sinajoron v. marc & matthew's

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  • 7/26/2019 Sinajoron v. Marc & Matthew's


    Republic of the Philippines


    Regional Arbitration Branch VIICebu City


    "n# JOEPI! !. AMPANER,


    -versus- NLRC RAB VII CASE No !"-!"#$-""



    "n# MARYBE!% !E %ANRespondents



    Co'(lainants) by counsel) unto this *onorable O++ice) res(ect+ully states,


    This case +ile. by co'(lainants against res(on.ents is one +or illegal .is'issal an.non-(ay'ent o+ salary) holi.ay (ay) "/th'onth (ay) allo0ances an. se(aration (ay


    Co'(lainant 2enie 3 Sina4onon 5hereina+ter SINA6ONON7 is o+ legal age) ili(ino)

    an. 0ith a..ress at Sitio 8a0ayan) Bana0a) Cebu City9 co'(lainant Ra'alou R Bacat

    5hereina+ter BACAT7 is o+ legal age) ili(ino) an. 0ith a..ress at O'(a. St) La(ula(u City9an. co'(lainant 6oe(it T Ca'(aner 5hereina+ter CAM1ANER7 is o+ legal age) ili(ino an.

    0ith a..ress at Ibo Relocation Site) La(ula(u City

    Res(on.ent Marc : Mattheau;s *ouse o+ 1astries) Canteen Concession : Catering

    Services is a cor(oration .uly organi/) >!"/ as a coo@) 0ith a 0or@ sche.ule o+ #,!! AM to $,!! 1M At

    the ti'e o+ his .is'issal) she 0as su((ose. to be receiving a gross 'onthly rate o+ 1)!!!

    (lus a non-ta%able allo0ance o+ 1")$!! (ayable every " than. /!tho+ the 'onth) as state. inSection > o+ the E'(loy'ent Contract 5attache. as Anne% A7 entere. into bet0een

    res(on.ent cor(oration an. co'(lainant The sai. sti(ulation corres(on.s to a .aily 0age o+

    1/$D" an. a .aily allo0ance o+ 1/=) or a total o+ 1$!!!! (er .ay

    - " -

  • 7/26/2019 Sinajoron v. Marc & Matthew's


    Co'(lainant BACAT 0as e'(loye. by res(on.ent cor(oration +ro' ?ece'ber ">)

    >!"> to ?ece'ber >/) >!"/ as a ste0ar.) 0ith a 0or@ sche.ule o+ "!,!! 1M to #,!! AM

    At the ti'e o+ his .is'issal) he 0as su((ose. to be receiving a .aily 0age o+ 1/>#!!

    Co'(lainant CAM1ANER 0as e'(loye. by res(on.ent cor(oration +ro' A(ril >")

    >!"/ to ?ece'ber >/) >!"/ as a coo@) 0ith a 0or@ sche.ule o+ "!,!! 1M to #,!! AM since6uly >!"/ At the ti'e o+ his .is'issal) he 0as su((ose. to be receiving a .aily 0age o+


    Co'(lainants 0ere reuire. to 0or@ +or >D .ays o+ the 'onth) holi.ays

    Co'(lainants 0or@e. +or res(on.ent cor(oration 0ithout any inci.ent +ro' their

    .i++ering .ates o+ hiring to ?ece'ber >/) >!"/ ?ece'ber >$ an. >) >!"/ 0ere non-0or@ing .ays +or the cor(oration

    On ?ece'ber >) >!"/) co'(lainant SINA6ONON sent an SMS 'essage to outlet

    su(ervisor 6essie through 6essie;s (hone !"D-"-D 6essie re(lie. on ?ece'ber >)>!"/) ",/$," the +ollo0ing 'essage, 3I, S@e. +or to') ate bebie Fco'(lainant

    SINA6ONONG H no .uty) 4i'boy H no .uty) Alison H ni FsicG .uty) 'ar@ H >(') eric H >(')greg H >(') 4oe(it Fco'(lainant CAM1ANERG H "!(') 4anico H o++) ra' Fco'(lainant

    BACATG H "!(') Ariel H "" ('

    The ne%t .ay) 6essie sent another SMS to co'(lainant SINA6ONON) stating, ate

    bebie) as o+ no0 la 4u. ta o(eration) 0e 0ill t%t @ng 0en bali@ ang o(ertion FsicG NO

    O1ERATION TO?A3 2la sa. @o @ba0 0en bali@ 5rough translation, Ate Bebie) as o+

    no0 0e are close. +or business9 0e 0ill te%t you 0hen 0e 0ill be bac@ in business NOO1ERATION TO?A3 I also .on;t @no0 0hen 0e 0ill be bac@ in business9 SMS receive. by

    co'(lainant SINA6ONON on ?ece'ber >D) >!"/) at "$,=,=7 5These t0o 'essages are

    still archive. by co'(lainant SINA6ONON in her (hone) an. can be ins(ecte. by the*onorable Labor Arbiter7

    On ?ece'ber >D) >!"/) co'(lainant CAM1ANER 0ent to his (lace o+ 0or@ at thecor(oration;s co''issary at "/ Jochan St) Mabolo) Cebu City *o0ever) he +oun. the

    co''issary (a.loc@e.) so he 0ent ho'e The ne%t .ay he receive. an SMS 'essage +ro'

    su(ervisor 6essie) using the (hone nu'ber !"D-"-D) that the co''issary is alrea.y


    1reviously) res(on.ent cor(oration ha. trouble @ee(ing u( 0ith the (ay'ents o+

    salaries .ue its e'(loyees On the night o+ August ") >!"/) Ana an. her husban. Ellieha. a 'eeting 0ith the e'(loyees at the Jo Chan co''issary an. tol. the' that the' they

    coul. not give the' their (ay that .ay On that .ay) the cor(oration has not yet (ai. the

    salaries +or the (ayroll (erio. 6uly >D) >!"/ to August "!) >!"/ 5" .ays7 an. August "" to") >!"/ 5 .ays7) or a total o+ >! .ays The e'(loyees 0ere (ro'ise. that they 0oul. be

    (ai. their un(ai. salaries as soon as the (ay'ent +or the Convergys 5CVJ7 canteen

    +ranchising is receive. on October ) >!"/ That .ay ca'e) but the salaries 0ere still un(ai.

    The e'(loyees .e'an.e. +or the (ay'ent o+ the >!-.ay un(ai. salaries) an. .uring thesecon. 0ee@ o+ October >!"/) a (artial (ay'ent +or +our .ays 0as issue.

    On August >!) >!"/) a ne0 'anager too@ over an. change. the (ay'ent sche.ule to0ee@ly By ?ece'ber >!"/) the res(on.ent cor(oration still has not (ai. "D .ays 0orth o+

    0or@ +ro' each e'(loyee

    On 6anuary /) >!"$) co'(lainants) along 0ith +our others 0ho 0ere also .is'isse. on

    ?ece'ber >D) >!"/) 0ent to the Regional Arbitration Branch o+ the National Labor Relations

    Co''ission to reuest (ay'ent o+ the "D .ays .ue the' T0o conciliation&'e.iation'eetings the SENA 0ere con.ucte. in 6anuary On 6anuary "#) >!"$) SENA O++icer &

    Conciliator-Me.iator Oliver T E'ia issue. a Certi+icate to 1rocee. 5attache. as Anne% B7

    - > -

  • 7/26/2019 Sinajoron v. Marc & Matthew's


    +or +ailure o+ co'(lainants an. res(on.ents to co'e to an agree'ent Mean0hile) the other

    +our acce(te. 1>)!! as (artial (ay'ent o+ the "D-.ay un(ai. salaries

    Man.atory conciliation 0as calle. +or on ebruary "= an. >#) >!"$) but res(on.ents

    +aile. to a((ear) hence this (osition (a(er


    " 2hether or not co'(lainants 0ere illegally .is'isse.9 an.

    > 2hether or not they are entitle. to their 'oney clai's


    Be+ore a case +or illegal .is'issal can (ros(er) an e'(loyer-e'(loyee relationshi(

    'ust +irst be establishe. FSy v Court o+ A((eals) $$D 1hil $!$) $"/ 5>!!/7G

    The 0ell-settle. tests to .eter'ine the e%istence o+ an e'(loyer-e'(loyee

    relationshi( are as +ollo0s, 5"7 the selection an. engage'ent o+ the e'(loyee9 5>7 the(ay'ent o+ 0ages9 5/7 the (o0er o+ .is'issal9 an. 5$7 the (o0er to control the e'(loyees

    con.uct The +actual situations o+ all three co'(lainants (ass these tests

    Co'(lainant SINA6ONON 0as hire. by res(on.ent cor(oration on Nove'ber "=)

    >!!/ 5selection79 he 0as receiving a .aily 0age o+ 1/$/!! (lus an allo0ance o+ 1#!!

    5(ay'ent o+ 0ages79 he 0as re+use. entry into the res(on.ent;s co''issary on ?ece'ber >D)

    >!"/) hence ter'inating his e'(loy'ent'issal79 an. he 0as reuire. to re(ort +ro' #,!!AM to $,!! 1M 5control o+ con.uct7

    That co'(lainant SINA6ONON is an e'(loyee o+ the res(on.ent cor(oration is

    (rove. by the E'(loy'ent Contract 5Anne% A7 bet0een SINA6ONON an. res(on.entcor(oration .ate. A(ril ) >!"/) 0here res(on.ent cor(oration re( re+erre. to

    co'(lainant SINA6ONON as an e'(loyee) 'ost clearly in Section D) to 0it, As an MMCS

    e'(loyee) you are e%(ecte. to abi.e by all the Co'(any (olicies) rules an. regulations %%%

    urther'ore) res(on.ent cor(oration issue. i.enti+ication car. nu'bere. !>"$#! to

    co'(lainant SINA6ONON) 0herein she 0as .esignate. as Sous Che+ At the bac@ o+ the

    sai. I? car. is clearly 0ritten the 0or.s, This I? car. is non-trans+erable an. vali. only.uring *ou+ eplo*ent0ith Marc : Mattheau;s 5e'(hasis ours7 A co(y o+ sai. I? an.

    its bac@ si.e is herein attache. as Anne% C

    Co'(lainant BACAT 0as hire. by res(on.ent cor(oration on ?ece'ber ">) >!">

    5selection79 he 0as receiving a .aily 0age o+ 1/>#!! 5(ay'ent o+ 0ages79 he 0as re+use.

    entry into the res(on.ent;s co''issary on ?ece'ber >D) >!"/) hence ter'inating hise'(loy'ent'issal79 an. he 0as reuire. to re(ort +ro' "!,!! 1M to #,!! AM 5control

    o+ con.uct7

    Co'(lainant CAM1ANER 0as hire. by res(on.ent cor(oration on A(ril >") >!"/5selection79 he 0as receiving a .aily 0age o+ 1/!!! 5(ay'ent o+ 0ages79 he 0as re+use.

    entry into the res(on.ent;s co''issary on ?ece'ber >D) >!"/) hence ter'inating his

    e'(loy'ent'issal79 an. he 0as reuire. to re(ort +ro' "!,!! 1M to #,!! AM 5controlo+ con.uct7

    That CAM1ANER 0as an e'(loyee o+ res(on.ent cor(oration is +urther (rove. byan i.enti+ication car. nu'bere. !D"$#D issue. by res(on.ent cor(oration to co'(lainant

    CAM1ANER) 0here CAM1ANER 0as .esignate. as a coo@) a co(y o+ 0hich is herein

    attache. as Anne% ?) as 0ell as a co'(any (aysli( +or the (ayroll (erio. 6uly >D to August"!) >!"/ issue. to the sai. co'(lainant by the res(on.ent cor(oration 5attache. as Anne%


    - / -

  • 7/26/2019 Sinajoron v. Marc & Matthew's


    It 'ust be note. that there is no har. or +ast rule .esigne. to establish the ele'ents o+

    e'(loyer-e'(loyee relationshi( Any co'(etent an. relevant evi.ence to (rove therelationshi( 'ay be a.'itte.) but not li'ite. to) i.enti+ication car.s 5Meteoro v

    Creative Creatures) Inc) JR No "#">#) 6uly "/) >!!) > SCRA $=") $>-$/7

    In the case o+ Television and Production Exponents Inc. and/or Tuviera v. Servana

    5JR No "D#D$=) 6anuary >=) >!!=7) the Su(re'e Court state.) FiGt has been in hel. that in

    a business establish'ent) an i.enti+ication car. is usually (rovi.e. not 4ust as a security'easure but to "inl* i#entif* the hol#e+ the+eof "s " bon" fi#e eplo*ee of the fi+

    -ho issues it 5e'(hasis su((lie.7 SINA6ONON 0as .esignate. as Sous Che+) 0hile

    CAM1ANER 0as .esignate. as a Coo@ Both (ositions 0ere in the

    res(on.ent cor(oration;s business

    *ence) clearly) co'(lainants SINA6ONON) BACAT an. CAM1ANER 0ere regular

    e'(loyees o+ res(on.ent cor(oration Marc : Mattheau;s *ouse o+ 1astries) Canteen

    Concession : Catering Services

    Being regular e'(loyees o+ res(on.ent cor(oration) it is their right to legally .e'an.0hat) the la0) are theirs as regular e'(loyees Verily) the res(on.ent cor(oration itsel+


  • 7/26/2019 Sinajoron v. Marc & Matthew's


    Co'(lainant SINA6ONON starte. 0or@ing 0ith res(on.ent cor(oration on

    Nove'ber "=) >!!/ ro' then until her .is'issal on ?ece'ber >D) >!"/) she never receive.

    the bene+its o+ the service incentive leave Article o+ the Labor Co.e Starting >!!$)SINA6ONON 0as entitle. to a service incentive leave o+ +ive 57 .ays (er year *ence) she is

    entitle. to the cash euivalent o+ +i+ty 5!7 0or@e. .ays) that is) 1>!)!!!!!) at her .aily rate

    o+ 1$!!!! It shoul. be note. that 0hile the .aily rate clai'e. 0as her .aily rate at the ti'eo+ her .is'issal) an. there 0as an increase o+ the 'ini'u' 0age through the years) the legal

    interest o+ the service incentive leave cash euivalent 'ore than o++sets the higher rate

    clai'e. +or earlier years

    Res(on.ents also +aile. to (ay co'(lainant SINA6ONON her holi.ay (ays +or the "!

    years she 0or@e. 0ith the' As there are "> regular holi.ays) she is entitle. to a holi.ay (ay

    euivalent to ">! 0or@e. .ays) that is) 1$=)!!!!!) at her .aily rate o+ 1$!!!! It shoul. benote. that 0hile the .aily rate clai'e. 0as her .aily rate at the ti'e o+ her .is'issal) an.

    there 0as an increase o+ the 'ini'u' 0age through the years) the legal interest o+ the

    holi.ay (ays legally .ue her 'ore than o++sets the higher rate clai'e. +or earlier years

    Res(on.ents also +aile. to (ay co'(lainant SINA6ONON her "/th'onth (ay +or the

    year >!"/ This is euivalent to >D .ays salary) or 1"!)$!!!!

    or the illegal .is'issal) consistent 0ith e%isting 4uris(ru.ence) co'(lainant

    SINA6ONON is entitle. to one 'onth (ay +or every year o+ service as se(aration (ay in lieuo+ reinstate'ent) or a total o+ 1"!)$!!!! % "! 1"!$)!!!!!

    or the 0oun.e. +eelings su++ere. by co'(lainant SINA6ONON) an. the .e(rivation

    o+ her rights 0hich cause. her slee(less nights an. an%iety as her 4ob 0as her source o+ livingan. the brea. an. butter o+ her +a'ily to survive an. live) co'(lainant SINA6ONON is

    entitle. to 'oral .a'ages in the reasonable o+ 1"!)!!!!!

    inally) res(on.ents shoul. be 'a.e to (ay co'(lainant SINA6ONON e%e'(lary

    .a'ages to set an e%a'(le to the res(on.ents an. the (ublic at large that such blatant

    .isres(ect o+ the rights o+ e'(loyers shall not be countenance An a'ount o+ 1"!)!!! isreasonable

    In su''ary) res(on.ents shoul. be 'a.e to (ay co'(lainant SINA6ONON the


    a "D .ays 0or@e. +ro' 6une >D) >!"/ to August ") >!"/ - 1 D)$!!!!

    b Service incentive leave cash euivalent +or "! years H 1>!)!!!!!c *oli.ay (ay +or the last "! years H 1$=)!!!!!

    . "/th'onth (ay +or the year >!"/ H 1"!)$!!!!

    e Se(aration (ay in lieu o+ reinstate'ent H 1"!$)!!!!!+ Moral .a'ages H 1"!)!!!!!

    g E%e'(lary .a'ages H 1"!)!!!!!

    or a total o+ 1>!=)=!!!!

    On co'(lainant BACAT;s 'onetary clai's,

    Res(on.ents o0e co'(lainant BACAT the "D .ays 0or@e. +ro' 6une >D) >!"/ to

    August ") >!"/) or a su' o+ 1/>#!! % "D 1)>/>!!

    Co'(lainant BACAT starte. 0or@ing 0ith res(on.ent cor(oration on ?ece'ber ">)

    >!"> *ence) at the ti'e o+ his .is'issal) he 0as alrea.y entitle. to a +ive-.ay service

    incentive leave) or a su' o+ 1/>#!! % 1")D/!!

    - -

  • 7/26/2019 Sinajoron v. Marc & Matthew's


    Res(on.ents also +aile. to (ay co'(lainant BACAT his holi.ay (ay +or the year

    >!"/) or a total o+ "> .ays That is euivalent to the a'ount o+ 1/>#!! % "> 1/)>$!!

    Res(on.ents also +aile. to (ay co'(lainant BACAT her "/th'onth (ay +or the year

    >!"/ This is euivalent to >D .ays salary) or 1=)!>!!

    or the illegal .is'issal) consistent 0ith e%isting 4uris(ru.ence) co'(lainant BACAT

    is entitle. to one 'onth (ay +or every year o+ service as se(aration (ay in lieu o+

    reinstate'ent) or a total o+ 1=)!>!!

    or the 0oun.e. +eelings su++ere. by co'(lainant BACAT) an. the .e(rivation o+ her

    rights 0hich cause. her slee(less nights an. an%iety as her 4ob 0as her source o+ living an.

    the brea. an. butter o+ her +a'ily to survive an. live) co'(lainant BACAT is entitle. to'oral .a'ages in the reasonable o+ 1"!)!!!!!

    inally) res(on.ents shoul. be 'a.e to (ay co'(lainant BACAT e%e'(lary .a'ages

    to set an e%a'(le to the res(on.ents an. the (ublic at large that such blatant .isres(ect o+ therights o+ e'(loyers shall not be countenance An a'ount o+ 1"!)!!! is reasonable

    In su''ary) res(on.ents shoul. be 'a.e to (ay co'(lainant BACAT the +ollo0ing,

    a "D .ays 0or@e. +ro' 6une >D) >!"/ to August ") >!"/ - 1)>/>!!b Service incentive leave cash euivalent H 1")D/!!

    c *oli.ay (ay +or the year >!"/ H 1/)>$!!

    . "/th'onth (ay +or the year >!"/ H 1=)!>!!

    e Se(aration (ay in lieu o+ reinstate'ent H 1=)!>!!+ Moral .a'ages H 1"!)!!!!!

    g E%e'(lary .a'ages H 1"!)!!!!!

    or a total o+ 1$#)#!!

    On co'(lainant CAM1ANER;s 'onetary clai's,

    Res(on.ents o0e co'(lainant CAM1ANER the "D .ays 0or@e. +ro' 6une >D) >!"/

    to August ") >!"/) or a su' o+ 1/!!! % "D 1)D!!!!

    Res(on.ents also +aile. to (ay co'(lainant CAM1ANER his holi.ay (ay +or the year

    >!"/) or a total o+ "> .ays That is euivalent to the a'ount o+ 1/!!! % "> 1$)>!!!!

    Res(on.ents also +aile. to (ay co'(lainant CAM1ANER (ro-rate. "/ th'onth (ay

    +or the year >!"/ This is euivalent to =&"> tho+ >D .ays salary) or 1D)!DDD#

    or the illegal .is'issal) consistent 0ith e%isting 4uris(ru.ence) co'(lainant

    CAM1ANER is entitle. to one 'onth (ay +or every year o+ service as se(aration (ay in lieu

    o+ reinstate'ent) or a total o+ 1)"!!!!

    or the 0oun.e. +eelings su++ere. by co'(lainant CAM1ANER) an. the .e(rivation

    o+ her rights 0hich cause. her slee(less nights an. an%iety as her 4ob 0as her source o+ living

    an. the brea. an. butter o+ her +a'ily to survive an. live) co'(lainant CAM1ANER isentitle. to 'oral .a'ages in the reasonable o+ 1"!)!!!!!

    inally) res(on.ents shoul. be 'a.e to (ay co'(lainant CAM1ANER e%e'(lary.a'ages to set an e%a'(le to the res(on.ents an. the (ublic at large that such blatant

    .isres(ect o+ the rights o+ e'(loyers shall not be countenance An a'ount o+ 1"!)!!! is


    - D -

  • 7/26/2019 Sinajoron v. Marc & Matthew's


    In su''ary) res(on.ents shoul. be 'a.e to (ay co'(lainant CAM1ANER the


    a "D .ays 0or@e. +ro' 6une >D) >!"/ to August ") >!"/ - 1)D!!!!

    b *oli.ay (ay +or the year >!"/ H 1$)>!!!!

    c "/th

    'onth (ay +or the year >!"/ H 1D)!DDD#. Se(aration (ay in lieu o+ reinstate'ent H 1)"!!!!

    e Moral .a'ages H 1"!)!!!!!

    + E%e'(lary .a'ages H 1"!)!!!!!

    or a total o+ 1$$)DDD#


    2*EREORE) (re'ises consi.ere.) it is 'ost res(ect+ully (raye. that this

    *onorable O++ice 4u.g'ent,

    a7 the res(on.ents guilty o+ illegal .is'issal9 an.

    b7 Or.ering the res(on.ents) 4ointly an. severally) to (ay co'(lainants the


    To co'(lainant SINA6ONON,

    a "D .ays 0or@e. +ro' 6une >D) >!"/ to August ") >!"/ - 1)>/>!!

    b Service incentive leave cash euivalent H 1")D/!!c *oli.ay (ay +or the year >!"/ H 1/)>$!!

    . "/th'onth (ay +or the year >!"/ H 1=)!>!!

    e Se(aration (ay in lieu o+ reinstate'ent H 1=)!>!!+ Moral .a'ages H 1"!)!!!!!

    g E%e'(lary .a'ages H 1"!)!!!!!

    or a total o+ 1>!=)=!!!!

    To co'(lainant BACAT,

    a "D .ays 0or@e. +ro' 6une >D) >!"/ to August ") >!"/ - 1)>/>!!

    b Service incentive leave cash euivalent H 1")D/!!

    c *oli.ay (ay +or the year >!"/ H 1/)>$!!. "/th'onth (ay +or the year >!"/ H 1=)!>!!

    e Se(aration (ay in lieu o+ reinstate'ent H 1=)!>!!

    + Moral .a'ages H 1"!)!!!!!g E%e'(lary .a'ages H 1"!)!!!!!

    or a total o+ 1$#)#!!

    To co'(lainant CAM1ANER,

    a "D .ays 0or@e. +ro' 6une >D) >!"/ to August ") >!"/ - 1)D!!!!b *oli.ay (ay +or the year >!"/ H 1$)>!!!!

    c "/th'onth (ay +or the year >!"/ H 1D)!DDD#

    . Se(aration (ay in lieu o+ reinstate'ent H 1)"!!!!e Moral .a'ages H 1"!)!!!!!

    + E%e'(lary .a'ages H 1"!)!!!!!

    or a total o+ 1$$)DDD#

    - # -

  • 7/26/2019 Sinajoron v. Marc & Matthew's


    Other relie+s 4ust an. euitable the (re'ises are also (raye. +or

    Res(ect+ully sub'itte. this >=th.ay o+ March >!"$) Cebu City) 1hili((ines


    2e) 2enie 3 Sina4onon) Ra'alou R Bacat) an. 6oe(it T Ca'(aner) all o+ legal age)

    ili(inos) an. 0ith a..ress at Sitio 8a0ayan) Bana0a) Cebu City9 O'(a. St) La(ula(uCity9 an. Ibo Relocation Site) La(ula(u City) res(ectively) a+ter having been s0orn to in

    accor.ance 0ith la0 .o hereby .e(ose an. state,

    " That 0e have cause. the (re(aration o+ the +oregoing 1osition 1a(er9

    > That 0e have rea. an. un.erstoo. all the contents an. allegations containe. herein an. the

    sa'e are true an. correct to the best o+ our an. base. on authentic recor.s9 an.

    / That 0e have not hereto+ore co''ence. any action or (etition or +ile. any clai'

    involving the sa'e issues in the Su(re'e Court) the Court o+ A((eals) or .i++erent .ivisionsthereo+) or any court) tribunal or uasi-4u.icial agency) an. to the best o+ 'y no

    such other action) (etition or clai' is ( therein I+ 0e shoul. herea+ter learn o+ such

    si'ilar action) (etition or clai') 0e shall re(ort that to this *onorable O++ice 0ithin +ive 57.ays +ro' thereo+

    IN 2ITNESS 2*EREO) 0e have hereunto a++i%e. our signature this >= th.ay o+

    March >!"$ at the City o+ Cebu) 1hili((ines







    SKBSCRIBE? AN? S2ORN to be+ore 'e this >= tho+ March >!"$ at the City o+

    Cebu) 1hili((ines) a++iants 2e0ie 3 Sina4onon) Ra'alou R Bacat) an. 6oe(it T Ca'(aner

    e%hibiting to 'e their ) res(ectively

    ?oc No 9

    1age No 9

    Boo@ No 9Series o+ >!"$

    - = -

  • 7/26/2019 Sinajoron v. Marc & Matthew's


    Co(y +urnishe. by (ersonal service,


    "" 6 ortich Street Bana0a) Cebu City

    - -