squeeze pages 5 steps to more sales in 2015


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HOW TO GUIDE: 5 Steps To More Sales In 2015

(By BestSqueezePages)

The simple 5 step formula we outline in this guide works for any business It helps to not only boost sales, but more importantly, it builds a valuable asset for the business. This asset is the “EMAIL MARKETING LIST”. This marketing method involves using squeeze pages to build an email marketing list. This list allows the business to bring customers back, generate instant traffic, produce repeat

business, promotes specials, sales, & events. This is a PROVEN marketing method. We use it for our business right now and have used it for many years. We have also helped 1000s use it for their business too. It’s proven across all types of business. It simply WORKS!

And best of all…It’s very easy to setup and manage. Just follow the 5 steps below.

STEP 1: The Offer

Create an incentive to give to potential customers

We like to call this the “Squeeze Page Offer”. This is a promotion that you will provide

as an incentive to consumers. This offer is used to build the email marketing list.

It works like this:

1. You offer something for free such as a coupon, free guide, free service, contest,

weekly drawing, VIP club, weekly special, etc.

2. Consumer wants the offer and gives the business their email to get it. This email is

added to the email marketing list that can be used to send promotions to the

consumer. This email list adds tremendous value to the business.

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SwimZip is an online retailer. They sell swim gear for kids.

They created a “squeeze page offer” and posted it on their website. The offer was a

drawing for $200 worth of free gear.

Upon landing on this website, visitors see the “squeeze page offer” and have the

opportunity to get the offer by giving their email to the business.

SwimZip also used their Facebook page to promote the offer.

There are a number of ways to promote the “squeeze page offer”. Many use in-store

promotions, online marketing, company website, etc. It’s very easy to integrate a “Squeeze

Page Offer” into your current marketing.

STEP 2: Send To Squeeze Page

Consumers Are Sent To Squeeze Page

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To effectively build your email marketing list you want to direct consumers to a squeeze

page. This page is specifically designed to build an email marketing list.

In the SwimZip example, when website visitors click the “ENTER HERE” offer, you are

sent directly to a squeeze page.

The squeeze page has an “optin form”

where the consumer enters their email.

This email is then added to the

marketing list for the business.

This is how to build an email marketing

list. Each new optin (consumer who

enters email) is a subscriber.

Now the business can use email

messages to reach out to the entire list

of subscribers.

After optin, the business should send the subscriber to what we call the “THANK YOU

PAGE”. (See next step)

STEP 3: Thank You Page

Send Each Subscriber To A Thank You Page

An effective squeeze page will have a THANK YOU page where each subscriber goes

after optin. On this page the business thanks the subscriber but it also presents a

great opportunity for the business to make a sale.

On the THANK YOU page you can basically create a sales page. You can promote

any product or service on this page.

Think about each new subscriber to your marketing list.

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Each subscriber just did the following:

Expressed an interest in your “Squeeze Page Offer”

Liked the offer enough to give you their contact information

This is what I would call a “HOT LEAD”!

This is somebody who is very interested in buying something from you. So why not keep

the momentum going & go for the sale on the THANK YOU page?

The THANK YOU page is a great opportunity to promote and educate your new subscriber

about the products and services you sell.

(Another option is to send each subscriber directly to your business website for the sale.

After optin, you can redirect the new subscriber to any website address)

STEP 4: Using The List

Benefits Of Your Email Marketing List

Let’s say you build an email marketing list of 5,000 customers. Can you see how that kind of

marketing list adds tremendous value to the business?

Let’s say you have:

a new product or service to promote,

a seasonal or special sale,

or…you simply want to generate traffic to your business or website.

If you have an email marketing list of 5,000, you can blast an email message to your list that

will put your business directly in front of 5,000 highly targeted consumers.

In our example with SwimZip, at any time they could send a short email message with a link

to a special sale or new product. What this would do is send instant traffic to the business

and guaranteed sales!

This is the reason you want to follow these steps right now and get started.

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STEP 5: Getting Started

The easiest & most cost-effective way to get started?

Setting all of this up can be complicated & time-consuming. However, by using

BestSqueezePages you can create & manage all of it with very little time, effort, & money.

For over 4 years, BestSqueezePages has helped 1000s of businesses setup and manage

successful squeeze page campaigns. And we can help you too.

We made it very easy to create an effective squeeze page.

BestSqueezePages is an online squeeze page solution that is “push button easy”. We

have over 70 effective squeeze page designs in place. All you have to do is pick one and

click a button. That’s all it takes to get started.

BestSqueezePages has hosting and email marketing program in place for you. In other

words, everything you need is here.


BestSqueezePages allows you to setup unlimited squeeze page campaigns with hosting

and email marketing. And…you can do it for “pennies/day”. This results in an excellent

Return-On-Investment for all of our users.

Visit Us To Learn More: www.BestSqueezePages.com

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Long List Of Features At BestSqueezePages

BestSqueezePages is the easiest & most cost-effective way for you to create a successful

squeeze page marketing campaign. And...you can create as many as you need.

Additionally, the service comes with full hosting and built in Autoresponder (email marketing

platform). This gives you the ability to create full websites, sales pages, & blogs.

All under one account…and all for one low price.
