
Societies Guild General Meeting 7.12.11 Agenda 1.Apologies 2.Exec Reports a. Questions from Guild on Exec Reports 3. Society Events Presentation – Pete Brizio Entertainments Manager 4. Disability Awareness Presentation – Representative tbc 5. Ratifications – please see appendix I 6. Give It! Week 7. vTeam and Student Activities Food Collection Project 8. Minutes and Agendas update 9. Changes to Golden Guild Awards 10. AOB 11. Date of Next Meeting 12. Departmental Society Representatives Focus Group

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Societies Guild General Meeting 7.12.11 Agenda

1. Apologies2. Exec Reports

a. Questions from Guild on Exec Reports3. Society Events Presentation – Pete Brizio Entertainments Manager4. Disability Awareness Presentation – Representative tbc5. Ratifications – please see appendix I6. Give It! Week7. vTeam and Student Activities Food Collection Project8. Minutes and Agendas update9. Changes to Golden Guild Awards10. AOB11.Date of Next Meeting12.Departmental Society Representatives Focus Group

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Appendix I

The following societies are standing for Ratification. You have until Midnight on Monday 5th December to read the following proposed Societies’ Aims and Objectives and pose any questions you may have for any or each society in writing by emailing your question(s) and what society it is aimed at to [email protected] with the subject line ‘Question for Ratification’. We will then select the most frequently asked questions and pose them to each society who will answer any concerns in the General Meeting.

Ratifications for 7/12/11

Sociology Society

Portuguese Speaking Society

Maths Society

FIFA Society

Iranian Society

Origami Society

Sociology Society;

Aims: Development and a better understanding of sociology

A better interaction between teachers and students from the Sociology Department

A stronger connection between students from the Sociology Department and also between other departments linked to Sociology

Objectives: Weekly/fortnightly meetings

Conferences with special guests about sociological issues


Different campaigns such as ‘Free Hugs’ and ‘A Smile for You’

Movie nights about sociological matters

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Portuguese Speaking Society;

Aims: Create online and physical support for natives and people who already learn or wish to learn Portuguese

Promote the culture of the countries where Portuguese is spoken

Provide closure to those who wish to feel at home

Objectives: Provide conversational contexts to people to practice Portuguese

Promote cultural activities

Cooking venues



Maths Society;

Aims: Make awareness of the outside world in the mathematics field

Help students to get a better understanding of their subject. Students to become aware of each other in the department and to socialise better together. Also give the outside maths student with mathematics related modules a chance to meet inside maths students. To get lecturers involved in the society as well so the communication between student and lecturers are improved. For students to have the opportunities to ask about information to do with the mathematics department.

Objectives; To help maths student to socialise more and get to know more of their class mates because in mathematics it is good to work as a group rather than yourself. To be able to get students to participate in different activities with fellow students. To be able to give mathematics students a chance and an opportunity to share ideas with each other and advice.

FIFA Society;

Aims; Bring together players of FIFA of all demographics

Allow new students to find a place with other FIFA fans to share a few games with and meet new people

Objectives: Have fortnightly gatherings with all members and arrange FIFA tournaments on Playstation 3

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Discuss real life football events

Create a good, friendly environment for all FIFA fans

Iranian Society;

Aims: To unite Persian-Speaking students studying at the University of Essex

Provide members with specific informative activities and a fun time

Share Iranian culture with other people

Objectives: Providing various activities: Music, Film screenings, Poems etc

Teaching Persian to people who are interested in learning it

Organising trips

Celebrating national events

Origami Society; The Japanese Art of Paper Folding

Aims: To in-crease Origami at the University of Essex

To teach Origami to everyone from complete beginner to Experts

To allow likeminded individuals to meet and share their knowledge and love of origami

To actively promote and encourage the learning of Origami

To work with the British Origami Society ‘BOS’ to promote Origami

Objectives; We will have weekly meetings and workshops to teach Origami, share ideas and have fun

We will invite special guests through the BOS to give talks, teach and display their work

We will offer trips to the BOS spring and autumn conventions

We will run Origami competitions and Exhibitions at the university

We will organise lectures on topics such as paper making and Origami history