s i purely vegetable children - university of...

r q r I S I 17 I I THB PENSACOLA JOURNAL THURSDAY MORNING OCTOBER 7 1909 7 HARBOR RIVER T AND MARINE >> 4 NEWS I hrppingTransactions l a and1 I Notes of Interest Along Ii the Bay Front It The Spanish steamship Marta Capt Anduiza 2445 tons and two days out from Gulfport Miss arrived yes ¬ terday going up to the coal chutes for a hunker supply The Marta is loaded with a great cargo of pitch pine tim fber and lumber all taken on at Gulf port a t Two Sailed The British steamships Argo and Southlands got away yesterday the Argo only with hunker coal and the Southlands with a cargo of timber and lumber for Genoa S S Two Steamers Due Two big steamships were closely looked for yesterday but up to a lato hour had not been reported off the bar The Wilberforce is coming from Gul port with a part cargo to till nut here The Augustus is also coming for cargo and both of them will be lea timber berths in tho stream- S U Fjsh Receipts The smack Priscilla reached Pala COX wharf yesterday with a catch ot tf about 7000 pounds of red snappers iXo report was made of the long miss- ing ¬ smack Frances H Warrens New Smack The Chicopee a new smack built 1 for Warren Co at the Hoodless shipyards in Milton Was towod hore esterday to ibe rigged up fitted with spars etc and made ready for the fishing trade The smack was launch- ed ¬ Tuesday at Milton little Mias Elizabeth christening the new vesse- lIt is built entirely of native woods and pine oak and cypress have all been used in its construction When the new vessel arrived yetserday a great new American flag fluttered gaily at an improvised masthead I S Late Shipping Sales Late shipping sales given publicity are as follows The Sunderland iron screw steamship Resolute lOiS tons to a Glasgow firm the Newcastle I steel screw steamer Linhope 133J tons to J Fenwick Sons New- castle ¬ tho steel screw steamship Nethorton sold as she lay on the 1f beach near Singapore for 3500 pounds was lately taken oyer toy a Bilboa Spain firm which will Change name and flag the Newcastle steel screw steamship Suningdalc 79S tons to J Fenwick Sons S S S Hulk Continues Burning Work of burning the remaining wreckage of the old barge Tabor has again been resumed The Tabor was partially burned some weeks ago but- a better job tvill be made this time- S S S Discharging Ballast The Norwegian ship Otra which ar- rived ¬ the day ibef6re was berthed at the west side of Palafox wharf yes terday for the purpose of discharging ballast X S S Big Lumber Cargo Nearly two million superficial feet of lumber will be loaded aboard th I British steamship Lannington now berthed at Perdldo wharf Checkers I representing shippers on the steamer r have as opposition checkers several Chinamen who are said to relieve one 1 another the celestials using their own language and characters in keep- Ing amounts going into tho vessel Montgomery in Dock I Tn its last issue the Army and Navy 4 Journal reports that the cruiser Montgomery has been ordered to dry dock at Philadelphia for repairs af- ter ¬ I J which tho vessel is under or- ders ¬ to proceed to Pensacola to re- main ¬ for the winter- S S S Fine Launch on Ways The palatial launch Lotus owned by Mssrs M E Clark and C W Lamar has been hauled up on the King Runyan ways where repairs jind a few alterations will be made S S S I Unloading Cement For the purpose of discharging a cargo of SOO tons of cement from New York the American schooner uture has been berthed on the west lIde of Commandancia wharf The = INDIGESTION ETC j I A DYSPEPSIACR- EW r NOTICE Neither tho Captain own ¬ ers nor consignees of the Norwegian Barkentlne Lind a etolwUl be responsible for 4 debts contracted by the crew I of said vessel eT said vesseL C T JENSEN Capt YJi li I SSS VEGETABLE PURELY The absoJute vegetable purity of SSS has always been one of thr strongest points in its favor and Is one of tho principal reasons why it i tha most widely known and universally used of all blood medicines J great of the socalled purifiers are nothing more thaI strong mineral mixture which act so unpleasantly and disastrously o the delicate membranes and tissues of stomach and that ever if such treatment purified the blood the condition In which the digestive system left would often be more damaging to the health than tho ortgina trouble Not so with SS BJt the greatest of all blood purifiers anc at the same time is an absolutely safe and harmless remedy It Ia mad < entirely of the healing and cleansing extracts and Juices of roots herb and barks each of which is in daily use in some form by physicians it their practice Years of work and research have proven S SS to centals everything necessary to purify the blood and at the same time supply the system with the purest and best tonio effects S SS cures Rheumatism Oatarrh Bores and Ulcers Skin Diseases Scrofula Contagious Blood Poison and all other blood troubles and It leaves the system In perfect condition when it nag purified the blood Book containing much valuable Infonna tion on the Diooa and any medical sent free to all who write THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA GA Notice to Ice ConsumersN- ORTH HILL- We wish to inform our friends and customers that Ed Aaron who drives farm wagon is no longer connect- ed ¬ with our company in any- way v If you will kindly ring up our office our driver will wait on you at once Thank ¬ ing for past favors and- soliciting your future busi ¬ ness W S GARFIELD CO- IREACIIINGFIID RENTING AGENT iIi1 QS1thePAt HUNTING is made HOUSE the use of the TelephoneF- ew people realize how much business they- can do and how quickly they can do it over the wire It is not even necessary to be in the same town because the Long Distance Service of the Bell System brings every one within talking distance- In all the business and social affairs of life people put their trust in the Bell Service because- it is universal Are YOU a subscriber- S SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE I a TELEGRAPH COMPANY Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System 2 entire consignment is in bags S S S Naval Stores Receipts Naval stores receipts reported at Central wharr yesterday were as fol- lows ¬ Schooner J S Murrow 67 bar- rels ¬ schooner Genoa 206 barrels sihobner Grady S 114 barrels steam- er ¬ Rollo 137 barrels steamer Belle 110 barrels S Arrived larta Span ss 445 Anduiza Gulf port to Cary Co S S S i Sailed Br ss Southlands Jones for Ge Lon i Br ss Argo Dove for Galveston U S S Cleared Marta Sflan ss Anduiza for Ro- sario with 900 tons coal LIST OF VESSELS IN PORT Steamshfos E O Saltmarsh Br ss 2319 Irvin Tampa to Gulf Transit Co Crossby Br ss 3200 Warmsley Rio de Janeiro via Port Eads to Gulf Tran ¬ sit Co Warrior Br ss 2697 Tinsdale Bu ¬ enos Ayres to Pensacola Lumber Co August Belmont Br ss 2952 Rogers New Castle to Gulf Transit Co Ships Otsa Npr ship liPS Refsnes Buen- os ¬ Ayres to order Lena Ital ship 1581 Tascara Montevideo to order Canara Ital ship 1410 Ansaldi Rio de Janeiro via Barbadoes to Rosasco Bros- Oddersjaa Nor ship 12S3 Aanon sen Buenos Ayres to the Pensacola Lumber Co Barks Erna Nor bk 1081 Andersen Brake to order- Parknook Nor bk 756 Lundgaard Gulfport to order In distress Lulsa Ital bktn 1538 Schiaffino Genoa to order- Waltikka Rus bk 942 Raunkolm- Rio de Janeiro via Barbadoes to Pen ¬ sacola Lumber Co Freia Nor bk 942 Natvig Buenos Ayres to Rix M Robinson Mario Ital bk 1240 Garguilo Rot dA11o Kr sW AN ADVISORY WARNING HERE WEATHER BUREAU IS ADVISED- OF A TROB1CAL DISTURBANCE SOUTH OF SANTO DOMINGO- The local weather bureau yesterday afternoon received an advisory storm warning message from the central of flee in Washington giving information- of a tropical disturbance south of Santo Domingo the message reading as follows Advisory Warning three fortyfive- p m Tropical disturbance south of Santo Domingo moving westnorth ¬ west intensity not yet apparent BOTH BOYS SAVED Louis Boon a leading merchant of Norway Mich writes Three bot ¬ tles of Foleys Honey and Tar abso ¬ lutely cured my boy of a severe cough and a neighbors boy who was so ill with a cold that the doctors gave him up was cured by taking Foleys Honey and Tar Nothing else is as safe and certain in results W A DAlemberte druggist and apothecary South Palafox street RECORDERS COURT RECORD FOR A DAY birtysave cases and fines totalling 78 was the police court record yes ¬ terday Four defendants were dis ¬ charged one bound over to the county authorities and fourteen cases were continued There were eight cases for fighting eight plain drunks six dangerous and suspicious Carence White was fined 51 and costs for rIding bicycle without a light S A Moog was fined 3 and costs for run- ning ¬ an automobile without a light and Mrs LDm Bell was Lined S5 and costs for violating the tock law ONE HELD FOR MURDER 3 AS- ACCESSORIES CORONERS JURY RETURNS VER ¬ DICT AGAINST GERALDS WHICH CHARGES HIM WITH HAVING SHOT ANOTHER BLACKTHREE WITNESSES ARE ARRESTED AS ACCESSORIES U After carefully considering reluct ¬ antly given evidence from witnesses- who are alleged to have been en ¬ gaged in the game of dice which re- sulted ¬ so disastrously at Barrlneaus camp Sunday morning and also con- sidering ¬ an antemortem statement given by Jim Hutchinson while the latter was in the hospital the coro- ners ¬ jury yesterday charged up the death of Hutchinson to Coupee Ger ¬ alds now in the county jail badly wounded Geralds is now formally charged with murder and the grand jury two months hence will probably- act on his case Joe Baker Thos Baker and Charles Johnson witnesses in the case were jailed on charges of being accessories- to the murder They came from the camp in response to subpoenaes and charges as indicated were docketed against them In the antemortem statement of Hutchinson the charge- was made that Cbas Johnson one held as an accessory handed Geralds- a pistol and told him to shoot Hutch inson The dying negro was inter ¬ rogated closely along that particular- line but he never changed a repeated statement in the least The two dead negroes the wound- ed ¬ one and the three held as acces- sories ¬ with several others were en ¬ gaged in a game and it is possible that other arrests will follow soon Words To Freeze The Soul Your son has Consumption His case is hopeless These appalling words were spoken to Geo E Ele- vens ¬ a leading merchant oT Spring ¬ field N C by two expert doctors- one a lung specialist Then was shown the wonderful power of Dr Kings New Discovery After three weeks use writes Mr Blevens he was as well as ever I would not take all the money In the world for what it did for my boy Infallible for Coughs- and Colds its the safest surest CUI e of desperateLung diseases on earth 60c and 102 For sale all drug ¬ gists guarantee satiSfactipn Trial bottles free There is no game law against any ¬ one hunting for Planks Chill Tonic- It is guaranteed to cure malarial hIlls and fever Ask Hannah Bros They probably know SPEARS GIVEN 15 MONTHS ON COUNTY ROADN- EGRO LAWYER CONVICTED OF FORGERY AND UTTERING FORGED PAPER GETS LONG TERM FOR HIS MISDEEDS AR ¬ GUMENT FOR NEW TRIAL Fifteen months at hard labor was the sentence imposed by Judge Beggs yesterday upon Isaiah H Spears the young negro lawyer who was con ¬ victed at the recent term of the crim ¬ inal court of forgery and uttering forged paper The sentence was made as follows One year at hard labor on first information count three months at hard labor on second count and an additional ten days upon a failure to pay the costs of prosecu ¬ tion Spears was taken to the county jail and locked up to begin his long sentence The new trial motion was argued at length but no good grounds were set up and of course such was denied by the court Other Sentences Will Spivey pleaded guilty to va ¬ grancy and was fined 5 and costs or 45 days Viney Hunter pleaded guilty to an assault Costs were the only penalty fixed and Imposition of this was sus- pended ¬ John Henry Chester and Powell Etheridge charged with trespass- were fined 1 and costs or 30 days ECZEMA CURABLE PROOF NOW AT 25c Try the Oil of Wintergrcen Com ¬ poundItch is Instantly Relieved It is usually very costly to consult- a specialist in any disease but for 25 cents on a special offer we can now give to those suffering from eczema- or any form of skin disease absolutely Instant relief with prospect of an early cure A special trial bottle of the oil of wintergreen as compounded in the Chicago Laboratories of the D D D Company may be had in our store on this special 25 cent offer This one bottle will convince YOUwe know it we vouch for it Ten years of success with this mild soothing wash D D D Pre- scription ¬ has convinced us and we hope you will accept the special 25 cent offer so that you also will D convinced Crystal Pharmac J CHILDREN In disorders and diseases- of children drugs seldom do good and often do harm Careful feeding and bath ¬ ing are the babies remedies Scotts Emulsion is the foodmedicine that not only nourishes them most but also regulates their di- gestion ¬ It is a wonderful tonic for children of all ages They rapidly gain weight and health on small dosesS- end u lOc nun of paper and this td for oar beautiful Barings Batik and Child Sketch Book Zacibankcouta1a aGoodLckPsuny SCOTT BOWNE 409 Pearl St NY I 1 HAVE YOU A LITTLE IRON SAFE IN YOUR HOUSEI- f not and we venture to say you havent wouldnt It be a mighty good idea to rent a Safe ty Deposit Box In our strong fire and burglarproof vaults 200 per year and up Absolute Safety Absolute Privacy DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED STATES CHARLES W LAMAR President MILTON E CLARK Pres Ii Cashier JOHN PFEIFFER Asst Cashier JAMES WANDREWS Asst Cashier The Beginning and the End Of our efforts is to produce first class washing and Ironing Wo know the secret of it and use it Plenty of water good soap good starch and good helpthese never fail NEW METHOD LAUNDRY- E W LAWRENCE Proprietor 1517 W ROMANA ST Phone 188 REMOVAL NOTICE- I have moved my jewelry store and repair shop from 23 South Palafox to NO4 E GARDEN STREET Special prices will be made- on all goods till October 1st J F DAVIS Jeweler FOR SALEF- OR SAtE or exchange for Improved or unimproved property in Pensacola a 5 room cottage practically new on l t 52 ½ by 210 feet on principal residence street in Albany Ga A chance tOil some one WG this office Toctlw LAUNCH FOR SALK CHEAPIn first class condition All brass fittings 16 feet long 5 feet beam 4horse power Speed 7 miles Apply 220 Vest Intenden- cia Street 5octlw FOR SALEOne secondhand wagon Apply Wm Johnson Son sept26tf FOR SALEGood gentle mare fine trav- eler ¬ also runabout and harness great bargain if sold at once Address Horse Care Journal 3Octlw GO TO C T DAVIS for bargains Fur ¬ niture new or second hand bought and sold for cash or credit Mattresses made- to order old ones renoYated called for and returned same day 114 E Belmont- St Phone 771 3Octf Legal AdvertisementsN- OTICE It is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of the Pensacola Invest- ment ¬ Company will be held at the office of that Company In the Brent Building Pensacola Fla on the 25th day of Oc- tober ¬ A DI 1809 at 12 oclock noon for- th purpose of voting upon the following proposed amendments to the charter of that Company 1 A proposal to amend the first sen- tence ¬ of Article No 3 of the said char- ter ¬ to read as foUow The amount of the capital stock shall be Three Hundred Thonsand 390600 dollars divided Into shares of One Hund- red ¬ I 100 dollars each I 2 A proposal to amend Article 6 of I the said charter so that it shall read as I follows I Tho highest amount of indebtedness to I whleh the corporation can at any time- ect Leub itself shall be Fvo Hundred i Choosing a BankI- s one of the most IMPORTANT acts In the career cf any firm- or individual A rood banking connection is of MATERIAL help to one If you have no bank account or desire to change your present arrangements we offer you the excellent facilities of this bank The SMALL depositor receives the same courteous con- sideration ¬ as the LARGER one Four per cent compounded quarterly paid on savings ac counts PENSACOLA STATE BANK ii c ia Safety and ProtectionT- he best plan for the safety and protection of your funds is to deposit them in the First National Safety is always our thought and aim Every safe ¬ guard known to law and science is employed for safety here Our service is as perfect as human skill and knowl- edge ¬ can make it We invite your account be it large or small I L s First National Banko- f Pensacola Florida Designated Depository of the United States- W K HYER JR W S KEYSER W J FORBES President VicePresident Cashier THOS W BRENT A st Cashier W N ROBERTS Asst Cashier DirectorsF C Brent W A Blount W H Knowles W K Hyer Jr W J Forbes W S Keyser and Knowles Hyer c w I J 8 REESE 1t ax CAIn J W DORR President Vic ePresldent Cashier The Peoples National Bank of- Pensacola DIREC TORS J y HOOTON R M CARY L J RKBVEa T E WELLES W A DALE BERTEI J S R EESE3 W DeG KESSLER A General Banking Duslncs Transacted and Accounts Solicited Ji hIpV Disburse- ments ¬ given Special Attention THE CITIZENS NATIONAL EA3SK PENSACOLA- A General Kankini Buelncw Conducted on a 8afo end Conservative Sails Correspondence Solicited R M Buahnell Cashier FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN the most satisfactory light is that which gives the required illumination in a warm glow of soft tints GAS LIGHTSeq- uipped with the latest type of high efficiency reflectors gives such a light LET OUR REPRESENTATIVE CALL ON YOU PENSACOLA GAS CO Phone 148 25 and 27 E Garden Street Th Pensacola St Andrews and Gulf Steamship Co STEAMER TARPON w Q FIRST CLASS PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE Between MOBILE APALACHICO- LA CARRABELLE ST AN ¬ DREWS And All points on St Andrews Bay Car and Apalachlcola SCHEDULE Leaves Pensacola Sunday 830 p mf- r ° Ala LeabJ pensacola Tuesday 330 m for St Andrews MJIIvlUe Apalachlcola- arrabello ° and Intermediate points For Information COVER- V apply to W WALTHER President General Frt and Pass Agt Pensacola Fla Phone 653 Thousand 500000 dollars PENSACOLA INVESTMENT CO Henry M Yonce Secretary sept23oaw4w U S ENGINEER OFFICE Montgomery- Ala October 5 1909 Sealed proposals for construction of sea Wall at Fla will he received at this office until 20 1909 and then one p m October pub- licly opened Information furnished on application H B Ferguson Capt En gineers oct7S910I719 APPLICATION FOR PARDON Notice Is hereby given that on the 7tJi day of October 1909 the County Com- missioners ¬ shall apply for pardon for one P D Thomas who was convicted of lar- ceny ¬ month of July 1907 Same applica- tion will be made to the Pardoning Board- at Tallahassee FlaJAS MACGIBBON- Clerk Board County Commissioners EXECUTORS NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the under- signed Executors of the estate of Amelia- L deceased wilt on the 7th day of March A D 1910 our final account and vouchers the County Judge of Escambia County Florida and ask for a discharge from their executor ship J N ANDREWS W W RICHARDS September 7 1909 Executors ept7oam6m 1 Read The Journals Want Ads and profit thereby j Every Medicine Advertis ¬ I This Paper For Sale I jnP- ENSACOLA CRYSTAL PHARMACY ELECTRIC COMPANY PEN5ACOLABARRANCASSCHEDUL Summer Dally Schedule Effective Saturday June 19 1909 Leave Pensacola Leave Barraacas 530 am 600 am 600 am 710 am 710 arn 800 am 800 arn 845 ain 845 am 930 am 930 am 1015 am 1015 am 1100 am 1100 am 145 am 1145 am 1230 pm 1230 pm 115 pm 115 pm 200 pm 200 pm 245 pm 245 pm 330 pm 330 pm 415 pm I 415 pm 510 pm j 600 pm 545 pm 545 pm 630 pm 630 pm 715 pm I 715 pm 800 pm gOO pm 845 pm 645 pm 93 pm 930 pm 1015 pm 1015 pm 1100 pm 1100 1130 pm Local Freight eaves Pensacola at 715 a m 1015 a m I 339 p m Throuzb freight leaves Pensacola sa 115 p m Sunday Shedule First car leaves Pensacola at 700 a second car at 860 a m and from thai hour on the week day schedule will observed except a car will leave For Barrancas at 500 p m instead of 51 pmFreIght car will make but ona trip leaving at 930 a ra- West Hilt Schedule Passengers wlshlne to RO to West HIC will take North Hill cars and transfer to West Hin ear at LaRua and DeVIl Her streets EXCEPT after 3 pm Sat urdays after 12 m Sundays and Po m all other days when West atterd will run through Palafox street and to West Hill PENSACOLA ELECTRIC COMPANY ALBA H WARREN Manager

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Page 1: S I PURELY VEGETABLE CHILDREN - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00319/0069.pdf · 2009-05-15 · r q r I S I 17 I I THB PENSACOLA JOURNAL THURSDAY MORNING

r q r









>>4 NEWS


hrppingTransactionsl a

and1I Notes of Interest Along

Ii the Bay Front It

The Spanish steamship MartaCapt Anduiza 2445 tons and two daysout from Gulfport Miss arrived yes ¬

terday going up to the coal chutes fora hunker supply The Marta is loadedwith a great cargo of pitch pine timfber and lumber all taken on at Gulfport

a t

Two SailedThe British steamships Argo and

Southlands got away yesterday theArgo only with hunker coal and theSouthlands with a cargo of timberand lumber for Genoa


Two Steamers DueTwo big steamships were closely

looked for yesterday but up to a latohour had not been reported off thebar The Wilberforce is coming fromGul port with a part cargo to till nuthere The Augustus is also comingfor cargo and both of them will belea timber berths in tho stream-


Fjsh ReceiptsThe smack Priscilla reached Pala

COX wharf yesterday with a catch ottf about 7000 pounds of red snappers

iXo report was made of the long miss-ing


smack Frances HWarrens New Smack

The Chicopee a new smack built1 for Warren Co at the Hoodlessshipyards in Milton Was towod horeesterday to ibe rigged up fitted withspars etc and made ready for thefishing trade The smack was launch-ed


Tuesday at Milton little MiasElizabeth christening the new vesse-lIt is built entirely of native woodsand pine oak and cypress have allbeen used in its construction Whenthe new vessel arrived yetserday agreat new American flag flutteredgaily at an improvised masthead

I SLate Shipping Sales

Late shipping sales given publicityare as follows The Sunderland ironscrew steamship Resolute lOiS tonsto a Glasgow firm the Newcastle

I steel screw steamer Linhope 133Jtons to J Fenwick Sons New-castle


tho steel screw steamshipNethorton sold as she lay on the

1f beach near Singapore for 3500 poundswas lately taken oyer toy a BilboaSpain firm which will Change nameand flag the Newcastle steel screwsteamship Suningdalc 79S tons toJ Fenwick Sons


Hulk Continues BurningWork of burning the remaining

wreckage of the old barge Tabor hasagain been resumed The Tabor waspartially burned some weeks ago but-a better job tvill be made this time-


Discharging BallastThe Norwegian ship Otra which ar-


the day ibef6re was berthed atthe west side of Palafox wharf yesterday for the purpose of dischargingballast


Big Lumber CargoNearly two million superficial feet

of lumber will be loaded aboard thI British steamship Lannington now

berthed at Perdldo wharf CheckersI representing shippers on the steamerr have as opposition checkers several

Chinamen who are said to relieve one1 another the celestials using their

own language and characters in keep-Ing amounts going into tho vessel

Montgomery in DockI Tn its last issue the Army and Navy4 Journal reports that the cruiser

Montgomery has been ordered to drydock at Philadelphia for repairs af-ter


I J which tho vessel is under or-ders


to proceed to Pensacola to re-main


for the winter-S S S

Fine Launch on WaysThe palatial launch Lotus owned

by Mssrs M E Clark and C WLamar has been hauled up on theKing Runyan ways where repairsjind a few alterations will be made


Unloading CementFor the purpose of discharging a

cargo of SOO tons of cement fromNew York the American schooner

uture has been berthed on the westlIde of Commandancia wharf The=



j I A



NOTICENeither tho Captain own ¬

ers nor consignees of theNorwegian Barkentlne Linda etolwUl be responsible for4 debts contracted by the crew

I of said vesseleT said vesseL C T JENSEN Capt

YJi li



The absoJute vegetable purity of SSS has always been one of thrstrongest points in its favor and Is one of tho principal reasons why it itha most widely known and universally used of all blood medicines Jgreat of the socalled purifiers are nothing more thaIstrong mineral mixture which act so unpleasantly and disastrously othe delicate membranes and tissues of stomach and that everif such treatment purified the blood the condition In which the digestivesystem left would often be more damaging to the health than tho ortginatrouble Not so with S S BJt the greatest of all blood purifiers ancat the same time is an absolutely safe and harmless remedy It Ia mad <entirely of the healing and cleansing extracts and Juices of roots herband barks each of which is in daily use in some form by physicians ittheir practice Years of work and research have proven S S S to centalseverything necessary to purify the blood and at the same time supply thesystem with the purest and best tonio effects S S S cures RheumatismOatarrh Bores and Ulcers Skin Diseases Scrofula Contagious Blood Poisonand all other blood troubles and It leaves the system In perfect conditionwhen it nag purified the blood Book containing much valuable Infonnation on the Diooa and any medical sent free to all who writeTHE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA GA

Notice to Ice ConsumersN-

ORTH HILL-We wish to inform ourfriends and customers thatEd Aaron who drives farmwagon is no longer connect-ed


with our company in any-wayv If you will kindly ringup our office our driver willwait on you at once Thank¬

ing for past favors and-soliciting your future busi¬






HUNTING is madeHOUSE the use of the TelephoneF-

ew people realize how much business they-can do and how quickly they can do it over thewire It is not even necessary to be in the sametown because the Long Distance Service of theBell System brings every one within talkingdistance-

In all the business and social affairs of lifepeople put their trust in the Bell Service because-it is universal

Are YOU a subscriber-

S SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONEI a TELEGRAPH COMPANYEvery Bell Telephone is the Center of the System 2

entire consignment is in bagsS S S

Naval Stores ReceiptsNaval stores receipts reported at

Central wharr yesterday were as fol-lows


Schooner J S Murrow 67 bar-rels


schooner Genoa 206 barrelssihobner Grady S 114 barrels steam-er


Rollo 137 barrels steamer Belle110 barrels


Arrivedlarta Span ss 445 Anduiza Gulf

port to Cary CoS S S

i SailedBr ss Southlands Jones for Ge

Lon i

Br ss Argo Dove for GalvestonU S S

ClearedMarta Sflan ss Anduiza for Ro-

sario with 900 tons coal


E O Saltmarsh Br ss 2319 IrvinTampa to Gulf Transit Co

Crossby Br ss 3200 Warmsley Riode Janeiro via Port Eads to Gulf Tran ¬

sit CoWarrior Br ss 2697 Tinsdale Bu ¬

enos Ayres to Pensacola Lumber CoAugust Belmont Br ss 2952 Rogers

New Castle to Gulf Transit CoShips

Otsa Npr ship liPS Refsnes Buen-os


Ayres to orderLena Ital ship 1581 Tascara

Montevideo to orderCanara Ital ship 1410 Ansaldi

Rio de Janeiro via Barbadoes toRosasco Bros-

Oddersjaa Nor ship 12S3 Aanonsen Buenos Ayres to the PensacolaLumber Co

BarksErna Nor bk 1081 Andersen

Brake to order-Parknook Nor bk 756 Lundgaard

Gulfport to order In distressLulsa Ital bktn 1538 Schiaffino

Genoa to order-Waltikka Rus bk 942 Raunkolm-

Rio de Janeiro via Barbadoes to Pen ¬

sacola Lumber CoFreia Nor bk 942 Natvig Buenos

Ayres to Rix M RobinsonMario Ital bk 1240 Garguilo Rot

dA11o Kr sW





The local weather bureau yesterdayafternoon received an advisory stormwarning message from the central offlee in Washington giving information-of a tropical disturbance south ofSanto Domingo the message readingas follows

Advisory Warning three fortyfive-p m Tropical disturbance south ofSanto Domingo moving westnorth ¬west intensity not yet apparent

BOTH BOYS SAVEDLouis Boon a leading merchant ofNorway Mich writes Three bot ¬

tles of Foleys Honey and Tar abso ¬lutely cured my boy of a severe coughand a neighbors boy who was so illwith a cold that the doctors gave himup was cured by taking Foleys Honeyand Tar Nothing else is as safe andcertain in results

W A DAlemberte druggist andapothecary South Palafox streetRECORDERS COURT

RECORD FOR A DAYbirtysave cases and fines totalling

78 was the police court record yes ¬terday Four defendants were dis ¬charged one bound over to the countyauthorities and fourteen cases werecontinued There were eight casesfor fighting eight plain drunks sixdangerous and suspicious CarenceWhite was fined 51 and costs forrIding bicycle without a light S AMoog was fined 3 and costs for run-ning


an automobile without a lightand Mrs LDm Bell was Lined S5 andcosts for violating the tock law









U After carefully considering reluct ¬

antly given evidence from witnesses-who are alleged to have been en ¬

gaged in the game of dice which re-sulted


so disastrously at Barrlneauscamp Sunday morning and also con-sidering


an antemortem statementgiven by Jim Hutchinson while thelatter was in the hospital the coro-ners


jury yesterday charged up thedeath of Hutchinson to Coupee Ger¬

alds now in the county jail badlywounded Geralds is now formallycharged with murder and the grandjury two months hence will probably-act on his case

Joe Baker Thos Baker and CharlesJohnson witnesses in the case werejailed on charges of being accessories-to the murder They came from thecamp in response to subpoenaes andcharges as indicated were docketedagainst them In the antemortemstatement of Hutchinson the charge-was made that Cbas Johnson oneheld as an accessory handed Geralds-a pistol and told him to shoot Hutchinson The dying negro was inter ¬

rogated closely along that particular-line but he never changed a repeatedstatement in the least

The two dead negroes the wound-ed


one and the three held as acces-sories


with several others were en ¬

gaged in a game and it is possiblethat other arrests will follow soon

Words To Freeze The SoulYour son has Consumption His

case is hopeless These appallingwords were spoken to Geo E Ele-vens


a leading merchant oT Spring ¬

field N C by two expert doctors-one a lung specialist Then was shownthe wonderful power of Dr KingsNew Discovery After three weeksuse writes Mr Blevens he was aswell as ever I would not take allthe money In the world for what itdid for my boy Infallible for Coughs-and Colds its the safest surest CUI eof desperateLung diseases on earth60c and 102 For sale all drug ¬

gists guarantee satiSfactipn Trialbottles free

There is no game law against any ¬

one hunting for Planks Chill Tonic-It is guaranteed to cure malarialhIlls and fever Ask Hannah BrosThey probably know






Fifteen months at hard labor wasthe sentence imposed by Judge Beggsyesterday upon Isaiah H Spears theyoung negro lawyer who was con ¬victed at the recent term of the crim ¬

inal court of forgery and utteringforged paper The sentence wasmade as follows One year at hardlabor on first information count threemonths at hard labor on second countand an additional ten days upon afailure to pay the costs of prosecu ¬

tion Spears was taken to the countyjail and locked up to begin his longsentence The new trial motion wasargued at length but no good groundswere set up and of course such wasdenied by the court

Other SentencesWill Spivey pleaded guilty to va¬

grancy and was fined 5 and costs or45 days

Viney Hunter pleaded guilty to anassault Costs were the only penaltyfixed and Imposition of this was sus-pended


John Henry Chester and PowellEtheridge charged with trespass-were fined 1 and costs or 30 days


Try the Oil of Wintergrcen Com ¬

poundItch is InstantlyRelieved

It is usually very costly to consult-a specialist in any disease but for 25cents on a special offer we can nowgive to those suffering from eczema-or any form of skin disease absolutelyInstant relief with prospect of anearly cure

A special trial bottle of the oil ofwintergreen as compounded in theChicago Laboratories of the D D DCompany may be had in our store onthis special 25 cent offer This onebottle will convince YOUwe know it

we vouch for itTen years of success with this

mild soothing wash D D D Pre-scription

¬has convinced us and we

hope you will accept the special 25cent offer so that you also will D

convincedCrystal Pharmac J

CHILDRENIn disorders and diseases-

of children drugs seldom dogood and often do harm

Careful feeding and bath¬

ing are the babies remedies

Scotts Emulsionis the foodmedicine that notonly nourishes them mostbut also regulates their di-gestion


It is a wonderfultonic for children of all agesThey rapidly gain weight andhealth on small dosesS-


lOc nun of paper and this td for oarbeautiful Barings Batik and Child SketchBook Zacibankcouta1a aGoodLckPsunySCOTT BOWNE 409 Pearl St NYI




f not and we venture to sayyou havent wouldnt It be amighty good idea to rent a Safety Deposit Box In our strongfire and burglarproof vaults

200 per year and upAbsolute Safety

Absolute Privacy





The Beginning and

the EndOf our efforts is to produce first

class washing and Ironing Woknow the secret of it and use itPlenty of water good soap goodstarch and good helpthese neverfail


E W LAWRENCE Proprietor

1517 W ROMANA STPhone 188

REMOVAL NOTICE-I have moved my jewelry

store and repair shop from23 South Palafox to

NO4 E GARDEN STREETSpecial prices will be made-

on all goods till October 1stJ F DAVIS



OR SAtE or exchange for Improved orunimproved property in Pensacola a 5

room cottage practically new on l t 52 ½by 210 feet on principal residence streetin Albany Ga A chance tOil some oneWG this office Toctlw

LAUNCH FOR SALK CHEAPIn firstclass condition All brass fittings 16

feet long 5 feet beam 4horse powerSpeed 7 miles Apply 220 Vest Intenden-cia Street 5octlwFOR SALEOne secondhand wagonApply Wm Johnson Son sept26tfFOR SALEGood gentle mare fine trav-


also runabout and harness greatbargain if sold at once Address HorseCare Journal 3OctlwGO TO C T DAVIS for bargains Fur ¬

niture new or second hand bought andsold for cash or credit Mattresses made-to order old ones renoYated called forand returned same day 114 E Belmont-St Phone 771 3Octf

Legal AdvertisementsN-

OTICEIt is hereby given that a meeting ofthe stockholders of the Pensacola Invest-ment


Company will be held at the officeof that Company In the Brent BuildingPensacola Fla on the 25th day of Oc-tober


A DI 1809 at 12 oclock noon for-th purpose of voting upon the followingproposed amendments to the charter ofthat Company

1 A proposal to amend the first sen-tence


of Article No 3 of the said char-ter


to read as foUowThe amount of the capital stock shall

be Three Hundred Thonsand 390600dollars divided Into shares of One Hund-red


I 100 dollars eachI 2 A proposal to amend Article 6 ofI the said charter so that it shall read asI followsI Tho highest amount of indebtedness toI whleh the corporation can at any time-

ectLeub itself shall be Fvo Hundred


Choosing a BankI-s one of the most IMPORTANT acts In the career cf any firm-

or individual A rood banking connection is of MATERIAL helpto one If you have no bank account or desire to change yourpresent arrangements we offer you the excellent facilities of thisbank The SMALL depositor receives the same courteous con-sideration


as the LARGER one

Four per cent compounded quarterly paid on savings accounts


ii c iaSafety and ProtectionT-

he best plan for the safety and protection of yourfunds is to deposit them in the First National

Safety is always our thought and aim Every safe ¬

guard known to law and science is employed for safetyhere

Our service is as perfect as human skill and knowl-edge


can make it We invite your account be it large orsmall

I L s

First National Banko-f Pensacola Florida

Designated Depository of the United States-W K HYER JR W S KEYSER W J FORBES

President VicePresident CashierTHOS W BRENT A st Cashier W N ROBERTS Asst CashierDirectorsF C Brent W A Blount W H Knowles W K Hyer Jr W J

Forbes W S Keyser and Knowles Hyer

c wI

J 8 REESE 1t ax CAIn J W DORRPresident Vic ePresldent Cashier

The Peoples National Bank of-



A General Banking Duslncs Transacted and Accounts Solicited Ji hIpV Disburse-ments


given Special Attention


A General Kankini Buelncw Conducted on a 8afo end ConservativeSails

Correspondence Solicited R M Buahnell Cashier

FOR SCHOOL CHILDRENthe most satisfactory light is that which gives the requiredillumination in a warm glow of soft tints

GAS LIGHTSeq-uipped with the latest type of high efficiency reflectorsgives such a light


PENSACOLA GAS COPhone 148 25 and 27 E Garden Street


Pensacola St Andrews andGulf Steamship Co





DREWSAnd All points on St Andrews Bay Car

and ApalachlcolaSCHEDULE

Leaves Pensacola Sunday 830 p mf-r° AlaLeabJ pensacola Tuesday 330 mfor St Andrews MJIIvlUe Apalachlcola-

arrabello° and Intermediate pointsFor Information COVER-


apply to

W WALTHER PresidentGeneral Frt and Pass Agt Pensacola

Fla Phone 653

Thousand 500000 dollarsPENSACOLA INVESTMENT CO

Henry M Yonce Secretarysept23oaw4w

U S ENGINEER OFFICE Montgomery-Ala October 5 1909 Sealed proposals

for construction of sea Wall atFla will he received at this office until

20 1909 and thenone p m October pub-licly opened Information furnished onapplication H B Ferguson Capt Engineers oct7S910I719

APPLICATION FOR PARDONNotice Is hereby given that on the 7tJi

day of October 1909 the County Com-missioners


shall apply for pardon for oneP D Thomas who was convicted of lar-ceny


month of July 1907 Same applica-tion will be made to the Pardoning Board-at Tallahassee FlaJAS MACGIBBON-

Clerk Board County CommissionersEXECUTORS NOTICE

Notice Is hereby given that the under-signed Executors of the estate of Amelia-L deceased wilt on the 7th dayof March A D 1910 our finalaccount and vouchers the CountyJudge of Escambia County Florida andask for a discharge from their executorship J N ANDREWS

W W RICHARDSSeptember 7 1909 Executors

ept7oam6m 1

Read The Journals WantAds and profit thereby j

Every Medicine Advertis¬I This Paper For Sale IjnP-





Effective Saturday June 19 1909Leave Pensacola Leave Barraacas

530 am 600 am600 am 710 am710 arn 800 am800 arn 845 ain845 am 930 am930 am 1015 am

1015 am 1100 am1100 am 145 am1145 am 1230 pm1230 pm 115 pm115 pm 200 pm200 pm 245 pm245 pm 330 pm330 pm 415 pm

I 415 pm 510 pmj 600 pm 545 pm

545 pm 630 pm630 pm 715 pm

I 715 pm 800 pmgOO pm 845 pm645 pm 93 pm930 pm 1015 pm

1015 pm 1100 pm1100 1130 p mLocal Freight eaves Pensacola at

715 a m1015 a m

I 339 p mThrouzb freight leaves Pensacola sa

115 p mSunday Shedule

First car leaves Pensacola at 700 asecond car at 860 a m and from thaihour on the week day schedule willobserved except a car will leave ForBarrancas at 500 p m instead of 51pmFreIght car will make but ona tripleaving at 930 a ra-

West Hilt SchedulePassengers wlshlne to RO to West HIC

will take North Hill cars and transferto West Hin ear at LaRua and DeVIlHer streets EXCEPT after 3 pm Saturdays after 12 m Sundays andPo m all other days when West atterdwill run through Palafox street