slideshare showcase

Centennial college, Gym Area (15 th November, 2012) Centennial College hosted an engaging and high-energy Ontario Colleges Marketing Competition (OCMC) this past week, I worked as a volunteer in this competition which saw our School of Business students hold their own against 12 college teams from across the province. On this day students from different colleges showed their talent and play quiz bowl. I have learned different skills of answering questions .Our Marketing students, who were keen to defend their

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memorable moments


Page 1: Slideshare Showcase

Centennial college, Gym Area (15th November, 2012)

Centennial College hosted an engaging and high-energy Ontario Colleges Marketing Competition (OCMC) this past week, I worked as a volunteer in this competition which saw our School of Business students hold their own against 12 college teams from across the province.

On this day students from different colleges showed their talent and play quiz bowl. I have learned different skills of answering questions .Our Marketing students, who were keen to defend their winning Champions title after last year's event, placed fourth overall in a tie with Seneca College. Sheridan College of Oakville finished first overall, with Kingston's St. Lawrence College placing second and Fanshawe College of London finishing third.I am proud to be a part of centennial college and also got a experience after working as a volunteer in this competition.

Page 2: Slideshare Showcase

This photo was taken on November 22nd , 2012. In this picture me giving presentation in the class of International Business Concepts COMM 170 . It was a very proud moment for me, as i got 97% marks in this presentation because I have to speak for 10 minutes. This presentation is on the topic “the fear of dying “ and from the whole class only few students got above 90% . So, as a result of this I build my confidence of giving presentations .

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This photo was taken at Webberz international institute on 7th July, 2011. These two certificates are awarded to me for successfully completing the programs entitled Tally VAT Enabled and Manual Accounts, Web Graphics and Multimedia. The program duration for Tally VAT Enabled and Manual Accounts is 60 days, Web Graphics and Multimedia for 90 days. I have learned that how to manage transactions, Database Applications Using Microsoft Access 2007 , Multimedia & Animation Using Macromedia Flash, HTML, java scripting , Web design using macromedia Dream Weaver

These cources gave me various job opportunities like Office administrator, Graphic designer, Multimedia and animation designer, Web designer, Web commerce consultants, Web applications developer, Accountant. I feel proud when I have learned these skills and got 90% marks as very good grade.

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This photo was clicked on April 13, 2006 in DAV international school of jalandhar. In this group photo, me and all my bhangra Group members along with all the administrators are enjoying the proud moment of winning 2nd in State level Bhangra competition held at jalandhar in 2008. Around 25 teams from all the states participated in it and we stood at 2nd position. It was my life’s first opportunity to represent my talent on statel level, so it was a very proud and memorable programme for me.

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This photo is taken on 24th August, 2012 at Maharaja Farms on my wedding ceremony. I have learned new life experiences. This day is very special for me and my husband. Then we enjoyed alot ,cut the cake , dance and performed various ceremonies. I feel proud to get married to him. He is so nice , understanding , very good nature.