
Socializatio n Understanding behaviour in Society

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Socialization. Understanding behaviour in Society. Socialization. Process when someone learns the attitudes, values, and behaviour that are valuable and necessary for society Starts in childhood, taught by caregivers Influenced by parents, friends, school, work, media, gender, religion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Socialization

SocializationUnderstanding behaviour in Society

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Socialization Process when someone

learns the attitudes, values, and behaviour that are valuable and necessary for society

Starts in childhood, taught by caregivers

Influenced by parents, friends, school, work, media, gender, religion

Teaches people to behave differently in different situations

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Social behaviour Observable

responses to external and internal stimuli

Interaction among members of a group

Observing how others behave provide you with clues as to how you should behave

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What Influences Behaviour?

Family Gender Culture Media

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Social influence The effect other people

have on a person’s thoughts and actions

Can effect people directly or indirectly

Example: your decision to date someone in based on what you think will be your reactions from family or friends or avoiding dating a specific type of person because of the real or imagined family pressure

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Gender How we behave is determined

by the role given by the society in which we live in

Internalization is the process by which male and females embrace or accept these gender roles and part of their identity

Qualities such as strength, power, wealth, sensitivity, nurturing, etc.

Gender is a social construct or created by society

Gender influences the way your see view yourself, how you view the world, how you behave in the world

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Third Gender- Intersex

Someone who was born with both male and female sexual characteristics and organs.

People who do not define themselves as completely male or completely female either because biologically they are both, or because their identity differs from their assigned biological sex.

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Culture Each culture has

characteristics and traditions which make it unique

May include simple or elaborate symbols and values, rituals, practices

History and law influences a country, society, culture

People are influence by culture, and can be influenced by more than one culture

Multiculturalism influences us in numerous ways

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Media influences social behaviour – “bang, bang”

Facebook improves relationships ???- people benefit from social media networks

Conveys social norms, expectations, ideals, values- Acceptable

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Socialization Think and act like me Acceptable and

unacceptable behaviour Socialization is the process

by which individuals:o Learn behavioural

patternso Skillso Valueso Self-esteem/confidenceo Identity

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Categories of Socialization

Primary Socialization The process of learning

the basic skills needed to survive in society

Hygiene, eating with utensils, language, dress

Secondary Socialization The process of learning

how to behave appropriately in group situations

Schools, churches, sports

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Anticipatory Socialization

“The process of learning how to plan the way to behave in new situations.”

“Using prior to knowledge to assess new social settings.”

Examples: clothing, language, behaviour for events-weddings 

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Resocialization “The process by

which an individual learns to transform old, sometimes unacceptable behaviour into new, socially acceptable behaviour.”

Behavioural Modification theory

Criminals, military

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Abnormal Socialization

“Ideally children should be raised in a nurturing environment that promotes physical, emotional, and intellectual development.”

“Children need attention, encouragement, and stimulation of a caregiver to develop healthy and become productive, well ad-justed members of society.”

“Children who are abuse, neglected or abandoned at early ages suffer devastating psychological and social disturbance as these years are crucial to learning and social behaviour.”