simtme m* c h 1 n e, ^^^ i^...

- i vSfch. - ticetfoii'* "" \ l£.TPentoa> ' •Alvoids raesK. isst "iintr Two *odu! a •Si''--* tnft'e. ... first coifr: di--'- ri.-' «f " it J.-.' . a ta> . SL»I1 . aod " •' •u- «e- In Oik N.> b<? <T>« ct, a ..r 4v maj- or fo- wl- BSt d r re re h in T Caeaeriwata aad CWfc«r<Mi»(wk.l6a^' t « 1 T. ^f^ T»« Painikii'wIjilrtaie'Wajitj i all rabKriptloit, r •--:-'J?a 'M^SJMl«1MSl».BBW|Bll> # J f f l * ^ - •;»•;-->a. ; ,' I A T I I 9 V A.»'t*'»*»I««W«t x I Sq»«*«i«*i«lt„"'. *l«i^^ m «uioa«yeai,*»e#l r • i u i u Ca*M oat exceedinc; Ore Hnea,^l&per yearly SFacut Noirco, prtcadtaf iaarriajti aafl i^atha, Mxk*fg^<a£*h?.«at* of ftiiji 10B»»'fcr die OJat - •'W Orataary aansaBceaaenti of. marriage? and ,death*a patHiJaflw^^a^aA^yyfj^l^a., and obltaary; ••^BBi^'wfcnjtimiimtite&Mifc- fit '• =-,- :;•':1« MAMMa f*T.adT«rtWa| art d** at tfcwklaw of the **r«fc:'l»«|i^.'«fu^^ alkMk«»MiMta».k]ng*rt e j ^ ^ ^ t ^ i S e ^ i i B a d l 1*1 hrtM, «f at *• •ptW* •f the paa&krni aad cb*rged accordingly. ''" ''"'"'" ,-' AUcaltei 3'at t £ j c J . aTTOfcNSV A^COtJXSELO* VTLAW, Ti) .srj-f ••. a )f^a*aM«»3P»«iSf\2*>« * « • ". \--jf.-iM..jy, - n ^ , v ' \ ; V ; a . - • AWaSKWT <U» COUN&CLOK.VE liAW, OoaiaierchU St .. to f»^ai^rtar>aa^t4|»Jtal»a»^;, H Wfnia*"'' i^^^P^r- St1tnt«V tothfrp>i»[Je *? .'*Wavi(fe«ii at thei landlnf to oonrey HOOM*«• «f charjt. ' AatoiOaoM^UlWWlUftnd npisfw^ Ail, P. J. TA asw^ rSt.Lawr«ac«lIo- . Y. ttto H o « . la eligibly alt«» o«OW»W«WB _ NaaaiuMIUMU sqr.-1"3 , 3 .««lfe B jil# S .*Wl L'6WIS«»iav< S,rt 1 « » 0 * N * : X AND COUJiSELO* AT LAW*, of the; MV- Uoltad Statn, r<3rtCoTtBit»ov*ranltHQCo., N. f .£,, • Awosssvs *H» cou<«KU>ks A^I^W, ew»*r«t Opiwalw old SanUog Uo«ae,;Malooe, N. y. %c«|«t atteotloa gJ«o to clalina ror Wmlona, Boanaa.ic. '• Wl'««*«'.-:-^ •••-•I-- '"*'«.iUwBwa;^ ^ w . .n .-^3, f,n. : . lg - a —t^-U' —,'. . L] g .i;'. •_• _,;-- » "'•IftsSielihte Airo-^BHiaS^8T(Bt>t4^ijoi a «ila»lla«fc-^Twy,-T.Ka»^»1>r»tJ>o^;Malpa»? prevud, too •jfr*mmtM, DOaytd, Prtmatnrito Frequent Jtttutruatltm. •-.• SUttemeata iVom Patients, *c. ,- "TaurTrtactiaUoa «a»ud*y daii<ktir'eUf», and Ma .aaHrt.-aw.-fcaBdrt^iO^^ol^ia^'T^ljia^.Jt, Hujiraaari, ^ ," W« blata <Jod (oj tli« b«neflt.»c famfatraeared fretn jQarJPceparcd Pre»cripllon " -KtV. F.raaiiiiirt,Bloaa- '»1trtry'on<ja"whoittJhaveT««a»iaatiartlt*»«bM«« uMetUed wiuefc by 1U n««. D -R«». tt BJ Jqxaf^lUcioaj MM* wllioat bttvaaW,; I »att i^g*<-»a#»»f.iiltlMi oaaa- p k t c l j proatrptftd a: .la.tke tttalotihB^rtfwH^wo^i «% ^ - - noai simtMe M* c H 1 N E, ^ ^ ^ ^ i> PBTHdAJI AJ)» SC«OKOHv! •aKoftbtatetluaMChatiai, PBTBICIAH ASJ> SBtStxnt; ittofouta*ly pncGcri •»»art»a^»ortOa<tBj^rj^ai^<brtlMt|taa>ti>ret|»«ara *ini«*plai«^a »orlcrtt»«ate of at Q«nal<a«- ITOIaia'a, two, dbora .#» t*e Bdok Cbort*. 0«c« No^Jl, ^kosnU tite haa jut (ndnated »«8«|'W®tffi^B«t XmM —i* J. • • « WurHinjl •IB'eoaiUaWelha " B»w»jJ85}J'e»«». aJ.hU oldKqomao' xaHoBal Sank. Tbej are pi I Dental eptratioaa In a-«up«rier aianner »nd at ble price*. Splendid Teeth Inatttedoa •«!irr^| IwtfoH liwrtnei CMtp»y> «<lpirtf»ri» L^^~^^«^ #«tt«ftaMr#i»fi«fMy f if tiuttm.fc qwHUlasd^Borpjq* 'V-v,-: -..,,,,„, .•...• .... /^WitJ^.it ' . •BmaT,-0«e«B«« *«F» c-if^f^'li^LS • a t . S9, 1st*. .."'; '"*"-'. -'-•••! ,»,l»--. *s w* ?*i^te¥» ijaii id Mill rinrtriMrffc—a aa* a t a t ; fetUkflM**, a M t l n r t a p r M w k M h r t a * ) * / - M a l u * OMIM iv.^ *.-j HEATH Jt H IM MITMrii MJIIT' *U1 HCS,Palnta, |^ fancj GooJji iCiMMIhllOS MMKtaUlimJ^^flaW.rrt^lMH PitlliOfcaw 5T '•'^'jiiii'i,^ m**.' J.TS?"! » . . ' * .- "; HiUtbllthed In 1MO. •epreMatlBC * 1 r t Inipr«Bce.e»nl- J..,.™;^.- 4rfa«fcr»Ja«oi: ,,:.-rv ,,;* ,'..-.;..' 4,»«»i»»» »* Making a total aSaonnt of at agalnat toaaca by Fire fkcBrityh«MUB>1?iamTtBy t »fcJ>>»¥wt. Capital and fcrplni, tl&ijmm (JoluWit l i « « i « C « H i y » « c * ¥Nfc Caa«tala«d8.oi*a,- TVi-?:» :?.-}» >>• '•^ BB k?*!N* i.' Ihtrtl J«.efi. tiff fmrtiw e«i««T, dl»«,to Inwre wtU do «-a}l to call anal att*liartW«ttWtHmpaiiybtftrtt«H«iPoU- Trifd./i ft«rtw« C«»pt«y, I»t Jl Iauojr«w_|tsiaiMt Acet4ej|ta « r « U WHMtOB J«, tfce fa*. U rt>-'i:Z::'>-. •a? gtegil^raaViOlflattFlcatt tiki JaMililaMI •f^^aritlaMlarMe), (aaaw a » J 1 i « ' ' T W rroauataaaa with walaat baatrj hara ttcaa waUby UMMOocapaaiaa dnta( tka paatywt ka ikfc^ida^taalMaliafl^btawa^aaitaw^a^ty for ...„,,_ ,,„_, rir ...jtwaVavwalttxt—.-atpalannttaifWtMa -WJI-- to c»T^Iii»nra«aU worthy or BanaaUv .' ata^htaapaeUraofefcaraetaroriiaal ; aoe«et»ranlol 701 ;i„ M»mx r.j '&% H. W. BELCHER J* ' 4em eaat •/ Broadway.A«*| Tark.. *^ ,^. ;»' • v.V. ,.. - BiuT w. aau-aa, , " - " War. 6. Unfa •»*.?:.' . . ^ . . . . - . - . - * : peThapaUtnelBanT«daS? t 'whaB iar« at «aa aaararwli, aHnjKilai joat aa certain aa paraonal extraTacaaea—kayaad o a a t InooM—to MXt door to r" Tirfr ant waaft ija fajaji .tharelanojayttaryla -•^ —- --— "•- - •B^a»*«»T«fPa*JaW^»!Ta»wpf^»*^»l awoaaartar aiaaaa iaaia aiakaaiiaaaaataay wOl kar* aa a n t e laaolren<», J^ baeeuialjaedto tna fca* of tba Okpaleu.** ---,-.-->''••- a n l « dealriM aaUAl»Larta»ajjiai brelnawrla(orran«wlnitbelrP< "." _ afa>M^oI>artl«a raaldlaila, Tart Oo ring- ' aa —r fcaarir a aa aay»« " .T lltlftS^fiaiSwtte.l _...,. , f fift * , TH ^«w^ f S2^^ z^^«ffr». , !ffS ^ ^uaty of rrankon foraaaedwaaaTtK jatKS: •••'-:-:. o. P. oumM wa^ ^g^^Mt^^fl^^da^-^ 1 '*t.imm.1 £*ait i*-Ati,w Daalerw BjtaaUMl^a^UTKkUv " forffiNMrAf M># OTa> iDttfemr«id*i>i aUfw«o«**»ti)*r, ai^aW-rf^'^oaaartaadJtoiaaV*^^--:->it _'«f«r, an4' tka«*jM «a«'r'-- C"»Jt'<M«tfa;<tt «J»w*."i» foflo«r»ir n«a. ^ky« Ta^afa^ Jra*Mtw>afcl^^»fM»aaiai, a?a» StomacX, Ibart-Burn.OpprtMtioa or Sinking o/C** " '•'•^"li; I way Ike*, traa toy fracraat traaaaa. T»»b^, ! f>h.,tt^;tMt*Ha>«'tV4*taM'r W^ ;: ?t> iaWh to'aay fara^Wt »rj»« *«>«*, '«.• ^y'lU«*>ftha^»k«aliaatj>.a«taariwa^liw.- • ^J r tadIaava4atorwilii^kli:>laa«alar»:>:/: -,n ,- ^TTMafliawyl|iamiiaiaWiM^ WaWo>«t*Ht*,n«fai»ri«fc4.*w«yj,"-' , a^b*cKa« : >awr-tr«ai\aaWlak«aaii;ae«i;: . j . •••••"•-•'"• %.LT..-4^ V»-»;.;;T4->^.4-;^, > ra^'waat^rta«^»^a:a«al WrJ*a»^»a<»»«Maar. *r*a*l- -Ya*»rfraVaaVa»'a."tot^ ta«.at^ -'^ r' ' ' k ^ kwte'Oiatirlataiiaa <aaaai»^CrlkH,»aaa;iri., /-"jr. gfidia 'iaak;W%'ataxa*at>, aaaa^.akatJalafll ' Tka twtlltttatgk taatko»» Wkatar aalMt, ..,.;; ... ~$ jyMMb a^,MCSl||t;ajB t;^^||v|kOTl9liiaa ^;v^. ^ j ; Vv'$nJi%t£*;Mkw:*ar**aaA4^ ; .•u:aat*wkaaMa\laat^««tr^Wlaaaattay. w j ^ 'mir. W > a «.^Uk'lwW'»rlHaU. , «'; •^' UW a 3 acafkal A ^ t t i f t a ^ l a N J a a , * f t H ? " t ' ^ L '^•%llrfWy'a^««^^^ < »««^.''»*>l« * " - TaaafiMwjib ^ laW.'w^laW'aitat-alag'T-' TM rkdJy r n i t ^ «ck paJ,i*»r> *W# : :TMVwc^'lt>'^ealWlafa^(«!l^ L a1a^' 'aHU^d-jmltndfr thsreit-? Sewae.afengr- •tnTI-Wiaftr pnt' me up* *i rcoaniel,forthe Soira., tJ T«W"HKe ••r^WatfiarjiMJctonnd ~a^ t^d^iora* :awoj we ^elo/. 1* 7 2 •t 1 •*Or-i»^«atW»''p v Mfe»*^^riM««a^ -^' %aTA « t h a M « d t , or AaH^I»<»*»WW»*« " [t - lu/: fOtt In tha'kraeiO fra^>auiiled aplaada karat T*t kaat'akw'a>»B»arla^^Aaka»v^.ta«ja«.tWla^t' :<w*k«;«i l«*we«ki.»W!*a<iak _. Jit a^^aasxBiyajrf l*J«*^>i»»ara*«; wlth- _ iisiiWtra'kioltan' ;np.— enfth'raplQTy.'tnd a. aa«»*.riaW;to the |nwjba«aaai»*W«.nt I >«/Wojjnca>«dIsealUL V'^t ; l^^l*8lfi»V«»»<W8*l«i*«'«*a»ii»Jr»UTeD yarn. Cwriog the laKatxyaar* 1 kaVTt.Mnr.had ao :«t tow*»iiig.fro«ainy rwWeaoato ni^nlaowjrt .tb«for«Tot4a n ed-U l *'P»^d^t'l* ,»w«»Uw worM I aTar aaaiaa\l jOajaBMay notaaS?»»i* 'hagaurd,' kara gaaud'ta.Mnc«tk ,-,,-i^,^. .•„.• ).,--<>si|aiJa«Jtoaa**ai««f.irr;T. w . The '»»IWAJlaW:p«p»AaeTroii»*;B^ II bo««. aad taMaAyDraar^gauaral^^ordar, tor; ;-* \Ttieii *|HiM i Crto t^owr/'Mttkr " To^mdrroSf,'Wo6ft^44a»v#^'ii. v> ( .: ; '»^^Me^m«p#;*f1^a«^»Wi|iand nHSia^a^** ^o^brtb6ttfc#rl^aWjp*:' \boiiin -who had, supp»»iH*^M*ai^ bii»iotjB!ii#V 4d-tijfe ir --- «-—•->—•-"*•• •*-• -— ;t^< ,»Ilat ai»XaVX.«; :., FWTteftfebfiirttotix^itrtia^riSBrp •?'.'s . ; : s ; ,)^f^a|l^qi^i^^ " * --'--?n|iaji|tt^ mjnKrifittomvf. m-J.-Omrk*, X, m i n v U a ^ ^ ajtfaUlng la j * C cure of W ^ ^ W l * * * fa ... ..p«*» _ dercrittd a ftftilde. "Hio'*xeboU6n will be "Qdod SeMreB8l l«m f ^ f i l i w w W e r ^•'MVta nW Uie«!i*dow.ofthe*anow»f' at^ JfaavPem- broke—"ahot baa 'diijied;<»^tli«- e^m^mp^im „. marrligeI-^WcOia 5 *!**! »a*t«*t*lldijfe phauefa* it will be.iroiait'i birth ?" 1 ^ & ,e6t.-^1t ! *o<I«»ie»jill'(ttoa» aM-rtaWr^aBoba^raoUoaa, froai arafttaver aaue, and -a^l«ly;«aW«*.«irJ!!a-regajj^^^ •• ^-^ UMr%raeO*it$m»*i.uU wW,Ja;aa»iort aiiae, •O A VT l O.N --^«^*.«(i»e*J*;-. „ __„— MQMtm^uHieL,. m aaak aa*3Ha»«;Sif*a aa allaW «!e jPflla Md (tUkt ^apg^asr^.^^ '.>> ya»dU'taa»SU.1k«lUMiatkaatarin»aa1 eaek packu« i 1 wUehakooltk.a»ef«JrgBgar^i.„, ,^^F^?'- Sou> at ia Oaoaoiara. Catca, Oaa Doix*a raa aarrut " »to6«'0ora- aa«iiatu« *' ~iaat «oa» icrapptr tttart the wta mam &*** gfJL C. MLDWJV at 00, and JOS tr^UkoutvMai,MHuarsotiui4n«. ,.• n»Bn«iW*^^ Ibr tfco Uaatad Baatae aad Brttlab Doaalnlosa, : >,--.. ^TO» aWliraa, t! Co'rtlaadtSt., Wear Tork. wtta^aafo abaifa i l l l j l a l ^ ^ T ^ a t e W audi, ~ v .*l%i ; a : ^iitTir-' : ' t>irii.'ii<ta#iiiaaaio t LIFE-HEALTH-- a and IhoaaaBda ana y wool* girt the Orel TH. : «n«K m •t',J: 'li. _ ,r*y OjiaAMiaBa*Dpojrr,Ha. «(k"rua Ua>; .Parle, froa taapraaarhulooadte, J u a Oalaaiarr*, iFhyaldan W«n« HoapSal da Herd on Iarlbawara^ 'r trial, OrtjVaald And fcaaedla^retlaf, and, ia » £*£$§ -=.«..-.:„•••••-•- j*l"«M»V»a1p|ky, aU^& aUrrhaa «r «W<«uiI JMaat»n«?an Ingfreai «axaiilBtaiai« or Toattfkl 1 ofHakaalar a^argy.FkyalaalProalrat Waak Iplna, Lownaaa of aplritt, rMnuwH et -fltJon, 4a>;itea«>M»Maraikritaa%^^ a^Uwgaaaa daa ««Tay an adeooaU Baa of ttwlaa- •edUUaad^lawat auraeolooa ehange It prodaow la tae debilitated and aaattarad ayatam. In tact. It ataada anrtrall«daoaa«alsiaa«eare«ruie aialadlaa abora .aaadBatatT-'"-. ' ~^ ' ,1 ^.N „" ftaa-art>» aaora, bat a w Tit GrWt Mtu*. XmtOfi it WW afaat * cwa wkara aO olhtn fall, and, atthonai, aowartiriraBiag^ataUuinothinghartfal ta'tfit raatalnlag fnll rartlralin 'irril ifTrriiUnn .... _.,. ....... _„. -tfjfa -Q. -»,* awaataaattkaatAanaB*; A •<. ••,. •;•• ^jii iiin in p «l. «l.>JaV.-al< «C< waaaawaaa aw«aa> a.aajaa^aadi fex t aad are aba tent ftta to- any «,d- 1MM oWiDMatr akjt.k#ij »r iaaaaaJ-jfaV' •aklby »Ul>raggUUlhrouihoat the world; or wUlba •oat*yaMB,aivaraly aaakd fraaa aat aiaanraUdn, by larloafng rpadtad price, to any aothorUad agent. 4 jfisrl 1 La»aV-tr^*4 " Wt «|t* WMnff :sP*t#»t iRVk^rmtJiKDMijttnAtmiKsaor WTWT WfcWrHOMHW FIRE MM BoubU *wd 8inglo B*ri>l Kiteft 'oaMaa«Waa«a muT,Bicx« « ataathairuao- Knuisa', G»» aaa*»»a.T— t t a i W l i S W a ^ i ^ T a ^ h t t ihotttder;. ,,t»ea» to^gather >ind ftaah, ' T d o J M l e v e ^ r j — ;>i' . er thank you enough ; and NwiylookK ' thinking that she had intended togiy* hi •ndtheri Wa*; I bat 4t«teitdih<>fe d # w » «ie. held down her fcoerbaroirifciwl|lil)l)8«h«.|-. •Rtere w u Jbraethingrln jito|kfl»:*m#r|l- •dlikaajo ei^tric a £ ^ ^thr^h^e^W'a form—each a ycarnlM, pityiar, lOTio* ff»ff —aad theatropg hand in wWphheralayTold odgri*paiituBtU,butf()rtbiCQUDter^«:*e- ment, the morthaTe cried; aw^V Jtl *'P*'i hot Nelly forfot tbet: pain when ahe. Ewrd IJawli^ow^Miit *e^iaticy? Why do -Be L- ..... -i .. ... "• kept Us Yoa mutt not ; let»nch-—•, „»,..,.> gwiSitoO»rothM, f .h^W^y^'f'Aad 'juvMr;: KStook» «bod by aHenced and half inclln- j f l i o '^tffoif* doctor t« * Walittr-.tov* :iftW oKe«^;*Odi8^ *'- I J> Ihe old atbrV of llhfliidlnfc*^thedoer out: the womtn t^Itin rny wiyiitte wai,*rild--hk • "* '"-'•<, JUM| r -W*bk adfantage of it; the acjoa* the man who had driren her -a.a.'^ikiii.iiii *i.»,-.-~iit.-i.: i 8oBae. afengr": crown,. Id by m," " Ti 1t —" *— •-*-"«*» JZ woTda' Fcoald lutf* tornoBj my loacne; I could h^Te CalTeo down.tad,kll|«a ^fftWt'lrhetiybiiWe pJ-ada*;] »p- wb« yontpoke of-U&tiBlk*! o«ld,«« ^wp- dakwhieatthelaw,U cafrledpttt, would do. him say.that the present wa» nothing to the lore wlthcwbich be Wad /he? i «ad;UWB!he a!alled;hej%Jiia|pet»^:^i^*^and>|re«ni heart conk; andrthQ. r«nembered what her aunt-had aaid,and that,after all, he might not care Car her, becauscof .tjje. likeness to hiadaoghtexjand alajoat ;bar<^nt^ily,*he little haad atole u p ^ m »hwJd«jr. j^Telj irl^rory *our 'name-atid^aU!G6d t t t W a a W t h T ^ f o ^ W C ' O f thfji-inat*. rfaialK.^ : Wlieh ! l*w1^.aWWa»B in* waa *U11 born: bnt to ntofet* euddeD •aetfcJ»*tW<»*. hVbaaaaVed 4rtteBt&tfc&*id? iiTildved 'raV heart -weat bnt to het Urns' ' ''TkafarW-k^ra^aaniaMijaaaadaraaawatLv; V~ g*; ; ~X fcal »riU«aa^»a«a'aif«»>l aaar u_S > ? , ^*; * H S ' ' qwoa'tBtaan-qataa «raM taaVaaaJiiatyaart, -• : -- ^ :/• fc/.i, (c.-i ,r ,*.-v : *. ^ -.;-. |g^ciUltaMia>S^< Jtm.s, ta.«C^3^Mft^ ^a aWrfn-B^r* »^^^^t^4 5 T f a i » l v aearea% i*%a*'ttk .* a »?«•'•••• '- a »>->.t .*'«.; a '' 4 atlll fitV'bo^^aatd Mra. But Mra. Pembroke vy&a wrong, as elderly ladtes verylErlqnenfiy^re when they begin to acconatforthe actiona ox; motiTea of the •ccond geoexatlon..: Poor J^ajly, had Sold ^ l ^ M d ^ n l a Vora^^ i kod1et«I-the titae rmder the Tee there lay i n c h * JJtoaMraoe as ^p^«^|^i^il:p^ih/df Mi-wife'*^beeki • , ^ B p | ? with h ) n ^ i T 5 ^ e n IanexDecte ^ claimant nDOn ly talk* toy^alwnt (hit fahcy of here •llr^It-heT-w&fdK*^*^ 11 ' 1 -'. < ari.'^ 4« Ye|,;dear.;^ve newr^eoiniilalsel, for a baby, and, and—" and then she Mark* ^ a r i p j a g . . h ^ Wa.^ woman pfeaded, an ^fjtneuaeij years ' ¥«r|?*»»i*e.Mllh*j pi^h^cjjljtaff* mtiouwoi rV,karkl mii^4 feeata., aa* ^alhce that now ^ « •cw op the lfjthr »nd iltlteht of the year begat), bad returned frotn a Ttnuniiy •chool ail-aWUPpiiahed and oome-onwAS *l*t#a*-lk*twr ^v«Ag^J%*f|jrt;a«''i ^'Welly'tJiSilMkJ *•• ml»jJ*a^#IMi baJ); anda^NeiiyUiudigiart^rr»V»*,J»fir- •' ^ajaa*i»iwN»*.-ii'»"'"' " """• " .-..lia*--*a^»i*«:itj»:d#Mm«Ui •hoold: he*ai«a(*l»iinfl TlofBog m aooa and nia^t, arra*fin« .aa4 M M * * with her«wo *»ft Uttto ,hSa|a^a7]^ib3t«£ •eemeduo hare a n»fg>»l inflaeoeij in glriDg titafyenfeg pre SwiiiigiUia-faira;.ffrji^ with -]br«vi^'&Wa1^l{«^^^.^.#BCiM :< rooiBiwettt iher*:tp^^ 4^q ^er * jnr#enl-M Bad brought, t '• v/.-V .-;'*,. j. : i-;^;' " ^ , > When I t o d o o i - ©paced, Nelry, who anaj ;• p>reliad $pm a «hajr f _*ktta —" A JtalfASae. Ci»^lfca*iEria6---w, WhaS the »att«*,^lT.Haott»iai»e what tetif r and with a icared a o e s h e looked rptopd^TorTMr. OoMidiiw haal4UArt«d »a«^«)a*aa*JP tohhn, aa« atood aukaiaf at hiaj, or aav.«kd*«, with a r ^k K >rrila*a r &oa, Haliwa» W) aV^«rfc« the wreath hanging affO»atthe whtte wafl; and wbauah. tRin$d a^pojiajdine wag gone. ".' ' '•''•-••••••'-• - ! ' ; , ; | -!_*'' » Why,Ji»hat ia the autHf f"-«rifd Mra. Pembroi«, i l M l p l ^ l l a r i ! aad beraatf a minute after. ^ Yookkaka^lf yanbadaeen a-ghwaV* p \".J •' ', * '• -; -T" j ' ...vr,' •<8o I lla»e, ,, waa *he uhexwitifcd, uspm " if t w t wan did aee auch.a thing, I aaw •** inhr^at^w^cS 1 ^^ ^W^^a^ai^ 0,r ^**^ , to 7UCticrw^S^*^tyr>UU^ml Nelly, who htJ followed hlrateahe room. " fftmagt my P«*t nothing—•" "But I ae« U too,aunty: a great one-aimed tbfng, Mke thai fa >*owe I I aee It thongh ft a* only axanaaking hi n y eyea IfhyHoe*ftManC Mm tmr ^-JtjJmt ehlMf* aald Mm Paanbroiu, looking hdplekirytai her -*aheh*r vpi ahe-a pooawhM hear inch rkavNally.inypei,' ont whather yon t M M ga»a»a^pa)atjaajto believe in Qum. Ta**a>-w: <jm »1the wreath* will Jteap ualU tomorrow *•«•* than that Itttto excited head ofyoaiw wflir WhaMr^doarelfMdbt Mdofyofl baninttth< ^"•SSCHaS,*^ the girl, Mr, •)Tl n j h ^ ^ h M l e a r d ^he'/Bfel-y^paaaed off •natl^at6aeriy6Fciim1o^">^- fi ''- ^;!l^Undoubtedly, he cannot rMflt-neV with- *o^pill^'het'"]ttm i ; st&Ty,-tea* , tirat he can ; very take jTj* tavtarmpted Mr»4 Pem- '1 wmtii about it Just now." sweet ToJce,Tremuloo» hkfiW .earnea&ipaa, Mr^. tettance,— r . ^- , and lip, atad the agony he dare notahow her. ^heglra'a face*kajBged Inatantly; there was so bjoah of-miiden^^ ; abMae r bat a. woman s alrong lore and artriety, aaihf said pasfiion- ^Yotf^lw mi ¥00 :m tmhappy. Why wHlyounot let meiahareyourwunf You think me a child, but you have taught me to he a woman , Whit can I say to mate yon •traM''mef'*" '"* ''*''"" ''".; ,'•"'' ... " Heafeh have mercy on me! Neuyv be •ileau:,» You are killing ,me!"„an4 «ni«aten- ing the da*pd%%gera from his, Conaidfine sprang to huTteet, and standing there before her,loldtheiio^bTher birft and hi» ain. 1 How Nelly 4ooked, Jwhat Nelly taki, he wm*i&ilj teeF* mmi only a maja ; of light moslin, and heard a. low cry of agony as two hands were stretched out, as if to ward bffaomebiow,itntl then'clasped togeth- er again in agony. .'•..- ..> .-.'• .:••• fc^QjwBraaJttwfiar* Mra, Pembrokewas aiti" Poor Mrs. Pei bad asked the same eyes.awjunm.iag i* tearairpSgj WL . . . . ,.j f _.- said: ,^Yoft;are, nphaf^- and you uaiw bee^ib ^arf, ,„„„.-. _ wish I could do aoiyaaajr;, to jjil&m-J§§-.' * iwajBttoihank; yoo.Jjp show you" r Q,h|Mnd dropped and thfJ volca i^» intoa.«I&tsper 4 ucoppeu anu tuu vuictt*a*ufcr.*»w»;«»V»M fltteitioo, »»«l QowWiM had repjieia "Uiat Jor^ol^waro^^^ tiiere was ho alierhaUye: the hour hhdeome ^^»im-^^^~^PSf^t^fSSm*^S^.- tto^iUa^Jht^wliererhe waited to see bis chfti agahi^,.. i...ti-.^-^. i <.. .... . -.. :J . < A. few days passed dver.Heiiy was paasire and-apparently -better, so Mrs. Pembroke went oter tothe rectory, and sitting there a- Uttle longer: than she intended, the darkness of a summer, eyening had fallen before she had reached the Tillafie street. Onherhome- ft:mjBera'» elly "turned r _. _ , . Jw^vMofliie, -xini»teeL*h»t .wiijohTW^-^olini^^a^/telL aflB^Un^ihafcan^ w untried heart oonn6t look ions at Wight things wtthoot reflecting.thelr Cght; ache- foreptho ;n|gh*waa qyejr»J^alyj w a a Mfi^P eat,and happjpllflieicffi ready 1,0^pt in wwdd ,^haa»«ucft ^^hp^^Jiuiit; ifhaip»|oi , ej!^qy#co"gte;. f ,,.; c ' , ,- I 5 f 4tc.:%j i .th^,-gue«t» ? ^f^J^^mi ..gOi_ pigUU a»^We$o¥C4?ira\afdJi^t|^ reaung npon the arm rdimawblchUtepace-, tet t »aB^asp,«i.,.]SelKi^ t th^kin^ the ;and;mjaaicJik^,a.|nem^ hap- •^ah^goiolr^er^^firai mm* ^jW9?M^^^ m mfmi hf ^ *miumit)oa. dWto tteiM»f %' W^,5?^h^r||^o^M^|rJTed. ^*t» Ihh^iffeMlW^ani «*fertppPp*MPB * er way down-atairs, ao4a.tend;er,1iap Pahauuu^H 0 0 roaveiuber nowaheuaed to take her hed.'wiUi her, and youfyund the new hox of ninepins under her pillow; weH, she has the bracelet, on, poor little thing t and then how I used to Ter reyBelf whenever I saw jknian, near her, thinkinjr that they wanted to.rpb. us of our darHngf' .. •o.mnoU the worse, and more need "' jI " Jancy, ? Tell bar vpu muat Sj^alP^f.lTk«Ww, Playa ^'iim^and the-hliuating .to^-yo^au'Ca^/awKt,: |r|»'|^; lo c>t ; -0ttt,;-«jr : * met his saddened wea- : • s u n had been face to face ^ndge. than himself, and tho holdlnghe^ hand, and readfog in. her .face the unfooken words of sympathy. ** Xloaoti netefherp^ to re^y one utheofimy .^1>- Ugatioo-tv. you, or Mark; we,U talk oyer Wimtl oikn do aoo^iime; now I must fea^aja^ avmiBtMft}, hot ^ n M ^ j r e a t on.- »U 1 ittd »aa»t har^pat ; orio iook-In^har Cacje,!' iattiwat/ta»4«m*?^r?WB\^p to her faa^fca^isrs.: »ho the swne Dltaankht netorei ani something in Conaldine's face recalled it, me floweraTand mitnattne camfr Between her and 0 6 paia ofihe raeraory. %*$&mii&lf&ti& birthdayr- « Nelly." Itwaatholrattiiaahehad ever left ^8l4h« <oon*«atlonal Mias.Uefore her name. Neily'ihaa^g«TBr*liij^,houad4 and her _ #j^»f^upto.hfcwith»»hy lox^of^w •'hy «ar aad wxrkiotataoa, her cojor eoming- and . , that fgta|fM l»/?waaA i » i y;H.yDav-|»b^Tt.5ali never had satijdkaol^/rknd^that I claim the rtghfeas ~*xi yo»^aomiUflng nice,*and to tellyottnoir ' - A -n^ftaffire my, littlefriend.. If ancleV c grows «%%d Of you, PU adopt you, and lyp« a tUry palace full of llowera^nd , Hitrie4w4atigha«haf»pcte,aB41aidh1i M P p o i t m e d J ^ a i r e l k>cto(rflkrigbth»ir amhflgft: which'4o^'«MijpeiB^r4^IallBn:' ""elly at once took th* «ia»>, ataoaihdj^and _>aed his hand.; Mrs. Pewhrokt whispered Wtnethtegt&'herear.ahd with a brighthlnsh flhe fMtol* «pli*t^«tjrttg;t Mr. {JdhalMe^adgone'b^ch^uKtto after tlielMdl, irrach, let 1 ft 'bctald, to Mark, iaa-llrav^ftera^ Worthy ngonlehehigf^cre^jefiotodfllUs unea^^raaJS'n^h^rl^^fahd exceedingry doubtful and perplexed as to the v: Ab6dt a fbnhli^ after iWa, M^ bis wife bo thOTght-^lib/;lDo|aag4palei:,.«' Shels fagged with all taia gadding'and heat, •wifej you must take her down to th6 raM., Pli write or t e l ^ p h to Mr. Ji^wA; to get Jhe old Home^ady; yon aMahi *»n ran down c*TuesdajrfMienael^qnaa^MSand T%il WM d%lit«,knd owned harself 5? da^crnf^^-^roqltfWi 5!3tie " W ome* was thepjfeeorill 6th'ertr8lre liked best: atamhl&ij:'jim holntei *ittfclanoid^ jj^hlotielfl M^enrw«fe%»*rira^ n5« oficrwersvbioonaiig Stk>fidndenfiow : 'er\(jrBrPw>Ohi-^hg^-^ fume, and sulferag%erMTr^^ ^Weryday withc^tany^4»ledtamntJ«a „'. thejrTeal'MWfbreh,'irt*•< shadad ,with JeaMrafnettdhotreysacWe, and thaoW waili were cIustere>%Hh monthlyto-iesaadlines; under the brc^-ere^ «mfeny^-*T»aBowa werejilwayatwiaerinftahvayasiirrjnghhg*^ Beyond the g»*denJay a, «reei,J»eWow, atthfrfbetofwSkkA^liwii^^ med back. toj|»- * » | ^ » , J P W i l M « » l ' : lent pool,draped with,the targesf #01ow trees 61the.c^5nW;;in w h ^ i a f theh^eat Vou^and ailbpg tJjjj tyffi&^&.'gffi-*: dutajjoe, w,»kTh| ^ e silenoe bya soft alum- brous wund.- A. larorite haunt of NelTy'a the tree* ^ npon the brown wat«, and toe tfpttr rose la iyliTm<tb- atirtedat o-^-w. lurma nWdlng Clod bleat-her- then, befare Se*felB«ew<w»t to;*y:or thhilt.the'aoor taaaanvraryfrabaadatrangely interrupted, her thooghta, nor hsd. she time to follow-the grievance %forMrs. Pemhroke wdscuri oiis to know "What the judgeV present WM:'' AJi^aaaelirax; op»aWiW_Nelly»a eyes a^daale^-for lyMW le^pljue veT- ret waa a gorgeous diamond bracelet. ' • Mr. Conaidute, who had no Idea what pres- ent to gire the young lady, had placed-the aaatter 1tt th* hands of a jeweller, who in turn, weighing the yaloe of the gift by the graataaai of tha girttf, had chosen ana wor- thy, at he truly aaid, of royalty; and though th* pricetfdaeana rather great, uooaidme thua^toit waa enfy ignorance on hit part,and haweoM wiUlatfyhaYegivor* twice a* ranch 1 toseaHWrykwk aleaaad. •It moat he worth two hundred poonds, at laSaV* sakl Mra. Pembroke,,rather breath- toaaly/tWsha,awa, had been Uatxled by the aj^ratfoaaM ot tha oaWing. •^Twotaadredpaunds, aunty I two hund- tw4nea«adateapMaeat to poor little me f and MtHy hent dosra, pratandtag to exam- haaUkt traoeiat, bat only to ahakeoffthe tears tears that had come again; not this tfeawt nor aid ahe say anything more ahont late eattaoafhif harachUd. "Men rlhTrur rorth two hundred ^•aidltiatlSaily^uer- amiatd at th* iHrl'i bfkht [' I htr 4aaWag,the^«e«rog ' fiaoe, 1 n*ss«y it was thatNeUy wat atUlanelia rMd,aa4a^Uk»otaar gkk, tWythf er erybodywho liked or was kind to tkern sawt be in lore. . . Nelly was dreawil long belbre trera expected, and ia the tratdrai LafaaVavnth' h»th»; *^h/^^'^^%p^tt^r;. hut natme was justlthen thfi'pteliantw hook tod: Nelly t w 4 ho tdteJwt»#rgpa2a stood at the head of the tillage »tfe&, and (h^yil%e;,w^:6h»M tbiitetthatbtVclnajers »,.»u,»,—,v~, w . » ,.,. : wt^H I * , arWS**T^:-!^^*ffi&where e Btirted att^ caughiher la bta Wlwayaamunknowh., |BBua»JWiihigahlea cawteu Si ^ gn*j,er * • u » ^^rJ^aMkaa^a^ hjkttofa^ftQth^^lt^^ Bloaa ^Wnd Mm* and she ^;heX*n«t ^'JwSr* n *"ift"w* i #^ i S»^ were alone. .:-•£•.-VJ "i» •,--''.,:> " Poor man," said Mrs. Pembroke, mhmu- ~ ' "' - - - - - - -'• g^he hidva , i»7etf«l*>aT^yottmuat BotThlnk' anything of hU being a little pecu" '^kfmhrgea\jrouara-not*«hUd;^ ; .M ,«i z *S«a|*raBg*up into INeliye eyea--halfr angry, petuSnt tears. Wlvy did he think her a eklld* She waa'nineteen, quite a w r 1 did not anawer. ^velocity greater than the waid wait-Mr. CohBidino, who had seen her aet off and; had heen watching for her return, jQtoedher.andtogether they walkedofttalk ing Q£,Nelly} but when close to. the ind, where three country laborers Were drinking their ale and smotung their ^Jipesatlhe door, a woman aert'antfrom the house ran up from th»npLjrQad*p v " Something, has happened," gasped pear Mra. PembrOKe, with that presentiment of %vlFwatBhHehme»Wer us waettmes r^' rui ibrwftid~I Oannot." " Oh I ma'am, oh! sir," cried the woman, " Miss Nelly " then, unable tofinishthe C»^eS«*«id1n;. kD h^ ding the men stay with,Mrs. Pembroke, hur- xiedfotward>W Ieamiwhltt had happened.— jEe had notftrto go- in uncertainty,forby ^ e gate in^o fhe jnill walk stood another 'servant. She pointed to the green bank, and there Me Saw 1 Mark kneeling and supporting a white figure. He knew the truth now, and bjad np need U> have it seared deeper into bis heart by the bitter words that broke in the . ?u%t agonyfrom^rioorMark Pembroke. Pai ffsiTefe'tfChild he sio<m aside aa the crowd gathered and as the attempts to restore life were proceeded with—attempts which, by God's mercy, were crowned with success.— And Mark was Carrying the half-animate fdimrinto the house as the doctor galloped up and took the case, happily now a.hopeful one, in hand. But when the danger was over, another was imminent. Brain foyer followed the shock, and fbr hours and day* the poor girl's ravings were even harder to bear than the first trial. Day and night Mark and his wife watched and day and night Considine satin her room. No one conld mbve him; he laughed in Mark's face aa the latter spoke of rest or food. A»d then they left hint alone, for the man's Wpwrafl ^"as sfiroager Mian even .hisldve.— ^.t'ttst a change came! and the opiates took eilect-" •".-•""-'' ">---£"* ^ahea*rakens frtte from- delirium, she # U ^ 4 i v i ; ^ h o n B ^ , « i e Aj&etor, .'/If not, d^tb^wiUAejate merciful alternative to per manent thsamfy. 0 ; - ^ Whd <5aW1^ : tJBe^gotiy'or ,i the : watch kept in the Uttle white dnperied room, or the depth of repentance of the conscience strick- n. man leaning his white, nnahaven face up- n: his hands, his eyes bloodshot \vith wake- ful nights staring forward across the dark- ened room., watching the Bale face where life anddea%ffl*erj^» i anpft0 v , ; llOTf#' ^> i^te waen Asleepfoilupon Ne%, (tod Majughljtad crept unon the watchers withorft any definite tW^!#i Hd. her^ head upon * b « d > ihpuI4er, and eibafratUra had _ Wmj?! J «i^anPha^s&in,and left a shaded lamp. The doctor had come and goaadamnataiw again : |p wait—lying ^m^:i»j![i w ! B S ^ m ; ? q % % »8|tch an noyrkr Bleep. •The'window of the bed-roent was open, and the enmnter wind oame in laden sweet with tha breath of the flowers ..the sick girl had loved. '. ,, •.,•••-;,-•-.: :' Hour after hour went on. and ^he-first red atrealr of oar dawn %«»' brigWenhrg- in the east, when NeUy opened her eyaaaad turn- ed her face towards the window, dru wing up thfr-^ejothaa, -.ThOjfCtion was so quiet and natural that Mark, unable to bear the ,yjwau*7 suspense, uttered her name aloud. Nelly _.. r ,fifes6* *arte#foH ri ^#itwer*i-l«r«»i»}:<thafrttel^ - .' ••' --i<\-< - -•^:-'<.:- r iv *-' •• x 3^-&fopjm.wi0H& ,^fe ; oaen-PVahft| »«JM- •''WtereUie—my father, myisth- ^ a« ms«nt <>»tldme ka»eling at herside, his fide;buried in the counterpane, ^TooTTfordwe me/' she whispered, with her thW^lwatrhaiid otrhtthfeadr^ ' ; " iSM/satfnh^r-%^ sla^rn Mart nenW say. than onward ^ft^lli&riF^isplayBof W6. and 1888 were chantoterized by the fall of the meteor ites, which, rushing towards the surfitce ot neathWtoveralfeet. *TOtf pe«Mfe^e«ia*ae starry showers is not. so definitely ascertain- etl With reeard to the day as to the year.— TfiefmTOurM WmAM featde- gree in the 1 taontha Sol? AttjOit and Novem- ber from 1833 to 1839; but the most remark- able of ihem have appeared on the Uth ot *e^^r,^etwJen^Jatea^Ae^. The next appearance of mrnHrt»oriclMie nomenon, therefore, ia expected on or about J,he J2th of thi^montt. ^T^olwiTatfons 01 astronomers have demonstrated Tbafthe shooting stars are more numerous between midnight and sunrise, an& the majority 01 them agree in fixing, the radiibt p&lnt-that point in which the lines described by the meteors in their Sight center—in tbeconstel- Oation I^eo, UmittngAhe area of radiation to th^imme'diateVIcimtyof B^guloJin theneck of the Hon: '• Others assign the radiant point to the constellation Orioni "^' S' s?, t> The theory most generally, accepted in ac- connting foT the regalar^r^CTroenon^f »t>ete - oric showers, is that an annual aggregation of these asteroids exists in. thej)lane r .which is reached by the earth at tbatec|w-ef iia orbit, and through wjiich thejearm js.aever al hours in r«saing,i although, pbsejrvafions have not been surtciently numerous" to es- tablish the exact oeriod of fteeaj^Varrlval at this part of its orbit.; ^ujimjthe.flight ot meteors in November k 1833, mpch apRrehen sion was manifested from the fear that one or more oi these asteroids would come into extraordinary size and brilliancy, as well as bv the ltnjfla^aataime its train remained vis- ow the meteor in and finally diaap cloud, many times I _ which continued to move is some reason to believe that an event nl this kind Is possible, scientific men unite iu the opinion that such a calamity is not with - in the bounds of probability. A Fenian Mexican yiallttniTe. It is said that the adherents o'f Gen. Swee ny r the deposed Fenian leader, many ot whom are not Irishmen, and therefore ready to make fighting a trade, being Without em ploymeut^have engaged themselves on the side of Mexican Bepublican independence,— Their programme is thus laid down by a New York cotemporary: " An expedition, is povy being prepared jwith great secrecy, iBo trangbor't; : w ahs, with thefr owce> f mm co, ana it IB understooa that the; __ wilt start from Ne* York and di Tampico. Another expedition .fT the same lime frbni N e w Orleans a ing at Tampiqo oy Panuco wjfl York contingent, will march at out city of Mexico, and there proclahn lie, with Santa, Anna as Dictator. The ex nediUbhwill he fnlfo eq,«Ippe||ana^rovis- ioned to prevent diiaster.and artillery will be procured in New Orleatii, ^It is calcnla ted that 2600 Irish soldier* WhU b i t e seen m our arnHea dt er with tJie thousands of" t&^iwliiitogeth- ^hawill kan, and-hathere Nelly's heart began'to' i>^^^^^^m$ , ^Vm$cs to cure, ^^^ - • •- '••• ...•-•.-,_.-^ ... aad NeUy.was>dispensmg diector general-^ carjyiatfahout"- - * wx^feto^ffitthafoiMla^^ «,. „„„ . « . . , ,„ «,«. ° * ^ S ^ ^ S 8 ? » « « * » fbnr hundred year*; ry Word! arret look of love that aoottied: and ^bichiheihgheyona^lhe^^ "•' " " ' es^febabltantl w « ksft:ufloT»ptt(ea.' I r ra £t T^W&g^^waaahbwn'and >yed: iTOrtwhef^ There waa not a cottage where at Some time or otter she had not. been the messenger of rejiet 0* cprnforfilpr: here, aa"io bAer m- lag^there.^os the usual round of aore ed by Mrs." Perabroke froth ah ancientr^recii. 1»^hpekbaj6Mfcga»amw>*«aw^* rival of the M«%\aaijr" was hailed with genu- ine delight, andforthefirstthree days there >*ii*l*ea*itto^ the different cottages, visiting favorite haunts, ahdptek- r i»^w»»;|a^^i|liB^Ji» namented every chimney-piece and window in taa atooiBi • • - •- On FjrWav, Mark an#M». Coasidine came down, and h> the tTaoing NeUy iatf thtuAd -eonlaaittnag after tBaner, and stok away to er favorite atat under the wllfojra aad there hi avahort tinso her rareria waafiroken in up- «« by M*, Conaidiaa, w/fco, suing-down op. • a the g m n bank IktaUUi har, talked of the nteaaant oountty, and iaw ntaaaain of being thaw, and idle after thetakOaand trauWeo! tfnsav10 say^nothing «f Ow Swivnod heat ofLoadosu Naitoikatenaaia>>4atMaveredt--. Then, a* ah* ahaatas of .ewaaia» 4c«w ataaar round tnern, and ta* red ctoaaa wate reOeot- e411a^D*totoeaof blood ia Uae clear water, the aikiaaan aafioMoe ot taa hour fell upon ahana, and nath were ajksnti,. felly's eye* WfcijyliavT^MikitfagiajMkfca ahJW.- ttteMa,««»rytag k^arf wk^Waapal ££^J5r*»l "* • • %«« tiro*. tended her during the long week in which lb*wati^ir^.j^.5,«d to thetho't wovemnraBIiair aad tenderness with which they took, her anaJsa^t J!^-. oru^oa at defiance, and owned^eJly atfhii daughter; and, strange to say, the World never .discovered the secret orher birth:^- mft^srrahger t^,.Nelii Mdfihotten it. - Th» fever had, as I t :Mm£*#A out ihe^x- pls^atioa in every partioolar,; save ohe, that S? n *^ n « hadjplaiiaeja her v aa hla daughter. The shadow of the gallows was gohe; Na- ture-had worked out ae* meed of puaish- ^U,^ 4 ^*^^*^ 1 ^ &* promiaei "I.WU1hPtbewigry forever..... s< -.. . v •n--f' .'•',•-•••••• '•, tl>- FEHirbst. -- ttonindidatatLlk^-»lkir.ia3L^ 222T! v 8 "^ &B£^*WZ*mBL** ^•w«eatanvaWMw«aaman*4ow,aghut- frotn that time to th* recurrenee o f S e me- concehtrated to defendth* Ckp^al of the Montezumas. Several Gerautflhi«t^4.meri- can officers who have served in the late war of the rMH»m»'have Seen offered nigh po- sitions, and it is believed that in afewdays the expedition wUl be ready-to-ttart. It has also transpired that several thousand, mus- kets belonging to the Fenian Brotherhood, and deemed unserviceable for future 1 use in Canada from the fact that the Canadian vol- unteers have been armed lately;wjt$:hreech- loading Snyder rifles, are beh^nftjmtiated for by Santa Anna,' and Will WaoE&o him by the P. B. A couple of steeihiers'rJdife been purchased, and in a week orieh^ys%e*it- icens of New York may prepare tlfemselves for startling tidings. .-•>.• Death of Fannie Pannie Seward, daugh child of Secretary SewaiS^d deifce of her father, in Wa day Morning. Of her the. Since the death of his -wue, JXU>4C«3ward's afltectionahave clung most cld^ly-aad fbnd- S r to his daughter, whose clartc^Wwaffl- ling bet mother's; was well- carowated to winlove and tender frjsfd"fr—sMil who knew her. She waa eminently quietand on> obtrasive4n.l«r, manner, siirkking always from pubHc'notice*weking happiness ia toe pursuits, duties and enjoyments of domestic life, and ministering with- constant and so Hcitous assiduity tp the wants andTweliareot tliose around her. Yet she haa-»tr*ngth ot fifl"--!' .,_, !W.-a^-:iOiW r ^Qd','saki-:n more about forgiveness, Sheread Tl in eve" ->»<} i"rrr in*« Ex»eet«al aietea>rlc fttiower r.s' ,'u . tat JsW*^)hiBfi-- r r.-i.r ;.\''^"lutowwai m JTOJ airoisiiji. poZtmmm*Of ttaer a«ti*aat obdervato ry*l W«anbgto», D.ft,iapiakU« arrange menu to^take sdenUfic ^abawvattowon^it expected* Meteoric display In Noverhber.— TheTObfectof the meteoric and ahooUng «*»r^'lat* *a«Mtai Saw attentfoa of en»hTent satranoroar, witkia th* last century to a greater extent than ever before: among them Prof. Olmstead,Twining and NewttShave wrrtte*valuabki»*pers in oonaeotiOB with l a w ar»ma*ce «rf ai^goUftg ntanvt* quite «unoa7but la the mooib* of Augusi*and uin' t W a i a a l a»!laiak>saicrw#*af irW character far beyond'what-'aJay^kjantial ob- •erver would detect,- and wi* M&ti, to any emergency, no matter how ^ | u t § n d teM- We it might he^ r**zuzn Theforlesscour^ herself between her aerth*r > t-rjrea*t a n d the uplrikBdkm7eofthes>ipsaiuP*ajk«vajd the «id sought to divert his deadly aim, attast Uus trait m her character. Payne anerward said that if heeonM have^iMdft «p.,*a}a mind tostrike-her outof the waythe, conidnave accomplished hiaparpoa* 'uponth*'B*creu- ry, but tnathH lace, between hlr "weapon and her fttthw/diaarmed tOM;'th*liadnot thefaeart to teacher Use aln Jir»8eward , a waa alwaya jnoft warm traveling in xdrope he t without wtranw to her full descriptions of all he had seen ana heard dP* 6 *^* ^**hewaaalwayainhistho'ta. wMn abeeut, and always cloatuy watohrulofc hto comfort and happiness at home. That home, already so shadowe^t^t!t1giobB| r wil! be darker than ever now that she who gava it so much ef«ti light ««• left it fbrevar. FAU.O» THKIJUT.—The eeaaon of the leaf he* corn* afa%WHA*llUsnadand *ai- utary ^ W h g * . Who.«^,ifctatfM*he«rt, &***>%*<tW*-* ^P**'<•*« «** tt»* frost wlOtered leaves drften •&» !«» windB, is not reminded that such is hntian life T— Even as a leaf when the froat ha* €scied np Ussap.andito *tem«Unan*w>ifafi«t to the parent tree^ Je num. It raw tye green to-day and float gaily ufayjTte tunune,. breeze, but the frosts of death ate gnawtaa at ita ateBi;*nd we know not if it *hall he- there to-morrow, or be driven away by the wintry bh»su to eternity. Happy m w*. it Naia« pmchea not to us in vafii, in thither solemn day. •' »th* mm**h™&mv& uje attention^otapw*^^ * *****#* »«°vteaa*w^oflts^«^nptc^ C p«ea« 0 t lajtvaaaa and. aa ?™t^^^" ".ZJL.'.;~ » ? 8$E3m *)>'•!»' w e^w: *.isrwm r* "i&&ime&s?M&-i**-: •«SW*l**SP , *i;- - sil! **S^jpSjaaJ|a|a«ajaBk»|>'*ajpaB^ i»a«tf-* •w/-,'*i*-w'Ja*B»ajB,»*ih.-*J*' '" * i* <r at - ;' ^nAao^ii.,- - >**n*Harr4- 4.,i ..».', i*%A God has entrusted Matewsilt iiiirV to our charge, and has All milfl iTinti, iMkissl. be- neneent idea* aniprth«b>>Ba,t»*rl>r owraatf. « t emoTaa*M aja^exalaaiv* manefaly, baa for the world. We are merely traftaeVaawt almoners, and are u«erry niiatto «BT 1 mte^kted weaheutd dtaantraeaad W l l tjjbatxwkatjft* circnkulaa ilsuin ot nobfed hy their ahalwof ft. Hero to what you «asnot 'snk Christ to fit* '^*t %. *•««'«%;; {<*-*> M M l t l m j !rW :^«i. ;ffST. l;**t*. •Y**^

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Post on 18-Mar-2020




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• • Caeaeriwata aad C W f c « r < M i » ( w k . l 6 a ^ ' t « 1 T . ^ f ^

T»« Painikii'wIjilrtaie'Wajitj i all rabKriptloit, r

•--:-'J?a 'M^SJMl«1MSl».BBW|Bll> #Jffl*^- •;»•;-->a. ; ,'

I A T I I 9 V A . » ' t * ' » * » I « « W « t x

I Sq»«*«i«*i«lt„"'. * l « i ^ ^ m « u i o a « y e a i , * » e # l r

• i u i u Ca*M oat exceedinc; Ore Hnea,^l&per yearly

SFacut Noirco, prtcadtaf iaarriajti aafl i^atha,

Mxk*fg^<a£*h?.«at* of ftiiji 10B»»'fcr die OJat - •'W

Orataary aansaBceaaenti of. marriage? and ,death*a

p a t H i J a f l w ^ ^ a ^ a A ^ y y f j ^ l ^ a . , and obltaary;

••^BBi^'wfcnjtimiimtite&Mifc- fit '• =-,- • :;•':1« MAMMa f*T.adT«rtWa| art d** at tfcwklaw of the * * r « f c : ' l » « | i ^ . ' « f u ^ ^ a l k M k « » M i M t a » . k ] n g * r t e j ^ ^ ^ t ^ i S e ^ i i B a d l 1*1 hrtM, «f at * • •ptW* •f the paa&krni aad cb*rged accordingly. ' ' " ''"'"'"

,-' AUcaltei 3'at t £ j c J .



••. a ) f^a*aM«»3P»«iSf\2*>« * « •

". \ - - j f . - iM. . jy , - n ^ , v ' \ ; V ; a .

- • AWaSKWT <U» COUN&CLOK.VE liAW, OoaiaierchU


.. to f»^ai^rtar>aa^t4|»Jtal»a»^;,

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i ^^P r-St1tnt«V




at thei landlnf to oonrey HOOM * « • « f charjt. '



A i l ,

P. J. TA

asw^ rSt.Lawr«ac«lIo-

. Y. ttto H o « . la eligibly alt«»

o « O W » W « W B _


sqr.-1"3 ,

3 .««lfeBjil#S .*Wl L'6WIS«»iav< S,rt1 « » 0 * N * : X AND COUJiSELO* AT LAW*, of the; MV-

Uoltad Statn, r<3rtCoTtBit»ov*ranltHQCo., N. f . £ , ,

• Awosssvs * H » cou<«KU>ks A ^ I ^ W , ew»*r«t Opiwalw old SanUog Uo«ae,;Malooe, N. y . %c«|«t atteotloa gJ«o to clalina ror Wmlona, B o a n a a . i c .

'• W l ' « « * « ' . - : - ^ •••-•I-- '"*'« . iUwBwa;^ ^ w . .n . -^3, f , n . : . l g - a — t ^ - U ' — , ' . . L] g . i ; ' . •_• _ , ; - - »

"'•IftsSielihte Airo-^BHiaS^8T(Bt>t4^ijoi a «ila»lla«fc-^Twy,-T.Ka»^»1>r»tJ>o^;Malpa»?

prevud, too

•jfr*mmtM, DOaytd, Prtmatnrito Frequent Jtttutruatltm. •-.•

S U t t e m e a t a i V o m P a t i e n t s , * c . ,-"TaurTrtactiaUoa «a»ud*y daii<ktir'eUf», and Ma

.aaHrt.-aw.-fcaBdrt^iO^^ol^ia^'T^ljia^.Jt, Hujiraaari,

^ , " W« blata <Jod (oj tli« b«neflt.»c famfatraeared fretn jQarJPceparcd Pre»cripllon " -KtV. F.raaiiiiirt,Bloaa-

'»1trtry'on<ja"whoittJhaveT««a»iaatiartlt*»«bM«« uMetUed wiuefc by 1U n««.D-R«». tt BJ Jqxaf^lUcioaj

MM* wllioat bttvaaW,; I »att i^g*<-»a#»»f.iiltlMi oaaa-pktclj proatrptftd a: .la.tke tttalotihB^rtfwH^wo^i

«% ^ - -noai

simtMe M * c H 1 N E, ^ ^ ^ i> PBTHdAJI AJ)» SC«OKOHv!


P B T B I C I A H ASJ> SBtStxnt; ittofouta*ly pncGcri •»»art»a^»ortOa<tBj^rj^ai^<brtlMt|taa>ti>ret|»«ara

* i n i « * p l a i « ^ a »orlcrtt»«ate of at Q«nal<a«- ITOIaia'a, two, dbora

.#» t*e Bdok Cbort*. 0 « c « No^Jl, ^kosnU

t i te haa j u t (ndnated »«8«| 'W®tffi^B«t XmM — i * J . • • « WurHinjl •IB'eoaiUaWelha

" B»w»jJ85}J'e»«». aJ.hU oldKqomao' xaHoBal Sank. Tbej are pi

I Dental eptratioaa In a-«up«rier aianner »nd at ble price*. Splendid Teeth Inatttedoa


IwtfoH liwrtnei CMtp»y> «<lpirtf»ri»

L ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ « ^ #«tt«ftaMr#i»fi«fMyf if tiuttm.fc qwHUlasd^Borpjq* 'V-v,-: -..,,,,„, .•...•..../^WitJ^.it '

. • B m a T , - 0 « e « B « « * « F »

c - i f ^ f ^ ' l i ^ L S

• a t . S9, 1st*. . . " ' ; '"*"-'. -'-•••! ,»,l»--.

*s w* ?*i^te¥»

i j a i i i d M i l l r i n r t r i M r f f c — a a a * a t a t •

; fetUkflM**, a M t l n r t a p r M w k M h r t a * ) * / - M a l u *

OMIM iv.^ *.-j

H E A T H Jt H IM MITMrii MJIIT' * U 1 HCS,Palnta,

| ^ fancj GooJji

iCiMMIhllOS M M K t a U l i m J ^ ^ f l a W . r r t ^ l M H

PitlliOfcaw 5T '•'^'jiiii'i,^ m**.'

J.TS?"! »

. . • ' • • • *

.- "; HiUtbllthed In 1MO. •epreMatlBC * 1 r t Inipr«Bce.e»nl- J . . , . ™ ; ^ . -

4rfa«fcr»Ja«oi: ,,:.-rv ,,;* ,'..-.;..' 4 , » « » i » » » » * Making a total aSaonnt of at

agalnat toaaca by Fire

fkcBrityh«MUB>1?iamTtByt»fcJ>>»¥wt. Capital and fcrplni, tl&ijmm

(JoluWit l i « « i « C«Hiy» «c* ¥Nfc Caa«tala«d8.oi*a,- TVi-?:» :?.-}» >>• '•^BBk?*!N*


Ihtrtl J«.efi. tiff fmrtiw e«i««T,

dl»«,to Inwre wtU do «-a}l to call anal att*l iartW«ttWtHmpaiiybtftrtt«H«iPoU-

Tri fd . / i ft«rtw« C«»pt«y, I»t Jl

I a u o j r « w _ | t s i a i M t A c e t 4 e j | t a « r « U

WHMtOB J« , tfce fa*.

U rt>-'i:Z::'>-. •a? gtegil^raaViOlflattFlcatt tiki JaMililaMI

• f ^ ^ a r i t l a M l a r M e ) , (aaaw a » J 1 i « ' ' T W rroauataaaa with walaat baatrj hara ttcaa w a U b y UMMOocapaaiaa d n t a ( tka p a a t y w t ka i k f c ^ i d a ^ t a a l M a l i a f l ^ b t a w a ^ a a i t a w ^ a ^ t y for

. . . „ , , _ , ,„_, r i r . . . j twaVavwalttxt—.-atpalannttaifWtMa

• -WJI--to c»T^Iii»nra«aU worthy or BanaaUv .'

ata^htaapaeUraofefcaraetaroriiaal ;


7 0 1

;i„ M»mx r.j '&%

H. W. BELCHER J* ' 4em eaat • / Broadway.A«*| Tark.. *^ ,^. ;»' • v .V .

,.. - B i u T w . a a u - a a , , " - " War. 6 . Unfa •»*.?:.'

. . ^ . . . . - . - • . - * :

peThapaUtnelBanT«daS?t'whaB i a r « at «aa aaararwl i , a H n j K i l a i joat aa certain aa paraonal extraTacaaea—kayaad oaat InooM—to MXt door to r" Tirfr ant waaft ija fajaji

.tharelanojayttaryla -• — - - - — "•- -•B^a»*«»T«fPa*JaW^»!Ta»wpf^»*^»l

awoaaartar aiaaaa iaaia aiakaaiiaaaaataay wOl kar* aa a n t e laaolren<», J ^ baeeuialjaedto tna fca* of tba Okpaleu.** - - - , - . - - > ' ' • • -

a n l « dealriM aaUAl»Larta»ajjiai

brelnawrla(orran«wlnitbelrP< "." _ afa>M^oI>artl«a raaldlaila, Tart Oo ring-

' aa —r fcaarir a aa aay»«

" .T lltlftS^fiaiSwtte.l _...,. ,

f fift *,TH ^ « w ^ f S 2 ^ ^

z^^«ffr».,!ffS ^ ^uaty of rrankon foraaaedwaaaTtK

j a t K S : •••'-:-:.

o. P . oumM w a ^

^ g ^ ^ M t ^ ^ f l ^ ^ d a ^ - ^

1 '*t.imm.1 £*ait i*-Ati,w


B j t a a U M l ^ a ^ U T K k U v

" forffiNMrAf M># OTa>

iDttfemr«id*i>i a U f w « o « * * » t i ) * r ,


_'«f«r, an4' tka«*jM « a « ' r ' - -


«J»w*."i» foflo«r»ir

n«a. ^ky« Ta^afa^ Jra*Mtw>afcl^^»fM»aaiai, a?a» StomacX, Ibart-Burn.OpprtMtioa or Sinking o/C**

" '•'•^"li;

I way Ike*, traa toy fracraat traaaaa. T»»b^, !f>h.,tt^;tMt*Ha>«'tV4*taM'rW^ ;:


iaWh to'aay fara^Wt »r j»« * « > « * , ' « . •

^ y ' l U « * > f t h a ^ » k « a l i a a t j > . a « t a a r i w a ^ l i w . - • ^J r tadIaava4atorwi l i i^kl i :> laa«alar»:>: / : - , n • ,-

^TTMaf l i awy l | i ami ia iaWiM^

WaWo>«t*Ht*,n«fai»ri«fc4.*w«yj,"-' ,

a ^ b * c K a « : > a w r - t r « a i \ a a W l a k « a a i i ; a e « i ; : . j . • •••••"•-•'"• % . L T . . - 4 ^ V » - » ; . ; ; T 4 - > ^ . 4 - ; ^ ,

> ra^ 'waat^r ta«^»^a:a«a l WrJ*a»^»a<»»«Maar.

* r * a * l - - Y a * » r f r a V a a V a » ' a . " t o t ^ t a « . a t ^ - ' ^ r ' ' ' k ^ kwte'Oiatirlataiiaa <aaaai»^CrlkH,»aaa;iri.,

/-"jr. gf i d i a ' iaak;W%'ataxa*at>, aaaa^ .aka tJa la f l l ' Tka twtlltttatgk t a a t k o » » Wkatar aa lMt , ..,.;; ...

~$ jyMMb a^,MCSl||t;ajB t ;^^| |v|kOTl9l i iaa ^;v^. ^ j ;

V v ' $ n J i % t £ * ; M k w : * a r * * a a A 4 ^ ; . • u : a a t * w k a a M a \ l a a t ^ « « t r ^ W l a a a a t t a y . w j ^

' m i r . W > a « . ^ U k ' l w W ' » r l H a U . , « ' ;

• ^ ' U W a3 acafkal A ^ t t i f t a ^ l a N J a a , * f t H ? " t ' ^

L '^•%llrfWy'a^««^^^<»««^.''»*>l« * " - TaaafiMwjib ^ laW. 'w^laW'a i ta t -a lag 'T - '

T M rkdJy r n i t ^ « c k p a J , i * » r > * W # • : : T M V w c ^ ' l t > ' ^ e a l W l a f a ^ ( « ! l ^ L a 1 a ^ '

'aHU^d-jmltndfr thsreit-? Sewae.afengr-•tnTI-Wiaftr pnt' me • up* * i rcoaniel, for the Soira.,tJT«W"HKe ••r^WatfiarjiMJctonnd

~ a ^ t^d^iora* :awoj we ^elo/. 1* 7


• t 1 • * O r - i » ^ « a t W » ' ' p v M f e » * ^ ^ r i M « « a ^ - ^ '

%aTA « t h a M « d t , or AaH^I»<»*»WW»*« "[t

-lu/:fOtt In tha'kraeiO fra^>auiiled aplaada karat

T*t kaat'akw'a>»B»arla^^Aaka»v^.ta«ja«.tWla^t'

:<w*k«;«i l«*we«ki.»W!*a<iak

_. Jit a^^aasxBiyajrf l*J«*^>i»»ara*«; wlth-

_ iisiiWtra'kioltan' ;np.— enfth'raplQTy.'tnd a .

a a « » * . r i a W ; t o the |nwjba«aaai»*W«.nt I >«/Wojjnca>«dIsealUL

V'^t ; l^^l*8lfi»V«»»<W8*l«i*«'«*a»ii»Jr»UTeD yarn . Cwriog the laKatxyaar* 1 kaVTt.Mnr.had ao


tow*»iiig.fro«ainy rwWeaoato ni^nlaowjrt

. t b « f o r « T o t 4 a n e d - U l * ' P » ^ d ^ t ' l * ,»w«»Uw worM I aTar aaaiaa\l jOajaBMay

notaaS?»» i* 'hagaurd,' kara gaaud'ta.Mnc«tk

,-,,-i^,^. .•„.• ).,--<>si|aiJa«Jtoaa**ai««f.irr;T.w. The ' » » I W A J l a W : p « p » A a e T r o i i » * ; B ^

II b o « « . aad taMaAyDraar^gauaral^^ordar,


;-* \Ttieii *|HiM iCrto t^owr/ 'Mttkr " To^mdrroSf,'Wo6ft^44a»v#^'ii. v> (

. : ;'»^^Me^m«p#;*f1^a«^»Wi|iand

nHSia^a^** ^ o ^ b r t b 6 t t f c # r l ^ a W j p * : '

\ b o i i i n -who had, supp»»iH*^M*ai^ bii»iotjB!ii#V 4d-t i j fe i r - - - «-—•->—•-"*•• •*-• -—

; t ^ <

,»Ilat ai»XaVX.«;

:., FWTteftfebfiirttotix^itrtia^riSBrp

•?'.'s . ; : s; , ) ^ f ^ a | l ^ q i ^ i ^ ^

" * --'--?n|iaji|tt^ mjnKrifittomvf. m-J.-Omrk*, X,

m i n v U a ^ ^ ajtfaUlng la j * C cure of

W ^ ^ W l * * * fa

... . . p « * » _

dercrittd a ftftilde. "Hio'*xeboU6n will be

"Qdod SeMreB8l l«m f ^ f i l i w w W e r •'MVta nW Uie«!i*dow.ofthe*anow»f' at^ JfaavPem- broke—"ahot

baa 'diijied;<»^tli«- e^m^mp^im „ „. marrligeI-^WcOia5*!**! »a*t«*t*lldijfe phauefa* it will be.iroiait'i birth ?" 1 &

,e6t.-^1t!*o<I«»ie»jill'(ttoa» • aM-rtaWr^aBoba^raoUoaa, froai arafttaver aaue , and -a^l« ly;«aW«*.« i rJ! !a-regaj j^^^ •• ^-^

UMr%raeO*it$m»*i.uU wW,Ja;aa»iort aiiae,

•O A V T l O.N --^«^*.«(i»e*J*;-.

„ _ _ „ — MQMtm^uHieL,.

m aaak a a * 3 H a » « ; S i f * a a a allaW «!e jPflla Md ( tUkt

^ a p g ^ a s r ^ . ^ ^ '..>> ya»dU'taa»SU.1k«lUMiatkaatarin»aa1 eaek packu«i

1 w U e h a k o o l t k . a » e f « J r g B g a r ^ i . „ , , ^ ^ F ^ ? ' -Sou> at i a Oaoaoiara. Catca, Oaa Doix*a raa aarrut

" »to6«'0ora-a a « i i a t u « *' ~iaat

«oa» icrapptr tttart the wta mam &*** gfJL C. MLDWJV at 00, and JOS tr^UkoutvMai,MHuarsotiui4n«. ,.•

n»Bn«iW*^^ Ibr tfco Uaatad Baatae aad Brttlab Doaalnlosa, : >,--.. ^TO» aWliraa, t! Co'rtlaadtSt., Wear Tork. wtta^aafo abaifa i l l l j l a l ^ ^ T ^ a t e W audi,

~ v . * l % i ; a : ^ i i t T i r - ' : ' t> i r i i . ' i i< ta# i i iaaa io t

LIFE-HEALTH--a and IhoaaaBda ana y wool* girt the Orel


:«n«K m •t',J: 'li.

_ , r * y OjiaAMiaBa*Dpojrr,Ha. «(k"rua Ua>; .Parle, froa taapraaarhulooadte, J u a Oalaaiarr*, iFhyaldan W«n« HoapSal da Herd on Iarlbawara^ 'r trial, OrtjVaald And fcaaedla^retlaf, and, ia »


-=.«..-.:„•••••-•- j * l " « M » V » a 1 p | k y , a U ^ &

aUrrhaa «r «W<«uiI JMaat»n«?an Ingfreai «axaiilBtaiai« or Toattfkl 1 ofHakaalar a^argy.FkyalaalProalrat Waak Iplna, Lownaaa of aplritt, rMnuwH et -fltJon,

4 a > ; i t e a « > M » M a r a i k r i t a a % ^ ^ a^Uwgaaaa daa ««Tay an adeooaU Baa of ttwlaa-

•edUUaad^lawat auraeolooa ehange It prodaow la tae debilitated and aaattarad ayatam. In tact. It ataada anrtrall«daoaa«alsiaa«eare«ruie aialadlaa abora .aaadBatatT-'"-. • ' ~^ ' • ,1 ^ . N „" •

• ftaa-ar t>» aaora, bat a w Tit GrWt Mtu*. XmtOfi i t WW afaat * cwa wkara aO olhtn fall, and, atthonai , aowartiriraBiag^ataUuinothinghartfal ta'tfit —

raatalnlag fnl l r a r t l r a l i n 'irril ifTrriiUnn . . . . _ . , . ....... _„. -tfjfa -Q. -»,*

awaataaat tkaatAanaB*;

A • < . ••,. •;•• • ^jii iiin in p

« l . «l.>JaV.-al< «C<

waaaawaaa aw«aa>

a.aajaa^aadi fext aad are aba tent ftta to- any «,d-

1 M M oWiDMatr akjt .k#i j » r iaaaaaJ-jfaV'

•aklby »Ul>raggUUlhrouihoat the world; or wUlba •oat*yaMB,aivaraly aaakd fraaa aat aiaanraUdn, by larloafng rpadtad price, to any aothorUad agent. 4


• La»aV-tr^*4

" W t «|t* WMnff


• iRVk^rmtJiKDMijttnAtmiKsaor WTWT WfcWrHOMHW FIRE MM

BoubU *wd 8inglo B*ri>l Kiteft ' o a M a a « W a a « a

muT,Bicx« « a t a a t h a i r u a o -

Knuisa', G»» aaa*»»a.T—

t t a i W l i S W a ^ i ^ T a ^ h t t ihotttder;. ,,t»ea» to^gather >ind ftaah, ' T d o J M l e v e ^ r j

— ;>i ' . er thank you enough ; and NwiylookK ' thinking that she had intended togiy* hi

•ndtheri Wa*; I bat 4t«teitdih<>fe d # w » «ie. held down her fcoerbaroirifciwl|lil)l)8«h«.|-. •Rtere wu Jbraethingrln jito|kfl»:*m#r|l-•dlikaajo ei^tric a £ ^ ^thr^h^e^W'a form—each a ycarnlM, pityiar, lOTio* ff»ff —aad theatropg hand in wWphheralayTold odgri*paiituBtU,butf()rtbiCQUDter^«:*e-ment, the morthaTe cried; aw^VJtl*'P*'i hot Nelly forfot tbet: pain when ahe. Ewrd

IJawli^ow^Miit *e^iaticy? Why do -Be L - . . . . . - i . . . . . " • k e p t U s

Yoa mutt not ;let»nch-—•, „ » , . . , . >

gwiSitoO»rothM,f .h^W^y^'f'Aad 'juvMr;: KStook» «bod by aHenced and half inclln-j f l i o '^tf foif * doctor t« * Walittr-.tov* :iftW o K e « ^ ; * O d i 8 ^ *'-IJ> Ihe old atbrV of llh fliidlnfc*^the doer out: the womtn t^Itin rny wiyiitte wai,*rild--hk • "* '"-'•<, JUM|r-W*bk adfantage of it; the

acjoa* the man who had driren her -a.a.'^ikiii.iiii *i.»,-.-~iit.-i.:i8oBae. afengr":


Id by m," "Ti 1t—" *—i£ • - * - " « * » — JZ woTda' Fcoald lutf* tornoBj my loacne; I could h^Te CalTeo down.tad,kll|«a ^fftWt'lrhetiybiiWe pJ-ada*;] »p- w b « yontpoke of-U&tiBlk*! o«ld,«« ^ w p -dakwhieatthelaw,U cafrledpttt, would do.

him say.that the present wa» nothing to the lore wlthcwbich be Wad /he? i «ad;UWB!he a!alled;hej%Jiia|pet»^:^i^*^and>|re«ni heart conk; andrthQ. r«nembered what her aunt-had aaid,and that,after all, he might not care Car her, becauscof .tjje. likeness to hiadaoghtexjand alajoat ;bar<^nt^ily,*he little haad atole u p ^ m »hwJd«jr. j^Telj

i r l ^ r o r y *our 'name-atid^aU!G6d t

t t W a a W t h T ^ f o ^ W C ' O f thfji-inat*. rfaialK.^:Wlieh!l*w1^.aWWa»B in*

waa *U11 born: bnt to ntofet* euddeD

•aetfcJ»*tW<»*. hVbaaaaVed 4rtteBt&tfc&*id? iiTildved

'raV heart -weat bnt to het Urns'

' ' 'TkafarW-k^ra^aaniaMi jaaaadaraaawatLv; V~ g * ; • ; ~X fcal » r i U « a a ^ » a « a ' a i f « » > l aaar u_S > ? , ^ * ; * H S ' ' qwoa'tBtaan-qataa «raM t a a V a a a J i i a t y a a r t , -• :--^ :/• fc/.i, (c.-i ,r ,*.-v:*. ^ -.;-. |g^ciUltaMia>S^<


t a . « C ^ 3 ^ M f t ^ ^ a a W r f n - B ^ r *

» ^ ^ ^ ^ t ^ 4 5 T f a i » l v aearea% i*%a*'ttk

.* a » ? « • ' • • • • '- a »>->.t . * ' « . ; a

'' 4 atlll fitV'bo^^aatd Mra.

But Mra. Pembroke vy&a wrong, as elderly ladtes verylErlqnenfiy^re when they begin to acconat for the actiona ox; motiTea of the •ccond geoexatlon..: Poor J^ajly, had Sold

^ l ^ M d ^ n l a Vora^^ikod 1et«I-the titae rmder the Tee there lay i n c h * JJtoaMraoe as

^ p ^ « ^ | ^ i ^ i l : p ^ i h / d f Mi-wife'*^beeki

• , ^ B p | ? with h ) n ^ i T 5 ^ e n I a n e x D e c t e ^ c l a i m a n t n D O n

ly talk* toy^alwnt (hit fahcy of here

• l lr^It-heT-w&fdK*^*^ 1 1 ' 1 - ' . < ari.'^ 4 « Ye|,;dear.;^ve newr^eoiniilalsel,

for a baby, and, and—" and then she

Mark* aripjag.. h ^ W a . ^

woman pfeaded, an

^fjtneuaeij years ' ¥«r|?*»»i*e.Mllh*j pi^h^cjjl jtaff*


rV,karkl mii^4


aa* ^alhce that


^ « •cw op the lfjthr »nd iltlteht of the

year begat), bad returned frotn a Ttnuniiy •chool ail-aWUPpiiahed and oome-onwAS

*l*t#a*-lk*twr ^v«Ag^J%*f|jrt;a«''i

'W elly'tJiSilMkJ * • • m l » j J * a ^ # I M i baJ); anda^NeiiyUiudigiart^rr»V»*,J»fir-•' ^ajaa*i»iwN»*.-ii'»"'"' " """• " . - . . l ia*--*a^»i*«:itj»:d#Mm«Ui •hoold: he*ai«a(*l»iinfl TlofBog m aooa and nia^t, arra*fin« .aa4 M M * * with her«wo *»ft Uttto ,hSa|a^a7]^ib3t«£ •eemeduo hare a n»fg>»l inflaeoeij in glriDg titafyenfeg pre SwiiiigiUia-faira;.ffrji^ with -]br«vi^'&Wa1^l{«^^^.^.#BCiM :< rooiBiwettt iher*:tp^^ 4^q ^er * jnr#enl-M Bad brought, t '• v/.-V .-;'*,. j . : i - ; ^ ; ' " ^ , > When I t o d o o i - ©paced, Nelry, who anaj ;• p>reliad $pm a «hajrf_*ktta —" A

JtalfASae. Ci»^lfca*iEria6---w, W h a S the »att«*,^lT.Haott»iai»e what tetif r and with a icared aoeshe looked rptopd TorTMr. OoMidiiw haal4UArt«d »a«^«)a*aa*JP tohhn, aa« atood aukaiaf at hiaj, or aav.«kd*«, with ar^kK>rrila*ar&oa, Haliwa»W)aV^«rfc« the wreath hanging affO»atthe whtte wafl; and wbauah. tRin$d a ^ p o j i a j d i n e wag g o n e . " . ' ' ' • ' ' • - • • • • • • ' - • - ! ' ; , ; | - ! _ * ' '

» Why,Ji»hat ia the autHf f"-«rifd Mra. Pembroi«, i l M l p l ^ l l a r i ! aad beraatf a minute after. ^ Yookkaka^lf yanbadaeen a-ghwaV*p \".J •' ', * '• -; -T" j ' ...vr,'

•<8o I lla»e,,, waa *he uhexwitifcd, uspm " if t w t wan did aee auch.a thing, I aaw •**

inhr^at^w^cS1^^ ^ W ^ ^ a ^ a i ^ 0 , r ^ * * ^ , • to7UCticrw^S^*^tyr>UU^ml Nelly, who htJ followed hlrateahe room.

" fftmagt my P«*t nothing—•" "But I ae« U too,aunty: a great

one-aimed tbfng, Mke thai fa >*owe I I aee It thongh ft

a* only axanaaking hi ny eyea IfhyHoe* ft ManC Mm tmr ^-JtjJmt ehlMf* aald Mm Paanbroiu, looking hdplekirytai her

-*aheh*r vpi ahe-a

pooawhM hear inch rkavNally.inypei,' ont whather yon t M M ga»a»a^pa)atjaajto believe in Qum. Ta**a>-w: <jm »1the wreath* will Jteap ualU tomorrow *•«•* than that Itttto excited head of yoaiw wflir

WhaMr^doarelfMdbt M d o f y o f l baninttth<

^ " • S S C H a S , * ^ the girl, Mr,

• ) T l

n j h ^ ^ h M l e a r d ^he'/Bfel-y^paaaed off •natl^at6aeriy6Fciim1o^">^- fi''-^;!l^Undoubtedly, he cannot rMflt-neV with-*o^pill^'het'"]ttmi; st&Ty,-tea*,tirat he can;

very take

jTj* tavtarmpted Mr»4 Pem-'1 wmtii about it Just now."

sweet ToJce,Tremuloo» hkfiW .earnea&ipaa, Mr .

tettance,— r . ^- , and lip, atad the agony he dare notahow her.

^heglra'a face*kajBged Inatantly; there was so bjoah of-miiden^ ;abMaerbat a. woman s alrong lore and artriety, aaihf said pasfiion-^Yotf^lw mi ¥00 :m tmhappy. Why wHlyounot let meiahareyourwunf You think me a child, but you have taught me to he a woman , Whit can I say to mate yon •traM''mef'*" '"* ''*''"" ''".; ,'•"'' ...

" Heafeh have mercy on me! Neuyv be •ileau:,» You are killing ,me!"„an4 «ni«aten-ing the da*pd%%gera from his, Conaidfine sprang to huTteet, and standing there before her,loldtheiio^bTher birft and hi» ain. 1

How Nelly 4ooked, Jwhat Nelly taki, he wm*i&ilj teeF* mmi only a maja;of light moslin, and heard a. low cry of agony as two hands were stretched out, as if to ward bffaomebiow,itntl then'clasped togeth­er again in agony. .'•..- ..> .-.'• .:••• fc^QjwBraaJttwfiar* Mra, Pembrokewas aiti"

Poor Mrs. Pei bad asked the same

eyes.awjunm.iag i * tearairpSgj WL . . . . , . j f _ . -

said: ,^Yoft;are, nphaf^-and you uaiw bee^ib ^arf, ,„„„.-. _ wish I could do aoiyaaajr;, to jjil&m-J§§-.' * iwajBttoihank; yoo.Jjp show you"rQ,h|Mnd dropped and thfJ volca i ^ » intoa.«I&tsper4 ucoppeu anu tuu vuictt*a*ufcr.*»w»;«»V»M fltteitioo, »»«l QowWiM had repjieia "Uiat J o r ^ o l ^ w a r o ^ ^ ^ tiiere was ho alierhaUye: the hour hhdeome

^^»im-^^^~^PSf^t^fSSm*^S^.- tto^iUa^Jht^wliererhe waited to see bis chfti agahi^, . . i...ti-.^-^.i<.. .... . - . . : J

. < A. few days passed dver.Heiiy was paasire and-apparently -better, so Mrs. Pembroke went oter tothe rectory, and sitting there a-Uttle longer: than she intended, the darkness of a summer, eyening had fallen before she had reached the Tillafie street. Onherhome-

ft:mjBera'» elly "turned

r _ . _ , . J w ^ v M o f l i i e , -xini»teeL*h»t .wiijohTW^-^olini^^a^/telL aflB^Un^ihafcan^ w

untried heart oonn6t look ions a t Wight things wtthoot reflecting.thelr Cght; ache-foreptho ;n|gh*waa qyejr»J^alyj waaMfi^P eat,and happjpllflieicffi ready 1 , 0 ^ p t in

wwdd ,^haa»«ucf t ^ ^ h p ^ ^ J i u i i t ; ifhaip»|oi ,ej!^qy#co"gte;. f,,.;c ' ,

,^,-gue«t»? ^f^J^^mi ..gOi_

pigUU a»^We$o¥C4?ira\afdJi^t|^ reaung npon the arm rdimawblchUtepace-, tett»aB^asp,«i.,.]SelKi^tth^kin^ the

;and;mjaaicJik^,a.|nem^ hap-•^ah^goiolr^er^^firai mm* ^jW9?M^^^mmfmihf^

*miumit)oa. dWto tteiM»f %' W^,5?^h^r| |^o^M^|rJTed. ^ * t » I h h ^ i f f e M l W ^ a n i

«* fe r tppPp*MPB *er

way down-atairs, ao4a.tend;er,1iap P a h a u u u ^ H

00 roaveiuber nowaheuaed to take her hed.'wiUi her, and youfyund the new hox of ninepins under her pillow; weH, she has the bracelet, on, poor little thing t and then how I used to Ter reyBelf whenever I saw jknian, near her, thinkinjr that they wanted to.rpb. us of our darHngf' ..

•o.mnoU the worse, and more need "' j I " Jancy, ? Tell bar vpu muat

Sj^alP^f . lTk«Ww, Playa ^ ' i i m ^ a n d the-hliuating

.to^-yo^au'Ca^/awKt,: | r | » ' | ^ ; lo c>t;-0ttt,;-«jr:

* met his saddened wea-: • s u n had been face to face ^ndge. than himself, and tho

holdlnghe^ hand, and readfog in. her .face the unfooken words of sympathy. ** Xloaoti netefherp^ to re^y one utheofimy . 1>-Ugatioo-tv. you, or Mark; we,U talk oyer Wimtl oikn do a o o ^ i i m e ; now I must fea^aja^ avmiBtMft}, hot ^ n M ^ j r e a t on.-»U 1 i t t d »aa»t h a r ^ p a t ; o r i o iook-In^har Cacje,!'

iattiwat/ta»4«m*?^r?WB\^p to her faa^fca^isrs.: »ho the swne Dltaankht netorei ani something in Conaldine's face recalled it, me floweraTand mitnattne camfr Between her and 0 6 paia ofihe raeraory. %*$&mii&lf&ti& birthdayr- « Nelly." Itwaatholrattiiaahehad ever left ^8l4h« <oon*«atlonal Mias.Uefore her name. Neily'ihaa^g«TBr*liij^,houad4 and her

_ #j^»f^upto.hfcwith»»hy lox^of^w •'hy «ar aad wxrkiotataoa, her cojor eoming- and

. , that fgta|fM l»/?waaAi»iy;H.yDav-|»b^Tt.5ali never had satijdkaol^/rknd^that I claim the rtghfeas

~*xi yo»^aomiUflng nice,*and to tellyottnoir ' -A-n^ftaffire my, little friend. . If ancleV

c grows «%%d Of you, PU adopt you, and lyp« a tUry palace full of llowera^nd

, Hitrie4w4atigha«haf»pcte,aB41aidh1i MPpoitmedJ^airel k>cto(rflkrigbth»ir amhflgft: which'4o^'«MijpeiB^r4^IallBn:' ""elly at once took th* «ia»>, ataoaihdj and _>aed his hand.; Mrs. Pewhrokt whispered Wtnethtegt&'herear.ahd with a brighthlnsh

flhe fMtol* «pli*t^«tjrttg;t

Mr. {JdhalMe^adgone'b^ch^uKtto after tlielMdl, irrach, let1 ft 'bctald, to Mark, iaa-llrav^ftera^ Worthy ngonlehehigf^cre^jefiotodfllUs u n e a ^ ^ r a a J S ' n ^ h ^ r l ^ ^ f a h d exceedingry doubtful and perplexed as to the

v: Ab6dt a fbnhli^ after iWa, M^ bis wife bo thOTght- lib/;lDo|aag4palei:,.«' Shels fagged with all taia gadding'and heat, •wifej you must take her down to th6 raM., Pli write or t e l ^ p h to Mr. Ji^wA; to get Jhe old Home^ady; yon aMahi *»n ran down c*TuesdajrfMienael^qnaa^MSand T%il

WM d%lit«,knd owned harself 5? da^crnf^^-^roqltfWi 5!3tie " W

ome* was thepjfeeorill 6th'ertr8lre liked best: atamhl&ij:'jim holntei *ittfclanoid^ jj hlotielfl M^enrw«fe%»*rira^ n5« oficrwersvbioonaiig Stk> fidnden fiow: 'er\(jrBrPw>Ohi-^hg^-^ fume, and sulferag%erMTr^^ ^Weryday withc^tany^4»ledtamntJ«a

„'. thejrTeal'MWfbreh,'irt*•< shadad ,with JeaMrafne ttd hotreysacWe, and thaoW waili were cIustere>%Hh monthly to-ies aadlines; under the brc^-ere^ «mfeny^-*T»aBowa werejilwayatwiaerinftahvayasiirrjnghhg*^

Beyond the g»*den Jay a, «reei,J»eWow, atthfrfbetofwSkkA^liwii^^ med back. toj|»- *» |^» ,JPWi lM«»l ' : lent pool,draped with,the targesf #01ow trees 61the.c^5nW;;in w h ^ i a f theh^eat Vou^and ailbpg tJjjj tyffi&^&.'gffi-*:

dutajjoe, w,»kTh| e silenoe bya soft alum-brous wund.- A. larorite haunt of NelTy'a

the tree* ^ npon the brown wat«, and toe tfpttr rose la


atirtedat o-^-w. lurma nWdlng Clod bleat-her- then, befare Se*felB«ew<w»t to;*y:or thhilt.the'aoor

taaaanvrary frab aadatrangely interrupted, her thooghta, nor hsd. she time to follow-the grievance % for Mrs. Pemhroke wdscuri oiis to know "What the judgeV present WM:'' AJi^aaaelirax; op»aWiW_Nelly»a eyes a^daale^-for l y M W l e ^ p l j u e veT-ret waa a gorgeous diamond bracelet. ' • Mr. Conaidute, who had no Idea what pres­ent to gire the young lady, had placed-the aaatter 1tt th* hands of a jeweller, who in turn, weighing the yaloe of the gift by the graataaai of tha girttf, had chosen ana wor­thy, at he truly aaid, of royalty; and though th* price tfd aeana rather great, uooaidme thua^toit waa enfy ignorance on hit part,and haweoM wiUlatfyhaYegivor* twice a* ranch1

toseaHWrykwk aleaaad. •It moat he worth two hundred poonds,

at laSaV* sakl Mra. Pembroke,,rather breath-toaaly/tWsha,awa, had been Uatxled by the aj ratfoaaM ot tha oaWing.

• Two taadred paunds, aunty I two hund-tw4nea«adateapMaeat to poor little me f and MtHy hent dosra, pratandtag to exam-haaUkt traoeiat, bat only to ahakeoffthe

tears tears that had come again; not this tfeawt nor aid ahe say anything more ahont late eattaoafhif harachUd. "Men


rorth two hundred ^•aidl t iat lSai ly^uer-

amiatd at th* iHrl'i bfkht [' I htr 4aaWag,the^«e«rog ' fiaoe, 1

n*ss«y it was thatNeUy wat atUlanelia rMd,aa4a^Uk»otaar gkk, tWythf er erybodywho liked or was kind to tkern sawt be in lore. . .

Nelly was dreawil long belbre trera expected, and ia the tratdrai



*^h/^^'^^%p^tt^r;. hut natme was justlthen thfi'pteliantw hook tod: Nelly t w 4 ho t d t e J w t » # r g p a 2 a stood at the head of the tillage »tfe&, and (h^yil%e;,w^:6h»M tbiitetthatbtVclnajers

» , . » u , » , — , v ~ , w . » , . , . :wt^H I* ,arWS**T^:-!^^*ffi&where e Btirted att^ caughiher la bta Wlwayaamunknowh., |BBua»JWiihigahlea c a w t e u S i ^ g n * j , e r * • u » ^ ^ r J ^ a M k a a ^ a ^

h j k t t o f a ^ f t Q t h ^ ^ l t ^ ^

Bloaa ^ W n d Mm* and she ^;heX*n«t ^ ' J w S r * n * " i f t " w * i # ^ i S » ^ were alone. .:-•£•.-VJ "i» •,--''.,:>

" Poor man," said Mrs. Pembroke, mhmu-~ ' "' - - - - - - -'• g^he hidva

, i»7etf«l*>aT^yottmuat BotThlnk' anything of hU being a little pecu• " '^kfmhrgea\jrouara-not*«hUd;^; • .M ,«i z

*S«a|*raBg*up into INeliye eyea--halfr angry, petuSnt tears. Wlvy did he think her a eklld* She waa'nineteen, quite a w r

1 did not anawer.

^velocity greater than the

waid wait-Mr. CohBidino, who had seen her aet off and; had heen watching for her return, jQtoedher.andtogether they walkedofttalk ing Q£,Nelly} but when close to. the ind, where three country laborers Were drinking their ale and smotung their Jipesatlhe door, a woman aert'antfrom the house ran up from th»npLjrQad*p v

" Something, has happened," gasped pear Mra. PembrOKe, with that presentiment of %vlFwatBhHehme»Wer us waettmes r ' rui ibrwftid~I Oannot." •

" Oh I ma'am, oh! sir," cried the woman, " Miss Nelly " then, unable to finish the

C»^eS«*«id1n;.kDh^ ding the men stay with,Mrs. Pembroke, hur-xiedfotward>W Ieamiwhltt had happened.— jEe had not ftr to go- in uncertainty, for by ^ e gate in^o fhe jnill walk stood another 'servant. She pointed to the green bank, and there Me Saw1 Mark kneeling and supporting a white figure. He knew the truth now, and bjad np need U> have it seared deeper into bis heart by the bitter words that broke in the

. ?u%t agony from^rioor Mark Pembroke. P a i ffsiTefe'tfChild he sio<m aside aa the crowd

gathered and as the attempts to restore life were proceeded with—attempts which, by God's mercy, were crowned with success.— And Mark was Carrying the half-animate fdimrinto the house as the doctor galloped up and took the case, happily now a.hopeful one, in hand. But when the danger was over, another was imminent. Brain foyer followed the shock, and fbr hours and day* the poor girl's ravings were even harder to bear than the first trial.

Day and night Mark and his wife watched and day and night Considine satin her room. No one conld mbve him; he laughed in Mark's face aa the latter spoke of rest or food. A»d then they left hint alone, for the man's Wpwrafl "as sfiroager Mian even .hisldve.— ^.t'ttst a change came! and the opiates took eilect-" •".-•""-'' ">---£"*

^ahea*rakens frtte from- delirium, she # U ^ 4 i v i ; ^ h o n B ^ , « i e Aj&etor, .'/If not, d^tb^wiUAejate merciful alternative to per manent thsamfy.0 ; -^ Whd <5aW1^:tJBe^gotiy'or,ithe: watch kept in the Uttle white dnperied room, or the depth of repentance of the conscience strick-n. man leaning his white, nnahaven face up-n: his hands, his eyes bloodshot \vith wake­

ful nights staring forward across the dark­ened room., watching the Bale face where life anddea%ffl*erj^» i anpft0 v , ;

llOTf#' > i te waen

Asleep foil upon Ne%, (tod Majughljtad crept unon the watchers withorft any definite

t W ^ ! # i Hd. her head upon *b«d> ihpuI4er, and eibafratUra had

_ Wmj?! J « i ^ a n P h a ^ s & i n , a n d left a shaded lamp. The doctor had come and goaadamnataiw again :|p wait—lying ^ m ^ : i » j ! [ i w ! B S ^ m ; ? q % % »8|tch an noyrkr Bleep.

•The'window of the bed-roent was open, and the enmnter wind oame in laden sweet with tha breath of the flowers ..the sick girl had loved. '. ,, •.,•••-;,-•-.: :' Hour after hour went on. and ^he-first red atrealr of oar dawn %«»' brigWenhrg- in the east, when NeUy opened her eyaaaad turn­ed her face towards the window, dru wing up thfr-^ejothaa, -.ThOjfCtion was so quiet and natural that Mark, unable to bear the

,yjwau*7 suspense, uttered her name aloud. Nelly _ . . r, fifes 6* *arte#foH ri ^#itwer*i- l«r«»i»}:<thafrttel^ - .' ••' --i<\-< - -•^:-'<.:-riv *-' ••x3^-&fopjm.wi0H& ,^fe;oaen-PVahft|

»«JM- •''WtereUie—my father, myisth-^ a« ms«nt <>»tldme w « ka»eling at

herside, his fide;buried in the counterpane,

^TooTTfordwe me/' she whispered, with her thW^lwatrhaiid otrhtthfeadr^ ' ; " iSM/satfnh^r-%^ sla^rn Mart nenW say.

than onward

^ f t ^ l l i & r i F ^ i s p l a y B o f W6. and 1888 were chantoterized by the fall of the meteor ites, which, rushing towards the surfitce ot

neathWtoveralfeet. *TOtf pe«Mfe^e«ia*ae starry showers is not. so definitely ascertain-etl With reeard to the day as to the year.— T f i e f m T O u r M WmAM featde-gree in the1 taontha Sol? AttjOit and Novem­ber from 1833 to 1839; but the most remark­able of ihem have appeared on the Uth ot * e ^ ^ r , ^ e t w J e n ^ J a t e a ^ A e ^ .

The next appearance of mrnHrt»oriclMie nomenon, therefore, ia expected on or about J,he J2th of thi^montt. ^T^olwiTatfons 01 astronomers have demonstrated Tbafthe shooting stars are more numerous between midnight and sunrise, an& the majority 01 them agree in fixing, the radiibt p&lnt-that point in which the lines described by the meteors in their Sight center—in tbeconstel-Oation I^eo, UmittngAhe area of radiation to th^imme'diateVIcimtyof B^guloJin theneck of the Hon: '• Others assign the radiant point to the constellation Orioni • "^' S' s?,t>

The theory most generally, accepted in ac-connting foT the regalar^r^CTroenon^f »t>ete -oric showers, is that an annual aggregation of these asteroids exists in. thej)laner.which is reached by the earth at tbatec|w-ef iia orbit, and through wjiich thejearm js.aever al hours in r«saing,i although, pbsejrvafions have not been surtciently numerous" to es­tablish the exact oeriod of fteeaj^Varrlval at this part of its orbit.; ujimjthe.flight ot meteors in Novemberk 1833, mpch apRrehen sion was manifested from the fear that one or more oi these asteroids would come into

extraordinary size and brilliancy, as well as bv the ltnjfla^aataime its train remained vis-

ow the meteor in and finally diaap

cloud, many times I _ which continued to move

is some reason to believe that an event nl this kind Is possible, scientific men unite iu the opinion that such a calamity is not with -in the bounds of probability.

A F e n i a n M e x i c a n yiallttniTe.

It is said that the adherents o'f Gen. Swee nyr the deposed Fenian leader, many ot whom are not Irishmen, and therefore ready to make fighting a trade, being Without em ploymeut^have engaged themselves on the side of Mexican Bepublican independence,— Their programme is thus laid down by a New York cotemporary:

" An expedition, is povy being prepared jwith great secrecy, iBo trangbor't; :w

ahs, with thefr owce> f m m co, ana it IB understooa that the; __ wilt start from N e * York and di Tampico. Another expedition .fT the same lime frbni New Orleans a ing at Tampiqo oy Panuco wjfl York contingent, will march at out city of Mexico, and there proclahn lie, with Santa, Anna as Dictator. The ex nediUbhwill he fnlfo eq,«Ippe||ana^rovis-ioned to prevent diiaster.and artillery will be procured in New Orleatii, It i s calcnla ted that 2600 Irish soldier* WhU b i t e seen

m our arnHea dt er with tJie thousands of"

t&^iwliiitogeth-^hawil l

kan, and-hathere Nelly's heart began'to' i>^^^^^^m$,^Vm$cs to cure, ^ ^ ^ - • •- '••• ...•-•.-,_.-^ . . . aad NeUy.was>dispensmg diector general-^

carjyiatfahout"- - *

wx^feto^ffitthafoiMla^^ «,. „ „„„ . « . . , ,„ «,«. °* ^ S ^ ^ S 8 ? » « « * » fbnr hundred year*; ry Word! arret look of love that aoottied: and ^bichiheihgheyona^lhe^^ "•' " " ' es^febabltantl w « ksft:ufloT»ptt(ea.' I r ra £t T^W&g^^waaahbwn'and >yed: iTOrtwhef^ There waa not a cottage where at Some time or otter she had not. been the messenger of rejiet 0* cprnforfilpr: here, aa"io bAer m-lag^there.^os the usual round of aore

ed by Mrs." Perabroke froth ah ancientr recii. 1»^hpekbaj6Mfcga»amw>*«aw^* rival of the M«%\aaijr" was hailed with genu­ine delight, and for the first three days there >*ii*l*ea*itto^ the different cottages, visiting favorite haunts, ahdptek-r i»^w»»; |a^^i | l iB^Ji» namented every chimney-piece and window in taa atooiBi • • - •-

On FjrWav, Mark an#M». Coasidine came down, and h> the tTaoing NeUy iatf thtuAd -eonlaaittnag after tBaner, and stok away to er favorite atat under the wllfojra aad there

hi avahort tinso her rareria waafiroken in up-«« by M*, Conaidiaa, w/fco, suing-down op. •a the gmn bank IktaUUi har, talked of the nteaaant oountty, and iaw ntaaaain of being thaw, and idle after the takOa and trauWeo! tfnsav10 say^nothing «f Ow Swivnod heat ofLoadosu Naitoikatenaaia>>4atMaveredt--. Then, a* ah* ahaatas of .ewaaia» 4c«w ataaar round tnern, and ta* red ctoaaa wate reOeot-e411a^D*totoeaof blood ia Uae clear water, the aikiaaan aafioMoe ot taa hour fell upon ahana, and nath were ajksnti,. felly's eye*

WfcijyliavT^MikitfagiajMkfca ahJW.-ttteMa,««»rytag k^arf wk^Waapal

££^J5r*»l "* • • %«« tiro*.

tended her during the long week in which l b * w a t i ^ i r ^ . j ^ . 5 , « d t o t h e t h o ' t wovemnraBIiair

aad tenderness with which they took, her a n a J s a ^ t J ! ^ - .

oru^oa at defiance, and owned^eJly atfhii daughter; and, strange to say, the World never .discovered the secret orher birth:^-mft^srrahger t ^ , . N e l i i Mdfihotten it. -Th» fever had, as I t : M m £ * # A out ihe^x-pls^atioa in every partioolar,; save ohe, that S ? n * ^ n « hadjplaiiaeja herv aa hla daughter. The shadow of the gallows was gohe; Na­ture-had worked out ae* meed of puaish-^ U , ^ 4 ^ * ^ ^ * ^ 1 ^ &* promiaei "I.WU1hPtbewigry forever.....s<-.. . v

•n--f' .'•',•-•••••• ' • , t l > - FEHirbst. --

t t o n i n d i d a t a t L l k ^ - » l k i r . i a 3 L ^ 222T! v8"^ &B£^*WZ*mBL** ^•w«eatanvaWMw«aaman*4ow,aghut- frotn that time to th* recurrenee o f S e me-

concehtrated to defendth* Ckp al of the Montezumas. Several Gerautflhi«t^4.meri-can officers who have served in the late war of the rMH»m»'have Seen offered nigh po­sitions, and it is believed that in a few days the expedition wUl be ready-to-ttart. It has also transpired that several thousand, mus­kets belonging to the Fenian Brotherhood, and deemed unserviceable for future1 use in Canada from the fact that the Canadian vol­unteers have been armed lately;wjt$:hreech-loading Snyder rifles, are beh^nftjmtiated for by Santa Anna,' and Will WaoE&o him by the P. B. A couple of steeihiers'rJdif e been purchased, and in a week orieh^ys%e*it-icens of New York may prepare tlfemselves for startling tidings. .-•>.•

• Death o f Fannie

Pannie Seward, daugh child of Secretary SewaiS^d deifce of her father, in Wa day Morning. Of her the.

Since the death of his -wue, JXU>4C«3ward's afltectionahave clung most cld^ly-aad fbnd-

S r to his daughter, whose clartc^Wwaffl-ling bet mother's; was well- carowated to

win love and tender f rjsfd" fr—s Mil who knew her. She waa eminently quietand on> obtrasive4n.l«r, manner, siirkking always from pubHc'notice*weking happiness ia toe pursuits, duties and enjoyments of domestic life, and ministering with- constant and so Hcitous assiduity tp the wants andTweliareot tliose around her. Yet she haa-»tr*ngth ot


.,_, !W.-a^-:iOiWr^Qd','saki-:n more about forgiveness, Sheread Tl in eve"

->»<} i"rrr i n *« Ex»eet«al aietea>rlc fttiower r.s' ,'u . tat JsW*^)hiBfi--rr.-i.r

;.\''^"lutowwai m JTOJ airoisiiji.

poZtmmm*Of ttaer a«ti*aat obdervato ry*l W«anbgto», D. ft, iapiakU« arrange menu to^take sdenUfic ^abawvattowon^it expected* Meteoric display In Noverhber.— TheTObfectof the meteoric and ahooUng «*»r^'lat* *a«Mtai Saw attentfoa of en»hTent satranoroar, witkia th* last century to a greater extent than ever before: among them Prof. Olmstead,Twining and NewttShave wrrtte*valuabki»*pers in oonaeotiOB with

law ar»ma*ce «rf ai goUftg ntanvt* quite «unoa7but la the mooib* of Augusi*and

uin' t W a i a a l a » ! l a i a k > s a i c r w # * a f i r W

character far beyond'what-'aJay^kjantial ob-•erver would detect,- and wi* M&ti, to any emergency, no matter how ^ | u t § n d teM-We it might he^ „ r**zuzn

T h e f o r l e s s c o u r ^ herself between her aerth*r>t-rjrea*t and the uplrikBdkm7eofthes>ipsaiuP*ajk«vajd the

«id sought to divert his deadly aim, attast Uus trait m her character. Payne anerward said that if heeonM have^iMdft «p.,*a}a mind tostrike-her outof the waythe, conidnave accomplished hiaparpoa* 'uponth*'B*creu-ry, but tnathH lace, between hlr "weapon and her fttthw/diaarmed tOM;'th*liadnot thefaeart to teacher Use a l n Jir»8eward,a

waa alwaya jnoft warm traveling in xdrope he

t without wtranw to her full descriptions of all he had seen ana heard d P * 6 * ^ * ^**hewaaalwayainhistho'ta . wMn abeeut, and always cloatuy watohrulofc hto comfort and happiness at home. That home, already so shadowe^t^t!t1giobB|rwil! be darker than ever now that she who gava it so much ef«ti light ««• left it fbrevar.

F A U . O » THKIJUT.—The eeaaon of the leaf he* corn* afa%WHA*llUsnadand *ai-utary ^ W h g * . Who.«^,ifctatfM*he«rt, &***>%*<tW*-* ^P**'<•*« «** tt»* frost wlOtered leaves drften •&» ! « » windB, is not reminded that such i s hntian life T— Even as a leaf when the froat ha* €scied np Ussap.andito *tem«Unan*w>ifafi«t to the parent tree^ Je num. It raw tye green to-day and float gaily ufayjTte tunune,. breeze, but the frosts of death ate gnawtaa at ita ateBi;*nd we know not if it *hall he-there to-morrow, or be driven away by the wintry bh»su to eternity. Happy m w*. it Naia« pmchea not to us in vafii, in thither solemn day. •'

»th* mm**h™&mv& uje attention^otapw*^^ * *****#*


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God has entrusted Matewsilt iiiirV to our charge, and has All milfl iTinti, iMkissl. be-neneent idea* aniprth«b>>Ba,t»*rl>r owraatf. « t emoTaa*M aja^exalaaiv* manefaly, baa for the world. We are merely traftaeVaawt almoners, and are u«erry niiatto «BT 1

mte^kted weaheutd dtaantraeaad W l l tjjbatxwkatjft* circnkulaa • ilsuin ot nobfed hy their ahalwof ft.

H e r o to what you «asnot 'snk Christ to

fit* ' ^ * t % . *•««'«%;;

{<*-*> M M ltlmj!rW

: ^ « i .

; f f S T . l;**t*.

• Y * * ^