stepchange webinar - planning an effective social media campaign

StepChange Planning an Effective Social Media Campaign October 14 2008

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Best practices and lessons learned from our experience helping clients and agencies plan & execute Social Marketing campaigns


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Planning an Effective SocialMedia Campaign

October 14 2008

Page 2: StepChange Webinar - Planning An Effective Social Media Campaign

Kevin Tate [email protected]

About StepChange

Social Media & Marketing Agency

Work with Clients and Agencies on:

Founded in 2006 in Portland, Oregon.

Strategy Design Development Engagement

Distributed Widget Applications

Social Networking Applications

Optimized Landing Pages

Social Marketing Campaigns

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Kevin Tate [email protected]

Today’s Topic:Social Marketing Campaigns

1. Strategy & Planning

2. Budgeting

3. Promotion

4. Measurement & Management

Today’s Theme:

Inspirational Characters

Today’s Theme:

Inspirational Characters

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Kevin Tate [email protected]

Strategy & Planning

Princess Bride (1987)

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Kevin Tate [email protected]

Strategy & Planning:The Forrester “POST” Method

Source: “Groundswell”

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Kevin Tate [email protected]

Strategy & Planning

Example of a Good Social Media Campaign Strategy:

I want to engage my brand enthusiasts with something better than a monthly email

I’m going to publish up-to-date content and special offers in a widget & feed that they can access easily

I’ll even provide an incentive for them to share it with friends

And I’ll promote it on my main site and the email newsletter

And sometimes I’ll even use it to ask for their opinion & input on products (create a dialog)

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Kevin Tate [email protected]


Deadwood (2007)

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Kevin Tate [email protected]

Budgeting:How are these typically categorized?

Social Marketing as it’s own Campaign Create something to go after a specific market segment via a

discreet Social Marketing effort

Social Marketing as part of a larger Campaign Already spending on online/offline media – use Social Media

to amplify it and “give megaphones to your evangelists”

Distributed Applications as a Platform Extension Creating an ongoing “channel” to reach customers/prospects

off of your existing Destination Site, by putting products & services into external contexts

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Kevin Tate [email protected]

Budgeting:How much should all this cost?

Strategy/Planning: Included

Design & Development: Widget Application: $5K – $15K Facebook/SN App: $5K – $25K Optimized Landing Page: $5K – $15K

Ongoing Management & Hosting: $100 - $200/month

Promotion/Advertising: Depends

$10,000 – $30,000and 3-5 weeksis a good design & development estimate for many Social Marketing efforts*★∞

* Can’t promise anything★ Lots of ways to skin a cat

∞ My CFO doesn’t know I put this in here

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Kevin Tate [email protected]


Mad Men (2008)

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Kevin Tate [email protected]

Treated as Content

Treated as an Advertisement

Promotion: “Content vs. Ad”is in the Eye of the Beholder

Deal-focused CustomersLoyal Customers

Small/Med Green BlogsGreen-living Facebook Groups

Relevant Community Sites

General Sites &anywhere else online

Widget Special:20% off all natural cleaners

10 tips to Winterize your home

Green cleaning: the season’s best new products

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Kevin Tate [email protected]

Promotion & Advertising for a SocialMarketing Application

Best Opportunities for Leverage Market directly to existing customers, members, etc. Hitch to an existing online campaign Pitch bloggers/sites at the “content” end of the spectrum for placement Pursue deals with affiliates and partner sites

These are Free, So Might as Well Do Them List it in all the Widget/Gadget Galleries Post it to, Digg, etc. bookmarking sites Enlist all your friends, family co-worker to push it in Facebook, etc.

Paid Promotion Options Place as a “rich media” app in traditional Ad Networks Use a widget ad network (Clearspring, RockYou, etc.) Buy ads directly on a Social Networking Site (Facebook)

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Kevin Tate [email protected]

Measure & Manage

Twin Peaks (1990)

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Kevin Tate [email protected]

Measurement:What Metrics to Capture?

Distribution: Reach & Visibility # of Views and Visitors Installs, by environment

Virality Sharing rates Adoption rates

Engagement Clicks/paths/usage Specific actions (conversions) Insights (learning)

These are typically custom…

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Kevin Tate [email protected]

Ongoing Management

Content Manage articles, feeds, syndication Change creative & copy Update by season & promotion

Offers Create & change promotions Target & optimize by audience

Centralized Control Change an element (such as an

offer) and have it update all your Distributed Marketing properties(widget, landing page, SN App, etc.)

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Kevin Tate [email protected]

For further information…

310 SW 4th Portland, OR503.224.3188

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