sql for elasticsearch

SQL on Elasticsearch?

Upload: jodok-batlogg

Post on 02-Dec-2014



Data & Analytics

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Slides of the Talk Jodok Batlogg held at the Elasticsearch Meetup in Berlin


Page 1: SQL for Elasticsearch

SQL on Elasticsearch?

Page 2: SQL for Elasticsearch

How all started

Page 3: SQL for Elasticsearch

You know, for searchquerying 24 000 000 000 Records in 900ms


Page 4: SQL for Elasticsearch

6 ES Master Nodesc1.xlarge

40 ES nodes per zonem1.large8 EBS Volumes

6 Node Hadoop Cluster+ Spot Instances

3 AP server / MCc1.xlarge

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Page 6: SQL for Elasticsearch

Elastic Search as Primary Storage?

NoSQL Roadshow 2013 Jodok Batlogg

Page 7: SQL for Elasticsearch

• Security Model? • Transactions? • Data security? • Toolsets? • Larger Computations? • Availability?

Page 8: SQL for Elasticsearch

D I S T R I B U T E D D A T A S T O R E W I T H S Q L . S I M P L E . R E L I A B L E . S C A L A B L E .

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Open Source (Apache 2.0)

shared nothing

is high available and cheap to operate.

not NOSQL but SQL

NOFS but distributed BLOBs

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Page 11: SQL for Elasticsearch


Data Aggregation




CRATE Dashboard Python JavaDB-API

SQLAlchemyCRATE Shell

ES native


FB Presto SQL Parser

Query planner

Bulk import/export

BLOB streaming

Distributed SQL

ES Transport protocol

ES Discovery and state

Lucene BLOB storageES

CRATE DATA – Module overview

3rd party Open

Source Module



BLOB streaming support


ES Scatter/Gather

Distributed reduce Data transformation and reindex support

ES Sharding


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S T A R T A C L U S T E R I N 1 M I N

H T T P S : / / C R A T E . I O

Page 13: SQL for Elasticsearch

BLOB Storage

Distributed Accurate Aggregations

Partitioned Tables


Update by Query

Insert by Query

Integrated Admin-UI

How is Crate Data different than Elasticsearch?

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Page 15: SQL for Elasticsearch

Thank you

Jodok Batlogg, @jodok, [email protected]

github.com/crate, #crate / freenode, @cratedata

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Page 17: SQL for Elasticsearch

Demo Video

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• Basically Available - you always get an response

• Soft State - it’s not consistent all the time.

• Eventually Consistent - it becomes consistent at a later point in time


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