semi-we- my bourbon news. · n gatewood, col'd, whom he lg his chicksns wednesday it which the...

jt U W 1 iTkt son Hi.' El B. !, iT V A ' ' s emi-We- e My Bourbon News. .' Kfe55 anient and Democratic Published from the Happy Side of Life for the Benefit of Those Now Haying Breath in Their Bodies. Price, $2, 00 for One Year, $2,000 for 1,000 Years CASH ! PARIS, BOURBON COUNTY, KENTUCKY: FRIDAY, AUGUST 3. 1883. NO. 150. '"' cut elders. -- - rpBBow will the Court- - F tt :. ... . . ., wiu speaic nffn.nnnn nf Ott boys on trial at Car- - Tioting Dr. Robbins, near Myers' m s now Ifcasks is the Paris Ceme- - 5 L9 to in "vveeds and un" lliS- - i "I Itect to attend sale of Jersey cat-t- m. Thursday the 9th at Fair Gild bring your wives with you. 0 0 0 0 3 o o '5 J 7 iL 3t r h. .i to at at VlT.rkA are UP o od me Thomas preached three one regular discourse, fweeney's absence one week L Asbuky will; speak at norrow at 11 o'clock, G. W. Stanford, at 3 o'clock in the af ter- - ,n He e has fu- ns and ago. the fair and of the Presbyterian is city, will give an excursion to ks, on the 14th inst. See their nt. rs to Missouri Wednes- - with him Alex. ;horse, and a of m sp CQ'! 21(1 speak "Why church returned aking McClin- - fcmlth car-loa- d cattle. emocrat should be at his post Ie. (S. vote for Offutt for Repretenta- - 7edpre State ticket and for amend nolstitution ies, or, time Srow one of the proprietors of the to be here Thursday, was an Gen. Jubal Early and Stone- - u, in lying verbatim copy of a written pnt is up in this city Hotchkiss, 3 aid DAl a Ky. ' ? -- - -- - w ,? r Virginia. - - - stuck : J"OK SALE. Iner Cow & half Calf and ug Cow giving milk aply to y last, Cora, an eleven year old Richard Duncan, living near fell from a swing in Boone's aking her back and causing ntly. Carlisle Mercury'. ,of Major N. H. the tent of the C. & O., died recently of her son-in-la- w J. T. Ellyson, ind. Va where she was itmcnt for an acute disease. undei i- - -- a tic Committee of this Judic- - 3 lfnlnrpd thfi following vote !' .,... lff T 1? "MVrtri x J. I'd. m; aldner t -- - uningham, 1,317, C. H. Breck, of Madison county was not poradic cholera resulting in the jolored man, has taken place m iear the old freight depot of the i. Dr, Bennett says that a gorge .vas the cause of it, and that :son to suppose that it will be- - 1 'c. -- - - i shot and perhaps fatally n Gatewood, col'd, whom he lg his chicksns Wednesday it which the thief left showed charge of over 100 shot struck ie left car. A sack containing as was also captured. "id will sell round trip tickets Till Camp meeting now going the 13th inst. at very reduced J v trains will be run on August ,. l 12th, leaving Lexington at p. august 7th and 8th Rev. T. 4;e, the eminent divine of New .Each. introduced the color-bear- er battle-fla- g of Zeke Clay's old 3 absence of the flag-sta- ff was ie statement that a lady in IPFThad baen left, rather than IV ro ennori rtf T?ei1rnlK. broke i!tHeix oincerK iiuau uuu. uu 'iexington Observer. ier reporter on the Presidential assed through Lexington.Tues- - slandered Col. Craddock by lm as "an excursion fiend who own to miss a trip or spend a here's that dollar he gave Press ne bus agent, for making six line to the Licks this sum- - --4A- )AY, foreman on the farm for ut the little finger of bis left ly off Tuesday afternoon, while rass from a choked-u- p mowing r. Munday also had the fore sight hand crushed with amin- - le sergeant-majo- r in iub uw rlgade, at the battle of Gettys- - - o c held his first and prob- - "i.irict Court here Wednesday, Ptt aeputy snerin rruu. aim- - .jnfor Abram Barton, of Mil-i- s of unsound mind. Yester- - rmstrong made an inventory of id will sell off the personal - early day, and at the next will procure an order for the il estate. . d for Confederate bonds is ex-cab- le dispatch received from hrin it is alleged that a syndicate "Tre buy ing them up in order to witli tne expectation luai iub ates will at some time or otber nay them. The plan for coerc- - s to defeat the attempt oi any lie to obtain credit i Europe ipndsiare in some way provided ery pretty scheme provided it superintendent of the Bell Jnpany in Kentucky, created Irf nun uiuuug LucouusciLuciaiu .rt Wonnocnoir riAmnnrl- - JUJU II vuuvouiij, KMJT UGXUUUU- .- t Oyalty of niteen cents per mes- - ?ages sent between here and Edition to the dollar a week f ltract during xne year wnicn first. The subscribers kicked, to the extortionate de- - ighteen our oi twenty-tw- o ox nts were at once removea irom liouses. MILtiEKSBTJUG. Rev. G. C. Newton preached at Independ- ence Sunday. The Rev. Mr. Moore will compliment his old. congregation hero Sunday with a sar-mo- n. It is rumored that Jas. Roberts is negotia- ting for the lease of the Purnell House from J. J. Long. Royse Allen is buying a car load of Short- horns and grade cattle for a Texas man now at the Licks. The Misses Wadell, Mrs. Belle Taylor and several others will camp at the Parks Hill Camp-meetin- g, What has Millersburg done that she can't get a circus ? We'll promise an audience of 2,000 to the first one that comes. "Uncle" John A. Miller has charge of Jas. Conway's new beef shop, and would be pleas- ed to have his old friends pay him a call. Joseph McClelland sold Wednesday, 28 two-year-o- ld mules 1(5 hands high the ttnest in the county, to Ashurst & Leonard, of New Orleans, a170 per head. Mrs. Prof. J. R. Day and daughter Miss Lizzie Willmore," calculate to make a visit to Rev. Howard Henderson and Mrs. E. Nunn, in Jersey City, in a few days. One of our good citizens remarked Mon- day, that it kept our citizens busy in patch ing up the characters of our distinguished men, and that the task is becoming irk- some. Amos Jameson, magistrate and Turnpike Commissioner, and a very liberal Republi- can, says that he is for the election of John G. Carlisle for Speaker, Senator and Presi- dent of the United States. The Rev. James M. Bent has acknowledged to his friends here that he made a great mis- take (for his own good) in his rude and un- civil treatment to the News editor, and is heartily sore of his conduct. Mrs. Jane S. Mcintosh, Louisville, says; "My daughter has been an invalid for years, and Brown's Iron Bitters has afforded her re lief." 0 scinthlxatioxs. Kelley Brent returned from a trip to St. Louis, yesterday. Jno. B. Miller and wife arc in on a month's visit from Washington. Hon. J. Proctor Knott once taught schooi, and his father was a shoemaker. Mayor Purnell went over to Crab Orchard yesterday evening, on law business. Oscar Taylor arrived home from Cum- berland Falls last night chuck full of fish- ing stories. Mrs. Capt. Ed. Taylor and children have taken board at the Bourbon House, to spend the heated term. A New Jersey lady waded out and pulled in her husband, who was drowning. As usual, she grabbed him by the hair. Mrs. Jennie Marshall and Mrs. Katie Kim-mic- h, of Indianapolis, lnd., are here on a visit to their mother, Mrs. M. E. Williams. Mrs. Hattie Hill, Mrs. Henry, Misses Lizzie and iaura Hickman and Thos. Owens left Wednesday evening, for a trip to Port- land, Maine. Miss Tommie Stitt, of Flemingyburg,vili sail far Europe early in September, to com- plete her studies in German and finish her musical education. Johnnie Armstrong, formerly of Carlisle, but now with Otis W. Snyder, of Lexington, was married last weekin-Abeideen,- to Mis Emma Hall, of Lexington. A white man and a black one playing cards behind e fence within throe fee. of Shawhan's Station, was one of the encour- aging sights that the eyes of the News fell on Friday evening as the train rushed by coming South. Judge B. F. Buckner was given an ele- gant dinner at the Phoenix hotel, at Lexing- ton, Tuesday night, through compliment of one hundred citizens of that city. None perhaps in the history of the State, ever fill- ed a judicial bench with more honors than Judge Buckner. It is not generally known that the mar- riage of Harrison Stoker to Mrs. Wm. Hen- dricks on Sunday, took place with the bride and groom sitting in a buggy in front of Judge Turney's house, but it is true. Sam James, our deputy Jailor, held the horae while Judge Turney tied the knot. The following persons were in the rail- road disaster at Carlydon. N. Y., the other day and escaped unhurt, while there were so many around them killed and wounded : Mrs. Rutherford and mother, Mrs. W. E, Simms and two children, of this city; Miss Bullock, of Lexington, and Miss Craft, of Mississippi, were also with the little party of Kentuckians. This was our James McCarney, late clerk of the Bourbon House, and his brother Joe and wife, of whom the Richmond Herald pathetically speaks : "Among many incidonts that occurred at the late re-uni- on of Morgan's cavalry at Lexington, the following is interesting: When Gov. McCreary completed his speech and came down from the platform a lady and gentleman approached him with visible emotion, and told him of the death of their hmthor. .Tnmps McCarnev. which occurred I only a few days before the reunion, and of his request, xnai. a ii luu ximu uuuuiu uo to its owner, Col. McCreary. The Bi- ble was presented to him during the war by Dr. Handy, an eminent Virginia minister, and Gov. McCreary carried it in his breast pocket in prison and in the army, but in the rapid rides and hard service in Virginia just before the close of the war he lost it in some unaccountable way, but his name and other writings showed to whom it belonged. After eighteen years this little worn and faded companion is restored to him, and he says lie will always be grateful to those whoso kindly preseved it and retured it to him." Our citizens are now having a good time in studying the effects of the new time-tabl- e of the K. C. railroad. It will be seen that two afternoon trams nave oeen luswuuu-ue- d the 3:10 train from Lexington and the train from Covington which passed here at 5:15. The morning train from Covington goes through to Richmond, and clpse con-nectf- on is made at this point over the branch road to Lexington. The evening trains from Richmond, Lexington and Maysville all ar- rive here at 3:15. The evening train from Covington arrives here at 6:15, connecting with trains to Stanford Junction, Lexing- ton and Maysville. Circus Boyal. te?cS?? S2&. The :day was clear iSK pie iromiufuir ---- ---- f tSe dlrauB more a cheerful ook under the Sal rays of the sun, than they did at Oil City on Saturday, their sixteenth of rain and misfortune. The perform- ance delighted the Franklinitcs, and the canvas was filled both afternoon and night to overflowing. To-da- y they show at Mead-viH- e and will meet with big success as they deserve.-Fran- klin Cor. Oil City Derrick, May 10. ' . t The Big Show on the Otli. Nathans & Co's Eight Great Consolidated Shows are to appear at PARIS, on Thursday August 9th, and the good people of Bourbon County are awaiting in eager expectancy its long anticipated coming. This celebrated organization has undoubt- edly struck the key-not- e to popular favor and are every where reaping a rich harvest of golden sheaves. nTi,a ne thrnnchout the entire route over which they have travelled this season speak in the highest terms of the many superior features of their attractive exhibition, and their receipts are reported to have been phe- nomenally large wherever they have exhib- ited. THE mail from Louisville arrives in Lex- ington every day at 11:30, yet, .through the meanness of theimail agents, it cannot ar- rive here on the 4:15 train, but has to be held oyer in Lexington-uuti- l next day. WAIT, - 1 WW an m E3 DHIEST a3iaC3l ft3t WAIT, . WAIT AND HISTAEE I THIS SPEAKS OF THE ONLY BIG SHOW COMING TO SEASON UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL ITS DATES BE CHANGED. IS THE TIME FIXED FOR THE COMING OF THE GREAT SHOW TO PA? IS, AND IT WILL EXHIBIT ON THAT ONE DAY ONLY. f0 gOO, JOH August 10th f0 I$T, f0 N O'BRIEN'S SIX BIG SHOWS ALL COMBINED FOR THIS SEASON ONLY, With HAWDENBERG & CO.'S 'ROYAL CIRCUS, ASTLEY'S GREAT LONDON MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE, 20 times greater tnan ever. ""- - i iHTMTI flH i I1 'iTfr iiiTFliTXT I Wii fOiTWB iipti HiifrMfii A Combination of 6 first-clas- s shows in one. Three great Monster Railroad Trains ! $2,000,000 actually Invested! Six Acres of AVater-proo- f Canvass! 20 times bigger than an Show ever exhibited here before! 1,000 MEN, HORSES AND ANIMALS ! More new and novel features than any 12 ordinary shows trav- eling. GIANT ELEPHANT EMPRES, costing $30,000. 7g7-T- T A.T YOU "VSTXXjXj SS13E3. The onlv groupe of Zulus. The only band of Cabin Singers. The old blood-sweati- ng hippopotamus. The Jonly six groat Clowns. The onlv baby Lions six weeks old. The troupe of Japanese. The $50,000 ArcticJAquarium of Sea Lions. The Largest Performing Elephants in the World. The only Black Hairy Rhinoceros. The only Stud oCS20,000 Trick Stallions. The onlv six great military Bands. The onlv Great Street parade ever seen here, THE GIANT SHOW OF THUi WORLT. THIS IS THE BIG SHOW YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR.: Don't confound us with any of the small concerns that are prowling around here. WE ARE THE ACKHOWLEDGED BIG SHOW; Just added the only Egyptian Bovalopus ever' exhibited. THE CIRCUS embraces more Equestrians, more Yalters, more Gymnasts, more Clowns, MORE SPECIALTIES THAN ANY SHOW IN AMERICA. nd now a few words to the people of PARIS and vicinity. You all know the show. It has always been known as the BIG SHOW. It is now Bigger and Better than ever. The Pictorial Bills of the O'BRIEN Six Big Shows are correct repre- sentations of the wonderful features which can be witnessed in the Circus and Menagerie. THE GREATEST OF ALL SHOWS. NO EXCEPTIONS.- - 1 Ml SMT PM IS 21 i BEIT 9 L0XG$f. mUTIl ui BRILLIANT. rvu.n n i vinnt.inn wit.h !inv ofchftr shows. The time is fixed The O'Brien's Biff Show never chances or postpones, and his show is too big to need a combination with any other. Two Thousand Reserved Cushioned Chairs at but a slight advance. ADMISSION, 50 cents. Children under nine years old, 25 cents. Arrangements liave been perfected for reduced rates on all Railroads. Will also exhibit at Carlisle, August 8th; Maysville, August 9th; Win chester, August 13th, and Lexington, August ltn. REMEMBER OUR DATE IS PARIS, AUGUST 10th, 1883. JOHN J, IM, Prop'r, JOUR J, LOIC, M DTTDnrn urnicr MILLERSBURG, KY. Rates, Two Bollars Per Da, Nice Sample Rooms for Commercial men Livery and Sale Stable Connected FIRE IHSUEAICE I ' 7 AGENT FO- R- LARGEST COMPANIES IN TEE WORLD J QT bosses Promptly Paid, JS Rates as Low as The Lowest. "BLUE GRASS ROUTE1' KY. CENTRAL ROAD. Is the shortest and quickest ronfc to MISSOURI, KANSAS and TEXAS. Tickets to all points Ncrfch, East and West. Time Card in July 29th, 'SS: TRAINS SOUTH. Lve Covington 8:00 am Lve Falmouth 9:35 am Lve Cynthlana 10:40 am Arr Paris 11:15 am Arr Winchester 12:10 pm Lve Winchester 12:25 pm Lve Richmond 1:40 pm Lve Lancaster Arr Stanford June TRAINS NORTH. Lve Stanford June 4:45 am Lve Lancaster : . 5:10 am Lve Richmond 0:30 am Arr Winchester . . . . 7:33 am Le Winchester 7:33 am Arr Paris 8 3) am LvePaitfH a:.j0um LveCyntiuua, V:u5m Lve Falmouth 1 i:U4 am ArrUoviugLon ... . . jl:i5am MAYSVILLE LEXINGTON DIVISION TKATN-- S SOU'lUr. Lve Maysville U:i0 am Lve v artlsie 7:-S- am Live .MillersbnrK 7:otLiuu Lve Paris Arr Lexington TRAINS XOKTII. Lve Lexington G:0U am Lve Paris Lvo Milleriibun Lve Carlisle . Arr VayHvjile LEXINGTpX Lve Paris Arr Lexington . . Lve liexlagton Arr Paris . . . 8:3) mW l).:l)(im U:5u am 7:15 am 7::J5 am P:o0 am ACCOMMODATION. am 8 3v am f 7 BAIL Effect 8:60 pm 4:35 p 5:40 pm 6:15 pm 7:15 pm :30 pm 8:40 pm 10:08 pm 10:35 pm 1:00 pm 2:05 ri 2:2L' pm 3:15 pm :,:'. , ru m 4:. 5 pm o:3u j,m A: 2:4su.piiu, 1 l:i m. m. 11:30 am I 12:05 pm J 0 1:00 pm 8:15 pm' 4'M pm 55 pm 0:15 pm U10 7:U) b':3J 2:25 : m 3:15 pm SUNDAY TRAINS Arrive at Paris going Northward at 8:15 pm, arriving at Covington at 6:30 pm. Trains going Southward leaves Coylngten at 8:0!) pm, arriving nt 0:13 pm. Specif Kates to EUUGKAXT. K5For tickots, rates and information ier-taini- ng to time, connections, &c, call on wr address JOHN STUABT, Aoekt, Pakis, Kv. G.W. BBXDEli, aupt. 8:52.,. C. L. Bkown, G. P. & F. A, JAMES HcARDLE, mm tailor. Grand Opera Build'g, CINCINNATI, O. LAMAR HOUSE, (GREEN CHEATHAM, Fbop'b.) CARLISLE, KY. One Square from Railroad Depot KM Baggage transferred to and fro, free $ charge! LIVERY STABILE ATTACHE nov!4y Walnut and Cherry Logs. Will pay cash for logs ten, twelve and and fourteen feet long. Must be straight and clear of bad defects, and not leas than eighteen inches in diameter. apr.6-8- m J. M. THOMAS, , DR. YAHSAHT. Bbo4Jdway, Paris Ky, CS toSA.M, Office Hours 1 1 " 4 P. M, t7"8P.M. PHARES T. TKROOP, CARLISLE, - - KY.u -- . Office over B. F. Adair's grocery r novltfy " IMPERFECT IN ORIGINAL! &

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Page 1: semi-We- My Bourbon News. · n Gatewood, col'd, whom he lg his chicksns Wednesday it which the thief left showed charge of over 100 shotstruck ie left car. A sack containing as was











' ' semi-We- e My Bourbon News..'

Kfe55anient and Democratic Published from the Happy Side of Life for the Benefit of Those Now Haying Breath in Their Bodies. Price, $2, 00 for One Year, $2,000 for 1,000 Years CASH !


cut elders.-- -

rpBBow will the Court- -

F tt :. ... . . .,wiu speaicnffn.nnnn nf

Ott boys on trial at Car- -

Tioting Dr. Robbins, near Myers'm



Ifcasks is the Paris Ceme- -

5 L9 to in "vveeds and un"

lliS- -i "I Itect to attend sale of Jersey cat-t- m.

Thursday the 9th at FairGild bring your wives with you.


















Thomas preached threeone regular discourse,

fweeney's absence one week

L Asbuky will; speak atnorrow at 11 o'clock, G. W.

Stanford, at 3 o'clock in the af ter--




has fu-

ns andago.

the fairand

of the Presbyterianis city, will give an excursion toks, on the 14th inst. See theirnt.

rs to Missouri Wednes--

with him Alex.;horse, and a of








returnedaking McClin- -

fcmlth car-loa- d


emocrat should be at his post



vote for Offutt for Repretenta--

7edpre State ticket and for amendnolstitution





one of the proprietors of theto be here Thursday, was anGen. Jubal Early and Stone- -

u, in

lying verbatim copy of a writtenpnt is up in this city









-- -

-- -







stuck :

J"OK SALE.Iner Cow & half Calf andug Cow giving milk aply to

y last, Cora, an eleven year oldRichard Duncan, living nearfell from a swing in Boone's

aking her back and causingntly. Carlisle Mercury'.

,of Major N. H. thetent of the C. & O., died recently

of her son-in-la- w J. T. Ellyson,ind. Va where she wasitmcnt for an acute disease.


i-- --a tic Committee of this Judic--3 lfnlnrpd thfi following vote!' .,... lff T 1? "MVrtri







-- -

uningham, 1,317, C. H. Breck,of Madison county was not

poradic cholera resulting in thejolored man, has taken place miear the old freight depot of thei. Dr, Bennett says that a gorge.vas the cause of it, and that:son to suppose that it will be- -


'c.-- -

-i shot and perhaps fatallyn Gatewood, col'd, whom he

lg his chicksns Wednesdayit which the thief left showedcharge of over 100 shot struck

ie left car. A sack containingas was also captured.

"id will sell round trip ticketsTill Camp meeting now going

the 13th inst. at very reduced J

v trains will be run on August,. l 12th, leaving Lexington atp. august 7th and 8th Rev. T.

4;e, the eminent divine of New.Each.

introduced the color-bear-er

battle-fla- g of Zeke Clay's old3 absence of the flag-sta- ff wasie statement that a lady in

IPFThad baen left, rather thanIV ro ennori rtf T?ei1rnlK. brokei!tHeix oincerK iiuau uuu. uu'iexington Observer.

ier reporter on the Presidentialassed through Lexington.Tues- -

slandered Col. Craddock bylm as "an excursion fiend whoown to miss a trip or spend a

here's that dollar he gave Pressne bus agent, for making six

line to the Licks this sum--


)AY, foreman on the farm forut the little finger of bis left

ly off Tuesday afternoon, whilerass from a choked-u- p mowingr. Munday also had the foresight hand crushed with amin--

le sergeant-majo- r in iub uwrlgade, at the battle of Gettys- -




held his first and prob- -

"i.irict Court here Wednesday,Ptt aeputy snerin rruu. aim- -

.jnfor Abram Barton, of Mil-i- s

of unsound mind. Yester- -

rmstrong made an inventory ofid will sell off the personal

- early day, and at the nextwill procure an order for the

il estate..

d for Confederate bonds is ex-cab- le

dispatch received fromhrin it is alleged that a syndicate

"Tre buy ing them up in order towitli tne expectation luai iubates will at some time or otbernay them. The plan for coerc- -

s to defeat the attempt oi anylie to obtain credit i Europeipndsiare in some way providedery pretty scheme provided it

superintendent of the BellJnpany in Kentucky, created

Irf nun uiuuug LucouusciLuciaiu.rt Wonnocnoir riAmnnrl- -JUJU II vuuvouiij, KMJT UGXUUUU- .-

t Oyalty of niteen cents per mes- -

?ages sent between here andEdition to the dollar a week

f ltract during xne year wnicnfirst. The subscribers kicked,

to the extortionate de--

ighteen our oi twenty-tw- o ox

nts were at once removea iromliouses.

MILtiEKSBTJUG.Rev. G. C. Newton preached at Independ-

ence Sunday.The Rev. Mr. Moore will compliment his

old. congregation hero Sunday with a sar-mo- n.

It is rumored that Jas. Roberts is negotia-ting for the lease of the Purnell House fromJ. J. Long.Royse Allen is buying a car load of Short-horns and grade cattle for a Texas man nowat the Licks.The Misses Wadell, Mrs. Belle Taylor andseveral others will camp at the Parks Hill

Camp-meetin- g,

What has Millersburg done that she can'tget a circus ? We'll promise an audience of2,000 to the first one that comes.

"Uncle" John A. Miller has charge of Jas.Conway's new beef shop, and would be pleas-ed to have his old friends pay him a call.

Joseph McClelland sold Wednesday, 28two-year-o- ld mules 1(5 hands high the ttnestin the county, to Ashurst & Leonard, of NewOrleans, a170 per head.

Mrs. Prof. J. R. Day and daughter MissLizzie Willmore," calculate to make a visitto Rev. Howard Henderson and Mrs. E.Nunn, in Jersey City, in a few days.

One of our good citizens remarked Mon-day, that it kept our citizens busy in patching up the characters of our distinguishedmen, and that the task is becoming irk-some.

Amos Jameson, magistrate and TurnpikeCommissioner, and a very liberal Republi-can, says that he is for the election of JohnG. Carlisle for Speaker, Senator and Presi-dent of the United States.

The Rev. James M. Bent has acknowledgedto his friends here that he made a great mis-take (for his own good) in his rude and un-civil treatment to the News editor, and isheartily sore of his conduct.

Mrs. Jane S. Mcintosh, Louisville, says;"My daughter has been an invalid for years,and Brown's Iron Bitters has afforded her relief."


scinthlxatioxs.Kelley Brent returned from a trip to St.

Louis, yesterday.Jno. B. Miller and wife arc in on a

month's visit from Washington.Hon. J. Proctor Knott once taught schooi,

and his father was a shoemaker.Mayor Purnell went over to Crab Orchard

yesterday evening, on law business.Oscar Taylor arrived home from Cum-

berland Falls last night chuck full of fish-ing stories.

Mrs. Capt. Ed. Taylor and children havetaken board at the Bourbon House, to spendthe heated term.

A New Jersey lady waded out and pulledin her husband, who was drowning. Asusual, she grabbed him by the hair.

Mrs. Jennie Marshall and Mrs. Katie Kim-mic- h,

of Indianapolis, lnd., are here on avisit to their mother, Mrs. M. E. Williams.

Mrs. Hattie Hill, Mrs. Henry, MissesLizzie and iaura Hickman and Thos. Owensleft Wednesday evening, for a trip to Port-land, Maine.

Miss Tommie Stitt, of Flemingyburg,vilisail far Europe early in September, to com-plete her studies in German and finish hermusical education.

Johnnie Armstrong, formerly of Carlisle,but now with Otis W. Snyder, of Lexington,was married last weekin-Abeideen,- to MisEmma Hall, of Lexington.

A white man and a black one playingcards behind e fence within throe fee.of Shawhan's Station, was one of the encour-aging sights that the eyes of the News fellon Friday evening as the train rushed bycoming South.

Judge B. F. Buckner was given an ele-gant dinner at the Phoenix hotel, at Lexing-ton, Tuesday night, through compliment ofone hundred citizens of that city. Noneperhaps in the history of the State, ever fill-ed a judicial bench with more honors thanJudge Buckner.

It is not generally known that the mar-riage of Harrison Stoker to Mrs. Wm. Hen-dricks on Sunday, took place with the brideand groom sitting in a buggy in front ofJudge Turney's house, but it is true. SamJames, our deputy Jailor, held the horaewhile Judge Turney tied the knot.

The following persons were in the rail-road disaster at Carlydon. N. Y., the otherday and escaped unhurt, while there wereso many around them killed and wounded :

Mrs. Rutherford and mother, Mrs. W. E,Simms and two children, of this city; MissBullock, of Lexington, and Miss Craft, ofMississippi, were also with the little partyof Kentuckians.

This was our James McCarney, late clerkof the Bourbon House, and his brother Joeand wife, of whom the Richmond Heraldpathetically speaks :

"Among many incidonts that occurred atthe late re-uni- on of Morgan's cavalry atLexington, the following is interesting:When Gov. McCreary completed his speechand came down from the platform a ladyand gentleman approached him with visibleemotion, and told him of the death of theirhmthor. .Tnmps McCarnev. which occurred

I only a few days before the reunion, and ofhis request, xnai. a ii luu ximu uuuuiu uo

to its owner, Col. McCreary. The Bi-

ble was presented to him during the war byDr. Handy, an eminent Virginia minister,and Gov. McCreary carried it in his breastpocket in prison and in the army, but in therapid rides and hard service in Virginia justbefore the close of the war he lost it in someunaccountable way, but his name and otherwritings showed to whom it belonged. Aftereighteen years this little worn and fadedcompanion is restored to him, and he sayslie will always be grateful to those whosokindly preseved it and retured it to him."

Our citizens are now having a good timein studying the effects of the new time-tabl- e

of the K. C. railroad. It will be seen thattwo afternoon trams nave oeen luswuuu-ue- d

the 3:10 train from Lexington and thetrain from Covington which passed here at5:15. The morning train from Covingtongoes through to Richmond, and clpse con-nectf- on

is made at this point over the branchroad to Lexington. The evening trains fromRichmond, Lexington and Maysville all ar-

rive here at 3:15. The evening train fromCovington arrives here at 6:15, connectingwith trains to Stanford Junction, Lexing-ton and Maysville.

Circus Boyal.

te?cS??S2&. The:day was cleariSKpie iromiufuir ---- ----

ftSe dlrauB more a cheerful ookunder the Sal rays of the sun, than theydid at Oil City on Saturday, their sixteenth

of rain and misfortune. The perform-ance delighted the Franklinitcs, and thecanvas was filled both afternoon and nightto overflowing. To-da- y they show at Mead-viH- e

and will meet with big success as theydeserve.-Fran- klin Cor. Oil City Derrick,May 10.

' . tThe Big Show on the Otli.

Nathans & Co's Eight Great ConsolidatedShows are to appear at PARIS, on ThursdayAugust 9th, and the good people of BourbonCounty are awaiting in eager expectancy itslong anticipated coming.

This celebrated organization has undoubt-edly struck the key-not- e to popular favorand are everywhere reaping a rich harvestof golden sheaves.nTi,a ne thrnnchout the entire route overwhich they have travelled this season speakin the highest terms of the many superiorfeatures of their attractive exhibition, andtheir receipts are reported to have been phe-nomenally large wherever they have exhib-ited.

THE mail from Louisville arrives in Lex-ington every day at 11:30, yet, .through themeanness of theimail agents, it cannot ar-

rive here on the 4:15 train, but has to be heldoyer in Lexington-uuti- l next day.

WAIT,- 1 WWan mE3 DHIEST a3iaC3l ft3t





f0 gOO,


August 10th

f0 I$T, f0



greater tnan ever.

""- -

i iHTMTI flH iI1 'iTfr iiiTFliTXT I Wii fOiTWB iipti HiifrMfii

A Combination of 6 first-clas- s shows in one. Three great Monster Railroad Trains ! $2,000,000 actuallyInvested! Six Acres of AVater-proo- f Canvass! 20 times bigger than an Show ever exhibited here before!1,000 MEN, HORSES AND ANIMALS ! More new and novel features than any 12 ordinary shows trav-

eling. GIANT ELEPHANT EMPRES, costing $30,000.

7g7-T- T A.T YOU "VSTXXjXj SS13E3.

The onlv groupe of Zulus. The only band of Cabin Singers. The old blood-sweati- ng hippopotamus. TheJonly six groatClowns. The onlv baby Lions six weeks old. The troupe of Japanese. The $50,000 ArcticJAquarium of Sea Lions. TheLargest Performing Elephants in the World. The only Black Hairy Rhinoceros. The only Stud oCS20,000 Trick Stallions.The onlv six great military Bands. The onlv Great Street parade ever seen here, THE GIANT SHOW OF THUiWORLT.


Don't confound us with any of the small concerns that are prowlingaround here.


Just added the only Egyptian Bovalopus ever' exhibited. THE CIRCUS embraces more Equestrians, more Yalters, moreGymnasts, more Clowns, MORE SPECIALTIES THAN ANY SHOW IN AMERICA.

nd now a few words to the people of PARIS and vicinity. You all know the show. It has always been known as theBIG SHOW. It is now Bigger and Better than ever. The Pictorial Bills of the O'BRIEN Six Big Shows are correct repre-

sentations of the wonderful features which can be witnessed in the Circus and Menagerie.


1 Ml SMT PM IS 21i BEIT9



rvu.n n i vinnt.inn wit.h !inv ofchftr shows. The time is fixed The O'Brien's Biff Show

never chances or postpones, and his show is too big to need a combination with any other. Two Thousand

Reserved Cushioned Chairs at but a slight advance. ADMISSION, 50 cents. Children under nine years

old, 25 cents.

Arrangements liave been perfected for reduced rates on all Railroads.

Will also exhibit at Carlisle, August 8th; Maysville, August 9th; Winchester, August 13th, and Lexington, August ltn.




Rates, Two Bollars Per Da,Nice Sample Rooms for Commercial men

Livery and Sale Stable Connected





QT bosses Promptly Paid,

JS Rates as Low as The Lowest.



Is the shortest and quickest ronfcto MISSOURI, KANSAS and

TEXAS. Tickets to allpoints Ncrfch, East

and West.

Time Card in July 29th, 'SS:TRAINS SOUTH.

Lve Covington 8:00 amLve Falmouth 9:35 amLve Cynthlana 10:40 amArr Paris 11:15 amArr Winchester 12:10 pmLve Winchester 12:25 pmLve Richmond 1:40 pmLve LancasterArr Stanford June

TRAINS NORTH.Lve Stanford June 4:45 amLve Lancaster : . 5:10 amLve Richmond 0:30 amArr Winchester . . . . 7:33 amLe Winchester 7:33 amArr Paris 8 3) amLvePaitfH a:.j0umLveCyntiuua, V:u5mLve Falmouth 1 i:U4 amArrUoviugLon ... . . jl:i5amMAYSVILLE LEXINGTON DIVISION

TKATN-- S SOU'lUr.Lve Maysville U:i0 amLve v artlsie 7:-S- amLive .MillersbnrK 7:otLiuuLve ParisArr Lexington

TRAINS XOKTII.Lve Lexington G:0U amLve ParisLvo MilleriibunLve Carlisle .

Arr VayHvjile

LEXINGTpXLve ParisArr Lexington . .

Lve liexlagtonArr Paris . . .

8:3) mWl).:l)(im

U:5u am7:15 am7::J5 amP:o0 am


am8 3v am





8:60 pm4:35 p5:40 pm6:15 pm7:15 pm

:30 pm8:40 pm

10:08 pm10:35 pm

1:00 pm2:05 ri2:2L' pm3:15 pm:,:'. , ru

m4:. 5 pmo:3u j,m



1 l:im.m.

11:30 am I

12:05 pm J


1:00 pm

8:15 pm'4'M pm

55 pm0:15 pmU107:U)b':3J

2:25 : m3:15 pm

SUNDAY TRAINSArrive at Paris going Northward at 8:15 pm,arriving at Covington at 6:30 pm.

Trains going Southward leaves Coylngtenat 8:0!) pm, arriving nt 0:13 pm.

Specif Kates to EUUGKAXT.K5For tickots, rates and information ier-taini- ng

to time, connections, &c, call on wraddress JOHN STUABT, Aoekt,

Pakis, Kv.G.W. BBXDEli,



C. L. Bkown,G. P. & F. A,


mm tailor.

Grand Opera Build'g,




One Square from Railroad Depot KM

Baggage transferred to and fro, free $charge!


Walnut and Cherry Logs.

Will pay cash for logs ten, twelve andand fourteen feet long. Must be straightand clear of bad defects, and not leas thaneighteen inches in diameter.

apr.6-8- m J. M. THOMAS,


DR. YAHSAHT.Bbo4Jdway, Paris Ky,

CS toSA.M,Office Hours 1 1 " 4 P. M,



CARLISLE, - - KY.u-- .

Office over B. F. Adair's groceryrnovltfy "