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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Quality is never an accident; it is the result of higher intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; It represents the wise choice of many alternatives. Living a Championship Life
  2. 2. Three Components That Contribute to an A+ Organization 1. Simplicity 2. Speed 3. Efficiency
  3. 3. Key #1 Attitude Is Everything Your Attitude and Self Image Is Formed by M.F.T.P. Focus on Your Strengths! Understand the Meaning of F.E.A.R. Give Yourself Permission to Fail! The Power of Daily Affirmations Living a Championship Life
  4. 4. Key #2 Your Game Plan for Success S M A R T Achievable / Attainable Specific Realistic Time Specific / Deadline Specific Measurable Living a Championship Life
  5. 5. The Different Categories of Goals Career / Financial Physical / Health Developmental / Educational Family / Relational / Social Spiritual / Value Living a Championship Life
  6. 6. Types of Goals Long Range Goals Short Range Goals Growing Goals Going - Up Goals Living a Championship Life
  7. 7. Techniques to Achieve Your Goals and Dreams! Crazy Idealist Storyboarding Living a Championship Life
  8. 8. What Who How Living a Championship Life
  9. 9. Understanding the Successful Business Model What Who How Living a Championship Life
  10. 10. Understanding the Four Personality Styles 1. Driver/Director 2. Expressive/Socializer 3. Analytical/Detail 4. Amiable
  11. 11. Building the Team-Types of Teams Natural Work Teams Cross Functional Teams Corrective Action Teams Hybrid Teams
  12. 12. Structure of Teams 1. Traditional/Functional Workgroup 2. Participative Team 3. Shared Leadership 4. Self-Directed Team
  13. 13. Stages of Team Development 1. Structuring 2. Forming 3. Storming 4. Norming 5. Performing
  14. 14. Keys to Success in Forming Successful Teams 1. Clear Mission 2. Modeling of Core Values 3. Clear Purpose 4. High Level of Participation 5. Ability To Resolve Conflict
  15. 15. Keys continued. 6. Ability to Reach Consensus 7. Strong and Frequent Communication 8. Shared Responsibility 9. Shared Leadership 10. Appreciation of Diversity
  16. 16. Self-Confidence Evaluation
  17. 17. Communication Improving Your Skills
  18. 18. Communication Skills Inventory
  19. 19. Understanding Your Communication
  20. 20. Listening and Establishing Rapport Three types of listening are: ____________ listening ____________ listening ____________ listening
  21. 21. Eight Ways to Active Listening 1. Use open and relaxed body language 2. Establish good eye contact 3. Use appropriate facial expressions and head nods 4. Use appropriate "sub vocals" such as mmm and uhuh.
  22. 22. Eight Ways to Active Listening 5. Filter out distractions 6. Don't create distractions 7. Take notes of appropriate 8. Using give feedback-respond with open ended questions.
  23. 23. Communication Sender & Receiver Model
  24. 24. Establishing Rapport "People do business with people who they like who are like them."- Dr. Rick Goodman
  25. 25. Present Time Consciousness People must always think they are appreciated, listened to and understood!
  26. 26. If You Don't A.S.K., You Won't G.E.T.! Communicating Your Goals Explaining Your Needs
  27. 27. Dealing with Difficult People The Three Fs Feel: _________________________________ Felt: _________________________________ Found: ________________________________
  28. 28. Relationship and Positional Selling The value that is built into our product is a more important asset than a lower price!
  29. 29. Key #1 You Must Plan Ahead in Order to Have an Effective Sales Call! If you say the right thing at the right time can turn the transaction around when the order giving decision in your favor Dr. Rick Goodman
  30. 30. The Two Different Levels of Selling Functional level: This is where youre saying to the buyer I want to help solve your problems! Interpersonal level: This is where youre saying I want to solve your problems and build a lasting relationship!
  31. 31. Key #2 If youre using your Functional Head to sell that you are selling from the neck up, youre using your head not your heart. if youre selling at the Interpersonal Level, youre selling from the neck down in your heart but not your head.
  32. 32. Positional Selling This is when you blend of functional and interpersonal sides of selling. This is when you combine your sensitivity to the customer as a person with your commitment to becoming a problem solver
  33. 33. Fast Facts about Selling The customer will find something wrong with what youre selling when you find something wrong with you. All Things Being Equal between Price, Service, Quality and Delivery-You Make the Difference!
  34. 34. Strategy #1 Take the Lead If you cant get excited about what youre selling how can anybody else! When a sales person feels like a subordinate, count on them to act it out. Their relationship to the buyer looks like this:
  35. 35. The Language That Will Make You a Loser!
  36. 36. The Language of the Loser I dont want to take too much of your time, lots I know youre busy, so I make a quick. Take your time-Ive got all day. Ill be glad to come back later when you have more time would it be alright if I cover these ideas with you today?
  37. 37. Around the Office the Salesman Will Say I dont know if it will work. I dont think they will like it. What if they consider the price too high? I wish I didnt have to show this idea to his partner. If only I could catch a break!
  38. 38. Keys to Success for Strategy #1 Be Confident Be Self-Assured Being Knowledgeable Be Assertive
  39. 39. Understand Emotional Levels of Disappointment Shock Denial Blaming Acceptance Renewal
  40. 40. Action Steps Create a Victory Book Use Positive Imaging Put a New Message in Your Head
  41. 41. Strategy #2 Stop Looking out for Number One Operating Reality: when we were focused on ourselves the salesman who is in his own operating reality is at a position! Customers Reality: Whats Important to Them! What Needs Are They Trying to Satisfy? What Results Are They Trying to Achieve?
  42. 42. Buyer Reality Dont tell me how good you make your products. Tell me how good your products make me! To be in your own O.R. is human nature. To get into an other persons O.R. Its human relations.
  43. 43. Listened to WIIFM 97.6 Whats in It for Me?
  44. 44. Strategy #3 Invest in the Relationship LAER: Is a Key Positional Selling Strategy Listen Acknowledge Explore Respond
  45. 45. LAER LAER Is the strategy that demonstrates your care and concern for the customers point of view. Its a deposit in the relationship bank! Communicating is meeting people halfway. LAER is going a little bit further.
  46. 46. Strategy #4 bring your energy to the customer Energy is positive contact with the customer! When you bring your energy to the customer you put yourself in that position for the best sales call of your career every time!
  47. 47. Six Steps for Bringing Energy to Your Customer 1. Get out of the assembly area after! Take that hill now! 2. Earned Position vs Provided Position 3. Feel good about the people youre calling on! 4. Touch everyone! 5. Use all your assets! 6. Share your excitement!
  48. 48. Share Your Excitement A person who is prepared shows their preparedness. A person is confident brings confidence into the room. A person is successful breeds success!
  49. 49. You Want to Look Sharp You Want to Feel Sharp You Want to Be Sharp
  50. 50. Strategy #5 Get Organized! Its been estimated that for every hour you spend planning to call you save three hours of wasted time!
  51. 51. Strategic Selling Plan Who the decision-makers are and how you should approach them. What information you need to have about a customer in order to match a product or service to their needs. What you hope to accomplish on each sales call. Your step-by-step activities for accomplishing these goals.
  52. 52. Strategy #6 Find the Area of Opportunity Exploratory Process in this strategy the goal is to get you out of your operating reality and into the customers operating reality. Any exploratory process if you ask the right questions you can help the customer discover what they need. You find a prom that needs solving rather than taking your solution around in search of a problem.
  53. 53. The Gap The Gap: This is your area of opportunity! The gap is a difference between what is important to the customer and what currently is happening. This is a gap that creates the area of opportunity. Your Job As the Salesperson Is to Close the Gap!
  54. 54. Strategy #7 Make the Customer Part of the Solution Strategy #7 incorporates a model that makes the customer part of the solution including their ideas, their needs and their contributions in the presentation
  55. 55. Five Key Steps to Making the Customer Part of the Solution 1. Positive Contact-bring your energy to the customer! 2. Proposals Step tell them what youre going to tell them! 3. Solution Step tell them the features, the advantages and benefits to solving a problem. 4. Summary and Closure Steps this is where you tell them what you told them 5. Response Check is the customers still there?, are they still listening to you?, do they have any hidden concerns?
  56. 56. Strategy #8 Assume the Responsibility You are the expert its not up to the buyer to manage all the dynamics in the sales process its up to you! When you control your own behavior it will influence the buying decision: More than price! More than technical knowledge! More than capability statements!
  57. 57. How the Buying Decision Is Based Who You Are How You Behave What You Say How You Say It When You Say
  58. 58. Strategy #9 Put It in Writing Summary Sales Proposal: After making a sales presentation the salesperson who always stands out is the one who sends the client a summary sales proposal. The ninth strategies all those things you do after the sales call to keep you foremost in the customers mind. Follow-up, follow-up, follow-up!
  59. 59. Salespeople Who Dont Write Proposals Missed Opportunities Maintaining a presence in front of the buyer Selling in your absence Eliminating confusion Improving secondhand delivery of your recommendations Reaching key people you dont have access to
  60. 60. 10 Ways to Maintain and Build Position 1. make sure your proposal is specifically designed for the customer 2. Refer to the proposal in your follow-up calls and correspondents 3. Be ready to revise your proposal! 4. Use your best friend-overnight delivery 5. Sell on two fronts
  61. 61. 10 Ways to Maintain and Build Position 6. Put a terminal point on every transaction! 7. Dont get pushed down hill! 8. dont get into the mood of the buyer! 9. Cut them off at the pass! 10. Break the boundaries
  62. 62. Strategy #10 Become the Only Choice Its a matter of doing the right thing and doing it right! The 10th position focuses on the final phone call. The one that comes when you expected from a person whose trust in you is well justified!