stands it explosion doing ·...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES SATURDAY NOVEMBER 6 1909 3 I TAXPAYERS SEEKING SYSTEM IN BUDGET Campaign Started to Elimi nate Carelcssenss in Hand- ling Districts Funds FIRST SHOT FIRED AT ROUSING MEET Dr Powers Allen D Albert Theodore DeLarkl Urge Concerted Action The taxpayers at the District ikjOumbta reeaibroed by nod of American Qovermneat Accountants in the vsur are beginning a vigorous campaign icday In behalf of a system as against earl the annual District of Columbia budget by Congress The opening shot was teat night at a largely attended lid enthusiastic meeting of the association at the Free Public Library building at which there was an interesting and emphatic of views on UK subject The unanimous Judgment was that Con- gress must change the farm of the District of Columbia appropriation bUt in order that each heading In that statute shall include all d outlay ot money which shall property tton a- dptf that particular heading Will Simplify It The adoption of this new plan to urged today as against the method which has been followed for YeaR whereby District appropriations are scattered here there and everywhere in various bills so th t no intelligent grasp of the real intent and situation may be secured by th average payer in aearcn of tact figures on the subject ever by N N Potts Its vice president Addresses were delivered by its presl- istician of the Bureau of AWb D Albert jr of The Times Theo- dora U De Land of the ol of the and Mr were a bit exclusively to interesting Dr Powers Address In past years said Dr the Bartons departments of the of tie District have presented their ee- n s the expenditures which they All of these departmental esttmat prepared under old and antiquated of the purpose tar which the appropria- M asked for were to be expended leisure at his oa s were excessive and failed to secure sufficient to perform the duties which PKl reasonably demanded or ex ted from their office Washington concluded Dr Powers is the Capital of the Nation and if ita accounts and can ar- ranged to reflect of recommendations- of fee same from their relation to good ant efficient government will an Mr Alberts Albert in discussing the new form of budget prepared by District Auditor Alonso Tweedale observed that the budget for whic Dr Powers was a device to give to the direct representatives of he people control ovem their administrative officers at Is in the District he is not so ranch control as knowl nesslike management Congress has never known until year how much fo what purpose it made ap- propriations for the District and Commissioners have never known in the same sense how MCh and tor what purpose they were and have been disbursements pleaded for a campaign- of education the newspapers the city Now that this Information exists he went on to say it is needful that it should be understood all the people of the District of Columbia and t he way to convey Information ade- quately Is to chart the situation as the successful corporation Charts its nongovernmental Ip to manner in which Congress scatters its District appro in a manner almost Mr Albert to the fact that fSOOOflO was appropriated H bills other than the District What Is We hope to get Congress be con- cluded to change the form of District appropriation act so that each main heading shall include all the expendi three which properly should be placed under that particular heading In other words we want system Mr De land aroused enthusiasm referred to Mr Alberts statement hat Congress practically knew not what it was appropriating for and that the knew not what they- w e disbursing for on his own oetialf that la his opinion the taxpayers uidfit know were paying taxes for why Mr De Land offer a vote of thanks i r th enlightenment which bad been fltpre4 on by Dr Powers ad Mr Albert It was unani- Tfce Northwest Cttisew Association has also entered into the campaign for a new and systematic form of budget harles C Lancaster president of the association says that the revenues of- t iiT District are treated as miscellane- ous receipts of the United States and i rtt there are BO separate lircounts kept in the Treasury of the money expended- I District needs association a meeting at the Hall night the discussed PORTO RICO AMBITIOUS SAN JCAN lirto Kio Nov ti uo pre if i t t the Am ri- ia y i utiun of l iwr in Porto Rico is a passenger aboard the steamship omo which sailed fur New York urge American citi- zenship ff r Porto Ui ans Jr tttJC Gt anti negiect in the matter of fraJaIq Brad and rbe meeting mat was presided Dr Le Grand Powers chief stat the Census retary of the Treasuq Each ot the speakers strongly a systematic torn budget and every with hearty approval Dr powers address to the object in a general fashion while Mr Albert more th m8BIvec and Powers Wvenament t f recommend for the ensuing year seneral titles which conveyed no takUng no ordinary business man tel which the or etravagflt ot 1 Under such etrculnStaflCe these fa- teresud in or r- t1cular nu- n more titan their juat share of money and unable up 8 tumUlt r raise as dust to throw In the eyes ot on n c De the those who have made a study the action I- nS earlY read Influence for good In evefY- m on this continent Views lit ar- gued Jt entirely proper t9 be Njitlnud In the sense of bust r mal when- e ra or th Cit cpi b whIch kqd tt Wv of tile District auditor Indrtwd san l 1 UI rand with tbe ex- change nIaht dent ure4 O mei nfinlng aimost fOtOOI- ULdeIl ftscL were aid the disposal wptful expenditure DeC departments e tlie public qthers tOst1r much ipb gross and saL 1 say that a incom- prehensible nted Sit moe- t tat rJ oucly sire TenlytOwn at was plan was Senor ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < TAFT TELLS HIS TRIP IS LONG President Defends Tour of Country Against Recent Criticisms COLUMBIA S C Nov The Presi- dential prtjr reached capital of this State on time and a great reception was accorded the distinguished visitor The trip from Charleston where the President sat down to dinner with Senator TtUman and other distinguished men oC the South was without par ticular interact It was the first dinner Senator Till man eaten with a President for years but h seemed to enjoy it per- fectly The Senator left the White House off his calling list for so long a time that he almost forgot the way up to the Presidential mansion In his speech in Charleston Presi- dent Tat answered the objections of those who decry the long trip now made The people of the country have a right to gee their President at least once in four years he said They are Interested in coming in close touch with the President he said If they come into personal touch with him they will be more sympathetic with him in his difficulties and I am in favor of sympathy When the President spoke of the pleasure it had given him to receive the welcomes which had been accorded hint in the South he wag cheered for about five minutes It was dark whan the President reached Charleston but the streets were so brilliantly lighted that the crowd on the streets coula see him eMily All along his route he received a great ovation At Savannah the President witnessed an accident in which a colored man had an arm blown off and a white man lost an eye They were a salute in honor of the President when a premature discharge blew the cot man the river and knocked the white man down The President was on a revenue cutter at the time He ordered a cutter to the rescue of th man in the water but men in a skiff reached the injured man before the cutter could be brought close enough to reach him MUCH REGRET FELT OVER HARRIS DEATH Former Commissioner of Educa- tion Had Many Friends in Washington PHOVIPJBNCE R L Nov Univer- sal regret is expressed here at the death of William Torrey Harris former Unit- ed States Commissioner of Education Several months ago Dr Harris complet- ed his work as editorinchief of the new edition of Websters International Dictionary which has just been pub lished and came to Providence expect lag to pass his remaining days among Ms books He died yesterday afternoon at the age of seventyfour years Dr Harris was born near Klllingly Conn September 10 IMS He was su- perintendent of the public schools of St Louis arid represented the United States Bureau of Education at the internation- al congress of educators at Brussels in 1880 and at the Parts Exposition in MSS In 1889 he was appointed United States Commissioner of Education and held that position until 19H Dr was a member of the mos Club and had many friends in Washington ESCAPES PENALTY BY A TECHNICALITY Hotel Silver Found But It Wasnt Proven When the Theft Occurred- By a technicality George Johnson a colored driver of a garbage wagon who was arraigned In the Police Court this morning charged w th stealing about 10 worth of silverware from the New Wfl lard Hotel escaped the penalty of the lawThe silverware was discovered ty mere chance for a fire recently brole out In Johnsons home and a firemen while dragging the hose through the cellar stumbled over a large satchel which upon investigation proved to be filled wlro a large collection of silver- ware from various local largest quantity hearing the stamp of the New Willard Through lila attorney F Peyton the point was that unless the Government could prove that the alleged silverware had been stolen within the past three years the statute of limitations would operate and any action As the Government was enable to prove this the case had be dismissed WOMEN TO USHER IN NEW YORK CITY New Theater Will Employe Them 75 Cents a Make Application NEW YORK Nov Attractive young women will act as ushers at the New Theater They will receive only T6 cents a day but they are willing to do the work because of the opportunity of seeing the plays and the operas that will be produced there When it was first repotted that women would be employed as batters the man agement was flooded with application- for from school teachers and art students all over the city and nearby places But when they found there would be nine performances a week in- cluding two matinees many had to give up the idea because of engagements at school and In the Six of the sixteen young women who members of their ot them have relatives employed in other parts of the theater of them earn extra montY by folding programs in the hair 7 ON CREDIT y ilens Suits Ii Worn ins Suits 516SO With- out a question the- re 4t st values ever T red for the money THE 421423 7th Strut NW I WHY the has CoB hotelsthe t t DayMany j have been engaged are They will be dressed In and will wear bows Snappy b Suits FAMOUS S be- ing supporting gowns 2 au ian P I r f inlW mIji wLs- i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < FOR RECORD DESPITE ACCIDENT lOUT UNCLE SAMS NEW DREADNAUGHT NORTH DAKOTA J Some of the Publishers Latest Offerings- In the Seasons Best Books and Magazines I The Ruinous n is one of the striking books of the year It is not story although it treats with the fall at Troy and of course the face is that of HelM It i not an essay of Mr Hewlett permits the reader to draw his own conclusion Really it might be termed a lightning flash on the character of Helen It is handled in such a way that one can hardly help seeing the ancients whose names are so familiar in their everyday garbs and pursuits Rut Helen of course is the character- of the story and one cannot help but rise to her defense after all these aeons that she has been held to view as the personification of fickleness And aiory as put in her mouth by the author is such a pleading defense that it is impossible not to get the force of the appeal Helen In the first place according to this mythologist was not kidnaped by Paris but accompanied him to Troy when he told her that King Mene lana her husband was there that he did not intend to return which leaves the cause of that famous siege in the dark But during these years when she was a passive captive her heart yearned for her daughter and her husband and her one instinct was that of motherhood and vffehood Her meeting with her husband by the walls of the city led her to believe that she could find appreciation of her talents and opportunity life wife and she allied the plot that brought about the fail of the city It was only to learn that Menelaus like Paris thought only of her beauty and that appreciation of the existence of her heart still was lacking Finally I in her loathing she slew Menelaus with lieved was a faithful servant av hon- estly anxious to eul her unbappiness Of course she fonnju thai the servant too admired beauty and Helen ended her with her silken girdle The book is worth reading The Ruinous Pace Maurice Hew- lett Harper A Co New York net Bella Donna Lovers of Robert Hlcheas stories who enjoyed The Garden of Allah will be carried away with the authors and Infinitely better story Bella- Donna This book was first given the title The Knock On the Door but on the suggestion of a noted literary critic the name was changed The story opens in London but soon changes to the Nile with the deserts and the temples of Egypt and this background is particularly to the The book is a strangely drawn picture of a good man who sees the ideal In every phase of life and an Intriguing woman whose selfishness and utter lack of soul are appalling and wbose every thought life is sor- didly material The plot is clever and is consistently worked out the Intrigue is adroitly managed and the interest is intense from the first page to the test Donna By Robert lichen T B Lippincott Lights Sir Gilbert Parker has given us n Northern Lights a collection of short stories mostly new ones which every lover of the open should read This writer knows the French Can- adian and the Canadian Indian He knows their loves and their hates and possesses the happy faculty of carry- ing the reader into the great forests where one catches the spicy odors of the Spruce and hemlock He takes you where after the days tramps with a soul throbbing with a newly found love for nature we sit in the warmth and glow the Warning fire of the abins of the settlement There the crackle of the blaze and the murmur of the pines lulls the tired senses and we slip world where real men and real women ring true It is a book to be read not only for the strong human interest of the stories but for the true pictures of life in the of nature Northern Lights By Sir Gilbert Parker Harper A Bro New York and London Publishers Warning The Houghton Miftlln Company wishes to warn its friends against a clever swindler who is operating among lit erary people His favorite story is hint he is Ferris or Mr Greens Face I I Hel- en Y a sword given her by the man she be er 100 latest I J I I plot met uf Into uneoaclousnees to or a I Green kt a be- cause as- a Philadelphia- N rthern dream ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ KIDNEY OB BLADDER MISERY GOES AND YOUR LAME BACK FEELS FINE Several doses will make your outoforder Kidneys act fine Hundreds of folks here are needless- ly miserable and worried because of 3iitoforder kidneys backache or blad- der trouble If you will take several doses of all misery from a lame back rheumatism painful stitches irt- tlamcd or swollen eyelids nervous head- ache irritability dizziness wornout sick feeling and clher symptoms of over worked or deranged kidneys will vanish Uncontrollable smarting frequent urination especially at night atd all bladder misery ends This unusual preparation goes at once to the disordered kidneys bladder and urinary system and distributes its heal ing cleansing and vitalizing Influence directly upon the organs and glands af k ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ lets brother Bites Perry or Mr nephew Usually he exhibits a draft which through some technicality he is unable to cashed and asks for a small loan to enable his sister and himself to finish some Journey that are He is described as of medium height and complexion of pleas- ant address and great affability He has bejm known to operate as a kinsman of Richard Watson Gilder Owen Wister QHwon Hi 3 5 rtln and other wellknown men of letters December St Hfchelai The December St J tehoia is to have a new story by Trance Hodgson Bur nett It is called Elrat Knife Ip the World and will be Illustrated with several in two printings by Emily Hall Chamberlain The Flaw in the Sapphire Like everything M going with the story the title of diaries M Snyders new book has the reader wondering why it is what It is In this book the author plays a trick on the rending publto for in a that can only be approbated by reading the story he leads one on on the hope of finding the clue to the ending before the 0ad Itwlf is reached The book might have attracted more Attention had it bean given another title Had it been started off on the newsstands as the Tale of the Dickey might have caught the eye of even the hurrying one but we didnt name the book The plot is an amuttoft one A young Irishman with a taos that would not attract attention In any Ghetto takes his departure from the roof of his father in Philadelphia and seeks his fortune in New York In an attempt to able position h purchase dickey of those paper shirt frostS that have no rear experiences with this dickey lead you strange ways and you cnj a story the story of the Irish youth and one of an Indian prince all at the same time while you wonder how it ill is happening and where you are to come out The Flaw in the Sapphire Charles M Snyder Metropolitan Press New York Price It is a peculiar commentary on pub lic opinion in England that the Eng lInk publishers of Veil by Stevens announced it as by EL S Stevens and were delighted when most of the author to be a In striking contrast to this is the action of Frederick A Stokes Company the American pub Ushers the same book in taking the to print Miss Elevens name The suffrage movement is not so active in America as In England and possibly this occurrence may the reason The achreyvogel 9ook containing reproductions in sepia of all of the celebrated Schreyvogel prints of fron- tier life heretofore to be had only In platinum at for ch print will appear this month with the Moffat Yard Co Curtis the illustrator of Marah Kilts Ryans new novel Just published by Stokes The Flute of the famous for his remarkable Indian photographs He Is now on The American monumental work costing 8000 and upwards a sot Arthur Morrison the author of Green became known to the reading world through his Tales of Mean Streets Cunning Murell and The Ibis in the Wall Intense and realistic stories of the lower an 1 more sordid sides of English life By a peculiar twist of his tatett he has written the sixteen funny store In ida latest vol- ume which show tie humorous side of his familiar characters just as strongly- as the more unpleasant side is apparent in his previous work Frederick R Burton completed the work of his life his book on Primitive Munlc only a short time be- fore his death In fact he returned his page proofs with final corrections Just one week before The book which em bodies what he regarded the best results of his work will be published this month The Century Company will publish a new book of short stories by Ruth Mc Enery Stuart this fall Aunt Silver Wedding Thanksgiving on Per- ry The t an that arm ar one w rev- iewers man u 00 of A EdwardS Gods a Ginger Bolt appear- ance sate detec- tive some- what at- titude ns en- gaged In- dIan life ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ feet ad and completes the cure before you realize it The moment suspect any kidney- or urinary disorder or feet rheumatism coining begin taking this harmless med- icine with the knowledge that there Im 110 other remedy at any price made anywhere else in the world which will effect so thorough and prompt a cure as a fiftycent treatment of P p s Diu- retic which any druggist can supply Your physician pharmacist banker or any mercantile agency will you that Pape P P of Cincinnati is a large and responsible medicine con cern thoroughly of your confi- dence Only curative results can cone taking Papes Diuretic and a few treatment means clean active healthy Kidneys bladder and urinary organs and you feel line Acctpt only Papes Diuretic fifty cent treatment from any drug store anywhere In the world n St trim ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Crawfish Bayou Potty Larceny and The Hair of the Dog will be pictures by Frederic Dorr Steele A B others and the book will bear the title of the first story Aunt Silver Wedding George Wharton elaborately book on Holland of Today required a second edition to sales In advance of publication Ethel Smith Dorrances A Maid and a Man also exhausted its first edition with pub lication and is again on the p Edith Riekorts new novel The Beg- gar in the Heart marks a long ad- vance both in story Interest over her former novels Her heroine PettyZou to an American girl living in London An institution for the observation and study of criminals on the advocated by Arthur MacDonald of Washington author of the book Criminology has been recently established in Russia The government is said to have aside about 756000 for this work Mac Donald has submitted his scheme to a number of nation and Asome have promised consideration Signora Gina Lombroso Ferrero who her name indicates is the wife of the distinguished Italian historian and daughter of the no less eminent made a study of the condition- of women in America on the occasion of her visit to this country last winter when she accompanied her husband on his lecture tour and at of the editor of Putnams she has written for thut magazine a paper embodying his views and reflections on the subject and contrasting the state oT the Ameri- can women with that of her the Old World Emerson aa U or of The Mia Bubble Story of the Out law and other works has made a study of the condition of things In and finds It different from what the general public supposes especially in the East where as a rule we know vory little of the country that lies west of the Mississippi The first of a series of readings frdm American dramatists to be given at the MkcDowell Club New York city will take place on November J when Joesphiue Preston Peabody will read her new play The Piper which will be published y Houghton Minim Com- pany November S As this Is the first i play from Miss Peabody since the ap pearance of her It Is await ied with considerable interest The Piper is none other than the Pled Piper of Hamelin here boldly It is ncpected that The Promise of American Herbert Crolys study of American democracy will be pub lished by the Macmillan Company early In November Mr Crolys con ceDtiori of democracy of national soirit of the need and ways of recon- ciling the two are farnAchlng and profound I TTnder the title Plnrnrt the Forests I Guardian Day Allen Wtllwy presents a rarefuJly drawn of Gfffonl- Plnchot National Forester and head of the conservation committee Mr Pln coot who has been wry much In the limelight this owing to his con- troversy with Secretary Ralllngcr Is n young man TTe was a for- ester to private fondowners before he was retained by the Government In capacity his first work nf magni- tude don on the estate of George Vanderbtlt at RUtroore where incident- ally he established a school for the benefit of hi aides With his father h founded the Yale School of Forestry Amity Edwards set as I th request sisters In I ppl The I I I recre- ated f Life I year I the- me crimin- ologist I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ BIG SEA FIGHTER i Stands TwelveHour Test- i Injured in Explosion Doing Well PORTSMOUTH N K Nov i While four Qf her men were injured when- a boiler flue on the new battleship North j Dakota blew out are lying m the hos- pital here the big sea fighter is oft again on her twelvehour endurance runShe left here early today the slight damage to her equipment having baen repaired during tho night Of the sixteen men scalded and burn ed when the explosion occurred only four are in tire local hospital and though in conquerable pain none of them are in Danger They are W H Grange watertender John Souden coalpasser A Peterson fireman and Pete McConmvJ fireman The other twelve of the men were treated on the nd again at their of yesterday the North Dakota ev odeu her contract re quirement of knots making I an I CONTINUES TRIAL TodayMen I I I who battleship are ac aVtrage of 2l85 for the four run poets tho ¬ ¬ ACTRESS BENEFIT YIELDS NEAT Members of Profession Turn Over 82825 to Evelyn Howard Manager L StoddarA Taylor of the Balasco Theater placed In a bank this morning 7 t on the account of Mrs William Short whose stage name is Evelyn Howard whose husband shot her and then killed himself More than this amount will be her proceeds from the benefit given by members of the theatrical profession The entire amount from the sale and from the collections in other oftlee amount- ed to SS2S25 From this amount will be deducted advertising expenses but the net receipts will total more than 7 0 The program for the benefit was made up from companies playing in Washington this week For a head liner extraordinary as agents there May and members Roseberry Shrubb Sec Miss Rob son played Hannah Dewey which was The Rejuvenation Cusick and John McMahon Program Is Good proved one of the nits of the program AcIosa second In popular favor was J JB Dodson who recited The Charge f Light Brigade as a minister he would do it Burlesque was represented Mar in e de Miss Bstelle Rose with songs Miss Imogen Fairchild with and Others on the program were Craw ford and Hers and Brown and Ayer from Chases RIch W Purden and Emma Schratt from the Academy and the Sisters Cardownie and DelAPhone from the Majestic DIVIDES BIG ESTATE AND LEAVES HOME CHARLESTON W Va Nov J disappeared from here two weeks ago He was one of the best known business men of the city A few days before leaving here he settled his estate amounted to 90000 Of this sum he gave his wife 40000 and took 40800 for himself Shortly after he went away his wife received a ter from Kansas City to the effect tlat he would never return LEATHER WORKS BURNED LONDON Nov The great leather works of B T Hoi dan Son at Wal sail near Binghamton have been gutted by is over half a million dollars Popular Excursion Sunday November- 7th Baltimore Ohio R R JU round- trip to Harpers Ferry and Martinsburg to Berkeley Springs and 206 to Cumberland Special train leaves Union Station at S1S a m returning same day Advt SUM I sea the vaudeville press say was Miss ot her In a oneact play a role widely front the Aunt of cast were SUle Faye Fred Nlblo gave a serIous talk and s Frenchman a German and finally ard Mise SE G horn lot 1 R I In the the as b ¬ ¬ The Famous instruments for home use Artistic in appear- ance substantial in in every mu- sical QualifICation We sell VEBSTER Pianos at fac- tory prices and on easy payments Come Jn any day and have H demon Htrate new WEBSTER PLAYBR v PIANOS About high grads used Upright Pianos at attractive bargain prices F G Smith Piano Co I I I e 5ter i PIANOSIde- al constructionsuperior f the I I I 35 a ¬ II Bradbury Building f 1225 Pa Ave Phone I I 747 J I M PrecisionWal- tham Watches keep time but any watch be regulated and over- ruled before vearing It is nly regular jewelers or watchmakers who can do this so always buy a watch at a jewelers and not at a general NB When buying Waltliam Watch always ask your jewelei for one adjusted to tamperalurt and WENS SUITS i Mens Worsted Suits Distinctive i Mens Worsted Si its Regular 30- i cream of our new fill i stock Only lUUU FRIEDLANDER BROS f 9th and FOLDING WIRE FLOWER STANDS Y Suitable for iha Den Library or UenservatoryT- sbeH ian 125 1 l 2sseM stand S25- 0al stand 350 4shetf stand 450 Hardware fUAbkLlS 11057 7th st ALBERT L JOHNSON PROP I Special Sale of Trousers f i Mnvin 7 97thst J Northwes GUTFITTEJ TO MEN AND BOYS 258 GLASSES FOR 100 Eyes Examined Free LOUIS Optician 707 Seventh SL NW Es 1860 SAVE YOU ZaDU A DOLLAR Win Hahn CosT- hree Reliable Shoe UOJMI 1M1M Pa N T- 600DYEU 8IIIS8ITS FOR ALMOST NOTHING 25000 stock to go at sacrifice in Great Trustee Sale Take ad- vantage of this firms neetssity it means iloHais hi jour pocket Sale GOODYEAR BAJNG0AT CO 1307 F Street Between 13th and 14th I Kaleno Ointment I 5K For the treatment of Ecaema E Nettle Rash Itch and Skin 5 lions P Price 50c a Jar Temple Drug Store g 9th and F Sts N W Home Comfort For Women Slipperlike in stylish than pumps 1334 F Street J J precise WALTHAM WATCHES store n position- I- IIf f in style and 8 50 I Special at I I values anywhere tlae vet j i 1 i E StreetsI- I I J 3 site If Store- S 1 1 I I I valllS 150 T 11I300 5198 SLOO UGJI 24- 8f v If J- j I BLACK RAVEN t I- t j Ave PL Aye S E this Open Evenings to 9 Erup r 1- iifr tt4 f- onstonS 250 Shoes comfortmore handsome dressy thi f J Ii t i L I HI i ii szo valueS I ° toes ev I BAUM9 1 oe asaee a sasa 4aa 4 Car 7th and IC Ota 123 i S55iaa4C t it ° ¬ + + + + + + + TIMEs WANT A ING RESULTS

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Page 1: Stands It Explosion Doing · 2009-02-27 · Public Library building at which there was an interesting and emphatic



Campaign Started to Eliminate Carelcssenss in Hand-

ling Districts Funds


Dr Powers Allen D AlbertTheodore DeLarkl Urge

Concerted Action

The taxpayers at the DistrictikjOumbta reeaibroed by nod

of American QovermneatAccountants in the vsur are beginninga vigorous campaign icday In behalfof a system as against earl

the annual District of Columbia budgetby Congress

The opening shot was teat nightat a largely attended lid enthusiasticmeeting of the association at the FreePublic Library building at which therewas an interesting and emphatic

of views on UK subject Theunanimous Judgment was that Con-

gress must change the farm of theDistrict of Columbia appropriation bUtin order that each heading In thatstatute shall include all d outlay otmoney which shall property tton a-

dptf that particular headingWill Simplify It

The adoption of this new plan tourged today as against the methodwhich has been followed for YeaRwhereby District appropriations arescattered here there and everywhere invarious bills so th t no intelligentgrasp of the real intent and situationmay be secured by th averagepayer in aearcn of tact figureson the subject

ever by N N Potts Its vice presidentAddresses were delivered by its presl-

istician of the Bureau ofAWb D Albert jr of The Times Theo-

dora U De Land of the ol of the

and Mr were a bit

exclusively to interesting

Dr Powers AddressIn past years said Dr the

Bartons departments of theof tie District have presented their ee-

n s the expenditures which they

All of these departmental esttmatprepared under old and antiquated

of the purpose tar which the appropria-M asked for were to be expended

leisure at hisoa s were excessive and

failed to secure sufficientto perform the duties which

PKl reasonably demanded or exted from their officeWashington concluded Dr Powers

is the Capital of the Nation and ifita accounts and can ar-ranged to reflect


recommendations-of fee same from their relation to goodant efficient government

will an

Mr AlbertsAlbert in discussing the new

form of budget prepared by DistrictAuditor Alonso Tweedale observed thatthe budget for whic Dr Powers

was a device to give to the directrepresentatives of he people controlovem their administrative officers

at Is in the District heis not so ranch control as knowl

nesslike management Congress hasnever known until year how much

fo what purpose it made ap-propriations for the District andCommissioners have never known inthe same sense how MCh and torwhat purpose they were and have been

disbursementspleaded for a campaign-

of education the newspapersthe city

Now that this Information existshe went on to say it is needful thatit should be understood all thepeople of the District of Columbia andt he way to convey Information ade-quately Is to chart the situation as the

successful corporation Chartsits nongovernmental

Ip to manner in whichCongress scatters its District appro

in a manner almostMr Albert to the

fact that fSOOOflO was appropriatedH bills other than the District

What IsWe hope to get Congress be con-

cluded to change the form of Districtappropriation act so that each mainheading shall include all the expendithree which properly should be placedunder that particular heading In otherwords we want systemMr De land aroused enthusiasm

referred to Mr Alberts statementhat Congress practically knew not what

it was appropriating for and that theknew not what they-

w e disbursing for on his ownoetialf that la his opinion the taxpayersuidfit know were payingtaxes for why Mr De Land

offer a vote of thanksi r th enlightenment which bad been

fltpre4 on by Dr Powersad Mr Albert It was unani-

Tfce Northwest Cttisew Associationhas also entered into the campaign fora new and systematic form of budget

harles C Lancaster president of theassociation says that the revenues of-

t iiT District are treated as miscellane-ous receipts of the United States andi rtt there are BO separate lircounts keptin the Treasury of the money expended-I District needs

association a meeting at theHall nightthe discussed


ti uo pre if i t t the Am ri-

ia y i utiun of l iwr in Porto Ricois a passenger aboard the steamship

omo which sailed fur New Yorkurge American citi-

zenship ff r Porto Ui ans


tttJC Gt

anti negiect in the matter of fraJaIq



rbe meeting mat was presided

Dr Le Grand Powers chief statthe Census

retary of the Treasuq Each ot thespeakers strongly a systematictorn budget and every

with hearty approvalDr powers address to the

object in a general fashion while MrAlbert

moreth m8BIvec



t frecommend for the ensuing year

seneral titles which conveyed no takUng

no ordinary business mantel which

theor etravagflt ot


Under such etrculnStaflCe these fa-

teresud in or r-

t1cular nu-n more titan their juat share ofmoney and unable

up 8 tumUlt r raise asdust to throw In the eyes ot on



those who have made a study

the action I-


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President Defends Tour ofCountry Against Recent


COLUMBIA S C Nov The Presi-dential prtjr reached capital of thisState on time and a great receptionwas accorded the distinguished visitorThe trip from Charleston where thePresident sat down to dinner withSenator TtUman and other distinguishedmen oC the South was without particular interact

It was the first dinner Senator Tillman eaten with a President foryears but h seemed to enjoy it per-fectly The Senator left the WhiteHouse off his calling list for so long atime that he almost forgot the way upto the Presidential mansion

In his speech in Charleston Presi-dent Tat answered the objections ofthose who decry the long trip now

made The people of the countryhave a right to gee their President atleast once in four years he said

They are Interested in coming inclose touch with the President hesaid If they come into personal touchwith him they will be more sympatheticwith him in his difficulties and I amin favor of sympathy

When the President spoke of thepleasure it had given him to receivethe welcomes which had beenaccorded hint in the South he wagcheered for about five minutes

It was dark whan the Presidentreached Charleston but the streetswere so brilliantly lighted that thecrowd on the streets coula see himeMily All along his route he receiveda great ovation

At Savannah the President witnessedan accident in which a colored manhad an arm blown off and a whiteman lost an eye They were asalute in honor of the President whena premature discharge blew the cot

man the river and knockedthe white man down The Presidentwas on a revenue cutter at the timeHe ordered a cutter to the rescue ofth man in the water but men in a skiffreached the injured man before thecutter could be brought close enoughto reach him


Former Commissioner of Educa-

tion Had Many Friends in

WashingtonPHOVIPJBNCE R L Nov Univer-

sal regret is expressed here at the deathof William Torrey Harris former Unit-ed States Commissioner of EducationSeveral months ago Dr Harris complet-ed his work as editorinchief of thenew edition of Websters InternationalDictionary which has just been published and came to Providence expectlag to pass his remaining days amongMs books He died yesterday afternoonat the age of seventyfour years

Dr Harris was born near KlllinglyConn September 10 IMS He was su-perintendent of the public schools of StLouis arid represented the United StatesBureau of Education at the internation-al congress of educators at Brussels in1880 and at the Parts Exposition in MSSIn 1889 he was appointed United StatesCommissioner of Education and heldthat position until 19H

Dr was a member of themos Club and had many friends inWashington



Hotel Silver Found But It WasntProven When the Theft

Occurred-By a technicality George Johnson a

colored driver of a garbage wagon whowas arraigned In the Police Court thismorning charged w th stealing about 10

worth of silverware from the New Wfllard Hotel escaped the penalty of thelawThe silverware was discovered tymere chance for a fire recently broleout In Johnsons home and a firemenwhile dragging the hose through thecellar stumbled over a large satchelwhich upon investigation proved to befilled wlro a large collection of silver-ware from various locallargest quantity hearing the stamp ofthe New Willard Through lila attorneyF Peyton the point was thatunless the Government could prove thatthe alleged silverware had been stolenwithin the past three years the statuteof limitations would operate andany action As the Government wasenable to prove this the case had bedismissed


New Theater Will Employe Them

75 Cents a

Make ApplicationNEW YORK Nov Attractive

young women will act as ushers at theNew Theater They will receive only T6

cents a day but they are willing to dothe work because of the opportunity ofseeing the plays and the operas thatwill be produced there

When it was first repotted that womenwould be employed as batters the management was flooded with application-for from school teachers and artstudents all over the city and nearbyplaces But when they found therewould be nine performances a week in-cluding two matinees many had to giveup the idea because of engagements atschool and In the

Six of the sixteen young women whomembers of their otthem have relatives employed in otherparts of the theater of them earnextra montY by folding programs

in the hair

7 ON CREDITy ilens Suits Ii Worn

ins Suits 516SO With-out a question the-re 4t st values everT red for the money

THE421423 7th Strut NW








t DayMany


have been engaged are

They will be dressed Inand will wear bows

Snappyb Suits







au ianP I rfinlW

























Some of the Publishers Latest Offerings-In the Seasons Best Books and Magazines


The Ruinous n is one of thestriking books of the year It is notstory although it treats with the fallat Troy and of course the face isthat of HelM It i not an essay

of Mr Hewlett permits the readerto draw his own conclusion Really itmight be termed a lightning flash onthe character of Helen It is handledin such a way that one can hardly helpseeing the ancients whose names are sofamiliar in their everyday garbs andpursuits

Rut Helen of course is the character-of the story and one cannot help butrise to her defense after all these aeonsthat she has been held to view as thepersonification of fickleness And

aiory as put in her mouth by theauthor is such a pleading defense thatit is impossible not to get the force ofthe appeal

Helen In the first place according tothis mythologist was not kidnaped byParis but accompanied him toTroy when he told her that King Menelana her husband was there thathe did not intend to return whichleaves the cause of that famous siegein the dark But during these yearswhen she was a passive captive herheart yearned for her daughter andher husband and her one instinct wasthat of motherhood and vffehood Hermeeting with her husband by the wallsof the city led her to believethat she could find appreciation of hertalents and opportunity life

wife and she allied the plot thatbrought about the fail of the city

It was only to learn that Menelauslike Paris thought only of her beautyand that appreciation of the existenceof her heart still was lacking Finally

I in her loathing she slew Menelaus with

lieved was a faithful servant av hon-estly anxious to eul her unbappinessOf course she fonnju thai the servanttoo admired beauty and Helenended her with her silken girdleThe book is worth reading

The Ruinous Pace Maurice Hew-lett Harper A Co New Yorknet

Bella DonnaLovers of Robert Hlcheas stories who

enjoyed The Garden of Allah will becarried away with the authorsand Infinitely better story Bella-Donna

This book was first given the titleThe Knock On the Door but on the

suggestion of a noted literary critic thename was changed

The story opens in London but soonchanges to the Nile with the desertsand the temples of Egypt and thisbackground is particularly to the

The book is a strangely drawn pictureof a good man who sees the ideal Inevery phase of life and an Intriguingwoman whose selfishness and utterlack of soul are appalling and wboseevery thought life is sor-didly material

The plot is clever and is consistentlyworked out the Intrigue is adroitlymanaged and the interest is intensefrom the first page to the test

Donna By Robert lichen TB Lippincott

LightsSir Gilbert Parker has given us nNorthern Lights a collection of short

stories mostly new ones which everylover of the open should read

This writer knows the French Can-adian and the Canadian Indian Heknows their loves and their hates andpossesses the happy faculty of carry-ing the reader into the great forestswhere one catches the spicy odors of theSpruce and hemlock He takes youwhere after the days tramps with asoul throbbing with a newly found lovefor nature we sit in the warmth andglow the Warning fire of the abinsof the settlement There the crackleof the blaze and the murmur of thepines lulls the tired senses and we slip

world where real men and real womenring true

It is a book to be read not only forthe strong human interest of thestories but for the true pictures oflife in the of nature

Northern Lights By Sir GilbertParker Harper A Bro New York andLondon

Publishers WarningThe Houghton Miftlln Company wishes

to warn its friends against a cleverswindler who is operating among literary people His favorite story is hinthe is Ferris or Mr Greens






a sword given her by the man she be









Into uneoaclousnees to or a






N rthern









Several doses will make youroutoforder Kidneys

act fineHundreds of folks here are needless-

ly miserable and worried because of3iitoforder kidneys backache or blad-der trouble

If you will take several doses ofall misery from a lame

back rheumatism painful stitches irt-

tlamcd or swollen eyelids nervous head-ache irritability dizziness wornoutsick feeling and clher symptoms of overworked or deranged kidneys will vanish

Uncontrollable smarting frequenturination especially at night atd allbladder misery ends

This unusual preparation goes at onceto the disordered kidneys bladder andurinary system and distributes its healing cleansing and vitalizing Influencedirectly upon the organs and glands af







lets brother Bites Perry or Mrnephew Usually he exhibits a

draft which through some technicalityhe is unable to cashed and asksfor a small loan to enable his sisterand himself to finish some Journey that

are He is described as ofmedium height and complexion of pleas-ant address and great affability

He has bejm known to operate as akinsman of Richard Watson GilderOwen Wister QHwon Hi 35 rtln and other wellknown men of


December St HfchelaiThe December St J tehoia is to have

a new story by Trance Hodgson Burnett It is called Elrat Knife Ipthe World and will be Illustrated withseveral in two printings byEmily Hall Chamberlain

The Flaw in the SapphireLike everything M going with the

story the title of diaries M Snydersnew book has the reader wondering whyit is what It is

In this book the author plays a trickon the rending publto for in a thatcan only be approbated by reading thestory he leads one on on thehope of finding the clue to the endingbefore the 0ad Itwlf is reached

The book might have attracted moreAttention had it bean given anothertitle Had it been started off on thenewsstands as the Tale of the Dickey

might have caught the eye of eventhe hurrying one but we didnt namethe book

The plot is an amuttoft one A youngIrishman with a taos that would notattract attention In any Ghetto takeshis departure from the roof of hisfather in Philadelphia and seeks hisfortune in New York

In an attempt to

able position h purchase dickeyof those paper shirt frostSthat have no rear experiences

with this dickey lead youstrange ways and you cnj astory the story of the Irish youthand one of an Indian prince all at thesame time while you wonder how itill is happening and where you areto come out

The Flaw in the Sapphire CharlesM Snyder Metropolitan PressNew York Price

It is a peculiar commentary on public opinion in England that the EnglInk publishers of Veil by

Stevens announced itas by EL S Stevens and weredelighted when most of

the author to be aIn striking contrast to thisis the action of Frederick A

Stokes Company the American pubUshers the same book in taking the

to print Miss Elevens nameThe suffrage movement is not so activein America as In England and possiblythis occurrence may thereason

The achreyvogel 9ook containingreproductions in sepia of all of thecelebrated Schreyvogel prints of fron-tier life heretofore to be had only Inplatinum at for ch print willappear this month with the

Moffat Yard Co

Curtis the illustrator ofMarah Kilts Ryans new novel Justpublished by Stokes The Flute of the

famous for his remarkableIndian photographs He Is now

on The Americanmonumental work costing

8000 and upwards a sot

Arthur Morrison the author of Greenbecame known to the reading

world through his Tales of MeanStreets Cunning Murell and TheIbis in the Wall Intense and realisticstories of the lower an 1 more sordidsides of English life By a peculiartwist of his tatett he has written thesixteen funny store In ida latest vol-ume which show tie humorous side ofhis familiar characters just as strongly-as the more unpleasant side is apparentin his previous work

Frederick R Burton completed thework of his life his book onPrimitive Munlc only a short time be-fore his death In fact he returned hispage proofs with final corrections Justone week before The book which embodies what he regarded the best resultsof his work will be published thismonth

The Century Company will publish anew book of short stories by Ruth McEnery Stuart this fall AuntSilver Wedding Thanksgiving on




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en-gaged In-dIan











feet ad and completes the cure beforeyou realize it

The moment suspect any kidney-or urinary disorder or feet rheumatismcoining begin taking this harmless med-icine with the knowledge that there Im

110 other remedy at any price madeanywhere else in the world which willeffect so thorough and prompt a cureas a fiftycent treatment of P p s Diu-retic which any druggist can supply

Your physician pharmacist banker orany mercantile agency will you thatPape P P of Cincinnatiis a large and responsible medicine concern thoroughly of your confi-dence

Only curative results can conetaking Papes Diuretic and a fewtreatment means clean active healthyKidneys bladder and urinary organsand you feel line

Acctpt only Papes Diuretic fiftycent treatment from any drug storeanywhere In the world

n St






Crawfish Bayou Potty Larceny andThe Hair of the Dog will be

pictures by Frederic Dorr Steele A Bothers and the book will

bear the title of the first story AuntSilver Wedding

George Wharton elaboratelybook on Holland of Today

required a second edition tosales In advance of publication EthelSmith Dorrances A Maid and a Manalso exhausted its first edition with publication and is again on the p

Edith Riekorts new novel The Beg-gar in the Heart marks a long ad-vance both in storyInterest over her former novels Herheroine PettyZou to an American girlliving in London

An institution for the observation andstudy of criminals on the advocatedby Arthur MacDonald of Washingtonauthor of the book Criminology hasbeen recently established in Russia The

government is said to haveaside about 756000 for this work MacDonald has submitted his scheme to anumber of nation and Asome havepromised consideration

Signora Gina Lombroso Ferrero whoher name indicates is the wife of

the distinguished Italian historian anddaughter of the no less eminent

made a study of the condition-of women in America on the occasionof her visit to this country last winterwhen she accompanied her husband onhis lecture tour and at ofthe editor of Putnams she has writtenfor thut magazine a paper embodyinghis views and reflections on the subjectand contrasting the state oT the Ameri-can women with that of herthe Old World

Emerson aa U or of The MiaBubble Story of the Outlaw and other works hasmade a study of the condition of things

In and finds It differentfrom what the general public supposesespecially in the East where as a rulewe know vory little of the country thatlies west of the Mississippi

The first of a series of readings frdmAmerican dramatists to be given atthe MkcDowell Club New York citywill take place on November J whenJoesphiue Preston Peabody will readher new play The Piper which willbe published y Houghton Minim Com-pany November S As this Is the first

i play from Miss Peabody since the appearance of her It Is awaitied with considerable interest ThePiper is none other than the PledPiper of Hamelin here boldly

It is ncpected that The Promise ofAmerican Herbert Crolys studyof American democracy will be published by the Macmillan Companyearly In November Mr Crolys conceDtiori of democracy of nationalsoirit of the need and ways of recon-ciling the two are farnAchlng andprofound

I TTnder the title Plnrnrt the ForestsI Guardian Day Allen Wtllwy presents ararefuJly drawn of Gfffonl-Plnchot National Forester and head ofthe conservation committee Mr Plncoot who has been wry much In thelimelight this owing to his con-troversy with Secretary Ralllngcr Is nyoung man TTe was a for-ester to private fondowners before hewas retained by the Government In

capacity his first work nf magni-tude don on the estate of GeorgeVanderbtlt at RUtroore where incident-ally he established a school for thebenefit of hi aides With his father hfounded the Yale School of Forestry






th request

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i Stands TwelveHour Test-

i Injured inExplosion Doing Well

PORTSMOUTH N K Nov i Whilefour Qf her men were injured when-a boiler flue on the new battleship North

j Dakota blew out are lying m the hos-pital here the big sea fighter is oftagain on her twelvehour endurancerunShe left here early today the slightdamage to her equipment having baenrepaired during tho night

Of the sixteen men scalded and burned when the explosion occurred onlyfour are in tire local hospital andthough in conquerable pain none ofthem are in Danger They are W HGrange watertender John Soudencoalpasser A Peterson fireman andPete McConmvJ fireman The othertwelve of the men were treated on the

nd again at theirof yesterday theNorth Dakota ev odeu her contract requirement of knots making

I an





I who

battleship areac

aVtrage of 2l85 for the fourrun






Members of Profession TurnOver 82825 to Evelyn


Manager L StoddarA Taylor of theBalasco Theater placed In a bank thismorning 7 t on the account of MrsWilliam Short whose stage name isEvelyn Howard whose husband shother and then killed himself Morethan this amount will be her proceedsfrom the benefit given by members ofthe theatrical profession The entireamount from the sale and fromthe collections in other oftlee amount-ed to SS2S25 From this amount willbe deducted advertising expenses butthe net receipts will total more than7 0

The program for the benefit wasmade up from companies playing inWashington this weekFor a head liner extraordinary asagents thereMay and members

Roseberry Shrubb Sec Miss Robson played Hannah Dewey which wasThe Rejuvenation

Cusick and John McMahonProgram Is Good

proved one of the nits of the programAcIosa second In popular favor was JJB Dodson who recited The Chargef Light Brigade as a minister

he would do itBurlesque was represented Marin e de Miss Bstelle Rosewith songs Miss Imogen Fairchildwith andOthers on the program were Crawford and Hers andBrown and Ayer from Chases RIchW Purden and EmmaSchratt from the Academy and theSisters Cardownie and DelAPhonefrom the Majestic


CHARLESTON W Va Nov Jdisappeared from here twoweeks ago He was one of the bestknown business men of the city A fewdays before leaving here he settled hisestate amounted to 90000 Ofthis sum he gave his wife 40000 andtook 40800 for himself Shortly afterhe went away his wife received ater from Kansas City to the effect tlathe would never return


works of B T Hoi dan Son at Walsail near Binghamton have beengutted by is over half amillion dollars

Popular Excursion Sunday November-7th Baltimore Ohio R R JU round-trip to Harpers Ferry and Martinsburg

to Berkeley Springs and 206 toCumberland Special train leaves UnionStation at S1S a m returning same day





the vaudeville press saywas Missot her In a oneact play

a role widely front theAunt ofcast were SUle Faye

Fred Nlblo gave a serIous talk and

s Frenchman a German and finally

ard Mise

SEG horn





In the





The Famous

instruments for home use Artistic in appear-

ance substantial in in every mu-

sical QualifICation We sell VEBSTER Pianos at fac-

tory prices and on easy payments

Come Jn any day and have H demonHtrate new WEBSTER PLAYBR v

PIANOS About high grads usedUpright Pianos at attractive bargainprices

F G Smith Piano Co




e 5ter i




the I









1225 Pa Ave Phone I I

747 J IM

PrecisionWal-tham Watches keep

time but any watchbe regulated and over-

ruled before vearing It is

nly regular jewelers orwatchmakers who can do this

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WENS SUITS iMens Worsted Suits Distinctive i

Mens Worsted Si its Regular 30-

i cream of our new filli stock Only lUUUFRIEDLANDER BROS f

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HardwarefUAbkLlS 11057 7th stALBERT L JOHNSON PROP

I Special Sale of Trousers f


Mnvin 7 97thstJNorthwes



Eyes Examined Free

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Win Hahn CosT-hreeReliableShoe UOJMI

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25000 stock to go at sacrifice inGreat Trustee Sale Take ad-vantage of this firms neetssity itmeans iloHais hi jour pocket


1307 F Street Between 13th and 14th

I Kaleno Ointment I5K For the treatment of Ecaema E

Nettle Rash Itch and Skin5 lions

P Price 50c a JarTemple Drug Store g

9th and F Sts N W


For WomenSlipperlike in

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1334 F Street









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Open Evenings to 9



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Car 7th and IC Ota


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