spurr vol 2 issue 1 february 2009

JASPER PLACE 2 STONY PLAIN ROAD 2 THE BEAT 3 CULTURE 4 THE DIRTY GARDENER 5 DINNER ON US – CONTEST 5 COMMUNITY NEWS 6 CLASSIFIEDS 7 THE DRAGONFLY DEN 8 CONTENT CIRCULATION 16,000 FEBRUARY 2009 volume 2 • issue 1 in addition to general West end neWs & articles the sPurr is the official community league information source for: Britannia-youngstoWn, canora, glenWood, high Park, mayfield & West JasPer / sherWood The Mural on the west wall of the A.T.B. branch at 156th Street & Stony Plain Road was sponsored by the Edmonton Riverview Rotary Club (Wop was a Rotary Club member) in 2003 and painted by renowned artist Dave Carty from Devon, Alberta. The inscription reads as follows: Wilfrid Reid “Wop” May (1896-1952) - member of Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame. 1918 - evaded the Red Baron in W.W.I & became an Ace 1919 - formed Canada’s first airline - May Airplanes Ltd. 1919 - registered Canada’s first Air Harbour - May Field in Edmonton 1926 - responsible for Canada’s first Airport in Edmonton 1927 - formed Canada’s first Flying Club in Edmonton 1929 - flew the Mercy Flight to Fort Vermilion 1929 - flew first airmail to the arctic 1932 - helped the RCMP hunt the Mad Trapper 1940 - Manager of #2 A.O.S. during W.W.II 1944 - founder of the RCAF Para-Rescue Service “Wop” May received attention and awards on the international stage throughout his life and posthumously. He is remembered as Edmonton’s real life hero of epic proportions. The painting depicts “Wop” May on the left and to his right his encounter with the “Red Baron” on April 21st 1918. Below is the May Airplanes Ltd. Curtiss “Canuck” EDMONTON doing a low pass over May Field. May Field was located on the west side of the St. Albert Trail at 122 Ave. “Wop” & Vi May lived at 10122 142nd Street from 1944 to 1949 with their family Denny and Joyce. I have many fond memories of growing up along Stony Plain Road. There are many stories and many myths about my Dad - if you’d like more information you can check out the web-site www.wopmay. com, or read his biography “Wings of a Hero” by Wop’s cousin Sheila Reid. Sheila also wrote his biography directed to students - “Conquer the Sky” it was published in January 2008. These two books are available in the Alberta Aviation Museum gift shop (on Kingsway Ave). They also have a couple of the limited edition, signed reproductions of the Mural. One of the panels was damaged while in storage prior to mounting on the wall and someone has added his graffiti, however it remains in reasonably good condition after 5 years. Promises were made that have not been kept: the damage would be repaired; a protective coating would be applied; and the graffiti would be removed. I have no idea who to approach about this - obviously not the people who made the promises to me over the past 4 years! the “WoP” MAY MURAL DENNY MAY

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Page 1: SPURR Vol 2 Issue 1 February 2009

J a s p e r p l a c e 2

s t o n y p l a i n r o a d 2

t H e B e a t 3

c U l t U r e 4

t H e d i r t y g a r d e n e r 5

d i n n e r o n U s – c o n t e s t 5

c o m m U n i t y n e w s 6

c l a s s i F i e d s 7

t H e d r a g o n F l y d e n 8content

cIRcULAtIon 16,000FeBRUARY 2009

volume 2 • issue 1

in addition to general West end neWs & articles the sPurr is the official community league information source for: Britannia-youngstoWn, canora, glenWood, high Park, mayfield & West JasPer / sherWood

The Mural on the west wall of the A.T.B. branch at 156th Street & Stony Plain Road was sponsored by the Edmonton Riverview Rotary Club (Wop was a Rotary Club member) in 2003 and painted by renowned artist Dave Carty from Devon, Alberta.

The inscription reads as follows:

Wilfrid Reid “Wop” May (1896-1952) - member of Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame.

• 1918-evadedtheRedBaroninW.W.I & became an Ace

• 1919-formedCanada’sfirstairline - May Airplanes Ltd.

• 1919-registeredCanada’sfirstAirHarbour- May Field in Edmonton

• 1926-responsibleforCanada’sfirstAirportin Edmonton

• 1927-formedCanada’sfirstFlyingClub in Edmonton

• 1929-flewtheMercyFlightto Fort Vermilion

• 1929-flewfirstairmailtothearctic

• 1932-helpedtheRCMPhuntthe Mad Trapper

• 1940-Managerof#2A.O.S.duringW.W.II

• 1944-founderoftheRCAF Para-RescueService

“Wop” May received attention and awardsonthe internationalstagethroughouthis lifeand posthumously. He is remembered asEdmonton’sreallifeheroofepicproportions.

The painting depicts “Wop” May on the left and to his right his encounter with the “Red Baron” on April 21st 1918. Below is the May Airplanes Ltd. Curtiss “Canuck” EDMONTON doing a low pass over May Field. May Field was located on the west side of the St. Albert Trail at 122 Ave.

“Wop” & Vi May lived at 10122 142nd Street from 1944 to 1949 with their family Denny and Joyce. I have many fond memories of

growing up along Stony Plain Road.

There are many stories and many myths about my Dad - if you’d like more information you can check out the web-site www.wopmay.com, or read his biography “Wings of a Hero” by Wop’s cousin Sheila Reid. Sheila also wrote his biography directed to students - “Conquer the Sky” it was published in January 2008. These two books are available in the Alberta Aviation Museum gift shop (on Kingsway Ave). They also have a couple of the limited edition, signed reproductions of the Mural.

One of the panels was damaged while in storage prior to mounting on the wall and someone has added his graffiti, however it remains in reasonably good condition after 5 years. Promises were made that have not been kept: the damage would be repaired; a protective coating would be applied; and the graffiti would be removed. I have no idea who to approach about this - obviously not the people who made the promises to me over the past 4 years!




Page 2: SPURR Vol 2 Issue 1 February 2009

And 2009 Begins…The start of another New Year and what better way to start than with plans for many new exciting incentives and projects for the Stony Plain Road Business Area. Here are just a few of the incentives planned for 2009:

Storefront Cinema Night 2009Date: TBA (Fall)Volunteers required for the following committees:•StorefrontCinemaNight Steering Committee•FilmContentCommittee

•VolunteerCommittee•BusinessRecruitmentCommittee•Promotion/MediaCommittee•ParkEvent–FamilyFun Night Committee

Butler Memorial Park Events 157 Street and Stony Plain RdA Celebration of Aboriginal Health.

Date: June 15th to 19th

Time: 2pm till 8pm daily

Guest speakers, elders and activities for everyone. A Celebration of the Aboriginal Culture and Health initiatives

Everyone Welcome!

Stony Road and Area in BloomA pilot project this year to add more attraction and beautification

to the area. Business and community participation required to make this a first in the city. Further information to follow.

For more information on any of the above or to volunteer please e-mail: [email protected] or call (780) 477-5159.

Welcome New BusinessesThis section is dedicated to welcoming new businesses to the area. Please show your support by stopping by. If you are a new business in the area and we have not listed you please contact Diane Kereluk at (780) 477-5169.

Volunteers Please!Do you want to participate with exciting projects or would you rather be involved with Safety & Security? Are you interest in being a Board of Director? We have an opportunity for everyone. Be a part of “Building Something Special”. Call Diane Kereluk (780) 477-5169.

Attention BusinessesIf anyone would like further information on any of the above, please call Diane Kereluk (780) 477-5169. The above information is being e-mailed out to all businesses. If you have not received an e-mail and would like to please forward you e-mail address to [email protected].

s P u r r • D e c e M B e R 2 0 0 9v o L U M e 2 • i s s u e 1

Ph: (780) 757-0993 | www.thespurr.ca

Culture: Adele Knowler

[email protected]

Gardening: Michele Hebert (The Dirty Gardener)

[email protected]

Community Info: Marian Bruin

[email protected]

Business Info: Diane Kereluk

[email protected]

Advertising: Jim Wooley

[email protected]


Pie Communications Inc.

544, 12222 137 Avenue

Edmonton, AB, T5L 4X5

Ph: (780) 757-0993

Fax: (780) 401-3438


What is SPURR

The Stony Plain (road and area) Urban

Revitalization Report is a community based

newspaper whose mission it is to serve

the west-end communities of Britannia-

Youngstown, Canora, Glenwood, High Park,

Mayfield, & West Jasper / Sherwood along

with the Members of the Stony Plain Road

and Area Business Association.

SPURR is a joint initiative for Community &

Business Interests of Edmonton’s west-

end lead by: City of Edmonton Community

Services, Neighbourhood Revitalization

Project and the Stony Plain Road and Area

Business Revitalization Zone.

For More Information Please Contact:

Marian Bruin, City of Edmonton

Community Services Department

P.O. Box 2359, Edmonton, AB, T5J 2R7

Ph: (780) 944-5417

[email protected]

Diane Kereluk, Stony Plain Road

and Area Business Association

10043 151 Street. Edmonton, AB, T5P 4Z7

Ph: (780) 477-5169

[email protected]

When visiting or calling one of our advertisers

please make sure to tell them you saw them


THE SPURR NEEDS YOU!We are looking for a volunteer Editor.

A proficiency in digital processing with

some skill in literary sciences would be a

minimum. Comfortable with all aspects of

email communication and an ability to project

manage is a must. Most important is a strong

desire to contribute to the well being of your

community. If this might be you please contact

the Publisher.

We are also looking for volunteers

to submit west end news, articles

and events.

2 S P U R R F e B R U A R Y 2 0 0 9

Bylaw SupportWe now have a bylaw officer assigned to the revitalization area!!

James Statt will now be working in the area proactively addressing bylaw issues in the area. You can email: [email protected] or you can still call bylaw at 311 to report a problem property (business or residential) with any questions or concerns.

Volunteers NeededJoin a Working Group to Improve Your Community!

Connecting Our Community This group would work on increasing access to information on programs and services in the area as well as working on getting to know your neighbours and businesses through walkability, events and block parties. Next Meeting; The Second Monday of each month at 7 pm at the Boys and Girls club 16030- 104 Ave.

Building Our CommunityThis group would work on business, community and park clean ups and beautification as well as improving the community and business area by addressing

traffic safety concerns and physical changes to the area. We are also working on a new zoning plan for the Stony Plain Road area (149 St. to 170 St.) and 100th Ave to 102 Ave Next Meeting on the 3rd Wednesday 6pm at the BRZ office 10043-151 St.

Feeling Safe in Our CommunityThis group would work with Police, the business association and your neighbours to create a safer streets, parks and neighbourhoods!

Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month, 6:30 pm at the Jasper Place Office 10030- 167 St.

You can get involved with issues that concern you in your community.

Call Marian at 944-5417

MARIAn BRUIn(780) 944-5417


diane kereluk(780) 477-5169

Are you looking for training as you grow your business? Learn how to turn your business ideas into opportunities by attending quick-to-learn, quick-to-use training sessions at The Business Link.

Starting February 2, these practical business sessions will cover marketing and sales, business start-up, taxation and money matters, exporting and importing, e-business, human resources, and much more! You’ll walk away

with great information and ideas from experienced advisors and successful entrepreneurs.

For details on our popular FREE lunch-hour “Brown Bag” sessions or our economically priced Small Business Seminars, contact The Business Link at 780 422-7722, visit us on the Boardwalk at 10237-104 Street or click on www.CanadaBusiness.ca/alberta/events.

The Business Link is your first stop for small business information and services in Alberta.

t H e B U s i n e s s l i n Klinda chorneythe Business link

Page 3: SPURR Vol 2 Issue 1 February 2009

On September 18, 2008 Constable Bill Countryman and Constable Trevor Shelrud replaced Constable Wayde Peachman and Constable Michael Hickey as the Neighborhood Foot Patrol Officers for Stony Plain Rd.

The Neighborhood Foot Patrol Program of the Edmonton Police Service, assigns “Beat” officers to problem geographical locations throughout the city, where they work within that community, establishing relationships with community members to resolve

issues and develop strategies to reduce crime.

Both Constable Hickey and Constable Peachman thoroughly enjoyed their time on the Beat, however they are moving on to new positions within the Edmonton Police Service. Constable Peachman will retain some connection to the Stony Plain Rd community through his new position with the Britannia/Youngstown Neighborhood Empowerment Team, while Constable Hickey has accepted a

new position with the EPS Recruit Training Unit and will no longer be working in West Division.

Constable Countryman has been a member of the Edmonton Police Service in West Division for five years and has worked as a Patrol Officer, Police Training Officer and as a member of the Special Projects Team during that time. Constable Shelrud has been a member of the Edmonton Police Service in West Division for four years and has worked as a Patrol Officer and Police Training Officer. Both Constables are enthusiastic about their new positions in Beats and look forward to working with the Stony Plain Rd community for the next several years.

If you are a member of the Stony Plain Rd community and want to speak with Constable Countryman, or Constable Shelrud about issues relating to Stony Plain Rd please arrange a meeting by contacting Edmonton PoliceService–WestDivision.

West Division Station16505 100 AveEdmonton AlbertaCanada T5P 4X9(780) 426-8000

constaBle trevor shelrud / constaBle Billy countryman

t H e B e a t



Inventory Clearance! At these prices when its gone, its gone!

Contact Madeline Sarafinchan at 780.913.6595 today!ALL HOMES ARE IMMEDIATE TO 30 DAY POSSESSION!


The Kennedy|2049 sq.ft. $1,726/month,

Qualifying Combined Income $76k**

3 Bedrooms, 2 ½ Baths 9’ Main Floor Ceilings Main Floor Laundry Full Bonus Room & Expanded Nook Hardwood Floors & Tile on Main

: 247 Suncrest Road



MLS: E3169065

The Kennedy|2068 sq.ft.$2221/month,

Qualifying Combined Income $97k**

3 Bedrooms, 2 ½ Baths 9’ Main Floor Ceilings Full Bonus Room, Flex Room Expanded 3 Car Garage Hardwood Floors & Tile on Main

Address: 707 Suncrest Point



MLS: E3169058

The Glenora|1952 sq.ft.$1932/month,

Qualifying Combined Income $85k

2 Bedrooms, 2 ½ Baths (Huge Master Ensuite)Loft Hardwood Floors & Tile on Main 3 Car Garage

Address: 1414 Cyprus Way


MLS: E3170635


The Kennedy|1944 sq.ft.$1513/month,

Qualifying Combined Income $67k**

3 Bedrooms, 2 ½ Baths Cantilevered Fireplace Main Floor Laundry Loft Hardwood Floors & Tile on Main

Address: 110 Southfork Drive




MLS: E3166134

Fully Furnished

3S P U R R F e B R U A R Y 2 0 0 9

Page 4: SPURR Vol 2 Issue 1 February 2009

4 S P U R R F e B R U A R Y 2 0 0 9

The SPURR Poetry Contest 2009Anhourofwinterday mightseemtooshort,

Tomakeitworthlife’swhile towakeandsport.

- Robert Frost,from A Winter Eden

Ah, winter. It seems that once January rolls around, all I want to do is cocoon from one of the activities that I normally love to do; paint. Typically, the lure of the TV or a page-turning book take over and paint brushes remain untouched. I don’t know if it is as Frost so aptly put it, the lack of sunlight hours or lack of motivation on my part. After a few weeks of this dull existence, something inside of me screams to be let out. I take pen to whatever scrap of paper and begin writing. A story begins to emerge, or a poem, or just random thoughts. The body may want to cocoon, but oh the mighty mind begins to go into creative overdrive. January becomes a writer’s month, thankfully jump-starting my lethargic being back into high energy mode. The stories, poems and musings create images which then translate pen to paintbrush and finally to canvas. What emerges over the

winter months is a new body of written and visual work that keeps me challenged, energized and buoyed by the creative process.

This brings me to the actual topic of my column: The SPURR Poetry Contest 2009. I am inviting any residents and businesses to exercise their creativity and submit a poem that celebrates our unique set of communities. The poem can speak to the past, the present or a wish for the future of this area. Businesses can submit a set of poems written by their employees. Why not make it an office challenge to chase away the winter blues?

Students from neighboring schools as well as MacEwan college could do the same.

Finally, the residents who live in this community, with their everyday experiences could shed poetic light and bring a much needed bit of sunshine to an otherwise cold and unforgiving season.

The poem should not exceed 150 words and may be rhymed or free verse. The subject is about our Stony Plain area. The submission deadline is March 01, 2009. A jury of

professional poets will pick the top three entrants. Only unpublished writers are eligible. There is no age restriction. Winners will be notified and their entries will be published

in the May issue of The Spurr.

Entries must be emailed no later than March 01, 2009 to [email protected]

Happy writing everyone!

c U l t U r e








adele knoWler

Page 5: SPURR Vol 2 Issue 1 February 2009

Ah, February in Edmonton. For a gardener, this is a rather depressing time of year. My seed catalogues haven’t arrived yet at the time of this writing (mid January). I look out my windows and all I see is a landscape of snow, with the occasional plant peaking up through the crust. I can’t do any gardening outside at this time, but inside is a different story.

My indoor plants are looking a little sorry, and I know it’s time for repotting and taking inventory ofwhatIhave(notmuch–onlyacouple of Christmas cactuses and some real bamboo shoots in a vase of water). I have repotted my two cactuses into larger clean pots with drainage holes (all pots must have drainage holes), with fresh all-purpose soil mix with added slow-release fertilizer.

I plan to purchase more indoor, goof-proof, plants when the weather permits me to transport them home from the garden centre in my car. I plan on taking a picnic cooler (or two) with me for insulation of the new plants from the cold and wind.

Some plants I am considering for indoors that can tolerate low light are:

Corn plant (Dracaena fragrans), Heart-leaf Philodendron (Philodendron scandens oxycardium), Peace Lily (Spathiphyllium wallisii), Snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata), Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema), and Cast-iron plant (Aspidistra). Of the ferns, the two that perform best for low light conditions, better than the Boston fern, are the Rochford Holly fern (Cyrtomium falcatum) and the Dallas fern. For a palm, try the Kentia or the Parlor palm.

Other considerations for indoor plants, but may require more light or a grow-light are orchids, begonias, Amaryllis, African violets – or tryan indoor terrarium with several varieties of plants in one small space. A terrarium can be fun to put together with kids as you can create a small forest-like scene to include gnomes, fairies, etc. The Canadian Gardeningmagazine–Winter2009- (I’ve been a subscriber since 1990) has a great article on how to puttogetheraterrarium–checkouttheir website at canadiangardening.com.

Read the care cards that should accompany your new plants to ensure the plants are right for your home, taking into consideration

humidity and light levels. These cards can then be placed in your Gardening Journal for easy reference.

I hope these suggestions have helped you in choosing

indoor plants and improving the air quality within your home, and to help ward off cabin-fever.

See you in March.

t H e d i r t y g a r d e n e r

michele heBert

5S P U R R F e B R U A R Y 2 0 0 9

Congratulations to last month’s winner: R. Lehman


If you enjoy local, community based news please consider a subscription. Your support via subscription will help us grow into a bigger and better paper and you’ll always be sure of getting your copy of the SPURR. Thank you.

Please sign me up, i want to subscribe

$25 (gst included)

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Pie Communications Inc.

544, 12222-137th Avenue

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Page 6: SPURR Vol 2 Issue 1 February 2009

c o m m U n i t y n e w s

Britannia youngstoWn

Britannia YoungstownCommunity leagueSoccer Zone: West SoccerHockey Zone: Hawks Athletic Club (NW District)Outdoor Rink: ONEwww.byclnews.com [email protected]

Boundaries:North: 107 AvenueSouth: Stony Plain RoadEast: 156 StreetWest: Mayfield Road

Hall Address:15927 105 AvenueEdmonton, AB, T5P 0T8Phone: (780) 483-8983Capacity: 150Wheelchair Accessible: No


Canora Community leagueSoccer Zone: West SoccerHockey Zone: Hawks Athletic Club (NW District)Outdoor Rink: ONE

Boundaries:North: 107 AvenueSouth: Stony Plain RoadEast: 149 StreetWest: 156 Street

Hall Address:10425 152 StreetEdmonton, AB, T5P 4P1Phone: (780) 489-6007Capacity: 225


Glenwood Community leagueSoccer Zone: West SoccerHockey Zone: Whitemud West Hockey (NW District)Outdoor Rink: ONE

Boundaries:North: Stony Plain RoadSouth: 95 Avenue & 96 AvenueEast: 163 Street & 158 StreetWest: 170 Street & 163 Street

Hall Address:16430 97 AvenueEdmonton, AB, T5P 0E8Phone: (780) 489-7571Capacity: 100Wheelchair Accessible: Yes

Our BRAND-NEW Skating Rink is NOW OPEN!Weather permitting; the Glenwood Skating Rink and Hockey Rinks are now open! Bring your skate tag (free with the purchaseofa$25membership–which is available for purchase at the rink), your gear and enjoy winter in Edmonton.

HOURS OF OPERATION:MondaytoFriday:5–9P.M.Saturday&Sunday:12–6P.M

CASINO VOlUNTEERS NEEDED FOR APRIl 3 & 4, 2009We are fortunate to have the opportunity to raise much needed money for our Community League through a Casino in April. We require several more volunteers who can help with various jobs either during the day shift, or the evening shift. All volunteers receive a $50 CommunityBucksCredit–whichcan be used towards future membership costs, community based sports (soccer, hockey, baseball, softball), or with a receipt, can be used towards City of Edmonton registered programs (you must pay up front, and bring in the receipt to a meeting for reimbursement).

This year marks some larger-scale renovations of the hall so we could really use the volunteer help to fundraise.

NHl Hockey Night in Glenwood is HERE!!FREE Pay-per-View OILERS HOCKEY! Once again, we are enjoying a good response to our PPV showings on our large screen TV. Join us at the hall for all pay-per-view hockey games, and some CBC games in HD! Free admission,cashbar,snacksand/or free popcorn available! Bring your neighbours, your comfy chair and your friends! Doors open 30 minutes before game time. Contact Clayton at (780) 489-2188 for more information.

Friday, January 30thvs. Wild 7 P.M.

Tuesday, February 3rdvs Chicago 7 P.M.

Wednesday, February 11thvs. Montreal 8 P.M.

Tuesday, February 17thvs. San Jose 8:30 P.M.

Crib Nights Have Been Cancelled!Unfortunately due to decreasing attendance, we have had to cancel our Crib Nights at the hall. Should you have an interest in restarting, please contact Clayton at 780 489-2188.

EuchreJoin us for Euchre every Tuesday night at the Glenwood Community Hall. Registration at 6:30pm, games begin at 7pm.

looking ahead to SummerGlenwood will once again be running FREE summer drop in playground program at the hall playground this summer. Please come out and enjoy games, crafts and other dramatic play. Last year was a great success, and we look forward to even higher numbers this year.

Despite last year’s unfortunate lack of numbers for the scheduled registered program at the hall, we are going to try again this year with a pre-school half day program and an afternoon program for ages 6-9. Watch for the City of Edmonton Summer Program Guide and register early, with our growing number of families in the neighbourhood, these programs are sure to fill up quickly!

Other Glenwood Information:Have your say and find out about… Community development, League spending and changes, Programs offered, What’s new in Glenwood?

Community League meetings are open to everyone and are generally held at the hall at 7pm on the first Thursday of every month.

Are you hosting a birthday party? Baby or bridal shower? Family Reunion? Family Christmas Party? Consider renting the Glenwood Community Hall.

Friday/Saturdayrentals:Members: $150* Non-Members: $400

Sunday - Thursday rentals:Members:$75* Non-Members: $150

Call the Facility Director, Charlotte at 444-0411

* Must be a member in good standing.

high Park

High Park Community leagueSoccer Zone: West SoccerHockey Zone: Hawks Athletic Club (NW District)Outdoor Rink: ONE

Boundaries:North: 111 AvenueSouth: 107 AvenueEast: 149 StreetWest: 156 Street

Hall Address:11032 154 StreetEdmonton, AB, T5P 2K1Phone: (780) 484-4646www.highparkcommunity.comCapacity: 180Wheelchair Accessible: No

Space still available in High Park Pre-school January Registration 3 & 4 Year olds, Parent Co-Op, Reasonable rates. Lots of fun for both Parents and Children!

Call Paula for more information:(780) 479-6929

Rummage SaleMarch28,20099–4P.M. High Park Community Hall 11031–154Street Tables $25.00 CallPaula–(780)479-6929

Bottle DriveFebruary7,2009-10–2P.M.Drivers needed – proceeds toHigh Park Preschool.Call Paula: (780) 479-6929

Baseball/Outdoor Soccer RegistrationFebruary 24 and March 1, 2009 6:30–8:00P.M.

High Park Community Hall 11032–154Street

T-Ball, Coach Pitch, Mites, Squirts,

Pee Wee, Bantam, Midget


Family Day CelebrationHigh Park community will be hosting their 7th Annual Family Day Sleigh Ride, Hot Dog, Bonfire Evening Friday, February 13, 2009 5:30–7:30P.M.

Cost: $5.00 per family

Please join us for some fun and friendship!

6 S P U R R F e B R U A R Y 2 0 0 9

Page 7: SPURR Vol 2 Issue 1 February 2009

7S P U R R F e B R U A R Y 2 0 0 9

c o m m U n i t y n e w s

Certified Angel Intuitive ClassesHosted by Sandra Lizotte, CBP, ATP® & Sherry Martini, ATP® (Angel Therapy Practitioners®)

Discover how to know when you are really receiving guidance, how to trust the feelings you’re getting about someone or something in your life, how to know when it’s truth or imagination, and how to tap into your personal power.

Classes to be held at the High Park Community League

11032-154 Street Starting Monday, January 12, 2009

Time: 7 to 9:30 P.M.


Please contact Sherry at(780) 710-2182 or by email [email protected] to register

Adult Drop-InAll Adults Welcome!Drop in, have a cup of coffee and a visit!


High Park Community Hall

For information, call Joan at(780) 489-5419


Mayfield Community leagueSoccer Zone: West SoccerHockey Zone: Hawks Athletic Club (NW District)Outdoor Rink: ONE

Boundaries:North: 111 AvenueSouth: 107 AvenueEast: 156 StreetWest: Mayfield Road

Hall Address:10941 161 StreetEdmonton, AB, T5P 1G2Phone: (780) 483-4675Capacity: 125Wheelchair Accessible: Yes

Annual General Meetingfor the Mayfield Community League

Wednesday, April 8th, 7:00 P.M.

Mayfield Community Hall

We will be amending our bylaws as it relates to quorum.

Outdoor Soccer RegistrationFebruary. 21stWestmount Mall 10 - 2 P.M.

Call Mike for info: (780) 487-1031

YogaTuesdays6:30 to 7:45 P.M. at Mayfield hall$12 for drop insCall Fran for info (780) 484-1476

Pilates Mondays8–9P.M.atMayfieldHall$10 for drop insCall Bonnie for info: (780) 489-3254Carpet BowlingSeniors carpet bowlingTuesdays and ThursdaysFormore information callDoreen @ 780-486-1833or Marlene @ 780-484-5728

Moms and TotsDads, newborns, grandparents, and caregivers all welcome.

No cost.Wednesdays 9:30 - 11:00 P.M.At Mayfield HallCancelled February 25th.Cancelled if the weather is -20 with wind chill or colder.For information contactTara: (780) 486-6152

Free SwimmingFor Mayfield community league members. Please show current membership card. Saturday evenings from 6 - 7 P.M. Jasper Place Fitness and Leisure Centre, 9200 - 163 Street

Free SkatingFor Mayfield community league members. Please show current membership card or skate tags.Mayfield Community Hall,10941 - 161 Street. For information call the hall at (780) 483-4675

Hall RentalsFor resident members only.Call Kathy to book.(780) 484-3391

Community MembershipsCall Elaine: (780) 481-8108Contact Information:Mike Carson 780-444-5986 or e-mail: [email protected]

West JasPer/sherWood

West Jasper/SherwoodCommunity LeagueSoccer Zone: West ZoneHockey Zone: Whitemud West Hockey (NW District)

Outdoor Rink: ONE


Hall Address:9620 152 StreetEdmonton, AB, T5P 4N9Phone: (780) 483-2815Capacity: 150Wheelchair Accessible: Yes

West end Patrol

West End Neighbourhood PatrolHelp us revamp our Neighbourhood Patrol. We are working hard to try to keep our patrols going and make our communities safe. We started this patrol in 1999 with six community leagues participating and we managed to walk in each of those Community Leagues. Now we are down to three Community Leagues.

It is a very well organized group and you don’t need any money or

skills to participate, just a small commitment of one or two hours a week to walk. Even once a monthwouldbegreat–anysmallamount would help.

If you are not able to walk, there are a lot of other ways you could help,socomeoutandsee–youmight be surprised at what you can do. We welcome everyone to come out and listen to how we help the police to protect our communities and make them safe to live in. Watch for information about a meeting in the New Year.

For more information, please contact Molly at 780 489-2103 or Edith at 780 455-5002.


Attend an upcoming program information session:• Fine Art - Feb. 10• Theatre Production - Feb. 17• Arts and Cultural Management - Feb. 24• Design Studies (5 majors) - Feb. 24• Journalism - Feb. 24• Professional Writing - Feb. 24

Other opportunities:• Experience being a student for a day!• Open House event Mar. 7, 10 am - 3 pm• Music concerts and theatre events open to the public

MacEwan’s Centre for the Arts and Communications10045 - 156 Street, Edmonton, ABPlease visit our website for more information

f o r s a l e2–20”KidsNorcoBikesforsale.Excellent condition with new parts.Bikes include– lifetimetuneupsatKlondike Sport on 149 St.Call Stephanie @ (780) 444-7034 (leave message) $80 each


Page 8: SPURR Vol 2 Issue 1 February 2009




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If you missed my column in the December issue of the THE SPURR, please check it out online at thespurr.ca. My burly editor, Jim, didn’t have space for it and thus it was sequestered to the internet.

The holidays were a busy time for me. Old Fart and I went to Costa Rica for nine days on an “adventure tour”. We’re not “sit-on-the-beach” people, so we chose the tour to really see the people and the country of Costa Rica.

We visited four areas of Costa Rica, starting with San Jose. I will never complain about Edmonton’s roads or drivers again. Pedestrians take their life in their hands in San Jose, and apparently being hit by a vehicle is a leading cause of death in San Jose. We then traveled to La Fortuna by mini-bus to see the Arenal volcanoe and hot springs. The Baldi hot springs were a real treat–25pools,somewithswim-up bars and waterfalls. From there we took a river boat, then horses (three hour trip –oh, my poor butt), and another mini-bus to Monteverde in the mountains. The cloud forest at Monteverde is breathtaking. Old Fart did the zip-line through the canopy (I chickened out). Another mini-bus ride (our driver was

awesome) and we arrived in Quepos on the Pacific side of Costa Rica near the Manuel Antonio National Park, rated as one of the 10 best beaches in the world. Spider monkeys live in the park adjacent to the beach at Manuel Antonio, and come right down to the beach. We had two days on the beach, which was enough for me (Old Fart burnt like a lobster), and then headed back to San Jose before flying home to Edmonton. The food was great and very inexpensive – we ate like the local Ticas –mainly Casados which is a plate of rice, black beans, salad and meat or fish. We didn’t have any problems with the food or water. Our tour guide, Fonzy (short for Alfonso), said the drinking water in Costa Rica is the safest in Central America. Fonzy was great for showing us the sites and getting us the best deals in food and tours along the way. He said we were students–learningSpanish–andgot us the student rates. We did a lot of walking and hiking, and enjoyed it immensely. A couple of cervezas at the end of the day helped with the aches and pains. The Costa Rican people are very friendly and helpful. Knowing a smattering of Spanish helps, but is not necessary as most Ticas speak English.

From a gardener’s point of view, Costa Rica was simply awesome, and helped me get through

another Edmonton winter. Until next month,

Pura Vida, Michele.

michele heBert