saving money for something you want

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Post on 08-Aug-2015



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  1. 1. Saving Money for Something You Want
  2. 2. Steps 1 Decide on whatyou want to get. Find out the pricing. The best idea is to do a little research and compare prices online so that you get the best deal possible.
  3. 3. 2 Get a big jar or tinand put every coin, note and whatever cash you find laying in your wallet, your table, etc. Don't open it for 30 days. Just open it to put in more money, and if you are able to put a special hole in the lid, even better! If you can do this, make sure you seal the lid to the tin with heavy duty tape.
  4. 4. Tips and WarningsSeparate your needs and If you are going to hide wants. Be patient. Don't worry, your money make sure you it may seem to take forever, but if you try hard, you will get remember where you put it. Don't tell anyone about what you're saving for! Don't the money you are saving pressure yourself. Things like these can't come easily. Who or it may be stolen. cares if it takes a couple months to save up? In the end, it'll be worth it. Do some extra chores for your parents, house sit, baby sit, do yard-work for neighbours, etc.