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  • 7/30/2019 Smriti Dissertation Report




    1.1BackgroundOne main issue in cellularsystem design reduces to one of economics. Essentially we have

    a limited resource transmission spectrum, which must be shared by several users. Unlike

    wired communications which benefits from isolation provided by cables, wireless users

    within close proximity of one another can cause significant interference to one another? To

    address this issue, the concept ofcellularcommunications was introduced around in 1968

    by researchers at AT&T Bell Labs. The basic concept being that a given geography is

    divided into polygons called cells [2].

    Fig .1 Cellular network model

    Cell is allocated a portion of the total frequency spectrum, which is channel [1].

    A channel is a communication medium, the path that data takes from source to

    destination. A channel can be comprised of so many different things: wires, free space, and

    entire networks. Signals can be routed from one type of network to another network with

    completely different characteristics. In the Internet, a packet may be sent over a wireless
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    Wi-Fi network to an Ethernet Lan, to a DSL modem, to a fibre-optic backbone, etc. The

    many unique physical characteristics of different channels determine the three

    characteristics of interest in communication: the latency, the data rate, and the reliability of

    the channel.

    If channel is considered as the highway, then the bandwidth is like the number of lane in

    the high way. More lanes mean more traffic at a time and high speed transportation.

    Bandwidth also refers to as grade, tells us the rate, or speed at which data can be

    transmitted over the channel.

    There are three brands for communication channel:

    Narrow Band Channel--

    Narrow band channel or the low speed channel is the slowest band, transmits the data from

    40 bit per second to 1200 bits per seconds. Telegraph lines are the example of narrow band


    Voice Band Channel--

    Voice band channel or the medium speed channel is faster than narrow band channel, and

    transmit data from 110 bits per second to 9600 bits per second. Telephone lines are theexample of voice band channel.

    Broad Band Channel--

    Broad band channel or the high speed channel is the fastest channel which transmits data

    up to several million bits per second and in special cases, goes up to billions of bits per

    seconds. Coaxial cable, fibre optics, and Microwave are the examples of broadband


    The "capacity" of a channel is the theoretical upper-limit to the bit rate over a given

    channel that will result in negligible errors. Channel capacity is measured in bits/s.

    Shannon's channel capacity is an equation that determines the information capacity of a

    channel from a few physical characteristics of the channel.

    Channel allocation deals with the allocation of channels to cells in a cellular network.

    Once the channels are allocated, cells may then allow users within the cell to communicate

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    via the available channels. Channels in a wireless communication system typically consist

    of time slots, frequency bands and/orCDMA pseudo noise sequences, but in an abstract

    sense, they can represent any generic transmission resource.

    Common Principles of Channel Allocation Schemes:

    The large array of possible channel allocation systems can become cumbersome. However,

    all channel allocation methods operate under simple, common principles. Throughout this

    report we have touched on three points which an efficient channel allocation scheme

    should address:

    1. Channel allocation schemes must not violate minimum frequency reuse conditions.

    2. Channel allocation schemes should adapt to changing traffic conditions.

    3. Channel allocation schemes should approach (from above) the minimum frequency

    reuse constraints so as to efficiently utilize available transmission resources.

    Each mobile service station (MSS) is assigned a contiguous range of channel not

    overlapping with those of its neighbours. Channel boundaries between adjacent MSSs are

    dynamically adjustable through voluntary withdrawals. High efficiency is provided by two

    important features: early boundary expansion and need-based boundary redrawing [10].

    Environment consists of assigning channels to the radio interfaces in order to achieve

    efficient channel utilization and minimize interference. The problem of optimally

    assigning channels in an arbitrary mesh topology has been proven to be NP-hard based on

    its mapping to a graph-colouring problem [6] & [7]. Therefore, channel assignment

    schemes predominantly employ heuristic techniques to assign channels to nodes in the


    There are three major categories for assigning these channels to cells (or base-stations).

    They are

    Fixed Channel Allocation,

    Dynamic Channel Allocation and

    Hybrid Channel Allocation which is a combination of the first two methods.

    In FCA, according to predetermined traffic demand and co-channel interference

    constraints, a fixed number of channels are assigned to each cell. [1] FCA is very simple
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    but this scheme is difficult to survive in changing traffic conditions and user distributions.

    Over the whole service area if traffic varies from cell to cell, FCA could not attain a high

    efficiency of total channel usage. DCA strategy has been proposed, in order to overcome

    the problems of FCA.

    In DCA, channels are not allocated to cells permanently [1]. For every call request base

    station request channels from MSC. According to the duration of the calls, channels are

    assigned temporarily for use in cells. The channel is returned back and kept in the central

    pool, after the cal is over. In order to avoid co-channel interference, any channel that in use

    in one cell can only be reassigned to another cell simultaneously if the distance between

    those two cells is larger than the minimum reuse distance. DCA needs many transceivers

    for each base station. Behave well in low load but behave worse than FCA in heavy load.

    HCA strategy has been proposed, in order to overcome the problems of DCA. DCA

    schemes are suggested for TDMA/FDMAbased cellular systems such as GSM, but are

    currently not used in any products.

    HCA, The third category of channel allocation is hybrid channel allocation; it is hybrid

    of fixed and dynamic channel allocation algorithm [2]. Channels in HCA are divided into

    two disjoint sets-

    First is fixed set: set of channel which is assigned to each cell on FCA basis.

    Second is dynamic set: set which are kept in a central pool of MSC for dynamic


    Fixed set channels are preferred for use in their respective cells, which are assigned to

    cells as in the FCA schemes. When a mobile user demands for a channel for its call,

    channel is assigned from fixed set, but when all the channels in its fixed set are busy, only

    then a request is made from dynamic set of central pool. The ratio of the fixed channels

    and dynamic channels plays a vital role in channel allocation scheme, if the ratio is 50% or

    more, than FCA performs better than HCA as in [1].

    1.2 Motivation

    The motivation behind this project is to decrease the call drop rate in wireless

    mobile communication systems; since the available frequency spectrum is limited the

    channels must be reused as much as possible in order to increase the system capacity. This
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    requires a proper channel allocation scheme. Channel allocation becomes complicated,

    when more than one cell become hot-spot. The term hot-spot means the bandwidth

    resources currently available in those cells are not sufficient to sustain any more call [3]. In

    this thesis, we present a novel Hybrid channel allocation scheme in which MSC will fetch

    those ideal channels, which are borrowed to requesting cell from the central pool in the

    time of hot spot and become ideal for some period of time. MSC make use of these

    channels in order to sustain new incoming call.

    1.3 Thesis Objective

    In this thesis, we have concentrated on the issues of decreasing call drops in wireless

    communication system. The aim of undertaken work in this thesis includes:

    a) Study of various channel allocation scheme and their performance.

    b) Implementation of hybrid channel allocation with hot-spot notification.

    c) Performance evaluation of the proposed scheme using various results under call

    drop rate, call block rate, handover and system load.

    d) Comparison of proposed method with the existing hybrid channel allocation


    1.4 Thesis Outline

    The thesis is organised as follows:

    The thesis is organized as follows: chapter 2 contains literature survey of various channel

    allocation technique and topics related to problem domain. The approaches used by

    different researchers differ in the type of channel allocation. Chapter 3 covers background

    theory which includes description of all the channel allocation technique, comparison

    between them, and hot-spot condition. In Chapter 4, the proposed method for decreasing

    call drop rate in hybrid channel allocation with hot-spot notification in detail. Chapter 5

    includes implementation of our proposed system. Chapter 6 presents the experimental

    results for hybrid channel allocation with proposed techniques. Finally chapter 7 includes

    the conclusion and future scope.

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    The radio spectrum allocated to wireless cellular mobile communication system is fixed

    one. Efficient use of available spectrum will produce an increased number of users [4].

    The fundamental operational principle of wireless cellular mobile communication system

    is the reuse of frequencies at different places within the areas of service. The channel

    allocation strategy is the technique used to make the most efficient and intelligent way of

    utilizing the available radio spectrum by the way in which channels are allocated to mobile

    multimedia calls. The channel allocation strategy is the soul of all portable communication

    systems. It affects not only the quality and availability of connections but also the traffic

    distribution which, in turn, affects the capacity of the system.

    The work presented in this thesis is focused on optimal hybrid channel allocation

    algorithm with hot-spot to decrease the call drop rate. In this chapter, Vigorous research

    has been pursued in channel allocation technique for a number of years. In the area of

    channel allocation different techniques have been used and still the area is being explored.

    In this section we review some of the papers on channel allocation techniques.

    The outline of the chapter is as follows: In section 2.1 we review the comparison between

    different channel allocation schemes. Section 2.2 covers code channel assignment.

    Channel assignment with different algorithm is presented in section 2.3. Hybrid channel

    allocation is proposed in section 2.4. Section 2.5 explores the hybrid channel allocation

    algorithm using hot-spot technique. In section 2.6 Game theoretical approaches for

    channel allocation is proposed. Performance of different channel allocation schemes is

    covered in section 2.7.

    2.1. Comparison between different Channel allocation schemes

    In 1996, Chi Chung Lam,presents [21] a distributed channel allocation algorithm based on

    the concept of dynamic channel boundaries. Under this scheme, each mobile service

    station (MSS) is assigned a contiguous range of channel not overlapping with those of its

    neighbours. Channel boundaries between adjacent MSSs are dynamically adjustable

    through voluntary withdrawals. High efficiency is provided by two important features:

    early boundary expansion and need-based boundary redrawing. This algorithm imposes a

    low message volume on the fixed network, has short response times to connection requests
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    and achieves high channel utilization under both evenly and unevenly distributed loads.

    Channel utilization is further improved if a MSS may borrow channels from its


    In 1997, Zukerman, M. provides [22] simple models for efficiency evaluation of various

    channel allocation schemes in digital mobile telecommunications networks. The analysis is

    based on known queuing network results and standard Markovian queuing models.Queues

    can be chained to form queuing networks where the departures from one queue enter the

    next queue. Queuing networks can be: open & closed. Open queuing networks have an

    external input and an external final destination. Closed queuing networks are completely

    contained and the customers circulate continually never leaving the network.

    2.2. Code channel assignment

    In 2003, Hasan Cam, proposed [14] a Non blocking OVSF Codes and Enhancing

    Network Capacity for 3G Wireless and Beyond Systems in which he explained orthogonal

    variable spreading factor (OVSF) codes which are employed as channelization codes in

    WCDMA. Any two OVSF codes are orthogonal if and only if one of them is not a parent

    code of the other. Therefore, when an OVSF code is assigned, it blocks its entire ancestor

    and descendant codes from assignment because they are not orthogonal to each other.Unfortunately, this code blocking problem of OVSF codes can cause a substantial spectral

    efficiency loss of up to 25%. This paper presents non blocking OVSF (NOVSF) codes to

    increase substantially the utilization of channelization codes without having the overhead

    of code reassignments.

    Fig.2.1 OVSF Code Tree,%20M..QT.&newsearch=partialPref,%20M..QT.&newsearch=partialPref
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    2.3 Channel assignment using different algorithm

    In 2005, Wei Wang and Xin Liu proposed [17], a List-colouring Based Channel Allocation

    for Open-Spectrum Wireless Networks, in this paper he studied the dynamics in the

    available channels caused by the location and traffic load of the primary users and

    proposed several distributed algorithms to exploit the available channels for secondary

    users. The performance of different algorithms is evaluated in networks with static and

    time-varying channel availability.

    Fig.2.2 A Colour Graph

    In 2006, Jun Sun develop a novel auction-based algorithm [20] to allow users to fairly

    compete for a wireless fading channel. We use the second-price auction mechanism

    whereby user bids for the channel, during each time slot, based on the fade state of the

    channel, and the user that makes the highest bid wins use of the channel by paying the

    second highest bid. Under the assumption that each user has a limited budget for bidding,

    we show the existence of a Nash equilibrium strategy, and the Nash equilibrium leads to a

    unique allocation for certain channel state distribution, such as the exponential distributionand the uniform distribution Based on the Nash equilibrium strategies of the second-price

    auction with money constraint, he further propose a centralized opportunistic scheduler

    that does not suffer the shortcomings associated with the proportional fair scheduler.

    2.4 Hybrid channel allocation algorithm

    In 2005, Geetali Vidyarthi proposed an algorithm for Hybrid Channel Assignment

    Approach Using an Efficient Evolutionary Strategy [16]. In this paper; she had developed

    an evolutionary strategy (ES) which optimizes the channel assignment. The proposed ES

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    approach uses an efficient problem representation as well as an appropriate fitness

    function. This paper deals with a novel hybrid channel assignment based scheme called D-

    ring. D-ring method yields a faster running time and simpler objective function. she also

    proposed a novel way of generating the initial population which reduces the number of

    channels reassignments and therefore yields a faster running time and may generate a

    possibly better initial parent.

    The basic steps of an ES algorithm can be summarized as follows.

    1) Generate an initial population of individuals.

    2) Evaluate each individual according to a fitness function.

    3) Selectbest individuals called the parent population and discard the rest.

    4) Apply genetic operator to create off springs fromparents.

    5) Go to step 2 until a desired solution has been found or predetermined number

    generations have been produced and evaluated.

    2.5 Hybrid channel allocation using hot-spot technique

    In 2006, Rana Ejaz Ahmed proposed [2] a hybrid channel allocation algorithm using hot-

    spot notification.This paper presents a new hybrid channel allocation algorithm in which

    the base station sends a multi-level hotspot notification to the central pool located at

    Mobile Switching Station (MSC) on each channel request that cannot be satisfied locally

    at the base station. This notification will request more than one channel be assigned to the

    requesting cell, proportional to the current hot-spot level of the cell. When a call using

    such a borrowed channel terminates, the cell may retain the channel depending upon its

    current hot-spot level. The simulation study of the protocol indicates that the protocol has

    low overhead, and it behaves similar to the Fixed Channel Allocation (FCA) scheme at

    high traffic and to the Dynamic Channel Allocation (DCA) scheme at low traffic loads.The proposed algorithm also offers low-overhead in terms of the number of control

    messages exchanged between a base station and the MSC on channel acquisition and

    release phases.

    In 2008, Yuhong Zhang and Ezzatollah Salari investigated and proposed [23] a novel

    analytical model of a hybrid channel allocation algorithm in which each cell of the

    network consists of a predefined fixed number of channels and the network may approve

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    the request for extra channel for both new and handoff calls if all predesigned channel are

    occupied. This approval depends on the type of new and handoff calls, as well as the

    number of approved channels in the cell. If the request id denied for an arriving new call,

    this call will not be blocked immediately but rather put on hold in buffer with finite space.

    The implication behind this is to give priority to hand off calls.

    In 2010, Joshi, J. proposed [13] a hybrid channel allocation algorithm to reduce call

    blocking probability using hot-spot notification. In this paper attempts are made to reduce

    call-blocking probability by designing hybrid channel allocation (HCA) which is the

    combination of fixed channel allocation (FCA) and dynamic channel allocation (DCA). A

    cell becomes hot-spot when the bandwidth available in that cell is not enough to sustain

    the users demand and call will be blocked or dropped. A simulation result shows that HCA

    scheme significantly reduces call-blocking probability in hotspot scenario and compared

    with cold-spot cell. This hot-spot notification will request more than one channel be

    assigned to the requesting cell, proportional to the current hot-spot level of the cell.

    Furthermore, all channels will be placed in a central pool and on demand will be assigned

    to the base station. That will be helpful to reduce call-blocking probability when cell

    becomes hot-spot. When a call using such a borrowed channel terminates, the cell may

    retain the channel depending upon its current hot-spot level therefore HCA hascomparatively much smaller number of reallocations than other schemes. It also shows

    that it behaves similar to the FCA at high traffic and to the DCA at low traffic loads as it is

    designed to meet the advantages of both.

    2.6 Game theoretical approach for channel allocation

    In 2011, Jiming Chen proposed [5] a Game Theoretical Approach for Channel Allocation

    in Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks, in which multi-channel allocation in wireless

    sensor and actuator networks is formulated as an optimization problem which is NP-hard.

    In order to efficiently solve this problem, a distributed game based channel allocation

    (GBCA) Algorithm is proposed by taking into account both network topology and routing

    information. For both tree/forest routing and non-tree/forest routing scenarios, it is proved

    that there exists at least one Nash Equilibrium for the problem. Furthermore, the sub

    optimality of Nash Equilibrium and the convergence of the Best Response dynamics are

    also analyzed. Simulation results demonstrate that GBCA significantly reduces the,%20J..QT.&newsearch=partialPref,%20J..QT.&newsearch=partialPref
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    interference and dramatically improves the network performance in terms of delivery ratio,

    throughput, channel access delay, and energy consumption.

    Main contribution of this paper is-

    1. Analyze the relationship between the numbers of links and define interference metric.

    2. For the tree/forest routing, we show that the game is an exact potential game and there

    exists at least one NE in the game.

    3. We introduce several virtual nodes and add interfering links for each crossing node to

    facilitate the construction of parent-children sets in general routing.

    4. In order to solve the channel allocation problem in a suboptimal way but in polynomial

    time, we propose a distributed algorithm, GBCA.

    2.7 Performance of different channel allocation schemes.

    In 2012, M.L.S.N.S. Lakshmiproposed [1] an insight to call blocking probabilities of

    channel assignment schemes In this paper, the performance of three different channel

    allocation schemes FCA, DCA and HCA will be analytically compared and the results are

    presented. Different channel allocation schemes are in use for mobile communication

    systems, of which the Hybrid channel allocation (HCA) a combination of Fixed and

    Dynamic channel allocation schemes (FCA and DCA respectively) was effective by the

    experimental and simulated evaluations of all channel assignment schemes we proposed

    that HCA will give the appropriate results in reducing call blocking probability. The main

    advantage of this algorithm is that it can adapt to dynamic strategy at low traffic load and

    to fixed strategy at higher traffic intensity load and to fixed strategy at higher traffic

    intensity. If we increase the value of hot-spot level (L), the system performance in both

    regions of the low and high traffic intensity. From the above discussion it can be deemed

    that hybrid channel allocation algorithm sends a multi-level hot-spot notification to the

    central pool on each channel request which cannot be satisfied locally at the base station.

    This notification will request more than one channel be assigned to the requesting cell,

    proportional to the current hot-spot level (L) of the cell. This also reduce control message

    overhead needed to acquire each channels individually.

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    3.1.1. Introduction

    In telecommunications and computer networking, a communication channel, or channel,

    refers either to a physical transmission medium such as a wire, or to a logical connection

    over a multiplexed medium such as a radio channel. A channel is used to convey an

    information signal, for example a digital bit stream, from one or several senders (or

    transmitters) to one or several receivers. A channel has a certain capacity for transmitting

    information, often measured by its bandwidth in Hz or its data rate in bits per second.

    Communicating data from one location to another requires some form of pathway or

    medium. These pathways, called communication channels, use two types of media: cable

    (twisted-pair wire, cable, and fibre-optic cable) and broadcast (microwave, satellite, radio,

    and infrared). Cable or wire line media use physical wires of cables to transmit data and

    information. Twisted-pair wire and coaxial cables are made of copper, and fibre-optic

    cable is made of glass. In the Internet, a packet may be sent over a wireless Wi-Fi network

    to an Ethernet Lan, to a DSL modem, to a fibre-optic backbone, etc. The many unique

    physical characteristics of different channels determine the three characteristics of interest

    in communication: the latency, the data rate, and the reliability of the channel.

    If channel is considered as the highway, then the bandwidth is like the number of lane in

    the high way. More lanes mean more traffic at a time and high speed transportation.

    Bandwidth also refers to as grade, tells us the rate, or speed at which data can betransmitted over the channel.

    3.1.2 There are three bands for communication channel:

    1. Narrow Band Channel--

    Narrow band channel or the low speed channel is the slowest band, transmits the data from

    40 bit per second to 1200 bits per seconds. Telegraph lines are the example of narrow band

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    1. Space division multiplexing:In wireless transmission, SDM implies a separate sender for each communication channel

    with a wide enough distance between the senders [10]. This multiplexing is used, for

    example, at FM radio stations where the transmission range is limited to a certain region.

    Here space is represented via circles indicating the interference range. The channel k1 to k3

    can be mapped onto the three spaces s1 to s3 which clearly separate the channel and prevent

    the interference range from overlapping.

    fig.3.1 Space Division Multiplexing

    2. Frequency division multiplexingSeparation of the whole spectrum into smaller frequency bands channel gets a certain band

    of the spectrum for the whole time [10]. Each channel k, is now allocated its own

    frequency band as indicated senders using a certain frequency band can use this band


    Advantages: no dynamic coordination necessary, works also for analog signals.

    Disadvantages: waste of bandwidth if the traffic is distributed unevenly inflexible guard


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    Fig. 3.2 Frequency Division Multiplexing

    3. Time division multiplexing:A more flexible multiplexing scheme for typical mobile communication is time division

    multiplexing (TDM) [10]. Here a channel k1 is given the whole bandwidth for a certain

    amount of time, i.e., all senders use the same frequency but at different point of time.

    Advantages: only one carrier in the medium at any time, throughput high even for many

    users. Disadvantages: precise synchronization necessary.

    Fig. 3.3 Time Division Multiplexing

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    4. Frequency and time multiplexing:

    Combination of both methods: A channel gets a certain frequency band for a certain

    amount of time [10]. Example: GSM Advantages: Better protection against tapping,

    protection against frequency selective interference & higher data rates compared to code

    multiplex. but: precise coordination required.

    Fig. 3.4 Frequency and Time division multiplexing combined

    5. Code division multiplexingCode division multiplexing is a relatively new scheme in commercial communication

    systems [10].fig 3.5 shows all channels k1 use the same frequency at the same time for

    transmission. Separation is now achieved by assigning each channel its own code, guardspaces are realized by using codes with the necessary distance in code space, e.g.,

    orthogonal codes.

    Fig.3.5 Code Division Multiplexing

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    3.2 Channel Allocation

    3.2.1 Introduction

    A given radio spectrum (or bandwidth) can be divided into a set of disjoint or noninterfering radio channels [19]. All such channels can be used simultaneously while

    maintaining an acceptable received radio signal. In order to divide a given radio spectrum

    into such channels many techniques such as frequency division (FD), time division (TD),

    or code division (CD) can be used. In FD, the spectrum is divided into disjoint frequency

    bands, whereas in TD the channel separation is achieved by dividing the usage of the

    channel into disjoint time periods called time slots. In CD, the channel separation is

    achieved by using different modulation codes. Furthermore, more elaborate techniques can

    be designed to divide a radio spectrum into a set of disjoint channels based on combining

    the above techniques. For example, a combination of TD and FD can be used by dividing

    each frequency band of an FD scheme into time slots. The major driving factor in

    determining the number of channels with certain quality that can be used for a given

    wireless spectrum is the level of received signal quality that can be achieved in each

    channel. The distance between two cells is defined as the Euclidean distance between the

    centres of the two cells. Let Si(k) be denoted as the set ( i ) of wireless terminals that

    communicate with each other using the same channel k. By taking advantage of physical

    characteristics of the radio environment, the same channel k can be reused simultaneously

    by another set j if the members of sets i and j are spaced sufficiently apart. All such sets

    which use the same channel are referred to as co-channel sets or simply co-channels. The

    minimum distance at which co-channels can be reused with acceptable interference is

    called the "co-channel reuse distance, as shown in [19].

    This is possible because due to propagation path loss in the radio environment, the averagepower received from a transmitter at distance d is proportional to PT d a, where a is a

    number in the range of 3-5 depending on the physical environment, and PT is the average

    transmitter power. For example, for an indoor environment with a = 3.5, the average

    power at a distance 2d is about 9 percent of the average power received at distance d.

    Thus, by adjusting the transmitter power level and/or the distance between co-channels, a

    channel can be reused by a number of co-channels if the Carrier-to- Interference ratio

    (CIR) in each co-channel is above the minimum CIR value. Here the carrier power

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    represents the received signal power in a channel, and the interference represents the sum

    of received signal powers of all co-channels.

    As an example, consider Fig. 1 where a wireless station labelled R is at distances dt from

    a transmitter station labelled T using a narrowband radio channel. We refer to the radio

    channel used by T to communicate to R as the reference channel. In this figure, we have

    also shown five other stations labelled 1, 2. . . 5, which use the same channel as the

    reference channel to communicate with some other stations. Denoting the transmitted

    power of station i by Pi and the distance of station i from R by di, the average CIR at the

    reference station R is given by Eq. (1).


    Where, No represents the environmental noise; to achieve a certain level of CIR at

    the reference station R, different methods can be used.

    3.2.2 Common Principles of Channel Allocation Schemes:

    The large array of possible channel allocation systems can become cumbersome. However,

    all channel allocation methods operate under simple, common principles. Throughout this

    report we have touched on three points which an efficient channel allocation scheme

    should address:

    1. Channel allocation schemes must not violate minimum frequency reuse conditions.

    2. Channel allocation schemes should adapt to changing traffic conditions.

    3. Channel allocation schemes should approach (from above) the minimum frequency

    reuse constraints so as to efficiently utilize available transmission resources.

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    3.2.3 Call blocking probability

    Several metrics can be used to evaluate and compare the performance of the proposed

    algorithm. The call blocking probability is defined as the ratio of the number of new calls

    initiated by a mobile host which cannot be supported by existing channel arrangement to

    the total number of new calls initiated. Call blocking probability (Pb) is given by the ratio

    of number of calls lost by the system to the total number of new calls initiated.

    3.2.4 Fixed channel allocation

    In the FCA strategy a set of nominal channels is permanently allocated to each cell for its

    exclusive use [4]. Here a definite relationship is assumed between each channel and each

    cell, in accordance to co channel reuse constraints. The total number of available channels

    in the system C is divided into sets, and the minimum number of channel sets N required

    to serve the entire coverage area is related to the reuse distance s.

    N = (1/3) ^2, for hexagonal cells.

    Here is defined as D/Ra, where Ra is the radius of the cell and D is the physical distance

    between the two cell centres [5]. N can assume only the integer values 3, 4, 7, 9... as

    generally presented by the series, (i + j)2 i, j, with i and j being integers [5, 7]. Figures

    4(a) and 4(b) give the allocation of channel sets to cells for N = 3 (0 = 3) and N = 7 (0 =

    4.45), respectively.

    In the simple FCA strategy, the same number of nominal channels is allocated to each

    cell. This uniform channel distribution is efficient if the traffic distribution of the system is

    also uniform. In that case, the overall average blocking probability of the mobile system is

    the same as the call blocking probability in a cell. Because traffic in cellular systems can

    be non uniform with temporal and spatial Fluctuations, a uniform allocation of channels to

    cells may result in high blocking in some cells, while others might have a sizeable number

    of spare channels. This could result in poor channel utilization. It is therefore appropriate

    to tailor the number of channels in a cell to match the load in it by non uniform channel

    allocation or static borrowing. In non uniform channel allocation the number of nominal

    channels allocated to each cell depends on the expected traffic profile in that cell.

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    Fig. 3.9 FCA for pattern k=7

    3.2.5 Channel borrowing scheme

    In a channel borrowing scheme, an acceptor cell that has used all its nominal channels can

    borrow free channels from its neighbouring cells (donors) to accommodate new calls [19] .

    A channel can be borrowed by a cell if the borrowed channel does not interfere with

    existing calls. When a channel is borrowed, several other cells are prohibited from using it.

    This is called channel locking. For example, for a hexagonal planar layout with reuse

    distance of one cell ( = 3), a borrowed channel is locked in three additional neighbouring

    cells, as is shown in Fig. 5, while for a one dimensional layout or a hexagonal planar grid

    layout with two-cell reuse distance, it is locked in two additional neighbouring cells. The

    channel borrowing schemes can be divided into simple and hybrid. In simple channel

    borrowing schemes, any nominal channel in a cell can be borrowed by a neighbouring cell

    for temporary use. In hybrid channel borrowing strategies, the set of channels assigned to

    each cell is divided into two subsets, A (standard or local channels) and B (nonstandard or

    borrowable channels). Subset A is for use only in the nominally assigned cell, while subset

    B is allowed to be lent to neighbouring cells.

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    2. Borrow from the richest (SBR)

    3. Basic algorithm (BA)

    4. Basic algorithm with reassignment (BAR)

    5. Borrow first available (BFA)

    Hybrid channel borrowing scheme

    The different schemes of hybrid channel borrowing are,

    1. Simple hybrid borrowing scheme (SHCB)

    2. Borrowing with channel ordering (BCO)

    3. Borrowing with directional channel locking (BOCL)

    4. Sharing with bias (S H B) Channel assignment with borrowing and reassignment


    5. Ordered dynamic channel assignment with Re arrangement

    Table 3.1 summarizes the channel borrowing scheme

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    3.2.6 Dynamic channel allocation

    Due to short-term temporal and spatial variations of traffic in cellular systems, FCA

    schemes are not able to attain high channel efficiency [14]. To overcome this, DCA

    schemes have been studied during the past 20 years. In contrast to FCA, there is no fixed

    relationship between channels and cells in DCA. All channels are kept in a central pool

    and are assigned dynamically to radio cells as new calls arrive in the system. After a call is

    completed, its channel is returned to the central pool. In DCA, a channel is eligible for use

    in any cell provided that signal interference constraints are satisfied. Because, in general,

    more than one channel might be available in the central pool to be assigned to a cell that

    requires a channel, some strategy must be applied to select the assigned channel. Based on

    information used for channel assignment, DCA strategies could be classified either as call

    -by- call DCA or adaptive DCA schemes [27]. In the call-by-call DCA, the channel

    assignment is based only on current channel usage conditions in the service area, while in

    adaptive DCA the channel assignment is adaptively carried out using information on the

    previous as well as present channel usage conditions. Finally, DCA schemes can be also

    divided into centralized and distributed schemes with respect to the type of control they


    1. Centralized DCA Schemes

    In centralized DCA schemes, a channel from the central pool is assigned to a call for

    temporary use by a centralized controller. The difference between these schemes is the

    specific cost function used for selecting one of the candidate channels for assignment.

    2. First Available (FA)

    The simplest of the DCA schemes is the FA strategy. In FA the first available channel

    within the re use distance encountered during a channel search is assigned to the call. The

    FA strategy minimizes the system computational time; and, as shown by simulation. For a

    linear cellular mobile system, it provides an increase of 20 percent in the total handled

    traffic compared to FCA for low and moderate traffic loads.

    3. Locally Optimized Dynamic Assignment (LODA)

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    In the LODA strategy, the selected cost function is based on the future blocking

    probability in the vicinity of the cell in which a call is initiated.

    4. Channel Reuse Optimization Schemes

    The objective of any mobile system is to maximize the efficiency of the system. Maximum

    efficiency is equivalent to maximum utilization of every channel in the system. It is

    obvious that the shorter the channel reuse distance, the greater the channel reuse over the

    whole service area. The cost functions selected in the following schemes attempt to

    maximize the efficiency of the system by optimizing the reuse of a channel in the system


    5. Selection with Maximum Usage on the Reuse Ring (RING)

    In the RING strategy, a candidate channel is selected which is in use in the most cells in

    the co channel set. If more than one channel has this maximum usage, an arbitrary

    selection among such channels is made to serve the call. If none is available, the selection

    is made based on the FA scheme.

    Comparison between FCA & DCA

    In general, there is a trade-off between quality of service, the implementation complexity

    of the channel allocation algorithms, and spectrum utilization efficiency [1]. Under low

    traffic intensity, DCA strategies perform better. However, FCA schemes become superior

    at high offered traffic, especially in the case of uniform traffic. In the case of non uniform

    traffic and light to moderate loads, it is believed that the DCA scheme will perform better

    due to the fact that under low traffic intensity, DCA uses channels more efficiently than

    FCA. In the FCA case channels are pre assigned to cells, so there are occasions when, due

    to fluctuation in traffic, calls are blocked, even though there are channels available in

    adjacent cells. In addition, a basic fact of telephone traffic engineering is that a server with

    capacity C is more efficient than a number of small ones with the same total aggregate

    capacity. That is, for the same average blocking probability a system with high capacity

    has higher utilization. FCA schemes behave like a number of small groups of servers,

    while DCA provides a way of making these small groups of servers behave like a larger

    server. Then It is observed that in Fig. 6, with low traffic intensity DCA uses channels

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    more efficiently than FCA because of flexible channel assignment and shows good

    performance. But with high traffic intensity, DCA does not show better performance than


    Fig.3.11 Traffic intensity and blocking rate.

    3.2.7 Hybrid channel allocation

    Hybrid channel assignment schemes are a mixture of the FCA and DCA techniques [4]. In

    HCA, the total number of channels available for service is divided into fixed and dynamic

    sets. The fixed set contains a number of nominal channels that are assigned to cells as in

    the FCA schemes and, in all cases, are to be preferred for use in their respective cells. The

    second set of channels is shared by all users in the system to increase flexibility.

    Fig 3.12 Hybrid Channel Allocation

    When a call requires service from a cell and all of its nominal channels are busy, a channel

    from the dynamic set is assigned to the call. The channel assignment procedure from the

    dynamic set follows any of the DCA strategies described in the previous section.

    Variations of the main HCA schemes include HCA with channel reordering and HCA

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    If no channel from the fixed list for the cell is available, then the base station updates the

    value ofL as follows:

    L = L +1;

    The base station estimates the current level of hot-spot, hin the cell.

    IfHis less than or equal to the old value of level L ,

    H L

    Meaning that the congestion in the cell is the same or easing,

    IfHis greater than the old value of level L

    H > L

    Meaning that the congestion in the cell is getting worse,

    Multilevel notification has low overhead as compared to one-by-one notification on its

    current hot-spot level. Low-overhead in terms of the number of control messages

    exchanged between a base station and the MSC on channel acquisition and release phases.

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    3.4Hybrid channel assignment schemesHybrid channel assignment strategies combine both static and dynamic assignment

    properties by applying a fixed assignment for some interfaces and a dynamic assignment

    for other interfaces [15, 16, 13]. Hybrid strategies can be further classified based on

    whether the fixed interfaces use a common channel [13] or varying channel [15, 16]

    approach. The fixed interfaces can be assigned a dedicated control channel or a data and

    control channel [13], while the other interfaces can be switched dynamically among

    channels. Hybrid assignment strategies are attractive because, as with fixed assignment,

    they allow for simple coordination algorithms, while still retaining the flexibility of

    dynamic channel assignment. In the next two subsections we describe two hybrid schemesfor CA.

    Fig.3.13 Hybrid channel allocation

    3.4.1 Link Layer Protocols for Interface Assignment

    Innovative link layer interface assignment algorithm (LLP) [15] categorizes available

    interfaces into fixed and switchable interfaces. Fixed interfaces are assigned, for long time

    intervals, specific fixed channels, which can be different for different nodes. On the other

    hand, switchable interfaces can be switched over short timescales among non-fixed

    channels based on the amount of data traffic. By distributing fixed interfaces of different

    nodes on different channels, all channels can be used, while the switchable interface can

    be used to maintain connectivity. Two coordination protocols based on hash functions and

    the exchange of Hello packets are proposed in [15] to decide which channels should be

    assigned to the fixed interface and manage communication between nodes. In [16] the

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    its level by 1 & sends a channel request to the central pool in order to borrow channels

    from MSC. Channel request include base station current level and maximum level. On

    receiving channel request from base station MSC will assign channels from the central

    pool to base station up to the requesting level at the same time base station add the same

    number of channel to its temporary pool. As the traffic increases, base station maintains its

    level on each channel request. When a call terminates base station check the type of

    channel the call belonged to. If the channel belonged to fixed set then it remain in base

    station but if channel belonged to dynamic pool, now base station is required to estimate or

    check its level, if its level is below hot-spot level than channels are retained to MSC from

    its temporary pool otherwise remain in base station itself.

    If the base station level is greater or equal to hot-spot level, meaning that the congestion in

    the cell is same or getting worse, now the channels remain in the cell itself in the

    temporary pool of base station in order to sustain more calls. Condition becomes critical

    when MSC has no channel available in its central pool and channel request arrives from

    any cell. In this case, call starts dropping or blocking.

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    In this thesis, an optimal method for hybrid channel allocation with hot-spot is proposed.

    A review of various method and techniques of channel allocation was presented in the

    chapter 2. The technique proposed by Rana Ejaz Ahmed [2], is inspiring us for the

    development of hybrid channel allocation. In this thesis, hot-spot technique is used for

    hybrid channel allocation in order to decrease call drop rate in the cellular network.

    The system uses a hybrid channel allocation scheme where as in [3,] the total number ofC

    channels is divided into two disjoint sets, Fand D. The set Fcontains the channels for

    fixed (or static) assignment, while the set Dcontains the channels for dynamic assignment,i.e., C = FUD. Moreover, each base station maintains a temporary pool (called T)to

    retain a channel that was originally transferred from the dynamic assignment pool at MSC.

    The system uses a frequency reuse factor N. The fixed channels are assigned to a cell

    statically as in FCA; while dynamic channels are kept in a centralized pool at MSC. Let r

    be the ratio of the number of dynamic channels to the total number of channels available in

    the system, [13] i.e.,

    r= |D| / |C|.

    The value of r depends upon the traffic condition as well as on designers view.

    The hot-spot notification level is a multiple of 2, such that 2 i

    Where i is an integer i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3..&

    H={1, 2, 4, 8.... M}

    Where M=pre-defined maximum level supported by the system.

    & H=represents the fact that up to Hborrowed channels can be retained by the base

    station after a call on the borrowed channel from that cell terminates.

    The work which is presented here is for efficient management of unused channels. The

    unused channels are returned back to MSC on cell request, if there is non- availability of

    channels. The request is implemented by rending the whole process in two phases [3].

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    This can be posed as a limitation to the approach which can be overcome if the MSC on

    certain interval of time sends notification to BS for requirement of unused and extra

    channels provided by the MSC during Channel acquisition phase in step 3. The only

    reason for allocating H+ 1 channel to BS instead of H is a proactive measure, because

    request is generated by hot-spot cell which is dealing with heavy load and it is assumed

    that in near future it will require more communication bandwidth, so as to reduce overhead

    up to some extent, this particular fashion is adopted. But, as seen in step 4 of Channel

    acquisition phase, the situation of call dropping can be avoided if unused channels with

    any cell can be retrieved. So, here to manage channel allocation scheme in a better way,

    step 4 can be modified as-

    5. If MSC cannot allocate even one channel, then Channel retrieval phase will be initiated.

    Now suppose in Channel retrieval phase, dynamic pool gets exhausted then

    a). MSC notifies all BS which borrowed a channel from dynamic pool to return unused

    channel, if any.

    Fig.4.1 Flowchart for Channel acquisition phase

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    b). On receiving such request (notification), those BS, having the same will return the

    unused bandwidth to MSC.

    c). On retrieving bandwidth Channel retrieval phase terminates, and request of any hot-

    spot BS is served.

    4.3 Channel release phase

    Lastly, the issue of channel emancipation, if a call gets terminated at any MH. So,


    1. On termination of any call at MH, a channel, let us suppose ki gets free and is to be

    returned back either to local pool at BS site or dynamic pool at MSCs site.

    2. On analyzing that the released channel belongs to dynamic pool, before returning, the

    BS estimates the current value of hot-spot level (let us say, H), in the cell.

    IfHis less than or equal to the old value of level L ,

    H L

    Meaning that the congestion in the cell is the same or easing, in this case after checking its

    temporary pool, channel is returned back to MSC. Else IfHis greater than the old value of

    level L

    H > L

    Meaning that the congestion in the cell is getting worse, in this case Channel ki is retained

    in its temporary pool as condition got worse, and cell is in urgent need of communication


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    Fig 4.2 Flowchart for Channel release phase

    From the flowcharts channel acquisition phase and release phase can be easily understand.

    Due to the limitation of bandwidth, it is required to use the bandwidth efficiently. Our

    proposed algorithm is also tends to use the bandwidth efficiently and decrease rate of call

    drop. In communication system the foremost requirement is to decrease call drop and call


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    In the previous chapter, we have seen the details of overall communication system. Hybrid

    channel allocation and hot-spot condition also shown in [1,2, and 3] which is essential for

    proposed optimal hybrid channel allocation technique with hot-spot notification. We have

    given thorough description of all the three channel allocation, namely fixed channel

    allocation, dynamic channel allocation and the hybrid channel allocation.

    To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, a cellular network is simulated over

    OMNeT++ simulation environment which is an Integrated Development Environment and

    is based on the Eclipse platform, and extends it with new editors, views, wizards, andadditional functionality. OMNeT++ adds functionality for creating and configuring models

    (NED and ini files), performing batch executions, and analyzing simulation results, while

    Eclipse provides C++ editing, SVN/GIT integration, and other optional features (UML

    modelling, bug tracker integration, database access, etc.) via various open-source and

    commercial plug-ins [10]and results are expounded in various scenarios viz. Fixedchannel

    allocation scheme, and hybrid channel allocation scheme by varying the number of

    dynamic channels used, and the behaviour is studied in terms of Call drop rate and

    Blocked call rate versus System load.

    In this chapter we have reported database which is described in section 5.1 and section 5.2

    covers experimental setup for the proposed system.

    5.1 Database

    The parameters and scenarios used in this simulation are illustrated in this section in which

    we have simulated the approach on over environment with total available channels i.e.

    K=300 over a BS grid of 66 over a area of 50,00050,000 meteres2 with one Mobile

    switching Centre. Now, the approach has been evaluated for four different scenarios.

    Firstly, with fixed channel allocation Scheme for all available channels, and secondly, by

    varying the number of dynamic channels used by 30, 150 and 240 channels which in turn

    will vary the ratio of the number of dynamic channels to the total number of channels

    available in the system.

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    5.2 Experimental Setup

    Here we are describing every step of establishing communication system.

    First of all BSC is located in the network. The Basic switching centre basically manages

    the BTSs. It reserves radio frequencies, handles the hand over, and performs the paging ofthe MS. The BSC also multiplexes the radio channels onto the fixed network connection at

    the air interface. Air is interface through which signals can be transmitted. Any messages

    which are transferred between BSC, BTS and ms are transferred through this air.

    Fig. 5.1 BSC is located in the network

    Air is interface through which signals can be transmitted. Any messages which are

    transferred between BSC, BTS and ms are transferred through this air.

    Message which are transferred from mobile station to BTS are like connection request,disconnect request, check BTS, mobile station data, check line etc. Similarly message

    which are transferred from BTS to ms are like connection acknowledgement, disconnect

    acknowledgement, force disconnect, handover ms, check ms, BTS data etc.

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    As shown in the fig. after MS, BTS is located in the network. BTS is Base Transceiver

    System. Each BTS is connected to the BSC. A BTS comprises all radio equipment i.e.

    antennas, signal processing, amplifiers necessary for radio transmission. A BTS can form a

    radio cell or, using sectorized antennas, several cells and is connected to MS via interface.

    Now when mobile user wants to initiate the call, it request BTS for the channel available

    in the local pool. As shown in the fig. MS sends the connection request message to BTS.

    BTS has two pool first is local pool and another is temporary pool. Channels with are fixed

    allocated is stored in local pool while the channels which are borrowed from the dynamic

    pool of BSC is stored in temporary pool. Channels are returned back to BSC from

    temporary pool after the requirement is over. Since our proposed method is through hot-

    spot notification, thats why more channels get stored in the temporary pool in the high


    Fig. 5.4 Message from MS to BTS

    As shown in the fig. connection acknowledgement is given by BTS to MS. Now BTS will

    provide the channel to MS from local pool, if channels in local pool are available. In this

    way channel acquisition phase completed. Now the condition become complicated when

    there are no channels available in the local pool, in this situation

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    6.1 Performance EvaluationThe parameters and scenarios used in this simulation are illustrated in this section in which

    we have simulated the approach on over environment with total available channels i.e.

    K=300 over a BS grid of 66 over a area of 50,00050,000 meteres2 with one Mobile

    switching Centre, the approach has been evaluated for four different scenarios. Firstly,

    with fixed channel allocation Scheme for all available channels, and secondly, by varying

    the number of

    dynamic channels used by 30, 150 and 240 channels which in turn will vary the ratio ofthe number of dynamic channels to the total number of channels available in the

    system(i.e. h=number of dynamic channel/total number of channels) and the results are

    tabulated below.

    Parameters evaluated from Hybrid Channel Allocation using hot-spot notifications are as


    (1) Successful call percentage

    (2) Call drop rate

    (3) Call block rate

    (4) Handover rate

    The above parameters can be calculated as follows:

    Successful call percentage =

    Call drop rate =

    Call block rate =

    The main objective of the proposed system is to obtain decrease no. of call drop rate, call

    block rate and handover. Here we present our simulation result in the form if table.

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    6.1.1 Call Block Evaluation:


    Call blocked rate

    fca h=0.1 h=0.5 h=0.8

    0.25 0 0 0 00.5 2.00 2.45 1.26 0.46

    0.75 6.04 5.02 4.39 3.65

    1 15.34 9.56 10.48 10.23

    1.25 20.65 18.98 15.66 14.87

    Table 6.1 Call block rate in traditional system



    Call blocked rate

    fca h=0.1 h=0.5 h=0.80.25 0 0 0 0

    0.5 1.48 1.59 0.26 0.22

    0.75 5.20 4.99 4.39 3.21

    1 13.53 10.28 8.48 6.59

    1.25 18.41 16.09 15.66 10.88

    Table 6.2 Call block rate in our proposed system

    The obtained results, illustrates the expound effectiveness of work in terms of call dropped

    and call blocked compared against system load in both cases in different scenarios

    mentioned above and compared with and without employing Hybrid Channel allocation

    scheme. In the case of HCA, three different cases of different ratio of the number of

    dynamic channels to the total number of channels available in the system i.e. D has been

    considered as 30, 150 and 240 channels (i.e. h=0.1, 0.5, 0.8). In implementation, number

    of MSC is 1 in all cases for the sake of simplification. The results are illustrated

    graphically to show the behaviour of network with above defined approach.

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    Fig. 6.1 Call Block versus system load in traditional system

    Fig. 6.2 Call block versus system load in our proposed method

    Fig 6.2 shows the blocking probability versus system load according to [3]. Here ascompared to our result in fig 6.1 we observed that blocking probability is comparatively

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    Fig. 6.3 Call drop rate versus system load in traditional system

    Fig. 6.4 Call drop rate versus system load in our proposed method

    Similarly, if pattern of Call dropped is observed a slight improvement is seen when

    hybrid approach is used as compared to its fixed counterpart. An unexpected increase in

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    call drop rate is observed when the number of channels in dynamic pools was 30 i.e

    h=0.1,in both the system which might be the result of abrupt network traffic pattern and

    other parameters which affects the performance such as poor connectivity, interference,

    and many more. In h=0.5, both system give almost same result. Here best outcome is

    observed when number of dynamic channels is varied to 240 i.e. h=0.8, where call drop

    rate is least for increasing load. In the traditional system it was 28 whereas in our proposed

    system it decreases to 22.

    6.1.3 Handover Calls Evaluation:


    Handover Calls

    fca h=0.1 h=0.5 h=0.8

    0.25 1300.12 1356.12 1357.28 1357.35

    0.5 1288.56 1298.65 1300.19 1305.92

    0.75 1198.11 1100.21 1009.5 1009.8

    1 1009.98 945.21 1000.88 998.76

    1.25 800.60 712.34 803.76 1000.20

    Table. 6.5 Handover calls rate in traditional system


    Handover Calls

    fca h=0.1 h=0.5 h=0.8

    0.25 1284.64 1287.31 1287.31 1287.31

    0.5 1145.52 1156.34 1212.10 1220

    0.75 1000 930.68 946.83 990.27

    1 615.23 645.36 1085.88 870.10

    1.25 502.61 467.34 577.76 998.20

    Table. 6.6 Handover calls rate in our proposed method

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    Fig. 6.5 Handover versus system load in traditional system

    Fig. 6.6 Handover versus system load in our proposed system

    In the case of handover we observed that when the ratio of dynamic channels is low,

    handover occurs more in all the three cases where it was traditional or our proposed

    system. But as the dynamic channels are increases and system load increases, then

    handover decreases. As compared to traditional system clearly our proposed method cause

    low handover. If we focus on h=0.8 in both cases, our method gives 1000 handover

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    whereas in above system it was 1200. So it is clear that proposed method performs better

    in any case.

    So in all the result we observed that as the ratio of dynamic channels increases, in all

    aspect performance becomes good. For the better communication system, it is required to

    vary the number of dynamic channels as per the traffic grows. For low traffic condition,

    even FCA performs better. Proper management system should to be maintaining in the

    time of high traffic and in the time of hot-spot to manage the entire mobile user.

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    The demand in the mobile communication has remarkably grown in the last two decade.

    An efficient channel allocation is essential to achieve the good performance in cellular

    system. While the limited number of channels available, requires efficient reuse of

    channels. To resolve this problem various channel allocation scheme developed by

    researchers. The present work is carried in the general context of channel allocation issue

    involved in cellular networks at heavy load situations. The simulation of this approach is

    expounded and evaluated over OMNeT++ in a scenario with fixed channel allocation and

    hybrid approach by varying the proportion of dynamic channels to total number of

    channels available and the effectiveness is evaluated in terms of Call blocked and Call

    dropped versus System load. The work presented here illustrates the efficiency and

    flexibility of hybrid channel allocation algorithm along with a slight modification in

    conventional algorithm by introducing the channel retrieval phase which retrieves back the

    channels with BS, borrowed from MSC and are unused and allocates the same to some BS

    requiring it and thus resolving the limitation of MSC of being exhausted of communication

    bandwidth to serve further calls in heavy load. The call effectiveness of the work has been

    illustrated in simulation where the approach performs better in almost all cases as

    compared to its fixed counterparts.

    If we compare the result of traditional system and proposed system then, call block rate in

    h= 0.8, 240 channels are dynamic in 300 total channels, the call block rate 0.17 in our

    proposed system whereas in traditional it was 0.2. Our method decreases the call block

    rate but call drop is reduced even more. In the traditional system it was 28 whereas in our

    proposed system it decreases to 22. Similarly hand over calls also reduces. If we focus on

    h=0.8 in both cases, our method gives 1000 handover whereas in above system it was

    1200. So it is clear that proposed method performs better in each and every case.

    The simulation study of the protocol indicates that the protocol has low overhead, and it

    behaves similar to the FCA at high traffic and to the DCA at low traffic loads. So by the

    experimental and simulated evaluations of all channel assignment schemes we proposed

    that HCA will give the appropriate results in reducing call blocking probability. Further

    research has to be continued on HCA by increasing number of hotspot levels by

    considering interference as a main parameter

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