self-evaluation report template

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  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template



    FOR STUDY PROGRAM: PhD IN …………….. ….


    Background and ofcial database on the opening /reorganization o this program

    study, doctoral school etc.








    1. Mission n! o"#$%&i'$s o !o%&o* s&+!, -o/

    D$s%i-&ion -&

    Terms of reference: Aims and objectives of the study program and scienticresearch, strategies in the short, medium and long terms, general information

    about the HEI (history, status, number of employees over the years, the number of students over the years, study programs of third cycle, HEI place in thenational and international contest)

    !ele"ant ofcial documents

    E'*+&ion %%o!in &o &h$ S&n!!s

    S&n!!s0%i&$ionE'*+&ion %%o!in &o


    S&n!! I.1 G$n$* /$2o3 Ci&$ion 1 #he study program o third cycle $doctorate%is a ne& program or a reorganized program'Ci&$ion 4 ( it is reorganized, the e)tent to &hich ita*ected the pre"ious program.

    1 (+ must &riting or the ul-llment o each standard $based on criterions%.t the end o their, need to &rite his opinions $summary%, or ul-ll thestandards

  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


    Ci&$ion 5 #he total number o students studying ho&doctor eight and number o those &ho attend this studyprogram each year is in line &ith the policies o igher+ducation (nstitutions $+(% &here the program isconducted as &ell as state policy or higher education andscienti-c research regarding recognition and "alidation odiploma and number o students studying or doctorate to

    one scienti-c mentor.Ci&$ion 6 0octorate study program is supported bynational or international research groups accredited orresearch in rele"ant -eld or -elds o studies'Ci&$ion 7 (nternal e"aluation report o study program othe third cycle is re"ie&ed by the ouncil o roessors.

    Con%*+sions o IEG:

    4. A%!$/i% Onis&ion %h& o &h$ Do%&o* S%hoo*

    D$s%i-&ion -&

    Terms of reference: !he place of the "octoral #chool in the organi$ation chart 

    of the HEI (%niversity & 'aculty & "epartment), data for the academic sta 

    responsible for the doctorate, the number of 'ulltime Academic #ta ('A#),

    *arttime Academic #ta (*A# ), Administrative employes (AE), teaching

    coordination +ith other units

    M$s+"*$ in!i%&os:

    rganizational structure $chart% o 0octoral 4chool

    5umber o accademic sta* shared in organisation chart $see #able


     #able 1






    N+/"$ o FAS N+/"$ o PAS N+/"$ o AE To&* n+/"$














    ouncil o roessors and the coordinator o the study program $see #able 2%

     #able 2

    5ame /4urname 0egree osition $7ember / hairman%

  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


    !ele"ant ofcial documents

    E'*+&ion %%o!in &o &h$ S&n!!s

    S&n!!s0%i&$ionE'*+&ion %%o!in &o


    S&n!! III.1 Mn$/$n& n! 8nn%in &oo*s o !o%&o&$ s&+!, -o/

    Ci&$ion 1 8nit that organizes doctorate study programhas accredited t&o -rst cycles o studies in the -eld, in&hich it o*ers the doctorate study program'Ci&$ion 4 8nit that organizes the doctorate studyprogram has ade9uate administrati"e premises to realizeits good unctioning'Ci&$ion 5 (n order to carry out the doctorate study

    program, the unit that proposes its opening engages thenecessary personnel, ranging rom teaching secretary thatollo&s the third cycle progress'Ci&$ion 6 !esponsible bodies or its super"ision areestablished in doctorate study program regulation'Ci&$ion 9 Board o roessors, &hich is responsible ororganizing and super"ising doctorate study program has asufcient number o members that co"er all its issues.7inimum number o proessors in should be : $se"en%.Board o roessors may be also raised to the le"el o highereducation institution, &hen its main units do not meet there9uired number o ull;time proessors'Ci&$ion Board o roessors o the main unit thatorganizes and manages the doctorate study program meets

    periodically throughout the year'

    Con%*+sions o IEG:

    5. ;+*i&, o A%!$/i% n! !/inis&&i'$ (s+--o&) s&

  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


    >% $>?;?>% $??;?@%

    =4 4 =4 4 =4 4 =4 4


    ssociate roessors

    0octor 0egree or 0degree $taken at +uropean8ni"ersities%

    dministrati"e employes

    !ele"ant documents

    E'*+&ion %%o!in &o &h$ S&n!!s

  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


    S&n!!s0%i&$ionE'*+&ion %%o!in &o

    s&n!!sS&n!! I.1 G$n$* /$2o3 Ci&$ion  #he number and le"el o researchers engaged inthis program constitutes a guarantee or programimplementation $?A o them should be internal academic

    sta*, engaged in research and holders o academic titlesCroessorC, Cssociate roessorC or scienti-c degree C0octorCor Ch0C a&arded in uni"ersities &ell kno&n in the &orld or9uality and rich research and publishing acti"ities in therele"ant -eld'

    S&n!! II.1 C-%i&i$s o s%i$n&i8% $s$%hCi&$ion 4 #he institution that o*ers programs o study othird cycle $doctorate%, has sufcient academic sta* &ithscienti-c titles and degrees'Ci&$ion 5 #he institution has sufcient administrati"e andresearch structures or acti"ities pro"ided in the study programto conduct research. #he institution may organize Dointprograms o doctorate study &ith one or more otherinstitutions, based on agreements bet&een them'

    Con%*+sions o IEG:

    6. Fsi*i&i$s= ins&+%&+$= *ois&i%s n! o&h$ s$'i%$s o !o%&o*


    D$s%i-&ion -&

    Terms of reference: Infrastructure, material resources, logistics and other services, information technology (I!), libraries, other services for students

    M$s+"*$ in!i%&os:

    =asilities, inrastructure and logistics or doctoral school $see #able ?%

     #able ?

    Fsi*i&i$s o !o%&o* s%hoo* o s&+!,


    N+/"$ o

    S>+$ /4

    uditoriumslassroomsEaboratoriesomputer/internet laboratoriesEibrary buildingsorridors / halls

  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


    8ni"ersity sports acilitiesBuildings or tertiar ser"icies!ooms or student go"ernment acti"ities!ecreational acilities such as caeterias / ast;ood/etc

     #oiletes or students

    Eogistics !oom $or photocopying machines, etc.%fcies or 0ean/ hancellory/etcdministrati"e ofces0epartmentet ofces

  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


    Ci&$ion 1 4tudents admitted in the third cycle studyprogram ha"e necessary conditions to realize the studyprogram &ith academic and research character'Ci&$ion 4 0octorate studies program pro"idesharmonization o studentGs goals in scienti-c;research-eld, appro"ed research proDects and, at its conclusion,e"en the possibility o academic career and

    employment'Ci&$ion 5 scienti-c library &ith publications inhardcopy and electronic orm and complete (#inrastructure a"ailable to o third cycle study program'Ci&$ion 6 4tudents ha"e sufcient technical supportor scienti-c research de"elopment'Ci&$ion 9 !esearches that include laboratoryresearches are supported by sufcient scienti-claboratory basis.

    Con%*+sions o IEG:

    9. Finn%in n! /n$/$n& o 8nn%i* $so+%$s

    D$s%i-&ions -&

    Terms of reference: 'inancial resources, data over the years, e0penditures,costs per students, nancial auditing, managing capacities

    M$s+"*$ in!i%&os:

    =inancial resources, data o"er the three years $see #able :%

     #able :

    RESOURCES FROM:Fo &h$$ o o+ ,$s (s

    &h$ PhD s&+!, -o/%on&in+$s)


    entral go"ernment

    Eocal go"ernment


    rants on research and contractsonsultations, ser"ices

    ll kinds o tuition ees


    0onations, assurance acti"ities,oundations etc.

  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


    osts or students and their mobility costs

     #ransparency and internal -nancial control, audit and outcomes.

    =inancial management capacity

      rele"ant documentation

    E'*+&ion %%o!in &o &h$ S&n!!s

    S&n!!s0%i&$ionE'*+&ion %%o!in &o

    s&n!!sS&n!! I.1 G$n$* /$2o3 Ci&$ion 9 0octorate study program is supported bya sufcient budget or research'

    S&n!! II.1 C-%i&i$s o s%i$n&i8% $s$%hCi&$ion ? +)ternal unding recei"ed or scienti-cresearch is indicati"e o high le"el research acti"ityand they are administered or the progress o rele"antstudy program.

    S&n!! III.1 Mn$/$n& n! 8nn%in &oo*s o !o%&o&$ s&+!,-o/Ci&$ion 7 =inancial budget o doctorate studyprogram is sufcient to achie"e research obDecti"es oreach doctorate student'Ci&$ion ? =inancial budget distribution structure odoctorate study program matches &ith scienti-cresearch policy and needs.

    S&n!! III.5 Finn%in o !o%&o&$ s&+!, -o/Ci&$ion 1 5umber o research &orks unded by theministry'Ci&$ion 4 0istribution o unds to host andsuper"ision teams o scienti-c research &orks is done

    in a balanced &ay'Ci&$ion 5 5umber o research &orks unded undernational research proDects, bene-ted by scienti-csuper"isors o doctorate students or this studyprogram'Ci&$ion 6 5umber o research &orks unded underinternational research proDects bene-ted by scienti-csuper"isors o doctorate students or this studyprogram'

    Con%*+sions o IEG:

    . In&$n* ;+*i&, Ass+n%$ S,s&$/ (I;AS)

    D$s%i-&ion -&

    Terms of reference: Internal 1onitoring for 2uality Assurance %nit (I2A%),

    its functions in doctoral programs, selfassessment and continuous uality 


  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


    cademic plan or the -rst Jear, the di"ision o subDects in credits, and

    according to the orms o teaching $see #able @%

     #able @

    Year I


       S  e  m  e  s   t  e  r

       C  r  e   d   i   t  s   (   E   C   T   S   )

       H  o  u  r   i  n  w  e  e   k

    Academic Curriculum -Plan  F     i    n

        a     l

        e   x    a    m









       T  o   t  a   l

       I  n  a  u   d   i   t  o  r

       T  o   t  a   l

       I  n   d   i  #   i   d  u  a   l  s   t  u   d  e  n   t  w  o  r   k

       T  o   t  a   l  c  r  e   d   i   t  s

       I  n  a  u   d   i   t  o  r

       I  n   d   i  #   i   d  u  a   l  s   t  u   d  e  n   t

      o  r   k

       T  o   t  a   l  c  r  e   d   i   t  s

       I  n  a  u   d   i   t  o  r

       I  n   d   i  #   i   d  u  a   l  s   t  u   d  e  n   t

      o  r   k

       T  o   t  a   l  c  r  e   d   i   t  s

       I  n  a  u   d   i   t  o  r

       I  n   d   i  #   i   d  u  a   l  s   t  u   d  e  n   t

      o  r   k

       T  o   t  a   l  c  r  e   d   i   t  s

       I  n  a  u   d   i   t  o  r

       I  n   d   i  #   i   d  u  a   l  s   t  u   d  e  n   t

      o  r   k

    1 Subject 1

    $ Subject $

    % &&&

     Total 60

    cademic urriculum lan, related to the rele"ant academic sta* $see #able


     #able K

    4ubDect/7odule!esponsible proessor/s

    $5ame 4urname% #itle/degree 0epartment =4 or 4


    4ubDect 1


    4ubDect 2



     #he syllabuses or each subDect, &ith all the elements

    rocedures to be ollo&ed or the appro"al o the research proDect,

    proposed by candidates

    4econd year o h0 $!esearch/reation%. 0atabase or institutions

    in/outside the country, &here students ha"e completed their scienti-c

    research, such asF

  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


    o uni"ersity / research center and de"elopment o a 8ni"ersity

    o (nstitute / non;academic research unit

    o =oundation / public entity / pri"ate entity

    o ospital structure

    o ther

     #hird year o h0 $!esearch/reation% L 0ata processing L publication o 

    articles L resentations to international conerences

    o 0ata or publications / reerences o students'

    o 0ata or 7agazines, publishing entities &here these articles are published

      0ata or doctoral thesis and its presentation

      !ele"ant documentation

    E'*+&ion %%o!in &o &h$ S&n!!s

    S&n!!s0%i&$ionE'*+&ion %%o!in &o

    s&n!!s0 %i&$ionsS&n!! I.6 D$sin n! $*i@&ion o &h$o$&i%* %o+s$ o &hi! %,%*$

    s&+!i$s (Do%&o&$)Ci&$ion 1 rograms o third cycle studies include ?Acredits or theoretical organized studies'Ci&$ion 4 #heoretical organized studies anticipatebalanced ratio o classes or academic and scienti-cgeneral and speci-c training'Ci&$ion 5 0etailed teaching program is appro"ed

    pursuant to byla&s in orce'Ci&$ion 6 #heoretical doctorate course is e"aluated &itha general theoretical e)amination in rele"ant -eld o study,organized by 0eanGs ofce and roessorsG ouncil, &ith acommission consisting o > $-"e% proessors in the rele"antresearch -eld or appro)imate to it. andidates &ho achie"eo"er @A points are allo&ed to attend the doctorateresearch studies. #hose &ho do not reach this result recei"ea certi-cate or conducted modules, together &ithaccumulated credits and interrupt doctorate studies.

    S&n!! II.5 D&in n! --o'* o -o-os$! $s$%h -o#$%&Ci&$ion 1 pplicant &ho re9uires to be admitted todoctorate studies program has submitted the re9uest or aparticular research area and this has been discussed &ithhim in the inter"ie&'

    Ci&$ion 4  4cope o research is selected in such a &aythat doctorate studies program can support it'Ci&$ion 5 roposal is appro"ed by roessorsG ouncil icriteria prescribed and announced in regulation odoctorate studies are met. #he ollo&ing should be also con-rmedFa% 0uration o study program'b% 7odalities o "eri-cation o research or creati"e acti"ity

    o doctorate students'c% 7anner o -nal presentation o scienti-c research result

  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


    the proDect progress'Ci&$ion lear and transparent procedures are set or"eri-cation o kno&ledge or periodic e"aluation o student$or e)ample, an annual re"ie& by a panel called or thispurpose or by a special commission set up by roessors6ouncil%. Ci&$ion 1 0octorate student and hissuper"isor should be present during this process. #he

    manner and periods o "eri-cation o kno&ledge or periodice"aluation o doctorate student are stipulated and speci-edin the beginning o doctorate studies program'Ci&$ion 11 ontinuous e"aluation conclusions orrealization o scienti-c research proDect o program odoctorate studies are clear and transparent includingsuspension, e)tension or &ithdra&al rom doctoratestudies'Ci&$ion 14 7eetings bet&een super"isors and doctoratestudents are documented, especially during the re"ie& oprogress reports.

    Con%*+sions o IEG:

    !ele"ant dokuments

    ?. T$%hin L$nin o+&%o/$ (in 8s& ,$)

    D$s%i-&ion -&

    Terma reference: 3rgani$ation, types of teaching, uality of +or.load and

    realisation of it, teaching methods, teaching technologies, internal evaluationof teaching, students4 participation in the activities of the doctoral school,

    control of student .no+ledge, student scientic leadership etj

    M$s+"*$ in!i%&os:

    4tudent6s &orkload, separated by the orms o teaching $see #able 1A%

     #able 1A

    Fo/s o &$%hin

    C*ss$s ho+so

    Eecture4eminars+)ercisesEaboratoriesractice or subDectsroessional practice+tc.

  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


    olicies or Eearning utcomes control $see #able 11%

     #able 11

    L$nin O+&%o/$s %on&o* in

    cti"e participation in lectures, seminars, etc. +g. 1

    (mplementation o obligations $laboratory course tasks,essays%(ntermediate tests=inal e)am+tc(n total 1

    4tudents6s participation in the research acti"ities o the

    8ni"ersity/=aculty/etc. $see #able 12%

     #able 12

    EI s%i$n&i8% %&i'i&,N+/"$ o s&+!$n&s


    =or indi"idual apers o teachers

    =or scienti-c proDects o =aculty / 0epartment /

    0octoral 4chool

    =or research proDects, in collaboration &ith other

    E'*+&ion %%o!in &o &h$ S&n!!s

    S&n!!s0%i&$ionE'*+&ion %%o!in &o

    s&n!!sS&n!! I.4 Con&in+o+s in%$s$ o &h$o$&i%* *$'$* n! -o/o&ion os&+!$n&s &$/ 2o3 $ &$&s o s&+!, -o/ o &hi! %,%*$= !o%&o&$.  Ci&$ion 1 Ee"el o scienti-c research de"elopment helpsin student training tocomplete the study program successully' Ci&$ion 4 4tudents ha"e the opportunity to participatein "arious research acti"itiesclosely related to the speci-c area in &hich they attenddoctorate studies, &hich help him/her to be trained orFa% c9uisition o research methodologies or

    independent creati"e acti"ities, such as scienti-carticles, presentations, standard approach orreerences, bibliography, inde)es and content &riting

    as the basis or doctor a thesis processing'b% (ndependent &ork in laboratory'c% 8se o inormation resources $e.g. libraries and

    (nternet% and inormation management'd% 8se o modern technologies or public presentations'e% c9uisition o ad"anced methods o analysis and data

    processing'% Eearning and mastery o specialized terminology

    associated &ith the research -eld o doctoratestudent'

    Ci&$ion 5 0octorate students participate in oreseen

  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


    acti"ities young and their research &ork. doctorate student is ree to participate as a listener or asa speaker inFa% Eectures'b% 4eminars'c% (nterdisciplinary debates, organized in the rame&ork

    o doctorate study program'

    d% ther possibilities o learning such as ollo&ingpresentations o post doctorate students andresearch proDects, e"en &hen it is not related directlyto the studentGs research interest.

    e% 4cienti-c mentors ad"ise students to take part inscienti-c acti"ities and conerences that help them intheir scienti-c research'

    Ci&$ion 6 4tudents ha"e gained skills or appropriatecommunication &ith a scienti-c le"el $#tudent4scommunication s.ills include: the competency to +riteclearly and +ith an appropriate style, use of persuasivearguments and clear articulation of ideas before the publicconcerned- the ability to debate and support others,involved in teaching, supervision or demonstrations%'Ci&$ion 9 4tudents ha"e ac9uired the ability tocommunicate correctly &ith others, and necessary skill ora scholar, but also in other situations $being able todevelop and maintain cooperation and +or.ingrelationships +ith others, a+areness that their behavioraects them and others and be +illing to listen, to giveand to ta.e reactions and responses +ith sharpness%'Ci&$ion 0e"elopment o communication skills odoctorate students encouraged them to be engaged inteaching in study programs o -rst and second cycle $ engaging in teaching as lecturers, in support oproessors guiding their thesis%.

    Con%*+sions o IEG:

    . Do%&o* s&+!$n&s

    D$s%i-&ion -&

    Terms of reference:  Academic criteria and procedures for enrollment of 

    doctoral student, uality of students enrolled, the number of students enrolled

    and +ho has nished in years, average duration of doctoral studies (in years),

    statistics, collaboration +ith students +ho have received diploma, student5sinformations

    M$s+"*$ in!i%&os:

    4tatistical data or doctoral studentsF

    •  #he total number o h0s students and the number or each year'

  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


    •  #he number o h0s students coming rom outside o the uni"ersity'

    • 5umber o graduates each year'

    •  #he a"erage duration o doctoral studies and &hat has been the trend o this


    • 5umber and percentage o students, &ho ha"e interrupted his doctoral

    studies.• 5umber and percentage o students, &ho come rom Moso"o, lbanian

    territories, as &ell as rom the lbanian diaspora'

    • 5umber and percentage o oreign students, &ho come rom the Balkan


    • 5umber and percentage o students, &ho come rom +8 countries'

    • 5umber and percentage o students, &ho come rom other countries o the


    (normation or the mobility o doctoral students at uni"ersities abroad


    0ata or the -nal e"aluation o doctoral students

    E'*+&ion %%o!in &o &h$ S&n!!s

    S&n!!s0%i&$ionE'*+&ion %%o!in &o

    s&n!!sS&n!! I.5 A!/ission o s&+!$n&s in !o%&o&$ s&+!, -o/Ci&$ion 1 #he student admitted to doctorate studyprogram has completed second study cycle &ith a"eragegrade $N @A o points% and &as a&arded the uni"ersitydegree C7aster o 4cienceC/ C7aster o =ine rtsC or ane9ui"alent degree, ollo&ing completion o uni"ersity studies

    that include a scienti-c thesis e"aluated &ith 3A;A +#4'Ci&$ion 4 andidate &ho applies to continue the third cycleprogram, the doctorate, has proound theoretical kno&ledgein the rele"ant -eld o study. 4ome basic kno&ledge thatdoctorate student has isFa% reati"e thinking'b% 0e"elopment o critical sense about research'c% onnections bet&een di*erent -elds o research'd% 4kills de"eloped or sol"ing problems arising during

    research &ork'e% ompetence to manage research comple)ity and to

    propose ne& ideas in research -eld'Ci&$ion 5 #he student admitted to doctorate studyprogram is ready to apply in practice the kno&ledge gainedrom research in rele"ant -eld o studies'Ci&$ion 6 4tudent o&ns the +nglish language certi-ed inthe international le"el, at least C1C, based on internationallyrecognized tests and a second oreign language as =rench,erman, (talian, 4panish or !ussian. (n social sciences it maybe Eatin, ncient reek, ersian or other languages neededor research in the area'Ci&$ion 9 roessorsG ouncil set the criteria or admissionto program o doctorate studies contained in regulation odoctorate program o studies'Ci&$ion  #he applicant has recei"ed detailed inormation

  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


    about doctorate program o study, beore being admitted intoit. e is ully inormed regardingFa% 0uration o study program'b% onditions that student should meet beore appearing in

    doctorate e)am'c% 4upport that institution pro"ides to the student through

    administrati"e and research structures or acti"ities

    en"isaged in the study program $laboratories, libraries,etc.%.

    d% 7odalities o e)ercise o research or creati"e acti"ity odoctorate students, especially &ith regard to preparationo doctorate thesis'

    Ci&$ion 7 dmission criteria include also inter"ie&s andsupports that can be pro"ided by reerences and additionaldocuments'Ci&$ion ? dmission policies include also doctorateadmission e)am.

    S&n!! II.9 Fin* $'*+&ion o s&+!$n&s in &his %,%*$ o s&+!i$s

    Ci&$ion 1 4tudent pro"ides e"idence that he has ac9uiredFa. roound kno&ledge in rele"ant scienti-c -eld'b. roound kno&ledge in some areas appro)imate to it'c. roessional skills in using modern technology to

    sol"e critical problems related to his -eld o scienti-cresearch'

    d. (nno"ation, to e)pand and update e)istingkno&ledge'

    e. utonomy, scienti-c, proessional integrity anddedication or de"elopment o ne& ideas thatencourage scienti-c research'

    Ci&$ion 4 4tudent pro"ides e"idence that he has broughtoriginal scienti-c products, scienti-c &orks o a high scienti-cle"el through conducted scienti-c research, some o &hichha"e deser"ed or deser"e publication in scienti-c nationaland international magazines'Ci&$ion 5 =inal e"aluation o doctorate students is based

    abo"e all on an assessment o their scienti-c researchproduct'Ci&$ion 6 n the basis o an agreement reached in thephase o the study program appro"al, scienti-c researchresult is presented as a dissertation thesis, or cumulati"e &ith3 scienti-c articles published in international Dournals &ithimpact actor coefcient abo"e 1'Ci&$ion 9 (n case o doctorate e)amination &ithdissertation thesis, doctorate student meets the ollo&ingconditionsF

    a. e has realized as -rst author at least three scienti-cpapers or presentations $poster%, o &hich t&o papersor presentations are held in a international scienti-ce"ent, in a &estern country $symposium, conerence,congress%, accepted on the basis o a preliminary

    scienti-c assessment, published in CroceedingsC,inde)ed &ith an (4B5 code'

    b. e has published as -rst author, at least threescienti-c articles in scienti-c Dournals. t least t&o othe articles ha"e been published or accepted orpublication in ℓkno&n &estern Dournals &itheditorial board'

    c. e has prepared and presented to =aculty Board oroessors the dissertation, along &ith a summary,appro"ed by scienti-c super"isor. 4tructure o

  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


    dissertation and its summary are de-ned in doctoratestudy regulation'

    Ci&$ion  Board o roessors de-nes t&o or threeopponents, one o &hich is rom outside the institution.pponents are also members o the Dury to assessdissertation. #hey ha"e re9uired academic titles and rich

    research and publishing acti"ities inside and outside thecountry in the rele"ant -eld o study in &hich programdoctorate studies is o*ered'Ci&$ion 7 pponents &ho ha"e had a substantialin"ol"ement in the &ork o doctorate student, or &hose &orkis the "ery ocus o research proDect'Ci&$ion ?  dissertation copy is gi"en to e"ery opponent,gi"ing enough time to read it and to &rite a separate report.pponents should not communicate among themsel"es, &ithdoctorate student or its scienti-c super"isor during thisperiod. pponents must "eriy the authenticity o data usedin dissertation, obser"ance o scienti-c research practice as&ell citations o scienti-c research &orks and articles o otherauthors.Ci&$ion  pponents e)press clearly that scienti-c paper isree o plagiarism. ( they notice and -nd that this hashappened, they ask or termination o dissertationassessment'Ci&$ion 1 0issertation is accompanied by a summary,about 1A pages in +nglish. #his re"ie& is published in theofcial &ebsite o the institution, in the section designated orinormation or this study'Ci&$ion 11 4cienti-c super"isor o the student should notbe an opponent'Ci&$ion 14 Ihen opponents ha"e completed their reports,they are called by the 0ean and ead o Board o roessorsto agree to conduct oral e)amination'Ci&$ion 15 (t is recommended, that a Dury member odoctorate e)amination be rom uni"ersities kno&n in the

    &orld or 9uality and rich research and publishing acti"ities inthe rele"ant -eld, &hich has at least the scienti-c degreeC0octorC a&arded in the scienti-c -eld in &hich doctoratestudent ollo&s the studies and o"er > years academic andresearch e)perience. #his criterion may not be applied tolbanology sciences.ssessment o doctorate student in e)amination is madeopen by consensus, pro"ided that all members arepronounced or a passing grade. +"en i one member hase"aluated doctorate student by con"incing arguments, &ith aailing grade, the -nal outcome &ill be ailing'Ci&$ion 16 pponents submit to dean o unit thatorganizes the program o doctorate studies and chairpersono doctorate e)amination Dury a copy o their indi"idualreports'

    Ci&$ion 19 0issertation deense or obtaining the diplomaor scienti-c degree C0octorC is public. (t is announced atleast &eeks beore and it is done in the presence odepartment interested members, students and teachers inthe rele"ant igher +ducation (nstitution'Ci&$ion 1 +"aluations that opponents can make includeFgranting diploma o scienti-c degree C0octorC, orresubmission o &ritten scienti-c research paper atercompletion o their recommendations, or a urther e)tensiono study program, or denial o diploma or scienti-c degree

  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


    C0octorC'Ci&$ion 17  copy o dissertation o student &ho recei"ed adiploma or scienti-c degree C0octorC is deposited in libraryo aculty, research institute, uni"ersity research centers,uni"ersity &here study program is carried out and scienti-cpaper and a copy in 5ational Eibrary. 4cienti-c degreeC0octorC is not issued &ithout dissertation being deposited in

    aorementioned institutions, published in paper and on disk$0% and &ithout making it public in the ofcial &ebsite orespecti"e higher education institution'Ci&$ion 1? 4cienti-c degree C0octorC is not issued &ithoutbeing registered in 5ational !egister o 0octorates o4ecurities ommission cademic ssessment $MO#% in 7+4.

    S&n!! III.4 ;+n&i&&i'$ s-$%&s o !o%&o&$ s&+!, -o/

    Ci&$ion 1 #otal number o registered doctorate studentsand doctorate number or each year'Ci&$ion 4 5umber o registered doctorate students comingrom outside the unit that has opened the doctorate studyprogram'Ci&$ion 5 5umber o diplomas issued to recei"e C0octorCdegree or each year'Ci&$ion 6 "erage duration o doctorate studies and trendo this indicator'Ci&$ion 9 5umber and percentage o those &ho ga"e updoctorate studies in the le"el o study program.

    S&n!! III.6 In&$n&ion*i@&ion o !o%&o&$ s&+!, -o/Ci&$ion 1 5umber, e)pressed in percentage, o registereddoctorate students coming rom Moso"o and other areas&here lbanians li"e and lbanian diaspora'Ci&$ion 4 5umber, e)pressed in percentage, o registereddoctorate students coming rom Balkans region.Ci&$ion 5 5umber, e)pressed in percentage, o registereddoctorate students coming rom the +8 countries'Ci&$ion 6 5umber, e)pressed in percentage, o registereddoctorate students coming rom other countries o the &orld'

    Con%*+sions o IEG:


    1. R$s$%h in !o%&o* s%hoo* n! in'o*'$/$n& o !o%&o*


    D$s%i-&ion -&

    Terms of reference: research policies of HEI /Doctoral School, publications over the

    years, acquired and implemented projects, participation of doctoral student in

    activities at home and abroad, the activities organized by the unit, etc..

    M$s+"*$ in!i%&os:

  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


    0ata or research $see #able 13%

     #able 13

    P*nn$! %&i'i&i$s= in!i'i!+* n! ins&i&+&ion=2ho $ in'o*'$! in !o%&o* s&+!$n&s


     #he titles o scienti-c

     Dournals, proDects,research acti"ities


    ublications, &here students ha"e scienti-carticles


    !esearch proDects, ac9uired by leadingproessors or doctoral students


    roDects (mplemented


    4cienti-c acti"ities organized by the +(


    articipants in scienti-c acti"ities


    .4tudents in"ol"ed in research


    !ele"ant 0okuments

    E'*+&ion %%o!in &o &h$ S&n!!s

    S&n!!s0%i&$ionE'*+&ion %%o!in &o

    s&n!!s0 %i&$ions

    S&n!! II.1 C-%i&i$s o s%i$n&i8% $s$%hCi&$ion 1 third cycle study program $doctorate% isintegrated in research acti"ity o igher +ducation (nstitutions'Ci&$ion 6 #he institution has the capacity to perormsuper"ision o each doctorate student in research acti"itiesand respecti"e didactic duties'Ci&$ion cademic sta* must sho& achie"ements in theresearch -eld through such creati"e acti"ities asFpresentations, scienti-c publications, magazines, books ormonographs'Ci&$ion 7 (ndicators o high le"el research acti"ity arepublications that contain statements rom publishing andscienti-c research acti"ity by other scholars outside doctoratestudy program, especially international, regarding the outcomeo scienti-c research in the institution that o*ers doctorate

    programs'Con%*+sions o IEG:

    11. N&ion* n! in&$n&ion* %oo-$&ion= in +n%&ion o !o%&o*


  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


    D$s%i-&ion -&

    Terms of reference: Doctoral School’s cooperation with institutions /national or

    international research organizations, invited academic staff, etc..

    M$s+"*$ in!i%&os:

    0ata or national and international cooperation $see #able 1%



    S%i$n&i8% %&i'i&i$s in &h$ /$2o3 o in&$n&ion* %oo-$&ion

    15umber o students participating as partners in national

    and international proDects

    25umber o 4tudents participating in scienti-c acti"ities,

    outside o +( / presentations abroad

    3  #he number o oreign lecturers, &ho are in"ited toteaching #he number o classes held by in"ited oreign lecturers

    >5umber o participants in training, in the -eld o abroad


    ? 7obility o students to and rom +(

    : #he number o international a&ards in the -eld o research

    ooperation &ith scienti-c institutions $see #able 1>%

     Table 15

    Ins&i&+&ions n! s%i$n&i8% oni@&ions= 2hi%h is

    %oo-$&in 2i&h #ype o cooperation

    !ele"ant dokuments

    E'*+&ion %%o!in &o &h$ S&n!!s

    S&n!!s0%i&$ionE'*+&ion %%o!in &o

    s&n!!s0 %i&$ionsS&n!! III.6 In&$n&ion*i@&ion o !o%&o&$ s&+!, -o/

  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


    Ci&$ion 9 0octorate study program encourages doctoratemobility by paying a considerable amount o e)pendituresor academic training outside doctorate study program'Ci&$ion 0octorate study program encourages mobilityo doctorate students by paying a considerable amount oe)penditures or presentation o research results in nationaland international scienti-c acti"ities $symposium,

    conerence, congress%'Ci&$ion 7 #he institution has an agreement, at least &ithone Iestern uni"ersity, guaranteeing programs oe)change o academic sta* and doctorate students andrealization o Doint research proDects. =or lbanological4ciences cooperation could also be &ith a igher +ducation(nstitution or research centre in Moso"o and lands &herelbanians li"e'Ci&$ion ? 0octorate study program creates the necessaryspace to de"elop Doint doctorate study programs &ithhomologous uni"ersities in the region, +urope and beyond'Ci&$ion 0octorate study program pro"ides or 3;modules $not less than 1> +#4% to be conducted, organizedin theoretical studies and doctorate students ha"e the e)amby proessors o partner uni"ersities, kno&n in the &orld, or9uality and research, publishing acti"ities in the rele"ant-eld o study. +)ception cited in criterion : applies orlbanological 4ciences'Ci&$ion 1 0octorate study program promotesin"ol"ement o proessors rom oreign uni"ersities asscienti-c super"isors or as scienti-c collaborators odoctorate students.

    S&n!! II.1 C-%i&i$s o s%i$n&i8% $s$%hCi&$ion 9 #he institution has agreements &ith otheracademic or research institutions at home and abroad,supporting the e)change o academic sta* and doctoratestudents and academic and research acti"ities o doctorateschool'

    Con%*+sions o IEG:


    4trengths1. ……

    2. ……..

    3. ……... ……….

    Ieaknesses1. ……..

    2. ……..

  • 8/18/2019 Self-Evaluation Report Template


    pportunities1. ……..

    2. ……..


    1. …..2. …….

    3. …..

    !ecommendations1. ……

    2. …….

    (nternal +"aluation roupF 


    ne) (

    ne) ((

    ne) (((
