social business in smb

Social Business in SMB Case Study „Eastern German Savings Bank Association“

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Post on 09-May-2015




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Case Study "Eastern German Savings Bank Association"


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Social  Business  in  SMB    Case Study „Eastern German Savings Bank


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Alexander Kluge (@alecmcint)


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case study

Eastern German Savings Bank Association

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Ostdeutscher Sparkassenverband The Eastern German Savings Bank Association (OSV) represents the political and economical interests of 45 savings banks. Headquarters: Berlin Employees: ca. 230 Mission: Represention of saving banks, political relationship, Auditor service for member banks Challenges: •  Strengthen the role as a

consulting partner for member banks


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WHY? @alecmcint

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WHY? @alecmcint

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Baby Boomer Generation X Generation Y Generation Z

Born 1946 – 1964 1965 – 1979 1980 - 2000 2000

Technology TV Telephone Typewriter

VCR Walkman IBM PC

Internet E-Mail Mobile Phones SMS Playstation

Wireless technology iPhone/iPad Apps On demand services

Music Rolling Stones Woodstock LP

Nirvana Rosklide CD

Eminem Love Parade DVD

Justin Bieber iTunes Festival Cloud Music

Celebrities Robert Redford Michael Cain

Boy George Elle Macpherson

Brad Pitt Kylie Minogue Jennifer Aniston

Beyonce� Knowles Britney Spears

Qualification Learn für your company

Learning? Paid Learning Learn for yourself

Focus Job only Privat life only Job, mixed with private life

Job & Privat, but separated

Attitude Idealism Scepticiscm Optimism Realism

Geographic Reference

Local National Multi-National Global

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„the brief period of the day when I have to use old technology“

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McKinsey Global Survey, 2013 @alecmcint

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CEO: Einflussfaktoren für die Zukunft des Unternehmens

Top external factors influencing business, IBM C-Suite Study, 2013


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Knowledge    Management  

OSV  Wiki  Transi6on  from  

old  Notes-­‐Databases  

Improved    Collabora6on  

Any  Device    Any  Place  

Less  e-­‐Mail  

Open    Communica6on  

Non-­‐hierarchical    communica6on  

Op6miza6on  of  Business  Processes  

Employee  sa6sfac6on  

Employer  Branding  

Support  for    commiHee  process  

External  Collabora6on  



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•  Aktualisierter Zeitstrahl

01.10.12 01.01.13 01.04.13 01.10.13 01.07.13 01.01.14 01.04.14

OSS Projektworkflow

OSA Blended Learning

Begleitung der Werkstätten

Ausbau Plattform / CAT / XCC / Planung Live Betrieb


Gremien- Unterstützung

VL-Community Vorstellung VL Pilotphase


Training Pilotphase


IMPULS Ausgabe 5 Pilotphase

OSV-CONNECT Nutzertagung

Begleitende Maßnahmen


Pilotphase / Werkstätten


Offizieller Projektstart

Aufbau Pilot

„Zusammenarbeit gemeinsam gestalten“

Social Business Woche




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six months later


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Fünf Phasen der Trauerbewältigung

1.  Denial  2.  Anger  3.  Bargaining  4.  Depression  5.  Acceptance  



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„As  you  may  well  know,  Mr.  President,  'railroad'  carriages  are  pulled  at  the  

enormous  speed  of  fiUeen  miles  per  hour  by  'engines'  [...]  The  Almighty  certainly  never  intended  that  people  should  travel  

at  such  breakneck  speed“    

LeHer  sent  to  President  Andrew  Jackson  from  New  York  State  Governor  Mar6n  Van  Buren  on  January  31,  1829  


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„We  recommend  to  close  down  the  patent  office  because  everything  that  can  be  

invented  has  been  invented“    

Charles  H.  Duell,  Commissioner  of  US  patent  office,  1899  


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OSVCONNECT verbindet Wissen und Menschen


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OSV-CONNECT unterstützt bei der Zusammenarbeit


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Statistik – Nutzung von OSV-CONNECT

















0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200$








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Statistik – Blogs in OSV-CONNECT


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OSV Informations- und Kommunikationsplattformen: Unternehmensintern


Current Toolset Future Toolset

Structured Processes IBM Notes IBM Notes

File Handling Network Drives IBM Connections / CM

Real Time Collaboration Telephone, external Meeting-Services (Adobe Connect,...)

IBM Sametime, Chat & Meeting

Project Management E-Mail, Network Drives, „Shadow-IT“ (Dropbox, Google Docs, Skype...)

IBM Connections, Activities IBM Sametime

Creative Processes „Shadow IT “ (external Services, Google Apps,...)

IBM Connections, Communities, Blogs

Knowledge Management Network Drives, IBM Notes IBM Connections, WIKI

Internal Communication / Intranet

Mail, Lotus Notes „Infoboard“ IBM Connections, XCC Homepage (TimeToAct)

Cross Department Collaboration

„Exchange“ Network Drives, Mail

IBM Connections

External Collaboration Mail, „Shadow IT“ ((Dropbox, Google Docs, Skype...)

IBM Connections with external Community Support


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Applikationslandschaft: Langfristplanung



OSV-­‐CONNECT  Social  Tools    (Blogs,  Wikis,  Lesezeichen,  Datei-­‐Ablage,  ...)  

Phase  1:  Integra6on  of  simpel  Lotus  Notes  Apps  into  OSV-­‐CONNECT  (Browser/Mobile  Access)  

Phase  2:  Integra6on  of  complex  Notes  Apps  in    OSV-­‐CONNECT  Integra6on  of  external  Savings  Banks  

Phase  3:    Pure  Web-­‐/Mobile-­‐Frontend  for  most  Apps  

2015 2017 2016


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Social Networks in SMB


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Ad Hoc Kommunikation


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Social Business in SMB needs much stronger CxO Support


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Enabling middle management is key to success #leadership2.0


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Don´t let IT run the project


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Identify and focus on the enthusiasts


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Wikipedia Your Wiki

Registered Users / Contributors

37.000.000 500

Monthly Active Contributors

270.000 4

Man-hours to create content

100.000.0000 1.200

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@alecmcint Why ESN fail,

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Take care about community management and content creation


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Online is not enough


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Push and Pull


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Define the guidelines with your users


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Integration of external partners is essential in SMB


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You can install Social Software - but not Social Business


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Alexander Kluge @alecmcint
