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Museum of Eastern BohemiaEli‰ãino nábfieÏí 465500 01 Hradec KrálovéCzech Republic


Page 2: Stamberg & Zajic 2008

Carboniferous and Permian faunas and their occurence in the limnic basins of the Czech Republic

Stanislav ·tamberg1

Jaroslav Zajíc2

Museum of Eastern Bohemia at Hradec KrálovéEli‰ãino nábfieÏí 465500 01 Hradec Králové


1Museum of Eastern Bohemia at Hradec Králové, Eli‰ãino nábfieÏí 465, 500 01 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic; e-mail: [email protected]

2Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Rozvojová 269, 165 00 Praha 6 – Lysolaje, Czech Republic; e-mail: [email protected]

© Stanislav ·tamberg & Jaroslav Zajíc (2008): Carboniferous and Permian faunas and their occurence in the limnic basins of the Czech Republic

Published by © Muzeum v˘chodních âech v Hradci Králové, 2008Graphics © Olga âermáková, Hradec Králové, 2008Print © H.R.G. Litomy‰l, 2008

ISBN 978-80-85031-77-5

Page 3: Stamberg & Zajic 2008



Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Souhrn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1. Geology and Stratigraphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2. List of Localities and Boreholes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Localities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Boreholes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3. List of Faunas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37Coelenterata Leuckart, 1847; Scyphozoa Götte, 1887 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39Annelida Lamarck, 1809; Clitellata Grube, 1850 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41Bivalvia Linnaeus, 1758 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43Gastropoda Cuvier, 1797 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47Tentaculitoidea Lyashenko, 1957 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49Merostomata Dana, 1852 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51Arachnida Cuvier, 1812 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53Branchiopoda Latreille, 1817 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71Ostracoda Latreille, 1802 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75Malacostraca Latreille, 1806 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77Myriapoda Latreille, 1796; Diplopoda Blainville in Gervais, 1844 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81Insecta Linnaeus, 1758 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91Chondrichthyes Huxley, 1880 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131Acanthodii Owen, 1846 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141Osteichthyes Huxley, 1880; Actinopterygii Cope, 1887 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145Osteichthyes Huxley, 1880; Dipnoiformes Cloutier, 1992 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163Osteichthyes Huxley, 1880; Crossopterygii Cope, 1872 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165Tetrapoda Goodrich, 1930; Amphibia Linnaeus, 1758 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167Reptilia Laurenti, 1768 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213

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Abstract, Souhrn



Several limnic Permo-Carboniferous basins comprisea significant part of the geological structure of the Bohe-mian Massif. Paleontological research has been activelyconducted in these basins for nearly two hundred years,during which time many researchers have participated indescribing the several hundred species of Permo-Carboni-ferous fauna contained in them. More recently, many spe-cies have been the subject of redefinition due to occur-rence of synonyms given by various authors, while othershave been separated into different genera and species. Thepresent article lists the localities and names as they areused at the present time, and with the present view of theirstratigraphical range. This survey of the fauna of the lim-nic Permo-Carboniferous basins of the Bohemian Massifrecords the present taxonomical concepts, the revision ofolder material, and new findings. Furthermore, it revisesthe state of the type material, reviews the type materialstored mainly in collections in the Czech Republic, anddraws attention to some important specimens and collec-tions of fossils suitable for further study.The list of localities contains 205 places and 104 boreho-les from which specimens have been described in the lite-rature. The list of faunas encompasses 399 species andenumerates groups of specimens that have not yet beenclassified. Permo-Carboniferous faunas of the limnicbasins of the Czech Republic are comprised of Coelente-rata (1 species), Annelida (4 species), Bivalvia (10 spe-cies), Gastropoda (2 genera), Tentaculitoidea (2 species),Merostomata (3 species), Arachnida (40 species), Bran-chiopoda (6 species), Ostracoda (2 species), Malacostraca(3 species), Myriapoda (35 species), Insecta (180 species),Chondrichthyes (17 species), Acanthodii ( 5 species),Actinopterygii (27 species), Dipnoi (2 species), Crosso-pterygii (1 species), Amphibia (47 species), and Reptilia(13 species).

Stanislav ·tamberg1

Jaroslav Zajíc2

Carboniferous and Permian faunas and their occurence inthe limnic basins of the Czech Republic

1Museum of Eastern Bohemia at Hradec Králové, Eli‰ãino nábfieÏí 465,

500 01 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic;

e-mail: [email protected]

2Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i.,

Rozvojová 269, 165 00 Praha 6 – Lysolaje, Czech Republic; e-mail:

[email protected]

Key words: Permian, Carboniferous, Fauna, BohemianMassif


Stfiedoãeské a západoãeské svrchnopaleozoické pánve,podkrkono‰ská pánev, vnitrosudetská pánev, boskovickáa blanická brázda jsou sladkovodní pánve tvofiící v˘znam-nou ãást geologické stavby âeského masivu. Paleontolo-gick˘ v˘zkum v tûchto pánvích probíhá jiÏ témûfi dvû sto-letí a podílelo se na nûm mnoho badatelÛ, ktefií popsalinûkolik stovek druhÛ fauny. Nûkteré druhy byly pfiejme-novány, zaãlenûny do jin˘ch druhÛ, nebo naopak byly roz-dûlovány na nûkolik druhÛ nebo rodÛ. V pfiedloÏené prácije podán seznam lokalit pod místními geografick˘minázvy tak, jak jsou pouÏívány v souãasné dobû a s vyzna-ãením jejich stratigrafického zafiazení. Soupis fauny lim-nick˘ch permokarbonsk˘ch pánví âeského masivu jesestaven v souladu se souãasn˘m pohledem na taxonomiijednotliv˘ch faunistick˘ch skupin. V soupisu jsou zahr-nuty v˘sledky revizí star‰ího materiálu i nové nálezy.Seznam fauny zahrnuje i pfiehled typového a dal‰ího srov-návacího materiálu, místo jeho uloÏení, a je upozornûnona nûkteré v˘znamné soubory fauny vhodné k dal‰ímustudiu.Seznam lokalit obsahuje 205 lokalit a 104 vrtÛ, ze kter˘chbyla zmiÀována fauna v literárních pramenech.V seznamu fauny je uveden v˘ãet 399 druhÛ a mnoÏstvískupin jedincÛ, ktefií dosud nebyli dostateãnû studováni.Permokarbonská fauna sladkovodních pánví âeské repub-liky obsahuje Coelenterata (1 druh), Annelida (4 druhy),Bivalvia (10 druhÛ), Gastropoda (2 rody), Tentaculoidea(2 druhy), Merostomata (3 druhy), Arachnida (40 druhÛ),Branchiopoda (6 druhÛ), Ostracoda (2 druhy), Malaco-straca (3 druhy), Myriapoda (35 druhÛ), Insecta (180druhÛ), Chondrichthyes (17 druhÛ), Acanthodii ( 5 druhÛ),Actinopterygii (27 druhÛ), Dipnoi (2 druhy), Crossoptery-gii (1 druh), Amphibia (47 druhÛ), Reptilia (13 druhÛ).

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The Central and West Bohemian Late Paleozoic Basins,Krkono‰e Piedmont Basin, Intrasudetic Basin, BoskoviceGraben, and Blanice Graben are limnic Permo-Carbonife-rous basins that form a significant part of the geologicalstructure of the Bohemian Massif. Paleontological rese-arch in these basins has been actively conducted for nearlytwo hundred years. This ongoing research continues toprovide new evidence of the geological structure and stra-tigraphy of these basins, and further reveals their relationsto other analogous basins in Europe. Knowledge of thefauna that occurs in these Permo-Carboniferous basinshas increased along with the progress in understandingtheir geological structure. The earliest known discoveriesof faunal remains occurred in connection with the miningof coal, copper ores, and limestones. The first invertebratespecimen to be described was of the scorpion Cyclopht-halmus senior from the collections of Count ·ternberk,which was referred to by A. Corda in the year 1835. Sub-sequent papers about invertebrate specimens were publis-hed by J. Krejãí and later by J. Ku‰ta. The first vertebratefossil to be described from these basins was that of theactinopterygian fish Amblypterus vratislaviensis, whichwas described by L. Agassiz (1833-43). Agassiz chose thespecies name vratislaviensis, indicating that he obtainedthe specimen from the museum in Wroclaw, Poland (theCzech version of this name, Vratislav, was widely used inhistorical Latin documents), but the fish originates fromthe Lower Permian limestone from the Intrasudetic Basin,probably from the Ruprechtice locality. Further descripti-ons of actinopterygian fishes from the Krkono‰e Pied-mont Basin continued to appear during the twenty yearsfollowing Heckel’s work. Later in the nineteenth century,new finds from the Boskovice Graben were briefly desc-ribed by Makowsky (1876) and Rzehak (1881). Despite this considerable previous work, the fundamentalunderstanding of the Permo-Carboniferous faunas beganwith the research of Prof. Antonín Friã. The discovery ofrich faunal remains in the gas-coal at the Humboldt minein N˘fiany provided most of the impetus for his work.Friã’s studies led to his monumental four-volume work“Fauna der Gaskohle und der Kalksteine der Permforma-tion Böhmens.” This outstanding work was issued in 15parts from 1879 to 1901, and contains the results of hisstudy of the faunas of the Central and West BohemianCarboniferous Basins, Krkono‰e Piedmont Basin, Intrasu-detic Basin, Blanice Graben and partly also the BoskoviceGraben. Fritsch’s work provided a new basis for studyingof the Permo-Carboniferous faunas of the Bohemian Mas-sif, and it has served as an indispensable resource formany subsequent studies by researchers from around theworld even up to the present day (Augusta, Brough, Car-roll, Gardiner, Milner, Petrunkevitch, Reisz, Romer,Schneider, Werneburg, Steen, Westoll, and many others).

Even numerous taxons described initially by Friã remainvalid, though they have been reviewed several times duringthe course of a hundred years. They also form the basis ofthe list of fauna contained in the present publication. Research on the fauna of the limnic basins of the Bohe-mian Massif continued during the first half of the twenti-eth century mainly in the Boskovice Graben. J. Augustacontinued the study of amphibians described earlier by A.Makowski and A. Friã, and discovered many promisinglocalities. The excavations of Z. ·pinar and J. Kukalová-Peck in the 1950s utilized and advanced Augusta’s disco-veries in the Boskovice Graben, as ·pinar further develo-ped the study of discosauriscid amphibians, and J. Kuka-lová-Peck discovered several localities with an unusuallyrich insect fauna. These investigations continued through the second half ofthe twentieth century, and much research is being activelypursued at the present time. For example, J. Schneider stu-dies insects from the Boskovice Graben and Krkono‰ePiedmont Basin, J. Zajíc reviews the Stephanian andLower Permian Acanthodians, S. ·tamberg has openedseveral localities in the Krkono‰e Piedmont Basin andBoskovice Graben and reviews and describes actinoptery-gians, while J. Klembara reviews the discosauriscid amp-hibians of the Boskovice Graben. Many more researchers than are mentioned in the previ-ous short introduction have participated in the descriptionof the Permo-Carboniferous fauna of the Bohemian Mas-sif throughout the past 170 years, during which time seve-ral hundred taxons have been described. Many of theseinitial taxons have been subjected to redefinition, becomerecognized as synonyms for others, or have been combi-ned with others or separated into different genera and spe-cies. Furthermore, knowledge of the stratigraphy of thePermo-Carboniferous basins of the Bohemian Massif hasgone through many changes and has become more exactas a result. Such progressive changes in recognizing thetaxonomic range of the fauna and the stratigraphy of loca-lities naturally created considerable, but temporary confu-sion. The “Summary of the Permocarboniferous Fauna ofthe limnic basins of Bohemia and Moravia” (Zajíc &·tamberg 1985) , published more than twenty years ago,was limited to giving a short review of the most signifi-cant localities and enumerating the taxons of the Permo-Carboniferous Fauna. We subsequently conceived the ideaof preparing a new “Summary” in the interest of providinga more comprehensive survey of the localities and bore-holes, an updated survey of the fauna with references totypes and other important material, and including revisi-ons made during the past few years. In preparing the present contribution, the authors have hadthe following purposes in mind:To give a list of localities with names as they are used atthe present time, and with respect to the present view oftheir stratigraphical range.

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To summarize the survey of the fauna of the limnicPermo-Carboniferous basins of the Bohemian Massif, andto record the present taxonomical conceptions, the revi-sion of older material, and new findings.To revise the state of the type material, to review the typematerial that exists mainly in collections in the CzechRepublic, and to draw attention to some important speci-mens and collection of fossils suitable for study.The present article does not discuss the fauna of the sedi-ments of the Moravian Culm and the fauna of the paralicUpper Silesian coal Basin, which were studied by ¤ehofi& ¤ehofiová (1973).


The investigation and preparation of this book was supported by the projects of Ministry of Culture DE06P04OMG003 (Actinopte-rygians from the Permocarboniferous of the Krkono‰e Piedmont Basin), RK01P03OMG032 (List of the localities and fauna of thelimnic Permocarboniferous basins of Bohemia and Moravia), Institutional project Z 3013 0516 (Earth system at the intersection ofgeological processes, evolution of life, climatic and anthropogenic impacts) and was connected with the IGCP 491 project (MiddlePalaeozoic Vertebrate Biogeography, Palaeogeography and Climate). Parts concerning the Línû Formation and Stephanian sharkswere supported by the Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic as a part of the project IAA300130703 (Paleo-ecology, Paleogeography, Stratigraphy and Climatic Changes of the Upper Stephanian (Gzhelian) of the Central and Western Bohe-mian Basins).Special thanks of all go to the staff of the Paleontological Department of the National Museum, Prague especially to our colleaguesDr Vojtûch Turek and Dr Boris Ekrt for their effort in the searching for the types and amicable athmosphere on their laboratories. ToDr Rudolf Prokop we thank for the loan of the photos and remember on some older localities. Many colleagues in Museums and Universities helped to us with the searching for the types and gave as the advices as regards of thetaxonomy of different groups of the Late Palaeozoic Faunas. We thank in this respect especially to colleagues Dr Mathias Harzhau-ser and Dr Ortwin Schultz (Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna), Dr Jozef Klembara (Comenius University, Bratislava), Dr JörgSchneider (Bergakademie Freiberg), Dr Ulf Linnemann (Museum für Mineralogie und Geologie, Dresden), Dr Andrew Milner (Bri-tish Museum (Natural History)) , London and to Dr Jarmila Peck. Closer to home, special appreciation goes to Dr Jaroslav Marek, Dr Jakub Prokop and Dr Martin Ko‰Èák (Paleontological Institute ofCharles University, Prague), Dr Josef P‰eniãka (West Bohemian Museum in Pilsen), Dr RÛÏena Gregorová and Dr Stanislava Hrd-liãková (Moravian Museum, Brno).We are appreciative to the private collectors, Mr Jifií Holub and Mr Martin Lapacík for worthwhile field information and for impor-tant specimens providing for the study. Many thanks for important information belong to our colleagues Dr Karel Martínek and DrStanislav Oplu‰til (Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Charles University, Prague) and Dr Zbynûk ·imÛnek (Czech GeologicalSurvey, Prague).Finally, we extend thanks to Mrs Olga âermáková for typographical design of the paper and make up of the photos.

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1. Geology and Stratigraphy



The present list of fauna and fossiliferous sites is restric-ted to the Carboniferous and Permian limnic basins of theCzech Republic. The mostly paralic Upper Silesian andNûmãiãky basins do not fall within our interest. Further-more, the faunal content of the paralic Upper SilesianBasin has already been described by ¤ehofi & ¤ehofiová(1973).The areas of the Carboniferous and Permian limnic basinswere defined by the Working Group for Regional Geolo-gical Classification of the Bohemian Massif, first inCzech (Holub & Pe‰ek 1992) and subsequently publishedin English (Holub & Pe‰ek 1994). Four areas were defi-ned (Fig. 1) by the above-mentioned Working Group atthe former Czechoslovak Stratigraphic Commission(Czech version: Holub & Pe‰ek 1992; English version:Holub & Pe‰ek 1994). We slightly modify the termino-logy from these earlier publications, but their names forthe areas, basins and outcrops are used here.

The Sudetic Area

(Originally referred to as Sudetic (Lugicum) Late Paleo-zoic) includes deposits of northeastern, northern, andeastern Bohemia lying on the crystalline basement of theWest Sudetes. Its stratigraphic sequence consists of sedi-ments and volcanic rocks of the Mississippian (Visean) tothe Triassic (middle or later) age. The area is comprised ofthe following basins and outcrop occurrences:

The Intra-Sudetic Basin (Czech side) [Vnitrosudetskápánev (ãeská ãást)]The obsolete synonyms for this area are the Inner Sudeticdepression, the Lower Silesian Basin, the Lower Silesian-Czech Basin, and the Îacléfi-Waldenburg Basin. The Îac-léfi-SvatoÀovice Basin is partially synonymous with it.The Hronov-Pofiíãí fault forms the southwestern border ofthe basin and separates it from the Krkono‰e PiedmontBasin.The age of the continental deposits is Visean to Triassic.

The Krkono‰e Piedmont Basin [Podkrkono‰ská pánev]The obsolete synonyms for this basin include the Permianat the foot of the Krkono‰e Mts., the Krkono‰e piedmont

synclinorium, the Hronov-Pofiíãí graben, the Trutnov-Náchod Depression, the Zbeãník graben, and the Rtynûbasin-shaped valley.This basin is located at the foot of the Krkono‰e-Jizerskéhory crystalline complex. The eastern border is formed bythe Hronov-Pofiíãí fault and the western one by the Lusa-tian lineament and the Rovensko dislocation. The Trut-nov-Náchod Depression comprises part of the basin. Thedenudation occurrences on the Hofiice elevation and Zvi-ãina accompany the basin.The age of the continental deposits in this basin is West-phalian C to Triassic.

The Mnichovo Hradi‰tû Basin [Mnichovohradi‰Èskápánev]This basin is almost entirely covered by Upper Cretaceoussediments. Outcrops occur just along the Lusatian linea-ment as a narrow strip between Svûtlá pod Je‰tûdem andMalá Skála (north of Turnov). The eastern border is for-med by the Lusatian lineament and the Rovensko disloca-tion. The Mar‰ovice-Bezdûz and Lu‰tûnice elevationsform the western boundary.The age of these continental deposits, which containabundant volcanic rocks, is Westphalian D to Autu-nian.

The âeská Kamenice Basin [âeskokamenická pánev]This entire basin is covered mostly by Upper Cretace-ous sediments. It is located between the Mnichovo Hra-di‰tû Basin and the Kru‰né hory Mts. Partial unitsoccur in the Îandov and the Srbsko-Kamenice depres-sions, which have been incorrectly classified as sepa-rate basins.The age of sediments and volcanoclastic materials is Step-hanian C and Autunian.

The Orlice Basin [Orlická pánev]The obsolete synonyms for this basin are the Poorlice fur-row, The Podorlice furrow, the Orlice graben, the Podor-lice graben, and the Poorlice graben.This basin is situated north of the Boskovice Basin. Itssouthern boundary is formed by the Malonín elevation.The age of its nonfossiliferous Permian (perhaps Autunianand Saxonian) sediments have not yet been preciselydetermined.

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1. Geology and Stratigraphy


Fig. 1. 1 – the Sudetic Area: 1a – the âeská Kamenice Basin, 1b – the Mnichovo Hradi‰tû Basin, 1c – the Krkono‰e Pied-mont Basin (1c1 – the occurrence near Zviãina, 1c2 – the occurrence at the Hofiice elevation), 1d – the Intra-Sudetic Basin(Czech part), 1e – the Permian occurrences in the Orlické hory Mts., 1f – the Orlice Basin, 2 - the Central and WesternBohemia Area: 2a – the PlzeÀ Basin, 2b – the Manûtín Basin, 2c – the Radnice Basin, 2d – the Îihle Basin, 2e – theKladno-Rakovník Basin, 2f – the M‰eno-Roudnice Basin, 2g – the occurrence near Kravafie, 3 - the Kru‰né hory Mts. Area:3a - the occurrence near Brandov, 3b – the occurrences between Moldava and Teplice, 4 – the Furrows Area: 4a – BlaniceBasin (4a1 – the northern part near âesk˘ Brod, 4a2 – the central part, the occurrences near Vla‰im, 4a3 - the centralpart, the occurrences near Tábor, 4a4 – the southern part near âeské Budûjovice), 4b – the Boskovice Basin (4b1 – theoccurrence near Miroslav), 4c - the occurrences in the Îelezné hory Mts. and near Hradec Králové (4c1 – the occurrencein the Îelezné hory Mts., 4c2 - the occurrence near Hradec Králové). Modified according to Holub & Pe‰ek (1992, 1994).

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1. Geology and Stratigraphy


Occurrences of Permian outcrops in the Orlické horyMts.The denudation remnants seem to indicate an originallinkage between the Orlice Basin and the Trutnov-Náchoddepression.The nonfossiliferous Permian sediments are likely to be ofSaxonian age.

The Kru‰né hory Mts. Area

(Originally referred to as the Late Paleozoic of the Kru‰néhory Mts.) is represented by small occurrences on theCzech side of the Kru‰né hory (Erzgebirge) Mts. Theoccurrence near Brandov (the obsolete synonym of whichis the Brandov Basin) is linked to that near the OlbernhauBasin in Saxony. German authors have united both occur-rences into the Olbernhau-Brandov Basin. Small Carboni-ferous outcrops occur at several localities between Mol-dava and Teplice. The coal-bearing sequence is associatedwith volcanic rocks and volcanoclastic materials of theTeplice rhyolite.The age of the sediments and volcanoclastic materials isWestphalian A-C and Permian.

The Central and Western Bohemia Area

(Originally referred to as the Late Paleozoic of central andwestern Bohemia) is separated from the Sudetic Area bythe Hefimánky granitoid massif to the north and by theMar‰ovice-Bezdûz and Lu‰tûnice elevations to the north-east. The sedimentary deposits of the area are distributedamong several basins, the names of which are of histori-cal origin and have no relation to the geological structu-res. The basins are rimmed by small concurrent exposuresto the south and west, which were earlier incorrectly con-sidered as separate basins.Age of sediments and volcanoclastic materials is West-phalian B to Autunian.

The PlzeÀ Basin [PlzeÀská pánev]This basin is situated between Plasy and Dobfiany.The age of the sediments is Westphalian B and Stephanian C.

The Manûtín Basin [Manûtínská pánev]The age of the sediments is Westphalian D and Stepha-nian.

The Radnice Basin [Radnická pánev]This basin is comprised of a series of sunken blocks in thevicinity of Radnice.The age of the sediments is Westphalian B-D.

The Îihle Basin [Îihelská pánev]The age of the sediments is Westphalian B-C and Stepha-nian.

The Kladno-Rakovník Basin [Kladensko-rakovnickápánev]The eastern boundary of this basin runs northward alongthe Vltava river from Kralupy nad Vltavou to Nová Ves,and then towards the northwest to âíÏkovice. The centraland northern parts of this basin are covered by mostlyUpper Cretaceous and locally Tertiary sediments and vol-canic rocks. The basin is divided into two parts: the westernRakovník part, and the eastern Kladno part. The boundarybetween these two parts is formed by the Bílichov eleva-tion and its extension to north-northwest (from Ruda nearNové Stra‰ecí to Mnichov near Louny).

The M‰eno-Roudnice Basin [M‰ensko-roudnickápánev]This basin is almost entirely covered by Upper Cretaceoussediments. It is divided into two parts: the western Roud-nice part, and the eastern M‰eno part. The boundary bet-ween these two parts runs from the north of Neratovice,along the Labe river to its confluence with the Libûchovkariver, and then northwards to Zátyní (NW of Dubá).

Carboniferous occurrences (denudation remnants)The numerous Carboniferous denudation remnants ofCentral and Western Bohemia were not originally recog-nized as a homogenous group due to the diverse conditi-ons of their various locations. The main occurrences are asfollows: the Kfiivce remnant, the Tûchlovice remnant, theSkapce remnant, the Merklín remnant (previously knownalso as the Merklín Basin), the Letkov remnant (previ-ously known also as the Letkov Basin), the Miro‰ov rem-nant (previously known also as the Miro‰ov Basin), theHoloubkov remnant, the Îebrák remnant (previouslyknown also as the Îebrák Basin), the H˘skov remnant(previously known also as the Lísek Basin), the Pfiílepyremnant (previously known also as the Pfiílepy Basin), andthe Kravafie remnant (previously known also as the Kra-vafie Basin). These occurrences are not represented inFigure 1. For their geographic positions see Pe‰ek et al.(2001; Supplement 5).

The Furrows Area

(Originally referred to as the Late Paleozoic of the fur-rows)The use of the term “furrow” (brázda in Czech) is histo-rical, in addition to which the terms “graben” and “half-graben” were also used in reference to separate, narrowsedimentary occurrences. However, these structures areof markedly reduced sizes, and their actual nature is notyet sufficiently known. For this reason, we use the lessgenetic term “basin” when referring to them. The rema-ining sedimentary fills are mostly tectonically confinedand are elongated to the north-northeast and south-southwest.

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1. Geology and Stratigraphy


The Boskovice Basin [Boskovická brázda] (originallyreferred to as the Boskovice Furrow)The southern part of this basin is sometimes incorrectlyreferred to as the Rosice-Oslavany basin. Its northern bor-der with the Orlice Basin is formed by the Malotín eleva-tion in the southern vicinity of Moravská Tfiebová. An iso-lated outcrop occurs near Miroslav (northeast of Znojmo).The sedimentary fill is of Stephanian C and Lower Per-mian (Autunian to Saxonian) age. Partial segments occur(from south to north) in the Rosice-Oslavany depression,the Ti‰nov-Kufiim elevation, and the Boskovice depres-sion. The southernmost occurrence is situated near Zöbingin Austria.

The Blanice Basin [Blanická brázda] (originally refer-red to as the Blanice Furrow)The Blanice Basin is comprised of isolated outcrops thatoccur between âesk˘ Brod to the north and âeské Budû-jovice to the south. These outcrops are exposed in a striptending north-northeast/south-southwest. The sedimen-tary fill is of Stephanian C and Lower Permian (Autunian)age. The largest northern part is situated near âesk˘ Brodand Kostelec nad âern˘mi lesy. The central part is formedby outcrops in the vicinity of Vla‰im and Tábor. The sout-hern outcrops are situated near âeské Budûjovice.

The occurrences in the Îelezné hory Mts. and thoseburied under Upper Cretaceous sediments in the vici-nity of Hradec Králové and Pardubice have sometimesbeen interpreted as the Jihlava Furrow. Based on theirlithology, these sediments are judged to be probably ofStephanian age.


The latest official subdivision of the Carboniferous Sys-tem is presented in Heckel & Clayton (2006). One pro-blem presented by this new subdivision concerns theincorporation of the “Lower Autunian” into the Carboni-ferous as the equivalent of the upper part of Gzhelian,when neither the lower nor the entire Autunian has yetbeen defined. We therefore continue to use the traditionaldivision for the purposes of the present contribution.The local bio- and ecostratigraphy is based on the occur-rence of actinopterygian fishes and sharks (Zajíc 2000,2004). However, amphibians (e.g. Werneburg & Schnei-der, 2006), insects (e.g. Schneider & Werneburg, 2006),conchostracans (e.g. Martens, 1972), and other animalgroups and ichnotaxa (e.g. Lucas, 2007, Lucas & Hunt2006) have also been used for biostratigraphic purposes.The various biostratigraphical concepts have been evalua-ted by Lucas, Schneider & Cassinis (2006).Two different lithostratigraphic charts are used in theCzech part of the Sudetic Area. The first of these wascompiled for the Czech side of the Intra-Sudetic Basin(Fig. 2), and the second one for the Krkono‰e PiedmontBasin (Fig. 3). The lithostratigraphic units of the secondchart are also applied to the Mnichovo Hradi‰tû Basin andpartly to the âeská Kamenice Basin. One stratigraphicchart is used for the entire Central and Western BohemianArea (Fig. 4). Other lithostratigraphic charts were compi-led for the Boskovice (Fig. 5) and Blanice (Fig. 6) Basins.

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1. Geology and Stratigraphy


Fig. 2Stratigraphic chart of the Intra-Sudetic Basin (Sudetic area, Czech part). Modified according to Zajíc (2000).

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Fig. 3. Stratigraphic chart of the Krkono‰e Piedmont and Mnichovo Hradi‰tû Basins (Sudetic area). The âeská Kamenice Basin adopts the same lithostratigraphy. Modifiedaccording to Zajíc (2000, 2007).

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Fig. 4. Stratigraphic chart of basins and occurrences of the Central and Western Bohemian Area. Modified according to Zajíc (2000).

Fig. 5. Stratigraphic chart of the Boskovice Basin. The Baãov, Míchov, and Kochov Horizons probably represent one unit or stratigraphic level. Modified accordingto Zajíc (2005) and Zajíc & ·tamberg (2004).

Fig. 6. Stratigraphic chart of the Blanice Basin. Modified according to Martínek, Drábková, Mikulá‰, ·imÛnek & Zajíc (2001)

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2. List of Localities and Boreholes


The locality list is arranged alphabetically. The first rowcontains the name of the locality as it is used at the pre-sent time. Other relevant names, such as those used earlier(if they are known), are indicated in parenthesis. Thesecond row contains, in brackets, the English translationof the locality name, unless it is a geographical name usedon maps (for example: Ko‰Èálov „Za hospodou“ = Ko‰Èá-lov „Behind the tavern“). The third row contains thename of the district, and the last row the abbreviation ofthe basin and the stratigraphical range of the locality.All photos of the localities were made by S. ·tambergunless otherwise noted. The boreholes are given in a separate list following that ofthe localities.Some localities with unspecified fauna (e.g. Rieger 1971)are not quoted in the list.The terminology in reference to the basins has been modi-fied in accordance with Holub & Pe‰ek (1993). For furt-her details, see the chapter entitled “Geology and Strati-graphy.”


The Lib‰tát locality (= Lieb‰tát; Zajíc & ·tamberg 1986)is necessary to exclude from the list because the fossilife-rous outcrops surely belong to the present Ko‰Èálovcadastre (no sediments of the Rudník Horizon are knownfrom the present Lib‰tát cadastre). Some specimens indiverse collections are still labelled with this localityname. The Lib‰tát locality is also mentioned in some pre-vious papers like Augusta (1939b), Danûk (1902), Friã(1912), Zajíc (1988), and Zajíc & ·tamberg (1986). Themost correct name is therefore Ko‰Èálov, unspecified.However, these finds probably come from the vicinity ofKo‰Èálov railway station (formerly Lib‰tát railway sta-tion).The Rybnice „Hrádeck˘ creek“ locality is also known asHáje nad Jizerou (·tamberg 1993, 1999b) or Roprachtice(Rieger 1971) but is located in the Rybnice cadastre. ThePfiíkr˘ „HonkÛv creek“ locality is also known as Rybnice(·tamberg 2000).Current situation of fossiliferous localities of the Bosko-vice Graben is described by Ivanov (2003), localities ofthe Olivûtín Member of the Intrasudetic basin are descri-bed by ·tamberg (1999a).

Skoãek (1993) stated very bed preserved and problematicremains from the Lhotice Member (Blanice Basin). Heinterpreted them as foraminifers, spicula of marine calcicsponges, echinoderm fragments and ostracodes. However,he noted that a redeposition from an overlying stratumcan’t be ruled out.


We used following abbreviations for the list of fossili-ferous outcrops and boreholes (the marks in the squarebrackets behind the name of basin are the same as inthe Fig. 1):BLF – the Blanice Basin [4a]BOF – the Boskovice Basin [4b]CKB – the âeská Kamenice Basin [1a]ISB – the Intra-Sudetic Basin [1d]KPB – the Krkono‰e Piedmont Basin [1c]KRB – the Kladno-Rakovník Basin [2e]MHB – the Mnichovo Hradi‰tû Basin [1b]MIB – the Miro‰ov occurrece (earlier known as the

Miro‰ov Basin) [east of the PlzeÀ Basin and south of the Radnice Basin]

MRB – the M‰eno-Roudnice Basin [2f]PB – the PlzeÀ Basin [2a]RAB – the Radnice Basib [2c]The H˘skov denudation remnant (earlier known e. g. asthe Lísek Basin) is situated west of Beroun.


Arnultovice „Lev˘ bfieh âisté“[Arnultovice „Left bank of âistá stream“]Trutnov district[KPB; Kalná H.]

Arnultovice „Prav˘ bfieh âisté“[Arnultovice „Right bank of âistá stream“]Trutnov district[KPB; Kalná H.]

Baãov „Lom Na skalkách“ (= 3. baãovsk˘ lom; Baãov I)[Baãov „Na skalkách quarry“]Blansko district[BOF; Baãov H.]

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2. List of Localities and Boreholes


BdínRakovník district[KRB; Kounov M.]

Beãkov „V˘choz jz od kapliãky“[Beãkov „An outcrop SW of the chapel“]Trutnov district[ISB; ?Beãkov H.]

Bítouchov (u Veselé) (= Bitouchov, Bítouchov u Lom-nice, Vitouchov unweit Lomnitz, Bituchow bei Lom-nitz, Bytouchov, Vitochov)[Bítouchov (near Veselá)]Semily district[KPB; Veselá H.]

Boskovice „U Otylky“Blansko district[BOF; Baãov H.]

Boskovice „Údolí Semíãe v poli“ (= Baãov III)Boskovice „Semíã valley in the field“Blansko district[BOF; Baãov H.]

Bradlecká Lhota „Les Zlatník“[Bradlecká Lhota „Zlatník wood“]Semily district[KPB; PlouÏnice H.]

BroumovNáchod district[ISB; Ruprechtice H.]

Broumov „Západní okolí“[Broumov „West environs“](outcrop along the road Broumov – Police nadMetují)Náchod district[ISB; Jetfiichov H.; Hejtmánkovice H.]

Broumov „RoÏmitál“ (=RoÏmitál u Brou-mova)(the localisation RoÏmitál near Bruntál inZajíc & ·tamberg 1986 is mistaken)Náchod district[ISB; ViÏÀov Horizon]

Bylany u âeského BroduKolín district[BLF; probably Lhotce M.]

âerná Hora „Záfiez nedokonãené dálnice“[âerná Hora „Uncompleted motorway cut“]Blansko district[BOF; probably Zbonûk-Svitávka H.]

âerná Hora (unidentified)Blansko district[BOF; probably Zbonûk-Svitávka H.]

âeské Budûjoviceâeské Budûjovice district[BLF; Lhotice M.]

âesk˘ Brod (unidentified)Kolín district[BLF; Ch˘nov M.]

âesk˘ Brod „JiÏní okraj obce – Peklov“[âesk˘ Brod „Southern periphery – Peklov“ ]

Fig. 7. Locality Baãov „Na skalkách quarry“. Exposure of the upperpart of the quarry in the year 2004.

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2. List of Localities and Boreholes


Kolín district[BLF; Ch˘nov M.]

âesk˘ Brod „Skalka“ (= Skalka u âeského Brodu, NaSkalce)Kolín district[BLF; Ch˘nov M.]

âistá (= Lauterwasser)Kolín district[BLF; Ch˘nov M.]

Dolní Kalná (unspecified) (= Kalna bei Starkenbach)Trutnov district[KPB; Kalná H.]

Dolní Kalná „LÛmek“[Dolní Kalná „Little quarry“]Trutnov district[KPB; Kalná H.]

Dolní Kalná „Nosek“Trutnov district[KPB; Kalná H.]

Dolní SytováSemily district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Dolní ·tûpanice (= Nieder-Stepanitz)Semily district[KPB; ·tûpanice-âikvásky H.]

Doubravãice „Rokle u hájovny“[Doubravãice „A gulch near the gamekeeper’s lodge”]Kolín district[BLF; Peklov M.]

Drválovice „Vûtrn˘ ml˘n“ (= Drbálovice; Vanovice)[Drválovice „Windmill“] Note: The locality contains several outcrops in the vicinityof the former windmill.Blansko district[BOF; Kochov H.]

HejtmánkoviceNáchod district[ISB; Hejtmánkovice H.]

Hluboké Dvory (= Hlubok˘ u Ti‰nova; Hluboky beiTischnowitz)Brno-venkov district[BOF; Lubû H.]

Hluboké Dvory „Skaliãka, dálnice“

[Hluboké Dvory „Skaliãka, uncompleted motorway cut“]Brno-venkov district[BOF; Lubû H.]

Horní Kalná (unspecified) (= Kalna bei Starkenbach,Oberkalná, Ober-Kalna)Trutnov district[KPB; Kalná H.]

Horní Kalná „Zanikl˘ lÛmek“[Horní Kalná „Defunct quarry“](close to Horní Kalná-Zálesní Lhota road, about 200m from the intersection)Trutnov district[KPB; Kalná H.]

Horní Kalná „V˘choz v lese“[Horní Kalná „Outcrop in the wood“](to the north of Horní Kalná-Zálesní Lhota road, about750 m from the intersection)Trutnov district[KPB; Kalná H.]

Fig. 8. Locality Dolní Kalná „Little quarry“. Exposure of thequarry in the year 1998 (now takes to earth).

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2. List of Localities and Boreholes


Horní Kalná „Odval dolu Adam“[Horní Kalná „Dump of the Adam mine“]Trutnov district[KPB; Kalná H.]

Horní Kalná „Odval dolu Eva“[Horní Kalná „Dump of the Eva mine“]Trutnov district[KPB; Kalná H.]

Horní Kalná „Za garáÏí“[Horní Kalná „Behind the garage“]Trutnov district[KPB; Kalná H.]

Horní Kalná „DÛl Fortuna“[Horní Kalná „Fortuna mine“]Trutnov district[KPB; Kalná H.]

Horní Kalná „Odval dolu Vítûz“[Horní Kalná „Dump of the Vítûz mine“]Trutnov district[KPB; Kalná H.]

Hfiedle (=Hfiedl)Rakovník district[KRB; Kounov M.]

HvûzdaKladno district[KRB; Kounov M.]

Hynãice „Prav˘ bfieh Stûnavy“[Hynãice „Right bank of Stûnava river“]Náchod district[ISB; Ruprechtice H.]

Chobot (= Chobot u Vla‰imi)(settlement of Nesperská Lhota)Bene‰ov district[BLF; Lhotice M.]

Chomle u Radnic (= Chomle bei Radnitz)(Originally in former quarry close to the Malinovec pondnear Chomle.)Rokycany district[RAB; Radnice Coal Seams]

Chomle u Radnic „DÛl Pokrok“ (= dÛl Pokrok (závodOvãín) u Radnic)[Chomle u Radnic „Pokrok mine“]Rokycany district[RAB; Radnice Coal Seams]

Chvaleã (= Qualisch bei Trautenau, Chvaleã nearTrutnov)(probably dump of the Celest˘n Mine)Trutnov district[ISB; Radvanice Coal Seams]

ChotíkovPlzeÀ-sever district[PB; Kounov M.]

Fig. 9. Locality Horní Kalná„Dump of theAdam mine“.

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2. List of Localities and Boreholes


Ivanãice „Panovského cihelna“[Ivanãice „Brickfield of Panovsk˘“]Brno-venkov district[BOF; Padochov F. (?)]

Janov u Miro‰ovaRokycany district[MIB; N˘fiany M.]

Janovice „Odval dolu Franti‰ek“[Janovice „Dump of the Franti‰ek mine“]Trutnov district[KPB; Rudník H.]

JedomûliceKladno district[KRB; Kounov M.]

Kladno – Hnidousy „DÛl Ronna“ (= Nr. VII, dÛl Gottwald III)[Kladno – Hnidousy „Ronna mine“ (= Nr. VII, Gottwald III Mine)Kladno district[KRB; Radnice Coal Seams]

Kladno, VrapiceKladno district[KRB; Radnice Coal Seams]

Kladoruby „Dolní pepfiík“Blansko district[BOF; Zbonûk-Svitávka H. or Lubû H.]

Kladoruby „Horní pepfiík“ (=Kladeroby; Trávník„Horní pepfiík“)Blansko district[BOF; Kochov H.]

Klá‰terská Lhota (= Mönchsdorf an der Kleinen Elbe)Trutnov district[KPB; Kalná H.]

Klobuky „·tola“ (= Klobuk bei Schlan, Klabuk beiPerutz)[Klobuky „Adit“](The old adit was situated above the mill on the hillsidebetween Klobuky and âeradice.)Kladno district[KRB; Klobuky H.]

Klobuky „Cukrovar“[Klobuky „Sugar rafinery“](Near the storage holes.)Kladno district[KRB; Klobuky H.]

Klobuky „LÛmek“ (= Klobuk bei Schlan, Klobuk beiPerutz)[Klobuky „Quarry“](The former quarry in carbonates was situated on the wes-tern margin of the village.)Kladno district[KRB; Klobuky H.]

Fig. 10. Locality Klá‰terskáLhota.

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2. List of Localities and Boreholes


Klobuky „Svah“[Klobuky „Slope“] (Above the driveway to the east of the sugar rafinery.)Kladno district[KRB; Klobuky H.]

Klobuky „V˘chod“[Klobuky „East“](The slope near the road between the church and sugarrafinery.)Kladno district[KRB; Klobuky H.]

KnûÏeves (= KnûÏoves)Rakovník district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

Kocléfiov „Lysé vrchy“[Kocléfiov „Lysé Hills“]Trutnov district[KPB; ?Kalná H.]

Kochov „Horka“ (=Kochov - vrch Horka)Blansko district[BOF; Kochov H.]

Kochov „V potocích“ (= Kochov – Noviãí)[Kochov „In the streams“]Blansko district[BOF; Kochov H.]

Kochov „V lese“ (= Kochov – L; Kochov - sever)[Kochov „In the forest“]Blansko district[BOF; Kochov H.]

Ko‰Èálov (unspecified) (= Ko‰tialov; Lib‰tát = Lieb‰tát)Semily district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Ko‰Èálov „Za internátem“[Ko‰Èálov „Behind the hostel“]Semily district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Ko‰Èálov „Za hospodou“[Ko‰Èálov „Behind the tavern“]Semily district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Ko‰Èálov „Odval ‰toly Nadûje“ (= Vyniklá – Sutice)[Ko‰Èálov „Dump of the adit Nadûje“]Semily district[KPB; ·tûpanice-âikvásky H.]

Ko‰Èálov „KováfiÛv ml˘n“[Ko‰Èálov „Kováfi’s mill“]Semily district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Fig. 11. LocalityKochov „In thestreams“. Collec-ting of fossils inthe year 2000.

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2. List of Localities and Boreholes


Ko‰Èálov „Valdice“Semily district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Ko‰Èálov „U koupali‰tû“[Ko‰Èálov „Near open air pool“]Semily district[KPB; Rudník H.]

KounovRakovník district[KRB; Kounov M.]

Kouty „·toly Adolf a Glück“ (= Kobylík)[Kouty „Adolf and Glück adits“]Semily district[KPB; ·tûpanice-âikvásky H.]

Kozinec u Jilemnice (= Kozinec)Kozinec hill near Jilemnice(old mining dumps)Semily district[KPB; Kozinec H.]

Kralupy „B˘val˘ kopec âervená hÛrka“ (= Kralup)[Kralupy „Former hill âervená hÛrka“ (= Kralup) ]Mûlník district[KRB; Radnice Coal Seams]

KromleJiãín district[KPB; PlouÏnice H.]

Krouãová „Halda dolu Adolf“[Krouãová „Dump of the Adolf mine“]Rakovník district[KRB; Kounov M.]

Krsmol (= Krsmol bei Lomnitz)Jiãín district[KPB; PlouÏnice H.]

Kruh 1Semily district[KPB; Kalná H.]

Kruh 2Semily district[KPB; Kalná H.]

KrupáRakovník district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

Kru‰ovice „V˘kop pro ropovod“[Kru‰ovice „Pipeline excavation“]Rakovník district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

Kfieãovice pod Troskami (= Kfieãowic bei Rowensko,Kfieãovice u Rovenska)Semily district[KPB; Veselá H.]

Fig. 12. LocalityKo‰Èálov„Kováfi’s mill“.

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2. List of Localities and Boreholes


Kundratice „Doly“Semily district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Kyje „Záfiez trati“ (unspecified)[Kyje „Railroad cut“]Jiãín district[KPB; PlouÏnice H.]

Ledce „V propastech“(carbonate nodules in the ravine V propastech)PlzeÀ-sever district[PB; Kounov M.]

Letovice „Jindfiichov“Blansko district[BOF; probably Zbonûk-Svitávka H.]

Lhotice „Odval dolu Etna“[Lhotice „Dump of the Etna mine“]âeské Budûjovice district[BLF; Lhotice M.]

Lhotice „·achta“ (= Lhota; Lhotic)[Lhotice „Shaft“]âeské Budûjovice district[BLF; Lhotice M.]

Libu‰ín u Kladna „DÛl Schöller“ (= dÛl Nejedl˘ I, =dÛl Nosek)[Libu‰ín u Kladna „Schöller mine“]Kladno district[KRB; Radnice M.]

Lísek u Berouna „Nad ml˘nem Dibfií“ (= Lisek beiBeraun, Dibfii, Dybfií, Stradonitz)[Lísek u Berouna „Above the millhouse Dibfií“]Beroun district[KRB – H˘skov denudation remnant; Radnice CoalSeams]

Lomnice nad Popelkou (okolí)[Lomnice nad Popelkou (surroundings)](cand flag sandstone.)Semily district[KPB; Semily F. or Vrchlabí F.]

Loukov „ëáblÛv ml˘n“ (Loukov „ëábloviny“)[Loukov „Devil’s Mill“ ]Semily district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Lubû (= Lubie, Luba, Lubic)Blansko district[BOF; Lubû H.]

Lubná (= Lubna)Rakovník district[KRB; Lubná Coal Seams]

Malá Lhota „Podhájí“Blansko district[BOF; probably Lubû H.]

Malá Lhota „Pfiíãná zmola“ (= Lhotka bei Raitz;Klein-Lhotta; Klein-Lhota bei Czernahora)Blansko district[BOF; probably Zbonûk-Svitávka H.]

MalesicePlzeÀ-mûsto district[PB; M‰ec M.]

Malé SvatoÀovice „Tmav˘ dÛl“Trutnov district[ISB; SvatoÀovice Coal Seams]

MíchovBlansko district[BOF; Míchov H.]

Moravsk˘ Krumlov „Údolí Rokytné“ (= Kromau,Krommau „Za lesním závodem“, „Za lesním úfiadem“,„Behind the Forestry Office“, Moravsk˘ Krumlov II;Moravsk˘ Krumlov „Údolí Rokytné“) [Moravsk˘ Krumlov „Rokytná river valley“]Znojmo district[BOF; Padochov F.]

Moravsk˘ Krumlov „Tylova ulice“ (=Moravsk˘Krumlov I)[Moravsk˘ Krumlov „Tylova street“]Znojmo district[BOF; Padochov F.]

Mutûjovice „DÛl Perun II“[Mutûjovice „Perun II mine“]Rakovník district[KRB; Kounov M.]

NabdínKladno district[KRB; Kounov M.]

Nedvûzí „·tola Otto“[Nedvûzí „Otto adit“]Semily district[KPB; ·tûpanice-âikvásky H.]

Nedvûzí „·tola Rohan“ (= Vyniklá - Sutice)[Nedvûzí „Rohan adit“]

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2. List of Localities and Boreholes


Semily district[KPB; ·tûpanice-âikvásky H.]

Neslovice „Rybiãková skála“ (= Nesslowitz; Rybiãkováskála 1; Neslovice, Pod Knovízem)[Neslovice „Fishrock“]Note: protected localityBrno-venkov district[BOF; ¤íãany H.]

Neslovice „Rybiãková skála 2“ (= údolí Neslovickéhopotoka;)[Neslovice „Fishrock 2“]Brno-venkov district[BOF; ¤íãany H.]

NiÏbor „Osada Stradonice“ (= Stradonitz)[NiÏbor „Stradonice settlement“](The locality was in Zajíc & ·tamberg 1986 confusedwith Stradonice u Peruce with different lithostratigraphy.)Beoun district[KRB – H˘skov denudation remnant; Radnice M.]

Nová Paka „Leti‰tû“[Nová Paka „Aerodrome“]Jiãín district[KPB; PlouÏnice H.]

Nová Ves nad Popelkou „Pole u Îìáru u Kumburku“[Nová Ves nad Popelkou „Field near Îìár u Kum-burku“]Semily district[KPB; PlouÏnice H.]

NoviãíBlansko district[BOF; Kochov H.]

N˘fiany „Dálnice“[N˘fiany „Motorway“]PlzeÀ-sever district[PB; M‰ec M.]

N˘fiany „DÛl Humboldt“ (= Nyfian bei Pilsen)[N˘fiany „Humboldt mine“]PlzeÀ-sever district[PB; N˘fiany M.]

Obora (= JabloÀany; Obora I, II, III)Blansko district[BOF; probably Baãov or Kochov H.]

Olivûtín (= Oelberg)Náchod district[ISB; Ruprechtice H.]

Olivûtín „Nad náhonem“ (= Oelberg)[Olivûtín „Over lead“]Náchod district[ISB; Ruprechtice H.]

Oslavany „Lev˘ bfieh Oslavy“[Oslavany „Left bank of the river Oslava“]Brno-venkov district[BOF; Rosice-Oslavany F., Zb˘‰ov H.]

Fig. 13. LocalityNeslovice„Fishrock“.Exposure of theoutcrop in theyear 2002.

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2. List of Localities and Boreholes


Oslavany „Odval dolu Kukla“ (= odval dolu V. Nosek)[Oslavany „Kukla mine dump“] Brno-venkov district[BOF; Rosice-Oslavany F.]

Otovice „âern˘ potok“[Otovice „âern˘ brook“]Náchod district[ISB; Otovice H.]

Otovice „Chmelnice“[Otovice „Hop-field“]Náchod district[ISB; Otovice H.]

Otovice „Vápenka“[Otovice „Limekiln“]Note: The locality contains several outcrops in the vicinityof the former adit (·tamberg 1999a)Náchod district[ISB; Otovice H.]

Otovice (unspecified) (= Ottendorf)Náchod district[ISB; Otovice H.]

Otvovice (= Votvovice, Votovice, Wotovic bei Kladno)Kladno district[KRB; Radnice Coal Seams]

Ovãín „Povrchov˘ dÛl“[Ovãín „Opencast mine“]Rokycany district[RAB; Radnice Coal Seams]

Padochov „V˘kop pro plynovod“ (= Padochau)[Padochov „Pipeline excavation“]Brno-venkov district[BOF; Zb˘‰ov H.]

PáleãekKladno district[KRB; Klobuky H.]

Panensk˘ T˘necLouny district[KRB; Klobuky H.]

Peruc „Údolí Débefiského potoka“ (=údolí strádonicképod Perucí; Tal von Stradonic bei Peruc; Stradonic beiPeruc, Stradonice u Peruce)[Peruc „Valley of Débefisk˘ brook“]Louny district[KRB; Klobuky H.]

Petrovice „Halda“ (= Petrovic, Petrovic bei Rakonitz)[Petrovice „Dump“]Rakovník district[KRB; Radnice Coal Seams]

Fig. 14. LocalityOtovice „âern˘brook“. Exposureof the outcrop inthe year 1994.

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2. List of Localities and Boreholes


PlouÏnice (unspecified) (=Plouãnice)Semily district[KPB; PlouÏnice H.]

PlouÏnice „Záfiez trati profil 0,0 – 1,3 m“[PlouÏnice „Railroad cut 0.0 – 1.3 m of the section“](see Zajíc in Blecha et al. 1997)Semily district[KPB; PlouÏnice H.]

PlouÏnice „Záfiez trati ·imÛnkÛv v˘kop ã. 1“[PlouÏnice „Railroad cut ·imÛnek’s excavation No. 1“](see Zajíc in Blecha et al. 1997)Semily district[KPB; PlouÏnice H.]

PlouÏnice „Záfiez trati kilometrovník 60,5“[PlouÏnice „Railroad cut milestone 60.5“]Semily district[KPB; PlouÏnice H.]

PodolíBlansko district[BOF; probably Zbonûk-Svitávka H.]

Polánka (= Polanka)Znojmo district[BOF; Zb˘‰ov H.]

Proseã pod Je‰tûdemLiberec district[MHB; Rudník H.]

Prostfiední Lánov „Kováfisko“ (=Schmidtdorf)Trutnov district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Prostfiední Lánov „Za továrnou“[Prostfiední Lánov „Behind the factory“]Trutnov district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Prostfiední Lánov „V˘chodní svah údolí Malého Labe“[Prostfiední Lánov „Eastern slope of Malé Labe valley“]Trutnov district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Prostfiední Lánov „Jz svah kopce ·piãka“ (=Pro-stfiední Lánov, Lánovsk˘ kopec, Mittel Langenau,Zirmkoppe)[Prostfiední Lánov „Sw slope of ·piãka hill“ ]Trutnov district[KPB; Rudník H.]

PfierubeniceRakovník district[KRB; Kounov M.]

Fig. 15. LocalityPlouÏnice„Railroad cutmilestone 60.5“.

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2. List of Localities and Boreholes


Pfiíãina „Na brantech“Rakovník district[KRB; Radnice Coal Seams]

Pfiíkr˘ „HonkÛv potok“[Pfiíkr˘ „HonkÛv creek“]Semily district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Pfiíkr˘ „Pfiítok Honkova potoka“[Pfiíkr˘ „Tributary of HonkÛv creek“]Semily district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Pfiistoupim (= Pfiistoupín)(conchostracans in carbonate nodules)Kolín district[BLF; Ch˘nov M.]

RadniceRokycany district[RAB; Radnice Coal Saems]

Radvanice „DÛl Katefiina“ (= dÛl Stachanov)[Radvanice „Katefiina mine“]Trutnov district[ISB; Radvanice Coal Seam complex]

Rakovník „DÛl Moravia“ (= Rakonitz)[Rakovník „Moravia mine“ (= Rakonitz)](in the former Kavan pond)Rakovník district[KRB; Radnice Coal Seams]

Roprachtice „Dokumentaãní bod 409d“[Roprachtice „Documentation point 409d“]Semily district[KPB; Horní Branná H.]

Rtynû v Podkrkono‰í,(dump of Z. Nejedl˘ mine)Trutnov district[ISB; Prkenn˘ DÛl-Îìárky M.]

Rudník (= Hermannseifen, Herrmannsseifen, Sajfy,Hefimanovy Sejfy)(probably diverse outcrops)Trutnov district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Ruprechtice (= Ruppersdorf)Náchod district[ISB; Ruprechtice H.]

Ruprechtice „Pod Svûtlinou“Náchod district[ISB; Ruprechtice H.]

Ruprechtice „Vápencové lomy“ (= Ruppersdorf)[Ruprechtice „Limestone quarries“]Náchod district[ISB; Ruprechtice H.]

Rybnice „Hrádeck˘ potok“[Rybnice „Hrádeck˘ creek“](Correct locality cadastre for Háje nad Jizerou sensu·tamberg (1993) and Roprachtice sensu Rieger (1971).)Semily district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Rybníãek(mine dump; settlement of Bernartice)Trutnov district[ISB; Vernéfiovice H.]

¤íãany (= ¤íãany u Brna)Brno-venkov district[BOF; ¤íãany H.]

Sebranice „Údolí Rasovna“[Sebranice „Rasovna valley“]Blansko district[BOF; ?Zbraslavec H.]

Sebranice „Úboãí vrchu Podsedky“ (= Sasina)[Sebranice „Podsedky hillside“]Blansko district[BOF; ?Zbonûk-Svitávka H.]

Semily (unspecified)Semily district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Semily „Lev˘ bfieh Jizery“[Semily „Left bank of Jizera river“]Semily district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Semily „Rokle v Nouzovû“[Semily „Ravine in Nouzov“]Semily district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Slan˘ „Jáma“[Slan˘ „Mine“]Kladno district[KRB; N˘fiany M.; M‰ec M.]

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2. List of Localities and Boreholes


SrbeãRakovník district[KRB; Kounov M.]

Srbeã „V˘kop pro ropovod“[Srbeã „Pipeline excavation“]Rakovník district[KRB; Kounov M.]

Stará Paka „Pfiíãnice“Jiãín district[KPB; PlouÏnice H.]

Studenûves (= StudÀoves)Kladno district[KRB; Kounov M.]

Sudice(= Sudiãe; 3B; trasa nedokonãené dálnice mezi Chrudichromy a Sudicemi; Baãov II)Blansko district[BOF; Baãov H.]

Svinná (Swinná bei Radnitz, Swinna)Rokycany district[RAB; Radnice Coal Seams]

Svitávka „Vrch Hradisko – sz. svah“(= Vrch „Hradisko“ u Svitávky – SvitávkaI+II)[Svitávka „Hradisko hill – NW slope“]Blansko district[BOF; Zbonûk-Svitávka H.]

Svitávka „Vrch Hradisko – j. úpatí“ (= Vrch„Hradisko“ u Svitávky – Svitávka III)[Svitávka „Hradisko hill – S foot“]Blansko district[BOF; Zbonûk-Svitávka H.]

Svitávka „Samota Hodi‰ka“[Svitávka „Secluded dwelling Hodi‰ka“]Blansko district[BOF; Míchov H.]

·kodûjov „DÛl Vûtrná hora“[·kodûjov „Vûtrná hora mine“]Semily district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Tluãná „DÛl Krimich II“[Tluãná „Krimich II mine“]PlzeÀ-sever district[PB; probably M‰ec M.]

Tlustice „Povrchov˘ dÛl ·tilec“ (= Na ·tilci, ·tilecu Îebráku)[Tlustice „·tilec opencast mine“]Beroun district[RAB – Îebrák denudation remnant; Radnice CoalSeams]

TrávníkBlansko district[BOF; Baãov H.]

Tfiemo‰ná „Doly Magdalena a Barbora“ (= Tremo-schna)[Tfiemo‰ná „Magdalena and Barbora mines“]PlzeÀ-sever district[PB; N˘fiany M.]

ÚhercePlzeÀ-sever district[PB; M‰ec M.]

Fig. 16. Locality Svitávka „Hradisko hill – NW slope“. Collecting ofinsects by J. Kukalová-Peck and the group of students from thePaleontological Institute of Charles University in the year 1954.Photo V. Müller.

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2. List of Localities and Boreholes


Valtefiice „U ml˘na“ (= Waltersdorf)[Valtefiice „Near the mill“]Semily district[KPB; Rudník M.]

Velvary „·tola Anna“[Velvary „Anna adit“]Kladno district[KRB; Kounov M.]

Veselá „Potok Veselka“[Veselá „Veselka brook“]Semily district[KPB; Veselá H.]

Veverské Knínice (= Nûmecké Knínice; Knínice)Brno-venkov district[BOF; ¤íãany H.]

VíchováSemily district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Vinafiice u Kladna „DÛl Mayrau“ (= dÛl Fierlinger I,dÛl Gottwald II, dÛl Kladno II)[Vinafiice u Kladna „Mayrau mine“ (=FierlingerI mine, Gottwald II mine, Kladno II mine)Kladno district[KRB; Radnice Coal Seams]

Vlk˘‰ „DÛl dr. Lindheima“ (= Wilkischen bei Pilsen,Wilkischen bei Mies, Vlk˘‰e u N˘fian)[Vlk˘‰ „Dr. Lindheim’s mine“]PlzeÀ-sever district[PB; N˘fiany M.]

Vrchlabí (unspecified)Trutnov district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Vrchlabí „U kamenného mostu“ (=Vrchlabí, fieãi‰tûLabe u hotelu Leningrad)[Vrchlabí „Near the stone bridge“]Trutnov district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Vrchlabí „Záfiez silnice“[Vrchlabí „Road cut“]Trutnov district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Zábofi „DÛl barona Riese“ (=Zabofi, Zabofi bei Jedomûlic)[Zábofi „Mine of baron Ries“]Kladno district[KRB; Kounov M.]

Zálesní Lhota „PrÛzkumná ‰achta“ (= Huttendorf)[Zálesní Lhota „Trial pit“](at the knoll close the village)Semily district[KPB; Kalná H.]

Zastávka (= Segen Gottes)Brno-venkov district[BOF; Padochov F.]

Zastávka „Nová ‰achta“ (= dÛl Julius)[Zastávka „Nová ‰achta mine“]Brno-venkov district[BOF; probably Rosice-Oslavany F.]

Zbonûk (= wrongly as Sbonek)Blansko district[BOF; Zbonûk-Svitávka H.]

ZbraslavecBlansko district[BOF; Zbraslavec H.]

Zb˘‰ov „DÛl Jindfiich“ (= Zbeschau)[Zb˘‰ov „Jindfiich mine“]Brno-venkov district[BOF; Rosice-Oslavany F.]

Zb˘‰ov „Za pilou dolu Antonín“ (= Zbeschau)[Zb˘‰ov „Behind the sawmill of the Antonín mine“]Brno-venkov district[BOF; Zb˘‰ov H.]

ÎacléfiTrutnov district[ISB; Chvaleã F. or Broumov F.]

Îacléfi „DÛl Jan ·verma“ (= dÛl Julia; Schatzlar)[Îacléfi „Jan ·verma mine“]Trutnov district[ISB, Îacléfi F.]

Îìár u Kumburku (unidentified)Semily district[KPB; PlouÏnice H.]

Îìár u Kumburku „Smíta“Semily district[KPB; PlouÏnice H.]

Îelechy (= Îelechov)Semily district[KPB; ?Vrchlabí F.]

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2. List of Localities and Boreholes


Îilov(carbonate nodules)PlzeÀ-sever district[PB; M‰ec M.]

ÎlábekSemily district[KPB; Veselá H.]


Bc-1 BrodceMladá Boleslav district[MRB; M‰ec M., Zdûtín H.]

Be-1 BechlínLitomûfiice district[MRB; Kounov M.]

Brou-1 BroumovNáchod district[ISB; Beãkov H.]

Bfi-1 BefioviceKladno district[KRB; ?Zdûtín F.]

Bfi-2 BefioviceKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

B‰-3 By‰iceMûlník district[MRB; M‰ec M.]

Bv-2 BitouchovSemily district[KPB; Veselá H.]

Co-1 ChotíkovPlzeÀ-sever district[PB; Kounov M.]

Co-6 ChotíkovPlzeÀ-sever district[PB; M‰ec M.]

Co-8 MalesicePlzeÀ-mûsto district[PB; M‰ec M.]

Co-11 MalesicePlzeÀ-mûsto district[PB; M‰ec M.]

Co-12 MalesicePlzeÀ-mûsto district[PB; M‰ec M., Hfiedle M.]

Fig. 17. Locality Îacléfi „Jan ·vermamine“. Extensive sur-face mine in the year2005.

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2. List of Localities and Boreholes


Co-26 Vlk˘‰PlzeÀ-sever district[PB; N˘fiany M.]

DB-1 Dolní BousovMladá Boleslav district[MHB; Lower Syfienov F., Black Shale H., PlouÏnice H.,Rudník H.]

Dch-3 DrchkovKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

Dch-4 DrchkovKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

Dl-2 DolínKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

Dm-7 Domou‰iceLouny district[KRB; Kounov M.]

Dm-9 KounovRakovník district[KRB; M‰ec M., Kounov M.]

Dn-3 DfiínovKladno district[KRB; Zdûtín H.]

Dv-1 DrnovKladno district[KRB; N˘fiany M., M‰ec M., Hfiedle M.]

F-1 FofitTrutnov district[KPB; Rudník H.]

F-2 FofitTrutnov district[KPB; Rudník H.]

F-3 FofitTrutnov district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Hd-1 HodkoviceTrutnov district[ISB; Radvanice seam complex]

HK-1 Horní KalnáTrutnov district[KPB; ·tûpanice-âikvásky H., Rudník H., Proseãné F.]

HPK-4 Horní Ole‰niceTrutnov district[KPB; Rudník H.]

H‰-1 Hob‰oviceKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

HV II Tfiemo‰náPlzeÀ-sever district[PB; N˘fiany M.]

Jb-1 JabkeniceMladá Boleslav district[MRB; M‰ec M., Hfiedle M., Línû F.]

Jk-6 JavorníkTrutnov district[KPB; Rudník H.]

Kbl-2 KbelMladá Boleslav district[MRB; M‰ec M.]

Ke-5 KráloviceKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M., Zdûtín H.]

Ke-6 KráloviceKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M., Hfiedle M.]

Ke-7 KráloviceKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

Ke-8 KráloviceKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M., Zdûtín H.]

Kh-1 KruhSemily district[KPB; Arkosic H., Kalná H.]

Kk-1 KokoviceKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M., Hfiedle M.]

Ko-5 Ko‰ÈálovSemily district[KPB; Rudník H.]

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2. List of Localities and Boreholes


Kp-18 KozolupyPlzeÀ-sever district[PB; N˘fiany M.]

Kr-11 KrouãováRakovník district[KRB; Kounov M.]

Krp-1 KrpyMladá Boleslav district[MRB; M‰ec M.]

Kv-1 Ko‰ÈálovSemily district[KPB; ·tûpanice-âikvásky H.]

LB-1 LiboviceKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

Lbl-1 LibliceMûlník district[MRB; M‰ec M., Hfiedle M.]

Le-7 LedceKladno district[KRB; N˘fiany M.]

Lib-1 LibûchovMûlník district[MRB; Jelenice M., M‰ec M., Hfiedle M., Zdûtín H., Línû F.]

Ln-1 LounyLouny district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

Lo-6 Lotou‰Kladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

Lt-1 Lib‰tátSemily district[KPB; Lower Syfienov F., Black Shale H., ·tûpanice-âikvásky H., Rudník H.]

Lv-1 LuníkovKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

MB-3 Chloumek u MûlníkaMûlník district[MRB; M‰ec M., Kounov M., Zdûtín H.]

MB-5 Mal˘ ÚjezdMûlník district[MRB; M‰ec M.]

MB-6 HleìsebeMûlník district[MRB; Kounov M.]

MB-7 StfiemyMûlník district[MRB; Kladno F., M‰ec M., Kounov M.]

MB-13 Vysoká LibeÀMûlník district[MRB; Hfiedle M.]

MB-22 ZdûtínMladá Boleslav district[MRB; M‰ec M.]

MB-23a Horky nad JizerouMladá Boleslav district[MRB; Jelenice M.]

MJ-2 StránkaMûlník district[MRB; M‰ec M., Zdûtín H., Stránka H.]

MJ-8 JenichovMûlník district[MRB; Jelenice M., Zdûtín H.]

M‰-2 M‰ecRakovník district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

Mt-1 MartinûvesLitomûfiice district[KRB; Lubná Coal Seams; M‰ec M., Zdûtín H.]

MV-1 Mûlnické VtelnoMûlník district[MRB; M‰ec M., Zdûtín H.]

MV-2 Mûlnické VtelnoMûlník district[MRB; Jelenice M., M‰ec M., Hfiedle M., Zdûtín H.]

Nb-4 NeprobyliceKladno district[KRB; N˘fiany M.]

Nb-5 NeprobyliceKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

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2. List of Localities and Boreholes


Nm-1 NemysloviceMladá Boleslav district[MRB; Jelenice M., Zdûtín H., Línû F.]

Nt-1 NetoviceKladno district[KRB; N˘fiany M., M‰ec M.]

Ob-1 OtrubyKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

Ob-5 OtrubyKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

Ph-2 Pfieh˘‰ovPlzeÀ-sever district[PB; M‰ec M.]

Pp-3 Vodní ÚjezdPlzeÀ-jih district[PB; Malesice M.]

Pu-1 PerucLouny district[KRB; Hfiedle M.]

Re-3 RadvaniceTrutnov district[ISB; Radvanice seam complex]

Rk-9a RudníkTrutnov district[KPB; Rudník H.]

RPZ-22 NeãichyLouny district[KRB; M‰ec M., Hfiedle M.]

Rt-2 Rtynû v Podkrkono‰íTrutnov district[ISB; Petrovice M.]

¤i-1 ¤isutyKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

¤i-20 ¤isutyKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

¤i-21 ¤isutyKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

¤i-22 ¤isutyKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

¤i-24 ¤isutyKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

¤i-25 ¤isutyKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

¤i-26 ¤isutyKladno district[KRB; Radnice Coal Seams; M‰ec M.]

¤i-30 ¤isutyKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M., Hfiedle M.]

Sa-2a Slan˘Kladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

Sa-9 Slan˘Kladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

Sa-21 Slan˘Kladno district[KRB; Jelenice M., M‰ec M., Hfiedle M.]

Sã-1 SemãiceMladá Boleslav district[MHB; Lower Syfienov F., Black Shale H., Middle SemilyF., PlouÏnice H., Upper Semily F., Rudník H., UpperVrchlabí F., Kalná H.]

Se-1 SeleticeNymburk district[MHB; Kumburk F., Syfienov F., Middle Semily F., LowerVrchlabí F.]

S‰-1 Su‰noMladá Boleslav district[MRB; Jelenice M., M‰ec M., Kounov M., Zdûtín H.,Klobuky H.]

St-11 StráÏkoviceTrutnov district[ISB; Upper SvatoÀovice M.]

Str-1 StrachalyLitomûfiice district[MRB; M‰ec M., Zdûtín H., Klobuky H.]

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2. List of Localities and Boreholes


Su-1 StudenûvesKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

Sy-1 SkÛryKladno district[KRB;M‰ec M., ?Zdûtín H.]

Sz-1 SazenáKladno district[KRB; Hfiedle M.]

TR-1 TfiebichoviceKladno district[KRB; M‰ec M.]

Tfi-10 TfiebocRakovník district[KRB; Kounov M.]

VD-2 Dolní VernéfioviceNáchod district[ISB; Upper SvatoÀovice M.]

Vf-1 Volfarticeâeská Lípa district[CKB; Rudník H.]

VL-1 Vrbno nad lesyLouny district[KRB; Hfiedle M.]

V‰-1 V‰eÀSemily district[MHB; Black Shale H., Middle Semily F., Rudník H.,Upper Vrchlabí F.]

VÚj-1 Velk˘ ÚjezdMûlník district[MRB; Hfiedle M.]

Zd-1 ZdûtínMladá Boleslav district[MRB; M‰ec M.]

Zl-1 ZloniceKladno district[KRB; Radnice Coal Seams, M‰ec M.; ?Zdûtín H.]

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3. List of Faunas


The list of systematics gives the taxons in agreement withthe zoological system. The present authors have made aneffort to mention species, but in some cases only genera orfamilies are mentioned, depending on current understan-ding. Taxons of uncertain determination are given witha question-mark. Each item includes references in the lite-rature, the identification number of the type or compara-tive material, the institution at which the material is depo-sited, and the locality from which it was obtained. A fullsynonymy would fall outside the scope of the present con-tribution, but important papers, or papers in which nameswere somehow changed, are indicated. Searching for andidentifying the type specimens or at least the originalmaterial was very difficult but effectual in most cases.However, references to other material are incorporated insome cases.The institutions at which the material or type specimensare located is mentioned after the references to the litera-ture. The notice “not found” accompanies the descriptionif the type material have not been found. It is necessary tofurther emphasize a few points in this respect. Most of thetype specimens are deposited at the National Museum,Prague, while a few others are kept in other collections atmuseums and universities in the Czech Republic or othercountries. The collections deposited at the NationalMuseum and the Paleontological Institute of Charles Uni-versity, both in Prague, have been moved to newly builtdepositories. Several types that were previously regardedas lost were relocated during the course of the moving of

the collections and the preparing of this paper, and furtherrediscoveries are expected. Numerous type specimens ofthe insects described by J. Kukalová-Peck deposited in thecollections of the National Museum and PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University in Prague are listed as “notfound.” This does not necessarily mean that they are lost,as it may be the case that they are simply not deposited inthe particular collection presumed on the basis of referen-ces in the literature. According to written communicationwith J. Kukalová-Peck from 3 January 2008, some typespecimens are at present in her possession, and will bereturned to the collections to which they belong upon thecompletion of her current studies.The localities from which the specimens were obtainedare given in the same format as in the List of Localities.For specimens obtained from boreholes, the relevant stra-tigraphical level of the borehole is indicated. The degree of the understanding of any single faunalgroup is diverse. Some groups, such as the amphibians,have been of interest to many paleontologists and the sub-ject of several revisions. However, the same degree ofinterest has not yet been devoted to the bivalves and gastro-pods, the resulting current knowledge of which is thereforeless complete. The diverse levels of the understanding ofthe faunas certainly affect the validity of some of thetaxons presented in the present contribution.All photos of the type specimens and other material weremade by S. ·tamberg unless otherwise noted.

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Phyllum Coelenterata, Class Scyphozoa




Medusina limnica Müller, 1978

1984 Medusina limnica Müller 1978 – Kozur, pp. 44, 46

1986 Medusina limnica Müller 1978 – Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 68

Locality: Broumov „RoÏmitál“.Note: No material is still deposited in an accessiblecollection.

Medusina sp.

Locality: Klá‰terská Lhota. Note: No material is still deposited in an accessiblecollection.

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Phyllum Annelida, Class Clitellata






Pronaidites carbonarius Ku‰ta, 1888(Fig. 18)

1888 Pronaidites carbonarius n. gen. n. sp. – Ku‰ta, p. 561; Fig. 1

1907 Pronaidites carbonarius Ku‰ta. – Fritsch, p. 8; Pl. 4, Figs. 1-3

1962 Pronaidites carbonarius Ku‰ta, 1888 – Howell, p. 167; Fig. 107/8

1993 Pronaidites carbonarius Ku‰ta, 1888 – Wills, p. 277

Type: Specimen Me 102 figured by Ku‰ta (1888, Fig. 1)deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Localities: Rakovník „Moravia mine“.

Pronaidites arenivorus Fritsch, 1907

1907 Pronaidites arenivorus Fr. – Fritsch, p. 8; Pl. 4, Figs. 4-6

Type: Specimen U 78 figured by Fritsch (1907, Pl. 4,Figs. 4-6) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Localities: Rakovník „Moravia mine“.



Lumbricopsis permicus Fritsch, 1907

1907 Lumbricopsis permicus Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 8-9; Pl. 4, Fig. 7

1962 Lumbricopsis permicus Fritsch, 1907 – Howell, pp. 168-169; Fig.


Type: Specimen P 1391 figured by Fritsch (1907, Pl. 4,Fig. 7) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Bítouchov (near Veselá).

Lumbricopsis distinctus Fritsch, 1907

1907 Lumbricopsis distinctus Fr. – Fritsch, p. 9; Pl. 10,

Figs. 6, 7

Type: Specimen U 74 figured by Fritsch (1907,Pl. 10, Figs. 6, 7) deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: Îelechy.

Notes: Pronaidites crenulatus described byFritsch (1907) is undobtedly an ichnotaxon thatcould be classify as a locomotion trace –Repichnia (Mikulá‰, personal communication).That specimen Me 103 (National Museum, Pra-gue) was originally described by Ku‰ta (1888)as Vermites litographus and correctly recogni-zed as a trace fossil. Other above mentionedtaxa need re-examination as well.

Fig. 18. Pronaidites carbonarius Ku‰ta, 1888. Holotype Me 102,x 2.25. Rakovník.

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Class Bivalvia








Anthracosia fritschi Schmidt, 1905

1905 Anthracosia (?) Fritschi n. sp. - Schmidt, p. 47-48;

Pl. 5, Fig. 2

Locality: Chvaleã.

Anthracosia stegocephalum Geinitz, 1882(Fig. 19)

1901 Anthracosia Segocephalum, Gein. – Fritsch, p. 81

1905 Anthracosia (?) stegocephalum Geinitz - Schmidt, p.


1989 ?Carbonicola stegocephalum (Geinitz, 1882) –

·imÛnek, Zajíc & Drábková, p. 5; Pl. 5, Fig. 1

Localities: Klobuky „Quarry“; Klobuky„Slope“.


Carbonicola bohemica (Fritsch, 1901)

1901 Anthracosia bohemica, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 81, Fig. 380

1905 Carbonicola (Anthracosia) bohemica Fritsch - Sch-

midt, p. 55

Type: Specimen No. 246 figured by Fritsch(1901, Fig. 380) deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague (not found).Locality: Krsmol.

Carbonicola thuringensis Geinitz, 1864

1905 Anthracosia (?) thuringensis Geinitz – Schmidt, p. 47; Pl. 5, Fig. 1

1946 Anthracomya thuringensis (Gein). – Mrázek, pp. 217-221

1947a Anthracomya thuringensis (Geinitz) – Augusta, pp. 198-199

1948 Anthracomya thuringensis Geinitz 1864 – Mrázek, pp. 12-13, Pl. 2,

Fig. 5

Localities: Chvaleã; Zb˘‰ov „Behind the sawmill of theAntonín mine“.Note: Schmidt refer to Petrascheck.

Fig. 19. Anthracosia stegocephalum Geinitz, 1882. Set of specimens(Fig. 19A, x 1.0) and detail of two shells (Fig. 19B, x 2.0) from thelocality Klobuky „Slope“. (From the collection of the Geological Sur-vey, Prague, Photo J. Zajíc).

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Class Bivalvia


Carbonicola remesi (Mrázek, 1947)

1947 Anthracomya reme‰i n. sp. – Mrázek, pp. 101-103; Fig. 1

1947a Anthracomya reme‰i Mrázek – Augusta, p. 198; Pl. 2, Figs. 5, 6

1948 Anthracomya reme‰i n. sp. – Mrázek, pp. 11-12; Pl. 1, Fig. 1

Locality: Zb˘‰ov „Behind the sawmill of the Antonínmine“.


Palaeanodonta compressa (Ludwig, 1863)

1901 Anodonta (?) compressa, Ludwig – Fritsch, p. 82; Fig. 382

1905 (Palae-) Anodonta compressa Ludw. - Schmidt, p. 55

1948 Palaeanodonta compressa Ludwig, 1863 – Mrázek, p. 14-15; Pl.

2, Fig. 7

Material: Specimen No. 248 figured by Fritsch (1901,Fig. 382) deposited at the National Museum, Prague (notfound).Localities: Bítouchov (near Veselá); Moravsk˘ Krumlov„Rokytná river valley“.

Palaeanodonta cf. compressa (Ludwig, 1863)

2003 Palaeanodonta cf. compressa – Ivanov, p. 34

Locality: Moravsk˘ Krumlov „Tylova street“.

Palaeanodonta sophiae Schmidt, 1905

1905 Palaeanodonta Sophiae n. sp. - Schmidt, p. 53; Pl. 5, Fig. 7

1948 Palaeanodonta sophiae Schmidt 1905 – Mrázek, p. 13; Pl. 1, Fig. 3

Localities: Horní Kalná (unspecified); Zb˘‰ov „Behindthe sawmill of the Antonín mine“.

Palaeanodonta castor (Eichwald, 1861)

1861 Unio carbonarius – Po‰epn˘, p. 40

1864b Unio carbonarius – Friã, p. 375

1901 Unio (?) carbonarius, de Konn. – Fritsch, p. 82; Fig. 381

1905 Palaeanodonta Castor Amalitzky - Schmidt, p. 55

1905 Palaeanodonta Po‰epnyi Stur – Schmidt, pp. 55-56; Pl. 5, Fig. 9

1910 Palaeanodonta Castor Eichwald. – Schmidt, pp. 452-453

1947a Palaeanodonta castor Eichwald – Augusta, p. 199

1948 Palaeanodonta po‰epn˘i ·túr 1905 – Mrázek, p. 14; Pl. 2, Fig. 4

1948 Palaeanodonta castor Eichwald 1861 - Mrázek, pp. 16-17; Pl. 2,

Fig. 6

Localities: Horní Kalná, unspecified [Palaeanodontaposepnyi]; Ivanãice [Palaeanodonta posepnyi]; Klá‰ter-ská Lhota; Kozinec hill near Jilemnice; Moravsk˘ Krum-lov „Rokytná river valley“ [Anthracosia carbonaria];Zb˘‰ov „Behind the sawmill of the Antonín mine“.Note: Mrázek (1948) mentioned that Schmidt describedP. posepnyi in 1905 according to ·túr’s priority. However,Dion˘z ·túr died in 1893 and the datation ·túr, 1905 is

therefore nonsensical. Besides Schmidt classified P. pose-pnyi to P. castor in 1910.

Palaeanodonta cf. parallela Amalitzky

1901 Anodonta (?) compressa, Ludwig. – Fritsch, p. 82; Fig. 382

1905 Palaeanodonta cf. parallela Amalitzky – Schmidt, p. 55

Locality: Bítouchov (near Veselá)

Palaeanodonta verneuili (Amalitzky, 1892)(Fig. 20)

1905 Palaeanodonta Petraschecki n. sp. - Schmidt, p. 56, Pl. 5, Fig. 10

1905 Palaeanodonta Verneuili Amalitzky - Schmidt, p. 57

1910 Palaeanodonta Verneuili Amalitzky. – Schmidt, p. 453

1948 Palaeanodonta verneuili Amalickij 1892 - Mrázek, pp. 15-16; Pl.

1, Fig. 2

2004 Palaeanodonta verneuili (Amalitzky, 1892) – Zajíc & ·tamberg,

p. 10, Fig. 5

Material: Set of specimens MHK 70579 – MHK 70582from the locality Zbonûk deposited at the Museum of Eas-tern Bohemia in Hradec Králové. Localities: Dolní Kalná; Horní Kalná – unspecified[Palaeanodonta verneuili + Palaeanodonta petrascheckiSchmidt, 1905], Moravsk˘ Krumlov „Rokytná river val-ley“; Zbonûk.

Palaeanodonta sp.

Localities: Boskovice „U Otylky“; Broumov; RoÏmitál;Svitávka „Hradisko hill – NW slope“.

Fig. 20. Palaeanodonta verneuili (Amalitzky, 1892). Speci-men MHK 70581, x 3.2. Zbonûk.

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Class Bivalvia



Anthracosiidae indet.

1862 Süsswassermuschel – Geinitz, p.184

Locality: Valtefiice „Near the mill“.

Anthracosiidae indet.

1902 Anthracosia – Danûk, pp. 32-33

Locality: Stará Paka „Pfiíãnice“.

Anthracosiidae indet.

1997 ?Anthraconaia sp. - Martínek, ·tamberg & Zajíc, p. 3

Locality: Vrchlabí „Road cut“

Anthracosiidae indet.

2006 Anthracosia cf. regularis (Trueman, 1929) – Pokorn˘, Kraft &

Bouãek, p. 34

2007 Anthracosia cf. regularis (Trueman, 1929) – Pokorn˘ & Kraft, p.

55; Fig. 2

Locality: Chobot.Note: This name represents an unfounded determinationof the single bivalved specimen on the basis of the shapesimilarity.

Anthracosiidae indet. (still unnamed)

Localities: Brou-1 (Beãkov H.); Broumov, âeské Budû-jovice; DB-1 (Rudník H.); F-3 (Rudník H.); HK-1 (Pro-seãné F.); Jb-1 (Línû F.); Kh-1 (Arcosic H.); Lib-1 (LínûF.); Mt-1 (Zdûtín H.); Nm-1 (Línû F.); Panensk˘ T˘nec;RoÏmitál; Sã-1 (Middle Semily F., PlouÏnice H., UpperSemily F.); Se-1 (Kumburk F.); Svitávka „Hradisko hill –NW slope“; V‰-1 (Rudník H.)

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Class Gastropoda





& FR¯DA, 1999




Dawsonella sp.

1962 Dawsonella Bradley, 1874 – StaÀková & RÛÏiãka, p. 96

1965 Dawsonella Bradley, 1874 – Horn˘, p. 342

Material: Specimens deposited at the National Museum,Prague.Locality: Doubravãice „A gulch near the gamekeeper'slodge”.Note: Probably corresponds with the “possibly othertaxon” mentioned by Solem & Yochelson (1979; p. 27).








Anthracopupa sp.

1962 Dendropupa Owen, 1881 – StaÀková & RÛÏiãka, p. 96

1965 Maturipupa Pilsbry, 1926 – Horn˘, p. 351

1979 Anthracopupa – Solem & Yochelson, p. 27

1986 ? Maturipupa sp. – Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 68

Material: Specimens deposited at the National Museum,Prague.Locality: Doubravãice „A gulch near the gamekeeper'slodge”.

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Class Tentaculitoidea




Microconchus vorax (Fritsch, 1895)(Figs. 21, 22)

1895b Spiroglyphus vorax Fr. – Fritsch, p. 4

1895a Spiroglyphus vorax Fr. – Friã, p. 229; Fig 69

1901 Spiroglyphus vorax, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 80-81; Fig. 379; Pl. 155,

Fig. 1; Pl. 155, Fig. 4

1986 Spirorbis vorax (Fritsch, 1894) – Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 68

Types: Specimens M 1011 figured by Friã (1895a, Fig.69), M 868 figured by Fritsch (1901, Fig. 379B), Me 104and others deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Localities: N˘fiany; Rtynû v Podkrkono‰í; Slan˘ „Mine“(N˘fiany M.).

Microconchus minimus (Fritsch, 1895)

1895b Spiroglyphus minimus Fr. – Fritsch, p. 4

Material: Not nor figure nor described.Locality: N˘fiany.Note: „Spirorbids“ were reclassified in accordance withTaylor & Vinn (2006).

Fig. 21. Microconchus vorax (Fritsch, 1895). Set ofconchs, specimen M 944 (deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague), x 4.0. N˘fiany.

Fig. 22. Microconchus vorax (Fritsch, 1895). Detail of twoconchs, specimen M 868, x 22. N˘fiany.

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Class Merostomata





& EASTMAN, 1913





Prolimulus woodwardi Fritsch, 1899(Figs. 23, 24)

1899c Prolimulus Woodwardi. Fritsch – Fritsch, pp. 57-59

1899b Prolimulus Woodwardi, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 64; Fig. 369

1901 Prolimulus Woodwardi, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 65; Fig. 370; Pl. 155,

Figs. 1-3

1952 Prolimulus Fritsch 1899 - Störmer, pp. 636, 638

1955 Prolimulus woodwardi – Störmer, p. 21; Fig. 13

1956 Prolimulus woodwardi Friã, 1899 - Prantl & Pfiibyl, pp. 391-393;

Pl. 2, Figs. 1-4

Fig. 23. Prolimulus woodwardi Fritsch, 1899. SpecimenMe 39, x 3.5. N˘fiany.

Fig. 24. Prolimulus woodwardi Fritsch, 1899 with Micro-conchus vorax (Fritsch, 1895). Specimen Me 1031, x 4.6.N˘fiany.

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Class Merostomata


Types: Specimens Me 1031 and Me 1032 (part and coun-terpart) figured by Fritsch (1901, Pl. 155, Fig. 1), Me 39figured by Fritsch (1901, Pl. 155, Fig. 2) and M 1038 figu-red by Fritsch (1901, Pl. 155, Fig. 3) deposited at the Nati-onal Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.






Adelophthalmus imhofi (Reuss, 1855)(Fig. 25)

1855 Lepidoderma Imhofi – Reuss, pp. 81-83; Pls. 3, 4

1855 Lepidoderma Imhofi – Wanke, pp. 27-30

1864a Lepidoderma Immhoffi Reuss – Friã, pp. 233-234; Fig. 4

1871 Lepidoderma Imhoffi, Reuss – Friã, p. 8; Pl. 3, Fig. 2

1874a Lepidoderma Imhoffi, Reuss – Friã, p. 8; Pl. 3, Fig. 2

1937 Lepidoderma Imhofi Reuss – Nûmejc, p. 280

1953 Adelophthalmus imhofi (Reuss, 1855) – Pfiibyl, pp. 7-10; Pl. 1,

Figs. 1, 2

1955 Lepidoderma imhofi - Störmer, p. 30

1986 Adelophtalmus imhofi (Reuss, 1855) – Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 68

2007 Adelophtalmus imhofi – Tetlie, p. 562

Type: Lectotype Me 53 figured by Reuss (1855, Pl. 3,Figs. 1, 2) and Pfiibyl (1954, Pl. 1, Figs. 1, 2) deposited atthe National Museum, Prague. The counterpart is pro-bably (after Friã 1864a) at Naturhistorisches Museum,Vienna. Locality: Vlk˘‰.

Adelophthalmus sp.

Locality: Radvanice „Katefiina mine“.Note: Undescribed specimen at the National Museum,Prague (collected by Drábek).

Eurypterids indet.

Locality: Nt-1 (N˘fiany M.).

Fig. 25. Adelophthalmus imhofi (Reuss, 1855). LectotypeMe 53, x 2.3. Vlk˘‰.

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Class Arachnida







Arthromygale fortis (Fritsch, 1904)(Fig. 26)

1904 Arthrolycosa fortis, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 8-9; Fig. 4; Pl. 1, Figs 1, 2

1953 Arthromygale fortis (Fritsch) – Petrunkevitch, p. 103; Pl. 26, Fig.

107; Pl. 53, Fig. 190

1955 Arthromygale fortis (Fritsch) – Petrunkevitch, p. 134; Fig. 99/3

1986 Arthromygale fortis (Fritsch, 1904) - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 69

2005 Arthromygale fortis (Fritsch, 1904) - Penney & Selden, p. 27

Type: Holotype Me 60 figured by Fritsch (1904, Pl. 1,Fig. 1) and Petrunkevitch (1953, Figs. 107, 190) is depo-sited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Rakovník.

Arthromygale beecheri (Fritsch, 1904)(Fig. 27)

1904 Arthrolycosa Beecheri, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 9-10; Fig. 5; Pl. 1, Figs. 3-5;

1953 Arthromygale fortis (Fritsch) – Petrunkevitch, p. 103; Pl. 26, Fig.

108; Pl. 54, Fig. 195

2005 Arthromygale beecheri (Fritsch, 1904) - Penney & Selden, p. 27

Type: Holotype Me 59 figured by Fritsch (1904, Pl. 1,Figs. 3-5) is deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Rakovník.


Eolycosa lorenzi Ku‰ta, 1886(Fig. 28)

1886 Eolycosa Lorenzi n. g. et n. sp. - Ku‰ta, 592-593; Fig. 1

1900 Eolycosa Lorenzi K‰t. – Ku‰ta, p. 9

Fig. 26. Arthromygale fortis (Fritsch, 1904). Holotype Me60, x 2.4. Rakovník.

Fig. 27. Arthromygale beecheri (Fritsch, 1904). HolotypeMe 59, x 3.4. Rakovník.

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Class Arachnida


1904 Arthrolycosa Lorenzi, Ku‰ta sp. – Fritsch, pp. 10-11; Fig. 6; Pl. 2,

Figs 2, 3

1953 Eolycosa lorenzi Ku‰ta – Petrunkevitch, p. 111; Pl. 51, Fig. 181

1955 Eolycosa lorenzi – Petrunkevitch, p. 135; Fig. 99/6

1986 Eolycosa lorenzi Ku‰ta, 1885 - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 69

2005 Eolycosa Lorenzi Ku‰ta, 1885 - Penney & Selden, p. 27

Type: Holotype Me 75 figured by Ku‰ta (1886, Fig. 1),Fritsch (1904, Fig. 6, Pl. 2, Figs. 2, 3) and Petrunkevitch(1953, Fig. 181) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Rakovník.


Geralycosa fricii Ku‰ta, 1889(Fig. 29)

1889a Geralycosa Friãii n. gen. n. sp. – Ku‰ta, p. 196; Fig. 1

1904 Geralycosa Fritschii, Ku‰ta. - Fritsch, pp. 14-15; Figs. 11-13; Pl.

3; Pl. 12, Figs. 4-5

1953 Geralycosa fritschi Ku‰ta – Petrunkevitch, pp. 105-106; Pl. 27,

Figs 109, 110; Pl. 52, Figs. 185-187

1955 Geralycosa fritschi – Petrunkevitch, p. 135; Fig. 99/2

1986 Geralycosa fritschi Ku‰ta, 1888 – Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 69

2005 Geralycosa fritschi Ku‰ta, 1888 – Penney & Selden, p. 27; Fig. 3

Type: Holotype Me 64 figured by Ku‰ta (1989, Fig. 1),Fritsch (1904, Fig. 13B; Pl. 3, Fig. 1) and Petrunkevitch(1953, Figs. 109-110, 185-187) deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: Rakovník.


Kustaria carbonaria (Ku‰ta, 1889)(Fig. 30)

1889a Scudderia carbonaria n. gen. n. sp. – Ku‰ta, pp. 196-197; Fig. 2

1904 Arthrolycosa (Scudderia) carbonaria, Ku‰ta sp. – Fritsch, pp. 6-7;

Figs. 2, 3; Pl. 1, Figs. 6, 7

1953 Kustaria carbonaria (Ku‰ta) – Petrunkevitch, p. 106; Pl. 28, Fig.

113; Pl. 53, Figs 188, 189

1955 Kustaria carbonaria (Ku‰ta) – Petrunkevitch, p. 135; Fig. 99/5

1986 Kustaria carbonaria (Ku‰ta, 1888) - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 69

2005 Kustaria carbonaria (Ku‰ta, 1888) - Penney & Selden, p. 27

Type: Holotype Me 63 figured by Ku‰ta (1889, Fig. 2),Fritsch (1904, Pl. 1, Fig. 6) and Petrunkevitch (1953, fig.189) and specimen Me 65 figured by Fritsch (1904, Pl. 1,Fig. 7) and Petrunkevitch (1953, Figs. 113, 188) are depo-sited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Rakovník.

Fig. 28. Eolycosa lorenzi Ku‰ta, 1886. Holotype, Me 75,x 7.8. Rakovník.

Fig. 29. Geralycosa frici Ku‰ta, 1889. Holotype Me 64,x 2.1. Rakovník.

Fig. 30. Kustaria carbonaria (Ku‰ta, 1889). HolotypeMe 63, x 8.3. Rakovník.

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Class Arachnida



Palaranea borassifoliae Friã, 1864(Fig. 31)

1864a Palaranea borassifoliae – Friã, p. 233, Fig. 3

1871 Palaranea borassifoliae, Fr. – Friã, pp. 8-9; Pl. 2, Fig. 7

1874a Palaranea borassifoliae, Fr. – Friã, p. 9; Pl. 2, fig. 7

1886 Palaranea borassifolia Friã – Feistmantel, p. 48

1904 Arthrolycosa? Palaranea, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 11-12; Fig. 7

1953 Palaranea borassifoliae Fritsch– Petrunkevitch, p. 104; Pl. 56,

Figs 198, 199

1955 Palaranea borassifoliae – Petrunkevitch, p. 135; Fig. 99/7

1986 Palaranea borassifoliae Fritsch, 1873 – Zajíc & ·tamberg, p.69

2005 Palaranea borassifoliae Fritsch, 1873 – Penney & Selden, p. 27

Type: Holotype E 3491(spider sitting on the leaf of Flabel-laria borassifolia Sternberg) figured by Friã (1864, Fig. 3),Fritsch (1904, Fig. 7) and Petrunkevitch (1953, Figs. 198,199) is deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Svinná (Swinná bei Radnitz).


Rakovnicia antiqua Ku‰ta, 1885(Fig. 32)

1885c Rakovnicia antiqua n. g. et n. sp. – Ku‰ta, pp. 400-401; Fig. 3

1904 Rakovnicia antiqua Ku‰ta. – Fritsch, pp. 15-16; Fig. 14; Pl. 2, Fig. 4

1953 Rakovnicia antiqua Ku‰ta – Petrunkevitch, p. 107; Pl. 26, Fig.

106; Pl. 51, Fig. 182

1955 Rakovnicia antiqua – Petrunkevitch, p. 135; Fig. 99/8

1986 Rakovnicia antiqua Ku‰ta, 1884 - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 69

2005 Rakovnicia antiqua Ku‰ta, 1884 - Penney & Selden, p. 27

Type: Holotype Me 73 figured by Ku‰ta (1885a, Fig. 3),Fritsch (1904, Pl. 2, Fig. 4) and Petrunkevitch (1953, Figs.106, 182) is deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Rakovník „Moravia mine”.






Eopholcus pedatus Fritsch, 1904(Fig. 33)

1904 Eopholcus pedatus Fr. - Fritsch, pp. 22-23; Fig. 28

1953 Eopholcus pedatus Fritsch – Petrunkevitch, p. 108; Pl. 28, Fig.

112; Pl. 54, Fig. 194

1955 Eopholcus pedatus – Petrunkevitch, p. 146; Fig. 110/6

1986 Eopholcus pedatus Fritsch, 1904 – Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 69

2005 Eopholcus pedatus Fritsch, 1904 - Penney & Selden, p. 27

Fig. 31. Palaranea borassifoliae Friã, 1864. HolotypeE 3491, x 1.6. Svinná.

Fig. 32. Rakovnicia antiqua Ku‰ta, 1885. Holotype Me 73,x 10.6. Rakovník „Moravia mine“.

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Type: Holotype Me 61 figured by Fritsch (1904, Fig. 28)and Petrunkevitch (1953, Figs. 112, 194) is deposited atthe National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.Note: Penney & Selden (2005) mentioned that membersof this family are not spiders and their localisation “pyriteof N˘fiany” is incorrect.





Dinopilio gigas Fritsch, 1904(Fig. 34)

1904 Dinopilio gigas Fr. - Fritsch, pp. 20-21; Fig. 35; Pl. 5, Figs. 3-5

1953 Dinopilio gigas Fritsch – Petrunkevitch, pp. 109-110; Pl. 26, Fig.

102; Pl. 52, Fig. 184

1955 Dinopilio gigas – Petrunkevitch, p. 148; Fig. 110/4

1986 Dinopilio gigas Fritsch, 1904 - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 69

2005 Dinopilio gigas Fritsch, 1904 - Penney & Selden, p. 28; Fig. 2

Type: Holotype Me 56 figured by Fritsch (1904, Pl. 5,Figs. 3, 4, 5) and Petrunkevitch (1953, Figs. 102, 184) isdeposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Rakovník.


Pyritaranea tubifera Fritsch, 1899(Fig. 35)

1899b Pyritaranea tubifera Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 62-63; Fig. 368

1904 Pyritaranea tubifera Fr. – Fritsch, p. 25; Fig. 31

1953 Pyritaranea tubifera Fritsch – Petrunkevitch, pp. 108-109; Pl. 27,

Fig. 111; Pl. 55, Fig. 196

1955 Pyritaranea tubifera – Petrunkevitch, p. 148; Fig. 110/3

1986 Pyritaranea tubifera Fritsch, 1899 - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 69

2005 Pyritaranea tubifera Fritsch, 1899 - Penney & Selden, p. 28

Fig. 33. Eopholcus pedatus Fritsch, 1904. Holotype Me 61, x 1.6. N˘fiany.

Fig. 34. Dinopilio gigas Fritsch, 1904. Holotype Me 56,x 2.0. Rakovník.

Fig. 35. Pyritaranea tubifera Fritsch, 1899. Holotype Me 50,x 2.6. N˘fiany.

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Type: Holotype Me 50 figured by Fritsch (1899b, Fig.368) and Petrunkevitch (1953, Figs. 111, 196) is deposi-ted at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.



Pleurolycosa prolifera (Fritsch, 1899)(Fig. 36)

1899b Arthrolycosa prolifera, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 61; Fig. 366; Pl. 153,

Figs. 1-3

1904 Pleurolycosa prolifera Fr. - Fritsch, pp. 23-24; Fig. 29

1953 Pleurolycosa prolifera (Fritsch) – Petrunkevitch, pp. 111-112;

Fig. 135

Type: Holotype Me 77 figured by Fritsch (1899, Pl. 153,Figs. 1-3) and Petrunkevitch (1953, Fig. 135) deposited inthe National Museum, Prague. Locality: N˘fiany.




Geratarbus bohemicus Petrunkevitch, 1953(Fig. 37)

1953 Geratarbus bohemicus n. sp. – Petrunkevitch, pp. 56-57; Pl. 17,

Fig. 60; Pl. 41, Fig. 144

1986 Geratarbus bohemicus Petrunkevitch, 1953 - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 69

Type: Holotype Me 132 designated by Petrunkevitch(1953, Figs. 60, 144) deposited at the National Museum,Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Orthotarbus nyranensis Petrunkevitch, 1953 (Fig. 38)

1953 Orthotarbus nyranensis n. sp. – Petrunkevitch, pp. 55-56, Figs.

53, 59, 142, 143

1955 Orthotarbus nyranensis Petr. – Petrunkevitch, p. 92, Fig. 59/1

Type: Holotype Me 133 figured by Petrunkevitch (1953,Figs. 53, 142), paratype Me 134 figured by Petrunkevitch(1953, Fig. 59) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.


Eotarbus litoralis Ku‰ta, 1889 - Rakovník

1885c Architarbus – Ku‰ta, p. 403

1889a Eotarbus litoralis n. gen. n. sp. – Ku‰ta, p. 198, 204, Fig. 3

Fig. 36. Pleurolycosa prolifera (Fritsch, 1899). HolotypeMe 77, x 2.0. N˘fiany.

Fig. 37. Geratarbus bohemicus Petrunkevitch, 1953. Holo-type P 2110, x 2.9. N˘fiany.

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1904 Eotarbis litoralis Ku‰ta – Fritsch, p. 16, Fig. 15

1953 Eotarbus litoralis Ku‰ta – Petrunkevitch, p. 57

Type: Specimen figured by Ku‰ta (1889a, Fig. 3) was lostalready in the begin of 20th Century and only figure isknown.Locality: Rakovník.









Anthracoscorpio juvenis (Ku‰ta, 1889)(Fig. 39)

1885a Cyclophthalmus senior – Ku‰ta, pp. 48-49 (partim)

1885c Cyclophthalmus senior – Ku‰ta, p. 401; Fig. 4

1889a Anthracoscorpio juvenis n. sp. - Ku‰ta, pp. 202-203

1904 Anthracoscorpio juvenis K‰t. - Fritsch, pp. 75-76; Fig. 94

1949 Anthracoscorpio juvenis Kusta – Petrunkevitch, p. 144; Pls.

44/137, 54/175

1953 Anthracoscorpio juvenis Ku‰ta, 1885 – Petrunkevitch, p. 30;

Figs. 30, 130

1955 Anthracoscorpio juvenis Ku‰ta, 1885 – Petrunkevitch, p. 74; Fig.


1986 Anthracoscorpio juvensis Ku‰ta, 1885 - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 68

1986 Anthracoscorpio juvensis Ku‰ta, 1885 – Kjellesvig-Waering, pp.

107-109; Figs. 43A, 43B, 110D, 113B3

2005 Anthracoscorpio juvenis Kusta, 1888 - Hallam

Type: Holotype M 329 is a small specimen figured byKu‰ta (1885c, Fig. 4), Fritsch (1904, Fig. 94) and Petrun-kevitch (1953, Figs. 30, 130) deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: Rakovník.







Eobuthus rakovnicensis Fritsch, 1904(Fig. 40)

1904 Eobuthus Rakovnicensis Fr. - Fritsch, pp. 74-75; Figs. 90-92; Pl.

8, Figs 1-2, Pl. 12, Figs. 2-3

1953 Isobuthus rakovnicensis (Fritsch) – Petrunkevitch (partim), pp.

20-21; Pl. 7, Figs. 18; Pl. 38, Fig. 134

Fig. 39. Anthracoscorpiojuvensis (Ku‰ta,1889). HolotypeM 329, x 3.3.Rakovník.

Fig. 38. Orthotarbus nyranensis Petrunkevitch, 1953.Holotype 6586, x 3.1. N˘fiany.

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1955 Isobuthus rakovnicensis (Fritsch) – Petrunkevitch (partim), p. 78

1986 Isobuthus rakovnicensis (Fritsch, 1904) - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 69

1986 Eobuthus rakovnicensis Friã, 1904 – Kjellesvig-Waering, pp.

158-160; Figs. 67, 112C

2005 Eobuthus rakovnicensis Fritsch, 1904 - Hallam

Type: Holotype M 313 figured by Fritsch (1904, Fig. 90)and by Petrunkevitch (1953, Fig. 134) deposited at theNational Museum, Prague. Locality: Rakovník.

Eobuthus cordai Kjellesvig-Waering, 1986(Fig. 41)

1871 Cyclophthalmus senior, Corda (Microlabis Sternbergii, Corda) –

Friã (partim), pp. 9-12; Pl. 1, Figs. 3, 4

1874a Cyclophthalmus senior, Corda (Microlabis Sternbergii, Corda) –

Friã (partim), pp. 9-12; Pl. 1, Figs. 3, 4

1904 Isobuthus Kralupensis Th. et L. sp. – Fritsch (partim), pp. 70-72;

Fig. 88B; Pl. 10, Figs.1, 2, 7, 10, 11

1953 Isobuthus kralupensis (Thorell and Lindström) – Petrunkevitch

(partim), pp.19-20; Pl. 7, Fig. 20

1986 Eobuthus cordai, new species – Kjellesvig-Waering, pp. 160-162;

Figs. 68

Types: Holotype M 319 and paratype M 320 designa-ted by Kjellesvig-Waering (1986) and figured by Friã(1871, Pl. 1, Figs. 3, 4) deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: Kralupy „Former hill âervená hÛrka“.



Feistmantelia ornata Fritsch, 1904(Fig. 42)

1904 Feistmantelia ornata Fr. – Fritsch, p. 75; Pl. 11

1953 Isobuthus ornatus (Fritsch) – Petrunkevitch, pp. 21-22; Pl. 5, Fig. 13

1986 Isobuthus ornatus (Fritsch, 1904) - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 69

1986 Feistmantelia ornata Friã, 1904 – Kjellesvig-Waering, pp. 156-

157; Fig. 66

2005 Feistmantelia ornata Fritsch, 1904 – Hallam

Type: Holotype M 330 and M 331 (pozitive and nega-tive) figured by Fritsch (1904, Pl. 11, Figs. 1-5) and Pet-runkevitch (1953, Fig. 13) deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: Studenûves.Note: In Zajíc & ·tamberg (1986) was erroneously statedlocality Kounov.

Fig. 40. Eobuthus rakovnicensis Fritsch, 1904. HolotypeM 313, x 0.9. Rakovník.

Fig. 41. Eobuthus cordai Kjellesvig-Waering, 1986. Para-type M 320, x 1.6. Kralupy “Former hill âervená hÛrka“.

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Isobuthus kralupensis (Thorell &Lindström, 1885)(Figs. 43, 44)

1871 Cyclophthalmus senior, Corda (Microlabis

Sternbergii, Corda) – Friã (partim), pp. 9-12; Pl. 1, Fig. 1

1874a Cyclophthalmus senior, Corda (Microlabis Sternbergii, Corda)

– Friã (partim), pp. 9-12; Pl. 1, Fig. 1

1885 Cyclophthalmus kralupensis Thorell and Lindström - Thorell &

Lindström, p. 17

1904 Isobuthus Kralupensis Th. et L. sp. – Fritsch, pp. 70-72; Fig. 88;

Pl. 10/1-10

1953 Isobuthus kralupensis (Thorell & Lindström) - Petrunkevitch,

pp. 19-20; Pl. 7, Fig. 20; Pl. 35, Fig. 124

1955 Isobuthus kralupensis (Thorell) – Petrunkevitch, p. 78; Fig.


1986 Isobuthus kralupensis (Thorell & Lindström, 1885) - Zajíc &

·tamberg, p. 69

1986 Isobuthus kralupensis (Thorell and Lindström), 1885 – Kjelles-

vig-Waering, pp. 153-154; Figs. 64, 112D, 113C3

2005 Isobuthus kralupensis (Thorell & Lindström, 1885) - Hallam

Types: Holotype M 314 (figured by Friã 1871, Pl. 1,Figs 1, 7; Fritsch 1904, Fig. 88; Petrunkevitch 1953, Fig.124) and several other important specimens are deposi-ted at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Kralupy.

Isobuthus nyranensis Fritsch, 1904

1904 Isobuthus? Nyfianensis Fr. – Fritsch, p. 75; Fig. 93

2005 Isobuthus nyranensis Fritsch, 1904 – Hallam

Type: Unknown.Locality: N˘fiany.

Fig. 42. Feistmantelia ornata Fritsch, 1904.Holotype M 330, x 2.0. Studenûves.

Fig. 43. Isobuthus kralupensis (Thorell & Lindström, 1885). HolotypeM 314, x 1.8. Kralupy.

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Paraisobuthus prantli Kjellesvig-Waering, 1986

1904 Eobuthus Rakovnicensis Fr. – Fritsch (partim), pp. 74-75; Fig.


1953 Isobuthus rakovnicensis (Fritsch) – Petrunkevitch (partim), pp.

20-21; Figs. 19, 123

1955 Isobuthus rakovnicensis (Fritsch) – Petrunkevitch (partim), p.

78; Fig. 46

1986 Paraisobuthus prantli, new species – Kjellesvig-Waering, pp.

198-203; Figs. 86-88, 112A, 113C4

Type: Holotype I.2950 figured by Kjellesvig-Waering(1986, Figs. 86A, B, 87, 88) deposited at the BritishMuseum (Natural History), London.Locality: Rakovník „Moravia mine“.

Paraisobuthus frici Kjellesvig-Waering, 1986(Fig. 45)

1871 Cyclophthalmus senior, Corda (Microlabis Sternbergii, Corda) –

Friã (partim), pp. 9-12, Pl. 1, Fig. 2

1874a Cyclophthalmus senior, Corda (Microlabis Stern-

bergii, Corda) – Friã (partim), pp. 9-12, Pl. 1, Fig. 2

1904 Isobuthus Kralupensis Th. et L. sp. – Fritsch (par-

tim), pp. 70-72; Pl. 10/11

1953 Isobuthus kralupensis (Thorell and Lindström) –

Petrunkevitch (partim), pp. 19-20

1986 Paraisobuthus frici, new species – Kjellesvig-Wae-

ring, pp. 203-204; Fig. 89

2005 Paraisobuthus frici Kjellesvig-Waering, 1986 –


Types: Holotype M 318 figured by Friã(1871, Pl.1, Fig. 2) and paratype M 317 figu-red by Fritsch (1904, Fig. 10) deposited at theNational Museum, Prague.Locality: Kralupy „Former hill âervenáhÛrka“.








Fig. 45. Paraisobuthus frici Kjellesvig-Waering, 1986. Holo-type M 318, x 1.5. Kralupy „Former hill âervená hÛrka“.

Fig. 44. Isobuthus kralupensis (Thorell & Lindström, 1885). Specimen M 316, x 1.2. Rakovník.

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Cyclophthalmus senior Corda, 1835(Fig. 46)

1835 Cyclophthalmus (Scorpio) senior – Corda, pp. 38-43, Figs. 1-14

1864a Cyclophthalmus senior – Friã, pp. 232-233, Fig. 1

1871 Cyclophthalmus senior, Corda (Microlabis Sternbergii, Corda) –

Friã (partim), pp. 9-12, Pl. 1, Fig. 3-8; Pl. 2, Figs. 1, 4-6; Pl. 3,

Fig. 4

1874a Cyclophthalmus senior, Corda (Microlabis Sternbergii, Corda) –

Friã (partim), pp. 9-12, Pl. 1, Figs. 3-8; Pl. 2, Figs. 1, 4-6; Pl. 3,

Fig. 4

1904 Cyclophthalmus senior Corda – Fritsch, pp. 66-68; Figs. 84-86;

Pl. 7, Pl. 8, Figs. 3-5

1953 Cyclophthalmus senior Corda – Petrunkevitch, pp. 24-25; Pl. 9,

Figs. 22-26; Pl. 36, Figs. 128, 129

1955 Cyclophthalmus senior – Petrunkevitch, p. 77; Fig. 44/4

1986 Cyclophthalmus senior Corda, 1835 - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p.68

1986 Cyclophthalmus senior Corda, 1835 – Kjellesvig-Waering, pp.

129-132; Figs. 51, 52, 111I

Types: Holotype M 311 and M 312 (part and counterpart)figured by Corda (1835, Figs. 1-14), Petrunkevitch (1953,Figs. 22-26, 128, 129 ), Fritsch (1904, Pl. 7, Figs. 1-4, Pl.8, Figs. 3-5) deposited at the National Museum, Prague. Locality: Chomle u Radnic.




Microlabis sternbergii Corda, 1839(Fig. 47)

1839 Microlabis Sternbergii. Corda – pp. 14-18, Pl. 1

1864a Microlabis Sternbergii Corda - Friã, p. 233, Fig. 2

1871 Cyclophthalmus senior, Corda (Microlabis Sternbergii, Corda) –

Friã (partim), pp. 12-13; Pl. 2; Fig. 2-3

1874a Cyclophthalmus senior, Corda (Microlabis Sternbergii, Corda) –

Friã (partim), pp. 12-13; Pl. 2, Figs. 2-3

1904 Microlabis Sternbergii Corda. – Fritsch, pp. 69-70; Fig. 87; Pl. 9

1953 Microlabis sternbergii Corda – Petrunkevitch, pp. 23-24; Pl. 8,

Fig. 21; Pl. 36, Fig. 127

1955 Microlabis sternbergii – Petrunkevitch, p. 78; Fig. 44/6

1986 Microlabis sternbergii Corda, 1839 - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p.69

1986 Microlabis sternbergii Corda, 1839 – Kjellesvig-Waering, pp.

134-135; Fig. 54

Type: Holotype No. 802 figured by Fritsch (1904, Pl. 9)and Petrunkevitch (1953, Figs. 21, 127) deposited at theNational Museum, Prague (known cast only).Locality: Chomle u Radnic.




Anthracomartus socius Ku‰ta, 1889

Fig. 46. Cyclophthalmus senior Corda, 1835. HolotypeM 311. Chomle u Radnic.

Fig. 47. Microlabis sternbergi Corda, 1839. Cast of theholotype 802, x 1.3. Chomle u Radnic.

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1889a Anthracomartus socius n. sp. – Ku‰ta, pp. 198-199; Fig. 4

1904 Anthracomartus socius K‰t. – Fritsch, p. 39; Fig. 46

Type: Unknown.Locality: Rakovník.


Cryptomartus radvanicensis Oplu‰til, 1985(Fig. 48)

1985 Cryptomartus radvanicensis sp. n. – Oplu‰til, pp. 40-42; Fig. 4;

Pl. 2, Fig. 1

Type: Specimen Me 81 figured by Oplu‰til (1985, Fig. 4)deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Radvanice „Katefiina mine“.



Promygale bohemica (Fritsch, 1895)

1895b Kreischeria bohemica Fr. – Fritsch, p. 3

1899b Promygale bohemica, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 58-59; Figs. 361, 362; Pl.

153, Figs. 6-8

1904 Promygale bohemica Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 19-20; Figs. 20-22; Pl. 15,

Fig. 1

1949 Promygale bohemica Fritsch – Petrunkevitch; Pl. 15/36

1953 Promygale bohemica (Fritsch) – Petrunkevitch, p. 64; Pl. 19, Fig.

67; Pl. 43, Figs 151, 152

1955 Promygale bohemica (Fritsch) – Petrunkevitch, p. 107; Fig. 67/2

1986 Promygale bohemica (Fritsch, 1899) - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 69

Type: Holotype M 1030 figured by Fritsch (1899b, Pl.153, Fig. 6) and Petrunkevitsch (1953, Figs. 67, 151)deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Promygale elegans Fritsch, 1899(Figs. 49, 50)

Fig. 48. Cryptomartus radvanicensis Oplu‰til, 1985. Holo-type Me 81, x 3.8. Radvanice „Katefiina mine.

Fig. 49. Promygale elegans Fritsch, 1899. Holotype M 867,x 2.0. N˘fiany.

Fig. 50. Promygale elegans Fritsch, 1895. Specimen Me 62(galvanic cast), x 1.8. N˘fiany.

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1899b Promygale? elegans Fr. – Fritsch, p. 61; Fig. 365

1904 Promygale elegans Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 21-22; Fig. 26; Pl. 15, Figs.


1953 Promygale elegans Fritsch – Petrunkevitch, pp. 64-65; Pl. 19,

Fig. 68; Pl. 43, Fig. 153

1955 Promygale elegans (Fritsch) – Petrunkevitch, p. 107; Fig. 67/3

1986 Promygale elegans (Fritsch, 1899) - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 69

Type: Holotype M 867 figured by Fritsch (1899b, Fig.365) and Petrunkevitch (1953, Fig. 153).Galvanic cast Me62 figured by Fritsch (1904, Pl. 15, Figs. 2-6) depositedat the National Museum, Prague. Locality: N˘fiany.

Promygale minor (Ku‰ta, 1885)(Fig. 51)

1885c Anthracomartus minor n. sp. –Ku‰ta, pp. 398-399; Fig. 1

1904 Anthracomartus minor K‰t. – Fritsch, pp. 38-39; Figs. 42-44; Pl.

4, Figs. 4-7

1953 Promygale minor (Ku‰ta) – Petrunkevitch, p. 65; Pl. 19, Fig. 71;

Pl. 44, Fig. 157

1986 Promygale minor (Ku‰ta, 1884) - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 69

Type: Holotype Me 72 and Me 74 (part and counterpart)figured by Ku‰ta (1885c, Pl. 1, Fig. 1), Fritsch (1904, Pl.4, Figs. 4-7) and Petrunkevitch (1953, Figs 71, 157) depo-sited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Rakovník „Moravia mine”.

Promygale janae Oplu‰til, 1986(Fig. 52)

1986 Promygale janae - Oplu‰til, pp. 288-291, Figs. 2-4, Pls. 1-2

Type: Holotype Me 128 (part and counterpart) figured byOplu‰til (1986, Fig. 2, Pls. 1-2) deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: Vinafiice u Kladna „Mayrau mine“.


Brachylycosa carcinoides (Fritsch, 1899)(Figs. 53, 54)

1899b Promygale rotundata, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 60; Figs. 363, 364; Pl. 153,

Figs. 4-5

1899b Arthrolycosa? salticoides, Fr. - Fritsch, p. 62; Pl. 153, Fig. 10

1899b Arthrolycosa carcinoides, Fr. - Fritsch, p. 62; Fig. 367

1904 Promygale rotundata Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 20-21; Figs. 23-25

1904 Perneria salticoides Fr. - Fritsch, p. 22; Fig. 27

1904 Brachylycosa carcinoides Fr. - Fritsch, p. 24; Fig. 30

1953 Brachylycosa carcinoides (Fritsch) - Petrunkevitch, pp. 62-63; Pl.

18, Figs. 62, 64, 66; Pl. 42, Figs. 146-149

1955 Brachylycosa carcinoides (Fritsch) - Petrunkevitch, p. 107; Fig. 68/8

1986 Brachylycosa carcinoides (Fritsch, 1899) - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 69

Fig. 51. Promygale minor (Ku‰ta, 1885). Holotype Me 74,x 6.1. Rakovník „Morava mine“.

Fig. 52. Promygale janae Oplu‰til, 1986. Holotype Me 128,x 4.4. Vinafiice u Kladna „Mayrau mine“.

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Type: Holotype Me 49 figured by Fritsch (1899b, Fig.367) and Petrunkevitch (1953, Fig. 146). Other importantspecimens are Me 48 described originaly as Promygalerotundata Fritsch, 1899 and figured by Fritsch (1899b,

Fig. 364) and Petrunkevitch (1953, Fig. 147), Me 57 desc-ribed originally as Arthrolycosa? salticoides Fritsch, 1899and later (Fritsch 1904) as Perneria salticoides Fritsch aredeposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fianyNote: Petrunkevitch (1953, p. 62) classified to this speciesspecimens of Promygale rotundata. If it is correct, thename Brachylycosa carcinoides (Fritsch, 1899) could bechanged into Brachylycosa rotundata (Fritsch, 1899) dueto priority.

Brachylycosa kustae Petrunkevitch, 1953(Fig. 55)

1884b (partim) Anthracomartus Krejãii – Ku‰ta, pp. 340-341

1885c (partim) Anthracomartus minor n. sp. – Ku‰ta, pp. 398-399

1904 partim Anthracomartus minor K‰t. – Fritsch, pp. 38-39, Pl. 4,

Figs. 5-7

1953 Brachylycosa ku‰tae n. sp. - Petrunkevitch, p. 63; Pl. 18, Fig. 63;

Pl. 42, Fig. 150

1955 Brachylycosa kustae Petrunkevitch - Petrunkevitch, p. 107, Fig. 68/9

1986 Brachylycosa kustai Petrunkevitch, 1953 - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 69

2005 Brachylycosa kustae Petrunkevitch, 1953 – Hallam

Fig. 53. Brachylycosa carcinoides (Fritsch, 1899). HolotypeMe 49, x 1.8. N˘fiany.

Fig. 54. Brachylycosa carcinoides (Fritsch, 1899). Speci-men Me 128, x 4.1. N˘fiany.

Fig. 55. Brachylycosa kustae Petrunkevitch, 1953. Holo-type Me 58, x 3.7. N˘fiany.

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Type: Holotype Me 58 (part and counterpart) figured byFritsch (1904, Pl. 4, Fig. 5-7) and Petrunkevitch (1953,Figs. 63, 150) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Rakovník.


Oomartus nyranensis Petrunkevitch, 1953(Fig. 56)

1953 Oomartus nyranensis n. sp. - Petrunkevitch, pp. 66-67, Pl. 19,

Fig. 70; Pl. 44, Fig. 158; Pl. 50, Fig. 176

1955 Oomartus nyranensis - Petrunkevitch, p. 107, Fig. 68/7

1986 Oomartus nyranensis Petrunkevitch, 1953 - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 69

Type: Holotype Me 131 figured by Petrunkevitch (1953,Figs. 70, 176) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.






Nyranytarbus longipes (Fritsch, 1899)(Fig. 57)

1899b Hemiphrynus longipes. Fr. – Fritsch, p. 57; Fig. 359

1904 Hemiphrynus longipes Fr. – Fritsch, p. 17; Fig. 17

1953 Hemiphrynus longipes Fritsch – Petrunkevitch, p. 87; Pl. 23, Fig.

88; Pl. 46, Fig. 162

1955 Hemiphrynus longipes – Petrunkevitch, p. 110; Fig. 77/4

1995 Nyranytarbus longipes (Friã, 1901) – Harvey & Selden, p.74

Type: Holotype Me 47 figured by Fritsch (1899b, Fig.359) and Petrunkevitch (1953, Figs. 88, 162) deposited atthe National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Nyranytarbus hofmanni (Fritsch, 1899) (Fig. 58)

1899 Hemiphrynus Hofmanni, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 58; Fig. 360

1904 Hemiphrynus Hofmanni Fr. – Fritsch, pp.18-19; Figs. 18, 19

1953 Hemiphrynus hofmanni Fritsch – Petrunkevitch, pp. 87-88; Pl.

23, Fig. 89; Pl. 46, Fig. 163

1955 Hemiphrynus hofmanni Fritsch – Petrunkevitch, p. 110; Fig. 74/1

1995 Nyranytarbus hofmanni (Friã, 1901) – Harvey & Selden, p.74

1986 Hemiphrynus hofmanni Fritsch, 1889 - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 69

2005 Nyranytarbus hoffmanni (Fric) – Hallam

Fig. 56. Oomartus nyranensis Petrunkevitch, 1953. Holo-type P 2107, x 3.0. N˘fiany.

Fig. 57. Nyranytarbus longipes (Fritsch, 1899). HolotypeMe 47, x 2.2. N˘fiany.

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Class Arachnida


Type: Holotype Me 54 figured by Fritsch (1904, Fig. 18)and Petrunkevitch (1953, Fig. 163) deposited at the Nati-onal Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.



Petrovicia proditoria Fritsch, 1904(Fig. 59)

1882c Petrovitzer Spinnenthier (Scorpion) – Ku‰ta, pp. 258-261

1904 Petrovicia proditoria Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 52-54; Figs. 66-68; Pl. 5,

Figs. 1, 2

1953 Petrovicia proditoria Fritsch - Petrunkevitch, pp. 85-86; Pl 23,

Fig. 90; Pl. 46, Fig. 164

1955 Petrovicia proditoria - Petrunkevitch, pp. 111-112; Figs. 74/2,


1986 Petrovicia proditoria Fritsch, 1904 - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 69

Type: Specimen Me 55 figured by Fritsch (1904, Pl. 5,Figs. 1, 2) and Petrunkevitch (1953, Figs. 90, 164) depo-sited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Petrovice.




Aphantomartus pustulatus (Scudder, 1844)

1985 Trigonomartus? sp. A – Oplu‰til, pp. 37-38; Fig. 2

1985 Trigonomartus? sp. B – Oplu‰til, pp. 38-39; Fig. 3

1998 Aphantomartus pustulatus (Scudder, 1844) emend. - Rössler, p. 73

Material: Specimens Me 78 and Me 83 figured by Oplu‰-til (1985, Figs. 2, 3) deposited at the National Museum,Prague.Locality: Libu‰ín u Kladna „Schöller mine“.

Aphantomartus areolatus Pocock, 1911(Fig. 60)

1985 Aphantomartus areolatus Pocock, 1911 - Oplu‰til, pp. 36-37; Fig.

1; Pl. 1, Fig. 1

Material: Specimen Me 82 figured by Oplu‰til (1985, Fig.1; Pl. 1, Fig. 1) deposited in the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Libu‰ín u Kladna „Schöller mine“.

Fig. 58. Nyranytarbus hofmanni (Fritsch, 1899). HolotypeMe 54, x 3.3. N˘fiany.

Fig. 59. Petrovicia proditoria Fritsch, 1904. Holotype Me55, x 2.5. Petrovice.

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Class Arachnida



Planomartus krejcii (Ku‰ta, 1884)(Fig. 61)

1884b Anthracomartus Krejãii n. sp. - Ku‰ta, pp. 341-342; Figs 1-3

1885c Anthracomartus affinis n. sp. – Ku‰ta, pp. 399-400, Fig. 2

1904 Anthracomartus Krejãii Ku‰ta. - Fritsch, pp. 36-37; Figs. 40-41;

Pl. 4, Figs. 1-3

1904 Anthracomartus affinis K‰t. – Fritsch, p. 39, Fig. 45, Pl. 4, Fig. 8

1953 Planomartus krejcii (Ku‰ta) – Petrunkevitch, pp. 93-94; Pl. 20,

Figs. 78, 79; Pl. 49, Fig. 173; Pl. 50, Figs. 174, 175

1955 Planomartus krejcii (Ku‰ta) – Petrunkevitch, pp. 113-114; Fig.


1986 Planomartus krejcii (Ku‰ta, 1884) – Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 69

Type: Holotype Me 66 (part and counterpart) figured byKu‰ta (1884b, Figs. 1-3), Fritsch (1904, Figs. 1-3) andPetrunkevitch (1953, Figs. 78, 174, 175). Holotype (partand counterpart) Me 71 described originaly as Anthraco-martus affinis Ku‰ta, 1885 (figured by Ku‰ta 1885c, Fig.2; Fritsch 1904, Pl. 4, Fig. 8, Pl. 2, Fig. 1) deposited at theNational Museum, Prague.Locality: Rakovník. Note: Locality Petrovice in Zajíc & ·tamberg (1986) ismistaken.

Trigonomartidae ? gen. et sp. indet. – Ovãín

1985 Trigonomartidae ? gen. et sp. indet. – Oplu‰til, p. 39, Pl. 2, Fig. 2

Material: Specimen Me 80 figured by Oplu‰til (1985, Pl.2, Fig. 2) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Ovãín „Opencast mine“.


Anthracosironidae ? gen. et sp. indet.

1985 Anthracosironidae ? gen. et sp. indet. – Oplu‰til, p. 40, Pl. 1, Fig. 2

Material: Specimen Me 79 figured by Oplu‰til (1985, Pl.1, Fig. 2) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Kladno.


Localities: HV II (N˘fiany M.); ¤i-26 (Radnice CoalSeams)




Prothelyphonus bohemicus (Ku‰ta, 1885) (Figs. 62, 63)

1885b Thelyphonus bohemicus n. sp. – Ku‰ta, pp. 186-191; Figs. 1-4

1889a Geralinura noctua n. sp. – Ku‰ta, pp. 201, 206, 207; Fig. 6

1889a Geralinura (Thelyphonus) bohemica – Ku‰ta, p. 206

1889a Geralinura bohemica K‰t. sp. – Ku‰ta, p. 207

1889a Geralinura (crassa) n. sp. – Ku‰ta, pp. 202, 206, 207

Fig. 60. Aphantomartus areolatus Pocock, 1911. Speci-men Me 82, x 1.6. Libu‰ín u Kladna „Schöller mine“.

Fig. 61. Planomartus krejcii (Ku‰ta, 1884). Holotype Me66, x 2.1. Rakovník.

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Class Arachnida


1889a Geralinura Scudderi n. sp. – Ku‰ta, pp. 200-201, 205, 207; Fig. 5

1904 Prothelyphonus bohemicus Kt. – Fritsch, pp. 59-62; Figs. 71-75,

76; Pl. 6, Figs. 2-8 (including Geralinura Scudderi K‰t., Gera-

linura noctua K‰t. and Geralinura crassa Kt.)

1904 Prothelyphonus? Cordai Fr. – Fritsch, p. 62; Fig. 84; Pl. 6, Fig. 1

1953 Prothelyphonus bohemicus (Ku‰ta) – Petrunkevitch, pp. 96-97;

Figs. 99-101, 179-180

Type: Holotype Me 67 figured by Ku‰ta (1885, Pl. 1, Fig.4), Fritsch (1904, Fig. 73), Petrunkevitch (1953, Figs. 99-101, 179) and specimens Me 68 (part and counterpart)figured by Ku‰ta (1885, Pl. 1, Figs 1, 2), Fritsch (1904,Fig. 74; Pl. 6, Figs 5, 6), Petrunkevitch (1953, Fig. 180),Me 69 (figured by Ku‰ta 1885, Pl. 1, Fig. 3), Fritsch(1904, Pl. 6, Fig. 7), Me 105 figured as Geralinura noc-tua by Ku‰ta (1889, Pl. 1, Fig. 6) and by Fritsch (1904, Pl.6, Fig. 2), Me 136 described and figured by Ku‰ta (1888,Pl. 1, Fig. 5) as Geralinura scudderi deposited at the Nati-onal Museum, Prague.Locality: Rakovník.


Localities: Kromle (in Friã 1912 as Arthrolycosa); Lo-6(M‰ec M.); Mt-1 (M‰ec M.); Sa-9 (M‰ec M.)


Locality: Svitávka „Hradisko hill – S foot“ (one proble-matic opistostoma)

Fig. 62. Prothelyphonus bohemicus (Ku‰ta, 1885). Holo-type Me 67, x 1.7. Rakovník.

Fig. 63. Prothelyphonus bohemicus (Ku‰ta, 1885). Speci-men Me 68, x 2.2. Rakovník.

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Class Branchiopoda







& MAZERAN, 1912

Lioestheria lallyensis Depéret & Mazeran, 1912

1981a Lioestheria oboraensis n. sp. - Holub & Kozur, pp. 64-66; Pl. 4,

Figs. 3, 4; Pl. 5, Figs. 1-4

1982 Lioestheria lallyensis Depéret & Mazeran, 1912 – Martens, pp.

60-61; Pls. 13-15

Material: Specimen HK 1981-III-5 figured by Holub &Kozur (1981, Pl. 4, Fig. 4) deposited at the Collection ofMAFI, Budapest. Specimens citied by Martens (1982)deposited at the Paleontological Institute of Charles Uni-versity (not found). Locality: Obora.

Lioestheria extuberata Jones & Woodward, 1899

1981a Lioestheria extuberata (Jones & Woodward, 1899) – Holub &

Kozur, pp. 60-62, Pl. 2, Fig. 5; Pl. 3, Fig. 4

Locality: Zbonûk.


Pseudestheria tenella (Bronn, 1850)(Figs. 64, 65)

1895b Estheria cyanea Fr. – Fritsch, p. 3

1895b Estheria palaeoniscorum Fr. – Fritsch, p. 3

1895b Estheria calcarea Fr. – Fritsch, p. 3

1901 Estheria cyanea, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 78; Pl. 160, Fig. 4; Pl. 160, Fig. 5

1901 Estheria calcarea, Fr. - Fritsch, p. 78; Pl. 160, Figs. 9, 10; Pl.

161, Fig. 4

1901 Estheria Palaeoniscorum, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 77-78; Pl. 160, Figs. 6, 8

1901 Estheria paupera, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 78; Pl. 161, Fig. 5

1912 Estheria cyanea Fr. – Friã, p. 32

1953 Pseudestheria tenella (Bronn) 1850 – Kamarád, pp. 8-16; Pl. 1,

Figs. 1-10; Pl. 2, Figs. 1-13; Pl. 3, Figs. 6-9

1981a Limnestheria palaeniscorum, (Fritsch, 1901) – Holub & Kozur,

pp. 56-57; Pl. 1, Figs. 1-4; Pl. 2, Figs. 1-4; Pl. 10, Fig. 1

1981a Lioestheria paupera (Fritsch, 1901) – Holub & Kozur, pp. 58-59;

Pl. 4, Fig.1

1986 Pseudestheria tenella (Bronn, 1850) – Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 69

Material: Specimen M 1047 figured by Fritsch (1901,Figs. 4-5) as Estheria cyanea, specimen IFG 650 figuredby Fritsch (1901, Pl. 160, Fig. 6) as Estheria palaeonisco-rum, specimens M 1070, M 1071 figured by Fritsch(1901, Pl. 160, Figs. 9, 10) and FDG 658 figured byFritsch (1901, Pl. 161, Fig. 4) as Estheria calcarea aredeposited at the National Museum, Prague. Localities: Bítouchov (near Veselá) (Fritsch as Estheriapaupera, Holub & Kozur 1981 as Protolimnadia calca-rea); Broumov „West environs“ (Holub & Kozur 1981 asLioestheria palaeoniscorum); âesk˘ Brod „Southernperiphery – Peklov“; âesk˘ Brod „Skalka“ (Fritsch asEstheria paupera, Holub & Kozur 1981 as Lioestheriapalaeoniscorum); Hfiedle (Fritsch 1912 as Estheria cya-nea); Ko‰Èálov (unspecified) (Fritsch as Estheria palaeo-niscorum, Holub & Kozur 1981 as Lioestheria palaeonis-corum); Ko‰Èálov „Valdice“ (Fritsch as Estheria cyanea);Kounov (Fritsch as Estheria cyanea, Holub & Kozur 1981as Limnestheria cyanea); Nová Paka „Aerodrome“(Fritsch as Estheria paupera, Holub & Kozur 1981 as Lio-estheria paupera); Olivûtín (Fritsch as Estheria calcarea);PlouÏnice (unspecified) (Blecha et al. 1997); Velvary„Anna adit“ (Obrhel & Malich 1957); Îacléfi; Îìáru Kumburku „Smíta“ (Fritsch as Estheria paupera, Holub& Kozur as Lioestheria paupera)

Pseudestheria ultima (Fritsch, 1895)

1895b Estheria ultima Fr. – p. 4

1901 Estheria ultima, Fr. – Fritsch, p.78; Pl. 160, Fig. 11; Pl. 160,

Fig. 12

1953 Pseudestheria ultima (Friã 1901) – Kamarád, pp. 16-17; Pl. 3,

Figs. 1-4

1981a Protolimnadia calcarea (Fritsch, 1901) – Holub & Kozur, pp. 68-

70; Pl. 8, Figs. 1-3; Pl. 9, Figs. 1-4; Pl. 10, Figs. 2-4

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Class Branchiopoda


Types: Specimen FDG 652 figured by Fritsch (1901, Pl.161, Fig. 11) as Estheria ultima is deposited at the Natio-nal Museum, Prague. Localities: Bítouchov (near Veselá) (Holub & Kozur1981 as Protolimnadia calcarea); Broumov „West envi-rons“ (Holub & Kozur 1981 as Protolimnadia calcarea)

Pseudestheria aff. breitenbachensis Martens, 1983

Locality: Vrchlabí „Road cut“ (·imÛnek, Zajíc & Dráb-ková 1990).

Pseudestheria sp.

1901 Estheria concretionum, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 77; Pl. 161, Fig. 6

1953 Pseudestheria sp. – Kamarád, pp. 18-19; Pl. 1, Fig. 12; Pl. 3, Fig. 5

Material: Specimen FDG 660 figured by Fritsch (1901,Pl. 161, Fig. 6) as Estheria concretionum is deposited atthe National Museum, Prague.Locality: Tfiemo‰ná.

Pseudestheria sp.

1912 Cypris sp. – Friã, p. 32

Locality: Klobuky „Adit“.

Pseudestheria sp.

1901 Estheria paupera Fr. – Fritsch, p. 78

Material: Specimen FDG 659 figured by Fritsch (1901, Pl.161, Fig. 5) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.

Fig. 64. Pseudestheria tenella (Bronn, 1850). Specimens M 1047 (Fig. 64A) and M 1048 (Fig. 64B), x 10.1. Kounov.

Fig. 65. Pseudestheria tenella (Bronn, 1850). SpecimenIFG 650, x 12.0. Ko‰Èálov (unspecified).

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Class Branchiopoda


Localities: âesk˘ Brod „Southern periphery – Peklov“;Pfiistoupim.


Localities: Baãov (Martens 1982); Bc-1 (M‰ec M.); B‰-3(M‰ec M.); Bylany u âeského Brodu; Chobot; Co-11(M‰ec M.); F-1 (Rudník H.); F-2 (Rudník H.); F-3 (Rud-ník H.); HK-1 (Rudník H.; Zajíc 1989 as ?Lioestheriasp.); Horní Kalná (unspecified) (Havlena & ·pinar 1952);Svitávka „Hradisko hill“ (Martens 1982); Jb-1 (M‰ecM.); Jk-6 (Rudník H.); Kh-1 (Arkosic H., Kalná H.);Kochov „In the streams“; Ko‰Èálov (all localities exceptof Ko‰Èálov „Dump of the adit Nadûje“); Kundratice„Doly“; Lbl-2 (Hfiedle M.); Letovice „Jindfiichov“ (Mar-tens 1982); Lib-1 (Jelenice M., Zdûtín H., Línû F.; Zajíc1989 as ?Lioestheria sp.); Ln-1 (M‰ec M.); MB-3 (ZdûtínH.); MB-7 (Kounov M.); MJ-2 (Stránka H.); Mt-1 (ZdûtínH.); MV-2 (M‰ec M.); Nabdín; Obora (Martens 1982);Oslavany „Left bank of the river Oslava“ (Martens 1982);Padochov „Pipeline excavation“; Pfiíkr˘ „HonkÛvcreek“; Pu-1 (Hfiedle M.); ¤íãany (Martens 1982); Rk-9a (Rudník H.); RPZ-22 (M‰ec M., Hfiedle M.); Rybnice„Hrádeck˘ creek“; Sã-1 (Black Shale H., Middle SemilyF., Upper Semily F.); Semily „Left bank of Jizera river“;Srbeã „Pipeline excavation“; S‰-1 (M‰ec M., Zdûtín H.);Str-1 (Klobuky H.); Sudice (Martens 1982); Víchová; VL-1 (Hfiedle M.); Vrchlabí „Road cut“; V‰-1 (Rudník H.);Zbonûk (Martens 1982); Zb˘‰ov (Martens 1982) ?Lioest-heria sp.




Euestheria cebennensis (Grand’Eury, 1890)(Fig. 66)

1875 Estheria tenella – Friã, p. 74

1879a Estheria tenella? – Fritsch, p. 31

1895b Estheria triangularis Fr. – p. 3

1901 Estheria triangularis, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 77; Pl. 160, Figs. 1-3; Pl.

161, Figs. 1-3

1939 Estheria (Euestheria) cebennensis Grand’Eury – Prantl, pp. 155-


1953 Pseudestheria cebennensis (Grand’Eury, 1890) – Kamarád, pp.

17-18; Pl. 1, Fig 11; Pl. 3, Fig 11

1981a Limnestheria cebennensis (Grand’Eury, 1890) – Holub & Kozur,

p. 53

1986 Pseudestheria cebennensis (Grand’Eury, 1890) – Zajíc & ·tam-

berg, p. 69

Material: Specimens Me 46, Me 44, Me 43, M 1046 figu-red by Fritsch (1901, Pl. 160, Fig. 1, Pl. 161, Figs. 1, 3) asEstheria triangularis, specimen FGH 660 figured byFritsch (1901, Pl. 161, Fig. 6) as Estheria concretionum,are deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Localities: N˘fiany, Tfiemo‰ná.



Localities: Be-1 (Kounov M.); Co-12 (M‰ec M.); DB-1(Upper Syfienov F.); Dl-2 (M‰ec M.); Dm-7 (Kounov M.);Dm-9 (M‰ec M.); Dv-1 (N˘fiany M., M‰ec M., HfiedleM.); Kk-1 (Hfiedle M.); Ln-1 (M‰ec M.); MB-6 (KounovM.); MB-7 (Kladno F., Kounov M.); MB-13 (Hfiedle M.);Nm-1 (Jelenice M.); Pu-1 (Hfiedle M.); Sa-2a (M‰ec M.);Sa-9 (M‰ec M.); Se-1 (Kumburk F.); Sz-1 (Hfiedle M.);VD-2 (Upper SvatoÀovice M.); VL-1 (Hfiedle M.); St-11(Upper SvatoÀovice M.); Tfi-10 (Kounov M.); V‰-1 (BlackShale H.)

Fig. 66. Euestheria cebennensis (Grand’Eury, 1890). Spe-cimen Me 46, x 7.3. N˘fiany.

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Class Ostracoda




-BRADLEY, 1961




Carbonita salteriana (Jones 1862)

1895b Candona elongata Goldenb – Fritsch, p. 4

1895b Carbonia Salteriana Jones et Kirby – Fritsch, p. 4

1901 Carbonita Salteriana Jones et Kirby - Fritsch, p. 76; Pl. 160, Fig. 15

1901 Carbonita fabulina Jones et Kirby - Fritsch, p. 76; Pl. 160,

Figs. 13, 14

1901 Cythere pustulosa, Fr. - Fritsch, p. 76; Pl. 160, Fig. 16; Pl. 160,

Fig. 17

1912 Cytherea pustulosa – Friã, p. 35

Material: Specimens IFG 654 figured by Fritsch (1901,Pl. 160, Fig. 15) as Carbonita salteriana, IFG 655 figuredby Fritsch (1901, Pl. 160, Figs. 16, 17) as Cythere pustu-losa, M 1052, M 1053 figured by Fritsch (1901, Pl. 160,Figs. 13, 14) as Carbonita fabulina are deposited at theNational Museum, Prague.Localities: Klobuky; Kfieãovice pod Troskami; Peruc.

Carbonita sp.

Localities: Chobot; Dm-7 (Kounov M.); Dn-3 (Zdûtín H.);Jk-6 (Rudník H.); Ke-8 (Zdûtín H.); Klobuky „Quarry“;Klobuky „Slope“; Klobuky „Adit“ (Fritsch 1895 as Cyt-here sp.); Kfieãovice pod Troskami; Kv-1 Ko‰Èálov (·tûpa-nice - âikvásky H., Rudník H.); Lib-1 (Zdûtín H.); MJ-2(Zdûtín H.); Mt-1 (Zdûtín H.); MV-1 (Zdûtín H.); MV-2(Zdûtín H.); Nedvûzí „Otto adit“; Nm-1 (Zdûtín H., LínûF.); Panensk˘ T˘nec; Peruc; Sã-1 (Middle Semily F., PlouÏ-nice H., Upper Semily F.); S‰-1 (Zdûtín H., Klobuky H.);Str-1 (Zdûtín H.); Sy-1 (?Zdûtín H.); Zl-1 (?Zdûtín H.)Note: Still unrevised, tentatively classified as family Car-bonitidae and genus Carbonita.


„Bythocypris“ mytiloides Fritsch, 1901

1901 Bythocypris? mytiloides, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 76; Pl. 161, Fig. 7

1902 „Bythocypris“ mytiloides – Danûk, p. 14

2006 Bythocypris sp. - Pokorn˘, Kraft & Bouãek, p. 34

2007 Bythocypris sp. Brady, 1880 - Pokorn˘ & Kraft, p. 58; Fig. 6

Material: Specimen FDG 661 figured by Fritsch (1901, Pl.161, Fig. 7) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Localitiy: Chobot.Note: Still unrevised.

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Page 77: Stamberg & Zajic 2008


Class Malacostraca






& WORTHEN, 1865


Monicaris rudnicensis ·tamberg, 2000(Fig. 67)

2000 Monicaris rudnicensis sp. n. – ·tamberg, pp. 67-72; Figs. 1-10

Type: Specimen MHK 60311a figured by ·tamberg(2000, Figs. 1A, B) deposited at the Museum of EasternBohemia in Hradec Králové.Locality: Pfiíkr˘ „HonkÛv creek“.



Nectotelson krejcii (Friã, 1875)(Figs. 68, 69, 70)

1870 Gampsonychus sp. – Fritsch, p.34

1875 Gampsonychus Krejãii Fr. – pp. 74-75

1901 Gasocaris Krejãii, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 66-71; Figs. 371-376; Pls.


1969 Palaeocaris krejcii (Fritsch) – Brooks, p. 355; Fig. 170/1b

1969 Palaeocaris krejcii (Fritsch, 1875) – Schram, pp. 221, 227

1984 Nectotelson krejcii (Fritsch) 1875 – Schram, pp. 228-231; Fig.

20; Pls. 6/H; 7/C-G, 8/A-D

1986 Palaeocaris krejcii (Fritsch, 1875) – Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 70

1993 Nectotelson krejcii (Fritsch, 1875) – Briggs, Weedon & Whyte, p.


Type: Fritsch (1901) used for his studies more than 30specimens without the determination of the type. Fritsch

(1901) figured specimensM 872 on Fig. 374; Me 51 onFig. 371; M 1050 on Pl. 156,Fig. 7; M 1042 on Pl. 158,Figs. 3-4; Me 42 on Pl. 158,Fig. 2; M 1033 on Pl. 158, Fig.2; M 1054 on Pl. 156, Fig. 6;Me 41 on Pl. 158, Fig. 1;M 1078 on Pl. 156, Fig. 2; Me40 on Pl. 156, Fig. 1 and on Pl.158, Fig. 5; M 1044 on Pl.158, Fig. 7; M 1035 on Pl.157, Fig. 1. The lectotypeM 1050 was distinguished bySchram (1984), but on hisfigure (Schram 1984, Pl. 8,Fig. A) is specimen M 1054and not M 1050. All abovementioned specimens aredeposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany, Tfiemo‰ná.Fig. 67. Monicaris rudnicensis ·tamberg, 2000. Holotype, MHK 60311a, x 9.0. Pfiíkr˘

„HonkÛv creek“.

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Class Malacostraca



Palaeorchestia parallela (Friã, 1871)(Fig. 71)

1859 Gamsonychus – Krejãí, p. 79

1864a Gampsonichus fimbriatus Burmeister. – Friã, p. 234, Fig. 5

1871 Gampsonychus parallelus, Fr. – Friã, pp. 5-7, Pl. 3, Fig. 1, Pl. 4

1874 Gampsonichus parallelus. Fritsch. – Feistmantel, p. 54

1874a Gampsonychus parallelus, Fr. – Friã, p. 4-7, Pl. 3, Fig. 1, Pl. 4

1901 Palaeorchestia parallela (Zittel) – Fritsch, p. 73

1986 Palaeorchestia paralella (Fritsch, 1877) - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 70

1984 Palaeorchestia parallela (Fritsch), 1876 – Schram, pp.237-238;

Fig. 24; Pls. 9/D, 9/E

Fig. 68. Nectotelson krejcii (Friã, 1875). Lectotype,M 1054, x 6.9. N˘fiany.

Fig. 69. Nectotelson krejcii (Friã, 1875). Tailfan with strongspines on the telson. Lectotype, M 1054, x 15. N˘fiany.

Fig. 70. Nectotelson krejcii (Friã, 1875). Specimen Me 40,x 8.4. N˘fiany.

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Class Malacostraca


Type: Lectotype Me 52 distinguished and figured bySchram (1984, Pl. 9, Figs. D-E) and figured by Fritsch(1874a, Pl. 3, Fig. 1, Pl. 4) is deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: Lísek u Berouna.

Syncarida gen. et sp. indet.

Localities: Co-12 (Hfiedle M.); Jb-1 (Hfiedle M.); Klobuky„Sugar rafinery“; Klobuky „Slope“; ¤i-22 (M‰ec M.)Note: Hou‰a (1965, p. 717) mentioned Uronectes fimbri-atus (Jordan, 1847) from the Lower Permian deposits ofBohemia. This species was, however, described as Gampso-nychus fimbriatus by Fritsch (1901) not from any Bohemianlocality but from Lebach (the Saar-Nahe Basin; Germany).

Fig. 71. Palaeorchestia parallela (Friã 1871). Lectotype,Me 52, x 2.6. Lísek near Beroun.

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Superclass Myriapoda, Class Diplopoda






Arthropleura armata Jordan, 1854(Fig. 72)

1938 Arthropleura armata Jordan & Meyer – Prantl, pp. 214-218

Material: Specimen Me 76 described by Prantl (1938, pp.214-218) is deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Janov u Miro‰ova.

Arthropleura sp.

Material: Specimen without number deposited at theNational Museum, Prague.Localities: Radvanice „Katefiina mine“; Rt-2 (Petro-vice M.).Note: Still undescribed specimen (·imÛnek, oral commu-nication).







Euphoberia histrix Fritsch, 1899(Figs. 73, 74)

1899a Euphoberia histrix, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 23-24; Figs. 332-333; Pl.

138, Fig. 8

1969 Euphoberia histrix Fritsch – Hoffman, p. 577; Fig. 364/1

Type: Specimen M 1013 figured by Fritsch (1899a, Fig.333) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Fig. 72. Arthropleura armata Jordan, 1854. Specimen Me76, x 1.4. Janov.

Fig. 73. Euphoberia histrix Fritsch, 1899. Specimen M 1013,x 1.5. N˘fiany.

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Euphoberia varians Fritsch, 1899(Fig. 75)

1899a Euphoberia varians, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 23; Fig. 331; Pl. 138,

Figs. 1-7

Type: Specimen Me 20 figured by Fritsch (1899a, Pl. 138,Fig. 1) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Euphoberia absens Fritsch, 1899(Fig. 76)

1899a Euphoberia absens, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 25; Fig. 334; Pl. 135, Fig. 9

Types: Fritsch (1899a) figured two specimens. Me 24 isbetter one figured on Pl. 135, Fig. 9 deposited at the Nati-onal Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.


Acantherpestes gigasFritsch, 1895

1895 Acantherpestes gigas

Fr. – Fritsch, p. 2

1899a Acantherpestes gigas,

Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 16-18;

Figs. 323 – 324; Pl. 134,

Figs. 1-7

1969 Acantherpestes gigas

Fritsch – Hoffman, p.

577; Fig. 365/2

Type: Specimen figured byFritsch (1899a, Pl. 134, Figs.1-7) deposited at the WestBohemian Museum in Pilsen(not found). Galvanic castMe 5 is deposited at the Nati-onal Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Fig. 74. Euphoberia histrix Fritsch, 1899. Specimen Me 37(National Museum, Prague), x 1.8. N˘fiany.

Fig. 76. Euphoberia absens Fritsch, 1899. Specimen Me 24.N˘fiany.

Fig. 75. Euphoberia varians Fritsch, 1899. Specimen Me 20, x 1.5. N˘fiany.

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Acantherpestes ornatus Fritsch, 1899

1899a Acantherpestes ornatus, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 19-21; Figs. 327-328;

Pl. 136, Figs. 1-10

Type: Whole specimen No. 58 figured by Fritsch (1899a,Pl. 136) deposited at the West Bohemian Museum in Pilsen(not found).Locality: N˘fiany.

Acantherpestes foveolatus Fritsch, 1899(Fig. 77)

1899a Acantherpestes foveolatus, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 21-22; Figs. 329-

330; Pl. 137, Figs. 1-6

Type: Specimen Me 4 figured by Fritsch (1899a, Pl. 137,Fig. 1) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Acantherpestes vicinus Fritsch, 1899

1899a Acantherpestes vicinus, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 18-19; Figs. 325-326;

Pl. 135, Figs. 1-6

Types: Specimens Me 1 (original) and Me 2 (galvanic cast)figured by Fritsch (1899a, Pl. 135, Fig. 1), M 1009 (Fritsch1899a, Pl. 135, Fig. 6) are deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.






Isojulus constans (Friã, 1875) (Fig. 78)

1875 Julus constans Fr. – Friã, p. 74

1879 Julus constans Fritsch – Fritsch, p. 192

1886 Julus constans Friã – Feistmantel, p. 48

1895 Archijulus constans Fr. – Fritsch, p. 2

1899a Isojulus constans Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 25-26; Fig. 336; Pl. 142, Figs. 1-3

1899a Isojulus setipes Fr. - Fritsch, p. 26; Pl. 142, Figs. 4-8

1899a Isojulus marginatus Fr. - Fritsch, pp. 26 – 27; Pl. 140, Figs. 1, 2;

Pl. 142, Figs. 9, 10

1899a Pleurojulus longipes Fr. - Fritsch, pp. 28-29; Pl. 140, Figs. 3-7

1899a Pleurojulus falcifer Fr. - Fritsch, p. 29; Pl. 140, Fig. 10

1969 Isojulus constans - Hoffman, p. 595

2005 Isojulus constans (Fritsch, 1879) – Wilson & Hannibal, p. 1109,

1111; Figs. 7, 8

Type: Holotype M 1040 and M 1041 (part and counter-part) designated by Wilson & Hannibal (2005), figured byFritsch (1899a, Pl. 142, Figs. 1-3) deposited at the Natio-nal Museum, Prague. Specimen Me 11 figured by Fritsch(1899a) as Pleurojulus longipes on Pl. 140, Fig. 3. Locality: N˘fiany.

Genus Pleurojulus Fritsch, 1899

Pleurojulus biornatus Fritsch, 1899(Figs. 79, 80)

Fig. 77. Acantherpestes foveolatus Fritsch, 1899. Speci-men Me 4, x 1.3. N˘fiany.

Fig. 78. Isojulus constans (Friã, 1875). Holotype M 1041,x 1.3. N˘fiany.

Fig. 79. Pleurojulus biornatus Fritsch, 1899. HolotypeM 1004, x 1.3. N˘fiany.

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1899a Pleurojulus biornatus, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 27-28; Pl. 139, Figs. 1-10;

Pl. 143, Fig. 9

1869 Pleurojulus biornatus Fritsch – Hoffman, p. 595

2005 Pleurojulus biornatus Fritsch, 1899 – Wilson & Hannibal, p. 1107;

Figs. 2.5, 2.6

Type: Specimens Me 7 and M 1004 (part and counterpart)figured by Fritsch (1899a, Pl. 139, Fig. 1) deposited at theNational Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Pleurojulus levis Fritsch, 1899(Fig. 81)

1899a Pleurojulus levis, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 28; Pl. 141, Figs. 1-11

1899a Pleurojulus aculeatus Fr. – Fritsch, p. 28; Pl. 141, Figs. 11-14

1899a Pleurojulus pinguis Fr. – Fritsch, p. 29; Pl. 140, Figs. 8-9

1969 Pleurojulus levis Fritsch – Hoffman, p. 595; Fig. 379/1

2005 Pleurojulus levis Fritsch, 1899 – Wilson & Hannibal, p. 1107;

Figs. 2.1, 2.4

Type: Specimen Me 13 figured by Fritsch (1899a, Pl. 141,Fig. 1) deposited in the National Museum, Prague. Speci-men Me 12 figured by Fritsch (1899a) as Pleurojulus pin-guis on Pl. 140, Figs. 8, 9.Locality: N˘fiany.





Amynilyspes typicus Fritsch, 1899(Fig. 82)

1899b Amynilispes typicus, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 34-35; Fig. 340; Pl. 145,

Fig. 1-2; Pl. 147, Figs. 1-3

1969 Amynilyspes typicus Fritsch – Hoffman, p. 586; Fig. 370/1

2004 Amynilyspes typicus Fritsch, 1899 – Racheboeuf, Hannibal &

Vannier, p. 222

Types: Specimens M 1034 figured by Fritsch (1899b, Pl.145, Fig. 1) and M 1072 figured by Fritsch (1899b, Pl. 147,Figs. 1-3) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Amynilyspes crescens Fritsch, 1899

1899b Amynilispes crescens, fr. – Fritsch, p. 35; Pl. 146, Fig. 1

2004 Amynilyspes crescens Fritsch, 1899 – Racheboeuf, Hannibal &

Vannier, p. 222

Type: Specimen A 76 figured by Fritsch (1899, Pl. 146,Fig. 1) deposited at the National Museum, Prague or at theNaturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not found).Locality: N˘fiany.

Fig. 80. Pleurojulus biornatus Fritsch, 1899. Holotype Me7 (counterpart from M 1004), x 1.4. N˘fiany.

Fig. 82. Amynilyspes typicus Fritsch, 1899. Specimen1034, x 3.0. N˘fiany.

Fig. 81. Pleurojulus levis Fritsch, 1899. Specimen Me 13,x 1.6. N˘fiany.

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Family „Sphaerherpestidae“ Fritsch, 1899(see Ross & Briggs 1993, p.358)


Glomeropsis ovalis Fritsch, 1895(Fig. 83)

1895 Glomeropsis ovalis Fr. – Fritsch, p. 2

1899b Glomeropsis ovalis, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 38-39; Fig. 345; Pl. 149,

Figs. 1, 2, 4-7; Pl. 150, Fig. 1

1969 Glomeropsis ovalis – Hoffman, p. 586

1993 Glomeropsis ovalis Fritsch, 1899 – Ross & Briggs, p.358

Types: Specimens M 1000 figured by Fritsch (1899b, Pl.149, Fig. 1), M 1072 (Fritsch 1899b, Pl. 150, Fig. 1) andothers are deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany, Tfiemo‰ná.

Glomeropsis crassa Fritsch, 1899(Fig. 84)

1899b Glomeropsis crassa, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 40; Pl. 150, Figs. 2-3

Type: Specimen Me 32 (galvanic cast) figured by Fritsch(1899b, Pl. 150, Fig. 2) deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Glomeropsis magna Fritsch, 1899(Fig. 85)

1899b Glomeropsis magna, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 40; Pl. 152, Figs. 1-5

Type: Specimen Me 34 (galvanic cast only) figured byFritsch (1899b, Pl. 152, Fig. 1) deposited in the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Glomeropsis multicarinata Fritsch, 1899

1899 Glomeropsis multicarinata, Fr. – Fritsch; Fig. 358

1901 Glomeropsis multicarinata, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 97-98; Pl. 165, Figs.

1, 2

Type: Specimen IFG 668 figured by Fritsch (1901, Pl.165, Figs. 1-2) deposited at the National Museum, Prague(not found).Locality: N˘fiany.

Fig. 83. Glomeropsis ovalis Fritsch, 1895. SpecimenM 1037 (National Museum, Prague), x 1.8. N˘fiany.

Fig. 84. Glomeropsis crassa Fritsch, 1899. Specimen Me 32,x 2.0. N˘fiany.

Fig. 85. Glomeropsis magna Fritsch, 1899. Specimen Me34 (galvanic cast), x 1.8. N˘fiany.

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Anthracojulus pictus (Friã, 1875)(Fig. 86)

1875 Julus pictus – Friã, p. 77

1877b Julus pictus Fr. – Friã, p. 47

1886 Julus pictus Friã – Feistmantel, p. 48

1895b Archijulus pictus – Fritsch, p. 2

1899b Anthracojulus pictus, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 30-31; Figs. 337-338; Pl.

143, Figs. 1-8

1969 Anthracojulus pictus – Hoffman, p. 588; Fig. 374/1

1993 Anthracojulus pictus Fritsch, 1899 – Ross & Briggs, p. 359

Types: Specimens M 999 figured by Fritsch (1899b, Pl.143, Fig. 1), Me 16 figured by Fritsch (1899b, Fig. 2) andothers deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Localities: Kounov, Zábofi.




Purkynia lata Fritsch, 1899(Fig. 87)

1899a Purkynia lata, Fr. – Fritsch, Pl. 144, Figs. 1-3

1899b Purkynia lata, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 41; Fig. 346

1969 Purkynia lata – Hoffman, p. 605

2005 Purkynia lata Fritsch, 1899b – Wilson 2005, p. 1106, Fig. 1.3

Type: Holotype Me 25 designated by Wilson (2005) andfigured by Fritsch (1899a, Pl. 144, Figs. 1-3) deposited atthe National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.






Xyloiulus pstrossi (Fritsch, 1899)(Fig. 88)

1899a Xylobius P‰trossi, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 31; Pl. 144, Figs. 6-8

1899b Pylojulus (Xylobius) P‰trossi, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 55

1963 Xyloiulus p‰trossi – Hoffman, p. 172

Types: Specimens Me 19 figured by Fritsch (1899a, Pl.144, Fig. 6) and M 1039 figured by Fritsch (1899a, Pl. 144,Figs. 7–8) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Fig. 86. Anthracojulus pictus (Friã, 1875). SpecimenM 999, x 2.6. Kounov.

Fig. 87. Purkynia lata Fritsch, 1899. Holotype Me 25.N˘fiany.

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Xyloiulus sellatus (Fritsch, 1899)

1899a Xylobius sellatus, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 32; Pl. 140, Fig. 11

1899b Pylojulus (Xylobius) sellatus, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 55

1963 Xyloiulus sellatus (Fritsch) – Hoffman, p. 172

Type: Specimen No. 141 (original Fritsch’s number) figu-red by Fritsch (1899a, Pl. 140, Fig. 11), but not found nowat the collection of the National Museum, Prague (notfound).Locality: N˘fiany.



Nyranius costulatus (Friã, 1875)(Fig. 89)

1875 Julus costulatus Fr. – Friã, p. 74

1886 Julus costulatus Friã – Feistmantel, p. 48

1889 Xylobius costulatus, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 31-32; Pl. 144, Figs. 4-5

1895b Xylobius costulatus Fr. – Fritsch, p. 2

1899b Pylojulus (Xylobius) costulatus, Fr. - Fritsch, p. 55

1963 Nyranius costulatus (Fritsch) – Hoffman, p. 172

1969 Nyranius costulatus (Fritsch) – Hoffman, p. 587; Fig. 372/1

1993 Nyranius costulatus (Fritsch, 1883) – Ross & Briggs, p. 359

Type: Specimen Me 18 figured by Fritsch (1899b, Pl.144, Figs. 4-5) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Nyranius tabulatus (Fritsch, 1899)(Fig. 90)

1899a Xylobius tabulatus, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 32; Pl. 144, Figs. 9-12

1899b Pylojulus (Xylobius) tabulatus, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 55

1963 Nyranius tabulatus (Fritsch) – Hoffman, p. 172

1993 Nyranius tabulatus (Fritsch, 1899) – Ross & Briggs, p. 359

Type: Specimen M 1001 figured by Fritsch (1899a, Pl. 144,Figs. 9–12) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Fig. 88. Xyloiulus pstrossi (Fritsch, 1899). Specimen Me 19,x 2.7. N˘fiany.

Fig. 89. Nyranius costulatus (Friã, 1875). Specimen Me18, x 2.0. N˘fiany.

Fig. 90. Nyranius tabulatus (Fritsch, 1899). SpecimenM 1001, x 1.9. N˘fiany.

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FAMILY „PROGLOMERIDAE“ FRITSCH, 1899(see Ross & Briggs 1993, p. 358)


Archiscudderia paupera Fritsch, 1899(Fig. 91)

1899b Archiscudderia paupera, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 35-36; Figs. 341-342;

Pl. 147, Figs. 4-6

1969 Archiscudderia paupera – Hoffman, p. 586; Fig. 370/2

1993 Archiscudderia paupera Fritsch, 1899 – Ross & Briggs, p. 360

Types: Specimens Me 26 figured by Fritsch (1899b, Pl.147, Fig. 4) and M 870 figured by Fritsch (1899b, Fig.342) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Archiscudderia tapeta Fritsch, 1899

1899b Archiscudderia tapeta, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 36; Pl. 146, Figs. 2 – 3

Type: Specimen NHM2008z0097/001 figured by Fritsch(1899b, Pl. 146, Fig. 2) deposited at the NaturhistorischesMuseum, Vienna.Locality: N˘fiany.

Archiscudderia coronata Fritsch, 1899(Fig. 92)

1899b Archiscudderia coronata, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 36-37; Pl. 148, Figs. 4

– 5; Pl. 149, Fig. 3

1985 Archiscudderia cornuta Fritsch, 1899 – Zajíc, ·tamberg, p. 70

Type: Specimen Me 28 (together with galvanic cast) figu-red by Fritsch (1899b, Pl. 148, Fig. 4; Pl. 149, Fig. 3)deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Archiscudderia regularis Fritsch, 1899(Fig. 93)

1899b Archiscudderia regularis, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 37; Pl. 148, Figs. 1-3

Type: Specimen Me 27 figured by Fritsch (1899b, Pl.148, Fig. 1) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Archiscudderia kopeckyi (Friã, 1912)

1912 Scudderia Kopeckyi – Friã, p. 10

1912 Archiscudderia Kopeckyi – Friã, Fig. 9

Fig. 91. Archiscuderia paupera Fritsch, 1899. SpecimenMe 26, x 2.3. N˘fiany.

Fig. 92. Archiscuderia coronata Fritsch, 1899. SpecimenMe 28, x 1.5. N˘fiany.

Fig. 93. Archiscuderia regularis Fritsch, 1899. SpecimenMe 27, x 1.7. N˘fiany.

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Type: Specimen Me 127 figured by Friã (1912, Fig. 9)deposited at the National Museum, Prague. Localities: âesk˘ Brod „Skalka“.

Archiscudderia? problematica Fritsch, 1899(Fig. 94)

1899b Archiscudderia ? problematica, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 37-38; Pl. 151,

Figs. 1-6

Type: Specimen Me 33 figured by Fritsch (1899b, Pl.151, Fig. 1) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.



Archicarabides pater Fritsch, 1901(Fig. 95)

1899a Phryganen-Larve – Fritsch, p. 13

1901 Archicarabides pater, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 98; Pl. 165, Figs. 3-5

1908 „Archicarabides pater Fritsch“ – Handlirsch, p. 336

Type: Specimen Me 36 (positive and negative outprints)figured by Fritsch (1901, Pl. 165, Figs. 3–5) deposited atthe National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.


Hemiphoberia alternans Fritsch, 1899(Fig. 96)

1899b Hemiphoberia alternans, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 41; Pl. 145, Figs. 6-8

1969 Hemiphoberia alternans – Hoffman, p. 604

Type: Specimen Me 31 figured by Fritsch (1899b, Pl. 145,Figs. 6–8) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.


Heterovorhoeffia crassa Fritsch, 1899

1899b Heterovorhoeffia crassa, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 42; Pl. 145, Figs. 3-5

1969 Heterovorhoeffia crassa – Hoffman, p. 604

Type: Specimen NHM2008z0097/002 figured by Fritsch(1899, Pl. 145, Figs. 3-5) deposited at the Naturhistori-sches Museum, Vienna.Locality: N˘fiany.


Sandtneria gemmata Fritsch, 1899(Fig. 97)

1899a Sandtneria gemmata, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 42; Pl. 138, Figs. 9-10

1969 Sandtneria gemmata – Hoffman, p. 605

Fig. 94. Archiscuderia ? problematica Fritsch, 1899. Spe-cimen Me 33, x 1.9. N˘fiany.

Fig. 95. Archicarabides pater Fritsch, 1901. SpecimenMe 36, x 1.0. N˘fiany.

Fig. 96. Hemiphoberia alternans Fritsch, 1899. SpecimenMe 31, x 1.5. N˘fiany.

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Type: Specimen Me 6 figured by Fritsch (1899a, Pl. 138,Figs. 9-10) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.


Kralupia carbonaria Fritsch, 1907(Fig. 98)

1907 Kralupia carbonaria Fr. – Fritsch, p. 12; Pl. 10, Figs. 1-3

Type: Specimen Me 130 figured by Fritsch (1907, Pl. 10,Figs. 1-3) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Kralupy „Former hill âervená hÛrka“.


Eojulus fragilis Ku‰ta, 1886

1886 Eojulus fragilis n. g. et n. sp. – Ku‰ta, pp. 593-594; Fig. 2

1886 Eojulus fragilis – Karsch, p. 125

1907 Eojulus fragilis Ku‰ta – Fritsch, p. 13; Pl. 10, Figs. 4-5

Type: Specimen Me 126 figured by Ku‰ta (1886, Fig. 2)deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Rakovník „Moravia mine“.

Fig. 97. Sandtneria gemmata Fritsch, 1899. Specimen Me6, x 2.0. N˘fiany.

Fig. 98. Kralupia carbonaria Fritsch, 1907. Specimen Me130, x 2.0. Kralupy „Former hill âervená hÛrka“.

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Class Insecta










Paraostrava stanislavi Prokop & Nel 2004(Fig. 99)

2004 Paraostrava stanislavi sp. n. - Prokop & Nel, pp. 584-587; Figs. 2, 3

Type: Holotype Me 128 figured by Prokop & Nel (2004,Figs 2, 3) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Îacléfi „Jan ·verma mine“.





Catadyesthus priscus (Andrée, 1864)

1864 Acridites priscus R. Andrée – Andree, pp. 163-164

1864 Acridites Priscus – Leonhard & Geinitz, p. 163; Pl. 5, Fig. 1

1864a Acridites priscus – Friã, p. 234

1864 Acridites priscus R. Andrée – Krejãí, p. 274

1871 Acridites priscus, K. Andrée – Friã, p.14; Pl. 3, Fig. 3

1871 Acridites priscus, K. Andrée – Friã, p.15; Pl. 3, Fig. 3

1874a Acridites priscus Andree. – Feistmantel, p. 54

1876 Acridites priscus, R. Andrée – Friã, p. 14; Pl. 3, Fig. 3

1886 Acridites priscus André – Feistmantel, p. 47

1908 Catadyesthus priscus Andree – Handlirsch, p. 87; Pl. 10/18

1963b Catadyesthus priscus (Andrée 1864) – Kukalová, pp. 197-198

Type: The type (Andree 1864) was not found at the Sta-atliche Naturhistorische Sammlungen Museum für Mine-ralogie und Geologie, Dresden.Locality: Lísek u Berouna „Above the millhouse Dibfií“(In Zajíc & ·tamberg (1986) was erroneously stated loca-lity Stradonice u Peruce)


Lithomantis bohemica (Novák, 1880)

1880 Gryllacris Bohemica, Nov. – Novák, pp. 69-74; Pl. 2, Figs. 1-3

1886 Gryllacris Bohemica O. Novák – Feistmantel, p. 47

1908 Hadroneuria bohemica Nowak – Handlirsch, p. 85; Pl. 10/14

1963 Hadroneuria bohemica (Novák 1880) – Kukalová, p. 198

1988 Gryllacris bohemica – Ponomarenko & Schultz, p. 11; Pl. 1, Fig. 3

Type: Holotype 1882/C/2010 deposited at the Naturhisto-risches Museum, Vienna.Locality: Lísek u Berouna „Above the millhouse Dibfií“.


Pseudopalingenia feistmanteli (Friã, 1880)(Fig. 100)

Fig. 99. Paraostrava stanislavi Prokop & Nel, 2004. Holo-type Me 128, length of fore wing 75 mm. Îacléfi.

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Class Insecta


1880 Palingenia Feistmanteli Fr. – Friã, pp. 41-42, Fig. 75A

1886 Palingenia Feistmanteli Friã – Feistmantel, p. 47

1908 Propalingenia Feistmanteli Fritsch – Handlirsch, p. 87; Pl. 10/17

1908 Pseudopalingenia Feistmanteli Fritsch – Handlirsch, pp. 124-

125; Pl. 13/3

1963b Pseudopalingenia feistmanteli (Friã 1880) – Kukalová, p. 198

1989 Pseudopalingenia feistmanteli – Hubbard, pp. 41-42

Type: Specimens Me 119 and Me 120 (part and counter-part) figured by Friã (1880, Fig. 75A) deposited at theNational Museum, PragueLocality: Otvovice (non Kralupy sensu Feistmantel, 1886).



Syntonopteroidea indet.

1985 Syntonopteroidea incertae sedis – Kukalová-Peck, p. 940, Figs.

15, 16

Material: Specimen No. 3/1985 figured by Kukalová-Peck (1985, Figs. 15, 16) deposited at the Carleton Uni-versity, Otawa, CanadaLocality: Obora.






Monsteropterum moravicum Kukalová-Peck, 1972

1972 Monsteropterum moravicum n. sp. – Kukalová-Peck, pp. 259-

266; Figs. 6-10, Pl. 3

Type: Specimen No. 5/1972 figured by Kukalová-Peck(1972, Fig. 6) deposited at the Paleontological Institute ofCharles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.





Moraviptera reticulata Kukalová, 1955(Fig. 101)

1955 Moraviptera reticulata n. g., n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 550-551, 573-

575; Fig. 3, Pl. 1, Fig. 4

Type: Specimen M 855 figured by Kukalová (1955, Fig.3, Pl. 1, Fig. 4) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Zb˘‰ov „Behind the sawmill of the Antonínmine“.

Fig. 100. Propalingenia feistmanteli (Friã, 1880). HolotypeMe 119, x O.84. Otvovice.

Fig. 101. Moraviptera reticulata Kukalová, 1955. HolotypeM 855, length of fore wing 25 mm. Zb˘‰ov „Behind thesawmill of the Antonín mine“.

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Class Insecta



Moravia convergens Kukalová, 1964

1964b Moravia convergens n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 162-167; Figs. 2, 3,

4C, B, Pls. 20, 21

1976 Moravia convergens Kukalova, young nymph - Kukalova-Peck

& Peck, pp. 83-86, Figs. 3, 4A, 6, 8

1976 Moravia convergens Kukalova, subimago - Kukalova-Peck &

Peck, p. 87; Figs. 1, 4B, 7

Type: Specimen No. 1/1965 figured by Kukalová (1964,Fig. 2, Pl. 20) deposited at the Paleontological Institute ofCharles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.





Bojoptera colorata Kukalová, 1958

1958a Bojoptera colorata n. g., n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 236-239; Figs. 3,

4, Pl. 1, Fig. 2

Type: Specimen No. Br-978 figured by Kukalová (1958,Figs. 3, 4, Pl. 1, Fig. 2) deposited in the National Museum,Prague (not found). Locality: Pfiíãina „Na brantech“.


Oboria longa Kukalová, 1958(Fig. 102)

1958b Oboria longa n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 246-247; Fig. 4, Pl. 1, Fig. 2

Type: Specimen No. 2/1960 figured by Kukalová (1958,Fig. 4, Pl. 1, Fig. 2) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.




Bojophlebia prokopi Kukalová-Peck, 1985(Fig. 103)

1985 Bojophlebia prokopi n. sp. – Kukalová-Peck, pp. 936-939; Figs. 1-10

Type: Specimen No. 1/1985 figured by Zázvorka (1956)and Kukalová (1985, Figs. 1-3) deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague. Locality: Kladno, Vrapice.



Protereisma sp. Kukalová (1968)

1968 Protereisma sp. – Kukalová, pp. 316, 318-326; Figs. 3-7

Material: Several nymphs of Protereisma sp. describedand figured by Kukalová (1968, Figs. 3-7) deposited at thePaleontological Institute of Charles University, Prague(not found).Locality: Obora.




Alexahymen maruska Kukalová-Peck, 1972

1972 Alexahymen maruska n. sp. – Kukalová-Peck, pp. 254-256, Figs. 2-4

Type: Specimen No. 1/1972 figured by Kukalová-Peck(1972, Fig. 2) deposited at the Paleontological Institute ofCharles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.

Fig. 102. Oboria longa Kukalová, 1958. Holotype 2/1960,x 6.4. Obora.

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Moravohymen vitreus Kukalová-Peck, 1972

1972 Moravohymen vitreus n. sp. – Kukalová-Peck, pp. 257-259, Fig. 5

Type: Specimen No. 4/1972 figured by Kukalová (1972,Fig. 5) deposited at the Paleontological Institute of Char-les University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.



Cauloptera colorata Kukalova-Peck, 1975

1975 Cauloptera colorata, n. sp. – Kukalova-Peck, pp. 4-6, Fig. 1

Type: Specimen No. 24/1974 figured by Kukalova-Peck(1975, Fig. 1) deposited at the Paleontological Institute ofCharles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.



Hana filia Kukalova-Peck, 1975

1975 Hana filia, n. sp. – Kukalova-Peck, p. 7; Figs. 3-6a

Type: Specimen No. 25/1974 figured by Kukalova-Peck(1975, Figs. 3a, b) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.

Fig. 103. Bojophlebia prokopi Kukalová-Peck, 1985. Holotype 1/1985. Kladno „Vrapice“.

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Hana lineata Kukalova-Peck, 1975

1975 Hana lineata, n. sp. – Kukalova-Peck, pp. 8-9; Figs. 6b, 7

Type: Specimen No. 28/1974 figured by Kukalova-Peck(1975, Fig. 7) deposited at the Paleontological Institute ofCharles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.


Arcioneura juveniles Kukalova-Peck, 1975

1975 Arcioneura juveniles, n. sp. – Kukalova-Peck, pp. 9-10; Fig. 8

Type: Specimen No. 29/1974 figured by Kukalova-Peck(1975, Fig. 8) deposited at the Paleontological Institute ofCharles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.


Anconeura havlatai Kukalova-Peck, 1975

1975 Anconeura havlatai, n. sp. – Kukalova-Peck, p. 10, Fig. 9

Type: Specimen No. 23/1974 figured by Kukalova-Peck(1975, Fig. 9) deposited at the Paleontological Institute ofCharles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.



Ancoptera permiana Kukalova-Peck, 1975

1975 Ancoptera permiana, n. sp. – Kukalova-Peck, p. 12; Fig. 2

Type: Specimen No. 30/1974 figured by Kukalova-Peck(1975, Fig. 2) deposited at the Paleontological Institute ofCharles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.



Engisoptera simplices Kukalova-Peck, 1975

1975 Engisoptera simplices, n. sp. – Kukalova-Peck, pp. 14-15; Fig. 11

Type: Specimen No. 32/1974 figured by Kukalova-Peck(1975, Fig. 11) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.




Alectoneura europaea Kukalova-Peck, 1975

1975 Alectoneura europaea, n. sp. – Kukalova-Peck, p. 16; Fig. 12

Type: Specimen No. 33/1974 figured by Kukalova-Peck(1975, Fig. 12) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.




Elmodiapha ovata Kukalová-Peck, 1974

1974 Elmodiapha ovata n. sp. – Kukalová-Peck, p. 320; Figs. 1, 2

Type: Specimen No. 1/1974 figured by Kukalová-Peck(1974, Fig. 1) deposited at the Paleontological Institute ofCharles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.


Protodiapha maculifera Kukalová-Peck, 1974

1974 Protodiapha maculifera n. sp. – Kukalová-Peck, p. 321; Figs. 3, 4

Type: Specimen No. 3/1974 figured by Kukalová-Peck(1974, Fig. 3) deposited at the Paleontological Institute ofCharles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.

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Protodiapha lineata Kukalová-Peck, 1974

1974 Protodiapha lineata n. sp. – Kukalová-Peck, pp. 321-323; Fig. 5

Type: Specimen No. 5/1974 figured by Kukalová-Peck(1974, Fig. 5) deposited at the Paleontological Institute ofCharles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.


Diapha candida Kukalová-Peck, 1974

1974 Diapha candida n. sp. – Kukalová-Peck, p. 323; Figs. 6, 7

Type: Specimen No. 6/1974 figured by Kukalová-Peck(1974, Fig. 6) deposited at the Paleontological Institute ofCharles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.


Permodiapha carpenteri Kukalová-Peck, 1974

1974 Permodiapha carpenteri n. sp. – Kukalová-Peck, p. 325; Figs.

8, 9, 10

Type: Specimen No. 8/1974 figured by Kukalová-Peck(1974, Figs. 9, 10) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.

Permodiapha lata Kukalová-Peck, 1974

1974 Permodiapha lata n. sp. – Kukalová-Peck, pp. 325-327; Figs. 11, 12

Type: Specimen No. 9/1974 figured by Kukalová-Peck(1974, Fig. 12) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague (not found). Locality: Obora.

Permodiapha specula Kukalová-Peck, 1974

1974 Permodiapha specula n. sp. – Kukalová-Peck, p. 327; Fig. 13

Type: Specimen No. 13/1974 figured by Kukalová-Peck(1974, Fig. 13) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.


Stenodiapha angusta Kukalová-Peck, 1974

1974 Stenodiapha angusta n. sp. – Kukalová-Peck, p. 329; Figs. 15, 16,

17, 18

Type: Specimen No. 17/1974 figured by Kukalová-Peck(1974, Fig. 15) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.

Stenodiapha moravica Kukalová-Peck, 1974

1974 Stenodiapha moravica n. sp. – Kukalová-Peck, p. 329; Figs. 19, 20

Type: Specimen No. 21/1974 figured by Kukalová-Peck(1974, Fig. 19) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.


Paradiapha delicatula Kukalová-Peck, 1974

1974 Paradiapha delicatula n. sp. – Kukalová-Peck, p. 331; Figs. 21, 22

Type: Specimen No. 15/1974 figured by Kukalová-Peck(1974, Fig. 21) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Martynoviidae indet.1966 Martynoviidae Tillyard, 1932 – Kukalová, p. 766

Note: Presence of genera of the family Martynoviidae ismentioned but not described by Kukalová (1966).Locality: Boskovice Graben.


Asthenohymenidae indet.

1966 Asthenohymenidae Tillyard, 1924 – Kukalová, p. 766

Note: Presence of genera of the family Asthenohymenidaeis mentioned but not described by Kukalová (1966).Locality: Boskovice Graben.


Odonata indet.

1966 Odonata – Kukalová, p. 767

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Note: Presence of genera of the order Odonata is mentio-ned but not described by Kukalová (1966).Locality: Boskovice Graben.






Archimylacris lubnensis (Ku‰ta, 1883)(Fig. 104)

1883 Blattina (Anthracoblattina) Lubnensis – Ku‰ta, p. 437; Fig. 1

1884a Blattina (Anthracoblattina) Lubnensis – Ku‰ta, p. 211

1886 Blattina sp. – Feistmantel, p. 47

1895b Blattina sp. Ku‰ta – Fritsch, p. 2

1899a Anthracoblattina Lubnensis, Ku‰ta – Fritsch, p. 10; Fig. 317

1908 Kinklidoptera lubnensis Kusta – Handlirsch, p. 186; Pl. 19/3

1955a Kinklidoptera lubnensis (Ku‰ta, 1883) – Kukalová, p. 155

1983 Archimylacris lubnensis (Ku‰ta, 1883) – Schneider, p. 109

1985 Archimylacris lubensis (Ku‰ta, 1883) – Zajíc, ·tamberg, p. 72

Type: Holotype Me 118 figured by Ku‰ta (1883, Fig. 1)and Fritsch (1899a, Fig. 317) deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: Lubná.


Kinklidoptera vicina Handlirsch, 1908

1908 ?Kinklidoptera vicina m. – Handlirsch, p. 186; Pl. 19/4

1955a Kinklidoptera vicina Handlirsch, 1906 – Kukalová, p. 155

Type: The type of Kinklidoptera vicina has not beenfound at the collection at the Naturhistorisches Museum,Vienna.Locality: N˘fiany.


Friciella aurea Kukalová, 1955(Fig. 105)

1955 Friãiella aurea n. g., n. sp. – Kukalová, pp.135-136; Fig. 1; Pl 1,

Fig. 1

Type: Holotype M 854 figured by Kukalová (1955, Fig.1; Pl. 1, Fig. 1) deposited at the National Museum, Pra-gue.Locality: N˘fiany.


Flabellites latus Fritsch, 1899(Fig. 106)

1895b Flabellites latus. Fr. – Fritsch, p. 2 (nomen nudum, see Kukalová


1899a Flabellites latus Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 11-12; Fig. 321; Pl. 133, Fig. 10

1908 Flabellites latus Fritsch – Handlirsch, p. 199; Pl. 20/18

1955a Flabellites latus Friã, 1901 – Kukalová, pp. 146-148; Fig. 4; Pl.

2, Fig. 2

Type: Holotype Me 23 figured by Fritsch (1899, Fig. 321,Pl. 133, Fig. 10) deposited at the National Museum, Pra-gue.Locality: N˘fiany.

Fig. 104. Archimylacris lubnensis (Ku‰ta, 1883). HolotypeMe 118, length of fore wing 26 mm. Lubná.

Fig. 105. Friciella aurea Kukalová, 1955. Holotype M 854,length of fore wing 52 mm. N˘fiany.

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Note: Datation Flabellites latus Friã, 1901 in Kukalová1955a is mistaken.


Metaphyloblatta nemejci Kukalová, 1955(Fig. 107)

1955a Metaphyloblatta nemejci n. g., n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 149-153;

Figs. 5, 6; Pl 3, Figs. 1, 2

Type: Holotype M 861 figured by Kukalová (1955, Figs.5, 6; Pl. 3, Figs. 1, 2) deposited at the National Museum,Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.


Apotypoma longa Handlirsch, 1908

1908 Apotypoma longa m. – Handlirsch, p. 196; Pl. 20/9

1955a Apotypoma longa Handlirsch, 1906 – Kukalová, p. 155

Type: The type of Apotypoma longa has not been foundat the collection at the Natural History Museum in Vienna.Locality: N˘fiany.

Apotypoma? arndti (Ku‰ta, 1889)

1889b Oryctoblattina Arndti n. sp. – Ku‰ta, pp. 388-391

1908 ?Apotypoma Arndti Kusta – Handlirsch, p. 196; Pl. 20/10

1955a ?Apotypoma arndti (Ku‰ta, 1888) – Kukalová, p. 155

Type: Specimen Me 137 figured by Ku‰ta (1889, p. 389)deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Tfiemo‰ná.

Apotypoma? platyptera Handlirsch, 1908

1908 ?Apotypoma platyptera m. - Handlirsch, p. 196; Pl. 20/11

1955a ?Apotypoma platyptera Handlirsch, 1906 – Kukalová, p. 155

Type: The type of ?Apotypoma platyptera has not beenfound at the collection at the Natural History Museum inVienna.Locality: N˘fiany.


Gongyloblatta fritschi Handlirsch, 1908

1908 Gongyloblatta Fritschi m. - Handlirsch, p. 198; Pl. 20/17

1955a Gongyloblatta fritschi Handlirsch, 1906 – Kukalová, p. 156

Type: Holotype 1898/3g figured by Handlirsch (1908, Pl.20/17) is deposited at the Natural history Museum inVienna.Locality: N˘fiany.


Archimylacridae indet.

Locality: N˘fiany.



Phyloblatta purkynei Handlirsch, 1920(Fig. 108)

1920 Phyloblatta Purkynei n. sp. – Handlirsch, p. 443; Fig. 6

1955a „Phyloblatta“ purkynûi Handlirsch, 1920 – Kukalová, p. 155

Type: Holotype M 320 figured by Handlirsch (1920,Fig. 6) is deposited at the West Bohemian Museum inPilsen.

Fig. 106. Flabellites latus Fritsch, 1899. Holotype Me 23,x 2.2. N˘fiany.

Fig. 107. Metaphyloblatta nemejci Kukalová, 1955. Holo-type M 320, length of fore wing 30 mm. N˘fiany.

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Locality: N˘fiany.Note: However, Handlirsch (1920) quoted locality Chotíkov.


Phyloblattidae indet.

1965 Archimylacridae, Phyloblatta – Kukalová, p. 94; Pl. 2, Fig. 3

Locality: Krkono‰e Piedmont Basin.



Sooblatta stephanensis (Laurentiaux, 1950)

1983 Sooblatta stephanensis (Laurentiaux 1950) – Schneider, p. 112

Locality: Radvanice „Katefiina mine“.

Sooblatta jacobsi Meunier, 1907

1983 Sooblatta jacobsi Meunier (1907) – Schneider, p. 112

Locality: The M‰ec Member of the Kladno-RakovníkBasin.Note: The Schneider’s determination is evidently basedon a sample collected by ·etlík (Czech Geological Sur-vey) in a borehole.


Dictyomylacris aff. montagnei (Pruvost, 1912)

1983 Dictyomylacris aff. montagnei – Schneider, p. 112

Locality: Radvanice „Katefiina mine“


Neorthroblattina sp. 1

1983 Neorthroblatina n. sp. – Schneider, p. 113

Locality: Ledce.

Neorthroblattina germari (Schlechtendal, 1906)

1983 – Neorthroblattina germari (Schlechtendal i. l. 1906) – Schnei-

der, p. 113

Locality: PlouÏnice (unspecified).

Neorthroblattina cf. multinervia (Sellards, 1904)

1983 Neorthroblattina cf. multinervia – Schneider, p. 113

1986 Neorthroblattina cf. multineuria (Sellards, 1904) – Zajíc & ·tam-

berg, p. 72

Locality: Kyje „Railroad cut“ (unspecified).


Opsiomylacris svitaviensis Schneider, 1980(Fig. 109)

1980 Opsiomylacris svitaviensis n. sp. – Schneider, p. 44; Pls. l, 2,

Figs. 1-12

1983 Opsiomylacris svitaviensis Schneider 1980 – Schneider, p. 113

Type: Specimen FG 284/2 figured by Schneider (1980,Pls.1, 2, Fig. 1) deposited at the Section of Gewissen-schaften Bergakademie Freiberg, the counterpart of theholotype KUP 284/20 is deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Localities: Svitávka „Hradisko hill – S foot“; Zbonûk.

Fig. 108. Phyloblatta purkynei Handlirsch, 1920. HolotypeM 320, length of fore wing 30 mm. N˘fiany.

Fig. 109. Opsiomylacris svitaviensis Schneider, 1980.Counterpart of the holotype KUP 284/20, length of forewing 18 mm. Svitávka „Hradisko hill – S foot“.

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Opsiomylacris cf. svitaviensis Schneider, 1980

1980 Opsiomylacris sf. svitaviensis – Schneider, p. 44; Pls. 5, 6, Fig. 2

Material: Specimen KUP 179 is deposited at the Paleon-tological Institute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Opsiomylacris cf. procera Haupt, 1952(Fig. 110)

1980 Opsiomylacris cf. procera Haupt 1952 – Schneider, pp. 44-45,

Pls. 5, 6, Fig. 1

Material: Specimen KUP 175 and 180 deposited at thePaleontological Institute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Zb˘‰ov „Behind the sawmill of the Antonínmine“.

Opsiomylacris sp.

1980 Opsiomylacris sp. – Schneider, p. 45; Pl. 6, Figs. 5-8

Material: Specimens Kup 183, KUP 182, KUP 87, FG284/6 deposited at the Paleontological Institute of CharlesUniversity, Prague and Section of GeowissenschaftenBergakademie Freiberg.Localities: Svitávka „Hradisko hill – S foot“; Zbonûk.


Moravamylacris ricanyensis Schneider, 1980(Fig. 111)

1980 Moravamylacris ricanyensis n. sp. – Schneider, p. 46; Pls. 1/2,

Fig. 12, Pls. 5/6, Figs. 3-4

1983 Moravamylacris ricanyensis Schneider 1980 – Schneider, p. 113

Type: Holotype KUP 176 figured by Schneider (1980,Pls. 1/2, Fig. 12) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague.Locality: ¤íãany.

Moravamylacris kukalovae Schneider, 1980(Fig. 112)

1980 Moravamylacris kukalovae n. sp. – Schneider, p. 45; Pls. 3/4,

Figs. 1-11, Pl. 5, Fig. 5

1983 Moravamylacris kukalovae Schneider 1980 – Schneider, p. 113

Type: Specimen KUP 13 figured by Schneider (1980, Pl.3/4, Fig. 1; Pl. 5, Fig. 7) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Localies: Obora; Sudice

Moravamylacris sp. 1

1980 Moravamylacris sp. 1 – Schneider, p. 46; Pls. 1/2, Figs. 10-11

1983 Moravamylacris sp. l Schneider 1980 – Schneider, p. 113

Fig. 110. Opsiomylacris cf. procera Haupt, 1952. Speci-men KUP 175, length of fore wing 32 mm. Zb˘‰ov „Behindthe sawmill of the Antonín mine“.

Fig. 111. Moravamylacris ricanyensis Schneider, 1980.Holotype KUP 176, length of fore wing 22 mm. ¤íãany.

Fig. 112. Moravamylacris kukalovae Schneider, 1980.Holotype KUP 13, length of fore wing 16 mm. Obora.

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Material: Specimens KUP188 and FG 284/1 figured bySchneider (1980, Pls. 1/2, Figs. 10-11) deposited at thePaleontological Institute of Charles University, Pragueand Section of Geowissenschaften Bergakademie Frei-berg.Locality: Zbonûk.



Necymylacris bohemica (Fritsch, 1899)(Fig. 113)

1899a Etoblattina bohemica, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 8-10; Figs. 313-316

1908 Platyblatta bohemica Fritsch – Handlirsch, p. 198; Pl. 20/14,


1955a Prantlites bohemicus (Friã, 1901) – Kukalová, pp. 139-143; Fig.

2; Pl. 1, Fig. 2

1983 Necymylacris bohemica (Fritsch 1901) – Schneider, p. 117

Types: Holotype Me 35 described and figured by Fritsch(1899a, Figs. 313-315) and specimen M 869 figured byFritsch (1899a, Fig. 316) are deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Necymylacris reisbachensis (Boersma, 1975)

1983 Necymylacris reisbachensis (Boersma 1975) – Schneider, p. 117

Locality: Radvanice „Katefiina mine“.



Phyloblatta flabelata (Germar, 1842)(Fig. 114)

1984 Phyloblatta flabellata (Germar 1842) – Schneider, p. 20; Pls. 1,

2, Figs. 1-6

1983 Phyloblatta flabellata (Germar 1842) – Schneider, p. 120

Material: Specimens mentioned by Schneider (1984, p.20) deposited at the Paleontological Institute of CharlesUniversity, Prague and Bergakademie Freiberg.Localities: ¤íãany; Svitávka „Hradisko hill – S foot“;Zbonûk; Zb˘‰ov „Behind the sawmill of the Antonínmine“.

Phyloblatta obliqua Schneider, 1984(Fig.115)

1984 Phyloblatta obliqua n. sp. – Schneider, p. 20; Pls. 1, 2, Figs. 7-9

Type: Holotype No. UUG 13 figured by Schneider (1984,Pls. 1, 2, Fig. 7) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague.Localities: Obora; Svitávka „Hradisko hill – S foot“;Zbonûk.

Phyloblatta deserta Schneider, 1984(Fig. 116)

1984 Phyloblatta deserta n. sp. – Schneider, pp. 20-21; Pls. 1, 2, Fig. 12

Fig. 113. Necymylacris bohemica (Fritsch, 1899). HolotypeMe 35, x 1.6. N˘fiany.

Fig. 114. Phyloblatta flabelata (Germar, 1842). SpecimenKUP 215, length of fore wing 18 mm. ¤íãany.

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Type: Holotype No. KUP 31 figured by Schneider (1984,Pls. 1, 2, Fig. 12) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Phyloblatta disiuncta Schneider, 1984(Fig. 117)

1984 Phyloblatta disiuncta n. sp. – Schneider, p. 21; Pls. 1, 2, Figs. 10, 11

Type: Holotype No. KUP 29 figured by Schneider (1984,Fig. 10) deposited at the Paleontological Institute of Char-les University, Prague.Localities: Obora; Zbonûk.

Phyloblatta praecurvata Schneider, 1984(Fig. 118)

1984 Phyloblatta praecurvata n. sp. – Schneider, pp. 21-22; Pls. 3, 4,

Figs. 1-9

Type: Specimen No. UUG 18 figured by Schneider(1984, Fig. 1) deposited at the Paleontological Institute ofCharles University, Prague.Localities: Obora; Svitávka „Hradisko hill – S foot“;Zbonûk.

Phyloblatta cf. praecurvata Schneider, 1984

1984 Phyloblatta cf. praecurvata – Schneider, p. 23; Pls. 3, 4, Fig. 10

Material: Specimen No. KUP 63 figured by Schneider(1984, Pls. 3, 4, Fig. 10) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: ¤íãany.

Phyloblatta compactiformis Schneider, 1984

1984 Phyloblatta compactiformis n. sp. – Schneider, p. 22; Pls. 5, 6,

Figs. 1-4

Type: Holotype No. Kup 19 figured by Schneider (1984,Pls. 5, 6, Fig. 1) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Phyloblatta praecompacta Schneider, 1984(Fig. 119)

1984 Phyloblatta praecompacta n. sp. – Schneider, pp. 22-23; Pls. 5, 6,

Figs. 6-12

Type: Holotype No. KUP 60 figured by Schneider (1984,

Fig. 115. Phyloblatta obliqua Schneider, 1984. HolotypeUUG 13, length of fore wing 22 mm. Obora.

Fig. 117. Phyloblatta disiuncta Schneider, 1984. HolotypeKUP 29, length of fore wing 22 mm. Obora.

Fig. 118. Phyloblatta praecurvata Schneider, 1984. Holo-type UUG 18, length of fore wing 11 mm. Obora.

Fig. 116. Phyloblatta deserta Schneider, 1984. HolotypeKUP 31, length of fore wing 15 mm. Obora.

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Pls. 5, 6, Fig. 7) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Phyloblatta moravica Stehlík, 1932

1932 Phyloblatta moravica n. sp. – Stehlík, pp. 263-264; Fig. 2

1983 Phyloblatta moravika (Stehlík 1932) – Schneider, p. 120

Type: Holotype No. 2184 figured by Stehlík (1932, Fig.2) deposited at the Moravian Museum at Brno.Locality: Moravsk˘ Krumlov „Rokytná river valley“.

Phyloblatta gimmi Schneider, 1978

1983 Phyloblatta gimmi Schneider 1978 – Schneider, p. 120

Locality: Zbonûk.

Phyloblatta dyadica (Geinitz, 1880)

1983 Phyloblatta dyadica (Geinitz 1880) – Schneider, p. 121

Localities: ¤íãany; Svitávka „Hradisko hill – S foot“;Zbonûk.

Phyloblatta cf. curvata (Sellards, 1908)

1983 Phyloblatta cf. curvata – Schneider, p. 121

Locality: ¤íãany; Svitávka „Hradisko hill – S foot“; Zbo-nûk.

Phyloblatta sp. 1

1983 Phyloblatta n. sp. – Schneider, p. 121

1984 Phyloblatta sp. – Schneider, pp. 23-24, Pls. 3-8

Material: Specimens figured by Schneider (1984) depo-sited at the Paleontological Institute of Charles University,Prague and Bergakademie Freiberg.

Localities: Obora; Svitávka „Hradisko hill – S foot“;Zb˘‰ov „Behind the sawmill of the Antonín mine“.

Phyloblatta sp. 2

1984 Phyloblatta sp. 2 – Schneider, p. 24

Material: Specimens figured by Schneider (1984) depo-sited at the Bergakademie Freiberg.Locality: Baãov „Na skalkách quarry“.

Phyloblatta compacta (Sellards, 1908)

1983 Phyloblatta compacta (Sellards 1908) – Schneider, p. 121

Locality: Obora.

Phyloblatta curvata (Sellards, 1908)

1983 Phyloblatta curvata (Sellards 1908) – Schneider, p. 121

Locality: Obora.


Anthracoblattina gigantea-ensifera group (Brongniart, 1893)

1983 Anthracoblattina gigantea-ensifera-Groupe (Brongniart 1893) –

Schneider, p. 123

Locality: M‰ec Basin (Jelenice Member)Note: The Schneider’s determination is evidently basedon a sample collected by ·etlík (Czech Geological Sur-vey) in a borehole.

Anthracoblattina spectabilis (Goldenberg, 1869)

Localities: Svitávka; Svitávka „Hradisko hill – S foot“;Zbonûk.

Anthracoblattina sp. A

1983 Anthracoblattina n. sp. A – Gruppe – Schneider, p. 123

Localities: Svitávka „Hradisko hill – S foot“; Zbonûk.

Anthracoblattina sp. 1

1983 Anthracoblattina sp. 1 – Schneider, p. 123

Locality: Kyje „Railroad cut“ (unspecified).

Fig. 119. Phyloblatta praecompacta Schneider, 1984.Holotype KUP 60, length of fore wing 8 mm. Obora.

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Anthracoblattina sp. 3

1983 Anthracoblattina sp. 3 – Schneider, p. 123

Locality: Oslavany „Left bank of the river Oslava“(Rosice-Oslavany F., coal seam).


Kunguroblattina cf. elongata Vishniakova, 1965

1983 Kunguroblattina cf. elongata Vishniakova 1965 – Schneider, p. 125

Localities: Obora; Svitávka „Hradisko hill – S foot“.


Kashmiroblatta sp. 1

1983 Kashmiroblatta n. sp. 1 – Schneider, p. 126

Locality: Zb˘‰ov „Behind the sawmill of the Antonínmine“.


Xenoblatta deichmuelleri (Geinitz, 1880)

1983 Xenoblatta deichmuelleri (Geinitz 1880) – Schneider, pp. 126-127

Localities: Svitávka „Hradisko hill – S foot“; Zbonûk.

Xenoblatta ornatissima (Deichmüller, 1887)

1983 Xenoblatta ornatissima (Deichmüller 1887) – Schneider, p. 127

Localities: Obora; Svitávka „Hradisko hill – S foot“;Zbonûk.

Xenoblatta curta (Sellards, 1908)

1983 Xenoblatta curta (Sellards 1908) – Schneider, p. 127

Locality: Obora.

Xenoblatta cf. deichmuelleri (Geinitz, 1880)

1983 Xenoblatta cf. deichmuelleri (Geinitz 1880) – Schneider, p. 127

Locality: Obora.

Xenoblatta aff. curta (Sellards, 1908)

1983 Xenoblatta aff. curta – Schneider, p. 127

Localities: Obora; Zbonûk.



Spiloblattina lawrenceana (Handlirsch, 1908)

1982 Spiloblattina lawrenceana (Handlirsch 1906) – Schneider, pp.


Locality: Kyje „Railroad cut“ (unspecified).

Spiloblattina weissigensis (Geinitz, 1873)

1982 Spiloblattina weissigensis (Geinitz 1873) – Schneider, p. 31

Locality: ¤íãany.


Sysciophlebia grata Schneider, 1982

1982 Sysciophlebia grata n. sp. – Schneider, p. 32; Pl. 1, Fig. 5; Pl. 4, Fig.4

Type: Specimen UUG J·, 211/2 deposited at the collec-tion of the Czech Geological Survey, Prague (not found).Locality: Sz-1 (Hfiedle M.).

Sysciophlebia rubida Schneider, 1982

1982 Sysciophlebia rubida n. sp. – Schneider, p. 32; Pl. 3, Figs. 1-2; Pl.

4, Fig. 5

Type: Specimen No. KUP K 1 deposited at the Paleonto-logical Institute of Charles University, Prague (not found). Locality: Kyje „Railroad cut“ (unspecified).

Sysciophlebia alligans Schneider, 1982

1982 Sysciophlebia alligans n. sp. – Schneider, p. 33; Pl. 4, Fig. 10; Pl.

3, Figs. 3-4

Type: Specimen No. KUP 231 deposited at the Paleonto-logical Institute of Charles University, Prague (not found). Localities: Baãov „Na skalkách quarry“; Svitávka „Hra-disko hill – S foot“; Zbonûk.



Subioblatta sp. 1

1983 Subioblatta n. sp. 1 – Schneider, p. 130

Locality: Obora.



Poroblattina rotundata (Scudder, 1885)

1983 Poroblattina rotundata (Scudder 1885) – Schneider, p. 131

Locality: ¤íãany.

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Poroblattina sp.

1983 Poroblattina sp. – Schneider, p. 131

Locality: Radvanice „Katefiina mine“.



Proterema rarinervis Göppert, 1865

1865 Blattina rarinervis Göpp. – Göppert, p. 276

1908 Proterema rarinervis Göppert – Handlirsch, p. 381; Pl. 36/51

Type: The type is unknown.Locality: Otovice (unspecified).


„Gerablattina?“ bohemiae Handlirsch, 1920

1899a Gerablattina? – Fritsch, p. 11; Fig. 320; Pl. 133, Fig. 9

1908 (Archimylacridae) sp. Fritsch - Handlirsch, 237; Pl. 24/28

1955a Genus? bohemiae Handlirsch, 1920 – Kukalová, p. 155

Material: Specimen M 1005 figured by Fritsch (1899a,Fig. 320) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

„Blattina (Etoblatina)“ bituminosa Ku‰ta, 1884

1884a Blattina (Etoblastina) bituminosa n. sp. – Ku‰ta, pp. 213-214; Fig. 1

1908 (Archimylacridae) bituminosa Kusta - Handlirsch, 237; Pl. 24/29

1955a Genus ? bituminosa (Ku‰ta, 1883) – Kukalová, p. 155

Type: Specimen figured by Ku‰ta (1884, Fig. 1) deposi-ted at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Lubná.

(gen. indet.) ligniperda Ku‰ta, 1884

1884a Blattina (ligniperda n. sp.) – Ku‰ta, p. 214; Fig. 2

1899a Blattina ligniperda, Ku‰ta – Fritsch, p. 11; Fig. 318b

1908 (Blattinoidea) ligniperda Ku‰ta – Handlirsch, p. 293; Pl. 30/24

1955a Genus ? ligniperda (Ku‰ta, 1883) – Kukalová, p. 155

Type: Specimen figured by Ku‰ta (1884, Fig. 2) deposi-ted at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Lubná.

(gen. indet.) neuropteroides Göppert, 1865

1865 Blattina neuropteroides Göpp. – Göppert, p. 276

1908 (Blattoidea) neuropteroides Göppert – Handlirsch, p. 381; Pl. 36/52

Locality: Otovice (unspecified).

(gen. indet.) splendens Göppert, 1865

1865 Blattina splendens Göpp. – Göppert, p. 276

1908 (Blattina) splendens Göppert – Handlirsch, p. 393

Locality: Otovice (unspecified).Note: Abdominal remain of an insect or an arachnid.

gen et sp. indet.

1895b Propteticus? – Fritsch, p. 1

1899a Propteticus? – Fritsch, p. 11, Fig. 319

1908 (Blattoidea) sp. Fritsch – Handlirsch, p. 293

Material: Specimen No. A28 figured by Fritsch (1899,Fig. 319) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

gen et sp. indet.

1884a Blattina sp. – Ku‰ta, p. 214; Fig. 3

1908 (Blattoidea) sp. Ku‰ta – Handlirsch, p. 293; Pl. 30/23

Locality: Lubná.




Ortelytron europaeum Kukalová, 1965(Fig. 120)

Fig. 120. Ortelytron europaeum Kukalová, 1965. Holotype8/1964, lenght of left elytron 4.9 mm. Obora.

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1965 Ortelytron europaeum n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 67-69; Figs. 1-2; Pl.

1, Figs. 1-2; Pl. 2, Figs. 1-2

Type: Holotype 8/1964 figured by Kukalová (1965, Figs.1,2, Pl. 1, Figs. 1, 2, Pl. 2, Figs. 1, 2) deposited at thePaleontological Institute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Ortelytron artum Kukalová, 1965

1965 Ortelytron artum n. sp. – Kukalová, p. 69; Fig. 3; Pl. 3, Fig. 1

1985 Ortelytron aurum Kukalová, 1965 – Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 73

Type: Holotype 7/1964 figured by Kukalová (1965, Fig.3, Pl. 3, Fig. 1) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.


& KUKALOVÁ, 1964


& KUKALOVÁ, 1964

Apachelytron transversum Carpenter& Kukalová, 1964

1964 Apachelytron transversum, n. sp. – Carpenter & Kukalová, pp.

187-189; Fig. 3, Pl. 22

Type: Holotype No. 47/1964 figured by Carpenter &Kukalová (1964, Fig. 3, Pl. 22) deposited at the Paleonto-logical Institute of Charles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.


Blattelytridae indet.

1964 Blattelytridae – Carpenter & Kukalová, p. 193; Fig. 5

Material: Specimen No. 6/1965 figured by Carpenter &Kukalová (1964, Fig. 5) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.



Crasselytron convexum Kukalová, 1965(Fig. 121)

1965 Crasselytron convexum n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 71-72; Fig. 4; Pl.

3, Fig. 2

Type: Holotype 1/1964 figured by Kukalová (1965, Fig.4, Pl. 3, Fig. 2) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Rugelytron fuscum Kukalová, 1965(Fig. 122)

1965 Rugelytron fuscum n. sp. – Kukalová, p. 73; Fig. 5; Pl. 4, Figs. 1, 2

Type: Holotype 3/1964 figured by Kukalová (1965, Fig.5, Pl. 4, Figs.1, 2) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Venelytron tuberculatum Kukalová, 1965(Fig. 123)

1965 Venelytron tuberculatum n. sp. – Kukalová, p. 74; Fig. 6; Pl. 3,

Figs. 3, 4

Fig. 121. Crasselytron convexum Kukalová, 1965. Holo-type 1/1964, length of fore wing 8 mm. Obora.

Fig. 122. Rugelytron fuscum Kukalová, 1965. Holotype3/1964, length of fore wing 5.6 mm. Obora.

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Type: Holotype 5/1964 figured by Kukalová (1965, Fig.6, Pl. 3, Figs. 3, 4) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.



Planelytron planum Kukalová, 1965(Fig. 124)

1965 Planelytron planum n. sp. – Kukalová, p. 76; Fig. 7, Pl. 5, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 4/1964 figured by Kukalová (1965, Fig.7, Pl. 5, Fig. 1) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.



Glabelytron lativenosum Kukalová, 1965(Fig. 125)

1965 Glabelytron lativenosum n. sp. – Kukalová, p. 78; Fig. 8, Pl. 5,

Fig. 2

Type: Holotype 9/1964 figured by Kukalová (1965, Fig.8, Pl. 5, Fig. 2) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.





Retelytron conopeum Kukalová, 1965(Fig. 126)

Fig. 123. Venelytron tuberculatum Kukalová, 1965. Holo-type 5/1964, length of fore wing 8 mm. Obora.

Fig. 124. Planelytron planum Kukalová, 1965. Holotype4/1964, length of fore wing 6.8 mm. Obora.

Fig. 125. Glabelytron lativenosum Kukalová, 1965. Holo-type 9/1964, length of fore wing 5.35 mm. Obora.

Fig. 126. Retelytron conopeum Kukalová, 1965. Holotype6/1964, length of fore wing 5.8 mm. Obora.

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1965 Retelytron conopeum n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 79-80, Fig. 9, Pl. 5,

Fig. 3

Type: Holotype 6/1964 figured by Kukalová (1965, Fig.9, Pl. 5, Fig. 3) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Moravocoleus permianus Kukalová, 1969(Fig. 127)

1969 Moravocoleus permianus sp. n. – Kukalová, pp. 142-144; Figs. 1,

2, Pls. 2, 3

Type: Holotype No. 1/1968 figured by Kukalová (1969,Fig. 1, Pl. 2) deposited at the Paleontological Institute ofCharles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.

Moravocoleus neglegens Kukalová, 1969(Fig. 128)

1969 Moravocoleus neglegens sp. n. – Kukalová, pp. 144-145; Fig. 3;

Pl. 4, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype No. 9/1968 figured by Kukalová (1969,Fig. 3, Pl. 4, Fig. 1) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Moravocoleus fractus Kukalová, 1969(Fig. 129)

1969 Moravocoleus fractus sp. n. – Kukalová, pp. 145-146; Fig. 4; Pl.

4, Fig. 2

Type: Holotype No. 8/1968 figured by Kukalová (1969,Fig. 4, Pl. 4, Fig. 2) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Moravocoleus perditus Kukalová, 1969(Fig. 130)

1969 Moravocoleus perditus sp. n. – Kukalová, pp. 146-147; Fig. 5; Pl.

4, Fig. 3

Type: Holotype No. 14/1968 figured by Kukalová (1969,Fig. 5, Pl. 4, Fig. 3) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Fig. 127. Moravocoleus permianus Kukalová, 1969. Spe-cimen 11/1968 (Paleontological Institute of Charles Uni-versity, Prague), length of fore wing 5.5 mm. Obora.

Fig. 128. Moravoleus neglegens Kukalová, 1969. Holotype9/1968, length of fore wing 6 mm. Obora.

Fig. 129. Moravocoleus fractus Kukalová, 1969. Holotype8/1968, length of fore wing 5.6 mm. Obora.

Fig. 130. Moravocoleus perditus Kukalová, 1969. Holotype14/1968, length of fore wing 4.2 mm. Obora.

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Eocoleus scaber Kukalová, 1969(Fig. 131)

1969 Eocoleus scaber sp. n. – Kukalová, pp. 147-148; Fig. 6; Pl. 5, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype No. 12/1968 figured by Kukalová (1969,Fig. 6, Pl. 5, Fig. 1) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Umoricoleus perplex Kukalová, 1969(Fig. 132)

1969 Umoricoleus perplex sp. n. – Kukalová, pp. 148-149; Fig. 7; Pl.

5, Fig. 2

Type: Holotype No. 13/1968 figured by Kukalová (1969,Fig. 7, Pl. 5, Fig. 2) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Boscoleus blandus Kukalová, 1969(Fig. 133)

1969 Boscoleus blandus sp. n. – Kukalová, pp. 150-151; Fig. 8; Pl. 1,

Fig. 1; Pl. 5, Fig. 3

Type: Holotype No. 5/1968 figured by Kukalová (1969,Fig. 8, Pl. 5, Fig. 3) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Votocoleus submissus Kukalová, 1969(Fig. 134)

1969 Votocoleus submissus sp. n. – Kukalová, p. 152; Fig. 9; Pl. 6, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype No. 2/1968 figured by Kukalová (1969,Fig. 9, Pl. 6, Fig. 1) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Fig. 131. Eocoleus scaber Kukalová, 1969. Holotype12/1968, length of fore wing 9 mm. Obora.

Fig. 132. Umoricoleus perplex Kukalová, 1969. Holotype13/1968, length of fore wing 7.8 mm. Obora.

Fig. 133. Boscoleus blandus Kukalová, 1969. Holotype5/1968, length of fore wing 10.8 mm. Obora.

Fig. 134. Votocoleus submissus kukalová, 1969. Holotype2/1968, length of fore wing 11 mm. Obora.

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Prosperocoleus prosperus Kukalová, 1969

1969 Prosperocoleus prosperus sp. n. – Kukalová, p. 153; Fig. 10; Pl.

1, Fig. 2; Pl. 4, Fig. 2

Type: Holotype No. 4/1968 figured by Kukalová (1969,Fig. 10, Pl. 4, Fig. 2) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Tschecardocoleidae indet.(Fig. 135)

1965 Tschekardocoleidae inc. gen. – Kukalová, pp. 80-81; Fig. 10; Pl.

4, Fig. 3

1969 Tschecardocoleidae inc. gen. –Kukalová, p. 159; Fig. 14; Pl. 7,

Fig. 3

Material: Specimens 2/1964 figured by Kukalová (1965,Fig. 10, Pl. 4, Fig. 3), 19/1968 figured by Kukalová (1969,Fig. 14, Pl. 7, Fig. 3) and 10/1968 deposited at the Paleon-tological Institute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.



Oborocoleus rohdendorfi Kukalová, 1969(Fig. 136)

1969 Oborocoleus rohdendorfi sp. n. – Kukalová, p. 156; Fig. 12; Pl.

1, Fig. 4; Pl. 7, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 7/1968 figured by Kukalová (1969, Fig.12, Pl. 7, Fig. 1) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Liberocoleus intactus Kukalová, 1969(Fig. 137)

1969 Liberocoleus intactus sp. n. – Kukalová, p. 158; Fig. 13; Pl. 7, Fig. 2

Type: Specimen 15/1968 figured by Kukalová (1969, Fig.13, Pl. 7, Fig. 2) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Coleoptera indet.

1966 Coleoptera Linnaeus, 1758 – Kukalová, pp. 785-786Fig. 135. Tschecardocolleidae. Specimen 10/1968, lengthof fore wing 5.5 mm. Obora.

Fig. 136. Oborocoleus rohdendorfi Kukalová, 1969. Holo-type 7/1968, length of fore wing 8.3 mm. Obora.

Fig. 137. Liberocoleus intactus Kukalová, 1969. Holotype15/1968, length of fore wing 4.9 mm. Obora.

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Locality: Boskovice Basin.Note: Occurence of another forms of the order Coleopterais mentioned but not described by Kukalová (1966).




Delopterum sinuosum Kukalová, 1963(Fig. 138)

1963a Delopterum sinuosum n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 10-12; Figs. 1, 2;

Pls. 1-4; Pl. 5, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 22/1962 figured by Kukalová (1963a,Fig. 1, Pls. 1-3) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Delopterum truncatum Kukalová, 1963(Fig. 139)

1963a Delopterum truncatum n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 13-15; Figs. 4-5; Pl.

5, Figs. 2-3

Type: Holotype 123/1962 figured by Kukalová (1963a,Fig. 4, Pl. 5, Fig. 2) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Delopterum lepidum Kukalová, 1963

1963a Delopterum lepidum n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 15-16; Fig. 6; Pl. 6,

Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 34/1962 figured by Kukalová (1963a,Fig. 6, Pl. 6, Fig. 1) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Delopterum sp.

1963a Delopterum sp. – Kukalová, pp. 12-13, 35-39; Figs. 3, 25-29; Pl.

4; Pl. 13, Figs. 2-3; Pl. 14

Material: Specimens Nos. 168/1962, 120/1962,119/1962, 154/1962, 28/1962, 38/1962 figured by Kuka-lová (1963a) deposited at the Paleontological Institute ofCharles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Perunopterum peruni Kukalová, 1963(Fig. 140)

1963a Perunopterum peruni n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 17-21; Figs. 7–12;

Pl. 6, Figs. 2-3; Pls. 7-8; Pl. 9, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 140/1962 figured by Kukalová (1963a,Fig. 7, Pl. 6, Fig. 2 and Pl. 7) deposited at the Paleontolo-gical Institute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

?Perunopterum corium Kukalová, 1963(Fig. 141)

1963a ?Perunopterum corium n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 21-22; Fig. 13; Pl.

9, Fig. 2

Type: Holotype 3/1962 figured by Kukalová (1963a, Fig.

Fig. 138. Delopterum sinuosum Kukalová, 1963. Speci-men 137/1962 (Paleontological Institute of Charles Uni-versity, Prague), length of fore wing 4.3 mm. Obora.

Fig. 139. Delopterum truncatum Kukalová, 1963. Holotype123/1962, length of fore wing 4.8 mm. Obora.

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13, Pl. 9, Fig. 2) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Perunopterum mirum Kukalová, 1963

1963a Perunopterrum mirum n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 22-23; Fig. 14; Pl.

9, Fig. 3

Type: Holotype 33/1962 figured by Kukalová (1963a,Fig. 14, Pl. 9, Fig. 3) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Perunopterum macrum Kukalová, 1963(Fig. 142)

1963a Perunopterum macrum n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 23-24; Fig. 15; Pl.

10, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 188/1962 figured by Kukalová (1963a,Fig. 15, Pl. 10, Fig. 1) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Perunopterum saxeum Kukalová, 1963

1963a Perunopterum saxeum n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 24-25; Fig. 16; Pl.

10, Fig. 2

Type: Holotype 194/1962 figured by Kukalová (1963a,Fig. 16, Pl. 10, Fig. 2) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Perunopterum sp.

1963a Perunopterum sp. – Kukalová, pp. 39-40; Figs. 30-31; Pl. 15,

Figs. 1, 2

Material: Specimens Nos. 145/1962, 143/1962 figuredby Kukalová (1963a) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Permodelopterum obscurum Kukalová, 1963(Fig. 143)

1963a Pelmoderopterum obscurum n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 25-26; Fig.

17; Pl. 10, Fig. 3

Fig. 140. Perunopterum peruni Kukalová, 1963. Holotype140/1962, length of fore wing 4.49 mm. Obora.

Fig. 141. ?Perunopterum corium Kukalová, 1963. Holotype3/1962, length of fore wing 7.19 mm. Obora.

Fig. 142. Perunopterum macrum Kukalová, 1963. Holo-type 188/1962, length of fore wing 4.88 mm. Obora.

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Type: Holotype 170/1962 figured by Kukalová (1963a,Fig. 17, Pl. 10, Fig. 3) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Permodelopterum lumbiformis Kukalová, 1963

1963a Permodelopterum lumbiformis n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 26-27; Fig.

18; Pl. 11, Fig. 1

1985 Permodelopterum lumbriformis Kukalová, 1963 – Zajíc & ·tam-

berg, p. 73

Type: Holotype 42/1962 figured by Kukalová (1963a,Fig. 18, Pl. 11, Fig. 1) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

? Permodelopterum lepidum Kukalová, 1963(Fig. 144)

1963a ? Permodelopterum lepidum n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 27-28; Fig.

19; Pl. 11, Fig. 2

Type: Holotype 128/1962 figured by Kukalová (1963a,Fig. 19, Pl. 11, Fig. 2) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Miomatoneura candida Kukalová, 1963(Fig. 145)

1963a Miomatoneura candida n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 29-30; Fig. 20; Pl.

11, Fig. 3

Type: Holotype 29/1962 figured by Kukalová (1963a,Fig. 20, Pl. 11, Fig. 3) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Miomatoneura permica Kukalová, 1963

1963a Miomatoneura permica n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 30-31; Fig. 21; Pl.

12, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 27/1962 figured by Kukalová (1963a,Fig. 21, Pl. 12, Fig. 1) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Mimatoneura palaeozoica Kukalová, 1963(Fig. 146)

1963a Miomatoneura palaeozoica n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 31-32; Fig. 22;

Pl. 12, Fig. 2

Fig. 143. Permodelopterum obscurum Kukalová, 1963.Holotype 170/1962, length of fore wing 6.3 mm. Obora.

Fig. 144. ?Permodelopterum lepidum Kukalová, 1963.Holotype 128/1962, length of fore wing 7.13 mm. Obora.

Fig. 145. Miomatoneura candida Kukalová, 1963. Holo-type 29/1962, length of fore wing 3.83 mm. Obora.

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Type: Holotype 156/1962 figured by Kukalová (1963a,Fig. 22, Pl. 12, Fig. 2) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Miomatoneura angusta Kukalová, 1963

1963a Miomatoneura angusta n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 32-33; Fig. 23; Pl.

12, Fig. 3

Type: Holotype 56/1962 figured by Kukalová (1963a,Fig. 23, Pl. 12, Fig. 3) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Miomatoneurella boskovicensis Kukalová, 1963

1963a Miomatoneurella boskovicensis n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 33-34; Pl.

13, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 40/1962 figured by Kukalová (1963a,Fig. 24, Pl. 13, Fig. 1) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.



Permonikia permoniki Kukalová, 1963(Fig. 147)

1963a Permonikia permoniki n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 42-43; Fig. 32; Pl.

15, Fig. 3

Type: Holotype 4/1962 figured by Kukalová (1963a, Fig.32, Pl. 15, Fig. 3) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Permonia permoni Kukalová, 1963(Fig. 148)

1963a Permonia permoni n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 43-44; Fig. 33; Pl. 16,

Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 182/1962 figured by Kukalová (1963a,Fig. 33, Pl. 16, Fig. 1) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Permonia arta Kukalová, 1963

1963a Permonia arta n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 44-45; Fig. 34; Pl. 16, Fig. 2

Fig. 146. Miomatoneura palaeozoica Kukalová, 1963.Holotype 156/1962, length of fore wing 5.2 mm. Obora.

Fig. 147. Permonikia permoniki Kukalová, 1963. Holotype4/1962, length of fore wing 6.5 mm. Obora.

Fig. 148. Permonia permoni Kukalová, 1963. Holotype182/1962, length of fore wing 9.4 mm. Obora.

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Type: Holotype 126/1962 figured by Kukalová (1963a,Fig. 34, Pl. 16, Fig. 2) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Permonia insolida Kukalová, 1963

1963a Permonia insolida n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 45-46; Fig. 35; Pl. 16,

Fig. 3

Type: Holotype 183/1962 figured by Kukalová (1963a,Fig. 35, Pl. 16, Fig. 3) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Caloneurodea indet.

1966 Caloneurodea Martynov, 1938 – Kukalová, p. 775

Locality: Boskovice Basin.Note: Presence of some forms similar to PaleuthygrammaMartynov, 1930 is mentioned but not described by Kuka-lová (1966).





Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) antonianaKukalová, 1959

1959 Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) antoniana n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 11-

14; Figs. 2-4; Pl. 1, Figs.1, 2

Type: Holotype 1/1959 figured by Kukalová (1959, Figs.2-4, Pl. 1, Figs. 1, 2) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Zb˘‰ov „Behind the sawmill of the Antonínmine“.

Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) angustai Kukalová, 1959

1959 Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) angustai n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 14-17;

Fig. 5; Pl. 1, Fig. 3

Type: Specimen figured by Kukalová (1959, Fig. 5, Pl. 1,

Fig. 3) was not found at the Paleontological Institute ofCharles University, Prague.Locality: ¤íãany.

Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) latissima Kukalová, 1959(Fig. 149)

1959 Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) latissima n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 17-19;

Fig. 6; Pl. 2, Fig. 2

1965 Blattinopsis (Balttinopsis) latissima Kukalová, 1959 – Kukalová,

pp. 81-82; Fig. 11; Pl. 6, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 12/1964 figured by Kukalová (1959, Fig.6, Pl. 2, Fig. 2) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague.Locality: ¤íãany.

Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) campestrisKukalová, 1965(Fig. 150)

1965 Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) campestris n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 82-

83; Fig. 12; Pl. 7, Fig. 1

Type: Specimen 10/1964 figured by Kukalová (1965, Fig.10, Pl. 7, Fig. 1) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague.Locality: ¤íãany.

Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) martynovaeKukalová, 1959(Fig. 151)

1959 Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) martynovae n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 19-

22; Figs. 7-9; Pl. 2, Fig. 1

Fig. 149. Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) latissima Kukalová,1959. Holotype 12/1964, length of fore wing 15 mm.¤íãany.

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Type: Holotype 4/1959 figured by Kukalová (1959, Figs.7-9, Pl. 2, Fig. 1) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague.Locality: ¤íãany.

Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) cf. martynovaeKukalová, 1959(Fig. 152)

1965 Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) cf. martynovae – Kukalová p. 83; Fig.

13; Pl. 6, Fig. 2

Material: Specimen 11/1964 figured by Kukalová (1965,Fig. 13, Pl. 6, Fig. 2) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Localities: Neslovice „Fishrock“; ¤íãany.

Blattinopsis sp.

1959 Blattinopsis sp. – Kukalová, pp. 22-23; Fig. 10; Pl. 2, Fig. 3

Material: Specimen 5/1959 figured by Kukalová (1959,Fig. 10, Pl. 2, Fig. 3) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Localities: Neslovice „Fishrock“; ¤íãany.


Glaphyrophlebia clava Kukalová, 1965(Fig. 153)

1965 Glaphyrophlebia clava n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 84-85; Fig. 14, Pl.

7, Fig. 2

1989 Glaphyrophelibia clava Kukalová, 1965 – Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 73

Type: Holotype 13/1964 figured by Kukalová (1965, Fig.14, Pl. 7, Fig. 2) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Fig. 150. Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) campestris Kukalová,1965. Holotype 10ú1964, length of fore wing 10.3 mm.¤íãany.

Fig. 152. Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) cf. martynovae Kuka-lová, 1959. Specimen 12/1964 (Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague), length of fore wing 16 mm.¤íãany.

Fig. 153. Glaphyrophlebia clava Kukalová, 1965. Holotype13/1964, length of fore wing 7.2 mm. Obora.

Fig. 151. Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) martynovae Kukalová,1959. Holotype 4/1959, length of fore wing 17 mm.¤íãany.

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Cymbopsis excelsa Kukalová, 1965(Fig. 154)

1965 Cymbopsis excelsa n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 86-87; Fig. 15; Pl. 7,

Fig. 3

Type: Holotype 17/1964 figured by Kukalová (1965, Fig.15, Pl. 7, Fig. 3) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.



Spargoptilon latericius Kukalová, 1965(Fig. 155)

1965 Spargoptilon latericius n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 88-89; Fig. 16; Pl.

8, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 18/1964 figured by Kukalová (1965, Fig.16, Pl. 8, Fig. 1) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Spargoptilon confertus Kukalová, 1965(Fig. 156)

1965 Spargoptilon confertus n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 89-90; Fig. 17; Pl.

8, Fig. 2

Type: Holotype 19/1964 figured by Kukalová (1965, Fig.17, Pl. 8, Fig. 2) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.



Epimastax celer Kukalová, 1965

1965 Epimastax celer n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 91-92; Fig. 18; Pl. 8,

Fig. 3

Type: Holotype 22 /1964 figured by Kukalová (1965, Fig.18, Pl. 8, Fig. 3) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.

Fig. 154. Cymbopsis excelsa Kukalová, 1965. Holotype17/1964, length of fore wing 9.5 mm. Obora.

Fig. 155. Spargoptilon lateriticus Kukalová, 1965. Holo-type 18/1964, length of fore wing 34.6 mm. Obora.

Fig. 156. Spargoptilon confertus Kukalová, 1965. Holo-type 19/1964, length of fore wing 17.2 mm. Obora.

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Permoedischia moravica Kukalová, 1955

1955b Permoedischia moravica n. g., n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 546-547,

569-570; Figs. 1, 2; Pl. 1, Figs. 1-3

Type: Specimen No. 36132 figured by Kukalová (1955b,Fig. 1, Pl. 1, Figs. 1,2) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Zb˘‰ov „Behind the sawmill of the Antonínmine“.


Glosselytrodea indet.

1966 Glosselytrodea Martynov, 1938 – Kukalová, p. 780

Note: Presence of some forms similar to Jurina Zalesskij,1929 is mentioned but not described by Kukalová (1966).Locality: Boskovice Basin.





Permula aera Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 157)

1964a Permula aera n. sp. – Kukalová, p. 47; Fig. 2; Pl. 1, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 69/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 2, Pl. 1, Fig. 1) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Depressopterum senior Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 158)

1964a Depressopterum senior n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 48-49; Fig. 3; Pl.

1, Fig. 2

Type: Specimen No. 6/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,fig. 3, pl. 1, fig. 2) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Depressopterum fragile Kukalová, 1964

1964a Depressopterum fragile n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 49-50; Fig. 4; Pl.

1, Fig. 3

Type: Holotype 55/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 4, Pl. 1, Fig. 3) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.

Depressopterum mancum Kukalová, 1964

1964a Depressopterum mancum n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 50-51; Fig. 5; Pl.

2, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 7/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964, Fig.5, Pl. 2, Fig. 1) deposited at the Paleontological Instituteof Charles University, Prague (not found).Locality: Obora.

Fig. 157. Permula aera Kukalová, 1964. Holotype69/1963, length of fore wing 18 mm. Obora.

Fig. 158. Depressopterum senior Kukalová, 1964. Holo-type 6/1963, length of fore wing 16 mm. Obora.

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Drahania avia Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 159)

1964a Drahania avia n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 51-52; Fig. 6; Pl. 2, Fig. 2

Type: Specimen No. 42/1963 figured by Kukalová(1964a, Fig. 6, Pl. 2, Fig. 2) deposited at the Paleontolo-gical Institute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Turbopterum finum Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 160)

1964a Turbopterum finum n. sp. – Kukalová, p. 53; Fig. 7; Pl. 3, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 70/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 7, Pl. 3, Fig. 1) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Donopterum carpenteri Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 161)

1964a Donopterum carpenteri n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 54-55; Fig. 8; Pl.

3, Fig. 2

Type: Holotype 54/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 8, Pl. 3, Fig. 2) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Donopterum nocturnum Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 162)

1964a Donopterum nocturnum n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 55-56; Fig. 9; Pl.

2, Fig. 3; Pl. 3, Fig.3

Type: Holotype 1/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a, Fig.9, Pl. 2, Fig. 3, Pl. 3, Fig. 3) deposited at the Paleontolo-gical Institute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Fig. 159. Drahania avia Kukalová, 1964. Holotype42/1963, length of fore wing 9.1 mm. Obora.

Fig. 160. Turbopterum finum Kukalová, 1964. Holotype70/1963, length of fore wing 10.1 mm. Obora.

Fig. 161. Donopterum carpenteri Kukalová, 1964. Holo-type 54/1963, length of fore wing 19 mm. Obora.

Fig. 162. Donopterum nocturnum Kukalová, 1964. Holo-type 1/1963, length of fore wing 17 mm. Obora.

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Donopterum sp.

1964a Donopterum sp. – Kukalová, p. 56; Fig. 10; Pl. 3, Fig. 1

Material: Specimen 25/1963 figured by Kukalová(1964a, Fig. 10, Pl. 3, Fig. 1) deposited at the Paleontolo-gical Institute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Lioma moravica Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 163)

1964a Lioma moravica n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 57-58; Fig. 11; Pl. 4, Fig. 2

Type: Holotype 12/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 11, Pl. 4, Fig. 2) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Lioma sp.

1964a Lioma sp. – Kukalová, p. 58; Fig. 12; Pl. 4, Fig. 1

Material: Specimen 85/1963 figured by Kukalová(1964a, Fig. 12, Pl. 4, Fig. 1) deposited at the Paleontolo-gical Institute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Fumopterum largum Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 164)

1964a Fumopterum largum n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 59-60; Fig. 13; Pl. 5,

Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 41/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 13, Pl. 5, Fig. 1) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Cerasopterum gracile Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 165)

1964a Cerasopterum gracile n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 61-64; Figs. 14-18;

Pl. 5, Figs. 2, 3; Pl. 6; Pl. 7, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 24/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 14, Pl. 5, Fig. 2) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Cerasopterum oborianum Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 166)

Fig. 163. Lioma moravica Kukalová, 1964. Holotype12/1963, length of fore wing 18 mm. Obora.

Fig. 164. Fumopterum largum Kukalová, 1964. Holotype41/1963, length of fore wing 20.1 mm. Obora.

Fig. 165. Cerasopterum gracile Kukalová, 1964. Holotype24/1963, length of broader wing 8.8 mm. Obora.

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1964a Cerasopterum oborianum n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 64-65; Fig. 19;

Pl. 7, Fig. 2

Type: Holotype 64/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 19, Pl. 7, Fig. 2) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Cerasopterum longum Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 167)

1964a Cerasopterum longum n. sp. – Kukalová, p. 65; Fig. 20; Pl. 7, Fig. 3

Type: Holotype 63/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 20, Pl. 7, Fig. 3) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Cerasopterum extendum Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 168)

1964a Cerasopterum extendum n. sp. – Kukalová, p. 66; Fig. 21; Pl. 8,

Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 34/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 21, Pl. 8, Fig. 1) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Cerasopterum subtile Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 169)

1964a Cerasopterum subtile n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 67-68; Figs. 22, 23;

Pl. 8, Figs. 2, 3

Type: Holotype 36/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 22, Pl. 8, Fig. 2) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Cerasopterum cf. subtile (Kukalová 1964)

1964a Cerasopterum cf. subtile – Kukalová, pp. 68-69; Fig. 24; Pl. 9,

Fig. 1

Material: Specimen No. 40/1963 figured by Kukalová(1964a, Fig. 24, Pl. 9, Fig. 1) deposited at the Paleontolo-gical Institute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Cerasopterum sp.

1964a Cerasopterum sp. – Kukalová, pp. 69-70; Fig. 25; Pl. 10, Fig. 1

Fig. 166. Cerasopterum oborianum Kukalová, 1964. Holo-type 64/1963, length of fore wing 9 mm. Obora.

Fig. 167. Cerasopterum longum Kukalová, 1964. Holotype63/1963, length of fore wing 8 mm. Obora.

Fig. 168. Cerasopterum extendum Kukalová, 1964. Holo-type 34/1963, length of fore wing 10 mm. Obora.

Fig. 169. Cerasopterum subtile Kukalová, 1964. Holotype36/1963, length of longer fore wing 7.5 mm. Obora.

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Material: Specimen 4/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 25, Pl. 10, Fig. 1) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Tyrannopterum minimum Kukalová, 1964

1964a Tyrannopterum minimum n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 70-71; Fig. 26;

Pl. 10, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 93/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 26, Pl. 10, Fig. 2) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.



Brnia raketa Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 170)

1964a Brnia raketa n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 73-75; Figs. 27-31; Pl. 10,

Fig. 3; Pl. 11; Pl. 13, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 37/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 27, Pl. 11, Fig. 1) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Brnia cf. raketa Kukalová 1964(Fig. 171)

1964a Brnia cf. raketa – Kukalová, pp. 76-77; Figs. 32, 33; Pl. 12,

Figs. 1, 2

Material: Specimen No. 29/1964 figured by Kukalová(1964a, Figs. 32, 33, Pl. 12, Figs. 1, 2) deposited at thePaleontological Institute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Chlumia parva Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 172)

1964a Chlumia parva n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 78-79; Figs. 34-36; Pl. 13,

Figs. 2, 3; Pl. 14, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 38/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 34, Pl. 13, Fig. 2) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Chlumia obesa Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 173)

1964a Chlumia obesa n. sp. – Kukalová, p. 80; Fig. 37; Pl. 14, Fig. 2

Fig. 170. Brnia raketa Kukalová, 1964. Holotype37/1963, length of fore wing 13.9 mm. Obora.

Fig. 171. Brnia cf. raketa Kukalová, 1964. Specimen29/1964, length of complete wing 13.8 mm. Obora.

Fig. 172. Chlumia parva Kukalová, 1964. Holotype38/1963, length of fore wing 10 mm. Obora.

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Type: Holotype 16/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 37, Pl. 14, Fig. 2) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Chlumia sp.

1964a Chlumia sp. – Kukalová, p. 81; Fig. 38; Pl. 14, Fig. 3

Material: Specimen 51/1963 figured by Kukalová(1964a, Fig. 38, Pl. 14, Fig. 3) deposited at the Paleonto-logical Institute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.



Jablonia aestiva Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 174)

1964a Jablonia aestiva n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 82-83; Fig. 39; Pl. 15, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 146/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 39, Pl. 15, Fig. 1) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.



Havlatia annae Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 175)

1964a Havlatia annae n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 84-85; Fig. 40; Pl. 15, Fig. 2

Type: Holotype 5/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a, Fig.40, Pl. 15, Fig. 2) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Zephyropterum lentum Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 176)

1964a Zephyropterum lentum n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 86-87; Fig. 41; Pl.

15, Fig. 3

Type: Holotype 15/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 41; Pl. 15, Fig. 3) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Ventopterum rapidum Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 177)

1964a Ventopterum rapidum n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 87-88; Fig. 42; Pl.

16, Fig. 1

Fig. 173. Chlumia obesa Kukalová, 1964. Holotype16/1963, length of fore wing 13 mm. Obora.

Fig. 174. Jablonia aestiva Kukalová, 1964. Holotype146/1963, length of fore wing 4.7 mm. Obora.

Fig. 175. Havlatia annae Kukalová, 1964. Holotype5/1963, length of fore wing 6.8 mm. Obora.

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Type: Holotype 57/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 42, Pl. 16, Fig. 1) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.



Skalicia rara Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 178)

1964a Skalicia rara n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 89-90; Fig. 43; Pl. 17, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 52/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 43, Pl. 17, Fig. 1) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Doubravia annosa Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 179)

1964a Doubravia annosa n. sp. - Kukalová, p. 91; Fig. 44; Pl. 16, Fig. 2

Type: Holotype 44/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 44, Pl. 16, fig. 2) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Doubravia sp.

1964a Doubravia sp. – Kukalová, p. 91; Fig. 45; Pl. 16, Fig. 3

Material: Specimen 35/1963 figured by Kukalová(1964a, Fig. 45, Pl. 16, Fig. 3) deposited at the Paleonto-logical Institute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Fig. 176. Zephyropterum lentum Kukalová, 1964. Holotype15/1963, length of fore wing 8.3 mm. Obora.

Fig. 177. Ventopterum rapidum Kukalová, 1964. Holotype57/1963, length of fore wing 8.5 mm. Obora.

Fig. 178. Skalicia rara Kukalová, 1964. Holotype52/1963, length of fore wing 15.2 mm. Obora.

Fig. 179. Doubravia annosa Kukalová, 1964. Holotype44/1963, length of fore wing 17.5 mm. Obora.

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Oborella matura Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 180)

1964a Oborella matura n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 93-95; Figs. 46-48; Pl.

18, Figs. 1, 2; Pl. 19, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 91/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 46, Pl. 19, Fig. 1) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Oborella rusticana Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 181)

1964a Oborella rusticana n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 95-97; Figs. 49, 50; Pl.

19, Figs. 2, 3; Pl. 20, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 77/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 49, Pl. 19, Figs. 2, 3) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Oborella inexpectata Kukalová, 1964

1964a Oborella inexpectata n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 97-98; Fig. 51; Pl.

21, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 60/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 51, Pl. 21, Fig. 1) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Quercopterum decussatum Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 182)

1964a Quercopterum decussatum n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 98-100; Figs.

52, 53; Pl. 20, Fig. 2; Pl. 22, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 50/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 52, Pl. 22, Fig. 1) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Sharovipterum alatum Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 183)

1964a Sharovipterum alatum n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 100-101; Fig. 54;

Pl. 21, Fig. 2

Type: Holotype 3/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a, Fig.54, Pl. 21, Fig. 2) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Fig. 180. Oborella matura Kukalová, 1964. Holotype91/1963, length of fore wing 10.7 mm. Obora.

Fig. 181. Oborella rusticana Kukalová, 1964. Holotype77/1963, length of shorter fore wing 10 mm. Obora.

Fig. 182. Quercopterum decussatum Kukalová, 1964.Holotype 50/1963, length of fore wing 13.8 mm. Obora.

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Blania rotunda Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 184)

1964a Blania rotunda n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 102-103; Fig. 55; Pl. 22,

Fig. 2

Type: Holotype 39/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 55, Pl. 22, Fig. 2) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Blania oviformis Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 185)

1964a Blania oviformis n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 103-104; Fig. 56; Pl.

22, Fig. 3

Type: Holotype 22/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 56, Pl. 22, Fig. 3) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Blania falsa Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 186)

1964a Blania falsa n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 104-105; Fig. 57; Pl. 23, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 189/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 57, Pl. 23, Fig. 1) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.



Torrentopterum pallidum Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 187)

1964a Torrentopterum pallidum n. sp. – Kukalová, p. 106; Fig. 58; Pl.

23, Fig. 2

Type: Holotype 21/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,

Fig. 183. Sharovipterum alatum Kukalová, 1964. Holotype3/1963, length of fore wing 7.2 mm. Obora.

Fig. 185. Blania oviformis Kukalová, 1964. Holotype22/1963, length of fore wing 10.2 mm. Obora.

Fig. 186. Blania falsa Kukalová, 1964. Holotype189/1963, length of fore wing 7.3 mm. Obora.

Fig. 184. Blania rotunda Kukalová, 1964. Holotype39/1963, length of fore wing 6.8 mm. Obora.

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Fig. 58, Pl. 23, Fig. 2) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Maculopterum maculatum Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 188)

1964a Maculopterum maculatum n. sp. – Kukalová, p. 108; Fig. 59; Pl.

24, Fig. 1

Type: Holotype 179/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 59, Pl. 24, Fig. 1) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.


Villopterum villosum Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 189)

1964a Villopterum villosum n. sp. – Kukalová, pp. 109-110; Fig. 60; Pl.

24, Fig. 2

Type: Holotype 94/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 60, Pl. 24, Fig. 2) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.

Villopterum proximum Kukalová, 1964(Fig. 190)

1964a Villopterum proximum n. sp. – Kukalová, p. 110; Fig. 61; Pl. 24,

Fig. 3

Type: Holotype 62/1963 figured by Kukalová (1964a,Fig. 61, Pl. 24, Fig. 3) deposited at the PaleontologicalInstitute of Charles University, Prague.Locality: Obora.



Homoptera indet.

1966 Homoptera Leach, 1815 – Kukalová, p. 782

Locality: Boskovice Basin.Note: Presence of several forms of the order Homopterais mentioned but not described by Kukalová (1966).

Fig. 187. Torrentopterum palidum Kukalová, 1964. Holo-type 21/1963, length of fore wing 7.7 mm. Obora.

Fig. 188. Maculopterum maculatum Kukalová, 1964. Holo-type 179/1963, length of fore wing 6.8 mm. Obora.

Fig. 189. Villopterum villosum Kukalová, 1964. Holotype94/1963, length of fore wing 6.8 mm. Obora.

Fig. 190. Villopterum proximum Kukalová, 1964. Holotype62/1963, length of fore wing 4.4 mm. Obora.

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Permopsocidae indet.

1966 Permopsocidae Tillyard, 1926 – Kukalová, p. 784

Locality: Boskovice Basin.Note: Presence of several forms of the family Permopso-cidae is mentioned but not described by Kukalová (1966).


Neuroptera indet.

1966 Neuroptera Burmeister, 1829 – Kukalová, p. 787

Locality: Boskovice Basin.Note: Presence of several forms of the order Neuropterais mentioned but not described by Kukalová (1966).





& WILLMANN, 1990

Microptysmella moravica Kukalova-Peck & Willmann, 1990

1990 Microptysmella moravica n. sp. – Kukalova-Peck & Willmann, p.

467, Fig. 32

Type: Specimen figured by Kukalova-Peck & Willmann(1990, Fig. 32) is deposited at the private collection of J.Kukalová-Peck.Locality: Obora.



& WILLMANN, 1990

Pseudomerope mareki Kukalova-Peck & Willmann, 1990

1990 Pseudomerope mareki n. sp. – Kukalova-Peck, Willmann, p. 461,

Figs. 1-5

Type: Specimen 1/1989 figured by Kukalova-Peck &Willmann (1990, Fig. 1) is deposited at the private collec-tion of J. Kukalová-Peck.Locality: Obora.

Pseudomerope havlati Kukalova-Peck & Willmann, 1990

1990 Pseudomerope havlati n. sp. – Kukalova-Peck & Willmann, p.

461, Figs. 6-7

Type: Specimen 7/1989 figured by Kukalova-Peck &Willmann (1990, Fig. 6) is deposited at the private collec-tion of J. Kukalová-Peck.Locality: Obora.

Pseudomerope oborana Kukalova-Peck & Willmann, 1990

1990 Pseudomerope oborana n. sp. – Kukalova-Peck & Willmann, pp.

461-462; Figs. 8-13

Type: Specimen 9/1989 figured by Kukalova-Peck &Willmann (1990, Fig. 8) is deposited at the private collec-tion of J. Kukalová-Peck.Locality: Obora.

Pseudomerope gallei Kukalova-Peck & Willmann, 1990

1990 Pseudomerope gallei n. sp. – Kukalova-Peck & Willmann, pp.

462-463; Fig. 16

Type: Specimen 16/1989 figured by Kukalova-Peck &Willmann (1990, Fig. 16) is deposited at the private col-lection of J. Kukalová-Peck.Locality: ¤íãany.



Pseudomeropella nekvasilovaeKukalova-Peck & Willmann, 1990

1990 Pseudomeropella nekvasilovae n. sp. – Kukalova-Peck & Will-

mann, pp. 463-464; Figs. 18-19

Type: Specimen 18/1989 figured by Kukalova-Peck &Willmann (1990, fig. 18 is deposited at the private collec-tion of J. Kukalová-Peck.Locality: Obora.


& WILLMANN, 1990

Stenomerope spinari Kukalova-Peck & Willmann, 1990

1990 Stenomerope spinari n. sp. – Kukalova-Peck & Willmann, pp.

464-465; Figs. 20-27

Type: Specimen 19/1989 figured by Kukalova-Peck &Willmann (1990, Fig. 20) is deposited at the private col-lection of J. Kukalová-Peck.

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Locality: Obora.

Protomeropidae indet.

1990 protomeropid hindwings – Kukalova-Peck & Willmann, p. 465;

Figs. 28-30

Locality: Obora.



& WILLMANN, 1990

Moravochorista carolina Kukalova-Peck& Willmann, 1990

1990 Moravochorista carolina n. sp. – Kukalova-Peck & Willmann,

pp. 465-467; Fig. 31

Type: Specimen 29/1989 figured by Kukalova-Peck &Willmann (1990, Fig. 31) is deposited at the private col-lection of J. Kukalová-Peck.Locality: Obora.


Trichoptera indet.

1966 Trichoptera Kirby, 1913 – Kukalová, p. 789

Locality: Boskovice Basin.Note: Presence of several forms of the order Trichopterais mentioned but not described by Kukalová (1966).



Carbotriplura kukalovae Kluge, 1996

1985 Bojophlebia prokopi n. sp. – Kukalová-Peck, pp. 936-939; Figs. 4-10

1996 Carbotriplura kukalovae sp. n. – Kluge, p. 72-75; Fig. 1

Type: Holotype P 2670 figured by Petr (1981, Figs. 1, 2),Kukalová-Peck (1985, Figs. 4-10) and Kluge (1996, Fig.1) deposited at the Regional museum Beroun.Locality: Tlustice „·tilec opencast mine“.



Eugereon? sp.

1879b Eugereon? – Fritsch, p. 195

1895b Eugereon? Sp. – Fritsch, p. 1

1899a Eugereon? – Fritsch, p. 12; Pl. 133, Figs. 6, 7

1908 (Eugereon?) Fritsch – Handlirsch, p. 332; Pl. 34/21

Material: Specimen M 1018 figured by Fritsch (1899a,Pl. 133, Figs. 6, 7) deposited at the National Museum,Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Anthracocorides platypus Fritsch, 19051905 Anthracocorides platipes - Fritsch

1907 Anthracocorides platypus Fr. – Fritsch, p. 11

1907 Anthracocorides platipus Fr. – Fritsch; Pl. 8/1-4

1908 Anthracocorides platipes Fritsch, - Handlirsch, p. 332

Type: Specimen No. U 71 figured by Fritsch (1907, Pl. 8,Figs. 1-2) deposited at the National Museum, PragueLocality: Rakovník „Moravia mine“.

Dytiscomorphus larvalis Fritsch, 1905

1905 Ditiscomorphus larvalis - Fritsch

1907 Dytiscomorphus larvalis Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 11-12; Pl. 9/1-4

1908 Ditiscomorphus larvalis Fritsch – Handlirsch, p. 336

Type: Specimen No. U6 figured by Fritsch (1907, Pl. 9,Figs. 1-4) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Rakovník „Moravia mine“.



Localities: Co-26 (N˘fiany M.); Kp-18 (N˘fiany M.); Le-7 (N˘fiany M.); Nb-4 (N˘fiany M.); N˘fiany; Rakovník„Moravia mine“; Rtynû v Podkrkono‰í; Zl-1 (RadniceCoal Seams)



Localities: Bc-1 (M‰ec M.); Bfi-2 (M‰ec M.); Co-1 (Kou-nov M.); Co-6 (M‰ec M.); Co-8 (M‰ec M.); Co-11 (M‰ecM.); Co-12 (M‰ec M.); Dch-4 (M‰ec M.); Dl-2 (M‰ec M.);Dm-9 (M‰ec M.); Hd-1 (Radvanice seam complex); H‰-1(M‰ec M.); Kbl-2 (M‰ec M.); Ke-7 (M‰ec M.); Kk-1 (M‰ecM.); Kromle; Krsmol; Kyje „Railroad cut“ (unspecified);LB-1 (M‰ec M.); Lib-1 (M‰ec M.); Ln-1 (M‰ec M.); Lo-6(M‰ec M.); Lv-1 (M‰ec M.); MB-5 (M‰ec M.); MB-22(M‰ec M.); MB-23a; (Jelenice M.); MJ-2 (M‰ec M.); MJ-8(Jelenice M., Zdûtín H.); Mt-1 (M‰ec M.); MV-1 (M‰ecM.); MV-2 (Jelenice M., M‰ec M.); Nová Paka „Aero-drome“; Nt-1 (M‰ec M.); Ob-1 (M‰ec M.); Ob-5 (M‰ecM.); Ph-2 (M‰ec M.); Pp-3 (Malesice M.); ProstfiedníLánov „Eastern slope of Malé Labe valley“; Re-3 (Radva-nice seam complex); ¤i-1 (M‰ec M.); ¤i-22 (M‰ec M.); ¤i-24 (M‰ec M.); Sa-21 (Jelenice M., M‰ec M., Hfiedle M.);Sã-1 (Black Shale H.); Se-1 (Syfienov F., M‰ec M.); Slan˘„Mine“; S‰-1 (Jelenice M., M‰ec M.); Su-1 (M‰ec M.); S˘-1 (M‰ec M.); TR-1 (M‰ec M.); VD-2 (Upper SvatoÀoviceM.); V‰-1 (Black Shale H.); VÚj-1 (Hfiedle M.); Zd-1(M‰ec M.); Zl-1 (M‰ec M.); Îìár u Kumburku „Smíta“.

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Localities: âesk˘ Brod, Skalka; Chobot; Kochov„Horka“; Krsmol; Nesprská Lhota; Oslavany „Left bankof the river Oslava“; Prostfiední Lánov „Eastern slope ofMalé Labe valley“; Svitávka „Hradisko hill – S foot“;Vrchlabí „Road cut“; V‰-1 (Upper Vrchlabí F.)

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Xenacanthus decheni (Goldfuss, 1847)(Figs. 192, 192)

1847 Orthacanthus decheni – Goldfuss, pp. 23-29; Pl. 5/9-11

1848 Xenacanthus Decheni – Beyrich, pp. 30-32

1861 X. Decheni Goldfuss sp. – Geinitz, pp. 23-24; Pl. 23/1

1864b Xenacanthus Decheni Goldfuss – Friã, p. 372

1890 Xenacanthus Decheni, Goldfuss, sp. – Fritsch, pp. 22-

32; Figs. 212-225, 229, 235, 241; Pls. 95/1, 95/2, 96/1,

96/3, 98, 100, 101, 102/1-6

1966 Xenacanthus decheni (GOLDFUSS, 1847) – Zídek, pp. 75-79;

Figs. 1-3; Pl. 1

1994 Xenacanthus decheni (GOLDFUSS, 1847) – Schneider & Zajíc,

pp. 106-115; Figs. 1-13; Pl. 1

1996 Xenacanthus decheni (Goldfuss, 1847) – Schneider, pp. 329-330;

Fig. 4

Holotype: The original (Goldfuss 1847, Pl. 5/9-11) fromRuprechtice is deposited in the Geologisch-Paläontolo-gisch Institut Bonn under the number Goldfuss 1329. Thecounterpart (Beyrich 1848, Kner 1867) is deposited in theNaturkundemuseum Berlin under the number MB. f.1433.Paratypes: The type series is deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague under the numbers M 162/168, M 163,M 167, M 170, M 171/ 161, M 166, M 173, M 174, M 177,M 180, M 181, M 184, M 186, M 187, M 188/189, M 190(270), M 193, M 210, M 220, M 224, M 947, M 1244,M 1246.Localities: Arnultovice „Left bank of âistá stream“;Broumov; Horní Kalná (unspecified); Dolní Kalná „Littlequarry“; Dolní Kalná „Nosek“; Horní Kalná „Dump ofthe Adam mine“; Horní Kalná „Behind the garage“;

Kochov „Horka“; Kruh 1; Kruh 2; Obora; Olivûtín; Oto-vice „âern˘ brook“; Otovice „Hop-field“; Ruprechtice.

Xenacanthus parallelus (Fritsch, 1890)(Fig. 193)

1870 Xenacanthus Decheni - Fritsch, p. 2

1875 Xenacanthus Decheni – Friã, p. 74

1890 Pleuracanthus parallelus, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 5-13; Figs. 189-200,

230, 240; Pls. 91/1-6, 92-94, 102/9

1986 Expleuracanthus parallelus – Heyler & Debriette, p. 96

1994 Xenacanthus parallelus (FRITSCH, 1890) – Schneider & Zajíc,

pp. 117-121; Figs. 14-17; Pl. 3/1

1996 Xenacanthus parallelus (Fritsch, 1890) – Schneider, p. 325

2004 Xenacanthus parallelus (FRITSCH, 1890) – Soler-Gijón, pp.

540-541; Figs. 5, 6

Fig. 191. Xenacanthus decheni (Goldfuss, 1847). Headwith the pectoral fin and par t of the column. M 187,x 0.5. Olivûtín.

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Lectotype: The original (part and counterpart) (Fritsch1890; Pl. 93/2-3, 5-6, 94/1, 11) from Tfiemo‰ná is deposi-ted at the National Museum, Prague under the numbersM 894 and M 895.Paratypes: The type series is deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague under the numbers M 821, M 1027,M 1357, M 1359 - M 1362, M 1366.Localities: N˘fiany, Tfiemo‰ná.

Xenacanthus ovalis (Fritsch, 1890)(Fig. 194)

1890 Pleuracanthus ovalis, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 13-15; Figs. 201-205; Pl.


1945 Pleuracanthus ovalis - Romer, p. 433

1994 Xenacanthus ovalis (Fritsch, 1890) - Schneider & Zajíc, p. 122;

Fig. 18; Pl. 3/1

1996 Xenacanthus ovalis (Fritsch, 1890) – Schneider, p. 325

Lectotype: The original (Fritsch 1890; Fig. 205; Pl. 91,Fig. 7) from Kounov is deposited at the National Museum,Prague under the number M 1028.Paratype: The type series is deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague under the number M 1107.Locality: Kounov.

Fig. 193. Xenacanthus parallelus(Fritsch, 1890). LectotypeM 894, x 0.8. Tfiemo‰ná.

Fig. 192. Xenacanthus decheni(Goldfuss, 1847). Head and partof the column. M 162, x 0.86.Olivûtín.

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Xenacanthus sp. U-m

1985 Xenacanthus-Typ U-m – Schneider, p. 92; Pl. 2/4, 5

Locality: Oslavany „Left bank of the river Oslava“.

Xenacanthus sp.

2001a Xenacanthus sp. – ·tamberg, p. 240; Pl. 1, Fig. 2

Material: Specimen MHK 62371 deposited at theMuseum of Eastern Bohemia in Hradec Králové.Locality: Klá‰terská Lhota.

Xenacanthus sp.

Locality: Kh-1 (Kalná H.)

Xenacanthus? sp.

1912 Xenacanthus? sp. – Friã, 9. 27

Locality: Rudník.


& ZAJÍC, 1994

Bohemiacanthus carinatus (Fritsch, 1890)(Fig. 195)

1890 Pleuracanthus carinatus, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 18-19; Fig. 210; Pl. 97

1986 Expleuracanthus carinatus – Heyler & Debriette, p. 95

1993 Triodus carinatus – Hampe, p. 44

1994 Bohemiacanthus carinatus (Fritsch, 1890) - Schneider & Zajíc, pp.

123-125; Figs. 19, 20, 21/1-5; Pl. 2

1996 Bohemiacanthus carinatus (Fritsch, 1890) - Schneider, p. 331; Fig. 5

1997 Bohemiacanthus carinatus – Prouza, ·imÛnek & Zajíc, p. 38

1998 Triodus carinatus – Soler-Gijón & Hampe, p. 343; Table 2

Holotype: The original (Fritsch 1890;Pl. 97) from Ko‰Èálov is deposited at theNational Museum, Prague under the

numbers M 1956 and M 853 (counter-part).

Localities: HK-1 (Rudník H.); Janovice; Jk-6 (Rudník H.); Ko‰Èálov „Behind the tavern”;

Ko‰Èálov „Kováfi’s mill“; Ko‰Èálov (unspeci-fied); Kundratice „Doly”; Chobot; Padochov

„Pipeline excavation“; Proseã pod Je‰tûdem; Pfiíkr˘„HonkÛv creek”; Pfiíkr˘ „Tributary of HonkÛvcreek“;Rybnice “Hrádeck˘ creek”; Semily „Left bank ofJizera river“; Semily „Ravine in Nouzov“; Semily (uns-pecified); ·kodûjov „Vûtrná hora mine“; Víchová;Vrchlabí „Road cut“.

?Bohemiacanthus oelbergensis (Fritsch, 1890)(Fig. 196)

1890 Pleuracanthus oelbergensis, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 15-18; Figs. 206-

209, 238; Pls. 95, Figs. 3-5; Pl. 99; Pl. 102, Figs. 7, 8 (non Pl. 96,

Figs. 2, 4)

1994 ?Bohemiacanthus oelbergensis (FRITSCH, 1890) - Schneider &

Zajíc, pp. 127-129; Figs. 22-24

Lectotype: The original (Fritsch 1890; Figs. 207, 208)from Olivûtín is deposited at the National Museum, Pra-gue under the number M 1249.Paratypes: The type series is deposited in the NationalMuseum, Prague under the numbers M 176, M 216,M 192, M 291, M 1241, M 1242, M 1245.Locality: Olivûtín.

Bohemiacanthus sp.

2001b Bohemiacanthus sp. – ·tamberg, p. 146, Fig. 11e

Localities: Krsmol; Vf-1 (Rudník H.)


Plicatodus plicatus (Fritsch, 1879)

1879a Xenacanthus? (Diplodus) plicatus – Fritsch, p. 29

1889 Orthacanthus plicatus, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 112; Pl. 88, Fig. 13

1988 Xenacanthus plicatus – Typ A – Schneider, p. 74; Figs. 3, 6; Pl.


Fig. 194. Xenacanthus ovalis (Fritsch,1890). Lectotype M 1028, x 0.9. Kounov.

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1994 Plicatodus plicatus (Fritsch, 1879) - Schneider & Zajíc, pp.

129-131; Figs. 25, 26; Pl. 3/2

1995 Plicatodus plicatus Fritsch, 1889 – Hampe, pp. 218-221; Fig. 6

1996 Plicatodus plicatus (Fritsch, 1879) - Schneider, p. 326; Figs 2, 3

Holotype: The original (Fritsch 1889; Pl. 88, Fig. 13)from KnûÏeves is deposited at the National Museum, Pra-gue under the number M 305.Localities: Klobuky „Slope“; KnûÏeves; Kounov; Nb-5(M‰ec M.); Nm-1 (Jelenice M.); Panensk˘ T˘nec; S‰-1(M‰ec M.).

Plicatodus sp.

Locality: Klobuky „Slope“.


Triodus cf. sessilis Jordan, 1849

1985 Triodus cf. sessilis – Schneider, p. 94; Pl. 4/2-8

Locality: Svitávka „Hradisko hill“.Note: Teeth.

?Triodus sp.

1985 ?Triodus JORDAN – Schneider, p. 94; Fig. 3a

Locality: Svitávka „Hradisko hill“.Note: Dorsal spine.

?Triodus sp.

1985 ?Triodus-Typ go – Schneider, p. 94; Figs. 3b, 3c

Locality: Svitávka „Hradisko hill“.Note: Dorsal spine.

Fig. 195. Bohemiacanthus carinatus (Fritsch, 1890). Cast of the holotype M 1956. Length of the specimen is 73 cm.Ko‰Èálov.

Fig. 196. ?Bohemiacanthus oelbergensis(Fritsch, 1890). Lectotype M 1249,x 0.55. Olivûtín.

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& POPLIN, 1989


Orthacanthus kounoviensis Fritsch, 1889(Fig. 197)

1889 Orthacanthus Kounoviensis, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 107-109; Fig. 185;

Pl. 83, Fig. 1; Pls. 84, 85; Pl. 86, Figs. 1-4; Pl. 87, Figs. 1, 2, 5, 7;

Pl. 90

1923 Pleuracanthus kounoviensis – Evans, pp. 17, 18; Fig. 11

1945 Orthacanthus kounoviensis – Romer, p. 432

1996 Orthacanthus kounoviensis Fritsch, 1889 – Schneider, p. 323;

Fig. 3

1998 Orthacanthus (Orthacanthus) kounoviensis Fritsch 1889 –

Heidtke, p. 140; Fig. 4

2000 Orthacanthus kounoviensis – Soler-Gijón, p. 366; Fig. 2F; Pl. 1

Type: Isolated dorsal spine M 1139 figured by Fritsch(1889, Pl. 83, Figs. 1, 1b, 1c) deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Note: Evans (1923) mentioned and figured the specimendeposited at the Natural History Museum in London underno. 47483. Localities: Dch-4 (M‰ec M.); Kounov; Kru‰ovice „Pipe-line excavation“; Slan˘ „Mine“.

Orthacanthus bohemicus Friã, 1875(Figs. 198, 199)

1875 Orthacanthus bohemicus Fr. – Friã, pp. 73-74, 77

1889 Orthacanthus bohemicus Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 104-107; Fig. 181; Pls.

81, 82; Pl. 83, Figs. 2-9; Pl. 88, Figs. 1-12; Pl. 89, Figs. 1-4

1907 Orthacanthus bohemicus Fr. - Fritsch, pp. 14-15; Figs. 3, 4

1996 Orthacanthus bohemicus Fritsch, 1889 – Schneider, p. 323; Fig. 2

1998 Orthacanthus (Orthacanthus) bohemicus Fritsch 1889 – Heidtke,

pp. 138-140; Fig. 3

1999 Orthacanthus bohemicus Fritsch - Soler-Gijón, p. 2; Figs. 2A;

23B; Tab. 1

2000 Orthacanthus bohemicus – Soler-Gijón, Tab. 1, 3

2004 Orthacanthus bohemicus Fritsch, 1889 – Soler-Gijón, pp. 536-

539; Figs. 3, 4, 8, 9A, 10A

Types: Specimens M 1145, M 1144, M 640 and others figu-red by Fritsch (1889, Pls. 81, 82, 83, Pl. 88, Figs. 1-12, Pl.89, Figs. 1-4) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Orthacanthus pinguis Fritsch, 1889(Fig. 200)

1889 Orthacanthus pinguis, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 109; Pls. 87, Figs. 3, 4, 6

1998 Orthacanthus (Orthacanthus) pinguis Fritsch 1889 – Heidtke, pp.

140-141; Fig. 5

2000 Orthacanthus pinguis – Soler-Gijón, p. 366; Tab. 1, 2

Type: Isolated dorsal spine M 1142 figured by Fritsch(1889, Pl. 87, Fig. 6) deposited at the National Museum,Prague.Locality: Kounov.

Orthacanthus sp.

1989 Orthacanthus sp. – ·imÛnek, Zajíc & Drábková, p.5; Pl. 5/2, 3

Localities: B‰-3 (M‰ec M.); DB-1 (PlouÏnice H.); Kbl-2(M‰ec M.); Ke-8 (Zdûtín H.); Klobuky „Quarry“; Klo-buky „Slope“; Kru‰ovice „Pipeline excavation“; Lib-1(M‰ec M.); Lo-6 (M‰ec M.); MV-1 (M‰ec M.); Nb-5(M‰ec M.); Nm-1 (Jelenice M.); ¤i-22 (M‰ec M.); Sã-1(Zdûtín H.); Slan˘ „Mine“; Srbeã „Pipeline excavation“.

Fig. 197. Orthacanthus kounoviensis Fritsch, 1889. Dorsal spine M 1139, x 1.8. Kounov.

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Fig. 198. Orthacanthus bohemicus Friã,1875. Specimen M 1145, x 0.85. N˘fiany.

Fig. 199. Orthacanthus bohemicus Friã,1875. Specimen M 640, x 0.85. N˘fiany.

Fig. 200. Orthacanthus pinguis Fritsch, 1889. Dorsal spine M 1142, x 1.3. Kounov.

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Brachiacanthus semiplanus Fritsch, 1889

1889 Brachiacanthus semiplanus, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 113; Pl. 83, Fig. 10

Type: Isolated spine M 307ab figured by Fritsch (1889,Pl. 83, Fig. 10) deposited at the National Museum, Pra-gue.Locality: KounovNote: Worn xenacanthodiid spines (in accordance withZidek 1978).


Xenacanthiformes indet.

2004 Xenacanthiformes indet. – Soler-Gijón, pp. 542-543; Fig. 7

Note: Specimen P-20409 (New Mexico Museum of Natu-ral History, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA) representsa xenacanth embryo.Localities: Arnultovice „Left bank of âistá stream“; Dn-3 (Zdûtín H.); F-2 (Rudník H.); HK-1 (Rudník H.); HorníKalná „Outcrop in the wood“ (Havlena & ·pinar 1952 asPleuracanthus sp.); Janovice „Dump of the Franti‰ekmine“; Jk-6 (Rudník H.); Kh-1 (Kalná H.); Klobuky„Sugar rafinery“; Klobuky „Slope“; Klobuky „East“;MV-2 (Zdûtín H.); N˘fiany; Panensk˘ T˘nec; Peruc; Srbeã„Pipeline excavation“; Zb˘‰ov „Behind the sawmill ofthe Antonín mine“.



Localities: DB-1 (PlouÏnice H.); Klobuky „Sugarrafinery“; Klobuky „Slope“; Klobuky „East“; Lib-1(Zdûtín H.); Mt-1 (Zdûtín H.); Nm-1 (Zdûtín H.);

Panensk˘ T˘nec; Peruc; PlouÏnice (unspecified); Sa-21 (Jelenice M.); Sã-1 (PlouÏnice H.); Srbeã „Pipelineexcavation“; S‰-1 (Zdûtín H.); Str-1 (Klobuky H.); Sy-1 (?Zdûtín H.)



Locality: DB-1 (Rudník H.); Kladoruby „Dolnípepfiík“; Klá‰terská Lhota; Kochov; Lhotice „Shaft“;Krsmol; Malá Lhota „Pfiíãná zmola“; Moravsk˘Krumlov „Rokytná river valley“; Padochov „Pipelineexcavation“; Veselá „Veselka brook“; Vf-1 (RudníkH.); Zb˘‰ov „Behind the sawmill of the Antonínmine“.



Platyacanthus ventricosus Fritsch, 1889(Fig. 201)

1889 Platyacanthus ventricosus, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 113; Pl. 86, Fig. 5

1911 Anodontacanthus ventricosus (Fritsch, 1875) – Hussakof, p. 162


1978 Platyacanthus ventricosus Fritsch, 1889 – Zidek, pp. 1073-1074,

Fig. 2

1998 Orthacanthus (Lebachacanthus) ventricosus Fritsch 1889 –

Heidtke, p. 143; Fig. 8

2000 Platyacanthus ventricosus – Soler-Gijón, p. 366-367; Fig. 2B

Type: Isolated dorsal spine M 308a figured by Fritsch(1889, Pl. 86, Fig. 5) deposited at the National Museum,Prague.Note: Zidek (1978) labeled this taxon as an organ genus.Locality: Kounov.

Fig. 201. Platyacanthus ventri-cosus Fritsch, 1889. Dorsalspine M 308a, x 1.0. Kounov.

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Tubulacanthus sulcatus Fritsch, 1889

1889 Tubulacanthus sulcatus Fr. – Fritsch, p. 113; Pl. 88, Fig. 14

Type: Isolated spine M 309 (damaged) figured by Fritsch(1889, Pl. 88, Fig. 14) deposited at the National Museum,Prague.Locality: Kounov.






Sphenacanthus carbonarius (Giebel, 1848)

1888 Orodus sp. – Fritsch; Pl. 73, Fig. 14

1889 Hybodus (Sphenacanthus orodus sp.) vestitus, Fr. – Fritsch, pp.


1945 “Hybodus” vestitus – Romer, p. 433

1991 “Hybodus” vestitus – Hampe, p. 123; Fig. 4b

Material: Isolated tooth M 310 figured by Fritsch (1888,Pl. 73, Fig. 14) deposited at the National Museum, Pra-gue.Localities: Klobuky „Slope“; Klobuky „East“; Kounov;MV-2 (Zdûtín H.); Panensk˘ T˘nec

Sphenacanthus sp.

Localities: PlouÏnice „Railroad cut 0.0 – 1.3 m of the sec-tion“; PlouÏnice „Railroad cut ·imÛnek’s excavation No.1“; PlouÏnice (unspecified)



Turnovichthys magnus ·tamberg, 2001(Figs. 202, 203)

2001b Turnovichthys magnus n. sp. – ·tamberg, pp. 142-145; Figs. 1-9

Type: Holotype is a fin spine M 451 figured by ·tamberg(2001b, Figs. 1-3) deposited at the Museum in Turnov andsections of the same specimen deposited under MHK60399 at the Museum of Eastern Bohemia in Hradec Krá-lové.Locality: Krsmol.




Lissodus lacustris Gebhardt, 1988

Localities: Klobuky „Sugar rafinery“; Klobuky „Slope“;MV-2 (Zdûtín H.); Peruc.


Euselachii indet.

Localities: Klobuky „Sugar rafinery“; Klobuky „Slope“;Klobuky „East“; MV-2 (Zdûtín H.).

Fig. 202. Turnovichthys magnus ·tamberg,2001. Fragment ofthe spine of the dorsal fin. HolotypeM 451, x 0.75. Krsmol.

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Palaeoxyris bohemica Crookall, 1930

1930 Palaeoxyris bohemica n. sp. - Crookall, pp. 14-15; Pl. 4, Figs. 1, 2

1934 Palaeoxyris bohemica Crookall – Prantl, pp. 2-3; Pl. 1, Figs. 1-3

1978 Palaeoxyris bohemica Crookall, 1930 – Müller, p. 10

Material: Specimens deposited at the National Museum,Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Palaeoxyris appendiculata Lesquereux, 1870

1934 Palaeoxyris appendiculata Lesquereux – Prantl, pp. 3-4; Pl. 1,

Fig. 4

Material: Specimens deposited at the National Museum,Prague.Locality: Ledce; MB-7 (M‰ec M.).

Notes: The single specimen of Janassa lacustris Zidek,1967 is not a petalodontiform tooth but the unpreparatedpart of heavily sculptured outer surface of the actinopte-rygian (paramblypterid) cleithrum. For synonymy seechapter Actinopterygii.Xenacanthus levidens mentioned from the locality Kou-nov by Friã (1875, p. 77) is assumed to be a nomennudum.

Fig. 203. Turnovichthys magnus ·tamberg,2001. Cross sectionMHK 60399 of theholotype, x 9.0. Krsmol.

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Class Acanthodii





Acanthodes fritschi Zajíc, 1998(Fig. 204)

1893 Acanthodes Bronni? (partim) – Fritsch, p. 61; Pls. 106/9-12, 1-5

1985 Acanthodes sp. indet. (partim) – Zajíc, pp. 278-284; Figs. 2, 4;

Pls. I, II, III/1

1988 Acanthodes fritschi n. sp. – Zajíc, pp. 9-29; Figs. 4-52, 64-77; Pls 1-17

Types: Holotype YA 2397 figured by Zajíc (1998, Fig. 4,23-25, 45, Pls. 1-2) is deposited at the Czech GeologicalSurvey, Prague. Paratypes M 1117, M 3629, M 3630,M 3633, M 3635 are from the collection of the NationalMuseum, Prague, P 30675, P 30676, P 30678, P 30705 arefrom the collection of the Paleontological Department ofthe Charles University, Prague , YA 1347, YA 1378, YA1379, YA 2347, YA 2356, YA 2381, YA 2384, YA 2406,YA 2459, YA 2460, YA 2461, YA 2470, YA 2491, JZ 1/11,JZ 1/13, JZ 2/24 are from the collection of the Czech Geo-logical Survey, Prague.

Localities: Bc-1 (M‰ec M.); Hfiedle; Jedomûlice; Klo-buky „ Slope“; Lo-6 (M‰ec M.); MV-1 (M‰ec M.); ¤i-20(M‰ec M.); ¤i-22 (M‰ec M.); ¤i-25 (M‰ec M.); Sa-2a (M‰ec M.); Slan˘ „Hollow“; Srbeã „Excavation forpipeline“; Zábofi „Pit magnate Riese“; Îilov.

Acanthodes gracilis (Beyrich, 1848)(Fig. 205)

1848 Holacanthodes gracilis – Beyrich, pp. 31-32

1861 A. gracilis Beyrich sp. – Beyrich, p. 21

1893 Acanthodes gracilis var. Bendai – Fritsch, pp. 64-67 (partim);

Figs. 261, 265; Pl. 107/11

1939b Acanthodes gracilis (BEYR.) var. bendai Fr. – Augusta, pp. 269-

270 (partim)

1946b Acanthodes gracilis bendai – Augusta, pp. 80-81 (partim)

1947 Acanthodes gracilis (BEYRICH) ROEMER var. bendai Fr. –

Augusta, pp. 196-197 (partim)

1989 Acanthodes „gracilis bendai“ – Zajíc, pp. 289-291 (partim – spe-

cimen YA 1360)

2005 Acanthodes gracilis (Beyrich, 1848) – Zajíc, pp. 11-27; Figs. 3-

25, 27-30; Pls. 1A-6C, 9A-14B

Material: Collection of specimens from the end of 19thcentury is deposited at the National Museum, Prague.

A large collection of specimens from thelocalities of the Rudník Horizon of the Krko-no‰e Piedmont Basin are under MHK 63633– 63650, and others, at the Museum of Eas-tern Bohemia in Hradec Králové. A largeplate of siltstone with 45 specimens of Acant-hodes sp. from the locality Vrchlabí „Roadcut“ is deposited at the Museum in NováPaka. Localities: âerná Hora „Uncompleted motor-way cut“; HK-1 (Rudník H.); Kladoruby„Dolní pepfiík“; Ko‰Èálov „Behind thetavern“; Ko‰Èálov „Kováfi’s Mill“; Ko‰Èálov –unspecified; Kundratice „Doly“; Malá Lhota„Pfiíãná zmola“; Padochov „Pipeline excava-tion“; Prostfiední Lánov „Behind the factory“;Rudník; Rybnice „Hrádeck˘ creek“; Svi-távka, „Hradisko hill – mainnorth westernslope“; Zbraslavec; Zb˘‰ov „Behind the saw-mill of the Antonín Mine“.

Fig. 204. Acanthodes fritschi Zajíc, 1998. Holotype YA 2397, ¤i-22(borehole), x 1.2.

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Acanthodes stambergi Zajíc, 2005(Fig. 206)

2005 Acanthodes stambergi n. sp. – Zajíc, pp. 27-30; Figs. 9, 12, 15,

16, 24, 28-33; Pls. 8C, 14C, 14D

Types: Holotype MHK 63 762/A figured by Zajíc (2005,Fig. 32, Pls. 8C, 14D) is deposited together with paratypesMHK 63 762/B, MHK 63 796/C at the Museum of Eas-tern Bohemia in Hradec Králové. Locality: Kladoruby „Dolní pepfiík“.

Acanthodes sp. (Stephanian specimens)(Fig. 207)

1893 Acanthodes Bronni? (partim) – Fritsch, p. 61; Pl.


1893 Acanthodes punctatus, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 61-62; Fig.

205; Pls. 107/7-9

1912 Acanthodes punctatus, Fr. – Friã, p. 32

Material: Collection of specimens from the endof 19th century is deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague, large collection is housed atthe Geological Survey, Prague and several speci-mens (MP-M 315, MP-M 317, MP-M 318) are atthe West Bohemian Museum in Pilsen. Localities: Bc-1 (M‰ec M., Zdûtín H.); Bdín;B‰-3 (M‰ec M.); DB-1 (Upper Syfienov F.,PlouÏnice H.); Dch-3 (M‰ec M.); Dch-4 (M‰ecM.); Dn-3 (Zdûtín H.); Dolní ·tûpanice; Hfiedle;HK-1 (·tûpanice-âikvásky H.); H‰-1 (M‰ec M.);Hvûzda; Jedomûlice; Kbl-2 (M‰ec M.); Ke-5

(M‰ec M.; Zdûtín H.); Ke-6 (M‰ec M.); Ke-7 (M‰ec M.);Klobuky „Gallery“; Klobuky „Sugar rafinery“; Klobuky„Quarry“; Klobuky „Slope“; Klobuky „East“; KnûÏeves;Kounov; Krouãová „Dump pit Adolf“; Krp-1 (M‰ec M.);Krupá; Kru‰ovice „Excavation for pipeline“; LB-1 (M‰ecM.); Lbl-1 (M‰ec M.); Lib-1 (Jelenice M., Zdûtín H.); Lo-6 (M‰ec M.); Malesice; MB-3 (Zdûtín H.); Mt-1 (M‰ecM., Zdûtín H.); MV-1 (M‰ec M.); MV-2 (M‰ec M., ZdûtínH.); Nb-5 (M‰ec M.); Nedvûzí „Gallery Otto“; Nová Ves„Field near by Îìár u Kumburku; N˘fiany „Highway“;Ob-5 (M‰ec M.); Páleãek; Panensk˘ T˘nec; Peruc; PlouÏ-nice (unspecified); Pfierubenice; ¤i-20 (M‰ec M.); ¤i-21(M‰ec M.); ¤i-22 (M‰ec M.); ¤i-24 (M‰ec M.); ¤i-25

Fig. 205. Acanthodes gracilis(Beyrich, 1848). Specimen M1933, Ko‰Èálov, x 0.4.

Fig. 206. Acanthodes stambergi Zajíc, 2005. Holotype MHK 63762/A, Kladoruby „Dolní pepfiík“, x 0.8.

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(M‰ec M.); ¤i-26 (M‰ec M.); ¤i-30 (M‰ec M.); Sa-2a (M‰ec M.); Sa-21 (Jelenice M., M‰ec M.); Sã-1 (BlackShale F., PlouÏnice H.); Slan˘ „Hollow“; Srbeã; Srbeã„Excavation for pipeline“; S‰-1 (M‰ec M., Zdûtín H.); Str-1 (M‰ec M.); TR-1 (M‰ec M.); Úherce; Zábofi „Pit mag-nate Riese“; Îilov.

Acanthodes sp. (Autunian specimens)

1893 Acanthodes gracilis var. Bendai – Fritsch, pp. 64-67 (partim);

Figs. 260, 262-264; Pl. 107/10

1946b Acanthodes gracilis bendai – Augusta, pp. 80-81 (partim)

1947a Acanthodes gracilis (BEYRICH) ROEMER var. bendai Fr. –

Augusta, pp. 196-197 (partim)

1989 Acanthodes „gracilis bendai“ – Zajíc, pp. 289-291 (partim); Figs.

2, 3; Pls. 1, 2

2005 Acanthodes sp. – Zajíc, pp. 30-37; Figs. 9, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 28,

29, 34-44; Pls. 6D-8B, 15A-16D

Material: Set of the material from the older collections isdeposited in the National Museum, Prague, other large setof specimens is at the Geological Survey, Prague. New col-lections (MHK 63752-63810 and others) from the Krko-no‰e Piedmont Basins and Boskovice Graben are housedat the Museum of Eastern Bohemia in Hradec Králové.Localities: âerná Hora (unidentified); âerná Hora„Uncompleted motorway cut“; âesk˘ Brod „Na skalce“;Dolní Sytová; F-1 (Rudník H.); F-2 (Rudník H.); F-3(Rudník H.); HK-1 (PlouÏnice H., Rudník H.); Hluboké

Dvory; Hluboké Dvory – Skaliãka„Uncompleted motorway cut“; Jano-vice; Jk-6 (Rudník H.); Kladoruby„Dolní pepfiík“; Ko‰Èálov – unspeci-fied; Ko‰Èálov „Behind the hostel“;Ko‰Èálov „Behind the tavern“; Ko‰Èá-lov „Kováfi’s Mill“; Kundratice „Doly“;Letovice „Jindfiichov“; Lubû; MaláLhota „Pfiíãná zmola“; Moravsk˘Krumlov „Valley of the river Rokytná“;Neslovice „Pod Knovízem“; Neslovice„Fish rock“; Oslavany „Left bank ofthe river Oslava“; Padochov „Pipelineexcavation“; Polánka; Podolí; Pro-stfiední Lánov „Behind the factory“;Rk-9a (Rudník H.); Rybnice „Hrá-deck˘ creek“; Sebranice „Hill – sidehill Podsedky“; Sebranice „Rasovnavalley“; Svitávka „Hradisko hill –southern foot“; Svitávka „Hradiskohill – mainnorth-western slope“; Vf-1(Rudník H.); Víchová; Vrchlabí „Roadcut“; Zbonûk; Zbraslavec; Zb˘‰ov„Behind the sawmill of the AntonínMine“.


Traquairichthys pygmaeus (Friã, 1875)(Figs. 208, 209)

1875 Acanthodes pygmaeus Fr. – Friã, p. 74

1893 Traquairia pygmaea, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 50-55; Figs. 245-249; Pls.


Fig. 207. Several specimens of Acanthodes sp. from the accumulation of circa45 specimens on the bedding surface of the carbonate flag. Vrchlabí „Roadcut“, x 0.3.

Fig. 208. Traquairichthys pygmaeus (Friã, 1875). LectotypeM 1121, N˘fiany, x 0.0.

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1939a Traquairia pygmaea Fr. – Augusta, pp. 243-245

1975 Traquairichthys pygmaeus (Fritsch, 1893) – Jensen, pp. 126-127;

Figs. 2B, 2C

1979 T. pygmaeus (Fritsch) 1875A – Denison, p. 48; Fig. 29H

1998 Traquairichthys pygmaeus (Friã, 1875) – Zajíc, p. 39

Types: Lectotype M 1121 here designated figured byFritsch (1893, Pl. 103, Fig. 1) deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Localities: N˘fiany, Tfiemo‰ná.Note: Still unredescribed species may belongs to thegenus Acanthodes.



Pseudacanthodes pinnatus (Fritsch, 1893)

1893 Protacanthodes pinnatus, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 55-58; Figs. 250-252;

Pl. 108

1979 P. pinnatus (Fritsch) 1893 (1895A) – Denison, p. 48; Figs. 29I,


1998 Protacanthodes pinnatus (Fritsch, 1893) – Zajíc, p. 39

Types: Lectotype M 1118 figured by Fritsch (1893, Pl.108, Fig. 1) is deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Tfiemo‰náNote: Still unredescribed species may represent some-what differently preserved Traquairichthys pygmaeus.

Fig. 209. Traquarichthys pygmaeus (Friã, 1875). SpecimenM 138 (West Bohemian Museum in Pilsen) with well deve-loped tail and squamation. Whole specimen is 50 mmlong. N˘fiany.

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Elonichthys sphaerosideritarum(Fritsch, 1895) (Fig. 210)

1895a Acrolepis sphaerosideritarum, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 116-117; Pl.

127, Figs. 1–7

1989b Watsonichthys sphaerosideritarum (Fritsch, 1895) – ·tamberg,

p. 261; Fig. 3; Pl. 4, Fig. 2

1991 Watsonichthys sphaerosideritarum (Fritsch, 1895) – ·tamberg,

p. 37 – 46; Figs. 6–11; Pl. 4

2006 „Elonichthys“ sphaerosideritarum (Fritsch 1895) – ·tamberg,

p. 223; Fig. 2B

Types: Holotype M 888 and M 889 (part and counterpart)figured by Fritsch (1895a, Pl. 127, Figs. 1-7) deposited atthe National Museum, Prague.Localities: Bc-1 (M‰ec M.); DB-1 (Upper Syfienov F.);Dch-4 (M‰ec M.); Kbl-2 (M‰ec M.); Ke-7 (M‰ec M.); LB-1 (M‰ec M.); Lib-1 (M‰ec M.); Mt-1 (M‰ec M.); MV-1(M‰ec M.); MV-2 (M‰ec M.); Netovice; Nb-5 (M‰ec M.);Nt-1 (M‰ec M.); Ob-5 (M‰ec M.); RPZ-22 (Hfiedle M.);¤i-20 (M‰ec M.); ¤i-21 (M‰ec M.); ¤i-22 (M‰ec M.); ¤i-24 (M‰ec M.); ¤i-30 (M‰ec M.); Sa-21 (Jelenice M., M‰ecM.); S‰-1 (M‰ec M., Zdûtín H.); V‰-1 (M‰ec M.); Îilov.

Elonichthys krejcii (Fritsch, 1895)(Figs. 211, 212)

1895a Acrolepis Krejãii, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 115-116; Pl.128, Figs. 1-8

1989b Watsonichthys krejcii (Fritsch, 1895) – ·tamberg, p. 260

1991 Watsonichthys krejcii (Fritsch, 1895) – ·tamberg, pp. 31-37, Figs.

3-5; Pls. 1-3

2006 „Elonichthys“ krejcii (Fritsch 1895) – ·tamberg, p. 223; Fig. 2C

Types: Holotype M 1208 (part and counterpart) and gal-vanic cast M 890 figured by Fritsch (1895a, Pl. 128,

Figs. 1-8) are deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Malesice.

„Elonichthys“ sp.(Fig. 213, 214)

1997a Watsonichthys – Zajíc, p. 198; Pl. 1, Fig. 8

2007 Elonichthys sp. – Zajíc, pp. 13, 14

2007a Elonichthys sp. – ·tamberg, p. 73; Fig. 75; Pl. 39

Material: Specimen GBW 2006/65/4 housed at the Geo-logisches Bundesanstalt, Vienna, specimens MHK 70063,MHK 80212 and MHK 80213 deposited at the Museum ofEastern Bohemia in Hradec Králové, several specimens atthe private collection of Mr Lapacík (Turnov), andamount of isolated scales and bones from the Stephanianof the Krkono‰e Piedmont Basin housed mainly at theNational Museum, Prague and Geologisches Bundesan-stalt, Vienna.Localities: Bc-1 (M‰ec M.); DB-1 (Upper Syfienov F.,

Fig. 210. Elonichthys sphaerosideritarum (Fritsch, 1895).Holotype, M 889. Îilov, x 0.63.

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PlouÏnice H.); Dch-3 (M‰ec M.); Dch-4 (M‰ec M.); Dm-9 (M‰ec M.); HK-1 (PlouÏnice H.); Jb-1 (M‰ec M., HfiedleM.); Kbl-2 (M‰ec M.); Ke-5 (M‰ec M.); Ke-6 (HfiedleM.); Ke-7 (M‰ec M.); Kk-1 (Hfiedle M.); Klobuky„Slope“; Krp-1 (M‰ec M.); Kundratice „Doly“; Kyjeu Jiãína; LB-1 (M‰ec M.); Lib-1 (M‰ec M.); Lo-6 (M‰ecM.); Lt-1 (Lower Syfienov F., Black Shale H., ·tûpanice-âikvásky H.); Mt-1 (M‰ec M.); MV-1 (M‰ec M.); MV-2(M‰ec M., Hfiedle M., Zdûtín H.); Nb-5 (M‰ec M.); Nm-1(Zdûtín H.); Nt-1 (M‰ec M.); N˘fiany „Highway“; Ob-5(M‰ec M.); PlouÏnice (unspecified); PlouÏnice „A rail-road cut – kilometre stone 60.5“; Pfiíkr˘ „HonkÛv creek“;RPZ-22 (M‰ec M., Hfiedle M.); ¤i-20 (M‰ec M.); ¤i-22(M‰ec M.); ¤i- 24 (M‰ec M.); ¤i-25 (M‰ec M.); ¤i-30(M‰ec M.); Sã-1 (Lower Syfienov F., Black Shale H.,PlouÏnice H.); Semily „Behind the factory“; Slan˘ „Hol-low“ ; Srbeã „ Excavation for pipeline“; S‰-1 (M‰ec M.);Str-1 (M‰ec M.); TR-1 (M‰ec M.); Úherce; V‰-1 (BlackShale H.); Zastávka u Brna „Julius Mine“.

Fig. 211. Elonichthys krejcii (Fritsch,1895). Holotype M 1208, Malesice, x 1.0.

Fig. 212. Elonichthys krejcii (Fritsch,1895). Specimen M 109 from the collec-tion of the West Bohemian Museum inPilsen. Malesice, x 1.0.

Fig. 213. Elonichthys sp. Frag-ment of the body witha straggle of scales. No2006/66 (Geologisches Bun-desanstalt, Vienna). Zastávkau Brna „Mine Julius“, x 4.0.

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Class Osteichthyes, Subclass Actinopterygii



·TAMBERG, 2007

Letovichthys tuberculatus·tamberg, 2007 (Fig. 215)

2007 Letovichthys tuberculatus n. sp. – ·tamberg,

pp. 56-66; Figs. 56-71; Pls. 26-36

Types: Holotype MHK 72424 (part nadcounterpart) figured by ·tamberg (2007,Figs. 56, 62, 66A, Pl. 29, Pl. 31, Fig. 5,Pl. 33, Fig. 4) deposited at the Museum ofEastern Bohemia in Hradec Králové.Localities: Kladoruby „Dolní pepfiík“;Letovice „Jindfiichov“; Zbraslavec.

Letovichthys multidentatus ·tamberg, 2007 (Fig. 216)

2007 Letovichthys multidentatus n. sp. – ·tamberg, pp. 67-69; Figs. 72-

74, Pls. 37, 38

Type: Holotype MHK 72436 (part and counterpart) figu-red by ·tamberg (2007, Figs. 72-74, Pl. 37) deposited atthe Museum of Eastern Bohemia in Hradec Králové.Locality: Kladoruby „Dolní pepfiík“.

Fig. 214. Elonichthys sp. Skull roof, maxilla, opercular and subopercularbones and pectoral fin. Pfiíkr˘ „HonkÛv creek“, MHK 70063, x 2.4.

Fig. 215. Letovichthys tuberculatus ·tamberg, 2007. Skullroof. Holotype MHK 72424, whitened. Kladoruby „Dolnípepfiík“, x 4.1.

Fig. 216. Letovichthys multidentatus ·tamberg, 2007.Lower and upper jaws with marginal teeth. Holotype MHK72436. Kladoruby „Dolní pepfiík“, x 10.0.

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Progyrolepis speciosus (Friã, 1876)(Fig. 217)

1876 Gyrolepis speciosus Fr. – Friã, p. 77

1891 Elonichthys speciosus – Woodward, p. 501

1895a Progyrolepis speciosus, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 118-120; Fig. 308; Pl.

131, Figs. 1-15; Pl. 132, Figs. 1-7

1989b Progyrolepis speciosus (Friã, 1875) – ·tamberg, p. 262; Fig. 4

1991 Progyrolepis speciosus (Friã, 1875) – ·tamberg, pp. 47-57; Figs.

12-23; Pls. 5-9

1997a Progyrolepis speciosus – Zajíc, p. 189

2006 Progyrolepis speciosus (Friã 1876) – ·tamberg, p. 223; Fig. 3

2007 Progyrolepis speciosus – Zajíc, p. 14

Types: Lectotype M 1217 and M 881 (part and counter-part) designated by ·tamberg (1991) from the materialfigured by Fritsch (1895a, Pl. 131, Fig. 12) deposited atthe National Museum, Prague.Localities: Bc-1 (M‰ec M.); DB-1 (Upper Syfienov F.,PlouÏnice H.); Hvûzda; Jedomûlice; Ke-5 (Zdûtín H.); Ke-7 (M‰ec M.); Ke-8 (M‰ec M.); Klobuky „Sugar rafinery“;Klobuky „Slope“; Klobuky „East“; Kounov; Kru‰ovice„Excavation for pipeline“; Lib-1 (Zdûtín H.); Lo-6 (M‰ecM.); MV-1 (M‰ec M.); MV-2 (Zdûtín H.); Nb-5 (M‰ecM.); Nm-1 (Jelenice M.); Panensk˘ T˘nec; PlouÏnice(unspecified); PlouÏnice „A railroad cut“; Sa-21 (JeleniceM.); Sã-1 (Lower Syfienov F., PlouÏnice H.); Srbeã „Exca-

vation for pipeline“; S‰-1 (M‰ec M.); TR-1 (M‰ec M.);Zábofi.


Zaborichthys fragmentalis ·tamberg, 1989 (Fig. 218)

1989b Zaborichthys fragmentalis ·tamberg, 1989 – ·tamberg, pp. 262-

263; Fig. 5; Pl. 2, Figs. 1, 3

1991 Zaborichthys fragmentalis n. sp. – ·tamberg, pp. 58-63; Figs. 24-

27; Pls. 10-11

2006 Zaborichthys fragmentalis ·tamberg 1991 – ·tamberg, p. 223

2007 Zaborichthys fragmentalis – Zajíc, p. 13.

Types: Holotype M 2065 and M 2066 (part and counter-part) figured by ·tamberg (1991, Figs. 24, 25, 27, Pl. 10-11) deposited at the National Museum, Prague. Localities: Bc-1 (M‰ec M.); Dch-4 (M‰ec M.); Lt-1(Black Shale H.); MV-1 (M‰ec M.); MV-2 (M‰ec M.); Nb-5 (M‰ec M.); Ob-5 (M‰ec M.); PlouÏnice (unspecified);¤i-20 (M‰ec M.); ¤i-22 (M‰ec M.); Sã-1 (Black ShaleH.); TR-1 (M‰ec M.); Zábofi.

Fig. 217. Progyrolepis speciosus (Friã, 1875). Skull roof,palatomaxillary apparatus and lower jaw. Lectotype M 1217,Kounov, x 0.8.

Fig. 218. Zaborichthys fragmentalis ·tamberg, 1991. Der-mal bones of the head. Holotype M 2066, Zábofi, x 1.7.

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Acrolepis gigas (Friã, 1877)(Fig. 219)

1877b Amblypterus gigas Fr. – Friã, p. 50

1891 Elonichthys (?) gigas (Fritsch) – Woodward, p. 494

1895a Acrolepis gigas , Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 117-118; Pl. 129-130

1989b Acrolepis gigas (Friã, 1877) – ·tamberg, pp. 263-264; Figs. 2, 6;

Pl. 1

1991 Acrolepis gigas (Friã, 1877) – ·tamberg, pp. 65-70, Figs. 28-30,

Pls. 12-15

2006 Acrolepis gigas (Friã 1877) – ·tamberg, p. 223; Fig. 2A

Types: Lectotype M 125 designated by ·tamberg (1991)from the material figured by Fritsch (1895a, Pl. 130, Fig. 1)deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Localities: Kounov; Lubná; ¤i-22 (M‰ec M.); Sã-1(Black Shale H.); Srbeã „Excavation for pipeline“; Tluãná„Mine Krimich II“.



Sphaerolepis kounoviensis Friã, 1876(Figs. 220, 221)

1876 (Nov. Gen.) Kounoviensis – Friã, p. 76

1877b Sphaerolepis (n.g.) Kounoviensis – Friã, p. 46

1893 Trissolepis Kounoviensis, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 76–80; Figs. 277, 278;

Pls. 109–112

1967 Sphaerolepis kounoviensis Friã – Gardiner, pp. 164–168; Figs.


1985 Sphaerolepis kounoviensis Fritsch, 1877 – ·tamberg, pp.

101–103; Figs. 4–7

1989b Sphaerolepis kounoviensis Friã, 1875 – ·tamberg, pp. 264–265;

Figs. 7, 8; Pl. 4, Fig. 3

1991 Sphaerolepis kounoviensis Friã, 1875 – ·tamberg, pp. 72–87;

Figs. 31–48; Pls. 16–18

1996 Sphaerolepis kounoviensis – Zajíc, p. 189

2000 Sphaerolepis kounoviensis – ·tamberg & Zajíc, pp. 455–458;

Figs. 1, 2E

2001b Sphaerolepis kounoviensis – ·tamberg, p. 145; Figs. 11f

2006 Sphaerolepis kounoviensis Friã, 1876 – ·tamberg, p. 223; Fig. 2D

2007 Sphaerolepis kounoviensis – Zajíc, pp. 13, 14

Fig. 219. Acrolepis gigas (Friã, 1877). Lectotype M 125, Îilov, x 0.13.

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Types: Lectotype M 1198 and M1197 (galvanic cast ofthe lectotype) designated by ·tamberg (1989) from thematerial figured by Fritsch (1893, Pl. 110, Fig. 1) deposi-ted at the National Museum, Prague.Localities: Bc-1 (M‰ec M., Zdûtín H.); B‰-3(M‰ec M.);DB-1 (Lower Syfienov F., Upper Syfienov F., PlouÏniceH.); Dch-3 (Zdûtín H.); Dn-3 (Zdûtín H.); Hfiedle;Hvûzda; Jedomûlice; Ke-5 (Zdûtín H.); Ke-8 (Zdûtín H.);Jedomûlice; Klobuky „Sugar rafinery“; Klobuky„Quarry“; Klobuky „Slope“; Klobuky „Adit“ ; Klobuky„East“; KnûÏeves; Ko‰Èálov „Dump of the Nadûje adit“;Kounov; Kouty „Dump of the Adolf and Glück adits“;Krouãová; Krsmol; Kv-1 Ko‰Èálov (·tûpanice-âikváskyH.); LB-1 (M‰ec M.); Lib-1 (Jelenice M., M‰ec M., Zdû-tín H., Línû F.); Lo-6 (M‰ec M.); MB-3 (Zdûtín H.); Mt-1(Zdûtín H.); MV-1 (M‰ec M., Zdûtín H.); MV-2 (JeleniceM., Zdûtín H.); Nb-5 (M‰ec M.); Nedvûzí „Dump of theOtto adit“; Nedvûzí „Dump of the Rohan adit“; Nm-1(Jelenice M., Zdûtín H.); Nová Ves nad Popelkou „Field

near by Îìár u Kumburku“; N˘fiany „Highway“; Panen-sk˘ T˘nec; Peruc; PlouÏnice (unspecified); PlouÏnice „Arailroad cut – kilometre stone 60.5“; Rybníãek; ¤i-22(M‰ec M.); Sã-1 (Middle Semily F., PlouÏnice H.); Srbeã„Excavation for pipeline“; S‰-1 (Jelenice M., Zdûtín H.);Str-1 (Zdûtín H.); TR-1 (M‰ec M.); Tfi-1 (Ledce M.); Tfi-10 (? Ledce M. - The stratigraphy of the Tfi-10 borehole isuntrustworthy); Úherce; Zábofi; Îìár u Kumburku„Smíta“.

Sphaerolepis sp.

1987 Sphaerolepis sp. – Zajíc, p. 49

2003c Sphaerolepis – ·tamberg, pp. 155-156

Material: Isolated scales MHK 63859, MHK 63860deposited at the Museum of Eastern Bohemia in HradecKrálové.Localities: Rybníãek; Str-1 (Zdûtín H.).

Fig. 220. Sphaerolepis kounoviensis Friã,1876. Maxilla, lower jaw and scales. Galva-nic cast (M 1197) of the lectotype M 1198.Kounov, x 10.4.

Fig. 221. Sphaerolepis kounoviensis Friã, 1876.Body and well preserved tail. M 3319 (NationalMuseum, Prague). Kounov, x 1.1.

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Sceletophorus biserialis Fritsch, 1894 (Figs. 222, 223)

1894 Sceletophorus biserialis, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 88–92; Figs. 281–286;

Pls. 116, 117, Fig. 5

1894 Phanerosteon pauper, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 92–94; Fig. 287; Pl. 117,

Figs. 1–4

1894 Amblypterus verrucosus, Fr. – Fritsch, partim, Fig. 290

1936 Gymnoniscus pauper – Berg, p. 345

1967 Sceletophorus biserialis Friã – Gardiner, pp. 169–172; Figs.


1983 Sceletophorus biserialis Fritsch, 1895 – ·tamberg, pp. 44–61;

Figs. 1–10; Pl. 1, Figs. 1, 2; Pls. 2, 4, Figs. 2, 3

1989b Sceletophorus biserialis Fritsch, 1895 – ·tamberg, pp. 265-266;

Fig. 9

1991 Sceletophorus biserialis Fritsch, 1895 – ·tamberg, pp. 88–89;

Figs. 41–51; Pls. 19–20

2006 Sceletophorus biserialis Fritsch, 1894 – ·tamberg, pp. 202 – 203;

Fig. 2D

Types: Lectotype M 1202 designa-ted by ·tamberg (1984) from thematerial figured by Fritsch (1894,Pl. 116, Fig. 1) deposited at theNational Museum, Prague. Locality: Tfiemo‰ná.

Sceletophorus verrucosus(Fritsch, 1894) (Fig. 224)

1894 Amblypterus verrucosus, Fr. –

Fritsch, partim, pp. 96–99; Fig. 289;

Pl. 120

1983 Sceletophorus verrucosus (Fritsch,

1895) – ·tamberg, pp. 61–66; Figs.

11–14; Pl. 1, Fig. 3; Pl. 3; Pl. 4, Fig. 1

1991 Sceletophorus verrucosus (Fritsch,

1895) – ·tamberg, pp. 89–93; Pl. 21

2006 Sceletophorus verrucosus (Fritsch

1894) – ·tamberg, p. 221

Types: Lectotype M 1205 designa-ted by ·tamberg (1984) from thematerial figured by Fritsch (1894,Fig. 289, Pl. 120) deposited at theNational Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany; Tfiemo‰ná.

Fig. 222. Sceletophorus biserialis Fritsch, 1895. Paralectotype M 1264, Tfie-mo‰ná, x 2.5.

Fig. 223. Sceletophorus biserialis Fritsch, 1895. Specimen M 1349 (NationalMuseum, Prague). Tfiemo‰ná, x 1.6.

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Igornichthys sp. (Fig. 225)

1994 Igornichthys sp. – ·tamberg, p. 21; Fig. 2; Pl. 1, Fig. 1

2006 Igornichthys sp. – ·tamberg, pp. 226, 227

Material: Specimen MHK 30866 figured by ·tamberg(1994, Fig. 2, Pl. 1, Fig. 1) deposited at the Muzeum ofEastern Bohemia in Hradec Králové.Locality: Pfiíkr˘ „HonkÛv creek“.


& ZAJÍC, 1994

Setlikia bohemica ·tamberg & Zajíc, 1994 (Fig. 226)

1994 Setlikia bohemica gen. et sp. nov. – ·tamberg &

Zajíc, pp. 53 – 58; Figs. 2-4, 5D; Pls. 1, 2

2006 Setlikia bohemica ·tamberg, Zajíc, 1994 –

·tamberg, p. 224

Type: Holotype YA 1352 figured by ·tam-berg & Zajíc (1994, Figs. 2–4, Pls. 1, 2)deposited at the Geological Survey, Prague.Locality: Krouãová – borehole Kr – 11.Note: The original lithostratigraphic inter-pretation of the Kr-11 borehole that was usedby ·tamberg & Zajíc (1994) was founduntrustworthy because the Ledce Memberare formed by clastic sediments only. The

reinterpretation reveal an unusual development of thelower part o the Kounov Member.



Neslovicella rzehaki ·tamberg, 2007(Fig. 227)

2003d Aeduellidae Romer, 1945 – ·tamberg, p. 33

2007a Neslovicella rzehaki n. sp. – ·tamberg, pp. 18-39; Figs. 9–39;

Pls. 4–17

Types: Holotype MHK 70615(part and counterpart) figured by·tamberg (2007a, Fig. 13; Pl. 4,Fig. 1; Pl. 6, Fig. 1; Pl. 7, Fig. 2;Pl. 9, Fig. 3) deposited at theMuseum of Eastern Bohemia inHradec Králové.Localities: Neslovice „FishRock“; Neslovice „Fish Rock 2“.

Fig. 224. Sceletophorus verrucosus (Fritsch, 1895). Lectotype M 1205,Tfiemo‰ná, x 0.6.

Fig. 225. Igornichthys sp. MHK 30866, Pfiíkr˘ „HonkÛv creek“, x 2.4.

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Bourbonnella hirsuta ·tamberg, 2007 (Fig. 228)

2003a Aeduella sp. – ·tamberg, Fig. 4

2003b Aeduella – ·tamberg, p. 33

2006 Bourbonnella sp. – ·tamberg, p. 226; Fig. 5

2007a Bourbonnella hirsuta n. sp. – ·tamberg, pp. 39–55; Figs. 40–55;

Pls. 18–25

Types: Holotype MHK 63858 figured by ·tamberg(2007a, Figs. 40A, B, 43–47, 53, 54; Pl. 18, Fig. 1; Pls.19–22; Pl. 24, Figs. 1, 2, 5; Pl. 25) deposited at theMuseum of Eastern Bohemia in Hradec Králové.Localities: Kochov „In the streams“; Drválovice „Wind-mill“.


Aeduella sp. (Fig. 229)

2002a Aeduella Westoll, 1937 – ·tamberg, pp. 150–152; Figs. 6A, 7–10

Material: Specimens MHK 62441 and others figured by·tamberg (2002, Figs. 6A, 7–10) deposited at theMuseum of Eastern Bohemia in Hradec Králové.Locality: Klá‰terská Lhota.

Fig. 226. Setlikia bohemica ·tamberg & Zajíc, 1994. Skullroof. Holotype YA 1352, Krouãová – Kr-11, x 3.8.

Fig. 227. Neslovicella rzehaki ·tamberg, 2007. Plate MHK 70615 with several specimens including the holotype. Neslovice „Fish rock 2“.

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Spinarichthys dispersus (Fritsch,1894) (Fig. 230)

1894 Acentrophorus dispersus, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 81–83;

Fig. 279; Pls. 113, 114

1986 Spinarichthys dispersus (Fritsch, 1895) – ·tam-

berg, pp. 156–163; Figs. 1–6; Pls. 1–2

1989b Spinarichthys dispersus (Fritsch, 1895) – ·tam-

berg, p. 267; Fig. 10; Pl. 4, Figs. 1, 3

1991 Spinarichthys dispersus (Fritsch, 1895) – ·tam-

berg, p. 95; Fig. 52; Pls. 22–23

2006 Spinarichthys dispersus (Fritsch 1894) – ·tamberg,

pp. 223–224

2007 Spinarichthys dispersus – Zajíc, pp. 13, 14

Types: Holotype M 814 and galvanic cast ofthe holotype M 1200 figured by Fritsch (1894,Pl. 113, Figs. 2–4, Pl. 114, Fig. 1) deposited atthe National Museum, Prague. Localities: Dn-3 (Zdûtín H.); Ke-6 (M‰ec M.);Klobuky „Slope“; Ko‰Èálov „Dump of theNadûje adit“; Kounov; Lib-1 (Jelenice M.);Lt-1 (Black Shale H.); MV-1 (M‰ec M.);Nedvûzí „Dump of the Rohan adit“; N˘fiany„Highway“; Ob-5 (M‰ec M.); ¤i-21 (M‰ecM.); Sa-21 (M‰ec M.); Sã-1 (PlouÏnice H.);Srbeã „Excavation for pipeline“; S‰-1 (M‰ecM., Kounov M., Zdûtín H.); Úherce.

Aeduellidae Romer, 1945(Fig. 231)

2007b Aeduellidae Romer, 1945 – ·tamberg, p. 9, Fig. 7

Material: Specimen NHMW 1901/VII/6 figu-red by ·tamberg (2007b, Fig. 7) deposited atthe Natural History Museum in Vienna, andcollection of specimens, not described to thistime, at the Museum of Eastern Bohemia inHradec Králové.Localities: Ko‰Èálov, Ko‰Èálov „Behind thetavern“, Semily „Behind the factory“.

Fig. 228. Bourbonnella hirsuta ·tamberg, 2007. Holotype MHK63858, Kochov „In the streams“, x 1.0.

Fig. 229. Aeduella sp. Maxilla with marginal teeth. MHK 62441. Klá‰-terská Lhota, whitened, x 3.0.

Fig. 230. Spinarichthys dispersus (Fritsch, 1895). Holotype M 814.Kounov, whitened, x 4.0.

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„Amblypterus“ vratislaviensis (Agassiz, 1833 – 43) (Fig. 232)

1833-43 Palaeoniscus vratislaviensis Agass. – Agassiz, pp. 60–63; Pl.

10, Figs. 1, 2, 4–6

1894 Amblypterus Vratislavensis, (Ag). – Fritsch, pp. 100–104; Figs.

294–296, 310; Pls. 121–122

1999a Amblypterus vratislaviensis (Agassiz, 1833 – 43) – ·tamberg,

pp. 7, 9, 11, 12

2006 Amblypterus vratislaviensis (Agassiz 1833 – 43) – ·tamberg,

p. 225

Types: The type material which formed the base of thedescription of the new species (Agassiz 1833 – 43) has notbeen found. Fritsch (1894) later used numerous materialobtained during mining of the limestone, and during buil-ding work, for the revision study of the „Amblypterus“vratislaviensis. The most important specimens areM 1097 and M 1218 (part and counterpart) (Fritsch 1894,Fig. 295), M 1095 (Fritsch 1894, Fig. 296, Pl. 121, Fig. 1),M 1098 (Fritsch 1894, Pl. 121, Fig. 3), M 1206 (Fritsch

1894, Pl. 121, Figs. 5, 6) and M 837 (Fritsch 1894, Pl.122, Fig. 3) deposited at the National Museum, Prague. Localities: Olivûtín; Olivûtín „Over mill-race“; Rupre-chtice; Ruprechtice „Limestone quarries“; Ruprechtice„Pod Svûtlinou“; Otovice.

„Amblypterus“ kablikae (Geinitz, 1860) (Fig. 233)

1860 Palaeoniscus Kablikae Gein. – Geinitz, pp. 467–468

1894 Amblypterus Kablikae, Gein. sp. – Fritsch, pp. 94–96; Fig. 288;

Pl. 118, Figs. 1–6; Pl. 119, Figs. 1–5

1894 Chalkichthys – Fritsch, p. 94

1895a Amblypterus angustus (Ag.) – Fritsch, p. 114; Pl. 126, Figs. 1–4

non Palaeoniscus angustus (Agassiz 1833–43)

1912 Platysomus pygmaeus Fr. – Friã; Fig. 15

1912 Platysomus pygmäus Fr. – Friã, p. 17

1942 Amblypterus cf. kablikae Fritsch – Weiler, pp. 17–19; Figs. 13,

14; Pl. 2, Fig. 2

1999a „Amblypterus“ kablikae (Geinitz, 1860) – ·tamberg, pp. 7, 11

2006 „Amblypterus“ kablikae (Geinitz 1860) – ·tamberg, pp. 226, 227

Types: The type described by Geinitz (1860), and initiallydeposited at the Museum in Dresden, has been destroyedin the course of the Second World War. Next two specimens

Fig. 231. Aeduellidae Romer,1945. Whole specimen NHMW1901/VII/6. Ko‰Èálov, whitened,x 1.5.

Fig. 232. „Amblypterus“ vratislavi-ensis (Agassiz, 1833 – 43). Speci-men M 1095, Ruprechtice, x 1.6.

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M 847 and M 1221 formed the base for the revision studyof Fritsch (1894, Pl. 118, Figs. 1–6, Pl. 119, Figs. 1-5).Specimen M 897 served to Fritsch (1895, Pl. 126, Figs.1–4) for the description of Amblypterus angustus (Agas-siz, 1833–43). Extensively deformed specimen M 1012described and figured by Friã (1912, p. 17, Fig. 15) asPlatysomus pygmaeus. All above mention specimens aredeposited at the National Museum, Prague.Localities: âistá; Ruprechtice „Limestone quarries“; Oli-vûtín; Horní Kalná; Bítouchov.

„Amblypterus“ feistmanteli Fritsch, 1895 (Fig. 234)

1895a Amblypterus Feistmanteli, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 112–113; Pls. 124,

125, Figs. 1–3

2006 „Amblypterus“ feistmanteli Fritsch 1895 – ·tamberg, pp. 226, 227

Types: Two specimens M 898 and M 1352 figured byFritsch (1895a, Pls. 124, 125, Figs. 1–3) deposited at theNational Museum, Prague. The specimen M 898 figuredby Fritsch (1895a, Pl. 125) is designated here to be lecto-

type, and specimen M 1352 (Fritsch (1895a, Pl. 124) to beparalectotype.Localities: Lomnice nad Popelkou; Bítouchov; HorníKalná.

„Amblypterus“ lepidurus (Agassiz, 1833 – 43)

1861 Palaeoniscus lepidurus Agassiz – Geinitz, p. 19

Material: Geinitz (1861, p. 19) reports the presence ofthis species on the locality Ruprechtice and in the sur-roundings of the town Vrchlabí. Material is unknown.Localities: Ruprechtice, Vrchlabí.

Amblypterus sp.

2002a Amblypterus Agassiz, 1833 - ·tamberg, p. 149; Fig. 4

Material: Specimen MHK 62430 figured by ·tamberg(2002a, Fig. 4) deposited at the Museum of Eastern Bohe-mia in Hradec Králové.Locality: Klá‰terská Lhota.

Fig. 233. „Amblypterus“ kablikae(Geinitz, 1860). Specimen M 847,Ruprechtice, x 0.7.

Fig. 234. „Amblypterus“ feistmanteliFritsch, 1895. Lectotype M 898,Bítouchov, x 0.9.

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Paramblypterus rohani (Heckel, 1861)(Fig. 235)

1861 Palaeoniscus Rohani Heck. – Heckel, pp. 51–54; Figs. 1–3

1861 Palaeoniscus luridus Heck. – Heckel, pp. 54–56; Fig. 4

1861 Palaeoniscus obliquus Heck. – Heckel, pp. 56–58; Fig. 5

1894 Amblypterus Rohani (Heckel). – Fritsch, pp. 104–109; Figs.

297–301; Pl. 123

1895a Amblypterus luridus (Heckel). – Fritsch, p. 109; Fig. 302

1895a Amblypterus obliquus (Heckel) – Fritsch, pp. 109, 111; Figs. 304,


1942 Amblypterus rohoni Heckel. – Weiller, pp. 7–16; Figs. 2–12; Pl. 1

1967 Janassa lacustris sp. n. – Zídek, p. 203; Pl. 1, Figs. 1, 2

1969 Paramblypterus rohani Heckel (1861) – Heyler, pp. 72–75; Fig.

22; Pl. 14, Figs. 1, 2

1975 Paramblypterus rohani (Heckel, 1861) - ·tamberg, pp. 305–308;

Figs. 1, 2a; Pls. 1–2

1976 Paramblypterus rohani (Heckel, 1861) – ·tamberg, pp. 12–30;

Figs. 1–17; Pls. 1, 2, Fig. 1; Pls. 3 – 7

1976 Paramblypterus luridus Heckel, 1861 – ·tamberg, pp. 44–45; Pl.

2, Fig. 3

1976 Paramblypterus obliquus, Heckel, 1861 – ·tamberg, pp. 45–46

2006 Paramblypterus rohani (Heckel 1861) – ·tamberg, pp. 225, 227

2007 Paramblypterus rohani (Heckel, 1861) – ·tamberg, pp. 6–8; Figs.


Types: Lectotype M 849 designated by ·tamberg (1976)from the material figured by Heckel (1861, Fig. 3) isdeposited at the National Museum, Prague. ParalectotypesM 1253 (Heckel 1861, Fig. 1) and M 486 (Heckel 1861,Fig. 2) are deposited at the same place. The holotype ofthe original species Palaeoniscus luridus M 2002 figuredby Heckel (1861, Fig. 4) and other well preserved speci-

men M 1252 figured by Fritsch (1895a, Fig. 300; Pl. 123,Figs. 1-4), M 834 (Fritsch 1895a, Fig. 299; Pl. 123, Fig.5), M 454 (·tamberg 1976, Fig. 1) are also deposited atthe National Museum, Prague. The type specimen M 306originally described and figured by Zídek (1967, Pl. 1,Figs 1, 2) as Janassa lacustris n. sp. is at the real state thecleithrum of Paramblypterus rohani. A large collection ofthe specimens of the species Paramblypterus rohani fromthe localities in the vicinity of Ko‰Èálov, Kundratice, Ryb-nice and Semily is deposited at the Museum of EasternBohemia in Hradec Králové. Localities: âistá; Ko‰Èálov; Ko‰Èálov „Kováfi’s Mill“,Ko‰Èálov „Behind the tavern“; Kováfisko; Kundratice„Doly“, Pfiíkr˘ „HonkÛv creek“; Semily „Behind the fac-tory“; Rybnice „Hrádeck˘ creek“, Otovice „âern˘ brook“,Veselá „Veselka brook“; Horní Kalná „Dump of the Adammine“.

Paramblypterus caudatus (Heckel, 1861) (Fig. 236)

1861 Palaeoniscus caudatus Heck. – Heckel, pp. 58–61; Figs. 6a, b, c

1895a Amblypterus caudatus (Heck.). – Fritsch, p. 111

1976 Paramblypterus caudatus, Heckel, 1861 – ·tamberg, pp. 37–44;

Figs. 22–24; Pl. 2, Fig. 2; Pls. 10–12

1977 Paramblypterus caudatus (Heckel, 1861) – ·tamberg, pp. 26–28;

Figs. 1e, f, 3d, 4d, e, 5; Pl. 1, Fig. 2; Pl. 4, Fig. 1

2006 Paramblypterus caudatus (Heckel 1861) – ·tamberg, pp. 225,


2007 Paramblypterus caudatus (Heckel, 1861) – ·tamberg, pp. 8–9;


Types: Holotype M 1983 described and figured by Hec-kel (1861, Figs. 6a, b, c) is deposited at the National

Fig. 235. Paramblypterusrohani (Heckel,1861). SpecimenM 1252, Ko‰Èálov, x 0.66.

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Class Osteichthyes, Subclass Actinopterygii


Museum, Prague. Another well preserved specimenA 2700 described and figured by ·tamberg (1976, Fig. 23,Pl. 11) is deposited at the Paleontological Institute, Char-les University, Prague.Locality: Ko‰Èálov.

Paramblypterus reussii (Heckel, 1861) (Fig. 237)

1861 Palaeoniscus Reussii Heck. – Heckel, pp. 61–63; Fig. 7

1895a Amblypterus Reussi (Heck.). – Fritsch, p. 112; Fig. 307

1942 Amblypterus reussi Heckel. – Weiler, pp. 16–17; Pl. 2, Fig. 3

1976 Paramblypterus reussii (Heckel, 1861) – ·tamberg, pp. 31–37;

Figs. 19–21; Pls. 8–9

2006 Paramblypterus reussii (Heckel 1861) – ·tamberg, pp. 225, 227

Types: Holotype M 1215 figured by Heckel (1861, Fig. 7)is deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Localities: Ko‰Èálov.

Paramblypterus gelberti (Goldfuss, 1847)(Fig. 238)

1993 Paramblypterus gelberti (Goldfuss 1847) – ·tamberg, pp. 84–85;

Figs. 1–2; Pl. 1

2006 Paramblypterus gelberti (Goldfuss 1847) – ·tamberg, pp. 225,


Material: Specimen MHK 10979 figured and describedby ·tamberg (1993, pp. 84-85, Figs. 1, 2, Pl. 1) depositedat the Museum of Eastern Bohemia in Hradec Králové.Locality: Rybnice „Hrádeck˘ creek“.

Fig. 236. Paramb-lypterus caudatus(Heckel, 1861).Holotype M 1983,Ko‰Èálov, x 0.6.

Fig. 237. Paramblypterus reussii (Heckel,1861). Holotype M 1215, Ko‰Èálov, x 0.6.

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Class Osteichthyes, Subclass Actinopterygii


Paramblypterus zeidleri (Fritsch, 1895) (Fig. 239)

1895a Amblypterus Zeidleri, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 113; Pl. 125, Figs. 4–5

2006 Paramblypterus zeidleri (Fritsch 1895) – ·tamberg, pp. 225, 227

Types: Holotype M 901 described and figured by Fritsch(1895a, Pl. 125, Figs. 4-5), and the next specimen citedby Fritsch (1895a, p. 113) are deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Localities: Horní Kalná; Ruprechtice.

Paramblypterus sp.(Fig. 240)

1981 Paramblypterus – ·tamberg, p. 110

1982 Paramblypterus – ·tamberg, Pl. 8, Fig. 1; Pl. 9, Figs. 3–4; Pl. 10

1996 Paramblypterus – ·tamberg, p. 167

1997a Paramblypterus sp. – ·tamberg, pp. 114–115; Figs. 2–3

1997a ?Paramblypterus sp. – Zajíc, p. 190

1999a Paramblypterus – ·tamberg, pp. 11–16; Fig. 4

2002b Paramblypterus Blot, 1966 – ·tamberg, pp. 148–149; Fig. 3

2003d Paramblypterus – ·tamberg, p. 33

2006 Paramblypterus sp. – ·tamberg, Fig. 4

Material: Collection of more than one thousand speci-mens obtained in the course of the excavation on the loca-lities of the Krkono‰e-Piedmont Basin, Intra-Sudetic

Fig. 238. Paramb-lypterus gelberti(Goldfuss, 1847).Specimen MHK10979, Rybnice„Hrádeck˘ creek“,x 0.6.

Fig. 239. Paramblypteruszeidleri (Fritsch, 1895).Holotype M 901, Rupre-chtice, x 0.7.

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Class Osteichthyes, Subclass Actinopterygii


Basin and Boskovice Graben are deposited at the Museumof Eastern Bohemia in Hradec Králové.

Localities: Arnultovice, âistá; Baãov; Bítouchov; F-1Fofit (Rudník H.); Dolní Kalná „Quarry“; Drválovice„Windmill“; Horní Kalná – unspecified; Horní Kalná„Fortuna mine“; Horní Kalná „Dump of the Adam mine“;Horní Kalná „Behind the garage“; Kochov „Horka“;Kochov „In the forest“; Kochov „In the streams“; Kruh;Kh-1 (Kalná H.); Kladoruby „Dolní pepfiík“; Ko‰Èálov„Kováfi’s Mill“; Ko‰Èálov „Behind the tavern“; Ko‰Èálov„Behind the hostel“; Kundratice „Doly“; Obora; Pro-stfiední Lánov „Behind the factory“; Pfiíkr˘ „HonkÛvcreek“; Pfiíkr˘ „Hrádeck˘ creek“; Semily „Behind the fac-tory“; Valtefiice; Vrchlabí; Îlábek.





Pyritocephalus sculptus (Friã, 1875) (Fig. 241)

1875 Palaeoniscus sculptus Fr. – Friã, p. 73

1879 Palaeoniscus sculptus – Fritsch, p. 30.

1894 Pyritocephalus sculptus, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 86 – 87; Fig. 280; Pl.


1944 Pyritocephalus sculptus Fritsch – Westoll, pp. 43 – 50; Figs.


1978 Pyritocephalus sculptus Fritsch, 1895 – ·tamberg, pp. 276–287;

Figs. 1–6; Pls. 60–63

1991 Pyritocephalus sculptus (Fritsch, 1883) – ·tamberg, pp. 97–98;

Fig. 53; Pl. 24

2006 Pyritocephalus sculptus (Fritsch 1879) – ·tamberg, pp. 218 – 220

Types: Lectotype M 1201 designated by ·tamberg (1978)from the material of Fritsch (1894, Pl. 115, Fig. 4) depo-sited at the National Museum, Prague. Numerous collec-tion of Pyritocephalus sculptus is deposited at the Natio-nal Museum, Prague and at the West Bohemian Museumin Pilsen. Locality: N˘fiany.

Fig. 240. Paramblypterus sp. Spe-cimen MHK 10961, Drválovice„Windmill“, x 0.8.

Fig. 241. Pyritocephalus sculptus (Friã, 1875).Well preserved whole specimen M 62 from thecollection of the West Bohemian Museum in Pil-sen. N˘fiany, x 1.5.

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Class Osteichthyes, Subclass Actinopterygii


Actinopterygii indet. (Stephanian specimens)

Localities: Be-1 (Kounov M.); Bradlecká Lhota, les Zlat-ník; DB-1 (Zdûtín H.); Dch-4 (M‰ec M.); Dm-9 (M‰ecM.); Dn-3 (Zdûtín H.); HK-1 (·tûpanice-âikvásky H.);Jb-1 (Hfiedle M.); Ke-5 (Zdûtín H.); Ke-6 (Hfiedle M.);Kk-1 (Hfiedle M.); Klobuky „Sugar rafinery“; Klobuky„Svah“; Klobuky „East“; Ko‰Èálov „Dump of the aditNadûje“; Kru‰ovice „Pipeline excavation“; Kv-1 (·tûpa-nice-âikvásky H.); Kyje u Jiãína; LB-1 (M‰ec M.); Lib-1(Hfiedle M., Zdûtín H., Línû F.); Lt-1 (Lower Syfienov F.,Black Shale H., ·tûpanice-âikvásky H.); Malé SvatoÀo-vice „Tmav˘ dÛl“; MB-3 (M‰ec M., Kounov M., ZdûtínH.); MJ-8 (Zdûtín H.); Mt-1 (Zdûtín H.); Mutûjovice„Perun II Mine“; MV-2 (Zdûtín H.); Nedvûzí „Otto adit“(·tûpanice-âikvásky H.); Nedvûzí „Rohan adit“ (·tûpa-nice-âikvásky H.); Nová Ves nad Popelkou „Field nearÎìár u Kumburku“; N˘fiany „Motorway“; Panensk˘T˘nec; Peruc; PlouÏnice (unspecified); PlouÏnice „Rail-road cut milestone 60.5“; PlouÏnice „Railroad cut 0.0– 1.3 m of the section“; PlouÏnice „Railroad cut ·imÛ-nek’s excavation No. 1“; Pu-1 (Hfiedle M.); Sã-1 (PlouÏ-nice H., Upper Semily F. Rudník H., Upper Vrchlabí F.,Kalná H.); Srbeã „Pipeline excavation“; S‰-1 (Zdûtín H.,Klobuky H.); Stará Paka „Pfiíãnice“; Str-1 (M‰ec M.,Klobuky H.); Sy-1 (?Zdûtín H.); Úherce; V‰-1 (MiddleSemily F.); Zb˘‰ov „Jindfiich mine“ (Augusta 1938:Palaeoniscus striolatus?); Zl-1 (?Zdûtín H.); Îìár u Kum-burku „Smíta“.

Actinopterygii indet. (Permian specimens)

Localities: Arnultovice „Left bank of âistá stream“;Baãov „Na skalkách quarry“ (Augusta: Palaeoniscus sp.,Amblypterus sp.); Boskovice „U Otylky“ (Augusta 1931:Palaeoniscus sp.); Boskovice „Semíã valley in the field“;Bv-2 (Arkosic H.); âesk˘ Brod „Skalka“; Chobot; DB-1(Rudník H.); F-1 (Rudník H.); F-2 (Rudník H.); F-3 (Rud-ník H.); HK-1 (·tûpanice-âikvásky H., Rudník H.); HPK-4 (Rudník H.); Jk-6 (Rudník H.); Kh-1 (Arkosic H., KalnáH.); Ko-5 (Rudník H.); Letovice „Jindfiichov“; Lhotice„Shaft“; Lt-1 (·tûpanice-âikvásky H., Rudník H.); MaláLhota „Pfiíãná zmola“ (Augusta 1931: Palaeoniscus sp.);Míchov (Augusta 1923: Palaeoniscus sp.); MJ-2 (StránkaH.); Padochov „Pipeline excavation“; Podolí; Proseã podJe‰tûdem; Rk-9a (Rudník H.); Roprachtice „Documenta-tion point 409d“; Sã-1 (Upper Semily F.); Vrchlabí F.,Proseãné F.); Se-1 (Kumburk F., Syfienov F., MiddleSemily F., Rudník H.); ¤íãany (Augusta 1945: scales);Sebranice „Podsedky hillside“ (Augusta 1931: Palaeo-niscus sp.); Sebranice „Rasovna valley“ (Havlena 1959:scales); Trávník; Veverské Knínice (Augusta 1938: sca-les); Vf-1 (Kumburk F., Rudník H.); V‰-1 (Upper VrchlabíF.); Zastávka (Augusta 1926: Palaeoniscus sp.); Zb˘‰ov„Behind the sawmill of the Antonín mine“.

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Class Osteichthyes, Infraclass Dipnoiformes








Ctenodus tardus Fritsch, 1889(Fig. 242)

1889 Ctenodus tardus – Fritsch, pp. 93-94; Fig. 172; Pl. 80b

1891 Sagenodus tardus – Woodward, p. 262

1986 Sagenodus tardus – Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 76

1992 Ctenodus tardus Fritsch, 1889 – Schultze, p. 182

Type: Holotype M 1251 figured by Fritsch (1889, Pl. 80b)deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Ko‰Èálov (unspecified).

? Ctenodus sp.

Locality: Kh-1 (Kalná H.)



Sagenodus barrandei (Friã, 1874)(Figs. 243, 244, 245)

1874b Ceratodus Barrandei - Friã, pp. 193-195

1875 Ceratodus Barrandei Fr. - Friã, p. 76

1877b Ceratodus Barrandei Fr. – Friã, p. 46

1879a Ceratodus Barrandei Fr. – Fritsch, p. 29

1879a Ceratodus applanatus Fr. - Fritsch, p. 29

1888 Ctenodus obliquus, Hancock und Atthey. – Fritsch, pp. 66-84; Figs.

144-151, 153, 158, 160, 164, 165; Pl. 71; Pl. 72, Figs. 4-12; Pl. 73,

Figs. 1-13; Pls. 74-79; Pl. 80, Figs. 5-12

1888 Ctenodus applanatus, Fr. - Fritsch, p. 85; Fig. 162; Pl 72, Figs. 1-3

1945 Sagenodus barrandei – Romer, p. 433

1986 Sagenodus barrandei (Fritsch, 1874) – Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 76

1992 Sagenodus inaequalis Owen, 1867 – Schultze, pp. 212-216

Fig. 242. Ctenodus tardus Fritsch, 1889. Holotype M 1251. Ko‰Èálov (unspecified), x. 0.3.

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Class Osteichthyes, Infraclass Dipnoiformes


1992 Sagenodus applanatus (Fritsch, 1879) – Schultze, p. 217

1993 Sagenodus inaequalis – Schultze, p. 130

1997 Sagenodus inaequalis – Schultze & Chorn, p. 130

Type: Fritsch (1888) figured amount of isolated boneswithout designation of the type. Schultze later (1997, p.66) mentioned the dental plate M 1223 only, whichFritsch figured (1888, on Pl. 71, Fig. 2) and ranged to Cte-nodus obliquus Hancock and Atthey. All comparativematerial is deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Note: Sagenodus inaequalis originates from sediments ofWestpalian B age of Newsham (England) but Bohemianspecimens are of Stephanian B age. Their systematic posi-tion is therefore still doubtful.Localities: Zábofi; Hvûzda; Kounov; Jedomûlice; Krou-ãová

Sagenodus sp.

1875 Phyllolepis fragilis Fr. – Friã, pp. 76 – 77

1877b Phyllolepis. – Friã, p. 49

1879a Phyllolepis sp. – Fritsch, p. 30

Material: Isolated scales and bones deposited at the Nati-onal Museum, Prague.Localities: Krouãová; Dch-4 (M‰ec M.); Hvûzda; Klo-buky „Sugar rafinery“; Klobuky „Slope“; MV-2 (ZdûtínH.); Peruc; Srbeã „Pipeline excavation“; Sy-1 (?ZdûtínH.); Úherce; Zábofi; Zl-1 (?Zdûtín H.).

Sagenodus sp.

1888 Ctenodus trachylepis, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 85-86; Pl. 80, Figs. 1-4

1891 Ctenodus trachylepis – Woodward, p. 262

Material: Isolated fragments of the scales deposited at theNational Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Fig. 243. Sagenodus barrandei (Friã, 1874). Dental plateM 1223. Kounov, x 1.3.

Fig. 244. Sagenodus barrandei (Friã, 1874). Dental plateM 1227. Kounov, x 1.5.

Fig. 245. Sagenodus bar-randei (Friã, 1874). Medialdermal bone of the skullM 1230. Kounov, x 0.8.

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Class Osteichthyes, Infraclass Crossopterygii







Megalichthys nitens Fritsch, 1889(Figs. 246, 247)

1879a Petalodus? Janassa? – Fritsch, p. 30.

1879 Petalodus? Janassa? – Friã, p. 190.

1889 Megalichthys nitens, Fr. – Fritsch; Pl. 88, Figs. 15-17

1893 Megalichthys nitens, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 75

1945 Megalichthys nitens – Romer, p. 433

Type: Isolated fragments M 1240 and M1196 figured byFritsch (1889, Pl. 88, Figs. 15, 16) deposited at the Natio-nal Museum, Prague.Locality: Kounov.


Osteolepiformes indet.

Localities: Be-1 (Kounov M.); Jedomûlice; Kh-1 (KalnáH.); Klobuky „Slope“.

Fig. 246. Megalichthys nitens Fritsch, 1889. Fragment ofthe scale M 1196. Kounov, x 7.2.

Fig. 247. Megalichthys nitens Fritsch, 1889. Fragment ofthe scale M 1240. Kounov, x 13.

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Superclass Tetrapoda, Class Amphibia






Baphetes bohemicus (Fritsch, 1885)(Fig. 248)

1885a Loxomma bohemicum, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 16; Pl. 58, Figs. 3-10

1908 Sclerocephalus credneri Fritsch – Broili; Pl. 1, Fig. 2 (incorrectly


1938 Loxomma bohemicum Fritsch – Steen, pp. 237-239; Figs. 23, 24;

Pl. 5, Fig. 2

1977 Baphetes bohemicus (Fritsch, 1889) – Beaumont, pp. 89-92; Fig. 25

1980 Baphetes bohemicus (Friã) – Milner; Pl. 1

1988 Baphetes bohemicus (Fritsch, 1885) – Roãek, p. 516

1993 Baphetes bohemicus (Fritsch, 1885) – Milner, p. 666

2002 Baphetes bohemicus – Roãek, p. 215

Type: Holotype M 535 figured by Fritsch (1885a, Pl. 58,Figs. 3-9) and specimen M 1388 figured by Steen (1938, Pl.5, Fig. 2) are deposited at the National Museum, Prague. Locality: N˘fiany.






ROMER, 1947



Dawsonerpeton polydens (Fritsch, 1879)(Fig. 249)

1879 Dawsonia polydens Fr. 1879 – Friã, p. 185

1879a Dawsonia polydens, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 90-92; Figs. 42, 43; Pl. 9,

Fig. 3; Pl. 11; Pl. 12, Figs. 1-13

1945 Dawsonia polydens – Romer, pp. 427-429

1984 Dawsonerpeton – Zajíc, p. 115

1988 Dawsonerpeton polydens (Friã, 1879) – Roãek, pp. 516-517

1992 Dawsonerpeton polydens (FRITSCH, 1879) – MaÀourová, pp.

95-97; Fig. 1; Pls. 1, 2

Type: Lectotype M 419 figured by Fritsch (1879a, Pl. 11,Fig. 1) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Localities: Kounov, Zábofi.Note: The age of Kounov and Zábofi localities in Roãek(1988) is mistaken.




Fig. 248. Baphetes bohemicus (Fritsch,1885). Holotype M 535. N˘fiany, x 0.8.

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Superclass Tetrapoda, Class Amphibia



Cochleosaurus bohemicus (Friã, 1875)(Figs. 250, 251)

1875 Melosaurus bohemicus, Fr. – Friã, p. 71

1885 Dendrerpeton pyriticum, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 6-8;

Figs. 126, 127; Pl. 49, Figs. 1-9; Pl. 50, Figs. 1-4

1885a Dendrerpeton ? deprivatum, Fr. - Fritsch, pp. 9-

10; Figs. 129, 130; Pl. 51, Fig. 1

1885a Cochleosaurus bohemicus Fr. – Fritsch, p. 30-

31; Fig. 137; Pl. 60, Figs. 1-3

1885a Cochleosaurus falax, Fr. - Fritsch, p. 31; Pl. 60,

Figs. 4

1887 Cochleosaurus bohemicus Fr. – Fritsch; Pl. 61,

Figs. 8-15

1887 Nyfiania trachystoma, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 33-36

(partim); Figs. 138, 139; Pl. 62; Pl. 63, Figs. 1-17

1901 Cochleosaurus bohemicus, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 92;

Fig. 391

1924 Cochleosaurus bohemicus Fr. – Stehlík, pp.

253-255, 266; Fig. 10

1938 Cochleosaurus bohemicus Fritsch – Steen, pp.

243-246; Figs. 29-32; Pl. 6

1980 Cochleosaurus bohemicus (Friã) 1885 – Milner;

Table 1; Fig. 6

1986 Cochleosaurus bohemicus (Fritsch, 1875) - Zajíc

& ·tamberg, p. 76

1988 Cochleosaurus bohemicus Friã, 1876 –

Roãek, p. 517

2003 Cochleosaurus bohemicus Fritsch – Milner &

Sequeira, pp. 144-145; Figs. 1, 2

Fig. 249. Dawsonerpeton polydens (Fritsch,1879). Lectotype M 419. Kounov, x 0.9.

Fig. 250. Cochleosaurus bohemicus (Friã,1875). Specimen M 540. N˘fiany, x 0.65.

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Superclass Tetrapoda, Class Amphibia


Types: Specimens M 517 figured by Fritsch (1885a, Pl.49, Figs. 1-3), M 540 (Fritsch 1885a, pl. 60, Fig. 1) andothers deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Localities: N˘fiany, Tfiemo‰ná.

Cochleosaurus sp.(Fig. 252)

1885 Gaudrya latistoma, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 31-32

1887 Gaudrya latistoma, Fr. – Fritsch; Pl. 61/1-7

1980 Gaudrya latistoma Friã 1885 – Milner; Table 1

1988 Gaudrya latistoma Fritsch, 1885 – Roãek, p. 517

1993 Cochleosaurus - Milner & Sequeira, p.195

Material: Specimens M 545, M 877 and othersfigured by Fritsch (1887, Pl. 61) deposited at theNational Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.Note: The elongate vomers which form theholotype of Gaudrya latistoma belong toa large Cochleosaurus (Milner & Sequeira1993).


& WARREN, 2000




“Ptyonius bendai” Fritsch, 1895

1895c Ptyonius? Bendai. Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 4-5

1901 Ptyonius Bendai, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 92

“Ptyonius bendai” – Milner, pp. 347-349; Fig. 1

Type: Single specimen M 871 figured by Milner(1981, Fig. 1) deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: Ko‰Èálov (unspecified).Note: Specimen represents an indeterminatejuvenile temnospondyl amphibian of the super-

family Eryopoidea (Milner, 1981).


?Onchiodon foveolatum (Fritsch, 1885)(Fig. 253)

1885a Dendrerpeton foveolatum, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 8-9; Fig. 128; Pl.. 49,

Figs. 10-13; Pl. 51, Figs. 2-9

1938 “Dendrerpeton” foveolatum Fritsch. – Steen, p. 265

1988 Onchiodon ? foveolatum (Fritsch, 1885) – Roãek, p. 519

Fig. 251. Cochleosaurus bohemicus (Friã, 1875).Specimen M 525 described initially as Dendrer-peton deprivatum (Fritsch 1885a). N˘fiany, x 2.1.

Fig. 252. Cochleosaurus sp. Specimen M 545. N˘fiany, x 0.95.

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Superclass Tetrapoda, Class Amphibia


Material: The best preserved specimen M 526 figured byFritsch (1885a, Pl. 51, Fig. 2) and specimen M 610 figu-red by Fritsch (1885a, Pl. 51, Figs. 3-9) are deposited atthe National Museum, Prague.Locality: Kounov.

Onchiodon labyrinthicus Geinitz, 1861(Fig. 254)

1885a Chelydosaurus Vranii, Fr. – Fritsch (partim), pp. 18-27; Pl. 57,

Fig. 1

1895c Sclerocephalus labirinthicus. Geinitz – Fritsch, p.4

1901 Sclerocephalus? Credneri, Fr. - Fritsch (partim), p. 93; Fig. 392

1938 “Sclerocephalus” credneri Fritsch - Steen, pp. 247-248; Fig. 33

1938 Lusor tenellus, gen. et sp. n. – Steen, pp. 249-250; Fig. 35

1989 Onchiodon tenellus (Steen 1938) – Werneburg, p. 119

1993 Onchiodon labyrinthicus Geinitz (1861) - Werneburg, pp. 345-

354; Figs. 1, 2c-f, 2i, 2j, 3, 4

Material: Collection of specimens M 1387, M 533,M 1387, M 632 and others figured by Fritsch (1885a) andused to the study by Werneburg (1993).Localities: Ruprechtice, Olivûtín.



Dasyceps sp.

2007 Dasyceps sp. indet. - Milner, Klembara & Dostál, p. 712; Fig. 2

Material: Specimen Ge.29609 figured by Milner, Klem-bara & Dostál (2007, Fig. 2) deposited at the MoravianMuseum, Brno.Locality: Obora.


BOLT, 1969




Mordex calliprepes Steen, 1938

1938 Mordex calliprepes gen. et sp. n. – Steen, p. 260; Fig. 42; Pl. 5,

Fig. 1

1980 Amphibamus calliprepes (Steen) Carroll 1964 – Milner; Table

1; Fig. 4

1986 Amphibamus calliprepes Steen 1938 – Milner p. 672

1988 Mordex calliprepes (Steen, 1938) – Roãek, p. 519

Type: Holotype R.2817 Figured by Steen (1938, Fig. 42,Pl. 5, Fig. 1) deposited at the British Museum (NaturalHistory), London.Locality: N˘fiany.

Mordex laticeps (Fritsch, 1881)(Fig. 255)

1879a Microdon laticeps – Fritsch, p. 28 (nomen nudum)

1881 Limnerpeton laticeps, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 148-151; Fig. 92 (non 89-

91); Pl. 31, Fig. 1 (non Pl. 36, Fig. 1)

1881 Limnerpeton macrolepis, Fr. - Fritsch, pp. 151-152; Pl. 32, Figs. 1-5

1938 Limnerpeton laticeps Fritsch - Steen, p. 261 (partin)

1938 Limnerpeton macrolepis Fritsch - Steen, pp. 263-264

1986 Amphibamus laticeps (Friã 1881) comb. nov. - Milner, p. 672

1988 „Limnerpeton“ laticeps Fritsch, 1881 – Roãek, pp. 520-521

1993 “Limnerpeton” laticeps - Clack & Milner, pp.187-188

1994 Amphibamus laticeps - Werneburg, pp. 464-465

1994 “Limnerpeton macrolepis” - Werneburg, pp. 464-465

2003 Mordex laticeps (Fritsch) comb. nov. - Milner & Sequeira, pp.

126-129; Figs. 2-5

Types: Lectotype M 470 and M 471 (part and counter-part) initially described and figured by Fritsch (1881, Pl.31, Fig. 1) as Limnerpeton laticeps. Specimen M 492 wasinitially described as Limnerpeton macrolepis and figuredby Fritsch (1881, Pl. 32). Material is deposited at the Nati-onal Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany; Tfiemo‰ná.

Fig. 253. ?Onchiodon foveolatum (Fritsch,1885). Specimen M 526. Kounov, x 1.9.

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Platyrhinops cf. lyelli (Wyman, 1858)

1988 Amphibamus laticeps (Fritsch, 1881) – Roãek,

p. 519

1993 Platyrhinops cf. P. lyelli – Clack & Milner, p.


Locality: N˘fiany.


Potamochoston limnaios Steen, 1938

1938 Potamochoston limnaios, gen. et sp. n. – Steen, pp. 250-252; Figs. 36-37

Material: Not found.Locality: N˘fiany.


Amphibamidae incertae sedis

1875 Microdon modestus Fr. – Friã, p. 73;(nomen dubium)

1883 Limnerpeton modestum, Fr. – Fritsch,pp. 147-148; Fig. 88; Pl. 27, Fig. 7

1938 Limnerpeton modestum Fritsch– Steen,p. 263

1994 “Limnerpeton modestum” – Werneburg,p. 464

2003 Amphibamidae incertae sedis – Milner& Sequeira, pp. 125-126, 138; Figs. 1, 9

Material: Specimen M 464 figured by Fritsch(1883, Pl. 27, Fig. 7) deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Fig. 254. Onchiodon labyrinthicus Geinitz,1861. Specimen M 533. Olivûtín, x 0.42.

Fig. 255. Mordex laticeps (Fritsch, 1881). Lectotype M 470. N˘fiany x 1.3.

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Melanerpeton pusillum Friã, 1878(Figs. 256, 257)

1878b Melanerpeton pusillum – Friã, p. 249; Fig. 85

1879a Branchiosaurus umbrosus Fr. – Fritsch (partim); Pl. 6, Figs. 2, 3

1880 Melanerpeton pusillum, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 96-99; Figs. 48-50; Pl.

13, Figs. 1, 3-5, 7 (non Pl. 13, Figs. 2, 6)

1937d Melanerpeton pusillum Fr. – Augusta, pp. 1-11; Fig. 1

1937b Melanerpeton pusillum Fr. – Augusta, pp. 22-28; Fig. 1

1938 Melanerpeton pusillum – Steen, p. 256; Figs. 38A, 39A

1950b Melanerpeton pusillum A. Fritsch 1878 – ·pinar, pp. 3-16; Figs.

1-6; Pls. 1, 2

1972 Melanerpeton pusillum Fritsch, 1878 – Carroll, Kuhn & Tatari-

nov, p. 35; Fig. 21/4

1978 Branchiosaurus pusillus – Boy, pp. 64, 68-69, 71

1986 Melanerpeton pusillum Fritsch, 1878 – Werneburg, pp. 675-

679; Figs. 1-8

1987 Apateon pusillus (Fritsch, 1878) – Boy, pp. 92-93; Fig. 7a

1988 Apateon pusillus (Friã, 1878) – Roãek, p. 520

1989 Melanerpeton pusillum Fritsch, 1878 - Werneburg, p. 22; Figs.

7b/10, 10

Type: Lectotype M 433 figured by Fritsch (1880, Pl.13, Fig. 1) and another important specimens M 361,M 434, M 435, M 436, M 635, M 1185, M 1396,M 1405, M 1417 are deposited at the Nationa Museum,Prague.Localities: Olivûtín.

Melanerpeton sp. K

1990 Melanerpeton sp. – K – Werneburg & Zajíc, p. 361; Fig. 1; Pls. 1,2

Locality: Ko‰Èálov „Kováfi’s mill“.

Melanerpeton sp.

Localities: Baãov „Na skalkáchquarry“; Boskovice „U Otylky“; HorníKalná, dumps of various mines (Havlena& ·pinar 1952b); Míchov; Vrchlabí„Road cut“ (Martínek, ·tamberg &Zajíc 1997).

?Melanerpeton sp.

Localities: Horní Kalná, unspecified;Rybnice „Hrádeck˘ creek“.

Fig. 256. Melanerpeton pusillum Friã,1878. Lectotype M 433. Olivûtín, x 2.7.

Fig. 257. Melanerpeton pusillum Friã,1878. Specimen M 1396. Olivûtín, x 2.6.

Fig. 256 Fig. 257

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Branchiosaurus salamandroides Friã, 1875(Fig. 258)

1875 Branchiosaurus salamandroides Fr. – Friã, p. 72

1879a Branchiosaurus salamandroides, Fritsch 1879 – Fritsch (partim),

pp. 69-81; Figs. 31-38; Pl. 1, Figs. 1, 4-8; Pl. 2, Figs. 1, 3, 9, 11,

12; Pl. 3, Figs. 1, 4, 9-11, 13, 14; Pl. 4, Figs. 1, 2, 5, 6, 8

1924 Branchiosaurus gracilis Cred. – Stehlík, pp. 225-230, 260-

261; Fig. 4

1926 Branchiosaurus salamandroides – Bulman & Whittard, pp. 549-

550 (non 550-553); Figs. 5a, 5b, 6

1939c Branchiosaurus salamandroides Fr. – Augusta, pp.1-6; Fig. 1

1980 Branchiosaurus salamandroides Friã 1876 – Milner; Table 1; Fig. 5

1986 Branchiosaurus salamandroides Fritsch, 1875 - Zajíc & ·tam-

berg, p. 76

1988 Branchiosaurus salamandroides Friã, 1876 – Roãek, p. 519

1987 Branchiosaurus salamandroides Fritsch, 1876 – Werneburg, pp.

681-687; Figs. 1-8

1987 Branchiosaurus salamandroides Fritsch, 1875 – Boy, p. 80; Figs.

2a, 3a, 6

1989 Branchiosaurus salamandroides Fritsch, 1876 – Werneburg, pp.

13-14; Figs. 6/11, 9, 15

1993 Branchiosaurus salamandroides Friã 1876 – Clack & Milner, p. 673

Type: Lectotype M 1167 figured by Fritsch (1879a, Pl. 1,Fig. 1) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Localities: Tfiemo‰ná, N˘fiany.

Branchiosaurus venosus Friã, 1879

1879a Branchiosaurus? venosus, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 83; Pl. 9, Figs. 5-7

1987 Branchiosaurus? venosus Fritsch, 1879 – Boy, p. 87

1988 Branchiosaurus venosus Friã, 1879 – Roãek, p. 519

Material: Specimens M 413, M 414 and M 415 figuredby Fritsch (1879a, Pl. 9, Figs. 5-7) deposited at the Natio-nal Museum, Prague.Locality: Kounov.Note: According to Werneburg (1987) the remains ofthe taxon are not members of the family Branchiosau-ridae. The three “parasphenoids” (M 413, M 414,M 415) are in fact the interclavicles. The name is the-refore invalid.

Branchiosaurus robustus Friã, 1879

1879a Branchiosaurus robustus, Fr. - Fritsch, p. 84; Pl. 10, Figs. 9, 10

1988 Branchiosaurus robustus Friã, 1879 - Roãek, pp. 519-520

Material: Specimen M 418 figured by Fritsch(1879a, Pl. 10, Figs. 9, 10) deposited at the Nati-onal Museum, Prague.Locality: Kounov.Note: According to Werneburg (1987) theremains of the taxon are not members of thefamily Branchiosauridae. The lower jaw andthe interclavicle is similar to Limnerpeton. Thename is therefore invalid.

?Branchiosaurus sp.

1912 Branchiosaurus – Friã, pp. 10, 18, 26; Fig. 10c

1988 Branchiosaurus Friã, 1879 – Roãek, p. 520

Localities: âesk˘ Brod „Skalka“; HorníKalná, dumps of various mines (Havlena &·pinar 1952b); Ko‰Èálov - unspecified;N˘fiany; Rudník; Tfiemo‰ná; Zbraslavec;Zb˘‰ov „Behind the sawmill of the Antonínmine“.Notes: Mostly undescribed material.

Fig. 258. Branchiosaurus salamandroides Friã,1875. Specimen M 356 (National Museum,Prague). N˘fiany, x 1.8.

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Apateon umbrosa (Fritsch, 1879)(Fig. 259)

1879b Branchiosaurus umbrosus, Fr. – Friã, p. 185

1879a Branchiosaurus umbrosus, Fr. – Fritsch (partim), pp. 81-82; Pl. 6,

Figs. 1, 5, 6

1937d Branchiosaurus umbrosus Fr. – Augusta (partim), pp. 11-14; Fig. 3

1986 Apateon umbrosus (Fritsch, 1879) – Werneburg, pp. 679-680; Fig. 9

1987 Branchiosaurus umbrosus Fritsch, 1879 – Boy, p. 87

1989 Apateon umbrosa (Fritsch, 1879) - Werneburg, pp. 16-17; Fig. 9

Type: Lectotype M 360 figured by Fritsch (1879a, Pl. 6,Figs. 1, 6), paralectotype M 363 and other material isdeposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Olivûtín.

Apateon cf. umbrosa (Fritsch, 1879)

1955b Branchiosaurus umbrosus Friã - Havlena & ·pinar, pp. 43-44

Locality: Prostfiední Lánov „Behind the factory“.

Apateon sp.

1981 Branchiosaurus pusillus (Fritsch) – MaÀourová, pp. 169-171;

Figs. 1-6; Pls. 1, 2

1986 Apateon sp. – Werneburg, p. 680; Fig. 10

1987 Apateon (?) sp. – Boy, p. 93

1995 Apateon sp. – ·tamberg, p. 167

1999 Apateon sp. – ·tamberg, p. 8

Material: Colection of specimens at the NationalMuseum, Prague and at the Museum of Eastern Bohemiain Hradec Králové.Localities: Horní Kalná „Dump of the Adam mine“;Veselá „Veselka brook“.Note: Werneburg (1986) mentioned specimens M 1418(Original picture of MaÀourová 1981), M 1419 – M 1421(National Museum, Prague).

Genus Moraverpeton Augusta, 1947

Moraverpeton remesi Augusta, 1947

1947a Moraverpeton reme‰i nov. gen. nov. sp. – Augusta, pp. 189-194

1986 “Moraverpeton” remesi Augusta, 1947 – Werneburg, p. 685

1988 Moraverpeton remesi Augusta, 1947 – Roãek, p. 520

Type: Material has not been found.Locality: Zb˘‰ov „Behind the sawmill of the Antonínmine“.Note: Werneburg (1986) named the specimens of thetaxon as branchiosaurids.


?Pelosaurus sp.

1956b Pelosaurus – Havlena & ·pinar, p. 62

Localities: Malá Lhota „Pfiíãná zmola“; Zb˘‰ov „Behindthe sawmill of the Antonín mine“.

Branchiosauridae indet.

Localities: âesk˘ Brod „Skalka“; Horní Kalná „Dump ofthe Adam mine“; Ko‰Èálov; PlouÏnice, unspecified; Pro-stfiední Lánov „Eastern slope of Malé Labe valley“; Pro-stfiední Lánov „Sw slope of ·piãka hill“; Prostfiední Lánov„Behind the factory“; Rudník; Rybnice „Hrádeck˘creek“; Svitávka – unspecified (Zbonûk-Svitávka H.)



Limnogyrinus elegans (Fritsch, 1881)(Fig. 260)

1881 Limnerpeton elegans, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 152-154; Fig. 93; Pl. 34

1881 Limnerpeton macrolepis, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 151-152 (partim); Pl.

33, Fig. 1

1881 Limnerpeton laticeps, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 148-151 (partim); Fig. 90;

Pl. 36, Fig. 1

1883 Branchiosaurus salamandroides – Fritsch; Pl. 1, Figs. 9, 11; Pl.

3, Figs. 6-8, 12; Pl. 4, Fig. 4

1926 Branchiosaurus salamandroides – Bulman & Whittard; Figs. 5A, 5B

1980 “Limnerpeton” laticeps Friã 1881 – Milner; Table 1; Fig. 5

1986 Limnogyrinus elegans (Friã 1881) – Milner, pp. 672-673; Fig. 3

1988 Limnogyrinus elegans (Fritsch, 1881) – Roãek, p. 520

1987 Limnerpeton laticeps – Werneburg, pp. 687-690

Fig. 259. Apateon umb-rosa (Fritsch, 1879). Lec-totype M 360. Olivûtín,x 2.2.

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1989 Limnogyrinus elegans (Fritsch, 1881) – Werneburg, p. 26; Figs.

8, 11, 15

1993 Limnogyrinus elegans (Fritsch, 1881) – Clack & Milner, pp. 672-673

1994 Limnogyrinus elegans (Fritsch 1881) – Werneburg, pp. 459-464;

Figs. 5, 7c

2003 Limnogyrinus elegans – Milner & Sequeira, pp. 132-133, 137-

138; Figs. 6A, 8, 10

Type: Lectotype M 477 figured by Fritsch (1881, Pl. 34)deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.


Branchierpeton cf. saalensis Werneburg, 1989

1990 Branchierpeton cf. saalensis Werneburg, 1989 – Zajíc, Milner &

Klembara, pp. 331-335; Figs. 3, 4; Pls. 1, 2

Material: Specimen YA 1250 deposited at the CzechGeological Survey, Prague.Locality: Lib-1 (Zdûtín H.).



Cheliderpeton vranyi Friã, 1877(Fig. 261)

1877a Cheliderpeton Vranyi – Friã, pp. 20-21

1877c Chelidosaurus Vranyi Fr. – Friã, pp. 206-208; unnumbered Fig.

1885a Chelydosaurus Vranyi, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 18-27 (partim); Figs.

128-135; Pl. 54, Fig. 1; Pl. 55, Fig. 1; Pl. 56, Figs. 1, 2 (non Pls.

55/2, 56/3-6, 57/1, 57/2, 58/12)

1901 Chelydosaurus Vranyi, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 93; Fig. 393

1938 Chelydosaurus vranii Fritsch – Steen, pp. 248-249; Fig. 34

1939 Actinodon germanicus n. sp. – Kuhn, p. 127; Fig. 1

1947 Chelydosaurus vranii – Romer, pp. 138-139, 142; Fig. 23

1988 Cheliderpeton vranyi Friã, 1877 – Roãek, p. 518

1993 Cheliderpeton vranyi – Boy; Fig. 2

2000 Cheliderpeton vranyi – Schoch & Milner, p. 53; Fig. 45

2002 Cheliderpeton vranyi Fritsch, 1877 - Werneburg & Steyer, pp.

150-161; Figs. 1-8, 9b

Fig. 260. Limnogyrinuselegans(Fritsch, 1881).LectotypeM 477. N˘fiany,x 0.9.

Fig. 261. Cheliderpeton vranyi Friã, 1877. Holotype M 528.Olivûtín or Ruprechtice, x 0.3.

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Type: Holotype M 528 figured by Friã (1877c, p. 207)and another important specimens M 531, M 529, M 2040,M 2033 and M 2866 are deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Localities: Olivûtín; Ruprechtice.Note: Two specimens (Fritsch 1885; Pl. 57/1 and unfigu-red M 372) belong after Werneburg & Steyer (2002) toOnchiodon labyrinthicus.

?Cheliderpeton sp.

1952b Cheliderpeton sp. - Havlena & ·pinar, p. 127

Locality: Horní Kalná „Defunct quarry“.

?Cheliderpeton sp.

1912 Chelidosaurus? – Friã, p. 18

1988 Cheliderpeton Friã, 1877 – Roãek, p. 518

Locality: Ko‰Èálov.Note: Badly preserved remain, probably not Cheliderpeton.


Capetus palustris Steen, 1938

1908 Sclerocephalus credneri Fritsch – Broili (partim), p. 55; Pl. 1,

Figs. 1, 3 (non Pl. 1/2)

1911 Chelydosaurus vranyi Fritsch – Jaekel, p. Fig. 124

1938 Capetus palustris, gen. et sp. n. – Steen, pp. 241-242; Fig. 27

1993 Capetus palustris Steen, 1938 – Sequeira & Milner, pp. 659-670;

Figs. 1-10, 12; Pls. 1-3

1993 Capetus palustris Steen, 1938 – Milner & Sequeira, pp. 194-196; Fig. 1

Type: Holotype R 4706 figured by Steen (1938, Fig. 27)deposited at the British Museum (Natural History), London.Locality: N˘fiany.




Archegosaurus dyscriton (Steen, 1938)(Fig. 262)

1901 Sclerocephalus? Credneri, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 93; Fig. 392

1938 Memonomenos dyscriton, gen. et sp. n. – Steen, p. 240; Fig. 26

1970 Memonomenos dyscriton Steen 1938 – Panchen, p.53; Fig. 15e

1978 Archegosaurus dyscriton (Steen) comb. nov. – Milner, pp. 670-

676; Figs. 1-3

1988 Archegosaurus dyscriton (Steen, 1938) – Roãek, p. 521

Type: Holotype M 392 figured by Steen (1938, Fig. 26)deposited at the National Museum, Prague. Locality: Ko‰Èálov (unspecified).






Fig. 262. Archegosaurus dyscriton (Steen, 1938). HolotypeM 392. Ko‰Èálov, x 0.74.

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Diplovertebron punctatum Fritsch, 1879(Fig. 263)

1879a Diplovertebron punctatum Fr. – Fritsch, p. 28

1885a Diplovertebron punctatum, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 11-13; Pl. 50, Figs.

5-14; Pl. 52, Fig. 2; Pl. 53

1938 Diplovertebron punctatum Fritsch – Steen, p. 239; Fig. 25

1970 Diplovertebron punctatum Fritsch 1879 – Panchen, p. 55; Figs.

17a, 17b

1970 Diplovertebron punctatum – Carroll, pp. 286-288; Fig. 10

1980 Diplovertebron punctatum Friã 1885 – Milner; Table 1

1988 Diplovertebron punctatum Friã, 1879 – Roãek, p. 521

Type: Lectotype M 522 figured by Fritsch (1885a, Pl. 52,Fig. 2) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.


Nummulosaurus kolbii (Fritsch, 1895)(Fig. 264)

1895c Molgophis? Kolbi Fr. – Fritsch, p. 3

1901 Nummulosaurus Kolbii, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 89-90; Pl. 162, Figs. 5-8

1970 Nummulosaurus kolbii Fritsch 1900 – Panchen, p. 56; Fig. 17c

1986 Nummulosaurus kolbii Fritsch, 1900 – Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 77

1988 Nummulosaurus kolbii (Fritsch, 1896) – Roãek, p. 521

Type: Lectotype M 1077 designated by Panchen (1970)figured by Fritsch (1901, Pl. 162, Fig. 5) deposited at theNational Museum, Prague.Locality: Tfiemo‰ná.




Gephyrostegus bohemicus Jaekel, 1902

1879 Calochelys lacertina Fr. – Friã, p. 188

1885a Sparagmites lacertinus, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 15-16; Pl. 50, Figs. 5-

14; Pl. 53

1902 Gephyrostegus bohemicus – Jaekel, pp. 127-132, Fig. 1

1926 Diplovertebron punctatum, Fritsch, 1885 – Watson, pp. 238-241;

Figs. 29-31

1967 Gephyrostegus bohemicus Jaekel – Brough & Brough, pp. 147-

158; Figs. 2/A-C, 3-6/B, C, 7/B, 8, 10

1967 Gephyrostegus watsoni sp. nov. - Brough & Brough, pp. 158-160;

Figs. 2/D, 6/A, 7/A, 9

1970 Gephyrostegus bohemicus – Carroll, p. 268-286; Figs. 1-3, 4A,

4B, 5-9

1972 Gephyrostegus bohemicus Jaekel 1912 – Carroll, Kuhn & Tatari-

nov, pp. 2-13; Figs. 1; 2A-E, 3A-F, 4A, 4C, 4F, 4I, 5A, 6A, 6E-

G, 7A, 8A, 8B, 9

1980 Gephyrostegus bohemicus Jaekel 1902 – Milner; Table 1; Fig. 4

1988 Gephyrostegus bohemicus Jaekel, 1902 – Roãek, p. 522

1988 Gephyrostegus watsoni Brough & Brough, 1967 – Roãek, p. 522

1993 Gephyrostegus bohemicus Jaekel, 1902 – Milner, p. 676

Type: Holotype MB1901.1378 a+b is deposited after Jae-kel (1902) at Humboldt Museum, Berlin.Locality: N˘fiany.




Makowskia laticephala Klembara,2005

(Fig. 265)

2005 Makowskia laticephala sp. nov. – Klembara, pp. 26-

38; Figs. 1-9

Type: Holotype SNMZ 26506 figured byKlembara (2005, Figs. 1-9) deposited at theSlovak National Museum in Bratislava.Locality: Kochov „In the forest“.

Fig. 263. Diplovertebron punctatum Fritsch, 1879. Lectotype M 522.N˘fiany, x 0.9.

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Discosauriscus pulcherrimus (Fritsch, 1879)

1879 Melanerpeton pulcherrimum Fr. – Friã, p. 186

1880 Melanerpeton pulcherimum, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 99-104; Fig. 51;

Pls. 14, 15

1912 Melanerpeton pulcherimum F. – Friã, p. 29

1924 Melanerpeton pulcherimum Fr. – Stehlík, pp. 210-215, 257-258;

Fig. 1; Pl. 2

1938 Melanerpeton potamites sp. n. – Steen, pp. 256-257; Figs. 38B,

39B, 40

1938 Melanerpeton pulcherrimum Fritsch – Steen, pp. 257-259; Figs.

38C, 39C, 41A, 46D

1972 Discosauriscus pulcherrimus (Fritsch 1879) - Carroll, Kuhn &

Tatarinov, p. 35; Figs. 20/5, 20/6, 21/1, 23/9

1988 Discosauriscus pulcherrimus (Friã, 1879) – Roãek, p. 522

1989 Discosauriscus pulcherrimus (Fritsch 1879) – Werneburg, p. 34-

35; Fig. 12

1989 Discosauriscus potamites (Steen 1938) – Werneburg, p. 35

1995 Discosauriscus pulcherrimus – Klembara (a); Fig. 10D

1997 Discosauriscus pulcherrimus (Fritsch, 1879) – Klembara, p. 288-

291; Figs. 30-34

2000 Discosauriscus pulcherrimus (Fritsch, 1879) – Klembara & Bar-

tík, p. 309; Figs. 28, 29

Type: Lectotype M 437 figured by Fritsch (1880, Pl. 14,Fig. 1, Pl. 15) deposited at the National Museum, Prague. Localities: Baãov „Na skalkách quarry“; Boskovice„U Otylky“; Drválovice „Windmill“; Kochov „Horka“;Kochov „In the forest“; Kochov „In the streams“; MaláLhota „Pfiíãná zmola“; Ruprechtice; Trávník.

Fig. 264. Nummulosaurus kolbii (Fritsch, 1895). LectotypeM 1077. Tfiemo‰ná, x 1.4.

Fig. 265. Makowskia laticephala Klem-bara, 2005. Holotype SNMZ 26506.Kochov „In the forest“. Photo J. Klem-bara.

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Discosauriscus austriacus(Makowsky, 1876)(Figs. 266, 267)

1876 Archegosaurus austriacus – Makowsky, p. 155

1879a Branchiosaurus moravicus, Fr. – Fritsch, pp.

82–83; Pl. 7

1880 Melanerpeton falax, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 104–106; Pl. 16

1924 ? Discosauriscus moravicus n. sp. – Stehlík, pp.

17–18, 71–73

1936c Melanerpeton perneri n. sp. – Augusta, pp. 33-36

1936a ? Melanerpeton longicaudatum n. .sp. – Augusta,

pp. 36–38

1936a ? Melanerpeton magnum n. sp. – Augusta, pp. 38–39

1937c Melanerpeton perneri Augusta – Augusta, p. 135;

Fig. 2

1938 Melanerpeton potamites, sp. n. – Steen, pp.


1938 Melanerpeton (Branchiosaurus) moravicum

(Fritsch) – Steen, p. 259; Figs. 38F, 39F, 41B

1947 Phaiherpeton pulcherrimum Romer – Romer, p. 292

1950a Melanerpeton longicaudatum J. Augusta, 1936 –

·pinar, pp. 5-20; Figs. 2-4

1950b Melanerpeton falax J. Augusta, 1936 – ·pinar;

Fig. 5C

1952a Discosauriscus pulcherrimus (Fritsch, 1879) –

·pinar, p. 27, non Fritsch (1879a)

1952a Discosauriscus potamites (Steen, 1938) – ·pinar, p. 50

1952a Letoverpeton moravicum (Fritsch, 1883) – ·pi-

nar, p. 61

1952a Letoverpeton austriacum (Makowsky, 1876) –

·pinar, p. 73

1972 Letoverpeton austriacum (Makowsky 1876) - Car-

roll, Kuhn & Tatarinov, p. 37; Figs. 21/5-7, 22/1-3,

22/5-7, 23/1, 23a/12-14

1972 Discosauriscus potamites (Steen 1938) – Carroll,

Kuhn & Tatarinov, p. 35; Figs. 21/2, 21/3, 23/3-8,


1972 Letoverpeton moravicum (Fritsch 1883) - Carroll,

Kuhn & Tatarinov, pp. 35-37; Figs. 21/8, 21/9,

22/4, 23/2, 23a/11

1972 Melanerpeton „falax“ Fritsch 1879 - Carroll, Kuhn

& Tatarinov; Figs. 21/10-12

1988 Letoverpeton austriacum (Makowsky, 1876) –

Roãek, p. 523

1988 Discosauriscus potamites (Steen, 1938) –

Roãek, p. 522

1988 Letoverpeton moravicum (Fritsch, 1883) –

Roãek, p. 522

1989 Letoverpeton moravicum (Fritsch 1883) – Werne-

burg, p. 35

1989 Letoverpeton austriacus (Makowsky 1876) – Wer-

neburg, p. 35; Fig. 12

1992 Discosauriscus austriacus (Makowsky, 1876) –

Klembara, Figs. 1, 2B

Fig. 266. Discosauriscus austriacus (Makowsky, 1876). LectotypeMU-P-0010. Malá Lhota „Pfiíãná zmola“. Photo J. Klembara.

Fig. 267. Discosauriscus austriacus (Makowsky, 1876). SpecimenMHK 63857 (Museum of Eastern Bohemia in Hradec Králové). Kochov„In the streams“, x 0.8.

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1992 Discosauriscus austriacus (Makowsky, 1876) – Klembara &

Meszáro‰; Figs. 1, 2, 6-12

1993 Discosauriscus austriacus (Makowsky, 1876) – Klembara &

Janiga; Figs. 2-4, 7-11

1993 Discosauriscus austriacus (Makowsky, 1876) – Klembara, pp.

146-154; Figs. 1-17

1994a Discosauriscus austriacus (Makowsky, 1876) – Klembara, pp.

85-92; Figs. 1-7

1994b Discosauriscus austriacus (Makowsky, 1876) – Klembara, pp.

610-619; Figs. 1-8

1995a Discosauriscus austriacus (Makowsky, 1876) – Klembara, pp.

268-270; Figs. 3-7, 9, 10/A-C, E

1995b Discosauriscus austriacus (Makowsky, 1876) – Klembara, pp.

263-264; Figs. 1-3

1995 Discosauriscus austriacus Makowsky, 1876 – Kathe; Fig. 2A

1996a Discosauriscus austriacus (Makowsky, 1876) – Klembara, pp. 3-

16; Figs. 1-11

1996b Discosauriscus austriacus (Makowsky, 1876) – Klembara, pp.

787; Figs. 1-4

1997 Discosauriscus austriacus (Makowsky, 1876) – Klembara, pp.

259-288; Figs. 1-29

1999 Discosauriscus austriacus (Makowsky, 1876) – Klembara, Bar-

tík, pp. 289–309; Figs. 1–27

2000 Discosauriscus austriacus (Makowsky, 1876) – Klembara & Bar-

tík, pp. 289-309; Figs. 1-9, 10/c, d, 11-27

2001 Discosauriscus austriacus (Makowsky, 1876) – Klembara,

Tomá‰ik & Kathe; Figs. 1-11

2002 Discosauriscus austriacus – Werneburg; Fig. 2g

2006 Discosauriscus austriacus (Makowsky 1876) – Klembara et al.,

pp. 43-46; Figs 4-5

Type: Lectotype MU-P-0010 designated by Klembara(1997, Fig. 1) deposited at the Paleontological Insti-tute Masaryk University, Brno. Numerous collec-tions of the specimens from the BoskoviceGraben are deposited at the Zoological Insti-tute Comenius University in Bratislava and atthe Museum of Eastern Bohemia in HradecKrálové.Localities: Baãov „Na skalkách quarry“; Bos-kovice „U Otylky“; Boskovice „Semíã valley inthe field“; Drválovice „Windmill“; Kladoruby„Dolní pepfiík“; Kochov „Horka“; Kochov „Inthe forest“; Kochov „In the streams“; MaláLhota „Pfiíãná zmola“; Míchov; Obora; Podolí;Ruprechtice; Sudice; Trávník.

Discosauriscus sp.

1995a Discosauriscus sp. – Klembara, pp. 268-270; Figs. 1, 2, 8

2000 Discosauriscus sp. – Klembara & Bartík; Figs. 10/a, b

Localities: Boskovice „U Otylky“; Boskovice „Semíãvalley in the field“; Kladoruby „Dolní pepfiík“; Kochov„Horka“; Míchov; Obora; Podolí.


Genus - will be published in Klembara (in press)Species - will be published in Klembara (in press)Material: Holotype Z 26701 deposited at the SlovakNational Museum, Bratislava.Locality: Kochov „In the forest“.


Hemichthys problematica Fritsch, 1895(Fig. 268)

1895a Hemichthys problematica, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 121; Pl. 128, Figs. 9-11

1988 Hemichthys problematica Fritsch, 1895 – Roãek, p. 523

1993 Hemichthys problematica – Milner, p. 676

Type: Galvanic ccast M 885 of the specimen figured byFritsch (1895, Pl. 128, Figs. 9-11) deposited at the Natio-nal Museum, Prague.Localities: N˘fiany, Tfiemo‰ná.



Solenodonsaurus janenschi Broili, 1924

1970 Solenodonsaurus janenschi – Carroll, pp. 292-301; Figs. 14-18

1972 Solenodonsaurus janenschi Broili 1924 – Carroll, Kuhn & Tata-

rinov, pp. 15-19; Figs. 10, 11

Fig. 268. Hemichthys problematica Fritsch, 1895. Galvaniccast M 885. N˘fiany, x 1.2. Photo B. Ekrt.

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1980 Solenodonsaurus janenschi Broili 1924 – Milner; Table 1; Fig. 4

1988 Solenodonsaurus janenschi Broili, 1924 – Roãek, p. 523

1999 Solenodonsaurus janenschi Broili, 1924 – Laurin & Reisz, pp.

1241-1245; Figs. 2-4.

Type: Holotype (Humboldt Museum, Berlin), counter-part from the Museum Mensch und Natur, München (ori-ginally described by Broili) has not been located sincethe Second World War.Locality: N˘fiany.





Oestocephalus granulosum (Friã, 1879)(Fig. 269)

1879 Ophiderpeton granulosum Fr. – Friã, p. 186

1880 Ophiderpeton granulosum, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 119-122; Figs. 65-

67; Pl. 17, Figs. 2-7; Pl. 21, Fig. 5; Pl. 24, Fig. 1

1880 Ophiderpeton pectinatum, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 122-123; Pl. 20,

Figs. 1-10

1880 Ophiderpeton Zieglerianum, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 124; Figs. 69-70;

Pl. 20, Fig. 14; Pl. 24, Figs. 3-5

1881 Limnerpeton? caducum, Fr. – Fritsch, 158; Fig. 101

1901 Ophiderpeton granulosum, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 88; Pl. 163, Figs. 4, 5

1938 Ophiderpeton granulosum Fritsch – Steen, pp. 222-223; Fig. 11

1980 Ophiderpeton granulosum Friã 1880 – Milner; Table 1; Fig.


1988 Ophiderpeton granulosum Friã, 1879 – Roãek, p. 523

1994 „Limnerpeton ?caducum“ – Werneburg, 464

1998 Oestocephalus granulosum (Fritsch) – Carroll, p. 148; Fig. 1

1998 Oestocephalus granulosum (Fritsch) 1880 – Carroll et al., p.

180; Figs. 100A, 100B

2003 Oestocephalus amphiuminus Cope, 1868 – Anderson, pp. 536-

542; Figs. 4, 5

2003 Oestocephalus granulosum (Fritsch, 1880) Carroll, 1998 – Mil-

ner & Sequeira, p. 136; Fig. 7B

Type: Nor Fritsch (1880), nor Steen (1938) did notdesignated the type. The best preserve specimen M 442figured by Fritsch (1880, Pl. 17, Figs. 2, 3) is depositedat the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.Note: We accept the conception of Carroll (1998).Anderson (2003) erroneously assigned Ophiderpetonvicinum from the Kounov locality (Stephanian B) to thetaxa from the N˘fiany locality. His synonymy is also in-accurate.

Oestocephalus vicinum (Friã, 1879)

1879 Ophiderpeton vicinum Fr. – Friã, p. 186

1880 Ophiderpeton vicinum, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 123-124; Fig. 68; Pl. 19,

Figs. 2-8

1880 Ophiderpeton Corvinii, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 124; Pl. 20, Figs. 11, 12

1988 Ophiderpeton vicinum Friã, 1879 – Roãek, p. 523

1998 Oestocephalus vicinum (Fritsch) 1880 – Carroll et al., p. 180

Type: Specimen figured by Fritsch (1880, Pl. 19, Figs. 2-8) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Kounov.

?Ophiderpeton forte Fritsch, 1895(Fig. 270)

1895c Ophiderpeton forte. Fr. – Fritsch, p. 4

1901 Ophiderpeton forte, Fr. – p. 89; Fig. 390

Fig. 269. Oestocephalus granulosum (Friã, 1879). Speci-men M 442. N˘fiany, x 0.9.

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Type: Specimen M 630 figured by Fritsch (1901, Fig.390) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

?Ophiderpeton persuadens Fritsch, 1901

1901 Ophiderpeton persuadens, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 88-89;Pl. 163, Figs. 1-3

Type: Specimen M 1075 figured by Fritsch (1901, Pl.163, Figs. 1-3) deposited at the National Museum,Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.



Phlegethontia longissima (Friã, 1875)(Fig. 271)

1875 Dolichosoma longissimum – Friã, p. 72

1880 Dolichosoma longissimum, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 108-116; Figs. 56,

57, 61; Pl. 17, Fig. 1; Pls. 18, 22, 23

1938 Dolichosoma longissimum Fritsch – Steen, pp. 225-226; Fig. 12

1964 Phlegethontia [Dolichosoma] longissima – Baird, p. 5

1978 Phlegethontia linearis Cope, 1871 – Lund, pp. 55-61

1980 Phlegethontia cf. linearis Cope 1871 – Milner; Table 1; Fig. 4

1988 Phlegethontia cf. linearis Cope, 1871 – Roãek, p. 524

1988 Phlegethontia longissima (Friã, 1876) – Roãek, p. 524

1998 Phlegethontia longissima (Fritsch) 1875 – Carroll et al., p. 181;

Fig. 98A

2002 Phlegethontia longissima Fritsch, 1875 – Anderson, pp. 1031-

1044; Fig. 3

Type: Lectotype M 441 figured by Fritsch (1880, Pl. 17,Fig. 1, Pls. 18, 19, 22) deposited at the National Museum,Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.




& MILNER, 1998


Saulopleura scalaris (Friã, 1875)(Fig. 272)

1875 Urocordylus scalaris Fr. – Friã, p. 73

1880 Dolichosoma angustatus, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 117-119; Fig. 63; Pl.

21, Figs. 1, 3

1881 Urocordylus scalaris, Fr. 1875 – Fritsch, pp. 129-136; Figs. 76-

81; Pls. 25, 26

1895c Ptyonius cf. pectinatus Cope – Fritsch, p. 3

1895c Urocordylus scalaris. Fr. – Fritsch, p. 4

1901 Urocordylus scalaris, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 90

1901 Ptyonius distinctus, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 90-92; Pl. 164

1924 Urocordylus scalaris Fr. – Stehlík, pp. 244-248, 263-265; Fig. 8

1938 Urocordylus scalaris Fritsch – Steen, pp. 206-213; Figs. 1, 2A-C,

3A, 3B, 4A-C, 43A, 43B; Pls. 2/4, 4/1, 4/2

1938 Urocordylus angustatus (Fritsch) – Steen, p. 213; Fig. 2D

1980 Sauropleura scalaris (Friã) – Milner; Table 1; Fig. 5

1986 Saulopleura scalaris (Fritsch, 1876) - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 77

1988 Sauropleura scalaris (Friã, 1876) – Roãek, p. 525

1988 Urocordylus angustatus (Fritsch, 1880) – Roãek, p. 525

Fig. 270. ?Ophiderpeton for te Fritsch, 1895. HolotypeM 630. N˘fiany, x 0.6.

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1998 Saulopleura scalaris (Fritsch) – Carroll et al., p. 114; Figs. 53A,

53B, 54A, 54B, 55C, 58A, 59C, 59D, 60A, 61A, 61I-M, 64C,

64D, 66C, 67C, 68C, 71A, 72

Type: Lectotype M 458 figured by Fritsch (1881, Pl. 25,Figs. 1-4, Pl. 26, Figs. 4-8) deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.



Scincosaurus crassus Friã, 1875(Fig. 273)

1875 Scincosaurus crassus Fr. – Friã, p. 72

1881 Keraterpeton crassum, Fr. 1880 – Fritsch, pp. 136-146; Figs. 82-

87; Pl. 27, Figs. 1-4; Pls. 28-30

1924 Keraterpeton crassum Fr. – Stehlík, pp. 248-252, 265; Fig. 9

1938 Scincosaurus crassus Fritsch – Steen, pp. 213-218; Figs. 3C, 4D,

5-8, 43D; Pls. 2/1, 3/5

1980 Scincosaurus crassus Friã 1876 – Milner; Table 1; Fig. 7

1988 Scincosaurus crassus Friã, 1876 – Roãek, p. 524

1998 Scincosaurus crassus Fritsch 1876 – Carroll et al., p. 130

Type: Lectotype M 460 figured by Fritsch (1881, Pl. 27,Fig. 1) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.



& GASKILL, 1978


Fig. 271. Phlegethonia longissima (Friã,1875). Lectotype M 441. N˘fiany, x 0.9.

Fig. 272. Saurople-ura scalaris (Friã,1875). SpecimenM 860 figured bySteen (1938), N˘-fiany, x 0.9.

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Crinodon limnophyes (Steen, 1938)

1938 Ricnodon limnophyes, sp. n. – Steen, p. 227; Figs. 13, 14; Pl. 7

1978 Crinodon limnophyes (Steen) new combination - Carroll &

Gaskill, pp. 24-26; Figs. 10, 11

1980 Crinodon limnophyes (Steen) Carroll and Gaskill 1978 – Mil-

ner; Table 1; Fig. 4

1988 Crinodon limnophyes (Steen, 1938) – Roãek, p. 525

1998 Crinodon limnophyes (Steen) – Carroll et al., p. 37; Figs. 3A,

5A, 24

Type: Holotype R 2818 figured by Steen (1938, Figs.13, 14) deposited at the British Museum (Natural His-tory), London. Locality: N˘fiany.

?Crinodon limnophyes (Steen, 1938)

1881 Limnerpeton difficile, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 157-158; Figs. 99, 100

1994 Limnogyrinus elegans – Werneburg, p. 465

2003 ?Crinodon limnophyes (Steen, 1938) Carroll & Gaskill, 1978

– Milner & Sequeira, pp. 134-136; Fig. 7A

Type: Specimen M 618 figured by Fritsch (1881, Figs.99, 100) deposited at the National Museum, Prague(not found).Locality: N˘fiany.


Boii crassidens (Friã, 1875)(Fig. 274)

1875 Batrachocephalus crassidens – Friã, p. 76

1879a Sparodus crassidens, Fr. 1879 – Fritsch, pp. 86-88 (partim);

Fig. 40; Pl. 9, Fig. 1; Pl. 10, Figs. 1-7 (non Pl. 9, Figs. 4, 8)

1966 Boii crassidens new combination – Carroll, pp. 83-84; Fig. 17

1978 Boii crassidens (Fritsch) - Carroll & Gaskill, p. 26; Fig. 12

Fig. 274. Boii crassidens (Friã, 1875). Lectotype M 409,Kounov, x 1.8.

Fig. 273. Scincosaurus crassus Friã, 1875. LectotypeM 460. N˘fiany, x 1.2.

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1986 Boii crassidens (Fritsch, 1876) - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 77

1988 Boii crassidens (Friã, 1876) – Roãek, p. 525

1998 Boii crassidens (Fritsch) Carroll 1966 - Carroll et al., p. 39;

Fig. 25

Type: Lectotype M 409 figured by Fritsch (1879a, Pl.9, Fig. 1, Pl. 10, Fig. 1) deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: Kounov.Note: No other specimen than the holotype can bedefinitely assigned to this species (Carroll et al. 1998).



Ricnodon copei Fritsch, 1883

1883 Ricnodon Copei, Fr. 1883 – Fritsch, pp. 168-170; Pl. 42

1883 Ricnodon dispersus, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 170; Pl. 43 (Ricnodon

Copei, Fr.)

1883 Ricnodon trachylepis, Fr. 1883 – Fritsch, pp.170-171; Pl. 44,

Figs. 4-15 (Ricnodon? trachylepis, Fr.)

1924 Ricnodon Copei Fr. – Stehlík, pp. 239-241, 262; Fig.7

1938 Ricnodon copei Fritsch – Steen, p. 226

1966 Ricnodon copei Fritsch, 1883 – Carroll, pp. 84-86; Fig. 18

1978 Ricnodon copei Fritsch, 1883 - Carroll & Gaskill, pp. 39-40

1980 Ricnodon copei Friã 1883 – Milner; Table 1; Fig. 4

1988 Ricnodon copei Fritsch, 1883 – Roãek, p. 526

1998 Ricnodon copei Fritsch, 1883 – Carroll et al., p. 42

Type: Lectotype M 505 figured by Fritsch (1883, Pl. 43,Figs. 6-8) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.Note: Probably microsaurian, but only questionablyassignable to the family Hapsidopareiontidae (Carroll etal. 1998).



Sparodus validus Friã, 1875(Fig. 275)

1875 Sparodus validus Fr. – Friã, p. 73

1879a Sparodus validus, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 84-86; Fig.

39; Pl. 8

1966 Sparodus validus Fritsch, 1876 – Carroll, p. 75;

Fig. 9

1978 Sparodus validus Fritsch, 1876 – Carroll & Gas-

kill, pp. 74-75

1980 Sparodus validus Friã 1876 – Milner; Table 1;

Fig. 4

1986 Sparodus validus Fritsch, 1876 - Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 77

1988 Sparodus validus Friã, 1875 – Roãek, p. 526

1988 Sparodus validus – Carroll, pp. 442-447; Figs. 1, 2A; Pl. 12

1998 Sparodus validus Fritsch, 1876 – Carroll et al., p. 49; Fig.

31A; Pl. 2

Type: Several specimens M 401 – M407 figured byFritsch (1879a, Pl. 8) deposited at the National Museum,PragueLocality: N˘fiany.

?Sparodus sp.(Fig. 276)

1879a Sparodus crassidens, Fr. 1879 – Fritsch, pp. 86-88 (partim); Pl.


1966 ?Sparodus – Carroll, p. 75; Fig. 10

Type: Specimen M 410 figured by Fritsch (1879a, Pl. 9,Fig. 2) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Kounov.

Fig. 275. Sparodus validus Friã, 1875. Specimen M 406.N˘fiany, x 6.7.

Fig. 276. ?Sparodus sp. Specimen M 410. Kounov, x 2.5.

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Microbrachis pelikani Friã, 1875(Fig. 277)

1875 Microbrachis Pelikani Fr. – Friã, p. 72

188 Limnerpeton obtusatum, Fr. - Fritsch, pp. 154-156; Figs. 94-98;

Pl. 35

1883 Microbrachis Pelikani, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 174-179; Figs. 112-115;

Pl.. 40, Fig. 2; Pl. 41, Figs. 4-9; Pl. 45, Figs. 1-3; Pl. 46, Figs. 5-

7; Pl. 47, Figs. 1-8; Pl. 48, Figs. 2-10

1883 Microbrachis mollis, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 179-180; Fig. 116; Pl. 46,

Fig. 4; Pl. 47, Fig. 9; Pl. 48, Fig. 1

1883 Microbrachis? branchiophorus, Fr. 1883 – Fritsch, pp. 181-182;

Pl. 46, Figs. 1-3

1924 Microbrachis Pelikani Fr. – Stehlík, pp. 231-234, 261-262; Fig. 5

1924 Limnerpeton obtusatum Fr. - Stehlík, pp. 235-238, 262; Fig. 5

1938 Microbrachis pelikani Fritsch – Steen, pp. 227-234; Figs. 15-20,

44A; Pls. 1/1, 3/1-4

1940 Microbrachis friãi n. sp. – Augusta, pp. 60-61; unnumbered


1967 Microbrachis (Limnerpeton) obtusatum (Fritsch) – Brough &

Brough, pp. 132-136; Figs. 1-3; Pl. 14

1967 Microbrachis mollis Fritsch – Brough & Brough, pp. 136-138;

Figs. 4, 5

1967 Microbrachis pelikani Fritsch – Brough & Brough, pp. 136-138;

Figs. 6, 7

1978 Microbrachis pelikani Fritsch, 1875 – Carroll & Gaskill, pp. 115-

125; Figs. 73-84

1980 Microbrachis pelikani Friã 1876 – Milner; Table 1; Fig. 5

1988 Microbrachis pelikani Friã, 1875 – Roãek, pp. 526-527

1994 Hyloplesion longiscutatum Fr. – Werneburg, p. 464

1998 Microbrachis pelikani Fritsch 1875 – Carroll et al., p. 56; Figs.

2A, 4A, 5G, 6I, 8J, 9F, 10G, 11H, 12H, 13D, 14H, 15I, 16D, 17I,

18G, 19G, 20E, 41, 42, 52I

2004 Microbrachis pelikani Fritsch, 1875 – Vallin & Laurin, pp. 58-62;

Figs. 2-5

2008 Microbrachis pelikani Fritsch – Milner, Figs. 1-4

Type: Numerous collection of specimens M 495,M 513, M 396 and others described by Fritsch (1883),the holotype M 639 (galvanic imprint) of the initialspecies Limnerpeton obtusatum (Fritsch 1881, Pl. 35),the holotype of the initial species Microbrachis mollis(Fritsch 1883, Pl. 46, Fig. 4, Pl. 47, Fig. 9, Pl. 48, Fig.1) are deposited at the National Museum, Prague, andimportant collections are deposited at the West Bohe-mian Museum in Pilsen and NaturhistorischesMuseum, Vienna.Locality: N˘fiany.


& GASKILL, 1978


Hyloplesion longicostatum (Friã, 1875)(Fig. 278)

1875 Stelliosaurus longicostatus Fr. – Friã, p. 72

Fig. 277. Microbrachis pelikani Friã, 1875. SpecimenM 495. N˘fiany, x 1.4.

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1883 Hyloplesion longicostatum Fr. 1883 – Fritsch, pp. 160-165; Figs.

103, 104; Pls. 37, 38, 39, Figs. 1-9

1883 Seeleya pusilla, Fr. 1880 in. litt. – Fritsch, p. 165; Fig. 105; Pl. 40,

Fig. 1; Pl. 41, Figs. 1-3; Pl. 45, Figs. 4, 5

1883 Orthocosta microscopica, Fr. 1879 – Fritsch, pp. 171-172; Fig.

109; Pl. 39, Figs. 10, 11; Pl. 44, Figs. 1-3

1938 Hyloplesion longicostatum Fritsch - Steen, pp. 234-237; Figs. 21,

22, 44B; Pls. 1/1, 4/3

1978 Hyloplesion longicostatum Fritsch, 1875 - Carroll & Gaskill, pp.

127-134; Figs. 86-92

1980 Hyloplesion longicostatum (Friã) 1883 – Milner; Table 1; Fig.1, 7

1988 Hyloplesion longicostatum (Friã, 1875) – Roãek, p. 527

1998 Hyloplesion longicostatum (Fritsch 1875) – Carroll et al., p. 57;

Figs. 43, 44

2007 Hyloplesion longicostatus – Carroll; Fig. 51A

Type: Lectotype M 478 figured by Fritsch (1883, Pl. 36,Fig. 2) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Localities: N˘fiany, Tfiemo‰ná.



Adenoderma gracile Friã, 1877

1877b Adenoderma gracile. Fr. – Friã, p. 49

1880 Adenoderma gracile, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 126; Pl. 19, Fig. 1

1972 Adenoderma gracile Fritsch 1901 – Carroll, Kuhn & Tatarinov, p. 43

1988 Adenoderma gracile Friã, 1877 – Roãek, p. 527

Type: Holotype M 445 (part and counterpart) figured byFritsch (1880, Pl. 19, Fig. 1) deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: Tfiemo‰ná.Note: Adenoderma gracile was according to Romer (1947)described on the basis of one indeterminable specimen.


Tetrapoda incertae sedis (temnospondyls or pelycosaurs)

1879a Microdon sp. – Fritsch, p. 28

1881 Limnerpeton dubium, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 157; Pl. 33, Figs. 4, 5

1994 „Limnerpeton dubium” – Werneburg, p. 464

2003 Tetrapoda incertae sedis – Milner & Sequeira, p.134; Fig. 6B

Type: Specimen M 476 figured by Fritsch (1881, Pl. 33,Figs. 4, 5) deposited at the National Museum, Prague. Locality: Kounov.

Tetrapoda indet.

Localities: B‰-3 (M‰ec M.); Jb-1 (M‰ec M., Hfiedle M.);Ke-6 (M‰ec M.); Klobuky „Slope“; Lib-1 (Zdûtín H.);Mt-1 (Zdûtín H.); MV-2 (Zdûtín H.); ¤i-20 (M‰ec M.); ¤i-30 (Hfiedle M.); Sã-1 (PlouÏnice H., Kalná H.); Zl-1(?Zdûtín H.).

Tetrapoda indet.

Undescribed tetrapod ribLocality: Kozinec hill near Jilemnice.

Tetrapoda indet.

1875 Ctenocosta lata Fr. – Friã, p. 73

Locality: N˘fiany.Note: Nomen nudum (Friã’s provisional name).

1895 Ophiderpeton breviceps. Fr. – Friã, p. 4

Locality: N˘fiany.

1912 Nyfiania – Friã, p. 12; Fig.8

Material: Not found. Locality: âesk˘ Brod „Skalka“.

1883 Lepterpeton? – Fritsch, p. 172; Pl. 41, Fig. 10

Material: Specimen M 502 (part and counterpart) figuredby Fritsch (1883, Pl. 41, Fig. 10) deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Fig. 278. Hyloplesion longicostatum (Friã, 1875). Speci-men M 494 (National Museum, Prague). N˘fiany, x 2.1.

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Superclass Tetrapoda, Class Amphibia


1879 Hylonomus acuminatus, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 88; Fig. 41

Locality: N˘fiany.Note: Two jaw fragments (not found).

1879 Hylonomus? pictus, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 89; Pl. 12, Figs. 14, 15

Material: Jaw fragment M 432 deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: Kounov.

1901 Dolichosoma scutiferum, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 87-88; Pl. 162, Figs. 1-4

Material: Specimen M 1076 figured by Fritsch (1901, Pl.162, Figs. 1-4) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

1901 Dolichosoma crenatum, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 87-88; Fig. 388

Material: Specimen M 629 figured by Fritsch (1901, Fig.388) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

General notes: The name Palaeosiren bienertii Geinitz,1864 was by Estes (1970) excluded from zoologicalnomenclature since it was not based on organic remains.Specimen CsP 12 from Olivûtín is deposited at the Staat-liche Museum für Mineralogie und Geologie, Dresden.

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Class Reptilia







Archaeothyris sp.(Fig. 279)

1885b Nyfiania trachystoma, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 33-36 (partim); Pl. 63, Fig. 17

1938 Nyrania trachystoma Fritsch – Steen, p. 242; Fig. 28

1975 Archaeothyris sp. – Reisz, pp. 522-523, Fig. 1

1980 Archeothyris sp. Reisz 1975 – Milner; Table 1; Fig. 4

2004 Archeothyris sp. (Reisz 1975) – Kissel & Reisz, p. 421

Type: Specimen M 564 figured by Fritsch (1885b, Pl. 63,Fig. 17) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.Notes: The datation of Nyrania Fritsch, 1889 (in Reisz1875) is incorrect (see MaÀourová 1992).


Edaphosaurus ? mirabilis (Fritsch, 1895)(Fig. 280)

1895a Naosaurus mirabilis, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 121; Fig. 309

1895c Naosaurus mirabilis Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 2-3; Fig. 1

1901 Naosaurus mirabilis, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 86-87; Fig. 386

1943 Edaphosaurus mirabilis – Prantl, p. 96; Fig. on p. 96

1945 Edaphosaurus mirabilis – Romer, p. 433

1986 Edaphosaurus mirabilis Fritsch, 1901 – Zajíc & ·tamberg, p. 78

1986 Edaphosaurus ? mirabilis (Fritsch) - Reisz, p. 72

2004 Edaphosaurus mirabilis - Kissel & Reisz, p. 423

Type: Holotype M 633 figured by Fritsch (1895, Fig. 309)deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Kounov.

?Edaphosaurus sp.

1943 Ramodendron obvispinosum spec. nova – ·vestka (1942-1943),

pp. 116-118, Fig. 1

1943 Naosaurus – ·vestka, p. 56

1943 Edaphosaurus (?) ovispinosum (·vestka) – Prantl, pp. 93-97

1943 Edaphosaurus (?) alivispinosum (·vestka) – Prantl, Fig. on p. 95

1944a Edaphosaurus? (Naosaurus obvispinosus ·vestka, Prantl) –

·vestka, pp. 162, 164; Fig. 1

1944b Edaphosaurus obvispinosus ·vestka et Prantl – ·vestka (1944b),

p. 88

Locality: Oslavany „Kukla mine dump“.Notes: The specimen was previously described by·vestka (1942-1943) as the new plant species Ramodend-ron obvispinosum. False specific names ovispinosum and

alivispinosum in Prantl (1943) were undoubtedly cau-sed by author’s and or editor’s inadvertency. The spe-

cimen is unfortunately lost.

Fig. 279. Archeothyris sp. Specimen M 564. N˘fiany,x 1.4. Photo B. Ekrt.

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Class Reptilia





Macromerion? schwarzenbergii (Friã, 1875)(Fig. 281)

1875 (Labyrinthodon) Schwarzenbergii Fr. – Friã, pp. 75-76 (non

pp. 71-72)

1885b Macromerion Schwarzenbergii, Fr. – Fritsch, pp. 37-40; Pls.

65, 66; Pl. 67, Figs. 3-14; Pl. 68, Figs. 10-15; Pl. 69

1945 Macromerion schwarzenbergii – Romer, p. 433

1978 sphenacodont pelycosaur – Milner, pp. 678-679 (partim)

1986 Macromerion? schwarzenbergii Fritsch 1889 – Reisz, p. 76

2004 Macromerion? schwarzenbergii - Kissel & Reisz, p. 423

Type: Set of specimens M 577, M 578, M 597,M 598, M 599, M 600, M 601 and others figured byFritsch (1885b) deposited at the National Museum,Prague.Locality: Kounov.

Fig. 280. Edaphosaurus ? mirabilis (Fritsch,1895). Holotype M 633. Kounov x 1.8.

Fig. 281. Macromerion ? schwarzenbergii (Friã,1875). Specimen M 577. Kounov, x 0.6.

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Class Reptilia







Brouffia orientalis Carroll & Baird, 1972

1972 Brouffia orientalis n. sp. - Carroll & Baird, pp. 337-341; Figs. 6,

11E, 12E

1980 Brouffia orientalis Carroll & Baird 1972 – Milner; Table 1;

Fig. 4

2004 Brouffia orientalis – Kissel & Reisz, p. 421

Type: Holotype (part and counterpart) III B.21.C.587(National Museum, Prague) and MP 451 (West BohemianMuseum in Pilsen) was not found for the present.Locality: N˘fiany.


Coelostegus prothales Carroll & Baird 1972(Fig. 282)

1972 Coelostegus prothales n. sp. - Carroll & Baird, pp. 342-350; Figs.

7, 11F, 12F, 14B, 14C

1980 Coelostegus prothales Carroll & Baird 1972 – Milner; Table 1;

Fig. 4

2004 Coelostegus prothales – Kissel & Reisz, p. 421

Type: Holotype M 3027 deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.



Sphenosaurus sternbergii (Fitzinger, 1837)(Fig. 283)

1837 Palaeosaurus Sternbergii – Fitzinger, p. 171; Pl. 11

1861 Sph. Sternbergi v. Meyer, 1847 – Geinitz, p. 2

1864 Sphenosaurus Sternbergii H. v. Meyer – Friã, p. 373

1885a Sphenosaurus sternbergii v. Meyer – Fritsch, pp. 28-30; Fig. 136;

Pl. 58, Fig. 11; Pl. 59

1969 Sphenosaurus sternbergi – Kuhn, p. 41

Material: Specimen M 539 figured by Fritsch (1885a, Pl.59) deposited at the National Museum, Prague.Locality: Bohemia, unknown Lower Permian locality(the red sandstone probably comes from the Krkono‰ePiedmont Basin or from the Intra-Sudetic Basin).

Reptilia indet.

1970a romeriid captorhinomorph – Carroll, pp. 301-303; Fig. 19

1980 Unnamed reptile Carroll & Baird 1972 – Milner; Table 1

2004 unnamed taxon of uncertain afinities - Kissel & Reisz, p. 421

Material: MB 1901.1379 (Museum für Naturkunde,Humboldt Universität, Berlin).Locality: N˘fiany.


Macromerion bayeri Fritsch, 1885

1875 (Labyrinthodon) Schwarzenbergii Fr. – Friã, pp. 71-72 (partim,

non pp. 75-76)

1885b Macromerion Bayeri, Fr. – Fritsch, p. 40; Pl. 64

Type: Specimens M 566, M 568, M 569, M 571 figuredby Fritsch (1885b, Pl. 64) deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: N˘fiany.

Macromerion? abbreviatum Fritsch, 1885

1885b Macromerion? abbreviatum, Fr. 1885 - Fritsch,

p. 40; Pl. 68, Figs. 2-5

Type: Specimen M 596 figured by Fritsch(1885b, Pl. 68, Figs. 2-4) deposited at theNational Museum, Prague. Locality: Kounov.

Fig. 282. Coelostegus prothales Carroll & Baird, 1972. Holotype âGH3027. N˘fiany, x 0.4.

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Class Reptilia


Macromerion? bicolor Fritsch, 1885(Fig. 284)

1885 Macromerion? bicolor, Fr. 1885 - Fritsch, p. 41; Pl.

67, Fig. 15; Pl. 70, Figs. 1-8

Type: Specimens M 593, M 608, M 609 figu-red by Fritsch (1885b, Pl. 67, Fig. 15, Pl. 70,Figs. 5, 8) deposited at the National Museum,Prague.Locality: Kounov.

Macromerion? simplex Fritsch, 1885

1885b Macromerion? simplex, Fr. 1885 - Fritsch, p. 41; Pl.

67, Figs. 1, 2

Type: Specimen M 584 figured by Fritsch(1885b, Pl. 67, Figs. 1, 2) deposited at the Nati-onal Museum, Prague.Locality: Kounov.

Macromerion? juvenile Fritsch, 1885

1885b Macromerion? juvenile, Fr. - Fritsch, p. 41; Pl. 68,

Fig. 1

Type: Specimen M 595 figured by Fritsch(1885b, Pl. 68, Fig. 1) deposited at the NationalMuseum, Prague.Locality: Kounov.

Macromerion? pauperum Fritsch, 1885

1885b Macromerion? pauperum, Fr. - Fritsch, p. 41; Pl.68, Figs. 6-9

Type: Not found.Locality: Kounov.

Fig. 283. Sphenosaurus sternbergii (Fitzinger, 1837). SpecimenM 539. Bohemia, x 0.3.

Fig. 284. Macromerion ? bicolor Fritsch, 1885. Specimen M 593.Kounov, x 1.7.

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Introductory notes: We attempted to cover all relevant publica-tions concerning Czech and Moravian fossils and fossil-bearinglocalities together with important works concerning regionalbasinal geology and animal systematics. Some of them are notmentioned in the text, but they were the source for the formationof the “List of localities and boreholes” and “List of faunas”. Weconsistently respect published forms of authors’ surnames (e.g.original Czech name Antonín Friã and its German transcriptionAnton Fritsch) and exact dates of publication. We are using thecorrect datation of the separate volumes of the Fritsch’s famous„Fauna der Gaskohle etc.“ in accordance with MA≈OUROVÁ(1992a). We used the datation Handlirsch (1908) in the case ofthe extensive Handlirsch’s work which is formed by four volu-mes, each with the datation 1906 but the whole work is dated1906-1908.

AGGASIZ, L. (1833-1843): Recherches sur les Poissons fossi-les. – Neuchatel.

ANDERSON, F. W. (1970): Carboniferous Ostracoda – thegenus Carbonita Strand. – Bulletin of the Geological Surveyof Great Britain, 32, 69-121.

ANDERSON, J. S. (2002): Revision of the Aïstopod genus Phle-gethontia (Tetrapoda: Lepospondyli). – Journal of Paleonto-logy, 76, 6, 1029-1046.

ANDERSON, J. S. (2003): Cranial anatomy of Coloraderpetonbrilli, postcranial anatomy of Oestocephalus amphiuminus,and reconsideration of Ophiderpetontidae (Tetrapoda: Lepo-spondyli: Aistopoda). – Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology,23, 3, 532-543.

ANDERSON, J. S., CARROLL, R. L. & ROWE, T. B. (2003):New information on Lethiscus stocki (Tetrapoda: Lepospon-dyli: Aistopoda) from high-resolution computed tomographyand phylogenetic analysis of Aistopoda. – Canadian Journalof Earth Sciences, 40, 1071-1083.

ANDREE, R. (1864): Die Versteinerungen der Steinkohlenfor-mation von Stradonic in Böhmen. – Neues Jahrbuch fürMineralogie, Geologie und Paleontologie, 160-176. Stutt-gart.

ANONYMUS, (J. K.) (1884): Noví ãlenovci z ãeského útvarukamenouhelného. – Vesmír, 13, 97-98. Praha.

AUGUSTA, J. (1926a): Fauna v permu boskovické brázdy. -Vûstník Klubu pfiírodovûdeckého v Prostûjovû za rok1922/1925, 19, 25-40. Prostûjov.

AUGUSTA, J. (1926b): Pfiíspûvek k poznání povahy stfiedníãásti boskovické brázdy. - Sborník Státního geologickéhoústavu republiky ãeskoslovenské, 6, 143-220. Praha.

AUGUSTA, J. (1930-31): O permokarbonsk˘ch horninách bos-kovické brázdy, o jejich palaeontologickém charakterua vzniku. – Od Horácka k Podyjí, 8 (1930-31), 1-15. Znojmo.

AUGUSTA, J. (1931a): O fosilních rybách z permu boskovickébrázdy. - Od Horácka k Podyjí, 8, 1-7. Znojmo.

AUGUSTA, J. (1931b): Nové paleontologické nálezy ve spod-nopermsk˘ch lupcích discosaurového horizontu v bosko-vické brázdû. – Od Horácka k Podyjí, 8, 36. Znojmo.

AUGUSTA, J. (1931c): Nová paleontologická lokalita ve spod-ním permu stfiední ãásti boskovické brázdy na Moravû. –âasopis Vlasteneckého musejního spolku v Olomouci, 44,284-285. Olomouc.

AUGUSTA, J. (1933): O vyhynul˘ch krytolebcích (Stegocepha-lech) a jejich zástupcích ve spodním permu moravském. –Pfiíroda, 26, 5, 120-128. Brno.

AUGUSTA, J. (1935a): Über angebliche Schuppen des Panzersder Stegocephalenart Discosaurus moravicus Stehlík ausdem mährischen Perm. - Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Geo-logie und Paläontologie, Abteilung B, 10, 408-411.

AUGUSTA, J. (1935b): O novém paleontologickém sbûruz permu okolí boskovického. – âasopis Vlasteneckéhomusejního spolku v Olomouci, 48, 146-147. Olomouc.

AUGUSTA, J. (1935c): Nové nalezi‰tû stegocephalÛ v permuu Baãova. – âasopis Vlasteneckého musejního spolku v Olo-mouci, 48, 147. Olomouc.

AUGUSTA, J. (1936a): Die Stegocephalen aus dem UnterenPerm der Boskovicer Furche in Mähren. - Práce Geologicko-paleontologického ústavu Karlovy university v Praze za rok1936, 1-64. Praha.

AUGUSTA, J. (1936b): Kritische Bemerkungen zum Auftretender Gattung Discosaurus Credner im mährischen Perm. -Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie,Abteilung B, 1, 26-31.

AUGUSTA, J. (1936c): O novém nálezu stegocephala Melaner-peton perneri Augusta v moravském permu. – âasopis Vlaste-neckého musejního spolku v Olomouci, 49, 156. Olomouc.

AUGUSTA, J. (1936c): Ein Stegocephalen-Bauchpanzer ausdem mährischen Perm. – Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Geo-logie und Paläontologie, Abt. B, 10, 453-464. Stuttgart.

AUGUSTA, J. (1937a): O druhém exempláfii stegocephalaMelanerpeton pulcherrimum Fr. z permsk˘ch vápencÛ odRuprechtic u Broumova v âechách. – âasopis Národníhomusea, 111, 32-34. Praha.

AUGUSTA, J. (1937b): O larválních stadiích nûkter˘ch stego-cephalÛ z ãeského permu. - âasopis Národního musea, 111,22-28. Praha.

AUGUSTA, J. (1937c): O novém v˘skytu melanerpetonÛ v ães-kém permu a nûkolik poznámek k jejich zemûpisnému roz‰í-fiení. - Pfiíroda, 30, 6, 1-5. Brno.

AUGUSTA, J. (1937d): Bemerkungen zu den StegocephalenMelanerpeton pusillum Fr. und Branchiosaurus umbrosus Fr.aus dem böhmischen Perm. – Vûstník Královské ãeské spoleã-nosti nauk, Tfiída matematicko-pfiírodovûdecká, 4, 1-15. Praha.

AUGUSTA, J. (1937e): Z dûjin stratigrafického v˘zkumu per-mokarbonu kamenouhelné pánve rosicko-oslavanské. – Hor-nick˘ vûstník a hornické a hutnické listy, 19, 24, 549-556.

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AUGUSTA, J. (1938): Zpráva o geologickém mapování a strati-grafickém v˘zkumu kamenouhelné pánve rosicko-oslavan-ské na Moravû v r. 1937. – Vûstník Státního geologickéhoústavu, 14, 1-2, 25-30. Praha.

AUGUSTA, J. (1939a): Pfiíspûvek k poznání acanthodida Tra-quairia Fr. z n˘fianského svrchního karbonu. - Vûda pfiírodní,19, 8-10, 243-245. Praha.

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AUGUSTA, J. (1939c): O stegocephalu Branchiosaurus sala-mandroides Fr. ze svrchního karbonu z Tfiemo‰né u Plznû. -Vûstník Královské ãeské spoleãnosti nauk, Tfiída matema-ticko-pfiírodovûdecká, 1939, 1-6. Praha.

AUGUSTA, J. (1939d):Pfiíspûvek k poznání stegocephalaHyloplesion longicostatum Fr. ze svrchního karbonu z Tfie-mo‰né u Plznû. – Pfiíroda, 32, 3, 88-91. Brno.

AUGUSTA, J. (1940): O novém stegocephalu (Microbrachisfriãi n. sp.) z n˘fianského svrchního karbonu. – Vûda pfiírodní,2, 59-61.

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AUGUSTA, J. (1946b): Pfiíspûvky k poznání moravského spod-ního permu. 5. Nov˘ nález AcanthodÛ v moravském spodnímpermu. - Pfiíroda, 38, 80-81. Brno.

AUGUSTA, J. (1947a): Spodnopermská zvífiena a kvûtenaz nového nalezi‰tû za pilou dolu “Antonín” u Zb˘‰ova naMoravû. - Vûstník Státního geologického ústavu Republikyãeskoslovenské, 22, 187-224. Praha.

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AUGUSTA, J. (1948a): Poznámka k stegocephalím ‰lépûjím zoslavansko-ivanãick˘ch pískovcÛ. – Pfiíroda, 40, 7, 143.Brno.

AUGUSTA, J. (1948b): MlÏi moravského spodního permu. –Pfiíroda, 40, 7, 178. Brno.

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The index contains the orders, families, genera, and spe-cies in alphabetical order with reference to the relevantpages. For the purposes of this index, the taxons are men-tioned without the quotation marks or question marks thatare indicated in the List of Faunas.

Acantherpestes 82Acantherpestes foveolatus 83Acantherpestes gigas 82Acantherpestes ornatus 83Acantherpestes vicinus 83Acanthodes stambergi 142Acanthodes 141, 144Acanthodes Bronni 141, 142Acanthodes fritschi 141Acanthodes gracilis 141Acanthodes gracilis bendai 141, 143Acanthodes gracilis var. Bendai 141, 143Acanthodes punctatus 142Acanthodes pygmaeus 143, 144Acanthodes sp. 141, 142, 143Acanthodidae 141Acanthodiformes 141Acanthodii 141Acentrophorus dispersus 154Acridites priscus 91Acrolepididae 149Acrolepis 149Acrolepis gigas 149Acrolepis Krejãii 145Acrolepis sphaerosideritarum 145Actinodon germanicus 175Actinopterygii 145Actinopterygii indet. 161Adelophthalmidae 52Adelophthalmus 52Adelophthalmus imhofi 52Adelophthalmus sp. 52Adenoderma 187Adenoderma gracile 187Aeduella 153Aeduella sp. 152, 154Aeduellidae 152, 154, 155Aeromartinae 66Aistopoda 181Alectoneura 95Alectoneura europaea 95Alectoneuridae 95Alexahymen 93Alexahymen maruska 93Amblypteridae 155Amblypterus 155Amblypterus angustus 155Amblypterus caudatus 158Amblypterus cf. kablikae 155Amblypterus feistmanteli 156Amblypterus gigas 149

Amblypterus kablikae 155, 156Amblypterus lepidurus 156Amblypterus luridus 157Amblypterus obliquus 157Amblypterus pygmäus 155Amblypterus reussi 158Amblypterus Rohani 157Amblypterus rohoni 157Amblypterus sp. 156Amblypterus verrucosus 151Amblypterus vratislavensis 155Amblypterus vratislaviensis 7, 155Amblypterus Zeidleri 159Amhibamidae inc. sed. 171Amphibamidae 170Amphibamus calliprepes 170Amphibamus laticeps 170Amphibia 167Amynilyspedida 84Amynilyspedidae 84Amynilyspes 84Amynilyspes crescens 84Amynilyspes typicus 84Anapsida 191Anconeura 95Anconeura havlatai 95Ancoptera 95Ancoptera permiana 95Ancopteridae 95Annelida 41Anodonta compressa 44Anodontacanthus ventricosus 137Anthracoblattina 103Anthracoblattina gigantea-ensifera group 103Anthracoblattina lubnensis 97Anthracoblattina sp. 1 103Anthracoblattina sp. 3 103Anthracoblattina sp. A 103Anthracoblattina spectabilis 103Anthracocorides platipes 129Anthracocorides platypus 129Anthracojulidae 86Anthracojulus 86Anthracojulus pictus 86Anthracomartidae 62Anthracomartus 62Anthracomartus affinis 68Anthracomartus Krejãii 65, 68Anthracomartus minor 64, 65Anthracomartus socius 62, 63Anthracomya reme‰i 44Anthracomya thuringensis 43Anthraconaia 45Anthracopupa 47Anthracopupa sp. 47Anthracopupidae 47Anthracosauria 176

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Anthracoscorpio 58Anthracoscorpio juvensis 58Anthracoscorpionidae 58Anthracosia 43, 45Anthracosia bohemica 43Anthracosia carbonaria 44Anthracosia cf. regularis 45Anthracosia fritschi 43Anthracosia stegocephalum 43Anthracosia thuringensis 43Anthracosiacea 43Anthracosiidae 43Anthracosiidae indet. 45Anthracosironidae 68Anthracosironidae 63Apachelytridae 106Apachelytron 106Apachelytron transversum 106Apateon 174Apateon cf. umbrosa 174Apateon pusillus 172Apateon sp. 174Apateon umbrosa 174Apateon umbrosus 174Aphantomartus areolatus 67, 68Aphantomartus pustulatus 67Apotypoma 98Apotypoma arndti 98Apotypoma longa 98Apotypoma platyptera 98Arachnida 53, 68Araneae 53Araneomorphae 55Arcioneura 95Arcioneura juveniles 95Arcioneuridae 95Archaeometidae 55Archaeometoidea 55Archaeothyris 189Archaeothyris sp. 189Archegosauridae 176Archegosauroidea 176Archegosaurus 176Archegosaurus austriacus 179Archegosaurus dyscriton 176Archelytridae 105Archicarabides 89Archicarabides pater 89Archijulus constans 83Archijulus pictus 86Archimylacridae 97Archimylacridae bituminosa 105Archimylacridae indet. 98Archimylacris 97Archimylacris lubnensis 97Archipolypoda 81Archiscudderia 88Archiscudderia cornuta 88Archiscudderia coronata 88Archiscudderia kopeckyi 88Archiscudderia paupera 88

Archiscudderia problematica 89Archiscudderia regularis 88Archiscudderia tapeta 88Architaenioglossa 47Architarbi 57Architarbidae 57Architarbus 57Archymilacridae sp. 105Arthrolycosa 69Arthrolycosa (Scudderia) carbonaria 54Arthrolycosa beecheri 53Arthrolycosa carcinoides 64Arthrolycosa fortis 53Arthrolycosa lorenzi 54Arthrolycosa Palaranea 55Arthrolycosa prolifera 57Arthrolycosa salticoides 64, 65Arthromygale 53Arthromygale beecheri 53Arthromygale fortis 53Arthromygalidae 53Arthropleura 81Arthropleura armata 81Arthropleura sp. 81Arthropleurida 81Arthropleuridae 81Arthropleuridea 81Asthenohymenidae 96Asthenohymenidae indet. 96Baphetes 167Baphetes bohemicus 167Baphetidae 167Baphetoidea 167Bardohymenidae 93Batrachocephalus crassidens 184Batrachomorpha 167Bellinurina 51Bivalvia 43Blania 127Blania falsa 127Blania oviformis 127Blania rotunda 127Blattelytridae 106Blattelytridae indet. 106Blattida 97Blattida indet. 105Blattina (Anthracoblattina) Lubnensis 97Blattina (Etoblastina) bituminosa 105Blattina (Etoblatina) bituminosa 105Blattina ligniperda 105Blattina neuropteroides 105Blattina rarinervis 105Blattina sp. 105Blattina sp. 97Blattina splendens 105Blattinoidea ligniperda 105Blattinopsidae 115Blattinopsis 115Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) 115Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) angustai 115Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) antoniana 115

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Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) campestris 115, 116Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) cf. martynovae 116Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) latissima 115Blattinopsis (Blattinopsis) martynovae 115, 116Blattinopsis sp. 116Blattodea 97Blattoidea neuropteroides 105Blattoidea sp. 105Bohemiacanthus 33Bohemiacanthus carinatus 133, 134Bohemiacanthus oelbergensis 133, 134Bohemiacanthus sp. 133Boii 184Boii crassidens 184, 185Bojophlebia 93Bojophlebia prokopi 93Bojophlebiidae 93Bojoptera 93Bojoptera colorata 93Boscoleus 109Boscoleus blandus 109Bourbonella sp. 153Bourbonnella 153Bourbonnella hirsuta 153, 154Brachiacanthus 137Brachiacanthus semiplanus 137Brachylycosa 64Brachylycosa carcinoides 64, 65Brachylycosa kustae 65Brachylycosa ku‰tae 65Brachylycosa rotundata 65Branchierpeton 175Branchierpeton cf. saalensis 175Branchiopoda 71Branchiosauridae 172Branchiosauridae indet. 174Branchiosaurus 173Branchiosaurus gracilis 173Branchiosaurus moravicus 179Branchiosaurus pusillus 172Branchiosaurus robustus 173Branchiosaurus salamandroides 173, 174Branchiosaurus sp. 173Branchiosaurus umbrosus 172, 174Branchiosaurus venosus 173Brnia 122Brnia cf. raketa 122Brnia raketa 122Brouffia 191Brouffia orientalis 191Bythocypris mytiloides 75Bythocypris sp. 75Caenogastropoda 47Calochelys lacertina 177Caloneurodea 115Caloneurodea indet. 115Calvertiellidae 92Candona elongata 75Capetus 176Capetus palustris 176Captorhinomorpha 191

Carbonia Salteriana 75Carbonicola 43Carbonicola (Anthracosia) bohemica 43Carbonicola bohemica 43Carbonicola remesi 44Carbonicola stegocephalum 43Carbonicola thuringensis 43Carbonita 75Carbonita fabulina 75Carbonita salteriana 75Carbonitidae 75Carbotriplura kukalovae 129Carbotripluridae 129Carbotriplurina 129Catadyesthus 91Catadyesthus priscus 91Caulogastra 68Cauloptera 94Cauloptera colorata 94Caulopteridae 94Cerasopterum 120Cerasopterum cf. subtile 121Cerasopterum extendum 121Cerasopterum gracile 120Cerasopterum longum 121Cerasopterum oborianum 120Cerasopterum sp. 121Cerasopterum subtile 121Ceratodus applanatus 163Ceratodus Barrandei 163Ceratodus obliquus 163, 164Clitellata 41Coelenterata 39Coelostegus 191Coelostegus prothales 191Cochleiosaurus sp. 169Cochleosauridae 167Cochleosaurus 168Cochleosaurus bohemicus 168, 169Cochleosaurus falax 168Coleoptera 107Coleoptera indet. 110Conchostraca 71Cotylosauria 191Crasselytron 106Crasselytron convexum 106Crinodon 184Crinodon limnophyes 184Crossopterygii 165Cryptomartus 63Cryptomartus radvanicensis 63Ctenacanthoidea 138Ctenocosta lata 187Ctenodontidae 163Ctenodontoidei 163Ctenodus 163Ctenodus applanatus 163Ctenodus sp. 163Ctenodus tardus 163Cycloneritimorpha 47Cyclophoroidea 47

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Cyclophthalmidae 61Cyclophthalmoidea 61Cyclophthalmus 61Cyclophthalmus (Scorpio) senior 62Cyclophthalmus kralupensis 60Cyclopthalmus senior 7, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62Cymbopsidae 117Cymbopsis 117Cymbopsis excelsa 117Cypris sp. 72Cythere pustulosa 75Cytherea pustulosa 75Dasyceps sp. 170Dawsonella 47Dawsonella sp. 47Dawsonellidae 47Dawsonerpeton 167Dawsonerpeton polydens 167, 168Dawsonia polydens 167Delopterum 111Delopterum lepidum 111Delopterum sinuosum 111Delopterum sp. 111Delopterum truncatum 111Dendrerpeton deprivatum 168Dendrerpeton foveolatum 169Dendrerpeton pyriticum 168Dendropupa 47Depressopterum 118Depressopterum fragile 118Depressopterum mancum 118Depressopterum senior 118Diapha 96Diapha candida 96Diaphanopterodea 95Dictyomylacris 99Dictyomylacris aff. montagnei 99Dictyoptiloidea 92Dinopilio 56Dinopilio gigas 56Diplopoda 81Diplovertebron 177Diplovertebron punctatum 177Dipnoi 163Dipnoiformes 163Discosauriscidae 177, 180Discosauriscus 178Discosauriscus austriacus 179, 180Discosauriscus moravicus 179Discosauriscus potamites 179Discosauriscus pulcherrimus 178Discosauriscus sp. 180Dissorophoidea 170Ditiscomorphus larvalis 129Dolichosoma angustatus 182Dolichosoma crenatum 188Dolichosoma longissimum 182Dolichosoma scutiferum 188Donopterum 119Donopterum carpenteri 119Donopterum nocturnum 119

Donopterum sp. 120Doubravia 124Doubravia annosa 124Doubravia sp. 124Drahania 119Drahania avia 119Dytiscomorphus larvalis 129Edaphosaurus 189Edaphosaurus (Naosaurus obvispinosus) 189Edaphosaurus alivispinosum 189Edaphosaurus mirabilis 189, 190Edaphosaurus obvispinosum 189Edaphosaurus obvispinosus 189Edaphosaurus sp. 189Edopoidea 167Elasmobranchii 131Elmodiapha 95Elmodiapha ovata 95Elmoidae 95Elonichthyidae 145Elonichthys 145Elonichthys gigas 149Elonichthys krejcii 145, 146Elonichthys sp. 145, 146Elonichthys speciosus 148Elonichthys sphaerosideritarum 145Elytroneuridae 107Embolomeri 176Engisoptera 95Engisoptera simplices 95Engisopteridae 95Eobuthidae 58Eobuthus 58Eobuthus cordai 59Eobuthus rakovnicensis 58, 59, 61Eocoleus 109Eocoleus scaber 109Eoctonoidea 58Eogyrinidae 176Eojulus 90Eojulus fragilis 90Eolycosa 53Eolycosa lorenzi 53, 54Eopholcus 55Eopholcus pedatus 55, 56Eophrynidae 66Eophryninae 67Eotarbis litoralis 58Eotarbus litoralis 57Ephemerida 93Epimastacidae 117Epimastax 117Epimastax celer 117Eryopidae 169Eryopoidea 169Estheria (Euestheria) cebennensis 73Estheria calcarea 71Estheria concretionum 73Estheria cyanea 71Estheria palaeoniscorum 71Estheria paupera 71, 72

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Estheria tenella 73Estheria triangularis 73Estheria ultima 71, 72Etoblattina bohemica 100Euestheria 73Euestheria cebennensis 73Euestheriidae 73Eugereon 129Eumalacostraca 77Eupelycosauria 189Euphoberia 81Euphoberia absens 82Euphoberia histrix 81, 82Euphoberia varians 82Euphoberidae 81Euphoberiida 81Euproöpacea 51Euproopidae 51Eurypterida 52Eurypterids indet. 52Eurypterina 52Euselachii 138Euselachii indet. 138Euskelia 169Expleuracanthus carinatus 133Expleuracanthus parallelus 131Feistmantelia 59Feistmantelia ornata 59, 60Flabellaria borassifolia 55Flabellites 97Flabellites latus 97, 98Friciella 97Friciella aurea 97Friãiella aurea 97Fumopterum 120Fumopterum largum 120Gampsonichus fimbriatus 78Gampsonichus parallelus 78Gampsonychus 78Gampsonychus fimbriatus 79Gampsonychus Krejãii 77Gampsonychus parallelus 78Gampsonychus sp. 77Gasocaris Krejãii 77Gastropoda 47Gaudrya latistoma 169Genus bituminosa 105Genus bohemiae 105Genus ligniperda 105Gephyrostegida 177Gephyrostegidae 177Gephyrostegus 177Gephyrostegus bohemicus 177Gephyrostegus watsoni 177Gerablattina 105Gerablattina bohemiae 105Geralinura (Thelyphonus) bohemica 68Geralinura bohemica 68Geralinura crassa 68, 69Geralinura noctua 68, 69Geralinura scudderi 69

Geralycosa 54Geralycosa fricii 54Geralycosa Friãii 54Geralycosa fritschi 54Geralycosa Fritschii 54Geratarbus 57Geratarbus bohemicus 57Glabelytron 107Glabelytron lativenosum 107Glaphyrophlebia 116Glaphyrophlebia clava 116Glomeropsis 85Glomeropsis crassa 85Glomeropsis magna 85Glomeropsis multicarinata 85Glomeropsis ovalis 85Glosselytrodea 118Gongyloblatta 98Gongyloblatta fritschi 98Grosselytrodea indet. 118Gryllacris Bohemica 91Gryllacris bohemica 91Gymnarthridae 185Gymnoniscus pauper 151Gyrolepis speciosus 148Hadroneuria bohemica 91Hana 94Hana filia 94Hana lineata 95Hanidae 94Haplolepididae 160Haplolepiformes 160Hapsidopareiontidae 185Havlatia 123Havlatia annae 123Havlatiidae 123Healdioidea 75Helicinoidea 47Helminthomorpha 81Hemichthys 180Hemichthys problematica 180Hemiphoberia 89Hemiphoberia alternans 89Hemiphrynus hofmanni 66Hemiphrynus longipes 66Hetervorhoeffia 89Hetervorhoeffia crassa 89Holacanthodes gracilis 141, 142, 143Holosternina 58Homoiopteridae 91, 92Homoiopteroidea 92Homoptera 127Homoptera indet. 127Hughmillerioidea 52Hybodontoidea 138Hybodus (Sphenacanthus orodus) vestitus 138Hybodus vestitus 138Hylonomus acuminatus 188Hylonomus pictus 188Hyloplesion 186Hyloplesion longicostatum 186, 187

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Hyloplesion longicostatus 187Hyloplesion longiscutatum 186Hyloplesiontidae 186Chalkichthys 155Cheliderpeton 175Cheliderpeton sp. 176Cheliderpeton vranyi 175Chelidosaurus Vranii 175Chelydosaurus Vranii 170Chelydosaurus vranyi 176Chilognatha 81Chlumia 122Chlumia obesa 122Chlumia parva 122Chlumia sp. 123Chondrichthyes 131Igornichthyidae 152Igornichthys 152Igornichthys sp. 152Insecta 91Isobuthidae 59Isobuthoidea 58Isobuthus 60Isobuthus kralupensis 59, 60, 61Isobuthus nyranensis 60Isobuthus Nyfianensis 60Isobuthus ornatus 59Isobuthus rakovnicensis 58, 59, 61Isojulus constans 83Isojulus marginatus 83Isojulus setipes 83Isolulus 83Jablonia 123Jablonia aestiva 123Jabloniidae 123Janassa lacustris 139, 157Juliformia 86Julus constans 83Julus costulatus 87Julus pictus 86Jurina 118Kashmiroblatta 104Kashmiroblatta sp. 1 104Keraterpeton crassum 183Kinklidoptera 97Kinklidoptera lubnensis 97Kinklidoptera vicina 97Kounoviensis 149Kralupia 90Kralupia carbonaria 90Kreischeria bohemica 63Kunguroblattina 104Kunguroblattina cf. elongata 104Kustaria 54Kustaria carbonaria 54Labyrinthodon Schwarzenbergii 190Leaiidae 73Lemmatophoridae 125Lemmatophorinae 125Lepidoderma imhofi 52Lepidoderma Immhoffi 52

Lepospondyli 181Lepterpeton 187Letoverpeton austriacum 179Letoverpeton austriacus 179Letoverpeton moravicum 179Letovichthys 147Letovichthys multidentatus 146Letovichthys tuberculatus 146Liberocoleus 110Liberocoleus intactus 110Limnerpeton caducum 181Limnerpeton difficile 184Limnerpeton dubium 187Limnerpeton elegans 174Limnerpeton laticeps 170, 174Limnerpeton macrolepis 170, 174Limnerpeton modestum 171Limnerpeton obtusatum 186Limnestheria cebennensis 73Limnestheria cyanea 71Limnestheria palaeoniscorum 71Limnogyrinus 174Lioestheria 71Lioestheria extuberata 71Lioestheria lallyensis 71Lioestheria oboraensis 71Lioestheria palaeoniscorum 71Lioestheria paupera 71Lioestheria sp. 73Lioestheriidae 71Lioma 120Lioma moravica 120Lioma sp. 120Liomopteridae 118Liomopteridea 118Lissodus 138Lissodus lacustris 138Lithomantidae 91Lithomantis 91Lithomantis bohemica 91Lithomantoidea 91Lobosternina 58Lonchidiidae 138Loxomma bohemicum 167Lumbricopsis 41Lumbricopsis distinctus 41Lumbricopsis permicus 41Lusor tenellus 170Lymnogyrinus elegans 174, 175, 184Macromerion 190Macromerion abbreviatum 191Macromerion bayeri 191Macromerion bicolor 192Macromerion juvenile 192Macromerion pauperum 192Macromerion schwarzenbergii 190Macromerion simplex 192Maculopterum 127Maculopterum maculatum 127Makowskia 177Makowskia laticephala 177, 178

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Malacostraca 77Martinoviidae indet. 96Martynoviidae 96Maturipupa 47Maturipupa sp. 47Medusina 39Medusina limnica 39Medusina sp. 39 Megalichthys 165Megalichthys nitens 165Megasecoptera 93Melanerpeton 172Melanerpeton (Branchiosaurus) moravicum 179Melanerpeton falax 179Melanerpeton longicaudatum 179Melanerpeton magnum 179Melanerpeton perneri 179Melanerpeton potamites 178, 179Melanerpeton pulcherimum 178Melanerpeton pulcherrimum 178Melanerpeton pusillum 172Melanerpeton sp. 172Melanerpeton sp. K 172Melosaurus bohemicus 168Memonomenos dyscriton 176Meristosternina 61Merostomata 51Metacopina 75Metaphyloblatta 98Metaphyloblatta nemejci 98Microbrachidae 186Microbrachiomorpha 186Microbrachiomorpha inc. sed. 187Microbrachis 186Microbrachis (Limnerpeton) obtusatum 186Microbrachis branchiophorus 186Microbrachis friãi 186Microbrachis mollis 186Microbrachis pelikani 186Microconchida 49Microconchus 49Microconchus minimus 49Microconchus vorax 49Microdon laticeps 170Microdon modestus 171Microdon sp. 187Microlabiidae 62Microlabis 62Microlabis sternbergii 62Micromelerpetontidae 174Microptismatidae 128Microptysmella 128Microptysmella moravica 128Microsauria 183Miomatoneura 113Miomatoneura angusta 114Miomatoneura candida 113Miomatoneura palaeozoica 113, 114Miomatoneura permica 113Miomatoneurella 114Miomatoneurella boskovicensis 114

Miomoptera 111Molgophis Kolbi 177Monicaris 77Monicaris rudnicensis 77Monsteropterum 92Monsteropterum moravicum 92Moravamylacris 100Moravamylacris kukalovae 99Moravamylacris ricanyensis 100Moravamylacris sp. 1 99Moraverpeton 174Moraverpeton remesi 174Moraverpeton reme‰i 174Moravia 93Moravia convergens 93Moraviptera 92Moraviptera reticulata 92Moravocoleus 108Moravocoleus fractus 108Moravocoleus neglegens 108Moravocoleus perditus 108Moravocoleus permianus 108Moravohymen 94Moravohymen vitreus 94Moravohymenidae 94Moravochorista 129Moravochorista carolina 129Mordex 170Mordex calliprepes 170Mordex laticeps 170, 171Mylacridae 99Myriapoda 81Naosaurus 189Naosaurus mirabilis 189Nectotelson 77Nectotelson krejcii 77, 78Nectridea 182Necymylacridae 100Necymylacris 100Necymylacris bohemica 101Necymylacris reisbachensis 101Neoptera 97Neorthroblattina 99Neorthroblattina cf. multinervia 99Neorthroblattina cf. multineuria 99Neorthroblattina germari 99Neorthroblattina sp. 1 99Neritimorpha 47Neslovicella 152Neslovicella rzehaki 152, 153Neuroptera 128Neuroptera indet. 128Nummulosaurus 177Nummulosaurus kolbii 177, 178Nyrania 189Nyrania trachystoma 189Nyraniidae 87Nyranius 87Nyranius costulatus 87Nyranius tabulatus 87Nyranytarbus 66

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Nyranytarbus hofmanni 66, 67Nyranytarbus longipes 66Nyfiania 187Nyfiania trachystoma 168, 189Oborella 125Oborella inexpectata 125Oborella matura 125Oborella rusticana 125Oboria 93Oboria longa 93Oborocoleidae 110Oborocoleus 110Oborocoleus rohdendorfi 110Odonata 96Odonata indet. 96Oedischiidae 118Oestocephalidae 181Oestocephalus 181Oestocephalus amphiuminus 181Oestocephalus granulosum 181Oestocephalus vicinum 181Oligochaeta 41Onchiodon 169Onchiodon foveolatum 169, 170Onchiodon labyrinthicus 170, 171, 176Onchiodon tenellus 170Oomartus 66Oomartus nyranensis 66Ophiacodontidae 189Ophiderpeton breviceps 187Ophiderpeton Corvinii 181Ophiderpeton forte 181, 182Ophiderpeton granulosum 181Ophiderpeton pectinatum 181Ophiderpeton persuadens 182Ophiderpeton vicinum 181Ophiderpeton Zieglerianum 181Opsiomylacris 99Opsiomylacris cf. procera 100Opsiomylacris cf. svitaviensis 100Opsiomylacris sp. 100Opsiomylacris svitaviensis 100Orodus sp. 138Ortelytron 105Ortelytron artum 106Ortelytron europaeum 105, 106Orthacanthidae 135Orthacanthus 135Orthacanthus (Lebachacanthus) ventricosus 137Orthacanthus (Orthacanthus) bohemicus 135Orthacanthus (Orthacanthus) kounoviensis 135Orthacanthus bohemicus 135, 136Orthacanthus decheni 131Orthacanthus kounoviensis 135Orthacanthus pinguis 135, 136Orthacanthus plicatus 133Orthacanthus sp. 135Orthocosta microscopica 187Orthoptera 118Orthotarbus nyranensis 57, 58Oryctoblattina Arndti 98

Osteichthyes 145, 163, 165Osteolepididae 165Osteolepiformes 165Osteolepiformes indet. 165Ostracoda 75Palaeanodonta 44Palaeanodonta castor 44Palaeanodonta cf. compressa 44Palaeanodonta cf. parallela 44Palaeanodonta compressa 44Palaeanodonta Petraschecki 44Palaeanodonta posepnyi 44Palaeanodonta po‰epnyi 44Palaeanodonta sophiae 44Palaeanodonta sp. 44Palaeanodonta verneuili 44Palaeocaridacea 77Palaeocarididae 77Palaeocaris krejcii 77Palaeodictyoptera 91Palaeoheterodonta 43Palaeomanteidae 111Palaeonisciformes 145Palaeoniscus caudatus 157Palaeoniscus Kablikae 155Palaeoniscus lepidurus 156Palaeoniscus luridus 157Palaeoniscus obliquus 157Palaeoniscus Reussii 158Palaeoniscus rohani 157Palaeoniscus sculptus 160Palaeoniscus vratislaviensis 155Palaeoptera 91Palaeorchestia 78Palaeorchestia parallela 78, 79Palaeosaurus Sternbergii 191Palaeosiren bienertii 188Palaeoxyris 139Palaeoxyris appendiculata 139Palaeoxyris bohemica 139Palaranea 55Palaranea borassifoliae 55Paleuthygramma 115Palingenia feistmanteli 92Paradiapha 96Paradiapha delicatula 96Paraisobuthoidea 61Paraisobuthus 61Paraisobuthus frici 61Paraisobuthus prantli 61Paramblypterus 157, 159Paramblypterus caudatus 157, 158Paramblypterus gelberti 158, 159Paramblypterus luridus 157Paramblypterus obliquus 157Paramblypterus reussii 158Paramblypterus rohani 157Paramblypterus sp. 159, 160Paramblypterus zeidleri 159Paraneoptera 127Paraostrava 91

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Paraostrava stanislavi 91Paraplecoptera 118Parapriscinae 127Pelosaurus 174Pelosaurus sp. 174Pelycosauria 189Pentazonia 84Permembiidae 114Permodelopterum 112Permodelopterum lepidum 113Permodelopterum lumbiformis 113Permodelopterum obscurum 112, 113Permodiapha 96Permodiapha carpenteri 96Permodiapha lata 96Permodiapha specula 96Permoedischia 118Permoedischia moravica 118Permonia 114Permonia arta 114Permonia insolida 115Permonia permoni 114Permonikia 114Permonikia permoniki 114Permopsocidae 128Permotrichoptera 128Permula 118Permula aera 118Perneria salticoides 64, 65Perunopterum 111Perunopterum corium 111, 112Perunopterum macrum 112Perunopterum mirum 112Perunopterum peruni 111, 112Perunopterum saxeum 112Perunopterum sp. 112Petalodus Janassa 165Petrovicia 67Petrovicia proditoria 67Petrovitzer Spinnenthier 67Phaiherpeton pulcherrimum 179Phanerosteon pauper 151Phenopteridae 122Phlegethontia 182Phlegethontia (Dolichosoma) longissima 182Phlegethontia cf. linearis 182Phlegethontia linearis 182Phlegethontia longissima 182, 183Phlegethontiidae 182Phryganen-Larve 89Phyllolepis 164Phyllolepis fragilis 164Phyllolepis sp. 164Phyllopoda 71Phyloblatidae indet. 99Phyloblatta 98, 101Phyloblatta cf. curvata 103Phyloblatta cf. praecurvata 102Phyloblatta compacta 103Phyloblatta compactiformis 102Phyloblatta curvata 103

Phyloblatta deserta 101Phyloblatta disiuncta 102Phyloblatta dyadica 103Phyloblatta flabelata 101Phyloblatta gimmi 103Phyloblatta moravika 103, 104Phyloblatta obliqua 101Phyloblatta praecompacta 102, 103Phyloblatta praecurvata 102Phyloblatta Purkynei 98Phyloblatta purkynûi 98Phyloblatta purkynei 98Phyloblatta sp. 1 103Phyloblatta sp. 2 103Phyloblattidae 101Phyloblattidae 98Planelytridae 107Planelytron 107Planelytron planum 107Planomartus 68Planomartus krejcii 68Platyacanthus 137Platyacanthus ventricosus 137Platyblatta bohemica 101Platyrhinops 171Platyrhinops cf. Lyelli 171Platysomus pygmaeus 155Plesiotheca 41Pleuracanthus carinatus 133Pleuracanthus kounoviensis 135Pleuracanthus oelbergensis 133Pleuracanthus ovalis 132, 133Pleuracanthus parallelus 131Pleurojulida 83Pleurojulidae 83Pleurojulus 83Pleurojulus aculeatus 84Pleurojulus biornatus 83, 84Pleurojulus falcifer 83Pleurojulus levis 84Pleurojulus longipes 83Pleurojulus pinguis 84Pleurolycosa 57Pleurolycosa prolifera 57Plicatodus 133Plicatodus plicatus 133, 134Plytyrhinops cf. P. lyelli 171Podocopida 75Polyneoptera 97Poroblattina 104Poroblattina rotundata 104Poroblattina sp. 105Poroblattinidae 104Potamochoston 171Potamochoston limnaios 171Prantlites bohemicus 101Proglomeridae 88Progyrolepis 148Progyrolepis speciosus 148Prolimulus 51Prolimulus woodwardi 51

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Promygale 63Promygale bohemica 63Promygale elegans 63, 64Promygale janae 64Promygale minor 64Promygale rotundata 64, 65Pronaidites 41Pronaidites arenivorus 41Pronaidites carbonarius 41Pronaidites crenulatus 41Propalingenia Feistmanteli 92Propteticus 105Prosobranchia 47Prosperocoleus 109Prosperocoleus prosperus 110Protacanthodes pinnatus 144Protelytridae 106Protelytroptera 105Protereisma 93Protereisma sp. 93Protereismatidae 93Proterema 105Proterema rarinervis 105Proteremidae 105Prothelyphonus bohemicus 68, 69Protodiapha 95Protodiapha lineata 96Protodiapha maculifera 95Protolimnadia calcarea 71, 72Protomeropidae 128Protomeropidae indet. 129Protorthoptera 115Pseudacanthodes 144Pseudacanthodes pinnatus 144Pseudestheria 71Pseudestheria aff. breitenbachensis 72Pseudestheria cebennensis 73Pseudestheria sp. 72Pseudestheria tenella 71, 72Pseudestheria ultima 71Pseudomerope 128Pseudomerope gallei 128Pseudomerope havlati 128Pseudomerope mareki 128Pseudomerope oborana 128Pseudomeropella 128Pseudomeropella nekvasilovae 128Pseudopalingenia 91Pseudopalingenia feistmanteli 91, 92Psocoptera 128Pterygota 91Ptyonius 169Ptyonius bendai 169Ptyonius cf. pectinatus 182Ptyonius distinctus 182Purkynia 86Purkynia lata 86Pygopteridae 148Pylojulus (Xylobius) costulatus 87Pylojulus (Xylobius) P‰trossi 86Pylojulus (Xylobius) sellatus 87

Pylojulus (Xylobius) tabulatus 87Pyritaranea 56Pyritaranea tubifera 56Pyritaraneidae 56Pyritaraneoidea 56Pyritocephalus 160Pyritocephalus sculptus 160Quercopterum 125Quercopterum decussatum 125Rakovnicia antiqua 55Ramodendron obvispinosum 189Reptilia 189Reptilia inc. sed. 191Reptilia indet. 191Reptilomorpha 176Retelytron 107Retelytron conopeum 107, 108Ricnodon 185Ricnodon copei 185Ricnodon dispersus 185Ricnodon limnophyes 184Ricnodon trachylepis 185Romeriidae 191Rugelytron 106Rugelytron fuscum 106Sagenodontidae 163Sagenodus 163Sagenodus applanatus 164Sagenodus barrandei 163, 164Sagenodus inaequalis 163, 164Sagenodus sp. 164Sagenodus tardus 163Sandtneria 89Sandtneria gemmata 89, 90Sarcopterygii 163, 165Sauropleura 182Sauropleura scalaris 182, 183Sauropleurinae 182Sceletophoridae 151Sceletophorus 151Sceletophorus biserialis 151Sceletophorus verrucosus 151, 152Scincosauridae 183Scincosaurus 183Scincosaurus crassus 183, 184Sclerocephalus credneri 167, 170, 176Sclerocephalus labirinthicus 170Scorpiones 58Scudderia carbonaria 54Scudderia Kopeckyi 88Scyphomedusae 39Scyphozoa 39Seeleya pusilla 187Setlikia 152Setlikia bohemica 152, 153Seymouriamorpha 177Sharovipterum 125Sharovipterum alatum 125, 126Skalicia 124Skalicia rara 124Skaliciidae 124

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Soledonodonsauridae 180Soledonodonsaurus 180Soledonodonsaurus janenschi 180, 181Sooblatta 99Sooblatta jacobsi 99Sooblatta stephanensis 99Sparagmites lacertinus 177Spargoptilon 117Spargoptilon confertus 117Spargoptilon lateriticus 117Sparodus 185Sparodus crassidens 184, 185Sparodus sp. 185Sparodus validus 185Sphaerherpestidae 85Sphaerolepis 149, 150Sphaerolepis kounoviensis 149, 150Sphaerolepis sp. 150Sphenacanthidae 138Sphenacanthus 138Sphenacanthus carbonarius 138Sphenacanthus sp. 138sphenacodont pelycosaur 190Sphenacodontidae 190Sphenacodontinae 190Sphenosaurus 191Sphenosaurus sternbergi 191Sphenosaurus sternbergii 191, 192Spilapteridae 93Spilapteroidea 93Spiloblattina 104Spiloblattina lawrenceana 104Spiloblattina weissigensis 104Spiloblattinidae 104Spinarichthys 154Spinarichthys dispersus 154Spinicaudata 71Spirobolida 86Spirobolida 86Spiroglyphus minimus 49Spiroglyphus vorax 49Spirorbis vorax 49Squillitidae 77Stelliosaurus longicostatus 186Stenodiapha 96Stenodiapha angusta 96Stenodiapha moravica 96Stenodictyoidea 91Stenomerope 128Stenomerope spinari 128Strephocladidae 117Subioblatta 104Subioblatta sp. 1 104Subioblattidae 104Synapsida 189Syncarida 77Syntonopteridae 92Syntonopteroidea indet. 92Sysciophlebia 104Sysciophlebia alligans 104Sysciophlebia grata 104

Sysciophlebia rubida 104Temnospondyli 167Tentaculitoidea 49Tetrapoda 167Tetrapoda inc. sed. 187Thelyphonida 68Thelyphonidae 68Thelyphonus bohemicus 68Torrentopterum 127Torrentopterum pallidum 127Traquairia pygmaea 143Traquairichthys 143Traquairichthys pygmaeus 143Trematopidae 170Trigonomartidae 67, 68Trigonomartus sp. 67Trigonotarbida 62Trichoptera 128Trichoptera inc. sed. 129Trichoptera indet. 129Trimerorhachidae 167Trimerorhachoidea 167Triodus 134Triodus carinatus 133Triodus cf. sessilis 134Triodus sp. 134Triodus-Typ go 134Trissolepididae 149Trissolepis Kounoviensis 149Tschecardocoleidae indet. 110Tschekardocoleidae 107Tubificidae 41Tubulacanthus 138Tubulacanthus sulcatus 138Tuditanidae 183Tuditanomorpha 183Turbopterum 119Turbopterum finum 119Turnovichthys 138Turnovichthys magnus 138, 139Tyrannopterum 122Tyrannopterum minimum 122Umoricoleus 109Umoricoleus perplex 109Unio carbonarius 44Unionoida 43Urocordylidae 182Urocordylus angustatus 182Urocordylus scalaris 182Uronectes fimbriatus 79Venelytron 106Venelytron tuberculatum 106, 107Ventopterum 123Ventopterum rapidum 123, 124Vermites litographus 41Villopterum 127Villopterum proximum 127Villopterum villosum 127Votocoleus 109Votocoleus submissus 109Watsonichthys 145

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Watsonichthys krejcii 145Watsonichthys sphaerosideritarum 145Xenacanthidae 131Xenacanthiformes 131Xenacanthiformes inc. sed. 137Xenacanthiformes indet. 137Xenacanthus 131Xenacanthus (Diplodus) plicatus 133Xenacanthus decheni 131Xenacanthus levidens 139Xenacanthus ovalis 132Xenacanthus parallelus 131Xenacanthus plicatus 133 Xenacanthus sp. 133Xenacanthus-Typ U-m 133Xenoblatta 104Xenoblatta aff. curta 104Xenoblatta cf. deichmuelleri 104Xenoblatta curta 104Xenoblatta deichmuelleri 104

Xenoblatta ornatissima 104Xiphosura 51Xiphosurida 51Xylobius costulatus 87Xylobius P‰trossi 86Xylobius sellatus 87Xylobius tabulatus 87Xyloiulidae 86Xyloiuloidea 86Xyloiulus 86Xyloiulus pstrossi 86, 87Xyloiulus p‰trossi 86Xyloiulus sellatus 87Zaborichthys 148Zaborichthys fragmentalis 148Zatrachydidae 170Zephyropterum 123Zephyropterum lentum 123, 124Zosterogrammida 86Zosterogrammidae 86