Hospital Building at Kihei.

NINTH PRECINCT. The remainder of Kula and that portion of Hamakuapoko lying southwest of theMaliko Guich and mauka of the roadlunning from Kaluanul to the Makawao Jail and a line in extension thereof. , Polling Place Kealahou SchoolHouse.

TENTH FRECINCT. The remaincier or ilamakuapoko and that portion of Hamakualoa lying west of theHalthaku Stream. Polling PlaceIlamakuapoko Mill.

ELEVENTH PRECINCT. Thatportion of East Maui lying betweenHalehaku and Opuola Streams. Polling Place Huelo School House.

TWELFTH PRECINCT. Thatportion of East Maui lying betweenOpuola and Kaupaula Streams. Polling Place Keanae School House.

THIRTEENTH PRECINCT. TheDistrict of Hanu lying between theDistricts of Koolau and KipahuluPolling Place Hana Court House.

FOURTEENTHPRECINCT. TheDistrict of Kipahulu. Polling PlaceKipahulu School House.

FIFTEENTH PRECINCT. Thatportion of East Maul lying west otthe District of Kaupo and south ofPrecincts Eight and Nine. PollingPlace Honuaula Court House.

SIXTEENTH PRECINCT. Thewestern portion of Molokai lyingwest of the Second Precinct and southof the First Precinct. Polling PlaceKaanakakai School House.

SEVENTEENTH PRECINCT.That portion of Molokai lying east ofthe Second Precinct. Polling PlaceHalawa School House.

EIGHTEENTH PRECINCT. Thatportion of the District of Wailukulying between the Wailuku Streamand the Fourth Precinct. PollingPlace Waihee School House.

NINTEENTH PRECINCT. Thatportion of the District of Koolau lying between the Twelfth andThirteenth Precincts. Polling PlaceNahiku School House.

twentieth precinct. Thatportion of East Maui known as theDistrict of Kaupo. Polling PlaceKaupo School House.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my handand caused the seal of the

(seal) Territory of Hawaii to beaffixed.DONE AT THE EXECUTIVEBUILDING, in Honolulu, this17th. day of April, A. D. 1905,

G. R. CARTER,By the Governor,

A. L. C. ATKINSON,I0tf. Secretary of Hawaii,


Whereas, Act 54 of the regularsession of 1905, of the legislature ofthe Territory of Hawaii, has amended Act 39, entitled "An Act Creating Counties within the Territory ofHawaii and Providing for The Government Thereof," by striking outthe words "an Assessor and TaxCollector" in section 12, Chapter 6 ofsaid Act 39, and by striking out thewords "and a Deputy Assessor andTax Collector" in Section 13, Chap-ter 6 of said Act:

Now, Therefore. In accordancetherewith, I George R. Carter. Governor of the Territory of Hawaii,hereby give notice that all referen-ces made to the election of Assessorsand Tax Collectors, and Deputy As-sessors and Tax Collectors, in theCounty Election Proclamation issuedby me on the 17th pay of April, A. D.1905, are hereby eliminated; andthat no Assessor and Taz Collector.and no Deputy Assessor and TaxCollector will, or can, be elected atthe First Election of County Officerto be held on the twentieth dav ofJune, A. D. Nineteen Hundred andrive, nor will the names of any person or persons be received or printed

pon me Dauots as candidate orcandidates for such office or offices.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my handand caused the seal of theTerritory of Hawaii to beaffixed.

DONE AT THE EXECUTIVEBUILDING, in Honolulu,this 3rd day of May, A. D.1905.

G. R. CARTER,By the Governor,

A. L. C ATKINSON,Secretary of Hawaii

Commissioner's Notice

Sale of Real Estate.


Situate at Lahaina, Island of MauiTerritory of Hawaii.

Pursuant to a Decree made by thHonorable A. N. Kepoikai, Judge ofthe Circuit Court of the Second Circuit, Territory of Hawaii, filedthe 2ath day of May, A. D, 1905, inan action entitled, "William L. Decoto, complainant, vs. Matt McCanana Maria McCann, Respondents,Petition for Foreclosure of Mortgage(Equity Division 25,)" the undersigned as Commissioner, duly appointedwill sell at Public Auction, to thhighest and best bidder, subject toconfirmation of the Court:

On Saturday, the 1st day of JulyA. D. 1905, at 12 o'clock noon of saidday, at the front entrance of thecourthouse at Lahaina, Island ofMaui, Territary of Hawaii, the following described real estate, to wit

All that lot or parcel of land situate at said Lahaina, bounded anddescribed as follows:

Beginning at the .West corner ofthis lot on North side of M lin Streetand runuing as follows by Magneticbearings:

1. N. 4a. 1 dee. E.. 254.4-1- 0 feetalong bam Nowlem s place;

z. &. 4. deg. Hi , feet alonrruuu;

3. 5. 47 deg. 40 min. W.. 2S0.5-1- 0

feet along Dickinson's lot;4. N. 37 deg. 40 min. W.. 219.4-1- 0

feet along Main street to initial pointarea 1.3G5-100- 0 Acres. Being a poriion oi me land described m L.. C. AdS7 IS., Section 4. Apana 1. Rovalraieni ihi, ana Lt. U. A. Halft

.T I T" i rrtuym jraieni jbhi, and the sameland conveyed to Matt McCann bydeed of Pioneer Mill Co.. Ltd. datedJuly 12, 1901, and bj deed of Kia Naoaoielua, dated January 30, 1899.

Ais.u au ouuuings ana lmDrovemenis inerecn.

lerms of sale: Cash in UnitedStates Gold Coin. Deeds at expenseoi irurcnaser.

i!'or further narticu ars. arm v t.nJ. L. Coke, Esquire, Attorney forComplainant, at his office in WailukuMaui, or to tho undersigned at theothce of the Clerk of the Circuit.uourt of the faecond Circuit.

Dated at Wailuku, Maui, May 25th,irme '

Edmund H. Hart,Commissioner

May 27, June 3, 10, 17.

ommissioners Notice of

Sale of Real Estate.

Situate at Lahaina, Islaud of Maui,.territory of Hawaii.

Pursuant to a Decree made by theHonorable A, N. Kepoikai, Judge ofthe Circuit Court of the Second Circuit, Territory of Hawaii, filed onthe 25tb day of May, A. D. 1905, inan action entitled, "William L. Deco-to- ,

Complainant, vs. Matt McCannand Maria McCann, Respondents,Petition for Foreclosure of Mortf age(Equity Division 24,)" the undersign-ed as Coar.missioner, duly appointed,win sea at i'ublic Auction, to thehighest and best bidder, subject toconnrmation of the Court:

On Saturday, the 1st day cf July,. D. 1905, at 12 o'clock noon of said

aay, at tne iront entrance of thecourl house at Lahaina. Island nfMaui, Territory of Hawaii, the following described real estate, to wit:

AH that lot or parcel of land sit.uate at 6 aid Lahaina, bounded anduescnueu as ioiiows:

isegiuning at the West corner nfmis ioi on rorth side of Alain Street,and running as follows by Magneticbearings:

l. jn. 4D. deg. 254.4-1- 0 feetlong Sam Nolan's place;2. S. 45 deg. E.. 229.4 10 feet alone

road;3. S. 47 deg. 40 min. W.. 230.5-1- 0

feet along Dickinson's lot;4. N. 37 deg. 40 min. W., 219.4-1- 0

feet along Main Street to initial point;urea i.ooa-ivu- u Acres. Said premi-ses being a portion of the land des-cribed in Land Commission Award387 B., Section 4. Apana 1. RovalPatent 1943, and Land CommissionAward 8515, R. P. 1881. and convev.ed to Matt McCann by deed of Pio

eer Mill Company. Limited. dater!July 12, 1901, recorded in the Register Office, Oahu, in Liber ; .page

and by deed of Kia Nahaole.lua, dated January 30, 1899, recorded in said register Office in Liber189, page 339.

Also all buildings and mi Drove- -

orients thereon.Terms of sale: Cash In United

States Gold Coin. Deeds at expenseof Purchaser.

For further particulars, apply toL. Coke, Esquire, Attornev for

Complainant, at his office iu Wailuku,Maui, or to the undersigned at theoffice of the Clerk of the Circuit Courtof the Second Circuit.

Dated at Wailuku, Maul,1

May 25.A. D. 1905. . .

Edmund H. IIaht,Commissioner.

May 27, June 3, 10, 17,

Hawaii In War Zone,

HONOLULU, May olulu

and Hawaii need some protectionagainst a possible attack bv anenemy's fleet. In these unprotectedisianas an enemy in time or warwould be quck to tee a vantagepoint from which to aid a movementtoward the mainland."

Commander T. W. Coffin, U. SW., enroute to the States from theAsiatic Station, uttered the abovewords to a Bulletin reporter thismorning. Sitting in the smokingroom of the Pacific Mail liner China,a few moments before that vesselleft for San Francisco, CommanderCoffin, the "bulldog of the navy.loowea oui upon ine harbor, uponthe city stretching back to the hills,lying open to a possible rain of shotand shell from hostile war-ship-

and prophesied a time when theUnited States would awaken to theimportance of fortifying her mid

racihe territory. With the greatnaval battle fresh In his mind, thecommander must have had somevision of the Orient meeting theOccident iD the greatest war In history, for he does not try to makelight of Japanese agressivenessreadiness to seize and adopt ideasfrom other countries, or determina-tion to spread the dominating powerof Dai Nippon to the West, as nowit is being spread to the east.

Commander Coffin thiuks it is nothard to account for Japan's wonderful victory in the recent navalbattle. "It Is simply a question oftwo things." he declares "betterships aud more efficient men. Weightof metal will not win naval battlesI know that the Russian had a larger fleet, but during the long cruisein those warm waters their vessels1 A 1 1nau ueienoraieu, and they werenot hancled as carefully as Togo'sships. But the greatest reason for

Japauese victory was this: TheJapauese fleet had had its taste ofwar. The men were hardened towar, knew how to conduct themselves. They have a tremendousspirit, and then they were drilled to

high degree of efficiency. Thataccounts for the great damage tothe Russian fleet. Of coursa I haveseen only the cable dispatches, butfrom what I know of the two fleets,I can believe that Rojestvensky'sloss is fully as great as represented

The naval officer does not laugh atthe "yellow peril" cry. "SupposeJapan should ever want 'to movewestward, after the East has become too crowded, suggested thereporter.

"In that case, look out for Hawaii."was the reply, japan and the United States are on the best of termsnow, because almost invariablythe American newspapers havesympathized with Japan. Butthere s no disguising the fact thatJapan is getting 'cocky.' The peopleare becoming insolently familiar,They think they can't be whippedI hope a war between us and themis a long way off, if it is fated tocome.

In such a war, Hawaii wouldbe like a bone between two dogs.Each fleet would try to hold theseislands as a point of vantage. Thereis no doubt in my mind that Hawaiishould have better protection. Itwould be easy to shell Honolulu topieces.

As to the Japanese nationalcharacter, I am not very favorablyimpressed by It. The Japanesewould not make good Americancitizens, for instance. The Chineseare superior in national traits

Uommauuer uomn has been onduty at the Asiatic Station fornearly three years. He is now onhis way home, and if he so desires,can remain permanently in thestates. Liut as ne likes ivianuu as aplace of residence and the climatesuits him, he may return for dutyafter bis visit to the maiulaud. Ifhe decides to come back, he willpass through this port on his way tothe Philippines some time nextDecember.

Song Hits.

The "Conqueror Quartette" wLicbis one of the best organizations of its

wid in vaudeville is featurinir "TheBanana Man," sung bv Mr. Frledelland "Halleluiah Sistur." the latestovelty "salvation song.ine opening of Allan Lowe &

George Rosey s musical extrava-ganza, "Kafoozulum," in Chicago,on May 21st, was one of the biggestsuccesses of the season. A larireenthusiastic audience was presentand a number of the soni;s including

Mouy Maione. "Mr. Fox. I'mSorry For You," "The Coming U. S.

"Lulu Come Into The Zoo."Tubal Cain," "Love Love. What Is

Life Without You," were splendidlyreceived and encored several times.

Kafoozeluri" is Mr. Rosev's Initialeffort in the operatic field and he isto oe congratulated upon tha remarkable suocess be has achieved.The musical numbers are publishedby Jos. W. Stern & Co.

SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1905 3

Charles Bonaparte.

Charles Joseph Boneparte, whosucceeds Paul Morton as secretaryof the navy today, comes of a distin-guished race. He is the grandsonof the youngest brother of the greatNapoleon, and but for imperialdecree of 'the Emperor, Napoleonwould, in all probal-ility- , be a distin-guished member of the Eonapartefamily in France instead of living inAmerica. .

The original of t'.ie AmericanBonapartes is one of the world'sromances. Jerome Bonoparte, thefounder of that branch, was theyoungest brother of Napoleon andwas born at Ajaccio, Corsica,December 25, 1784. Jerome waseducated under a Madame Campan

. .nt Tl.. J T -unuiis uuu uexiat juiiv. ile wasplaced in the French naval servicewhere he remained until 1801 wliehe was sent as lieutenant tn Sr.

jJomingo under General Lecerc, hisbrother-i- n law. Returninir soont ranee, as a bearer of dispatcheshe received an independent command and sailed agaiu for Martinique. During the hostilities of 1803between France and England, hecruised between St. Pierre and ToI U..A r - -uuu", uub ior same reason he wascompelled to leave the station andthen went to New York.

While in the United States L

visited various cities und at Baltimore saw Miss Elizabeth Pattersonthe daughter of a distinguishedMaryland family. She was one ofthe beauties of hor dav. She andJerome fell in love almost at theifirst meeting and the joung Frenchofficer disregarding the inevitableconsequences, asked her to becomhis wife. Tt.ey were married onDecember 24, 1803. Jerome anchis bride remained in the UnitedStates for several months, but arte

. .,.1. ; - imo Xitnpire ot nis oroiner wasdeclared, Jerome and his wife leftAmerica for France.

His marriage had not pleased theImperial will, however, for Napoleonhad higher plans for his brotherthan the marriage to the daughter,beautiful and refined as she was, ofa wealthy and eminent merchant ofthe United States. Napoleon refused to permit I the wife to laudc ranee, ihe Jkmperor refused torecognizet he marriapeand had themarriage annulled by a decree ofhia council of state. Tho Pope refused, however, to sanction thedivorce. Madame Bonaparte wentto Holland upon being refusedhome in France, but evidently underthe influence of the Emperor, shewas not permitted to go ashore, andfinally she went to England, where inJuly of 1805 she gave birth toson who was named Jerome Napoleon Uonaparte and who was thefirst of the American Bouanai-fes- .

A Trail Of Bottles.

ihe liussian fleet can be tracedacross the ocean by the bottles in itswake?" is the remark of a high Brit--: . u . . .isu uuvui omcer in ine urient, asquoted by an American officer on hisway home on the steamer China.The American officer did not care toallow the use of his name In connection with the statements, he made,out he talked freely enough aboutthe current reports among navalmen in the Orient as to the condilions prevailing in the Russian navy,and his statements may account forthe Russians inglorious failure.

The British officer I have referred to," said the American, "was inan important command, and hadtne duty of keeping watch for hisgovernment of the Russian movements. I do not need any scout ships.he said to me, "for I can trace theRussians by the empty bottles theyleave behind them. All that Isneccessary is to cruise till ono findsan ocean trail of bottles, then it isknown that tho Russian fleet haspassed by."

The conditions on board the Russian vessels are described by theofficers on the China are such as tomake the defeat seem quite natural.

The drinking done by Russianofficers," said the American officer.

if the reports of those who haveassociated with them be true, issimply appalling. There are womenof shady character on many of thewarships, and the utter corruptionand dissipation shown on all sides isbeyond belief."

" How does it feel to bo knockedout? they asked him. " Well," saidthe defeated puglist, "if ye git athird ot the gate money, and thefight ain't long, It don't feel so dm- -ned bad." Chicago Tribuue.

Coffee, BnnnnriH, Pineapples.San Francisco May 27. Guate-

mala and Mexican, prime to lancywashed, lllfaUJc; strictly goodwashed, lOlllc; inferior to fair,7(9; good to prime washed andunwashed l'oaberry. 9j(rf-12c- goodto superior unwashed, 9J(n0c; Ha-waiian prime to fancy, HJCyllc; fairtognoJ, "(nil Hp; Peaberry, 1(IJ12.

New York, April 7. Thfl marketfor ColTee futures closed steady, net5 to to 10 points lower. Totalsales, 55,750 bags. July 6.45:August, 0.25; September, i.G0t" 0.(15;October, G.f..VM;.0; December, 6.85("6.95; March, 7.

Coffee Spot Rio. quiet; No. 7Invoice 8c. Cordova 10(.r l3c.

Bananas, per bunch, Hawaiian, $1.ff)tl 75; Blueliekls, 1 50( 2 50; Pine-apples, per tloz. Hawaiian nomi-nal. Mexican, 2.50(mt.00. Oranges,Per box: Navels, fancy, $2.2.")( 2.50choiee, 1.25(V 2.25; standard, 1.(MI("1.75 as tosize; Secdings, .lUi .MLemons, 1.0lli,1.25; Limes, 4.C' 4.50

Pukalani Milk Dairy

If you want a daily supply of

fresh, pure milk, or fresh milk,

butters, apply






The BISMARK STABLESproposes to run the Lkapinu LivERr

Stahle Business on MAUI


Excursion Rates to lao and Hale- -

akala with competent guides

and drivers






Competent and careful drivers.First-Clas- s Turnouts Constantlyon Hand. Special attention toTourist Parties. Skillful Guidesto lao and Halcakala.

Headquarters for Commercial Men


Wailuku Lahaina StaeLeaves Wailuku daily at 1:30 n. m."

" Lahaina " at 8:30 a. m.



House, Sign and Carnage PaintingDone at Short Notice' and

Satisfaction Guaranteed


Watchmaker and Jewelers

lain and complicated watch worketc., receives prompt attention ifsent to us. Wo will also makeperiodical calls at Wailuku. Ourwork we guarantee to be satis-factory.

Honolulu, T. II.

LEE HOPControclor ' & E3ullcterDEAl.Ell IX

FURNITUREHousehold Sum'I.ikx

HARDWAREPaints, Oil A Gi.ash

Market Street, V.ViIuku

Telephone 4. 1'. o. Box 17.

Page 4: r'j MAUI - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 6. 2. · Asiatics the Japaneso have a long memory for injuries and no doubt ... ready for action, logo was guard


RESTAURANTMarket Street .... Wailuku

Will Serve the

Best Meal -- in the City125c. JiSc.

Special Short Order Day nml Night

Private Dining Ronns Far Ladiesor Parties

Everything New and Bright.All KIP, Prop.

Telephone op Send to


For Drugs, Chemicals orToilet Articles of sill


Liquozonethe great germ killer in all diseases

and vitnlizer in nervous debility.



Wailuku, T. II. Proprietor.

PIONEER HOTEl(' At the Sea's Shore.")




and an EXCELLENT TABLEMakes Living at this Hotel a Joy



Ycu Make no mistake when you p'..1

bpl?re. Sample Room AiTACifr-- i

Tcll'hon e For Use Of GuesrsCliORCE FtttlELAND, MonaJC

Established IS").

Geore C. Strntemeyer,F 1 IN T 1 N G

in all its brandiesWailuku. Maui

Wailuku Fruit MarketNO LEONG, Proprietor.

TO ARRIVEPer S. S. A lameda June 21!

Fresh CaliforniaCIIERRIKS




California Fruit During Se.-.n- on

Telephone Orders Promptly Filled;


vvi N Ti ww siiuiw vjeaea

Trade MarksDesigns

w wfl f i Copyrights Ac.Anyone aenrilng anketrh and desert nt Inn dirtquickly ascertain our opinion free whether an

invention Is probably patentable. Coniruuniea-ti.n- s

strictly c.HLDdeiit tiU. HANDBflOK on r'ateuuent free. OMettt auency for centring put en m.I'atenis takn through Munu & Co, recclre

tfttrUU notice, wit rnut cliwrtfe, u the

Scientific American.A handsomely ll)uctratel weeklT. I.nreest cir-culation of any vitMiufl joiirmU. Terms, $.t ayenr: four months, $L gold byuH newttnealnrs.

MUNN&Co.36,BrlewYorl(Braucb office. B5 K St WunhiKiiluu, I. C.


S H O F1 1U1, II. T


BlacksmithingCarriiie !iuildin&


Siitiriul inn liuurunlrtjd

W. OLSON. - - Prop.


AM KlilCAN I.lyl'OKS

Wlnea, Alea and Jearafbuoe Your Oiik-rs- . ill.



Ina o hoomaopopoia na loaa o kekalana ma na kala l loaa mal I keTeritori i ka nif kahiki lhala mawenao na mahina o Iulai a me Dekemaba,alaila e loaa ana i ke kulana o Oaliuhe waihona o $227,000 i na inahinamua eon a o kor.a o'a ana, a mm lokomai o keia heh iia, he hapalua like e

waiho ia ana na ke Teritori, no na"bila alualu" I hoopuka ia e ke Teritori i keia mau la e nee nei, nona lilo

o ia kalana.Ina aole keia mau "bila alualu, ina

na loaa i keia kalana ka hnawina o$37,000 0 ka inahina hookah!, aka kehv Aeia ne keia huina, o ka loaa mahina he $17,000. Eia kekahi, malaloo ke kanawai, oiai na ke Teritori e

mahele mai ana ko dala, ua kuleanano ke Teritori e paa i ke kala a pihako laknu aie o 1125,000 r.iamua o kolakou hoopuka ana aa i ke dala no kekalana. Ina e hanaia pela, he keuaku ka nui o ka pilikia, oiai o ka lia-

na auanei paha ke hanaia, a aoheimp e uk uia mai ana.

O ha bila kikoo dala mua loa e hoo-pukai- a

aca no ka haawl ana aku 1

na kalana, na ka Luna llooia Fishero ke Teritori e hoopuka ana mai kala 31 o Iulai. O ka huina oia mau bilakikoo, aia no laia ka mana e hoouuiae a e houkuuku mai paha. Uakau-oh- a

ke kanawai iaia e hoonohonoho 1

na loaa auhau e 'oaa ana i keia a mekeia kalana i ka makahiki hookahi, a

hoopuka mai i umi pakeneka oiahuina i ka pan ana n keia a me keiumahina.

W- hi a ka Luna llooia Fisher 1

olelo ae ai, "Aole 1 akaaka ia'u kacui o na huina e hooDukuia ana i kapau ana o Iulai o ka'u wale no o

ka ho-pu- ka i na palapala kikoo i kaPuuku."I ka n i ia anTt aku l ka Puuku Campbell, olelo mai oia, "Aohe dala e ukuia ai keia man bila kikoo.1 Aohe ou

nianao e uku ia ana keia mau bila(atualu) kikoo a hiki aku iloko o Noe- -

maba, oil hoi ka manawa e loaa nuimai ni o na waihona auhau. Maliapaha e wr iho ia mai ana no ua maubila kikoo net, a e kumia aku no ea'u i wahi e loaa ai kaukupanee. Oiawale iho la ka mea hiki ia'u ke hana,oia ua like no ia mau bila kikoo me nabila kikoo e a. Manao wau he meahiki no l oi i na kalana ke hoolilo akuia mau bila kikoo ma ke ano hooemi,l mea e hiki ai ia lakou ke uku i kolakou poe hana me ke dale kuike."

Ke ike ae la kakou e na makamakui ke kulana o ka wahihona o ke Teritori 1 keia mau la mua o ke kukukiaana o ke kanawai Kalana. He maupuu make no eia rnamua o kakou.Ina e makemake ana ka Luna Hooia0 ke Teritori e paa i ka lakou dala hewahi hana hiki loa ia iaia ke apa maiia kakou ke hoole maoli mai la no hoika Puuku o ke Teritori aohe dala o

ka waihona, a e hooemiia ka waiwaiio o ka bila kikoo dala, alaila loaa kedala.

Ua in a a loa kakou na poe e hananei me ka aupuni i ka hooemiia o kawaiwai io o ka bila kikoo dala o keTeritori, ao ka hou o ka-la- e o kekanaka ilihune, ua lilo i met ole, noka mea aohe nana mai o ka poe piepielu dala ia luhi. I mea e hoopau iuai ka hooemi ana i ka waiwai Io o kouluhi, e lokahi ae kakou 1 ke koho ana1 papa kiai i hiki ai ke hilinai ia e kapoo he mau waihona ko lakou a puka lakou, piha pono ka. waiwai io okou luhi, oiai o kekahi o ka kakoumau nui mua loa, e uku mai n a pihapono ko makou iku hana, a ina hepapa i hilinai ia heino kokemai no kedala.

NA mono MA


He mau la laukanaka keia o MauiHikina, oiai eia hookui na moho o naAoao Kalaiaiua a i elua ma ia huli ake ukaliaku nei ka moho kuokoa ma-hop- e

o na melieu o na kae'ae'a Repubalika. Watii a na hoaloha oka aoao

i hai mai aiia makou: '"No makou ka hapa nui oka balota o keia huli." Puka mai nohoi ko kakou mau moho ponoiakaenaiho, "No r.iakou ka hapa nui." Telepuna mai no hoio kuokoa ma, "Aohebalota o ua aoao kalaiaiua inaanei, uapau loa ia'u." Na ka la krtho balotae hoike irai o ke koho hf aia ka i poloici.

He lono kai loaa mi i mai na pukonakona o na apana like ole oMaui Hikinae hoike mai ana ma ka lakou hakiloana, ua ikeia ka ikaika maoli no oua moho o ka uoao Repubalika ma keano paa holookoa. Ma kekahi mauapana koho, ua lilo mai lie elua bapakolu a oi aku no ka aoao Repubalika,a aohe hoi olelo aua no ka apana umi- -

kumnmaiwa, oiai ua ikeia ko lakoukulana he hockahi wai o ka like. '

Ma na Waieha nei iho i kakelakelaal na moho Repubalika i keia pule ihola i hula, a ua hoike mai ke kulanaohohia o na makaainana i kalanakilama ka la koho. Ua nui ka manaola- -

na o ka Luna Hoohana o keia apanaHon. A. N. Kcpoikai e loaa ana no I

ka Aaoao Republika na beluna balotakiekie. Pela pu no hoi ka hoike a naalakci e ae, a ina pela io ke kulana,e kaa aia ka hooponopono aupunimua loa ana c ke kalana o Maui neima'.oko o ka lima o ka poe i makeemaoli I na hana hooholomua 1 loko neio ke kalana.

Ua kaahele aku na Moho Homt-Rul- a

Demokaraka ia Maui Komohanahoomaka ia ma Kahakuloa ae 1 kaPoalua nei. No ka pokole loa o kamanawa e hiki ole ana lakou I Molo- -

kai, aka tnatnuh no o ka palapalamai a na alakai oia apana ua i.oonooiho lakou he waiwai ole no hoi ke holo

aku, oiai ua pau mua no 1 ka hanaia.O ka moho holo kuokoa no ka noho

Makai nui ke kuokoa mai nei no hoioia i na Waieha nei. Eia una pahska mea apiki, pehea ana la na mohoholo kuokoa i manao mua e kakooiaia, a eia nae ke koi uri i ka Home

e kokua ia lakou?Ma ka W. E. K. Maikai palapala i

kekahi mau hoa o ke Komite hooko o

ka aoao Repulialikf, ua hai mai oie,e kakoo ana oia ia Hon. J. W. Kaluai makai nui no ke kalana o Maui nei,aka e kakoo ana no nae I na moho eae a ka Repubalika. Eia mai ka meaapiki, ina paha e koi ana oia i Da

Home a e koho iaia,aole anei he mea pono iaia e ae aku ekakoo ia aoao Kalaiaina?

Ua hawanawanaia mai ia makou,ua manao o J. H. S. Kaleo a m J. K

Hanuna e kakoo ia do.i. J. W. Kalua,aka oiai e maiiao ana lana mai kaHome Rula Demokaraka mai ko lauaoia, na punuku;a ae la na alelo, a oka noho malie ka laau lapaau.

E na makaainana koIki balota, uikamaaina ia oukou na moho eholobalota nei, a eia ma ko oukou limakeka'.i mana nui e hiki ole ni ke hoo- -

hemahemaia. He mana hoi nana i

hoohalike l ke kanaka ilihune me kekanaka waiwai. E hoohana aku 1

keia mana me ke akahele, e wae ama ka paa a i ole ma ke kanaka au ihilinai ai e oia ana ke kalana, e haawlaku i kou balota no ia aoao kalaiaiuaa no la kanaka paha, a malia o Uau 1

hana ai, he pomaikai aole nou waleno aka no kau mau mamo ma keiamua aka. E hookuku a hoohalikelikeae i na moho o na aoao kalaiaiua likeole, a ina e like ans ko kakou manaoe koho lokahi iho i na moho oka aoaokalaiaina Repubalika.

Na Hooponopono Pila

Dala 0 Ke Kalana.

Ua hoike ae o Mr. Campbell, Puuku o ke Teritori, I kekahi mea kakauo ka Ntipepa "Hawaiian Star"Honolulu i keia pule aku nei penei:

''Aole he dala ma ka waihona noua Bila Dala o ke Kalana. Aole o'umanaola na e hiki ana ke ukuia ia maukikoo dala a keia Noemaba ae." Inaaole he dala ma ka waihona o kaPuuku o ke Teritori e haawi mal ai i

ke Kalana mamua ae o keia Noemaba,ka wa e komo mal ai na dala o kaauhau, alaila he mea maopopo loa ekaukai ana ke Kalana na na Banekoe hooli ko mai i ke dala e ukuia ai keiamau bila kikoo dala o ke KalanaAka ke hoike e mai nei no na Banekooiai i la honua, ina e koho anaka poekupono i ke koho balota i na poe kupono ole, hiki ole ke hilinaiia, i poeluna no ke Kalana, alaila aole lakoue kokua mai ana i dala no keia mankikoo dala o ke Kalaua. Nolaila hemea maopopo loa ina aole e koho anana poe koho balota 1 na poe luna nuio ke Kalan: i poe i loaa ka hilinaipiha ia e na poe Baneko, alaila e kumalie ana ka Hooponopono AupuniKalana aole hiki ke hooeee aku imuano ka nele i ke dala e uku at i na lunanui o ke Kalana, ame na Makai amena poe lehulehu e ae e hana anamalalo o ke Kalana.

Mamuli o keia ninau pilikia i kedala, ina paha no kekahi kuinu e oleae, e pono ai i na poe koho balotaapau e noonoo me ke akahele loa a ekoho wale no i ua poe luna nui a keKalana i poe kupono wale no, poe I

loaa ka hilinai piha ia e na poe koikoiame na poe waiwai 6 ka Kalana. Napoe hoi i loaa ka hilinai o na poeBaneko. Ua huinai piha na Banekai ka aoao Repubalika, a ua wae ae kaaoao Repubalika i na Moho no keKalana i loaa ka hilinai piha o nabaneko.

Nolaila ke noi ,'kaika loa aku neimakou i na poe kupono i ke koho ba-

lota e koho pololei l moho o ka aoao

Repubalika, oiai 0 lakou wale no napoe hiki ke hoopakele ae i ke Kalanamai loko ae o ka pilikia no ke dala.


O ka hapa nui o na poe kue i kekanawai Kalana ua ulu mal no iamamuh o ko lakou hopohopo o kohoiana poe kupono ole ma na Kulana likeole iloko o ke Kalana. Hopohopo loalakou o hookomoia ma keia mau ku-

lana Iloko o ke Kalana na poe noonoopapau a hawawa, a makau lakou ouhauhaia na dala o ke Kalana, a ma-

lia paha o "piko-pa- u iole" iho kekahio lakou 1 ka waihona o ke Kalana, apuipui lakou a Iiornali ka waihona oka lehulehu.

Ina e kono na poe kupono ike kohtibalota i na poe kupono wale no, alailae nalobia loa ana keia mau leo ke'u ekue nei i ke kanawai Kalana.

Me ka wiwo ole ame ka hopo olemakou e hooia aku nei 1 ka lehulehuo na poe maemae ame na poe makaukau loa npau, oia no na Moho a kaAoao Repubalika. He poe kanakalakou e h'ki ke hooko i na dala ma kawaihona o ke Kalana no ka pornaikaiame ka boloraua o ka lehulehu, mumuli o ko lakou hoolilo ana i na datano na hana hou iloko o keia Kalana,e laa na alanui hou, na uapo, na atabaka, a pela wale no e lu nui ia ai kedala iloko o ke Kalana a waiwai napoe limahana.

Nolaila mai hoopoina i ke koho pololei I ka paa balota a ka aoao Repubalika, a pela e hooia ia ai na Iioodonopono ewaewa ole iloko a ke Kalana


Aole I loaa ka mana piha i ke Kanawai Kalana i hooholoia mai neika Ahaolelo e like me na kanaw aiKalana ma Ainerika. Aka i ka wae likeia nku ai ua hoonoho ae na poekoho i na poe hoopono a makuukauma na kulana like ole iloko o ke Kalana, na poe hoi e hookele ana i nahooponopono ana o ke Kalana me kanoeau no ka pomaikai o ka aina, aka wa hoi e hoomaopopoia e hookeleia ana ke Aupuni Kalana me ka naauao, e hoomahuahuaia ana keia manao ke Kalana.

He mea koikoi a ano nui loa ko kakou hookomo ana 1 keia wa i na kanaka kupono a naauao no ka hookumuame ke kukulu ana i ke Aupuni Kalana, a e ku hoi maluna o ke kahuanaueue ole. O ka manao lokahi o kahapa nui o, na poe koho, o ka AoaoRepubalika wale no ka' aoao hiki kebookumu i ke Aupuni Kalana, a kkono hookamaiole ia aku nei oukoukoho i ka Paa Balota pololei o kaAoao Kepubalika. Ina e puka na moho apau a ka aoao Repubalika, mekanalua ole ua hiki 1 ka lehulehu kekaena ae e hookele pono ia ana kAupuni Kalana, a e hooponoponoiaana na mea apau e pili ia mea me kaholopono ame ka ewaewa ole.


Na Moho Lauwili

0 Keia Aoao

Owai na moho ma keia aoao e holokue mal nei i na moho o ka Aoao Repubahsa?

. Hookahi wale no Demokaraka oiaio, W. H. Cornwell, a o kekoena akune poe Repubalika mamua. a no kpiha lauwih lilo 1 poe Home Rula. aDemokaraka i kekahi la, a i Kuokoal kekahi la. Aole hookahi Home Rula ma ka lakou paa balota, Aolehookahi o lakou he Home Rula oiaio,

Aole kokua o kaaoaoDemokaraki na Hawaii, a he pge hookae loa nohoi ia kakou. Nolaila aole ia o kAoao a na Hawaii oiaio e hoopili akai. No ka nui iho o na poe e holo kuemai nei 1 na moho a ka Aoao Repubalika, he ana makani lakou, he poemuhee.

Oka oiaio maoli aole lakou he poekupono e hookele i ke Aupuni Kalaua, a he poe hiki ole no hoi ke hilinaila aku.

Mai koho ia lakou. Koho iho noka Aoao Repubalika, "ka hoa moekehau o ke kakahiaka."

Oka huiolelo a ka Hon. H. P,Baldwin i haawi ai ma ka Haiehookolokolo i keia pule aku nei kekahina haiolelo naauao loa i haawiiakekahi kanaka maa I ka oihana kalepa. Minamina makou i ka lohe oleana o kekahi hapa o na makaainanaWahi ana i olelo mai ai, "O ka hoomaka ana oia no ka bapalua o khana. Ina e pono ka hoomaka ana,e pouo a e holouiua ana no na hanaina e pono ole ka hoomaka ana, e pono ole ana no na hana. Nolaila hemea pouo e kohoia na kanaka e hikai ke hoomaka l na hana ma ke kulana holomua, 1 holomua ai ke kalaua oMaui."


Story !or

Everybody W mJZ ScrtaIly!n


Old and

"Oh, no, no I cannotl"


Our readers will be pleased to know that we are going to publish

this charming story of New England life which has captured thecritics all over the country.



Sprlntfleld 5uaday RepublicanA hearty and truthful tola of Haw Eng-land character ia Ita beat qualitiea ofaturdr purpose, honeat almplicity, and

certain trait which one might term"aweetneaa at the core."

Boston BeaconUncle Tarry hiraaelf la a renulne crea-tion, and bla humor and shrewd

art a constant delight.National Magazine, Boston

Uncle Terry himself ia a chat t thatone falls in love with from the ..penlngchapter and the story well de-serves the general popularity it baa at-tained.

Providence NewsAside from the interest of the book forita faithful and interesting charactersBttches, there ia a substantial and en-

grossing mystery and a strong love plotwhich commands the reader's romantlointerest.

Naw Haven Journal-Couri- er

The book has a distinctive charm andliterary value of ita own and will meritthe evident auccesa which is in atorefor it.


Denver TimesUncle Tarry ia a New England Da-ri- d

Harum.San Praacisco Bulletin

The tone is everywhere at pore andwholesome as green fields and mirthfulbrooks, toall lovers. of which the bookia dedicated.

Toledo BtodaThere is just enough of the strennonalife to give the romance the requisitespioa. It ia a very readable,fresh, pure and wholesome story.

Baltimore AmericanThe great strength of Mr. Munn's booklies in iu complete naturalness.

5t. Paul DispatchWith David Harum, Bbea Holden andUncle Terry the American gallery ofindigenous subjects Is presenting an at-tractive appearance. Uncle Terry lahung on the "line."

Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegra- ph

People who Ilka the smell of salt air intheir novela (and who doea not) will bepleaaed with Uncle Terry.



FOR JULY 4, 1905


Race 1. Three-eight- s Mile Dash. Ponies 14 hands or under.! 25.00 .1

Race 2. One-ha- lf Mile Dash. (Japanese to ride) Maiden., 25.00

Race 3. Trotting and Pucing to harness 2:17 class.. . ...... 150.00 '

Race 4. One MilejDash. Free for all Running Race : 175.00

Race 5. OnVhalf Mile Dash. Maui-bre- d. (maiden) 50.00

Race G. One Mile Dash. Mule race. . 40.00

Race 7. Trotting and Pacing to harness best 3 in 5. Horses

with a record of 2:17 or better to race in cart. . . . . 175.00

Race 8. Three-quarte- rs Mile Dash. Japs to ride $35 &$10. .. 45.00

fxRace 0. TlireR-miiirter- n Mil Dnsh. Free for nil "' LiiHl V

Race 10. Trotting and Pacing best 2 in 3. Green horses .'. . . . WiOO.OO

Race 11. One Mile Dash. Japanese to ride $40. & $15... .55.L

Race 12. Trotting and Pacing. Mile heats, First two in threeTo be driven by the members of either the I lono --

lulu, Hilo or Maui Jockey Club. SAMBO,

DENNY 1IEALEY and CYCLONE Barred 100.00

Race 13. One-ha- lf Mile Dash. Free for all Maui horses 100.00

Race 14. One-hal- f Mile POLO PONY Race. Ponies that play-e- d

in polo games to be ridden by members of Polo

Clubs. Welter Weights. Solid Gold Medal 50.00

$ 1,240.00

Three to enter and two to start. Races to begin at 9:30. All Bidsfor priveleges must be accompanied with a certified check or itaequivalent. Entries close at 12. M. on Friday June 30th. 1905.




Page 5: r'j MAUI - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 6. 2. · Asiatics the Japaneso have a long memory for injuries and no doubt ... ready for action, logo was guard


MAUI BLUE BOOK' LAHAINA LINES. BY AUTHORITY BY AUTHORITYHon. A M. KepolkI, Circuit Judge, WsIIukuKilmunrt H.Hnrt. Clnrlc Circuit Court. W'BllukuJudge W. A. McKay Dint. Magistrate, Wsiluhu

J. Rurihrd Labalna" Chun. Copp, " " Makawao

Kunuknu, " ' Honuaula" J. Kulnraa, " Hana" Pllmnuu, " " Klpabuln41 McCorriston " Mulokal11 Kahoobulanalft, " ' Lanal

t,. M. Baldwin, Sheriff, WailukuW. E. Battery, Diputy ShcriB WailukuC. R. Lindsay " I.ahalna

' MakawaoKdgar Morton, HanaF. Wittrock, " - MolokaiLlano Cockctt, KipahuluCaptain Police. Wal'uku

W. Kaluaklnl " !! Lahalna" MakawaoH. Iwlena, HanaH. ?j. Kaipo,

J. Walamau, ' KalaupapaW. T. Robinson, Td Assessor wailukuJ. N. K. Keola, Deputy Assessor Wailuku

PalaA. F. Tavares " LahalnaO. Punn, s Hana"M. H. Routor,


The Battle of Bunker Hill took

place 130 years ago to-da-

TWt fnrret the'chicken lunchon the lawn at Canon Ault's to-da-

The Pioneer, ball team of the La--

haina league will cross bats with theJunior Stars at Wells Park torconowafternoon.

A match came of baseball between

the stevedores and Company I. will

will he nlaved tomorrow afternoonat Wells Park.

The ladies of the Settlement Housewill be pleased to receive all theirfriends Monday, June 2G, from threeto five o'clock.

The Superintendent of the Wailuku

and Kahului Water Works has s

notice in this issue to persons hold

ing water privileges.

Major J. Milsaps, of the SalvationArmy, will conduct the meeting atthe Army hall tomorrow evening.He will be on Maui about ten days,

A uotice for hearing the petitionin Probate of the will of ManoelPereira Pico, late of Kaupakulua,Maui, is published in this issue. July

2i is the day set for the hearing.

Company "I JN. Or. H. had anouting Sundav at Waikapu in which

a skirmish drill and target shootingwere indulged in as a part of thedays camp work. Headquarterswere established at Sam Keliii oi'shome.

Arrangements have been completed whereby Company I. will

have a permenant shooting rangefor nratice at 200. 300, and 400

vards. The location is in the sandhills below town.

A special meeting of the axecu

tive committee of the Maui Racing Association will be held to-

nisht afc 7:30 o'clock at the MauiHotel. A full attendance of thecommittee is required as buiines of

mportance will be brought up.0'

The machinery for the HygeiaSoda and Ice Works Co., Ltd., arrived by the Kevadan and is beingDlaced as ramdlv as possible. Thecompany will probably commenceoperations in about two weeks' time.

The Board of Registration for theislands of Maui, Molokai, Lanai andKahoolawe will sit on Election dayJune 20 at the court house Wailuku.See notice in this issue.

. Don't forget that the enteries andprivileges with the Maui Racing As-

sociation will close at 12 o'clock m.June 3oth. with D. L. Meyers secre-

tary, and will be opened at 7:00 p.m. at the Maui Hotel oilliard par-

lors.Articles of incorporation of the

Koolau Rubber bo., Ltd. have justbeen filed. The officers are: JamesL. Coke, president; W. A. McKay,

R. A. Wadsworth,treasurer; H jgh Howell, secretary.ti -- .. :ti rt.Ar 44ii firm nt fillll

v, no rf rtv tin im nf K!i llll

Get your lunch to day of the JuniorDaughters of the King, served on thepretty lawn back of the Church of

the Good Shepherd.

Special trains on the Kahului Rail-

road will be run from Kihei; Camps1 and 3 ; Camps 5, 6 and 7, Puuneue,aud Puunene Mill; from Pump 5, tndfrom Paia, Spreckelsville and Kahului

to the Corpus Christi festival at theCatholic Mission a week from to-

morrow, returning after the cere-

monies and festivities. The time

table will be published next week.

Last week the News in the editor-

ial list of caudidates runuing for

county offices placed the name ,ot C.

B. Cockett under the head of Fusion

ticket candidates. Mr. Cockett"writes the News that he is not a

Home Ruler but a Republican and

always will be, but in this campaignis running on an independent ticket.

A convenient shed, with an lorn roof,covers the new wharf.

Mr9. Lepros of Honolulu is the guestof Mrs. J. W. D. Hose.

The birthday of ,Aupnnf Havseldenwas celebrated by a supper on Sundayevening.

Miss Mac Donald and one of herfriends are expected from the Islands ofHawaii.

The bridge over the canal on the jailroad has been replaced by a solid drive-way and culvert.

Concrete walks, and a sidewalk infront, improves the appearance of thenew fish market.

Louis B. Tones has returned from Kihei. He was born in Syracuse, N. Y.,but has lived in the islands more than 30years.

Mr. and Mrs. .A. T. Atkinson, andSchool Inspector Wells remained intown for several days after the Lahaina-lun- a

Commencement.At the Government School Flag Day

was celebrated with appropriate exercises, under the direction ot l'rinci palDickenson at 9 o'clock on Wednesdaymorning.

Lieutenant Slattery adjusted the whiteand colored glasses of the lighthouselantern last week. He will see Unit thebuoy is located correctly, in the path ofthe colorless rays.

Fred H. Havstldon, Mrs. Vetlesenand her children, and Miss. Rachel Hav-selden have returned from their excursions. JThe departure of Fred Hayseldenfor his home on the large island is muchregretted bv his Lahaina friends; butthev are glad to hear that he may soonreturn.

A luau and fair were held on thegrounds of the.Wainee Church, on Thurs-day, June 8. The tables were heautifullylecorateel with hibiscus blossoms, un

the pulpit platform there was an attrac-tive exhibit of pictures, and fancy articlesof Hawaiian manufacture, mere wastasteful display of flags, and a musicalprogramme was rendered. I lie entertainment was under tue direction ot pas-

tors Kapu and White. '

It is understood that Acting ManagerScriniger made a generous donation offirework? lor the Japanese celebration

The following note, with reference tothe Lahainaluna piano, may be to in-

terest:"Honolulu, March 26, 1905,

Mr. ARCHinoi.D Dons,Lahainaluna School,

Dear Sir: We take great pleasure ininforming you that your school has wonthe first prize the beautiful Kroegerpiano in the Bergstrom Music Comnanv's word contest. Your school led bvabout 200 words. Forty schools partici-pated in this contest, and we have received over 1000 papers from individualcontestants. So it will be at least twoweeks before we can announce the in-

dividual prizes. Thanking you and yourschool for your great interest in this contest, and trusting that you will get muchgood out of the valuable instrument, webeg to remain.

Yours respectfully,Bergstrom Music Company

Circuit Court Terms.

The June term of the Second CircuitCourt opened on Wednesday morningwith Tudge Kepoikai presiding ludge

This term will so far as the cases filedbe a very short one; in fact the shortestcalender in some years.

The grand jury went into session at10:00 A. M. after having had their chargeread to them, and at four o'clock wereread to make a partial report. This report was handed 111 Ihursoay morningand was as follow: Kuoha, charged withburlary in the second degree, sentencedby the district magistrate of Molokai, toone year in jail. Nolle Pros'd and a newindictment of the same charge broughtin. J. L. Coke for defendant, Watanabe,held for assault and battery with knifewas indicted. Plead not guilty,Passed on. I). H. Case lor defendant,

Oto Gontaro, charged with assault assault and battery upon three countrymen, was indicted on the three assaultsseperately. Richardson and Crockettwere appointed his attorneys and actingupon their advise plead guilty, bentenced to one year.

In the case of Lieut Keanu, the GrandJury discharged him from all blameThis is the case recommended by thelast Grand Jury for investigation. Itwas a case of distributing money takenduring raids on gamblers and distributing it among the olhcers w ho assisted inthe raid.

Judge Kepoikai disposed of the following cases:

lohn de Costa, violating wide tire actT. Uemura and S. B. Harry, violatingbridge laws were continued until theOctober term. J. B. Abe, assult andbattery was fined 25,00.

In the civil suit of H. R. Hitchcockaction on contract, Castle and Withington and I. L. Coke for delendent, it wascontinued to October term.

L. G. Aiona vs. J. M. Kalio; W. TRobinson, Tax Assessor vs. S. AhmiTom See Ahmi, and S. Ahmi, adminis-trator estate of Ah Chew; Assumpits,D. H. Case for plantiff and J. L. Cokefor defendent.

Marie Correa vs L. M. Baldwin et alTrespass, J. M. Vivas for plaintiff andT. L. Coke for defendant were withdrawn from the jury waived cases andwill be heard at chambers.

Retires Manager

James Kirkland, the affable managerof the Kahului Store ot the HawaiianCommercial & Sugar Co., will retire onJuly I. Mr. Kirkland has beea with theII. C. & S. Co., for six years and in thuttime he made a host of friends bothsocially and in a business way who regreto see him leave the islands.

Mr. Kirkland has not yet fully decid-ed oil the future, but will leave shortlyfor the coast. Mr. Wren will succeedMr. Kirkland as manager.

" That fellow JJlinkins is a verpresumptuous young man. Whatwas ha doing when I entered theparlor?" "He was just giving m

a lesson in jiu-jits- napa." Cleveland Plain Dealer.


On Saturday, July 1, 1905, at 12

'clock noon, at the front entrance tothe office of the Snb-Age- of PublicLands, Kahului, Maui, will be sold atpublic auction :

Government Remnants in Kanaio,Honuaula, Maui.

Lot No. 1, area 16.70 acres.Lot No. 2, area 5.64 acres.To be sold as one lot, total area

22.34 acres, classed as grazing land.Upset price, $67.00. Terms : Cash

S. gold coin.For plans and further particulars,

pply at Department of Public Lands,Honolulu, or at office of Sub-Agent- .

Kahului. Maui.JAS. W. PRATT,

Commissioner of Public Lands.Honolulu, May 31. 1905.

June 17, 24. July 1.


In accordance with Section 1 of

Chapter XXVI of the laws of 1886:

All persons holding water privileges or those paying water ratesare hereby notified that the waterrates for the term ending December31, 1905, will be due and payable atthe office of the Wailuku & JvahuluiWater works, on the 1st day of July,1905. "

All such rates remaining unpaidfor 15 days after they are due willbe subject to an additional 10 percent.

All privileges upon which ratesremain unpaid August!.), 1905, (30

days after becoming delinquent), areliable to suspension without furtheruotice.

Rates are payable at the office ot

the Water Works 111 the WailukuCourt House Building.

W. E. BAL,Supt. Wailuku & Kahului

Water Works.Wailuku. June 17, 1905.

June 17, 24. July 1.


Notice is hereby given that theBOARD OP REGISTRATIONfor the ISLANDS OP MAUI,MOLOKAI, LANAI, and KAHOOLAWE will sit on ELECTION DAY, TUESDAY, JUNE20, in COURT HOUSE at WAILUKU, from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M.

SAML. E. KAIUE,Chairman.

Wailuku, Maui,June 14, 1905. It




NE la 20. mai ka hora 8 A. M.

hiki i ka hora .5 P. M.SAML. E. KAIUE,

Luna HoomaluWailuku, Maui,

June 14. 1905. It


Mr. J. P. Cooke is spending a few dayon Maui.

Miss Irene Crook leaves Saturday foran extended trip to the coast.

Dr. Dinegar and family will leaveshortly for a two or three months vacation in the states.

Mrs. T. E. Roberts came up from Honolulu Wednesday and is spending theweek on Maui.

Mr. Van Winkle of San Francisco,visiting some ot the Maui plantationsthis week.

The Kahului Tennis Club will givedance Saturday night at Kahului.platform will be built over the court torthe occasion.

H. P. Baldwin's new automobile cameun list week ami nas neen triett on someof the Maui roads the past few day siproving very satisfactory, It is a 25horse power White Machine.

Puunene Mill is slacking down; onlyone mill being run as a good many ofthe cutters have been transferred to tileplanting field. The crop will be oftabout the first or second week in July.

A new up to date barley mill is in thecourse of construction at Puunene. Itis th intention of the management toget barley litre from the coast in whole-sale quantities and have it ground in thenew mill thereby saving a good deal infreight aud also getting a better grade ofgrain.

In spite of the heavy showers lastSaturday evening the concert given atMauuaolu beuiinary was well attended.The teachers and scholars deserve a greatdeal of credit for the good work theyhave done in the past year especially tUemusical part of their education. MissSheffield favored the audiance with a fewselections and was encored again audagain. Mr. Baldwin presented the


All outstanding bills for materialsfurnished and services rendered in theperiod commencing July I, 1904 andending June 30, 1905, must be in my office properly certified, if on the Islandof Oahu by July 10, 1905, if on the otherislands by July 15, 1905.

C, M. WHITE,Chief Clerk.

Department of Public Works.Honolulu, T. H., May 31, 1905.

June 3, io, 17, 24.


The Governor directs that notice begiven of the following Polling Placesand Inspectors of Election for the CountyElection to be held June aoth, 1905 forthe election of County Officers.

The first named Inspector in each Precinct acts as Chairman.Third Representative District



2nd Precinct. Polling Place, PukooCourt House. Inspectors: Rev. D. Kaai,A. T. Bannister, and John Kamai.

3rd Precinct. Polling Place, CircuitCourt House at Lahaiua. Inspectors:John E. Gannon, Ed. waiaholo, and w.Kauwenaole.

4th Precinct. Polling Place, Honokahau School House. Inspectors; J. Dow,D. Kapaku, and Lukela Kalama.

5th Precinct. Polling Place, Kaha-

lepalaoa Store House. Inspectors: Chas,Gay, S. Kahoohalahala, and M. Keala-kaa-

6th Precinct. Polling Place, CircuitCourt House at Wailuku. Inspectors:

K. Kahookele, W. R. Boote, and RA. Wadsworth.

7th Precinct. Polling Place, SugarRoom at Puunene Mill. Inspectors. T.A. Lloyd, C. L. Kookoo, and Geo. L,Keeney.

8th Precinct. Polling Place, HospitalBuilding at Kihei. Inspectors: C. G.Hofgaard, S. Kuula, and W. A. Sparkes

9th Precinct. Polling Place, KealahouSchool House. Inspectors: J. N. Ka- -

piioho, David Morton, and ManuelTavares.

10th Precinct. Polling Place, llamakuapoko Mill. Inspectors: W. S. Nicoll,J. H. Nui, and Chas. Molteno.

nth. Precinct. Polling Place, HueloSchool House. Inspectors: W. F. PogueJ. Vincent, aud D. N. Opunui.

1 2th Precinct. Polling Place, KeaneSchool House. Inspectors. Chas. Haui,D. W. Napihaa, and J. W. Halemano,

13th Precinct. Polling Place, HanaCourt House. Inspectors; F. B. Rose- -

crans, B. K. Kaiwiaea, and J. II. S. Ka- -

leo.14th Precinct. Polling Place, Kipa-

hulu Schgol House. Inspectors; A

Gross, J. Halualani, and G. W. Kau-hane- .

15th Precinct. Polling Place, Honu-aula Court House. Inspectors: G. KKunukau, Ed. wilcox, and S. W. K.Apua.

1 6th Precinct. Polling Place, Kauna-kak-

School House. Inspectors: H.Robertson, J. N. Uahinui, and Otto S.Meyer.

17th Precinct. Polling Place, HalawaSchool House. Inspectors: S. K. a,

S. K. Kaai, and A. K. Lau-niaun- a.

18th Precinct. Polling place WaiheeSchool House. Inspectors: J. Witte-for-

H. M. Coke, and G. Wainui.19th Precinct. Polling Place, Nahiku

School House. Inspectors: Jos. K. Ma-wa- e,

H. H. Kauihou, and J. KaiwS.20th Precinct. Polling Place, Kaupo

School House. Inspectors: J. B. K. Ka-

mai, Antone Vierra, Jr., aud J. K. Keau-pun- i.

A. L. C. ATKINSON,Secretary of Hawaii.

Per C. R. Buckland.Executive Building, Honolulu, May 31st,




Administbatob' Notice To Chedi- -

tors.Notice is hereby uiven that the

undersigned was on the 5th day ofJune, A. D. TJ05 duly appointedAdministrator of the estate of AuuieMi:ier, Ute of Makawao, Alaui, de--

ceased, by order of ttie Honorable A.N. Kepoikai, Judye of the CircuitCourt of th Second Judicial CircuitTerritory of Hawaii.

Therefore, ail creditors of soidestate and said deceased are uotitiedhereby to present their claim, dulyauthenticated, with tne iio;er vou-

chers, if any exist, even if the claimis secured bv mortgage tuor. realestate 10 the undersigned ul his laoffice at Wailuku, of Maui, T.H., withiu six months from the oat- -

of thi notice: said Odle beiii" ihfrfirst publication of this noiij?; other-wise such claims if any, will tie foreverbarifed.

Dated'at Wailuku, Maui, June 9th,l'JUD.

JAMLS l. coke,Administrator of the estate of Anni

Miner, late o' Mawawuo, Muui,dec. aeJ.

June Juy 1.



I PEARSON & POTTER CO., LtdP. O. Box 784 931





Of trading at the LAHAINA STORE the depend-able Btore. You miht save a few bteps by buying1elsewhere, bnt arc you sure of the freshness andquality ? Our jjoods m every department are of thebest quality for the money. We would not make thisstatement if we did not mean it.

The Best of Everythingt Live and Let Live Prices

THE : LAHAINA : STOREDry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Plantation Supplies



safe and saves time, fuel and

once used.

I 2 3

forFort Sts.,





Pacific Hardware Co., Lt'd

Absolutely reliable,

temper, tried, always

burner $5.50 burners $8.50 burners $10.50

crated shippingandMerchant

The brew of quality and absolute

purity is

II is an ideal family beverage

and sold by all hotels, burs

and wholes-a-h dealers. 1 . .

aIts easy hero where there are so many

to choose from. We have every style ofthe famous Eastman Kodaks, at pricesfrom $3 upward and instruct purchasersin the operating.

Kodak MachinesFilms and Photographic Supplies of every description.





Sheet Iron,Coal,














Leathsp Findings


Page 6: r'j MAUI - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 6. 2. · Asiatics the Japaneso have a long memory for injuries and no doubt ... ready for action, logo was guard






Don't beWithout it.

H WINNER BRANDcondensed milk is rightly named for it occupiespride of place among the various brands of

condensed milks.

It is mado by tho famous Borden's CondensedMilk Company of Now York from pure Cow'smilk preserved with refined sugar.

Unlike other brands it is uuaflectcd by climateand change of season and is always uniformlygood.

Ask Your Grocer For It.

g H. Hackfeld & Co.,LIMITED 13



Maui Wine & Liquor Co.

4 fffc



ALSOPaul Jones, Cutter


Cream Pure Rye WhiskiesSpecial delivery every hour in Wailuku.


--A.v?-CU his brand indicates nome

r production, quality, satisfaction

Q&'&iuif r I tv- - iwMuibi OiJ.-ti- .i lingo, V O--l V

leather, sheep skins, etc, etc


Box 504. T. H.Telephone



S. KIMURAWholesale Dealer In

Standakd Brands op , . .





Main 143.

Wailuku, Maui.




When you want your carriage repaired to lastbring it to tho right shop.


DAN. T.Alain St. near Market,


New Goods ! New Goods ! New floods !


Just. Arrived from San Francisco Fresh Line of

Ladies' Fancy Goods, Trimmings, Etc.Please give us a call ts we feci sure wo can satisfy your wants.Bustness still done at tho old stand . ,

'i v



Proposals will botccolvcd at tto ofllco ot tho

Superintendent ot Publlo Works, Honolulu, un

til 13 o'clock m. ot Juno 19th, 1905, tor tho con

struction of a Trail to Hnlcakaln, Maul.

Plans and specifications nro on fllo with thoAsst. Supt. ot Publlo Worlis and with W. O.

Alkcn, Chairman of Maknwao Hoad Board,Makawao, Maul, copies of which will bo furnished Intending bidders on receipt of 5.00,

which sum will bo roturned after depositingbid and returning plans And specifications.

No proposal will bo entertained unless submitted on tho blank forms furnished, enclosedIn a sealed envolopo, addressed to O, S. Hollo-wa-

(Superintendent of Publlo Works, Hono-

lulu, T. II., endorsed "Proposal for Trail toHalcakala, IMaul," and dollTcrcd previous to12 o'clock M. on tho day specified.

Bidders aro advised to bo In Honolulu at thotlmo of the opening of bids to sign bonds andcontract beforo tho closo of the period,

Tho Superintendent of Publlo Works rcservoStho right to reject any or all bids.

C. S. IIOLLOWAY,Superintendent of Public Works.

Honolulu, Juno 0, 19G5.

Juno 1017.


Proposals will bo received at the ofllco of thoSuperintendent If Publlo Works, Honolulu,until 12 o'clock M. of Juno IB, 1005, for tho con-

struction of concrcto Bridges, Walkapu to Maa-lac- a

Road, Maul.

Plans and specifications aro on fllo with thoAsst. Suporlntcndcnt of Public Works, andwith S. E. Kolllnol, Chairman. Wailuku KiAu

Board, Wailuku, Maui, copies of which will bofurnished intending bidders on receipt of $5.00,

which sum will bo roturned after depositingbid and returning plans and specifications.

No proposal will bo entertained unless submitted on the blank forms furnished, enclosedIn a scaled envelope, addressed to C. S. Hollo-way- ,'

Superintendent of Public Works, Hono-

lulu, T. II., endorsed "Proposals for Bridges,on Walkapu to .Maalaea Rood,'' and 'deliveredprevious to 12 o'clock M. on tho day specified.

Bidders aro advised to bo In Honolulu at thetime of tho opening of bids to Blgn bond andcontract beforo the close of the period.

The Superintendent of Public Works reservesthe right to reject any or nil bids.

C. S. HOLLOWAYSuperintendent of Publlo Works.

Honolulu, T. H , Juno 6 1905.

June 7

road wa11iee towardshonokoiiaC.

Proposals will bo received at the office of theSuperintendent of Public Works, Honolulu,

until 12 o'clock M. of June 19th, 1905, tor tho

construction of a Hoad from Watheo towardsIlonokohau Road, Maul.

Plans and specifications aro on file with tho

Asst. Supt. of Publlo Works, and with C. L.Scrlmger, Chairman, of tho Lahaina RoadBoard, Lahaina, Maul, copies of which will befurnishod intending bidders on receipt ot $5.00

which sum will bo returned after depositingbid and returning plans and specifications.

No proposal twill bo entertained unless sub

mitted on the blank forms furnished, enclosedIn a &ealcd envelope addressed to C. S. Hollo-wa-

Superintendent ot Publlo Works, Hono-

lulu, T. II., endorsed "Proposal for Road Wai-he- e

toward Ilonokohau noads, Maul," and de

livered previous to 12 o'clock M. on tho dayspecified.

Bidders are advised to be in Honolulu at thetime of theoponlngof bids to sign bonds andcontract beforo the closo of the period.

The Superintendent of Publlo Works reserves

the right to roject any or all bids.

C. S. HOLLOWAY,Superintendent of Publlo Works.

Honolulu, T. H Juno 0 1905.

Juno 7


Proposals will bo received at the office of theSuperintendent of Publlo Works, Honolulu,

until 12 o'clock M. ot Juno 10th 1905, tor con

structton of Road and Trail Klpahulu to Kablklnul, Maul. '

Plans and Specifications aro on fllo with theAsst. Supt. of Publlo Works and with M. H.

iteuter, Chairman, liana Road Board, liana,Maul, eopiosof which will bo furnished intendlng bidders on rccoipt ot (5.00, which sum willbe returned after depositing bid und returningplans and specifications.

No proposal will be entertained unless submitted on tho blank forms furnUhed, enclosedIn a sealod envolopo, addressed to C. S. Hollo-way- ,'

Superintendent of Publlo Works, Hono"lulu, T.jH., endorsed " Proposal for Klpahuluto Kublkinui Road and Trail, Maul," and dollvercd previous to 12 o'clock M. on the dayspecified.

Bidders are advised to boln Honolulu at thotime of tho opening of the bids in order to signbonds and contract beforo the closo of theperiod.

The Superintendent of Publlo Works reservetho right to reject any or all bids.

C. S. HOLLOWAY,Superintendent ef Publlo Works.

Honolulu, T. II. , June 0, 1905.

June 10, 17.

CLASSIFIED AM.For sale, for tent, lost( found, r' '"!- - rr

help wanted udvertlscmenlsw:'1 u3 t i d

under this heading at the 1rates: 8 cents a lino first live " ' iv

lino second lssuo and thrco cents a ' nsucceeding issue. Sovon words to ci 0a lino nino linos a inch Broken .. ' tocount as full lines.

LOST. Check No. 7 on Pirst NationalWailuku, in favor of Manuel

I'austino and signed hy Pertivia Goodncs9. Payment on the same has beenstopped and all persons are hereby warn-

ed not to accept same, but return to theFirst National Bank, Wailuku, or to theundersigned.

MANUEL I'AUSTINO.Wailuku, May 27, 1905.

16 3t.


Arrivnl8--Knlitil- ul

Juno 12 SS. Nevadan, Greenfrom Honolulu.

Juco 14 SS. Maui, Parker fromHonolulu.

Juno 17 SS. Maui, Parker fromHana.

Departures KahultilJund 14 SS:, Maui, Parker for

Hana.Juno 15 Ship Manga Reva, Town-sen- d,

for Delowaro Breakwater 4000

tons sugar.Juno 17 SS. Maui, Parker for


Juno 17 S. S. Novadan, Green,for San Francisco 4000 tons sugar.

Steamer Coming For Laborers,

HONOLULU, Juno 0. Anotherbatch of Japanese laborers is to botaken to tho mainland by a speciallychartered steamer. Like tho crowdthat went up by the S. S. Olympiathey are to go to Puget Sound coun-try. Tho Stanley Dollar is the nameof the vessel that will tako tho laborers. Tho vessel is to come for the Ja-panese some time this mor.th or thoearly part of July. Sho has accomo-dations for about GOO Japanese It isprobable that all of the accommo-dations will bo taken. Sho is to gofrom Honolulu to Tacoma.

Motor-Car- s And The Public

Every day, all over the country, andit would seem in increasing numbers,drivers of motor-car- s are prosecuted andfined for reckless driving. The Andoverjustices, to. name only one Bench out ofmany which" have been active, have beenobliged to tlx special sessions for thehearing of summons for this offence. Oneday last week they convicted some half-doze- n

motorists, and within little morethan a year they have imposed fines tothe amount of "360 for reckless drivingat Wallop-cros- s and the neighborhood.There remains the fact that a considerable number of, persons who drive motorsare not fitted to be trusted with them.They have got possession of a, dangeroustoy, and they play with it with as muchdiscreation as an infant might with aloaded gun, A minority, sufficientlylarge to be a dangerous nuisance, behave on some high-road- s very much asto do certain persons who make them-selves intorable on the hunting field.They are the terror of all those drivingor riding spirited horses. They tearthrough a qu'et village, and seem tosnatch a fearful joy in making old wo-

men and young children scuttle out oftheir way. Masked like the highway-men of old, they raid a country town,frighten the aged and infirm, and leaveit amid popular execration, to repeattheir performance in the next town..They raise a cloud of dust which spoilsor deteriorates the exposed, goods ofsome tradesman. They make their wildflights on journeys as to which it is of noearthly consequence to any human beingat what hour they reach their destinatton: and they set up a standard of speedwhich those engaged on real businessare not slow to imitate.

We should be sorry to see restrictionsplaced upon what promises to transformthe whole conditions of travelling andwhat is at least a delightful pastime.Still more to be regretted-woul- d be out-

bursts of popular indignation against theworst offenders against the comity of theroad. But, somehow, the sport whichtakes the form of driving a machine atlittle less than the rate of au expresstrain, to the serious peril of others whohave an equal right to the use of theroad, must be stopped. We see no reasonto think that a few restrictions, if self,imposed so much the better, would appreCiably affect the delights tendingmotoring or retard its industrial development. There are long stretches of roadupon which the motorist may call uponhis machiue to do all that is in it, with-

out danger to any one without dangereven to himself. We see nothing butgood, and to many parts of Englandgreat benefits, from the increasing He-

vclopeineut of an amusement full ofpleasant and, it may perfectly well be,harmless cxicemeut. Hut the libertinesof the road who run amuck with a highspeed locomotive are not to be tolerated.The highways are for the public, and arenot racing tracks. They were made forall the Kiujf8 subjects, on foot, driving,or on horseback. London Times.

1 2itL0VVs.

For Careful,ScientificAccurate Optical




Stock Now Larger Than Ever

Artistio Designs Granite, American andItalian Ma vq. Bronzo and

Hawaiian BU'o Stono.

AXTELL,p. o. Box Honolulu,





If you are troubled witn your eyes wtite to us immediately and wewill give you tho benefit of our scientific knowledge and experience.

H. F. WICHMAN & CO. Ltd. o0t,c1012-105- 0 Fort St., HONOLULU.

DR. JOHN charge.

No. 5994.REPORT OF THE CONDITION OFthe First National Bank oi Wailuku, at Wailuku, Maui, in theTer. of Hawaii, at the close ofbusiness, May 29tli, 1905.

RESOURSES DOLLARSLoans and Discounts 97,751 80

Overdrafts, secured aadunsecured 2,729 G3

U. S. Bonds to securecirculation 16,500 00

Premiums on U. S. Bonds 900 00

Bonds securities, etc 15,315 88

Banking house, furniture,and fixtures. 8,191 41

Due from State Banksand Bankers 27,354 74

Due from approved reserveagents 10,000 00

Checks and other cashitems 108 92

Fractional paper currency,nickels, and ceuts 41 30

Specio au.iuu uu

Redemption fund withU..S. Treasurer (5 percent of circulation) 825 00

Total 199,883 74

LIABILITIES DOLLARSCapital stock paid in 35,000 00

Surplus fund 0,000 00Undivided profits, less

expensss and taxespaid 2,752 51

National Bank notes out-

standing 10,000 00Duo to approved reserve

agents 539 31Individual deposits subject

to check 107,748 C3

Demand certificates ofdeposit 17,310 37

Time certificates ofdeposit 14,522 92

Cashier's checks out-

standing 1000

Total 199,883 74

Tor' of Hawaii, Island of Maui, ss:I, 0. D. Lufkin, Cashier of tho

above-name- d bank, do solemnly swearthat tho above statement is true tothe best of my knowledgo and belief.

C. D. LUFKIN,Cashior.

CORRECT ATTEST:W. T. Robinson )C. D. Lindsay DirectorsR. A. Wadsworth )

Subscribed and sworn to beforo mothis lGih, day of June, 1905.

D. H. CASE,(Seal) Notary Public.

Best Variety oi Rubber Trees

The Nahiku Rubber Co., has just re-ceived at Honolulu 10,000 Hevia rubbertree stumps direct from Ceylon. This isthe best variety of known rubber trees.They will be forwarded to Nahiku plant-ation at ouce where everything is being

even to the holes beinp dug toinsure immediate planting. This meansa years growth in advance of seed plant-ing.

Prison Inspectors.

The Board of Prison Inspectors for theSecond Judicial Circuit held their firstmeeting on Monday June 12 at the officeof Deputy Tax Assessor Ke'ola. E. E.Carley was elected chairman and J. N.K. Keola secretary. They will holdmonthly meetiues and renort anv andall matters pertaining to the prisons ofluis circuit.

Sntlt,?actou Guaranteed by

J. C.1042-5-0 Alakea St.042 H. T. 1 ,

Wonil mil-- IVrtt-- nw.l1 .VKl



"1 .li

the materials we;-'-

use in manufnnfvWure are tho besthat can bo ob-



Market Street, Wailuku

Nothing but the best of

Well Known Standard BrandsOF

Wines WhiskeysCordials, Liqueurs


25c 2 Glasses 25cHEADQUARTERS FOR

Island Sporting People

T. B. LYONS, Prop.

MARKET SALOONMarket Street Wailuku


Celebrated Primo & SeattleBottled Boor

25c 2 Glasses 25c"When you want cool re-

freshing beverage 1 call

at this popular resort21-- tf


SaloonYour Brand flF

Ice did Beer jji'Always On Tap . '

Choice Wine for Bar and Tablo UsoCold Drinks and All Varieties of

Aerated and Mineral WatersA. K. STENDER Proprietor



LEAVES HONOLULU 12 M.SlLliA"AII,,A Maalaea Ray and,kH$fer Hawaii, onFRIDAY JUNE. 23WEDNESDAY JULY 5


and LAHAINA, MIDNIGHT.For Honolulu, on



For particulars, Freight & PassageApply to

Into Island Steam






Navigation Co, Lt'il 1