shipping mobile applications using qt for symbian

Company Confidential 1 Shipping mobile applications using Qt for Symbian Espen Riskedal Teamlead - Qt for Symbian

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Post on 29-Aug-2014




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Presentation by Espen Riskedal held during Bossa Conference 2010 in Manaus. Read more at


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Shipping mobile applications usingQt for Symbian

Espen Riskedal

Teamlead - Qt for Symbian

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• Developing applications using Qt Creator• Building and deploying to your phone• Signing the application with Symbian Signed• Getting it on the OVI store and more

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About me

• Trolltech since 2002• Qt developer (Linux mostly)• Qt release manager (3.1.x – 4.1.x)• Teamlead Qt for Windows CE

• Teamlead Qt for Symbian

• Enjoyed the pool yesterday

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Who is Qt and what is he doing on my mobile phone?

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Who is Symbian and what is he doing on my mobile phone?

• Symbian smartphone market share• APAC 80%• EMEA 60%• Latin America with 40%• US nothing :D• Canalys Smart Phone Analysis, 2008

and Q109 shipment estimates.• Yes it's «old» numbers but I couldn't

be bothered to google more

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Installing Qt

• Install needed tools for normal S60/Symbian development

• Install Qt SDK for Windows• Includes Qt Creator

• Includes Qt for Windows

• Install Qt for Symbian

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Developing with Qt Creator

• <do simple app dev in Creator>

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Compiling for your phone

• Setup the S60/Symbian SDK (if not auto-detected)• Change the Default Qt version

• or

• Add another build configuration

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Deploying to your phone: CMD

• Open Qt for Symbian Command Prompt

• set QT_SIS_OPTIONS=-i• make sis

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Deploying to your phone: IDE

• Enter Projects Mode in Qt Creator:

•Experimental•USB only•App TRK needed

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Debugging on your phone

• Use Carbide• or

• Wait for Qt office in Berlin to fix it in Qt Creator :D

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• Stolen from examples/widgets/tetrix• Massaged it to fit a smaller screen• Added a some simple gesture hacks

• Coming versions of Symbian will have multitouch and Qt already supports this

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BossaTetrix: Gesture hack

void TetrixBoard::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { QPoint movement = event->pos() - mousePressedPosition;

int length = movement.manhattanLength();

int angle = atan2(qreal(movement.y()),qreal(movement.x()))*180/PI;

... show in Qt Creator ...

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BossaTetrix: In action

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The Symbian security model

• Capabilities• Encoded in the .dll or .exe• Around 20 of them• A calling .dll or .exe must have the same or less capabilities

• Certificates• Digital pair of a key and a certificate that can sign a .sis file• Examples: Self-signed, RnD Signed, Symbian Signed, Nokia Signed

• Phone• Has a mapping between certificates and capabilites• Self-signed usually only grants 5 capabilites• Symbian Signed can grant many more across all Symbian devices

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Express Signed: Why bother?

• The good• Less prompts• Proves the software is genuine• Grants more capabilites• Works on all Symbian devices

• The bad• Costs money• Hard to automate

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Express Signed: Set the UID3

• Sign up at• Free

• Reserve a UID for your application (0x2... protected range)• Free

• Edit your .pro file to use it• symbian: TARGET.UID3 = 0x2...

• Rebuild project• qmake

• make release-gcce

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Express Signed: Publisher ID

• Get a PublisherID at• Costs 200USD• Convert the .p12 to a .cer and a .key

• Sign the .sis file with the PublisherID• QT_SIS_CERTIFICATE=c:\foo\your_publisherid.cer

• QT_SIS_KEY=c:\foo\your_publisherid.key

• make sis

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Express Signed: Uploading

• Zip the .sis together with a readme.txt• One line explaining what the .sis is

• Buy a ContentID• Costs 10USD

• Upload the .zip and Express Sign it• Fill in the form• Say «PASS» on all answers• Wait 5 minutes

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How the Smart Installer works

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Smart Installer and Qt

• Install the Nokia Smart Installer 0.9 (beta) on top of Qt 4.6.2 for Symbian

• Change UID of foo_installer.pkg to:• #{"foo installer"},(0x2002CCCF),1,0,0

• Create the wrapper .sis:• make installer_sis

• Zip the wrapper .sis file with a readme.txt and Express Sign it• Costs another 10USD at the moment

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Content of «Smart» application

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«Smart» Qt application in action

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Getting on the OVI store

• Sign up as an OVI Publisher• Costs 50€• Wait for approval

• Upload application• Must be Express Signed• Add thumbnails• Set price/free• Check the «Qt» button (coming)

• Wait for approval• Praying is optional

• Profit and/or fame!

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I want to get on all the stores!

•• Ovi Store by Nokia• Samsung Applications Store• AT&T’s Media Mall• China Mobile• Handango• Orange• Sony Ericsson’s Playnow

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BossaTetrix download

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• Install Qt SDK for Windows• Install Qt for Symbian

• Get both at:

• Install Nokia Smart Installer (still in beta) on top• Express Sign it• Upload to OVI

• OVI Store is ready for Qt apps once Smart Installer is completed

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Thanks! Any questions?

•Email: [email protected]•Twitter: @snowpong