sekhukhune dispatch 11 december 2015

Friday 11 December 2015 Year 6 164th Edition Tel: 013 262 4416 G4S Security Company was robbed by unknown suspects in Marble Hall in the early hours of Wednesday 9 December. The robbers arrived in three vehicles at the company premises at Railway Street in Marble Hall CBD and held the employees hostage before they fled. According to eyewitnesses, the robbers were travelling with a white new model BMW, a white Mercedes Benz and a white Double Cab bakkie. An eyewitness who doesn’t want to be named told the Dispatch: "I was on night duty with my colleagues when we heard sounds of heavy gun shots coming from the streets. That was around 01:30 in the morning. We went to investigate and saw three vehicles driving down the streets with passengers shooting randomly in all directions." He said the vehicles came back and they decided to run and hide to avoid being hit by stray bullets. "The robbers' vehicles were moving around town while firing shots in different directions to make sure that they were not disturbed by anyone when the robbery was in progress. Nine G4S workers were held hostage by some of the robbers inside the company's office. It was like a Hollywood action movie," he said. He added that the Marble Hall armed response company was informed about this robbery in progress but they did not get any closer after hearing the shots of the big guns carried by the robbers. "There were heavy sounds like thunder; I think these robbers were firing the shots with AK47s. The police were called but they also failed to arrive," he said. He added that the incident took almost an hour where the robbers managed to flee with the money. He said the police arrived a few minutes after the robbers fled the scene. "There were bullet cartridges everywhere on the streets and some of the people around town were even afraid to get any closer," he added. He said more police units were deployed at the scene in the morning and some streets were completely closed. "The town was full of different police units who were examining the scene and resulted in the disruption of the traffic flow" he said. The Limpopo Police Provincial Spokesperson Colonel Ronel Otto con- firmed that the security company was robbed by an unknown number of suspects in four vehicles. G4S Security Company robbed in “Hollywood style” "According to the information the suspects used a vehicle to ram the security door into the building and fired several shots into the air. They then robbed the personnel who were working night shift of an undis- closed amount of money and fled the scene. No one was injured during the robbery. It is believed that about 10 to 12 might have been involved in the armed robbery. No arrests have been made at this stage, investi- gations continue," she said.

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Community news for the Sekhukhune and surrounding districts


Page 1: Sekhukhune Dispatch 11 December 2015

Friday 11 December 2015Year 6 164th Edition Tel: 013 262 4416

G4S Security Company was robbed by unknown suspects in Marble Hallin the early hours of Wednesday 9 December. The robbers arrived inthree vehicles at the company premises at Railway Street in Marble HallCBD and held the employees hostage before they fled. According toeyewitnesses, the robbers were travelling with a white new model BMW,a white Mercedes Benz and a white Double Cab bakkie.An eyewitness who doesn’t want to be named told the Dispatch: "I wason night duty with my colleagues when we heard sounds of heavy gunshots coming from the streets. That was around 01:30 in the morning. Wewent to investigate and saw three vehicles driving down the streets withpassengers shooting randomly in all directions."He said the vehicles came back and they decided to run and hide to avoidbeing hit by stray bullets."The robbers' vehicles were moving around town while firing shots indifferent directions to make sure that they were not disturbed by anyonewhen the robbery was in progress. Nine G4S workers were held hostageby some of the robbers inside the company's office. It was like aHollywood action movie," he said.He added that the Marble Hall armed response company was informedabout this robbery in progress but they did not get any closer afterhearing the shots of the big guns carried by the robbers."There were heavy sounds like thunder; I think these robbers were firingthe shots with AK47s. The police were called but they also failed toarrive," he said.He added that the incident took almost an hour where the robbersmanaged to flee with the money. He said the police arrived a few minutesafter the robbers fled the scene."There were bullet cartridges everywhere on the streets and some of thepeople around town were even afraid to get any closer," he added.He said more police units were deployed at the scene in the morning andsome streets were completely closed."The town was full of different police units who were examining the sceneand resulted in the disruption of the traffic flow" he said.The Limpopo Police Provincial Spokesperson Colonel Ronel Otto con-firmed that the security company was robbed by an unknown numberof suspects in four vehicles.

G4S Security Company robbedin “Hollywood style”

"According to the information the suspects used a vehicle to ram thesecurity door into the building and fired several shots into the air. Theythen robbed the personnel who were working night shift of an undis-closed amount of money and fled the scene. No one was injured duringthe robbery. It is believed that about 10 to 12 might have been involvedin the armed robbery. No arrests have been made at this stage, investi-gations continue," she said.

Page 2: Sekhukhune Dispatch 11 December 2015

2 DISPATCH FRIDAY 11 December 2015

A construction company was paid an amount of R66 416-00 by Elias Motsaoledi Local Munici-pality for no work done. The project was initiated by the council in August this year. On 14 October,an order number was issued by the municipality where the company Edith Construction (Pty) Ltd,was appointed by the municipality to supply and install culverts at Barlow and Grobler Streetsin Groblersdal Town.On 15 October, the municipality's Director of Infrastructure Theresa Komape authorised thepayment of the money and handed it over to the Acting Municipal Manager Mishack Kgwaleclaiming that the work has completely done by the company. The acting municipal manager laterpaid the rest of the money to the company's bank account without any work done."This is a violation of the Public Finance Management Act that outlines the payments of thecontractors. How can the construction company be paid for work that has not even started?"asked Elias Motsaoledi Ward 10 Councillor Seun Mogotji.Mogotji said the director of infrastructure and acting municipal manager were aware thatauthorizing the funds was irregular and fruitless expenditure in the municipality.He said a case of theft and fraud has been reported by the Mpumalanga Party to the Hawks forfurther investigation. He said some of the matters were reported at the Groblersdal SAPS but theywere never investigated but, with the Hawks involved, they hope that these charges will beinvestigated properly.Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality Spokesperson Mbusi Mahlangu confirmed that a case oftheft and fraud was opened against the municipality. He told the Dispatch that the municipalitycannot comment further as the matter is under investigation."We cannot comment any further as the case is still under investigation. The municipality will waitfor the outcomes of the investigation before we can comment any further," he said.

Elias Motsoaledi Municipality paysthousands for no work done

Edith Construction Company was paid an amount of R66 416-00 for work that theydid not even start.

Page 3: Sekhukhune Dispatch 11 December 2015

DISPATCH FRIDAY 11 December 2015 3

The Sekhukhune District Municipality is dis-turbed by the recent violence that erupted atthe R555 Road between Makhuduthamaga andElias Motsoaledi Local Municipalities where 16trucks, busses and private vehicles have beentorched on Sunday 6 December 2015.These acts are allegedly perpetrated by someresidents from Ngwaabe, Phasha Mampuruand Tukakgomo areas as they continue to be atlogger-head with mining companies; accusingthem of not providing jobs and empowermentopportunities.The Executive Mayor of Sekhukhune DistrictMunicipality Cllr Mogobo David Magabe wishesto state on record that communities are raisinggenuine concerns however acts of criminalityare subject for the law enforcement agenciesand are deeply discouraged. "It is imperative tonote that since January 2015, the ExecutiveMayor has held engagements with communi-ties and stakeholders in a dialogue intended atmaking sure that the communities, mines andgovernment find each other. The result of theseengagements was two meetings held with formerDMR Minister Adv. Ngoako Ramatlhodi, min-ing companies, communities and governmentofficials. And the intervention amongst others

16 Vehicles torched, District Municipality concernedresulted in the signing of what is referred to asthe 'Thaba Moshate Agreement' where com-munities, mines and government decided toform a Task Team which becomes the first pointof call when dealing with issues relating tomines and communities. The role of the Execu-tive Mayor in this Task Team is coordinationand to provide support. Until lately, when splin-ter groups emerged within the task team, thesituation was relatively calm and conductivefor investment and empowerment of local com-munities" On allegations that the ExecutiveMayor is a stumbling block towards employ-ment and empowerment of local people, thestatement made is deeply refuted as the Execu-tive Mayor is responsible for 5 local municipali-ties and the district, 121 wards, 740 villages andits people. He remains the champion of theNational Development Plan and the FreedomCharter, documents that are the geared towardsdealing decisively with the triple challenge ofpoverty, unemployment and inequality."We believe that these are unfounded allega-tions based on uninformed politicalgrandstanding and media attention. If they aregenuine let them to be tested and proven evenif it means using state agencies," said the

Executive Mayor. Magabe added that on themotion that the Executive Mayor must resignthe District Municipality conforms to a proce-dure that requires the complainant to write aletter to the Speaker of Council who uponinvestigation will determine if there are merits tothe call and approve a motion that will bediscussed by the ruling party caucus and bereferred to Council for finalization. "It cannot bethat when a person or a group of persons havethis particular view, government will hastilytake action without following proper proce-dures," added Magabe.He said the District Municipality remains com-mitted to the improvement of the living stand-ard of the 1,1 million people of Sekhukhune."We will therefore resist any agenda by anypolitical formations which hide behind the genu-ine concerns of our people to perpetrate anar-chy and score cheap political points," he con-cluded. The Limpopo Provincial SpokespersonColonel Ronel Otto confirmed that a number ofvehicles were torched by residents during theprotest."Members of the Public Order Policing arebeing deployed to monitor the situation, noinjuries reported at this stage,” said Otto.

Page 4: Sekhukhune Dispatch 11 December 2015

4 DISPATCH FRIDAY 11 December 2015

A G4S security guard was robbed of his service pistol by two robbers at Cashbuild in Van RiebeeckStreet, Groblersdal Town. The incident took place on Tuesday 8 December around 13:00. Thecriminals were aiming for the money that the security company was collecting at the store. Theattempt failed and the criminals ended up taking the guard's service pistol and fled the scene.The CCTV footage shows two robbers getting inside the store pretending to be customers justafter a G4S vehicle park outside. A few minutes later when the G4S security personnel came outof the office with the money, the robbers cornered and pointed him with firearms.They took him to a spot where no one was noticing it and disarmed him. They left the scene withoutthe cash.The robbers left through the back door and board their getaway vehicle, a Golf 6 GTI with oneoccupant who was driving. Loskop Alarms were called immediately but the robbers already fled when they arrived.Groblersdal Police Spokesperson Warrant Officer Stanley Magaela confirmed that a G4S securitypersonnel was robbed off his service pistol by two robbers at Cashbuild in Groblersdal's VanRiebeeck Street."The robbers were aiming for the money but they ended up leaving with the guard's service pistol.No one is arrested at this stage and a docket of armed robbery is under investigation," he said.

Cashbuild armedrobbery fails: Criminalsget away with security

personnel's firearm

Armed robbersfled with a G4Ssecurity person-nel's service pis-tol while intend-ing to robCashbuild inG r o b l e r s d a lTown.

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DISPATCH FRIDAY 11 December 2015 5

Page 6: Sekhukhune Dispatch 11 December 2015

6 DISPATCH FRIDAY 11 December 2015

Two Community Policing forummembers Thami Sindane and Xolani

CPF members charged after beating up nyaope addicts

Makofane from Elandsdoorn Township inDennilton, Moutse area received R300 fines atthe Dennilton SAPS after allegedly beating upnyaope addicts who were terrorizing the area.The beating comes after an operation by theElandsdoorn community after a number of watertaps were stolen in the township.During the operation the community receiveda tip-off that led them to a place where the tapsand other stolen goods were hidden. On arrival,the community found a group of boys who aresuspected to be nyaope addicts in possessionof stolen water taps, copper cables and windowhandles. After the discovery the communitystarted beating the suspects. As a result someof them ended up admitted in PhiladelphiaHospital for treatment. After being dischargedfrom the hospital, the suspected copper thieveswent to open an assault case against ThamiSindane and Xolani Makofane at DenniltonSAPS on Thursday 29 November. A warrant of

arrest was issued against the two CPF members immediately. Afterreceiving the news, community members accompanied the two CPFmembers at the Dennilton Police Station on Wednesday 2 December.They were demanding that the police drops the charges against the twoand arrest the suspected copper thieves. But the police refused andissued R300-00 fine against the two CPF members. According to ThamiSindane the police acted unfairly in the matter as one of the suspectedcopper thieves is still wanted by the police. He told the Dispatch that theyreported these nyaope addicts to the station but nothing was done. "Weonce apprehended these addicts to the station while they were still inpossession of this substance but we were told we could be arrested aswe are the ones carrying the sachets. We then decided to throw thesubstance away as the police were not able to help us," he said. Thamisaid these addicts continue to terrorize the township and other sur-rounding villages by committing house breakings and robbing peopleon the streets while the police is doing nothing."We have had enough of these criminals and we decided to launch aoperation that will hunt them down so that they could be disciplinedthrough mob justice. We are surprised now because the one who openeda case against us is wanted by the police for five offences he committedaround Moutse," he said.The Dennilton SAPS was not able to comment as they do not have aspokesperson currently.

Left: ThamiSindane atDennilton PoliceStation has to paya R300-00 fine af-ter one of thenyaope addictsopened an as-sault case againsthim.

Below: A com-munity member,Harry Skobelasays nyaope ad-dicts deserve tobe beaten up asthey terrorize thecommunity.

The Limpopo Department of Cooperative Gov-ernance, Human Settlement and TraditionalAffairs allocated 80 RDP houses to be built atElias Motsoaledi Ward 11.According to Elias Motsoaledi Ward 11 Coun-cillor Ali Maloba, the request of these units wasdone a few years back but it was always hittinga stumbling block as a result of sabotage bysome of the ruling party officials in the munici-pality. "I wrote countless letters to the depart-ment demanding houses for indigent residentsin my ward but due to the interference by theANC officials the department took time to re-spond. I am glad now the community will ben-efit at last," he said.Maloba added that some parts of the ward wereexcluded in the allocation where there is also aneed of RDP houses."Areas such as Elandsdoorn are in need ofthese houses but they were not catered for inthe allocation. There is a huge backlog there butwe are in negotiations with the department sothat they will be looked after too," he said.He said the other problem is that there are somecommunity members who appear in the statusreport as beneficiaries who received housesbut they were not built. He said they are still inthe process of reviewing the report in order toaccommodate them in the allocation."Some community members are residing in pri-vate lands such as Five Morgan Village but wemanaged to accommodate them in the alloca-tion where they will get government servicesfor the first time in their lives," he said.Maloba added that they still have a huge back-log and are still waiting for other RDP housingunits to be approved by the department soon."We are expecting other RDP houses to beallocated by the department and thus a total of112 units will be built in Elias Motsoaledi LocalMunicipality Ward 11," he said.

RDP housing unitsfor Elias MotsaolediWard 11 residents

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DISPATCH FRIDAY 11 December 2015 7

Slovo Park Primary'sGraduations and Farewell

Slovo Park Primary at Moteti Slovo Park heldthe Graduations of the Grade R, Farewell of theGrade 7 and a Prize Giving Ceremony. The eventwas held at the school's premises in MotetiSlovo Park on Friday 27 November. Communitymembers, educators and pupils came to sup-port and witness this annual Slovo Park Primaryevent. The majority of pupils from Slovo ParkPrimary presented their speeches to theattendees.Lethabo Kgomo, a grade 7 learner praised theschool's Principal Mr MJ Talane for supportingpupils all these years. He regarded the principalas a role model and mentor to every learner inthe school. "Our school principal supportedand loved us a lot all these years. We are proudtoday because he protected, guided, inspiredand motivated us to take our lessons seriouslystarting from the first day of schooling," hesaid. Lethabo said that their educators alsoplayed a typical role in the success of thelearners. "Our educators and principal werealways patient and encouraged us to do greatthings all the time. With the courage we havetoday, we are now able to do right things," hesaid. He promised that the 2015 grade 7 learnerswill make the school proud when attendingdifferent secondary schools next year."We will not let our school down wherever wego next year. We will make our principal andEducators proud by studying very hard topursue our careers as they always wanted thatfor us. We are proud of our educators and theywill always remain in our hearts. I can assureyou that we will do itand this is a firm factnot just an opinioncoming from us thegrade 7 learners," hesaid.The Slovo Park Pri-mary School PrincipalMr MJ Talane said theevent went well andthe pupils were happyto receive their certifi-cates and awards. Hesaid the school willcontinue with this an-nual event but thereare some changes thatwill take place startingfrom next year."We will no longerhave the Grade RGraduation startingfrom 2016. Our schoolwill encourage learn-ers to graduate in pre-school and crèchesjust before they cometo enrol at our school.This will enable us tosave costs and timeduring our next annualend of the yearevents," he said.

The school Principal MJ Talane and hisDeputy Mrs KA Loate handing over andcongratulating learners during the event.

Success Masango, Ayanda Mdluli,Kelebogile Monama and LehlogonoloThantsha were the programme directorsof the day.

Lethabo Kgomo was amongst the grade7 learners who presented their speeches.

Page 8: Sekhukhune Dispatch 11 December 2015

8 DISPATCH FRIDAY 11 December 2015

Mafia FC hosted Dennilton SAPS FC for a fitness friendly soccer matchon Wednesday 2 December. The match was organized at Mafia SoccerField at Watervaal Village.Just after the referee blew his whistle to officially start the first half of thematch, the host nearly scored an opener. An SAPS defender passed aball to Mafia striker Bongani but his shot went wide facing the goalie.After being pressured, the visitors started to play off-side traps and thisallowed the host to play long passes to find their strikers who werecaught off-side in many occasions by the referee. Just before the 15thminute, Mafia had another scoring chance after a counter attack madein the mid-field where the ball was passed to Fisher who was in a goodposition but was denied by the goalie in the box and conceded a cornerinstead.

Come-back by Dennilton SAPS in a friendly soccer matchA few minutes later in the 18th minute, Mafia scored a opening goal byMahlatse, a close range in the box sending the goalie to the wrong wayand 1-0 it was to the host.The hosts kept on attacking and managed to score a second goal aftera counter by Bheki, a close range beating SAPS goalkeeper, Xavi to makeit 2-0 to Mafia FC in the 35th minute. The first half ended 2-0 to Mafia FC.In the second half Dennilton SAPS started by attacking demanding aearly goal but were denied when the hosts started to play defensivelyand not allowing SAPS players into the box.The hosts managed to score a third goal by Madala, a counter enteringthe box to beat the goalie in close range, 3-0 it was to Mafia FC in the 64thminute. A few minutes after the host's third goal, a free kick was givento Dennilton SAPS after their player was tackled from behind. SAPS' mid-fielder, Manyaka, took the ball straight into the net and left the goalie

stand still when he scored the visitor's first goalin a long range, 3-1 it was. Towards the 80thminute SAPS started playing good passes anddominated the match. Their performance wasrewarded when they scored a second goal byThier striker, Sandile, a long range out of the boxbeating the goalie to make it 3-2 in the 81stminute. After the second goal the visitorscontinued to dominate the match and managedto score an equalizing goal in the 86th minutewhen Sandile scored his brace after a cross-barthat ended up in the net to make it 3-3.The match ended with a 3-3 draw betweenMafia FC and Dennilton SAPS FC.

The visitors, Dennilton SAPS FC just before the start of theirmatch facing Mafia FC.

Mafia FC hosted Dennilton SAPS FC for a Friendly matchthat ended with a 3-3 draw.

Every December, Orlando Pirates player, Mpho Makola organizes asoccer tournament at his home in Tafelkop Village. The tournament istaking place annually and caters teams from Tafelkop Village andsurrounding villages.This year, the tournament will commence on Tuesday 22 December atTafelkop Stadium and will be a knockout stage from the beginning.Spectators are expected to come in numbers to support their teamsstarting from the first day of the tournament. The gates will open earlyin the morning and a R10-00 fee is charged per person. Children's entryis free of charge.According to one of the organizers, Jeffrey Mtshweni, eight teams willplay in the four matches on Tuesday 22 December. The last eight teamswill play the following day on Wednesday 23 December."The tournament's quarter finals will play on Thursday 24 Decemberwhere the remaining eight teams will be competing to book a place in thesemi-finals. The semi-finals and finals will take place on Christmas Day.The first two matches will be played by all four teams where the thirdmatch will be played by losers in the semi-finals to book themselves thethird place in the tournament. The final match that will separate men fromboys will take place later on Christmas Day," he said.He said two soccer kits are donated by Mpho Makola to be worn by thetwo teams who will be playing the final match.Jeffrey added that the tournament will include big prizes. The winnerswill walk away with R25 000-00, a floating trophy and gold medals. Thesecond prize winners will get R12 000-00 and silver medals. A team thatwill win in the semi-finalists losers will take home R5 000-00 and the fourthplace prize winners will walk away with R3 000-00."Other prizes will be given to players who played well during thetournament including player of the tournament, leading goal scorer in thetournament and the goalkeeper of the tournament. We acknowledge thesupport that Mpho Makola is contributing to his community to promotesports. Since his contribution, the spirit of playing soccer is becomingvery high as this Orlando Pirates player use to invite his fellow teammatesto attend the tournament every year," he said.Jeffrey appealed to community members to come in numbers to supportthe tournament in order to encourage young players who will be takingpart in the tournament.

Mpho Makola SoccerTournament on the way