sellons at law, -...

VOLUME I. NO. . 30. RED BANK,,- TtflJIiSDAY,. .JAXrAttY .Hi, 1«79. &1.50 PER YEAR. JOHN S. AITLKUATB. HEXI-.V M. Ni;virs. APPLECATE & HEVIUS, cou.\sELLons AT LAW, RED BA:-:K. N. J. ROBERT ALLEtf, Jr., 'ATTORNEY' AXn I'Ot-XSKLLOR AT i.AU", S'>ll,.'lt(ir, Miuiicr iiiiu -\<.mill-i- in ciriiiri'vy. Corci- KKD BANK, N". J. TRAFFO8D 4, APPLEGATE, COUNSELLORS A>'D ATTOUNKY.S AT LAW, It E D II A N K , N . J . C(.;.im:^'«K rsfur New Yuik. C. H. Tiumuifi. I). II. Anuii m:. JOHN E.SCHROEDER, ATTUJ!.Yi:y AT LA !J\ C<Jmuiliui,ilHM..f I'i' f,,r Ni-vv Yuri.. New .I.IM'} unil lVuns', hiii.ln. NOTAUV PlliUC. ' FRONT CTUI.IT, lll.ll HANK. X. J JAVVS^S GTEEfi. COUN'S!: I.LOR AT 1 AW. Notary I'ubtii'.Illlii ('.Hill;; -i IVI ef Dei. 1 -; fur \i'-.\ l..rk. E A T O N T 0 \VX. N.. J . DAVID HA3VEY, ATTOli.Yl-: r ./ T L.I II', jisriMir I'.WIK, M:IV ,;i:nsi:r. FRANK P. SVScD COUXKK'I. l.OIJ AT LAW, Fitr.i'.iio:.!). N. J. Hi'll PI!II..l-|i' 1.1 III \. DR. TH. E. RIDCWAY, I.Aii: I . S. ,\.. Ac. TOO NT AMI \V\S!IINi;T.o; s:i!i;lTs. |tt:i) I:ANI;. N;:\,si:y. Special nlleiilien to ere. e;ij- .vii'l ihio'il (tNi-iiw.,; Ainu i"li|-onl<; cise.-i. DR. ALFRED F. TRAFFORD. r ii v s i c i A x A x ii ,s r i; t; KON j IlliHiiaiiiKittiis'i UK I) HANK. X. .1. OHliv uvt-r Si limc'lel's I)|-u^ SI,,IV, Ilr,,,,,l Sllri-l. OF!. CHARLES HUBBARD, BANK AN!) VICINITY. BIi". Conrad has removed to Ncwaik. Bars tins in spongi'8 anil chamois at ( h dtvick's. The recent Grand Jury found twenty-- .-'.even b.'ll.s of indictnunt. Revival moi'ling--are being hold in the Haven Methodist Church. Protracted meetings arc in pio^r-is in the M, K. Cliimh at Tinton Kalis. Dr. Gcran. .:f Matnwan. has put nix hundred tons ol' ici- in hiii ico-houso. A belonging to Mr. Lewis White fell down on Front ttieet on Saturday afternoon. Cream tartar, ' linking and wishing i--ndas,'S, warranted strictly jaire, at Clia.lwiek's. The Freehold J-'nliinl I'liiMing and Loan Association o.-.n not tell its inohc;. ;,t a premium. Jlr. Daniel lliil-tlletl. of Colt's >.Velc. who l(a>: beeii ,'iniicted with loelijiiv.' is slow*.,- r. co\, ring. I.inti'tnlier the eiitci tairlment bv 11,i• lied Di'.iik Athletic Hub on Tlnir.-:day eveniiii'. Jill!, liolh. We will prim in our next is: lie a pio- grnmmc in full of the Craded Si la-.l C innunieniut Lxcrcin a. Paints, oils, colors, varnishes an,' putty -.old « holi sale and retail hy I". T. Chad- iviokC Bread slrcit. lied liank. The hieiuhiTs of tin' Yolliig Mali's Chrixli.iu Association will give a supper i in their hall on I'ridiiy evciiin;;. A In n t" .Mr. ('has. Curtis. of Ilolniilrl. urn. ilay last wM-k l.riil all '-^^tliat iiuasurrtl S.\5i ii.cln.-ii. A KlKiiitin;; inatcli fur pi^snml ]..mili> lal;.. pla.v n.'ar tlii- (Vnlral Uai!ro;al .li-]ic>t. If.-il H.i:.l;.im Satiinlay iirti'i-niin:!. One of Ihfl pleasing features of the Central Hotel anil partook of a Ixiuntcous re-iuiion of the young ludies' gra(hi".ting I collation that was a i/redit to tlie skill of class or ihe Graded Kchool to be held in j Sir. French ao a caterer, f-bon after the Jlufcic II.ll! on the night of Fehruary ("th, '.-ollntion the brct'.:ren iiopiiratcil mid do- pttrtcd for their homi's. Funeral of (.'ajii. T. 1!. ijiiiijrstiTct. The funeral of ('apt. T. I!. I.ongslioi'1 | tool. pl.KV Irom his reside H'- in linr.h'ii The stoc!;h,)l,ler.s of the Hist National j "livi-t "a J ''' ill -'. v "'' hM " l ' ll; ut '-•"" Buuk.Ki' r. M. The vice,; id liie house day lo choose a of Dircclovi for the wore c.mdii.-'tiKl hy tl-.o Kev. it. 1-'. L.ops- ner, of the Hiiplist Church. . Mr. I 'Hii'-lruet a moinlier of NiiV>- wilibe a g-.ime of chess" in which the ptNnffs will he. represented by living men and womi'ii. I'rof. Ja -ohu and Ur. Kim- !,;ill, the cIiLimpitui i-'iess pliive.'ii ofMmi- Inoutli, will conduct the ;;:IIIIC. >t'.ir. Tin' '-.i wvre clni.scM : AIIH Ji'niRs II. Petes, Anthony Heckles*, sink Hook im,l l/'..Ucr Coi.ip my, of .'led Hubert. Allen, Jr.. \Vm. V. .Wdmin. I Hi'"!«-and wa« also a mwiiln-r of \. 1 .IIT.>II George M.irford, lilhus YV. 'Conorcr. Luiirfo, N'l-. S4, I. O. 0. F., of NewY..'1'l. Titos. S. Field, Cieor^e llanco. Ast.ury P;irk and, Oceiin (irove luive paid taxes into tiio treasu; v id' Oce^u A committee of four from that vere in attendance iit the funeral. Speci.d meetiiii;,, had been called b> the i-'ireiiioii and the Odd 1-Vllowft nml towiship to the urn mnt of severnl tbou- , .. ^ NVI .,., , ( . Sht .a i,, -ttiiid tl nan,! dollars within the past fev." - vl ' :irti -} luVi.-i-al'l./n 1 .... 1 v. ' and only Kix dolbis has been spent by,] A , p..,,-,-J.H-k tJi.-pr.«-«-.-.-.i,.JI »•«»fciiii.-l- ei- of llioad and >! ill! xvhytlu. itip i" the 1 wo pljiiTs I'll l |»t'i at the 'ai'k mid ! "''''''•'" \.iniK.m. l , .\ssi.t ciii-ni's on the [ in one of antsl '<IIUM\V her vvi'in'ii(^ ' 'i'suii, (K\W\\ iidji/in IIKI.e ;,'liloli Hall, Ho was h.keli ami lilihun slirmpcd witli the luolio;-,i:,m i.ick in his room with pnoiiiiumia with- ol Ihv tomjiany.) Navositik out any one lo do anything lor l.iul. and :.o the in -liners ot the Knv (' im;i liiy.'to iiniovi'd to tlie^-liouse of Mr.-.. Wainwrijjht. ivlicre he will receive prop- j er medical iittendance and ciilefu] nui;.-.j l!i-d Hank, is .!;;^:... i!U. !„ 0 . (>. I'., of i 'icul thcoKIrst i'i.t;Jili.-li.-il i 0 ill lull le^idia, with r;;l'e[li on h i t hi i a:.I. Marshal J.i.'m ,S. il.ontoii. .Scene t'.iippoiii r:i. l)i' K r,r .M, lulu rs. l'ii'l Cr.m.lK. Tn-amiry. Secret try yud Chaplain. V. (I. and Sappoi'tcrs. r. J.iliii Hock. rcprcsciitiiiK Jloiuiuiuth Lod^eii i n t h e Miilo of .New.ler:oy. il, has n ni.-nibershipof ^u. w ith a capita! ol I I.o<h;e. .No. v ii, ahoul H.'iiNi. In liviiiK u p t o (h,' print i- \ Coniinitlec fiMiu \\ arren l.o,';r a n d t w o /•1c, of O d d Fcili.wship. iiiMiccoriiK ilicj incinl'i'iM from L"d|',e, nvho IKedy.lilteuiiil'K theiii.k.Hlid r e l i n i t l K j I"' 1 '" 1 '' : - I ' " " ''O.IIVIV) the ilistlcsscd hi r hand has altv.'iVs boi-n : After the funeral M I - , i c e s v er, n Wh.-liainm lives t o h e forty withoui <vt,u 'j i,j s i,,,^,,, is , r .j,n i i m a ' i eii.son I eli'ded'tlie friends viewed Uie corps.', i.i.'.rrjiii.; l i e i.s ^cnonilly (lcs[iise,l. liiil , if ,,.,,, .„,.,,..'. .„„, W1 ." hn " it M , ; , v ; afb-r U'hi.'h (ho !' - ii'ome« iind I ' M I ' d * ! l k d . - j 1 T . . - . 1 i l . - « l - * ' i , i > . t , 1 . 1 t is licttcr to lie clf.-pi,:u'il tlian to 1e uii- ! lews f irilied i'n 1 IK- iltl'l escolled t h e r e On I'ridav afternoon Miss Marv SI,,, ! ''•"""• "' Ul " lVlllrl1 li ' 1 I"' t ""' l U<1 ,''^ I'VodiiiK boil I,,, ,,i,.,'!. s. milk-f I and ,1^,.,^.^,, ,j,,, n . ,,.,.(,„„ ]yi,^ „„ „„. j were pun'I'Hsed lor So:,,.,,-! Armed id ill other toilet articles indispensable to „ f s ,.,,,,,,, i.-,' ,. llr . ir .., " , ,.,,.)•.,.;,„, ' Unit station 1 'ley were met hy !'.»., olsio;- | j * K i J i * l i il J | t l l i | v ^ > t l ' « | J r l * J I * r ' l l l I 1 [ l f l L l ,1 . I I I ,.| t . » I- ** " . • 1 /*bt 'J1...I', f i.,..|.., KED IIANA, MONMOrni CO., X. .1. Allu»'i'li:il:li':il.,n,! ,l."iili.l i ;,iT-.i!i..i'. |:cr:-'ri:i-l i li.'ail-.ininli'l-s In Ur-i'li'i L- C:I.. , Iv.iiy.s in ilui;. j us. 1. AKn I'l.i.'l 1 ;;ilj , 1,1 '!' 'f'ul'l iuliil.ll- i t r .. iv i.-a !•• fi' ii ... Oi'FH'K I'N I".:OST '.i'"::"!'. 0;-r. TK:NIT . ill". ". R . F . Q O :•> D L SJ, Music Hall liaildin-.. Kcd i'.auk, X. .!. | i,\.i|. i : >. ?Dn. H. B. VANUOjiM, v.'iih Du. K. f. Du.i'i.v. M.KII Hi.;ii'.ii:i.!:i'f i:.':i) liA.XK. X. J. H. K. ALLSTIftOM'S A c A a i. n x <> v .w »' s a < . HKOAl) S'iI.;i:i';T(Mi:.-irIIiilli. IUM> iiA:;i..;;. J. tiill|:l:t In i.i: ils Hiiiin, As,'.-!; of lire mil-ilr iciisl.ilil'v i'l: liM.'f. A(,i..\'r ; in; '. i.:,i;s ,\\\t D H ' : A N \ CEOF3CE McC. TAYLOR, UAS'K, :,!.',>• j:'.i;si:y. RU. ' 1r. MANY, •;I:I: AND JI-:WKLI-:K. i VIt 11NT STIIIir.T. J. A. TriRO-iCIWORTON, LUJIBKH, LATH. I.IMK, CF.JIKXT, Bl'.ICK, N.Ml.s, r.U.Nl'S, OIL, i:'IC-., FHOXT HTUKHT, l!I'.i> HAXK. A', .1. PARKER &. CHADVVICK, LUMBER, LA'i II. L11IE, MUCK, CVUUMIt, (illllll.'ll IIIHI 1.111,1 I'llsC. T. >i.,rihVll|\!, I'lUlli.-. ,,11,1 Oils. Ci. I. lUilieUusi. liu^ii,;, Ac. Al'U lM) 1 Ui'tuls nail Lilll, er.'s. THDX1' BTllElir, UBD BANK. the nursery, iur sale hy Chadu iei; i n h i s new store. . The fiirm lately occupied l,y Mr. Ji.l.n !i. l.irovc-1-, on tin- roll.l 1-elwe'll K'eil I'.iilik mil Li'clsvillc 1,,-i-i In i'ii |ninlias.-i! liy Mr. I>. Carson. ,.f Fiei'!i,,!,|. ,\ ,-liil.l \v.:ti ri-i-c.:tly !"ii:i at Tinto. r.l!!s w l h .111 c\[r.l li!i;;er i ii etc'i li;:lli ! . 11 c .•U[e: i!l'.";i.^ IJrjTs wile Jivel'-Jillv ie "'i i- 4 * t\ j i t i t 1 i i o \ i * ii r i, 11 ri i j i T i 11 i j^ witf.afil. The lad is a nephew of Sir. i I-o.lp-of Manie ,,,,ii:i. the line ef marel Schenck. and had heen left in charg w a s t h e n lakfii ^lp mi'l th" |ii.ii'.-.-sii.ii -l.-ry. ahout ami!. the store whilo the pr ietor was iitt, ...1 I"""" 11 '" ""• '•'"''•".O- «l»«" « •'»'" in K eourl i,t KreelioM. lir. Conover was j '">*"«• ^"^ ""' llllrlil1 s ' nUV I'""' 1 '" ,e.,t for ,,,,,1 iKlmiliistele.l the proper I ' " ( " M ^'Ilow.diip w :.s read by I hapho, 1 t . . . 4 * ' l * l . k . . . l . . ..... ** .%K I l l l l I ' . t T l l l l l l . wiii'ti tin 1 riin-'i! rnii- seiollsmw he >vaa , , . ; ney.,l to hi.-; ' ! '' vrlv "" J! ' '"•• v " r '- i i: "" " in il Ciirria;;e. ! James N. Tlii'nekiiioii m. The remain i rave nod eiicii (Hd Follow inn', he-' I'.', and de- ' posited il slil'L o i e . i I ' l eel 1 ol I lie coliiu. l'l'ol. \\ in. I',. Sluilll. 1'residi lit of Ihe ,' ,. ,, ,. inill,'l ; all,-r which the l-irem.a an,! 0.1,1 I". 1 "'""•••''•" ' - V ' "• i - t!lil " !lll ' : 1 ' 1 '-" "'"• A',, o, i 1 ,,, ,sh,,,;; I '.„;,, u,y. of Ne,v ! (.iil-'imdav. J-,,.. :,:h. a leak »,„ ,:: - . ; \ oi-K. w.!! ,!,.|.vor ,n M,-,,- II-.ll ..... •• ,.„,_ , n ^ „,„., .,„;-,.,.,..,.,. "Hi, stiiiin pipes . " I t i n - | '•••euiii .- .if Jan. : l i . t. hi-; p i r ir I,- : .n. .. ,- ..:. : : ; lllilic i l l ••[ i . n o | i:.i ; ' ; li' 'Th-,.-.- ' ; '•'••." Hi' ! 1'ie :• : .Mr. |:,i".". T.iuoi , ii.-'sl.-htiy M-aK.-d. | I 1 - '= ;1 -"' I - " ' '•'• "l! 'irao.el:- h'... 1 .. The I-'.i:; \\:-.-.-'.--'.: .\,;r- printed ihe! •'" !>ot- i . i i . v h e M--a.-.. I o f pi; I Ih. ; c oi ' r . .,ii:n'ul Sn-i-.v " \, iihout one & Coie's.- The :,:,- 1 , ii .'-i-.'i. lie w.i-. born in h'".'"i. a ' ' .,i I , sel:,. .',.,-,,11 I c.iitiiiiio.l H; .di j i ioi i'i.o'ii fort)- yciir. Ten ;o:o !,,-| r.:i t, .1 'I heavy cold, ;i;id 111.111 thill i ml. in Iicidl li in.Id ' "'.dofiip.,!,,;;.. l l i s ,: 1 ,,lerto.,.:t:. i .t i ; i " " | l A ( ; i ; t 7 ' lhcp,-..o-,,|s ; ,:,-i,l,,- ,. mi . |M , ,,,,,,,..,„. v 'I:'. uroleii v-hei, he was i, j • I;i '-' 1 " 1 P1 Hi.- li'>:-:i--y fund of lh,- ".,-,,, . , . . ^ m.illl.-y. ' Adm.s-.i.i;i •.•.'ic-iit:.. j - —. St. Peter's Church ,:l l - r,-e|i..|.| willb- A l 'ho a.'imi-'il lie , tin:: ,<f I la' Sov.i \:.;-; f c I ! 'ill ; eirm.illv n -,.pen,-don We.hie.-.,l.ij . The "•'"> " i;ill 'i.,l Fire l.isi.rann- ('. !,p:,iiv.| _\ ra ,. ( . i,,,,.,-,.,!. ii -.-bi.-it-. I ook pirn e MI"! .••i-.Inip of X ; - v . , 1 . i ,",- iind the lip:*:..,, d i : "' ; '' - ; l U ! "' ll ' r '- i "" lrl - 1: ••"'•""• "" i TucMlay. ll v.'.,.s ,-,.11,11 u p h y Mr. .lo'h:. ! tiv-II'ill .Slun- nl I'j:ii- orjrvmen of ihe cuiniv will assist in j week, the folliivvimi VanTino. "I Fair Haven, who olVen-.l ,':•• i lallleii '.-.elillelll.-in Won ll.oi.cll.iilT, tors; I ;1 | hM !„.:_,,.„ ;; ,,|,| ,„, ,i ; .|. |. :u ,,:i', ,-li ice- Dr. F.T. cha,;vvickio. l i,horM'o 1 ,ir:-! 1 ' l ' 1 : > ::: t "' ll -. N '^'';:'7'"' 1 ' u v < <»;'.T..V.-I -.I •• k .•••..! .•-. >.i lav at i;o,lc,lv.o,',->!r. Chi,.,. L. U.,.,: "*\*: V' ^" | ii1 ' 1 . 18 - "" W ' T T 11M1 '" 1 " 1 '""' " M ''" 1 --'"'•-" A ' 1 '"'"'^ wiii:,:,i:v > ,i,',dn, ; ,s i,,,!:,-,:,,,,„• i,,,i «•?";•'•'•»•.•-. ' • <':?<"•• •[• iv.i.n .... lif ,I, I .-N. I .I, „.,.) s.,,n. n « . . i . , , , , !,.•; I,.so was li.kinj; ...i.-l, i,:;d shoilh J ! 1 '"'" 1 ' ;;s ""' ' V ' Ai '' V ' • ' ! - s "^ '•'"' | ;'iv. n. » , r e hu ile ^,, .-Her. Tl.elnat.. ,,:tc,,v. ; rd died m m the , I e ; ,>•,., th", >•"•'•> | ••«!.•.. w . . , o l , . t ,,l I V ^ ' i i . i I, ,..,„,..., i,, „.„. ,•„,;, „,, ,.„„.,.,. : !III|( _. 1 . \ \ i i h : . m i . . i - i o r . l . . i \ : i . i u l \ \ . !:. S t . . | ,. ri ,.,„, ,;,,,,,,.„ :;,-.,,, ,.;,,,,. o],, .... veils. 'J Ie:;: Hl'el'. 'l i: lc.o:-.l:\' ;'[ ~-':'' " ' ' ' i ' '' Jl ] "' ] "' ; *"''. I M s,.i'i. Fi'.Mt st:-.".-l beloii'::.!.,' to the l'ltcle.-r harh.'l- sll",! W'.il h ll.-..' 1 hy the;;i iii 'I'll,- alt, 'iHc.i.i of oar c.''r.'-is c.ilie-.i to thv business iiiiil ll iccnicnt of Me.^iv. Smock fr White. Tliey are now oll'ei- in^ r u: u.;iiiil bargain;, in men's, liidic;;' and children's iiielillo U'ldel'Wi-iir. iind ;I!MO nubias. sciirtV'. plovi s and milieus. veils, 't lei;: iui-1 1 . 'l i: -.paliy :' I -iiii.'i", fund ol .; I'M-i |i. ' j T!e!\.;!:;Md. ."' n.i.pi'l.i!, of tie Ii:- ; ,h.\e av.;:y the i.r.ii.i t;-.i.ri-s:, of ti.e i SIiri >'.:•'' iii\ It h a s I.ei i, |r,-; - . i, j over for nearly two we, I.s iind until the i ple.-clil snow jdlonicd i.iiiple f; e:ii!;'» s b-i |'lci!:uiv. f-kidii't; wi-,s in,:ii!;;-( ,1 ia Ir. ' j,,,!,;,.. M.e 1; ,,e 1OKI.II al S.-I7 O'I I", I:. i;irj,o eliiv.ds of ioo].le. nml i.e-bonlili^ . i:nd to.tniliatoil at -I.""! o'oki' k . 1'. 51. sthiiiihr.ed the licsiic for f:,:.t milinu in' 1«i limn. I-'iriji,,in. I ' m , l . w . lho-i.,wl.iici'i:!iliii.iuielhoo.']d, Mcs-is. ! 'r.\ l . r j u . • i l i l . l 1 ' i l n -. M i l ' :• - i . ' . i -, . i i i . i i 1 . -i o n . k V .; ..;- -a. o.e...•:.-. :. i i..(,-• I..;- .:\i...':i k :i,-,! ,:,mi'. \ ..j !, I:,,!-,.• , l|.•_''•! c.;:i. ,i. II'IO.OI/K-'. l...r.:..i. ... !•. .S|..,iiMi'r,a, I.M", i:.,i i..n,k. 111. M,,.'.', lil'l'l l i l i . , I I , k'ull. O, ,'ill.ll'. ii. u. II i , i. ;.i'M,.. I:.-,! n .,i K . l:i. Hi-, i, I'll-I., liol HIM k. II 1:1,11- liilli Mil I ...... M,il,ll,'l,:'ill. . J. S. 'il.ri ,'i Tmi. liiiidri. kioii have the f,.st- ' ' ' The Sin|_,r f-.'i wii.j; Maol.ino Cninpaiiy j ost I,ml onthe rail. CnVondiiy it iias liouL'.ht out Mi'. I). C. \'im[)orn's sew- iuj; niiichilie laisiuess. The coinpiiU} will establish a branch IIIIKKO in lied lure ^\ :.••.:! COAL AKD WOOD! SCltAXTON, LEllItiH, CUMIIKRLAND AND WILKEi-BAIIKF. COAL 111 till' IJIK'.SI MlU'Kl.'l I'.llU'S. COJJD llon/l. (.lirt'.s'J' .l.\D C1IKS7SUT POSTS AXD Clll-WXLT HAILS. JOHM A. WORTHLEY, Oflcenl Wurililej'. Ii... k. Iii;U IUNK, N. J. R. R. WiOUNT, -.%• ASH CABINET MAKER, FIIONT STRICIT, nwir 111.' Rnllruiltl Diput, lir.ll ll.lMi, N. J, rurnlluri' rt'imiri'il iiml \niillslii'.l. rii-turt-fniinrs (or sain. SiR-rial utti'liUiin ylviMi to thi! tniinti:(,' of it von s,iuj:.i>(Niiiii>ii uuii<!- Inn I'lois of {iroiinii on siirnwHlmry Avcium. - neiir iind rruiitlUK ill'! N.'iv .li'isdy tvntnil DIIIH.I, ]{L"I ltiuiK', wliiMi! inularh In ilUKiiuwn. AIHII II liuiiitR'r wlihlu' walk nf thu ilcrriU, wltli tin' rltfit»[ a (Tyst.ii S[irhvJ ."iilltlni; .vi.HW inilluns jlally. Tiisi.-liw mill s,ifl; (,'!»»' <">• «Sli/ri JUmin- ^m-.turcnt anil Hr.sver.-i. Cull nml si.':t wlu'dulu anil map. I'l-l.oa lowimil tc-rtus ciisy. Apply to ('. I.KKJIITON, N'ou-iiiiin Si'rlnK^. licit Hunk. N. J. C(i(*> iHvcukIn youriran tmvii. sriouillcti-i'c. No O^ 1 ' risk. Iliutl.'r, irj.mwiiiiuiiiiislni'ssiit wlil.-li H'nnns ofi..ttlH'i-Ki'X(-iiii iii'iku irrt'ut puy nil tins tlmo lit'y work, wrltn. lor inrli.-iiliu* lu- ll, ll.iu.f.rr.t Co.. Portliiml, Mill: c. A Torms Buy. -FOR SM;EI.I ••• pi'niM'rlvnii Uivail^roct, ISnl ISunl:, Jiilly I II13NHY CLAV,~ . lied liauli, K. J. ree7('b!ow:p:r u liich made a tr'p of miles in the runaik- j IVIlli: l r i 1 Il!1< '•- 1 ' 1 ' 1 o.M-illnj^oii.'. 'll;e able 1 ;nie of Hue.- mlui.t..." I"''' '»«H '"- 11 '•''•' '-i^"! l-nt -•. Ih. ice A very iiilorosiiiin ilehato was hold :>l Shvewshury on Tuesdiiy eveniM;', 1 . The 1 i;llestio:i v.iis. "Kisolved. 'ihnl the ill- lend: rril t!ie l'.'Cc an ej.cilill;; "1H'. 'l l..-(l bitilt iii.d hist rli;;;i-il lui.t'in ll.i i was the i' I I.itlio Kihu. Ail.'i-I'I.C rnci-i.i wi's tiik. II a| .iit iii c.o i'.'ed to that p!:,ce o n a v,:i(;on. 'the i'ank, iind e.-cju-ct lo keep four agents on .he road. Mr. ViaiUoru v.ill 1,-, ut.lined ia Liie l.usiiieis. Mr. David Nwan wnu sittin}; in I'i.rl'.e:- iS Cliiidwak's store onSiituiihiy afior- nooli, when iie ^ ii.s Kliddolilv seized w.lh over the debate v.tiv Messrs. Campbell, t , , . , . , . , ., T , , ,, .'. . <>• , , ,i i .,., . . . I In 1 rii k s bout, ijuiiiij: the rai.'. J, a hi mid fill lo the floor. He was tiiken » ookv and Holmes. Ihe a vc , , , , ,. . ,. I , , , Leonard wns holdinir on one of Ihe out into t!i.'- Op,, 1 a,r and whin, he had I wi,, reprei.eiitod bv .. „;„-:,. ,.j lolI ,,,|, n . j ^ ^ ^ <>{ w M ^ ^ siiliicielitly rccovued he was assisted lo L-fian and Sleeper, and the ne..-,itrve hy , ^ ^ ^ ^ (||ll| , vjl ,,„„ ,,,, -m ,,.,„,, Inn h .me hy Marshal Pat I erson. "" "••"••-—• ' •• " ' ••" ' The incm'iiors of Trinity Guild held a sjciab'.e ut the (llohc Hotel on Monday About 1.11) pena.ns wure jirci.ciit. " l^itlle Toddlekins" was ;)liiy..l. anil afterward daacini; w.if; i. - l i l l ' r t i o . l 1 . . 1 , , I I II ^ ' I M I t | , J,|ll I | | H ' l i i " 1 . . . . i , . . . , . . , . ,. | t hippy F.ii',1 U T V ii,ui h i'.i.iiiiu ,1. i ti-odiiction of lahor-"-,,iv;ii|: nuchincrv , • , o i ," • ,, i , , . . . , , , . ' hi m e thr' mudlu, bout in HIT nice, and has been mitlriuiiii to the ilhoroii: I , . . . , . , • , , .. ... . . , , , , . , ' nt ieuiK la.-1 ,iic.r Kb to n-nio m tl.ird c.asses. 1 no litotes si'lectc-t to presi.C I " , „ . r J( . . , . . , , , . , i „ ' out (.! ii (l.i't of Hint, en lai-Kc boats, over the debate wire .'.lessrs. CiUnl'.hell. | , , . , . , . , . ., , T ,. . t t % ' ^ l l | O | ( l | | , | l n o , UlllltWUL III1JI I'lll Ml IIOIIL Dr. Patterson and :,!essrs. Ciiiiiii'.ell and . ,.,, , , ., , ,,••,,., ,, ,. „, . ... nl the h.ial. lie tiidr Kiircd h,m:.e!l hy ll.iwkms. the tmostion was decided in ., , ," ,, ; , , . „.,' , . , I j;r;islMIlj;tlie liov.spl'.l- as the lioat l.ure :ic negative l he suo.oit fur doli-.U-' on , ,- „., ,. . .,, . , , , T, , . . , Ihe Snow Drill had her next Tui'sday evening; is, "Kesolved, That HL-cret soeietieH MTO hellclicilil ton eoinniuuilv." The nfllrni ilivt- will be sprit broken, and the Illue Ilird loh.t her siiil. ]\h. Smith's imfoi(unately broke <lmvn I.i U-.n' the r.-in.- \vun ci in- dulj;,d in. A very enjoyable evciiins "'stained by Messrs. YauK.rk, Patlovson ~J.'.V^ ~ i, "-iC- Vi i! <- 'llarti.homev'u.iit'loulcd a:iu C.lininpiiii. iin.l t u 1 n.'^raltv** l»v• • • t .. . . ,, 1 , 1 ''*• ll in[^llll l 'l L'l.Ll.. A ,r,,1, I. iltt.ill ,.|1 1 I . , t-v. . I l i t . vcas spent by those wlni were present. The stockholders of tlie Second National Hank on Tuesday elected the following lloiird of Direct.irii for Uic ensuing year: John H. A;iple;,'ati'. John IJi insen, Joseph A. Tlirockinorton. .Saiiuu 1 T. Ifeitilrick- sim, Clinrles J. II.-iidrickKon, John J, Hopping, Tyler W. Thi-ockniorton, J. Trall'ord Allen. (Jurilon fciicliles. Mr. A. 1'. Dui'liank, the lnunoroua (Inmiatic tind iliiilcet elot-iitioiiisl, will (?ivc mi rntrrtainiin'iit in Music Hall, on Fi'idny evening, Jan. lUh. at 8 o'clock, Mr. llurhank lutsuppeareil in all the largo cities of the ciiunlry and lias been viry successful in getting full houses. Tickets liave lie™ placed at S5 cents, ant' t-a'u be procured nt A.llcm IS^^OIC'H. The editor (if tlie. Anbury Park Journal is known as having micc-OHsfully cn- ginccroil tlie grcatcHt rrnl cstute opuni- tion ','vi'i- umlertukcn in Momnouth conn- ty: .iso us tlit'Ktronge.-it and most uiirc- leutinciKlvocato of lenipoi'atico in Nf'.v Jersey. ..And now hu 1ms gonii i;ito tlic ct huslficss; • He nrvdict'u tlint'G«n- oralG'tatit «-ill I* tlia next Presideutof the United States,' ... • Field's. A pulleinnii oflered lo put up one hundred dollars that Coley's Lout oiiii heat any boat on the river. iMosHrs. t\ileuian. Sleeper and Kejxau. 'the elected .in I appointed oflieorK of Hiram Chapter.'No. 1. It. A. M., wore installed on Monday evening, (i,',,i--c - At ahnut 11 o'clock on .Saturday oven- 11. Junes. Grand High Priest of the i.jn^nu ,,„,.,] n-uiiian. tliinlv clad, waitei Siate of New Jersey, assisted hy Past; ilt f| 1L . (il .,, v o H t m . t aV!i!ii ,' K ,,f Uie Peitn (Jriin.l High I'liest Itohvay, perforiuwl the impressive inslalhition ecremoniea. After Ihe instiillatinn the Onind ssnif; i sylvaiiia Hailroiid • in Jersey City, and us the train appioa'clicd and the gale WIIH 'fTli ! l m vnred, she drew elow up to the gate, •«1 [ l ! l m nred, she dre e l w up to th Fricst delivered an cloinieiil and •«-1 ,„„[ llt) the, gate was tlnowii up s stritivlds Y ll At Yn.ii . At the conclusion of the address the (irund High I'rirsl, on behalf of tlie brethren of Mystic Urotlierliooil Lodge, .presenU'd Hast Mauler Joint P. Cooper with a Pant Master's Jrvre! of pure gold and hcayliful workmanship.' with tliiii inscription:— " I'tcswitcd toi>. M. Jehu P. Cooper hy the brethren tit Mystic Lirotherltood LOIIRC, NO. 21, Jan. 18th, 1871)." Bret. Cooper would have mude a Rpceeh oir receivin'jj il, but for certain reusnns lie 1 ,„„ ;l H | |nr| , he gave «oiiietliiug from the j?atL\ Tlwn ,Hhn hurried up Newark avcime toward the Heights. When asked for an explanation of her behavior, she reluctantly said that she had lied a btriiiK around an ulcerating tooth and iittaclied the i tring to the gate, HO that when it ivtm ruiaeilit might ex- tract the lontli.. She had not lifty cents to pay for its pulling. The .Trenton True Amitrhvii wiys there poslpolled it. A large roproMjiiliition of | is no tnlth in the report that a'sot of Hiram Chapter and Mystic Prntheil'.dod 'metric..weight.) and measures can he se- Lodge wei'u prwent, tngelher with vis-.cured by applic.ition to Hii'pt'riiiloiKlont I tots from vnripi.iK uln'tei 1 ' Clmpti-iii and j Apgnr. by a teiiohcr or titwlces. The li'iitgor, After the. mectiiig Ihu com- Blatu Biuird of Educution notiL'ttiti- ptuiiona and brethri'ii proceeded (u Iho | thorized him to distribute, them. Mrs. Frost hua ln.uglit n lot and will elect a neat ootta;;e. A youh'j man in 21 days (tunning sliot IHT rabbiti. J ipiiiil. ;ind a slum!:. The next M. I Uolmvn sociable will lie hold at the h ,.|iilaMe house of Mi'. Mrian l.awroMco. A fi:!l ti'ton.Iiiinv is o.\ | ecled. Mid llctown has hecn overran with tree a,''-uts. The.,' olid Iron of the llevi! make life u huiden. and lill the cup of happiness with bitterness. Ahout two v.-oiks ii;;o -Mr. I'.d. Ii irls- inii-ne walked l'r>iinr<'Mi<ldli'tmv.ii to Red Hank in hi. uiiiiiil'.'.i. in ikiu;: ahout a mile in -1« mimites. Thi'i tiitu- would do ( r.'dit to u proics'ii.aiiil. The Jii-v. Mr. ISiuli It id hi.-i a'luual diTiiition vi^it oil Wednesday evening oI hut week. AmuM"; t'e di.• t ili^u 'il Kiji sis \v,-r..' ex Se.i iior 11-nlrick on, til.- II,m. Ch ii. 1). Ibiiilricksoii, and the I:,-.. K. J. I'oote. The rocoipln wen- ^.ollle\\ hi.t l.ii',";ii' tlian lilst year, which h| oaks v.-i !| for Ihe ,,;rn« iiy piijiulaiily ol lir. Dink. A ll.'iiiiirl.ii'ili' Pii]iir. The loll, w il, IX li li'iilkid h' | up-r was prcscillod to Juil'.'.c Scuddel' on Monday 'IN ihe <1 .-l1111 .mry : Tn //"i/y llii'H';-. .liiilijr SniihUr:- A: thisislJic hour I'm lefn.-ui. «.-. t'.oiiii bl - Mglad, Icspi . t! Illly niido 1 Ihe f. illow in;; ptehililne I t -. )t:;\iii;. no direct pl'ool i.el'oic u s o n w liich to liiiil iiilii I ni.-nt.-.. lint kiiowinj; of ,1 re-ul.irit ier-as ,',cllor:ii tails we desire Ihis (-., aivi' a s ii wnrii- III-- to pel'Mins hiililill:: "pell V olli'-l-s. Hot Ioi, Ililllll till 111 ill the llll'.iri'. A s I 'll' r ',l'c)il ob,j"it of lii"' i s l o I'KVt lil rriuif. not lopilllish i l . w e think w.liiiil lo the ,,"i.s." m a y h e s:lil:e eiil. Wlull..»e_« i:h |opreset! M o vi 111 I bill or i.s. t he pelt) t.,l,ili-s of county, luwil- ;-lliji ilild town olli, el's. l ' ' o r i n s , Mice. tin I i v . i n low:, i In I-'r,e! ei|, ler,-v. 1 (icr.l \\, to w liich to;".' ol:ell add lil'li'il; c. dlMler ,lll-| hol-.o fe'cil. Then there lire jlld;..:, ,-I'. !••! ll-'i... n I ototh. ii it up-.'-i.iiiI .inMI.-.. 1 lo- c imas CIS of the voles, I'nini the se\'-r:d t-n\ lo-hi;,.. iil-.o. ill 'lio-l add liic.ils, A: ; ,in. the lowii'hip coin milt, os a m i eleik.s :i,l,l tneal-' to their e-,poir.e;'i bc-ii.l," hlilin nl'lllc flci'Iis of low lii-hijiii, who. nol contoiii uitli their Ihnf iloll.os p e r d i n ilhcir li-|:al W.I^OHI, ilitllidly reoelte.ille lillllill'ed ilnilais pel ionitiin for lltcir o.oik as .•!<.I,.s. \t hii li A ,':,:.,., w.m\ I nit o mic to thirl i dollar,,".! the le.;il IMIC.. Then, too. th, o\-el :eel . o f I l i e p i ,,- rec-ise o i l - ' It IN). I l e d lollii's f ir tl.e.l - e l \ ,re>, v\ hich inmain | '-,":-.'-s. ::l t h r loiliir; p. ,d.i\. wiiiil'l liol •ilnoliot 1'ithilti ,l,'l!:irs. I Inw, v o n s e e I' ill! these "i.i Me-, llii.l.l i, 1,nickel." We IclVe i,|:.o lli .iMM'll'i! lllill ill M'.ll's p.l:-(. f., A II I n ; . , ivJii.-Ji iiviv lii .iiii-t-d I for ol'e hill,, o d illll! I .. i lil \ ..i.\ liolliM :, | •-. I •'«'.. it i l i i : ; 'e- I':-.- : i l e \ p i ,e i ,!!• ','. I . In. , I ill; -• elelk-. , ' IM.I; ' Icioeil. n I . 'lie l'|. 'll-:i ,d I III. e lull,'!; c.l ini.l | .,i > i\ ,. ;.:!:,: i ,|,.|| r . v. iih ii p,,; i.i;,. ,,. i ;h,: 1, ., a..; I-M-I ! ii: =!,-.I. 'i'od.n I uu. all.I I:,.'-or is ,e. . I i . I ; I i . s ti'ieM. Ale | on li o CIM.'li lii:r,l, , |, > .' > \ , I ' l l I ll II 11 J,' \ ,.t-,,i to lei 1 ll do, s : . , 111 tr lll;..e (ilill ...i-. ,..- « '-.. would ,:••! \ e i - \ "i:r p i-ket- 1 1, I . i Mill, li they iolllld il ill loestieel. in,-i |o U'O'.IH ' o n \-. o'll.l * U n t tiiili 1 1,,,,:,i v uie. olllili ,1. when thev I;I I- hulil i',| Ih.' plllili, III..,,,-, ".!i I,.ill,Ile it 111 liicll o u il udv .nt.ii'c. iis lll'.Uxh it were li.ei,- li.-.l-l. A h'ltle hor.-c I'M-II. ii hltle lo.idil. il Illi'ids \.i tllilh i, Ilill II |etlv r. ill . r iiielo i-. miiiii. and oili't.t.m..-; tin-,, .j'iiJA.t-i".'' ,''i- and llieit n;iiii" | '.'.;; M'les iiiid IIIO.'IIK 1 v i , l T s. In I l-.i-l t i l ' - o p ; i --.'.lil'ly to .hi sllch petly I,leio.!•'••- e . llli'i ll. Mile il Hot i i r , o 111- .irv. I i i : 1 U " ii III.Ill would l.ooll, I I U l o il his i :-iln hind th.,1, peipclr: .to. I Whi!-- liyii'i; I n I . in, d y i'li i d n ,- thill ; is so it:iiv..|-1 il. n i l v-t. wli-'il :,!• ik 'd a t 1 ill-l-hl. is:,od"L',i-.'liii(.'. WO e x p e l I l o lime j lill jl'. lives i",-I il! 'isth'l ivill III I'lnreex- I l>\ e than J! . 1 !,->-*..^ or |ioht,': lr,i; u e( ..'l\e II dill ,' l'i pi 1 1 , ' I ' m . and :il<* s;it- I -I,, d llli.t no per-ioi' iv,ll hi coiile inc'ilsi'il uh,I InIII.I glllilj ol ,1,1111' 111 t h e il.ovc U i fill.,; to i'.j-nc no one. w e d e . i r e ; d I | ;;,,ol c I /., l:s lii.s is lie;.' duly I t o MCI Iliit any ol'iie, . older who iimn-l li a n l a w f u l .i'e.M, sh.dl. in the fiil'ile. not ' only he IT'Selllcd. lii'il i:id,i led, ,'Uid nil- | .lUsIiui.l t h e f '.'t ; pi-lso.idly that we | oow p u t 0:1 piioei- iia.l p;'-.-.ciit to your! Tlie (iraml Jin v vrailil ri-Hp, etfully c il t h e a l l . Ill oti of yolli Honor In th'e j III li". !I''S'. of tin pl'.'^.-lil '. I,'.111'I Jill V lor.m, I lo! Ill- pllrp-'.^c id' III'- lillll 1 Jlllj. ill I that With t h e l - t m I- L-'ilP- tllid |ireo:illtinll il :•- iinp.issihJe to pieM'iit witnessis in l!ie jid.j uuin^ ro'jiii and loungers in the coi rid"!'!-, i\y v.clt us ihe Tet it Jurors in tin- n u m . mid, i.-ii'.nh. from liearniK I lie di en •io.'i-i I v ,|"S ,,n cues hefore the t Jii'iid Jurv. A n o n estimation has I ecu niiide lliid'his e.'ehipcd i h e M e t thill Ihe pleseiil ail n^'i'tiienl of the (iliilid Jury roi in i;;o| Mich 'i itiiliire a s t o leniler it iuipossihl, to U".',) final puhlic kiiowl- eiip' the Sin led secret-,ill tie.' Iir.illd Jury. |S|(I:;KI>.| Josi'i'ii I). Ihii'i'-. TIM:I>. YV. ^lotuii'i, \\ 1LI.I.XM M'AllKII, \)\ Vlll 11. VVVCKOI'I-, K,.l;il'.Mrt-C. II I'KII.A. A. IIIII.JI:;S. A/..YI!1.UH',INII.-.;I:, W .i. A. 1'iii::iH'rr, U, i'. V.ix Dijtv, F i.i.t i v oil -iii,:is, 'imiM. S . 1-;. llii.iw.v, V. I). rii:.M)i:ti KKOX, W.M. 111 ITillNsilN, J. A. lilClUI'KSDS, JA.M(..S Jl. .''..Mllll, i t . 1-:. llKl'MMUNIJ, Jon:; A. Mi.tu-uiiii. Jt IIN L. TII.-H'IS. W.M. II. Si- KI i:s, JdSKi'ii Kn:, I 1 .. I 1 '. AIM'l.l'.'l.'.Ti'.. AL.Iir.llT I'Ol.llK.ML'S. ri.'tt'.u U. STI:VI-..S'S. A t'urtl from Mt-vliciiiiriikttin, To TIIK KiilTOit oy THE IJiaiisTEit: I hiivo been asked to deny the eluir^e inadc liy an idilorial in I lir i-lvmhyit of tliV luth IIIHI.: "'Mini many hail niKiii'il the petition for oh.inKiiiK l' l( ' lin.l'i'! of our town fi-oiii lteil Hank to Shrewsbury Oily under impulse,mid now ri'Kn'tted it." I can liunkly say Unit 1 do mil know of a Kindle"person that Kifrued iinjiulsively; none wefo ur^ed, and only onu asked to have his inline erased."' 1 holievi: a very few did s'i^t. both petition nml pro'r.-,t, but u vei-y larun inajorily of thu sign- ers wei'i> vuliiimiiifitic for the change. None were asked to si-^n who nvrtikiuran to be in opposition, and there IIIIH Lfun an iihimdanee of time for every c'tizt-n to fully make up IUH mind on the i-nhjei't HH it was ]n-ct,ty syellvcnlilm'ed lust win- ter, so it wns no new unhiei t. Aiiolliei. I Iv-l'eve,'iiiU-niln In answer t!ii'i|ii•rtinti more fully, i;o 1 will no! tnl:i: up mi) 1 more P|),ico in your paper thuii the ahove facts. Very respectfully, 1). \V. lll'.XBUItKSON. HED BAKK, J a n . 1U, 1H7U. ' SIONMOl'TH TOl'NtT NOTI>. A lot twenty feet front has 1 eon so'd (rom Kt. Sinn's CMtirch pivpcrty to Al fie'l 1\'nlli!ii;. Jr., wh.iroiitenip'atct, ] ut (ing \\\1 an I'lti.-i:.—• Krupml U'rciJr/. Lots :ire K.II.I .1! A-ibury F'.irk. .Vew Jer twy. on i* eijuiv '.lent to a per]'etiiii m o r t ^ i i p — o n e b a i i T l i - e d y e a r s ; i h o p i n clliiser, however, re: 1 ., l^ u-j; tlie right t pay the prioi ijiid nl iiiiv t.o'c : or', lei per ceill.'.wll he IIIKI-.VO.) ,r I ii 1'..- .1/. . ". l 'i:nida i \ sbo it.i:i;j;it U;-ai " is n o lonj;e: populiir with "!,|iie,I \ ounj; ). r en tloinaii." (.'larenoc Levy iiial the ilcs-ri-. Murjiliy have hecn lined $'.',"i each niid costs.lor ^liniiing on Siunhrv. Novonihei 10th, I iv Justice M.-niiett of Ashiiry Parjj. —.Neil's. John II. Bovvers, a ,'iii'pent:'!', while em [iloyetl a t S e a (Jirl. m i i h e t'cntr;it RaiJ road round bouse h i t i ng shingles, lovi his liillalioe and was about to fall, wliei in order to jiri'vont his fulling head liist ho jllliipoil frniii tlic 1'oof to [he frn/el. ground below, a i]i-,t:in,'c of Iwentv-livi feet. AltholliJi (he Jill' W.M (trorst hi sustiliaed no H'liolls injury. T h e A - h i i r y Piiik ./, •», •»'/ .-.a>>. ".Mi. David llajvcy, ,h.. h:is been ii tdind ,n, ,i number of iie.j.oitanl I;•« o.i.e.-. II,: sue, es" i.iace his loeiition I'ero has IHCI. Ililllilillg illld descried. lie hi's coin lillll,'I'll Sllil ilO.lillsl ihe l.OOg lll'.ilH I pi.-f oiiiiti-iioten iii l.elii'.lf nf tin'widow of Ilii'tviirktiiiiii w i n , « i o . killed hj II fiij^l illg I lldl.llll.ini ill. 'Ill,' d.llllilgi-:, ill'. placd i,l ;j:. - ,,rini." Mrs. Joel p;irl,er .-nnl In r diiiii-J.i, r. Helen Pill'ker. left o.'l Tl , ...lay alien •for Aiki-ll. ^ . ( ' . . " h i l e 111.') will III.IIM , p l o f o n g t d i-tjiy ia tl,,' »'\ pc,, n o! lioMi'lllillg.Mi.-*, r.lll,cl'sheilllh. S h e h i e t o r s o m e t i m e lici ii idieelcd wilh wcidi iios'mf-tlio l.r.nii-iiiiil ..rj.'iins. 'I h e p u n . dry litii". ;,h,iv ,-,n.| , hinale of ih< interior ol I '.ih ,l:n:i h:i . nude i,niiiy c m plele cures l o r p e l |i,U- Illfi, tell.- <!. W. Pi,!,, the phol'-.l-iiphl-r. «ii li town on Monday, lie s. it.-i thai loin l i e u y e a r s ii-o in c,,nij,iliv willi .liitiu-- P. Walling ol lie, anpoil. h e s I,, 11. d i> the [ lliito;'|-.lph l.llsilli-s- lil Ivitolltuwu in no upper rooin iii i h e < 'iiluialiiiin I [old. He has noiv a gallery id New V..|];. ;.n<. tlie eolltl.iil lor |:lo.n-»l pielui-os f o r | h , Vide, ll-irv.'i-.l. Wi-.le,-.,n. I'riiieeioiiai.ii otllor oiille;;, s, hcsli'i, i . I hi Mlllllll, 1' J.'ill lelic'iat l,oi,g I Ir.illi h iltid I leeiui (ii'ol'i. I'^-Seiiiilor Ih-ndiiil .in has hit i, i I, .t.'.l I'r. i i , | t h , l-'iiinur-.' ami M.-rell .lit • H nil.. '.I M.ll.l'A.lll. V ice A-i bu , !'"ii!.l.ii;i. ;, I..;I,. d. M;. I oiii.',:iiii I l i . - H i C . i !"!' l l l l i I '. ' '. e \ ..• 1-.. i ':,) | n ,,i -,\ ri t i l ' . : . I e i i i u . e o l I , a i | \ - 11, 1 l i j - e . S , II a I o r I l.-ii' 1 iii I, son' . W-, II I l>, v n inic i i r % 1'. ,11 lend lo slivflj.lh' 1 "- {If ,-.,,'illdi ll'-c . long n pos.,,1 -III II,,: ili lillll., II. \t I.i, h t\ a s ilt o n e 1l-e clilylillik ill Moll 111.'Illll co'liil , . iilid < .hi' of N-sti tb:;ll u llo/eil ill 1ll,- I'lil ,,'c Slelc. 'file M.ill:l-ijYuH~ .'-.. il :iih- siiyi Iliit .1 IIIIU h \ t h e lli. m e of 1 lill \ e\ I ;n !s.liii\ ili- lio Jiei m .nclil h" I n ! I n ing on ii ti \. wi el... p:l>.l ill Iho l>i(i 1 i I ^ 1 i.l,,u I If, y- l.old.s, I' I'lcioiiiit. dloppcd ilei'd. while in the iir! of [ii.-dliiig II lire, on Moodiiy im,ruing last. We h a m thai Mr. H.ivi: foil from a w . i g . m 11)1.^11 H i r e , weeks ,'lg 1 i l l l d b n . k e I Wo of Ids I'.IIM. |,n| no ptiysicii'in 01 ,r :ilt>lt'U<l him iiitd tin poor 1 n.-i 11 had be, n snlTet'iiig. hiiidlv- ahle lo Cl'iiw 1 . ilhoiil lAir-Mili-'', Illll il his death last Monday in iruiii;;. I Iis n iu\jn:, w civ Liken to I'ioeh"!'! lor ni'ennei'l. The 1!, i.lld of |l |e:"o|s o f t h e I/armor:.' iind Mi-roliiiut.-,' Hank, of A!iit.1 w.i 11. al t h e J a n u a r y lli.'i'l ill;j, resolved to roioiii- mouil t o t h e stiickholders that the capila'l b e r e d u c e d i'-"..!!.!*')!), n i a k i i i i , ' t h e i r capital !»l."jil,ii(in, i n s t e a d (if fcCIO.I Ml. It is found dillii lill at the pr, :.cnl lime to oni;:loy problalily . iil.,r-e a nun. The haul: ho inf;ohligid 1,1 in\i-st inore than half of ils capital in ( o . v i ' I ' l l 1111-nt I m m I s yi, id i n g only four per cent., it v.iis thought ad- visable, with tl:o consent or the stock- hold, is. 1.1.(i II $."iti.(li.ll,.f Iheir hoiuls and pay the 1110111 y t o l l n sto, kliold, is. '1 he biitik also di t-hired :i dividend of four per cent, fill ol tl c eal llil'gs o f t h e l:ii-,t si.\ moulds, p a y a M e (.11 n m l after Jiinuary l.llh. Hy r e d u c i ' g t h e e i i p i l i d the hank will siiveconsidcrable in t h e w a y of tuxes. A Co ire:: p- indent o f [ h e Ih-lnocmt gives this account n l t h e lil I ing of Iheice-hollse of Mr. 11.11. Ynril.alOooaulVai-h: '•The house is Minuted on Ninth avenue, in close pr iNiniity to our beautiful Silver Like, Irom which the-on,[1 is secured, its holding capacity in ;),111)11 tons. The ice is carried in the house by me; • B o a large elevator, on which ninn nil ei,,oesn wooden ehain of 11 inch links, with nags iieven feet apart, running over a six- squtire pulley at the top. The ice is cut in square cukes, by'ineans of a Knicker- bocker ice plow, and in t.iwed tn the fmrt of thoclovatnr ii'i'l pluei-d on the slags through an over-shot feed. The cakes of ice slide in the house on Illinois, which arc raided an the house /ills. Tlie motive power is a Kteimi-engine of ahotit five- IIOI'HO power, recently purchased by Jlr. Yard, from the Peach Ulossom Slate Co.-, of Pa. The links of the omlk'ss chain wore made by Mr. Yard'H ciu-pcnti'i-a from the anus of. the turn-hliloH which v. eivin use at thy giiti'ti of Mir late C'en- tenmi'.l Exhihilicn, mill tho icc-honse it- self is a portion nf the Women's Pavilion, wh'ch was-purchased hy. Mi'. Yard, and brought to this place on cars. Between folly and fifty inuu are employed in gathering this, ice-crop, and it makes thing 1 ! look lively for this phico, nt this lime. When the 1 m:'eliin»ry isriitinhiK smoothly it curilu'a iu twenty cakes per minn.te, v.-hich, ut an uventjo weight of 100 pounils to tlio"cakB, riiiilscs it one tou per minute or Sixlu tons per hour." A ViMc4 from Mil To Tui-: Kw-fiiii.,!' VHE Iir.aisTi-:;::- In yuiir i:.sne of the Cti iniit., f /.I-sorTfl tvio coniniunioytions in u-gnrd *'i tl;*t Contfiiipliilcd change of iiiime fo'f the town of lied Dank. With- one of y,'*r cnrri:sp(.n,h nts I shall take issue, as I consider it an inherent right willi thor e who are in proximity with your town, j althdiigh they may not lie fdjlc fo sign \ thefiiHi-lves •• Citiwit." nhd iillliougli tlioir residence may ho a little removed fr<in ( the limit.i of the favored circle, yet thire iiiay I".- a logltimaie pride and a c.-fn 1 - rnenilable anxiety on the part of sill ur- hnn out^idefH ^11 whatever toads tn en- liiiiic.'. or Il.ri'-Jfen.s to mar, the gi««l nam 1 of the place w"l:c*e their busuicss truimii lions c'lli-r, or tlieiv rmn!t}»iili- once is di.t.-d. And v. hen " Citizen's " oxolusiteii. t.:i ilpnios to all oiitMido of the c'irp.iiiiliiiii a voice in the con- Irovirsy. 1 lliink a moment's reflection ; wilj convince him that should Miih OACIII- .> M'lii'yi he followed out in business ! t'.-.n.i.-ii^ ion-, that I led Hind; Would suffer i.Ulle ,'is niu'li 1:, il-.'.-siifrout'.ding eoiui- 1 in \ The i|iic, tion nt i.s.,i:e I eotaidcrrt prf/por ; one for a I'ri.-'iidUVxclianKo of opiifMm. .it liii.l frniii Iho'.e who nre identified: : w ilhlhcpliii e, eltli. I'M einlly or in a husi- ( lie:-:. Wiiy. W i l ' I i l i itiiien ef Shri'Wsl liry town 1 iiught |- t]i,> ipiestiiai so , !i-ff!.v propoiiei:,"!: " V\ lift! r:gl<t hf!^ tl.o:-.e p o o l , I,, 1 in in their p'f-eleRt," !,y ri -fen in;' lo one of the principal ri-fi- ; -ells in--, ,1 for thi-cbi'.i ge of 11;.me, t h a t II ele i-. on, !!•<! li-ink ill Ihe Stale whose I'.plilaliiM i. liot 1 ;d, elated to eidiiiliet' our loolid ..liiliding \v ill) people iit ;•' 'I'i*- tan'-,', wlro a<i-.icr.-iP (Tic'tico m'ines t^-' t'l'thei- -Ai'h f rn- ;.i! pi ,«t(i''ill thiit they aw' one ,-IIM'I (lie :.,:.•,ic. '1 liis h»'ifig the ense, I ivnilll ill, II i.sli i"n.-,v we not lil'ot'lVt I II,'..lill I I' ieIII,, olli' grind tlii 1110 10 ;|.-tist ! 111 ah-orbm;; I h o 1 nlital'llihiitiiill which Mill li;.''eii,!,,'liti-il In ,111 I,nl itsM'ohil.ons? 1 migl.l 1. ,: I - loni'd nil:, i, n l i n : f.oi-.luB I Ihl' ile.MI. d |.l l'i , t l .." I'.llt •,-ii.".:.-i> \|" l'd'-|.,i-, «],;, f il , .ll .1. :oid Mpploplllte I;, .'lie I e ! . Illld that i: NewI" illis 1 , t :> I , , iiii, 1 . d, e s r o t it:' • l l l i l ' e Ih, I '.I'll 1.1' •• ill " lo ~JM. it i',' r ' " 'lit', ali'i ,l.i|.' ,1!.,!.( e '.' 1 h , l i , v e iI i.-. I'III, i;.|',i l.iliy i 01:.-ei led I i.iil I hi'' ii'ldil ii p h f . 1.ll, ,t., ih-siii d ( i V c I . i l i d i | : a l ii il/ ' 1 had-. r.-l!'i r: !• :• -i ;•<!.'•- l o l ie "liiporliiiiee ( o f ;i p!"i e. In uiaiiy ile lam e;, '" rity "' . hi. I 1 , 0 ,1; o]'|,, d ;,:,;i slip, llhlolls excrcs- I 1 cliee Ahere It I , Illll 1:,' (lone, and tilt' j place n I ,.l.-. il . i.Vnillv. This slate ef I i hii'i.', hi . :.'i ;' t Hi.-f:re I'-en brought i -I'.' 'ii '•• the .-.-i' ••( lit 11', f r o i i i i i r hum- !• i t : ; !';t\c 1 - «li"-iim-tl their cockert'f p 1 1 a in s i :' •! • liueiion. w hen nothing per- li.p- I'll l-lil/.ei! t r e e s cold,! show whore liie lii.-in.r iind h.s s:it,-lines hoi,I th"ir ir. i. "lli' I "I! '*•»-['' ."I ml;. I'f ill'! I'',' (.-I- of tin. town, i.nd tl... i r lil so o i l .rili/e I ll' til- liillll" of "fliie\ p ,it intilnatcn' i'lige lh((h»r- -• -IIIIII ir •>•! "iifi-a- til- »!ves under Ih* 1 , y City."rio'rclyfor 1 loon! and in'-oilier purpose, fhere wouhl I ceilain!;, be no occasion for outsiitrra ih object to their ]iin hi.slug ni.toi'iely at so ' chi ;ipa rale. )!ul an I under.stiinil it, the Ilillil: of (lie poit-olhi e, .stntiolt, &C, i would cold,,ri:i \vilh the change. lut(5 [ • Shu w-.1 in iv . il\ " would be called 1 on for ' the liiluit' lu niilintaiii and :i'lvance the Iplestii,! ,,i l|,'l:o!i:h/y Illld successfully : g.iiii, d 1,1 the humble iiiinie of lied U.illk. I W ill;' Cili/.en" please iicoept a gentle | pr.-ito.'t .to.: Ir. in iho limits of i MlDllt.F.TOWS I ('l.n.iiro of NIIIIIP. T o T H : : ii'.i.iKiu ol' TUB ltK.nsTKit: Ancd:toi iid in tho i.*mroof thvKUnxiitrtl of tho Iftfli irrst. ,n (lit chnngo (if t h e | name of !;?d Itmji tit flint of ".Slinwsj bury f'itj," is ml, ulat.,1 to' convey, to persons not familinr with the facts, tin impression tluit a niajority of onr most i'iileiligeiit citizens residing in the (own 1 limits, and im'hiding the largest property I owners, a very large majority of the I nicrcliiinls, Inisiiu'ss ami professional i iiiin. I IKI not voluntarily, after a yeor'B j r. llection .mil discussion, again petition- j e I for fie oh uige of the name of Red ] Ha dt. I olieving it tn'he a progressive and j essential undi'ilakinfc for our local riu- ! vnncoinont and future* prospbrity: TIC) fact is, that nearly" every lending ir/tih has signed the petition. And as to their ' l.iivin;; signed " under thf impulse bf til* { in. liieul,' it is ipitle the i-.mtrary; as tilt) i san,e pitilies who signed last year's j'dijl j (ion, have signed (niter a year's reiitc- *| lion) the present one, ninkingn majority if nearly two to" one uf tile legitunatti < , ** i* I* t -^ * * i I have such in'meo tuitt-'ii fioth the ! of ilonor." *^\ 6 want no noit-rei i pnitcKtiirs; will we ltHyl; any. two- | filed! pMitio'ntjrs, that will sign both pro- I tent and petition, for the ntkv'uf imsinesK, or to plc.ise both Hides. And we doubt if any honest citizen is guilty nf stich an ail, although the Stundard isthfc tutihftr- iiy. I t ia to he lt'Ki'ettal that tlie Stun- third IUIH never }(tj of its ,0wii liwonj, iiilvncated any measure tliHt'yiis ftjr ( I- true iiiterebt and advnuceih'pht of il«* town; anil does not in.any why ft-jircH-nt, loud Or udvocato the true EOIitimcnt of tlie place or the wish of Hit, people in it» editorial enpneity. Jhat.t'ie Siiiurfanl cannot see any good in thfi t'liiillgc of tlio name is not Hlrar>(;tiQr sli^rirlgingi. the grand clhtinx confea JTlicn Ret) Banicis called 'ri "plTltyiiiiirie." Noiv the fchnngo" iriankod for hynim?-teiith!) of biir liest citizens nndtfetecond Brtiird of Com- missioners, baiiiR tho Rccond year of the apiilication (not much iminilm; about that) and sUo\i\il be respectedhiW cari'ied . nut in an honest manner sind in tttod faith hy our. reprcnontativtsin tlic teg«l> lnturt 1 , inwiinni wbhave full confidence Yet we nro' cnii be stopp«); .Pray by what i-orrupt influence? « ti there a power behind theihrorte th»{ titth -.'. defy the will of thB.pebpje? Wo.belwre not', n'ndwill await the riestilt wltli I and trust. •,*• . . - - ' . . •*.•• : - --'.'•), : . r,2'-'

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Page 1: sELLons AT LAW, -' r. M. The s« vice,; id liie house day lo choose a

VOLUME I. NO. . 30. RED BANK,,- TtflJIiSDAY,. .JAXrAttY .Hi, 1«79. &1.50 PER YEAR.



cou.\sELLons AT LAW,RED BA:-:K. N. J.

ROBERT ALLEtf, J r . ,


S'>ll,.'lt(ir, Miuiicr iiiiu -\< .mill-i- in ciriiiri'vy. Corci-




It E D II A N K , N . J .C(.;.im: '«K rsfur New Yuik.

C. H. Tiumuifi. I). II. Anuii m:.


C<Jmuiliui,ilHM..f I'i' f,,r Ni-vv Yuri.. New .I.IM'}unil lVuns', hiii.ln.

N O T A U V P l l i U C . 'FRONT CTUI.IT, lll.ll HANK. X. J


Notary I'ubtii'.Illlii ('.Hill;; -i IV I ef Dei.1-; fur \i'-.\

l . . rk .

E A T O N T 0 \V X . N.. J .


ATTOli.Yl-: r . / T L.I I I ' ,

jisriMir I'.WIK, M:IV ,;i:nsi:r.

FRANK P. SVScDC O U X K K ' I . l .OIJ A T L A W ,

Fitr.i ' . i io:.!). N . J.

H i ' l l PI!II..l- |i ' 1.1 III \.

DR. TH. E. RIDCWAY,I.Aii: I . S. ,\.. Ac.

TOO NT AMI \V\S!IINi;T.o; s:i!i ; lTs. |tt:i)

I:ANI;. N;:\V .ir.r,si:y.Special nlleiilien to ere. e;ij- .vii'l ihio'il (tNi-iiw.,;

Ainu i"li|-onl<; cise.-i.

DR. ALFRED F. TRAFFORD.r ii v s i c i A x A x ii ,s r i; t; K O N j

IlliHiiaiiiKittiis'i UK I) HANK. X. .1.

OHliv uvt-r Si limc'lel's I)|-u^ SI,,IV, Ilr,,,,,l Sllri-l.



BIi". Conrad has removed toNcwaik.

Bars tins in spongi'8 anil chamois at( h dtvick's.

The recent Grand Jury found twenty--.-'.even b.'ll.s of indictnunt.

Revival moi'ling--are being hold in Haven Methodist Church.

Protracted meetings arc in pio^r-is inthe M, K. Cliimh at Tinton Kalis.

Dr. Gcran. .:f Matnwan. has put nixhundred tons ol' ici- in hiii ico-houso.

A belonging to Mr. Lewis Whitefell down on Front ttieet on Saturdayafternoon.

Cream tartar, ' linking and wishingi--ndas,'S, warranted strictly jaire, atClia.lwiek's.

The Freehold J-'nliinl I'liiMing andLoan Association o.-.n not tell its inohc;.;,t a premium.

Jlr. Daniel lliil-tlletl. of Colt's >.Velc.who l(a>: beeii ,'iniicted with loelijiiv.' isslow*.,- r. co\, ring.

I.inti'tnlier the eiitci tairlment bv 11,i•lied Di'.iik Athletic Hub on Tlnir.-:dayeveniiii'. Jill!, liolh.

We will prim in our next is: lie a pio-grnmmc in full of the Craded Si la-.lC innunien iu t Lxcrcin a.

Paints, oils, colors, varnishes an,' putty-.old « holi sale and retail hy I". T. Chad-iviokC Bread slrcit. lied liank.

The hieiuhiTs of tin' Yolliig Mali'sChrixli.iu Association will give a supper

i in their hall on I'ridiiy evciiin;;.

A In n t" .Mr. ('has. Curtis.o f I l o l n i i l r l . u r n . i l a y l a s t w M - k l.riil a l l

' - ^ ^ t l i a t i i u a s u r r t l S.\5i ii.cln.-ii.

A KlKiiitin;; inatcl i fur p i ^ s n m l ]..mili> lal;.. p la .v n . 'a r tlii- (Vn l ra l Uai!ro;al

.li-]ic>t. If.-il H.i:.l;.im Sa t i in lay iirti'i-niin:!.

One of Ihfl pleasing features of the Central Hotel anil partook of a Ixiuntcousre-iuiion of the young ludies' gra(hi".ting I collation that was a i/redit to tlie skill ofclass or ihe Graded Kchool to be held in j Sir. French ao a caterer, f-bon after theJlufcic II.ll! on the night of Fehruary ("th, '.-ollntion the brct'.:ren iiopiiratcil mid do-

pttrtcd for their homi's.

Funeral of (.'ajii. T. 1!. ijiiiijrstiTct.The funeral of ('apt. T. I!. I.ongslioi'1

| tool. pl.KV Irom his reside H'- in linr.h'ii

The stoc!;h,)l,ler.s of the Hist National j "livi-t "a J'''ill-'.v "'' hM " l ' l l ; u t '-•""Buuk.Ki' r. M. The s« vice,; id liie houseday lo choose a of Dircclovi for the wore c.mdii.-'tiKl hy tl-.o Kev. it. 1-'. L.ops-

ner, of the Hiiplist Church. .Mr. I 'Hii'-lruet a moinlier of NiiV>-

wilibe a g-.ime of chess" in which theptNnffs will he. represented by living menand womi'ii. I'rof. Ja -ohu and Ur. Kim-!,;ill, the cIiLimpitui i-'iess pliive.'ii ofMmi-Inoutli, will conduct the ;;:IIIIC.

>t'.ir. Tin''-.i wvre clni.scM : AIIH

Ji'niRs II. Petes , Anthony Heckles*, sink Hook im,l l/'..Ucr Coi.ip my, of .'ledHubert. Allen, Jr.. \Vm. V. .Wdmin. I Hi'"!«-and wa« also a mwiiln-r of \.1.IIT.>IIGeorge M.irford, lilhus YV. 'Conorcr. Luiirfo, N'l-. S4, I. O. 0. F., of New Y..'1'l.

Titos. S. Field, Cieor^e llanco.

Ast.ury P;irk and, Oceiin (irove luivepaid taxes into tiio treasu; v id' Oce^u

A committee of four from thatvere in attendance iit the funeral.

Speci.d meetiiii;,, had been called b>the i-'ireiiioii and the Odd 1-Vllowft nml

towiship to the urn mnt of severnl tbou- , .. ^ NVI.,., ,(. Sht.a i,, -ttiiid tlnan,! dollars within the past fev." -vl':irti-} luVi.-i-al'l./n 1....1 v. 'and only Kix do lb i s has been spent by,] A , p..,,-,-J.H-k tJi.-pr.«-«-.-.-.i,.JI »•«»fciiii.-l-

ei- of llioad and >!ill!


itip i" the 1 wo pljiiTs I'll

l |»t'iat the

'ai'k mid ! " ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' " \.iniK.m.

l, .\ssi.t

ciii-ni's on the

[ in one of

a n t s l '<IIUM\V

her vvi'in'ii(^ '

'i'suii, (K\W\\

iidji/in IIK I.e ;,'liloli Hall, Ho was h.keli ami lilihun slirmpcd witli the luolio;-,i:,m

i.ick in his room with pnoiiiiumia with- ol Ihv tomjiany.)

Navositikout any one lo do anything lor l.iul. and

:.o the in -liners ot the Knv (' im;i liiy. ' to

iiniovi'd to tlie^-liouse of Mr.-..

Wainwrijjht. ivlicre he will receive prop- j

er medical iittendance and ciilefu] nui;.-.j

l!i-d Hank, is

. ! ; ; ^ : . . . i!U. !„ 0 . (>. I'., of i

' i cu l thcoKIrst i'i.t;Jili.-li.-il i

0 ill lull le^idia , wi th

r;;l'e[li on h i t hi i a:.I.

Mar sha l J.i.'m ,S. i l .ontoi i .

.Scene t'.iippoiii r:i.

l ) i ' K r , r .M, lulu rs.

l 'ii 'l Cr.m.lK.

Tn-ami ry . Secret try yud Chap la in .

V. (I. and Sappoi ' t c r s .

r. J.iliii Hock. rcprcsciitiiiK J lo iuiuiuthL o d ^ e i i in t h e M i i l o o f .New . l e r : o y . i l ,

h a s n n i . - n i b e r s h i p o f ^u . w i t h a c a p i t a ! o l I I .o<h;e . .No. v i i ,

a h o u l H . ' i i N i . I n l i v i i i K u p t o ( h , ' p r i n t i- \ C o n i i n i t l e c fiMiu \ \ a r r e n l . o , ' ; r a n d t w o

/•1c, of O d d F c i l i . w s h i p . i i i M i c c o r i i K i l i c j i n c i n l ' i ' i M f r o m N e . v c : . i n k L " d | ' , e , n v h o

I K e d y . l i l t e u i i i l ' K t h e i i i . k . H l i d r e l i n i t l K j I " ' 1 ' " 1 ' ' :- I ' " " ' ' O . I I V I V )

t h e i l i s t l c s s c d hi r h a n d h a s altv. ' iVs boi -n : A f t e r t h e f u n e r a l M I - , i c e s v e r , n

W h . - l i a i n m l i v e s t o h e f o r t y w i t h o u i <vt,u 'j i , j s i , , , ^ , , , is , r . j , n i i m a ' i ei i .son I e l i ' d e d ' t l i e f r i e n d s v i e w e d U ie c o r p s . ' ,

i . i . ' . r r j i i i . ; l i e i.s ^ c n o n i l l y ( l c s [ i i s e , l . l i i i l , i f ,,.,,, . „ , . , , . . ' . . „ „ , W 1 . " h n " i t M , ; , v ; a f b - r U ' h i . ' h ( h o ! ' - i i ' ome« i i n d I ' M I ' d* ! l k d . - j 1 T . . - . 1 i l . - « l - * ' i , i > . t , 1 . 1t is l i c t t c r t o l ie clf.-pi,:u'il t l i a n t o 1 e u i i - ! l e w s f i r i l ied i'n 1 IK- iltl'l e s c o l l e d t h e r e

On I'ridav afternoon Miss Marv SI,,, „ ! ''•"""• " ' U l " l V l l l r l 1 l i '1I"' t " " ' l U < 1 , ' ' ^I'VodiiiK boil I,, , ,,i,.,'!. s. milk-f I and , 1 ^ , . , ^ . ^ , , , j , , , n . „ ,,.,.(,„„ ]yi,^ „„ „ „ . j were pun'I'Hsed lor So:,,.,,-! A r m e d id

ill other toilet articles indispensable to „ f s , . , , , , , , , i.-,' , . l l r . i r .., " , ,.,,.)•.,.;,„, ' Unit station 1 'ley were met hy !'.»., olsio;-| j * K i J i * l i i l J | t l l i | v ^ > t l ' « | J r l * J I * r ' l l l I 1 [ l f l L l

,1 . I I I , . | t . » • I - ** " . • 1 / *b t ' J 1 . . . I ' , f i . , . . | . . ,

KED I I A N A , MONMOrni CO., X. .1.

Allu» ' i ' l i : i l : l i ' : i l . , n , ! ,l."iili.l i ;,iT-.i!i..i'. | : c r : - ' r i : i - l i

l i . ' a i l - . in in l i ' l - s I n U r - i ' l i ' i L- C: I . . , Iv.iiy.s in ilui ; . j

u s . 1. AKn I'l.i.'l1 ; ; i l j , 1,1 '!' ' f 'u l ' l iuli i l . l l-

i t r .. iv i.-a !•• fi ' ii . . .

Oi'FH'K I'N I".:OST '.i'"::"!'. 0;-r. TK:NIT

. i l l " . " .

R . F . Q O :•> D L SJ,

Music Hall l iaildin-. . Kcd i'.auk, X. .!. |

i , \ . i | . i : >.

?Dn. H. B. VANUOjiM,

v.'iih Du. K. f. Du.i'i.v. M.KII Hi.;ii'.ii:i.!:i'f

i:.':i) liA.XK. X. J.

H. K. ALLSTIftOM'SA c A a i. n x <> v .w »' s a < .

HKOAl) S'iI.;i:i';T(Mi:.-irIIiilli.IUM> iiA:;i..;;. J. tiill|:l:t In i.i: ils H i i i i n , A s,'.-!; of liremil-ilr iciisl.ilil'v i'l: liM.'f.

A ( , i . . \ ' r ; i n ; '. i . : , i ; s ,\\\t D H ' : A N \


UAS'K, :,!.',>• j:'.i;si:y.

RU.' 1r. MANY,

•;I:I: A N D JI-:WKLI-:K. i

VIt 11NT S T I I I i r . T .



Bl'.ICK, N.Ml.s, r.U.Nl'S, OIL, i:'IC-.,

FHOXT HTUKHT, l!I'.i> HAXK. A', .1.


L U M B E R , LA'i II. L11IE, M U C K ,CVUUMIt, (illllll.'ll IIIHI 1.111,1 I'llsC. T. >i.,rihVll|\!,

I'lUlli.-. ,,11,1 Oils. Ci. I. lUilieUusi. liu^ii,;, Ac.Al'U lM)1 Ui'tuls nail Lilll, e r . ' s .


t h e n u r s e r y , i u r s a l e h y C h a d u i e i ; i n h i s

n e w s t o r e . .

T h e f i i r m l a t e l y o c c u p i e d l ,y M r . J i . l . n

! i . l.irovc-1-, o n t i n - ro l l . l 1 - e l w e ' l l K'eil I'.iilik

• m i l L i ' c l s v i l l c 1,,-i-i In i'ii | n i n l i a s . - i ! l iy

Mr . I>. C a r s o n . , . f F i e i ' ! i , , ! , | .

, \ ,-liil.l \v.:ti r i - i -c . : t ly ! " i i : i a t T i n t o .

r . l ! ! s w l h .111 c \ [ r . l l i ! i ; ; e r i ii e t c ' i l i ; : l l i ! .

11 c . •U[e : i!l'.";i.^ I J r j T s w i l e J ivel ' -J i l lv

i e " ' i i -

4 * t\ j i t i t1 i i o \ i * i i r i , 11 • r i i j i T i 11 i j ^

w i t f . a f i l . The lad is a nephew of Sir. i I-o.lp-of Manie ,,,,ii:i. t h e line ef marel

Schenck . and had heen left in cha rgw a s t h e n l a k f i i ^lp m i ' l t h " |ii . i i ' .- .-sii . i i

-l.-ry. ahout a mi!.the store whilo the pr ietor was iitt, ...1 I " " " " 1 1 ' " " " • ' • ' " ' ' • " . O - « l » « " « • ' » ' "

in K eour l i,t KreelioM. lir. Conover was j '">*"«• ^ " ^ " " ' l l l l r l i l 1 s ' n U V I ' " " ' 1 ' ",e . , t for ,,,,,1 iKlmiliistele.l the proper I ' " ( " M ^ ' I low.di ip w :.s read by I h a p h o ,

1 t . . . 4 * ' l * l . k . . . l . . . . . . . * * .%K I l l l l I ' . t T l l l l l l .

wiii'ti tin1 riin-'i! rnii-

seiollsmw he >vaa , , . ; ney. , l to hi.-; ' ! ' ' v r l v " " J ! ' ' " • • v " r ' - i i : " " "

in il Ciirria;;e.

! James N. Tlii'nekiiioii m. The remain i

rave nod

eiicii (Hd Follow inn', he-' I'.', and de-

' p o s i t e d il s l i l ' L o i e . i I ' l e e l 1 o l I l ie c o l i i u .l ' l ' o l . \ \ i n . I',. S l u i l l l . 1 ' r e s id i lit o f I h e , ' , . , , , . i n i l l , ' l

; a l l , - r w h i c h t h e l - i r e m . a a n , ! 0.1,1 I". 1" ' " " • • • ' ' • " ' -V ' " • i - t ! l i l " ! l l l ' : 1 ' 1 ' - " " ' " • A ' , , o , i 1 , , , , s h , , , ; ; I ' . „ ; , , u , y . o f N e , v !

( . i i l - ' i m d a v . J - , , . . : , : h . a l e a k » , „ , : : - . ; \ o i - K . w . ! ! , ! , . | . v o r , n M , - , , - I I - . l l . « . . . . . • • , . „ , _ , n ^ „ , „ . , . , „ ; - , . , . , . . , . , .

" H i , s t i i i i n p i p e s . " I t i n - | ' • • • e u i i i .- . i f J a n . : l i . t . h i - ; p i • r i r I , - : . n .

.. ,- . . : . : : ; l l l i l i c i l l ••[ i . n o | i : . i ; ' ; l i ' ' T h - , . - . - ' ; ' • ' • • . " H i ' ! 1 ' i e :• :

. M r . | : , i " . " . T . i u o i , i i . - ' s l . - h t i y M - a K . - d . | I 1 - '= ; 1 - " ' I - " ' '•'• " l ! ' i r a o . e l : - h ' . . . 1 . .

T h e I - ' . i : ; \\:-.-.-'.--'.: .\,;r- p r i n t e d i h e ! • ' " ! > o t - i . i i . v h e M - - a . - . . I o f p i ; I I h .

; c o i ' r . . , i i : n ' u l S n - i - . v " \ , i i h o u t o n e

& C o i e ' s . - T h e p l - . i o - e . l s : , : , - 1 ,

ii . ' - i - . ' i . l i e w . i - . b o r n i n h ' " . ' " i . a ' ' . , i I

, s e l : , . . ' , . , - , , 1 1 I c . i i t i i i i i o . l H M - . i r . i r i i e j ; . d i j

i i o i i ' i . o ' i i f o r t ) - y c i i r . T e n y . i r . ; o : o ! , , - |

r . : i t , .1 ' I h e a v y c o l d , ; i ; i d 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 t h i l l i

ml. in Iicidl li in.Id '" ' . d o f i i p . , ! , , ; ; . . l l i s , : 1 , , l e r t o . , . : t : . i . t i ; i " " |l A ( ; i ; t 7 ' l h c p , - . . o - , , | s ; , : , - i , l , , - , . m i . | M , , , , , , , , . . , „ . v

' I : ' . . l i . c h - l i . U s u r o l e i i v - h e i , h e w a s i, j • I ; i ' - ' 1 " 1 P 1 H i . - l i ' > : - : i - - y f u n d o f l h , - " . , - , , , . , . . ^

m . i l l l . - y . ' A d m . s - . i . i ; i • . • . ' i c - i i t : . . j - — .

S t . P e t e r ' s C h u r c h , : l l - r , - e | i . . | . | w i l l b - A l ' h o a . ' i m i - ' i l l i e , t i n : : , < f I l a ' S o v . i \:.;- ; f c I ! ' i l l . S l . s n - ;

e i r m . i l l v n - , . p e n , - d o n W e . h i e . - . , l . i j . T h e " • ' " > " i ; i l l ' i . , l F i r e l . i s i . r a n n - ( ' . ! , p : , i i v . | _\ r a , . ( . i , , , , . , - , . , ! . i i - . - b i . - i t - . I o o k p i r n e M I " !

. • • i - . I n i p o f X ; - v . , 1 . i ,",- i i n d t h e l i p : * : . . , , d i : " ' ; ' ' - ; l U ! " ' l l ' r ' - i " " l r l - 1 : ••"'•""• "" i T u c M l a y . l l v . ' . , . s , - , . 1 1 , 1 1 u p h y M r . . l o ' h : . !

t iv-II ' i l l .Slun- nl I'j:ii-

orjrvmen of ihe c u i n i v will assist in j week, the foll i ivvimi V a n T i n o . "I Fai r Haven, w h o olVen-.l ,':•• ilallleii '.-.elillelll.-in Won ll.oi.cll . i i lT, tors ; I ;1 | h M !„.:_,,.„ ; ; , , | , | ,„, , i ; . | . | . : u , , : i ' , ,-li ice-

Dr. F . T . c h a , ; v v i c k i o . l i , h o r M ' o 1 , i r : - ! 1 ' l ' 1 : > : : : t " ' l l - . N ' ^ ' ' ; : ' 7 ' " ' 1 ' u v < <»; ' .T . .V. - I -.I •• k .•••..! .•-. >.i

lav at i ; o , l c , l v . o , ' , - > ! r . Chi,.,. L. U.,.,: "*\*: V' ^" |i i1 '1.18- "" W ' T T 11M1'"1"1 ' " " ' " M ' ' " 1 - - ' " ' • - " A ' 1 ' " ' " ' ^

w i i i : , : , i : v > , i , ' , d n , ; , s i , , , ! : , - , : , , , , „ • i , , , i « • ? " ; • ' • ' • » • . • - . ' • < ' : ? < " • • •[• i v . i . n . . . . l i f , I , I . - N . I . I , „ . , . ) s . , , n . n « . . i . , , , ,

!,.•; I , . s o w a s l i . k i n j ; . . . i . - l , i , : ; d s h o i l h J ! 1 ' " ' " 1 ' ; ; s " " ' ' V ' A i ' ' • V ' • ' ! - s " ^ ' • ' " ' | ; ' i v . n . » , r e h u i l e , , . - H e r . T l . e l n a t . ., , : t c , , v . ; r d d i e d m m t h e , I e ; , > • , . , t h " , > • " • ' • > | • • « ! . • . . w . . , o l , . t , , l I V ^ ' i i . i I , , . . , „ , . . . , i , , „ . „ . , • „ , ; , „ , , , . „ „ . , . , . :

! I I I | ( _ . • • 1 . \ \ i i h : . m i . . i - i o r . l . . i \ : i . i u l \ \ . ! : . S t . . | , . r i , . ,„ , ,; , , , , , , .„ : ; , - . , , , , . ; , , , , . o ] , , . . . .

veils. 'J Ie:;: Hl'el'. 'l i: lc.o:-.l:\' ; ' [ ~- ':' ' " ' ' ' i ' ' ' J l ] "' ] " ' ; *"''. IM s,.i'i.

Fi'.Mt st:-.".-l beloii'::.!.,' to t h e l'ltcle.-r

harh.'l- sl l" ,! W'.il h • ll.-..' 1 hy the;;i iii

'I'll,- a l t , 'iHc.i.i of o a r c.''r.'-is c.ilie-.i

to thv bus iness iiiiil ll iccnicnt of Me.^iv.

Smock fr W h i t e . Tliey a re now oll'ei-

in^r u: u.;iiiil bargain; , in men ' s , liidic;;'

and ch i ld ren ' s iiielillo U'ldel'Wi-iir. iind

;I!MO nub ia s . sciirtV'. plovi s and m i l i e u s .

veils, 't lei;: iui-11. 'l i: -.paliy :' I

-iiii.'i", fund ol .; I'M-i |i. ' j

T ! e ! \ . ; ! : ; M d . ."' n . i . p i ' l . i ! , . . i t o f t i e Ii:- ;

, h . \ e a v . ; : y t h e i . r . i i . i t ; - . i . r i - s : , o f t i . e i

S I i r i >'.:•'' i i i \ r i - . c i . I t h a s I .e i i , | r , - ; - . i, j

o v e r f o r n e a r l y t w o w e , I . s i i n d u n t i l t h e i

p l e . - c l i l s n o w j d l o n i c d i . i i i p l e f; e : i i ! ; ' » s b - i

| ' l c i ! : u i v . f - k i d i i ' t ; w i - , s i n , : i i ! ; ; - ( ,1 i a I r . ' j , , , ! , ; , . . M . e 1 ; , , e 1 O K I . I I a l S . - I7 O ' I I " , I : .

i ; i r j , o e l i i v . d s o f i o o ] . l e . n m l i . e - b o n l i l i ^ . i : n d t o . t n i l i a t o i l a t - I . " " ! o ' o k i ' k . 1'. 51 .

s t h i i i i h r . e d t h e l i c s i i c f o r f : , : . t m i l i n u i n ' 1«i l i m n . I - ' i r i j i , , i n . I ' m , l . w .

l h o - i . , w l . i i c i ' i : ! i l i i i . i u i e l h o o . ' ] d , M c s - i s . ! 'r.\

l . r j u . • i l i l . l1 ' i l n - . M i l ' :• - i . • ' . i -, . i i i . i i 1 .

-i on . k V .; ..;- -a . o.e...•:.-.: . i i..(,-• I..;- .:\i...':i k :i,-,! ,:,mi'.

\ . . j !, I : , , ! - , . • , l|.•_''•! c . ; : i .,i. I I ' I O . O I / K - - i . n l ' . l . . . r . : . . i . ...!•. . S | . . , i i M i ' r , a , I . M " , i : . , i i . . n , k .

1 1 1 . M , , . ' . ' , l i l ' l ' l l i l i . , I I , k ' u l l . O , , ' i l l . l l ' .

ii. u. II i , i. ;.i'M,.. I:.-,! n . , i K .l:i. H i - , i, V i . n a I ' l l - I . , l i o l HIM k.I I 1:1,11- l i i l l i M i l I . . . . . . M , i l , l l , ' l , : ' i l l .

. J . S. 'il.ri

, ' i Tmi.

l i i i i d r i . kioii and i luM.i .nl have the f,.st- ' ' '

The Sin|_,r f-.'i wii . j ; Maol.ino Cninpaiiy j ost I ,ml on the r a i l . Cn Vondiiy it

iias liouL'.ht out Mi'. I). C. \ ' im[)orn ' s sew-

iuj; niiichilie laisiuess. The coinpiiU}

will establish a branch IIIIKKO in lied

l u r e ^\ :.••.:!


AND WILKEi-BAIIKF. COAL111 till' IJIK'.SI MlU'Kl.'l I'.llU'S.

COJJD llon/l. (.lirt'.s'J' .l.\D C1IKS7SUTPOSTS AXD Clll-WXLT HAILS.

JOHM A. WORTHLEY,Oflcenl Wurililej'. Ii... k. Iii;U IUNK, N. J.


- . % • ASH

CABINET MAKER,FIIONT STRICIT, nwir 111.' Rnllruiltl Diput,

lir.ll ll.lMi, N. J,rurnlluri' rt'imiri'il iiml \niillslii'.l. rii-turt-fniinrs

(or sain. SiR-rial utti'liUiin ylviMi to thi! tniinti:(,' ofit

von s,iuj:.i>(Niiiii>ii uuii<!-Inn I'lois of {iroiinii on siirnwHlmry Avcium.

- neiir iind rruiitlUK ill'! N.'iv .li'isdy tvntnil DIIIH.I,]{L"I ltiuiK', wliiMi! inularh In ilUKiiuwn. AIHII IIliuiiitR'r wlihlu 10' walk nf thu ilcrriU, wltlitin' rltfit»[ a (Tyst.ii S[irhvJ ."iilltlni; .vi.HW inillunsjlally. Tiisi.-liw mill s,ifl; (,'!»»' <">• « Sli/ri JUmin-^m-.turcnt anil Hr.sver.-i. Cull nml si.':t wlu'dulu anilmap. I'l-l.oa low imil tc-rtus ciisy. Apply to

('. I.KKJIITON,N'ou-iiiiin Si'rlnK . licit Hunk. N. J.

C(i(*> iHvcukIn youriran tmvii. sriouillcti-i'c. NoO ^ 1 ' risk. Iliutl.'r, irj.mwiiiiuiiiiislni'ssiit wlil.-liH'nnns ofi..ttlH'i-Ki'X(-iiii iii'iku irrt'ut puy nil tins tlmolit'y work, wrltn. lor inrli.-iiliu* lu-

ll, ll.iu.f.rr.t Co.. Portliiml, Mill: c.

ATorms Buy.

- F O R S M ; E I . I •••pi'niM'rlvnii Uivail^roct, ISnl ISunl:,Jiilly I

II13NHY CLAV,~. lied liauli, K. J.

ree7('b!ow:p:r u liich

m a d e a t r ' p of miles in the r u n a i k - j I V I l l i : l r i 1 Il!1< '•-1'1'1 "» o.M-illnj^oii.'. ' l l ;e

able 1 ;nie of Hue.- m l u i . t . . . " I " ' ' ' ' »«H '"-11 '• ' '• ' ' - i ^ " ! l - n t -•. Ih. ice

A very iiilorosiiiin ilehato was hold :>l

Shvewshury on Tuesdiiy eveniM;',1. The 1

i;llestio:i v.iis. " K i s o l v e d . ' ihn l the ill-

l e n d : r r i l t ! i e l'. 'Cc a n e j . c i l i l l ; ; "1H'. 'l

l..-(l b i t i l t i i i .d h i s t rli;;;i-il l u i . t ' i n l l . i i

w a s t h e i ' h i . n l i . i n I p . i n I . i t l i o K i h u .

A i l . ' i - I ' I . C r n c i - i . i • w i ' s t i i k . II a | . i i t iii

c .o i'.'ed t o t h a t p ! : , c e o n a v , : i ( ; o n . ' t h ei 'ank, iind e.-cju-ct lo keep four a g e n t s on

.he road. Mr. ViaiUoru v.ill 1,-, u t . l i ned

ia Liie l.usiiieis.

Mr. David Nwan wnu si t t in}; in I'i.rl'.e:-

iS C l i i i dwak ' s s tore on Siituiihiy afior-

nooli, when iie ii.s Kliddolilv seized w. lh over t he deba t e v . t iv Messrs. Campbel l , t , , . , . , . , ., T, , ,, „ .'. . <>• , , , i i .,., . . . I In 1 rii k s bout, ijuiiiij: the ra i . ' . J ,

a h i mid fill lo t he floor. He was tiiken » o o k v and Holmes . I h e a vc , , , , ,. . , .I , , , Leonard wns holdinir on one of Ihe

out into t ! i . ' - O p , , 1 a,r and whin, he had I wi , , reprei.eiitod bv .. „;„-:,. , . j l o l I , , , | , n . j ^ ^ <>{ w M ^

siiliicielitly rccovued he was assisted lo L-fian and Sleeper, and the ne..-,itrve hy , ^ ^ ( | | l l | , v j l , ,„„ , , , , -m ,,.,„,,

Inn h .me hy Marshal Pat I erson. " " "••"••-—• ' •• — " ' ••" '

The incm'iiors of Trinity Guild

held a sjciab'.e ut the (llohc Hotel onMonday About 1.11) pena.nswure jirci.ciit. " l^itlle Toddlekins" was;)liiy..l. anil afterward daacini; w.if; i. -

l i l l ' r t i o . l 1 . . 1 , , I I I I ^ ' I M I t | , J , | l l I | | H ' l i i "1 . . . . i , . . .

, . . , . , . | t hippy F.ii',1 U T V ii,ui h i'.i.iiiiu ,1. iti-odiiction of lahor-"-,,iv;ii|: n u c h i n c r v , • , o i ," • , , i, , . . . , , , . ' hi me thr' m u d l u , bout in HIT nice, andhas been mitlriuiiii to t he ilhoroii : I , . . . , . • , • ,

, .. . . . . . , , , , . , ' n t ieuiK la.-1 , i ic . r K b to n -n io m tl.irdc.asses. 1 no l i t o t e s si'lectc-t to pres i .C I " , „ . r J ( . . , .

. , , , . , • i „ ' out (.! ii (l.i't of Hint , en lai-Kc boats ,over t he deba t e w i r e .'.lessrs. CiUnl'.hell. | , , . , . , . , . ., ,

T , . . t t % ' ^ l l | O | ( l | | , | l n o , U l l l l t W U L I I I 1 J I I ' l l l M l I I O I I L

Dr. Patterson and :,!essrs. Ciiiiiii'.ell and . , . , , , , . , , , , • • , , . ,, , , . „ , . . . . n l the h.ial. lie tiidr Kiircd h,m:.e!l hyll.iwkms. the tmostion was decided in . , , ," , , ; , ,. „.,' , . , I j;r;islMIlj;tlie liov.spl'.l- as the lioat l.ure:ic negative l he suo.oit fur doli-.U-' on , , - „., ,. . . , , . , ,

, T, , . . , i i l o w i i M i h . n i . Ihe Snow Drill had hernext Tui'sday evening; is, "Kesolved,

That HL-cret soeietieH MTO hellclicilil ton

eoinniuuilv." The nfllrni ilivt- will be

sprit broken, and the Illue Ilird loh.t hersiiil. ]\h. Smith's imfoi(unatelybroke <lmvn I.i U-.n' the r.-in.- \vun ci in-

dulj;,d in. A very enjoyable evciiins "'stained by Messrs. YauK.rk, Patlovson ~ J.'.V ~ i, "-iC- Vi i! <- ' l larti .homev'u.iit ' loulcda : i u C . l i n i n p i i i i . i i n . l t u 1 n . ' ^ r a l t v * * l » v • • • t . . . . ,, 1 ,

1 ' ' * • l l

i n [ ^ l l l l l

' l L ' l . L l . . A , r , , 1 , I. i l t t . i l l , . | 1 1 I . , t - v . . I l i t .vcas spent by those wlni were present.

The stockholders of tlie Second National

Hank on Tuesday elected the followinglloiird of Direct.irii for Uic ensuing year:John H. A;iple;,'ati'. John IJi insen, JosephA. Tlirockinorton. .Saiiuu 1 T. Ifeitilrick-sim, Clinrles J. II.-iidrickKon, John J,Hopping, Tyler W. Thi-ockniorton, J.Trall'ord Allen. (Jurilon fciicliles.

Mr. A. 1'. Dui'liank, the lnunoroua(Inmiatic tind iliiilcet elot-iitioiiisl, will(?ivc mi rntrrtainiin'iit in Music Hall, onFi'idny evening, Jan. lUh. at 8 o'clock,Mr. llurhank lutsuppeareil in all the largocities of the ciiunlry and lias been virysuccessful in getting full houses. Ticketsliave lie™ placed at S5 cents, ant' t-a'u beprocured nt A.llcm IS^^OIC'H.

The editor (if tlie. Anbury Park Journalis known as having micc-OHsfully cn-ginccroil tlie grcatcHt rrnl cstute opuni-tion ','vi'i- umlertukcn in Momnouth conn-ty: .iso us tlit'Ktronge.-it and most uiirc-leutinciKlvocato of lenipoi'atico in Nf'.vJersey. ..And now hu 1ms gonii i;ito tlic

ct huslficss; • He nrvdict'u tlint'G«n-oralG'tatit «-ill I* tlia next Presideutofthe United States, ' . . . •

Field's. A pulleinnii oflered lo put upone hundred dollars that Coley's Loutoiiii heat any boat on the river.

iMosHrs. t\ileuian. Sleeper and Kejxau.

'the elected .in I appointed oflieorK ofHiram Chapter.'No. 1. It. A. M., woreinstalled on Monday evening, (i,',,i--c - At ahnut 11 o'clock on .Saturday oven-11. Junes. Grand High Priest of the i.jn^nu ,,„,.,] n-uiiian. tliinlv clad, waiteiSiate of New Jersey, assisted hy Pas t ; i l t f|1L. ( i l . , ,vo H t m . t aV!i!ii,'K ,,f Uie Peitn(Jriin.l High I'liest Itohvay, perforiuwlthe impressive inslalhition ecremoniea.After Ihe instiillatinn the Onind

ssnif; isylvaiiia Hailroiid • in Jersey City, andus the train appioa'clicd and the gale WIIH

'fTli ! lmvnred, she drew elow up to the gate,• « 1 [ l

! l m n r e d , she dre e l w up to thFricst delivered an cloinieiil and •«-1 ,„„[ llt) the, gate was tlnowii up ss t r i t i v l d s Y l l Yn.ii . Atthe conclusion of the address the (irundHigh I'rirsl, on behalf of tlie brethren ofMystic Urotlierliooil Lodge, .presenU'dHast Mauler Joint P. Cooper with a PantMaster's Jrvre! of pure gold and hcaylifulworkmanship.' with tliiii inscription:—" I'tcswitcd to i>. M. Jehu P. Cooper hythe brethren tit Mystic LirotherltoodLOIIRC, NO. 21, Jan. 18th, 1871)." Bret.Cooper would have mude a Rpceeh oirreceivin'jj il, but for certain reusnns lie

1 ,„„;l H||nr|, he gave

«oiiietliiugfrom the j?atL\ Tlwn ,Hhn hurried upNewark avcime toward the Heights.When asked for an explanation of herbehavior, she reluctantly said that shehad lied a btriiiK around an ulceratingtooth and iittaclied the i tring to the gate,HO that when it ivtm ruiaeilit might ex-tract the lontli.. She had not lifty centsto pay for its pulling.

The .Trenton True Amitrhvii wiys thereposlpolled it. A large roproMjiiliition of | is no tnlth in the report that a'sot ofHiram Chapter and Mystic Prntheil'.dod 'metric..weight.) and measures can he se-Lodge wei'u prwent, tngelher with vis-.cured by applic.ition to Hii'pt'riiiloiKlontI tots from vnripi.iK uln'tei1' Clmpti-iii and j Apgnr. by a teiiohcr or titwlces. Theli'iitgor, After the. mectiiig Ihu com- Blatu Biuird of Educution notiL'ttiti-ptuiiona and brethri'ii proceeded (u Iho | thorized him to distribute, them.

Mrs. Frost hua ln.uglit n lot and will

elect a neat ootta;;e.

A youh'j man in 21 days (tunning sliot

IHT rabbiti. J ipiiiil. ;ind a slum!:.

The next M. I Uolmvn sociable will lie

hold at the h ,.|iilaMe house of Mi'. Mrian

l.awroMco. A fi:!l ti'ton.Iiiinv is o.\

| ecled.

Mid llctown has hecn overran with

tree a,''-uts. The., ' olid Iron of the llevi!

make life u huiden. and lill the cup of

happiness with bitterness.

Ahout two v.-oiks ii;;o -Mr. I'.d. Ii irls-

inii-ne walked l'r>iinr<'Mi<ldli'tmv.ii to Red

Hank in hi. uiiiiiil'.'.i. in ikiu;: ahout a

mile in -1« mimites. Thi'i tiitu- would do

( r.'dit to u proics'ii.aiiil.

The Jii-v. Mr. ISiuli It id hi.-i a'luual

diTiiition vi^it oil Wednesday evening oI

hut week. AmuM"; t ' e di.• t ili^u 'il

Kiji sis \v,-r..' ex Se.i iior 11-nlrick on,

til.- II,m. Ch ii. 1). Ibiiilricksoii, and the

I:,-.. K. J. I'oote. The rocoipln wen-

^.ollle\\ hi.t l.ii',";ii' tlian lilst year, which

h| oaks v.-i !| for Ihe ,,;rn« i iy piijiulaiily

ol l i r . Dink.

A ll.'iiiiirl.ii'ili' Pii]iir.

The loll, w il,IX li li'iilkid h' | up-r was

prcscillod to Juil'.'.c Scuddel' on Monday

'IN ihe < • 1 .-l1111 .mry :

Tn //"i/y llii'H';-. .liiilijr SniihUr:- A:t h i s i s l J i c h o u r I ' m l e f n . - u i . « . - . t ' . o i i i i b l -

M g l a d , I c s p i . t ! I l l l y n i i d o 1 I h e f. i l l o w i n ; ;

p t e h i l i l n e I t - . ) t : ; \ i i i ; . n o d i r e c t p l ' o o l

i . e l ' o i c u s o n w l i i c h t o l i i i i l i i i l i i I n i . - n t . - . .

l i n t k i i o w i n j ; o f ,1 r e - u l . i r i t i e r - a s , ' , c l l o r : i i

t a i l s w e d e s i r e I h i s (-., a i v i ' a s ii w n r i i -

I I I - - t o p e l ' M i n s h i i l i l i l l : : " p e l l V o l l i ' - l - s . H o t

I o i , I l i l l l l l t i l l 111 i l l t h e l l l l ' . i r i ' . A s I ' l l '

r ' , l ' c ) i l o b , j " i t o f l i i " ' i s l o I'KVt lil rriuif.

n o t l o p i l l l i s h i l . w e t h i n k w.liiiil l o t h e

,,"i .s ." m a y h e s : l i l : e e i i l .

W l u l l . . » e _ « i : h | o p r e s e t ! M o v i 111 I b i l l

o r i .s . t h e p e l t ) t . , l , i l i - s o f c o u n t y , l u w i l -

; - l l i j i i l i l d t o w n o l l i , e l ' s . l ' ' o r i n s , M i c e .

t i n I i v . i n l o w : , i I n I - ' r , e ! e i | , l e r , - v . 1 ( i c r . l \ \ ,

t o w l i i c h t o ; " . ' o l : e l l a d d l i l ' l i ' i l ; c . d l M l e r

, l l l - | h o l - . o f e ' c i l . T h e n t h e r e l i r e j l l d ; . . : ,

, - I ' . !••! l l - ' i . . . n I o t o t h . i i it u p - . ' - i . i i i I . i n M I . - . .

1 l o - c i m a s C I S o f t h e v o l e s , I ' n i n i t h e

s e \ ' - r : d t - n \ l o - h i ; , . . i i l - . o . i l l ' l i o - l i i e . e s .

a d d l i i c . i l s , A : ; , i n . t h e l o w i i ' h i p c o i n

m i l t , o s a m i e l e i k . s : i , l , l t n e a l - ' t o t h e i r

e - , p o i r . e ; ' i b c - i i . l , " h l i l i n n l ' l l l c f l c i ' I i s o f

l o w l i i - h i j i i i , w h o . n o l c o n t o i i i u i t l i t h e i r

Ihnf i l o l l . o s p e r d i n i l h c i r l i - | : a l W . I ^ O H I ,

i l i t l l i d l y r e o e l t e . i l l e l i l l l l i l l ' e d i l n i l a i s p e l

i o n i t i i n f o r l l t c i r o . o i k a s .•!< . I , . s . \ t h i i li

A , ' : , : . , . , w.m\ I n i t o m i c t o t h i r l i

d o l l a r , , " . ! t h e l e . ; i l I M I C . . T h e n , t o o . t h ,

o \ - e l : e e l . o f I l i e p i ,,- r e c - i s e o i l - ' It I N ) . I l e d

• l o l l i i ' s f i r t l . e . l - e l \ , r e > , v\ h i c h i n m a i n |

' - , " : - . ' - s . : : l t h r l o i l i i r ; p . , d . i \ . w i i i i l ' l l i o l

• i l n o l i o t 1 ' i t h i l t i , l , ' l ! : i r s . I I n w , v o n s e e

I ' l . i l i l l ! t h e s e " i . i • M e - , l l i i . l . l i, 1 , n i c k e l . "

W e I c l V e i , | : . o l l i . i M M ' l l ' i ! l l l i l l i l l M ' . l l ' s

p . l : - ( . f., A II I n ; . , i v J i i . - J i i i v i v l i i . i i i i - t - d I

f o r o l ' e h i l l , , o d i l l l l ! I .. i l i l \ . . i . \ l i o l l i M :, |

•-. I • ' « ' . . i t i l i i : ; ' e - I ' : - . - : i l e \ p i , e i, ! ! • ','. I . I n . , I i l l ; -• e l e l k - . , ' I M . I ; ' I c i o e i l .

• n I . ' l i e l ' | . ' l l - : i , d I I I I . e l u l l , ' ! ; c . l i n i . l |

. , i > • i \ , . ; . : ! : , : i , | , . | | r . v . i i h i i p , , ; i . i ; , .

, , . i ; h , : 1, . , a . . ; I - M - I ! i i : = ! , - . I . ' i ' o d . n •

I u u . a l l . I I : , . ' - o r i s , e . . I i . I ; I i . s t i ' i e M . A l e |

o n l i o C I M . ' l i l i i : r , l , , | , > . ' > \ , I ' l l I ll II 11 J , ' \

, . t - , , i t o l e i 1 l l d o , s : . , 111 t r l l l ; . . e ( i l i l l

. . . i - . , . . - « ' - . . w o u l d , :••! \ e i - \ " i : r p i - k e t -

1 1, I . i M i l l , l i t h e y i o l l l l d i l i l l l o e s t i e e l .

i n , - i | o U ' O ' . I H ' o n \-. o ' l l . l * U n t t i i i l i 1

1 , , , , : , i v u i e . o l l l i l i , 1 . w h e n t h e v I ; I I- h u l i l

i ' , | I h . ' p l l l i l i , I I I . . , , , - , " . ! i I , . i l l , I l e i t 111

l i i c l l o u il u d v . n t . i i ' c . i i s l l l ' . U x h i t w e r e

l i . e i , - l i . - . l - l . A h ' l t l e h o r . - c I ' M - I I . i i h l t l e

l o . i d i l . il I l l i ' i d s \.i t l l i l h i , I l i l l II | e t l v

r . l i . i l i l l . r i i i e l o i - . m i i i i i . a n d o i l i ' t . t . m . . - ;

t i n - , , . j ' i i J A . t - i " . ' ' , ' o . i r . i c L i ' i - a n d l l i e i t n ; i i i i " |

' . ' . l i l i y . i l ; ; M ' l e s i i i i d I I I O . ' I I K 1 v i , l T s . I n I

l- . i - l t i l ' - o p ; i - - . ' . l i l ' l y t o . h i s l l c h p e t l y

I , l e i o . ! • ' • • - e . l l l i ' i l l . M i l e i l H o t i i r , o 111-

. i r v . I i i : 1 U " i i I I I . I l l w o u l d l . o o l l , I I U l o i l

h i s i :-iln h i n d t h . , 1 , p e i p c l r : . t o . IW h i ! - - l i y i i ' i ; I n I . i n , d y i ' l i i d n ,- t h i l l ;

i s s o i t : i i v . . | - 1 i l . n i l v - t . w l i - ' i l :,!• ik ' d a t 1

i l l - l - h l . i s : , o d " L ' , i - . ' l i i i ( . ' . WO e x p e l I l o l i m e j

l i l l j l ' . l i v e s i " , - I i l ! ' i s t h ' l i v i l l III I ' l n r e e x - I

l>rci : . s i \ e t h a n J! . 1 ! , ->-*. .^ o r | i o h t , ' : l r , i ; u e (

. . ' l \ e II d i l l ,' l ' i p i 11 , ' I ' m . a n d :il<* s ; i t -

I - I , , d l l l i . t n o p e r - i o i ' i v , l l h i c o i i l e i n c ' i l s i ' i l

u h , I In III . I g l l l i l j o l ,1,1111' 111 t h e i l . o v c

U i f i l l . , ; t o i ' . j - n c n o o n e . w e d e . i r e ; d I |

; ; , , o l c I /. , l : s lii.s i s l i e ; . ' d u l y I t o M C I

I l i i t a n y o l ' i i e , . o l d e r w h o l a i . e s i i m n - l

l i a n l a w f u l . i ' e .M, s h . d l . i n t h e f i i l ' i l e . n o t '

o n l y h e I T ' S e l l l c d . lii 'il i : i d , i l e d , , 'Uid n i l - |

. l U s I i u i . l t h e f '.'t ; p i - l s o . i d l y t h a t w e |

o o w p u t 0 :1 p i i o e i - i i a . l p ; ' - . - . c i i t t o y o u r !

T l i e ( i r a m l J i n v v r a i l i l ri-Hp, e t f u l l yc il t h e a l l . Ill oti o f y o l l i H o n o r In th'e jIII li". !I' 'S'. of t i n pl'.'^.-lil '. I,'.111'I J i l l V l o r . m , Il o ! I l l - pllrp- ' .^c id' III'- l i l l l l 1 J l l l j . ill It h a t Wi th t h e l - tm I- L-'ilP- tllid | i r eo : i l l t in l lil :•- i i n p . i s s i h J e t o p i e M ' i i t w i t n e s s i s inl! ie jid.j u u i n ^ ro ' j i i i a n d l o u n g e r s i n t h eco i rid"!'!-, i\y v .cl t u s i h e Tet it J u r o r s intin- n u m . m i d , i .- i i ' .nh. f r o m l i e a r n i K I lie

di e n •io.'i-i I v , | "S , ,n c u e s h e f o r e t h et J i i ' i id J u r v . A n o n e s t i m a t i o n h a s I e c un i i i d e l l i i d ' h i s e . ' e h i p c d i h e M e t th i l l I h ep l e s e i i l a i l n^ ' i ' t i i en l o f t h e ( i l i i l i d J u r yroi in i ; ; o | Mich 'i i t i i l i i r e a s t o l e n i l e r iti u i p o s s i h l , t o U".',) f i n a l p u h l i c k i i o w l -e i i p ' t h e Sin l e d s e c r e t - , i l l t ie. ' I i r . i l l d J u r y .

| S | ( I : ; K I > . |

J o s i ' i ' i i I ) . Ihi i ' i ' - . T I M : I > . YV. ^ l o t u i i ' i ,\ \ 1LI.I.XM M'AllKII, \)\ Vlll 11. VVVCKOI'I-,K , . l ; i l ' . M r t - C . II I ' K I I . A . A . I I I I I . J I : ; S .

A / . . Y I ! 1 . U H ' , I N I I . - . ; I : , W .i. A . 1 ' i i i : : iH ' r r ,U, i'. V . i x D i j t v , F i . i . t i v oil -iii ,:is,' imiM. S. 1-;. l l i i . iw .v , V . I). rii: .M)i:ti K K O X ,W.M. 111 ITi l lNsi lN, J . A . lilClUI'KSDS,JA.M( . .S J l . .''..Mllll, i t . 1-:. llKl'MMUNIJ,J o n : ; A . Mi . t u -u i i i i . J t I I N L . T I I . - H ' I S .W . M . I I . Si- K I i:s, J d S K i ' i i K n : ,I1.. I1'. AIM'l.l'.'l.'.Ti'.. AL.Iir.llT I'Ol.llK.ML'S.

ri.'tt'.u U. STI:VI-..S'S.

A t'urtl from Mt-vliciiiiriikttin,

To TIIK KiilTOit oy THE IJiaiisTEit:I hiivo been asked to deny the eluir^e

inadc liy an idilorial in I lir i-lvmhyit oftliV luth IIIHI.: "'Mini many hail niKiii'ilthe petition for oh.inKiiiK l' l ( ' lin.l'i'! ofour town fi-oiii lteil Hank to ShrewsburyOily under impulse,mid now ri'Kn'tted it."I can liunkly say Unit 1 do mil know ofa Kindle"person that Kifrued iinjiulsively;none wefo ur^ed, and only onu asked tohave his inline erased."' 1 holievi: a veryfew did s'i^t. both petition nml pro'r.-,t,but u vei-y larun inajorily of thu sign-ers wei'i> vuliiimiiifitic for the change.None were asked to si-^n who nvrtikiuranto be in opposition, and there IIIIH Lfunan iihimdanee of time for every c'tizt-nto fully make up IUH mind on the i-nhjei'tHH it was ]n-ct,ty syellvcnlilm'ed lust win-ter, so it wns no new unhiei t.

Aiiolliei. I Iv-l'eve,'iiiU-niln In answert!ii'i|ii•rtinti more fully, i;o 1 will no! tnl:i:up mi)1 more P|),ico in your paper thuiithe ahove facts.

Very respectfully,1). \V. lll'.XBUItKSON.

H E D B A K K , J an . 1U, 1H7U. '


A lot twenty feet front has 1 eon so'd(rom Kt. Sinn's CMtirch pivpcrty to Alfie'l 1\'nlli!ii;. Jr., wh.iroiitenip'atct, ] ut

(ing \\\1 an I'lti.-i:.—• Krupml U'rciJr/.

L o t s : i r e K. I I . I . 1 ! A - i b u r y F ' . i rk . .Vew J e r

twy. o n wl i . i t i* e i j u i v ' . l en t t o a p e r ] ' e t i i i i

m o r t ^ i i p — o n e ba i iT l i -ed y e a r s ; i h o p i n

c l l i i s e r , h o w e v e r , re:1., l^ u - j ; t l i e r i g h t t

p a y t h e p r i o i i j i id n l i i i iv t . o ' c : or', l e i

p e r c e i l l . ' . w l l h e II IKI- .VO.) , r I ii 1'..- . 1 / .

. " . l ' i : n ida i \ s b o i t . i : i ; j ; i t U;-ai " is n o l o n j ; e :

p o p u l i i r w i t h " i h o i - . . u g ! , | i i e , I \ o u n j ; ).ren

t l o i n a i i . " ( . ' l a r e n o c L e v y i i i a l t h e i l c s - r i - .

M u r j i l i y h a v e h e c n l i n e d $'.',"i e a c h n i i d

c o s t s . l o r ^ l i n i i i n g o n S i u n h r v . N o v o n i h e i

1 0 t h , I iv J u s t i c e M. -n i i e t t o f A s h i i r y P a r j j .

—.Nei l ' s .

J o h n I I . B o v v e r s , a , ' i i i ' pen t : ' ! ' , w h i l e e m

[ i l o y e t l a t S e a ( J i r l . m i i h e t ' c n t r ; i t Ra i J

r o a d r o u n d b o u s e h i t i n g s h i n g l e s , lovi

h i s l i i l l a l ioe a n d w a s a b o u t t o f a l l , w l i e i

i n o r d e r t o j i r i ' v o n t h i s f u l l i n g h e a d l i i s t

h o j l l l i i p o i l f r n i i i t l i c 1'oof t o [ h e f r n / e l .

g r o u n d b e l o w , a i ] i - , t : in , 'c o f I w e n t v - l i v i

f e e t . A l t h o l l i J i ( h e Jill' W . M (trorst hi

s u s t i l i a e d n o H ' l i o l l s i n j u r y .

T h e A - h i i r y P i i i k . / , •», • » ' / .-.a>>. " . M i .

D a v i d l l a j v c y , , h . . h : i s b e e n i i t d i n d , n ,

,i n u m b e r o f i i e . j . o i t a n l I;•« o. i .e .- . I I , :

s u e , e s " i . i a c e h i s l o e i i t i o n I ' e r o h a s I H C I .

I l i l l l i l i l l g i l l ld d e s c r i e d . l i e h i ' s c o i n

l i l l l l , ' I ' l l Sllil i lO.l i l ls l i h e l .OOg lll ' . ilH I

pi.-f o i i i i t i - i i o t e n iii l.elii'.lf n f t i n ' w i d o w

o f I l i i ' t v i i r k t i i i i i i w i n , « i o . k i l l e d h j II fiij^l

i l lg I l ld l . l l l l . i n i i l l . ' I l l , ' d . l l l l i lgi- : , ill'.

p l a c d i,l ;j:. -,,rini."

M r s . J o e l p ; i r l , e r .-nnl In r d i i i i i - J . i , r.

H e l e n P i l l ' k e r . lef t o.'l Tl , . . . lay a l i e n

• f o r A i k i - l l . ^ . ( ' . . " h i l e 111.') w i l l I I I . I IM

, p l o f o n g t d i-tjiy i a t l , , ' »'\ pc , t i . l i , n o !

lioMi'l l l i l lg.Mi.-*, r . l l l , c l ' s h e i l l l h . S h e h i e

t o r s o m e t i m e lici ii i d i e e l c d w i l h w c i d i

i i o s ' m f - t l i o l . r .n i i - i i i i i l . . r j . ' i ins . 'I h e p u n .

d r y l i t i i " . ; , h , i v ,-,n.| • , n i . i l . h i n a l e o f ih<

i n t e r i o r o l I ' . ih , l :n : i h:i . n u d e i , n i i i y c m

p l e l e c u r e s l o r p e l | i , U - I l l f i , t e l l . -

<!. W . P i , ! , , t h e p h o l ' - . l - i i p h l - r . « i i li

t o w n o n M o n d a y , l i e s. i t . - i t h a i l o i n

l i e u y e a r s i i - o in c , , n i j , i l i v w i l l i . l i i t iu - -

P . W a l l i n g o l l i e , a n p o i l . h e s I,, 11. d i>

t h e [ l l i i t o ; ' | - . l ph l . l l s i l l i - s - lil I v i t o l l t u w u

in n o u p p e r r o o i n iii i h e < ' i i l u i a l i i i i n I [ o l d .

H e h a s n o i v a g a l l e r y id N e w V . . | ] ; . ;.n<.

t l i e e o l l t l . i i l l o r | : lo .n-»l p i e l u i - o s f o r | h ,

V i d e , l l - i rv . ' i - . l . W i - . l e , - . , n . I ' r i i i e e i o i i a i . i i

o t l l o r o i i l le ; ; , s, hcsli ' i , i . I hi Mll l l l l l , 1' J.'ill

l e l i c ' i a t l , o i , g I Ir.illi h il t id I l e e i u i ( i i ' o l ' i .

I ' ^ - S e i i i i l o r I h - n d i i i l . i n h a s h i t i,

i I, . t . ' . l I ' r . i i , | t h , l - ' i i i n u r - . ' a m i

M.- re l l . l i t • H n i l . . '.I M. l l . l 'A . l l l . V i c e A-i

b u , ! ' " i i ! . l . i i ; i . ; , I..;I,. d . M ; . I oi i i . ' , : i i i i

I l i . - H i C . i ! " ! ' l l l l i I '. ' '. e \ ..• 1 - . . i ' : , ) | n , , i -,\

r i t i l ' . : . I e i i i u . e o l I , a i | \ - 1 1 , 1 l i j - e . S , I I

a I o r I l.-ii '1 iii I, s o n ' . W-, II I l>, v n i n i c • i i r %

1'. ,11 l e n d l o s l i v f l j . l h ' 1 " - {If ,-. , , ' i lldi l l ' - c .

l o n g n pos. , ,1 -III I I , , : ili l i l l l l . , II. \t I.i, h

t\ a s ilt o n e 1 . n o 1 l-e c l i l y l i l l i k ill Mol l

111.'Illll c o ' l i i l , . i i l i d < .h i ' o f N-sti t b : ; l l u

l l o / e i l ill 1 ll,- I'lil , , 'c S l e l c .

' f i l e M.ill:l-ijYuH~ .'-.. il :iih- s i i y i I l i i t .1

IIIIU h \ t h e lli. m e of 1 lill \ e \ I ; n !s . l i i i \ i l i -

l i o Jiei m . n c l i l h " i . i e . I n ! I n i n g o n ii ti \ .

w i e l . . . p:l>.l ill I h o l>i(i 1 i I ^1 i . l , ,u I If, y -

l .old .s , I ' l . i . i t I ' l c i o i i i i t . d l o p p c d i l e i ' d .

w h i l e i n t h e i i r ! o f [ i i . - d l i i i g II l i r e , o n

M o o d i i y i m , r u i n g l a s t . W e h a m t h a i

M r . H . iv i : foi l f r o m a w . i g . m 11)1.^11 H i r e ,

w e e k s ,'lg 1 i l l ld b n . k e I W o of I d s I ' .IIM. | , n |

n o p t i y s i c i i ' i n 01 , r :ilt>lt'U<l h i m ii i td t i n

p o o r 1 n.-i 11 h a d b e , n s n l T e t ' i i i g . h i i i d lv - a h l e

l o Cl'iiw1. i lho i i l l A i r - M i l i - ' ' , Illll il h i s d e a t h

l a s t M o n d a y in i r u i i i ; ; . I I i s n i u \ j n : , w c i v

L i k e n t o I ' i o e h " ! ' ! l o r n i ' e n n e i ' l .

T h e 1!, i . l ld o f | l | e : " o | s o f t h e I / a r m o r : . '

i i n d Mi-rol i i iut . - , ' H a n k , o f A!iit.1 w. i 11. a l

t h e J a n u a r y ll i . ' i ' l i l l ; j , r e s o l v e d t o r o i o i i i -

m o u i l t o t h e s t i i c k h o l d e r s t h a t t h e c a p i l a ' l

b e r e d u c e d i'-"..!!.!*')!), n i a k i i i i , ' t h e i r c a p i t a l

!»l."jil,ii(in, i n s t e a d (if fcCIO.I Ml. It is f o u n d

d i l l i i l i l l a t t h e p r , : .cnl l i m e t o o n i ; : l o y

p r o b l a l i l y . i i l . , r - e a n u n . T h e h a u l : h o

i n f ; o h l i g i d 1,1 i n \ i - s t i n o r e t h a n h a l f o f

i l s c a p i t a l i n (o .v i ' I ' l l 1111-nt I m m Is y i , id i n g

o n l y f o u r p e r c e n t . , i t v . i i s t h o u g h t a d -

v i s a b l e , w i t h t l : o c o n s e n t o r t h e s t o c k -

h o l d , i s . 1.1.(i II $."iti.(li.ll,.f I h e i r h o i u l s a n d

p a y t h e 1110111 y t o l l n s t o , k l i o l d , i s . '1 h e

b i i t i k a l s o d i t - h i r ed :i d i v i d e n d o f f o u r p e r

c e n t , f i l l o l t l c e a l l l i l ' g s o f t h e l:ii-,t s i . \

m o u l d s , p a y a M e (.11 n m l a f t e r J i i n u a r y

l . l l h . H y r e d u c i ' g t h e e i i p i l i d t h e h a n k

w i l l s i i v e c o n s i d c r a b l e i n t h e w a y of t u x e s .

A Co i r e : : p- i n d e n t o f [ h e Ih-lnocmt g i v e s

t h i s a c c o u n t n l t h e lil I i n g of I h e i c e - h o l l s e

of M r . 1 1 . 1 1 . Y n r i l . a l O o o a u l V a i - h : ' • T h e

house is Minuted on Ninth avenue, inclose pr iNiniity to our beautiful SilverLike, Irom which the-on,[1 is secured,its holding capacity in ;),111)11 tons. Theice is carried in the house by me; • B o alarge elevator, on which ninn nil ei,,oesnwooden ehain of 11 inch links, with nagsiieven feet apart, running over a six-squtire pulley at the top. The ice is cutin square cukes, by'ineans of a Knicker-bocker ice plow, and in t.iwed tn the fmrtof thoclovatnr ii'i'l pluei-d on the slagsthrough an over-shot feed. The cakes ofice slide in the house on Illinois, whicharc raided an the house /ills. Tlie motivepower is a Kteimi-engine of ahotit five-IIOI'HO power, recently purchased by Jlr.Yard, from the Peach Ulossom Slate Co.-,of Pa. The links of the omlk'ss chainwore made by Mr. Yard'H ciu-pcnti'i-afrom the anus of. the turn-hliloH whichv. eivin use at thy giiti'ti of Mir late C'en-tenmi'.l Exhihilicn, mill tho icc-honse it-self is a portion nf the Women's Pavilion,wh'ch was-purchased hy. Mi'. Yard, andbrought to this place on cars. Betweenfolly and fifty inuu are employed ingathering this, ice-crop, and it makesthing1! look lively for this phico, nt thislime. When the1 m:'eliin»ry isriitinhiKsmoothly it curilu'a iu twenty cakes perminn.te, v.-hich, ut an uventjo weight of100 pounils to tlio"cakB, riiiilscs it one touper minute or Sixlu tons per hour."

A ViMc4 from Mil

To Tui-: Kw-fiiii.,!' VHE Iir.aisTi-:;::-In yuiir i:.sne of the Cti iniit., f /.I-sorTfl

tvio coniniunioytions in u-gnrd *'i tl;*tContfiiipliilcd change of iiiime fo'f thetown of lied Dank. With- one of y, '*r

cnrri:sp(.n,h nts I shall take issue, as I

consider it an inherent right willi thor e

who are in proximity with your town,

j althdiigh they may not lie fdjlc fo sign

\ thefiiHi-lves •• Citiwit." nhd iillliougli tlioir

residence may ho a little removed fr<in

( the limit.i of the favored circle, yet th i r e

iiiay I".- a logltimaie pride and a c.-fn1-

rnenilable anxiety on the part of sill ur-

hnn out^idefH 11 whatever toads tn en- •

liiiiic.'. or Il.ri'-Jfen.s to mar, the gi««l

nam 1 of the place w"l:c*e their busuicss

truimii lions c ' l l i-r , or tlieiv rmn!t}»iili-

once is di.t.-d. And v. hen " Citizen's "

oxolusiteii. t.:i ilpnios to all oiitMido of

the c'irp.iiiiliiiii a voice in the con-

Irovirsy. 1 lliink a moment's reflection

; wilj convince him that should Miih OACIII-

.> M'lii'yi he followed out in business

! t'.-.n.i.-ii^ ion-, that I led Hind; Would suffer

i.Ulle ,'is niu'li 1:, il-.'.-siifrout'.ding eoiui-

1 i n

\ The i|iic, tion nt i.s.,i:e I eotaidcrrt prf/por

; one for a I'ri.-'iidUVxclianKo of opiifMm.

.it liii.l frniii Iho'.e who nre identified:: w ilhlhcpliii e, eltli. I'M einlly or in a husi-

( lie:-:. Wiiy. W i l ' I i l i itiiien ef Shri'Wsl liry

town 1 iiught |- t]i,> ipiestiiai so

, !i-ff!.v propoiiei:,"!: " V\ lift! r:gl<t hf!^

tl.o:-.e poo l , I,, 1 in in their p'f-eleRt,"

!,y ri -fen in;' lo one of the principal ri-fi-

; -ells in--, ,1 for thi-cbi'.i ge of 11;.me, that

II ele i-. on, !!•<! li-ink ill Ihe Stale whose

I'.plilaliiM i. liot 1 ;d, elated to eidiiiliet'

our loolid ..liiliding \v ill) people iit ;•' 'I'i*-

tan'-,', wlro a<i-.icr.-iP (Tic'tico m'ines t^-'

t'l'thei- -Ai'h f rn- ;.i! pi ,«t(i''ill thiit they aw'

one ,-IIM'I (lie :.,:.•,ic. '1 liis h»'ifig the ense,

I i v n i l l l i l l , II i . s l i i"n.-,v w e n o t l i l ' o t ' l V t

I I I , ' . . l i l l I I' i e I I I , , o l l i ' g r i n d t l i i 1110 1 0 ; | . - t i s t

! 111 a h - o r b m ; ; I h o 1 n l i t a l ' l l i h i i t i i i l l w h i c h

M i l l l i ; . ' ' e i i , ! , , ' l i t i - i l I n ,111 I , n l i t s M ' o h i l . o n s ?

1 m i g l . l 1. ,: I - l o n i ' d n i l : , i, n l i n : f . o i - . l u B

I I h l ' i l e . M I . d | . l l'i , t l .."

I ' . l l t • , - i i . " . : . - i > \ | " l ' d ' - | . , i - , « ] , ; , f i l

, . l l .1 . : o i d M p p l o p l l l t e I ; , . ' l i e I e ! . I l l l d t h a t

i : N e w I " i l l i s 1 , t :> I , , i i i i , 1 . d , e s r o t it:'

• l l l i l ' e I h , I ' . I ' l l 1.1' •• • i l l " l o ~ J M . i t i ' , ' r ' "

' l i t ' , a l i ' i , l . i | . ' , 1 ! . , ! . ( e '.' 1 h , l i , v e iI i.-. I ' I I I ,

i ; . | ' , i l . i l i y i 0 1 : . - e i l e d I i . i i l I h i ' ' i i ' l d i l ii p h f

. 1 . l l , - . i d , t . , i h - s i i i d ( i V c I . i l i d i | : a l ii i l / '

1 h a d - . r . - l ! ' i r : !• :• -i ; •< ! . ' • - l o l i e " l i i p o r l i i i i e e

( o f ;i p ! " i e . I n u i a i i y i l e l a m e ; , '" r i t y "'

. h i . • I 1 , 0 , 1 ; o ] ' | , , d ; , : , ; i s l i p , l l h l o l l s e x c r c s -

I 1 c l i e e A h e r e It I , I l l l l 1 : , ' ( l o n e , a n d t i l t '

j p l a c e n I , . l . - . il . i . V n i l l v . T h i s s l a t e e f

I i h i i ' i . ' , h i . :.'i ; ' t H i . - f : r e I ' - e n b r o u g h t

i - I ' . ' ' i i ' • • t h e . - . - i ' ••( l i t 11', f r o i i i i i r h u m -

!• i t : ; ! ' ; t \ c 1 - « l i " - i i m - t l t h e i r c o c k e r t ' f

p 1 1 a i n s i :' •! • l i u e i i o n . w h e n n o t h i n g p e r -

l i . p - I ' l l l - l i l / . e i ! t r e e s c o l d , ! s h o w w h o r e

l i i e l i i . - i n . r i i n d h . s s : i t , - l i n e s h o i , I t h " i r

ir.i .

" l l i ' I " I ! '*•»-['' ."I

m l ; . I ' f i l l ' ! I ' ' , '

( . - I - o f t i n . t o w n , i . n d t l . . .

• i r l i l so o i l .ril i/e I l l ' til-

l i i l l l l " of " f l i i e \

p,it i n t i l n a t c n '

i ' l ige l h ( ( h » r -

-• -IIIIII ir •>•! "iifi-a-

til- »!ves u n d e r Ih*1,

y City." rio'rcly for1 loon! and in'-oilier purpose, fhere w o u h l

I ceilain!;, be no occasion for outsii trra ih

object to thei r ]iin hi.slug ni.toi'iely a t so

' chi ;ip a rale. )!ul an I under.stiinil it, t he

Ilillil: of (lie poit-olhi e, .stntiolt, &C,

i would cold,,ri:i \vilh the change . lut(5

[ • Shu w -.1 in iv . il\ " would be called1 on for

' t he l i i lui t ' lu niilintaiii and :i ' lvance t he

Iples t i i , ! ,,i l|, 'l:o!i:h/y Illld successfully

: g.iiii, d 1,1 the h u m b l e iiiinie of lied U.illk.

I W i l l ; ' Ci l i / .en" please iicoept a gent le

| pr.-ito.'t . t o . : Ir. in iho l imits of

i MlDllt.F.TOWS I

• ('l.n.iiro of NIII I IP .

T o T H : : ii'.i.iKiu ol' T U B ltK.nsTKit:

Ancd: to i iid in tho i.*mroof thvKUnxiitrtl

of t ho Iftfli irrst. , n (l i t chnngo (if t he

| n a m e of !;?d I tmj i tit flint of " . S l i n w s j

bury f 'itj ," is ml, ulat.,1 to' convey, topersons not familinr with the facts, tinimpression tluit a niajority of onr most

i'iileiligeiit citizens residing in the (own1 limits, and im'hiding the largest propertyI owners, a very large majority of theI nicrcliiinls, Inisiiu'ss ami professionali iiiin. I IKI not voluntarily, after a yeor'Bj r. llection .mil discussion, again petition-j e I for fie oh uige of the name of Red] Ha dt. I olieving it tn'he a progressive andj essential undi'ilakinfc for our local riu-! vnncoinont and future* prospbrity: TIC)

fact is, that nearly" every lending ir/tihhas signed the petition. And as to their

' l.iivin;; signed " under thf impulse bf til*{ in. liieul,' it is ipitle the i-.mtrary; as tilt)i san,e pitilies who signed last year's j'dijlj (ion, have signed (niter a year's reiitc-*| lion) the present one, ninkingn majority

if nearly two to" one uf tile legitunatti< , ** i* • I* t - * * i

I have such in'meo tuitt-'ii fioth the! of ilonor." * \ 6 want no noit-reii pnitcKtiirs; will we ltHyl; any. two-| filed! pMitio'ntjrs, that will sign both pro-I tent and petition, for the ntkv'uf imsinesK,

or to plc.ise both Hides. And we doubt ifany honest citizen is guilty nf stich anail , although the Stundard isthfc tutihftr-iiy. I t ia to he lt'Ki'ettal that tlie Stun-third IUIH never }(tj of its ,0wii liwonj,iiilvncated any measure tliHt'yiis ftjr ( I-true iiiterebt and advnuceih'pht of il«*town; anil does not in.any why ft-jircH-nt,loud Or udvocato the true EOIitimcnt oftlie place or the wish of Hit, people in it»editorial enpneity. Jha t . t ' i e Siiiurfanlcannot see any good in thfi t'liiillgc of tlioname is not Hlrar>(;tiQr sli^rirlgingi. thegrand clhtinx confea JTlicn Ret) Banic iscalled 'ri "plTltyiiiiirie." Noiv the fchnngo"iriankod for hynim?-teiith!) of biir liestcitizens nndtfe tecond Brtiird of Com-missioners, baiiiR tho Rccond year of theapiilication (not much iminilm; aboutthat) and sUo\i\il be respectedhiW cari'ied .nut in an honest manner sind in tttodfaith hy our. reprcnontativtsin tlic teg«l>lnturt1, inwiinni wbhave full confidenceYet we nro' cnii be stopp«);.Pray by what i-orrupt influence? « tithere a power behind theihrorte th»{ titth -.'.defy the will of thB.pebpje? Wo.belwrenot', n'nd will await the riestilt wltli Ia n d t r u s t . •,*• . . - - ' . . •*.•• :- --'.'•),:. r,2'-'

Page 2: sELLons AT LAW, -' r. M. The s« vice,; id liie house day lo choose a

i iie p«tt; f f'With t m U n a l i t e rife-

•Wo panee on th« toilnomo Journey,

Glancing backward in valley t i l gleu,And aigb with infinite longing

To return and begin again.

For btluud is the dew of the morning,In all it; freshneee *nd light,

And before arc doubts and ehadotrH,And the obiU and gloom of the eight.

We remember Urn muuy placesWe passed no eareleaaly then,

And ask, Mth a passionate longing,IVj rtturrfand begin again.

Ab, vain, indeed, id tho aeHing! •Life's dutieB^resg ail of us on,

Aud who dare Mhrinh from the labor,Or nigh for I lie Eunehine that's gone ?

And, it miy bo, not far on before u»Wait fairer places than then,

Life's patbs may yet lead by still watersThough ws may not begin again.

For evermore upward and onwardDa our paths an tup hills of life,

And Boon with a radiant dawningTramBgurs the toil and the strife,

And out Father's hand will lead 118Teuderly upward then •,

Iu the jtif and peace of a fairer worldHe'U let UB begin again.

THE AVALMOFE.The following graphic account ol the

perils of avalanches in the Alps is from"Hoursof ExeroiBe in the Alps," bythe celebrated John Tyiulall, the soien*tint. A party of six .were being con-ducted by two looalgnklas anil ft famousAlpine guide, Johann Joseph Bennen,over the Haut de Ory, one of the Swissalps. They advanced in the beginningnf the ascent vory rapidly. The peakwa« glistening before thorn, aud hoposot Guccess cheered their spiritB. After atime they came to snow frozen upon thesurface which would boar (hem n fewsteps and then break down, This, ofcourse, delayed matters and was vgryfatiguing. Finally it came to a pointthat, in order tcweach a certain arete,they would be obliged to go up a steepsnow field 800 feet high, 150 feet broadnt the top aDd 500 feet at the bottom.During the decent they sank about onefoot deep at everv step. After mount-ing lor some distance the two leadingmen suddenly snnk aluvo their waists.They were enabled to get out afterBome straggles, and presently foundbetter footing and came to the eonoln-nion that the mow was accidentallysofter there than elsewhere. But Ben-nen was afraid of starting on avalanche,and said BO. They started forwardngaiu—bnt let the book complete thestory :

The snow-field split iu two aboutfourteen or lilteen feet above ns. Thecleft was at first qnite narrow, not morethan an inch broad. An awful Bileuceeusiied, and then it was brokeu by Beu-nen'a voice:

" Wir Hind alle verloreu" (we are allloBtj. His words were elow and solemn,and those who knew him felt what theyreally meant when spokeu by suoh aman as Bennen. 'Jhey were his lostwords. I drove my alpenstock into thesnow and brought the weight of myluxly to bear on it. It went in to withinthree inches of the top. I then waited.It wan an awful moment of suspense. Iturned my head toward Bennen to see•whether ho had done the same thing.

To my astonishmeut, I saw him turnronnci, face the valley and stretch outboth arms. The ground on which westood1 began to move Rlowly, and I feltllio nUer UBelessnees of any alpenstock.I soon sank up to my shoulders, and be-gan descending backward. Frum this

. moment I saw nothing ot what had hap-pened to the rest of the party.

With a good deel of trouble I suc-oceded in timing round. The speed ofthe avalanche increased rapidly, and be-fore long I was covered up .with snowand in uttar darkness. I was suffocat-ing, when, with a jerk, I suddenly cameto the surface again. The rope hadcanght, most protwbly on a rook, andthis was evidently the mompnt when itbroke. I was on a wnro of tho nTa-lanebe, and saw it before me as I wascarried down.

It was tho iu-iAt avffnl sight I overwitnessed. Tht; head of the nvnlanohrwas already at the spot where we hadmade our last halt. The head alonewas preceded by n thick clond of snow-dust; the rest of the avalanche wasclear.

Around me I heard the horrible hifs-ing of the snow, and far before me thethundering of the foremost part of theavalanohe. To prevent myself sinkiDgagain I made use of my arms, mnoh iDthe eame way as when swimming in astanding positiod, At last I nolioedthat I was moving Blower ; then I sawthe pieces of enow in front of me stop atsome yardB distance; tlisn the enowstraight before me stopped, and I heardon a large soale the same creaking soundthat is. prodnoed when a heavy cartpasses over hard-frozen enow in winter.

I felt that I had also stopped, andinstantly threw up both arms to proteotmy head in case I should again becovered up. I hud stopped, but thesnow behind me WBB still in motion ; itspressure on my body was no strong thatI thought I shonld be crushed to death.This tremendous pressure lasted bnt ashort time, and ceased as suddenly as ithad begun. I was then covered up withsnow coming from behind me. Myflrstimpulse was to try and re.oover myhead, but this I could not do. Theavalanche had frozen by pressure themoment it stopped, end I was frozen in.

Whilst trying vainly to move myaims, I suddenly beoame aware that thehnndB as far as the wrists bid the facultyof motion. The conclusion was easy;they must be above the snow. I set towork as well as I could; it was time, forI could not have held out mnoh longer.At last I saw a faint glimmer of light,

i The orust above my head was gettingthinner and it let a little air pass, but I

. conld not reach it any more -with mvhands ; the idea struck me that I migh'tpierce it with my breath. After severalelYo; 'a I Buooeeded in doing so, and feltsuoVenly1 a rush of air toward myihouih ; I saw the sky again through alittle round hole. A dead silence reignedaround me.

I was surprised to be still alive, andBO persuaded at the first moment thatnone of my fellow sufferers had survivedthat I did not even think of shoutingfor .them. I'thenmade vain efforts toextricate my arms, but found it impos-s ible; themoot I conld was to join theendB of my fingers, but they eonld notreach the'snow i apy longer, After afew minutes I heard a man shouting,What a relief it wan to know (hat I wagnot tho sole • survivor I To know thatperlyipa h&wos. not frozon in and couldoome' to'trjr- assistance1! I answered.

' The voiee tpproaohod, bnt seemed un-'' owrfcifl where to go,:nnd yet it'wss Quito1 W ' ' ' '

tsA l -*/3 vya-i v,f '•i...,:.t H A < : . t . .•• J

Vj} LtfcO iu to iiaHJuA, auo vtr w.- . ito Uy to out me out c o ^ . k tn'.j when J.saw a foot above the snow, and so ncaitome that I could toncb it with myarms, although iliey'Were Dot quite freeyet. I at cube tried to move the foot;it was my poor friend's. A pang ofagony shot through ine^as I BO w thnt thefoot did not mov«. Poor floissoult hadlost wsaoatiuu, and was perhaps alreadydead. Bebot did his best; after sometime he wished me to help him, so liefreed my arms a little more, so that 1could make use of them. I could dobnt little, for Bebot had torn the axetorn my Bhbulder us aooli as he hadcleared my head. (I generally carry anaxe separate from my alpenstock, theblade tied to the bolt and handlo at-taohed to the lelfc shoulder,)

Before coming to me Bebot had helpedNance out of the snow; he was lyingnearly horizontally, and was not muchcovered overi tiauce found BevurJ,who was upright in the snow, bntoovered up to the head. After abouttwenty minutes the two last-namedguides came up, I was at length takenout; the snow had to be cnt with tho axedown to my feet before I'eould be pulledout. A few minutes after one o'clock p.M. we came to my poor friend'B face. Iwished the-body to be token out com-pletely, but nothing oould induce thethree guides to work any longer, fromthe moment they saw that it was toolate to save him. I acknowledge thatthey were as nearly UB incapable of doinganything as I was.

When I was taken out of the snow theoord had to be cut. We tried the endgoing toward Bennen, but could notmove it; it went straight down, andshowed us that there was the grave oftho bravest guide Valais over had, andever will have.

1)1- f. I ji.i.'fp.t tW. IHk VilU

Killed by R I'd Hear. »

Two bears were fastened by four-footchaius in front of the stables of Wm. H.Thorns, a tavern-keeper nt Parkville,Long Island. One was fastened to thestable building, the other to a post nearby, so that they could approach to with-in a few feet of one another.

A number of boys wero playing in theroad close to the bears. The villageboj-B wore in the habit of playing withthe animals. They approached andcaught hold of them with impunity.Tho bears stood a good deal of teasing,aud never offered to ressnt the numberless indignities whioh the boys heapedupon them. The more they were an-noyed the merrier and more good-uaturod they appeared to become; andwhile they rivaled their tormentors inontting capers, they always remainedharmless, and far excelled the others inplacid forbeoranoe.

On a recent Monday afternoon therewas opportunity for the boys to snow-ball the bears, and they took advantageof it. They had frequently been drivenaway and warned not to annoy the ani-mals, but the warning was made onprinciple, with a view to getting rid ofthe boys, and those who made it had nobelief of its good faith. Among thepersecutors was Peter Stretch, sou ofSamuel Stretch, of Parkville, a lad oftwelve or thirteen years of age, and abright, sturdy boy. It was about twoo'clock in the afternoon. The boys hadgrowu tired of their Bport, and half adozen hud turned to pelting one an-other. Young Stretch was standingnear Ben, tho larger bear. He wasfacing the boulevard, and his back wasturned toward the animal. All at oncethe bear, with no especial exasperationaud without warning, walked towurdhim and caught him by the leg with hispaw. The boy wore thick leather bootsoutside his trousere, and the uninial'»oliiwa, although they pierced, did nothold. But instantly tho bear roee ouhis Mud legs, aud, throwing one of hisfore paws over the lad's shoulder, caughtliim with the other around tho body, anddrew him into his embrace. At theilrat touch the boy screamed with terror,and tho cry attracted the attention ofseveral who wero in the vicinity. JamesCJarrol, Mr. Thorn's stableman, was nearby, ami ho was the go to the lad'srtesonn. Mr. Thorns himself was in thebarroom of the tavern, and he alsohastened out. Both of theBe, comingnpuu tho bear with bale sticks whichthey caught up on the way, belaboredhim soundly, and John Conners, jump-ing from his wagon,prodded the animalwith a pitchfork. The bear Blunk away,leaving the boy lying face downward ontlie ground. The three men picked himnp at once1 and carried him into thetavern, but he was quite dead.

The whole transaction occupied scarce-ly a minute. After catching at his boot,and while endeavoring to throw his pawover his Bhonlder, the claws of the boorripped tho lad's Boalp from the foreheadway over to tho back of tbe neok, andmade deep wounds in his chest. Catch-ing him then in a deadly hug, he buriedhis teeth in the boy's neck, and fallingwith him, drew him under his belly.The teeth of the bear cut through thejugular vein, and made a wound largeenough to put a finger in. The hugthat the animal bestowed crushed in theribs and forced the whole breast over tothe left side.

The No'cr-do-Welte of Washington.

There is always an inevitable tokenthat you have arrived in Washington.Your bosom friend may not know ofyour coming, but the he'er-do:well hasfonnd it out. There are more ne'er-do-wells to an acre in Washington than youcan find in the same space in any othercity in this continent. Here they mus-ter and concentrate. It is not strange.Here only ate the great granaries of thegovernment, at whose overflowing cribsthey.hope to have a ohanoe to feed. Thepeople who have nearly bnt never quitesuooeeded, and who hope for the onemore final chance; the people who havefailed utterly, and are seeking a lastcover; the people whose feathery bralnj)quiver with mighty sohemes, whioh, intheir judgment, need nothing but "in-fluence " and " an appropriation" to setthem afloat for the whole world's bene-fit, they all come here, and sooner orlater they will oome to you. At the <rad.of six months yon suddenly ask yourbefogged brain what iB the matter. I sit tired with study 1 with taking in men-tal treasure ? with giving out intellectualstores to replenish mankind? Nothingof the sort. Yon have not iiddod oneiota to the world's riohos, nor are youlikely to till yon con breathe in a dearerand brighter atmosphere. You aresimply worn out listening to miserablepeople's miserable wants—wants that inthe final jam you can neither help norhinder. The one verso of scripture thatyou never forget is:• •» The whole orea-tlon groaned and travaileth togetheruntil now." Ion are sure of that,because, you see, you live ia Washing-ton.—Mary GUmmer,

The Paris Figaro says M. Hayes," President '• of America, h«e forbiddenthe sale of wines at public twil(»t*|.

ilov* i. IjuuLm.tllr r U-i»il>*( iptvl ltl» frit'* iuArkua»ua-A ilaupy Kruillr Mtore He- j

MtaMLnblp (ban Ilatuanrr. •*-

Dr. Graham having passed a verycreditable exuniinatiou before the armymedioal board,° was commissioned anasBiRtaut eurgeoh in the Vnltod Statesarmy iu 18—, and ordered to report forduty to the commanding officer at FortMoKnvett, Texas. There were, jno rail-roads in the Western country at thattime, and tbe usual way of getting toTexas waE by the Mississippi river to'New Orloahs, and then crossing thegulf to stage it up throngh the State.Dr. Graham was very desirous of exam-ining I ho Weste/h country mineralogi-cally, so applied and received permis-sion from the war department to go byway of Arkansas nnd the Indian Terri-tory to his post.

On his arrival at St. Louis he shippedthe greater part of his baggage by wayof the river, and, taking only Vhat hecould carry on horseback, started on hisjourney. While ia St. Louis, at thePlanters' hotel, h'j formed the aoquaint-anco of a gentleman who,- learningwhere he was going, gave him a letterof introduction to his brother, who wasa farmer living" on his route iu Arkansas.It is not necessary for us to follow himou his road, or tell what discoveries hemade* in the interest of science; suffi-cient it is that one day toward dusk hereached the house of the gentleman towhom he bad the letter, and, dismount-ing, knocked at the^door and presentedhis lotter to -the judge (even in thosedays everyone was « jndgo in Arkansas),who would not have needed it to haveaccordod him au open handed welcome;for tra\ elers wero a godsend and newswas as mucli sought after then as now.After a short visit he proposed to go onto the next town, abont four miles off,where he intended to put up for thenight. Tbe jndge would not listen toh H leaving, and was so cordial in his do-sire for him to stay that be would havebeen rude cot to have done so. Thojudge, aftor directing one of the serv-auts to attend to his hor«e, invited himinto tho dining-room, whore he was in-troduced-to the wifo aud daughter of hishoBt, and also to a Biibstnutitil Westernsnpper, to which he did ample justice.

After supper they adjourned to theparlor, and he outeriaiued his new-madefriends with tho, latest news from theoutside world. Tho old conple retiredand left their daughter to entertain him,and he made hot iove to her, and finallyasked her to be his wife nad go to Texaswith him; to which she consented. She,being very unsophisticated and innocent,took everything he said in downrightearnest, and with' was a case of

love at first Bight."Bat I am anticipating. During the

night our frieml, the doctor, woke npand remembered what he hod said, andit worrier] him; but he said to himself,after emptying his water-pitcher, "nevermind; I'll make it all right in the morn-ing. I must have roailo a fool of myself.She's lovely; but whnt must she notthink of me 1" and rolled over aud wentto sleep again.® Morning came, andnpon ltiR goiug down to the parlor liefound tbe young lady alone, for whiohhe blessed his lucky stars, and was jnstabout to make an apology, when shesaid:

•I told mamnm, and sho said it wasnil ri^ht," at the name time giving hima kiss which nearly took his breathaway. "Papa is going to town thismorning, dear, and you ride in with himnml tftlk it over ; bin lie won't objeot, 1know."

"But, my dear mias, I was vory fool-ish, and"—

'No, indeed ; you are all right,"' Well, I will f»o to my poet, and re-

turn for you; for I must go on at once."' No ; I can go witb you."'You won't have time."'Oh yes, I will. Papa will fix that.

It would be such an expense for you tocome all the way back here."

" Bnt I havo no way of taking you.""I have thonght of thnt ; that' does

not make any difference. Father willgive us a team,"

With nearly tears in his eyes ho wentin to breakfast, to which at that mo-ment they were both summoned ; bnt,alas I appetite he had none. It wasnot thnt sho was not pretty and nice ;bnt be thought what a confounded foolshe must bo not to sue that he wantedgot out of it. But it was no use.When the judge started for town, Dr.Graham -was Bitting beside him. Thejudge* saved him the trouble of broach-ing the subject by starting it himself:

" I always, young man, give Nell herown way ; BO it is all right; you neednot say a word."

"But I've got to go on to-day."The old judge turned hiB eyes toward

him. He had an Arkansas bowie ineaoh, and one of those double-barrelshot-Run looks as he said : " Yon ain'ta-trying to get ont of it, are you 1"

The dootor, taking in the Bitnntion,said, promptly, all hope boing gone,"No, Bir."

"That's right. I will fix everythingfor you ; give you that blaok team ofmine, and a lijrht-wagon to carry yourwife's things " (here tho dootor shudder-ed), " and a thousand as a starter. Youcan be married to-night, and leave earlyin the morning. That'll suit, won'ti t ? "

"Yes, sir," answered Graham, faint-ly. Bnt on the judge turning towardhim, he said, "Yes, sir, oertainly."

"After von get died at your post Iwill come down and pay you a visit. Ihave beon thinking about selling outand moving to Texas for some time ; it'sgetting crowded here, and things areo-moving as nlow as 'lasses in wintertime."

ThincB were arranged as the old judgesaid. The marriage took place, and thearmy received an addition to its ladiesin the person of the Arkansas judge'sdaughter, and Dr. Grahntn has neverregretted the obdnraoy of hiB father-in-law or the unsophiBtioatodness of hiswife.—Harper's Magazine.

V.Oik went icV; myy^ciog lot i?days for Don Manuel P&rdo, late president of Peru, who was assassinated by asoldier.

Denver, Colorado's chief oily, is twen-ty years old, hat » population ol thirtythousand, twenty churches, nine educa-tional institutions, eight newspapers,four banks and one theater.

A New York paper says that in NewYork city alone there are more personswith 913,000 incomes than in all Prus-sia. It estimates at least 2,000 suchagainst 1,600 ia Prussia,

State pavings banks in Maine havebeen reduced to fifty-nine in number,five less than three years ago, and ofthese thirteen have had thoir depositsBcaleil down by the supreme court.

The electric light has been applied tothe velocipede in England. The lightis equal to one hundred and twentycandieB, and it lights np the rood twohundred yardB abend on a dark night,

The Vioksburg (Miss.) Jterdld print-ed in ten colnmns a list of fill the giftsthat have been received there by theyellow fever committees, and has had acopy mailed to each of the pieces whencetho contributions oame.

The home of Herr August Wilholmj,the noted violinist, now playing in theUnited States, is at Biebrioh, on theRhine, where hie father owns manylarge vinoyardB, and next to' the emper-or in the largest vineyard proprietor inGermany,

King Ludwig's royal chateau, whiohho has set about building on the islandof Herreu-Ohiemsee, in Bavariar afterthe model of the palace at Versailles,will find him, when completed, onlyfortj'OigUt years old; and he has setapart fifteen years for tho building of it.

Since June 30th, 1847, 9,719,308,527postage stamps have been issued by theUnited States government, worth over$280,000,000. For tho first four yearsthey amounted to hardly $1,000,000 ayear. Now New York city alone takes§2,866,009 a year, Philadelphia, 8995,-000, Chicago, $971,000, Boston, $946,-000, aud 8t, Louin, 8165,000.

The publio worka of tho general gov-ernment in New England have cost,daring the last two years, aa follows :

1877. 1878.Maine. *80,186.70 835,^85.23New Hampshire 10,499.20 20,1)24.00Vermont 11,000.00 14,000.00M inaachnsotls 632,405.50 « 184,887.00Maine and Maas — 16,000.00Connootiont 232 214.53 50,102.70Rhode Island 27,991.92 45,000.00

Statistics given by Mr. Bichard Hall,secretary to the meeting of cattle im-porters at Liverpool, slow that therebus been a very substantial growth inthe cattle trade, especially in regard toimportations from this country. Theincrease has been something enormous,and has ocenrred within a few months,instead of by slow accumulations. In1675 ouly 702 cattle were imported,whilo- in 1878, up to the commencementof December, the number was 50,000.The total for the year would probablyreach 55,000, or, including Bheep andpigs, not far Bhorfc of 130,410 animals.

The. house iu -which the Emperor ofGermany prefers to livo is filled withthe paraphornalia of war. Portraitsaud busts of great soldiers, pictures uffnmous battles, are its chief ornament.Models of oannon, rifles aud shellswooden Btatuettes clothed in all theuniforms of the world, fill the nichesflijd vacant places. His iukstand ia halln canuon ball, and his paperweightsthe hoofs of favorite ohargers. Militarybooks and maps fill his library, and hisown imperial signature is given with apenholder cut from splinters of anUhlan lonoe.

A'wedding inJ3)iirji coeta $600.Queen ifargarsW Italy gives great

attention to dress.A loud call comes from the lively

onesof Idaho for wives.Embroidery is placed along 'all the

outlines of rich dresses, or else coversthe waist, simulating" brrevje, and it isaid between the trimmings.

A stranger is struck with the appear-ance of the millinery, shops in the oityof Mexico, where six or eight big menare engaged in working upon bonnets.

Miss Charlotte L. Porteu, a coloredlady who contributes to the Atlanticand Seribner't, has married the Bev.F. 3. Grinke, a graduate of Princeton.

A new style of earring is composed ofthree hoops, one within the other; thethe first ring being stndded with dia-monds, the second with pearls, the thirdwith turqaois.

The Dolly Varden, no# discarded,was an exaot copy of a fashion of thetime of Louis XIV., and so carefullyand artistically represented in "Wat-teap's costumes."

Mrs. Fremont, whose husband, JohnC. Fremont, is governor of Arizona, ispleasantly desoribe<rM so mnoh inter-ested in popular education in that Ter-ritory that she often visits tho publicschools aud entertains the delightedpupils-with stories of her travels abroad

The Boyal Humane society of Eng-•la-id has voted a bronze medallion to thewife of Captain Disney Boebuck, of theBritish army, for her bravery in savingthe lives of three women, who were indanger of drowning while bathing atgBroadstairs, aplace.

g g twell-known watering

The earl and countess of Dartmouthhave for yearn set apart oue of theircountry-seats, near Birmingham, forthe higher education of woman, and itis now occupied by a college for ladies,a girls' school and an industrial homefor boys and girls who are to be trainedfor service.

It is no indication that a-lady is welldressed because her clothing is expen-sive, There are ladies whose garmentscost thousands of dollars every year,and yet they are not BO becominglydressed as many ladies who never wearexpensive toilets, bnt show superiortaste in selecting appropriate costumes.

The term " blue-Btocking," as appliedto literary persons,- particularly tolodie?, originated in the following man-ner : It was the fashion in Ldndonin 1778 for Indies to have evening as-semblies, where they might p£rtioipatein conversation with literary men. Mr.Stillingfleet, one of the most eminentmembers of these assemblies, alwayswore blue stockings. Suoh was the ex-cellence of bin conversation, and his absence was BO great a loss, that it used tobe said, "Weoan do nothing withoutthe 'Blue Stockings '"; and fhus thetitle wae gradually established.

1 Onre the J*ovelf«l Wemnn In Europr.Walking in the woods one day, writes

a Farm correspondent, my friend met apalo, elderly lady, iu the plainest ofblnck cashmere dresses. Her grny hair,which showed threads of brightobestnut through its silver, was pntbaok plainly under a simple hat ofblack straw. Sho was very lame, andwas evidently suffering extremely fromrheumatism. She was accompanied byanother lady as quietly dressed as her-self. " D o you know who that is?"asked my friend's companion as theypassed. " No," was the answer. " Dyou think she ia handsome?" "Not aiall, nor can I even see any traoes of pasb t " Y t t h t l d h i l d

, y pbeauty." Yet that lady was once hailed

h l l i • • —

Tho Original Mother Hoose.

Mother Goose is ourionsly unknownin literary oiroles. No English bio-graphical work contains her name; sheis not, either by the name of Goose orVorgoooo, iu Allibono's "Dictionary ofAuthors," or in Thomas' "BiographicalDictionary." She was, however, a verit-able historical porsonpge, ElizabethForsterwas n woman of Boston town,nnd beoame a Goose by marriage JulyG, 1692. What with the children of herhusband by a former marriage, ten incumber, and subsequently her grand-children, the children of the publisherFleet, who first gave her ditties to thepublic, she seems to have stood lor theportrait of the old woman " who had somany ohildren that she didn't know whatto do." The first edition of the'Goosomelodies was published in Boston, en-titled' "Bongs for tho Nursery; orMother Goose's Melodies for Children,"rn 1719. . A very large goose with avery long neok and a month. w{d,e open

Words of

Who would not be honcat if they knewitn sweets ?

A talent is perfeoted in solitude; acharaoter in the stream of tlie world.

We are more learned in principles ofduty, than Bkilled in tho performance ofit.

Who is it that ever was a scholar thatiloth not oarry away some verses whichin his youth he learned, and which, evento old age, serve him for homely lessons ?

A handsome man or a handsomewoman is not improved by a shabby orslatternly attire; BO the best abilities areflhown to a disadvantage through a stjje«marked by illiteracies.

Have only snob friendB as will advanceyou in pietv and virtue. FriendB shouldgive each other good counsel, and stim-ulate each other to the love of goodness.Do not exaot from others that they loveyou as mnoh as they can, or as much asthey ought; but exaot from yourselfthat you thus love them.

What a grand power is the power ofthought ? And what a grand being isman when he uses it aright; because,after all, it is the use made of it that isthe important thing. Character comesout of thought; or rather thought comesout ot oharacter. The particularthoughts are like the blossoms on thetrees; they tell of what kind it is, " Asaman thinketh in bis heart, so is he."

How the universal heart of man blessesflowers I They are wreathed round theoradle, the marriage altar and the tomb.The Persian in the far East delighb intheir perfume, and writes his love innosegays; while fhe Indian ohild of thefar West olnpB his hands with glee ashe gathers the abundant blossoms—theilluminated scriptures of the prairies.The onpid of tho ancient Hindoos tippedhis arrows with flowers, and orangeflowers are a bridal crown with us, anation of yesterday.


Goal tar still maintains its reputationfor famishing the most beautiful thingsout of the most repulsive. One of itsmost recently discovered products isnranine, whioh is said by chemists tobe the most highly fluorescent bodyknown; a single grain imparting a mark-ed tinge to 600 gallons of water. Theuse of uraniae is IIB a dye; but it canalso bo made to furnish entertainment.A very interesting experiment can betried with it by sprinkling a. few parti-oles on the surfaoe of water in' a glaSBtumbler placed in a strong light. Eaohatom immediately sends down throughthe water what appears to be a brightgreen rootlet; ana the tumbler soonlooksns if it wero orowded fnll of beau-tiful plants. Viewed by transmittedlight the color changes to a brightgolden or amber hue, while a oombina-tion or green and gold will bo realized,

" " the position IB which theg


as tbe lovelieithe Empressin the quietestand before sheby the waters,

an in Europe; it is,ic. Shu was living

lible munner of Ems,:fk was mnoh benetiteiBut Bhe seems to havi

relinquished all efforts to struggleagainst the ravages of time, and to havelaid aside, the false adornments where-with a few years ago she used to dis-figure instuud of improving her appear-ance. Still, it is very sad to imaginethis once peerless boauty now changedto a faded, elderly invalid, deposedfrom her throne of triumphant loveli-ness as from the throne of France.

llow to Frenerve llio Complexion.There is no artificial method of pre-

serving the complexion, sayB an ex-change. The way to insure having aproper quantity of healthy blood in theBkin is to rise early, to be much in theopen air, especially during the hoursof sunlight, to avoid overheated, arti-ficially-lighted, unventilated rooms, and

IW«I Iu •*

O Wiai w W-t uwfef*e m Ikeof oaser wt scarlet fever, the New Yorkhealth department has sent out the fol-lowing sanitary regulations againstsmall-pox, Bcarlatiua and measles:

Every case must bo reported to thecity Dtinitfirj iucpector upon its fitut re-cognized «pp«nratict>. • .

Care of Patients. — The patientsshould be placed in a separate room,and no person except tbe phjBioian,nures or mother allowed to enter theroom or to touch the bedding ot cloth-ing used in the dick room until theyhave been thoroughly disinfected.

Infected Articles.—All clothing, bed-ding, or other articles not absolutelynecessary for the use of the patient,should be removed from the sick room.Articles used about the patient, such assheets, pillow-cases, blankets or clothe*,must not be removed from the sick'room nntil they have been disinfectedby placing them in a tub with the following disinfecting fluid: eight ouncesof sulphate of zino, one ounoe of carbol-ic aoid, three gallons, of water.

They should be soaked iu this fluidfor nt least one hour, and then placed inboiling Water for washing.

A piece of muslin, one foot square,should be dipped in the same solutionand suspended in the sick room con-stantly, and the same should be done inthe hallway adjoining the sick room.

Feather beds and pillows, hair pillowsand mattresses, and flannels or woolengoods, require fumigation, and shonldnot be removed from the siok room untilafter this has been done. Whenever thepatient is removed from the sick room,notify the burean of sanitary inspection,when thfl disinfeoting oorps will as sopnas possible thereafter perform the workol fumigation,

All vessels used for receiving the disoharges of patients should have some ofthe some disinfecting fluid constantlytherein, and immediately after UBO bythe patient bo emptied Mid cleansedwith boiling water. Water closets andprivies should also be disinfected dailywith the same fluid, or a solution ofohloride of iron, one pound to the gal-lon of water, adding one or two ouncesof carbolic add.

All straw beds should be burned, butmust nat be removed from the fick roomwithout a permit from this department.They will be removed by tho disinfect-ing crrps.

It M-adylM d i ot to tipe handkerchiefsabout ihe patient, but rather soft r»gsfor cleansing the uostriis and mouth,which should be immediately thereafterburned. »

The ceilings and side walls of the siakroom, after removal of patient, shouldbe thoroughly cleansed and lime-washed,and the wood-work and floor thoroughlyicrubbed with soap and water.

7'fct M/L-1 K*.vir I'tJJTi* r«w Juu IxgMi iv tine giwJituut

And botilj all the nightHad l»=n hoping Held and highwuy

With a Bllenoe deep and white.

Every pine and fir and hemlook,Wore ermine too deu for »n ektl,

And the poorest twig on the elm tree ' 'Was fringed huh deep with pearl.

From aheda new roofed with GamraOame ChiDticleer'e muffled crow,

The itiff rmilsitere softened to smnsdownAnd still fluttered down the ehoir. *

I (tood and watobed bv the windowThe noiseless worn of the fiky,

And the suddeu flurries of snow-birds,Like brown lb'tv'Sf whirling by.

I thought ot a mound in sweet AnbnrD.Where a little head-atone stood,

How the flakes were folding it gently,Aa did roblna the babes in the wood.

— Janiir8 Kus8eU LowelL

i t iwhioh proteok the skin in a naturalstate, all that is necessary is to washthe surface of tho body with soap andwater only, or, ia the ease of soma deli-cate skins, which tho akali of mostsoaps irritates, with1 water alone. Who-ever will attend to thesfl directions willdo all thnt can be done to preserve, asall ought to try and preserve, theirBkin in the most healthy, and, therefore,beautiful condition.

Where the Work is Done.

An important place the speaker'sroom is, writes a Washington correspond-ent, Possibly not half of those famil-iar with the capitol know where itis. Not the speaker's room down in thegnide books—a big, tile-floored, well-windowed room just back of. the chain--bor in whioh the HOUBO aifs1. That room

-i» onrrently known' i s tliespeaker's room,but the speaker never seos any one therewhom he wants to see. It is too openand accessible by half. The conferenceswhioh the speaker has at whioh anythingis done are not held in this marble-walled saloon. It is a little closet in adark entry below the hall, It is hardby a private staircase. The glazed dooris screened by green baize. •There isnot the sign of name or note on thedoor, and it is one of the few doora nn-marked in the capitol The corridor hasno light, and on a cloudy day is dark,Onoe insido. you neo a room partlycovered by a carpet partly ragged. Thewindow—there IB only one—is screenedin some cheap way; There is room for astraggling table, one lounge and threeohairs. There is room for nothing else.If you know him, yon have got in with-out a.oard. If you do not know him,you have not got in at all. And in sucha room yon find the third officer of thegovernment hard at work. It is signifi-cant of the pnblioity of pnblia life whenit isunfenoed by class rank that it isonly in some snob coal-hole that he cangeb time to work. Unless he hides him-self,- eq many people have a right to seehim that his whole fjme runs to waato.It is in this little hole in the wall thatthree speakers, Golfax, Blaino and Ran-dall, have done the real work of legisla-tion. Speaking guardedly, I fancy moreof the business of governing in done inthat room than iu any oth^r ope roomin Washington,

Naming the Babj.

" What shall we name tbe baby 1" isan important question this year, for thecrop, like the wheat, was never better.It is rather soon to undertake to gradethem as "No. 1, No. 2, or rejected,"bud your head and rcpntation are bothsafer to pronounce the entire lot No, 1;bnt tin- ijiieutiuu as to names must l.esettled at mice. One would think thatnothing was easier than miming thobaby, for the world has becu fnll oc

names for fi,0(10 jearc; yet it H a subjectI hat ulicitn the gravest discussion iu th*family, ami rt aohes outtothe "advisoryboard " of tlie neighborhood, and oftenends in opeu dissatisfaction or a compro-mise, by which the poor child goesthrough life carrying a cognomen crush-ing: throngh to break the constitutionanil mnke the life of the bearer misera-Me. A long mime iB always n disadvan-tage. For a boy who enters tbe martsof trade a double name is often a safe-pntird, and eepecially BO when the mid-dle letter is one seldom used in propernames. The loading name shonld beshort and panily Broken, as the fact istoo nppnrent t-> every one thnt if such isnot i he caei> a nickname is mre to lol-iow. * Tb" cane of n girl is entirely differenl. No girl shonld be burdenedwith a double name, no mutler howmany auuts and grandmothers are to behonored by so doing. A girl' shouldhave a single name, and that shonld bepronounceable and mnsioal. Everyyoung lady, as a matter of course, ex-pects to marry, and should not lese herfamily name by so doing, bnt simply addthat of her husband. She should gether double name by this important actof her life, and not before.—ChicagoInter- Ocean.

Hamilton's Career.

Alexander Hamilton seems to haveowed the beginning of his remarkableand historic career to a hnrrioaue.While a groveling clerk, as he calledhimself, in the counting-house of Nioho-las Cruger at Santa Cruz, he wrote con-siderably, and among other things de-soribed a hurricane whioh visited St.Christopher's in August, 1772, and.sentthe description to a looal newspaper.This attracted so muoh attention as toindnoe his friends—he was only fifteenthen—to gratify his oft-expressed wishfor a better education than the WestIndies oould afford. The result wasthat he was sent to this country, going" ' ' \ar Bohool at Efizabeth-

town, N. J . He, then entered King's(now Columbia) college, and intendedto acquaint himself with" anatomy, inaddition to bis regular studies, with theview of practicing medicine. Bnt,thetrouble with England about the ten' taxhaving come to a crisis, gave a new di-rootion to Hamilton's thoughts, andeventually led to his success OB a states-man. Had it not been for the hurrioaneat St. Christopher's, however, he mighthave remained his life loug at SantaCruz, and never been heard of as a publio man.

Adapt Shoes to Tour Feet.

. Why it should be desirable to have asmall, weak foot any more than a smalland weak brain is not easy to oonoeive.For the purpose of having such smallfeet, not a few wear boots one or twosizes too small and abont two-thirds ofthe width of the foot as it would be atthe ball, if allowed to spread as it doeswhen standing without the confinementof the boot. As a natural and necessaryresult of such pinching and confinementthe foot becomes deformed and largerthan it would naturally grow, with en-larged joints, and toes turned from aline parallel with the foot, to say noth-ing of the troublesome corns so annoy-ing and, crippling to a large olaes ofyoung women

ng toThe worst results of

this crippling oustom of wearing smalland narrow boots ia felt by childrenwhen allowed to outgrow their boots. Itis poor economy to allow the young towear boots when the feet have beoometoo large (or them, Binoo deformity ofthe feet is easily produced at this time.When the boots are too, short for tbewearer, and the heel is too nigh, the in-growing of the nails (s a perfectly utnr-al result, ' '

. Haiti* or Interest.

People of settled oonviotions—Pris-oners,

Meanness is a medal whose reverse is.06. - i

-time that tries men's soles—Ojjbeary's.

Even a marble will turn, when trod-den upon.

e population of the German empireis 75,000,000.

India contains 210,000,000 inhabitantsand 20,000 priests.

New York belles dress more riohly atthe opera than ever.

Th» two sous of Jem Mace, the prizefighter, are preachers.

Bobert Booner has nine horses withrecords better than 2.20.

Ia the pa*t two yearH 10,000 newbuildings have been erode1.! in Phila-delphia.

Oaptuin Puul Jioytou HOC.Trod forty-two medals while abroad. Ilo doesswimming businens.

It in a rule of oeyjaiu pooplo never togrowl at-the price of uu artiolc—if youwill'trust them for it.

A lady msde B snowlmll ou the BlueBidge, in Virginia, «ud carried it to NewOrleans, still nnmelted.

An absconding Gltisgow bd-uU directorescaped from Ireland by being carriedin a coffin to the clcoraur.

It cannot be that "all flesh is graiB."GraBS gets ita dew—about the onlything that does in this world,

Indiana people feast on quail at a oentand a half apiece, and killed with fiveoents' worth of ammunition.

The annual butter and cheese productof the United States is $50,000,000greater than the wheat, crop.

How some people kpep from freezingin tbe winter -By "keeping thrmsehesconstantly in hot water with thoir neigh-bors.

A romantic young maD ays that ayoung womaD's heart is lihe the moon—it ohanges oontinually, but always has amud iu it.

Young housewife—" What, miserablelittle oggrf agaiu ' Y.JII really must tellthem, Jnne, to let the h^ns Bit on thema little longer !"

Hays Josh BillingR : " I don't- insistupon pedigreo for a man or horse. Ifa borsR Ran trot fast the pedigree in all

iRut; if he kan't, I wouldn't give ahilling a yard for his'pedigree."

Tbftre is an old nobleman in Tern whoalways asks his body-servant three quesrtions npon rising iu the morning : 1.How in tlie weather! 2. How am thehorRKS ? 3. Under what form of govern-ment are we living tbiH inoriiing ?

The Atlantic ocean, if it were to bedrained, would be a vast plain, with amonntain ridge in the middle runningparallel with onr coast. Another r.ungecrosBi-H it from Newfonndlaud to Ireland,on top of which lieH ths telegraphic,cable.

M. Paul Broca, the famona anthro-polgist, is authority for the statementthat tbo tallest maii ever actually meas-ured was a Pinlander, nine feet threeand seven-tenths inches high, and thatthe shortest man known readieda decimal under seventeen inohes inhis stocking feet.

Popular superstitions : That butteris made from butternuts. That you mnntplant eggs if you would raise egg plant.That yon oan print what's a curd in thedairy. That there was something of aneleotoral oharaoter in the count of MonteOriBto, That a tramp will refuse a tradedollar.—Utica Observer.

The family physioian wae congratu-lating the lady of the house on the goodhealth of her six-year-old son, who, shesaid, bad not had an ache or a pain for ayear. The youth spoke to hiB fatherafterward, Baying : " M* is mistakenabont that; I had a hard pain last sum-mer, after she whipped me."—RomeSentinel.

A wealthy Scotoh gentleman, whiletraveling by rail in his native country,in 1876, lost his portmanteau, contain-ing $500,000 in bonds of various natious,among whioh were $5,000 in UnitedStates six per centum coupon bonds.Borne time ago the police of Scotlandarrested two men and one woman uponsuspioion of having stolen the portman-teau. Upon being arraigned they ex-plained that, not being able to read, theywere not aware of the value of the pa-pers, and, fearing to retain them, theywere burned. A relative of the Bootch-man, living in the United States, nowcomes forward with un. appliontion forthe issue of duplicates for the bondsstolen, a full description of which isgiven. Similar applications to Enropeangovernments, whono bonds were amongthose alleged to havo bieubnrned, havebeen granted.

What n 1'racilcal Joke CostIn July, 1877, the newspapers gave an

account of a practical joko that wasplayed on William Webber, of Newfork, by parties who entiocd him into asaloon on the pretense that a liftingmachine was to be found there by whichtheir respective strength could be tested.He asserted that they induced him totake hold of the rings and pnll, andthat, while he was exerting himself tothe ntmost, Stewart, from behind thebar, bad the eleotricity turned on, there-by giving him a shooklng shock, to thegreat disarrangement of his nervousBystem. Like tbe frogs in the fab,le, itwas almoBt death to poor Webbor, al-though it was great fun for the saloonman and the rest The fun of the thingis not quite so apparent now. Webbersued the Baloon keeper, and the casehas been from conrt to court, and hasbeen finally settled after boiug over ayear and a hall in litigation.' Webbergets 8200 damages, and this, with', costs,makes the little pleasantry amount to a$400 joke, whioh is altogether top praoti-oal for the saloon keeper to go into fitslingbtag over.

Page 3: sELLons AT LAW, -' r. M. The s« vice,; id liie house day lo choose a

J-iU*. UAtUtki AMI

HettrCOma mmt TrauuplutUf Trees.

A Pennsylvania nurseryman tells usthat the German element of the popula-tion In parte ofhis State will, as a rule,have nothing in tbe tree line unless it islarge, and this partiality for overgrownstock is of great advantage to the deal-en,, who would be9 loroed to destroy an-nually many hundreds of Jut Boonspecimens wen it not for this demand.BelieviDg that they thus get thtVmostfor their money, they are really obtain-ing' the least, as yonng, thrifty bees,with smooth bright bark, and straightleading shoots, will Rive a bearing or-chard in advauco of fcftS overgrown ones.Young trees wita forked tops will bethe first to en'.it during hard storms,therefore rio matter how handsome inother -reapeots, always avoid this defect.B4efOre setting examine-well at the baset>f the trunk where the roots emanate;should any '' borers " bo found, out withthem, so that the tree may start fair,As health in nuy case is preferable toshow, the youDg tree with long elioots,indicating conclusively the evU i-fTectsof strong BtimuhintR, is mnoh inferior toone with ,nhort, well-ripened branoheH.

Of course it is harrlly practicable toattempt to save all tbo rootlets at dig-ging timo, but it in quite possible tofollow etioh large root very near to itnend. If plaut«r8 wonld only considerthe ?s68 of roots there would be muchfewer iustancea of mutilation, and con-sequent fll-Biiecras in orcharding. Occa-sionally, however, roots will get brainedin dipping, aud than the bruiwd portionmost be cut away sinnothly. In settingthe troo never jutn the roots into a littlehole iusiiflieiout to hold them in a natur-al position, but insist on having everylittle rootlet as near as may be jnst on itgrew. As to depth, better plant tooshallow than go to tho ,other extreme,as in the former case thero is Bmall dan-ger of injury, especially if protected bymalching.

Fow tilings ore BO importaut as firm-ing tlio soil around newly-planted trees;fi. neglect hero w a principal .CIUIRB of BOmauv vaoaut spaces in young orchards.If pressed down as solid as possible, thoaoii will retain moisture! a fnr greaterlength of time than if merely thrownloosely into tho hole, promote an earlystart of the rootlets and small fibers,and prevent a loss which wonld follow ao&OTatiou of growth.

Something plausible is said on bothsides of the question of pruning trees atthe timB of transplanting; but the weightof argument scems^to favor ft reasonableshortening irj. An a generally aooeptedrule, trees seldom make much growththe first season aftor removal, and if theroots huvo not worked properly in theirnow home, the consequence will be smallyellow foliage. Now if a portion of the

"' shoots are cut' away in advance, the topwill usually present u better appearanceat the oloso of the first year. Pruningwill canoe aocolerated growth, whetherthe tree has been moved or not, henceits importance when other agents are atwork to retard growth. Home orchard-iata prune too runob; others not at all.The unppy medium brings best results.

Muli'hiug rarely receives attentionexcept from tbope whose long experiencehas nlc:irly indicated the neoeBsity ofprescrviL" the rootn at a regular mediumtempHrftiure, avoiding alike excess oldrought u'il mr>i<hiro. The neoesaityfor it in rqual—winter and primmer—inwinter to giurd against fmdden extremesof temperature; in Rummer, as protec-tion from hot mm. Bo careful not tobury the mots in a muloh several inchendeep, as thin wonld certainly injnre thetrop, nnd iufltanor*8 are known of speci-mens killod outright victims of toomuch kiudnesp. The material (whialimay be anything light, open and porous)should attend, in a newly-planted tree,as far as the roots spread instead ofbeing heaped olose aronud the Btem.—JV«e York Tribune.

Ilonnrhold Illnla.

When a drying rack is need dishesshould not be wiped.

Fine china should never be put intohot water, as it spoils the enamel.

Cool rain water and soda will removemachino grease from washable fabrics.

Tortoise shell and horn combs lastmuch longer for having o>l rubbed intothorn once iu nwhile.

A tablespoonfnl of ammonia in onegallon of warm water will restore thecolor of carpete.

A. polish for black walnut rrvvy be'mnde of a quarter i if n pint of raw linseed |oil, one tablnnpnontnl of muriatic aoid, jand a little vinegar. '

When ivory-handlei! knives turn yel-:

low, rnb them, with nico sand-paper, or'cnury ; it will take off all the spots andrestore tho whiteness.

. D J not have flannel or woolen dish.rngH, as they retain the grease, nnd BOkeep putting it on instead of taking itoff. Old towels are the best for thiRlmrpost", and they should be washedand boiled as regularly as tbe napkinsand towels themselves.

Do not sweep oarpeta any of toner thanis absolutely necessary. After dinnersweep the orumbs into n dusting-panwith your hearth brush ; and, if youbnvo been sewing, pick up the shredsby hand. A carpet oan be kept veryneat in this way ; and a broom wears itvery much,

It is a good plan to put new earthen-ware into cold water and let it heatgradually until it boils ;- then cool again.Brown enrthenwarn in particular maybe toughened iu this way. A handfulof rye or wheat bran thrown in while it isboiling will preserve the glazing BO that

j-vrw/dj*,.. iHUM.MAJ.ty OFThe majority of the fortune-tellers in

Baltimore do thfit.divinibg wfth oards.Their modus .isfwrtiritfi is as follows:A greasy pack it. produced) and • the wo-man seats her visitor at one Bide of aemail Uble, herspir taking a positionopposite. The visitor is then allowed tooat U.'e cards, after which they arespread upon the table. If it is a fe-male the queen of the unit cat is Ukento represent her, and according to thedisposition of the cards on either Bideof thtd queen the fortune is told. Ifdiamonda predominate, riches are fore-told; if hearts, Bnocess in love. Spadedand clubs represent tronblo and labor;aces stand for letters, kings and knavesfor dark or light oomplexioned men, ac-cording to their coming oat in black orred (suits, and other oards for most any-thing. The presiding genius over thecards varies her propneoieB to unit theoeoaBion, and? seldom, if ever, com-mences to foretell until she haa learnedby a syBtematio pumping all she canabout her visitor's antecedents. Thefaith placed in the foolish talk oi thesewomen is something marvelous. Theirvisitors will dilate for weeks upon tueirvisit and the propheoy mode them, andwill endeavor, almost without th«ir ownknowledge, to aid in the fulfillment oftho same. The fortune-teller nsnallyallows the cards to be out three timesfor a half a dollar. After this cere-mony has been performed their convertsation is about as follows :

Fortune-Teller:-" Xon have Been agreat deal of trouble in your life."

.r-" LOT'S, that'B true," (and herefollows a long description of her trialsfor years past).

F. T.—" Tour troubles are now aboutover; here is money coming to yon "(running over the oards). " Many ofyour female friends are deceitful, andhave ill-treated you."

V.—"That'B BO ; tliore's MISB Jones,"oto., etc

F. T.—" Here are two men very nearto you; one light compleoted and theother dark compleoted. One of themis no near to you that he ought to boyour husband."

V.—"Mygraoiousl My brother Tomis light compleoted and my husbanddork. How in the world did you knowthat?"

F. 1,—'^Tou have hod a death in yourfamily within a year past."

V,—" No; It's eighteen montUB BinceLouizT died, and unless Tommy orMaggie or Bill have died since I lefthome, you are wrong."

P. T.—" Not in your own house, butin vour family; I mean a relative,"

V.—"Yes; there was Aunt Susan diedin Annapolis last June, Bare enough."

F.'1'.—"You relused more than oneolVir before you married yonr presenthusband, and you made a mistake, forthere is a light complected man nowwaiting for you who has lots of money.Your husband has been unfortunate,nud sometimes does not treat yon well.Yen would huvo done better to havemarried the light compleoted man."

V.—" Oh, my I that must mean Sam.Evory word you've told me is gospeltruth. He wanted me and I wouldn'thave bim, and just as you say, my hus-band does not treat me good; and gootl-ncK-s knows what I should do if it wasn'tfor Aunt Jane sending me ten dollarse?ory month."

1;\ T.—"Toil have three childrenliving, two boys nnd a girl, and youhiive lost one 1>'>V."

V.—"Horn could JOH hnve knownilmt (forgetting tliat rshfi had alreadyti.i.lher)? Well, I declare I"

F. T.—•' There in r. letter coming forvon, aud you will either get it in a weekor n month. You will iu a few yearsmarry the light complected man, andtho rest of your life will bo spont with-imt trials, nud you will liaro plenty ofmoney."

Exit visitor perfectly eat'rifled. Tboletter comes to hand at its usual time inthe month and contains tho unnal re-mittance. Faith in the fortune-tellerabonnds, and the visitor spendsmnohofher time in retailing to her acquaint-ances how the fortnne-teller told her allabout her life, and how true her predic-tions came, especially the letter. Somefew fortune-tellers make their predic-tions by the examination of their Vis-itors' hands. Their predictions are,however, the Rixme senseless mummery,and are based upon information alreadygiven them. All assert their possessionof u foresight which they pretend to benimble to explain. Some of them claimto be able to oure discuses by the layingon of hands, nnd nil unite in saying thattbey can pnt on evil wish upon any one.—lialtivioi'e. Anieriean.

g pit will not be

" Baltr.

ggdestroyed by aoid or

The best way to clean-wash leathergloves is to WBBII them with nearly coldsoap and water on the hands,- and rinsewell. When half dry, stretch them andpull them till they become qnito soft;thoy require oonstnnt attention from thecommencement of the washing untilthoy uro dry.

„ 'At far ns it is possible, have bits ofbread eaten up before they become hard.Spread those that aro not eaten, aud letthem dry, to bo pounded for pnddinge,or soaked for brewis. Urewis is made oforasts and dry piocoR of bread, soaked agood while in hot milk, mashed, salted:and buttered like toast. Above all, donot lot cruBta noournnlnte in snob quanti-ties that they cannot be need,

Dnyard Taylor's Llni'B in nn Album.Lang ago, whon Bayard Taylor was a

young man, he wrote in tho album of uyoung friend the following lines, whichreveal the character of his aspirations atthat early age:" Dpon tlio world'B great b&Ule-ueld tlio bravoStruggle and via awl fall. Thoy proudly go,Bonn Io uiinotlco;! graven, and aooie to standWith earth's bright; oata'.ogno of gnat and

. 'good. , •' Who, nrgetl by connoloUBnoaa o( noWe aims, •'•

Blond-! broant to broaet«ith ovoryovll thought,Bnlidnlng until BUiokon dqnn, shall nans.In warrior (jlory hi hit long ronoso, ; •Ami lila good (loailn rent liko a Ditfroor-pall—Tailing tbo faith lin (ought tor to the World—TJpou bis memory, for al} coming timo I

e a s t e r n and Middle S ta te s .One fireman v u killed and tight others Hero

injured— thcte iteVerdly—by the falHog io of aibbf tt i tn in Veaey Btroot, Neif rork.

Tho Now York legialitore met tor tho tit s itiinu in tLu new capitol at Albuiy. 1 hu seualeljgau the regular oubineBB, bat the huuse-did

t orgauize anUl the fbllbffhig day, UM ar l Imbfcri re oowbonnd and

ut g a u a U th f l g y, M a nmOrber ol u Imbfcri Here eoow-bonnd a n d oouMnot

MAlbany ia time. lathe evening

h f t h i f t hreoeption in honor of-the opening of the newoapitol w u h; Id. The building van brilliantlylit up, Gilmorfr'B band from New York cityfurnished muaio for the danaes, and the editloewftfl filled with people of distinction from allputs of the Enit)iro-Ht*te aud other eootiungof the oouutry. The number of viuftorB to thomagnificent utttehouBe during the day in esti-mated at ten thousand. '

The sale ot pews at Plymouth oliutoh, Brook-lyn, realized 1110,721, au <ixctw» of $3,817 overlaut year'* Bales.' Iloruoo B. Ulalliu paid $500for first choice.

A train containing six hundred patuiengerawan imprisoned In a enow bank, near Uoohes-tar, N. x., ai:d it took four dayu of streuuonaeffort to release thu luokluutt travelers.

The Pennsylvania logislatui e mot at Harris-bnrg and org&nieod. Honry 11. I>uig w ucboben Bpe&ktr of the honao.

The Delaware legislature is in seaaion.Thomas Q. Alvord, Republican, haa been

oleoted speaker pf the New Vork assembly.The OonnooUout legiBl&tore in in BBauion.

Dexter It. Wright, llupubliein, Is upoaker ofthe house. ' ^

The American Trunt oompauy, of New Jer-sey, doing business at Newark, has closed itsduors.

The .Tauunuiy society of New York, octe-br&ted Jackson's victory, at New Orltauo, bya dinner auo* ball.

Tuo two survivors of the stoamor Emily B.Houner, whoso loss while on her way from NewYork to Haa Doudugo was announced sometime ago, buvo arrivod in New Vurk, and givo adetailed account of the vessel's fouuauringwhen about 2uu aiilou from port. These two

miuen are the only pursons kno>vn to haveieuuavwl out of thirty-eight ou board.Captain Bogardus, the champion marksman,

shot at ti,LOU glass balls ia New 1'oik, takingtwo days to periorm the feat. Ou tho Urat dayho uliattorc-a S,000 balls without it mirn, but onthe second day ho wau suffering from thu plo-/ious day's eiurtiou aud mado tUirluun inigueB>ut of 8,000 Btiots.

At tbe Connecticut election last Novemberthere was a failure to elect Ihe Suteollioers bjthe people, no oaudidato having a »ufil6ioiitlylargu number of votes. Consequently thelegislatuio met in joint convention, tho otherd&y, aad oleoted a Ueuubliu&n uoaei beiulud byOharLs B. Audrtws for governor.

Bonjamiu Hnnter wae hanged at Gamdeu,N. J.< for complicity in the murder of hiu for-mer business partner, John M. Armntroug. Ayear ago Arautnmg..ewe4..]}no.t«C »7,000, audwas persuaded to insure bis lire for t2C,O0O,and to make over tho polioiou to Ills debtroyec.Hnntor induced a formor apprentice, namedGraham, to commit the murder; but tbo AO-oomplioe beoame frigb^nod after fellirg Arm-strot g Svith a hatchel^and Hunter then flnlgu-ei tho bloody work, fltmtor was arrosted onsuspicion, and a few days afterward Qrahamwas taken into custody and made a confession,telling tho whole story pf tho murdor. Hun-ter's trial aud conviction speedily followed.& few days before the elocution ho tried tomoko away with himself by opening au arteryin his leg with bis augur-nail, but wati uusua-ceBBful. Over 420,000 wcio Bpeut in effortu toobtain his release. He left a confession ad-mitting his orimo. Tbo hour of execution sawbim BO weak tbat he had to be oarried to thoscaffold. The rope by which Hunter was sus-pended gave way so inuoh tbat it barely liftedaim from tho iloor, wherenpou tbe shoriu"lifted the culprit into tbe air by means ofanother ropo, and bo was bnng only by a num-ber of portions holdiog to tbo rope duriug thoKhole tltno ia which he was suspended. Tbedootors naid tbat his nock WAS not broliou,and that be died of strangulation, but withoutany outward evideuoo of pain.

Tho net earnings of the Erio railroad duringthe rirat four mouths of its reorganization were*1 0111.932. lror a yoar the net earuiugH were$5 0U9.11142.

Tbo crows of four vo»ael« that bad beenabandoned at sea duriug rcoont heavy stormsarrived in New York on thu vemols that hadpirkod them up.

I'roporty valued at ovor $100,000 was de-stroyed by a tiro in Birmingham, Couu.

1'Vaucis Murphy hafl olofed hie two mouths'trinperanco labors in New York, and will take at<"ir through Penn»ylvauia, Maryland audWest Virginia. During his prenenco in New"' irk 25,000 persons signiS tho pledge

Mrs. Odendorfer and her tou-year-old nonmo burned to dcatb at J&tnaina Plains, MaHS.Commodore John (lufist, commandant of

the naval station at Portsmouth, N.H., diod tboother day. aged flftj-HX years.

Western and Southern StatoB.TUo legihlntiires of Ohio, MiuuesotA, Loulsl-

,ni'.. West Virginia and Novada are in BOBS'at tiuir respective Stato capitols.

i iijvemor Port«r, of Tenneaaeo, rrcommeudi,his annual message, that the Bta'.o dobt bo

settled by paying nfty oeots on tbo dollar.Tbo North Carolina, Missouri, Wisconsin and

Arizoua legislatures Uavo tnot.Henry Diok, while niakinfr a balloon a*c«n

d'oii at Jonesboro, Arkt, fell from I hit trapczoa ilUtanco of one thousand feet and was killed

The Indiana legislature organized . by thoelection ot tho Demooratio oandidatos for sec-rftnry of tbe eenato and speaker of tho houBc.

A band of hostilo Choyolfrc Indians imprieotietl at Fort llobiuson, Neb., were informedthat thoy wero to be takon back to their agencyin tho Indian Territory, whereupon thoy at-

- - — toft/ aubLUQUUJUM /JiVJJf.'j&f 'jf f^k*OU^4j*

tore. He w twuuty-tvro juui uli, wad liiTO*a wife and ono ontld.

At a banquet given to General Urant taDublin, he in reported u having made tbelungeBt •peech in his life.

Tbo elections for senators In France haveresulted in a great victory 'o. tlje n|iubliuans.Ail ibu i'vUruig republican Beu&tora vert, ro1-.eiuoted, wbihvtbe ph\eef of +11 bat. foartaeu ofthe retiring ooneervatives have also beeu filledby republicans, giving that pai ty a majority ofabout fittr-six In tbo senate.

Suleiman Pacha, a leading1 Turkish general,his been degraded and exiled lor life on accountof bis conduct daring the war with Kustia, andhas appealed to the Bultan for pardon.

The king of rtoiland'n marriage to IYiniicssfimrua, of WaldjSok^l'jnnont, took pluce ttAloltou. WilUaon 111. wa& a widowor, and haatwo sons by his first wife.botli mnoh old. r thanthe Prinoew Emma.

Thomas D. Gonyugbam, who was a promi-nent busincas man of Wilkesbarre, Pa., in1878, and at that time committed forger,?*amounting to f auO.OOO, after whicla he ned toKurope, has beeu captured in Bio Janeiro,Brazil. ,

Thu UuHsian press aokuowledfcO tbat ShoreAU, the ameer of Afghanistan—whose nightfrom Oabul followed the defeat of ht» troopsby the Jiritlah—is within the borders of ltuiala.Bis son,' lakoob Khan, ia preparing to follownil father to the ltusslan frontier. Meanwhilethe Britiuh, aftor oooupying Oandahar, willsuspend hostile operations iu tho Afghan U.rhtory until the winter in ovor.

Tho English iteamer Bayard, on her way toniiou, Frauoe, from New Orleans, fonnderedt sua, aud ah but two of the orow were'owned,Don Baldomoro Espartero, ex-rogent, soldier

uU statesman of upahi, is dead in Ulu oighly-ighth yoar.Thu Gousett Iron Works company, theigeat makcra of amp-plates in England, em-ojiug UOUO to 7,0U0 hands, and owning niuoilneries, owing to the dullness of thoir busi-

is have buou obliged to stop wura at mosttheir lailla raid forges ana dinunaiuu 3uu


John W. Hull was.oapturod at Uonolou,b. with $2rJ,000 of the $30,000 allegod tove been the jiroueeds of bonds stolen hy him

oni Field & Junes, New York brokers.Cousiderablo oicitoment has been croatud

throughout Oeriuauy by Prinoa DitnuarcJi's billlimit the freedom ot debate in the Uorinaurliament, providing for tbo punishment ufjmlieru who make speeches offensive to theijuriij, aud making ii a penal offoneo for thoDHd to publish a spoech wlnuh has been cuu-iruU,

Tbu liritisb troops have ocoupiud Oaudabar,Le capital ol Afgnauistau, a fortiUed city cou-

about 1IKI,OOO inhabitants..Tho pope's long oiroular against socialism,imuiuuisiu aud^nihihsm has been published.Tbo library of tbo Birmingham and MidlunJ

auto, at Birmingham, KUglaud, nnmber-8J,(J0O volumes, ana containing thu llnost

iIltHiuii of works relating to Bnakspeare iuie world, was destioyod by lire, only a fewtolls eboaping tbe Uamos.

Nihilist Industry.

The ingenuity of the Russian NihiliBtais amazing. They have succeeded insmuggling regular flies of their revolu-tionary papers into the political prisonat Odessa, where three hundred of theirfriends are confined, and the officialshnve been forced to forbid tho readingof literature ot all kinds in the oells, Agovernment ofBoial was recently traveliug from St. Petersburg to OdeBsn,nhere he was to tako part in a criminnprocess instituted against oertniu Nihilists. He received a warning from therevolutionary tribunal not to meddle inthe nfTiiir, but, n.ot heeding this advioo,proceeded on his jonrney, Arrived aOdessa, he could not find his trunkwhinh was somehow missing from theViaRgBge-wngon. After soma delay, howrBUT, it was found. It had been opened,nnd although nono of its marketableoontentB had been abstracted, the papersrelating to the pendiug trial had all dis-appeared. Iu their place'tho proourerfound a letter from the secret govern -meat, blaming him for having nogleotedtheir well-meant caution, and informinghim that as his oonduct had not beon inany othex respeot reprehensible, tho ex-ecutive' committee contented itself withdepriving him oi the papers conneotedwith the trial in which he was engaged.Tho now ohiof of the gendarme, GeneralDrentein, has entered upon his dutiesat SI. Petersburg, bnt bis head oannotrest easy oil his shoulders. He hau al-ready reoeived notices from the Nihiliststhat it will be well for him to preparefor death. When ho appears in thestreets the GOBSnok patrols are doubled.

Nerves and Noise.*.Newspaper writers are commencing

extensively upon tho uproar of citiop.They Bay that nature has provided thevye with a contrivance for protestingitself against unpleasant' sights, aud onehaa only to hold his noao in coming ineontaot with anything disagreeable tothe olfactories. Meanwhile the earsBtand open like op indoors that cannotbeBhat. All aorta ot rackbts, from thebollaot the peddlers to tbe sharp clanking of the cars of tho elevated railrond,rap on the ear-drum, It has been sug-gested that if Ediaon or eomobody couldinvent some kind of a oontrivanoe to boworn over the ears that wonld take npnil tho disaordant sound-wavpa andArrange them into oonoord and musio,life iu onr oitiea might be made more,tolewble.—Dr- ff. £, Foote'a BealthMontMi/. . - • . ' • ' . . . .

y, p yp CHcape to the Bnow-ooverod prairie,

liringupon tbe guard, of whom two were killocand throo Mounded. The Boldiors rotnrnedthe fire, killing over forty of tho fleeing IudinUH — including eight equaws and two obil-<)ron-and reoaptnring tbo most of thoeo whoworn Dot kiltod.

An ice gorge and a heavy rainfall oausod aninundation in tbe lower part of Itlobmond, Va.nn:l compullod many perBonB to romovo tcplaoofl of safety.

At Tolodo, Ohio, W. E. Dnryoa, £ raiLroa.employeo, shot and dungorouBly wouudod bit\rifi! in a flt of Jenlousy^and thon killed him-


From Wasninaton.Tho sub'Committee investigating tho yello1

[QTcr in tho South, has retnrnod to Woshiugtun.

ltepresentative S. 8. Cox has introduoodbill in the Honso providing a sohomo for takioR tbe national census id 1B80.

Julian Hartridgo, membor ot tboHoilKO fromtbo first Georgia district, diod after.a fow dayi

ness of pneumonia, aged 16 years.Tbo discussion on tbe subject of ft proposod

change,in the tariff on sugar, has been beforeOn Honso ways and moans committee,pi tition fligriedby tho inostpromtiiont rmnkoriH'igar importers and refiners of Now York amlijltimoro was prosented tho chairman of tbicommitteo, asking that a competent oxp.Tt hiHO:U to Dernerara to investigate tbo III:LI(;Ithat Domorara dark oculrirnxal Bugiud annrtiticSnlly colored there.

Scoretary Sohurz haa ropliod to 0on. Shoridim's supplemental report oharglnR abuses htbo administration of Indian attalrs. Thesecretary aBBerts nothing baa been provedagainst the prosont administration, and polutito tbo indiotmonta ant] proBecutionn agaiue:Iudian trailers and contractors as evidoncoo:tho present good management of Indian sffairs.

the fanoral services of Gongrossman Hairidgo wero held in tho Ball of Keprcnontatlvei• t the oapitol. The impressive ooremonioiwero witneeaod by tho President and caliiuotjmlROa of the supreme court in their robos ~oDlco, and both housos of Congress. This wtho first oocation on which tho President madibis offlcial appcaranoo in tbo Honso, nnd tilllrat time tho Bonato andHonso mot slnco th<counting of tho electoral vote The dead Ooagrossman's dish was appropriately deoked itblack anil ornamented with flowers, and tl:f oncral ncrvioos woro ooirdackd by the Senaland House chaplains.

Tho Potter committee hold a .mooting anclooidbd—»11 tho llepublican membors rofi-alIng from voting— to investigate th" cipher to]cgrama in' relation to votes of Sonthorn Statemado pnblio rcoently In the New York Tribune.

Another Congressman is dead, Koproaonta-tiro Qnatavo Bchleiohcr, a Dcmocralio mombeifrom Toxas, tnoanmblng after a brief illnenMr. Bohlclchcr was a Qerman by birth, waacivil enclucer, and emigrated to Amerlon i1847. tie was fifty-six yearn old, hud been nolectod to tho Forty-sixth Oongress niul Mpersonally popular on all filduu.

' F o r e l B n N e w s .tnan Moucsst, who flrod upon thu kino ,

Bpslii at Madrid, last Ootobor. was offlolal•Irangjeil by thogarrote In tbe Spani«h Capita

I'tifiVMW II

J.-f Oaltlt— Sallvo.

tdlloh Cowl

Up'nHilbi%> tl 1 i.' ! 'li-" to Fmi

Bye—tltntfUarlf>• suit) '

Duph—HoOil IPork—l'.xtrn Kainlly 31«.a . . .jaru—oil; Hliiart:..... ••" " -Mtc ine l , H.>. 1, Itoj

» Ho. J l'rln«> K<1»Dry Ood, r<rr owlHerrlEU,8 a'M, p«r liui.

otflora—UrnWool— Osltforr Si>Hiie

Tsxaa 'Phlttr—Btatft Ori'SMim-y ... . . . ,

DairyWcptoni oritiiiniTy


'IUK aktM*txj i.'jr r>L« V/J.\. >jt ijoipunizur tivwUiefjBU'm must be kept oaobntrcctei orde-plunblu conseqaeaowi will follow. Dr. Holt'svegetable Liver 1'Uls, by restoring the bolttlsto an active oondiUon, act as a oleanser of allthe bodily fluid). Moreover they render thedigestive and assimilative organs vigorous,rbusq Uio livet, and purity the biliary secretion.As a bathartii) they are iunuitoly to be preferredto tho danseroua Vino P'.lli^^J^^y druggiaiii.

Catirrfa ia the forerunner of oouBumptiun —consumption means tknth. Juniper Tar Oigar-ettea are the only oomnion-seniw, pleasant, cer-tain cure tor Oatarrli, Asthma, Colds andHoarseness. Price 25 cents ; sold by all drug?*gists. Mailed on receipt of price by LiebigOliemioal Co. , 8 Barclay s t . Mew York.

For npwnrasof "thirty yeattUfs. YViHKr.OWBHOOTFUKG 8YI10E line beeu need foroblldreuv-ifh BoT«r fafi ic rwruis. ft (.'orrt-rt.- jiiililjof Ihe stouiu-jh, follnTSS ri»d oouc, regulattstbe bowelE, ouroa rtyscuUry ami duirrhoia,whcUior arising from teething or othur einros.An old and weU-tridd remedy. 25 da. a boHlo.

Kantuer's llltistratod Btxtb of Objects forObildrun, containing over 2,000 ongravings ofovL-ry-dayobjeotdWith 1 heir names, making thesimplest, most agreeablo aud effoottve mstbodfor tho prulimlDaiy iniitruclioii of children,'rice, inboard, •LOO; oloth,*l.B0. OanvaBsors

wanted. LBOA Walkor, 1118 Chestnut8t.,l'hila.' . ' OHKW

Ihe pelebratad"MATOHIIXSS" i

Wood Tag PlugTonAooo.

THK l'lOJlF.KE TODAOOO O u U I ' i m ,

New jork, lioston. and ChicagoFor I ronohialT asthmatlo Tnd pulinonaiv

complaints, " Brown's Uronohial Troches"anifeBt romarkable ourativo propertius.

i'wenty-llvc centB a box.lew Jjtokrt4)n'K UOHI Hwoot Nnvv Tobanon


Who want gloMjv luxuriintuid wary tresses of abundant,beautiful Hair must v i eLYON'S KATHAIBON. Thiselegant, cheap article alwaysmakes the llair prow ft-eelyand fust, keen* it from fallingout, arrests and cures gray-ness, remotes dandruff andItching, makes the Hairstrong, giving it u curlingtendency and keeping it iuany desired position. Beau-tiful, healthy Hair is the surereunlt of using Katlmiron.



- 1879 -pip«.,....'. S i O

Frank fonllo'a Cliiminy Corner 4OOFrank I.nvir,',. IUmtrirM Zsitunj 4 OOFf«nkL.i"lie'«I.«dj1«Jonrn»l t Of)TlinNetv York Illustrated TilUBfl 4 OOPrank LoslVs lion' i. qttU' WtuUy t AOfrank Lenlle'i Lad>'« M«.«iio .'. 3 50Frank lyialie'a Hundaj .MauaEln 3 OOFrank Lugtio's Popular Monthly 3 OOFrank Lefllie'n Pleasant Hours,/. '1 6OFrank Le»li«'« Uu'dnt 1 SOFrank l.iaUVaGaattortHU 1 OOI'runk Leuliu'n Illuutratiiil Almanao S 6 cFrank haulio'a Comlo Almanno -- l O e

Kault Iu Money Ordor, Draft on Daw York, or E«i»-l«rud Loiter at our rlalc.

Hu uareful to addreoa &1I ommuolcatloDi to

Frank Leslie's Publishing House,53, 55 and 57 Park Place,


r owl.1( y

» 1'rluii' Ne


Nennle.Tke Senate tuot after luo Lwng holiday rccoBBid proceeded to busiuesH. Among tho billsilroduoed was ono for tho iulorchaugu of aub-diary silver coius, and another authorizingie tttxatiuu of outstundlng legul touders . . . .Ir. llcok oftorod a, resolution, to whiob objuc-un wan mado, providing for an investigatiou

to whether tno law regarding tbo paymentcnatoiuu dues aud interest in coin have been

implied with Mr. Edmunds offered resu>utiuns declaring it to bo thu duty of Cougrttbn.nil of tho Executive to euforco the thirteenth,oni'tooiith and ltftoeulh constitutional amorjd-cnts, and instruoting tbe jndioiary committee

> prepare a bill to protect citizons in thoirght tovotofor Cougressmou.,. .Mr. Voorhoo»ailed up bia bill making trade dollars legalindor, and addressed tho Senate in favor of„ passage, In tbe course of his romnrliB hoon ,aU«-d iSocrotaiy Sherman's silvor dollarilicy". and declared that, iu Uis ophiicjh, thoi^iiiiiptinu of specio payments would bo ful->r J by disasters and hardships... .The cgn-I'urution of tbo bill amoudiug tho patont lawsin Ihen ri'Mimed ; but without aotion thereonu- session weut into extoutlvo neBHton, aftorliinh it adjournod.

Mr. Booth introduced a hill to roduoe thonet; of public lauds ...Mr. Hdmunds submit'.A u joint rulo providing that no bill wbiol:hull pass either nouao on tbe last threo dtiytf tho Htie.iion shall bu sent to tbe other for

uoncurreuce, aud it was referred to thoommitloo en rules Mr. Gljpvor mado a per-onul explanatiou, donyiug recoutly pnblisliodibHriroB of financial irregutaritios ngtiinst hisdininiKtration as governor of Orogon....Ainuimitloo nf throo Senators was appointed toattend tho funeral of Itoproseutative llartridgimil the Bau&lo adjourned.

The Indian appropriation bill was reportedwith amendments Mr. Beck callod up bis

'volution providing for an infinity as twhether Heurotaiy Suerinau had couiplicd withthu law in tho payment of tho interest ou thoniblio debt in silver. Aft<ir a speeoh in whiohio declared that thu secretary had shown scani

reepo^t for tho 8enato and nouo for tbe law,the resolution was agreed to Mr. Wadlelglinndo a speech ia support of Iho bill to amoudtho patent lawn. Adjournod to attend fuuora

f KepreHontativo Hartridgo.MoKsrs. Kernan and Conkling, of Now York,

wcvontodaresoln'ion of the Now York Btati'Onato remonstrating against the pattflfigo o;.lio bill to reorganize the army, or at leas.hat portion ot i( forbidding tbo mannfactnrf arms at tbe arsenals of tho United Statos.jiud on the table... .The Indian appropriationlill was passed. Adjourned after an oxecutivelOSBton.

Hoime. iTho first thing done in tlio House nnpn its

reaKsorubllUR aftor tbo holiday. recosirVaa apersonal explanation by Mr. Apkleu, of Louisi-ana, asking an investigation of tbo chargemado against bim of immoral conduot. TheUouso decide the rjuoBtion was not oue ofpnrsonal privilege The judiciary committee

LH instructed to inveatiKato ohargos of cor-ruption against United Htfltes District JudgeIilodgott, of Illinois, nun aftor ulscuHsing theGeneva award bill tho Hoimo adjonrned out ofrespect to tho lato Representative! DougLsnand Williams.

In tho opening prayer, tbe chaplain alludedn n feeling and fiolomn riiannor to the death,hat morning, of Mr. Ilartrldgo, of Georgia i

and Immediately after Uie reading of the jour-nal tbo official announcement ef the death wasmade by Mr. Cook, of Georgia, who offered a.roaolution oxprositng tho regret of tho Home,and providing for a special joint committee ofBevon mombors and threo Senators to takeorder for superintending tho funeral, and toescort tbo romaius of tho deceased to his Jatoreuidonco in Georgia. Tho epoakor Appointedas Bucb oommittco on tbojiart of tho House

isrs. Cook of Ooorgia, Frye of Maine, Coxof Now Yoik, Oibi'll of Virginia, Stone of Iotva,Davidmii of Florida, aud Hanua of Indiana.Adjourned.

Tbe bill appropriating $55,000 to rcimbureoWilliams and of Virginia, forproperty destroyed during tbe war, came np,and after an animated dincuefiion, in which Mr.Conger opposed and Messrs. Qoode, Loriug,Monroe and Tucker advocatod tho bill, It wasrojeoUd by 127 to 87. Adjo rned.

HnfTerlnR for n J.Kn Time. .Fersonn aOlioted with rhouniatiBtu often Buf-

fer for a life timo, thoir tortures being alraoBtwithout romiBfrion. Tho joints and muscles of

contorted and drawn out of shape. 'To affordthem oven temporary reliof, tho ordinary rom-odloa ofton provo utterly useless, HoBteUor'sStomnoh Bitters, on tbo other hand, ia avonch-od by persons who bavo used it, to be agenn-ine souroe of reliof. It koopa tho blood oool bypromoting a regular habit of body, and re-moves from it impurities which, in the opinionof all ratfonal pathologists, originate this ago-nizing complaint, and ita kindred malady, thogout. Besides ibis, tbo Bitters remedies dis-orders of tho utomaob, liver and nerves,.pre-vont and oradicato Intermittent and remltumtfevers promotoi appetite aud slcop, and 1.highly recommonded by physicians aa a dosh*-ablo medicinal stlmnlaut and tonic.

H. Baldwin. of~Monroo City, Ind., wrltos/under datoof Doo. 3d, 1877, that his wlfoincilDr. rioroe's Favorito Fresoriplion wlth/won-dortul rosultB. ItolTootodher enliroouro, afteraoveriU phyaioians bad failed. Tho manv eim-llar lettors poiitlvoly nfllnnlng that tho Favor-ito rfcaorlptlcin had cured the .diseases andivoaknt'BSf a peculiar to women, indnoed Or.Pierce to soil it nndor a guarantee . Ladiesuood no longer submit to useless and puiufullocal Ireatment, as the Favorite Prescription ina sate, auto and Bpeedy euro. Hnndroils whohail boon bed-ridden for years have been restored to perfect hoalth by Ita use.

If von aro satlslod to hare a poor organ, orrun tbo risk of having a poor one, take anyorgan that Is offered yon. Bat If yon dcslto tubo Hiiro of bavins the vory bast, Insist on havIng a Maiion & Uamlin, tnd do not bpnermiad-od to lake any other, '

BRBI—Stale »ncl Pr.un»lv»ula. . . . JJ

flour—PrinicylTMiln Ujlri No. "ijct 71Wlifat-It.'il ]v<iiiii.ylVAiila...... Vl ul

Oo-u—Vpllow «1 tAHall Mlx-d. - I ' , *

O«> —Mljod 'JH Are in'oimi—(Jrnrte (in $i 0 Upflnoil,Vfool—OiilorjOn til #

Hew Opera! Cantatas!H. M; S. PINAFORR

Comic Opara by Arthur Sullivan,la I t . mort poi«l" tbltw ol tha kind «TMpartora.<l la

j , MualoaioallaDtaDdaaar.and ivordann.. . . . . daalrable fop i.—.— ,orviflua. Blag ant oopj, with10 oompf " * —



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«Fionr -WlG"OU'!n and Ilii

'-OlllOUJfl F-IHIijlVROU XX..a»lifcro!«

DLIO 1TO^. atiUB.O a l l U . . . . . .

Ua.tia--J'itor to Ohwloa. . . . . . .

r 79 4 I »i u 4 1 n

MS, >J >«H. ill i4 ill

H) IS 6117ft <A I i:l)

i I 10 « l ] i

^ B ¥ J T J R T Ii • lanrtabl.OpwatU br th« aano aatbor. AO OU.

as*. bj Otuswioit. 11.00Hilibaaur, " Birmmmxo. 1.00Either. " BBiMfil. .80

Thrai OanUUa wblabvtib OrivnUL tou* and t

Special Announcement.'I'llII moot iiniiortitnt Bbrlns <i( illuatrilnil imixirn wluuli

hnn ft|.|.«««d In H r f t M I M i l t H .YIO1NTI11. V n.ncli"Tl i -dr t i f l t !S«n(th " hy ICtlward Kinn, will 1>» n Ht>rien<m Itrn/LI. Io Iw liroujiht oiil in H C I t l l l M t I C ilnringlli« y c n r ' 7 » . Thi.nriiol.iH will li» »f «r«at itrnoild>Jviiliin in ri'Mjuiut Ut ttit IHIYT uoniiutircli.i r.-lfiLlonii Itn-UTI'IM) this ooiinlrj ILIKI llntzit, ui'l 11. . - M " " ~ " >"M I'HHi»iirtui in iimtliT uMi! itltialrnl ionn. 'I'liin MT.KI witnl-m- |,,' tvurlli l l o Hiitiscr \'U.iU [ irur , , ) H 1 . 0 0 n yi>nrl

SCRIBN^R & CO., New York.A Luxury of Ueohanlsm!Boo What it Dcei >^K o i e ' a Name Wrltlnn anilU&rninR AtUahnumWorHHwinn Machmei-Ilio IBBI greatIm«nlIon. MnrwfiJonn,jut eimlM»< A M)ooia. bLtrvu.iincni fur

• nKnatua tlin mati lilmi. I'rio«M | , Aek a HewitiK Mauliinuaiiatttr. Atrnntv wnnlori.

H. M. ItOHK,

IUCCES8FUL FOLKS.I Matthew HalcSmith's new<l


TRn an<l women

n r n l l N n{ A. T.A K D K U U I L T ,

KNNK1T K T i '

I10041 1'rumlmrot Pereonn-iuRn

, »nalj««d. Wli'i-I I 'nnrnllNa CT^WiXT A Tl T V A K D K U U I L TI D l X i W i l i a J t , BKNNK1T, Km. TimI ation of tllflBHAPon. Now ia tbo ttniB for

CMT^i toeitooratorrllorr. Addrnaa forau-nov ciroulam and birma.

A>IItItICAN I ' tmi . lMII IMl CO.,Hlirllnril . I'liiin.


I t n UlnB(I71!llna hiMoriualanRrBVinirRand llf(K)lnt; doulrln-flniuiiin p«Ri"i, mid w tba monL complntollirlory of thi World ev*>r |iii1)lieh»d. It nulls at lit Hnuoinmn iinRns and nxtrs lernia to Afcnnta.A-ddrnHn NATIONAL I'nnuBPiNo ()o., Fhllndo1[, 1'n


iHlwrfoctlypuro.»H[ musical atitlnuwarilnt 1*2 WoiHoldDyUnuffilBt

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'ar ;Ut ,19 World's KxMRltlonn, and at r.,.a,187H.\V t l i t HclilolTi"'* ' ** ™

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Hun I

NhWSPAPtRSandMAGAZlNtbl.ihrotdE. 'Hmi-, t iouli lol im. f-n.enbn fiHTn.1 ht i.itt.I-ma Hir'x^fili ttm Htio'tj Mdunlain'i Hul'rtt-r'nimi•iioy, wtil.-li HirnifhiTB any impur (oiocpt (iti:iLlnml-IMI in flu. IhiiU'il .Slit|M. Miiei.'fil [nxIriimirttr.Siin

Mnohim-ri of nil l.iiiln, Ulinnno. , )'>,iimin. S.-wm,

Rocky Mountain Stereoscopic Viewsu s|K'Olully, U.m't full Io vrntn kt <m 'Ant iitn oaii miiko l>iK IIKIUHT.



TOHHJCNH, Ffflfis. ()Q]U

AMI;AI> ""Al . l .T l l .CTIDIK

Tun vtirr biiat goaArdinict fr< m HID Im

, llulf theApnnti and


TheGreatAmoricanTeaCompanyi31 itn»i !C( Vmiiy NtrpM. NiwYor l i .

I*. f». \i<>* 4SUit. .AtitltNTM WAiVrifll. IMIIL

THE CURSE OF RUM!Tin, niont KlArllitiK (Iflnorlplliin i>T Ihu ti-rrltilff ffTocIrum <\mv w r l t l w . I'.rabrBcInK BIRO Ihii Hfwwnrknpimobim (if iniANCIB MDHI'llY, t'r. HHynnldn mill tcf»-liu,i,r.>rR. 'IIIH Krml IlLDK unil Hi:n HliiliON IKHnliKol nlstit. IKHIpnKi'a. 1'ilco H12.OI). BiK'i.rn

A.lilr™. II<H. UKOllHlMtlll) A CO.,

mafnlBMat whig fflnqU. Tt» tut w> UfW.

Tut'. f . -Va . . r .Vd^ «piuj for HilSanoaa. Tta* laat larw ftr* J*T«nllM.

II BT BlTUJTAaT, Main rr<«. "The M«riTh< I.lttle Duko,"

0IIVEE DIT80N A CO,, Boiton.U. II. UITSON * CO..

, Til ic*WBn»4wmT, W»wt . B. D1TBON * CO.

T i HUMS LIGHT OIL11. ilii- llrai llumliin Oil itlarlii.

YV < AN NOT 1'iXPLUDEAs Ii niiimlii n I ' l r i ' ' l ' r»l o l l o l l " . .

H. B. RICCS,•Sill i: MAN1 l

150 Front Street, New York.

MDHTON l> 'I'. Mill«.t l i t . .I'HOVIIIKNHK l l i «MCW I.IINDON Niuhuu .1 U r n - .N l ) R \ \ KUl 1.. W, i:.rn>U * SimH W A N N A I ! tmlrnw llanliiy.I IAI . I I 'AX.N « Worn! U l nhT. J U I I N , N. II • r n r i i h u l l i u . i .

! • tk« Old Ucllable (Jonoentralcd 1 j .

FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING.Dlnotlona aooompinjloi oaoh oan for mallng Hart.

Mlt and Toll.t Soap aulolalr.IT It TVLL WJBiaST ADD tTXBlrOJTB.

Tha Markal la loodod with (.3-otllod) UonoentraMLja? whToh la adilUraUd with ailt an J r.iln, o.J M*1) .



Peuniylvwia Bait Mannfg Co.,

\i SMITH W&i i i"diml '

I'llM. i:»l4lllllalliMl I iHiiM Mi

Tin-11: I N ^ I ' I ! I ' \ I I : . V I V iiu<

vnli.i-i.i ..1 Ilit


mibi'.l n. llio l'INEHTwlicIN TONU.

OVERanil lul led.

wiirk inn! iMw

HOMESWMWKlt IUWS., J i l Kroauivny.S.V.


A choice from nver I.IHHI.iMKloorei InW.i l.niKln, duo'Hat from Oh.R igo. i t from 9 0 to £N per aor«. in fnrm>tn, and tin »it j terms. Low 1rn)tchtw nnd reody iiinr-

. B U . HO wldornna —no igun—no iDilinni. Ijindmplnrinn tickots from Otiloigo, (roe to tiujnrn, I'nrMn|m. I'*mpbliitn nni] full Ioformnllon npplj t*i

!<WVA U A l l . l tO A D l./INUOO.til*A>OBdnr Uaiihl-, lovta.or J»HI Randolpli 8trnrt,(;ti

100,000Slon and woman outof nraploy-,mnot can m»kn fiom $ to f 15 itfifty. iSVun* Viri innfitnii ifumr.Strike while Uia iron lit.inl, Hiinda nne cent stamp (or partloolari.

i t iv . N. r . I U I C K mntoii Pn.MEV and WOMEN wanted 2 very where

II to |3 per hnur MOSEl MAKING '""J mide '" "'/localllr . Will • • ! ! • • •MMMiHI prove It or forfnfi#1)00, OCHMII fintlrrlr new. HarojiM fnt \ wrlU «t nnce.

Doi9S». W I L D E S A CO., B u i t o u , U a i i .

f o r e q f lAtnerioa—OTf>r 13,000 In uin—rflRuUMTftUo.—I'lnniiniiont on trial—4fl p*eMBMnKiBBnnw PIANO U P MI K I »i

nprlffhts In ihn'If Incorpfiratrii

_ . r „ oalaloKtin frne._ PlArJOUo,,iil K. fiith ht..Nt.w YorV

lA.ar03a.ts, rtoacl" Tl i is iWu nil) nny Agnnti. A Sal i r j of 1100 pnr mnnth hiul

or allow a Urge ooinrnlnfllon to null oar nn*• niionfl. W* • •

An infallible and anftxceliod rt'iondj fnrFi t s , K|IIIIH>HV o r f i i l l l n x HlrUtiepmWHrriLiilru fo nllfttit a spendy anil

~ " " K M A N K N T e u r a .AlFOGiiotl^** **f n*r

rnnnirned spnollia and aTUIUUIIIH I'rontiHM »«n, tanny BiifTerer HRQCJIDK m«< hitI*. O. and ICipr"»» ac^draBi.


N O T I C E 1Arliog »|Min the urneiit rt)i|ti«iit ul riniriQroua uorrfl*-

iiondoiitii, ] Intro oXttindttd tny IlolrriMj Otitr fur nl.lniliril 1'orlod. Qnlurnt oiinu; puyonly uitnryou

linvn fTilly toRtnd Ihu inxlrunifttit nl four own nnm€.Sf.w I'lunoH S I 2fl- S I Iliii H M i t nnd ujiwnrd,N e w )>rnnn« JjllKi, » 7 6 ' I*w5, »1>7| Ac. 1,-iUttIMiiHiritl.»d N.iwitnaii«r wit.i innol. infontuti«n f r r f .ArtrtmBB, DANIEL F. UKAIIY. WAMHI»OT<IN, N. ^1.

Mason & Hanilin Cabinet Organs.WOKMVS FIXI'OHITIONB M>I- TWICI.VK YKAKS;vw.: nt 1'AIIIB, 1M7: VlKNNA, 1H73: t*ANTlA(lO, lH7t.I*HILAl)Kl,l'niA,lrnil: PAItlH. UiK ! ami OlIAND bWKDIBIl( i o t u MKI-AL, IH78. Only Arnnrioan OrndnrBVora winded biffhefit honorri a t a m n n c b . KoM for onsli orinetallinenU. I^LDRTnATEn UATALOOTJEH «nd (Ilron-Inriwitb nnw atyleii iind prioex. Rant free. MAKON 4l iAMUNOROAN aO.,l»uBU>n.NBw Vork.orUhioaHO

33T3H3R3E3E33Unrivaled (JumbinationK, inert liourly, utnut demand,rich fluid fur Agent*. We practice Bon Culture, box ufh^nHj and (rood nuTTfl to all Rending »tamn foroiroiil*rn.WiitHnow.itttillpayioa. J . II. Martin.Harl(ord,N.V.0 1 fl tn Ofrifin •'"tuted ii. WiTi Ul., titooki makaiiblu IU U)1UUU 'or'nnea eveir month. Hook lentT 1 U KV * * w v w Ires eiplaminffe«ryth)D«^- HAXTKR *(J().. l!»ink«rH. 1? ^al lHt.N.T

80,000N f w r><-H*ynii co i idtanl ly .

,1 |>rW.N

.ir :» Cn'iiloirn.'.

tmd SUpp, Walta SI,, Soston, Mass.7

All itliouIromtl

Vary um'ortant nilln arqnow iimiiiiiiR In OongrfitB,

9 wiii.h, if ollowtd to pu*.Imrijlofflre uriiuil tod will ba reoponfld

....rltorious olnimiinta will tin droppedand Erttat Injutlice done. For fnll par-

Jill Ll>" I1

" ! " ! • . , » . h i n u b .».j»,,.»..w.w ~_-rX, — . _ •.•._»« j

mlrvrn t«orf for copy or TUB NATloBAt TniumiK, an>•.*« pap-sr, inftiied monthly, and devototl to tha lotor-In uf aulrilftrs nnd inllnl", anil tliolr holw. OontalrwAHln til ni

All NEW HOUHTYtb bunds«r«v»ry

l i l'Artd,,,M.;ronc«,

nil PKNHION LAWH. Hhoald b* inIOIIUHT. Tflrmn. hi) centa per ye»r.

'QKORCUG R.IIKMON *OO. ," ' flhtnutop. P .O.

THEUTMOSTFamily I'bralcla:

H m»y ha pla»H H B N B DBNplcurn ufand UrinaUNTmU

ed inYfb

H«nd for

llaaUb.atranslh, oithe constant uaa oi,i!S»ndSU6. WOOl

aon,»g5 Lafam»oAT..Broolil>n)W.Y.


», or allowndnrfill Iri

4o nullir/tat

7CRAIG'S KIDNEY CURE'.Thn Rtoat rtpocltlo for all Kldnnjr lllieaeea. Haa iitirer

fallodin any ill.oaai, of tuo Klduaia in <bo paat Ihrcnrnara. Hand for parnphlnt; and BddraM Dr.42 i m i V K R - l T V Vl.AVl'., NKW V

SNdMEmootb. lC**,rrjfradtmte cnaranUw

i Addroaa B.Valentine. ManMQ' .Ja B M aneanll

srine nlonl.J to l.nrin can ot t nd b t It»l Ki

rAKTlKH bsrine nlonl.J to l.nrin can oMnnlilililiilareat, nrompt pajmsnt and boat Ito»l Kiuto irauri.ty, For partlculara addreia Wm. II. Walton,lintl.r.Mo.O n R B Olirarl 4 " obtonlo and aipooandlnourablo

il DB UlireU d|, , . , t B . I'rcof of it maileddjot. D B . TOOTH, 120 MxligUn.Ara.,N«>

* KBCC Ar f l i ' l in o fPr i i i i l


Add!Q A U I 'E?DFI?F? '°" If nodluin. KOQWOMT!,57^. Third Hi


rahinilad frnn, ,• York, t

iltiniH II (inVillirlU 'It-.TLilaHn, *

—JB. J•ndi oared. IxitrAiit Pnoni. Do not (a 1to write. Dr.F.jU.Iirili,Quinoy,Mich.

UATuiii^iiuo^ii/MJUrtusiaper_0£nn. Boiinfcfree, Reno for O«t«.itjril«i.

DoMTtMEif TIL enao^o Oo. >J8 Watron Ht.( NewVark.-~"-'17to~Ajf°n t t f l i n T M e l n l 'o r*b f

ir* 'rermsuidOatDtPrM,P. O, VIOKKRY, AqgMU.MMaa110 bMiaollOatCu

pidly lor SO oto.oim'l IMWaah'p

u. Wn»too»«lOatalo«tie/ri.tBloo,IHaii.

A mUNTf'-AaKiH' VVuntatf-lltl butWllng arllolM In tlwwnrldiaM unpls .ArlJrWB JAY DHON8OH, Dtlmlt, Mloli.

ICC A I»*V C m i F I T . A«BnU'8ampl«,«l«.nta,IPO "Vfia.Mfitatl DEUOIIT." »a>aan'.i<.V.

r1! J'"P" °< KraiwuMorria.l'blladllplila.

Rlanitcoour . ...Ilitrlbottd July 1 to Ihe 1U0 porfionti mndlni Hit: lurucBt t:litlis of snb&crlbcrfi t

nM«S5S1£fe52?S?:wccn now and then...F, 1 Jfar 4»l»P«goboot

d V &JF I yearFor II we null putMuld, one dollnr'i wiinli »r nvdi, your own M cctlpn, P, * V, 1 yrar A a i n r a t M o k .

eniilnir two Tfarlr rohnrrlhiTfl to FABII A!

COOK-BOOK "FREEo make It Hindi ol «nupi It glvti l» rudpcs for oooli inTlklodaut poultrjundBulnoi illiillilianrtowkcttllii

Page 4: sELLons AT LAW, -' r. M. The s« vice,; id liie house day lo choose a

j. - ' • • • f • v "

D nvtny THURSDAY sjoiiNix

, BY '

U E S E Y C L A Y & C O . ,



R E D B A N K REG 1STER . " e™« ••:•-<*•"> of ™w'* -™1 i!-1'"!.I1(1

hruni IHP.K out nil nver tiit' country, lite

lu-iK-lk-i'iit water cuii.rn'.'i. u'lidin:; with

equal prc-jure tin' life currents every-

where. It is the friend of I he v.-orKing

I" man. tht tmall capitalist, the provincial

j citizen. And tlic .'luck nl tlii'.-i' hanl;s is

: not owned hy the proat money l;in,^s.

BED BANK. JIOXMOITH COI-.VTV. X J. ;' Miir? ili.-n biilf of it i.< mvjail in .sum* of

j lesf, tiian on-." ilii'nisniiil dollar.;, It is em-

I pliatirnlly the system fur llic ]icu;i'.e. Tim1 cities and llic rich iliMrat want it. They1 can make mere ni'iiiey willioul il ir,

ir.clliuls ul their own, Tnl;e it away

frcni tin' tc-wns (mil their IU-UJI!*.* "i l l l-o

'• jj.-ii'i'il iit tin1 mercy cil l ic relentless vil-

l:i;:t'i:i mcy-lcndcr; they will Lc deprive!

.if iii'.c. am in;;the imi:t secure, means e.i

iiivi'-lininl: aa.l a main source ni1 local

development ami cnlcipii.-e is cut nil.

TinTI'l.irr tin1 \lihtant outcry ngniiM

'National J'^iiiWi*' liiiml aii'.l :'U',eidaJ. as

are MI many sel on hy dun. j.'npu * and

OnoYear,Six MuntlisTlm-e Mi'iillis. * '


SPACE. 1 i

i,a> I.; ::.: I'l

n " .. :UIJ 4'.> ii.iil i o l . J.."J> ;>.'i' ii..I* ••>!...' i : n lir,i •_.-•

' ' • ' ' • l ! - " , I S l " ' • ' •

Uv;i l lii'li.'rs I.'!".:.!-, p. i Ir:. ' .Ut>UUitr$iiutUr;. :t:itl i-.i'irv r i rents j , . - !



SMITH, The New Grocer,Will (itTcr t<» tlic puMir :i llac aii'l fn'sli s l c ' j ; of sc l rc t^ l (;rur:.r!t's lit prices rifvi r ln'f'-i'e iitinw'ii|i>llii'c!lli.' 'liM.! lU-it li::ak ninl lirlii l iy. VI'I- a f KI-ILIIK Ti'.is ;ti ( r u n i". I..:i> •. i - r irninul.(ii««l Ni.wOrlkii is M.|,,s.~si:l • r«. i«Tt; ' i ; i ' in . ( » w l Sliin'li ~i: K . r c j i n e 0:111 . liiat Ctiwir

^<Jmi'(i lir.ui.i 'J j . . iilKtt'lliiT rii'J.'.-^ in -pr.iiKirli'Hi. W'v ilave uWi it i-lmln' 'iiu-l w l " l sl-i--k(ilOtuni 'Ji"rui;i . . t | : lr i 'S, C< fat; Ar. AIU'i««!s'ii um'tw :,::tM-i l»i'll. Cli.M;,VMJ SLK I 'S.


~ -UV will Ji J* lllf 1IIK!H t l iar te l l'l'll'i? for farm

"Fn>!itFm'(t. .f .»>l nf'-llriMii.»Tn-..>"'-.:.---^T"T»<m?.'..j.''..<i"^

^i 'Ull i l r t*. kc.

Hcl fl-inlt. N. J.

li. A. WiliTLNG,

Cabinet Maker

Iir.MlV ( LAY .•> <

The ex. eiklu'e ef our National l,a::k-

inj; system t- 01 1 the niosi hopi'fni

• •' realm-.'* in tlie |..-i-cnt l!l:;;i,. .;il .-.Ire.'-.

7^Z^~~.:~ ._ It liiiti f i i r i i ? ^ . n i l i i i i v [ , ; C J - . 1 1 K - i i i - \ - : - . t n m -

H E U I I A X K . N . . ! . . " J , \ M ' . V I i V I 'L I ' ' : ' . ' . ,,;• „ , , . | i , 1 ; 1 , : L | , l a n i i . 111n.11 w h i c h ,-..

m ~ - ~ - ~ : . : _ i ' i : m v h e a v y h l . i w a h a \ c f u l l , n i h i r i n j ; I

N a t i o n a l I ! i i n k ' — T i n ' r r i i ' i n l i i f l . i i ' w r . i l ' ' - ( « i ^ t - « i x y e a r s , t o l i o t i l i t l i r n d y u » - '

D u r i n , I h , - l i n e a n d , - r v r a U - i L v t h e ^ ' ^ I I i s » » ' « ' " ' ' ' " f »> 1 ' " U ' ' H >C . . . . 1 • ' . ] • • . r i n <••, • ,i '•••••l i . i ' i '1 iV i ' i l • - ' l u ' l " t r c M i i . i i ' t i n n . o i i t i n ' f i r s t n l J a n u a r y .

" . . . , i • i ,! T i n - l i a f i k . ~ a r c t l i e r r i e i i ' l s nJ1 l l i c p c i ' . ' j l i ' a tl n ^ s v . - t e n i r u n • i n | n r a l a r . ; c s h a r e . . I i . , • >

U . v h l i m , , a , . d . | e , u : ! , ' i ; ; U . , , : - a . a i , , e , . : ' • " » • • = " » ' » • " 1""M>'" • •» ; : ! •« t " k n o w « j

t h o l u r . l t i . : . . - . . I t v . - . ; . - i M t l . : . t i h - a m i « ! : • i . t l . - * a . v i . t . ; : , I . - H . : , s t l i r . v » i l l

o n l v i i i r i " - " i t i " t r I T ! - i i i " M . " ' " • » , n ' l » ' l > / u i l c r e ^ c . l p a n i c , i h e p e . , ; , ! . - h ' M i k l I

t h H ) : i i ' . ' l . - ' ! . - m . l ' l ! . e , . ' ! l 7 i , , " | . l i ' n . ' t V l " " - '"• •' ! " ' l v ' i l : " ' " ' . - ' ' " ! l . v - ; 1 ' - ' l •!• • ' • < » " !

i , , g s t c ' i l i l v i m u r e r v . - , ' . . ' , . H i e , : , : , .. , .-:, t ' n i l t h e i r i v . 1 , 1 , . h e p i ' . - . . . ' r . t , | .

i i i " - t l i " ' l i - i ' i l t s T h e M - - t " i n " i - l i ' ! 1 - W e I K I V C n i l l l . c c U t i ' c n t s n f f i . l i . i 1 1 - i . s .

" i l M p i i M I ' l y m a m a , a i n ^ h M v a i r ' . i i v f ' 1 ' ' ' 1 . 1 ' ' " < " 1 1 ' " s l ' ' W ' . n i i t i H - . ' . l liX-i, , ! .B U I - U i l V o ' l t t i l e l i f e l . ' . ' i n l " f t l . e I ' l l l t t u " ' U ' h ' r l l l l l l l . l l c l ' a l l ' C M . l i n e .. c h e a p 1 . 1 -

a n . l m u s c l e . i f t : i . n . i i i m . H u t t h i - . w i t h ' " " ' . i m p i i ' . i l l c l . » ! 1 n > - i I i t i . • - I1 - . i i i s | * . r l : i -

t i t l u - r n - i v i n j ; i i " t i . . i i - , , n i V .- - . s ' . j . - . - t . .f ' ' ' " ' • i i ; " ' - ' ' - ' ' - 1 ' " ; ' • 1 " i r i - . i i n . l v . ' • .:•

t h e I ' l i r i ' e i u y . i i r n s c f i - o i n . - i w r . n i v " f . i ' - i i ' l ' - i i " . ' . ' : - t . . i i l . w i ' l i . i v c i h c i i i . . . - t p i

c o i M n m i e a l ' l ' i « - , n l i . l l i i c a . t n . i l . ' . . m i l - ; l v < l 1 • - 7 ' « « ' ' > ' i ; ' t l " ' " ' " r l . l l ' . . r d i s t r i i u u i . i e

l i o n s a n . l w . u l ; , i i ^ - 1 . n i i e . • , > • • : , ' i n . A . i . l . ' l l l : 1 n p p l y i n ^ l l " 1 w i n - K i n : ; i a p i t a l l . \

l i y t h e v . - . i y . n o l l i i n - ' • l i l ' H v . - M l ' i . i l ' . l i - l l ' 1 ' ; ' ' ! l " " ' r ' i n j . l i . ' . ' l l c l . ' l l l - l l l l i : ; h ! . v m : l -

n a r y I l . n i i ' t ' i e u t i c i - i i n 1 n u i v i ' i - . . i l - i l i ' i K e • 1 ' i : i « - r > - i - t , , b e h c ; , t i n n . , . t ; . . : , . • T h c i e -

o f t i i n - i i . - » ' . i ' r . i : i ! - I i n . ' .'. i ! l l y . n c r l h e ' " l v '•"• ' " i ; i l l " ' : i i ' i - : < - i n 1 ' i . n - n - s t o a i l v n

I J l ' e . ' H l / a c l ; .•:.-. a - . ' l u i : . n i n l l l i c l i n a n . - i a l , , ' : ' '•'• •'' r e t u r n I n t ! i " o ! . l . a n . l i r r e u - n l i r

p r n h l i M i i . t h e h a r . l t i n . - . a n d a . : i - . . n ; , , r . « ' . • - . V f t e n i . l . ' l t a e i ; . ! c r i . e a n d e x o l . i i n i :

o f s m i c t y . I t U 1 • i -t . . I 1 n i l n . ' c c s M i r y n , - I M - I I I S i . i c n . I n i n i l s o i l ' ! " ;

l l l l . l c l > t : i n d l l i c l : n t i n n l i i f N : . t i " l i : d ' . f i d . ^ |

i t s a w h u l f , a i u l _ l l i i ' j . L . n i a \ I . . - - e i n U i ' , n l - T l c S i - . t e I . i - ^ i - l . i t - i r < - i a . I a l T r c n t n n I

v a n t i i . ^ c s a c e n i a i ; : l l i e i ' e l i c m . I V I ' . r e l l . " " i i ". t i - ' s l : i ; > ; i i i d i . r ^ . n i i / . c . l f o r l i a - . i i i i - ! - , - . i

w a r n i a ' i v l v i n d - n t l i a a l , • w i r e i n .-^ t - l i e n . \ ' . i n . 1 . . J - e u e ; ! , n f ( ' ; n i . l i ' i i . i v i b ;


P R I N T I N G H O U S E ,HENRY (LAV & CO., l'loprietoi-s1,

Front Street, Red Bank, N. J.

Auction Billsl'HOMPTI.Y riilNTi;!) IX UOl-'l) CTYLIC AM) AT LOW VUH'ES.



Coflhm, CUSI.T/.';, am) cvn/ rcqi'i-:ilf for

Fititcralu }>ro}:(2>tly fi.trniiJicd.

g lu all Its

KW 1"I;O,N"T,STKI:F,T, Rrn jJ.iNK, :r. j .


Books, Periodicals,


KUTS. rrtriTs, ETC..AT


llHHi:i!'ri 'j '« S[iivtfi' Horn |i:ifliy.

As bury Park,NKW JEIiSlCY.


Astmrj-rii'J1 '

l i n ' i " l v i i | i | w i -

! ; ; : , " : ; . ! ' ; ' ^l . . i n \ r (.1-1.-

l u l l ' I K E



i n i i l U ' T - . n ( j f - i v i i v i i l i i i n i x i c . r . i , i

i• ii 'il (•'•iii " i i II l i i v . i

H , - r , I ' ll! nil 11:.- U\' . ' . i l A , ! .i j ^ i f c i . i i l i u ^ i i * ' l i s i . ' I I I . i ) , i i , i i ; . . I I I . 1 . . H I i i i .

I ( 1 I.'I(I Ul.S'V . '")• | | . .U: . , I I ll.i . .[ l . i l i . - . <V'I v lnir> WA-'.i w . . * u^.v>^ivl i a I1 . . : ' i.

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W. H.

•ij:;3*AiE3:s> 'i'o si'i*:"jA'!.!A. I£3.M>S OV VfilK \

A Larger Slock Than Usual,and Prices Lower Than


My S'.cck is Varied and WillSuit All.

i W ' u r v r u i - ! ; , M | > | > . - : ' i - i ' ( \ f i - . i i i ( i : ; n v c ,c a n In - n ' i i i ' ( i i ' . | d n n l l i y t i . r H . M ' i t A LI t V l l K t J . \ ]» I I I ' N l . V V , ! i l ! S t \ , l l M l l l l l . Cf i h i i . - ( u t . . - i f y ftircr. , N . - . i V . - , - : . . i f . tJ : ; - - i ' \ t ' i l v . : i i n i i i l ' H \'\ ^ . - i i L i i l i i u l f r o i . i

l l i u l i . i i l ' i i r j i i i L ' ;i t i n . - \if\\ o \ I I . - - N i . ' -


/.s^ury r.-irli in n vilinpi* on t l : r AJhin-tic iiianr. (in-iy-iivc m.Ii-:( I n m i N c vV«»lK fly. h li...s : i lrt; i . ty i>hh'i}M\

1 ruli ' i jrii j ' u s it Mituim-r i \ j i>n .

T h e phu t ' Ims 4 i t :b lod in s!a» chiceihM, :;i,il us llii- tui^ii i . ; ! luopr ic iu i ' utI'm Pur l ; <->.! .•>, u I . U J C in . , i i,ii;jr ^ ( . . s tnf tin: nM rii:-»ii.iki-. U;r. i>i;i : iJt .rrs i.fa mil.: lli.l.i lit-.: M-Li, hi! *:i.-.:ii:.f H. c-;.Jl111*' HIU':n.i»;i i>f M::!illf.iiH.lVl-.. V'AUTin a Min;!t Wiiy i>r nti n h , : ^ - w i l e , loll i r luct Mill \v»- h im- nr.i i;iplo}itl l. .!ufl.i-iv Ur iiit* lull , wiffiu- hiui *,>i:iii,',Vl . t i l l VM)1.|,1 |I< I ' l 'MliHll I Vli.CI.VLll-liil:ii ' . l ' l i tri S< Tin- l-vl'tir I flit **(•!'. , wJii'-l!


ti n i . I W i m i i t I t - M i l d j : l a i : i - n . j l - i i i j - i - i il i ' M i t i m f ; i c l . . r i I V . I ' l ' l i r ( i l l i l i i l l u l

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uii*.l H.'i IIIIIHIII1:!.

W f l i - - . . | i .H-f f l : i i r - ! : r s ; n D a y^ - i u x ' l , r « , s : j ! . | S l i i u A w u l i a•. ! . ; -t i - u . i - ' i c n uf ( M I . i . u r . d r . i t j nrt tlltyS ' - l ' o l i i i s : a \ \ t i - k i \ m w ,•. \».y . ' . s m u rI ' A I M ; ,l».i i : > . u . ; i \ . n p i . i ;1(- H n . 1 N . in>s i i . L i i : I , : u " ; i . i-. . i | . i!v Kiit-M, M. Mit.U-fc«»i •..*:>'. 1. . . ( . . -ni i , . t.i! ' | , i..1 : ; . iv . 1 ^ ; L « 'of K | . | j [ ]> .-I I ' l .U.i ; . . , . 1 u i l . l . j i ( l U i .liiii ' i-Mi.iil . .- .1 : , i . . | \ . I.i i :-A i.i.', t t , ' s . i- |-s,I . U I i i l r r \ , n l . Mrs in !•;. v - i . ,! . "h l i . -I ' .-llM!.. ' 1!,.'., !:, ( , ! !„ . ,,f i ,,!;,,[•.- [» ; t l -l i i ! - iH ' i . i . l ! l ^ .•• i< ]•«•. 1 rI i\ isli i .,.-. 1 i y(;i»rt!s>f. • - ' !(!•• . . - I . . i . i u . . U ' . ..h.l'i.S u l

If ll'r uh.-Vi' :.l.ui:li! luti n si i\r.y (•'. the

.\LU:S u. n . i i i ; . j-iir.T.mvuit-tit.



, 1<AIU£O.AI> Of NEW


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; M - 11. i - T l . c M ' a i v K i l l , . i n i - 1 * i n t l a S . t a l e 1 ' r i s -

f o c t . ' y . . a l ' e l i l e a i i s i . i i n v i ' l i i i . l i t a n i l l . . i ; i l ; ' H i .

i n n . w h i i h c o n ' ; . ! . n ! > ! . i i ! v . d l i t ; , . • l i . ; i . ! :

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t w o s y - l r m s i ' l i i i . i u l n c l i n i a i i ; N T ( h e

f l i p e r i o l ' t t i . v n f l l , , ' N : i l i . , | . a l W i l l h e - e e i i

w M - i i l i t n i n e , l i e l i . i v i i r . . - I i l , I . . ! • ] . ! . ' i n

t l i r r i ' w e r e i n i l i k - , i - r c t i . 1 : i l l . . . . i i " t i i .

l a w s i f i , , , , r e , 1 , 1 . : , " . ' . , - . ; , , , , . „ , . , A : - r : ' l ; l ' • u ' l l ' i r K | : h " ' ' ' i — 1 : ' • • '

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P TW,r. , , , . , , „ = „11 i- | . ' ( ' T J ( ) \ 1"'I^' ! Q o o t c a n c ' Shoos for R.'Jen, . !i;'.'liu;''i,,',,'',4.",';,Vi1i'ii1.i.",'.."i!' ! Boi'3, Lr.c!icoanc!Chiiiiron. r-i IS;^"il;";^ ^ 'i^/.

Oi Tin: vi:i:v IUST r,\:\m:s OK M-.W


Elutlcn lu Ni'\v Y.irk. fioi (it V.\ trty Plnet.

TilLO-Talilo mmii^iirlPK Ol tuler 1st, 1878.

Tniiiislcavi! ;>fv.' York.'fool (if L:birt>" Sine!: i -V'-rurMATAMMX, m 8.15, it. i:, u. ni., -i.oi', .Mr. p. m.

Fiili:i)t.5!l,rT., IKK. IS, 11.15. ii. m.. 4.01, 5.15 p.m.I'm .MH.'ni.r.Tf iWN, s.l:,, U.C a. in., AM, .1.15 |i. in.l'ur lii:i> HANK, ill K.I5, 11 « 8. m., J.W), 5 15 |l. 111.I'm LITTLE bll.Vi:i(, al M.", 11.11 a. lu., 4.K>, 5.11

|>. in.l'.'i TEAM II, at 8.15, l l / i ; n. ui.. 4.0O, 5.1i

|i. in .KETl'I'.MNIi.

ij'iivc LONG t r . A M i i . vi c.«.7.r», ii.4r H . M . , 4.a>ji. la.

I.c,.vi I.ITTLE bILVLKrBl 0.W;.1S, ll.CSo.rh.. 4.38| . in.

1.1-LU I ;m PANIC.ul C'8.8.1'il. ll.rSt.nu4.4Sp.m.-1.1'liV XII, 1,1X11 V. >,,;.!, S.lU.m., IS.Ub,4.Cl

li. li..1.1'i.u iim.t:in..ui?.i:) . B.i»a. ni., 'i.r>H|i.m.I.ll:\i- MA'l AW AN. HI V.lii. f . ' J i . n. . lC.l'.i. MM |i. in,ll,Ii LI.WALYN AM) 11:11! l.Lll'T. JHlSKY

I I ' l l .(i ri.iTiinn Is niii!i* t>l Ju-si) my bUilIori fo orl(t

nun hKii.n.Mi l.u Liu- i,v,.i. jii>i> u i ) , LyUiais,,i iln I n - i i i i n .

liLl) nANi J.Mi li I.U l.l.AMH.Lravi'Kiil; lurLitii Lr..i.vLul !).!;- ». m.. LSI,

.Vi. V U ' . " : -i l l vi' I.i nv i.i tin li rur Knl l;ii.:i u 8.45. T.r.0,11.4*

;.. in.. 1HI !•- InKl'.Ii HANK AMI K i;,N l.roVE iNI) EQVAN.

LIIIVI llt-il IIIL). l<. r , t i i : I it vi-ur Asluiv I'i,ik atu.:.i:i. in.. i . U . ; . i i , r . i J | a ,

Ijl.viIaiU',tl,l. tin si-. l,IHil 1.S1.5.85,li.l.l l.n..

I.i ..vt i;i (1,11 Cli vi- i.r Asl i rj 1 ark fur Ilftl l:ul.k R»il so. ,..i . I I . L O L . U-.. •(.Ir, I . U .

Li-i.n- 1(1; ( , ln LI ii.15. T -a. ll.I.'i tt. m.. 4-COp.m.11.11 M '.- A1,K.

Lciivc IJHIB n - l . i If li.r A.v .Ll l »t S.45, T..'.O, 1I.4&it. til.. -U0 I-. la.

l.l'.'ivi Lei: IiiuiL M Ni v. a i t al li.SB, B.03. ll . , '6 n. in . .•l.JU 1 . u..

1.,. Niv.-jik I. r l i i ' l t'.; u!i m:i) Limp E r a m b ntb i i : : i i.. in.. -,.io. :..n i n..SI., il l . l . l . l l i l . 1 1.1 l l 1/1 11.1,1.Oil '. I l!lltH« MS

sa.ili n w ii. i:il ir n.*,.U II I I.II Al 1 1.1'KIA VIA. LI . lZAW. ' I I i r i lKT. Li ii i i.i.1.1, t.;.h. tM>. ii.r,h L. iii., 4A:-, \>. m.11 l; I I . M A I I 11 I !A VIA. ' . ( . IAN.

'i';:.:n KJV. I . J : I.i laa.K ul 1-. ni. ri l.lli ctH foi11..'...'. *, I.u. wi.. ,'i.l in .

l l . l . i . l . n ! ll A M ' .MM 1 ( f:K r.Vll.LOAU CON-M . l ' l i l S i .

, Trains lil'.vr.l! F.iil 1 ul L al t.US. M.6S u. iv.. 4.43| p. )n., iiilil.ii I ia M:I , I ; IMII Jl.i.i t.ol. tor l l i i l . i . k l .I ' in li.« l.i.t.Tf.' I m l . ' Iii 11 ; .'u. i i . s i II . in. , 4 , a ) .1 li.'U p. n i . . i M . l . u t 1.1 Iuu, . \ , ia . -in., l.ui, lol Lf(3

lu.nk.I'm' funi.i'i1 luiti-.iiiiir'i St.- I'lVpMi blf al ^iit lnna..

11. 1'. 1 AI .1VIN,(.t'li. 1 us». AKfllt.

yLW J l . l t d A [.i.L'il.l.l.N. LA1L-

1.C1.AD I.U.E.

('I'llin'.rili 'lni; C i ' l i l i r r l « l , 1K7S.

'i In s>i :a..i r Ji s. r l.c-ti will

l . l .AM. M.W \ I ILKfinm fit r «. -Vi Inal of V.eclov S i r t y l . / t r

IH'ii lliii.k 11 inn., in. nun t i O | . . in. |

Al.l-.l-. I. IN NEW YdHKi Kl"..1:1 Ur.l ljiiui, '•'.<.!> u. In. m m 1.4.*. p. [11.

TT5 A TVTTT ™?7" TT'T Z ^ T T T ^ ) I''""' '"« " ' MmI.1-1 Sinn tin- llnl l-.ank

I1 i i l l i l l j X J: LU U XV. 1 A M . I M : IN 1 I I I I . A I I:I.I-I>IA


STI;1',I;T. i;v.)> II.SNK.

r i n i ; [ i n i n i . l l v i i t t e i i d u l t u

A v.eallliv cili/.cii of Klizahelh has

l i ' t 11 s e n t I i i ] i i i ' . . . : i t ' . i r n l i i s i n ^ t o j i . i y

T \ \ i . y . . " , i i _ r i i i . ' i i i i a i n c i l T h a i e h e r . p e r -

l i e i l l i y I I I . ' I . I l l l , i l l ; ; n l a s i , ' h i e a n d !

A i ; r : . i :, . ; . . . n . " . i i 11 1

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l i . H I ^ a \ . - r i - c t i ! , . . 1 s I ' l . l . 1 . 1 . I , h i

w h i . - l , t h e h a i i ! , - . 1 I n i i : . I ' . - . - « - , • : • . • ; : i : . ^ ( 1

t h e l i ( t i l . ' l - i . X , , c , t h e l ; i - . 1 ( 1 1 .1 • l . ' l . : ! • " ' '

f . y s t e l l i . f l 1 . e I n . i l l , ' l i l l i e s a i i i ' ' . . . . H I : l . n . 1 . .

1 1 m l s e e n n i l l . v n a I i m i a l I I I . , i . ! ~ . I l . c c . - u r c

11.1 a i h i . l i a i i ' l l i a n . i . , ' i , . - l . - r . - i a i ,

i i ' . . . r . n r o p c e v e r y n c e l , I r . 111 N i v> \

w h i . I l a r e t . l ! . ' 1! ' i n l l l t h . l , ; l \ s l a i d ;

RliLIAUi.K DlliiX,

Standard Proprietary Pre-

Toilet Articles

1 ix-i1*3-

L i 1.!i» III.p. ii,.;

•' t : ' - " I t . - u i i k i - n i . i - i v . i l . .' l H I . ' i l i : . ! M l l l l i l l l , . ' l l i ' l : l i . » . i l

LV, <;B5,IBT;, rr.i:n, &f.

1 . I : I I :HT. ' \ H A I . ! . I ' m m x n .

1' S T U K I T . Kil l) li.VNIC. X.

H| Milliner,, l - i : c > : ' i ' . - • ' i . i F T . i n A l i . l - N ' s l s i ( ; ; 1 C . .

l.l II '•>l . V .1.

• !

A '.at',:,' la

a s s - e l s ( i f I h c I . ' i n k . t h e p 1 . . . .11111 I i a I . i i l l ; . I r ! c l a n t e r n s i i . m i I h e l . ' u s : a m ( i o \ . : n -

o f t i l l - • . t i - c l . l l . i l . l c l " . . l o i d t h e j . ' i l : : ! - : , : ! i v 111' I I I . T h " l a n t e r n s a r c I : , l . c p h ' c e . l a ,

n f t h i 1 !•'* •. ! i j ; . I I ; « . \ c r l i l i ' n l - .1 e i ' i t i ! . i i . : i - I n . - l i ' . v . 1 ^ o l 1 t h e s i v . ' i i l a r . ; c . - l l , ' n s s i a : i i

l i o n n f : . , l f c : ; t l . l l ' . ! s i i i t h e i i l i 1 . - t . . f i l e - v . : : r \ . -.'•< I r . |

p o . s l ! c i s , ' i n ; l I J I J I - h " . - . ' - r . . . u J i ' i i ' H l ," ( . , : • . W . r . ' . i n I J . - a c l i , n ' J . ' n v. a : . c " i : i i i i i ! l e . l i n }

a l l c l i n t h e w - o r l ' l . A n d i : i - l i d . i , ; ; , ! r . , , , , , . . , , „ • , T e r m i n e r a t :- .Yw l l r i i n . - . - i

«ysli 111 a - a i n - t \. h ieh a p . .p i ; lar . . i i c . > ,,.;, .;; i ' ; ; | , . |v ,,[ n m n l c r in t h e s e c o n d d e -

w a s ami is w-ni, I, h i - ; , if . . ; ' . , i , ,1. M . , . , |',,i- 1 1 : ; 1 : , , , ; 1-ii;... 1 K i i ; . , , , . M, n . ly .

l o a n iiiili.'ii.ttii ' i l i n i . l l u r . i i c - . f ),;,., i , l ; . 1 , s( n | , n c . d I., t w e n t y , e a r s mi -

t h e l - r i — . 1 111 1 i f w ! a i l w ,- ;.! ' . • 1 • i ; , , i . \ , , . ' , , , . , . . 1,

liuo.u) STUEKT. HED HANK/Man's and Boys' Cardigan

; Jackets..vnr ,irnsi-:y.

As bury l-'arii.

Clay ten & bpear,COPPER & SKEET-irOii


1 . - . . ' ' : • . . . . . . . . : , ; - . " . i . l , . ' . : .

1 I : I I S - - : I - ! , . r : v . i :• v . ; - 1 I T 1 1 : ' u " . 1 l : s .

. E x t r a l i i ' . i ' I I : - ! s . i i i i e I ' v i 1 1 . ! i F l o w e d .

T i - 1 : . <'..•.

HATS <'//..-.i.\;'.7> A:i> n . r . ' t r n .

I . .U II <' I N ! t i l l • - ! • ] - H I VI | t(


l i n n . Ki-ii i i i .nl . i - . i r . , . ' . . t r . i , i . i . I ' . ' .o 1..ui.

! l . L A X E U l . b 1 U N K .

s'.-.u .\. N! . ! 1.11 II-M, l.'l' I l i a , e,11.Iii. Ml . K e l l y . .l i . : i . i . , . l , ' l i . v i . i t . 11, ' l u i . s I . H . r .

I l a i . 1, 1 i .r^. 1 1 \ , I., lu hii.1 'n .1 ,1 ,11.: l l . l i A . M . . 1.1 Ni \i U ' l k u i , 1 J Itj. 1 r. I . l i , .

j l .v . ', 1 11 s 1,1111; Vi 1! :•;» u j i . i . l i (:,\ a . 1 . ikt. I ' .i . .ii;»u.i..Ailhiiii. ' i a > . f i - 1 -

I l...i. i.1.1. ' i l e l . t i l l .1.',:: I ', v.. 1. 1 1. 11 V i i '.. u a l i . i r .4.11 , . J. 1 1' 11. I ii li ,...'...'.i r . .\... l''i 1 I . l i . ' 1 a 1 iu. i ' l . Koll.r. r i ' i r . ' p i ' l . '

C.-.'l t ' . M . . l"i >.'!..".'.':."'. -. i . ! ' l . i ' i | i i , i . u . i r i i . l l » . i . l i - '

''::. M.-.. '.11:1'.!; .v I.ANK.: , ' 1 • . 1.. . . . • . : '- !... •• ' . : . : . . .. . • l^ . \ . . ' . . . I : . 1 ' . ' I . . 1 - l i . l . I . .11 . (.1 \ ' K U ' l . Wn .MOD-

...: - . l . i ' 1.1.1 i . > . . . ! ; , . l . U . l . lOWli. i r .I. mi A. M.. ll'. ... I., i.f I.r. 1-1 l i .

1 1 , ^ A.:.... II '!.: I 1...: i.i i, I.I;..'luun. Ti nmI,. ' . I' l . l i i . M i e . . \ I t 1; l .il . 1.1 ; t ' ( . . I . .U11.11 'i 1.1 K. 11. [1 U , . i ] i i L i l . A l s o n x m| M . I . , . ! ! . ! . ' l l l l l . l ' .

I ;>l : ' . M. . i!1 1.1 N i " 1 ' . e : k . i,.! l.i .nir K r a n i h .I ' . u i ' . \ . . . l i . 11 l i !l J . i : . M . i . l i , J . .: . . . i i 1 >.., , 1 . in l : i n i a . i n i i . i u n .

i M. s. s>, l.l I N . (,. IIIT.:1 Mt i rac r r .

I. l.b tl NLV> \U.K l.AiL-


I '14 '"-r- Y

X . ' U ' a . - . f . i ( h i - i , i ' , . ; ; f . ; ; t j , | ; . , .. , j ! . ; ? i \ i i i i ' | ,

l i a v c t h i . , l ; ; h l t ; , a l t h e p m l ' . i , v . u v e i m l - ( ^ , , ; U

m o i l s , l . n i 1 r r . u i i M i : , \ . T h . \ I I . I M ' 11..I v , l l l .

.1111.HI 111.'11 . i t a n y 1 i n i t . i n r i . ' l i n i ' T e t h i n • ,, , „ , •

t i l l ' U s l ; i : l r u l e n f J < ;.-; 11 i l i t e l i " ! i l l t i l l :.i V- ' , ] „ . 1

i-s-jil S t a t e s w h e r e t h e l i n i i k - . w e r c l n c . i l ; . 1 . ' h.,\

u n d d u r i n g t h e ! ; ; s t h n i 1 .-a:1- . 111.•-.- l i a ' . c !

o n t h e n i i n l i i n c i l i - . : ; . i l a l a n d : i u [ , ; . : s . '

l l y 11 i v i s c p r i i v i s i n n n f t h e l a w c t . i h l i . - . h - l l i i r , '

i n ^ ; t h e b a n k s . n i ; e l e a t h n l t l .1 1 i ! 1 a , , , -

I ' l c l n - |


Street,A , , , >MK*,rt

S!. . . . n i c a d o v . s l i e , : l i i n a , - e d t n m•( v . ' l t h l l l

m g s , a f t e r ,•.,•,.,, , v i , ! ; ; , !„• e a p d . i l . « ; , , , ; . , , - „ . . , i f , | ; , , „ , . , , , „ „ , , , . h i l „ , ' . „ „ , l l l i r l

q u i r e d U, he set as ide : i , . i l B U r , , l u , f u n d . ;• KMI ,,:„ , „ , „ , „ , j . , , , , . , . i ( s „ , . , . .

AM t h e resu l t nf t h i s , a n d t h e c a r e f u l a n d

l i c . J H ' . s t a . h i i i n i s i r a l i o n n f t l i e s v s l c n i i l i , ; - ' l l l ( ' !MA " ' U ' 1 1 U " " A l l : i - 1 : l l T ; l n ( 1

h i s t h e l i f l ccn v e a r s o f i ts e x i s t ™ , e. t h e V " ' ' ' : ' " ' " " t ; l " " ' I V " ' - ' * : l v ' » " i -> ' :»i ' ' '"»>l

J1OT'cgatc Of the losses s,l',,.,i,,ed t,y the ' " l ™ \ '"T f " ™ f " " ^ <>* " 'J '"" KZ 0 0 U S,

«Bt i r< .people f r o m l l , e , , , e , , . , i , , , , s , , ! 1 ' , „ „ « • ; " ' s ' • : l l l s l - 1 ' " M r ' i ' l ! l " h t " r ''>• l l i l v ' " " l l l T

Atv iiu'.v prt-|Kiri'd In clTt r ii fit!! fi

SeasonableFa-:i a:ci Winior Trr.eSc,

Dry and FancyGoods,

H e a t e ] . a

_ _

v . \ - : i r . ' i \ A T

i:- .v i : . ; i: •-< i K C F


NI'W I l l i l ' i l . 'Ill 1'RKEIinLD.

Tii kits to I'rt'cliold anillii'turn. (jl.CU.

1 T I M F . T A D l - E T . M i l M i i.YYV.i 7 OCTOBER 1, 1878.

• • \W. ( i i , i n . I l .u t ln !•<! of M w J i w y f c rl M

b ;




I AI s.ra iu:,i )i.:ii „. i . . . -tAh ,.. ia.I l.l AM. 1.1111 I S-.IIALU1 Al T.:.S laiil ll.."..l ... I! .. (A'. I'.ll..

I LI:.\W. J.n i I ni,\'..NI Al S.II ... in.. ""-K.ui ..!..• I / - |.. I...

L i l t \.i iM.. l.l.AM. II.,.I I !MDlei' n.'.u l.i.i.i., i i . . ii-. I I T.,'l':a.ii 11. 5 H. ni.. iXO-

.1. I.. i;Al 1'H. Trri'iilrpr..

Smock & White, .; 5>


: Tllc^dnv, wiil i a \e idic ' ,

• thanlialf niilliiiiiH of ilnllar.-i—a stun lc-s than ', '!" 'one four th (lie ani ' iunt lost in ihc failiiie "N<

e ,i , , , ii t i ' , I n r t h c p la .n l .u s . l l i c case w,ll he ap-of tilt1 l i las^inv l iank iiinne, s i i n c v, ccl:s • ' l

silK-'c. A n d . rur thc l ' l lH . re . I. atom I 'r / i ' . ir . •l u i s b c e n lost tii bill-hiililcr:,, w h i l e i i r c \ i - ! A v e r y disiistr.m:-; live t.«.k p!:n S i x -

OUHto lStid. t h o u s a n d s nf d.-lln.'., w e r e : J I i U ' I ! " " - " t v K '••'•'•' ' r - ' !>! ••'' v ' U l " " s -

los tani lu i i l l .v t u h i l l -ho l i le i s I•>• t h e (ai l - j w i t ' k ' " " T u i ' M l a y u i ^ l . t . ' l l i c P r o h W c -

«;-ca«f v i i i ' i in is l i i . ' iks . tn say i i o t h i i i ^ n f '•• I ' ' i t " ' ' ' " i r i ' l i . a n o ld l a n d m a r k , mill of

t h e i i icui iv i ' i i icncc a n d l..s.ini'ca:i 'inL'd h y i " 1 ; : i 1 1 1 : ' ' v - > I r - S l ' a r s i s 11:1«1<"'. w « s t.«»tiil-

H i c r e j e c t i o n o r d i s c o u n t uf l.iils passin' . ; \ l v i l - ' s t rnyci l . t h e l i r e l i i i v i n K c i m K l i t f ro in

f r o m ono Kt i iU ' ' in to a n c l l a r . A f u r t h e r , l i ' 1 " " 1 ' ; ' ' r i t t i n l l u ' l ' ' : lH ' s w l l i l ' h r i l " * "

•avui j t in I'llt-ftwl in t in ' cxi ' l i a i i ; ! ! . 'he- ! " " n i c c.-.lcut i iri iuiid t h e ins ide of t h e mi-

J i s t a n t c i t i w . I ' m l c r t h e (il,l | ' l i l < » i u n i . O n l y t h i ' d a y h e r m c a l i ne new-

;ii]:e iirjTiii, i-rslii'.j; ahinit IVJ.IIOO, had

lii'cn iilaced in till' i-liurc-li, mill this, of

I'liiii-M1, was dcsli'oycil, W'v Imvo mil

regime, rnics o[ rNclimiKf hctivecii fit.

Louis, Cincinnnti.Chicago ninl New York

wore ortlinarily from iini' to one ;;ial a

half iier omt. They arc nuw nl tin. most | ! l l ' : " ' 1 lll;>1 l l ' " n ' W ! 1 B " " . v i"swr.,.in-.

Jess than Mne-ti-nth nf nii.' \xr cent., mnl

•frequently at \r,\r Uml- below- pur. It is

estimated that a saving 1ms been ciTcolcil

by tliis means of from twenty Idiiixty

niijliohs of ilollurs nmiually.

' Tin' Becurity ami Eoliility. niainlniiicil

by tins system ha» also an important

hearing on the ile\ elopinent ortr.nli.' uml

miumfai.'turO6 in towns anil villages. n« it

gives to email depositors nml hill-lidlders

tlie Bftme stirety injnrnl in tins cities, Ije-

COUSB tlic li'otca of small hnuks are just aii

good for their face value'-everywhere as-those oHlio largest;—Moreover the-prolit

derived from the' circulation of bilia.

which ianot iuiportant in citii'Si mulies, possible banking iu the country,. In ourtown, foi exaiti/e,'we enjify jimt .theBfimo lirlvilejjps, in lj.iuking, with the

• largo cities, and are Pavel Ihc iiiniuj :mu-which w&uld vex ur in nc^otintin^ lonin.liin'uii^'cldiiotitH. and luvi-iti'iiK 1:1 im<.\among atrnngcrs in strango cities. liywcaiuof this Nationallianldufj',we liavu


J£r. A. P. Burbank


TICKETS 85 els.Tii lie hnil at UIB Btoiv of ADLEJI &

COLE, imil-at llic ilnnr.'


Rod Bank Ciist Mill,(Slur Hall Itomii:rpct)



JOSEI-II VV. u i l L I ) ,

AD STltKI-yr,

1ST. J".

c]K.n,H.i.J and B i n In Market.




HOSIERY!WCOI.I-'.NS for JU'H'K and Uiiy's Wear.



Choice Groceries.

C a k e , P i e , C r a c k e r ! ™ 1 I:"II!:"K""•wi«"'-"v..i-k:lf=iK-l-u' ' | Joliliin;.; ;i:\iiiii>tly «tt<.'ii<l«l to.

Look? Look!!J. Stout Thompson105 FRONT STRin, BED BANK.,

Fine GroceriesPROVISIONS

in Hie lm\T!i. eusti jirli'os.

Teas, Cofrecs, Spices, Etc.CuiifiTlliuilT)', I'uni mill fivsh. frum Itu1 r«lc-

limtiil•iiiiiiiiiliM.'liinTH III tin- I'IIIIMI Blul.'s.(itIAltS OK ALL 'I'llE FAVUHITK

Tlie !<!»t l,w.(i» (ur tho lraal Itil'liry u

TO LET.Atiinini'Mtiii"ii<iiinriiiui6trii'J,rteiintiii!f, suit-

ublu (or iiuy Vlml ul InisliK'S.-i. Aniilv in• i . " 1IF.NUY CI..VV, •

HJ Dank, >*. J ,



Front Street,iir Jlaplc Avenue. KED DASK.

8 !

Vienna Bread Fresh Every Day.

«T.i)niNiic-AKr.Kvrri irixiNsiTouTNOTirF.

Useful HolidayPresent^.



Reliable FurnitureiOur Own Manufacture.



• • •'•-' . CIIAJIDlrf SUITS.

Parlor, Llbraiy nnd Diniii(f Eooni Fur-niture.

A Ini'Ki-' iiiuortinpnt ot Plain AHII niul" EXA.MW.LEl) Sl'ITS dilillllllc fur C'OUS-



BoUvccn Btli nnii Olh AVCUHL'S,



KOI: ONR oi: TWO uoirsES.




J.W. Mount &Bro.IT.0P1UCT0HS.

Any ilescription <if Rli'ijrli linill to Lirdcr

ut sliorl niitivu tu suit the ttislo of the


Cull und cxaniinu mir f.tuclc.

Locust Timber• OF ALL SIZES AND -I.EHGTES, •



ll^:tlf"W >-'J" '"'I'l lHUil|-rll III- v"» It' ?:!(l

jHi- .;;iv iiuiiti' l>y miy w.rli'ir i.r clC'iir.«'S, I'lulil lu•llii-li-own 1'H'iillilra.'.riirlli'iU'ini

l n l ! worth §."i fri.t!, Inippivft yourblBlllMJ. AlWll'Sd BI1SS0.N SCO.,(

I^fl ' . n i l snnnilii!! wI'llllli li.UU lit ihlK b lBI'orUuiul, .Mutuc.

JOSEPH KAUAT11,MLiimrnclun r nf 1'i-alcr In









KE^K'l1 FOK SALEI ' lf tern mlntite-i c ' T J U I S I lnmcl i , Tim MIHIKIHDI lu i i s i -m Hoi l;iinli. r> iii l imti 's ' w r l k i<r ilu- New,]<<i-si'\ (•-•uir;i! Oi-i'iil; ^Iliuili'.1 on MM1 imtiks*>f IMVI r win' iT iiiiihirlii i M u n k m n m . n ' l thli<:iuitlful slopinj,' l i i w u ; IniL'i! iritntrii . l ^ r n . n i r -rhw-lunize iwi\ sliilihw; sfl!) witter t'UlJliHj,'. f.'«»)ill!-liin» uiitl liutiiliip in rniirt uf tlm pn*miHi's. Apply

r . 1.K1CUTON,n SurliiL'si, Kid Hunk N. J .

T FOR SAKEWIHTC iiiiilnrln Is iiiiKmuvn. The Wwintiii S[irlni:»JIIV|IT1V, UMHiifiilly jiMunti'd NII tin- lu rks of tlieSlin'\Y,;1)i:ry Jtivi r. ji -••iiitli1 fiviu the Nuw .lenii'yCcn I nil !i(>pnti<t Iti'i! Hank; irniiimiltHby mil fminIJUIJ: Hr.iiii l i ; llii'iv nrii HII:II1,V \\H\\:H, nwli*' nrVorJt.liiwiisinr iii;i]ii([, ii lumltii^-pri'i'ii, Mlllnnl \vo\n.nooi! stulillujf tnul diitlnilMliius, htill u'litciMiutlilii^JlsMiifi I'lid .l.ioitlnr. Oti I ho piruiisi's In a trystiilKprln^' t'liilLtlii^ tO,COi) millim* UnJIv, Applv t

(•; IKICiri '

fui tlw I

(3 n ran iiu'lo HKcrv U'l.U v iit Wdrl: fjiv us i* rn r.tBH nivMiIr-i' el'-" ') rpl'nl n<'! ivrpilr* rl r \\v willEl P !'ti it yiiii. Sl'Ji'i'i'dny; 11 orwIMI(W>ity Hit' (ii-

• ' Hi's!iv'iu, >;(iii.v()iin';p.liiy!i!nitli'irlf wnnlidpvfrj'«'Uc.iv tnvror\:(vv tta. i\'nu'Is(l;o (Jino.. VvstiyDUtOt uuii terms free.

' ddrm free.

Addnw Tixvt i Co,, AURIUUI, Maine.



Friniing House,.


(Cvcr Wi rri-H's !-:t;:t:< m ry Eturc),.

Tiki) EAMC, K. J.

linvlrf; jiitf ri'i-.l up Ln ilTre willi r i w irfttrift'!l.un.hl., iil.'v.-' tir.rr our s m k i s to ll.c (ji-lu-rarpul.'.;. in l>loiii]tlv .'Xt'Uitliii; ji'.nln mid tul.i) |iriuUInK In Ur.i-iliisb sij Iii i.ftil ul .n\\ i rii i'8.



NOTE AID I l - IUK Iil-.O\\i A^U ll.'l'i] U i:i MK01E A^D Lt'l 'lUt 1.LAUM.S





cmrri AP*cm i i AFSCII.CL'LAKS,





int lirsi'KCTiiii.v iNviifn TO'.RIY.E IS JI


Front Btroiit, Ued Bank, N: J,