sat 2021- 2024 rural transportation improvement public

OUR GOALS MAINTAIN A SAFE SYSTEM ɷ ADDRESS CONGESTION ɷ CONNECT TEXAS COMMUNITIES ɷ BEST IN CLASS STATE AGENCY An Equal Opportunity Employer MEMO June 17, 2020 T To: Lori Morel Transportation Planning and Programming From: Mark Mosley, P.E. San Antonio District Subject: San Antonio Rural Transportation Improvement Program 2021 - 2024 Public Involvement Process To meet the requirements as identified in the Texas Administrative Code Title 43 Part 1 Chapter 16 Subchapter C Rule 16.102, the District met with Alamo Regional Rural Planning Organization on February 26, 2020 to consult with local officials regarding the rural planning process and the development of the 2021 - 2024 Rural Transportation Improvement Program. The District also met with Gillespie County and Karnes County as they are members of the Alamo Regional Rural Planning Organization but are not incorporated into the San Antonio District boundaries. The counties included in the San Antonio Rural Transportation Improvement Program are Atascosa, Bandera, Frio, Kendall, Kerr, McMullen, Medina, Uvalde, and Wilson. Due to the COVID- 19 pandemic, the District followed the Federal Highways Administration approved virtual public meeting format. The virtual public meeting for the Rural Transportation Improvement Program 2021 - 2024 published on TxDOT’s website at involved/about/hearings-meetings/san-antonio/043020.html from April 30, 2020 to May 15, 2020; see attached notice. The virtual meeting was held with a rolling presentation and a list of projects was presented and comments were received. The presentation was offered in Spanish and English with translation for American Sign Language as well as offering an option for closed caption on both presentations.

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An Equal Opportunity Employer

MEMOJune 17, 2020

TTo: Lori Morel Transportation Planning and Programming From: Mark Mosley, P.E. San Antonio District Subject: San Antonio Rural Transportation Improvement Program 2021 - 2024 Public

Involvement Process

To meet the requirements as identified in the Texas Administrative Code Title 43 Part 1 Chapter 16 Subchapter C Rule 16.102, the District met with Alamo Regional Rural Planning Organization on February 26, 2020 to consult with local officials regarding the rural planning process and the development of the 2021 - 2024 Rural Transportation Improvement Program. The District also met with Gillespie County and Karnes County as they are members of the Alamo Regional Rural Planning Organization but are not incorporated into the San Antonio District boundaries.

The counties included in the San Antonio Rural Transportation Improvement Program are Atascosa, Bandera, Frio, Kendall, Kerr, McMullen, Medina, Uvalde, and Wilson.

Due to the COVID- 19 pandemic, the District followed the Federal Highways Administration approved virtual public meeting format. The virtual public meeting for the Rural Transportation Improvement Program 2021 - 2024 published on TxDOT’s website at from April 30, 2020 to May 15, 2020; see attached notice.

The virtual meeting was held with a rolling presentation and a list of projects was presented and comments were received. The presentation was offered in Spanish and English with translation for American Sign Language as well as offering an option for closed caption on both presentations.

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San Antonio District Public Involvement Plan Page 1

TxDOT San Antonio DistrictPublic Involvement Plan (PIP)

The following document constitutes the TxDOT San Antonio District’s (SAT) Public InvolvementPlan (PIP)

Guiding Principles for Public Participation

The TxDOT-SAT public Involvement process must adhere to the provisions of Title VI of theCivil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The following principles represent the core values of the San Antonio TxDOT participation process:

1. People should have a say in transportation decisions that affect their lives.2. The process should strive to reflect the interests and meet the needs of participants.3. The process will actively seek out and facilitate the participation of all those potentially affected.4. The process will provide individuals with various options in how they wish to participate.5. The process will provide usable information to permit the public’s participation in ameaningful manner.

Given these principles, TxDOT-SAT’s participation performance standards include:1. Early, proactive and continuous public participation efforts;2. Reasonable public access to understandable information (technical and otherwise);3. Collaborative input on alternatives, evaluation criteria, and mitigation needs;4. Open public meetings where matters related to transportation policies, programs, and projects are being considered;5. Open access to the decision-making process prior to closure;6. Commitment to seeking out and considering the needs of the traditionallyunderserved population(s)

Purpose of the Public Involvement Plan (PIP)This Public Involvement Plan (PIP) provides guidelines for conducting public participation activities to be conducted by TxDOT-SAT including the goals and actions in several areas:

1. An open public forum with prior notification and provisions for receiving publiccomment according to Federal law and the Texas Open Meetings and Public Information Acts.2. Development of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and the StatewideTransportation Improvement Program (STIP) includes opportunities for suggestions prior to project selection by TxDOT.3. Planning projects for individual corridors shall incorporate specific public participation components, including project-specific Public Participation Plans.4. Ongoing updates of TxDOT’s project development activities are provided to thepublic in several ways, including news releases, an Internet web site and periodicbriefings to local officials.

Public Participation Goals and Actions

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Goal 1: TxDOT-SAT actively engages the public in the transportation planning processaccording to the goals and actions contained in this Public Participation Plan and Stateand Federal law.

1. TxDOT-SAT will maintain databases of contacts including at least the following:a. Citizens expressing an interest in transportation planning activities.b. Elected local, state and federal officialsc. Affected public agencies and staffd. Local media outletse. Civic and public interest groupsf. Community-based associationsg. Any other interested parties

2. TxDOT-SAT will email/mail meeting announcements/invitations to all appropriate parties according to the contact databases, as well as other targeted groups for upcoming activities with reasonable lead time. For public meetings, announcements will also be placed in the local newspapers with applicable circulation and other media outlets. Suitably sized announcements will be available in both English and Spanish language publications as appropriate and consistent with the Limited English Proficiency Plan. Notices will be posted on TxDOT Statewide Hearing and Public Meeting Website.

3. All TxDOT-SAT meetings will be conducted in accordance with the Americans withDisabilities Act (ADA) and in locations that are accessible to persons with disabilities. The event will be conducted in English. If English is not your primary language and you have difficulty communicating effectively in English, you may need an interpreter or document translator; one will be provided to you upon request. If you have a disability and need assistance, special arrangements can be made to accommodate most needs. If you are a person with a disability who requires an accommodation to attend the event, please contact Darcie Schipull, the San Antonio District ADA Liaison, at phone number (210) 615-5902 or by email at [email protected] no later than 4:00p.m. five days prior to the meeting. Please be aware that advance notice is requested as some accommodations may require time for the Texas Department of Transportation to arrange.

4. All public input received at or as a result of TxDOT-SAT meeting will be documented in meeting summaries. This documentation, including copies of written comments will be considered during project selection and/or through other appropriate follow-up actions and will be maintain in accordance with record retention rules.

5. Per TAC rules the TxDOT-SAT coordinates with the Alamo Regional Rural PlanningOrganization (ARRPO) on public involvement efforts related to project selection for theRural Transportation Improvement Plan (RTIP). TxDOT-SAT meets with public officials in the individual counties routinely, but conducts formal local meetings, in person or virtually, every twoyears in anticipation and well in advance of the initial adoption of the next RTIP. The current portfolio will be reviewed and proposed changes as well as additions will be considered.

TxDOT-SAT also meets formally at a minimum of every two years (but typically more often) with the ARRPO to discuss regional issues and the current four-year rural portfolio. In addition, a public

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meeting will be held in the district, in person or virtually, prior to the initial adoption of the RTIP.Advertisement for this public meeting will be made a minimum of 10 days prior to the meeting with a 10-day minimum comment period following the meeting. The district will publish the notice concerning the proposed RTIP as appropriate to maximize public participation. The advertisement will be published in a general circulation newspaper(s) within the San Antonio District. If revisions to the RTIP involve revisions to a mobility project, a public meeting to receive comments on the revision will be held with the same process for advertising as the initial adoption.

6. ADA Outreach Meetings-Per department guidance the SAT District will make every effort to initiate regular outreach activities with disabled community to inform them of projects, and programs as well as the development and modification of the TxDOT Transition Plan.

7. Bicycle Outreach San Antonio District will annually provide an opportunity for a public hearing on districttransportation projects and programs that might affect bicycle use. The district will follow therules as outlined in Title 43 Part 1 Chapter 25 Subchapter D Rule 25.55 (b).

Goal 2: TxDOT will keep the public informed of transportation related activities on acontinuous basis.1. TxDOT-SAT will publish announcements of upcoming meetings, other items of transportation interest and contact information.2. TxDOT-SAT will make significant transportation publications and work products readilyavailable to the public via the Internet and/or at the San Antonio District office.3. TxDOT-SAT staff will be available to provide general and/or project-specific informationat a central location during normal business hours and after hours at the request of individuals or groups with reasonable notice.4. The TxDOT-SAT will maintain an Internet web site. The web site will be updated andmaintained to provide the most current information available. The web site will, at a minimum, contain the following information:

a. Contact information (mailing address, phone, fax, and e-mail)b. Meeting materialsc. Brief descriptions of current projects and studiesd. Links to related agencies

5. TxDOT-SAT will provide information for publication and produced by various special interest groups including, but not limited to:

a. Citizens expressing an interest in transportation planning activities.b. Elected local, state and federal officialsc. Affected public agencies and staffd. Local media outletse. Civic and public interest groupsf. City and academic librariesg. Faith-based organizationsh. Community-based associationsi. Traditionally underserved populationsj. Any other interested parties

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Goal 3: TxDOT-SAT will encourage the participation of all its study area residents,including those defined by FHWA as “traditionally underserved”, in the transportation planningprocess and strive to ensure full and fair participation in the transportation decision makingprocess by all potentially affected communities.1. Target audiences will be identified for each planning study conducted by TxDOT-SAT, including but not limited to:

a. Study area residentsb. Elected local, state and federal officialsc. Affected public agencies and staffd. Representatives of the disablede. Local media outletsf. Homeowner, neighborhood and resident associationsg. Civic and public interest groupsh. Business and trade organizationsi. City and academic librariesj. Faith-based organizationsk. Community-based associationsl. Any other interested parties

2. TxDOT-SAT will strive to hold public meetings at locations on dates and times that arereasonably available and convenient to potentially affected citizens.

Goal 4: TxDOT-SAT will continuously strive to improve public participation.1. TxDOT-SAT will continuously evaluate current and new public participation techniques.2. This PIP will be reviewed and, if necessary, revised at least every two (2) years.

Goal 5: TxDOT-SAT will participate in the public participation efforts of othertransportation agencies and organizations.1. TxDOT-SAT will actively assist local governments and transportation agencies in thedevelopment and implementation of public participation techniques for transportation planning and other related studies.2. TxDOT-SAT staff will attempt to attend and participate in as many transportation partner public participation activities as is feasible to enhance public consideration of transportation issues, plans, and programs and to reduce redundancies and costs.

Public Participation TechniquesPublic participation is an on-going activity at TxDOT-SAT with numerous strategies applied on acontinual basis. Public participation is a particularly integral part of focused efforts such as corridorstudies and the MTP processes. This section includes descriptions of some public participation tools/strategies employed by TxDOT-SAT.

The TxDOT-SAT Contact DatabaseTxDOT-SAT maintains a database of all local officials and updates the list on a continuousbasis. The database includes mailing information, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail and internet addresses. The database will be used to establish and maintain a list of e-mail contacts for electronic meeting notification and announcements.

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Display AdsThis style of advertising is used to promote meetings that are not regularly scheduled, such as corridor or subarea workshops, project specific meetings, open houses or hearings. They are published in the major circulation newspaper as well as in newspapers serving the local area.

Direct MailingsThese are used to announce upcoming meetings or activities or to provide information to a targeted area or group of people. An area may be targeted for a direct mailing because of potential impacts from a project. Groups are targeted that may have an interest in a specific issue.

Press ReleasesFormal press releases are sent to local media (newspaper, TV and radio) to announceupcoming meetings and activities and to provide information on specific projects and programs being considered by TxDOT.

TV Message Board ScriptsInformation about project-specific meetings, workshops, open houses, public hearings and other are provided.

Project-specific Web SitesFor individual projects (like corridor studies), that are conducted by others throughconsultant contracts, project-specific web sites may be used. Project web sites can containstudy area maps, meeting announcements, descriptions of potential alternatives, comment forms, user surveys and project team contact information.

Project Workshops/Open-HousesThese are public meetings that are generally open and informal, with project team members interacting with the public on a one-on-one basis. Short presentations may be given at these meetings. The purpose of project-specific meetings is to provide project information to the public and to solicit public comment.

Small Group Meetings- Stakeholder Meetings During projects such as planning studies, meetings are held with small groups that have an interest in the project. Meetings could be with homeowners or neighborhood associations, civic groups, special interest groups, or other groups of affected or interested parties.• Virtual Public MeetingsA “virtual” public meeting is a meeting that is held on-line, in which members of the public logon to the meeting and participate via the internet. A virtual public meeting may be held in the following two situations: (1) as a supplement to an in-person public meeting, or (2) as a substitute for an in-person public meeting when the Governor and/or President declares a health or other emergency or TxDOT determines that an in-person public meeting should not be held out of concerns for public health or safety.

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Notice of Virtual Public Meeting Texas Department of Transportation

2021 - 2024 Rural Transportation Improvement Program San Antonio District

To combat the spread of COVID-19, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is following guidance provided by our state’s health and emergency management officials. To do our part to help prevent its spread, TxDOT will be conducting an on-line virtual public meeting for the proposed 2021-2024 Rural Transportation Improvement Program (Rural TIP) for the San Antonio TxDOT District.

The virtual meeting presentation will be posted on April 30, 2020 at 6pm. To take part in the virtual public meeting, go to the web address and use the keyword search box for the “Hearings and Meetings Schedule” page. Once on that page click on the “Virtual Public Meeting – Rural Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) San Antonio District” to get instructions on how view the presentation and make comments. The presentation will include both audio and visual components. If you do not have internet access, you may call 210-615-5845 to request materials or ask questions. The purpose of this virtual public meeting is to receive comments on the proposed of the 2021-2024 Rural TIP for the San Antonio TxDOT District. The San Antonio District includes Atascosa, Bandera, Frio, Kendall, Kerr, Medina, McMullen, Uvalde, and Wilson counties. The Rural TIP includes all regionally significant projects to be funded within a TxDOT District during the next four years, including those eligible for funding. As such, these meetings offer the public an opportunity to review and comment on the proposed priorities. A project in the Rural TIP is a project coming to your community. The Rural TIP is the first step on the road to producing a Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Rural TIP meeting are being held pursuant to Title 43, Texas Administrative Code, Section 16.102, which calls for an opportunity for public comment concerning the program. Presentation materials will show how the Rural TIP operates along with associated/prioritized projects. Comments must be postmarked or otherwise received by Friday, May 15, 2020 to: Texas Department of Transportation, San Antonio District, Attn: Rural TIP; San Antonio District; by email to [email protected], Attention: Rural TIP, online or verbal comments may be left on the voicemail at 210-615-5914. If you have any general questions or concerns regarding the Rural TIP or the virtual meeting, please contact Kris Knoll, Project Controller, 210-615-5845 and [email protected]. Special accommodations: TxDOT makes every reasonable effort to accommodate the needs of the public. This meeting will be conducted in English, Spanish and will include American Sign Language. If you have special communication or accommodation needs, or have a need for an interpreter, a request can be made. If you have a disability and need assistance, special arrangements can also be made to accommodate most needs. Please call 210-615-5845 at least two working days prior to the meeting. Please be aware that advance notice is requested as some accommodations may require time for TxDOT to arrange.

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Please provide your comments and priorities below on the projects included in the 2021-2024 Rural Transportation Improvement Program for San Antonio District.



I am employed by TxDOT

I do business with TxDOT

I could benefit monetarily from the project or other item about which I am commenting on

Texas Transportation Code, §201.811(a)(5)

CCheck aany that apply to you::

CComments must bbe postmarked or ootherwise received by May 15, 2020 to be considered in the summary of this


Mail completed comment cards to:: Texas Department of Transportation,

San Antonio District Attention: Rural TIP 4615 NW Loop 410

San Antonio, TX 78229 Or email: [email protected]





Contact Information::

For more information on how to get involved and learn about transportation projects, visit the and search for “Hearings and Meetings”.

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Date received Comment Method Name Comment

5/1/2020 Phone comment John KightIntersection at 46 at Herf & ester road is backing up; needs operational improvements for traffic flow

5/1/2020 email Larry Johnson

Not knowing the specific location of these roadways and highways, I cannot comment on where safe pedestrian crossings should be provided. Obviously, however, such provisions should be made wherever these roadways pass through commercial/business zones and should offer safe pathways along their perimeters.

With respect to those projects focusing on state park improvements and perhaps also those dealing with bridge construction, clearly due consideration should be given to ensuring safe and accessible pedestrian areas and pathways.

I was disappointed to not see any project listed that would offer expansion of public transportation services in these rural areas. This is a critical need especially for seniors and for persons with disabilities. I would hope that TexDOT might, in the future, make this a priority criteria within the proposed project guidelines.

5/10/2020 email Glen Hamner

The overlay of SH-46 West of Boerne need not be attempted if the current roadways surface is not fully bladed from Boerne to the Bandara county line. Resurfacing SH-46W without pre-leveling (blading) this highway will only result in our loss of these limited road tax resources. Creating a smooth surface before the overlay is installed is, in my opinion, a must do initial procedure. Thank you for considering my interest in the success of your project to resurface SH-46 West of Boerne.

San Antonio Rural Transportation Improvement Program 2021 - 2024 Public Comments

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2021-2024 Rural TIP June 17, 2020

Rural Transportation Improvement Plan 2021-2024Virtual Meeting

April 30, 2020

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Safety Minute

San Antonio District and its Boundaries

The Rural Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

How the Rural TIP Impacts You

How Projects are Selected for the Rural TIP

Projects by County










Next StepsN8

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District Boundaries

San Antonio

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2021-2024 Rural TIP June 17, 2020

It shows regional agreement (community-region-state) on the

need of a project.

A Rural TIP project is anticipated to be funded

within the next 4 years.

Rural Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)


THE RURAL TIPis list of local projects to be funded within a TxDOT District

during the next four years, including those eligible for federal funding.

It can include projects for :

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2021-2024 Rural TIP June 17, 2020

How the Rural TIP Impacts You


You know your

community best!

Tell us what project

should come first and why

Local and small projects around your community dealing with safety and access also get funding through the Rural TIP, for example:

Road expansionsSidewalksBike lanesPavement repair or maintenanceNew or improved signalsTurning lanes

The Rural TIP process includes opportunities to provide input on the priority of major projects that are listed on it.

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2021-2024 Rural TIP June 17, 2020

How Projects are Selected for the Rural TIP


Projects are identified and selected by evaluating existing and future needs based on:

current conditions and projections,statewide and regional plans,

public input regarding transportation priorities

For Example:

^ This would be you, right now!

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2021-2024 Rural TIP June 17, 2020

How Projects are Selected for the Rural TIP


11. Regionally Significant ProjectsThose with the appropriate scale or reach to be considered as stand- alone projects in a given program year have their own category.

2. Grouped ProjectsThose without the scale to stand on their own are grouped into one of 11 sub categories and considered as a single line item in the list.

Selected projects are separated into 2

main categories

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Project Tracker


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Rural TIP Atascosa County Projects


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2021-2024 Rural TIP June 17, 2020

Rural TIP Atascosa County Projects


CSJ Highway From Limit To Limit Construction Cost/Estimate

Est. Let Year


0017-04-044 IH 35 0.5 MI SOUTH OF FM 3175 FM 2790 $2,356,759 2021 Rehabilitate Existing Roadway

0073-05-073 IH 37 1.4 NI N OF FM 791 0.5 MI N OF PULLIN ROAD $313,060 2022 Resurface Roadway

0073-10-054 IH 37 CASAREZ ROAD SH 97 $77,776 2022 Resurface Roadway

0073-10-055 IH 37 SH 97 END FRONTAGE ROAD $69,464 2022 Resurface Roadway

0073-10-056 IH 37 0.5 MI N OF PULLIN ROAD SS 199 (LEAL ROAD) $58,304 2022 Resurface Roadway

0073-10-057 IH 37 ATASCOSA RIVER CORGEY ROAD $24,936 2022 Resurface Roadway

0073-10-058 IH 37 US 281N 0.5 MI N OF PULLIN ROAD $112,244 2022 Resurface Roadway

0073-10-059 IH 37 0.5 MI N OF PULLIN ROAD US 281 SOUTH $220,825 2022 Resurface Roadway

0328-03-036 SH 97 WILSON/ATASCOSA COUNTY LINE BU 181 $759,802 2021 Resurface Roadway

0748-05-044 FM 140 LA PARITA CREEK US 281A $350,071 2021 Resurface Roadway

0748-06-016 FM 1099 US 281A FM 99 $13,830,492 2022 Rehabilitate Existing Roadway

0853-03-006 FM 1334 US 281 .15 MI E JOE K. WILLIAMS ROAD $40,027 2022 Resurface Roadway

1739-02-017 FM 791 US 281A ATASCOSA/KARNES COUNTY LINE $420,641 2021 Resurface Roadway

1739-02-018 FM 791 AT IH 37 . $500,000 2022 Bridge Maintenance

2018-01-012 FM 2146 FM 476 SH 173 $242,178 2021 Resurface Roadway

2018-02-009 FM 2146 SH 173 FM 1333 $187,344 2021 Resurface Roadway

3576-01-005 FM 3510 FM 3351 SH 97 $58,221 2022 Resurface Roadway

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Rural TIP Bandera County Projects


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Rural TIP Bandera County Projects


CSJ Highway From Limit To Limit Construction Cost/Estimate

Est. Let Year


0421-07-015 SH 173 MEDINA RIVER BRIDGE BANDERA/MEDINA COUNTY LINE $299,552 2022 Resurface Roadway

0678-02-038 RM 187 6.169 MI N OF RM 337 4.992 MI N OF RM 337 $169,030 2021 Hazard Elimination & Safety

0678-02-040 RM 187 0.1 MI E LOST MAPLES ENTRANCE BANDERA/UVALDE COUNTY LINE $538,233 2021 Resurface Roadway

0792-04-050 FM 470 RM 187 FM 462 $734,771 2021 Resurface Roadway

0848-03-014 FM 462 FM 470 BANDERA/MEDINA COUNTY LINE $72,432 2021 Resurface Roadway

0915-47-039 CR ENGLISH CROSSING RD AT MEDINA RIVER $861,900 2021 Bridge Replacement

1730-01-043 FM 1283 RED BLUFF LN LAKE FOREST RD $3,080,005 2021 Hazard Elimination & Safety

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Rural TIP Frio County Projects


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Rural TIP Frio County Projects


CSJ Highway From Limit To Limit Construction Cost/Estimate

Est. Let Year


0017-06-086 IH 35 US 57 FRIO/MEDINA COUNTY LINE $11,448,755 2021 Resurface Roadway

0017-06-088 IH 35 FM 462 FRIO/MEDINA COUNTY LINE $131,124 2022 Resurface Roadway

0017-06-089 IH 35 FM 462 FRIO/MEDINA COUNTY LINE $134,124 2022 Resurface Roadway

0017-07-137 IH 35 LEONA RIVER FM 140 $398,539 2021 Resurface Roadway

0017-15-026 SS 581 FM 1582 1.0 MI N OF FM 1583 $388,165 2021 Resurface Roadway

0236-04-029 FM 117 ZAVALA COUNTY LINE KLOPEK RD. (CR 4614) $24,141,864 2022 Rehabilitate Existing Roadway

0276-07-032 US 57 FM 140 IH 35 $550,265 2022 Resurface Roadway

0915-18-033 CR CR 2500 (SADLER RD) @SAN MIGUEL CRK . $293,760 2022 Bridge Replacement

1500-01-026 FM 1582 SPUR 581 SH 85 $348,020 2022 Resurface Roadway

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Rural TIP Kendall County Projects


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Rural TIP Kendall County Projects


CSJ Highway From Limit To Limit Construction Cost/Estimate

Est. Let Year


0072-05-089 IH 10 FM 473 CIBOLO CREEK $12,321,678 2022 Resurface Roadway

0072-05-090 IH 10 US 87B IH 10 WBML $14,681 2021 Resurface Roadway

0072-05-091 IH 10 FM 289 US 87 B $203,372 2021 Resurface Roadway

0072-05-092 IH 10 S OF GUADALUPE RIVER JOSHUA RANCH ROAD $117,878 2021 Resurface Roadway

0072-05093 IH 10 S OR GUADALUPE RIVER US 87 (COMFORT) $11,011 2021 Resurface Roadway

0072-05-094 IH 10 US 87 (COMFORT) FM 289 $75,131 2021 Resurface Roadway

0072-06-085 IH 10 AUSTIN DR SOUTH FREDERICK CREEK $55,053 2021 Resurface Roadway

0072-06-086 IH 10 IH 10 WB EXIT RAMP JOHN'S ROAD $2,267 2022 Resurface Roadway

0072-06-087 IH 10 BOERNE CITY PARK ENTRANCE JOHN'S ROAD $23,087 2022 Resurface Roadway

0072-10-007 FM 289 IH 10 WBFR IH 10 EBFR $332,066 2021 Resurface Roadway

0142-09-044 RM 473 0.727 MI W OF RM 474 RM 474 $609,804 2021 Hazard Elimination & Safety

0142-10-025 RM 473 FM 3351 BLANCO COUNTY LINE $2,861,031 2021 Hazard Elimination & Safety

0142-10-026 RM 473 RM 474 1.56 MI E OF RM 474 $1,295,833 2021 Hazard Elimination & Safety

0915-11-032 VA OLD TUNNEL WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREA . $65,977 2021 State Park Improvements

0915-11-035 CS ON AMANN RD FROM 3.6 MI E OF SH_46 3.85 MI. EAST OF SH 46 $341,524 2022 Hazard Elimination & Safety

1042-02-023 SH 46 BANDERA/KENDALL COUNTY LINE 0.5 MI WEST OF IH 10 $433,622 2021 Resurface Roadway

3212-03-019 FM 3351 RM 473 SH 46 $412,221 2022 Resurface Roadway

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Rural TIP Kerr County Projects


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Rural TIP Kerr County Projects


CSJ Highway From Limit To Limit Construction Cost/Estimate

Est. Let Year


0142-03-031 SH 27 AT FESSENDEN BRANCH . $2,500,000 2021 Bridge Replacement

0201-07-017 SH 41 KERR/REAL COUNTY LINE 3.3 MI E OF FM 1340 $209,848 2022 Resurface Roadway

0201-07-018 SH 41 3.3 MI E OF FM 1340 0.33 MI W OF HENRY PRIOUR RANCH RD $319,800 2022 Resurface Roadway

0201-08-024 SH 41 0.33 MI W OF HENRY PRIOUR IH 10 $595,032 2022 Resurface Roadway

0291-02-038 SH 16 DREW LANE IH 10 $3,268,333 2022 Resurface Roadway

0291-02-039 SH 16 GILLESPIE/KERR COUNTY LINE DREW LANE $2,583,951 2022 Resurface Roadway

0291-02-040 SH 16 IH 10 SH 27 $72,465 2022 Resurface Roadway

0291-03-074 SH 16 SH 27 SL 98 $192,005 2022 Resurface Roadway

0829-02-020 RM 479 KERR/KIMBLE COUNTY LINE SH 27 $402,447 2021 Resurface Roadway

0829-04-034 FM 1340 SH 41 SH 39 $698,876 2022 Resurface Roadway

0915-15-088 CR EHLERS RD AT GUADALUPE RIVER . $1,070,039 2023 Bridge Replacement

0915-15-095 VA HEART OF THE HILLS RESEARCH HATCHERY $250,000 2022 State Park Improvements

0915-15-097 CR WITT ROAD AT VERDE CREEK $861,900 2021 Bridge Replacement

3362-01-018 SL 534 .113 MI S OF FM 1341 SH 173 $297,674 2022 Resurface Roadway

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Rural TIP McMullen County Projects


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Rural TIP McMullen County Projects


CSJ Highway From Limit To Limit Construction Cost/Estimate

Est. Let Year


2373-03-016 FM 624 SH 16 MCMULLEN/LIVE OAK COUNTY LINE $650,068 2022 Resurface Roadway

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Rural TIP Medina County Projects


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Rural TIP Medina County Projects


CSJ Highway From Limit To Limit Construction Cost/Estimate

Est. Let Year


0017-05-096 IH 35 SH 173 FM 463 $750,000 2021 Bridge Maintenance

0017-14-019 SH 132 MEDINA/ATASCOSA COUNTY LINE FM 463 $436,342 2022 Resurface Roadway

0024-05-099 US 90 SH 173 CR 4634 DUNLAY $894,230 2021 Resurface Roadway

0024-06-068 US 90 CR 4643 (DUNLAY RD) FM 1343 $457,316 2022 Resurface Roadway

0595-02-023 FM 1796 UVALDE/MEDINA C/L US 90 $524,837 2021 Resurface Roadway

0595-02-024 FM 1796 AT SECCO CREEK . $2,176,000 2022 Bridge Replacement

0595-03-013 FM 2200 US 90 FM 462 $582,426 2022 Resurface Roadway

0848-01-042 FM 462 FM 2200 FRIO/MEDINA COUNTY LINE $232,733 2022 Resurface Roadway

0848-04-049 FM 462 AT HONDO CREEK 8.5 MI S OF BANDERA/MEDINA COUNTY LINE $3,332,101 2021 Bridge Replacement

0849-02-043 FM 471 AT SH 211 . $3,716,124 2021 Hazard Elimination & Safety

0849-02-045 FM 471 MEDINA COUNTY LINE SH 211 $375,000 2021 Widen Road - Add Lanes

0849-03-022 FM 463 FM 471 SH 132 $309,699 2021 Resurface Roadway

0849-06-007 FM 463 SH 132 IH 35 $34,732 2022 Resurface Roadway


COUNTY $1,769,804 2021 Remove/replace Bridge Rail

0915-45-055 CR CR 545 @ BRIER BRANCH CREEK . $353,600 2022 Bridge Replacement

0915-45-056 CR CR 2615 @ MEDINA RIVER . $464,000 2022 Bridge Replacement

2104-01-011 FM 1957 CR 381 MEDINA / BEXAR COUNTY LINE $815,450 2021 Rehabilitate Existing Roadway

2520-01-015 FM 2200 AT SAN FRANCISCO CREEK . $861,900 2022 Bridge Replacement

3127-01-009 FM 1250 US 90 FM 462 $75,876 2021 Resurface Roadway

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Rural TIP Uvalde County Projects


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Rural TIP Uvalde County Projects


CSJ Highway From Limit To Limit Construction Cost/Estimate

Est. Let Year


0023-05-086 US 90 KINNEY CO LINE FM 481 $341,530 2021 Hazard Elimination & Safety

0024-01-106 US 90 FM 481 US 83 $29,698 2021 Hazard Elimination & Safety

0235-04-031 SH 55 UVALDE/REAL COUNTY LINE NUECES RIVER $901,355 2021 Resurface Roadway

0236-01-023 FM 117 US 83 UVALDE/ZAVALA COUNTY LINE $280,284 2022 Resurface Roadway

0369-01-041 SH 127 US 83 US 90 $1,141,698 2021 Resurface Roadway

0678-01-034 RM 187 UVALDE/BANDERA COUNTY LINE SH 127 $685,666 2022 Resurface Roadway

0678-03-015 FM 1023 US 90 FM 1049 $323,192 2022 Resurface Roadway

0875-01-019 FM 140 FM 117 UVALDE/ZAVALA COUNTY LINE $638,882 2022 Resurface Roadway

0915-20-018 VA LOST MAPLES STATE PARK . $350,000 2022 State Park Improvements

1167-01-011 FM 1052 US 83 FM 1435 $645,569 2022 Resurface Roadway

1167-01-012 FM 1052 US 83 US 90 $142,700 2021 Resurface Roadway

1168-02-017 FM 1049 SH 127 US 90 $398,040 2022 Resurface Roadway

1168-03-014 FM 1049 US 90 FM 1023 $161,960 2022 Resurface Roadway

1169-01-027 RM 1050 US 83 RM 187 $396,056 2022 Resurface Roadway

1230-01-019 RM 1022 US 90 7.8 MI SW OF US 90 $272,943 2021 Resurface Roadway

1589-01-010 FM 30 SH 127 CR 332 $107,283 2022 Resurface Roadway

2175-01-016 FM 2369 US 90 WEST SPUR 144 $296,826 2022 Resurface Roadway

2175-02-014 FM 2369 SPUR 144 US 90 EAST $201,860 2022 Resurface Roadway

2175-03-009 FM 1574 US 90 FM 1023 $596,401 2022 Resurface Roadway

2563-01-010 FM 1023 FM 2369 US 90 $54,243 2022 Resurface Roadway

2835-01-006 FM 862 US 83 FM 1023 $634,074 2022 Resurface Roadway

3253-01-009 FM 1403 SH 55 FM 2369 $9,931 2022 Resurface Roadway

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Rural TIP Wilson County Projects


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Rural TIP Wilson County Projects


CSJ Highway From Limit To Limit Construction Cost/Estimate

Est. Let Year


0143-03-050 US 87 WILSON/BEXAR COUNTY LINE FM 539 $781,102 2022 Resurface Roadway

0143-04-069 US 87 FM 539 FM 538 $298,580 2022 Resurface Roadway

0143-04-071 US 87 0.25 MILES W OF SH 123 0.25 MILES E OF SH 123 $425,000 2021 Landscape Development

0328-02-045 SH 97 BU 181 US 181 $20,726 2022 Resurface Roadway

0359-05-012 SH 119 US 87 WILSON/KARNES COUNTY LINE $1,137,170 2021 Resurface Roadway

0366-04-029 SH 123 WILSON/GUADALUPE COUNTY LINE BU 87 $546,024 2021 Resurface Roadway

0366-05-051 SH 123 BU 97 WILSON/KARNES COUNTY LINE $588,147 2021 Resurface Roadway

0366-09-033 FM 541 US 181 SH 123 $327,305 2022 Resurface Roadway

0850-04-030 FM 3432 WILSON/BEXAR COUNTY LINE FM 775 $131,511 2022 Resurface Roadway

0915-14-045 CR CR 235 AT DRY CREEK . $287,300 2022 Bridge Replacement

0915-14-046 CR CR 104 AT PICOSA CREEK $574,600 2021 Bridge Replacement

0915-14-047 CR CR 347 AT CIBOLO CREEK $828,750 202 Bridge Replacement

1009-02-019 FM 537 US 181 FM 1922 $192,469 2022 Resurface Roadway

1011-01-037 FM 541 WILSON/ATASCOSA COUNTY LINE FM 2505 $139,068 2021 Resurface Roadway

1122-04-012 FM 1344 FM 541 0.089 MI N OF CR 209 $2,434,800 2021 Hazard Elimination & Safety

1437-02-016 FM 1346 0.345 MI N OF FM 775 FM 775 $643,172 2022 Hazard Elimination & Safety

1437-02-017 FM 1346 US 87 FM 775 $35,328 2022 Resurface Roadway

2556-02-010 FM 2579 FM 1303 FM 536 $344,768 2021 Resurface Roadway

3188-02-017 FM 2505 FM 536 FM 3161 $359,071 2021 Resurface Roadway

3440-01-014 FM 775 FM 3432 FM 1303 $340,485 2022 Resurface Roadway

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“Fiscally constrained TIP” means::

It is realistic in terms of the amount of funding available.

Funds can come from:

The Rural TIP is a fiscally constrained list of projects that functions as a budgeting tool for our District.

nds can come from: Federal GovernmentThrough the Federal Highway and Transit Administrations

TxDOTThrough its Unified Transportation Program funding categories

Local governments Who may be required to provide matching funds for federal monies

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You are here!

Next Steps


Project Selection of the Rural TIP

TxDOT Districts and local governments define a

proposed list of projects based on previous analysis

Rural TIP CoordinationTxDOT compiles lists

to produce a preliminary STIP

Community InputPublic Involvement

efforts for the Rural TIP

The Big PictureTxDOT reviews each

revised Rural TIP proposal and integrates them into

the Statewide TIPRural TIP gets approved!

In the Rural TIP Process

With funding secured, project

development and/or construction

schedules can move ahead.

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How to provide comments:

1. Mail the comment card to: Texas Department of Transportation San Antonio District, Attn: Rural TIP

4615 NW Loop 410San Antonio, TX 78229

2. Leave a comment online2. Call and leave a voicemail comment to:

210-615-58453. Or email a comment to:

[email protected], Attention: Rural TIP

Remember to submit your comments by Friday, May 15, 2020 to be included in the official summary of this meeting

Next Steps