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  • 7/30/2019 Soap or Detergent


    Soap or Detergent?

    Just what is the difference between soap and detergent?

    By: Heather L. Sanders

    The SDA (Soap and Detergent Association) logically states:To understand what is

    needed to achieve effective cleaning, it is helpful to have a basic knowledge of the soap and

    detergent chemistry.(1) Now, this is not going to be a lesson in Chemistryhopefully,

    youve already made that rite of passage in high school and/or college, BUT we do want to

    give you a bit of basic knowledge regarding the difference between soaps and detergents. We

    get many questions regarding what to use for laundering cloth diaperswell, read the

    following article and hopefully it can equip you in making that choice for your familys


    First things firsta lesson on surfactants. I know, you are saying, Sur-what?

    Surfactants, also called surface active agents are the chemicals necessary to reduce the

    surface tension of water. What that means (basically) is that water will hold to itself because

    each water molecule is surrounded by and attracted to other water molecules. This property

    of tension with water causes it to bead-up on surfaces like fabric (you know, like a drop of

    water on a counter it does not spread-out, but beads up instead) and will slow the wetting

    of that surfacewhich inhibits the whole cleaning process. In order for the water to spread

    and wet/soak into a surface (like your laundry)you need surfactants, chemicals that

    effectively cut the surface tension and are said to make water wetter. (1) So, the firstcommonality between soaps and detergents, even though they are not exactly the same thing,

    is that they are both surfactants. Any surfactant that is not a soap is a detergent. (2)

    Both soaps and detergents perform the same task.As far as removing dirt or poopies

    (since we are specifically concerned about getting your diapers clean), the difference between

    soaps and detergents are in their composition. Soaps, on the whole, are made of materials

    found in nature, and detergents are labeled synthetic (although some of their ingredients are

    natural). (3) An interesting point is that some chemists will argue that the actual production

    of a soap molecule from the naturally occurring fats and oils is still a synthesis step, andtherefore, soaps are synthetic products as well. (2) The EPA states, The word 'detergent

    refers to household cleaning products which are based on non-soap, synthetic surfactants and

    which are primarily used for laundering and dishwashing. (5) Whichever side of that

    argument you lean toward, recognize that soaps have been around for centuries and that they

    are better overall for our health and easier on our environment than detergents.

    So why the production of detergents if soaps are tried and true? Well, there is one big

    drawback in soaps that seemingly pushed the detergent industry, and that drawback is the

    principal difference recognized between soaps and detergents. Soaps and detergents behave

    differently in hard water. Soaps form a scum in hard water and this scum will not rinse

  • 7/30/2019 Soap or Detergent


    away easily and is known to turn laundry a grayish hue. The insoluble film it leaves can leave

    a residue on your laundry much like you would see in a shower stall where hard water is

    present. Detergents react less to the minerals it comes up against in water and will not leave

    this same residue. (3) If you live in an area where the water is soft, you will have more

    success with soaps, but even then, a gradual build-up of calcium and magnesium ions (alsocalled curd) will be left in the fabric of your diapers or any of your familys laundry over

    time.Another disadvantage cited with soaps is that they will deteriorate in storage and

    lack the cleaning power when compared with the modern synthetic surfactants.(4) Because

    of this, detergents have steadily become the cleaning agent of choice since World War II,

    because for all practical purposes (not to be confused with environmental purposes)

    synthetic or not, they will leave your laundry cleaner.

    Those concerned about the environmental effects of soaps and detergents do have

    options. Since both soaps and detergents are surfactant based, you can make the effort to

    choose a product whose surfactants are made from oleochemicals, instead of those made from

    petrochemicals. Petrochemicals are a nonrenewable resource and actually a waste product

    of the petroleum industry derived from crude oil or natural gas. (1,4) Oleochemicals are from

    fats and oils, which are renewable resources.

    As we mentioned earlier, the surfactant raw materials of both soaps and detergents must be

    chemically converted. That being the case, in its final form, the surfactant with an

    oleochemical base is similar to one with a petrochemical base. (1) The obvious question then

    is why do manufacturers choose to use a non-renewable petrochemical when there is another

    option - oleochemicals. Well, hmmmm . . . say it with me . . . "M-o-n-e-y!" It costs themmore to produce.

    We prefer the use of detergents with regards to washing cloth diapers. Obviously,

    finding a detergent that is environmentally-friendly is not easy, but for our diapers longevity,

    we prefer to stay away from the build-up that would detract from the diapers maximum

    absorption capabilities. We also want our diapers to have every opportunity to get completely

    cleanand with a build-up, we feel that is not possible over time with just soap. Because we

    are asked so often, we will tell you that we have used Arm & Hammer Detergent

    (liquid/without bleach), however, because of the less than satisfactory Phosphate content inthe Arm & Hammer, we began sampling other detergents as well. To our surprise, we have

    found that some of the groceries generic brands are more environmentally sound than a good

    portion of their name-brands.

    What you should look for is a product that is Phosphate Free or low (containing trace

    amounts) in Phosphate, Fragrance and Dye Free (these can serve as irritants to babies'

    sensitive skin as they are usually just a medley of chemicals - not natural fragrance or dyes)

    and does not contain Fabric Softeners. With regards to our bodies, we use all natural soaps

    we particularly love Dr. Bronners Castile Soaps! That Peppermint will WAKE YOU UP!

  • 7/30/2019 Soap or Detergent


    One note of caution. There is a misconception that all products labeled environmentally safe

    are safe across the line and that just is not true. Detergents are responsible for many

    household poisonings according to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). Part of the

    problem is that detergent boxes are brightly colored and attractive and commonly stored in

    low, accessible places while low phosphate detergents are safer to the environment, theyare 100 to 1000 times more caustic than phosphate detergents. (5) In other words, they can

    cause serious burns even if only a small amount is digested. In homes with young children,

    powder (rather than liquid) detergents are recommended because it is more difficult to

    swallow powder granules. Please, if you have small children, keep the detergents stored well



    1. SDA - The Soap and Detergent Association, Chemistry.

    2. What is Soap? What is a Detergent?

    3. The Difference Between a Detergent and a Soap.

    4. Synthetic Surfactant or Soap?

    5. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Great Lakes National Program Office.


    Content Copyright Heather L Sanders.

    May not be reprinted without permission.

    About the author :: Heather Sanders lives in Huntsville, TX with her husband and 3 kids.

    Heather has started and sold two successful online cloth diapering businesses, including

    The Diaper Hyena. In addition to those two businesses, she has written exclusively for

    Diaper Pinin the Cut of Cloth section. Shortly thereafter, she wrote a few articles for

    Natural Family Online and in 2004, served as one of the Moderators for the Cloth

    Diapering Forums Later, she worked as the Assistant Administrator for

    the entire forum and served on the Expert Panel at for Cloth Diapering.

    Heather was one of the founders ofReal Diaper Association, owns and manages and blogs personally
  • 7/30/2019 Soap or Detergent


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