search engines and the power they have over the information we access

SEARCH ENGINES and the power they have over the information we acc

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and the power they have over the information we access

Google Options

Dan Firger

Controlling the internet: different strategies

AOL sought to control internet connections.

If everyone logs on through AOL, the company could (they thought) steer users towards AOL/Time Warner content

Microsoft tried to controlinternet browsers

(Windows 95/release of Internet Explorer)

If everyone uses Microsoft’s browser, The company can steer people towards Microsoft’s content/banner advertising

Google arrived at search as the “killer application” for

making $$ online.

History of search engines?

SEOsSearch Engine Optimizers

EX: Pepperjamsearch

EX: iClimberEX: Websearch Specialists

Google: Adwords (sponsored links)

+ Adsense (contextual links)

“Gain Adwords Knowledge. Get Google Recognition. Make more money.”

Yahoo/Yahoo SearchMarketing

“Connecting with customers searching for what you sell.”

MSN LiveSearch/AdCenter

“Your ideal audience is among the millions. We find them for you.”

Google’s market value$157 billion

Google Options

Unity cable WiMax

Google server farm

What exactly is so dangerous about a marketing conglomerate dominating our access to information?

Let’s think….