sekhukhune dispatch 15 april 2016

Friday 15 April 2016 Year 6 171st Edition Tel: 013 262 4416 As part of encouraging people to register for the upcoming Local Government Elections, ANC Secretary General Gwede Mantashe vis- ited the Jane Furse area in Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality. Mantashe’s visit, that took place on Saturday 9 April, forms part of the ANC’s call to encour- age residents to come out in numbers to register during the last open registration weekend of Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 April. However, some of the residents claimed that Mantashe’s visit was a not rehearsed perform- ance aimed at winning hearts of residents ahead of the elections that will take place 3 August this year. Furthermore, the ANC in Limpopo Province was during the same weekend en- “ANC is in decline” says Secretary General, Gwede Mantashe. gaged in a massive voter registration campaign all over the province. Mantashe also called upon Makhuduthamaga residents to as well use the last voter registra- tion opportunity to verify their registration status and also their physical address. Joined by Limpopo Premier Stanley Mathabatha and Limpopo MEC for Education Ishmael Kgetjepe, Mantashe, the Secretary General unfolded his daily activities by a briefing ses- sion with other Limpopo and Sekhukhune offi- cials. “When selflessness, one of the princi- pled characters of our movement, is being re- placed by a new found expression of selfish- ness, wherein personal accumulation becomes the main cause for divisions, we must know that the movement is in decline,” said Mantashe during the briefing. A door-to-door campaign, that was aimed to educate residents with politi- cal education and the importance of taking part in elections was held at Makhuduthamaga Ward 18 in RDP Section. Mantashe also had an opportunity to meet stakeholders as part of his daily activities. Blitz and walk about in Jane Furse gave residents, who were around the busiest Jane Furse busi- ness area, a chance to meet and chat with the ruling party’s Secretary General. He then wrapped up his day by another door- to-door campaign that took place at Makhuduthamaga Ward 10 villages.

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Community news for the Sekhukhune and surrounding districts


Page 1: Sekhukhune Dispatch 15 April 2016

Friday 15 April 2016Year 6 171st Edition Tel: 013 262 4416

As part of encouraging people to register forthe upcoming Local Government Elections,ANC Secretary General Gwede Mantashe vis-ited the Jane Furse area in MakhuduthamagaLocal Municipality.Mantashe’s visit, that took place on Saturday9 April, forms part of the ANC’s call to encour-age residents to come out in numbers to registerduring the last open registration weekend ofSaturday 9 and Sunday 10 April.However, some of the residents claimed thatMantashe’s visit was a not rehearsed perform-ance aimed at winning hearts of residents aheadof the elections that will take place 3 Augustthis year. Furthermore, the ANC in LimpopoProvince was during the same weekend en-

“ANC is in decline”says SecretaryGeneral, Gwede

Mantashe.gaged in a massive voter registration campaignall over the province.Mantashe also called upon Makhuduthamagaresidents to as well use the last voter registra-tion opportunity to verify their registrationstatus and also their physical address.Joined by Limpopo Premier Stanley Mathabathaand Limpopo MEC for Education IshmaelKgetjepe, Mantashe, the Secretary Generalunfolded his daily activities by a briefing ses-sion with other Limpopo and Sekhukhune offi-cials. “When selflessness, one of the princi-pled characters of our movement, is being re-placed by a new found expression of selfish-ness, wherein personal accumulation becomesthe main cause for divisions, we must know that

the movement is in decline,” said Mantasheduring the briefing. A door-to-door campaign,that was aimed to educate residents with politi-cal education and the importance of taking partin elections was held at Makhuduthamaga Ward18 in RDP Section.Mantashe also had an opportunity to meetstakeholders as part of his daily activities. Blitzand walk about in Jane Furse gave residents,who were around the busiest Jane Furse busi-ness area, a chance to meet and chat with theruling party’s Secretary General.He then wrapped up his day by another door-to-door campaign that took place atMakhuduthamaga Ward 10 villages.

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2 DISPATCH FRIDAY 15 April 2016

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DISPATCH FRIDAY 15 April 2016 3

The Premier of Limpopo Province Stanley Mathabatha and Mayor ofElias Motsoaledi Local Municipality Cllr Julia Mathebe, have recentlysent condolences to families of eight people who lost their lives in a tragicaccident that took place on Easter Monday.Fourteen passengers boarded the taxi from the Apel Taxi Rank and theywere on the way to Gauteng.The fatal accident took place between Makgatle and Mamphogo Vil-lages near Marble Hall where a mini bus taxi collided head on with a FordFiesta that was going in the opposite direction. The taxi caught fire andleft eight victims burned beyond recognition.“Out of eight deceased, two are from within our municipality atLegolaneng Village, Elias Motsoaledi Ward 21,” said Mathebe.Mathebe visited the families to offer words of condolences on behalf ofthe municipality.“Our prayers and thoughts are with close relatives, families and friendsduring this difficult time,” she said.Limpopo Premier Stanley Mathabatha has also expressed his grief andalso sent words of condolences to the families. Mathabatha also raiseda concern about road safety where accidents claim lives of residents inLimpopo. The Easter Monday crash saw the province’s death toll jumpto 25 since the beginning of the Easter weekend.The Road Accident Fund and the Apel Long Distance Taxi Associationwere meeting with health officials to help families and victims cope withthe difficulty they gone through after this tragic accident.Apel Long Distance Taxi Association said members of the family wereinformed and visited to inform them about the situation.Survivors said their bid to rescue the trapped passengers failed as therewere no fire extinguisher to put out the flames. Several recounted howsome of the passengers managed get out of the taxi through windows,but that others were trapped and burnt beyond recognition.Eight people were taken to hospital and two were treated with minorinjuries. The crash saw the road closed for nearly four hours on Mondayto allow forensic and crime scene investigators to work at the accidentscene. Six of the deceased were residents of Fetakgomo Local Munici-pality and were identified as Thabo Maditsi (Ga-Nkoana Village), ThatoMalatjie (Ga-Nchabeleng Village), William Thobela (Mohlaletse Vil-lage), Molefe Mashabela (Tswereng Village), Clifford Maredi (MohlaletseVillage) and Conny Mogoba (Ga-Nkoana Village).

Limpopo Health Department authorities said DNA examination will beconducted in consultation with the relatives of victims who died in a fatalaccident between Makgatle and Maphokgo on Easter Monday.The Limpopo Department of Roads and Transport Spokesperson KagisoMootane said they hope that the forensic investigation will be com-pleted soon and help identifying the bodies of the eight victims, amongthem the two drives from both vehicles. She said the DNA examinationwill be done in a bid of identifying the remains.Mootane said the victims were burned beyond recognition when theywere trapped in the two burning vehicles while efforts to rescue themfailed due to the unavailability of fire extinguishers.Limpopo Police Spokesperson Colonel Ronel Otto said the bodies areat the government Mortuary in Groblersdal and arrangements are beingmade for the DNA testing.She said families and friends of the victims will soon be able to bury theirloved ones as the DNA examination is underway and will be completedsoon.

Passengersburn to death in


DNA examination toassist in identifying

bodies of crashvictims

Dennilton Police are investigating a case of attempted murder afterMpumalanga Party Councilor in Elias Motsaoledi Local Municipalityand Bolsheviks Party of South Africa leader Seun Mogotji was shot byunknown suspects. Mogotji was hit on both thighs after about 12 bulletswere fired at him just when he arrived home at Ntwane Lesehleng onTuesday 5 April. The gunmen fled. Mogotji managed to call for help andwas rushed to Philadelphia Hospital. “I arrived home at 10:25 pm and didnot suspect anything as it was a quite night. I took out my laptop andlocked the car. When I was inside busy closing the door, I startedrealizing that my legs were getting wet and when I look down, I saw bloodflowing. That’s when I realize I was shot,” he said. Mogotji claim that theattack was politically motivated and said he have no doubt that theattackers were hit men sent to assassinate him. “This is a clear indicationthat the attack was politically motivated and there are people who wantto silence me as we approach the Local government Elections,” saidMogotji. Mogotji added that he is lucky to be alive as a number of 12bullets were fired at him during the attack. He said his vehicle was alsoshot on the petrol tank to make sure that his house is busting into flames.“Luckily it did not catch fire after the shooting,” he said. Limpopo PoliceProvincial Spokesperson Colonel Ronel Otto said a total of 10 cartridgeswere found at the scene. Otto said the motive of the shooting is still notknown at the stage and no one is arrested. “It seems as if a 9mm pistolwas used while shooting, but the motive of the shooting is still unknown.No arrests have been made yet and further investigations are being doneto determine the exact cause of the shooting,” she said.

Limpopo PremierS t a n l e yMathabatha sendcondolences tothe family mem-bers of eight peo-ple who died inthe fatal accidentb e t w e e nMakgatle andMamphogo inEphraim MogaleLocal Municipal-ity.

Seun Mogotji survivesshooting

Seun Mogotji lying in hospital after hewas shot in both thighs. TheMpumalanga Party Councillor in , sayshe is lucky to be alive after gunmenfired 12 bullets at him.

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4 DISPATCH FRIDAY 15 April 2016

A concern was raised by oppositions in EliasMotsaoledi Local Municipality after municipaloffices were completely closed on Friday 8April when workers were taking part in ANCmotorcade.Mpumalanga Party Councillor and EFF Con-vener in Moutse, Ali Maloba said municipalworkers and officials claim they received in-struction from the Mayor’s office that theyshould take part in the motorcade.“Municipal offices were completely closed sincethe morning where employees who were fullydressed with ANC artier came in numbers atElandsdoorn Township for a motorcade. Themayor, Cllr Julia Mathebe was also a part ofemployees who were motorcading during work-ing hours. This is a waste of tax payers moneyjust to serve the interests of a political organi-zation,” said Maloba.He added that the ANC members illegally en-tered Moutse Mall where customers were in-timidated by the unplanned motorcade held by

Municipality closes doors tosupport ANC Motorcade

Elias Motsaoledi Local Municipality employ-ees.“Customers were intimidated and started com-plaining to the centre manager who was urgedto call the police to remove hundreds of ANCmembers in Moutse Mall,” he said.Maloba claims that EFF members who wereoutside Moutse Mall at the time were alsothreatened and intimidated. He said some EFFposters were forcefully removed by ANC mem-bers who were a part of the motorcade.“Our members were busy placing posters onthe streets and were intimidated by some ANCmembers who were in the motorcade. Some ofour posters at Lapeng Tavern were removed.We also discovered that some of the posterswere removed at Philadelphia T-Junction byANC councillors,” he said.Maloba went on and said: “If this is how theANC is doing things, we are prepared to fightfire with fire by intimidating their gatheringstoo. We are not crying babies and could not

tolerate this kind of a treatment. It is clear thatthese people feel politically threatened by theEFF and want to disrupt anything aligning tothe Economic Freedom Fighters.”He said they raised a concern about the closureof municipal offices during working hours andawaiting a positive response.Elias Motsaoledi Local Municipality Spokes-person Mbusi Mahlangu denies that the mu-nicipal offices were closed on Friday 8 April. Hesaid the municipality was operating normallythe whole day. He added that the municipalitywas not even aware that any political activitywas taking place that day. “I was in the officefor the rest of the day and can assure you thatthe municipality was operating as usual. Thereare some officials who were on leave and couldbe attending the motorcade that day,” he said.Mahlangu slammed claims that the instructionof closing the municipality was coming from theMayor’s Office. “I am also the manager in theMayor’s Office and do not remember any in-struction of closing on Friday going to theemployees. In actual fact workers do not eventake instructions from the Office of the Mayorbut from managers and directors,” he con-cluded.

ANC members in numbers attending a motorcade at Moutse Mall in Dennilton.

Some of the removed EFF placards atLapeng in Elandsdoorn.

Sekhukhune Congress is calling for the imme-diate resignation of the Limpopo EducationMEC Ishmael Kgetjepe. The statement wasmade by the party leader Pastor DerrickMosoana. Mosoana said the call comes afterthe MEC’s failure to attend and resolve schoolsrelated challenges in the province.“Some of the schools in the province are in adire state where learners attend their lessons inabsolute inhumane conditions,” said Mosoana.He said some schools such as Mpepule Primaryare a example of the MEC’s failure to act in orderto improve the standard of unbearable condi-tions pupils urge to go through on daily basis.“Education in Limpopo has been severely im-pacted by the incapacity of the MEC to dealdecisively with non-performance, inability toinvent new ideas and his unwillingness toensure efficient and effective delivery. MECKgetjepe can not continue to milk our taxes inthe name of salary when he fails to deliver on hismandate,” furthered Mosoana.He said Sekhukhune Congress will soon ar-range a meeting with MEC Kgetjepe to negoti-ate about the party’s call on his resignation.“It is our believe that this comrade who iscoming from Sekhukhune in Mohlaletse Villageis now gradually becoming a liability to ourgovernment. He is no longer considering toserve the interests of the people and lead to thecollapsing of our educational system in theprovince,” concluded Mosoana.

SekhukhuneCongresscall for the

MEC toresign

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DISPATCH FRIDAY 15 April 2016 5

A violent protest erupted at Ephraim Mogale Ward 13 when communitymembers complained about the delaying of a tar road project. Accordingto community members, the project was supposed to start in October lastyear but it was delayed, leaving residents with unanswered questions.On Wednesday 6 April, roads were blocked with stone and burningtyres, schools were also shut down by angry protestors demanding clearanswers about the delay of the project.The failed construction of the road, from Mogaladi Village to Phokoane,led to some government officials being held hostage by protestorsdemanding answers from Road Agency Limpopo (RAL). In Novemberlast year, RAL representatives were held hostage by the angry commu-nity of Mogaladi when they failed to announce the exact date of thestarting of the project. An Education Department employee was alsoheld hostage on Wednesday 6 April by the community when she waspassing-by to perform her duties in ward 13 schools. Demonstratorswere demanding that a community member who was arrested for publicviolence be released. Later that day the police agreed to trade the arrestedcommunity member with the Education Department worker. “It has beena long time since we have been engaging in fruitless negotiations withRAL. The community is now angry and will never stop until the projectis implemented,” said a community leader Isaac Ramphisa.He said in their last meeting with RAL, a signed agreement was reachedwhere RAL promised to start the project on 1 April this year.He said community leaders have tried to contact RAL to come and updatethe community about the delay but they failed. He added that two maincontractors were appointed but they failed to finish the project.“They just took millions of rands and thereafter vanished. It is clear thatthey were not monitored when busy with the project and the communityended up suffering the consequences,” he said. Ramphisa explained thatthe matter will now be facilitated by the Nebo Police Station CommanderColonel Senong.“The Station Commander will now facilitate the issue and we areexpecting to meet with him and RAL representatives to come up withresolutions. If negotiations between us and RAL fail, we will take it tothe streets again until the matter is fully resolved,” he vowed.A ward committee member, who wishes to remain anonymous told theDispatch that the protest was about personal interests. She said theprotest leaders are EFF members who only want to mislead the commu-nity of ward 13. “We have been threatened along with the wardCouncillor Gladys Mashego. We can’t even go outside during theprotest fearing for our lives. We don't feel safe anymore,” she said.She added that every time the protest erupts EFF members sing and chantin front of her yard. “In the early hours of Thursday they were busysinging EFF songs in front of my yard where in the morning I find someof my equipment damaged. They sometimes threaten to burn the wardcouncillor’s vehicle,” she said. Ephraim Mogale Local MunicipalitySpokesperson Jan Phasha said an agreement was reached between RALand the community and the project will start soon after the paper workis finalized. He said the municipality is aware that the councillor wasthreatened by the demonstrators and will ensure her safety.

Protest erupted overtar road project

Ephraim Mogale Ward 13 community members demon-strating against the delaying of the road project.

Phetwane community members from EphraimMogale Ward 16 held a peaceful march to themunicipal offices in Marble Hall complainingabout poor service delivery. The protest washeld on 30 march with hundreds of communitymembers attending. Among issues included intheir memorandum, the community is concernedabout government officials’ involvement incommunity farming projects, water shortages,unavailability of high mast lights and poor roadstandards. A Youth Forum Chairperson inPhetwane, Aubrey Mashiloane told the Dis-patch that their main concern is that officialsfrom the municipality are getting involved inhard earned community agricultural projects.He said this resulted in almost R1 Million miss-ing funds which were supposed to develop anduplift community agricultural projects. “Lastyear we harvested cotton and potatoes. Thenhead man Pheneas Lekola was entitled to take

Ward councillor involved in community’s missing agricultural fundsthe responsibility of the profit we made. Wethen found out that the money, which amountedto almost R1 Million, went missing. We startedinvestigating and found out that our wardcouncillor Jan Sehlola and other governmentofficials are involved in the scandal,” he said.Mashiloane added that the money was aimed atdeveloping the village and improve the agricul-tural projects in the community. He said theyinformed the municipality about the matter andrequested an immediate intervention but noth-ing happened. “We are experiencing a hugeservice delivery backlog here and we werehoping to use themoney in otherprojects that will seeour community goingforward. Now themoney is missing andwe can’t find clear

answers about its whereabouts,” he said.Mashiloane went on: “There is a huge waterdemand in our area as we are a community thatrelies on agriculture. The municipality was toldmany times and promised to deal with the matterand we are still in vain. We have water sourcessuch as Flag Boshielo Dam that supply manyvillages in Sekhukhune but we do not have anywater supply.” He said unavailability of highmast lights is also a concern and lead to criminalincidences in the village. He added that theroads are in a bad state and need immediateattention from the municipality. “Meetings were

held with the municipality and we were prom-ised that we will be included in the IDP. It hasbeen many years now since we are waiting forthe municipality to allocate a budget for therequested services at Phetwane Village,” hesaid. The municipality was given 14 workingdays to respond to the memorandum. JanPhasha, Ephraim Mogale Local MunicipalitySpokesperson told the Dispatch that the memo-randum was received and sent to relevant offi-cials in the municipality. He said the municipal-ity is attending to the Phetwane residents griev-ances and will soon respond.

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6 DISPATCH FRIDAY 15 April 2016

A case of crimen injura was opened at Groblersdal SAPS on Tuesday 5April after allegedly a senior traffic police swore at a motorist. Themotorist, John Ntuli, claims the female traffic police stopped him inGroblersdal Town. Ntuli claimed he was complying with the traffic policeand suddenly one of the officers swore at him.He got into his vehicle and drove straight to the police station to reportthe matter. The traffic police followed him and also alertered a securitypatrol vehicle for a back up when thinking that Ntuli was trying to escape.When the security patrol realized that Ntuli was entering the policestation, they turned away. But the traffic officials followed him inside thepolice station yard.One of the traffic police went inside to call Ntuli to receive his fine. Ntuliwas busy giving a statement to the police by the time the traffic officerentered the Groblersdal Police Station CSC. “The female traffic police was with two colleagues when calling me tocome to their vehicle. When I arrive, she told me to go to the other sideof the car as I was dirty and smelly,” Ntuli told the Dispatch.He said he replied by saying he is going to open a case against the trafficpolice who told him that he can open a case ten times if he like, nothingis going to happen.“I was cooperating and willing to take a fine as they were saying I failedto stop at the stop sign. I was angered by her when saying I was dirtyand smelly. I cannot take such a humiliation,” he said.Groblersdal SAPS Spokesperson Warrant Officer Stanley Magaelaconfirmed a case of crimen injura was opened by the victim and is underinvestigation.

Crimen Injura case againstGroblersdal senior traffic


John Ntuli receiving a ticket at Groblersdal PoliceStation. Ntuli opened a case of Crimen Injura afterclaiming that a senior traffic police said he was dirtyand smelling.

The police arrested a member of theGroblersdal Tactical Response Team foralleged armed robberies committed inLimpopo Province. The 38 year old policeconstable was arrested at Groblersdal onWednesday 6 April.The suspect was arrested together with twoother suspects also coming from LimpopoProvince.Limpopo Police Spokesperson ColonelRonel Otto said the other two suspects werearrested at Lebowakgomo the same day.“The other two suspects aged 36 and 32were traced and arrested for the crimes theycommitted with the police constable,’ shesaid.Otto said the police constable was found inpossession of an unlicensed firearm andammunition. She said the police also confis-cated a vehicle believed to be used by thegang to commit the crimes. She said they willappear in court soon facing armed robberycharges.

Police officerarrested forcommitting


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DISPATCH FRIDAY 15 April 2016 76

Customers and shop owners are worried about the safety at MoutseMall. This come as a result of a number of criminal incidences taking placein the mall recently. Among other things, customers and shop ownersclaim the place is not secure, putting them at risk of being attacked bycriminals.Recently, ATM bombings, armed robberies took place in the mall wherecriminals managed to escape without being caught until today. In thelatest incident, Ackermans Moutse Mall was robbed off an undisclosedamount of money on Tuesday 5 April by unknown suspects. Some ofthe community members are concerned about the signs that say theyenter at their own risk.A shop owner who wishes to remain anonymous says the security of themall is very poor posing them at risk of being robbed at anytime. “Theplace has security but is not secured. The management should strengthenits security as we pay rent and could not afford to be at risk of beingrobbed off our hard earned money,” he said. A community member SiphoMsiza said many criminal activities took place in the mall and themanagement failed to act. “Vehicles are damaged, shops are robbedduring daylight. Some businesses are no longer interested in investingto the mall because they feel threatened,” he said.

Moutse Mall safetyconcerns entrepreneurs

and customersHe added that all incidents took place within theperiod of three months.“The community and business owners areworried about the safety here. Criminal activi-ties take place now and then and no one seemsto care,” he said. Moutse Mall Centre ManagerMr Hitle Makometsane said he only knowsabout one incident since he became a centremanager last year.“It is not true that some of the vehicles aredamaged in the mall. I only know about onerobbery where Akermans was robbed by crimi-nals. I can assure you that the place is safe andnothing was reported in my office since I ar-rived here last year,” he said.

The signs at Moutse Mall that informspeople that they enter at their own risk.The community claim the security muststrengthen and that the signs shouldbe removed from the mall.

The community of Mabitsi A in Ephraim Mogale Ward 12 is not happyabout the municipality’s decision to redirect the multi-million randstadium to Mamphogo. The community alleged that they received thenews after information was leaked by some municipal officials in EphraimMogale.They claim the decision of moving the project, that was included in the2015/2016 financial year, was motivated by a majority of officials andcouncillors as they are coming from the area where the project isredirected to.A community leader Ketuma Phala said the idea of moving the MabitsiA Sports Facility Project from Mabitsi to Mamphogo is dictated by a

Projectredirection raises

anger bycommunitymembers

“They wantservices to go to

their area and donot care aboutother villages,”

majority of councillorsand officials who re-side at the Mamphogoarea.“They want servicesto go to their area anddo not care about othervillages,” he said.He added that the com-munity of Mabitsi washappy when receiving the news that a R6 Million project will beimplemented in their area for the 2015/2016 financial year.He said South African Football Association representatives, Baroka FCofficials and the municipality came to identify the construction site atMabitsi were the stadium is supposed to be built.“Now we are surprised that the project will no longer benefit residentsof Mabitsi and other surrounding villages,” he said.He said they did not engage in formal negotiations with the wardcouncillor and the municipality but they trust the allegations as they arecoming from insiders within Ephraim Mogale Local Municipality. He saidsome municipal employees hide information to protect their positions.“At this stage we are preparing to meet with the municipality to discussthe issue. If they continue to take the project to Mamphogo, we will bestarting taking legal actions and challenge them in court for breach ofpromise as the project appears to be implemented at Mabitsi in themunicipality’s IDP document,” he said.Ephraim Mogale Local Municipality Spokesperson Jan Phasha said themunicipality cannot comment on the matter as they are still busy with IDPconsultation for 2016/2017 financial year.“We are still waiting for the IDP approval before we can comment onmatters relating to the coming financial year,” he said.However, community leader Phala stressed that the project was includedin the 2015/2016 financial year. He said they were promised that theproject will start on 15 July this year and planned to be completed in July2018.

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8 DISPATCH FRIDAY 15 April 2016

A rotational Masters Soccer Tournament was established in Dennilton.The tournament was formed to accomodate soccer players from the ageof 33 and above. According to the tournament facilitator and organizerDoctor Masango, only masters teams are allowed to take part in thetournament. “The tournament is rotating to villages in Dennilton wherea total number of four teams take part. It was established only for soccerloving people who are not currently playing in other full time soccerteams,” he said. He said the tournament is aiming to promote a healthylifestyle and keep the spirit of sports high in the community.He said a contribution of R300-00 is needed from each team during theday of the tournament. “The money serves as a prize where the tourna-ment winners walk away with R800-00 and the runners-up receives R400-00,” he said. He added that they are still looking for other masters teamsto come and participate in the tournament. “We are still in need of moreteams to come and join. Our aim is to run the tournament fortnightlywhere a number of teams will participate,” said Doctor. He said thetournament is scheduled to take place on 27 April and 1 May. He addedthat the venues are not yet mentioned but it will be on rotational basis.“We request any interested masters to start their teams and come to joinus. We also requesting local businesses to come and sponsor thetournament,” he said.

Masters soccer tournament to keepthe spirit of sports high

Mpheleng Masters FC ready to take part in the rotationaltournament in Dennilton.

Sgoga Masters FC is one of the teams participating in thetournament.

Thambo Masters FC are confident that they will win mostMasters Rotational Soccer Tournaments.

Sekhukhune District Interim Confederation dis-solved Elias Motsoaledi Local MunicipalitySports Council.This was done by the confederation with theaim to develop sports activities around the fivelocal municipalities within Sekhukhune Dis-trict. Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality SportsCouncil was dissolved as Elias MotsoalediLocal Municipality Sports Confederation wasestablished and launched on Friday 1 April.After some discussion and clarity on the role ofthe confederation by Mr Phasha (SekhukhuneDistrict Sports Officer) and Mr George Lentswe(The confederation’s newly elected chairper-son), a new committee was elected to spear-head sports development and identify sportingactivities that needs assistance to grow aroundElias Motsoaledi Local Municipality bounda-ries and beyond.The elected Elias Motsaoledi Local Municipal-

Sekhukhune District InterimConfederation develops sport activities in

local municipalitiesity Sports Confederation is as follows; GeorgeLentswe was elected as a chairperson, PinkyMamish is deputy chairperson, HunadiMpyane became secretary general, KgaogeloMohlala deputy secretary, Jeffrey Mtshweniwas elected as treasurer, Dennis Mashinini isthe public relations officer, Jeffrey Walker ascoordinator and Betty Tshoana is holding awomen in sport position. Melba Choshane andSello Motlafe were elected as the committee’sadditional members.The establishment and launching of EliasMotsaoledi Sports confederation was attendedby different federations of various sportingcodes . The idea was applauded by the attendeesas a great step towards the right direction as itsmain objective is to see sporting activitiesgrowing and being able to see athletes competeon professional level.“We urge our youth to take part in sports to

keep away from immoral and criminal activities.They are urged to participate in various avail-able sporting activities in their respective com-munities.Federations must submit their programmes orcalendars to the confederation and also makesure they submit names of team or club officialwho will be contacted about events or activitiestaking place around their municipality,” saidElias Motsoaledi Sports Confederation Coor-dinator Jeffrey Walker.He said the confederation will visit communi-ties to identify the community needs in order tooffer assistance.Walker said older people and parents are urgedto support their children when taking part insport.“This will serve as a motivation and encourage-ment so that they give their best in their respec-tive sporting codes,” he said.