sculpting a model physique program guide - matt dustin · 2016-09-07 · so, if you finish a set...

Sculpting a Model Physique Program Guide By Matt Dustin, BS, CSCS Copyright Matt Dustin Fitness, LLC

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Sculpting a Model Physique Program Guide

By Matt Dustin, BS, CSCS

Copyright Matt Dustin Fitness, LLC


Hey there! Welcome to Sculpting a Model Physique 5! As the name implies, this is the fifth time I’ve run this class, each time tweaking it a little more. The first time we ran this class, we had about 50 people in it - this is definitely a smaller group, but that just means more attention for everyone.

The purpose of this book is to simply introduce the program, and make sure everyone is set on how things run - workouts, communication, nutrition, supplementation, check-ins, all that.

Before we get started, I want to introduce myself, as some of you may have simply stumbled upon my Fitocracy page without really knowing who I am.

I’ll be completely honest - this is the exact same introduction letter that goes into the beginning of my paid programs, so I re-posted it here for you all to see. The course runs similarly to a guided program, with tons of interaction along the way, so most of this is still applicable.

My name is Matt Dustin. Yes, Dustin is my last name; it confuses everyone. I’ve been a personal trainer since early 2011, and in that time I’ve learned a thing or two. My fitness journey began when I entered college, which was precisely the time I stopped playing competitive sports full time. For me that was earning my black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and playing 8 years of year-round basketball.

You know the story - start college, eat food, drink, get fat. I started working out for the first time when I was around 19, trying to get back in shape, and to say it went poorly would be an understatement. I attempted to bench press 95 pounds, got pinned under the bar in a crowded gym, and avoided the gym completely in the following months.

Fast forward a few years. I had fallen in love with training, read everything I could about the topic, and decided to pursue it for a living. So, three years into business school, I made the careless brilliant decision to switch majors

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completely, transfer to a new school, and pursue my degree in Exercise Science. This was in 2009, and I never looked back.

Today, I’ve accomplished a few things. While I was earning my degree in Exercise Science, I simultaneously interned at Under Armour’s gym in Baltimore, MD - pretty cool if I do say so myself. I’ve worked at various gyms over the years, training athletes of all levels, office workers, fitness and lingerie models, and even a Hollywood actor.

Here are just a few of the client transformations and photo results that I’m so proud of. My clients work very hard; all I do is provide the guide and program to follow. Hats off to them for making me look good.

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While some of this training was in person, these days I run a thriving online coaching business as well, which allows me to work with clients around the world.

In addition to training, I write for a bunch of places. My first full-length book will be released in May of 2016, through Adams Media, but you may have read my work in places like, BroBible, EliteFTS, Muscle & Strength, or many more places.

Having a background in sports, I’m passionate about training for performance. However, I also love bro-training. My first gym I worked at was the local bodybuilding gym, where all the competitors trained, so I have a great deal of experience training for pure aesthetic goals.

This is where The Athletic Physique was born. My desire to bridge the two worlds. Performance training, and training for pure looks - I believe you can do both. No longer do you have to choose one or the other.

With this manual, you’ll learn how to train for strength, performance, and look like a fitness model doing it. You’ll also learn how to eat and supplement to support your performance and remove unwanted body fat, revealing your best body ever. We train for show AND go.

I can’t wait to get started, and I hope you enjoy the journey.

Matt Dustin, CSCS B.S. Exercise Science, Towson University NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) NASM Certified Personal Trainer; Corrective Exercise Specialist (CPT, CES) Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach (PN1)

Copyright Matt Dustin Fitness, LLC

PS - Before we dive in, please connect with me on Facebook and Twitter. That's the best way to stay in touch.

Before we begin, a disclaimer:

You must get your physician’s approval before beginning this exercise program. These recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You must consult your physician prior to starting this program or if you have any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity. This program is designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older only.

The information in this report is not meant to supplement, nor replace, proper exercise training. All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. The author advises all readers to take full responsibility for their safety and know their limits. Before practicing the exercises in this book, be sure that your equipment is well-maintained, and do not take risks beyond your level of experience, aptitude, training and fitness. The exercises and dietary programs in this book are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regimen that may have been prescribed by your physician.

Don’t lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or fatigued. Always ask for instruction and assistance when lifting. Don’t perform any exercise without proper instruction.

Copyright Matt Dustin Fitness, LLC

See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are taking any medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise program, including Muscle Gaining Secrets. If you experience any lightheadedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop the movement and consult a physician.

You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician.

This publication is intended for informational use only. Matt Dustin will not assume any liability or be held responsible for any form of injury, personal loss or illness caused by the utilization of this information.

All rights reserved. No part of this e-book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the expressed written permission from Matt Dustin. We have unique tracking codes embedded, designed to detect illegal distribution of this e-book and the download links. Do not risk breaking international copyright infringement laws and getting yourself in major trouble. Fines start

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at $150,000 and include a possible prison sentence upon conviction.

1. Training Program Overview Alright. So. Let’s talk about the main event - following the workouts in this program. It’s very straightforward, and I can’t imagine you’ll have any trouble at all. If you’re new to Fitocracy, spend some time playing with the workouts and learning how to track, it’s very easy once you figure it out.

Before training, always go through your complete warm-up, which will be detailed shortly.

So, your workouts will be straightforward in the app. If an exercise is alone, you are to complete all sets of that exercise before moving on. If you see a group of exercises, that is a superset.

For example, let’s say group A has 3 exercises - which we’ll call A1-A3. You’d do A1, move as quickly as possible to A2, then quickly to A3, before finally resting for the prescribed time. Sound good?

I want all exercises to be around an 8RPE. RPE stands for rate of perceived exertion, and measures how hard the set is, rather than prescribing a certain weight. Everyone is at different strength levels, so I prefer to work with intensity rather than actual weights.

RPE works on a scale of 1-10. 1 is basically zero effort, 10 is an all-out, everything you’ve got attempt, that leaves nothing left in the tank.

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So, if you finish a set of exercises, and you know you had maybe one rep tops left in the tank, that set was a 9RPE. If you had two reps left in you, that was an 8RPE.

The benefit of using an RPE scale is that you can adjust for how you feel on a given day. If you are tired one day, and you know your program has 3 sets of 10, with a specific weight assigned, you may be somewhat limited. It could be too easy for that day, or too hard.

However, if you workout says 3 sets of 10 at an 8RPE, you know that regardless of how you feel, you’ll be working up to whatever weight allows you to hit an 8RPE, or close to it.

RPE dictates workouts by total intensity and effort, not by weight moved. I find this is much more efficient and forces you to learn how to read your own body.

It will take some time to learn your body, and learn how to truly train at an 8 or 9 RPE, but do your best, and give it time.

2. Warm Up Guide Warm-ups are the least sexy, yet most important part of your workout. Think of this as grooming yourself before a big date. A warm-up gets your mind right and gets your head in the game, while making sure your body is actually ready to handle what’s about to happen to it.

The number one reason to warm up is pure safety - you want to warm up to protect yourself from injury. And before you ask, no, walking on a treadmill is not a good warm-up. You could skip your

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workout, and probably live, but overtime your body will really start to hate you.

There are two main benefits to warming up, in terms of getting jacked and strong and all that.

1. Physiological Benefits

When you warm-up, you get some blood flowing. Done correctly, a warm up will increase blood flow to your muscles and joints, activate your nervous system, and get the muscles firing properly. You want your body to be explosive and powerful - ready for anything. Treadmills don’t do this for you.

2. Hormonal Benefits

Warming up also starts the release of various hormones, such as testosterone and HGH, that will allow you to recover faster, and get stronger. If you want the most out of your workouts, get moving.

Your warm-up will take roughly 10-15 minutes to work through, not bad.

First, start by doing some foam rolling, if you have one. Most gyms do these days. If not, I HIGHLY suggest buying one - it’s totally worth it. Here is the one I personally use and love.

(For a longer version of how to warm-up, I wrote a full article on it for my buddy’s site, which you should totally check out)

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After foam rolling, here is a quick, fully body workout for you to go through. Do the whole thing, rest a minute or two, and repeat for a total of 3 rounds.

Sculpting a Model Physique 5 Warm-Up Circuit

1 Jump Squat ‒ 8-10 reps 2 Seal Jacks ‒ 15 reps 3 Prisoner Squat ‒ 10 reps 4 Push-up with 2 second Hold at the bottom ‒ 6 reps 5 Leg Swing ‒ 20 reps per side 6 Stick-ups (against wall) ‒ 10 reps 7 No Money’s ‒ 10 reps (can be done with or without band) 8 Psoas Stretch ‒ 20 second hold per side

3. The Workouts Alright, let’s talk training. Your workouts will mix and match different training styles - strength, hypertrophy, and fat loss workouts as we progress through the program. All three are key when pursuing a lean, chiseled, high-performance physique.

Workouts will change every 4 weeks. I want you to get good at exercises and try to get stronger each week, rather than jumping around randomly week to week.

With my personal clients, the programs are a bit more individualized and may vary based on individual goals and

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progress, but for this program, I want you to get a taste of everything.

The strength workouts are fairly straight-forward. The goal is to get strong, and move as much weight as you can. Stronger muscles means more weights moved, which means greater muscle growth in the long run.

Hypertrophy workouts are my personal favorite. You’ve probably done these - multiple sets of higher reps, designed to give you a pump, and force all kinds of blood into your muscles. Really great stuff.

Last but not least, the fat loss workouts. These are density workouts, a method I learned from guys like Charles Staley, and my mentor, John Romaniello. Density workouts were originally created for muscle gain, but work very well for fat loss. Like, really well.

Exercises are for time with density training, in a circuit. It works like this - round one, you use a weight that is challenging, but not too challenging. Enough to warm up; think 50-70% of your one-rep max.

The next round, add weight, and you should actually get more reps in the same time period. Not always, but it’s common. Round three and four keep the weight the same you used in round two, and always aim for the same or more reps (it won’t always happen).

For the density workouts, each set will be 30 seconds of as many clean reps as you can, with 15 seconds in between exercises. After each round, rest 2-3 minutes, or as long as needed before repeating.

Copyright Matt Dustin Fitness, LLC

*NOTE: This program DOES NOT include mandatory conditioning or cardio. While I believe it’s very important, cardio prescriptions are very individualized, and depend on a number of factors. Also, it’s very possible to get absolutely jacked without much, so I don’t see it as an essential component of this guide. It’s just too hard to make general recommendations. Feel free to do whatever cardio or conditioning you like, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your training or recovery.

As we progress, if you are unhappy with your progress from the training and nutrition, we can work together to set up reasonable cardio goals, just reach out to me so I can help you.

4. Workout Schedule You should be aiming for 4 workouts per week, but the timing doesn’t matter. I would say no more than 2 workouts back to back, so an ideal schedule could be Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri, or Mon/Wed/Thu/Sat, any combination really that doesn’t have 3 in a row. You need to recover.

For off days, you can rest completely, or do some form of active recovery. This can be yoga, cardio, a fitness class, a hike - anything you want. Just not more heavy lifting.

I’d suggest going on a long walk, or if you are at the gym, do some mobility work and maybe some time on the elliptical or treadmill. Again, I won’t prescribe cardio or conditioning without knowing more about you first, but doing something active will definitely help you get some blood flow, recovery, and burn more calories.

Copyright Matt Dustin Fitness, LLC

5. Nutrition Overview I’m a big believer in flexible dieting. Not the kind where you eat as many donuts as possible, but the kind where you use a variety of foods to hit your macronutrient goals. How you choose to do this is completely up to you.

• Want to do intermittent fasting? Go for it!

• Prefer to eat 6 meals a day? Fantastic!!

• Want all your foods to be chicken, rice, and olive oil? That works.

All I care about is you hitting your macros, and if you can, making sure at least 70% of your food comes from whole, unprocessed food sources. That’s it. The rest is up to you. If you care about performance, place at least half of your daily carbs around your workout, with some before, and some after.

Now, with clients, I have very specific macro calculations I use, and I adjust targets weekly to ensure continuing progress. However, even the best calculation is simply a guess.

For this program, you will calculate your own macros, as I want you to learn. You can ALWAYS reach out to me for help or advice, but I treat this program like a learning course - I won’t do it all for you, as I want you to understand the process and be able to do your own nutrition forever after the course.

To figure out your macros, use a good calculator like this one. Try to eat consistently for a week, hitting those numbers, and see how your body changes. Lost weight? You’re in a deficit. Gained weight? You’re eating too much.

Copyright Matt Dustin Fitness, LLC

You’ll want to simply adjust your macros up and down to see the results you want. For fat loss, you should aim for 1-2 pounds per week of lost weight. For muscle gain, 1-2 pounds per month.

Once you calculate your macros, stick with them as close as you can for a week, see how your body responds, and adjust accordingly. Here are my recommended adjustments:

Fat Loss: Aim for 1-2 lbs fat loss per week. If no progress after 10 days on the scale, start by removing 25 carbs from your daily total, and see. Alternatively, you can add 2-3 cardio sessions per week.

Muscle Gain: Aim for 0.5-2 pounds gain per month, nice and slow. If no scale gain after 7 days, add 40-50 carbs to your daily total.

Again, use this calculator, track in an app like On the Regimen Macros, or MyFitnessPal, and adjust as needed.

6. Supplementation Guide Supplements. We’ve made it. Or maybe you skimmed to here, but either way, here we are. The supplement section. Everyone’s favorite.

Disclaimer #1: Supplements are NOT necessary, you don’t need them, and I’m not saying they will cure any diseases, fix anything, or make you a superhuman. By definition, supplements are just that - supplements. Not essential-ments.

Forging on ahead, I do however strongly believe in some supplements, and highly recommend you take them. I’ll explain

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each one in detail, but to spare you the suspense, here are what I strongly suggest you consider taking:

• Protein Powder

• Greens Powder

• Fish Oil

• Vitamin D

I also think things like creatine monohydrate, pre-workouts, BCAAs, and more can all be useful, but that depends on a case by case basis. Read on to see my specific recommendations.

Disclaimer #2: Some of the links are affiliate links. That means, if you buy through the link provided, I might get a little kickback. HOWEVER. I only recommend products I love; I get asked all the time to promote stuff, and usually I say no. Also, some of the links I provide get you special discounts, and ALL are links to the cheapest source I can find.

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Shopping Lists The following is just a list of some of my favorite staples. Again, you can eat anything, even if that means protein powder, greens, and In N Out every day. I don’t care as long as the macros are right.

However, you’ll get more benefits in terms of health AND nutrition from eating whole foods. The following are my staple purchases for hitting macros. Each food is mostly one macro or another, with a few hybrids if you will. This just makes it easier to plan and hit the right macros.

I didn’t go looking for the best foods all around, I just wrote about what I always buy at the store. Foods that are probably good for you, like mushrooms and tomatoes, I absolutely HATE, so you won’t see them on the list. This is just how I eat.

Protein Sources

• Egg Whites

• Chicken breast (Trader Joe’s sells AMAZING roasted chicken breast)

• White fish

• Lean turkey ‒ just get it ground, much easier.

• Non-fat cottage cheese

• Lean cuts of red meats

• MTS or EXOS Protein Powder

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Carbohydrate Sources

• Rice; any kind. I prefer Jasmine rice.

• Potatoes; any kind. I like the purple Japanese potatoes.

• Oatmeal

• Pasta

• Ezekiel Bread

• Non-fat candy for high carb days. I prefer original Skittles and Twizzlers.

Fat Sources

Okay, for fats, I usually just throw in higher-fat protein sources, as seen below, or get fat in my carb sources. I don’t always add too much pure fat sources to food.

• Whole eggs

• Fattier cuts of red meat

• Cheese

• Grass-fed butter (Kerrygold butter is unreal)

• Coconut Oil / Macadamia Nut Oil

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