socialmedia associations

GET SOCIAL MEDIA READY Social Media Introduction for Associations

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How can associations benefit from social media? Presentation I gave at Association Congress early 2013


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GET SOCIAL MEDIA READYSocial Media Introduction for Associations

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Marc Campman

25+ years of marketing, branding, advertising & PR experience. 10+ years online marketing

Founder of and Partner in LoveSocialMedia

Worked with start-ups and established businesses on communication, social media & brand strategy

Social media strategy & execution since 2007

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About the Class

Extend social media foundation Practical Interactive Ask questions Start discussions Have fun!

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Amazing Social Media facts

Twitter encountered 24,000 tweets per second during the London 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony

1 hour of video is being uploaded on Youtube every second

1 billion items are being liked on facebook every day

5000 photos are being uploaded on Flickr every minute

12 billion miles are being driven on Google Maps each year

38% of adults say they use search engines to search for businesses

Coldplay became the top page on Google+ with 618,356 followers

Users spend a total of 6.7 billion hours on social networks towards the close of 2011

82% of the worlds online population are using social media networks, boasting 1.2 billion users

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Media Consumption

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What is Social Media?


Online tools that people use to share content, profiles, opinions, insights, experiences, perspectives and media itself, thus facilitating conversations and interaction online between groups of people. These tools include blogs, message boards, podcasts, micro blogs, bookmarks, networks, communities, wikis, and vlogs. (

A new set of internet tools that enable shared community experiences, both online and in person. (Technology in Translation)

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What is Social Media

Social Media earnsonline and offline


Digital Marketing buys online and offline


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Social Media Vs. Website

Social media sends to website, creates prospects and builds relationships.

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Social Media Vs. Website

Website converts prospect from social media and advertising into sale or lead

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Social Media Vs. Website

Social media holds onto customer, prompts them to buy again and helps them refer

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Social Media Myths

MYTH: Social media is free.  TRUTH: Most sites are free to participate, and there are a lot of free

tools, but you still need to invest in advertising to drive traffic. You should also plan to invest a considerable amount of time into building your social media presence…and time=money.

MYTH: Social media will give my business an immediate boost.

TRUTH: For almost all businesses building a loyal following takes time. Monetizing the following takes even longer. Plan on no monetization for at least 6-12 months.

MYTH: Your number of Fans and Followers matters.TRUTH: Quality, not quantity, means business. Just because you

have a big number of followers doesn’t mean they are engaged with the brand and interacting with it, or considering doing business with you.

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Social Media Myths

MYTH: If you build it they will come.TRUTH: Just like a website, until you promote and drive traffic to your

social media, your content is a ‘tree falling in the forest.’

MYTH: Social media isn’t measurable.TRUTH: There are a variety of tools and methods to measure

mentions, sentiment, comments, traffic and click-thrus to your website, among other metrics.

MYTH: Social media killed traditional marketing.TRUTH: People still watch TV, visit websites, read email, etc. You

need these media to inform your audience of your social media profiles. You need social media to support your other marketing efforts.

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The Truth(why all this is important)

Your customers are using social media to make buying decisions, with or without your participation.

Social media content—both personal and business related—is “permanent.”

Social media can hurt and help you. It takes a lot of time and a lot of effort.

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Social Networking Sites

Websites that allow users to build online profiles, share information and connect with people who share interests. Sites usually consist of a profile of each user, his/her social links, and a variety of other services.

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Short for ‘web log’, a blog is an online diary—a website maintained by an individual that features regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.

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Like blogs, microblogs are platforms for people to post thoughts about topics but on a much smaller scale. A microblog entry could consist of nothing but a short sentence fragment, or an image or embedded video.

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Social Bookmarking

Sites where a user can share, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web resources. Unlike file sharing, the resources themselves aren't shared, merely bookmarks that reference them.

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Video & Photo Sharing

Websites or software that allow users to share and distribute video clips and photos. Videos/photos can be associated with a “channel” or “album” by user or company name.

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An online message board or an online discussion site where users gather to discuss subjects or topics. There can be hundreds of topics being discussed on one forum and there is usually a moderator that sets guidelines for posting.

Examples: Fodors, The Fashion Spot, Mac Rumors,

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Review & Opinion Sites

A site where users can post product or service reviews and share personal experiences they’ve had with companies.

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Article Distribution Sites

A directory or collection of topical articles posted for other sites to use and distribute as content. Articles normally include a slugline at the end that includes a description of the author and link to their site.

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Presentation sharing site

SlideShare is the world's largest community for sharing presentations. Upload and share on blogs, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. Over 60 million people use SlideShare every month for research, sharing ideas, connecting with others, and generating business leads. SlideShare also supports documents, PDFs, and videos.

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A website that allows the easy collaborative creation and editing of information on a topic, list or any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser.

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The Executive point of view

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A powerful global conversation has begun. Through the Internet, people are discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge with blinding speed.

As a direct result, markets are getting smarter—and getting smarter faster than most companies.

The Cluetrain Manifesto

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The Cluetrain Manifesto

These markets are conversations. Their members communicate in language that is natural, open, honest, direct, funny and often shocking. Whether explaining or complaining, joking or serious, the human voice is unmistakably genuine. It can't be faked.

Most companies only know how to talk in

the soothing, humorless monotone

of the mission statement,

marketing brochure, and your-call-is-

important-to-us busy signal. No wonder

networked markets have no respect for

companies unable or unwilling to speak as

they do.

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What is it NOT for business

A bulletin board for marketing & PR messages.

A cheap way of advertising. One-sided. About self-promotion. A place for you to vent about your

competition. The only way to market your business. The answer to your prayers.

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What is it for Business…

Awareness. Word-of-mouth. New people willing to consider doing business

with you. Customer satisfaction. Research & Insights. Positioning. Recruitment. Promotion. Audience building. Immediate.

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“Social Media is the biggest change in business I have seen in my corporate career.”

Marc Campman

March 2012

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Tools vs. Strategy

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Define your Social Media Goals

Generate exposure for my business Improve traffic to my web site Develop myself as a thought leader Establish new business partnerships Generate new leads Improve SEO for my web site Improve customer satisfaction

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Integration with Business Strategy

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Social Networks – User Activity

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Social Networks – User Activity

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Social Networks – User Activity

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Top 5 Reasons to Use Facebook

Connect with old friends Access to engaged and qualified

users Viral opportunity for messaging Targeted advertising Facebook adoption


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Getting started Sign up for Facebook

with a dummy account Create your Facebook

Page Invite people to like your

page Share content and

information Use Apps to promote

your content

Facebook Pages

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Your Facebook Page - Features


Cover photo

Profile picture


Pinned post


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Your Facebook Page - Features


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Facebook Pages - dimensions

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Getting people to “Like” you

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• Promotion. Promote your facebook page on all your marketing collateral (print and online)

• Suggest to friends. a simple and free way to get the word out that you have a business Page and to ask friends to Like it.

Increase your following

• Use the share button. build your fan base by regularly using the Share button at the bottom of each “link” you post on your business Wall.

• Events: The event feature comes with its own Share button which insures that you can distribute your Event beyond just your fan base to your friends.

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Engage with Facebook Apps

Maximum 12 apps per page You can change the order (except photo app is

always 1st) You can change icon You can create your own Facebook App

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Top 5 reasons to Use Twitter Develop and promote your brand Interact with your customer base Track what people are saying about your

brand Create buzz around upcoming events Promote your content


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Getting started Sign up for Twitter Personalise your profile Find some friends/clients to follow Find some friends/clients to follow

you Start tweeting Engage with your network

Twitter – How to get started

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Your Twitter Profile - old

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Your Twitter profile - new

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Your Twitter Activity Feed

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Your Twitter Discovery

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Twitter terminology

Tweet: When you post or write your 140 characters on Twitter and hit send it’s called a tweet or tweeting.

Handle: That’s your Twitter name: short and descriptive (get your personal name if you can even if you don’t plan to use it right now. It’s like your URL and will have value someday)

Follow: This is simply the act of adding someone to your list of people you are following — this makes their tweets show up on your home page.

Replies: This is what it is called when someone writes a tweet directly at your handle, this is often an invite to engage with a follower.

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Twitter Search – made simpler

• Spelling corrections

• Related Suggestions

• Results with real names and user names

• Results from people you follow

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Twitter Search

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Twitter terminology

Retweet: This is a tactic of republishing someone else’s tweet, the original tweet along with author stays intact, but you are basically showing someone’s tweet to your followers

DM: This is a message that is sent directly to another user. They must be following you for you to DM them, but this is a very useful tool for private messages

Hashtag: This is a way people categorize tweets so that others might use the same tag and effectively create a way for people to view related tweets—it will look something like #marketing

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Use Twitter Search Use Twitter’s “Who to

follow” Follow people your followers

are following Follow thought leaders and

bloggers Collect people’s twitter

names at events Follow Hashtags at events

Finding People to follow

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Finding People to follow

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Make your company’s twitter name easy to find

Place follow buttons on your blog and web site

Interact with the people you follow but don’t follow you back

Make your tweets useful

Getting people to follow you

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Start tweeting An observation What you are reading What you are watching What events you are attending Your content Someone else’s content Chat with someone Retweet what someone else has


Twitter – Start tweeting

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Top 5 Reasons to Use Linkedin Make local, national and international

professional connections Position yourself as an authority Improve your customer knowledge Trusted contacts Legitimate


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Linkedin – Getting Started

Getting Started Sign up for Linkedin Personalise your Linkedin profile Grow your network Join Groups Use Apps Engage with your network Create company page

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Personalise your Linkedin Profile

5 elements of your profile: Your “Teaser”: Picture, Name,

Professional Headline, Location and Industry.

Short Overview: Current, Past, Education, Recommendations, Connections, Websites, Twitter, and Public Profile.

The Core: Summary and Specialties.

The Specifics: Experience, Education, and Sections.

The Details: Additional Information, Personal Information, and Contact Settings.

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Visualise your Linkedin Profile

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The new Linkedin Profile

The new profile setup will make it easier to:

Tell your professional story

Discover people and opportunities

Engage with your network

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Your Linkedin Activity Feed

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Expanding your connections

Step 1: Upload your email contacts and connect with the ones already on LinkedIn

Step 2: Find current and former colleagues and classmates and connect with them

Step 3: Discover people you may know and connect with the ones you actually know

Step 4: Promote your LinkedIn Profile with a LinkedIn Email Signature and LinkedIn Profile Badge for your website and blog

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Using Linkedin

Ways to use Linkedin for lead generation

Linkedin Groups Linkedin Answers Linkedin Search Linkedin Applications Company Pages Linkedin Ads

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Linkedin Apps

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Linkedin Company Page

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Linkedin Advertising

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Photo credit:

• Google products• Forced upon you• Search rankings• Back and forth with Facebook• 400 Million users – September 2012

Why should you care

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CirclesCategorize your

customers SparksMonitor your


Claim your profile

Enhance your profile

Embrace business


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• Share • Promote• Measure

• Plays nice with Analytics

Create your profile

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Google Circles

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• Video chat• 10 people• Q&A, demo a product, meet the CEO• 5 Creative Ways Businesses Are Using Google+ Hangouts


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• See your posts spread through Google+• Identify influencers


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• Trends happening around the web• Business to do? Use to create content?


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• Integrates with Google Calendar• Party mode – share video and photos at the event

Google+ Events

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• Google+ posts• Search results• Articles• YouTube videos• Display ads

+1 Button - Endorse

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Pinterest is a virtual pinboard which allows users to organize and share beautiful and interesting content they find on the web.

Pinterest’s goal is to connect everyone in the world through the 'things' they find interesting.

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What does a user profile look like?

Your boards are of all the things that (P)interest you….

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Follow people or just the pinboards you like

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With the iPhone app you can ‘pin’ wherever you are

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Users can pin, re-pin, follow, like and create boards of interests.

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Showcase your products and most importantly, their prices

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And you can also browse for gifts too. Along with being able to filter by price….

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Find out who has pinned your website content. Insert your website URL after /source. You might be surprised….

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Take aways

• Great potential for retailers

• Boost your brand image by sharing cool but relevant images

• If you have a catalogue this is one opportunity to digitize it

• Inspire people and generate a viral effect

• Generate lead, find out what’s interesting for users

• Never SPAM your followers

• Share what’s interesting and drive traffic to your website

• Pin, re-pin and like other users’ images that you find relevant

• Brands that only share own content are uninteresting

• Keep in mind, social network rules apply