s. l. wheeler. tting's store.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031979/1901-09-14/ed...mil. li...

Mil. li ATTMU'Uiill REITKLICAIW SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER U, h., !, i H i s s » L V , i IM«' ini'l ili'-;i|i]>nintmi']i!. l»v n-iiiu; tb<« V vJ*.-j ..J „ j i A >•• r " ~ 1 " "" 7 i fa i in < M RS. Save Money, Piattsburgh 5c. Express To carry your Trunks, Grips, Packages, Messages, &c 'h . I'LAi'lM'.l !.'<;!! i- fh-- "lily FA]-r«-> tluit fur- n. -Ir i ,\.> ii.. 11 i.i .MI ry yi>ur Trunk-, tV<\, n}i nr .:.-w!i -r.ii.--. N".. T.'.irin.c 'it' (';ir]»'js, \<> M.u'i iim <>f Wall-. ;m«l Ni' KXTUA CTTAIUJKS. BUSINESS CARDS. LEGAL NOTICES. Terras of ("1 In ton CrtnnfT fonrt. SHERIFF'S SALE. WILLOW r. i.iKdv \TT. T-.I-. t-. '. • ... •..-!...,. M ,VW.| ""• VT-""^ 'T/"^.'.; 0 !''-' - • ! •" *• " I • . " - • . , . . . . . n f... T - , , ! - - , _ . , , .',.,. --".. - . , - . ' - ' .'. ^.rr •, .. . . lf . I , ' ' " , ........ "f, . . , . , « .. i , , ,, , , . , ' * ' . " ' ' I • ' I ' !"• ' - ' : *.' ••.,.. -• % ' ' : - . r- - , - . , ' . - > . N.: KLKJ'TJON* NOTF- I.irj-.-r oriM at pro rata \ :.-.-. I.i. . Two f.r l.V. (Mlice anil Telephone % ^ ^ % li ^e-i« • >» ' ** (ST. Ab tting's Store. •-•*"t i "i ^ri-j ,"-,. ^ : ^ ' <*•, Pl&i*. * >•-.-1 .. - t!. l'\: ,K1>l! *• I i. I OK (.IKI.s \M> I U ) \ s . luilim llcilbr»*.is(. I I \IUr < H t i v. o Flmsr^ ,i;nl hun:lav-, Icicphonc or cnli 03 Oali Si. Trie Fines! Work! lh 8ssi Goods! The Most Stylish Garments! Tit.-i Aui iii;: TIII;I:K i:.-.-i.xTiAL.< IN Merchant Tailoring, AMI !'••.- ii-//' sn-rt;r ALL ninrr AT . J. Clark's. SEE OUR XEW STOCK OF CLOTHS, Look .it our wall-dress-d men about town, INQUIEE OUR PRICES A.! •: \.."i v.: . .-.ii -r.i \. :ir-. .f ii..." !iiL'.n'l»'»!:.Ti'k uiiytlhn^ iu the-way of Clothing "The Best is None Too Good," JOH.V B. HI LEY, Altorney & Counselor a t L a w , M.iri'.n lil.i.k, r!it,|.,:| ,-:r.">t, i LA rr-j.i /.-.,//. ,\. r . K. E. HE A LEV. V TT'iTiNEY AMI i .II\.,KIT.MI! \T I VW "!liif« in M,, ...,-•< p.|.„ j,, \., ii'i'iif i^'r.-t' 1'l.ilNl.urch. M.-r..-y l..;u,..l ..r, r.-si .-'n'.- «. .•iinlj K. & J. COW BIX, V TT<T:\rv- \ND i <•!-•..K 1 i •;.- \ T I \ ' r . "«i. . in Ar.u-tr.t,: I; •'•. I . i " - .r^ti. ?> Y S. L. WHEELER. \7T<>[;-.RY \NP •-M \-rir<>:: \T I,\»V. J V nlli... m JI i n ni-:... k. i . ...'• -i -!r.-«. l'..ii' - hurcli. N Y "WJEEW, CUNWAI & CorifcR, V TT.II.NFY-* .t i ir:.'-i:i.T.n;.- AT I.A«". .••>I. .-. « . .-I ,V M..... T- Ji..»». I .n.' it M . I'l'itN'. ir.-l.. S V MIIT.I M VW<-.,. i,,-.-. « • - W i n . , In .in- f. i ••>..-. \-i. Ti.-Jivli ' "ni'E. BOTSFOKD, JlEUUlHJiW A: ALLEN, \ TT"i!.M.\> ANI> ' " ' N-EI.I.OI.-s \T r.\ T .Y. -iV nil ...... i ..urt J1..U-.. ^,'.ii.-. J'lut'-'iurali. Niw \..rs-.. ti.Mi.i. f. I: T- ••..;:•. -'TIT S. AII.T.W 11. Ml.'.. l.'V JfFI'.l-WC . SHEDUKS A: c ^H'N'SEI.I. HI... k. i ,. L. L. MIEi.i ii.- AT I.\\v. n>..ii -T.-.-t. r. VERT, uffi n Armslr.-.-n Ii. N. Y. '. -T. \ EHT. t TT>>i(\r\> i V Illt|,-.-< " S . i . ' I •i.itt-l.i.rifl., N.Y . E. ... EM-!K.iiT. EVEREST &. SKJ.NOR, W!) C'ir\--.>-T.|ni: u I. I , . V.'' ' . ! * ' ' . I ' . ' " • n II , . i , x. ill-.' .f T-'. . tr.l -iT-i,-;,. N . Y Mfi..'.i.' K..r t'... |r'.i'..f N< i. * > f r t- t v ' * \ -' .TT ftn I ' ' ' v '' ' "' ' »'..Mirst T ' j ^ l . i v . f Yiav. ..r. ».i> ih.r-i T;]f""lay < I ' ' ' , !r ^ ' ' r i'" v li , .r,-j^ r K. r tl.- TV-il .f T;'i«><! .f TITT <"m t-'.->fr»f Yf. v ! i v . . f cj. I, Tv ..fl .MtiMff A it*-.«l If'J 1. ..r,l..r \-l I i.-r.*T .!•''—.-..*> -,-1 ->rr-'"* '1"'" «*M T. - i , f k , : . ••-. i."»i..« 3r .I ; . ' v .-^ f, r !...-•_- ', ,l , ' . i ... T' * ^ ...1 "I , "' .' '• nq ' ' - , . f 'f ".] I.. I,'-. ' O K ^.'. . ' I'P T r ; • , | ^ , , . , « £ ir ;1 , , , (1 »..-., , , ,. , , , ^ . t| -_ r.-.-. - .-r i- .- !' I ' r '. 1' 1 i t f .1 ,j r ,.' ,» , r " 1 - . - ' I I. "I7.FW x. I. - l- l I 'I ;,- M -. M. . ! . f . : '».'- Ml I '. ' ' , ' ! ' - l > . i -• II T'i >, • .!r, ,•,,)!., . , ' 1 _ , '_..,-, • ' , . , • . " . " .1 , \ '' if . . *•, t-l 1 . r I - r , , ' ' , r ] - T - M " ! T |"-' «.-•.•' I -rilf . . f I >,•••> , ••• i'f • f > . '.' Y'.-i:. .1. - r ' . 1 .- '. - - v t'i.. ..,-ifli I. ,'f ,,f . " t l , , • ...H', .. I .' '. r-,-.r. ..... ,|.-.i t,v H- nrv s ,[..! i.- ,. I.'r^ -..n'l ..f c . -i'li..!.. .'. ".H'IT. ir.il. <.;'> i. i r ' . f '• • V '•• I'N't- 1 .r^-'i >' : 1 p.'. .-!•'. . ' ' .•- N '. .ft'..-' ' v.- .r, . f - , | ' .'..! a" - ' •!. -. r '..I. . ••) '.» ',•• ii ' rr.i; I.!,.I at R. AT r.AYV. -..-..... I fl.,i.r, l"..iiit.N. Y. '. U. Mi.K'IR. J*w 'i i [i :• ..i •'•. r : , -• :•• H-* . * .*•'. ' i i ' \ . • f.T ••. 'l -p> .... - ... i..-:-.. r I: ,V (Jhiick Curo. A i'. 'I.i II «'•-! - ! ii •••vri ! . r . ' ! . " r f.r •-. v> r.i! .1 1 >- ••'.. '.:•. n:t) it'i 1 f'nn X"W Y'.Tk ha 1 l» i» i ,i'. , .Ji 1 i.y tl.. pi,.-. ••.•.. nf ;i >.mi.tr lll.ii . «'.» p.r-;-'.'1 ill t.vK.: ^ I'.i' .^'Mt rii-Yf li'in mi tt.- !r,.in .HI 1 I'Tryli".ii. uu.l IT.IW.1- i IJ' .I-M.';-: I. •)). It was t'.i" lirnii.'r'r'ha'v.t i'i , i .>;-. r nv.T In-! nvruinj; n^.v^p.vp.'r^ t.i in.tk'Mi.i!..-. mi tho m.ir^iti .".irii?.>rni!i^ l'"' slut" ««f tin' J t.ick iinirk.'t. II^i ! . i l lal"ly carnal m. sun" ilfS l^Ky -iir-o.^-if.i'. upfru- ti"!''' an 1 !r.< upmi'iiH an 1 0,f "p iint-." in- ciul 1 ji'wp won! 1 be of t;ri'al vain" to .«i»'cn- lator?. J?O tls" yountc man I."pt cio?e at hi? si'l" and stU'hed Die nut"; an.l fiixuros over his shouhlor. By and by the broker caught him pepping:, anU naturally was annoyed. His friend3 warned bun that he might be a dangerous character. But he only laughed and put down his too affectionate neighbor as merely a curious busybody, and tried not tn be annoyed. After a few morn.:._r- of this JWV.L* and pa- t -• .TiiBont tUeyouuij man foigot imn- s?lf at >1 leuaed, oY-er so far that the broker felt Ids breatu or- ' i? < ueek. T! i t decided L m. K 'versing l.is paper to find a clear margin he hastily wrote somethtni;. The. yourii^ man rose suddenly and with a very r^ 5 d face walked away. '•How did you do it?"' asked a friend. "Easily euouirh," and he held up the pai or on which in Iarare letters was the one w ir.l: ••Uibh.-r." 1r.'. !'- ' I . a I..- li, : no I.. ;.. 1 :•- Ui '••'! p " : •!<• « *11 - !; •- 1 - t::>. i :• i-ir.ii.: Mn.i- .• . ; . r. i:..'. ...:;.!.nr..i. i ii. , I,.. •: .1 n,, \.,. ti.-n.-il 1 riiii-.l ul" fh. Stufi . i. ;!1 !., Li.ii i liinr-li.il uf TLO .I:iy. a m i -a ill b. a. • . ,i, panii.l by li-; .'iiiir. i-t. 11. S.p;;(.li...i 11 1.1 1 ! . .' iy a a .. p! 1. •. ;u il r:...rl - *-'ri>-Ti ni : - \ , . , , , • .• i". ' . .-I > r . n't. ,1 .i- - '.a" ..I : . i :; , . , V. I I. M..I IL . .I II nui'i-- 1 '-•'.,1 1 \ I... ,. l;uiuiU>. I ' . i <;.. 1. 1. 1 t. I'r.vi. : -... 1 'i. 11,, .I.I, .1 '•n«. . J j ' . i i T . .'- • u . 1 >-.v- Vo-.t. Thi 1 i i : .;, ':]- 1" 11,.1 in. Punsh- l:iip*.i.-; Ah.ih •,-, S Iiaaa r-ley. 2!ll ]*.r...-i.ln-..\. X. -v Y'.II, City; Leopold Si.-ni. i;s X : i - - 111 - : : • . . t. Xrw York City; Snln. y W. I'. ti,, «-{: i.i rxi'i-iitivo otli- i-ir. Itiill.iln; r.yn.H It. NiTU.ni. si'tTC- 1-iiy. Uiill.il... The qlli".li,,n l.;l~ flfipii Iltly llOPD lli-kril AA'llV Si J'!. 1-^ nils -.1 li'.-tf.l f.if Now Y.'ik day an.l if ii marked any peiiii-nlar i \ . i n in 11..- Slate's history. X'i; ir .li..-, nut. aial it -was 11..t M 1 - I'.di'il lii-i-au«.|. ul' ;iny hisinri.-iil .siiniti- .•nn.-i'. but i! is an iiiiiTi'siinn i-uiiii'i- il.'in-i' that upon that dalo M ywrs .IL'O a ftiriuns battle YY;;S fmiirlit and a ! ftl.iri.ms victory wmi by an American array oompos.-.l largely of NVw Tork State voluuteors upou a ticlJ HOYV Is .'• r i!,. i'... 11;, 1 we wi.l live n]i to it. R. J. CLARK, Merchant Tailor, A"... ,* .1/.•/,';.i..;.; >n;r.i:r yw sT. 1 ins 1, PLATTSBURCH, N. Y. I.TFr-Tr\AXT (j.r A Record Urcnkiii"; Kite. It *i» a ni'-tcorul.'.-iu'.d kit" and was tlown fn.m ti- • Auii-tR'an nb-ervatory at Bine Hill. It 1- 1.." l.i^h".-t ili^lit ever taken in this conii' r .\ ev.-a I'V a tiallaoTi. tour and ttiree- if plana ivire farmed til.' lin". i'e was fid 7.,v.-x a' the hiirlestt llie 3lsijfu- llo.so. .--e, \vl,.i .1.1 -11 IllUtl} WuI.d.TfUl -"l - . • • a d 111 Cill'iVutilie; the ...: '•• i- :••• • \i-r s. 1 ii. It is a . aili.I li.u-er ai.d Inside ail . .' . s -,v ., I, [ a s — p.-se-s, it . . I 1 .wi_.i _' c •'.'!'. !urn. r< d .' a M ••" .li i ' f -Iiade. A N't-AV %\"«>r«l. ...i- i_; 1 -1 .....'-li. •} lia- lii-L-uVer- rd. "lie iiai.1.. r was drilling ..«• H..M.11.11 e and feminine form I >i e u>la- i .f anyone couid •tr.iLii.e "t .• rsenian. ' sail J.'I.1.1 ie, ".is mari-Iai.lv." qu it >*i Th'tn'i jo ". T • .1 t' !' _'- IIII-I Kr_. t'-' " • ha- Ul la" - 11 >• ,'.Ta 1 1 .' 1, l\ 1 . I . * ' '• ..A. ^;...:. v.- e I m 1 a w he i; 1-- o. • 0 ' I . 1: . ,. f!l 1 r ti..' ! "Vi -. '1 la I'm ti t a n . l Loss. •'f -e.l lw>. In.r-es at ^1.5i»il eauh: On One I ga.n twi-niy-rive per ft-nt . and on [he otiier 1 lu r e twei,n-!ive per ivr.t. What du I make or !••-" i'Q tli" trui.sacli.iii'.'" Ciiarade uf August :U. . . . Curious. Fasliiun Notes. It 1- <• 'I.'" leii'h predicted that the days of the '.r.i.' •• 1 -art are numbered, even for eve- n's »V !.'•»'•'. Far -r <IJ.\~ a u-.-f it 111.11"! far a lin-n cr.is^ - . 1. .ier.. M n.ali !i tin.' skirt. Ti.e * f ix, :•• iia'.^le w,:a ftiil-starched . .'- A s d; r-, k li" 1* w-irn un- r. - , .If 1 Ii a l . i W.l.t'-r e .... *- 1 ' ; e I ' , w r S •p ai.d tlitt iiiBtead of hi^h. A ..->.• of gr.-y tack" 1 crepe-.li-chii.e l.a« x •>• -' of «!..[••-.,;* tranuied w.'.ii black Ye. v.-' '. .!i T : , e c o l -»r at;..l\oke (if White a*Tin „-.- covered with embroidery in cut steel iii.-i 'unds of the same form the cutis. A Ti-.v an 1 un.'pie !iat i« r.'mp.-«"l en- tirely of leaves « ' a s if; -' t l - ,,,' _'reell. Tii"re i~ a b ^ iL'A o; li,... *. ,.-l\i-l r.lei.-n in the c.-itre u! lie-crown ..1,1 "Tals l.atu from the back in er the l.a.r. Be'.r^ a r e s i / : na-r.'^s.Mi .;. w. lLii a). 1 )• .'.h waistbands ar.i n-tkbun is are tr.iuin.-l elaborateA. Cos'.un..- mat" .-I'-.r. ., of "li'- mater,.!.: are l',crea-.!.L' Ii 1 op J.aT.ty b•"'.! for da\ ahd Krti'i..' wear. A, ;XOR YVOorirtt'iT. li;. oi-f;aliizalioii i A llair<' Titrtilc. >p.•.'...' :•• tl.- Tinr..-' -' .n_' s.-l 1. .i..-r 'Ki-n- •» .._".t int.. port ;.-• A ii. .ac—t.-r. Ma—.. '. s. 24 -a.^ TH- (."-.;I.. Ti I'i."'. I . in ri..r -. ") " "I " " ,..r_'.-: ^-a tar:.i'- - ea ».»•!••. It w.i.- capture t at >"»•:. HI. Ti. .r.-lay in.in.a.„'. a*:.-r 1 u l •. ar.'.-t 1A. 1 •> in '.-.- 1 --1 of '-'ape Vft<-r ti.-.i _• v r i . ',. !•;. a -p» ar u~-1 or. •J. it ilru •• I-J a .ar„>" st-ili" l-'at it..- vcuti-r w.tn ^ t a nVu 'y, IA.' a ' t H a ' - r . ;i'.;i'"li..',,M.i ;:,,. -alfac" MX. 1 til'ifii; ..(.•• a VH a.\<> A tuck," -la-.J a'a.-ut ti." L'-.l> "! '.:." t-.r;.e ailiei:, .X'a'.'i 1 D> '-I-" a-'s- of - Ml." monst'-r nfb-l t . : • • !•.-. k. i" nht t.u'irc after lup'ar.- Tie- tur- lie tta-a-^'".s e.ght feel t*o ii.cl.en from laiac 10 tip ••' 'ail, seven arid a t.a.f t""t between Ifce fJipI *-"--, atiJ twenty-three feet six Inches in OfCuiid-reliC". It-s \4.-isht was nine hun- (JMNI |»'-«» !i«. It has been nuld to a Lon^ B«*ctt ti.a' for exhibition purposes. HAlIroaiB »re under government control in Sweden, and that govtrnment is considering UM plim of diBcardmg gteiurt fur running Uttm Mid iubitttutuig in us place electricity .by the »bundiu.t water power of [•tMBtrjr. C- - w-»,.' thr.- v:. :•-* at li»c Hi-'. Sfli" ' it in ISevv York ( dry. will no pros, at wiin it - mounted band and will h a d Tan -eort. Detaehmeni- ' . -\aval KesirYcar.il several batteries v itb. full equipment •will also be in line. The entire Fourth TV_:idi\ X. U. S. X. Y., and a number of separate orack companies will add to the jrraurt pageant. Extensive preparations are being maue for the deci.nrtit.n if the city, and both Buffalo and the Pan-Ameri- can Exposition vi ill w a r i In ir very best bib anil Tm-kcr iu hoiior of ihe oc- casion. The progr.imme of tin- day will < •>. m- nicuce with tin- military pii-ado in the t-ioriiing. governor Oilcll and the oilier distinguished quests will be met at a point d.i-vn town and escurted ihroiigii the pi iiuipal .streets of the city to the Lin.-. In parkway gate, where the Exposition g.-on'idx will be onii'ivd by Xew York's gnat army of (ilizcus amid a .storm of salutes and <li xiii.nst.-ati.ins of welcome. I-'mm that inomiTit on the Paii-Aiiierican Exposi- ticn will be turiieil over to the Empire State. T'poii r«aching iln- grounds the liov- eriior and guests will iiro.-eeil to the Tempi* of Music, where Xew York Stale flay oxen-is,.., will be laid at 11 o'clock Tirirf sji. icins will ln> made by li.ivni.w <'dcll. Senaiors Plntt and He],, w t a d .I.dui C. Milbui'Il. president of Tin- Expos'-i,,n i-oinpar.y. the Hon. Daniel X. Lookwood. ].rcsidcnt of the State Board of Coin-nil Managers, pre- siding. The oraf'oii of the il ;1y will lie made by Th* Hon. St. Clair M*-Kcl- way of Brooklyn and tin- entire pro- gramme iutcwuersed with music by the many fariru- ban.Is attending the Exposition. At llie conclusion of the exercises all Xi w Yi.rk.Ts will bo invited to the Xew York Siare building, where they will find orn-n house and the warmest kind of welcome during the day and evening. Governor Udell and staff will visit the many places uf interest on the grounds during the afternoon, and from 7 to !i in the cveuing the (-inventor and Mrs. (idell will give a public reception hi the Xew York State building. It is not at all likely that C"vi rnor or Mrs. Udell will be aide to shale bauds with .very Xew Yorker that day. but the Guv.rra.r has -tared that lie will be glad to rn.-i-r piisonally every Xew Ymk. r on the gi.'unds. a n d it" th>y do nut meet him it will not be the Uov- . rnnr's fanlr. Tiiiii.nliatih afti'iV*"' '.•option an unusual and clabora-c ulsplay of fire- works will be given along the lake front, directly opposite the Xew York State building. The tiivwurks on that I'Vi'iiinir v\ill far surpass anything of the kind given during the Exposition .T probably >\.r w itiiess.-.l i u t h ' s country. r , ,- t l s display double The an...nut ul i i . in y usually appropri- at.-i by t b " Lxp'.s.ti'-n .'..nipany lias )... ii J \i .i IIIHI :i i-uii. i-ipial i" tins lias b. .n a-l.l. i by X. w ii rk Stat.. Sev- .. r.il .-I tl.. l.i-'St in •.. H...U- and cstly s, t paci s . . n r ciistru. ted by Pain are bung made for tl, ..si.ni. and all will be si 1 oti so as to throw their brlliatit ndiaii.'. u].on llie white por- tico ot tl;. N. .\ Y.Ik building. (»iw set pa-e alone mil cist upward of Jt.iiuii mid : - a l . m . l J . U . r never bo- ti.n sc. li ;>i lias , ,.iii,1ry. l'!...s. w l e . t i . n d tl-e ilxp.sition dur- 1! g Till \\.,i. be^ilill'llg Si r t . I.I, ill Y\l, • I, X ' e. Y ' l i . S . it day occurs. S. pi is x\ ill 1 • I..rt of I!.' tll.'ll.J s),.,-i.. v\.. i.'s pr.igrii..i... . lads ,,,, Sunday. .- lb.- ii-. ,1 Ilondti: is. a' d It x. i w ,Ih apJ'H p. at. . \. !'• -. ST. c r.Ain M Kirr.wAT. plainly in view from the restaurant in tin' Electric Tower. In the brown ('anadiau pasfures just across the Xi- agara river from the Pan-Am.-rican grounds stands Die ruins of old Eort Erie, whore one of the most desperate and decisive lmitlos ..f the w a r of 1S12 was fuuglij. twecji midnight and .lawn on Aug. L", isii. A mo'iih latiT. or upon Sept. IS. Hi" Amori. an army crept .stealthily nit of the b. sieged fort and at- ii'clcid the P.riiisii works locat"d in ti.e for.-i in a t the banks of t :>• liver. l'rilish Wei-e hli'ldn .Is. ;;,,.! I. w i i i il:.-* w. I erne in IT. a!; ("lest p-ltlis YVli.Tf lie iiiXpo-iliim llOW l.ospiial was osiablisbeil n P.oili .Uiiei'ieaus and slauglitercd by the •Ptrir.g llie days that fol- iit, !"d nnd dying Yvore ,n-' ox «-aris through the over the vo"v ground stands. A ar by. and several hundred British and American soldiers are now asleep there in the ii'ondows ruder the very shadow of the nirr.ted stru.-fiires of the I'an-Ameri- can Expo~:riop. Diseases in PJiilippines. i:,. on account ids on the l.".ih. which i.nai holiday b. el,s,r\. 1 ,.t li.. llon- il'ir.is l.i.,l.;,i,_ li \\ A\ I . I i u i i b i r u e u ' s «oi, .nut :iiiM.i iiuli ". ;.. Ci.nip.uiy C ot the Ei'th ui.i.i Xaiioiial Guard and the SeM-nty ni-st ll.-glu.eiit Vir- ginia Y'oliuit. t r s will In in eaiup-ar the Exposition. The I'lth will be lllliluis- day and M< \i> an day. the 17th G. A. li. day. tin- 1Mb X.w York Stat. day. the IMih Welsh <1«Y and Eisteddfod, the •_.ith Pennsylvania day and St Catha- rines day and tin- ^lst Trained Nurse* 1 day. Thir.- will be d.splays. Pain's hr.work- on the evenings of the l7tli. lsth. l'.ith and 'Jl-t. fro organ recitals in the Temple of AlUsa,- e v e r y aftei- nooii; concerts in the forenoon, aftir- Cliicf Surgeon Grccnlcafarakps Kcport and Kccoimnciiiliitioii, Washington, Aug. 20.— Col. Charles R. Greenleaf, chief surgeon of the Philippines, under date of May 31, has made cpiite an ex- tended report concerning the health of the army in the Philippines." He says the health of the soldiers in the islands continues good, the ratio of non-etIective3 for the nine montli3 ending March 31 being 7.52 per cent, during which time the strengtli of the army ranged from 56,"'J1 to fis,405. The principal diseases were typhoid fever, malarial fever, dysentery, diarrhoea, venereal diseases and wounds and injuries, the highest being malarial fever at 15.23, and venereal 13.18." The improvement, he says, is due to a certain extent to greater care in sanitation and weeding out of weak- lings and chronic invalids. "The seasoned men who pass a year in the tropics and ob- serve ordinary hygienic rules show a small sick list. Col. Greenleaf says: "The steady increase in venereal diseases among our troops from S.'J" percent, in Sept. I'.mO, "to 20.-12 per cent, of the total sickness in April furnishes ground for the greatest ap- prehension and is an item not exceeded in importance by any other affecting the health ami efficiency of the army in the Philippines. Col. Greenleaf says that the diseases are spread more particularly from Manila and re- commends the segregation of women in a certain part of the town and a supervision of their healt'i as a precautionary measure. Also that soldiers be treated at a special hospital at Los Banos, where' there is a hot spring similar to that at Hot Springs, Ark." Contrary to the general belief in the United States, tli'-re is not much disability from al- coholism, the habits of the enlisted men dif- fering but little from those in the United States. An exciting cause for a certain pro- portion of insanity, as well as the origin of a large part of the drunkenness In the pro- vinces, is the use of the so-called "vino" of the natives, a crudely distilled alcohol, which taken in excess causes wild deiiriam and va- rious delusions. If You only bad a Kodak Thi'iv arc lots of things you could iiKc that would he a comfort to you afterwards. Wo carry in stock a full line of luni Kodaks and nlate cameras and tcadi you how to use them. You're missing it if you go through the season without it. GEO. I. WOODWARD \ n S£] R. C. Wilkinson, D. D. S. . 16 YEARS practical experience in t ^feS"-^sS^ practice of Modern Dentistry, All the Latest Ideas, Methods, Materials. Dental Parlors-, ClintonlBlock, Head of Bridge St PLA.TTSB ^ " "_ Y . Nasal S3TABBH In ad its stages there •!» ml.! be cleauaaesa. T-h't Cream Baiia ' Van=05, snotlicsatid heals His d;-;c.i ed membrane. It i-'ir.- -s. nf irrli and drives f.v.ny a cold iu the head ('rerun Balm : « p'uvi 11 rv.r ti.i. mi-iu'irane ai.d i. :. . ' e a i . - l a r ,ref.,.l>>\i i., t pr . 1 !--..• fi.••»-;;,i .-. T..rs;i ">•- r ! , - - . - ; Trials..-' i-LV n.iuiiirt.s, --. YV r.lo I V r i KV, spremls ib-.triiod. Itc-.k'f 13 im- li 19 not ilrynai—iloes e.s.ie, r, I I , r.ts at Drng- M cents t.y mail, rreu Street, 2Tew York. PURE EXTRACTS LOC^ ^IE! I", no matter how old, sore and uful, can b. quickly cured by using IK iL'^S COKN CERE. Price 15 eta. ou wi3h to ' ave bta'Hiful Teeth use SMITH'S IJL.NTIFOASI, preserves the I'eeOt ai iJ-mns, and gi. .- a delightful fragran- I;, ath. 0 "cts a bottle. Don't Sitfh r wi... a he, lack'- when you can be cured by SMITHS MIGRAINE TAB- LETS; one dose is generally sufficient. 15'cents per box. You need not be Bn'-VfivM if you will use SMITH'S HAIR TOXIC, it prevents the Hair from falling out. 50 ce.nts and SI.00 per bottle. By taking our LITTLE LIVER GRANULES you can avoid Bilumsne's and Cons'ipa- tion. 20 cents per bottle. Never have a Tooth pulled unless it is past saving but U3e SMITH'S MAGIC TOOiH- ACHE DROPS. 10 cent bottles. TASTELESS WORM POWDER for children; the best and safest remedy. 10 cents per package. If you have weak or inflamed Eyes try SMITH'S EYE WATER, it will cure you. 25 cents a bottle. Smith & LaRocque, CITY PHARMACY, PLATT«BUROH, N. V. The Season is Just Commencing. Save your Raj?s. old Kubber, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc and old Iron. Drop a postal card when you have any, we will be after them. We are payms the highest cash prices for the same. We buy large or small quantities. Remember the place. h. BAKER & SON, 71 Lafayette St., 15th Plattsbunrh, N. Y. MOVING BUILDINGS. PULLING STmrPS AND TREES. CLEANING ZAND. ESTIMATES ON CARPENTER WORK. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. PROMPT SERVICE. PRICES ON APPLICATION. SP1RTA FELTON, 12tf Pittsburgh. N. Y. IEFFMANUUBLEIGI..' GENERAL Insurance Agents, PLATTSBURGR, N. T. T. HEFFERSAN. W. T. BURLEIGH. PAINTING. House, Sign, Carriage and Sleigh Painting Done in Flrst-Class Style/by A. C. DUPONT, No. C. Miller Street, Platuburgh, N. Y. Prices satisfactory. Farm produce taken ( I in payment for work from farmers. ••••••••»•••••»»•• •»••••»• | ARCADE : Lunch and Dining Rooms,: X Come)- of Clinton and Marion Sts., « X PLATTSBURGE, N. T. Gentlemen's Lunch Department on the < * first floor. Department for ladies and families up < stairs. Everything First Class. + Dinner from 6 to 8 on Sundays. + No Noon Lunch served on Sundays. ww wwwwwwww WWWWWWVW City Market, 20 MARGARET STREET, Yon will always And a complete stock of NATIVE AND WESTEIN IEEF, Pork, Veal, Mutton and Lamb, POULTRY, CAME, Pork S&ntage and Bologna Santaf o, Frankfort lanugo, H o n e y C o m b Tripe, COLBY PBIME BACON, HAM AND MISCE MEAT, FRISI A5B SALT FIS1, Bf stem and Yegetablof la aeasofe. IS^My motto will be in the future, as In the past, to sail Choice Goods at Seasonable Prices. JOHN COLLINS. T h e D e m o c r a t i c Opportunity. Never was there a lime when the Demo- crats had a sreater opportunity to win m magnificent victory. The American people of all classes are aroused and alarmed at the enormous arrogance and overbearing assump- tion of the great capitalistic combination*. Every man who is not a millionaire see* that he is being crowded down into a state of subordination and humiliation. The poeaea- session of a fair fortune .toes not protect its owner from being driven oat of baaiMsm. while the workingman aeea slaver/ belore him—JTeic Orleans Picayune. I am prepared to do all kinds of BICYCUI REPAIRING, and shall keep on hand an assort- ment of Valves, Spokes, Repairs. Outfits, Ac., Ae. Acent for the celebrated Morgan A Wrijrbt J. D, WILKINSON, Gnn Smith, IS Bridge Htrcet. PLATTSBUROH, N. > Ransom's Livery Stables Teaching French by phonograph is being tri*d in England. Phonograph cylinder*are prepared with Frwcfa IOMOM ud than jro« ar*. Good l i r a r f Competent DriTen. Orden flUed with Diapatch. Telephoee. H. B. BAMSOIL Trinity Sqaere. Ftotttfrgk, H. T. Ll"?» C « l>K,rr «"^ MAIM "•vflaJMsB*, ' H i I T T If 11 Geo. Desjardins, Jr., Wkotoonle and BeUU Healer la Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry, Oysters, Fish, Fruits, Vegetable*. 60., Ooraer Margaret and Coraelia Street*. ruaTTSKCsaat. m. r . J. A. McCRANK, Doctor of Veterinary Science. Calls night and day promptly attended by calling at his office, IO Trinity Square, rut' m, «.*. Miss M. WELDON, AOKNTFOB aoyoe's Kxtraeu for Cookiag. Perfaawa. Toilet Waten. Sachet Powders aadPlae Toilet Soaps. a» nriakerfcoC atsses. «m rLavraeKrasH.s.Y.' CHARLES 11ALSEY MOORE, LAWYER. pia.Ti. K L oilii'i-; in street, l'lailx' Notary l'nl' lial .Ill-lli r. All Bnsiiii'---. ami F.'drn.l 1'imrts. '•k at No. 11 ( linton in si-ilo Id- ni'W lit mririi. N. Y. ii- with SE*I.. and '"ivil and . rirai- iV P proidiifly attended to. MARTIJT'H. O'BRIEN," TT.lUNKT AND < ' il'Xsri-l.' >T. Ii:.rnn..-uti»l. >i. V. is ..'Hnt'iii M. AT I. \W. s• -!-.-»I ami I>e- > , l;i,rt-l.urali. OSAS. H. MoSEIL, V TTi'ir.EY AND f.tfNsELLOR AT iift.i' in Hasar'-s lik.i.k, IS riml.m l'latl-1'iiri.'h, N. V. LAW. street. H. E. BARNARD, HT'XsELT.'iR AT L iiffii-e: Clinton It! •VW. ...i.'k, A TT'IRXHY AXD I Flair-'iutvli. X. Y over Kecil's Juwi'Irj- ,si, HENRY P. HILLILANU, A TT'IRXEY AND •'. irXSELI.DTt AT LA ami -Iti-H f the IVaee. lIlHee 1"-J Ma garet .street, riatlsbnrrth. N. Y. RATRIGli- J. XIERNEY, Attorney and Counsellor at Lnw, ,s2 and H Jtarsraret Stre.-t, I'LATTSBUnnil, N. 1". V - Ti)i;\-' . AND COUNSELLOR, Saranac Lake, t-1ai.klin i_• uty, N. Y'. Le«al Uu..in.*s if ererj- uarir prumptly attended to. Collec- tions a spi.-.' ii".... WI. L. PAHISSO^ V 'lTu'.XFY' AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. oilii.e, t Union Block, Plattsburgh, N. X. OAWBELJTSCLEA^ L AWYER AND NOTARY. Office, M'inslow's Block. Brinkerhoff street, Piattsburgh, N. Y. - (he r-i-l In C •••< the M Hirer II- \Vl•-tl'r!l• n.-ntl. ;,. .-1-t . r-r- iltlf, * l.a:f-i V- - i t . , i> ati.i ,- i .v.-i-tt v-t ;•-- of .lull 1 A |s- a-.-i li- •• in \ r.in^l-.-r 1 •I si .!..! f-r ' h- ti,. n.t'i of -.. r f i e t ' I .1 •f I..,, t'.lf I * . ' . .f-tt. • .- ,f l-.-jiit ti- ,rr l * M..r- r,- IT-'I, 1 1 'iti u - iti 1' ,rtv f- -, , ij ~'' i'r >! •!• I It.'.-.l- r I ,fr. "I I 1 . \V. ,i. Vi'Vi III' ' St], l I ,'lt i'i" I .-.IIII. I to . I dni. eil mi hut.m i I'll!?.' IS.'. O f I I I .li— riti.-.l !•'• i. t:..ii i,.iit.rii.'i Weed to-aid I \;-i, a ! i . h u t ,-, i Town I •d ,'T, til i, v l r ,-..., .,,,,] I. ,| • . , tv ,,. -.111,1 •lliollt 1"' fe. t ,.;, |l„. N, 'eel on tl«. s,,uf), and al-mif 1 ."lit. Hi ! ni: Hie ,-itri.' |ir,-.ri u d FeM-^ I(,.„WT l,v s,„ if, M I M IT -'e.l, 1-U. \vh • li lie, ,| , a -al.]lv t-'M.tll M l'"l \'.J,-t - I . 1'llV I liT» - i ti- ll .!»-.! -Ii.l M •l-t s*. ,rtl. U". « re d '.V nr.l- Hlt.lJ t L-tK's lilU.'.' ill \'i! . ijt ds. The ennveyanee nf the 1 ist ,'liaed is -uhieet to tla-* ei.rtdi- ti tli" Hi e.l from -.id spiith M. v. Y..I. '•!. i'i.-.•••.-.• -t .ITI !,.. or l.r.-e! ,-f 1 ,t.d t l'1-ilt-l'tirifli. X Y.. 1 " ' ;; el..! -ltd ,!•-ril.e-l I. G. T. AMES, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Rouses Point, N. Y. Branch office at Mooers. Dr. FRANK MADDEJ^ Physician. Snrceon and Oculist. Office and Residence. 113 Margaret M. Office hours: Before 10 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. in. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, and diseases of women. DR. E. A. BARNES, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. f l'i>- Man I,; !••«-• r,--L-i'i!.,l^- at ,1 ).- .-,» i " ! ! , . ' w . - t In,.' ,.f the iiiu-liwiv l.'.i.lm.' fr „., i ,,ti.i ,, r ..i, f. I , r ,Taei-on. win re the •=. mth line ,,*' a r- . I . r . ' - , , laid off on ll.e north line of c.dd Mary v.- .. i iii'n-eets the -anie. liienee westerly li' 1 i'i t. lie nee -outhi-r'y parallel to Hie we-t line of -aid highway leading from I'l.il-tslnirch to l",,rr .T.i. k- s.'.n. :i- fi-i 1: tliem-e r-usti r!v. parallel tiisaidsniiiri lirie nt llie road orsireel so'itiid . IT. 1M feet, to Ihewe-t llr.ei.f sa'.d hijliway: Hietu-e northerlv. in the west Ilneof >ald hiKliway. In the plaee of b. srinninir. Ai-o, all that ri rtain i.tli.-r l" f I land In I eiO-- I'tir^h, N. Y.. l.otiTided as follows: .-,mnni't;. >!,. at the northwi st eorner f.| lol No ... .Tolm-on's Survey of ihp Il-Mget Ileri'on land, and runniiiir thftn e ea-lerly lis feel: thettee yiitheriv •;: feet, thenee we-terly ]:i; feet and ii irn lies; ai;.| then, e Iiorll.erly. in I'eru Street, ii. feet to tli" p' : .,.. ,,f lieaiiipp.^. Said lot lieinir ki own as !,,t No ... lohii-iHi's Suiv.-y. liehiir part of Hie hnni e. nvev ed l.v Fre.leri'k Ketti.-k I... Itrl.lur.-t Herr-'ti l.v I'i i d liu'ed De.-enil.i r '.'rih. !-'-" reeord.-<l in Vol. ::-,.r II, ,d-. r..is;es i.iaml 11. and l.einir tm- -ime premi-es eollV. >id !-• s.itd J-'.-Hx Ilooli. V l.v Ktnn.a Foley 1-y Deed daW .Imi" .-ri-tli. l-i-. wliieh Died l-reeord'-d in t'iiiiton i 'otinly .'lerk'- Ofii. e ill Vol. '«'. ..I Ile.-d» tit t.iai' r.i I. Dated. Sept. ;:. I'»-11 HENRY T. K.'I.Li'u.f!. Ri-I.ree. WTI L. P\TTI—I.N. I'iaimili's' AHorr.i-y. :II;.AT IMattsburKh, I'linion Comity, New York. o* "E and Residence, No. ii Brinkerhoff eorner of Cactierine. 11, rs: 1—3p.m., 7—9 p . m . Sptci. attention siven to disea.- - of tht ye. Ear, Ho. . and Throat. "" ''" me eonnectio.i. CAD Y ? S WARRANTED Cholera Mixture is • 'binafion f standard remedies freiiu-- u- .- I'SUMMERI u.UPLAiNT.Dysentery. I'ai. in the btomach, Colie, Cholera Morbus and Diarr- hoea, whieh are so ) revaient during summer months. Reliel is felt alter one dose of CADY'S CHOLERA MIXTURE, and yere cases are usu- ally completely cured with three or four doses. The disagreeable after-effects,: mely, constipa- tion, which follows the use of - > many of the patent cholera cures on the market is entirely obviated in our CHOLERA MIXTURE. In recommending Cady's Cholera Mixture to you, we are not trying an experiment, for this same preparation has been made at the Cady Drug Store for 10 years, its virtues being proven by its large sale and repeated use in this vicinitv. Ask your local dealer for CADY'S CHOLERA. MIXTURE The price is 23 cents a bottle. MANUFACTURED BT CADY DRUG COMPANY, ?4 Miuyaref St., PLATTSBCRGH, N. T. Makers of the following excellent preparations: CADY'S CUERRY BALSAM for Coughs and Colds. C iDY'S HEADACHE POWDERS. CADY'S RUSSIAN CORN CCKE. Ask for Cady's Choice Flavoring Extracts and Household medies, put up in full two and four ounce bottles. Plumbing and Heating for House, School or Church. We are prepared to do all kinds, and it is more convenient for you if we do the over- hauling and repairing of your plumbing and heating apparatus now tl^n if vou wait until cold weather comes before giving your or- der. We are ready to furnish estimates for new work or repairs, and we do the best kind of up-to-date work. J. A. FREEMAN, 18 Marion Street, PLA1TSBUBGB, N. IT FOR SALE. A building lot on Wells street and a house and ot on Court street. Both lots are near the Normal School and trolley line and within fifteen minutes' walk of the village—very desirable loca- tion. Enquire of M. K. SPEKKY, 75 Court Street. Lands for Sale. Parcel of 33a, parcel 3S 5s-HXia, Lot So. 12, Piattsburgh, 43 by 132 feet. 25a. in AJtona, 25a. in Piattsburgh, «a. Piattsburgh. 37a, Piattsburgh, Ha. No. 40 Old Patent, 5Ua, Altona, Let Ko. llu Old Patent. Will be sold cheap. Call at No. 2 Margaret street, Piattsburgh. April 1G, 19(10. 16tf J. PARMERTER. Men Wanted. •S WlirriD at Lvea •aaateJatew thessiaes. tafertswtaJmetleB to •et^caj*eajessr«M aadfceaOav.0 Lands for Sale. The following lands are offered for sale on reasonable terms: So acres in Altoiia, farm Peter Quinteil. 3S " " BeekmanMwniRand Hill.i. 32 " -' Grand Isle, west half iSamson plaee. lot 12, Piattsburgh, Voodery. iat- House lot near Wall street. Piattsburgh. S low. Wall street, Piattsburgh. JACOB PARMERTER. 1-ltf Piattsburgh, N. Y. To Rent. The Lawrence Thornton farm, one-halt mile fromBaekmantown Corners, from April 1st. Apply to PATRICK J. TIERNE Y, Att'y.. 5tf Piattsburgh. N. Y. For Sale. The James Barney farm in the Irish Settlement, Schuyler Falls, of about ISO acres, good buildings, well watered. Apply to PATK1CK J. TXERNEY, Att'y. Piattsburgh, Jf. Y. T >EFEREE'S sAT,?.-staie of New Y..rk Su- V prerne Court. -Comitv of liinion.— Win-low C. Watson as Exeentor of the Last Will ami T.-i a- nienr of Caroline \. Tli.-ll, deeea-'ed. plaintiff, against Alliertine Morrill ard John Morrill her husband. Andrew Williams as County Treasurer of the County of Clinton, William Maurice and Mary Maellonald, defendants. In pursuance and by virtue nf a judgment nf fori i'-siire and sale duly made in the above en- titled aelion on the 2nd day of August. 1WU. dulv enrer.d in the Clinton County Clerk's office, and authorizing and directing the sale of the real es- tate and mortgaged premises hereinafter describ- ed. I. the subscriber, a Referee in and bv said judgment for that purimse duly appointed, will sell at public auction t» the highest bidder at the front door of the Court House in the villace of Piattsburgh, in the County of Clinton ami State of New York, on the 231 day r.f September, lli'.l, at noon, if that day. the real estate and mortgaged premises in said judgment described and therein directed to be s"ld. The followitgis a description of said mortgaged premises: All those two certain lots of land situate in the east side of I'iat' street in the village of Piatts- burgh and which luls re marked and designated on a map made by D. •• Johnson, surveyor, in ]si"i, as lots No. r.i an. 1 '. and being each thirty- three feet in front on I utt street and extending back with parallel lines the distance of one hun- dred feet more or less to lands of fjeorse W. Pal- mer and on which lots there is now a brick dwel- ling house and shed. And more particularly described as follows: The following described rremNes with the ap- purtenances then-' that i- ti i say: Being sub- staniin ,1 y tin?same ''remises mentioned and des- ert' said Mi' r ge No. lad more particu- lsri.. -ribed i" -;. i Morte-cre Xo. 2 as follows, viz: All those two -tain i- •.» of land situate on the •- -st side nf I'latt street in the Village of PL irgh, • .unity Clinton and State of New YV.K. which'. - are marked md designated on a eertaiii nap .r plot made I:',). B. J. u. Sur- veyor, in 1st':,, as ,ots number 51 a being each thirty-three feet in front upon."., streef. an-1 extending back with parallel In, - the dis tame one hundred feet more or less, to lands of George W. Palmer. The •;id lots are the same on wl-i the frame hou-v now bricked upl and the frame rood shed. wer 'milt by Francis Gebo. and the same prem- ises . .rnierly occupied by him and . itciy by Mrs. Mary Griliiu. or her tenants. Being the same premises d'-eribedm a deed from Catherine M. Whittlesey and Charles C. Whittlesey of Malone, N. Y-. to James Griffin aforesaid and dated Sth June. Is?.;, and recorded 10th July. isss. at llh. 30m. A. M.. in said Clinton County Clerk's Office in Vol. 7 of Deeds at page 15S. Dated August 3th. 19U1. CHARr ES TI. 7.IOORE. Referee. E. J. MAIUVS, Plaintiff's Attorney. :j2,\7 VTEW YORK SUPREME COURT.—County of X^l Clinton.—The First National Bank of Platrs- buran. N. Y., plaintiff, against Mary .J. Morrill and Bentley S. Morrill, defendants. In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, duly granted in the above entitled action, and entered in the Clinton Countv Clerk's office, on the 5th day of August. 1901. I. TJ. P. Gilllland. the undersigued Referee, in said judgment named, will seil at public auction at the front door of the Court House iu the viBaire of Piattsburgh. County of Clnton. N.Y".. on the 30th day of September. 1901, at 12 o'clock. M.. the premises described iu said judgment, as follows, viz: All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the town of Piattsburgh. county of Clinton and Stare of New York, and being part of lot number twen- ty-two (ii). Patent of Piattsburgh. set apart for the encouragement of settlers, which is batted and bounded as follows: Beginning at the north- west eorner of said lot number twenty-two (22) running thence east in the road leading to Piatts- burgh village two caains and three links >2_\ and 31.1: tlien-e south through the center of the road twelve chains and forty-one links (12c and 111 i to an iron wood stake; thence west two chains and th-ee links (2c. and 31 ) to a white oak stake and stones in the west line of said lot; thence north in the west line of said lot to the place of beginning, containing two acres and rlfty-two hundredths of an acre of land. Also, all That certain other piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the town of Pittsburgh. Cunty of Clinton and State el' Ncw York, bounded and de.-cribed as follows. Begin- ning at the n irt'ieast ..-.mierof said lot ntimber twtnty-two <22i; thence south on the east line of said lot twelve chains aud forty-one links il2v and-HI. I to a brick strike and stones; thence west eight chains and t.vo links i$\ and 21 1 to a tain .tr- ack stake; thence north twelve chains aud forty- one links (12c. and ilLlto the north line of the lot: thence east in the said north line eight chain* and seven and one-half links i se. and 7t«l. i to the place of beginning, containing nine acres and ninety-eight one-hundredths of an acre, being the same premises formerly conveyed to George W. Dustin by George Moore, by Deed dated July 3,1S70, and recorded in Clinton County clerk's office in V o l u m e U'.i of Deeds, at page 17:i. Dated at the village of Piattsburgh Clinton Couuty, N. X., this 12:h day of Auju-t, l'.-'l. H. P. GILLILAND, Referee. JOHN B. Rnxr, Plaintiff's Attorney, 33 »v7 Piattsburgh, N. Y. •VfEW YORK SUPREME COURT.-Couofy of l^i Clinton.—The Merchants National llabk of Piattsburgh. plaintiff, agaitist Marguerite Ran- som. Martha C. Ransom, Henry B. Ransom, George B. Ransom and Sally Ransom his wife. AVilliam S. Ransom. Harry S. Ransom, Marguerite Ransom as administratrix of the goods chattels and credits of Charles H. Ransom, deceased. Wil- liam Fitzgerald and Eugene. Brown and Antime Rascoe, defendants. To the above>named Defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer the com- plaint in this, action, and mxerve a copy ••: y,cr auswer on the plaiutiff's attorney wituni twenty days after the service of this sumnn .ns, exclusive of the day oi service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default lor the relief demanded J± the Complaint. Dated the 13th day of -Taiv. l.'Ol. W. C. WATSUN. I'Uh.tifFs Af. .rr.-y. Office addre-s uu-1 po-t .Hi. e ..tddrc--. 1'...'.;- burgh. Clinton Cunty, New York. T i Marguerite Ransom. ...e. rge L'. I;.n.-. r.i s-: i Sally Ransom his ,viiV. IViritii s.. R^rii,..'n. M.._-•;. K. ltansolil and MargueriteIt.m-s.ni n.-.i 1 - . .. -••- :- trix of the goods, chatre.-and . re-lit---: i .,xr - H. Kansoui. deceased, .ieien-lants ^r.--..e r..i... 1 The foreg'ilng summons is -erved >.;• u 5 i '... publication, pursuant roan order of II.. > .1. '.V Houghton. Justice.if the suprer.;.. . . ir: •••: '•>.- State of New York, dated the -•?'-!, •: »y • ;' •' . ' / . l'Ji'l. and filed with the e,.mpi,nnt :t. the :ri •- • : the Cierk of the. oiiuryof i ni.toi, itpiitl- •.•_••.. in said Count v of i. lint- u an.', star a ot Ne ,v l-ii. Dated the 3i'th day . if July, it' 1 W. c. WATsoX. Plain:,ff's Af.rtjey. OiSce address and t-o-t ..th.-e address. I'a'*-- burgh, i.ttnton Coanty. N^w Y-.rk. :: A! •n . i-i s...-r. Ag;.. \i o i - . 1 For Sale. E rrilEH in balk or parcels, the Allerton prop- erty so called, at Mooers Porks, beinjc the proparty formerly owned by E. P. Francis, con- ststlnjt of a farm of one hundred forty-fire acres, with tood buildings; a term lot of ninety acres without building*; four hundred twenty acres of forest land; a saw mill and mist mill with mill- pond, water rigtiu and prirUeces;che hotel known as the MIVMBHIDS UOVSKti Jft>&£&!,,togeth- er, with Are rillac* houses and lots; and several acres of land suitable for boildtn* lots. The above property is offered for sale for the •arpnes of elostac aa estate, and application can he ssade for priee and farther Information to Mrs. A. AlxaJtTOM, Mooers m h a , M. Y-. or to MOTS- yosstt st corn*, at tiawii m§k. *• T. mt > JEW Y. IRK. SUPREME i •<..l.'Rr. -•. 1 ty.—Ann liouahiie, I'iamt. :V a yutrk. Thomas H. Ryan, saran Ryan Kyan and Ro-eMary Ryan, dclenia! B., virtue ..fa ja.igtn.nt "I p.irti', made in tue atujve entitid a ;, -n on T !,e -,-n •: i, of August, l.-'L tne su-s..r.---r, a KTl'-r-e i r ' :. .' pin-p,..seda y ap|"i.n:ed. w:.i -'i. at t'.e tr •.' ,j,,. ,r of tne c u r t H"U;.r in the ', , .agr , i r.a*'-«- biargh. cunt, n . oanty. Ne-..' Y -ri. •'* tne & 1 day i.-t s e j tem-'cr. 3 - I. at t-.ve,\e o" . . k n- • n t, ttiat day. I'.-.-real estate lire-tvl t .' - i t x '.g- meut to be v.. 1. an-1 therein de- r ' •• i i- ,. . . - "Ail that .--tr'ain ,'.'t "I -and .n the '. ..igc •: Piattsb-irgh. Couuty "I .. ..nt"C i-.l s- r '.^ f j.e.v York, t'oun-ic'lanl de-i r.tT'i as ; ...... *<- . ^ menclng at the N'orh west .-• rner . f ••.-- Ma." »h ill Place s, M;ai>J- on the Ea-t s - k - : < -* -er ine street; thence Easterly in t a r X r;n .. >- : said Maraliail I'.a.-e andtn tt.e s j'atn ..i-e - : ':.e Mead Lot a'.-jut one Uanlre.1 ml >•-... i ' v i . e ilTTn feet to the Wai.Vorth ill..; theh e X .r'.he: y on the West line >.-'t ttie WaU\. rih L .t t' -r:> • -v it2' feet; thence Westerly t-irai.el ti :ne -a.i Marshall north ime to Catherne stree-.. theii-.e southerly in Catherine Street t" the tia..e - t tt? ginning Forty-two i42. feet; be.ngtne s-.e^tt ta.r of a piece of land conveyed toSmth M SVeed ty Julia B Mead, and h the same lot .-- -nvev e.i t . Lorm E. Root by smith M Weed by ' ( eel Jatnl July2n'ul. l-»i2. an-1 reo ir-led tu ..".int.ti .'..^n'y Cierk's uffice tn Yohiaie K i of Deeils. xx Page - >'. IL P. GILLILANI". liekre.- Joits B. Eujtx, piatntut's Att y i.v." T*TOTieE -By order of H-<a J A u U B - ' t i X~ Surrogate of Ctlntou County. X i' . L. '.i.e - hereby given according- t.. law. f.» a., jers --s harinic claims against UHtwrt Peitey ute ..!-ir aaae, in said ..•ouiity. deceased, that they ure r. quired to exhibit the same with the i-o-trf. thereof to the subscrir^r at ttie U.v -. th-e . '. Shedden Je Vert, iu tf.e \liiige ••! i-Vattabargh. X. Y.. uu er before the Uth duy of cietober, IJML Dated March 2$. ijoi. KAPOLEON L. PELKEY. Itofl Administrator 'i t 'l If. Il . - ,r' i ' l '. i f 1 1' d I. ' '• ' -* , -T » : f - t ' r V '. ' ' r . - . f i- r i"-i-.r> . :.. i . \ '. .•-.., \ \r N.iliee of l»is(rilin1ion. S r MW t- ,T;.. n • . ' t - t '" ,.| \.r. \"t . . r- •. ' \ ' \ ' i ' i J.r . ..... , . .. - | ' - .. r--., _• •! 11 1-r II.-U.-e in the Vlllageof I', if f -I.. irgl,. Ill - i ! . . • ,»,- ty. on the :^i;h day of .septenin.r. U*-l. at ten .>'••!. . '< in Hi" torenoon of tint dav. |ii'..i tl.:- I ; li .I i v • f \.igi-t • -•; J.'IIN II P. ..I'll. -,rr gi(- X OTICE fly ..r.l.T ..f TI-i ,T •'i II I;--'h. - lr,--g,l!e o f 1 r,l,.,[l'.,i|ni[, \ Y.I.--V - ' s t . - , v . T , :I. , .!-•!' i_- . . . , , . v ' . , 1 : I - r-.-» - 1,1V- ii-i- i-' i.t.-l K . i - ' i -T I . . i - , On.!' I'ia't- 'i 111 1 ».. .--. • t ' .. - ,,.,, .. .1, . , . . _ til. re. | T-i t i e - -.1'-. i i... , - . t . r i , . ' i I'iitt-I.'irgh. X.Y..'-i.r i •.:-.,-.•' r..- ; ,-, . o.t ,l,.-r. 1. a . Dared Mar. h •.',, L«d. JAMEs D'tNAlTon. AXX D.'XAIf.tK. Hi'- A'lmiJit-tnt. — -- - — — —. Y"TH E.-P.v r-i.-r ..f n - n .1. -1 IT v.. a> SUIT. "g-iti»..f i ; ..i!..ii •..'(•,. ,• X Y . i • her, I.j- gii.'i ;n .• . r i t.g t . ; t A. to M j—,—. • . ingila:tii- :ig.i :,-t 1. n ,,'„.-i J: \J , !, Aii .'.ic.-ri - 1 , ...JI.-V. :...'!-.-!. f i - f.. ri'i't.ri.il.. . si Li-ti,.' -.,.'.'w.-'i •'.,- v- i. tl- li-.f 1o H.e -,'-, i'.-. ,••(., , • , .': 'I Let A. \V. il. "tt. in K". -. r' '• . N 'l 1 " ' A t,.ri.i v tor > no \'ln -. ;•: it..r-,. -i . t I.-..- :i"''i d i . , 1 o . •.-i ,-r, : : Dated April .'• -|i. i •"! IlEI.TIt \ M >H-iX. A. w . - 'iii:u»s. ' ".IL AiJtintii-'rai. •j ' rs. .-'Ti. . <• r^- l.iV • f -tr * » -. • t • r T, r .'tflf •r-. * f tl," . r ,• -v •Fi-4- ' 'i i t . , ; - t •••[ -' , r T iv 1 -t , * , '^'•N f ,, - -r :IX i •> VfnTIcF. -r.v .,ri.-r . f H-n. -U.hn II. )!.,..th. X> s nrr ,,_.. lt ,.,,f i roiti.Ti i o'tti'v. X Y.,ti.t:.-H hereby given a' "• rd'-ig *-i : r v , t „ al! I .T-..H, hav- ing claims against . ir'-tti" A. In'. " ii'.-.-i pittT.--. bnrg'i. in said county. ,1. ...a- - 1. tha* Tin v are re- .lu're.t to HT'iiblr t>.. -.t-1»- witli th" von. h.-rs t'ie,-e..tt'i tliesnh-.erili.rar t h - l a w office if W. c. W-ifs.,n, in piatt-burgli. cUui.n I'.niiitT, Xe-.v Y-«k. on or before ti.e ]-'i.l.iyof Xo?eml."'r. 1>>1. Dited April 2.(1. r.'.l. 17m7 WINSLOW C. WATsoN, Ex.-n'or. VT.iTICE.-By order of n«n. John H. Pcotb. i-i surrogate of Clinton County. N. Y-. noti.-e is hereby given a irding to law, lo nil rersoni hav- ing claims again-t JIargaret A. Miller, late of Beekmantown. in said e-iunn-. decea-cd. that they are re.juired to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to tne subscriber at her resi- dence in Beekmantown, Clinton County. N>-w York, on or before the lsth dayoi November, in- >l. Dated. May oth, 19"I. HANNAH E. DOTEY. l'lmfl Administratrix. HEWITT, FRANCES S. in pursuance of an . .rder of Honorable John II. Booth. Surrogate of the County of Clinton, iiori-e is hereby given to all persons having dai-ns against Frances s. llewirt. late of Keestvilie, in said county, deceased, to present the same with voti-hers thereof, to the subscriber al his jilsi- of transacting business, at the office of George H. Gilman, No. t'.7 Wall Street, in the City of x'ew York, on or before the 1st day of December next. Dated New York, the 22ad day of M ty, 1 h'lmii n . W. KENT. Ex..- "VTOTICE.—By order of Hon. J .lm H. Boo* i. Xi surrogate of Clinton Connty, X. V., notice s hereby given aec.. ling to law. to ail persons Lav- ing claims against Lathrop dark, late of Aiti ,a. N. Y.. In said county, decea-s"L That they are re nuired to exhibit ° same *h t h e v-.ucj,.-r.o thereof to the subs'uberrit t .. ,,•.•,! ,.-r .f . r- thurS. Lewis, in the t..wn o: A 'on-.X. "'.P. ... address Ellenburgh I).. j. .t. X". Y., on on : ore the t'th day of December, 1>.'1. Dated May 29, lwl. ARTHUR S. LEWIS, ARDEN F. OP'RIEN. _23m6 Admit.'strat. M, "VTOTICE.—By order of Hon. John H. X5.---.th Xi surrogate of Clinton . iimty. N. >'.. notice is hereby given according to la .-. to all persons hav- ing claims against Alansing G. SMughton, late of Chazy, in said county, deceased, that they are re- quired to exhiit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber at bis residence iu West Chazy, CI uton County. N.Y'., on or before the 10th day of December, ]'.«.il. Dated, May 3,1.X'l. !Stn6 PHILLIP C. STOUGHTON, Executor. »•„..:. I ' - ' , , . • I , • • i '• 11 li- i nil,. ... - CONCdKKEaVTRliSOLrni)^ •i V < r : : : " i "VTOTICE.-By order ol Hon. John H. Booth. -L> Surrogate of Ci'nton < ouuTy, N. Y. notii e is hereby given a. cording to law. to aiip.v-.us hav- ing claims against John Murphy, l.ittr of Beek- mantown. in sa'-l county, de .'easel, that they are re.mired to exhibit tiie same with the vou. hers thereof to the siili-criber at theofli.-» of Weeds, Conway ^-Cotter, in the vil'ageof PUrtst.-jrgh. N. Y., on or before tne 12th dav oi January. Iau2. Dated, July 2. luol. 27m0 DAVID 3. MURPHY, Executor. "VTOTTCE.—By order of Hon. John H. Booth. J_^ Surrogate of Clinton Connty. N. Y.. noti.-e is hereb'" given according to law. to ad per.-.us hav- ing claims against Isaac Otis, lute of Piattsburgh, in said county, deceised.th.it they are ri-.iiir.-d to exhibit the same with the T--.ti.-t.ers thereof to the subscriber at the la-.v offi.-e of Martin H. O'Brien in Piattsburgh, N. Y.. on or before the 3d dav of February, lin.2. Dated July 21.. limi. SARAH J. OTIS'. Executrix. "VJOTICE-Bv order of John H. E ...th. Surro- JA gate of Clinton County. X. Y.. uoti'.-e is here- by given according to law. to all p-r-o .s hav- ing claims against Mary Murphy, 'ate of lle.k m-mtown. in said coanry. de.-eased, that they are required to exhibit the -aine with the v.-i-liers thereof lo thesuki-.-riber at the .eli es ,,f Weed-. Coicv.iv oc Cotter, on or bel-'re the •.'.'I d a y >.f February. P.. 'I. DUei. August I", '•"!. WILLIAM Mc.AiI.EY. Adih-n: *ra'..r. WEEP-. ' 'ox xxr A-. '• .rtrr.. Attorney f sc -t'.'u.h-'r t. r. , in.'. Teachers' Exainmations for 1901 First and Second Districts, t linton Countj. FOR FIItsT GRADE .. ERT1FI". ATEs. Tl.-xr-d.iy aui IrM .7 rno..i:\'i Tic. n-i'.iv. A. M.—Arithmct'.-. 1 ;.--igr-<p f .y. Dr .witig Phil, s- ophy and History of E-I i' :i? ••• P. M.-Engii-h C..mp"-V.••:.- ".rarhra ir. Phy-;...:- ogy unl Hygiene. Chrr. ht T- ; .-s. FIUliAT. A. M.—Ameri'-anHi-'-ry..'. geI.r.t,B- k:-ee;:tg Orthograi t.v. P. M.—civ., ii'Verr.raer.'. S'n.-", L-w I'.'.y-. s. Me'h'.'is and s ».- ... M-n uwtt. R-a 1 r.g. Teacher-tak ng ..x t'u.n.it .• •:•* :• -r ii,:.lnri> C.-rtiilcatctikeonlv s, ho... I.a.v r. 1 li.st ry the- tir-t day of the exata-hat.. n. a-'. 1 a., the su.'.,c;ts. the -e-'ond day. Normal entrance examinatl- 'hs are 'lie r.-gu. ir *e.:..nd grade examin itions in the f.joo.ving -nt.- jects: Arithmetic. Geography, ijramtnar. C'ci- position. Orthography. American Htst.ry. 1 .v.; Government, Physiology, Hyg>-ne ai.1 P.n•_ ..-. ship. Teachers will furtn-a t'.eai-.. ..-.•-' . r-r c. t ink. oimpi-is and ni..-s : r .--. ... .l-.\ _-. Uniform paper mu-t r-e use i ah 1 inay . -1 .." . .* ed of the Commissioner. All examinations f. rthe :--.:"-*.-- -.-.. . 1 in P'.irt-burgh i i X .r;.. . I. ' : _• A \ . .' - - - - , . . . . , and Friday.'I January, Aprn, Augu-t an-i No- vember. -E'.. N:. i..i-ri..:x. Movers N-'V. .4 : ' II - M " .'.-l-AXIi. S.L0...1 • . _ : : • - ' ' " . .--* D--T *. ... W. I'M.il. V. D. E. G. Ujo.-::-. P.•-.-:. I. r . 1 : : „ . V.P.- : 1; -. J '• ••, c_- -. First National Bank <>:" i ' l . A T T - i U ' U G H . ils , 1, M w . • x. ;-. A ge..er.^ SAFE DEPOSIT VALLTS, SAVI\<;S DEPARTMENT. A-\i i --™ . i-T . Miss Elsie E. Allen, h'it Ir. -! ,. 1 . . ' ''.1 1 . I ; " T ;;-;- IT-; .-,.•.. ..I a r t . „ •.,!..- . . »i , . ... .\f-.li', a - . , ' f . 1 1 ; - r - MX-lt-'ti. W.I>''tE>- tl. f.'-g"-' ,'•!'.' 1' in >"g!,t--.ii 1, i. -tr. i n - ,. v - 1, r>'--' I'"-in, r-r -v !'. _- f. r -m CoTistitnti',;i n- l'mgt" .-jt.-rii;.'..-!,- . 1 r j r 1 per-.r ,,i property tr- Tl ra- s iTT.-r,, ,• .J Witirt-i \-. s'i. t, r ;.,., n r ,. ls t . . . , , ) j It-'l'd !'i l' -'.r-l'.ti. e 'A.t'i 'aw I'd'-,' > t.o". an ] r.-f'TTel 'oth.- .j-- ,- lr ,. t - a I-' therefore: SK'TIONI P'-solv.-d - f ( I . . s . r , t 'e. . t , . n r ' I • ' S •"? -OTI e.gl.re-n ,. t ..I-".-'. three • f V , . I - - • , tioii be amended in read a-i fol o.vs S Is Ti,» Ligr-lat'ircs'.iii r.-r piss 4 [r vie- r looal bill in any of the foiiowing. 1-.. . I. ng >g the n-iin. - of j-.r-.t.s. Lavit g., it.. p.-. i.g. .." ing. w- rki'ig.-r 'l'i~-.titiri.ifT,g r. a-K n g'. «-.• - . r aileys, or l'..r driiT !ng-,w-iTi,ps, ri tl.,-,-,,,-. _, . Lo. ating or eh mgir.g ...iinty seats pr-.v .I,»g for 'hi g.si.'f r.-vi" in t v ' r . r'ni'm; • . . s Ini-.'rp'.t-nlTig volag.-s. Providing f.. r . . . t ,., ,,f niern-i.'-r- . •!" 1-nrd- .f svj t .. r i'« rs. > ..- •,_-. dr.i-ving. -urimoi.irg 't enipir,-, >g gri- I . r pet.t j ,.-"t-. R'g..',ir-r.g t l . e r i e . f in*.r«' ••n moii.-v. ll.enp.-i ?.g m i l . . . - ! 1 t-,g f ....... -,H or de-igti ttirig pi,,,.- of v-.tivg. . ret—...•. -r, ere.i.-ing " - ' | . .r. ..-ing fe.-i.i--i e-.-.ige . r i . x- an. es ot j io.il,-• ft -r- d-irng't. n-riif -r v 1,• ., said officers ar. el.it.d era,;, > '•• I f.r V o g to any e .ri» .ration, a-s,» i,tr .,•. ..r ,:, J s ,.,, , t... .glit toeiydown ti.J'n.l tra ks I„-IT . g . . . •nv privite crr'"retiori, a-- --1 i-i-.-t r in-! .- I ..... ny ex"'':- ! V" iriiieg-, inmi'.. oy ,. r i r o •. ,. •.vhatevcr GraMn.g to.ir.y ].- -...1. a--,- ,t ... 'Inn or , . • 1-1-v.-mj.- .. I'r.-ru 'm-.- -u real -r j -•: . ir-j-r-y. Pr..- l;-„-f : • , j - itig br: Iges, ,-.; :,art. ring, .mipmes f.r s (, j, purpose-, ,-r f >.:i t h - Ilud-.n 1 y.-r I- ..-.v W 1 terford, an ' . tl.,- Eist river. -.;-'-r.r'>. - war-r- lorminga; - of t;.. I- .i;i.l ari.~s !f, -'iv. J- .• Legi-latur. s U | p i « general "1 • s j r o ; „• ;. ..- the .vises enu-... r itcd Hi th.s -,, t . ,11. a ,..f f,, r ,,i other cis. - .£,-. m it- iidgrnenl tr. 1, |. j,r..,-'.i ed for byg neri.'iws. But '. . .ai- - , n , .vi"n--r- i/e the cn-rru. ...u or ..per <•- n i a -'r.-e' r «'.- r.ud . i.. ;-t tj. . n the . "ri'ti'i •,«',-,•.',- .... -.•. of the -'.vners of one-ball m v.a.'j.,*..f ttie p r o i - . t y bouii.ie.5 ..ri. at,.l the ..iiii»r.t a'-" of tie- .•- al iu- thir.t es h.1,-11 g t h e .-.uitr- I>.f tha* p r»:.,n . '•) st-eetor 1 .-'iv.-iv up .1, w i ' . ' , it uj,r.-.j ,-.-I r.. co'i-rrut: ..r - p e r a t e - 1- h rai ,-.,.i »..- ii r -t ..••• ,h,. ed. or in ease the , -in---r ..'- 1 ;, ; r , ,-rtv ,. .- ers I'ineot be "btainei 1 . the -..pp., ...-.• ..... f the -ii'r-niei. nrt in t*.-,;. p im,,, . r D ,, ,., , is prop •--:-l t" I -n-rr'i'-teii. r ,ii-. ;; '..,;• 1 tion. ipi«i.t.r rhr- rarr — ..- ; .r- -.vi. -' :.• rem. ",•', after a tc iring : 1 (t-» .- - • .-•, ; WtieT-.-r -a. Il n.r.'i 1 • • Ig'.r r , , • e . , . . . . r . , » , J - op'.ra'"'l. a,d ttieir d» •• m.,- ,•-...>. > , , , , . , : . . f ii" "hrt. ni iv I-. * .a--h Ui .: 1 f 'i - . -. - . | th" t.r..;i.-r'y ...vn.-r-. J -. lie—.,,-. 1 f r|." -"--T. i ' e . . . - . .- , r f . . foreg.-.f.g a*n.-eln-nt I---i'--3, f '.-l r.. 1. . ,- ; - I'-.- i|;r-. i i a ' i h - . •- • t g . -.< r i l . . . - 1. •or-Ja.i- 1- -a-. -1 ! •'(•• ;-..-.;-, ; " . , . • -, ,,.- y. xixi.:> ^r.irt; I n A - , t i i - T.'.e I -r. mi! -r y . I.ly vo-rrg I resenT. By or s -4T.. r In s ,,,.,., T ;" ' . - •n 1 "r.tv • or ' o f " . *. P.. s - , - |)>1 e . f " lint. rer.i re--. , 1 i - e , »- g '. •A*,' l|'l". Ons. *--e. ;s i . . rr- ,vr. •'•- '' r r-N.-.V 1 v. M ir- ti g- - g r. - i .*'..' ',. ..I f iV'-r d..-r..fthe N •-• Y- . Ap .: -2. 1 '.• r- - 1 . ' T ,-r..-' '" •r-i.-r i" TIM' |"X i '1 .. -. ..-r , r •• ; ..---1 ' •1 -tt- pi" •;- -n - t 1-* g • * ' - ' it. 1 I •• • • ' tri- - 1 -•:". r.i; ! :. ...,(• ' 'i A=- ; ,i 11- - ' * e ^ 111 r ' >I ' :" -r* t 1 - ' r*.. -tn _- . » 1 I •*' ^ ' * , I...- t iix x v ;.-•'.. PLATTSBURGH Foundry & Machine Co. Iron M Briia Founders md ii&^:.i : . A - i t : - •- \f . v . ' - . :.. X -A- Ir r.. M.- :. -_.ry. New i «*--«•-&-».>-•"•.-»«-»-»•"»•-»-»eeeeeeeee l i P. x HiLLty, l •rianu an.l 114-4.111 I n'l.r -i.i'le iv^ ji.iii'ci". " e * . . . . . . e Cooley's Livery Stables. L. H. COOLEY, Removal to the Norton Barn SPECIALIST. .v . .-»..— < •» . . . • .---.- * .* i - -. M.-s A---h ..I.-*---.-!- -reparit. •. : r .-.-", .g .- _a .- .. ...ir-r s . T-r .- * v' x.-' M:-s A. ri.vi.-.;f,i-.. : . - - - - - Sur-. _ M -s A --- - *r.-.•-:.- -.--.- 'i.r |,-J.er- I , t_l. . . ." • _ , ' . l^-A-e.. irniis 1 . -rv-er ' .--_,: a . 1 1.'--- ----- X. Y Marble <fc Granite. >*xu Xiv ixnLir- iu -V--* -*• i*-"-^ - l ' i x . i . ^ c a^fcnaiya*: > T . T. :C.A.StiOW&CO. t> c ••*•'%• Va>-aj«»% »»Ma»sj

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1 download



» L V , i IM«' ini'l ili'-;i|i]>nintmi']i!. l»v n- i i iu ; tb<«


v J * . - j ..J „ j i A >•• r " ~ 1 " "" 7

„ i fa

i in• < M R S .

Save Money, Piattsburgh 5c. Express

T o carry your Trunks , Grips, Packages , Messages, &c

'h . I 'LA i ' lM ' . l !.'<;!! i- fh-- " l i ly FA]-r«-> tluit fur-n. -Ir i ,\.> ii.. 11 i.i .MI ry yi>ur T r u n k - , tV<\, n}i nr

.:.-w!i -r.ii.--. N".. T.'.irin.c 'it' ( ';ir]»'js,

\<> M.u'i i im <>f W a l l - . ;m«l Ni ' KXTUA CTTAIUJKS.

BUSINESS CARDS. LEGAL NOTICES. Terras of ("1 In ton CrtnnfT fonrt.


WILLOW r. i . iKdv \ T T . T-.I-. t-. ' . • . . . • . . - ! . . . , . M , V W . | " " • V T - " " ^ ' T / " ^ . ' . ; 0 ! ' ' - ' - • !

•" *• " I • • • . " • • - • . , • . . . . . n f . . . T - , , ! - - , _ . , , . ' , . , . - - " . . - . , - . ' - ' . ' .

^ . r r • , . . . . l f . I , ' ' " , . . . . . . . . " f , . . , . , « . . i , , , , , , . , ' * ' . • " • ' • ' I • ' • • I ' ! " • ' • - ' • :

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I.irj-.-r oriM at p ro ra ta

\ : . - . - . I.i. . T w o f . r l .V .

( M l i c e a n i l T e l e p h o n e



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l i ^ e - i« • >» ' * *


Ab tting's Store.

•-•*"t i "i ^ri-j , " - , . ^ : ^ ' <*•, Pl&i*. *

> • - . - 1 . . -

t! . l ' \ :

,K1>l ! *•

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I O K ( . I K I . s \ M > I U ) \ s .

l u i l i m l l c i l b r » * . i s ( .


\ IUr < H t i v. o Flmsr^ ,i;nl hun:lav-, Icicphonc or cnli 03 Oali Si.

Trie Fines! Work! lh 8ssi Goods!

The Most Stylish Garments! T i t . - i Aui i i i ; : T I I I ; I : K i:.-.-i.xTiAL.< I N

Merchant Tailoring, AMI !'••.- ii-//' sn-rt;r ALL ninrr AT


Look .it our wall-dress-d men about town, INQUIEE OUR PRICES

A.! •: \.."i v.: . .-.ii -r.i \ . :ir-. .f ii..." ! i iL ' .n ' l» '» ! : .T i 'k uiiytlhn^ iu the-way of Clothing

"The Best is None Too Good,"

JOH.V B. HI LEY, A l t o r n e y & C o u n s e l o r a t L a w ,

M.iri'.n lil.i.k, r!it,|.,:| ,-:r.">t,

i LA rr-j.i / . - . , / / . , \ . r .

K. E. HE A LEV. VTT'iTiNEY AMI i . I I \ . , K I T . M I ! \ T I VW

" ! l i i f « in M,, ...,-•< p.|.„ j , , \ . , i i ' i ' i i f i ^ ' r . - t ' 1'l.ilNl.urch. M.-r..-y l..;u,..l ..r, r.-si . - ' n ' . - «. . • i i n l j

K. & J . COW BIX,

VT T < T : \ r v - \ N D i <•!-•..K1 i • •; .- \ T I \ ' r . "«i . . in Ar .u - t r . t , : I; •'•. I . i " - .r^ti. ?> Y

S. L. WHEELER. \ 7 T < > [ ; - . R Y \ N P • - M \ - r i r < > : : \ T I , \ » V .

J V nlli . . . m JI in ni-:... k. i . ...'• -i - ! r . - « . l'..ii' -hurcli. N Y


VT T . I I . N F Y - * .t i • i r : . ' - i : i .T.n; . - A T I . A « " . . ••>I . .-. « . . - I ,V M. . . . .T- J i . . » » . I . n . ' it M .

I ' l ' i t N ' . ir .- l . . S V M I I T . I M VW<-.,. i , , - . - . « • - W i n . , I n . i n - f. i • ••>..-. \-i. T i . - J i v l i ' " n i ' E .

BOTSFOKD, JlEUUlHJiW A: ALLEN, \ T T " i ! . M . \ > ANI> ' " ' N-EI.I.OI.-s \ T r.\T.Y.

-iV nil . . . . . . i ..urt J1..U-.. ^ , ' . i i . - . J ' lut ' - ' iurali . N i w \..rs-..

t i .Mi . i . f. I: T- ••..;:•. - ' T I T S. AII.T.W 11. Ml.'.. l. 'V J f F I ' . l - W C .


c ^ H ' N ' S E I . I . HI... k. i ,.

L. L. MIEi.i

i i . - AT I . \ \ v . n>..ii -T.-.-t. r.

VERT, uffi n Armslr.-.-n

Ii. N . Y . ' . - T . \ E H T .

t T T > > i ( \ r \ > i V I l l t | , - . - < " S . i . ' I

•i . i t t- l . i . r if l . , N . Y . E. . . . EM-!K.iiT.

EVEREST &. SKJ.NOR, W ! ) C'ir \-- .>-T. |ni :

u • I . I , . V.' '

' . ! * ' • ' . I ' . ' " • n I I , . i , x . i l l - . ' . f T-'. . t r . l - iT- i , - ; , . N . Y M f i . . ' . i . '

K..r t'... | r ' . i ' . . f N< i. * > f r t- t v ' * \ -' .TT ftn I ' ' ' v ' ' ' "' ' »'..Mirst T ' j ^ l . i v . f Yiav. ..r. ».i> ih.r-i T;]f""lay < I ' ' ' , ! r ^ ' ' r i ' " v

l i , . r , - j ^ r

K. r t l . - TV-il . f T;'i«><! . f T I T T <"m t-'.->fr»f Yf. v ! i v . . f c j . I, Tv ..fl . M t i M f f A it*-.«l I f ' J 1. . . r , l . . r

\ - l I i . - r . * T .!•' '—.-..*> - , - 1 - > r r - ' " * ' 1 " ' " «*M T. - i , f k , : . ••- . i . " » i . . « 3 r . I ; . ' v .-^ f, r ! . . . - • _ - ', • ,l , ' . i ... T' * ...1 " I , "' . ' '• nq ' ' - , . f 'f " . ] I . . I , ' - . ' O K ^ . ' . . ' I ' P

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..... ,|.-.i t,v H- nrv s ,[..! i.- ,. I . ' r ^ -..n'l ..f c

. -i ' l i . .!. . . ' . " . H ' I T . i r . i l . <.;'> i. i r ' . f '• • V '•• I 'N' t-1 .r^-'i >': 1 p . ' . • • . - ! • ' . . '

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AT r.AYV. -..-.....I fl.,i.r,

l"..iiit.N. Y. ' . U. Mi.K'IR.

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,V (Jhiick Curo. A i'. ' I . i II «'•-! - ! ii •••vri !.r . '! ."r f . r •-. v> r.i!

.11>- ••'.. '.:•. n:t) • • it'i 1 f ' n n X"W Y'.Tk ha 1

l» i» i ,i '. , .Ji 1 i.y tl.. p i , . - . ••.•.. nf ;i >.mi.tr

lll.ii . « ' . » p . r - ; - ' . ' 1 ill t.vK.: ^ I'.i ' .^'Mt rii-Yf

li'in mi tt.- !r,.in .HI 1 I'Tryli".ii. uu.l IT.IW.1-

i IJ ' . I - M . ' ; - : I. •)). It was t'.i" l i rni i . ' r ' r 'ha 'v . t

i'i , i .>;-.r nv.T In-! nvruinj; n^.v^p.vp.'r^ t.i

in.tk'Mi.i!..-. mi tho m.ir^iti .".irii?.>rni!i^ l '" '

slut" ««f tin' Jt.ick iinirk.'t. II^i ! . i l lal"ly

ca rna l m. s u n " ilfS l^Ky -iir-o.^-if.i'. upfru-

ti"!'' ' an 1 !r.< upmi'iiH an 1 0,f "p iint-." in-

ciul 1 ji'wp won! 1 be of t;ri'al vain" to .«i»'cn-

lator?. J?O tls" yountc man I."pt cio?e at hi?

si'l" and stU'hed Die nut"; an.l fiixuros over

his shouhlor. By and by the broker caught

him pepping:, anU naturally was annoyed.

His friend3 warned bun that he might be a

dangerous character. But he only laughed

and put down his too affectionate neighbor as merely a curious busybody, and tried not

tn be annoyed.

After a few morn.:._r- of this JWV.L* and pa-

t -• .TiiBont tUeyouuij man foigot imn-

s?lf at >1 leuaed, oY-er so far that the broker

felt Ids breatu or- ' i? < ueek. T! i t decided

L m. K 'versing l.is paper to find a clear

margin he hastily wrote somethtni;. The.

yourii^ man rose suddenly and with a very

r 5d face walked away.

'•How did you do it?"' asked a friend.

"Easily euouirh," and he held up the

pai or on which in Iarare letters was the one

w i r . l :

• •U ibh . - r . "

1r.'. !'- ' I . a I..- l i , : n o I . . ; . . 1 : • -

Ui ' • • ' ! p " : •!<• « *11 - !; • - 1 -

t: :>. i :• i - i r . i i . : Mn. i - .• . ; .

r . i:..'. ...:;.!.nr..i. i ii. , I,.. •: .1 n,, \.,. ti.-n.-il 1 riiii-.l ul" fh. Stuf i . i. ;!1 !., Li.ii i l i in r - l i . i l uf TLO .I: iy. a m i -a ill b . a. • . ,i, p a n i i . l b y l i - ; . ' i i i i r . i-t. 11. S.p; ;( . l i . . . i

11 1.1 1 ! .

.' iy a a .. p! 1. •. ;u il r: . . .r l -

*-'ri>-Ti n i : - \ , . , , , • .• i". ' . .-I > r . n ' t . • ,1 .i- -' . a " . . I : . i :; , . ,

V. I I. M..I IL . . I I I n u i ' i - - 1 ' - • ' . ,1 1 \ I . . . ,.

l ;u iu iU>. I ' . i < ; . . 1. 1. 1

t . I ' r . v i . : -.. . 1 ' i . 11,, . I . I , .1

' • n « . . J j ' . i i T . .'- • u . 1 >-.v-

Vo-.t. Thi 1 i i : . ; , ' : ] - 1" 11,.1 in. Punsh-

l: i ip*. i . - ; A h . i h •,-, S I i a a a r - l e y . 2!ll

]*.r...-i.ln-..\. X. -v Y ' . I I , C i t y ; L e o p o l d

S i . - n i . i ;s X : i - - 111 -::•. . t. X r w Y o r k C i t y ;

S n l n . y W. I ' . t i , , «-{: i . i rx i ' i - i i t i vo ot l i -

i - i r . I t i i l l . i l n ; r . y n . H It. N i T U . n i . si ' tTC-

1-iiy. Ui i l l . i l . . .

T h e q l l i " . l i , , n l.;l~ f l f ip i i I l t ly llOPD

lli-kril AA'llV Si J'!. 1- n i l s -.1 l i ' . - tf . l f.if

Now Y. ' ik day an.l if ii marked any

peii i i -nlar i \ . i n in 11..- S la te ' s his tory.

X'i; ir .li..-, nut. aial it -was 11..t M1-

I'.di'il lii-i-au«.|. ul' ;iny hisinri.-iil .siiniti-

.•nn.-i'. b u t i! is an iiiiiTi'siinn i-uiiii'i-

il.'in-i' t h a t upon tha t da lo M y w r s

.IL'O a ftiriuns ba t t l e YY;;S fmiirlit a n d a

! ftl.iri.ms v ic tory wmi b y a n Amer ican

a r ray oompos.-.l largely of NVw Tork

State voluuteors upou a ticlJ HOYV

I s .'• r i!,. i ' . . . 11;, 1 w e wi.l l ive n]i t o i t .

R. J. CLARK, Merchant Tailor, A"... • ,* .1/.•/,';.i..;.; >n;r.i:r yw sT. 1 ins 1,

P L A T T S B U R C H , N . Y.

I .TFr-Tr \AXT ( j . r

A R e c o r d U r c n k i i i " ; K i t e .

It * i» a ni'-tcorul.'.-iu'.d kit" and was tlown

fn.m ti- • Auii-tR'an nb-ervatory at Bine Hill.

It 1- 1.." l.i^h".-t ili^lit ever taken in this

conii ' r . \ ev.-a I'V a tiallaoTi. t o u r and t t i ree-

if p lana ivire farmed til.' l in".

i 'e was f i d 7.,v.-x a ' the hiirlestt

l l i e 3lsijfu- l l o . so .

. - - e , \vl, . i .1.1 -11 IllUtl} WuI .d .TfUl

-" l - . • • a d 111 Cill'iVutilie; t he

...: '•• i- :••• • \i-r s. 1 ii. It is a

• . aili.I li.u-er ai.d Inside ail

. .' . s -,v ., I, [ a s — p . - s e - s , i t

. . I 1 .wi_.i _' c •'.'!'. !urn.u£ r< d

. ' a M • • " .li i ' f - I i a d e .

A N't-AV %\"«>r«l.

...i- i_; 1 -1 .....'-li. •} lia- lii-L-uVer-

rd. "lie iiai.1.. r was drilling

..«• H..M.11.11 e and feminine form

I >i e u>la- i .f anyone couid

•tr.iLii.e "t .• rsenian.

' sai l J.'I.1.1 ie, ".is mari-Iai.lv."

q u it >*i

T h ' t n ' i

j o " .

T • .1

t' !' _'-

I I I I - I •

K r _ . •

t ' - ' " •

ha- „

Ul l a " -

11 >•

, ' . T a

1 1 . '

1, l \

1 . I

. * ' '•

. .A .

^;...:. v.-e I m 1 a w h e i ; 1-- o. •

0 ' I . 1: . ,.

f ! l 1 • r ti..' !

"Vi - . '1 la

I ' m t i t a n . l L o s s .

•'f -e.l lw>. In.r-es at ^1.5i»il eauh: On One I ga.n twi-niy-rive per ft-nt . and on [he otiier 1 lu re twei,n-!ive per ivr.t. What du I make or !••-" i'Q tli" trui.sacli.iii'.'"

Ciiarade uf August :U. . . . Curious.

F a s l i i u n N o t e s .

It 1- <• 'I.'" leii'h predicted that the days of

the '.r.i.' •• 1 - a r t are numbered, even for eve­

n's »V !. '•» '• ' .

Far -r <IJ.\~ a u-.-f it 111.11"! far a lin-n

cr.is - . 1. .ier.. M n.ali !i tin.' skirt. Ti.e

* f ix, :•• iia'.^le w,:a ftiil-starched

. . ' - A s d; r-, k l i" 1* w-irn un-

r . - , . I f 1 I i a l . i W . l . t ' - r e . . . . * - 1 ' ; e I ' , w r S

•p ai.d tlitt iiiBtead of h i^h .

A ..->.• of gr.-y t a c k " 1 c repe- . l i -ch i i . e

l.a« x •>• -' of «!..[••-.,;* t r a n u i e d w.'.ii b lack

Ye. v.- ' • ' . .!i T : , e c o l -»r a t ; . . l \ o k e (if W h i t e

a*Tin „-.- covered with embroidery in cut

steel iii.-i ' unds of the same form the cutis.

A Ti-.v a n 1 un . 'p ie !iat i« r . 'mp . -«" l en­

t i re ly of l eaves « ' a s if; - ' t l - ,,,' _'reell.

T i i " re i~ a b ^ iL'A o; li,... *. , .-l\i-l r . lei .-n in

t h e c . - i t r e u ! l i e - c r o w n ..1,1 "Tals l . a t u from

t h e b a c k i n er t h e l.a.r.

Be'.r^ a r e s i / : na-r. '^s.Mi .;. w. lLii a). 1 )• .'.h

w a i s t b a n d s a r . i n - t k b u n is a r e t r . iu in . - l

e l a b o r a t e A .

C o s ' . u n . . - m a t " .-I'-.r. ., of "l i ' - mater,.!.:

a r e l ' ,crea-.!.L' Ii 1 op J.aT.ty b•"'.! for d a \ a h d

K r t i ' i . . ' wea r .

A ,

; X O R YVOorirtt'iT.

li;. o i-f ;al i izal ioi i i

A l lair<' T i t r t i l c .

>p.•.'...' :•• t l . - Tinr..- ' - ' .n_' s.-l 1. .i..-r 'Ki-n-

•» . . _ " . t int . . port ; . - •

A i i . .ac—t.-r. Ma—.. '. s. 24 - a . ^ TH-

(."-.;I.. Ti I ' i . " ' . I . in r i . . r -. ") " "I " " ,. .r_' .-: ^ - a t a r : . i ' -- e a ».»•!••. It w.i.- c a p t u r e t a t >"»•: .

HI. Ti. . r . - lay in. in.a .„ ' . a*:.-r 1 u l •. a r . ' . - t 1A. 1 •> in '.-.- 1 --1 of '- 'ape Vft<-r ti.-.i _• v r i . ',. !•;. a -p» a r u~-1 or. •J. it ilru •• I-J a .ar„>" st-ili" l - ' a t

it..- vcuti-r w. tn ^ t a nVu 'y , I A . ' a ' t H a ' - r . ; i ' . ; i ' " l i . . ' , , M . i ;:,,. - a l f a c "

MX. 1 t i l ' i f i i ; ..(.•• a VH a.\<> A t u c k , " • -la-.J a'a.-ut t i . " L'-.l> "! '.:." t- .r; .e

a i l i e i : , . X ' a ' . ' i 1 D> '-I-" a- ' s - o f

- Ml." monst'-r nfb-l t . : • • !•.-. k. i" nht t.u'irc after lup'ar.- Tie- tur-

l ie tta-a-^'".s e.ght feel t*o ii.cl.en from laiac 10 tip ••' 'ail, seven arid a t.a.f t""t between Ifce fJipI *-"--, atiJ twenty-three feet six Inches in OfCuiid-reliC". It-s \4.-isht was nine hun-(JMNI |»'-«» !i«. It has been nuld to a Lon^ B«*ctt ti.a' for exhibition purposes.

HAlIroaiB »re under government control in Sweden, and that govtrnment is considering UM plim of diBcardmg gteiurt fur running Uttm Mid iubitt tutuig in us place electricity

.by the »bundiu.t water power of [•tMBtrjr.

C- -w-», . '

thr.-v:. :•-* at l i »c H i - ' .

S f l i " '

i t i n

ISevv York ( dry. will no pros, a t wiin it -mounted b a n d and will h a d Tan -eort. D e t a e h m e n i - ' . - \ ava l Kes i rYcar . i l s eve ra l ba t t e r i e s v itb. full equ ipmen t •will also be in line. The ent i re F o u r t h TV_:idi \ X. U. S. X. Y., and a n u m b e r of s e p a r a t e orack companies wil l add to t he jrraurt pagean t .

E x t e n s i v e p repara t ions a re being m a u e for the deci.nrtit.n i f the city, and both Buffalo and the Pan-Ameri­can Exposi t ion vi ill w a r i In ir very best bib anil Tm-kcr iu hoiior of ihe oc­casion.

The progr . imme of tin- day will <•>. m-nicuce wi th tin- mil i tary pii-ado in the t-ioriiing. g o v e r n o r Oilcll and the oilier d is t inguished quests will be met a t a point d.i-vn town and escurted ihroiigii t he pi i iu ipa l .streets of the city to the Lin.-. In p a r k w a y gate, where the Exposi t ion g.-on'idx will be onii 'ivd by Xew York 's g n a t a r m y of ( i l izcus amid a .storm of sa lutes and <li xiii.nst.-ati.ins of welcome. I-'mm t h a t inomiTit on the Paii-Aiiierican Exposi-t icn will be turiieil over to the Empi r e S t a t e .

T'poii r«aching iln- g rounds the liov-eriior and gues t s will iiro.-eeil to the Tempi* of Music, where Xew York Sta le flay oxen-is,.., will be l a i d a t 11 o'clock Tirirf sji. i c i n s will ln> m a d e by l i . i v n i . w <'dcll. Sena iors P ln t t a n d

H e ] , , w t a d . I .dui C . Mi lbu i ' I l . p r e s i d e n t of Tin- Expos'- i , ,n i-oinpar.y. the H o n . Daniel X. Lookwood. ].rcsidcnt of the S ta te Board of Coin-nil Managers , pre­siding. The oraf'oii of the il;1y will lie m a d e by Th* Hon. St. Clair M*-Kcl-w a y of Brooklyn and tin- ent i re pro­g r a m m e iu tcwuersed wi th music by the m a n y f a r i r u - ban.Is a t t e n d i n g t he Exposi t ion .

At llie conclusion of the exercises all Xi w Yi.rk.Ts will bo invi ted to t h e Xew York Siare building, w h e r e they will find orn-n house and the w a r m e s t kind of welcome dur ing the d a y a n d evening. Governor Udell and staff wil l visit the m a n y places uf interest on t he g rounds dur ing the afternoon, a n d from 7 to !i in the cveuing the (-inventor a n d Mrs. (idell will give a public reception hi the Xew York Sta te bui lding. I t is not at all l ikely tha t C"vi rnor or Mrs . Udell will be aide to s h a l e b a u d s w i t h . v e r y Xew Yorker t h a t day . bu t the Guv. r ra . r h a s - t a red tha t lie will b e glad to rn.-i-r p i i sona l ly every X e w Ymk. r on the g i . ' unds . a n d it" th>y do nut mee t h im it will not be the Uov-. rnnr ' s fanlr.

Ti i i i i .nl ia t ih afti ' iV*"' '.•option an u n u s u a l and c labora-c u l sp lay of fire­works will be g iven a long t h e lake front, direct ly opposite t h e Xew York S ta t e bui lding. T h e t i ivwurks on t h a t I'Vi'iiinir v\ill f a r su rpas s a n y t h i n g of the kind given dur ing the Exposi t ion . T p r o b a b l y > \ . r w i t i iess . - . l i u t h ' s c o u n t r y . r , ,- t l s d i s p l a y d o u b l e The an. . .nut ul i i . in y usual ly appropr i -a t . - i by t b " Lxp' .s . t i ' -n . ' . .n ipany lias ) . . . ii J \ i .i IIIHI :i i-uii. i-ipial i " t ins l ias

b . . n a-l.l . i b y X. w i i r k S t a t . . S e v -.. r . i l .-I t l . . l.i-'St in •.. H.. .U- a n d c s t l y s, t p a c i s . . n r c i i s t r u . ted by Pa in a r e

b u n g m a d e for tl, ..si.ni. and all will be si 1 oti so as to th row thei r b r l l i a t i t n d i a i i . ' . u].on llie wh i t e por­t ico ot tl; . N. .\ Y . I k bui lding. (»iw set p a - e alone m i l c i s t upward of J t . i iu i i m i d : - a l . m . l J . U . r n e v e r b o -t i . n s c . li ;>i l i a s , , . i i i ,1ry .

l ' ! . . .s . w l e . t i . n d t l -e i l x p . s i t i o n d u r -1! g Till \ \ . , i . b e ^ i l i l l ' l l g Si r t . I.I, ill

Y\l, • I, X ' e. Y ' l i . S . it d a y o c c u r s . S. p i i s x\ ill 1 • I..rt o f I ! . ' t l l . ' l l . J s ) , . , - i . .

v \ . . i. 's p r . i g r i i . . i . . . . l a d s , , , , S u n d a y . .- l b . - ii-. , 1 I l o n d t i : is . a ' d It x. i w , I h a p J ' H p . a t . . \ . !'• - .

ST. c r .Ain M Kirr.wAT.

pla inly in view from the r e s t a u r a n t in t in ' Electr ic Tower . I n t he brown ( ' anadiau pasfures j u s t across t he Xi-a g a r a r iver from the Pan-Am.-r ican grounds s t ands Die ruins of old E o r t Erie , whore one of the most despera te and decisive lmitlos ..f the w a r of 1S12 was fuuglij. 1» twecji midnight and . lawn on Aug. L", i s i i .

A mo' i ih latiT. or upon Sept. IS. Hi" Amori. an a r m y crept .stealthily n i t of the b. sieged fort and at-ii'clcid the P.riiisii works locat"d in ti.e for . - i in a t t he b a n k s of

t :>• l i v e r . l ' r i l i s h Wei-e h l i ' l d n . I s . ; ; , , . !

I. w i i i il:.-* w .

I e r n e in I T . a!; ( " l e s t p- l t l is

YVli.Tf l i e i i iXpo-i l i im llOW l.ospiial w a s osiablisbeil n

P.oili .Uiiei'ieaus and slaugli tercd by the

•Ptrir.g llie d a y s t h a t fol-

iit, !"d nnd dying Yvore ,n-' ox «-aris through the over the vo"v ground

s t ands . A

a r by. a n d

several hundred Bri t ish and Amer ican soldiers a re now asleep there in the ii 'ondows r u d e r the very s h a d o w of the n i r r . t e d stru.-fiires of t he I 'an-Ameri ­can Expo~:riop.

Diseases in PJii l ippines.

i : , .

on account i d s on t h e l.".ih. which i.nai holiday b. e l , s , r \ . 1 ,.t l i . . l l o n -

i l ' i r . i s l . i . , l . ; , i ,_ l i \\ A\ I . I iu i ib i r u e u ' s « o i , .nut :iiiM.i iiuli " . ;.. Ci.nip.uiy C ot t h e E i ' t h ui.i.i Xaiioiial Guard a n d t he SeM-nty ni-st ll.-glu.eiit Vir­ginia Y'oliuit. t r s will In in eaiup-ar t h e Exposi t ion. The I ' l th will be lllliluis-day and M< \i> an day. the 17th G. A. li. day. tin- 1Mb X.w York Sta t . day . the IMih Welsh <1«Y a n d Eisteddfod, the •_.ith Pennsy lvan ia day and S t Ca tha ­r ines day and tin- l s t Tra ined Nurse*1

day . Thir . - will be d.splays. u£ Pa in ' s h r . w o r k - on the evenings of the l7t l i . l s t h . l'.ith and ' J l - t . f r o o rgan reci tals in t he Temple of AlUsa,- every af te i -nooii; concer ts in the forenoon, a f t i r -

Cliicf S u r g e o n G r c c n l c a f a r a k p s K c p o r t a n d Kccoimnci i i l i i t io i i ,

Washington, Aug. 20.— Col. Charles R. Greenleaf, chief surgeon of the Philippines, under date of May 31, has made cpiite an ex­tended report concerning the health of the army in the Philippines." He says the health of the soldiers in the islands continues good, the ratio of non-etIective3 for the nine montli3 ending March 31 being 7.52 per cen t , during which time the strengtli of the army ranged from 56,"'J1 to fis,405. The principal diseases were typhoid fever, malarial fever, dysentery, diarrhoea, venereal diseases and wounds and injuries, the highest being malarial fever a t 15.23, and venereal 13.18." The improvement, he says, is due to a certain extent to greater care in sanitation and weeding out of weak­lings and chronic invalids. "The seasoned men who pass a year in the tropics and ob­serve ordinary hygienic rules show a small sick list.

Col. Greenleaf says: "The steady increase in venereal diseases

among our troops from S.'J" percent, in Sept. I'.mO, "to 20.-12 per cent, of the total sickness in April furnishes ground for the greatest ap­prehension and is an item not exceeded in importance by any other affecting the health ami efficiency of the army in the Philippines. Col. Greenleaf says that the diseases are spread more particularly from Manila and re­commends the segregation of women in a certain part of the town and a supervision of their healt'i as a precautionary measure. Also that soldiers be treated at a special hospital at Los Banos, where' there is a hot spring similar to that at Hot Springs, Ark."

Contrary to the general belief in the United States, tli'-re is not much disability from al­coholism, the habits of the enlisted men dif­fering but little from those in the United States. An exciting cause for a certain pro­portion of insanity, as well as the origin of a large part of the drunkenness In the pro­vinces, is the use of the so-called "vino" of the natives, a crudely distilled alcohol, which taken in excess causes wild deiiriam and va­rious delusions.

If You only bad a Kodak Thi'iv arc lots of things you could

iiKc that would he a comfort to you afterwards.

Wo carry in stock a full line of luni Kodaks and nlate cameras and tcadi you how to use them. You're missing it if you go through

the season without it.


R. C. Wilkinson, D. D. S. . 16 YEARS practical experience in t

^feS"-^sS^ practice of

Modern Dentistry, All t h e L a t e s t I d e a s , M e t h o d s ,

M a t e r i a l s . Dental Parlors-, ClintonlBlock, Head of Bridge St

PLA.TTSB ^ " "_ Y .


In ad its stages there •!» ml.! be cleauaaesa. T-h't Cream Ba i ia ' Van=05, snotlicsatid heals His d;-;c.i ed membrane. It i-'ir.- -s. nf irrli and drives f.v.ny a cold iu the head

( ' re run B a l m :« p'uvi 11 rv . r ti.i. mi-iu'irane ai.d i . :. . ' e a i . - l a r ,ref.,.l>>\i i., t pr . 1 !--..• fi.••»-;;,i .-. T..rs;i

">•- r ! , - - . - ; Trials. .- '

i-LV n.iuiiirt.s, --. YV

r.lo I V r i KV, spremls ib-.triiod. Itc-.k'f 13 im-l i 19 not ilrynai—iloes

e.s.ie, r, I I , r.ts at Drng-M cents t.y mail, rreu Street, 2Tew York.


LOC^ ^ I E ! I", no matter how old, sore and

uful, can b. quickly cured by using

I K iL'^S COKN CERE. Price 15 eta.

ou wi3h to ' ave bta'Hiful Teeth use

SMITH'S I J L . N T I F O A S I , preserves the

I'eeOt ai iJ-mns, and gi . .- a delightful

fragran- I ; , ath. 0 " c t s a bottle.

Don't Sitfh r wi... a he, lack'- when you can


LETS; one dose is generally sufficient.

15'cents per box.

You need not be Bn'-VfivM if you will use

SMITH'S HAIR TOXIC, it prevents the

Hair from falling out. 50 ce.nts and

SI.00 per bottle.


you can avoid Bilumsne's and Cons'ipa-

tion. 20 cents per bottle.

Never have a Tooth pulled unless it is past

saving but U3e SMITH'S MAGIC TOOiH-

ACHE DROPS. 10 cent bottles.


the best and safest remedy. 10 cents

per package.

If you have weak or inflamed Eyes try

SMITH'S EYE WATER, it will cure you.

25 cents a bottle.

Smith & LaRocque, CITY PHARMACY,

P L A T T « B U R O H , N. V.

The Season is Just Commencing. Save your Raj?s. old Kubber, Brass, Copper,

Lead, Zinc and o ld Iron. Drop a postal card when you have any, we will be after them. We are p a y m s the highest cash prices for the same. W e buy large or small quanti t ies . Remember the place.

h. BAKER & SON, 71 Lafayette St.,

15th Plat tsbunrh, N. Y.







SP1RTA FELTON, 12tf P i t t s b u r g h . N. Y.


Insurance Agents, PLATTSBURGR, N. T.


PAINTING. House, Sign, Carriage

and Sleigh Painting Done in Flrst-Class Style/by

A. C. DUPONT, No. C. Miller Street, Platuburgh, N. Y. Prices satisfactory. Farm produce taken (

I in payment for work from farmers.

• • • • • • • • » • • • • • » » • • • » • • • • » •

| ARCADE : Lunch and Dining Rooms,: X Come)- of Clinton and Marion Sts., «


• Gentlemen's Lunch Department on the < * first floor. • Department for ladies and families up < • stairs. Everything First Class. + Dinner from 6 to 8 on Sundays. + No Noon Lunch served on Sundays. • w w w w w w w w w w W W W W W W V W

City Market, 20 MARGARET STREET,

Yon will always And a complete stock of

NATIVE AND WESTEIN IEEF, Pork, Veal, Mutton and Lamb,

POULTRY, CAME, Pork S&ntage and Bologna Santaf o,

Frankfort lanugo, H o n e y C o m b T r i p e ,


FRISI A5B SALT FIS1, Bf stem and Yegetablof la aeasofe.

IS^My motto will be in the future, as In the past, to sail Choice Goods at Seasonable Prices.


T h e D e m o c r a t i c O p p o r t u n i t y .

Never was there a lime when the Demo­crats had a sreater opportunity to win m magnificent victory. The American people of all classes are aroused and alarmed at the enormous arrogance and overbearing assump­tion of the great capitalistic combination*. Every man who is not a millionaire see* that he is being crowded down into a state of subordination and humiliation. The poeaea-session of a fair fortune .toes not protect its owner from being driven oat of baaiMsm. while the workingman aeea slaver/ belore him—JTeic Orleans Picayune.

I am prepared to do all kinds of BICYCUI REPAIRING, and shall keep on hand an assort­ment of Valves, Spokes, Repairs. Outfits, Ac., Ae.

Acent for the celebrated Morgan A Wrijrbt

J. D, WILKINSON, Gnn Smith, IS Bridge Htrcet.

P L A T T S B U R O H , N. >

Ransom's Livery Stables

Teaching French by phonograph is being tri*d in England. Phonograph cylinder*are prepared with Frwcfa IOMOM u d than jro« ar*.

Good l i r a r f Competent DriTen. Orden flUed with Diapatch. Telephoee.

H. B. BAMSOIL Trinity Sqaere. Ftotttfrgk, H. T.

L l " ? » C « l > K , r r « " ^ MAIM "•vf laJMsB*, ' H i I T T If 11

Geo. Desjardins, Jr., Wkotoonle and BeUU Healer la

Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry, Oysters, Fish,

Fruits, Vegetable*. 60. , Ooraer Margaret and Coraelia Street*.

ruaTTSKCsaat . m. r .

J. A. McCRANK, Doctor of Veterinary Science.

Calls night and day promptly attended by calling at his office,

IO Trinity Square , rut' m, «.*.


aoyoe's Kxtraeu for Cookiag. Perfaawa. Toilet Waten. Sachet Powders aadPlae Toilet Soaps.

a» nriakerfcoC atsses.

«m rLavraeKrasH.s.Y.'


p i a . T i . K L oilii'i-; in s t ree t , l 'lailx'

Notary l 'nl ' l ial .Ill-ll i r .

Al l Bnsiiii'---.

ami F. 'drn. l 1'imrts. '•k a t No. 11 ( linton

in si-ilo Id- ni'W lit

mririi. N. Y. ii- with S E * I . . and '"ivil and . rirai-

i V P

proidiifly a t tended to .

MARTIJT 'H. O'BRIEN," TT.lUNKT AND < ' i l 'Xs r i - l . ' >T.

Ii:.rnn..-uti»l. >i. V.

i s . . 'Hnt ' i i i M .

AT I. \ W . s• -!-.-»I ami I>e->,l;i,rt-l.urali.


VT T i ' i r . E Y AND f . t fNsELLOR AT iif t . i ' in Hasar'-s lik.i.k, IS r i m l . m

l'latl-1'iiri.'h, N. V.

LAW. street .


iiffii-e: Clinton It! •VW. ...i.'k, ATT'IRXHY AXD I

Flair- ' iutvli. X. Y over Kecil's Juwi'Irj- ,si,


ATT'IRXEY AND •'. irXSELI.DTt AT LA ami -Iti-H f the IVaee. lIlHee 1"-J Ma

garet .street, r ia t lsbnrr th. N. Y.

RATRIGli- J. XIERNEY, Attorney and Counsellor at Lnw,

,s2 and H Jtarsraret Stre.-t,

I'LATTSBUnnil, N. 1".

V-Ti)i;\-' . AND COUNSELLOR, Saranac Lake, t-1ai.klin i_• uty, N. Y'. Le«al Uu..in.*s

• if ererj- uarir prumptly attended to. Collec­tions a spi.-.' ii"....


V' lTu ' .XFY' AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. oilii.e, t Union Block, Pla t tsburgh, N. X.


LAWYER AND NOTARY. Office, M'inslow's Block. Brinkerhoff s t reet , Pia t tsburgh, N. Y.

- (he

r-i-l In C •••< the M Hirer II-\ V l • - t l ' r ! l •

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v. Y . . I . ' • ! . i ' i.-.•••.-.•

-t .ITI ! , . . o r l . r . - e ! ,-f 1 ,t.d t l '1-ilt-l 'tirifli. X Y. . 1 " ' ;; e l . . ! - l t d , ! • - r i l . e - l I.



Branch office at Mooers.

Dr. FRANK MADDEJ^ Physician. Snrceon and Oculist. Office and

Residence. 113 Margaret M. Office hours : Before 10 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. in. Special a t tent ion given to diseases of the Eye, Ear , Nose, Throat , and diseases of women.



f l'i>- M a n I,; ! • • « - • r,--L-i ' i!., l^- at ,1 ).- .-,» i " ! ! , . ' w . - t I n , . ' , . f the iiiu-liwiv l.'.i.lm.' fr „., i ,,ti.i ,,r..i, f. I , r ,Taei-on. win r e the •=. mth line ,,*' a r- . I . r . ' - , , laid off on ll.e north line of c.dd Mary v . - .. i i i i ' n -ee t s the -anie. liienee westerly l i '1 i ' i t. lie nee -outhi-r'y parallel to Hie we-t line of -aid highway leading from I'l.il-tslnirch to l",,rr .T.i. k-s.'.n. :i- fi-i 1: tliem-e r-usti r!v. parallel tiisaidsniiiri lirie nt llie road ors i ree l so'itiid . IT. 1M feet, to I h e w e - t llr.ei.f sa'.d hijliway: Hietu-e northerlv. in the west Ilneof >ald hiKliway. In the plaee of b. srinninir.

Ai-o, all that ri rtain i.tli.-r l"f • I land In I eiO--I'tir^h, N. Y.. l.otiTided as follows: .-,mnni't;. >!,. at the northwi st eorner f.| lol No ... .Tolm-on's Survey of ihp Il-Mget Ileri'on land, and runniiiir thftn e ea-lerly l i s feel: thettee y i i ther iv •;: feet, thenee we-terly ]:i; feet and ii irn lies; ai;.| then, e Iiorll.erly. in I'eru Street, ii. feet to tli" p ' : . , . . ,,f lieaiiipp.^. Said lot lieinir ki own as !,,t No ... lohii-iHi's Suiv.-y. liehiir part of Hie hnni e. nvev ed l.v Fre.leri 'k Ketti.-k I... Itrl.lur.-t Herr-'ti l.v I'i i d liu'ed De.-enil.i r '.'rih. !-'-" reeord.-<l in Vol. ::-,.r II, , d - . r..is;es i.iaml 11. and l.einir tm- - i m e p r e m i - e s eollV. > i d !-• s.itd J-'.-Hx I lool i . V l.v Ktnn.a Foley 1-y Deed d a W .Imi" .-ri-tli. l - i - . wliieh Died l-reeord'-d in t'iiiiton i 'otinly . ' lerk '-Ofi i . e i l l V o l . '«'. ..I I le.-d» tit t . i a i ' r.i I.

Dated. Sept. ;:. I'»-11 HENRY T. K.'I.Li'u.f!.

Ri-I.ree. WTI L. P \ T T I — I . N .

I'iaimili's' AHorr.i-y. :II;.AT IMattsburKh, I'linion Comity, New York.

o* "E and Residence, No. ii Brinkerhoff eorner of Cactierine.

11, r s : 1—3p.m., 7—9 p.m. Sptci. attention siven to disea.- - of tht ye.

Ear, Ho. . and Throat. "" ' '" me eonnectio.i.


Cholera Mixture is • 'binafion • f standard remedies freiiu--u- .- I ' S U M M E R I u.UPLAiNT.Dysentery. I'ai. in the btomach, Colie, Cholera Morbus and Diarr­hoea, whieh are so ) revaient during summer months. Reliel is felt a l ter one dose of CADY'S CHOLERA MIXTURE, and yere cases a r e usu­ally completely cured with three or four doses. The disagreeable after-effects,: mely, constipa­tion, which follows the use of - > many of the pa ten t cholera cures on the marke t is ent i rely obviated in our CHOLERA MIXTURE.

In recommending Cady's Cholera Mixture to you, we are no t t rying an experiment, for this same preparat ion has been made a t the Cady Drug Store for 10 years , i ts virtues being proven by its large sale and repeated use in this vicinitv.

Ask your local dealer for CADY'S CHOLERA. MIXTURE The price is 23 cents a bott le .


CADY DRUG COMPANY, ?4 Miuyaref St.,

PLATTSBCRGH, N. T . Makers of the following excellent preparat ions:

CADY'S CUERRY BALSAM for Coughs and Colds.

C iDY'S HEADACHE POWDERS. CADY'S RUSSIAN CORN CCKE. Ask for Cady's Choice Flavoring Ext rac ts and

Household K» medies, pu t up in full two and four ounce bott les.

Plumbing and Heating for House, School or Church.

We are prepared to do all kinds, and it is

more convenient for you if we do the over­

hauling and repairing of your plumbing and

heating apparatus now t l^n if vou wait until

cold weather comes before giving your or­

der. We are ready to furnish estimates for

new work or repairs, and we do the best

kind of up-to-date work.

J. A. FREEMAN, 18 Marion Street,


FOR SALE. A building lot on Wells s t reet and a house and

o t on Court s t ree t . Both lots a re n e a r t he Normal School and trolley line and within fifteen minutes ' wa lk of the village—very desirable loca­tion. Enquire of

M. K. SPEKKY, 75 Court Street.

Lands for Sale. Parcel of 33a, parcel 3S 5s-HXia, Lot S o . 12,

Piattsburgh, 43 by 132 feet. 25a. in AJtona, 25a. in Piat tsburgh, « a . Piat tsburgh. 37a, Piat tsburgh, H a . No. 40 Old Pa ten t , 5Ua, Altona, L e t Ko. l l u Old Pa t en t .

Will be sold cheap. Call a t No . 2 Margaret street, Piat tsburgh.

April 1G, 19(10. 16tf J . PARMERTER.

Men Wanted. • S WlirriD at Lvea •aaateJatew thessiaes. tafertswtaJmetleB to

•et^caj*eajessr«M aadfceaOav.0

Lands for Sale . The following lands a re offered for sale on

reasonable terms: So acres in Altoiia, farm Peter Quinteil. 3S " " BeekmanMwniRand Hill.i. 32 " -' Grand Isle, west half iSamson plaee. l o t 12, Piattsburgh, Voodery. i a t -House lot near Wall street . Piat tsburgh. S low. Wall s t reet , Piat tsburgh.

JACOB PARMERTER. 1-ltf Pia t tsburgh, N. Y.

To Rent. The Lawrence Thornton farm, one-halt mile

f romBaekmantown Corners, from April 1st. Apply to PATRICK J . TIERNE Y, At t 'y . .

5tf Piattsburgh. N. Y.

For Sale. The James Barney farm in the Irish Sett lement,

Schuyler Falls , of about ISO acres, good buildings, well wa te red . Apply t o

PATK1CK J. TXERNEY, At t ' y . Piat tsburgh, Jf. Y.

T>EFEREE'S s A T , ? . - s t a i e of New Y..rk Su-V prerne Court. -Comitv of liinion.— Win-low

C. Watson as Exeentor of the Last Will ami T.-i a-nienr of Caroline \ . Tli.-ll, deeea-'ed. plaintiff, against Alliertine Morrill a r d John Morrill her husband. Andrew Williams as County Treasurer of the County of Clinton, William Maurice and Mary Maellonald, defendants.

In pursuance and by vir tue nf a judgment nf fori • i'-siire and sale duly made in the above en­titled aelion on the 2nd day of August. 1WU. dulv enrer .d in the Clinton County Clerk's office, and authorizing and directing the sale of the real es­ta t e and mortgaged premises hereinafter describ­ed. I. the subscriber, a Referee in and bv said judgment for that purimse duly appointed, will sell a t public auction t» the highest bidder a t the front door of the Court House in the villace of Piat tsburgh, in the County of Clinton ami Sta te of New York, on the 231 day r.f September, lli'.l, a t noon, if tha t day. the real estate and mortgaged premises in said judgment described and therein directed to be s"ld.

The followitgis a description of said mortgaged premises:

All those two certain lots of land si tuate in the east side of I ' iat ' s t ree t in the village of Piatts­burgh and which luls re marked and designated on a map made by D. •• Johnson, surveyor, in ]si"i, as lots No. r.i a n . 1 ' . and being each thirty-three feet in front on I u t t s t r ee t and extending back with parallel lines the distance of one hun­dred feet more or less to lands of fjeorse W. Pal­mer and on which lots there is now a brick dwel­ling house and shed.

And more particularly described as follows: The following described rremNes with the ap­

purtenances then- ' • that i- ti i say: Being sub-staniin , 1y tin?same ' 'remises mentioned and des­ert' said Mi' r ge No. l a d more particu-lsri.. -ribed i" -;. i Morte-cre Xo. 2 as follows, viz: All those two -tain i- •.» of land si tuate on the •- - s t side nf I'latt s t ree t in the Village of P L irgh, • .unity • Clinton and State of New Y V . K . which' . - are marked md designated on a eertaiii n a p . r plot made I : ' , ) . B. J. u. Sur­veyor, in 1st':,, as ,ots number 51 a being each thirty-three feet in front upon . " . , streef. an-1 extending back with parallel In, - the dis t a m e one hundred feet more or less, to lands of George W. Palmer.

The • ; id lots are the same on wl-i the frame hou-v now bricked upl and the frame rood shed. wer 'milt by Francis Gebo. and the same prem­ises . .rnierly occupied by him and . itciy by Mrs. Mary Griliiu. or her tenants . Being the same premises d ' - e r i b e d m a deed from Catherine M. Whittlesey and Charles C. Whittlesey of Malone, N. Y-. to James Griffin aforesaid and dated Sth J u n e . Is?.;, and recorded 10th July. isss . at l lh . 30m. A. M.. in said Clinton County Clerk's Office in Vol. 7 of Deeds a t page 15S.

Dated August 3th. 19U1. CHARr ES TI. 7.IOORE. Referee.

E. J . MAIUVS, Plaintiff's Attorney. :j2,\7

V T E W YORK SUPREME COURT.—County of X^l Clinton.—The First National Bank of Platrs-buran. N . Y., plaintiff, against Mary .J. Morrill and Bentley S. Morrill, defendants.

In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, duly granted in the above entitled action, and entered in the Clinton Countv Clerk's office, on the 5th day of August. 1901. I. TJ. P. Gilllland. the undersigued Referee, in said judgment named, will seil at public auction at the front door of the Court House iu the viBaire of Piat tsburgh. County of C ln ton . N.Y".. on the 30th day of September. 1901, a t 12 o'clock. M.. the premises described iu said judgment , as follows, viz:

All tha t t ract or parcel of land, s i tuate in the town of Piat tsburgh. county of Clinton and Stare of New York, and being pa r t of lot number twen­ty-two (ii). Pa ten t of Piattsburgh. set apar t for the encouragement of settlers, which is bat ted and bounded as follows: Beginning a t the north­west eorner of said lot number twenty- two (22) running thence east in the road leading to Piatts­burgh village two caains and three links >2_\ and 31.1: t l ien-e south through the center of the road twelve chains and forty-one links (12c and 111 i to an iron wood stake; thence west two chains and th-ee links (2c. and 31 ) to a white oak stake and stones in the west line of said lot; thence north in the west line of said lot to the place of beginning, containing two acres and rlfty-two hundredths of an acre of land.

Also, all That certain other piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the town of P i t t s b u r g h . C u n t y of Clinton and State el' Ncw York, bounded and de.-cribed as follows. Begin­ning at the n irt'ieast ..-.mierof said lot ntimber twtn ty- two <22i; thence south on the east line of said lot twelve chains aud forty-one links il2v and-HI. I to a brick strike and stones; thence west eight chains and t.vo links i $ \ and 21 1 to a tain .tr­ack stake; thence north twelve chains aud forty-one links (12c. and i l L l t o the north line of the lot : thence east in the said north line eight chain* and seven and one-half links i se. and 7t«l. i to the place of beginning, containing nine acres and ninety-eight one-hundredths of an acre, being the same premises formerly conveyed to George W. Dustin by George Moore, by Deed dated Ju ly 3,1S70, and recorded in Clinton County c l e r k ' s office in Volume U'.i of Deeds, a t page 17:i.

Dated a t the village of Piat tsburgh Clinton Couuty, N. X., this 12:h day of Auju- t , l'.-'l.

H. P . GILLILAND, Referee. JOHN B. R n x r , Plaintiff's Attorney,

33 »v7 Piat tsburgh, N. Y.

•VfEW YORK SUPREME COURT.-Couofy of l^i Clinton.—The Merchants National l labk of Piat tsburgh. plaintiff, agaitist Marguerite Ran­som. Martha C. Ransom, Henry B. Ransom, George B. Ransom and Sally Ransom his wife. AVilliam S. Ransom. Har ry S. Ransom, Marguerite Ransom as administratr ix of the goods chattels and credits of Charles H. Ransom, deceased. Wil­liam Fitzgerald and Eugene. Brown and Antime Rascoe, defendants.

To the above>named Defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer the com­

plaint in this, action, and mxerve a copy ••: y , c r auswer on the plaiutiff's a t torney wituni twenty days after the service of this sumnn .ns, exclusive of the day o i service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default lor the relief demanded J± the Complaint.

Dated the 13th day of -Taiv. l.'Ol. W. C. WATSUN. I'Uh.tifFs Af . .rr.-y.

Office addre-s uu-1 po-t .Hi. e ..tddrc--. 1'... ' .;-burgh. Clinton C u n t y , New York.

T i Marguerite Ransom. ...e. rge L'. I;.n.-. r.i s-: i Sally Ransom his ,viiV. IVi r i t i i s.. R^rii,..'n. M.._-•;. K. ltansolil and MargueriteIt.m-s.ni n.-.i 1 - . .. -••- :-trix of the goods, cha t r e . - and . re-lit---: i .,xr • -H. Kansoui. deceased, .ieien-lants ^r.--..e r..i. . . 1

The foreg'ilng summons is -erved >.;• u 5 i '... publication, pursuant r o a n order of II.. > .1. '.V Houghton. Just ice. i f the suprer.;.. . . i r : •••: '•>.-State of New York, dated the -•?'-!, •: »y • ;' •' . ' / . l'Ji'l. and filed with the e,.mpi,nnt :t. the :ri •- • : the Cierk of t h e . oiiuryof i ni.toi, i t p i i t l - •.•_••.. in said Count v of i. lint- u an.', s tar a ot Ne ,v l - i i .

Dated the 3i'th day . if July, it ' 1 W. c . WATsoX. Plain:,ff's Af . r t j ey .

OiSce address and t-o-t ..th.-e address. I 'a '*--burgh, i.ttnton Coanty. N^w Y-.rk. :: A !

• n . i - i

s...-r. Ag;..

\i o i - . 1

For Sale. ErrilEH in balk or parcels, the Allerton prop­

erty so called, at Mooers Porks, beinjc the proparty formerly owned by E. P. Francis, con-ststlnjt of a farm of one hundred forty-fire acres, with tood buildings; a term lot of ninety acres without building*; four hundred twenty acres of forest land; a saw mill and mist mill with mill-pond, water rigtiu and prirUeces;che hotel known as the MIVMBHIDS UOVSKti Jft>&£&!,,togeth­er, with Are rillac* houses and lots; and several acres of land suitable for boildtn* lots.

The above property is offered for sale for the •arpnes of elostac aa estate, and application can he ssade for priee and farther Information to Mrs. A. AlxaJtTOM, Mooers m h a , M. Y-. or to MOTS-

yosstt st corn*, at tiawii m§k. *• T. mt

>J E W Y. IRK. SUPREME i •<..l.'Rr. -•. 1 ty.—Ann liouahiie, I'iamt. :V a

yu t rk . Thomas H. Ryan, saran Ryan Kyan and Ro-eMary Ryan, dc len ia !

B., virtue . . fa ja . igtn.nt "I p.irt i ' , made in tue atujve e n t i t i d a ; , -n on T!,e -,-n •: i , of August, l.-'L tne su-s..r.---r, a KTl'-r-e i r ' : . . ' pin-p,..seda y ap|"i .n:ed. w:.i - ' i . a t t'.e tr •.' , j , , . ,r of tne c u r t H"U;.r in the ', , .agr , i r.a*'-«-biargh. cunt , n . oanty . Ne-..' Y -r i . • •'* tne & 1 day i.-t sej tem-'cr. 3 - I. at t-.ve,\e o" . . k n- • n t, ttiat day. I'.-.-real estate l i r e - tv l t .' - i t x '.g-meut to be v. . 1. an-1 therein d e - r ' •• i i- • ,. . . -

"Ail that .--tr'ain ,'.'t "I -and .n the '. . . igc • : Piattsb-irgh. Couuty "I .. ..nt"C i - . l s- r ' .^ f j.e.v York, t 'oun- ic ' lanl de-i r.tT'i as ;......*<- . ^ menclng at the N 'orh west .-• r n e r . f ••.-- Ma." »h ill Place s,M ;ai>J- on the Ea-t s -k - : < -* -er ine s t ree t ; thence Easterly in t a r X r ;n .. >- • : said Maraliail I'.a.-e a n d t n tt.e s j'atn ..i-e - : ' : .e Mead Lot a'.-jut o n e Uanlre.1 m l >•-... i ' v i . e ilTTn feet to the Wai.Vorth ill . . ; theh e X .r'.he: y on the West line >.-'t ttie WaU\. r ih L .t t' -r:> • -v i t2 ' feet; thence Westerly t-irai.el t i :ne - a . i Marshall north ime to Ca the rne stree-.. theii-.e southerly in Catherine Street t " the tia..e - t tt? ginning Forty-two i42. feet; be .ng tne s-.e^tt t a . r of a piece of land conveyed t o S m t h M SVeed ty Jul ia B Mead, and h the same lot .-- -nvev e.i t . Lorm E. Root by smi th M Weed by ' ( e e l J a t n l July2n'ul . l-»i2. an-1 r eo ir-led tu ..".int.ti . ' . .^n 'y Cierk's uffice tn Yohiaie Ki of Deeils. xx Page - >'.

IL P. GILLILANI". l iekre.-Jo i t s B. Eu j tx , p ia tn tu t ' s Att y i.v."

T*TOTieE - B y order of H-<a J A u U B - ' t i X~ Surrogate of Ctlntou County. X i' . L. '.i.e -hereby given according- t.. law. f.» a., j e r s --s harinic claims against UHtwrt Pe i tey u t e . . ! - i r aaae , in said ..•ouiity. deceased, that they ure r. quired to exhibit the same with the i - o - t r f . thereof to the subscrir^r a t ttie U.v -. th-e . '. Shedden Je Vert, iu tf.e \ l i i ige ••! i-Vattabargh. X. Y.. uu e r before the Uth duy of cietober, IJML

Dated March 2$. i joi . KAPOLEON L. PELKEY.

I tof l Administrator

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I ' i i t t - I . ' i r g h . X . Y . . ' - i . r i • . : - . , - . • ' r..- ; ,-, . o . t ,l,.-r. 1. a .

D a r e d Mar . h •.',, L « d . J A M E s D ' t N A l T o n . A X X D . ' X A I f . t K .

H i ' - A ' l m i J i t - t n t .

— -- - — — — —. — — — Y " T H E . - P . v • r-i.-r ..f n - n .1. -1 IT v.. a > S U I T . "g-iti»..f i ; . . i ! . . i i •.. '(•,. ,• X Y . i • h e r , I.j- g i i . ' i ;n .• . r i t.g t . ; t A . t o M j — , — . • . i n g i l a : t i i - :ig.i :,-t 1. n , , ' „ . - i J: \J , ! , Aii . ' . i c . - r i - 1 , . . . J I . - V . : . . . ' ! - . - ! . f i - f.. r i ' i ' t . r i . i l . . . s i L i - t i , . ' - . , . ' . ' w . - ' i • ' . ,- v- i. t l - l i - . f 1 o H . e - , ' - , i ' . - . , • • ( . , , • , .':

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V f n T I c F . -r.v .,ri.-r . f H-n. -U.hn II. )!.,..th. X> snrr,,_.. l t,.,,f i roiti.Ti i o'tti 'v. X Y . , t i . t : . - H hereby given a' "• rd'-ig *-i : r v , t „ al! I . T - . . H , hav­ing claims against . ir ' - t t i" A. In'. " ii ' .-.-i pittT.--. bnrg'i . in said county. ,1. ...a- - 1. tha* Tin v are re-.lu're.t to HT'iiblr t>.. -.t-1»- witli t h " von. h.-rs t'ie,-e..tt 'i t l iesnh-.eril i .rar t h - l a w office i f W. c . W-ifs.,n, in piat t-burgli . cUu i .n I'.niiitT, Xe-.v Y-«k. on or before ti.e ]-'i.l.iyof Xo?eml."'r. 1>>1.

Di ted April 2.(1. r . ' . l . 17m7 WINSLOW C. WATsoN, E x . - n ' o r .

VT . iT ICE. -By order of n « n . John H. Pco tb . i - i sur rogate of Clinton County. N. Y-. noti.-e is hereby given a irding to law, lo nil re rsoni hav­ing claims again-t JIargaret A. Miller, late of Beekmantown. in said e-iunn-. decea-cd. that they are re.juired to exhibit t he same with the vouchers thereof to tne subscriber a t her resi­dence in Beekmantown, Clinton County. N>-w York, on or before the ls th dayo i November, in- >l.

Dated. May oth, 19"I. HANNAH E. DOTEY.

l'lmfl Administratrix. HEWITT, FRANCES S.

in pursuance of an . .rder of Honorable John II . Booth. Surrogate of the County of Clinton, iiori-e is hereby given to all persons having dai-ns against Frances s . l lewirt . l a te of Keestvilie, in said county, deceased, to present the same with voti-hers thereof, to the subscriber al his jilsi- • of transacting business, at the office of George H. Gilman, No. t'.7 Wall Street, in the City of x'ew York, on or before the 1st day of December next.

Dated New York, the 22ad day of M ty, 1 h'lmii n . W. KENT. Ex..-

"VTOTICE.—By order of Hon. J .lm H. Boo* i. Xi sur rogate of Clinton Connty, X. V., notice s hereby given aec.. ling to law. to ail persons Lav­ing claims against Lathrop d a r k , late of Aiti ,a. N. Y.. In said county, decea-s"L That they are re nuired to exhibit ° same *h the v-.ucj,.-r.o thereof to the subs 'ube r r i t t .. ,,•.•,! ,.-r .f . r-t h u r S . Lewis, in the t..wn o: A ' o n - . X . " ' . P . . . . address Ellenburgh I).. j . .t. X". Y., on o n : ore the t'th day of December, 1>.'1.

Dated May 29, l w l . ARTHUR S. LEWIS, ARDEN F. OP'RIEN.

_23m6 Admit. 'strat. M ,

"VTOTICE.—By order of Hon. John H. X5.---.th X i su r roga te of Clinton . iimty. N. >'.. notice is hereby given according to la .-. to all persons hav­ing claims against Alansing G. SMughton, late of Chazy, in said county, deceased, tha t they a re re­quired to e x h i i t the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber a t bis residence iu West Chazy, CI uton County. N.Y'., on or before the 10th day of December, ]'.«.il.

Dated, May 3,1.X'l. !Stn6 PHILLIP C. STOUGHTON, Executor.

» • „ . . : . I ' - ' , , . • I , • • i '• 11 li- i • n i l , . . . . -


•i V <r: : :"


"VTOTICE.-By order ol Hon. John H. Booth. -L> Surrogate of Ci'nton < ouuTy, N. Y . notii e is hereby given a. cording to law. to a i ip .v - .us hav­ing claims against John Murphy, l.ittr of Beek­mantown. in sa'-l county, de .'easel, that they are re.mired to exhibit tiie same with the vou. hers thereof to the siili-criber at theofli.-» of Weeds, Conway ^-Cotter, in the vil 'ageof PUrtst.-jrgh. N. Y., on or before tne 12th dav oi January . Iau2.

Dated, July 2. luol. 27m0 DAVID 3. MURPHY, Executor.

"VTOTTCE.—By order of Hon. John H. Booth. J_^ Surrogate of Clinton Connty. N. Y.. noti.-e is hereb'" given according to law. to ad per.-.us hav­ing claims against Isaac Otis, lute of Piattsburgh, in said county, deceised. th . i t they are ri-.iiir.-d to exhibit the same with the T--.ti.-t.ers thereof to the subscriber a t the la-.v offi.-e of Martin H. O'Brien in Piattsburgh, N. Y.. on or before the 3d dav of February, lin.2.

Dated July 21.. limi. SARAH J . OTIS'. Executrix.

"VJOTICE-Bv order of John H. E ...th. Surro-J A gate of Clinton County. X. Y.. uoti'.-e is here­by given according to law. to all p-r-o .s hav­ing claims against Mary Murphy, ' a te of l le .k m-mtown. in said coanry. de.-eased, that they are required to exhibit the -aine with the v.-i-liers thereof lo thesuki-.-riber at the .eli es ,,f Weed-. Coicv.iv oc Cotter, on or bel-'re the •.'.'I day >.f February. P.. 'I.

D U e i . August I", ' • " ! . WILLIAM M c . A i I . E Y .

Adih-n: *ra'..r. W E E P - . ' 'ox xxr A-. '• . r t rr . .

A t t o r n e y f sc - t ' . ' u . h - ' r t. r. , in.'.

Teachers' Exainmations for 1901 F i r s t a n d Second D i s t r i c t s , t l i n t o n C o u n t j .

FOR FIItsT GRADE .. ERT1FI". ATEs. Tl.-xr-d.iy a u i I r M .7 rno. . i : \ ' i Tic. n-i'.iv.

A. M.—Arithmct'.-. 1 ;.--igr-<pf.y. Dr .witig Phil, s-ophy and History of E-I i':i? •••

P. M.-Engi i -h C..mp"-V.••:.- ".rarhra ir. Phy-;...:-ogy u n l Hygiene. Chrr. ht T- ; .-s.

F I U l i A T .

A. M.—Ameri'-anHi-'-ry.. ' . geI.r.t,B- k : -ee ; : tg Orthograi t.v.

P. M.—civ., ii 'Verr.raer.'. S'n.-", L-w I'.'.y-. s. Me'h'. ' is and s ».- ... M-n u w t t . R-a 1 r.g.

Teacher - t ak ng ..x t'u.n.it .• •:•* :• -r i i , : . l n r i > C. - r t i i l ca tc t ikeonlv s, ho... I.a.v r . 1 li.st ry the-tir-t day of the exata-hat.. n. a-'. 1 a., the su.'.,c;ts. t h e - e - ' o n d d a y .

Normal entrance examinatl- 'hs a re ' l ie r.-gu. ir *e.:..nd grade examin it ions in t h e f.joo.ving -nt.-jects : Arithmetic. Geography, i jramtnar. C 'c i -position. Orthography. American Hts t . ry . 1 .v.; Government, Physiology, Hyg>-ne a i .1 P.n•_ ..-. ship.

Teachers will furtn-a t'.eai-.. . . - . • - ' . r - r c . t ink. o i m p i - i s and n i . . - s : r .--. ... . l - . \ • _-. Uniform paper mu-t r-e use i ah 1 inay . -1 .." . . * ed of the Commissioner.

All examinations f. r t h e : - - . : " - * . - - -.-.. . 1 in P'.irt-burgh i i X .r;.. . I. ' : • _•

A \ . • . ' - - • - - , . . . . ,

and F r iday . ' I January , Aprn, Augu- t an-i No­vember.

-E' . . N : . i . . i - r i . . :x .

Movers N-'V. .4 : ' II - M " .'.-l-AXIi.

S . L 0 . . . 1 • . _ : : • - ' ' " . . - - * D - - T * .

. . . W. I ' M . i l . V. D .

E. G. Ujo.-::-. P .• - . - : . I . r . 1 : : „ . V . P . - : 1; - . J '• ••, c _ - -.

First National Bank <>:" i ' l . A T T - i U ' U G H .

i l s , 1, M w . • x . ;-. •

A g e . . e r . ^ •



A-\i i --™ . i-T .

Miss Els ie E. Allen,

h ' i t Ir. -! , . 1 . •

. ' ' ' . 1 1 . I ; " T ; ; - ; -IT- ; . - , . • . .

..I a r t . „ • . , ! . . - . . »i , . . . .

. \ f - . l i ' , a - . , ' f . 1 1 ; - r -MX- l t - ' t i .

W.I>' ' tE>- t l . f.'-g"-' , ' • ! ' . ' 1' in >"g!,t--.ii 1, i . -tr. i n - , . v - 1, r>'--' I '"-in, r-r -v ! ' . _- f. r -m CoTist i tnt i ' , ; i n - l ' m g t " .-jt.-rii;. ' . .-!,- . 1 r j r 1 p e r - . r ,,i p r o p e r t y tr- Tl ra- s iTT.-r,, ,• .J

Wit i r t - i \ - . s ' i . t, r ; . , . , n r , . l s t . . . , , ) j I t - ' l ' d !'i l' - ' .r-l ' .ti. e 'A.t ' i ' a w I ' d ' - , ' > t . o" . an ] r.-f'TTel ' o t h . - . j - - ,- l r , . t - a I - ' t h e r e f o r e :

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tioii be amended in read a-i fol o.vs S Is Ti,» Ligr- la t ' i rcs ' . i i i r.-r p iss 4 [ r v i e - r

looal bill in any of the foiiowing. 1- . . . I. n g >g the n-iin. - of j - . r - . t . s . Lavit g . , i t . . p . - . i.g. .." ing. w- rki ' ig.-r 'l'i~-.titiri.ifT,g r. a-K n g'. «-.• - . r aileys, or l'..r driiT !ng-,w-iTi,ps, r i tl.,-,-,,,-. _, . Lo. ating or eh mgir.g . . . i inty seats pr-.v .I,»g for ' h i g.si.'f r . - v i " in • t v ' r . r ' n i 'm; • . . s Ini-.'rp'.t-nlTig volag.-s. Providing f..r . . . t ,., ,,f niern-i.'-r- . •!" 1-nrd- . f svj t . . ri '« rs. > . . - •,_-. dr.i-ving. -ur imoi . i rg ' t enipir,-, >g gr i - I . r pet.t j ,.-"t-. R'g..',ir-r.g t l . e r i e . f i n * . r « ' ••n moii.-v. l l . e n p . - i ?.g m i l . . .-! 1 t - ,g f . . . . . . . - , H or de-igti ttirig p i , , , . - of v-.tivg. . ret—...•. -r, ere.i.-ing " - ' | . . r . ..-ing fe.-i.i--i e-.-.ige . r i . x-an. es ot j io.il,-• ft -r- d - i r n g ' t . n-r i i f -r v 1,• ., said officers ar. e l . i t . d e r a , ; , > '•• I f.r V o g to any e .ri» .ration, a-s,» i,tr .,•. ..r ,:, J s ,.,, , t . . . .glit t o e i y d o w n t i . J ' n . l t r a ks I „ - I T . g . . . •nv pr iv i te c r r ' " re t io r i , a-- --1 i-i-.-t • r in-! .- I..... ny ex"' ' :- !V" i r i i i e g - , inmi'. . oy , . r i r o •. ,.

•.vhatevcr GraMn.g to.ir.y ] . - - . . .1 . a--,- ,t ... 'Inn or , . • 1-1-v.-mj.- .. I'r.-ru ' m - . -• -u real • -r j -•: . i r - j - r - y . Pr . . - l;-„-f : • , j -itig br: Iges, , - . ; : ,art. r ing , . m i p m e s f . r s (, j , purpose-, ,-r f >.:i t h - I l u d - . n 1 y.-r I- ..-.v W 1 terford, an ' . tl.,- Eis t river. - . ; - ' - r . r '>. - war- r -l o r m i n g a ; - of t;.. I- .i;i.l ari.~s ! f , - ' i v . J- .• Legi-latur. s U | p i « general "1 • s j r o ; • „• ;. ..-the .vises enu-... r i tcd Hi th .s - , , t . ,11. a,..f f,,r ,,i other c i s . - .£,-. m it- iidgrnenl tr. 1, | . j,r..,-'.i ed for b y g n e r i . ' i w s . But '. . .ai- - , n , .vi"n--r-i/e the c n - r r u . ...u or ..per <•- n • i a - ' r . -e ' r «'.-r . ud . i . . ;-t tj. . n the . "ri'ti 'i • , « ' , - , • . ' , - . . . . - . • . of the -'.vners of one-ball m v.a.'j.,*..f ttie p r o i - . t y bouii.ie.5 ..ri. at,.l the ..iiii»r.t a ' -" of tie- .•- al iu-th i r . t es h.1,-11 g t h e .-.uitr- I>.f tha* p r»:.,n . ' • ) s t - e e t o r 1 .-'iv.-iv up .1, w i ' . ' , it uj,r.-.j ,-.-I r.. co ' i - r ru t : ..r - p e r a t e - 1- h rai ,-.,.i »..- ii r-t ..••• ,h,. ed. or in ease the , -in---r . . ' - 1 ;, ; r, , - r t v ,. .-ers I ' ineot be "btainei1 . the -..pp., . . .-.• . . . . . f the - i i ' r - n i e i . nrt in t*.-,;. p im,,, . r D , , , . , ,

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Foundry & Machine Co. Iron M Briia Founders md ii&^:.i:. A - i t : - •- \f . v . ' - . :..

X -A- Ir r.. : » M.- :. -_.ry. New

i «*--«•-&-».>-•"•.-»«-»-»•"»•-»-»eeeeeeeee li P. x HiLLty, l • r i a n u an . l 114-4.111 I n ' l . r -i.i ' le

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Cooley's Livery Stables. L. H. COOLEY,

R e m o v a l t o t h e N o r t o n B a r n

SPECIALIST. .v . .-»..— < •» . . . • . - - - . -

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Marble <fc Granite .

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a^fcnaiya*: >T. T. : C . A . S t i O W & C O .

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