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In The name Of Our Supreme Creator Printed in the Sovereign Earth Alliance ® Copyright © 2006 C.E., by His Royal Majesty Arthur Alexander Augustus © All Rights/Defenses Reserved Universal [date recognized by the S.E.A. as the Year of Grace, 6006 A.Y.] CONCORDAT ON UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF THE FOUR FREEDOMS THE RIGHTS OF ALL MEN — EVERYWHERE Item No. 01-19-2006-A1-SEA The Sovereign Earth Alliance © ® } The Sovereign Kingdom of Augustus } Declare d, Adjudge d, Decree d and Order ed The Sovereign EState of Arthur Alexander Augustus © } By Sovereign Mandate Manifestum Patent of Majora and Minora Regalia Prerogative Instance In Law of His Royal Majesty Arthur Alexander Augustus © , the Magnus Regnant of the Sovereign Earth Alliance © ® . Printed in the Sovereign Earth Alliance © ® (ORIGINAL) CONCORDAT UNIVERSAL DECLARATION ON THE FOUR FREEDOMS THE RIGHTS OF ALL WALKS OF LIFE — EVERYWHERE [6006] Seal of the Sovereign Earth Alliance © ® : Publisher: Royal Office of Registrar Concordat Universal Statement On The Four Freedoms. Page 1 of 24 Item No. 01-19-2006-A1-SEA . Sovereign Earth Alliance ®

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The Restatement and Embodiment of Four Freedoms in Universal Principles.


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In The name Of Our Supreme Creator

Printed in the Sovereign Earth Alliance®

Copyright © 2006 C.E., by His Royal Majesty Arthur Alexander Augustus©

All Rights/Defenses Reserved Universal [date recognized by the S.E.A. as the Year of Grace, 6006 A.Y.]




Item No. 01-19-2006-A1-SEA

The Sovereign Earth Alliance©® }

The Sovereign Kingdom of Augustus } Declared, Adjudged, Decreed and Ordered The Sovereign E’State of Arthur Alexander Augustus© }

By Sovereign Mandate Manifestum Patent of Majora and Minora Regalia Prerogative Instance In Law of His Royal Majesty Arthur Alexander Augustus©, the Magnus Regnant of the Sovereign Earth Alliance©®.

Printed in the Sovereign Earth Alliance©®




Seal of the Sovereign Earth Alliance©® :

Publisher: Royal Office of Registrar

Concordat Universal Statement On The Four Freedoms. Page 1 of 24 Item No. 01-19-2006-A1-SEA.

Sovereign Earth Alliance®

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Concordat Universal Statement On The Four Freedoms. Page 2 of 24 Item No. 01-19-2006-A1-SEA.

The Sovereign Earth Alliance©® pledge of support for the Four Freedoms

The Rights of All Walks of Life — Everywhere

The four freedoms of common humanity are as much elements of Mankind’s needs as air and sunlight, bread and salt. Deprive them of all these freedoms and they die—deprive them of a part of these freedoms and a part of them withers. Give them to Mankind in full and abundant measure and they will cross the threshold of a new age, the greatest age of Mankind. These freedoms are the unalienable birthrights of Mankind of every creed and every race, wherever they live. This is their sovereign heritage, long withheld. We of the Sovereign Earth Alliance©® have dedicated the power of sacrifice and willingness of all People of Good Will to assure Mankind’s continued awareness of the self-evident heritage that inheres in all Walks of Life. The belief in the four freedoms of common heritage—the belief in Mankind, created free, in the image and likeness of their Creator—is the crucial difference between the enemies we face at anytime and ourselves. In it lays the absolute unity of our alliance, opposed to the oneness of the evil we despise—evil aggression, dishonor, and deceit of false indoctrination. Here is our strength—self-evident truth, (the source and promise of victory) obtained from universal support of the harmonious equality found in Mankind’s unalienable birthrights, to which Nature and Nature’s Creator entitle them.

The Four Freedoms

Beyond the evil war and manipulation perpetrated upon cultural differences by the masters of deceit, lies Universal Peace. These masters of deceit continue to stretch the outlines of their concerted vile conscience efforts toward which they strain to profit from cultural differences for economic control of all cultures. The master leaders of oppression publish their design for all to read, always behind fraudulent representations and outright lies. They promise a world in which all (conquered) peoples (who are ignorant of their programmed condition of slavish servitude) will live out their different cultural lives believing in these master’s deceptive practices via laudable representations, only to be continually deceived into subjugation of a life of illusionary freedoms, preached from womb to tomb. These master’s of deceit practice via schemes to exercise exclusive outcomes, which guarantee perpetual service of each individual culture and that of their posterity. These oppressive masters of deceit and aggression, via the tools of false indoctrination, propagate every conceivable tool to foster the complete subjugation of all Walks of Life. These deceitful masters will always promise their conquered cultural herd of slavish subjects that they recognize and defend these self-evident unalienable rights common to all Walks of Life, yet continually deny any real fruitful redress for abuses of our common heritage. All the while, these masters of deceit purportedly continue to adhere to and uphold these self same common heritages as their absolute right to which every one of their subjects may claim in like kind, with little to no effect in return for their service and support. When any one of their presumed subject slaves wakes up and begins to pierce the vial of deceit of false indoctrination, concerning these representations or confronted with facts unquestionably contrary to their master’s deceitful programming or the on-going slaughter of their alleged right to exercise these common heritages before any administrative or judicial forum, inevitably leads to their demise in some unconscionable form of torture, contrary to these declared self-evident freedoms.

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History has repeatedly revealed, that the efforts by people bold enough to question or seek redress to expose these masters who have so successfully subjugated all cultures in every circumstance leads to their genocide in forms which would be shocking to the conscience of Mankind—A conscience Cognitive and dedicated to preserving the common heritage that injustice to any Life is injustice to All Walks of Life. The Sovereign Earth Alliance©®, now engaged in a universal common cause, have also published their design, and have committed their universal common aims to writing. They plan a Universal Peace in which Mankind stands straight and walks free. Free not of all human trouble but free of their fear of deceit by evil despotic tyrannical power. Free to develop as sovereign individuals in honor and dignity with one another. Free to conduct and shape their affairs in honor and dignity within the Universal Public Order for Universal Peace. And, the harmonious preservation of their cultural diversity with all other cultural differences that seeks preservation in like kind to live in peace via the exercise of Good Will. Such honor and dignity for Universal Peace has been more dream than reality, more hope than fact; but it has been the best hope people have had, the one for which they have most consistently shown themselves willing to sacrifice their lives, wealth, and sacred honor to foster. Not only for themselves but also for those untold fortunate lives yet to come who find themselves positioned to expend their lives not in conflict against any other but with the opportunity to extend themselves into a Universe of Infinite possibilities. A race of creation built upon the principle unalienable birthright of all Walks of Life to self-determination within the perimeters of the Universal Public Order of Universal Peace. This free-ness, this liberty, this precious honor men and women love and mean to save with the pledge of their lives, their wealth, and their sacred honor, is the good soil on which the Sovereign Earth Alliance©® now propose to raise their new standard victoriously established over deceptive oppression and aggression of war and deceit. The purpose of this concordat universal statement by the Sovereign Member E’States of the Sovereign Earth Alliance©® is to examine and define the alliance position on the essential freedoms of the common heritage unalienable to all Walks of Life deemed adamantly necessary for Universal Peace. To talk of victory over the powers of deceptive oppression and aggression that exists globally, shouting over the din of coercive battle while the planet rocks and vibrates in deceitful misconceptions, may seem futile to some. Yet the talk must go on, among those people free spiritually and mentally of the false indoctrination programs created by the masters of deceit. The faith and hope that People of Good Will have in their just cause, to preserve the common heritage of Mankind to exercise these freedoms, are manifested through their willing sacrifices to pledge their lives, their wealth, and their sacred honor, for all seeking Universal Peace, is exclusively, what the free Mind has to build upon. Such faith and hope is basic to them—Mankind’s core belief in men and women, a belief, which suggests that people are capable of ordering their affairs with honor and dignity. This is a high compliment paid by Mankind to all Walks of Life, as evidence or gesture of self-respect, of stature, of dignity, and of worth, an affidavit of individual sovereign responsibility in the face of what may seem as insurmountable odds, created by chaotic forces, to deceive and suppress the possibility of or in unity, to overcome and establish order. Order dedicated to defending the sovereign unalienable birthright of all Walks of Life to exercise their common heritage declared within the framework of these freedoms.

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The freedom we pledge our lives, fortunes and sacred honor for, we who but know our liberties and rights; and knowing, dare maintain such freedoms in great hopes for which many men and women desire (but walk blindly in the dark streets of false indoctrination foisted upon them in modern public centers of education and enforced concentration camps—modern prisons and their fastest growing industry sustained employment programming—criminal justice), are four in number. “The first is the freedom of Speech and expression—universally. “The second is freedom of all Walks of Life to Worship his Creator in his own way—universally. “The third is freedom from Want—which, translated means economic comprehensive Standing which will secure to every state of being a healthy peacetime life for their inhabitant conditions—universally. “The fourth is freedom from Fear—which, translated, into terms, means a universal-wide possession of knowledge to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no state or otherwise will be in a position to commit an unquestionable act of physical aggression (thinking themselves beyond or above sovereign law) against any neighbor—universally.” These freedoms are separate, but not independent. Each one relies upon all the others. Each supports the whole, which is liberty. When one is missing, all the others are jeopardized. People who live under a deceitful system or deceptive despotic tyrant, and has lost freedom of speech, must necessarily without question be tortured by fear. A people who are in great want, are also in great fear—fear of even direr want and greater insecurity. A people denied the right to worship in their own way, which in no way brings clear and present danger, nor, actual harm to another left to the same rights, has thereby lost a most sacred image and likeness of Life unalienable, self-evident, and common to all Walks of Life. For unless they are free to exercise their spiritual and religious conscience; their unalienable birthright of free speech (though some might say not specifically denied) common to all Walks of Life, is utterly meaningless. A people tortured with fears, has lost both their unalienable right of free speech and the strength to supply themselves with these needs. Thus a system of government or otherwise that denies free expressions as herein defined, touching upon these freedoms, or, the free access within the public forum in which to express them, is unquestionably guilty of mental genocide, if not worse, of Mankind, whether singularly, jointly or severally committed against even one single man or women. Clearly these four freedoms are closely related, as dependent one upon another, as the four seasons natural passing in a year, whose winter snows irrigate the spring, and whose dead leaves, fermenting, rebuild the soil for summer’s yield in time for fall’s harvest. The first two freedoms—freedom of speech and freedom of worship—are cultural. These are Life’s unalienable prerogatives reflected in the image and likeness of a thinking man or woman, by his or her creative stewardship of their State of Being, which others may or may not reflect upon as evidence of a civilized human being. Sometimes, as in the Sovereign Earth Alliance©®, and expression of these unalienable freedoms are guaranteed by organic law via variation of agreement to exercise Good Will towards all Walks of Life. Organic meaning, established by moral thinking people and law meaning an agreement which each man and woman guarantee by some solemn act of liability and obligation to uphold one to another, their right to express such cultural diversity as one chooses within the perimeters of peace

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established by their comity to keep each his or her peace, one with another, while such cultural behavior presents no clear and present danger or otherwise, causes no physical harm to another. These first two freedoms are rather clearly understood, and laws protecting them are continually being revised or adjusted due to unforeseen circumstances of abuse or denial to preserve their basic meaning while continuing to adhere to their basic comity of Universal Peace. Freedom from fear and from want, on the other hand are not a part of any one singular culture but a part of circumstance and environment—they concern the facts of our lives rather than the thoughts of our minds. Men or women are unafraid, or well fed, or both, or otherwise, according to the conditions under which they live. To be free, Mankind must live in a society, which has relieved those curious pressures which conspires to make men and women slaves: pressures of a despotic tyrannical person or government, pressure of intolerance, pressure created by deceit or fraud, and pressure of want in some basic necessity of Life. This concordat universal statement of these four freedoms, therefore, is not a promise of a gift, which under certain conditions of common heritage, people will receive in various measure; it is a declaration of a design which people themselves may execute from a basic knowledge of the self-evident common heritage of all Walks of Life to bargain, in full measure, for their cultural and economic preservation, within the perimeters of Universal Public Order in support of Universal Peace. Freedom, of whatever sort, is relative. People uniting by a common effort, in social compact, to create a better world or society, are obviously, not projecting a Utopia in which nobody shall want for anything. That is not the point—nor within the range of human possibility, due to on going changes and known or unknown conditions in time and place. What unites people is the purpose to create a universal society in which no one need want for the minimum necessities of an orderly and decent life, for self-respect in a safe, secure and sanitary environment, guaranteed in every social compact and/or society, wherever the stewardship of any and all Walks of Life exists. It is an ambitious design, perhaps too ambitious for the perfidious despotic tyrants of false indoctrination or aggression, or the cynic, and the faithless or dishonorable; but it is supported by the sure knowledge that the Earth produces abundantly. And Mankind is already in possession of the very tools which could and ultimately must realize such a purpose if only People of Good Will would choose to use and support them in truth and with honor. Mankind failing to join in Universal Peace within the Universal Public Order envisioned by the Sovereign Earth Alliance©® faces the final outcome of total depravity and collapse. Not only the loss of the Universal Peace proffered by the alliance but also eventually their illusionary order, based upon the plethora of their ever-changing master’s unjust balance of justice and so-called economic rewards of war. Rewards based upon a balance of injustice, pain and death, for which the chaotic depravity of their master’s howling insanity gives are the only rewards in return for service of these depravities of destruction. The situations created by such depravity and the lack of their collective despotic tyrants inability to obtain Universal Peace, has caused a danger to the preservation of these freedoms for all mankind. The Sovereign Earth Alliance©® has created a paradigm preserving these freedoms openly for all Mankind, which allows all Walks of Life an opportunity to heal the injuries foisted upon them through fraud, and by such deceitful misrepresentations, and thus ultimately removes the cause of so much historical bloodshed and death in Blind Pride sustained via illusions of order. The only possible end proffered by these masters of deceit to their Order of Pride in Misrepresentation, which foisted upon All Walks of Life is the total death of humanity. This death is the result of the wholesale abuse of the cornucopia of resources to which Creation has so abundantly supplied Earth in support of Life.

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This total death comes about solely because of Mankind’s refusal to face and cast of the abuse of resources, spent in utter destruction of the unalienable heritage common to all Walks of Life. Life leaves only one purpose and outcome by this refusal—Upholding the fraudulent privilege of a powerful few whose sole aim is to subjugate all of Mankind and Earth’s resources through these masters of deceit and fraud for their insane covetous selfish desires, at the unconscionable cost of death to all Walks of Life and destruction of planet Earth. This, then, is a credo to which the Sovereign Member E’States of all Kingdoms within the Sovereign Earth Alliance©® of the Universal Public Order have subscribed—not a promise made by any group of men or women to any other group but in universal social compact with one another in alliance with each other. With such knowledge, that it is only people, themselves, who can create the conditions favoring these essential freedoms, which most people are now in ignorance of being forced to sacrifice, throughout the world bazaar of misrepresentations. By paying their support with the price of ignorance, spending their lives behind prison bars, or, within the global graves and battlefields of death and depravity, foisted upon them by despotic tyrants continuing to deceive them through social programs of deception. Solely, for the purpose of self-grandiose worship of their master’s illusionary social constructs, to which only a few are even party to; stemming from a particular mental circumstance of false Pride in so many people, to accept a condition of death. Even when confronted with the program of deceit and their continuance of deified worship of these perfidious leadership egos founded upon absolute fraud. Nothing is for sale at a bargain price, except the depraved tyrant’s subjugated property. This property, being the very life-blood of the deceived people that carryout every whim of their tyrannical leaders, as unsuspecting slaves ultimately do, a deception amounting to nothing more than in the service of death. Let no one be deceived, the hour that we ring in with the bell of liberty, and, the house that we build entitled to all Walks of Life, will not be heard nor built in three days, with cheap labor. From a world lost in ruins of programmed ignorance, there can only rise a slow deliberate monument of liberty and freedom for all based upon full knowledge, consent of will, and made with full disclosure, as is possible, when considering the present mental faculties of the disillusioned within those bargaining to acquire sovereign Standing. Mental conditioning should not hamper the advancement of the common heritage of all Walks of Life. This time, conceived by so many people of sacred purpose, it will rise straight upward and rest upon the principle Universal Pillars of Universal Law of the Universal Public Order of Universal Peace existing for all People of Good Will, who know and dare maintain this sacred State of Union and Purpose. Expressly, ordained, for the benefit of all Walks of Life, and their future posterity willing to live in honor, dignity and Good Will with one another. For these People of Good Will, know what constitutes a State! Not high raised battlements, or labored mounds, thick wall, or moated gates; not cities proud, with spires and turrets crowned; nor metes and bounds of any claimed territorial or geographical boundaries of illusionary constructs; no, men and women, high-minded men and women; but know their liberties and rights; and knowing, dare maintain; by their common heritage, establish Universal Peace on liberties derived from their just powers of consent in social compact one with another. To uphold the common unalienable heritage of Mankind’s true State of Being. Not only for themselves, but also, with open arms to all peace-loving peoples that pledge to accept the same solemn truth and obligations. These People of Good Will constitute a collective just society as a State in Truth, since then being that each and every Man or Woman is a State and the only true essence of a State in Truth. And any Society of States calling themselve’s free in Truth, are founded upon the just powers of each State binding one to

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another in Union, for the purpose of creating a harmonious Society between States. Founded solely upon each in their own State of Consent, to continue to be governed in a Union of Peace and Honor, in creation of any Society with one another, by such social compacts, as these States shall freely chose to remain in Union, with Honor and Peace to be governed thereby.


To live free a man or woman must speak openly: gag him or her and they become either servile or full of cankers. Free governments are then the most realistic kind of government. If it is true, that such governments on founded, to preserve for all Walks of Life. For it not only assumes that a man or woman has something on his or her mind, but concedes his or her right to say it. It permits him or her to talk of truth—not without fear of contradiction, but without fear of punishment. There can be no free people’s rule unless there is talk. Men or women, it turns out, breath through their Minds as well as through their lungs, and there must be a circulation of ideas as well as of air. Since nothing is likely to be more distasteful to a man or woman than the opinion of someone who disagrees with him or her, it does all Walks of Life credit that they so stubbornly defended the principle of free speech. But if a man pr woman knows anything at all, he or she knows that that principle is fundamental to sovereignty and a State of self-government, the whole purpose of which is to reflect and affirm the State of Will of sovereign people in social compact, one with the other. In what is referred to commonly as the New World, free speech and a free press were the first things that the Minds of “We the people of the United States” turned to after the fashioning of their Constitution. Farsighted people, in those early days, readily understood that some sort of protection was necessary. Thus when the first amendment to their Constitution was drawn (part of what the world reflects upon as the “Bill of Rights”), it presumably prohibited the U.S. Congress from making any law that might abridge the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right of the people to peaceable assemble and to petition Government for a redress of their grievances. Sadly, today such great presumed guarantees have been repealed congressionally during the civil war and upheld as constitutionally permissible ever since—by the Supreme Court of the United States and presently enforced by the United States Department of Justice against people who still believe what they are taught by the United States from womb to tomb through the United States centers of propaganda. (see: Reply Brief, page 3, of the United States by Ivan C. Dale, U.S. Trial Attorney for the U. S. Dept. of Justice, filed in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia on December 21, 2004, in the case entitled “We the People Foundation, Inc. et al. v. United States,” No. 1:04-cv-01211 EGS, openly admitting to the abolishment of the First Amendment by congressional authority and upheld by the Supreme Court of the U.S.). In the United States, like the Nazi state, freedom of speech and expression has been discarded—not for temporary military expediency, but as a principle of Life. Being contemptuous of the individual, and secretly suspicious of him or her, the U.S. leadership, like the German leadership has effectively deprived them of their voice. Ideas are what tyrants most fear. To set up a despotic state, the first step is to get rid of the talkers—the talkers in schools, the talkers in public or private forums, the talkers in political rallies and in trade union meetings, the talkers on the radios and in the newsreels, and in town hall meetings, and in barber shops and in village garages. Talk does not fit the United States, nor the previous Nazi or present global scheme of states, where all ideas are, by the very nature of the political power structure, the property of one man or system. Any attempt to talk or expose these schemes by people is met with great force and opposition. Power takes as ingratitude the writhing of its victim.

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Why? Talk is death to tyranny, for it can easily clarify a political position that the ruler or system may prefer to becloud, and it can expose injustices, which he, her or they may choose to obscure. Historically, the United States “Bill of Rights” specifically mentioned the press. Today the press is one of many forms of utterance shackled by the State of Fraud. Talk and ideas flow in ever-increasing torrents, through books, magazines, schools, the radio, the motion pictures and the world-wide-web. The Internet of the world-wide-web has created a whole new language of its own. But people are becoming ever aware that what has been passed off as their Constitutional rights by their so-called Governments, has been fraudulently either altered or in fact never existed, but has been deceitfully foisted upon them by these self same Governments by so many misrepresentations. Solely, to lull them into a false since of security, when in fact if they should wakeup, they find themselves enslaved to a global system of fraud continually propagated through the local, national and international media, in all formats of dissemination. Including movies, television, newspapers, organizations and what they deem as their public centers of education. People only discovered such fraud after exercising what one has been taught in various forms of indoctrination, as their presumed constitutional rights. Only to lead them to be either imprisoned or threatened to such a degree that what is left is a tortured Mind, unable to comprehend the reasons for such deceit and the denial of the very basic principles to which they have been erroneously accustom to believing. We are continually taught; all these forms of common self-evident liberties are safeguarded with the ancient guarantees, but the essential dangers of not being allowed to speak freely remains. Solely arising from the fact that one is consistently denied effectual redress when exposing the fraud that is taught. So little has changed today, the right that is taught is reduced to a privilege without consideration and further challenged more gravely than ever before; in all Governments dominated by social constructs preaching human rights or otherwise via whatever format such writings exposing the fraud are confiscated, banned, burned or worse, the authors are imprisoned or murdered. Universities are effectively muzzled or threatened with shut down, who would otherwise, be institutions which would normally be forums of proclaiming and espousing such common heritage, men and women are put to death, imprisoned or impoverished for exercising their common unalienable heritage. All the while their remaining husbands, wives and children are destroyed or taken away for re-indoctrination. Lucifer’s Hell, Nero’s Rome, Napoleon’s France, Lenin’s Soviets, Hitler’s Germany, Mao’s China, America’s Washington, United Nation’s Security Council and/or such New Order by whatever name was never new, and, such Order which has existed historically down eons of struggle for enlightenment, continues to exists today under the guise of a New World Order, still seeks to prove that unity and efficiency are achieved most readily among people who are prevented from reading, thinking, talking, and debating the presumed truths that are taught by these self-proclaimed social constructs while fostering their master’s false doctrines of hope that this New World Order will defend each and every common heritage of Mankind to exercise these self same freedoms. This anesthesia of false hope that is so readily accepted is taught from womb to tomb by these self same Governments and International Organizations through their centers of education whether public or private, whether of lower degree or those claiming a position of higher learning. All are still fostered by a subtle drug of ancient origin. Blind Pride! Under its quick influence, men sleep a strange sleep, only to be led at the expense of their very lives and the never-ending deaths of their own posterity.

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The right to speak, the right to hear, the right of access to information, carry with them certain responsibilities. Certain favorable conditions are necessary before freedom of speech acquires validity. The first condition is that the individual have something to say. Literacy is a prerequisite of free speech, and gives it point. Denied proper education, denied truthful information, suppressed or enslaved, people grow mentally sluggish; their written or verbal opinions are hardly worth the high right or what some might infer as a privilege of release. Similarly, those who live in terror, intellectually handicapped, or in destitution, even though no specific control is declared openly placed upon their speech, all are as good as mentally tortured and gagged. Gagged because those who might be effectively capable of articulating what an individual might have to say might also unknowingly or otherwise suffer from similar conditions of being gagged or reduced to suffer unbearable conditions or even imprisoned or threatened with death to silence them. This fear exists because people have watched others destroyed or are only discovered when one seeks to avail themselves to publish such thoughts, which another might wish to express. People who are unable to express their Minds, leaves a condition confirming torture amounting to an absolute degree of mental genocide. Another condition necessary for free speech is that people have access to the means of uttering it—to the triers of fact and law, newspapers, radios, and the public forum. When power or capital by a capitol are concentrated, when the press is too costly or closely the property of narrow public or private interests, then freedom suffers a tortured death. There is no freedom, either, unless facts are within reach and reviewable outside conflicts of interests, both exculpatory and otherwise, unless information is made available. And a final condition of just free speech is that there neither be penalties, nor, unjust denial attached to the spread of information and to the expression of opinion expert or otherwise, whether such assumed penalties be applied by a presumed power of Government or by any private interests whatsoever. The operation of a free press and the free expression of opinion are far from absolute rights. The laws of libel and slander set limits on what men or women may say of other men, women or otherwise within their social constructs. The exigency of war sets limits on what information may be given out, lest it give aid to the enemy. Good morals sets limits on all speech and good morals is governed by the limits of what shock the conscience of Mankind to such a degree, that an injustice even in time of war is injustice to all. Whether one is a particular party to a specific conflict or not, Mankind, has an unalienable common heritage to be free from penalties to express his or her good conscience concerning matters which shock his or her conscience to speak out, written or verbally. Such as writing or speaking about fraud anywhere, genocide of any kind, secret wiretapping (i.e. of people on fraudulent grounds), kidnapping (i.e. any of the on-going U.S. “Rendition” Programs using a fleet of jets whereby the U.S. goes about kidnapping people all over the world, rendering them to secret prisons for torture for whatever reason), or secret courts (i.e. Foreign Intelligence Service Act [F.I.S.A. Court] establishing a secret executive court). Especially an injustice perpetrated against innocence, whether viewed as collateral damage or otherwise, may be considered within the morale purview of all, to freely exercise his or her right of free speech and access of the press without unjust retribution by a presumed power of Government or by any other private interests whatsoever. The measure of mental genocide is what would shock the conscience of Mankind if such Truth of any tortured Mind were manifested for any to comprehend. For people, who would believe or are willing to sacrifice themselves to support the common heritage of all Walks of Life to exercise these freedoms, measure their action in support of a claim to exercise these self same freedoms by and old maxim; “Do unto others that which you would have done unto you.”

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Freedom of speech, has always been manipulated by those who wish to control free speech by expressing some obvious fact unrelated to the facts at hand, such as the warning which United States Supreme Court Justice Holmes is infamous for, ‘freedom of speech does not grant the right to shout fire in a crowded theatre.’ Unrelated facts are always tools of misdirection. Used on feeble Minds to gain trust when the real aim is to an opposite end or outcome. When trust is gained all bets are off that any great number of people will be looking for ulterior motives. It has always been a numbers game to the masters of deceit. Because they know that there is power in numbers. Look at the number of people who are willing to die to foster their master’s fraudulent schemes even when their eyes are opened to the misrepresentation. When ideas become overt acts against peoples presumed peace and order, then their so-called Governments presume to interfere with free speech. The burden of proof, however, is upon those who would restrict speech—the danger must not be some vague danger but real and immediate. But always remember when testing Government’s burden of proof, their tools of misdirection while keeping in Mind the high moral ground—Injustice to One is and Injustice to all! Any claim of Government to its delegated powers to usurp freedoms for whatever reasons always arises out of abuses to a claimed delegated power. For no one rightly may delegate powers to usurp the freedoms of common heritage to all Walks of Life that the outcome does not inhere to all. Remember the old maxim? When people fear Government liberty is dead, when Government fear people, liberty abounds! The despotic tyrants are not so much concerned with these inevitable limitations to free speech as with the delight at the principle use of false doctrines (Misdirection) of hope in society and how greatly it has strengthened Mankind’s spirit to expend their Life for these freedoms even when just illusionary. How steadily the belief in what is taught has enlarged Mankind’s culture and their world by believing in the hope of such laudable heritage but resting upon quicksand. Due to the fact that most people claiming standing within the framework of some particular social compact that claim to recognize and support these principles and teach as inherent to Mankind, find to their dismay, they lack standing to state such claims. Arising from the fact that most people are not lawful parties to any such social compacts and thereby commit libel (trespass), when claiming such rights guaranteed thereby. Remember the old maxim? Two wrongs do not equal a right! What this simply means, is that when you approach any alleged court of law in one of their so-called constitutional courts, claiming to be constitutionally injured and can not prove historically that you are signatory to or a direct (blood-line descendent by marriage or adoption) beneficiary of one who was signatory to the original contract by whatever name (i.e. Constitution or Charter) creating the courts of justice of the social compact, you are committing libel (trespass) by asserting such claims. Thereby you are considered a tort-feasor (wrong-doer) and cannot possibly state a claim for which relief can be granted. Unless the social compact deems such relief is in its own best political or financial interests. This is how the fraud is perpetrated and perpetuated. You ignorantly give them political power over you when in actuality there has never been any organic contractual real relationship between you and such social compacts, other than the illusionary indoctrination you receive from womb to tomb, that such political power exists. What does any such social compact get—your entire financial future productivity gifted to them (which they in turn use to pay their debt—now don’t you just love this tontine scheme—you get debt instruments in exchange for your labor, and, while doing it, assume to agree to pay their debt with more productivity on your part until death do you part!) in the form of taxes (revenue) generated via some form of beneficial interest units (Federal Reserve Notes) that you acquire from such productivity in exchange for goods and services. This means, that what you acquire in exchange for your labor, is

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actually private property of another, to exchange for those goods and services which you desire. And because it is private property (Federal Reserve Notes) and not any real exchange of money (i.e. free and clear of all liens or similar encumbrances like say, “taxes”) for your productivity, you have agreed to be taxed by the private property owner (Private Interests, Government or whatever you wish to refer to is as) with the privilege arising from the of “Use” thereof. We know you’ve heard of this tax before. You might not just be familiar with it in these terms. It is known as the “USE TAX,” “ADDED VALUE TAX,” and/or “INCOME TAX.” Let’s really be honest with each other and call it by its only true name “SLAVE TAX.” So, the next time that you believe a corporation or government (same thing) agencies has injured you on some constitutional grounds, you claim, and they in turn claim, some government authority to do so, consider that old maxim when expecting relief. Two wrongs do not equal a right! Now what do you think of your right of free speech in their courts of justice? I’ll bet like so many millions of other people, you’ve been hoodwinked and effectively muzzled by all those wonderful indoctrination programs of their Government, haven’t you now? Or, are you going to run out and vote with your freedom of speech to build more prisons. So, when the time comes, there will be room in the Inn for you and yours. Now you make sure to speak out and vote down all those fancy cushy City, County, State and Federal Club Meds, Because we know that the millions imprisoned across the U.S. are vile and despicable inhuman criminals and have been given their fair and impartial day in your court of justice just like you would get, don’t you? And we know the Government would guarantee your (nonexistent) constitutional rights just like all those millions of inhuman criminals or everyone else they can get their greedy paws on, to wile away the hours of work for them for 5¢ an hour don’t we? Don’t you just love free speech and the righteous privilege to vote, in the home of the Free, and the land of the Brave? Those in America like in so many countries, only know what these rights or privileges are be cause they have been taught by the United States social compact and lived with the presumed privilege of indoctrination for a century and a half or more, only to find such rights are of no merit, nor, protected in any concrete form. Talk founded the Union, nurtured it, and preserved it. But for whom does the (Liberty) Bell toll? While so-called Americans presume to their detriment, to exercise these same rights when confronted with injustice, are continually confronted with utter dismay, at the jeopardy they find themselves, when applying these self same rights, which established the Union they call United to these ends, for which they have been taught, for all. The dissenter, the disbeliever, the crack-pot, the reformer, those who would pull down as well as build up—all are free, to have their say while facing the self same jeopardy of destruction and genocide, in some form or another. Talk is our daily fare—the white-bosomed lecturer regaling the Tuesday Ladies Club, the prisoner at the bar of entrapments testifying in his own behalf or not, based upon illusionary indoctrinated rights to do so, the editorial writer, complaining of civic abuses to which he vents to no effect, the actor declaiming behind the footlights a futile contempt, the movie star speaking on the screen lines proffered or else, the librarian dispensing the accumulating talk of ages, all the while spying for the thought Police of Big Brother, the professor holding forth to his students doctrines of deceit and taught as if profound truths, the debating society chained to expend their scholasticism on such fraudulent doctrines of deceit or expelled, the meeting of the aldermen bound to deceive and continue the extraction at all cost, the minister in the

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pulpit who exchange a presumed religious freedom for a beneficial tax status while turning the flock over for further fleecing by various agent provocateurs, the traveler in the smoking car lost in a fog of foreboding control, the soap-box orator with his flag and his bundle of epigrams lost in the same bewilderment of the passing dead, the opinions of the solemn pettifogger magistrate and the opinions of a animated mouse bereft of his creator’s opium—words, ideas, in a never-ending stream, from the enduring wisdom of the great and the good to the puniest thought troubling the feeblest brain. All are listened to—all add up to something, and, we have been taught to call it the rule of people, the people who are free to say the words. All the while other unfortunate people must bare the burden of such rule with out even the smallest inkling their words mean nothing to such rule because they have never come to the table of sacrifice (never mind they had no knowledge of such table existing to approach or the need to approach) to bargain for their rights, because they have believed themselves party to the sacrifices of others as they have been fraudulently taught, by those who pledged ‘their lives, their wealth, and their sacred honor’ which created the social compact in which they are expected to support with their very life’s blood, or, that of their own children. Most ancient social compacts fought to preserve this heritage of the rule of people, while continuing the indoctrination of fraud that others could possibly claim to be equal under certain conditions of citizenship thereof, though not a party to their sacrifice or rights secured by their social compact, which only a hand full of men were signatory to. The modern citizenry are taught in like kind, to approach these modern social compact’s courts of justice, and exercise the very self same claims within these social compact to which they lack true standing as a party in law within these social compacts, and, are dismayed to find out that they fail to state a claim for which relief can be granted, unless the compact deems it necessary to allow such claim based upon its own political ends. The denial is the very evidence of the indoctrination of fraud of the common heritage which inheres in all Walks of Life, to exercise the full essence of these Four Freedoms. But in truth there exist little if any real true remedy for the injustices wrought against every level of society by these modern social compact party states. Simply put, arising from the absolute fact that the common condition, known as the citizenry, lack any true standing, to state a claim for which relief can be granted. How, is it possible in to day’s technological advancements that all Walks of Life should lack the right to state a claim for which relief can be granted, without access to these Four Freedoms? The answer shouts from every tortured Walk of Life—Deceptive Indoctrination and outright educational Fraud! Unless there is freedom of speech, can freedom of worship or freedom from want or freedom from fear be realized? The enemies of all freedoms of liberty flourish and grow in the dark Mind of enforced silence in the very daylight, through educational indoctrination programs, by teaching fraudulent doctrines of fraud that enslave all Walks of Life that are led to expend their lives in utter control by these masters of deceit. The masters of deceit know the right of the articulate by which the inarticulate airman climbs to his fabulous battleground. For this fight the grim-lipped soldier; the close-mouthed sailor; the grim-faced marine sacrifice themselves unknowing what little they gain for themselves or their posterity while perpetuating the articulator’s fraudulent claim that their sacrifice perpetuates justice and liberty for all. Is this not enough evidence that a perpetual unconscionable infamy and genocide have been foisted upon the ignorant globally under the guise of democracy and/or other such disguises?

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Then let all People of Good Will have their Minds opened to the absolute adjudicated facts, laid before their Candid Minds, to judge for themselves, whether they shall continue in blindness, to sacrifice their lives, their wealth, and, their sacred honor and/or that of their posterity. To continue to support the fraudulent schemes of this current global system, called democracy, as justice for all. Founded on principles espoused in what is called their Courts of Justice, in what is proclaimed as the Home of the Free, and, the Land of the Brave. The same free and brave who scurry about this planet spreading their indoctrination for their self same masters of deceit in every corner of this planet, by force of arms. Leaving in its wake of terror and death, the tears of billions subjugated to this false god of destruction known as democracy or otherwise. Deserving more aptly phrased, as a horde of demons, serving the crazy and lunatic leadership of their father of lies. Let their Record bare fruit to their democracy, to wit:

General Immunity Pertaining to Prosecutors, Judges and Government Agents

1. Prosecutor may violate civil rights in initiating prosecution and presenting case. - United States Supreme Court in Imbler v. Pachtmanz 424 U.S. 409 (1976)

2. Immunity extends to all activities closely associated with litigation or potential litigation. - Second Circuit Federal Court of Appeal in Davis v. Grusemever, 996 F.2d 617 (1993)

3. Prosecutor may knowingly use false testimony and suppress evidence. - United States Supreme Court in Imbler v. Pachtman, 424 U.S. 409 (1976)

4. Prosecutor may file charges without any investigation. - Eighth Circuit Federal Court of Appeal in Myers v. Morris, 810 F.2d 1337 (1986)

5. Prosecutor may file charges outside of his jurisdiction. - Eighth Circuit Federal Court of appeal in Myers v. Morris, 840 F.2d 1337 (1986)

6. Prosecutor may knowingly offer perjured testimony. - Ninth Circuit Federal Court of Appeal in Jones v. Shankland, 800 F.2d 1310 (1987)

7. Prosecutor can suppress exculpatory evidence. (Exculpatory defined: Evidence showing one innocent) - Fifth Circuit Federal Court of Appeal in Henzel v. Gertstein, 608 F.2d 654 (1979)

8. Prosecutors are immune from lawsuit for conspiring with judges to determine outcome of judicial proceedings. - Ninth Circuit Federal Court of Appeal in Ashelman v. Pope, 793 E.2d 1072 (1986)

9. Prosecutor may knowingly file charges against innocent persons for a crime that never occurred. - Tenth Circuit Federal Court of Appeal in Norton v. Liddell, 620 F.2d 1375 (1980)

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Having said this, further research is hereinbelow provided by the Sovereign Earth Alliance. Please let us offer the following excerpt from a Fourth (4th) Circuit decision in the case called Pinder v. Johnson, 33 F.3d 368, 372 (4th Circuit 1994):

'Our survey of the legal landscape as it existed in March 1989 indicates, that, in general, members of the public have no constitutional right to be protected by the State from harm inflicted by third parties. E.g., Fox v. Custis, 712 F.2d 84, 88 (4th Cir. 1983); Wells v. Walker , 852 F.2d 368, 370 (8th Cir. 1988), cert. denied, 489 U.S. 1012, 109 S.Ct. 1121, 103 L.Ed.2d 184 (1989); Ketchum v. Alameda County, 811 F.2d 1243, 1247 (9th Cir. 1987); Bowers v. DeVito, 686 F.2d 616, 618 (7th Cir. 1982).

Judge Posner aptly explained the reasoning behind this general principle when he stated in Bowers that:

The Constitution is a charter of negative liberties; it tells the state to let “We the People of the United States” alone; it does not require their agency federal government or their state(s) to provide services, even so elementary a service as maintaining law and order....for those not a party to the contract (Constitution). Thus, because there is no constitutional duty to provide such protection for the Public at Large, {the state's} failure to do so is not actionable under Title 42, section 1983, of the United States Code (U.S.C.). [emphasis added]

Per: Bowers, 686 F.2d at 618.

These abovementioned judicial dicta, support both the historical U.S. Congressional Record & U.S. Jurisprudence applicable thereto, as cited and given hereinbelow.

1.) “But indeed, no person has a right to complain, by suit in Court, on the ground of the Constitution. The Constitution, it is true, is a compact (contract), but he is not a party to it. The States are a party to it…” (emphasis added).

Per: Padelford, Fay & Co. vs. The Mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah, 14 Ga. 438 (1854).

2.) “The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called “ownership” is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State.”

Per: U.S. 73rd Congress, 1st Session, Senate Document #43; SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 62 (Pg 9, Para 2) April 17, 1933.

3.) We “The People” do not include you and me.

Per: Barron vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, 32 U.S. 243.

This is what “We the People of the United States” calls "Equal Justice under the Law"...and certainly, this proves beyond a reasonable doubt, that every man, woman, or child is equal before their law! Since you have no agreement/contract with the Federal System of governments, the State, etc., or any such other planetary so-called social compact to bargain for your rights or to protect what you have been indoctrinated to believe as your rights, and no agreement with their court, how do you perceive or believe that you will obtain justice or a remedy in their courts?

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Consider the fact that the UNITED STATES failed to inform the UNITED NATION General Assembly of the abolition of the “Right to Petition” in 1948, when the U.N. General Assembly was discussing what Articles where to be included within the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” If the UNITED STATES would not correct an unfounded and/or unknown point view held by the U.N. concerning the U.S. abolishment of the so-called Constitutional “Right to Petition,” why do you think they would inform you of a false viewpoint or assumption related thereto, in your public school indoctrination programming about the validity or legality of such rights?

The fact that the U.S. mislead the U.N. General Assembly is founded upon the very fact that during the Hundred and eighty-third (183rd) plenary session of the UNITED NATION GENERAL ASSEMBLY held on December 10th, 1948, the U.N. General Assembly failed to include or adopt an Article of Amendment within the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS recognizing the common heritage of all Walks of Life to exercise a universal claim to the RIGHT OF PETITION. The reason cited was that such a “Right to Petition” government for redress of grievances already was recognized in Constitutions of a great number of countries, including, the signatory U.S. to the U.N. Charter.

In light of the fact that the hosting Super Power Nation, in respect to the UNITED STATES, had abolished this “Right to Petition” less than a hundred (100) years earlier, begs the imagination to wonder! That if the United States has defrauded the U.N. General Assembly on this major point of Human Rights, concerning its own course of action reflecting the “Right to Petition” and Human Rights, whether or not the U.N. General Assembly would have acted otherwise. Major facts are presented to confirm this fraud perpetrated by a Member of the General Assembly, entitled UNITED STATES OF AMERICA are that the UNITED STATES, et al., in the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA in the case of “We the People Foundation, Inc. et al. v. United States,” No. 1:04-cv-01211 EGS, admitted in the Civil War era, however, the U. S, Congress enacted rules abolishing the duty to respond, a change later sanctioned by the Supreme Court [see: 96 Yale Law Journal 142, 164 (1986); Bieregu v. Reno, 59 F.3rd. 1445, 1453, (3rd. Cir. 1995)]. U.S. FEDERAL Judge Emmet G. Sullivan in his Order and Opinion upheld the position of the UNITED STATES et al., to deny the Human Right of “We the People, et al., the “Right of Petition” in the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DICTRICT OF COLUMBIA on August 31, 2005.

Final consideration of conditioning or reason for seeking self-determination: “No constitutional right exists under the Ninth Amendment, or to any other provision of the Constitution of the United States, “…to trust the Federal Government and to rely on the integrity of its pronouncements.” MAPCO, Inc. v Carter (1978, Em Ct App) 573 F2d 1268, cert den 437 US 904, 57 L Ed 2d 1134, 98 S Ct 3090.

Maybe you'd better get your head out of the programming of fraudulent indoctrinations and face reality!

NO REAL JUSTICE IN THEIR COURTS This Research is provided for those in the Movement seeking Good Will with all Walks of Life, who believe that any Attorney can be trusted, when faced from the opposition of Prosecution, when their so-called Attorney’s first duty, is to the Government and their Court [see: Corpus Juris Secundum, Volume 7, Sub-heading Attorney & Client, Sections 2 through 4 wherein it defined—Clients are also called “wards of the court” in regard to their relationship with their attorneys], and their Public Corporation known as the United States [28 U.S.C.A. 3002(15)(A)]. Consider Black’s Law Dictionary, 8th edition (pg. 522), and its definition of “dolus bonus,” wherein the attorneys and the Court may commit legal fraud to control those of unsound mind, as “wards of court.” See Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th edition (pg. 1584).

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Now, in furtherance of defining these four freedoms and our concordat universal statement, to wit:


That part of man or woman, which is called the spirit, and, which belongs to them and to their Creator, is of the very first concerns in designing a free world. It was not their stomachs, but their immortal souls, that brought people, whether as the first settlers or otherwise, to venture into any unknown condition of uncertainty, to attempt to escape tyranny of spiritual and religious oppression, as evidenced by the very fact of their prayers before they ate. Freedom of conscience, the right to worship their Creator, is part of our common soil and of the sky above the continents upon which all Walks of Life have come forth with the Breath of Life. To claim among the powers of Earth their separate and equal station to which the laws of Nature and Nature’s Creator entitle them. Freedom of worship implies that the individual has a source of moral values that transcends the immediate necessities of any society, however important these may be. It is one thing to pay just and equal taxes to support the infrastructures of society—this Mankind will do; it is another to submit their consciences to society—this they politely decline and justly can refuse. The wise society respects the mysterious quality in the individual, and makes societal plans accordingly. The sovereignty of all Walks of Life to guarantee freedom of worship is not in the nature of a grant—it is in the nature of an absolute express admission. It is the sovereignty of all Walks of Life admitting that the spirit soars in the illimitable regions beyond the collectors of customs or the power of society to deny. It was Tomas Paine, one of the great voices of freedom in the late seventeen and early eighteen hundreds, who pointed out that a government could no more grant to Mankind the liberty to worship a Creator than that it could grant to a Creator the liberty of receiving such worship. The miracle of individual sovereignty of self-government of all peoples can achieve within the Universal Public Order offered all Walks of Life is that while many kinds of worship exists spiritually speaking, we nevertheless achieve harmonious Cultural Diversity, Social Unity and Universal Peace. And so we have the impressive spectacle, which is always with us as Sovereign Member E’States of the Sovereign Earth Alliance©®, of men and women with their children attending many different spiritual forums, but in like free and common service to one another, attending the same city, town or village hall meeting, the same political forum and within the alliance not unlike a Town Hall Meeting of the Universe. Opposed to this sovereignty conception of Mankind and of the human spirit is the totalitarian conception. The current illusionary global nation states pretend that they own all of a man, including his conscience via religious doctrines. Such as that perpetrated, by the “Doctrine of Discovery” expounded upon both religiously and legally to continue the colonized subjugation, oppress, and commit genocide against hundreds of millions if not billions for more than five hundred years. It is inevitable that for one to live one must be given the Breath of Life and it is just as inevitable that the present global nation states continue to deny the spiritual liberty that the individual has historically claimed due to his Creator. Because in virtually every respect, the schemes of these masters of false indoctrination and propaganda of deceit are emphatically contradistinctive to these spiritual values, aspirations or teachings to the liberty that Nature and Nature’s Creator has entitled Mankind. These very self-evident entitlements are an indelible Mark upon the soul and spirit of Mankind. These foster ideals within the Mind of all Walks of Life that tend to constantly remind them to aspire to greater works while giving unto them the necessary

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Will to sacrifice. All are continually reminded by these spiritual indelible Marks to Stand against the unjust subordination of the individual’s unalienable birthright to freedom. This indelible Mark upon Mankind’s soul and spirit is the reason why these masters of deceit have historically been unable to successfully fool all the people all the time with their false indoctrination programs. Or, otherwise, we of the Sovereign Earth Alliance©®, could not comprehend the same false mental indoctrination programming that many Walks of Life have historically and are presently subjected to! Life will find a Way to be free. The evidence of this lies in the fact that Mankind has consistently exhausted himself to strive even for the illusions of freedom proffered by these masters of deceit. Even though, the outcome of such deceptive fraud, leads to their total destruction and death, of both their cultures, and, their posterity. These so-called Creator-given entitlements to which Nature declares self-evident could only be an annoyance and a continuing threat to the present global nation states evil aggression, false indoctrination of legalism or religious doctrine and their constant bid for power and their corporate contempt for the common self-evident heritage which inheres in all Walks of Life. Today the struggle of sovereignty of Mankind’s spirit is not only against old world schemes of slavery but also against new and curious shackles of the Mind. Today a new monstrosity has shown itself on Earth, a seven day’s wonder, a new child of tyranny—a political religion in which the leaders of the present illusionary global corporate nation states become, an object of worship and reverence and in which the individual becomes a corpuscle in the fictitious blood of the corporate community, almost without identity, other than to be identified by some fictitious name and numerical accounting. This corporate inanimate freak to which any man or women claiming themselves head of state status, will not allow themselves to be called to give testimony (i.e “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” or “STATE OF GEORGIA” or “UNITED NATIONS” et cetera) on any witness stand. But instead prosecute by fictitious agency corporate NAMES which leaves the “Real Party in Interest” unable to face the true “Real Party of Interest” pressing the purported charge/claim. While forcing people to face agents immune to perjury as aforementioned, under a presumed Oath to testify to the Truth so help them God. Prosecuting any Walks of Life by a fictitious NAME without the slightest breath of life to press a claim—must fail, if only because men are not inanimate clods to be accounted without individual dignity, because the spirit that dwells in the flesh and blood of man does live. And is the only indelible measure of his true identity. And the Truth of Identity of any “Real Party of Interest” must present themselves to press a charge/claim to have honor to merit the subjugation of any “Real Party In Interest.” In the design for a new and better world, to insure spiritual freedom that brings to the cornucopia of opportunity for Mankind’s ultimate manifest destiny demands that people pressing any charge/claim (a named “Party of Interest,” being of flesh and blood) must present themselves if justice is to be rendered, is a fundamental paramount self-evident prerequisite. Otherwise, the jeopardy of not only spiritual freedom but also all freedoms will be lost in the constant insanity that a fiction can justly prosecute or harm anyone while the masters of deceit are able to hide unchecked behind such contemptible agency fictions or otherwise. Without Mankind’s ability to exercise their common heritage within the framework of individual political and spiritual sovereignty that brings actual harm to no one, will ultimately lead to Mankind’s collective failure and utter destruction. By those who are adept at hiding behind fictions, have access to public forums, and seek to persuade a majority of Mankind by tools of aggression and false indoctrination, that the individual may never object to the majority at any cost or expense. Even when it forces him to sacrifice opportunities, or his Life, his posterity, his fortunes and his sacred honor to causes or actions he may claim are repugnant to his spiritual well-being.

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We of the Sovereign Earth Alliance©® in union, among whom, all spiritual inclusiveness not seeking to harm another are open to present themselves via their individual Sovereign Member E’States, see a triumphant peace by which all Mankind will continue the belief in the value of all Walks of Life seeking Good Will, the belief in their elusive and untouchable spirit, and in the solid worth of all Walks of Life to Stand equally by variation of agreement to establish their honor and sovereignty.


This proposal that we want to be abolished from this world such as “freedom from want,” would be pretentious, or even ridiculous, were it not for two important recent discoveries. One is the discovery that, beyond any doubt, people now posses the technical ability to produce in great abundance the necessities of daily life—enough for everyone today and billions more to come. This is a revolutionary and quite unprecedented condition on Earth, which stimulates the imagination and quickens the blood. Another is the discovery (or rather the realization) that the Earth is one planet indivisible—that one man’s hunger is every man’s hunger. We know now that the world must be looked upon as a whole if Mankind is to enjoy the fruits they are now able to produce, and, if the inhabitants of the planet are to survive and prosper. Freedom from want, everywhere in the world, is within the grasp of all Walks of Life. It has never been quite within their grasp before. Prosperous times have been enjoyed in certain regions of the world at certain periods in history, but local prosperity was usually achieved at the expense of some other region, which was being impoverished, and the specter of impending war hung over all, due to the imbalance. Now, the industrial changes of the last one hundred years and the new prospect implicit in the words “Sovereign Earth Alliance” have given meaning to the phrase “freedom from want” and rendered it not only possible but also emphatically necessary. It has been taught that in the year fourteen ninety-two (1492) that the Earth became round in the modern collective public minds of Mankind—although Earth had been privately globular for eons. We are taught that in the year nineteen forty-two (1942), by no coincidence which sought to fortify People of Good Will, the Earth’s rotundity again opened new vistas, alleging time not of fabulous continents ready to be ransacked by masters of deceit, but of a fabulous world ready to be unified and restored. War having achieved totality by the masters of deceit, against men’s wishes but gained with their full participation by those adept at using public forums, the unfortunate great resolve of Mankind went to battle and brought about a illusionary peace which subjected all Walks of Life to international interests that left a massive portion of Mankind without participation deliberately by deceitful design in the so-called New Order Deal. People worried about the period that followed the global wars. Some fear peace more than they fear the calamity of war. But the picture is neither hopeless nor bleak. The framework developed by the adepts seeking to foist total control on the unsuspecting global population, used self-evident spiritual truths to grasp power as they have always done. Having continued to use these self-evident principles of universal spiritual truths, that centralized the New Order Deal, the adepts of deceit have knowingly recognized these self same principles for all Walks of Life to assume among the powers of Earth their separate and equal station to which Nature and Nature’s Creator entitle them. Otherwise, the smaller powers of Earth would not have accepted such a global program fostered by the controllers of the elite Super Powers.

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The world is all one today, but Mankind on the whole is still left in and artificial mental fog, foisted upon them by various global institutional tactics, well versed in the forces of control, over the necessities of all Walks of Life. No military gesture anywhere on Earth, however trivial, has been without consequence everywhere to all Walks of Life; and what is true of the military is true, also, of the economic. The adepts of public manipulation know that most Walks of Life are simple commodities. Bought and sold not unlike the illusionary global corporate nation states endeavor to buy and sell oil, gold or agricultural produce. These private and public international adepts preach that a hungry people anywhere, is a threat to the well fed of all Walks of Life everywhere, while starving millions to death daily, to gain total control of all Walks of Life. Already through this alliance, and otherwise, people are at work making preliminary studies and designing machinery to stabilize the unjust economic instability, created by the adept’s silent weapons for quiet wars, which have subjugated all Walks of Life to unjust pain and suffering. The alliance is preparing to reemploy the returning soldiers of war, to maintain buying power at a high level, to stand behind industry while it is changing to advanced products in every field of endeavor, to guarantee a certain security to all Walks of Life dedicated to such guarantees as the common heritage of all Walks of Life. The Facts that these plans are being drawn is of itself encouraging, for when trouble is anticipated and fairly faced, it is less likely to ensue. The tools of production and the skills that people possess are tremendous when reflecting historically in wartime efforts. And, when the complete alliance of all Walks of Life comes, the world will contain more skilled people than ever before in history dedicated to the individual advancement of all Walks of Life collectively. Those who are at work planning broadly for a better harmonious planetary society universally, propose to equip this enormous productive manpower with new ideas to fit new conditions. The pattern is already becoming apparent. Once, the soil was regarded as something to use and get the most from and then abandon. Now it is something to conserve and replenish. Once it was enough that a people compete freely in business, for the greatest possible gain; now their enterprise, still free, must meet social standards and must not tend toward concentration of power unfavorable to the general well-being of society of all Walks of Life. Once, idle people was presumed to be loafers; now it is realized they may be victims of circumstances in which all share, and for which all are responsible. Neither the great civilizations of the past nor those of the present have ever been free from widespread poverty. Very few of them, and these only during short periods, produced enough wealth to make possible a decent living standard for all their members, even if that wealth had been equally divided. In the short space of a few decades we can change scarcity to planetary abundance and are now engaged in the experiment of trying to live with our new and as yet unimaginable riches. By using the old wartime collective machinery, the problems of planetary production, distribution and consumption are met equally. And since buying power must be earned, freedom from want becomes freedom from mass unemployment, plus freedom from penury for those individuals unable to work.

On planet Earth, the Sovereign Earth Alliance©®, is being proffered as the universal meeting of minds and the common meeting grounds of all interests as the total exercise of the political individual sovereignty of all Walks of Life, and thereby assumes a certain responsibility for the solution of economic problems. This is not a new roll for any Society of Mankind, which has been engaged since the earliest days of Mankind’s history in devising laws and machinery and techniques for promoting the wellbeing of people and/or all Walks of Life, whether he was a soldier returning from war, or a new settler heading west to seek his fortune, or a manufacturer and planter looking for a market for his goods, or a rancher puzzled over problems of animal husbandry. But one that truly represents freely the ability of each and every Walk of Life to have an equal voice in the outcome of a planetary society of self-government to

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which they are secure in the exercise of their common heritage and a timely response when insecurity arises. A just society is one that that sells justice to no one, nor, denies justice to anyone his just due.

The Sovereign Earth Alliance©®, wants a smooth transition from the old materialistic world view to the new spiritual one, and we want a transformation in which the best of the older traditions would be recognized and integrated into the new world that can and must emerge. We can clearly see historically that all, past and presently, on-going and growing belligerence to this universal society envisioned is an aberration, coming not from intention, but from fear. Our original vision is that ethics of human society will be maintained at that same time that each and every Walk of Life could be fully liberated within the framework of these four freedoms while the environment is protected; and that economic creativity will be once conserved and transformed by introducing an overriding spiritual purpose which could and will descend fully into the world and initiate a possible utopia in a way that symbolically fulfill the wants of all Walks of Life while dispelling the fears of aggression and deceit. Yet, for this transition flow to be optimally established across the planetary economy, the stated purpose of business must shift into awareness of the Rights of Life at every stage of being. Our guiding intuitions become most clear when we approach business from an evolving perspective. Our questions must change. Instead of asking what product or service can develop to make the most money, we’re beginning to ask, ‘What can we produce that liberates and informs and makes any world a better place, yet preserves the cultural, spiritual values and delicate environmental balance for all Walks of Life?’ A new code of ethics is being added to the equation of free enterprise. We have come to awake wherever we are and ask ‘What are we creating and does it consciously serve the overall purpose for which technology was invented in the first place: to make everyday subsistence easier, so that the prevailing orientation of all Walks of Life can shift from mere survival and comfort to the interchange of pure spiritual information, and, the necessity of the needs of every individual met equally universally. Each of us has to see that we have a part in the evolution of all Walks of Life toward lower and lower subsistence costs, until finally this basic means of survival is virtually free—thereby helping Mankind return to his natural State-of-Being, exercising their full unalienable power of Earth in harmony with a society of universal Nature and not a subject of the corporate fictitious nation states but a Sovereign Member E’State of planet Earth and worthy of inclusion Universally. The beginning has been made. The right to work. The right to fair pay. The right to adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care. The right to security and technology. The right to equal education. The right to live in an atmosphere of free enterprise. We state these things as “rights”—not because people have any natural right to be nourished and sheltered at the cost of others, not because the world owes any people a living, but because unless Mankind succeeds in filling these primary needs their only development is backward and downward, their only growth malignant, and their last resource WAR! All of these opportunities are not in the alliance record yet. But the opportunities are presently proffered by the alliance in the shape of a blueprint to begin the world’s portfolio of hope for all Walks of Life within the Universal Public Order. Most of the Earth’s people presently are not properly fed, clothed housed or educated. But there has never been a time, since the world began its subjugation under the masters of deceit, when the hope of providing the essentials of Life to every man and woman and child has been so good, or when the absolute necessity has been so great. It can be done. The wealth exists in Earth, the power exists in the advancement of technologies, and people have the tools and the training. What remains to be seen is whether all Walks of Life beginning

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with each and every individual have the wit and the moral character to work together and to lay aside their personnel greed. How can those who call themselves People of Good Will wherever they exist, look into the eyes of one child subjugated into utter slavery, starvation, sickness or death caused by these masters of deceit, remain standing morally silent, while claiming to be good neighbors or their honor as People of Good Will. Our allies and we are Standing today not merely to defend an honorable past and old slogans and faiths, but to construct a still more honorable and rewarding future. Fighting men and women, coming back from wars, will not be satisfied with mere guarantees of dull security—they will expect to find useful work and a vigorous Life. Already moves are being made to meet this inescapable challenge. The first step, obviously, will be to prevent the sort of slump that has usually followed a great shift in political and industrial purpose. War is tremendously costly, in terms of money and Life. Billions are spent in order that the parties to a conflict may win. The peace, too, will be costly, and nothing is gained by evading the facts. But a Universal Society, which can organize them to overcome one sort of enemy, is capable of sustaining such effort through the days that follow. Work, in vast quantity and in infinite variety, will be waiting to be done. We will have the capacity to produce the highest economic gain for all Walks of Life ever known, and the centers of education and jobs to keep all Walks of Life gainfully at work toward the beginning of the greatest Universal Peace and advancement known to Mankind. Freedom from want is neither a conjuror’s trick nor a madman’s dream. The Earth has never known it under the masters of deceit, or anything universally approaching it. But free people do not accept the defeatist notion that it never will. The freeing of all Walks of Life from want is a continuing experiment, the oldest and most absorbing one in the laboratory, the one that has produced the strangest gases and the loudest explosions. It is a people’s own experiment and goes on through the courtesy of chemist and physicists and poets and technicians and men of strong faith and unshakable resolve for the advancement of all Walks of Life initiated exclusively by that most sacred indelible Mark manifesting cognitive reason into the affairs of every aspect of history common to all Walks of Life.


Fear is the inheritance of every animal, and Mankind is no exception. Our children fear the tangible dark, and we give them what reassurance we can, so that they will grow and develop normally, their minds free from imaginary terrors. This reassurance, this sense of protection and security, is an important factor in the advancement of their particular lives. The dark, which has settled on the Earth with the coming of evil might and force, has terrified grown men and women. They fear this dark, fear fire and the sword brought by its masters; they are tormented by the dread of evils that are only too real. They fear the evil conqueror as these masters of deceit place shackles upon their Minds. Above all else they are tortured by that basic political fear: fear of domination of themselves by others—others who are stronger, others which are advancing, others who have weapons of mass destruction and are destroying and burning and pillaging with evil design. This is the fear that haunts billions of men and women everywhere upon the face of Earth. It is the fear of being awakened in the night, with the rapping on the door or subjected to deprivations because they simply strive to exist peaceably while exercising their claim to the same Creator-given unalienable birthrights of common heritage to all Walks of Life. No structure of peace, no design for a good Earth, will have any solidarity or strength or even any meaning unless it disperses the shadow of this fear and brings reassurance to men and women, not only for themselves but for their children and their children’s children. Aggressive war, sudden armed attach, secret police, false indoctrination that empower subjugation, abuse and destruction of life, these must be

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forever circumvented. The use of force, historically the means of settling disputes, must be made less and less feasible on Earth, until it finally becomes impossible. Even though the underlying causes that foment evil aggression or wars may not be immediately eradicated from Earth, the physical act of aggression or war may be prevented when people, by their ingenuity, their intelligence, their memory, and their moral nature, choose to do so. Force can be eliminated as a means of political action only if it be opposed with equal or greater force—which is economic and moral and which is backed by collective empowerment, so that in a society of planetary social constructs no one political construct or group of social compacts or individual will have the opportunity to commit acts of aggression against any neighbor, anywhere upon the face of Earth with impunity. The machinery for enforcing peace is important and indispensable; but even more important is that there be established a moral imperative situation, which will support and operate this machinery. As the first global war ended, an attempt was made to construct an orderly world society capable of self-control. But like the first automobile, it moved haltingly and was more of a novelty than a success. For a while men’s hopes focused on the plan but it was never universally accepted. The faith was not there, nor the courage because the masters of deceit were the initiators of these schemes. In like manner after the second global war, many so-called nation states sought to build on the principles of the first novelty, of a world society of self-control to establish a firmer more resilient social compact giving verbal, written, and physical evidence of working together with unbelieving energy and with harmony of feeling and interest. They desire to win battles, but they are also united by common principles and by a conviction that “their people” ultimately want the same thing from life—freedom, peace, security, and the chance to live as individuals. But like the illusionary nation states themselves, that have subjugated all non-illusionary flesh and blood Walks of Life for eons, by and through false indoctrination of what it calls “their people,” (e.g. We the People of the United Nations) such efforts have altered little the status quo of false indoctrination of these masters of deceit to bring a lasting fruit in the Universal Public Order of Universal Peace. It is and established historical fact that you can fool all the people some of the time, some of the people all the time, but—you cannot fool all the people all of the time. The evidence of false indoctrination is established upon the exercise of indoctrination, proffered by a political social construct, with the outcome of subjugation and injustice or either total destruction of “other people” for failing to state a claim for which relief can be granted. Even when the claim is solely based upon the presumed self-evident common heritage of all Walks of Life. The evidence of Truth residing within any political indoctrination of any particular social compact resides in the collaboration of their political power established thereby, to render justice to all Walks of Life within the framework of these four freedoms. Such collaboration has its origin in the self-evident spirit of the common heritage of all Walks of Life, which infects people regardless of latitude or longitude, and it has been fed historically by the close association by People of Good Will that are geographically near neighbors—as, for example what defines the Good Samaritan. What need would there be to establish fortified borders in a planetary society established upon the common heritage of sovereign political equality of all Walks of Life to state a claim for which relief can be granted within the framework of the four freedoms herein espoused? Empowered and brought into existence for all Walks of Life to exercise their unalienable right to justice against aggression or false indoctrination that would deny them such claims or justice. Still another answer to fear of evil aggression or false indoctrination is found in the concept of the Sovereign Earth Alliance©®. For the first time in history, all Walks of Life will be acting together. In the very midst of the present mortal struggle, to set down the specifications of a peaceful settlement by the

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light of reason which exists amongst various ideologies with the same aims of equality to Stand against aggression and false indoctrination foisted upon them by the present illusionary political schemes which view them as nothing more than a commodity as a subjugated class defined as “subjects/citizens.”

All Walks of Life becoming signatory as Sovereign Member E’States of the Sovereign Earth Alliance©® are and will forever be the life blood of liberty dedicated to preserving the common heritage of all Walks of Life. Can anyone be deaf to the sound of hope in this assemblage? People have not achieved their collective goal yet. But at least they have and are collaborating and collectively aspiring to it, and have accepted a responsibility for it that is continuing and not merely fitful. The work is to go on. This new seat of self-government will be indeed built of many Mansions, whatever its shape, whatever its appointments, whatever its present shortcomings. Such a seat can never be limited by the scope of the hope of a few People of Good Will, due to the fact that Life will always find a way against abhorrent schemes foisted upon Mankind by the whips of evil aggression and false indoctrinations that seek to deny the unalienable rights of liberty to all Walks of Life.

The goals by which the Sovereign Earth Alliance©® chose to establish peace are established upon the principles that clearly expose evil aggression and false indoctrination that deny the common heritage and hope of all Walks of Life universally. But the first move to free people from fear is to achieve a peaceable forum that neither deprives nor sells justice their power to expose such evil aggression or false indoctrination. For at all times and circumstances, all just societies are founded upon these Four Freedoms which requires their power to be exercised with extreme prejudice in the duty to expose injustice. This movement alone has the sole power to deny evil any usurped lofty position of domination and subjugation of Life, to enforce its vile master’s claim of any moral high ground. This alone destroys any abuse of the masters of deceit to the power and appearance of right, to any claim that justly seeks to deny any one their exercise of Life’s self-evident common heritage. This can only be accomplished by disarming evil of its tools for disseminating evil aggression or false indoctrination and keeping them disarmed. A movement created upon the foundation of using jointly the common heritage of all Walks of Life against evil is the exclusive power that effectively and justly counters any evil access to any power to rightly exist. And by these means, to keep the masters of deceit disarmed, by enforcing the Truth of Mankind’s universal common heritage to walk upright in honor with the spiritual force of their Unalienable Birthright to claim the use of these four freedoms on equal footing with all Walks of Life. It will be remembered that the inquisitive Benjamin Franklin, testing the lightening with his kite, found in the storm’s noisy violence the glimmerings of a secret that later illuminated the world. His example suggests that good news is sometimes hidden in bad weather. Today, in the storm that rages across the whole Earth foisted upon them by masters of deceit, people are sending up their kites to the new lightening, to try its possibilities and to prepare for clearing the skies of false indoctrination. The Four Freedoms guide them on. Freedom of speech and worship, freedom from want and fear—these belong to the entire Universe and to all Walks of Life everywhere. Our own efforts, with its ideas of sovereign equality, is an experiment which is conducted against many odds and with much patience and, best of all, established upon the evidence of success in the hope proffered by the historical stepping stones left by the sacrifices of our gallant ancestors. The past stepping-stones and the present steps being taken to buildup a firm foundation of liberty for all Walks of Life has prospered and brought great comfort to many on the grounds of humble hope, that as the good news of the work of the Sovereign Earth Alliance©® goes forth, the work at hand, will bring the same hope to billions. And with it, a new good will, positioned towards Good Will for all Walks of Life to strive forward with and in the great name of Universal Peace, Prosperity and Justice for all.

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Even in the thick of evil aggression, war and false indoctrination, the experiment of the sovereignty of all Walks of Life goes ahead with sacred old and valuable virtues of righteous, honor, and new forms of self-expression, to affirm these efforts. Life is change. The Earth shrinks in upon itself and we adjust to a world in motion, holding fast to the Truth, of what is a State, as we are and know it to be, confident that as long as the love of freedom shows in the eyes of all Walks of Life and his children, freedom will show also in their deeds. These universal statements are comprehended clearly by those in past history daring to maintain such freedoms and presently by those signatory as Sovereign Member E’States of the Sovereign Earth Alliance©® who have succinctly built upon the stepping stones of liberty, left by our honorable and gallant ancestors of holy memory, and from such historical evidence, from which we take our first steps of necessity, to dare continue in like-kind, to maintain such freedom for ourselves while adding further stepping stones for future generations, who chose to comprehend and maintain in like-kind, their Creator-given liberty, Mankind’s unalienable birthright of freedom.

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, in our singular, joint and several State of Being as free and Sovereign Moral Entities, avow and affirm our Sovereignty as Moral Entities seeking Good Will with all Walks of Life, which We hold as a grant from the Divine Supreme Creator and by His sufferance alone. We claim the above enumerated Rights and Liberties, particularly to such Unalienable Birthrights as Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness, and access to the means of acquiring and possessing Private Allodial Property, and all other Rights essential to maintaining Our Free and Sovereign State of Being as the true States-In-Fact, for Us and for Our Posterity. We call upon all People of Good Will to join together with the Signers of this Declaration in a unified commitment to transform today's culture of death, despair, and involuntary labor into a culture of Life and Hope, starting with Their Signatory commitment to this ‘Concordat on Universal Declaration On the Four Freedoms –The Rights of all Walks of Life Everywhere,’ for recognizing the Unalienable Self-evident Rights declared herein and the Universal Empowering of every Member of the family of Earth and Universally elsewhere inclusive hereby.

Among the initial Signers of this Concordat Universal Declaration On the Four Freedoms –The Rights of all Walks of Life Universally entitled by Their Almighty and Eternal Supreme Creator are:

Records of the Signatories: Held by the Ministry Secretariat

Proffered without prejudice,

By: H.R.M. Arthur Alexander Augustus©

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Magnus Regnant of the Sovereign Earth Alliance©®