st.andrew [s hurh, osom e · 2020-04-23 · st.andrew [s hurh, osom e may 2020 acts of the apostles...

ST.ANDREW’S CHURCH, BOSCOMBE MAY 2020 Acts of the Apostles 2:1-4 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

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Page 1: ST.ANDREW [S HURH, OSOM E · 2020-04-23 · ST.ANDREW [S HURH, OSOM E MAY 2020 Acts of the Apostles 2:1-4 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly


MAY 2020

Acts of the Apostles 2:1-4

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in

one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent

wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where

they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of

fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of

them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in

other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

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As part of the community of

St. Andrew’s Church in Boscombe may

you know peace and blessing in your hearts

and homes

in your spirit and in your walk

with Jesus Christ.

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[email protected]

01202 304858


Revd. Neil Houlton / 01202 462476 /

[email protected]

(Day off usually Saturday)


David Sale / 07973 449958/ [email protected]

Janice Rowley / 07807 532031 / [email protected]

Hon. Treasurer: TomMonfries/

[email protected]

Children’s Ministry: Janice Grey and Louise Houlton

Safeguarding Officer: Julie Lane

Hon. Secretary: Lynda Dickinson

Director of Music: Susan Dyke/01202 422403

Magazine Editor: Brian Grey [email protected]

Gift Aid/FWO: David Sale

Flower Arranging: Dot Osborn / 01202 395145

Head Server: Helen Sale / 01202 421609

The Crafty Stitchers: Ann Broom / 01202 395971

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Social Secretary: Lynda Dickinson / 01202 462048

Gentle Keep Fit: Ralph Grant / 01202 772073


Neil Houlton

My greeting to everyone in the family of St. Andrew's Church, Parish

and beyond, I pray that you are all keeping safe and well in these

difficult times.

Firstly I would like to extend a warm thank you to everyone who has

kept the family of St. Andrew's thriving and growing, whether you are

doing that by watching our online services or being active in the

church grounds like Ron and Lynda or anywhere in between. We have

as Priest, Wardens, Officers and PCC members of the church begun to

meet reguarly using Facebook and Zoom; this allows us to keep

updated on our finances, the safety and security of our buildings and

our present and future plans.

When Isaiah wrote about the people of Israel returning home from

exile, he included this lovely verse in chapter 49, verse 13, “ Sing for

joy, O heavens, and exult, O earth; break forth, O mountains, into

singing! For the Lord has comforted his people, and will have

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compassion on his suffering ones.” The Israelites didn't always

believe it at the time but God proved his words and Jerusalem was

rebuilt and a new temple was raised up for the praise of the Lord. We

can take comfort in the knowledge in that God never goes back on

his promises and reveals wonderful things to those who are steadfast

in times of trouble as well as when all seems to be going well.

Therefore, this month I ask you to join with me in seeking the future

for our church, asking the Lord what he is doing in order to prepare

us for our return and then how, together with God, we move


I am sure that one way we are being prepared is by increasing acts of

service to one another, becoming the servant of those around us just

as Jesus did on Maundy Thursday when he washed the feet of his

disciples. If he was prepared to do that we should be prepared to

follow in his footsteps.

Jesus encouraged his disciples and us in Luke’s gospel, “Be dressed

for action and have your lamps lit, be like those who are waiting for

their master to return from the wedding banquet, so that they may

open the door for him as soon as he comes and knocks” (Luke


The greater our prayer, Bible study and service during these trying

time the greater will be the Lord's input into the future of St.

Andrew's Church.

The blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit be with you


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A Message from the Churcwardens to the St.Andrew’s


As Churchwardens at this different and unusual time, we are doing

what we can to keep everyone connected with a few alternative

techniques using trial and error. Not only have we done so for the

local community, but we are also reaching out far and wide to the

world, USA, Brazil and across the UK, to London and Southampton

just to name a few places.

It shows that the Spirit and Love of St. Andrews is far reaching and

much is owed to you, our parishioners, for supporting us in this

unprecedented age. It is a hard time for all of us but we will get

through this together and when the doors finally open and the bells

are ringing once more, it will be a glorious celebration. We would like

to thank Rev. Neil for all his marvellous work, as it inspires all of us to

hold onto our faith and prayers and to everyone who is working hard

to keep our Church functional. Thank you to everyone, we cannot do

this alone and as Churchwardens we are so thankful and appreciative

of the support and advice that you provide. Please stay safe, keep

well and hope to see you in the near future. Our prayers and

thoughts are with you all. Thank you, God Bless!

Your Churchwardens

Dave Sale and Janice Rowley

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Welcome to the May magazine, which most parishioners will receive

by email, but I will print a few at home and post them.

Some of us have now been in lockdown for five weeks and this

coincides with some of the best Spring weather we have had for years.

Bournemouth should be busy with visitors, but alas, the town is empty

and no one knows when we will be released from our incarceration.

However, we must try to remain as cheerful as possible and heed the

Government’s warning slogan, ‘stay at home, protect the NHS and save


We have been fortunate that, through the medium of modern

technology, Rev.Neil has been able to broadcast services, which have

been watched not only by our parishioners, but also other viewers and

this has been a most encouraging aspect of our worship. Obviously,

there is not the same feeling of fellowship and togetherness, but this

enforced lockdown should give us a greater appreciation of each other

and the value of face-to-face contact.

We are grateful to the churchwardens for assisting with the

broadcasting technology and to Tom Monfries and Sue Dyke, who have

agreed to record organ accompaniment for the hymns; this is a great

improvement on the other recorded music which we have used.

Our little King Charles Cavalier spaniel, Ellie, is so used to her regular

visits to church that she sits patiently in the hall waiting for me to get

the car out; she is certainly confused as to why she is not meeting her

friends at church.

With sincere Christian blessings.

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ST. ANDREW’S – in May 2020

Weekly Services


FAMILY EUCHARIST (Sung) – 10.00 a.m. every Sunday and

Includes Children’s Ministry


Cancelled until further notice

EVENING SERVICE – No evening services


MONDAYS – 10.00 a.m. – 10.45 a.m. BIBLE STUDY in the

Lower Meeting Room.


fellowship and support.


the Chapel of the Good Shepherd.

Due to the current coronavirus crisis, we have been advised

to close the church and there will be no services until

further notice. Please look at St.Andrew’s Church,

Boscombe Facebook page or website for further

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information. Rev.Neil is broadcasting live on the Facebook

page at 10 am on Thursdays and Sundays.

‘All sorts and conditions of men’ by Geoffrey Lowson

Recently, we had a mini break in the small coastal town of

Kirkcudbright in south west Scotland. The weather was a bit grim –

do you remember Storm Dennis – but it was nonetheless very

enjoyable and the town has much to commend it. It is often referred

to as the Artists’ Town; it still attracts artists but one name from the

past was Charles Oppenheimer (1875–1961) who produced many of

those wonderful British Railways posters of yesteryear.

But it was a couple of excursions to neighbouring towns that

prompted this reflection on the fact that human beings can be so

very different – as the Book of Common Prayer puts it “O God, the

Creator and Preserver of all mankind, we humbly beseech thee for all

sorts and conditions of men … “. Two stories, with the negative one


Wigtown, to the west is Kirkcudbright, is designated as Scotland’s

official book town; it is famous for its second-hand book shops, has

an annual book festival and is the sort of Hay-on-Wye of Scotland.

However, it is a dark bit of the town’s history that I want to focus

upon here – the story of The Wigtown Martyrs. The late 1600s were

troubled times in Scotland; the restoration to the throne of Charles II

in 1660 was followed by an upsurge in protest in Scotland by

Covenanters, staunch Presbyterians who opposed what they saw as

the King’s moves to bring back Catholicism to Scotland by the

imposition of rule by bishops. Tragically some of the Covenanters

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were hunted down by government forces and if they refused to deny

their faith, they were executed; there were 11 such executions in

Wigtown. On May 11 1685, two women, Margaret McLachlan and

teenager Margaret Wilson, were tied to a stake about 50 yards out

on the mud flats of the River Cree estuary and left to drown in the

incoming tide. It was assumed that the young girl would give in and

swear loyalty to the King; by so doing, others would do the same. But

she did not recant.

The second story is a love story – albeit with a slightly macabre twist!

To the east of Kirkcudbright there is a ruin with the unusual name of

Sweetheart Abbey. I confess to never having heard of it before. Why

the unusual name? In 1223, Dervorguilla, the daughter of the Lord of

Galloway, married Sir John Balliol of Barnard Castle and their love

was so strong that after his death in 1268, she had his heart

embalmed and placed in a casket of ivory and silver, which stayed

with her for the rest of her life. In 1273 she started the building of an

abbey in memory of her husband and they were buried there side by


Two stories highlighting different aspects of human nature; the

heartfelt love of Dervorguilla for her husband; Margaret’s (and the

others’) love of her Church and God and then, by contrast, the

unbelievable inhumanity of those who martyred her.

The same sort of stories continue to be acted out today. There are

still ‘All sorts and conditions of men’.

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Life-giving rays I bind unto myself today

The virtues of the starlit heaven,

The glorious sun’s life-giving ray,

The whiteness of the moon at even,

The flashing of the lightning free,

The whirling wind’s tempestuous shocks,

The stable earth, the deep salt sea,

Around the old eternal rocks.

I bind unto myself today

The power of God to hold and lead,

His eye to watch, his might to stay,

His ear to hearken to my need.

The wisdom of my God to teach,

His hand to guide, his shield to ward;

The word of God to give me speech,

His heavenly host to be my guard. Amen

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St Patrick’s Breastplate (ascribed to St Patrick, 372–466, translated

by Mrs C. F. Alexander

Mrs.Eliot by Ronald Blythe

To Little Gidding, the three of us.

You would find the hedges White again, in May, with voluptuary


And, of course, we did.

Long ago, I attended T. S. Eliot’s memorial service in Westminster

Abbey, and heard Sir Alec Guinness read this third Quartet from the

pulpit. It was written during the Blitz, and that fiery turmoil could not

have been further away than pensive Huntingdonshire. My aunt

Daisy Upjohn lived there. So did red kites.

It remains a county of non-emphatic things, such as the unlisted

flower that my botanist friend, Stephen Garrett, found in a dried-up

pond. It was a long drive by track and motorway. And there was the

dull façade, which I have never found dull at all, and the bumpy

evidence of human presence in the grass, and of God’s presence

everywhere. You can see for miles.

The hospitality of plainness is what is offered – is what the little king

was offered. And how strange for him to be in Cromwell-land! Where

the entire book of Psalms was recited daily. Now and then, I have sat

in the chapel and thought I could still hear the holy drone.

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The east window once contained a rarely depicted Joseph of

Arimathaea, but now it frames greening trees, which wave against

the glass. The seating is collegiate, the east end, font, and

commandments are enduring brass. Outside, John Ferrar’s tomb tilts.

I want to stay for hours, but our hired car must be returned by six,

and so we join the workers on their way home, we and the red kites.

Pilgrimages are like this. An effort, a prayer, a conclusion.

Back home, the white cat sits where we left her, on the disintegrating

brick wall. Ivies and moss hold it together. She always waits until the

sun warms it up. She meets us with restrained joy and a lively

appetite; a holy animal. Adrian comes to cut the grass.

I remember having dinner in London with Valerie, Eliot’s widow. It

has been pouring with rain, and when she takes her coat off she is

covered with – sapphires.

‘Mrs Eliot!’ I say. ‘Cats, dear,’ she explains. A homely Yorkshire

woman. In ‘A Dedication to my Wife’, Eliot wrote: ‘To whom I owe the

leaping delight That quickens my senses in our waking time’.

There are photos of them, not young, not old, smiling into the

camera. I never asked if she had been to Little Gidding. I said I knew

Yorkshire, a little. An American publisher and his wife were giving us

dinner at the Dorchester. It was all so unlikely, yet happening. Like life


I watched the last train to Suffolk make its drenched way. The night

was light. Rainwater streamed down the carriage window.

Footballers got out here and there. I felt wide awake, too. And now,

all these years later, I can’t remember what we said or what we ate.

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Just damp clothes and sapphires in a London hotel, and a generous

American publisher helping us on with our coats. ‘It was before your

time,’ I tell the white cat. Although she is no spring chicken. How

beautiful she is, how perfect.

In my T. S. Eliot poems, Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats is

sandwiched between Four Quartets and Murder in the Cathedral. I

expect he decreed this. The wills of poets are adamant – famously,

where Valerie was concerned. Solicitors, too, follow instructions. But

writers tend to lose the way, going off at a tangent, chasing hares.

Dreaming. Trying to think of what somebody said 40 years ago, and

not of sapphires in the rain. This is an edited extract from

Borderlands by Ronald Blythe (Canterbury Press).

The Enkindled Spring by D.H.Lawrence (1885-1930

This spring as it comes bursts up in bonfires green,

Wild puffing of emerald trees, and flame-filled bushes,

Thorn-blossom lifting in wreaths of smoke between

Where the wood fumes up and the watery, flickering rushes.

I am amazed at this spring, this conflagration

Of green fires lit on the soil of the earth, this blaze

Of growing, and sparks that puff in wild gyration,

Faces of people streaming across my gaze.

And I, what fountain of fire am I among

This leaping combustion of spring? My spirit is tossed

About like a shadow buffeted in the throng

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Of flames, a shadow that’s gone astray, and is lost.

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(with a little help from Geraldine Elliot-Smith)

Hello everyone! This is Brax writing from Ringwood...

Some strange things have been going on in my den recently. First of all,

both Kate and Ben stopped going out hunting. That meant I wasn't left

home alone any more, which was wonderful at first but then other things

started happening too. Kate used to leave our den early in the morning, and

often didn't come back until after dark. She used to catch so much food she

had to bury it somewhere and then get a man from another den to dig it up

and bring it home for her. Every so often he would arrive in a big van and

carry all the food into the den in bags, but now he's stopped coming. I've

begun to wonder if his van is broken...

Instead of going out, Kate spends most days upstairs looking at a thin

square box with a shiny front that she keeps on a desk in the tiny den she

calls her 'study'. This box is a bit like the one in the sitting room which

Ben stares at for hours on end but it's much smaller, so perhaps it's not

fully grown yet. Both the boxes can talk but although they sound like

humans they don't smell of human, which puzzles me a lot. There are

several different voices in each box, so perhaps a group of mini-humans

live inside them. Kate talks back to hers whereas Ben never tries to speak

to his, so I think the little people inside his box must be deaf. I overheard

Kate telling Ben she has something in hers called 'Zoom', so I suppose

that's a new breed of super-advanced mini-human.

Another odd thing is that neither Kate's nor Ben's car seems to work any

more. They just laze around on the driveway kicking their tyres. Kate does

persuade hers to go for a short run every now and then, and while she's out

she takes the opportunity of doing some hunting. She's always been a good

hunter, and even in a short time she still manages to catch enough food for

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herself, Ben, the three cats and me, so even in these strange times we don't

go hungry.

Grannie and Uncle Giles used to come and collect me in their car called

'Braxie's Taxi', but even that car doesn't work any more. They still take me

for walks, but they don't come into our house. Kate puts my harness on

before she goes up to her den, and she hangs my lead up in the lobby

between our two front doors. Grannie opens the outside door, calls me and

I run to her to have my lead put on so we can go for a walk either to the

park or to Moors Valley.

Sometimes Ellie and Josh come to take me for a walk too but they also

arrive on foot, so Josh's car can't be working any more either. In fact, I've

noticed there are very few cars around and the roads in Ringwood are

almost empty.

It's all very odd and I've been trying to figure out what has gone wrong.

I've decided something bad must be happening to the cars. The ones sitting

quietly on their owners' driveways seem to be fine, so maybe they only get

broken if they're herded together in car parks. That would explain why

they're scared to leave home nowadays, and their humans must worry that

whatever is putting their cars out of action might do the same to them as

well so they don't let anyone come into their houses any more.

I hope they'll soon find out what's causing all this trouble because I want

Ellie and Josh, Uncle Giles and Grannie to come into our den so I can give

them a cuddle, and I'd like to go for a ride in Braxie's taxi as soon as it's

working again.

When it's finally up and running, I'll ask them to bring me down to

see you all at St Andrew's Church. I do

love you all and I'd like to visit you at

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coffee time especially if you happen to have some of those

scrumptious biscuits to spare…


Sunday 3rd May – The Fourth Sunday of Easter

Second Reading: 1 Peter 19–25

Gospel: St John 10. 1-10

Sunday 10th May – The Fifth Sunday of Easter

Second Reading: 1 Peter 2. 2–10

Gospel: St John 14. 1–14

Sunday 17th May – The Sixth Sunday of Easter

Second Reading: 1 Peter 3.13–22

Gospel: St John 14. 15–21

Sunday 24th May – The Seventh Sunday of Easter

Second Reading: 1 Peter 4. 12–14, 5. 6–11

Gospel: St John 17. 1–11

Sunday 31st May – Pentecost

Second Reading: Acts 2. 1–21

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Gospel: St John 20. 19-23



Joseph Estridge -29 May

Happy birthday to you,

To Jesus be true,

May God’s richest blessings,

Pour down on you.

We hope you enjoy your special day



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None planned during the present crisis



Gentle Keep Fit for the over 50s

Takes place at 10.15 a.m. every Wednesday, and is held in the Upper Meeting Room. Light hearted atmosphere in an aerobics focused class.

Followed by refreshments and chatter.

Choir practice & news

Held in the Choir Vestry at 7.00 pm every Friday. If you think

you may be interested in joining the choir, please contact Sue

Dyke for more details.

The Crafty Stitchers Group -Ann Broom

JULY 20th subject to change

AUGUST No club


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We commence at 7.15pm and end approx 9pm, cost of £2 includes tea, coffee and biscuits.

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Don't Quit

When things go wrong as they sometimes will,

When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,

When the funds are low and the debts are high,

And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit---

Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Success is failure turned inside out,

The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,

And you never can tell how close you are,

It may be near when it seems afar.

So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit

It's when things go wrong that you mustn't quit.

Author Unknown

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The Children’s Ministry May

Our Easter eggs were delivered to the Sunday School children on

Easter Day by Anne Sale and it was a lovely surprise for them. Thank

you to those who contributed eggs for us to distribute.

We are looking at ways we can keep in touch with the children and

providing some Christian content to their learning on Sundays. David

Sale is trying to set up some form of on- line stories and activities for

the children, which can be accessed by parents and which the

children could do, after the on- line service.

Of course it does depend on parents and children becoming engaged

with it and so we shall see how it develops.

I know that parents are struggling with home working and home

schooling and may not want to take on more.

Please remember our children and families in your prayers in these

difficult times as they are the future of our church.

Louise and Janice.

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Jane Kelly writes………..

I can hardly believe that, one month on, we are still in the grip of this

dreadful pandemic, but I think that there is a tiny chink of light at the

end of the tunnel and we are beating it very gradually. Thankfully in

Dorset there are far fewer cases of the Virus than in other areas, but

for anyone who has so tragically lost a loved one, it must be

absolutely terrible and if anyone in that situation is reading this,

please accept my heartfelt sympathy and regret for your loss.

As a Council we keep on trying to ensure that anyone who needs help

locally, can either access what they need or someone delivers it – this

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could be food or medical supplies or just a friendly phone call weekly

or more often.

I know that many of you will have received a postcard from BCP

Council recently and there are some posters up around in Boscombe,

but in case anyone has not seen these, the phone number to ring to

access support of any kind is 0300 123052. For all other Council

services, the number is as usual, 01202 451451 in Bournemouth.

The website is

Please try to keep positive, at least the sun is out and we have much

to be thankful for, the amazing people who keep on working in the

hospitals, surgeries and care homes, those who care for people in

their own homes, those who deliver food, post, purchases to keep us

busy, police and fire officers and many more – we could not keep

going without those people and we all thank them all of the time, not

just on Thursday evenings. I didn’t mention Church Leaders in my

list, you at St Andrews have very dedicated people leading you as do

many other Churches across the country and I am sure that you are

grateful for the virtual services that you are able to hold at this time –

thank you to them as well.

Stay safe and well and look after yourselves

Page 26: ST.ANDREW [S HURH, OSOM E · 2020-04-23 · ST.ANDREW [S HURH, OSOM E MAY 2020 Acts of the Apostles 2:1-4 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly





MAY 2020


Page 27: ST.ANDREW [S HURH, OSOM E · 2020-04-23 · ST.ANDREW [S HURH, OSOM E MAY 2020 Acts of the Apostles 2:1-4 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly


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The Parochial Church Council, St.Andrew’s Church,
