special populations. why do children need exercise? 25% completely inactive 3-4 hours tv a day ...


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Post on 14-Dec-2015




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Special Populations

Why do children need exercise?

25% completely inactive 3-4 hours TV a day Maximal oxygen uptake, Vo2 Max Boys vs. Girls

Hypertrophy vs. Hyperplasia

How many hours a day should children by watching television?

Growth & Development 90% of bone growth by 19 yrs age 100% of bone growth by 25 yrs age

Promotes Joint growth Promotes Muscle fibers growth

Is too excessive activity dangerous?

How can growth spurts affect performance in physical activity & sports?

Things to look out for Dissipation of heat or Body Temperature

Adequate water supply 8oz/15-20 min priorDuring

Appropriate Clothing

Appropriate Rest periods

Water activities pG 94

Barriers to Exercise

Time (boys vs. girls) Self Consciousness pressure to

perform well Technology & TV Peer pressure Cost & Inaccessibility (city living)

Benefits to Exercise

Decrease risk of obesity & chronic diseaseDiabetesAtherosclerosisHypertension

Increased muscular strength Improved cardiovascular performance

Exercise Prescription Basic Guidelines

Ages 2-6 Active play vs. structured exercise

Over 2 years30 minutes of moderate activity plus 30

minute vigorous activity 3-4 days/week Children under 12

Switch intensity from moderate to vigorous

Cardiovascular Exercise Guidelines

30 min moderate to vigorous activity 3-4 days/weekOverweight children

4 Week Plan

School Age Children 1 hour + activity lasting 15 minutes + 3 days/week Circuit Training

Light Resistance Training Conditioning6 stations, paired children, alternation of

upper and lower body (if possible)45-55 sec each station, 20-30 rest1-2 circuits

Week One Day One (60 minutes)

5 Warm Up ○ 15 Jumping Jacks, 2 minute jogging, 2 minutes

dynamic stretching

S1: Bicep Curls with dumbbell

S2: Mountain Climbers

S3: Shoulder Press with dumbbell

S4: Air Squats

S5:Jump Rope

S6: Bicycles

Week One

Day Two (60 minutes)5 Warm Up

○ 15 Jumping Jacks, 2 minute jogging, 2 minutes dynamic stretching

S1: Triceps Curls with single dumbbell

S2: Mountain Climbers

S3: Push Ups

S4: Power Squats

S5:Jump Rope

S6: Crunches on Stability Ball

Week One

Day Three (60 minutes)5 Warm Up

○ 15 Jumping Jacks, 2 minute jogging, 2 minutes dynamic stretching

S1: One arm row with dumbbell

S2: Mountain Climbers

S3: Shoulder Press with dumbbell

S4: Step Ups (on stepper)

S5: Wall Balls (light weighted ball)

S6: Pelvic Tilt/ Superman

Week Two

Day One (60 minutes)5 Warm Up

○ 15 Jumping Jacks, 2 minute jogging, 2 minutes dynamic stretching

S1: Shuttle Runs

S2: Step Overs (on steppers)

S3: Crab Walks

S4: Kettle Bell Swings

S5:Walking Weighted Lunges

S6: Crunches

Week Two

Day Two (60 minutes)5 Warm Up

○ 15 Jumping Jacks, 2 minute jogging, 2 minutes dynamic stretching

S1: Shuttle Runs

S2: Inch Worms

S3: Basketball Dribbling

S4: Agility Ladder Run

S5: Small Box Jumps

S6: Planks

Week Two

Day Three (60 minutes)5 Warm Up

○ 15 Jumping Jacks, 2 minute jogging, 2 minutes dynamic stretching

S1: Wall Balls

S2: Inch Worms

S3: Squats

S4: Backwards Agility Ladder Run

S5: Small Box Jumps

S6: Side Planks

Week 3

Day One (60 minutes)5 Warm Up

○ 15 Jumping Jacks, 2 minute jogging, 2 minutes dynamic stretching

S1: Jog in place

S2: Chair Squats

S3: Chair Dips

S4: Bridges

S5: Straight leg raises

S6: Crunches

Week 3

Day Two (60 minutes)5 Warm Up

○ 15 Jumping Jacks, 2 minute jogging, 2 minutes dynamic stretching

S1: Sit ups

S2: Step ups

S3: Press Ups

S4: Shuttle Runs

S5: Burpees

S6: Squats

Week 3

Day Three (60 minutes)5 Warm Up

○ 15 Jumping Jacks, 2 minute jogging, 2 minutes dynamic stretching

S1: Plank

S2: Bicycle Crunches

S3: Walking Lunges

S4: Inchworm

S5: Back Extensions

S6: Chin ups

Week 4

Day One (60 minutes)5 Warm Up

○ 15 Jumping Jacks, 2 minute jogging, 2 minutes dynamic stretching

S1: Wide leg squat

S2: Mountain Climbers

S3: Cross Body Crunches

S4: Side Plank

S5: Bicep Curls

S6: Triceps Push ups

Week 4

Day Two (60 minutes)5 Warm Up

○ 15 Jumping Jacks, 2 minute jogging, 2 minutes dynamic stretching

S1: Skipping

S2: Wall Sit

S3: Dumbbell Reverse Flies

S4: Step-up Stairs

S5: Seated Shoulder Press

S6: Squats with Dumbbells

Week 4

Day Three (60 minutes)5 Warm Up

○ 15 Jumping Jacks, 2 minute jogging, 2 minutes dynamic stretching

S1: Reverse Crunches

S2: Moving Side Lunges

S3: Bridges

S4: Butt Kicks

S5: Arm Circles

S6: Wall Push Ups

Dynamic Stretching

Walking Frankinsteins Walking Lunges Air Squats Butterflies Tricep Extension Toe Touches

REMEMBER….Make Exercise